Performance of SSP IV Students During OJT
Performance of SSP IV Students During OJT
Performance of SSP IV Students During OJT
An Action Research
March 2013
Title Page .. 1
Table of Contents . 2
List of Table . 4
Introduction 5
Theoretical Framework 7
Research Method 11
Research Respondents 11
Research Procedure 11
Findings 19
Conclusions 20
Recommendations 21
A. Letter of Application 23
B. Evaluation Sheets 24
C. Certification 27
This study was conducted at the Misamis Occidental National High School
and limited only to the SSP IV-Darwin and SSP IV-Dalton students. The range of the
study was from October 2012 to March 2013. This study will be limited only in
assessing the level of job performance of the respondents as rated by their OJT
supervisors and its impact on employability and career development.
This chapter presents some theories, studies and concepts related to the
assessment of the OJT trainees performance and its impact on employability and
career development.
internship can serve as a trial period that can finalize a decision you've already made
about "what you want to be when you grow up," or it can start laying out options to
help you make some career decisions. Participating in, and completing an internship
as a high school student will give you the confidence and skills you need to
understand the world of the "job search." It will allow you to explore a wide variety of
career options including marketing, design, nursing, accounting, or something else. It
will propel you into the world of networking.
At the start of the School Year 2012-2013, the respondents were informed
about the requirements of the subject, CP-TLE (ICT) IV. They will undergo the On-
the-Job Training (OJT) on the Mid-Year break. Due to the many requirements the
respondents would do during the mid-year break, the researcher only require them to
have at least 16 hours of training. The respondents were asked to write an
application letter to the office / business establishment of their choice signed by the
subject teacher/research, head teacher and the principal. The researcher also
provided the employer/supervisor an assessment tool modified and adopted from
AMA Computer College Cavite Campus retrieved from After the break,
the OJT Feedback Survey was then conducted to the respondents (using the same
instrument as last years action research) and respondents were also asked to give
their comments and suggestions to their OJT experience.
The data gathered were then analyzed and interpreted using the frequency,
percentage and weighted mean. The computations were done using MS Excel
STATEMENTS (4) (3) (2) (1) WM Description
F % F % F % F %
1. Knowledge of work (able
39 56.52 17 24.64 13 18.84 0 0 3.38 Proficient
to grasp as instructed)
2. Quality of work (performs
an assigned job efficiently 40 57.97 17 24.64 12 17.39 0 0 3.41 Proficient
as possible)
3. Ability to learn new
duties(quick in absorbing
and retaining knowledge 38 55.07 20 28.99 11 15.94 0 0 3.39 Proficient
as well as learning and
adjusting to changes)
4. Attendance (follows Highly
45 65.22 19 27.54 5 7.25 0 0 3.58
assigned work schedule) Proficient
5. Punctuality (reports to work
42 60.87 18 26.09 9 13.04 0 0 3.48 Proficient
assignment schedule)
Average 3.45 Proficient
Legend: HP Highly Proficient P Proficient B Basic BB Below Basic
Ranges for Weighted Mean:
3.50-4.00 Highly Proficient 2.50-3.49 Proficient 1.50-2.49 Basic 1.00-1.49 Below Basic
Table 1.1 shows the level of OJT performance of the respondents as rated by
their OJT supervisors in terms of work performance. With a weighted mean of 3.58, it
is evident that forty-five (45) or 65.22% of the respondents are highly proficient in
following their assigned work schedule religiously. It further confirms that forty-two
(42) or 60.87% of the respondents are also highly proficient in reporting to work
assignment schedule promptly. The table also proves that forty (40) or 57.97% of the
respondents are highly proficient in performing an assigned job efficiently as
possible. It implies that the respondents possess all the employability skills:
punctuality, work habits and quality standards as enumerated by De Leon and
Borchers (1998) study. Moreover, table 1.1 also depicts that the respondents were
both proficient in the knowledge of work and ability to learn new duties with a
weighted mean of 3.38 and 3.39 respectively. This supports to Koontz theory (2007)
that many opportunities for development can be found on-the-job training. Effective
coaches/supervisors will develop the strength and potentials of subordinates and
help them overcome their weaknesses.
