Terminal - Časopis Aerodroma Nikola Tesla - Broj 1
Terminal - Časopis Aerodroma Nikola Tesla - Broj 1
Terminal - Časopis Aerodroma Nikola Tesla - Broj 1
Zorana Mihajlovi, potpredsednica Vlade Republike Srbije Saa Vlaisavljevi, v. d. generalnog direktora i predsednik
The Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Izvrnog odbora AD Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd
Acting Director General and CEO Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
Imaemo sedam
miliona putnika Smatraju nas
zvezdom u usponu
We Will Have Seven
Million Passengers We Are Considered
to Be a Rising Star
Uvodnik / Editorial
v. d. generalnog
ast mi je da vam predstavim prvi broj ma- t is my privilege to introduce to you the rst
gazina Terminal, koji je danas u vaim ru-
direktora i predsednik edition of magazine Terminal, that is today in
kama zahvaljujui modernijoj poslovnoj Izvrnog odbora your hands thanks to modernized business
politici u prethodnom periodu i ostvarenim izu- AD Aerodrom policy in the previous period and exceptional re-
zetnim rezultatima. Nikola Tesla sults that we have achieved.
Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd postavio je ap- Beograd Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport set the absolute
solutni rekord po broju putnika koji su u prethod- Saa Vlaisavljevi record in number of passengers that used our se-
noj godini koristili nae usluge. Osvojili smo broj- Acting Director General rvices during last year. We received numerous awa-
ne nagrade, ponovo otpoeli sa prekookeanskim and CEO Belgrade rds, relaunched transatlantic ights and accompli-
letovima i ostvarili saradnju sa aerodromima u ze- Nikola Tesla Airport shed cooperation with airports within the country
mlji i regionu. and throughout the region.
Kako bismo unapredili nivo usluge koju pru- In order to upgrade our service and to make the
amo i kako bismo putnicima ulepali trenutke moments spent in the airport more pleasant, we
provedene na aerodromu, upustili smo se u no- embarked on new business ventures.
ve poduhvate. Poeli smo sa ureenjem Termi- We started renovation of Terminal 1 that nally
nala 1, koji je posle mnogo godina zasijao no- gained a fresh new look after many years. In order
vim sjajem. Da bismo unapredili komfor putni- to enhance comfort for passengers, we even obtai-
ka, nabavili smo i nove autobuse za prevoz po ned new buses for transport through the platform.
platformi. Wishing to turn the airport into a meeting point and
U elji da pretvorimo aerodrom u mesto susre- a place of dierent happenings, we organized exhi-
ta i kulturnih deavanja, organizovali smo izlobe bitions and cultural events. This magazine was also
i kulturne dogaaje. Kako bismo se dodatno pri- launched because we wanted to get closer to pas-
bliili putnicima i vreme koje provode ekajui let sengers and to make the time they spend waiting for 7
uinili im zanimljivijim, pokrenuli smo i ovaj maga- the ight more interesting. Besides important infor-
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zin. Osim vanih informacija u vezi sa radom ae- mation relating to the operations of airport and basic
rodroma i osnovnih podataka o redu letenja, cilj information on ight schedule, the aim of this maga-
ovog asopisa je da svim naim putnicima skre- zine is to draw attention of our passengers to touri-
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ne panju na turistike potencijale Srbije, da im st potentials of Serbia, to revive their imagination by
nai obiaji probude matu, da ih inspiriu prirod- our tradition, to inspire them with natural beauties, to
ne lepote, zaintrigiraju misli naih velikana i odu- intrigue them with thoughts of our luminaries and to
eve dela lokalnih umetnika. impress them with works of local artists.
Tesla, kako su nas mnogi krstili, postao je Tesla as we are called by many, became reco-
prepoznatljiv u regionu, smatraju nas zvezdom u gnizable in the region and we are considered to be
usponu. Ipak, dosadanji napredak samo je pr- a rising star. Still, recent achievements are just the
vi korak ka budunosti koja je pred nama. Pro- rst step towards the future ahead of us. Accordi-
gnoze pokazuju da bismo u naredne dve dece- ng to some predictions, in the next two decades we
nije mogli imati 20 miliona putnika godinje, to could reach the number of 20 million passengers
je etiri puta vie nego sada. Zbog toga e beo- per year which is four times more than at the mo-
gradski aerodrom u godinama koje slede biti ve- ment. That is the reason why the Belgrade airpo-
liko gradilite. Ali to me ne brine, jer sam okruen rt will become a great construction site in the yea-
strunjacima koji svoj posao vole, a to je najva- rs to come. But that doesnt worry me, because I
niji recept za uspeh. am surrounded by professionals that love their job
Poslednjih godina Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Be- and that are the most important ingredient in the
ograd ponovo zauzima zasluenu lidersku pozi- recipe for success.
ciju u regionu. Nae ambicije se ovde ne zausta- Over the last years, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport
vljaju, ve nam je cilj da postanemo evropsko va- resumed the deserved leading position in the region.
zduhoplovno vorite. Our ambitions do not stop at that point, but we inte-
nd to become the European airline hub.
Re ministra / Word of the Minister
Potpredsednica Vlade Srbije The Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia
prof. dr Zorana Mihajlovi Prof. Zorana Mihajlovi, PhD
ision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia is for our coun-
izija Vlade Srbije je da naa zemlja postane tranzitno vo-
try to become a transit hub of the region and the rst choice of in-
rite regiona i prvi izbor investitora koji ele da ulau u vestors that want to put in their capital in this part of Europe. Not
ovaj deo Evrope. Ubrzani razvoj Aerodroma Nikola Te- only that the increased development of the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airpo-
sla Beograd u proteklih nekoliko godina ne samo da potvruje rt during last few years conrms accuracy of our vision, but it also demo-
ispravnost nae vizije ve pokazuje i brzinu kojom se pribliava- nstrates the pace in which we are approaching achievement of our goal.
mo ostvarenju cilja. During 2016, 4.92 million passengers passed through the Belgrade Ni-
Kroz Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd u 2016. prolo je 4,92 kola Tesla Airport which is almost 1.4 million passengers more than three
miliona putnika, gotovo 1,4 miliona putnika vie nego tri godi- years earlier. Stable growth trend continued this year as well - in Janua-
ry of 2017, Belgrade airport served 13 percent passengers more than in
ne ranije. Trend rasta nastavljen je i ove godine - u januaru 2017.
the same month last year.
beogradski aerodrom doekao je 13 od- During the last two and a half years, wi-
sto vie putnika nego u istom mesecu pro- th the support of the Government of Serbia,
le godine. around 4 billion dinars have been allocated
Kako bi beogradski aerodrom mogao for modernization, expanding of capacities
da prati rast broja putnika i uvoenje novih and upgrading of service quality in order to
linija, uz podrku Vlade Srbije, za prethod- enable Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to keep
up with the increasing number of passengers
ne dve i po godine u modernizaciju, proi-
and launching of new destinations.
renje kapaciteta i podizanje kvaliteta uslu- Part of that investment cycle was also the
ge Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd ulo- reconstruction of Terminal 1 after which our
eno je oko etiri milijarde dinara. main airport will be completely ready for the
Deo tog investicionog ciklusa je i reko- start of new summer season. After the reco-
nstrukcija Terminala 1, kojom e kapaci- nstruction of Terminal 1, until the 1st of May,
tet Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd do the capacity of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airpo-
rt will be increased from ve to seven million
1. maja biti povean sa pet na sedam mi-
8 passengers per year. It is especially impor-
liona putnika godinje. Posebno je vano tant to stress that airport Nikola Tesla reali-
to ovo ulaganje aerodrom realizuje iz so- zes this investment from its own resources
w w w. b e g . a e r o
pstvenih sredstava, iz ostvarene dobiti, i.e. from companys prot, as well as that the
dok radove izvode domae rme. works are being carried out by domestic co-
Rast broja putnika beogradskog aero- nstruction companies.
droma direktno je vezan i za dobre rezulta- The increase of number of passengers is in
te nacionalnog avio-prevoznika Er Srbije, direct correlation with good results achieved
by national airline Air Serbia that in 2016 ma-
koji je u 2016. zabeleio treu godinu rasta
de record business results for the third year
poslovanja i prevezao 2,62 miliona putnika. in a row and served 2.62 million passengers. It
Uvoenjem direktnog leta za Njujork pro- culminated with launch of direct ight to New
le godine, kao jedne od 44 destinacije na York last year, as one of 44 destinations that
koje leti Er Srbija, doprinelo je boljem po- Air Serbia serves and thus contributed to be-
zicioniranju aerodroma, budui da je time tter positioning of airport Nikola Tesla, since it
postao jedini aerodrom u regionu sa direk- became the only airport from Southeast Eu-
rope to oer transatlantic ights to the Uni-
tnom linijom za Ameriku. Uvoenjem direk-
ted States. By introducing the direct ight to
tnog leta za Peking, o kojem razgovaramo Beijing that we are considering with our Chi-
sa kineskim partnerima, Srbija bi se name- nese partners, Serbia would assume leader-
tnula i kao potencijalno tranzitno vorite ship in air trac as well, as a potential transit
regiona i u vazdunom saobraaju. hub of the region.
