Brief Introduction of His Eminent
Brief Introduction of His Eminent
Brief Introduction of His Eminent
Pir Makhdoom Mehmood ul Hassan Shah Khaki known as Pir Mastuwar Qalandar . He belongs to Pure
Sayed (Al Hassani wal Hussaini ) family . Pir Khaki Shah belongs to the Holy family of Al Sayed Abdul
Razzaq (R.A) . The son of blessed holy person AL- Shaikh . Al Sayed Abdul Qadir Jelani (R.A) well known
as Hazor Ghous Ul Azam and his Holy shrine located in Baghdad , IRAQ .
The forefather of Pir Mastwar Qalandar came from Baghdad and was initially setteled in Sribagar (
occupied Kashmir ) .The family of Pir Mastwar Qalander was spiritually belonged the family whom
peaple called them "Matto Family " in kashmiri language it means " One who blessed by God" .
One of them Makhdoom Dawood Shah khaki ( Twelve Step before ) was the chief justice of his era . So
his living style was sober and elegent .his high stature ,was known as " Abu Hanifa Second " . His wisdom
, knowledge and moral values was highly prominent .
Due to special attention of Sultan Ul Arifeen , he came towards spiritually , he left everything and
adapted extreme humanity . Hazrat Makhdoom taught him lesson ( Chillah ) and he remain in a cave for
four years . When he called out Dawood Shah Khaki , earth was shaking and sounds of Allah --Allah were
coming out from the walls of the cave. Since then he was known as Khaki , and this word become
specified for the family of Mastwar Qalandar.
in this physical universe the announcement of being coming the Allah's pious and beloved people is
Sunnah of Allah Almighty .
As all massengers pointed out the manifestation of last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) . Same as
the sigh and announcement of coming saint Hazrat Abdul- Qadar Jelani was noticed before centuries of
his birth . In the sequal of this the forcasting of the birth of Sayed Mehmood ul Hassan Shah Khaki was
put before decades of his birth by saints .He is the Hazrat Dawood Shah khaki that a child will born in
our generation who will the trustee of the heritage of his forefathers .Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A)
came in the dream of Hazrat sayed Rasal Shah Khaki and gavve the good news about the birth of the
Sayed Mehmood ul Hassan and also suggested the name of the coming boby as " Mehmood ". Hazrat
Sayed Rasool Shah
Khaki came to his wife and gave her this good news about coming baby boy that he will born by the
grace of Allah and will lead the people to the way of Allah .She asked how can we recognize the baby
that he may be a saint or a Qalandar ?
Sayed Rasool SHAH Khaki replied that I have been informed spiritualy that our baby shall have seven
on his body parts, so the mother disclosed after the birth .when the child was bathed the seven
glorious marks on the body were enlightened.
these marks apeared on the different part and was recognized the red colour , different from the colour
of remaining body and as the stapm " Mohar e Wilayat " after bathing child broght to the Rasool Shah
Khaki , he offered "Azan" in his ear and he was humbled to Allah to be awarded with saint child.
the mother said , since the age of 3 years child has been fasting and wa not eaten anything axcept milk.
The child ( Hazrat Mehmood Ul Hassan Shah Khaki) was different from society and was remained quite
and avoided un- necessary things and was always bussy in the worship of Allah .
Even from the childhood every thing comes happened which he said so people rushed to him for good
fortune and Dua's . He was looking pure saint from his childhood So every saint of the era was liked
to be in his gloroius company even from the his childhood .
his mother said that syaed Rasool Shah Khaki said that we must keep our son in special care otherwise
he may left us. So he was authorised to visit only a few renowned Sufi' s to visit like Hazrat Ya-Hoo
sarkar Hazrat SHAH Abdul Latif Bhatai ( R.A)
Hazrat Ali Hajweri , Hazrat Lal Shehbaz Qalandar (R.A) and some other Sufi Shrines for getting spiritual
satisfaction But only for a few days and under Observation . Sayed Mehmood Shah Khaki under
kind observartion of his father and was well educated .His father said whatever i had transfered to my
son so may secure the humanity . Even his father give him permission as a Qalandar or sufi and should
serve the humanity .
Once before about three months of the death Hazrat Rasool Shah Khaki brought the green colored
cloth piece from Holy shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajwari (R.A) and gave mehmood Shah Khaki as a symbol
of preacher of Islam .
His father prayed to Allah that may his son fullfilled his duties . On 31st October 1994 Hazrat sayed
Rasool Shah Khaki was died but he was announced in his life that his son will replaced him and will
hold the duties of his late father to serve the humanity .
At this stage he confronted two main issues , 1st is continue the mission of his late father . 2nd is to
start his own duties to serve the humanity in a broaded way . So he started the institution named ,
"mohabat Mission International " which is rapidly spreading internationally , Objectives of the Mohabat
Mission are as following :
YARAA E MOHABAT : our objective is to educate mankind specially to the Muslims to respect and love
Secondly those all who are attached with this mission must be humble to enrich themselves to
enlightenment of Holy Qur'an and Sunnah and to be benefited for all .
Qalandar Sayed Mehmood ul Hassan SHAH Khaki , oh , my firend and seekers of the blessings of Allah
, in fact life is nothing other than the message of Allah given us by the HAZRAT Muhammad (
P.B.U.H). and hhis following saints , taught us . Nothing will understood untill one shuold didi it in
positive way .
By these books and speeches ( OF QALANDAR MEHMOOD SHAH ) distributiong others and will helpful
for you and everybody to understand teh meaning of life .
Oh friends : remai positive , in this way you will be blessed by the grace of Allah .
Book will lead to spriritually because the book and my saying are the results of spirituality .
those who heard it with passion will definately get the taste of sprituality .
Now books are among you, if you want to be benefited by them clean your self . If innerself is clean and
read these book with love and devotion shjall be purifred .