Table 1.2
Level of OJT Performance of the Respondents as rated by their
OJT Supervisors in Terms of Personality Traits
STATEMENTS (4) (3) (2) (1) WM Description
F % F % F % F %
1. Physical Appearance
(personally well-groomed
40 57.97 17 24.64 12 17.39 0 0 3.41 Proficient
and always wears
appropriate dress)
2. Attitude towards work
(always shows enthusiasm 45 65.22 16 23.19 8 11.59 0 0 3.54
and interest)
3. Courtesy (shows respect Highly
47 68.12 18 26.09 4 5.80 0 0 3.62
for authority at all times) Proficient
4. Conduct (observes rules
and regulations of 46 66.67 17 24.64 6 8.70 0 0 3.58
5. Perseverance and
industriousness (shows
initiative and interests in 41 59.42 17 24.64 11 15.94 0 0 3.43 Proficient
work over and above what
is assigned)
6. Drive and leadership
(inquisitive and 31 44.93 20 28.99 18 26.09 0 0 3.19 Proficient
7. Mental maturity (effective
29 42.03 23 33.33 17 24.64 0 0 3.17 Proficient
and calm under pressure)
8. Sociability (can work
harmoniously with other 41 59.42 17 24.64 11 15.94 0 0 3.43 Proficient
9. Reliability (trusted to be
left alone to use or operate 45 65.22 17 24.64 7 10.14 0 0 3.55
office equipment)
10. Possession of traits
necessary for employment 43 62.32 17 24.64 9 13.04 0 0 3.49 Proficient
in this kind of work.
Average 3.44 Proficient
Legend: HP Highly Proficient P Proficient B Basic BB Below Basic
Ranges for Weighted Mean:
3.50-4.00 Highly Proficient 2.50-3.49 Proficient 1.50-2.49 Basic 1.00-1.49 Below Basic
Table 1.2 shows the level of OJT performance of the respondents as rated by
their OJT supervisors in terms of personality traits. With a weighted mean of 3.62, it
is apparent that respondents are highly proficient in showing respect for authority at
all times. The table likewise reflects that respondents are also highly proficient in
observing rules and regulations of establishment with weighted mean of 3.58.
Moreover, the table also illustrates that forty-five (45) of the respondents are highly
proficient in terms of reliability and that the respondents can be trusted to be left
alone to use or operate office equipment. This implies that respondents are capable
and knowledgeable in operating office equipment such as the computer.
With a weighted mean of 3.54, it is reflected in table 1.2 that respondents are
highly proficient in always showing enthusiasm and interest towards work. It also
reveals that forty-three (43) or 62.32% of the respondents are highly proficient for
they possess the traits necessary for employment in the kind of work they served as
trainee. This is a clear manifestation of Sudesh Sharmas (2011) theory that through
on-the-job training students would be learning in a practical way and hence would be
enhancing their skill sets which are needed for employability.
In addition, the table 1.2 discloses that the respondents are proficient in
showing initiative and interests in work over and above what is assigned and that
they can work harmoniously with other employees both having a weighted mean of
3.43. This proves Ogbeides (2006) theory that internships or OJT helps students
develop their employability competencies including leadership skills, human
resources skills, oral and written communication skills, problem solving skills,
interpersonal communication skills, teamwork, decision-making skills, and planning
Likewise, table 1.2 reflects that forty (40) or 57.97% of the respondents are
personally well-groomed and always wears appropriate dress. It further shows that
thirty-one (31) or 44.93% of the respondents are inquisitive and aggressive. With a
weighted mean of 3.17, it is evident that the respondents are effective and calm
under pressure.
Table 1.2 as a whole implies that the respondents possess the different skills
viewed as absolute requirements for employment: 1) communications skills; 2)
critical thinking skills; 4) group interaction skills; 5) personal development skills; 6)
leadership skills; and 7) employability skills which includes punctuality, regular work
habits and quality standards as enumerated by De Leon and Borchers (1998) study.
Table 2
STATEMENTS (4) (3) (2) (1) WM Description
F % F % F % F %
1. The on-the-job training
(OJT) allows me to test
43 62.32 26 37.68 0 0 0 0 3.62 Strongly Agree
what I learn in new and
more complex situations.
2. The OJT develops my
skills needed for the 36 52.17 30 43.48 3 4.35 0 0 3.48 Agree
competitive job market.