Srbija je po standardima u vazdunom According to standards in air trac, Ser-
saobraaju ve deo EU, a njegov dalji razvoj vaan je i zbog dru- bia is already a part of EU and its further development is important for ot-
gih privrednih grana, pre svega turizma. U 2016. godini prihod her industries as well, primarily for tourism. In 2016 Serbias total income
of tourism exceeded the amount of billion euros. By investing further ef-
Srbije od turizma premaio je milijardu evra. Daljim radom na
fort on positioning of Serbia as a tourist destination within next ve yea-
pozicioniranju Srbije kao turistike destinacije u narednih pet rs that income could even amount to two billion euros per year. Success-
godina taj prihod mogao bi da dostigne i dve milijarde evra go- ful and modern airport Nikola Tesla would in many ways contribute to the
dinje. Uspean i moderan aerodrom ini da Srbija bude blia achievement of that goal, because it brings Serbia closer to foreign tou-
stranim turistima, ali i poslovnim ljudima, i prenosi sliku o naoj rists, but also to businessmen and spreads the word that our country is a
zemlji kao dobrom domainu svim svojim gostima. good host to all of its guests.
Vinjeta srpski / engleski
A P R -J U N
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A P R -J U N
Sadraj / Contents
April - Jun
22 58
April - June
42 66
8 Imaemo sedam miliona putnika 36 Ovde su iveli plemii 54 Svet u kapi rose
We Will Have Seven Million Passengers i bogata gospoda The Whole World in the
Nobility and the wealthy lived here Droplets of Water
14 Srbija je poznata po gostoprimstvu
w w w. b e g . a e r o
Serbia Is Very Well Known 42 Novi alteri i vidikovac 58 Teslu ne zaobie nijedan stranac
by Its Hospitality za posmatranje aviona No foreigner passes by Tesla
New Check-in Counters
and Aircraft Viewing Area 62 Top destinacije za odmor vikendom
22 Stranci vole srpsku organsku hranu
Foreigners Like Serbian Organic Food 46 Nikita Milivojevi: Top-Destinations
ekspir je oiveo ortanovce for a Weekend Vacation
28 Otvorili smo nebo iznad Balkana Nikita Milivojevi:
Shakespeare Enlivened ortanovci 66 Uivanje za sva ula
We Opened the Sky Above Balkans Pleasure for All Senses
50 Sve tajne beogradskih murala
30 Dovienja, Srbijo, All the Secrets of Belgrade Murals 74 Snimanje iz vazduha samo s dozvolom
nedostajae mi pljeskavice Shooting from the Air
Goodbye, Serbia, Ill Miss Patties Only with Permission
CIP - , / 338.48(497.11) TERMINAL : magazin Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd = magazine of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport / glavni i odgovorni
urednik Milan Laevi. - 2017, br. 1 (apr./jun)- . - Beograd : Medijska mrea, 2017- (Beograd : APM Print). - 30 cm / Tromeseno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2560-3868 = Terminal (Beograd) COBISS.SR-ID
Vesti / News
potpredsednik Vlade Srbije i ministar trgovine,
turizma i telekomunikacija
Srbija je poznata
po gostoprimstvu!
Biemo destinacija za drugi ili trei odmor u godini
u odnosu na turistike zemlje mora i peska. Kao to
znamo za nemaku tehniku ili italijanske modne
brend ove, tako i Srbija treba da poradi na nacionalnom
brend iranju, po kom bi bila poznata u svetu
w w w. b e g . a e r o
The Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia 15
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Serbia Is Very Well Known
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
by Its Hospitality!
We will be the second or third choice destination
for a vacation during the year in comparison to
countries of the sea and sand. Serbia also has to
invest and develop its national brands by which it
would be known around the world, the way we know
about German technique or Italian fashion brands
Intervju / Interview
Strancima poklanjam
ajvar i ilime
Kada vas poseti strana delegacija, ta im daruje
rola godina je u turizmu bila apso te kao suvenir iz Srbije? or tourism in Serbia the last year
lutno rekordna sa 13 odsto pove - Uvek se trudimo da poklonimo neto to je deo sr was the year for the record boo
anja i broja turista i broja noenja. pske tradicije i to oslikava nau zemlju na pravi na ks with overall growth of 13 per
Jo uvek nemamo podatke za decembar, in. Nekada je to neto iz nae bogate gastronomske centage considering both the number
ali verujemo da emo prvu put premai ponude, poput domaeg ajvara, demova, domaih of tourists and the number of realized
ti milijardu evra deviznog priliva, to nika sokova, a nekada su to autentini proizvodi starih overnight stays. We still dont have the
da dosad nismo imali. Mislim da e ova zanata, kao to je pirotski ilim. Neizostavan poklon data for December, but believe that we
2017. godina biti daleko uspenija i bolja. su i knjige sa motivima srpske kulture, tradicije i bo will surpass the figure of a billion euro
Cilj nam je vie od tri miliona turista, vie gate turistike ponude. of foreign currency income for the fir
od 1,45 miliona dolazaka stranih turista, st time, since we never had that result
oekujemo da devizni priliv premai mili before. I think that this year - 2017 wi
jardu i trista miliona evra i oekujemo da ll be far more successful and better in
e u infrastrukturnom smislu Srbija izgle every aspect. Our goal is to reach the
dati mnogo bolje nego to sada izgleda. figure of more than three million touri
Ove optimistine rei izgovorio je u sts, more than 1.45 million visits of fo
intervjuu za Terminal Rasim Ljaji, pot reign tourists, we also expect to gain
predsednik Vlade Srbije i ministar trgo more than 1.3 billion of foreign curren
vine, turizma i telekomunikacija na pita cy income, as well as that in the respe
nje kojim rezultatima bi bio zadovoljan do ct of infrastructure Serbia will look mu
kraja ove godine. ch better than it looks righ t now.
These optimistic statements were gi
Koji brendovi iz Srbije predstavljaju ven by Rasim Ljajic, the Vice President
nau zemlju u punom svetlu? of the Government of the Republic of
- injenica je da je Novak okovi jedi Serbia and the Minister of Trade, Touri
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J U N / A U G
Intervju / Interview
injenica je da je
Novak okovi jedini
pravi srpski brend
Broj dolazaka je porastao za 30 odsto Serbia recognized the importance of
rural tourism as one of the most impor
w w w. b e g . a e r o
Kako vam se sada, posle vie rekonstrukcija, ini beogradski aerodrom? Da tant potentials for the improvement of
li ga esto poseujete i koje su razlike kada ga uporedite sa aerodromima i total tourist turnover. The new Strate
rom Evrope i sveta? gy for Development of Tourism of the
- Mnogo mi je vanije ta primeuju stranci koji esto dolaze u Beograd, a utisci su Republic of Serbia confirms that, since
svaki put sve bolji. Na aerodrom poinje da lii na znaajne evropske aerodrome. in it - rural tourism is positioned amo
Najvaniji su nam direktni letovi, kojih je u 2016. bilo ka 87 destinacija, to je 20 vi ng 11 priority tourist products that we
e nego ranije, a prema ak 59 destinacija leti Er Srbija. have to offer. Sebia is very well kno
Zahvaljujui direktnim letovima iz Turske, broj dolazaka je porastao za 30 odsto u wn by its hospitality and the best way
odnosu na 2015. godinu i Turci su trei po broju dolazaka stranih turista u Srbiju. to experience that is in a rural house
hold. Rural tourism is especially im
biji, pa je tako prole godine na listi bilo portant for selling of domestic produ
30 domaina, a podravamo ih i krediti cts that are being made in small quan
ma za podsticaj kvaliteta turistike ponu tities. Households that are engaged in
de. Prole godine smo odobrili 32 milio The numb er of arrivals tourism are part of the action for sub
na dinara za opremanje seoskih turisti incr eased for 30 percent sidized holidays with the vouchers that
kih domainstava i adaptacije etno-sela. citizens can realize in these hospita
What do you think, about Belgrade airport after lity facilities in Serbia. There was 30
Na emu jo moramo poraditi kako many reconstructions that took place? household owners on this list last year
bismo privukli vie turista? Koji su Its more important to me what are the differences and we are also supporting them by
primarni zadaci vaeg ministar that foreigners that come here often notice and the granting loans for improvement of the
stva? impressions are becoming better all the time. Our quality of the tourist offer. Last year we
- Pre svega, treba jasno da definiemo airport starts to resemble other important European granted 32 million dinars for furnishing
ponudu koju imamo, da radimo na pove airports. Direct flights are the most important to us, of rural households and adaptation of
anju broja i kvaliteta postojeih i novih so during 2016 we had direct flights to 87 destinatio ethno villages.
turistikih proizvoda. Primera radi, u novoj ns which is 20 percent more than before and Air Ser
strategiji razvoja turizma smo prepozna bia serves 59 destinations. What do we still have to work on
li jedan nov turistiki proizvod koji moe Thanks to direct flights from Turkey, number of arri in order to attract more tourists?
da doprinese turistikom prometu, a to je vals increased for 30 percent compared to 2015 and What are the priority tasks of your
tranzitni turizam. Tako sada imamo 11 turi Turks are the third nation according to number of Ministry?
