Psychogenic Blindness
Psychogenic Blindness
Psychogenic Blindness
BACKGROUND: Acute loss of vision needs urgent attention and treatment. We report on a young
Ethiopian woman who experienced acute bilateral blindness. In the presence of normal
ophthalmological findings psychogenic blindness has to be considered.
CASE DETAILS: A 21 years old woman was admitted to the psychiatry clinic at Jimma University
specialized Hospital, Jimma, South West Ethiopia. She had not been able to see for a few days.
Ophthalmological and neurological examinations showed normal findings. No severe psychopathology
was found. Stressful life events had preceded the appearance of the symptoms. An attitude of accepting
the perspective of the patient of a seemingly organic disease is a precondition for a successful
intervention. Treatment aimed at a gradual return to normal functioning. The patient regained her sight
and fully recovered. The final psychiatric diagnosis was psychogenic blindness.
CONCLUSION: The psychosocial intervention was successful and encouraging for the patient and
KEYWORDS: acute loss of vision, psychosocial intervention, conversion disorder, low-income country,
international cooperation.
The 21 years old female patient came to Jimma Figure 1: Reproducing shape of blocks
University Specialized Hospital accompanied by
her mother. The chief complaint of the patient The patient was able to reproduce the set-up of
was: I havent been able to see for seven days. blocks of wood. The series of patterns presented
She was a 3rd year university student at another with an increasing difficulty. She indicated a
Ethiopian university. She was single and never narrow concentric visual field. She was slow and
married, protestant by religion and Amhara by very careful when performing tasks. The
ethnicity, and she was living in Jimma. examiner's feedback to the patient was that she
At the ophthalmic clinic, an ophthalmologic had good abilities. However, she remained very
evaluation was done. Visual acuity was cautious and was performing slowly. When
diminished to +3 dioptres on both eyes, and had encouraged after some exercises, she performed
already been corrected by glasses. All other visual faster. Overall, the neurological examination was
functions were normal. Malingering was suspected normal.
and, a psychiatric consultation was made. At the This was her second visit to the psychiatric
initial contact at the Department of Psychiatry, the clinic. A month before her visit to the clinic, she
patient was alert and conscious. She was also fully had had difficulties in studying for her BSc
oriented to time, place and person. She had good degree. At the same time, her mother informed her
immediate, recent and remote memory. about a life threatening illness of her father. A few
Concentration and attention were normal. The hours later, she became unable to speak. This
patient had good social and test judgment. She inability to speak lasted for two weeks. One of her
was smiling and reported to feel nothing despite friends helped her to train to speak and she
acute severe visual impairment. No severe recovered. No treatment in any health care facility
psychopathological abnormalities could be was necessary. One week later, the patient was
elicited. Vital signs were within normal range. preparing for an exam to be held the next day. In
An approach to the patient was developed the early evening, she became completely unable
through cooperation among the local Ethiopian to see. Due to the impairment of her vision, the
clinicians and guest lecturers, a child psychiatrist patient was not able to sit for her exam. She
and a children's nurse, who took part in an reported feeling of occasional sadness, crying,
international exchange program (7). hopelessness and suicidal idea but without plan or
A neurological examination was performed. attempt.
The patient was cooperative. She could perfectly Eight months prior to her presentation, she
understand all tasks necessary to do a full became voiceless for about one and half months,
neurological examination. and was admitted to the psychiatric clinic. She
was examined then by laryngoscopy and found to
be normal. She was treated with 5 mg diazepam at
bed time, and some psychotherapy made her free
Acute Loss of Vision in a Young Woman Mulugeta S et al 101
head (10). Ethiopians may use the word of illness arise when patients restrict their
makatel "burning or complain of activities such as staying in bed. Jobs may be lost
yazorehnyal, "spinning,". In medical terms, it and relationships strained. Physician-initiated
means vertigo, but it seems to have a broader perpetuating factors are potentially dangerous or
meaning. From the view of clinicians, the costly diagnostic procedures and interventions
symptoms may seem diffuse, exaggerated and (8).
difficult to pinpoint (11). Looking at the history of our patient and
Conversion disorders are characterized by reflecting on precipitating and perpetuating
signs and symptoms clearly inconsistent with factors in previous experiences helps to predict
what is known about anatomy and possible relapses when emotionally difficult
pathophysiology (8, 9). Symptoms are situations reoccur (13). A major predisposing
exacerbating after stressful events (8). Patients factor is the severe head trauma at age 10. Being
who suffer from conversion symptoms do not unconscious for ten days and having motor
intentionally fabricate such symptoms, as problems and hearing problems for a long time
malingerers do. The diagnosis of conversion indicates a severe affection of the brain with slow
disorder should be made after appropriate recovery. Normal functioning at school was
investigations that can exclude neurologic possible only one year after the accident.
conditions, medical conditions, and other Headaches were frequent afterwards. During the
psychological disorders. However, organic and actual hospitalization, the neurological
psychogenic conditions such as epileptic seizures examination was normal as well as the
and psychogenic seizures can co-occur in one performance of some tasks testing cognitive
person. functioning. However, it was not possible to do
Individuals with prominent somatic an in depth examination of cognitive abilities.
symptoms are commonly encountered in primary Functioning in everyday situations can be normal.
care and other medical settings, but are less Problems may arise due to minor cognitive
commonly encountered in psychiatric and other impairment in situations with high demands-
mental health settings (8). Conversion disorders either emotional or cognitive -and result in a
are two to three times more common in females. breakdown of abilities. The patient had
There are little data on the prevalence of experienced emotionally stressful situations: A
conversion disorder. Estimates have to rely on the life threatening illness of a close family member
results of clinical investigations. accompanying the demands of a final
In Gonder, North West Ethiopia, 1240 examination can be interpreted as precipitating
patients were seen as first attendees in the event. No perpetuating factors were found.
outpatient department within half a year in 1986. There are several protective factors. For both
One hundred and fifty-five or 12.5% were hospitalizations, the access to the clinic was short
classified as disorders from hysteric type or and direct. No unnecessary diagnostic or
conversion disorders in the actual classification. therapeutic measures had been undertaken. The
Motor disturbances and seizures were the family and friends were very supportive.
symptoms most frequently seen. Sixteen patients Previously, the patient had experienced training
(1%) had sensory symptoms and another 16 had as helpful. The intention of the training was to
multiple symptoms. These behavior patterns were build a bridge for the patient by accepting her
interpreted as mechanisms of problem-solutions inability to see. From detailed observation of the
with secondary gain of illness under rapidly patient in different situations, a plan of
changing social conditions (12). There was a management could be developed. Training of
large group of military men with motor visual functions was accompanied by behavior
disturbances unable to continue the service and a activation and social skills therapy.
small group of students who needed permission The WHO mhGAP intervention guide (4)
to repeat a year of study or to change fieldof excludes psychotropic medications for the
study. Initial episodes of conversion symptoms management of medically unexplained and
remit spontaneously, often within weeks or emotional symptoms. A meta-analysis done on
months. Complications perpetuating the duration the evidence drug effectiveness showed that
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