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Introduction the country.

In grapes, India has recorded the

highest productivity per unit area in the world.
India is bestowed with a varied agro-climate,
which is highly favorable for growing large number
Production Share of Major Fruits in Indie
of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables
including root / tuber and ornamental crops,
Sapota Others
medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and plantation 1% 12%
crops like coconut, arecanut, cashew and cocoa.
Presently, horticultural crops occupy 8.5 per cent of
gross cropped area of the country producing 145.78
million tonnes, contributes to 29.65 per cent GDP
of agriculture and 52 per cent of export earnings in
agriculture. India is the second largest producer of
fruits and vegetables. Total production of fruits has
been estimated at 43.11 million tonnes from 4.01
million ha. Vegetables occupy an area of 6.15 million
ha. with a production of 88.62 million tonnes. Our
share in world fruit and vegetable production is 10 India is next only to China in area and
per cent and 13.28 per cent respectively. India is production of vegetables and occupies prime
the largest producer of mango, banana, sapota and position in the production of cauliflower. second in
acid lime. About 54.2 per cent of world's mango onion and third in cabbage in the world. The area
and 11 per cent of world's banana is produced in and production of major vegetables during 2001-02

is estimated at 6.15 million ha with a production of species considering their importance in the
88.62 million tonnes and average productivity of 14.4 pharmaceutical industry. Out of these, about 65
plants have large and consistent demand in world
tonnes per ha.
trade. As a result, horticulture is not an integral part
Production Share of Major Vegetables in India of food and nutritional security, but also an essential
ingredient of economic security.
The emphasis for horticulture development is
mainly focused through the development~1
programmes of DAC such as development of
Okra commercial horticulture and capital investment
subsidy scheme of National Horticulture
Board(NHB), Integrated Development of Coconut
6% including Technology Mission on Coconut of
Coconut Development Board (CDB), Human
Resource Development, Integrated Development
Sweet Potato
of horticulture in Tribal/Hilly Areas and Technology
Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
India has made noticeable advancement in in North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir,
production of flowers. Floriculture is estimated to Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal.
cover an area of 73,536 ha. with production of
National Mission on Bamboo Technology and
3,65,685 MT of loose and 61,21,523 lakhs cutflowers.
The area under cut flowers has increased Trade Development
in the recent years, so has the product range. A report on "National Mission on Bamboo
Technology and Trade Development (NMBT)" have
been prepared for launching of the mission
programme during Tenth Plan. This mission would
bring additional 1.80 million hac. under bamboo
which in turn generate income and employment
opportunity through bamboo ancillary industry.

Development Programmes
A brief description of the implementation of the
development programmes during the current year
2003-04 is given hereunder:-

National Horticulture Board (NHB)

The National Horticulture Board (NHB) is

India is the largest producer, consumer and involved in the development of high quality
exporter of spices and spice products and horticulture farms in identified belts and make such
cashewnut. Coconut is grown over an area of 1.89 areas vibrant with horticulture activity which in turn
million ha with a production of 12,821 million nuts will act as hubs for developing commercial
with a productivity of 6776 nuts per ha. India is the horticulture, Development of post harvest
largest producer of coconut and leads 90 coconut- management for infrastructure, strengthen market
producing countries of the world. It occupies number information system and horticulture data base,
one position in arecanut production. India has been assisting Research and Development programmes
considered as a treasure house of valuable to develop products suited for specific varieties with
medicinal and aromatic plant species. Govt. of India improved methods and horticulture technology,
have identified and documented over 9,500 plant providing training and education to farmers and
subsidy is provided @ 25 per cent of the project
cost not exceeding As. 5000 thousand per project
and @ 33.33 per cent of the project cost upto a
ceiling of As. 6000 thousand per project for North
Eastern States. The subsidy is provided by NHB
through National bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABAAD) and National
Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) in
case of project involving loan. In case of projects
fully funded by entrepreneurs from his own
resources, subsidy is directly released by NHB.
The eligible organization under the scheme
include Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs),
Association of Growers, Partnership/Proprietary
Firms. Companies. Corporations, Cooperatives.
processing industry personal for improvement of
agronomic practices and new technologies are also Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees,
being pursued by the Board. Marketing Boards/Committees and Agro IndustryCorporatio

NHB formulated innovative schemes during the

Ninth Plan, which have been made more broad- Under this scheme, so far the cold storage capacity
based and entrepreneur-driven and these schemes of 38.28 lakhs metric tonnes has been created with
are continued during 2003-04 with an outlay of NHB assistance.
As. 1050000 thousand. The major schemes of the
(ii) Development of Commercial Horticulture
Board are now back-ended capital investment through Production and Post Harvest
subsidy schemes.