stikih proizvoda koje emo unapreivati. foreign tourists arrivals to Serbia. First of all, we have to clearly de
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J U N / A U G
Intervju / Interview
ve, izgradnja omladinsko-kulturnog cen well as new tourist products. For exa
tra na Zlatiboru i zavretak koarkakog Rural tourism is positioned mple, within the new Strategy for De
kampa na Srebrnom jezeru. Postavie among 11 priority tourist product s t velopment of Tourism we recognized
mo jo tri pristana na Dunavu i poeti re one tourist product that can contribu
konstrukciju Ramske tvrave. U toku su that we have to offer te to overall tourist turnover and that
radovi na Nikoj tvravi i na letnjoj pozor is transit tourism. So thats how we
nici u Vrnjakoj Banji. Zavriemo turisti ti i vie-manje veina stranih turista koji now have 11 tourist products that we
ki kompleks kod Avalskog tornja. Izdvo dolaze ovde, skoro 50 odsto, dolaze sa plan to continually improve. Accessibi
jili smo sredstva za rekonstrukciju Muze mo u Beograd. lity of certain destination is important
ja istorije Jugoslavije, koji je najposeeni to us when we choose the place we
ji muzej u dravi. Top pet destinacija u Srbiji koje pre want to visit and in that respect well
poruujete nekom ko prvi put pose focus on improvement of the existing
Na koju zemlju se moemo ugleda ti nau zemlju? and developm ent of new infrastructu
ti i da li postoji uzor kojim se moe - Osim onih destinacija koje su ve pre re, but also on visa liberalization. At the
mo voditi kako bismo turizam u Sr poznatljive, preporuujem Dunav u celom same time, we have to work on positio
biji podigli na vii nivo? svom toku, koji je na jednom mestu spoj ning and branding of Serb ia as a touri
- Da bismo napravili neki rezultat, mo prirodnih atraktivnosti i kulturnog nasle st destination.
ramo pre svega da imamo svest o svo a, uitka i gastronomije. Lokalitet Feliks
joj veliini. Mi esto precenjujemo sebe. Romulijana za ljubitelje te vrste turizma, The problem with certain destina
Teko da moemo da se takmiimo sa kao i Viminacijum, koji je arheoloki loka tions in Serbia is that besides ho
mediteranskim zemljama, ali svakako litet po mnogo emu specifian i jo uvek tels (e.g. Stara planina) there is no
treba da se takmiimo sa drugim ze neistraen. Belocrkvenska jezera, koja su other infrastructure or any other
mljama koje imaju sline turistike resu odlina. Kanjon reke Uvac i splavarenje content that would occupy tou
rse kao i mi. To su zemlje poput Slova Uvcem, to je, po mom miljenju, nevero rists for a couple of days. How to
ke, Rumunije i Maarske. Biemo de vatan doivljaj. solve that?
stinacija za drugi ili trei odmor u godi Unfortunately, Stara planina is an
ni u odnosu na turistike zemlje mora i ta vie volite, letovanje ili zimova example where we started off on the
peska. Prema tome, moramo da bren nje? wrong foot. That means that the hotel
diramo Srbiju kao turistiku destinaciju - Volim letovanje, ali na planini, reci ili was built before essential communal
jer smo jo uvek nedovoljno prepozna jezeru. utility and infrastructure issues were
solved and that is crucial for any desti ces are allocated for the reconstruc almost 50 percent of them, visit only
nation. Its very important that we leave tion of the History Museum of Yugosla Belg
the trend of the state-built hotels behi via which is the most visited museum in
nd us, because thats not going to be the country. Top five destinations in Serbia
the case any more. The state will enga that you would recommend to so
ge in providing favorable business en Is there a country that we can meone who visits our country for
vironment thus making prerequisites look up to or a role model that we the first time?
for the entrance of new capital. Every could follow in order to take touri Apart from the destinations that are
thing else should be in relation to eco sm in Serbia to a higher level? very well known, I would also recom
nomy activity. The Ministry recogn izes First of all, in order to achieve any mend the whole flow of river Danube
projects that are crucial for the develo result we must be aware of our own that is at one point a perfect combina
pment of certain destination and sup greatness, but without being biased. tion of natural beauty and historic he
ports them. Its the third year in an row We often overestimate ourselves. We ritage, pleasure and gastronomy. Ar
that we allocated considerable means can hardly compete with the Medite chaeological site Felix Romuliana for
for the improvement of infrastructure rranean countries, but we should cer the admirers of that kind of tourism,
projects. We plan to finalize major pro tainly be in the running with other cou as well as Viminacium that is an ar
jects in 2017 and those are the recon ntries that have the same tourist re chaeological site in many ways spe
struction of Golubac Fortress, build ing sources as we do. Those are, for exa cif ic and not yet comp letel y exp lo
of youth cultural center in Zlatibor and mple, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. red. Bela Crkva lakes that are splen
finishing of basketball camp on Silver la We will be the second or third choi did. Uvac River Canyon and rafting on
ke. We will set up three more wharfs on ce destination for a for vacation du Uvac that is, in my opinion, unbelieva
Danube and start reconstruction of the ring the year in comparison to coun ble experience.
Ram Fortress. The works on Nis For tries of the sea and sand. Therefore,
tress are also in progress as well as on we have to brand Serbia as a tourist What do you prefer: summer or
summer stage in Vrnjacka Banja. We destination, since we are still not re winter holidays?
will also bring to an end a tourist co cogn ized well enough and, more or le I like summer holidays, but on a mou
mplex near the Avala Tower. Resour ss, majority of tourists that come here, ntain, river or a lake.
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Zdravlje / Health
w w w. b e g . a e r o
Foreigners Like
Serbian Organic Food
Organic food is cultivated in Serbia on 15.000 hectares,
and almost everything that is produced is exported
Zdravlje / Health
Mnogi graani su sumnjiavi prema organskim
abluda je da je organsko voe i proizvodima
povre crvljivo, malo, zakrljalo Many citizens are suspicious of organic products
i kvrgavo, a samo jedna pose
ta specijalizovanim pijacama li organ
skim plantaama dovoljna je da se ku
pci u to i uvere.
Pre nekoliko godina u Srbiji je pos
tojalo oko 300 proizvoaa organske
hrane, a danas ak 2.000. Organska
hrana u Srbiji uzgaja se na 15.000 he
ktara, a skoro sve to se proizvede za
vrava u izvozu. Najv ei kupci su iz Ne
make, SAD, Holandije, Belgije, Austri
je i Poljske, koji najvie trae smrznute
maline i kupine, svee jabuke, sueno vo
e i pire od vianja i dunja. Svaki organ
ski proizvod mora da ima sertifikat i na
cionalni logo.
Onlajn kupovina t is a misconception that organic
fruits and vegetables are wormy,
Nikica Marinkovi zavrio je Poljo small, stunted and gnarled and only
privredni fakult et u Novom Sadu. Prvo Za veinu naih kupaca organska hrana one visit to specialized markets or or
se bavio gajenjem jagoda, a od prole ganic plantations is suf fi cient to convi
je i dalje skupa, a ne postoji ni dovoljno
godine jedan je od vlasnika sajta Zele nce customers otherwise.
noo, koji se bavi prodajom i dostavom razvijena svesto njenim prednostima A few years ago in Serbia there were
organske hrane preko interneta. Kako about 300 producers of organic food
je i sam bio poljoprivredni proizvoa, and now even 2.000. Organic food is
iz prve ruke je iskusio sve probleme sa cultivated in Serb ia on 15.000 hect a
kojima se susreu poljoprivrednici.
For most of our customers organic res, and almost everything that is pro
24 - eleo sam da spojim proizvoae food is still expensive and awareness of its duced is exported. The biggest buye
sa kupcima. Tako je i nastala ideja za benefits is still not sufficiently developed rs are from Germany, USA, Netherlan
w w w. b e g . a e r o
ovu firmu. Na sajtu se nalazi vie od 20 ds, Belg ium, Austria and Poland and
proizvoaa organske i domae hrane, they are mostly interested in frozen ra
kao i slike njihovih domainstava, pa ku spberries and blackberries, fresh ap
pci mogu da vide od koga tano kupuju ples, dried fruit, cherry and quince pu
- pria Marinkovi. ree. Each organic product must have a
On objanjava da su organski proi certificate and a national logo.
zvodi u poslednje vreme prilino trae
ni iako su u proseku 30 odsto skuplji
od obinih, a otvara se i sve vie manjih Online shopping
prodavnica organske hrane.
Nikica Marinkovic graduated from
the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad.
At first he was cult ivating strawberries,
Prednosti Proizvod Cena (u dinarima) and since last year, he is one of the ow
organskih Kupus (kg) 110 ners of site Zelenoo that deals with sa
Crni luk (kg) 150 le and delivery of organic food on the
proizvoda eri paradajz (kg) 1.100 Internet. As he hims elf used to be a fa
> manje ostataka argarepa (kg) 215 rmer, he already experienced all the
pesticida i tekih metala Krompir (kg) 210 problems that farmers face.
> manje kancerogenih Blitva (veza) 85 - I wanted to connect producers with
nitrata Kiseli kupus (kg) 270 buyers. Thats how the idea for this co
> nije dozvoljena Jabuka (kg) 260 mpany emerged. There is more than
upotreba aditiva Bundeva (kg) 270 20 producers of organic and local food
> ne sadre Jaja (10 kom.) 405 on the site, as well as images of their
konzervanse, Organsko vino (l) 1.000 do 6.500 households, so that customers can see
emulgatore, vetake Sok od cvekle (3l) 1.600 from whom exactly do they buy produ
boje, arome, antibiotike, Sok od jabuke (5l) 1.300 cts - says Marinkovic.
hormone, lekove Penino brano (kg) 189 He explains that organic products ha
> zabranjena Kukuruzno brano (kg) 189 ve recently been quite in demand, al
upotreba GMO Suncokret (100 g) 81 though they are at an average of 30
Vinjeta srpski / engleski
2 0 1 7.
