Overweight Among Adolescents and Nutritional Status of Their Parents: A Systematic Review
Overweight Among Adolescents and Nutritional Status of Their Parents: A Systematic Review
Overweight Among Adolescents and Nutritional Status of Their Parents: A Systematic Review
17522015 627
of their parents: a systematic review
Introduction Methods
Adolescence represents a period of the life cycle This study involves a systematic review of the
that is marked by intense biological and psycho- literature based on the following question that
social changes. Obesity among adolescents is a uses the PECO strategy10: What is the associa-
major public health problem that has been on the tion between overweight in adolescents and the
rise in recent years1. parents nutritional status, when compared with
Behavioral changes that have occurred in re- children of eutrophic individuals?. The revision
cent decades, including reduced levels of phys- was based on the PRISMA directive: Preferred
ical activity and increases in the consumption Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews11.
of high calorie foods, have driven an epidemio- The bibliographic review was carried out
logical transition, characterized by a drop in the between November 2014 and January 2015, us-
prevalence of infectious diseases and an increase ing the following databases: Publisher Medline
in the prevalence of chronic non-communicable (Pubmed), Literatura Latino-Americana e do
diseases, among them obesity, which is currently Caribe em Cincias da Sade (Lilacs), Scientific
at pandemic levels2. Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Biblioteca
A global study using systematic analysis Virtual de Sade (BVS). For the search strategy
showed the prevalence of overweight in chil- the following key terms were combined using the
dren and adolescents in developing countries to Boolean operators OR and AND: Overweight,
be 12.9% in boys and 13.4% in girls3. While in obesity, risk factors, adolescent and par-
developed countries, the figures are even high- ents. For the search on Pubmed, the key terms
er with 23.8% of boys and 22.6% of girls with were identified using Medical Subject Head-
overweight or obesity3. In Brazil, data from the ings (Mesh), published by the U.S. National Li-
Study of Household Budgets (POF Pesquisa de brary of Medicine (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
Oramentos Familiares) from 2008-2009 showed mesh/), and the following search terms were
the prevalence of overweight in adolescents to be used: (((overweight[MeSH Terms] OR obe-
21.7% for males and 19.4% for females, numbers sity [MeSH Terms]) AND risk factors[MeSH
that are worrying given the serious problems that Terms]) AND adolescent[MeSH Terms]) AND
are associated with excess adiposity4. parents[MeSH Terms]. For the searches car-
The early development of obesity, in infan- ried out on Lilacs, Scielo and BVS, the terms
cy or adolescence, is a strong predictor of the were drawn from the key terms at Descritores
persistence of this infirmity in adult life and a em Cincia da Sade (DeCS), available at the
risk factor for the development of other chronic Biblioteca Virtual em Sade portal (http://decs.
non-communicable diseases such as cardiovas- bvs.br), and the following search terms were
cular disease, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, used, respectively: obesity [subject key term] and
type 2 diabetes and some types of neoplasms5. adolescent [subject key term] and parents [sub-
There are a number of factors associated with ject key term], (overweight) OR (obesity) AND
the development of overweight in adolescence, (risk factors) AND (adolescent) AND (parents)
among them: parental factors; inappropriate eat- and (tw:(overweight)) OR (tw:(obesity)) AND
ing habits; physical inactivity; screen time; rela- (tw:(risk factors)) AND ((tw:(adolescent)) AND
tionships with peers; socioeconomic levels; the (tw:(parents)).
social context in which the individual is brought The inclusion criteria that were used were:
up; maternal schooling and parents nutritional original studies involving humans, with a repre-
status6,7. sentative and random sample selection, in which
Studies have shown a strong association be- the nutritional status of adolescents was evaluat-
tween parents overweight and adiposity in ad- ed in line with the curves proposed by the World
olescents. This association also involves genetic Health Organization (WHO)12 or by the Centers
factors, since children of obese parents have a for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)13or
considerably greater risk of becoming obese and the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF)14
of adopting inadequate behaviors such as poor and the nutritional status of the parents was
dietary habits that are passed down through gen- measured using Body Mass Index (BMI)15; with
erations7-9. Thus, this study seeks to verify the as- an association between excess weight in adoles-
sociation between overweight among adolescents cents and overweight/obesity in parents, using
and the nutritional status of their parents, in or- multivariate statistical analysis; written in Portu-
der to identify possible determining factors. guese, English or Spanish and published in the
Articles selected
The selection of articles was carried out by as a result of search
two researchers working independently, and in- strategy
volved three stages: reading of the title, reading of N = 366
the abstract and reading of the complete article. Duplicate articles
After reading the title and abstract, the full text excluded
was read in order to identify those which fulfilled N = 192
the inclusion criteria, as per the pre-established
Articles excluded after
protocol. reading title
The kappa agreement index was calculated N = 103
and was found to be 0.85, which points to a high
level of agreement between the researchers16. Any Articles selected after
reading title
disagreements were resolved by consensus be- N = 71
tween the two readers. Once the articles had been
selected, the data was extracted, following the Articles excluded after
reading abstract
protocol that had been defined in advance by the N = 34
authors, then put into a table in Microsoft Office
Excel 2007.