Major Programmes and Activities The back ended capital investment subsidy is
provided @ 20 per cent of the total project cost to a
(A) Capital Investment subsidy scheme for maximum of Rs. 2500 thousand. However, for the
Construction! Expansion!Modernisation of North Eastern Tribal/Hilly Areas, maxium limit of
Cold Storage and Storages for Hortjculture subsidy would be Rs. 3000 thousand per project.
Produce Under this scheme, so far 1078 projects have been
sanctioned with NHB subsidy of Rs. 499400
(i) The scheme is being implemented by NHB
in collaboration with NABARD/NCDC. Under thescheme,
the back-ended capital investment (iii) Technology Development and Transfer for
Promotion of Horticulture

Under this scheme, 100 per cent grant is

available up to As. 1000 thousand for popularization
of new technologies/tools/systems and up to
As. 2500 thousand towards consolidated research
efforts for specific problem. So far, 412 projects have
been sanctioned under this activity.

(iv) Establishment of Nutritional Gardens in

Rural Areas
The assistance 'is available for seed minikits,
cool chambers and demonstrations @ Rs. 250,
Rs. 2500 and Rs. 5000 respectively.
(v) Market Information Service for Horticulture
There are 33: ,market centers for collecting
and disseminating information on daily basis in
respect of fruits and vegetables. For the benefit
of the public, NHB has brought out a CD-ROM
on horticulture.

Horticulture Promotion Service

Under this scheme, 100 per cent cost of study

for Techno Economic feasibility studies for
development ,of horticulture is provided.

Technology Mission for Integrated

Development of Horticulture in North III involving post harvest management, marketing
Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, and export is coordinated by National Horticulture
Himachal Pradesh And Uttaranchal (TMNE) Board and Mini Mission-IV involving processlng is
coordinated and implemented by the Ministry of
A Centrally Sponsored Sch~me on Food Processing Industries. State level SFACs have
Technology Mission for Integrated Deve(opment also been constituted in most of the implementing
of Horticulture in North Eastern region including States for monitoring and implementing the
Sikkim was approved with an outlay of As. programme at the grass root level. The
2293800 thousand for Ninth Five Year Plan implementation of this scheme started from 2001-02.
period. The implementation of the scheme has During the year 2003-04, the scheme has been
been extended to the States of J&K, Himachal extended to the States of Jammu & Kashmir,
Pradesh and Uttaranchal during Tenth Plan with Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal.. Under the
an additional outlay of As. 2600000 thousand.. The Technology Mission, funds to the states are made
Tenth Plan outlay for this in the above eieven available on the basis of yearly action plans!proposals,
States is As. 8450000 thousand. The scheme which are approved by the State Level
aims at establishing convergence and synergy Steering Committee under the chairmanship of Chief
among numerous ongoing governmental Secretary of the concerned state.
programmes through horizontal. and vertical
integration of these programmes which will ensure Some of the major achievements made so
adequate, appropriate, timely and concurrent far are bringing additional area of 55087 ha of
attention to all the links in the production, post various horticulture crops, which includes fruits
harvest and consumption chain. The Smal.! (24887 ha), vegetables (9336 ha), spices (13445
Farmer's Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is ha), plantation crops (3713 ha), medicinal plants
involved in coordinating the scheme. (1125 ha), aromatic plants(1683 ha), flowers (793
ha). The increase in area under horticulture crops
The Technology Mission through its four Mini over the pre mission period (2000-01) is 7~91 percent.
Missions addressees all the aspects of Horticulture Among the 8 NE States Sikkim, Mizoram
development with an end,to-end approach. Mini recorded a maximum per centage increase in area
Mission-I involving research is coordinated and of 38.11 per cent and 34.83 per cent followed by
implemented by the Indian Council of Agricultural Arunachal Pradesh (17.45 per cent) and
Research (ICAR). Mini Mission-II covering Nagaland (13.8 per cent). Among the perennial
production and productivity improvement activities fruits expansion of area under citrus fruits, which
is coordinated by the Department of Agriculture & includes orange, lime, lemon is 7268 ha followed
Cooperation and implemented by the Agriculture/ by banana, (4503 ha) passion fruit (3885 ha) pine
Horticulture Departments of the States. Mini Mission- apple (3214 ha) and apple (1113 ha) & litchi (1109
ha). Besides, introduction of kiwi in an area of 65 (D) Human Resource Development in
ha. Among spices, ginger cultivation has Horticulture
increased by 3356 ha followed by large cardamom
3775 ha, black pepper and turmeric. An additional A Central Sector Scheme entitled "Human
area of 1125 ha of medicinal plants, 1683 ha of Resource Development in Horticulture" was
aromatic plants and 818 ha of flower crops have launched during the Ninth Five Year Plan with
increased the opportunities for tapping the effect from 1999-2000 with an outlay of Rs 50000thousand.
potential of high value crops. Besides, creation The objective of this scheme is to
of infrastructure facilities for improving the promote rapid growth of horticulture by reducing
productivity of crops such as community water the gap in knowledge and skill, both managerial
tanks (2095 No.), adoption drip irrigation(1049 ha) and technical by training people to become
and IPM practices(10465ha), green houses(614 entrepreneurs or self-employed in the horticulture
No.), prom<:>tion of organic farming(3118 ha), sector and to upgrade the knowledge of
establishment of 263 markets (whole sale departmental staff. The scheme has fourcomponent
markets-24, Rural Prymary markets-123, (a) training of supervisors, (b)
Apnimandies-16) and 9 processing units. training of gardeners, (c) training of entrepreneurs,
and (d) training of departmental staff. The training
(C) Integrated Programme for Development of programme for the supervisors/entrepreneurs is
Horticulture in Tribal/Hilly Areas being organized through five State Agricultural
Universities ( SAUs), one ICAR Institute and one
Horticulture has been the mainstay in hilly Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) whereas the
and tribal areas. Under the programme of Entrepreneur's training programme is being
horticulture development, major benefits have organized through two SAUs and one ICAR
accrued in traditional area through improved Institute who are involved in organizing training
potential with infrastructural fac!lities. A Central programme for the supervisors. The gardeners'training
Sector Scheme "Integrated Programme for is being organized through three SAUs,two
Development of Horticulture in Hilly and Tribal KVKs and one NGO. The departmental staff
Areas" was implemented during 2001-02 in five is trained under various on-going training
tribal and one hilly district on pilot basis by the programmes organized by ICAR institutes andSAUs.
state designated agencies, which included An amount of Rs. 6830 thousand was
cooperative societies, autonomous organizations, released during 2002-03 and the scheme is being
NGO, etc. to whom funds were released directly. continued during the Tenth Plan with an outlay of
The scheme was successfully implemented and Rs. 10000 thousand during 2003-04. So far, 1540
has created necessary awareness among tribals people involving 920 Supervisors, 70
and backward people in hilly areas about the Entrepreneurs and 550 Gardeners have been
importance of horticulture for increasing their trained under the scheme. The scheme is being
income from small holdings and creating additional continued on year-to-year basis in view of the
employment opportunities. Under this scheme, decision of the PI.anning Commission to phase out
infrastructural facilities have also been created to the scheme.
develop growth centers for development in the
district. (E) Coconut Development Board Programmes