Sve najbolje na
J U N / AV G
J U N / A U G
jednom mestu
j a k s r e d a
po n e d e l RUSKI lekar
27. MART
BR. 21
bez krize
Pomo u Saveti i
nju besplatna Kvalitetan san Proleni
kuvanju, plaa pravna
rauna ili detoks
odravanju higi
kota oko 250
jene pomo Poze za MLAKA ti za
i recep
dinara po
satu oslobaanje VODA ZA IL
+ rusk e od cigareta
OD BOLA poetak odvika
i vero savetama
post ta? za us cu
Kaalj i
kijavica, a
nije bolest
je moe d
na polic NE LEKOVIT JE
vite pi
Svei zai
Gladovan50 bolesti!
hiljada penzio
Napra oteku u
ove godine ii
besplatno u banju
i ap domuo bilje izlei 1
svom be uz zainsk
Za iskusnu nego ija
Zdravlje / Health
su zatitni znak sela, porodica oki je Sunower (100 g) 81 cal about new things. Organic produc-
sa organskom proizvodnjom ovo mesto tion requires strong will because it is ve-
stavila na mapu zdrave i ukusne hrane. ry dicult to penetrate the market - sa-
26 - Zbog organske proizvodnje sam i ys Tanja Mamui.
napustila posao u dravnoj rmi. Tu lju- She explains that organic fruits and ve-
w w w. b e g . a e r o
bav smo preneli i na sinove, pa sada getables is a lot more expensive than co-
obojica studiraju organsku poljoprivre- nventional, since production is more ex-
du - kae Gordana oki. pensive and everything is done by hand.
Ona objanjava da sada ve imaju - There are many people who are al-
stalne kupce, koji su se u poetku bili lergic to pesticides and they dont feel
okirani ukusom paradajza i krastavca Organsko voe i povre dosta je skuplje od neorganskog well if they eat treated fruits and ve-
koji imaju ukus paradajza i krastavca ko- Organic fruits and vegetables are a lot more expensive getables. For them, organically grown
je smo jeli u detinjstvu. than non-organic products are salvation - says Tanja.
A real taste
J U N / AV G
2 0 1 7. Terminal
J U N / A U G
Intervju / Interview
direktor SMATSA
Otvorili smo
nebo nad
Za koncept slobodne
zone leta Evropska komisija
dodelila prestino priznanje
direktoru i Kontroli letenja
Srbije i Crne Gore
Tekst: Gorica Avali
By: Gorica Avali
onc ep t slob odn e zon e let a
iznad etiri drave regiona, koji
je olakao kretanje aviona na ne
bu iznad Balkana, oduevio je evropsku
strunu javnost, pa je Kontrola letenja
Srbije i Crne Gore (SMATSA) sa Rado
jicom Rovaninom na elu, za ovaj pro
Award in Madrid
During the World Air Traffi c Management Congress 29
2 0 1 7.
Control of Serbia and Montenegro (SMATSA) recei
ved an award from the European Commission for
the concept of free fligh t zone. The award was pre
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
sented to Radojica Rovanin, Chief Executive Offi
cer of SMATSA, by the European Commissioner for
air traffic Violeta Bulc.
tion Agreement with Slovenia and Austria heart. It started working and there is
to expand the free zone to these two no such device from Istanbul to Vienna.
Reportaa / Reportage
oslednji poziv za ukrcavanje na let
za tutgart, upozorio je ljubazni
enski glas preko razglasa. Uur
banim koracima nekolicina njih zaputila
se prostranim hodnikom ka gejtu... Pra
ti ih rodb ina, prijatelji, poznanici, padaju
poljupci, zagrljaj i poneka suza.
Dubai, Moskva... smenjuju se pozi
vi, a sa njima i putnici-namernici. Jedni
se vraaju kui, drugi idu u posetu, tre
i pak odlaze zadovoljni posle uspeno
obavljenog posla... uju se gotovo svi je
zici - engleski, nemaki, ruski, arapski...
Borba s prtljagom
Dovienja, Srbijo,
tavno nemaju stomak za putovanja.
Putnici koji su prvi put na beograd
skom aerodromu zbunjenim pogledi
ma trae pomo radnika u sivim unifo
rmama, a oni ih sa osmehom upuuju
na Terminal 2.
nedostajae mi
I dok pre pasoke kontrole svi nervo
zno mau pasoima raznih zemalja, na
drugom kraju atmosfera je znatno opu
Oni koji su poranili vreme ubijaju uz
knjige i novine, a mnogi su to iskoristili
Mladi Nemac iz Beograda otiao
i da pazare jo pokoji suvenir za uspo pun utisaka o srpskim specijalitetima
menu i poklone pre no to na razglasu
uju poslednji poziv za let za tutgart,
Tekst Dragana Simi Foto: ore Kojadinovi
Cirih... Mladi, kao i svuda u svetu, prvo
By: Dragana Simi Photo: ore Kojadinovi
pitaju za ifru za beini internet, a po
Goodbye, Serbia,
Ill Miss Patties
A young German left Belgrade full of
impressions about Serbian specialties
his is the last call for boarding a flight to Stut
tgart, polite female voice warned over the lou
dspeaker. Several passengers started rushing
down the wide corridor towards the gate ... Relatives,
friends and acquaintances follow them and then kis
ses, hugs and some tears fall.
Dubai, Moscow ... calls take turns and so do new
passengers. Some return home, others go for a visit
and some leave after successfully finished busine
ss... One can hear nearly all languages - English, Ge
rman, Russian, Arabic...
2 0 1 7.
In front of the airport building, four girls that have
just arrived from a vacation are persistently trying to
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
squeeze a couple of heavy suitcases into a small tru
nk. They can barely lift them and then put them down.
- Its impossible, it doesnt fit - they comment.
- There are no guys to help us, but we dont need
them anyway - they bandy a remark out of breath and
after exhausting struggle with luggage, that lasted for
couple of minutes, successfully leave with it.
Squeaking of packed suitcases wheels in front of
the airport entrance announce that their owners ar
rive on time.
The ground floor is reserved for the nervous ones
- those who cannot wait to go through passport con
trol, those that are flying for the first time or ones that
simply dont have the stomach for travel.
w w w. b e g . a e r o
tom uranjaju u surfovanje po drutvenim ko pada zbog devojke, ali e mu, priz desetak ljudi nervozno cupka, eka da
mreama i dopisivanje. naje, nedostajati i srpski specijaliteti, na se vrata otvore, istovremeno pratei ta
Stranci koji se posle odmora u Srbi koje se navukao u gostima. blu koja najavljuje dolaske.
ji vraaju svojim kuama oduevljeni su - ao mi je to ne mogu da ponesem - Avion je sleteo, zato ih jo nema -
ovdanjim lepotama i obeavaju da e punjenu pljeskavicu jer je to neto na komentarie sredovena ena etajui
se vratiti. jlepe to sam ikada jeo - kae mladi gore-dole. Iekuje erk u da stigne iz
- Doao sam u Beograd zbog nje - Nemac i otra ka pasokoj kontroli. Londona, nije je videla od Uskrsa pro
govori 25-godinji mladi pokazujui le godine.
na devojku sa svoje desne strane. Upo Koji minut kasnije jurnula je ka vratima
znali su se prolog leta dok je ona bila Nervoza na dolasku iza kojih su se promaljali devojka i mla
u poseti rodbini u Nemakoj, pa je otad di. Emocije nije uspela da obuzda, upr
on redovni posetilac Beograda. Ovde je Nita manje drama emocija ni na me kos nameri da se suzdri, pa su usledili
boravio nekoliko dana i odlazak mu te unarodnim dolascima u suterenu. Tri dugi zagrljaj, smeh i suze.
sorry I cant take it back home - says the young Ger
man and rushes towards the passport control.
Anxiety on arrivals
2 0 1 7.
Puzzled gazes of pass eng
ers that are at the Be
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
lgrade airport for the first time, seek help from wo
rkers in grey uniforms that direct them with a smile
to Terminal 2.
And while before passport control everybody ner
vously wave with passports of different countries, on
the other side the atmosphere is much more relaxed.
While waiting for the flight, passengers are killing
time by reading books and newspapers and many
use that time to buy another souvenir as a memento
or gifts before they hear announcement over the pu
blic address system that its the last call for the flig
ht to Stuttgart, Zurich... Young people, as everywhe
re in the world, firs t ask for the password for the wi
reless internet and then immerse in surfi ng social ne
tworks and messaging.
Foreigners that go home after holidays spent in Se
rbia are fascinated with the beauties they have seen Aerodrom Nikola Tesla
and promise to come back.
- I came to Belgrade because of her - says the
25-year-old young man pointing at the girl on his ri
+381 60 69 111 11
ght. They met last summer while she was visiting re
latives in Germany and since then he has been a re
gular visitor of Belgrade. After being here for several
days, leaving is hard because of the girl, but also, he
admits, because hell miss Serbian specialties that arrentacarbelgrade@gmail.com
he got used to.
- Stuffed patty is the best thing Ive ever eaten, Im
Batina / Inheritance
w w w. b e g . a e r o
67 67
zamkova castles
ima u in
Vojvodini Vojvodina
2 0 1 7.
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
Batina / Inheritance
ajke zaista postoje, a vojvoanska ravnica
sa svojim zamkovima ivi je dokaz koji veko
vima to moe i da potvrdi. Plodna Vojvodina
na severu nae zemlje ne samo da je bogata itom,
njivama i oranicama ve se njeno bogatstvo ogle
da i u dvorcima - kojih samo na teritoriji ove pokra
jine ima 67! Porodice koje su gradile ove velelepne
graevine bile su izuzetno imune, a svaki od zam
kova u svojim zidinama krije priu i sa sobom nosi
legende koje se meu metanima prepriavaju de
cenijama i vekovima. Zamkovi u Vojvodini uvaju u
svom enterijeru ljubavne prie, balove, patnje, ali i
matanja i ambicije onih koji su u njima proveli ivot.
