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Nes-101-2015 QP

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of Printed Pages : 4 NES-101

c\1 Term-End Examination
June, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Weightage : 70%

Note : All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal

1. Answer the following question in about

1000 words :
Explain the meaning of guidance. What is the
need for educational guidance in schools ? What
should be the aims of guidance programme at the
elementary stage of schooling ?
Describe the important physical changes that take
place in children during middle childhood.

2. Answer the following question in about

1000 words :
What do you understand by Human
Development ? Enumerate the stages of human
development. Why does the same child behave
differently at 2 years and 10 years of age ?
Home and the school are the two major agencies
that influence the child's development. Explain
the need for improving the home-school

NES-101 1 P.T.O.
3. Answer any four of the following questions in
about 250 words each :
(a) Discuss the limitations in thinking of a child
at the pre-operational stage (2 to 7 years).
(b) What is the impact of sibling relationships
in a family on a child's behaviour ?
(c) Discuss the role of school on the
development of an elementary school child.
(d) Discuss the role of parents in promoting a
balanced moral development in children.
(e) What are the prenatal factors that affect the
development of a child ?
(f) How are language and cognition
interrelated ? Discuss briefly.

NES-101 2

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2. Fo4-oicti igcl -Pi WF 3-17 'ffiT311T 1000 ki.1 4 gli,,R 1

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NES-101 3 P.T.O.
3. 114-iiririvi rat). .91T P-1 * d7R `31M M et)
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(a) .1,-4 19b el I cl *
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(c) 3rrtif1 RISI I W-1.1 * tstucli * Facniq Rit4mer

4zrr t?
(d) * TIrd-ff AfaW rachm t4 4

(e) 311:1414 chitch * rdWR,11

cbka t?
(f) 1117T 3* 4711 TIW'eT t? 7:1011. oeiitsen

NES-101 4

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