The articles were evaluated for quality using Articles selected after
reading abstract
the STROBE check-list, translated by Malta et N = 37
al.17, containing 22 items relating to the essential
Articles selected
366 articles were initially identified, including for the systematic
154 on Pubmed, 8 on Lilacs, 2 on Scielo and 202 N = 07
on BVS. Of the articles found on BVS, only 10
were not indexed in the other databases, so 192
were excluded from the original number. The
titles and abstracts were evaluated, resulting in
the exclusion of 137 articles that did not meet Figure 1. Flow diagram of the process of identifying
the criteria established previously. After reading and selecting the articles including in the systematic
through the remaining 37 articles, seven were revision about the association between overweight
found to meet the eligibility criteria and were se- in adolescence and parents nutritional status, 2004
lected by both researchers (Figure 1). 2014.
The main characteristics of each of the seven
studies are shown in Chart 1, in decreasing or- Source: Moher et al.20.
Chart 1. Characteristics and scores of the quality of studies about the association between overweight in
adolescence and parents nutritional status, selected for the systematic review.
Population Characteristics
Reference Location, year Type of study Score
(n) of the population
Bernardo et Florianpolis, Cross-cutting 2,826 Age range = 7 to 14 years. 48% 19.3
al.8 Brazil, 2012 M; 52% F.
Veltsista et Greece, 2010 Prospective Cohort 7,219 Age = 7 years 19.3
al.18 51.8% M; 48.1% F.
2,826 Age = 18 years.
45.4% M; 54.6% F.
Kowaleski- Ohio, United Prospective Cohort 1759 Age range = 16 to 21 years. 17.4
Jones et al.21 States, 2009 52.2% M; 47.8% F.
Maddah et Rasht, Iran, 2010 Prospective Cohort 2,577 Age range = 12 to 17 years. 17
al.24 100% F.
Liu et al.22 United States, 2013 Prospective Cohort 9,571 Age range = 6 to 17 years. 15.4
50.6% M; 49.4% F.
Marins et Rio de Janeiro, Prospective Cohort 914 Age range = 6 to 14 years. 15.1
al.23 Brazil, 2004 Prospective Cohort 50.8% M; 49.2% F.
Birbilis et tica; Etlia- Cross-cutting 2.294 Age range = 9 a 13 years. 15
al.19 Acarnnia; 49.7% M; 50.3% F.
Tessalnica -
Greece, 2013
M: male sex; F: female sex.
multivariate analysis that was most commonly were found to be greater prevalence of overweight
used to check for an association between nutri- in male adolescents (Chart 3)8,18,19,21-23.
tional status of adolescents and their parents and Perinatal, behavioral, biological and socio-
to calculate the risk of this event was logistical economic factors were significantly associated
regression18,22-24. The dependent variable in the with a greater risk of excess weight in adoles-
studies was overweight and/or obesity in adoles- cents and these include: excess of pre-gestational
cents, and the independent variable was excess weight; smoking during pregnancy; rapid weight
adiposity in parents. In addition, other inde- gain during childhood8; skipping meals24; male
pendent variables were analyzed such as: family sex8,18,19,21-23; overweight in parents8,18,19,21-24; black
income, level of schooling of parents, diet, the parents21; living in low income areas24; low lev-
practice of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, el of schooling of parnets8,21,23; and lower family
location of residence, among other socioeco- income21,22.
nomic and demographic variables (Chart 2). All the studies showed that the presence of
Chart 3 shows the principle results and meth- overweight or obesity in the father or mother in-
odological limitations of the selected studies. creases the risk of adolescents developing excess
The prevalence of obesity and overweight var- adiposity8,18,19,21-24 and that this risk is still great-
ied according to the geographic region in which er when both parents are overweight8,18,22. In the
the study was developed. A greater prevalence of prospective cohort study carried out in Greece,
overweight was found in the studies carried out in the adolescents were found to have a five-fold
Brazil8,23 and in Greece18,19, while the research car- greater risk of being obese when both parents
ried out in the United States found the prevalence were obese, when compared with children of eu-
of obesity to be greater21,23. The lowest prevalence trophic parents (Chart 3)18.
of obesity was found in a prospective cohort in The main methodological limitations of the
Greece18. With regard to frequency by sex, there studies cited were: use of self-referred anthropo-
metric data8,18,19,21,22,24 and the inability to estab- energy balance, whereby the individual ingests
lish a causality relationship (Chart 3)8,19. more energy than he or she expends through
organic processes25. It is a risk factor for the de-
velopment of Chronic Non-Communicable Dis-
Discussion eases (CNCDs), including cardiovascular disease
which is the principle cause of mortality globally.
Obesity is a chronic disease with multifaceted In Brazil, approximately 30% of deaths are at-
causes that is characterized by an excess of ad- tributed to heart-related illness27.
iposity on the body, that has a negative impact The high prevalence of overweight found in
on health26. It is linked to biological, genetic and the studies of Brazilian adolescents may be relat-
environmental factors, and is caused by a positive ed to the nutritional transition which the coun-
Lima NMS et al.