Iako su mnoge graevine od kojih bi nekada za
stajao dah danas zatvorene za posetioce, postoje i
one koje su dostojanstveno stajale i prkosile vreme
nu, te predstavljaju veliko kulturn
o bogatstvo Srbije.
Neki od najlepih dvoraca na severu zemlje su Fan
tast u Beeju, Katel u Eki, ali i oni u Novom Beeju
i Novom Kneevcu.
Katel - tu je svirao i Franc List novi, njegova erka. Danas dvorac ima uvara jer se u njemu na
lazi dosta originalnih stvari iz doba dok je imanjem upravljala poro
Na 60 kilometara severno od prestonice i svega dica Dunerski. Nalazi se u privatnom vlasnitvu i moe se pose
sedam od Zrenjanina, u selu Eka, ponosno stoji gla titi uz prethodnu najavu. Dvorac je proglaen za spomenik kultu
murozni dvorac Katel, graen u engleskom stilu u re 2001. godine.
periodu od 1816. do 1820. godine. Legenda kae da je vlasnik dvorca Lazar Dunerski bio dobar
Dvorac je podigla porodica Lazar, a na sveanom kockar, ali je ipak jednog dana na kartama izgubio i dvorac i ima
otvaranju dvorca tog davnog 29. avgusta 1820. svi nje oko njega. Njegov protivnik mu je ponudio da vrati celo imanje
rao je uveni Franc List. Od devedesetih godina 20. samo jednim pucnjem iz pitolja. Lazar je morao da pogodi jabuku
veka dvorac Katel nalazi se pod zatitom Zavoda za na glavi svoje supruge. Uprkos riziku, prihvatio je ponudu. Nania
spomenike kulture. nio je, zadrao dah i opalio. Ruka mu nije zadrhtala i pogodio je ja
Zamak zagasito crvene boje, koji okruuju fontana buku, ime je povratio i imanje i dvorac.
i park, raspolae sa 38 soba i sedam apartm ana koji
su meavina modernog i srednjovekovnog dizajna. U
dvorcu koji gostima prua intimnu atmosferu, mir i po Kapetanovo - legenda o plavom pramenu
gled na velelepni park, koji okruuje celokupno zdanje,
postoji mogunost noenja, ali i organizovanja svea Dvorac je sagradio ondanji upan Botka Bela 1904. godine.
nih proslava i svadbi, kao i romantinih vikenda za dvoje. Osnovna koncepcija zgrade odreena je idejom srednjovekovnog
zamka. Dvorac Kapetanovo se nalazi u ataru van svakog mesta na
putu Zrenjanin-Vrac u blizini mesta Stari Lec. Ima dva ulaza, a oko
Sokolac - imanje vraeno pucnjem iz pitolja njega je bio prostran park sa fontanom. Dvorac je na licitaciji 1938.
kupio bogati trgovac Franc Maj za miraz erki, koja ga je udajom
Dvorac je izgradio Lazar Dunerski u poslednjim donela poslednjem predratnom vlasniku Milanu Kapetanovu, po ko
decenijama 19. veka, a u miraz ga je dobila Emilija Iva me i danas nosi ime.
airy tales really exist and Vojvodina plain with cated his life to this castle, thus transforming his fan
its castles is a living proof which confirms that tasy into reality.
for centuries that passed. Not only that the fe
rtile plains of Vojvodina in the north of our country are
full of cornfields, tilled and ploughed fields, but its ric Katel - The castle in which Franz Liszt played
hes can also be perceived in castles and only on the
territory of this autonomous province of Serbia there Glamorous castle Katel, built in accordance to
are 67 of them! Families that built these magnificent English style in the period from 1816 to 1820, proudly 39
buildings were extremely wealthy and each castle hi stands in the village of Eka, situated sixty kilomete
2 0 1 7.
des a story within its walls as well as legends that are rs to the north from the capital and only seven kilo
recounted among locals for decades and centuries. meters from Zrenjanin.
Castles in Vojvodina preserve love stories, balls, su Castle was built by family Lazar and on the grand
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
ffering in their interior, as well as dreams and ambitio opening of that castle on that 29th August 1820, fa
ns of those that had spent their life in them. mous composer Franz Liszt played. Since the last de
Many of those buildings are nowadays closed for cade of 20th century, castle Katel is under prote
visitors, although they were once breathtaking, but ction of Republic Institute for the Protection of Cul
there are some that proudly stood and defied time tural Monuments.
and as such represent enourmous cultural wealth of Castle of dim red color that is surrounded by fou
Serbia. Some of the most beautiful castles in the no ntain and park has 38 rooms and seven suites deco
rth are Castle Fantast in Beej, Katel Castle in E rated in a mixture of modern and medieval design. In
ka, as well as those in Novi Beej and Novi Kneevac. the castle that offers its guests intimate atmosphere,
peace and magnificent view to the park that surrou
nds the whole edifice, there is a possibility of overni
Fantast - The meaning of Bogdan Dundjerskis life ght stay, organizing of different celebrations, weddi
ngs, as well as romantic weekends for two.
The Fantast castle stands out of the descriptive
plain with its tower and turrets built in Gothic Revi
val style which gives it a fairytale look. Dreamlike ca Sokolac - Estate earned with dif
fi culty, reclaimed
stle and chapel are surrounded with park arranged with one single shot
in accordance with the style of English and French
gardens. Visitors of this place, because of which you Castle was built by Lazar Dundjerski in the last
will start to believe in fairytales, may learn how to ri decades of 19th century and was given as dowry
de within horse stable that covers half of the esta to his daughter Emilija Ivanovic. Today this castle
te, take a ride in a carriage during the summer or on has a guard, because there is still a lot of original
a sleigh during winter time while enjoying a wonder things from the period when the estate was run by
ful scenery of plain covered with snow. Fantast was Dundjerski family in it. It is now a private property
built by Bogdan Dundjerski, a member of the weal and visit is possible if previously announced. The
thiest family in Vojvodina at the end of the 19th and castle was declared a cultural monument in 2001.
the beginning of the 20th century. Dundjerski dedi The legend says that the owner of the castle, Lazar
Batina / Inheritance
Legenda kae da se njegova ena, od tuge to Bo- Grof Karlo Maldegem, unuk Georgine Bajer, koja
tka gubi zamak, polila benzinom i zapalila, a da od je i zapoela gradnju dvorca 1904. godine, nakon
nje nije ostao ni pepeo, ve samo pramen plave ko- kolovanja u inostranstvu i smrti svoje bake, odlu-
se koji je poput venanice smrti dugo obletao oko io je da ivi na dvoru. Dobar deo ivota proveo je
zamka. Prema legendi, svakog 2. avgusta, na Sve- pomaui Srbima i Maarima da preive gladne rat-
tog Iliju, nou se pojavljuje u jednoj od soba zamka ne godine.
senka ene sa dugom plavom kosom koja gleda u Po sle Dru gog svet skog rata, u dvorcu je ne ko
banatsku ravnicu. vre me bi la bo l ni ca, pa inte r nat, uprava po li ci je i
banka. Danas se u njemu nalazi Narodna bibliote-
ka Branislav Nui i deo Narodnog muzeja Kiki-
Maldegem - dom belgijskog grofa nde, a zgrada je u izuzetno dobrom stanju. Dvorac
je kulturno dobro od velikog znaaja i otvoren je
Velelepni zamak izgraen je 1910. u tadanjoj tu- za posetioce.
rskoj Kanjii, dananjem Novom Kneevcu, za gro- Porodica Maldegem diila se crvenom paprikom,
fovsku porodicu Maldegem, poreklom iz Belgije. po kojoj je i danas Novi Kneevac poznat.
Dundjerski, was a good gambler, but still, one day, he hes of her remained, but only one lock of blond hair
lost the castle and the whole estate while gambling. His that used to y ghostly around the castle for a long ti-
opponent oered him to reclaim the whole estate with me. According to the legend on each 2nd of August,
only one shot from his pistol. He had to aim at the apple on St. Elijah, during the night, a shadow of a woman
placed on his wifes head and in spite of the risk, he ac- with a long blond hair appears in one of the rooms
cepted the oer. He aimed, kept his breath and red a in the castle and gazes out over the plain of Banat.
gun. His hand did not shiver and he shot the apple on his
wifes head, thus reclaiming the estate and the castle.
Maldegem - Home of Belgian count family
Kapetanovo - The legend of a lock of blond hair Magnicent castle was built in 1910 in, in those da-
ys Turkish town Kanjia and nowadays Novi Knee-
The castle was built by the county prefect Botka vac, for the noble family Maldegem that originated
Bela in 1904. He wanted to create a residence that from Belgium.
would resemble a medieval castle as the basic con- Count Karl Maldegem, grandson of Georgina Beyer
cept of the building. The Castle Kapetanovo is lo- that started building this castle in 1904, after nishi-
cated in the area outside of the town along the road ng his education abroad and the death of his grand-
Zrenjanin -Vrac nearby small village of Stari Lec. It mother decided to live in it. Signicant part of his life
has two entrances, and it was once surrounded by a he spent helping Serbs and Hungarians during hard
spacious park with a fountain. The castle was sold in war years full of hunger and poverty.
an auction in 1938 to a wealthy merchant Franz May. After the World War II, there was a hospital for a
He purchased this property for his daughters dow- while in the castle, and then boarding school, poli-
ry. After the wedding, the property was inherited by ce headquarters and a bank. Today a national library
the last pre-war owner Milan Kapetanov and the ca- Branislav Nui is at the castle, as well as part of the
stle was named after him. National museum of Kikinda. The building is in extre-
The legend says that his wife was so devastated mely good condition. The castle is declared a cultural
that Botka lost the castle, she climbed to the highe- good of high importance and it is opened for visitors.
st tower of Kapetanovo, poured gasoline on herse- Novi Kneevac is still very well known by red pep-
lf and burned to death. It was said that not even as- per that family Maldegem was proud of.