During Tenth Plan, the scheme has been The Coconut Development Board (COB)
extended to 20 districts, which include six districts implements programmes for the Integrated
taken up during Ninth Plan. Of these 14 are tribal Development of Coconut Industry and Technology
districts and 6 hilly districts. An outlay of As. 450000 Mission on Coconut at a total outlay of As.
thousand has been provided for implementing the 1050000 thousand during the Tenth Plan period.
scheme during the Tenth Plan period and the budget To achieve the objectives of integrated
allocation for the year 2003-04 is As. 90000thousand. development of the crop, product diversification
and by-product utilization, the major thrust areas
identified are production and distribution of quality FAD Assisted Project on Apple Production
planting material, expansion of area under coconut Improvement
especially in potential and non-traditional areas,
The TCP will also playa major role in adopting
improving productivity of coconut in major
an integrated approach to rehabilitate the senile
coconut producing states, developing of
apple orchards and improve the apple
technology in post harvest processing, marketing
production for sustained food security in line
activities and the integrated control of major pests
with the National Tenth Five Year Horticulture
and diseases. An outlay of As. 200000 thousand
Development Plan. It will also have a catalytic
was provided for implementing the Scheme during2003-04.
effect on the Governmental efforts and benefits
will flow to the small scale farmers, especiallywomen.

FAa Assisted Project on Improvement of Banana

for Small Scale Growers New initiatives
There are two schemes in the pipeline
Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) on namely Hi-tech Horticulture and Precision Farming
Improvement of Banana Production for Small and Sustainable Development of Horticulture
Scale Growers was launched with an outlay through Technological Interventions and Micro
of US $ 2,31,000 for a period of 15 months.
The main aim of the project is to assist the
Government of India in improving the banana In order to double India's Horticulture
production for small scale farmers by setting production by 2011-12, a scheme on National
up an efficient and cost-effective multiplication Horticulture Mission is proposed to be
system for production of disease-free planting implemented during Tenth Plan. The National
material, and by demonstrating the improved Mission for Bamboo technology and Trade
production and post-harvest management development is also being proposed to exploit
system. the potential of bamboo in our country.

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