Sweetpotato sw5
Sweetpotato sw5
Sweetpotato sw5
Okinawan Sweetpotato is a member of the
morning glory family. The root has a white skin,
with earthy spots, and violet-purple flesh.
Cooked, it has a delicate, slightly sweet taste and
a creamy texture. It is used in sweet and savory
Scientific name: Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam Other Names:
Days to harvest: 120-150 days from planting Hawaiian Sweetpotato, kumala,
umala, 'uala (Polynesian), tumai
Plant spacing: Plant 4 feet between rows and 10 kuru/beni imo (Japanese),
to 12 inches between cuttings in the row camote/kamote (Filipino)
Major Pest & Diseases