2 0 1 7.
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
Inovacije / Innovations
w w w. b e g . a e r o
Kapaciteti se ire
jer za to postoje
realne potrebe
Capacities are
being expanded,
because there is a
real need for it
Saa Vlaisavljevi,
v. d. generalnog
Aerodroma Nikola
Tesla Beograd
Saa Vlaisavljevi,
Acting Director
General Belgrade
Nikola Tesla Airport
2 0 1 7.
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
ie od sat vremena potrebno je
izdvojiti za laganu etnju Aero
Plan je i da aerodrom,
dromom Nikola Tesla Beograd poput mnogih u Evropi
da bi se videli svi dograeni terminali, i svetu, postane svojevrsna
sve obnovljene platforme, rekonstrui turistika taka
sani prolazi i svaki restaurirani mural.
S porastom broja putnika i letova, ra
ste i aerodrom - staro se obnavlja, a
novo se gradi.
A sve je po elo jo 1958, kad su
The plan is to make the
zapoeli prvi radovi na izgradnji beo
gradskog aerodroma. Temelji prista airport become some
nine zgrade postavljeni su 1960, a kind of tourist attraction,
terminal je konano zavren dve go as many in Europe and
dine kasnije. ezdesetih godina pro
log veka Terminal 1 je bio moderno
around the world already are.
zdan je koj e je naredn e dve dec en i
je samostalno nosilo celokupan avio-
saobraaj. Tek je 1981. podignuta no
va zgrada, u koju su smeteni meu
narodni letovi.
new look and by the beginning of sum were expanded for 21,000 square
mer season scaffolding would disap meters and ecological aspect of ope
pear from the ground floor as well. Re rations had been improved as well.
novated first floor was put into servi 45
2 0 1 7.
out the new gateway through this part
of airport build
ing. At that moment, all
those that were flying from Belgrade says that the works will be completed
A P R -J U N
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gained one additional border crossi by the beginning of this summ er sea
ng with customs authorities and four son.
new passport control channels. With - After the reconstruction we will ha
this reconstruction, a direct access ve 33 new check-in counters, 28 clas
to waiting rooms and finger piers was sic ones and five self check-in coun
enabled which significantly shortened ters that pass eng
ers will have at their
the motion length through the airport disposal in order to check in for their
building and also simplified orientation flights. We are expanding capacities,
in it. Commercial facilities were expan bec aus e there is a real need for it -
ded, so that the commercial offer inte Vlaisavljevi says.
nded for passengers was expanded He explains that the counters in co
too. Part of the waiting area was deco nnecting part of the building as well
rated as a small room intended for pa as Terminal 1 will be linked to the new
rents with small children and therefore transport system.
equipped with comfortable sofa and a The thing that rejoices passengers
few toys that would help children pass the most and that will equally be inte
the time while waiting for their flight. resting for all other citizens, as well as
Now it is turn for the ground floor to for the tourists that are not coming to
be modernized and the new, more up Serbia by plane, is adaptation of air
to date, space should upgrade the se port roof to aircraft viewing area. The
rvices that the airp ort provides. idea is that the roof should be turned
into an open garden with 200 seats
and binoculars for watching planes.
Everything done until summer The plan is to make the airport beco
me some kind of tourist attraction, as
Saa Vlaisavljevi, the acting Dire many in Europe and around the world
ctor General of the Belgrade Airport, already are.
Intervju / Interview
ekspir je oiveo
Enlivened ortanovci
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A P R -J U N
ikita Milivojevi poslednjih go ver the last few years, Nikita Milivojevi
dina ivi i radi na relaciji Beo lives and works en route Belgrade - Athens,
grad-Atina, gde s podjednakim where he is equally successful in directing
uspehom reira komade koji bude sve theatre plays that awaken consciousness. It was his
st. Njegovom zaslugom oivela je Vi merit that that Villa Stankovic in Cortanovci was enliv-
la Stankovi u ortanovcima, gde e ened. It became attractive cultural and touristic ven-
ovog leta etvrti put biti odran Festival ue where this summer, for the fourth time, the Shake-
ekspir, zamiljen kao mesto susreta speare Festival would take place.
potovalaca dela velikog pisca i novih The main idea of the festival was to be the place
pozorinih tendencija u itanju njego of encounter of admirers of the worlds preeminent
vih drama. Na ugledni reditelj je pono dramatist and his work, as well as a place where new
san na injenicu da se tokom prethod theatrical tendencies in interpretation of his plays
nih godina festivalska publika profilisala would be presented. Our respectable director is
i goste koji su do bajkovitog zdanja kraj proud of the fact that during previous years the fes-
Dunava stizali iz Irana, SAD, Finske, Ve tival audience defined itself and also of the guests
like Britanije, Gruzije, Grke... that reached the fairytale mansion on the Danube riv-
- esto i s pravom konstatujemo ka er bank from Iran, USA, Finland, Great Britain, Geor-
ko su kriza i tranzicija unitile srednju gia or Greece
klasu u Srbiji. Meutim, svake godine - We often rightfully conclude that crises and tran-
na Festivalu ekspir vidim sve vie pro sition destroyed the middle class in Serbia. Howev-
fesora, pisaca, slikara, izdavaa... Upra er, each year on Shakespeare Festival I see more and
vo ljude koji su se, zahvaljujui ovoj ne more professors, writers, painters, publishersRight
srenoj novoj stvarnosti, povukli, utiali, those people that, thanks to this miserable reality,
postali nevidljivi. Oni su oigledno ovde withdrew, became silent and invisible. They obviously
pronali neto za sebe - kae reditelj na found something for themselves here - director says
poetku razgovora za Terminal. at the beginning of the interview for the Terminal.
Intervju / Interview
prati, razvija... Naalost, mi smo ve de na kraju shvatili da su potroili svoje vreme na pogre Gde se najradije vraate?
cenijama osueni na kratkorona ree nom mestu meu pogrenim ljudima - to je neto to - Prija mi da sam u Iniji. Taj pros
nja u kojima se snalazi kako ko moe. sve vie viam oko sebe. tor doivljavam kao svoju Itaku. Pre
tpostavljam da to ima veze s godi
Zbog ega ste pozorini festi Jesmo li nauili na sopstvenim grekama i nama i potrebom da mi je sve vani
val izneli iz grada i kako se to bolu koji smo pretrpeli? je da sam u prirodi. Imam svoj vino
pokazalo? - To je lekcija koju mi, oigledno, ne moemo da sa grad, umu i uvek se radujem kada
- Mislim da Festival ekspir od dru vladamo. Kada kaem mi - mislim na svet. Pogledajte mogu da provodim vreme tamo.
gih domaih festivala razlikuje drugai- samo ko ovaj svet vodi, u ijim je rukama. Mislim da
ji doivljaj. Festival se odrava van gra se tu kriju mnogi odgovori... Plaite li se letenja i ta radi
da, u predivnom, potpuno vanvremen te u tim trenucima?
skom prostoru, s bajkovitim pogledom Jesmo li makar mi sami uspeli da prepo - Ne, oboavam aerodrome. Avion
na Dunav. Kako je za dosta posetilaca znamo svoje mesto? mi je i dalje omiljeno prevozno sred
festivala to prvi susret sa vilom, mnogi - Najduhovitiju opasku na tu temu uo sam pre ne stvo.
odlue da dou ranije, ruaju na Duna koliko godina kada sam radio predstavu u Makedoni
vu, proetaju i saznaju neto vie o me ji. Jedan prijatelj mi je rekao: Vidi, mi Makedonci bar Zove li vas neki grad, ze
stu, a onda uvee gledaju predstavu. S znamo da smo mali, - ali vi to ne znate. Vi Srbi nikako mlja... i zato?
druge strane, jedno naputeno i nepri da shvatite da ste i vi takoe mali. - Ima gradova koje zaista volim ka
da me pozovu, a jedan od njih je
Njujork. Kada bih mogao svake go
dine provesti mesec dana tamo, to
bi bio pravi boji dar.
ekajui Godoa i dalje aktuelan
Postavili ste Majku Hrabrost u Solunu zbog zakljuka da je cen Anegdota sa nekog leta?
tralni motiv, pohlepa, zapravo pria savremene Grke. Koji biste - Jednom sam na aerodromu u Mi
komad reirali u Srbiji? nhenu ekao presedanje i sreo Du
- Imajui u vidu istu ideju, rekao bih da je Majka Hrabrost sigu ana Makavejeva. Onda smo se za
rno odlian naslov i za na pozorini repertoar. Meutim, naslov priali, a kako Mak ume zaista zani
koji je ve dugo aktuelan, a bie sasvim sigurno i nadalje, jeste e mljivo da pria o svemu i svaemu,
kajui Godoa. zakasnio sam na sledei let.
There is a few months till next
Festival Shakespeare, but you are
probably already in the phase of
intensive preparation for it?