3. The OJT gives me a
taste of the real worlda
glimpse of what lies 47 68.12 22 31.88 0 0 0 0 3.68 Strongly Agree
ahead after I graduate
high school.
4. The OJT provides
opportunities for me to 44 63.77 24 34.78 1 1.45 0 0 3.62 Strongly Agree
gain new ideas.
5. The OJT motivates me
to practice skills and 46 66.67 23 33.33 0 0 0 0 3.67 Strongly Agree
apply knowledge
6. The office/establishment
provides opportunities or
tasks for me to use and 47 68.12 19 27.54 3 4.35 0 0 3.64 Strongly Agree
develop my computer
7. My OJT supervisor
provides positive role Strongly
43 63.32 24 34.78 2 2.90 0 0 3.59
model and constructive Agree
8. What I learn in my
experience as an OJT
46 66.67 20 28.99 3 4.35 0 0 3.62 Strongly Agree
trainee is useful to me in
the future.
9. My OJT experience
broadens my skills and 42 60.87 26 37.68 1 1.45 0 0 3.59 Strongly Agree
10. Through the OJT, I gain
invaluable experience
that I can take with me
47 68.12 22 31.88 0 0 0 0 3.68 Strongly Agree
as I move forward with
future careers and
Legend: SD Strongly Disagree D Disagree A Agree SA Strongly Agree
Ranges for Weighted Mean
3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree 1.50-2.49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree
experience. With a weighted mean of 3.68, the respondents strongly agree that the
OJT training gives them a taste of the real world a glimpse of what lies ahead of
them after graduating high school and through the OJT, they gain invaluable
experience that they can take with them as they move forward with future careers
and education. Likewise, Table 2 confirms that the respondents strongly agree that
the OJT motivates them to practice skills and apply knowledge having a weighted
mean of 3.65.
use and develop my computer skills. With a weighted mean of 3.62, table 2 depicts that
the respondents strongly agree that the on-the-job training (OJT) allows them to test what
they learn in new and more complex situations; that the OJT also provides opportunities for
them to gain new ideas and what they learn in their experience as an OJT trainee is useful to
them in the future. This affirms Ogbeides (2006) theory that internships or OJTs
classroom, examine career choices, know more about the industries skill
Respondents Comment 1:
Respondents Comment 2:
Respondents Comment 3:
Respondents Comment 4:
This sample comment confirms that the OJT helps the respondent in
developing many skills especially leadership. The respondent also reveals that
she/he gain more ideas that can be used for his/her future.
This chapter presents the findings of this study and on the basis of such
findings; conclusions and viable recommendations are engendered.
3. Predominantly, the respondents strongly agree that the OJT gives them a taste of
the real world giving them a glimpse of what lies ahead after they graduate high
school. With the same intensity, the respondents strongly agree that through the
OJT, they gain invaluable experience that they can take with them as they move
forward with future and careers and education.
4. The respondents comments strongly reveals that the entire OJT experience
develop further their skills making them more equipped and successful in the
near future. Through the OJT experience their road to their future career was
given light upon.
Based on the findings of this study, the following generalizations are drawn:
3. The respondents strongly agree that the OJT is beneficial to them in so many
ways such as giving them a taste of the real world and a glimpse of what lies
ahead after they graduate high school. Through the OJT, they can also gain
invaluable experience that they can take with them as they move forward with
future and careers and education. This affirms Ogbeides (2006) theory that
internships or OJTs provide students the advantage to practice theoretical
concepts learned in the classroom, examine career choices, know more about
the industries skill requirements, and most importantly, develop hands-on
workplace skills.
1. The teacher-researcher shall continue to let the Fourth Year TLE (ICT)
students undergo the On-the-Job (OJT) training;
Giridhar, Kaavya (2012). High School Graduate Employment Trends and the Skills
Graduates Need to Enter Texas Manufacturing Industries. Retrieved on
Taladtad, Sunjay G. Bala, Maria Katrina R., Rodelas Manilyn, Teope, Rodolfo,
John. (2010). Factors that Affect the On-the-Job Training of BSBA Practicumers
of the University of Manila : An Assessment. Retrieved on http:// / taladtad / factors-that-affect-the-on-thejob-training-of-
Modified and Adopted from AMA Computer College Cavite Campus retrieved from