Chart 3. Principle results and methodological limitations of the studies selected for the systematic revision.
Reference Principle Results Methodological
Bernardo Overweight in adolescents: 25.4% M: 18.7% F. Self-reported weight
et al.8 OR and CI 95% - father overweight: 1.53 (1.13, 2.07); OR and and height of parents.
CI 95% - mother overweight: 1.41 (0.99, 2.01); OR and CI 95% - Reverse causality.
father and mother overweight : 1.83 (1.27, 2.65).
Veltsista 7 year old children: Self-reported weight
et al.18 Overweight: 16.1% M; 19.2% F. Obesity: 6.2% M; 5.8% F. and height.
18 year old adolescents:
Overweight: 19.1% M; 7.9% F. Overweight: 3.6% M; 1.0% F.
OR and CI 95% - father or mother overweight: 3.34 (1.79, 6.24);
OR and CI 95% - father and mother overweight: 5.03 (2.70, 9.38).
In the transition from childhood to adolescence, the prevalence of
overweight increased among boys and reduced among girls.
Kowaleski-Jones Overweight among adolescents: 17% M; 13% F. Self-reported weight
et al.21 OR and CI 95% - mother overweight: and height.
1.16 (1.11, 1.20)
Maddah Overweight among adolescents: 18.6%. Self-reported weight
et al.24 Obesity among adolescents: 5.9%. and height of parents.
OR and CI 95% - father obese: 2.0 (1.25, 3.36);
OR and CI 95% - mother obese: 2.1 (1.31, 3.42).
Liu Overweight among adolescents: 16.2% M; 14.9% F. Self-reported weight
et al.22 Obesity among adolescents: 20.6% M; 14.8% F. and height.
OR and CI 95% father obese: 2.1 (1.6, 2.8); 22% - 23% of
OR and CI 95% mother obese: 1.9 (1.5, 2.4); children were
OR and CI 95% father and mother obese: 3.2 (2.5, 4.2). excluded, which
affected the age of
the sample and may
result in sample bias.
Marins Overweight among adolescents: 26.9% M; 20.7% F. Not reported
et al.23 Obesity among adolescents: 9.7% M; 6.7% F.
OR and CI 95% - father overweight: 1.0 (0.7, 1.40); OR and CI 95%
- mother overweight: 1.4 (1.04, 1.93).
Birbilis Overweight among adolescents: 31.3% M; 29.7% F. Reverse causality.
et al.19 Obesity among adolescents: 13.7% M; 9,5% F. Self-reported weight
OR and CI 95% - father obese: 2.25 (1.45, 3.48); and height of parents.
OR and CI 95% - mother obese: 2.14 (1.28, 3.60).
OR= odds ratio; CI = Confidence Interval; M: male sex; F: female sex.
trys population has passed through. According In the Greek studies18,19, elevated levels of
to Gaino et al.28, in the last 30 years, there has overweight were found that can also be attribut-
been a significant increase in the consumption ed to changes in dietary habits and in the practice
of industrialized foods, with increases of: 317.6% of physical activity, arising from socioeconomic
in the consumption of prepared food products; changes that have occurred in recent decades19.
584.6% in the consumption of guarana flavored Among the articles chosen for the present sys-
fizzy drinks; and 966.6% of yoghurts. These in- tematic revision, the greatest prevalence of obe-
creases are cause for concern since they are as- sity was among American adolescents. Liu et al.22
sociated with a concomitant increase in the inci- and Kowaleski-Jones et al.21 carried out studies
dence of obesity in the Brazilian population. of adolescents in the United States and observed
such as genetic predisposition for example, can er when both parents are obese. The percentage
be counter-weighted by a protective factor such contribution of environmental and genetic fac-
as health food habits. tors in this associated is not defined in the liter-
Regarding methodological shortcomings of ature, although it is known that both have a role
the selected articles, the majority of studies re- to play. The selected studies show that several fac-
fer to the use of self-reported data on weight and tors in addition to parents weight are related to
height, however anthropometric measures show overweight/obesity in adolescence, with the most
high levels of agreement with standard mea- important being lower family income, lower level
sures39. Studies such as the Surveillance of Chron- of mothers schooling and male sex.
ic Illnesses by Telephone Interview (VIGITEL This findings point to the need for pub-
- Vigilncia de Doenas crnicas por Inqurito lic policies focused on the prevention and/or
Telefnico)40, have used self-reported weight and treatment of overweight/obesity in adolescence.
height data, which simplifies the work and reduc- These policies need to consider biological and
es costs. Another limitation was that it was not socioeconomic differences and must also target
possible to establish a causal relationship, howev- parents if they are to be most effective.
er this is inherent to cross-sectional studies. In addition, studies are needed that evaluate
To summarize, the studies shows that ado- in isolation each risk factor involved in develop-
lescents whose parents were overweight have a ing overweight in adolescence given that there is
greater risk of being overweight or obese when a tendency for this nutritional disorder to contin-
compared with eutrophic peers. This risk is great- ue to adulthood.
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