- Maybe it will sound overstated,
but my experience is that the moment
you finish one festival, the next day you
must start preparing for the one that is
to come. That means that the program
for this year festival is already prepared,
but still I am afraid that its still early to
announce plays and guests. Program is,
in fact, the easiest part of the job. But
all the other things that imply financing, wonderful, completely timeless space, with a fairytale
securing resources, uncertainty about view on Danube. Since this is for many visitors the first
whether they will be available and will encounter with villa, many of them decide to come ear-
they be available on timethats the ad- lier, have a lunch on the bank of Danube, take a walk and
venture from which everything depends learn something more about the place and then in the QUICK QUESTIONS
and there always might be surprises. evening they come to watch the play. On the other hand,
Last year for Bitef Festival we started a deserted and almost invisible place became the focus I adore airports
to announce The Tempest as festival of interest and action when this festival enlivened. The
coproduction and it seemed that in the same happened with small local community. Where do you gladly return?
year of Shakespeare there was nothing - It pleases me to be in Indjija. I
more normal than to present his play on consider that space to be my Itha-
the festival But in spite of that, it came Nineties shook you up and formed you as a man ca. I suppose that it has some-
off that we didnt get the money after all. and a director. In what light youll see the previous thing to do with aging and the
17 years in some imaginary future moment? need to be closer to nature. I have
- I am not sure that Ill have that answer not even in my own vineyard, woods and I am
What are the circumstances this 20 years, provided that I am at that point still able to always rejoicing when I am able to
year? think and speak. But one thing that I know for sure spend time there.
- Many different interests are conflicting is that there is no way I would like to be one of those
when it comes to allocation of budget fi- disappointed, tired people that realized in the end 49
nancing. The circumstances this year are that they had wasted their time in the wrong place, Are you afraid of flying and
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more or less the same, in the sense that among wrong people That is something I start to what are you doing then?
theres always something more important perceive more often in my surroundings. - No, I adore airports. Plane is
and then some kind of deadline emerg- still my favorite mode of transport.
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es. No additional percentage of resources
could make a difference there over night. Did we learn something from our own mistakes
Investing in culture is serious, long-term and pain that we had suffered? Does a certain city or a
and responsible process that should be - Thats the lesson that we are obviously not able to country call you... and why?
planned in advance, monitored and devel- grasp. When I say - we, I mean - the world. Just take a - There are cities that I really like
opedUnfortunately, for decades now, we look at who is leading this world, who laid hands on it. to be called to and one of them
are condemned to short-term solutions I think that many answers are hidden there... is New York. If I could only spend
which everyone handles the way they can. a month each year there, it would
be a real blessing.
Did we at least manage to recognize our own
Why did you take theatrical festival place?
out of the city and how did that - The wittiest remark on that subject I heard a cou- Anecdote from a flight...
turn out? ple of years ago while I was working on a play in - Once, on the airport in Munich,
- I think that something that differen- Macedonia. One friend told me: You see, we, Mace- while I was waiting for the tran-
tiates Shakespeare Festival from other donians, at least know that we are small, but you still sit flight, I met Duan Makavejev.
domestic festivals is specific experience. dont know that. You, Serbs, you still dont realize that Then we got carried away, since
Festival takes place outside the city, in the you are small too. Mak really knew how to talk about
many things in a very interesting
way and I missed my next flight.
Waiting for Godot still attractive
*You directed Mother Courage in Thessaloniki because you
concluded that the main motif - greed is actually the story of
contemporary Greece. Which piece would you direct in Serbia?
- Having the same idea in mind, I would say that Mother Courage
is most certainly excellent play for our repertory as well. However,
the play that runs here for a long time, is and will certainly remain
attractive - is Waiting for Godot.
Sve tajne
ad u Londonu osvane novi rad Benksija, naj
50 poznatijeg ulinog umetnika na planeti, grad
ske vlasti odmah ga prekrivaju pleksiglasom. IMAGES THAT GIVE SOUL TO THE WALLS
w w w. b e g . a e r o
Prvi mural u Beogradu oslikao je 1970. slikar Lazar hen a new work of Banksy, the most fa
mous street artist on the planet, appears
in London, city auth orities immediately co
ver it with plexiglass. If all Belgrade murals had been
Grobarski tre romantizam protected this way, the capital would now be deco
Murali glumaca i knjievnika, poznatih navijaa Partizana, s potpisom rated with thousands of wall paintings.
Grobarskog tre romantizma, ulepavaju beogradski Dor ol. elja GTR
bila je da naprave ulinu galeriju koja e pokazati ljubav prema knjiga
ma, filmovima, muzici i fudbalu. MAKING FACADES BEAUTIFUL
Gravediggers Trash Romanticism Belgrade fac ades are the scene of true art for
Murals of actors and writers, well-known Partizan fans signed by Gra dec ades. When the members of the ass ociation
vediggers trash romanticism decorate part of Belg rade called Dor ol. KURS painted their firs
t mural, they wanted to learn
GTRs wish was to make a street gallery that would show the link bet more about the history of this type of art.
ween their love for books, movies, music and football. - In Serbia there is no heritage of political mura
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J U N / AV G
J U N / A U G
Belgrade airport locations:
outside Terminal 1
& Gate C
Vujaklija na fasadi jedne zanatske radnje, a za veliki Platio kaznu zbog Paid a Fine
broj murala iz osamdesetih zasluan je profesor e okovia For Djokovic
mu naziv Solidarnost jugoslovenskih naroda sa naro rha Pavla, a autor je i jednog od vle and he is also the author of one
dima Latinske Amerike - kae Milo Mileti iz KURS. najveih murala na Balkanu, of the largest murals in the Bal
udesne ume, koja se pros kans, Enchanted Forest which
tire na 450 kvadratnih metara. stretches over 450 square meters.
Prvi mural oslikao je 1970. slikar Lazar Pijanista stoji i iza devojke ko The Pianist is behind the mural on
Vujaklija na fasadi zanatske radnje na ja hvata avione. Za svoj prvi rad which a girl that catches planes.
platio je kaznu. He paid a fine for his first work.
Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra - Kaznila me policija dok sam - Police fined me when I was dra
crtao Novaka okovia. Zato wing Novak Djokovic. Thats why,
u mu, kad ga upoznam, rei: one day when I meet him I am goi
The first mural was painted in 1970 by Duan si mi neke pare - pria ng to tell him: You owe me some
kroz smeh Pijanista. money - Pianist says laughing.
Lazar Vujaklija on the facade of a craft
shop on the King Aleksandar Boulevard
ls from socialism, although tourists are convinced
that will come across them. Murals were mostly
used for making facades beautiful and not for ex
pressing stands - says Mirjana Radovanovic from
The first mural was painted in Belgrade in 1970
by Lazar Vujaklija on the facade of a craft shop. For
large number of murals from the eighties professor
Cedomir Vasic deserves credit and he even spent
one night in custody during drafting one of them.
- At the beginning, murals were autonomous arti
stic actions, except the political one on the building
SCC, painted by refugees from Chile and studen
ts and they named it Solidarity of Yugoslav peo
ple with the people of Latin America - says Milos
Miletic from KURS.
The Kraljica Vila
Kad su pre nekoliko godina na zi
dovima Beograda poele da se po
javljuju slike O-Ren Ii, junakinje iz
Tarantinovog film
a Kil Bil, bila je
misterija ko stoji iza njih. Danas se
zna, slikala ih je The Kraljica Vila,
poznata kao TKV.
- Kada sam 2004. godine poela da
se bavim ovom umetn ou, nisam
razmiljala da e mi to postati kari
jera. Za mene je to bila sloboda i na
in da se kreativnosti da novi ugao -
kae TKV.
ys TKV.
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A P R -J U N
na 12 trita
I&F McCann grupa dobila je nagradu Di
plomacy&Comm erce u kategoriji Biznis ino
vacije kao prva kompanija iz Srbije koja je in
vesticijom u etiri zemlje nordijskog regiona
uspeno objedinila poslovanje na 12 trita I & F MCCANN GROUP AWARDED FOR EXPANSION INTO NEW MARKETS
sa 58 miliona stanovnika. Ulaganjem u Nor
veku, vedsku, Dansku i Finsku I&F McCa Merged Operations in 12 Markets
nn grupa ima 600 zaposlenih u 12 zemalja.
- Nagrada za biznis inovacije za nas ima I & F McCann Group received the award Diplomacy & Comm erce in the cate
poseban znaaj jer dolazi u godini kada obe gory of business innovation as the first company from Serbia that managed to su
leavamo 20 godina uspenog poslovanja. ccess fully merge operations in 12 markets with 58 million inhabitants by investi
iri je nagradio hrabrost i viziju nae kompa ng in four countries of the Nordic region. By investing in Norway, Sweden, Den
nije i osnivaa Srana apera da iskorai mark and Finland I & F McCann Group now has 600 employees in 12 countries.
mo ka zemljama na severu Evrope. Time je - Award for business innovation has a special importance for us since it comes
Beograd postao centar kreativnosti. Pono in the year when we celebrate 20 years of successful business activities. The jury
sna sam na to to I&F McCann grupa oku rewarded the courage and vision of our company and its founder Srdjan Saper to
plja znatieljne, kreativne i obrazovane mlade step up towards the countries in northern Europe. In doing so, Belgrade became
ljude i inspirativne i uspene partnere. Snaga the center of creativity. I am proud of the fact that I & F McCann Group gathers
nae komp anije temelji se na svima sa koji curious, creative and educated young people and inspiring and successful busi
ma radimo ovih 20 godina. Zato je na mo ness partners. The strength of our company is based on all those with whom we
to: Snaga ljudi - izjavila je Tijana kori To work for the last 20 years. That is why our motto is: Power of the people - said Ti
mi, izvrna direktorka I&F McCann grupe. jana Skori Tomi, Executive Director of I & F McCann Group.
Fotografija / Photography
w w w. b e g . a e r o
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ada fotograf uini da predmet koji smo videli
milion puta izgleda drugaije tada on posta
je umetnik. Srps ki fotograf Duan Stojane
vi u tome je uspeo. On je zarobio najpoznatije svet
ske graevine u kapljicama vode. Bez fotoopa i bez
U kapima ispred njegovog objektiva ogleda se arhi
tektura Barselone, Istanbula, Njujorka i Beograda. u
vena Sagrada familija u sanjivoj izmaglici, sva bajko
vitost i arobnost Plave damije, grandioznost jedne
od najviih zgrada Njujorka, magija osvetljenog Mos
ta na Adi u predveerje.
o sa insektima
then I came up with the idea to do something differ- have a positive influence on the promotion of our
ent. At the beginning it was not constant work, but just whole country - he says.
a break towards a different approach to photography
- Dusan remembers. 57
2 0 1 7.
complicated enough, but to capture the whole build-
ing, a bridge or part of the city in it is - incomparably
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- Its true, its not easy. Special conditions for work
are needed and thats why I cannot photograph every-
thing that crosses my mind in droplets of water.
I am disappointed, of course, when a photograph - Ive just returned from the project in Cambodia,
doesnt turn out to be as I expected, but on the oth- that I was doing for charity fund Water Aid. We pho-
er hand, the pleasure is greater when I succeed - he tographed people in the droplets of water instead of
explains. buildings there. Its certain symbolic in a way, because
He named the project Micro-cosmos Droplet, be- its about people that just recently gained access to
cause it reminded him on a different sphere and per- clean water. During this trip I realized that we are not
spective. aware of the fact that many people in the world still
- While watching these photographs we could ask dont have access to clean water, as well as how the
ourselves are we big or small and is there, perhaps, water itself can significantly improve the quality of
something that is even bigger and more developed someones health and life - he says.
than us - Dusan thinks. Although he practices this kind of photography for
In order to photograph the Temple of Saint Sava this more than a decade and a half, he just recently pre-
way, he stood in front of it, but there is no strict instruc- sented his work to the public.
tion for making of these miniature works of art and ev- - Once I wanted to make an exhibition and in such a
erything depends on the object. way present and preserve this idea. But in the mean-
time, with the development of internet and social me-
dia, I came to the point that my work is noticed all
Internet revealed him around the world in just 24 hours, which really hap-
pened, and I must admit that the feeling is fantastic.
Naturally, the most of his experiments took place in The most beautiful thing about this job is that you have
Belgrade, but apart from our capital he also watched the chance to record something for the first time and
Barcelona, Istanbul and New York through the drop- show something thats never going to be repeated
lets of water and recently he visited Angkors temples again. And thats the whole philosophy and the pur-
in Cambodia. pose of photography - Dusan concludes.
Teslu ne zaobilazi
nijedan stranac
Ovaj muzej jedini u svetu uva originalnu
i linu zaostavtinu velikog naunika.
Tu se nalazi i njegova urna
Tekst: Ana Vuovi Markovi
Foto: ore Kojadinovi
ransformatori, generatori, ma Od Njujorkera do Krunske 51
kete, potom i krtenica, paso,
diplome, odelo, eir, ali i urna Nikola Tesla je umro 7. januara 1943. u hotelskoj so
sa posmrtnim ostacima i jo stotine bi u Njujorku. Njegova zaostavtina iz Njujorkera
drugih zanimljivosti otkrivaju linost, i preneta je u Magacine i skladita Menhetn. Zala
vot i delo najveeg i najuvenijeg Srbi ganjem njegovog sestria Save Kosanovia, svi li
na i izumitelja u istoriji Nikole Tesle. Bri ni predmeti i spisi su 1951. preneti u Beograd, a on
no se uvaju i mogu se videti i doiveti ih je potom poklonio dravi. Muzej je otvoren za jav
u njegovom muzeju u Beogradu u Kru nost 1955, a na sveanosti u julu 1957, po elji Mili
nskoj ulici. ce Trbojevi, erk
e Tesline sestre Angeline, na traj
no uvanje predata je urna velikog naunika. Svoja
No Foreigner
Passes by Tesla
This museum is the only one
in the world that preserves
the original and personal
belongings of the great
scientist. His funerary urn
is also placed there
By: Ana Vuovi Markovi
Photo: ore Kojadinovi
ransformers, generators, models,
followed by the birth certificate,
passport, diplomas, suit, hat, and
the urn with the remains and hundreds of
other interesting things reveal persona
lity, life and work of the greatest and the
most famous Serb and inventor in histo
ry - Nikola Tesla. All these things are ca
refully looked after and can be seen and
experienc ed in his museum in Belg rade,
in Krunska Street. 59
2 0 1 7.
Za turiste iz celog sveta Muzej Record attendance
Nikole Tesle je nezaobilazna
A P R -J U N
A P R -J U N
taka na mapi Beograda Nikola Tesla Museum is a unique insti
tution of science and culture in Serbia
and the world, the only one which pre
serves the original and personal legacy
For tourists from around the of the great scientist. From the front door
of the magnificent building, a villa that on
world Nikola Tesla Museum is ce belong ed to industrialist George Ge
a must-visit spot on the map ni, the view spreads towards two roo
of Belgrade ms in which the memory of the famous
scientist still lives. His incredible inventio
ns and pers onal items are taking visitor
back in time, to the end of the 19th cen
tury, a time when he patented most of
his inventions. High voltage transformer,
model of hydroelectric power plant whi
From the New Yorker Hotel to Krunska 51 ch illustrates Teslas multiphase system
Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943 in a hotel room in New York. His legacy was of production, transmission and distribu
transferred from the New Yorker Hotel to Manhattan Storage and Warehouses. tion of electricity, model of teleautoma
Thanks to the efforts of his nephew Sava Kosanovic, Nikola Teslas personal prope ton boat (remote controlled model boat)
rty and writings were shipped to Belgrade in 1951, where Kosanovi subsequently are all stored there.
presented them to the state. The Nikola Tesla Museum was opened to the public in - Exhibition space of the Museum stre
1955 and at the next important ceremony in July 1957, according to the wish of Mi tches to around 200 square meters, whi
lica Trbojevi, the daughter of Teslas sister Angelina, the urn of the great scientist ch is a bit limited. There are some sugge
was presented to the Museum for permanent preservation. His feelings for his ho stions that the museum should be moved
meland Tesla stated in his speech in Belgrade in 1892: If I am lucky enough to ac into a larger space, but it takes several
hieve at least some of my ideals, it will be benevolence for all mankind. If these ho thousand square meters - says Ivana Zo
pes of mine fulfill, the sweetest thought to me will be that it was the work of a Serb. ric, curator of the Museum of Nikola Te
Magini svet izuma
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For tourists from all over the world, Ni
kola Tesla Museum is a must-visit spot
on the map of Belgrade which is why
A P R -J U N
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there are no vacant visiting dates.
Teslas suit, hat, shoes - Its interesting that the most tourists that
and laboratory instruments come for a visit are from Turkey and Gree
are only part of the setting ce, but there are also many student tours
from Belgrade and Serbia - says Ivana. - We renovated the setting and ad
ded a few contemporary solutions that
show Tesla by using digital technology.
Magical world of invention This museum is unique because of Te
slas personal and tech nical items that
According to her, the visitors are most are stored only here. Here are his suit,
interested in working models of Teslas hat, shoes, laboratory instruments - Iva
inventions. na continues and adds that Teslas arc
hive material, first of all documents rela
ted to his scientific work, stand out too,
Child prodigy from Smiljan since its now proclaimed to be a part of
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in the village of Smiljan in Lika. Father Milutin was a prie the UNESCO register Memory of the
st of the Serbian Orthodox Church and his mother Djuka also from the priestly family. He attended World.
elementary school in Smiljan, lower technical school in Gospic and senior secondary technical sc Within the Collection of memorial ite
hool in Karlovac. He started to study technical sciences in 1875 in Graz. After his fathers death, he ms, Teslas death masks, a posthumous
applied for a scholarship, but Matica Srpska rejected him and he left studies. Tesla obtained em impression of Teslas righ t hand and an
ployment in the Central Telegraph Office in Budapest in 1881. urn containing Teslas ashes are kept
In 1884 he accepted to work in Edisons laboratory in New York. He quickly came up with seminal there as well. There are also notes on
scientific discoveries in physics and electrical engineering: polyph
ase alternating curr ent, rotati slips of paper written by pencil, stam
ng magnetic field, transformer ... His inventions led to disagreements with Edison and in 1885 he ps, letters, photographs, postcards, te
founded his own company. He began to make engines and generators for polyphase alternate cur legrams he received, but also sent from
rents. With more than 300 patents, Tesla is, together with Faraday, regarded as the greatest inven 1882 to 1943. The archive is placed in
tor in the history of science. 548 boxes.
Top destinacije
za odmor vikendom
Kakvu god relaksaciju da zamiljate,
ne morate ii van Srbije da biste je pronali.
Tu su mesta za pecanje, vonju biciklom,
rafting, plivanje, ali i predeli za one
koji bi da uivaju u potpunom miru i prirodi
rbin voli svoje drvee kao to vajcarac voli i zimovanja ve su idealna kao vikend-odredita ko-
svoje planine i kao to Danac voli more. Ova- ja e graani i strani turisti posetiti tek da predahnu
ko je Hans Kristijan Andersen, slavni danski ili vide neto novo.
pisac bajki, opisao svoju opinjenost prelepom pri- Vikend-destinacija je ak toliko da, kakav god od-
rodom Srbije kada ju je posetio davne 1842. godine. mor da zamiljate, ne morate ii van Srbije da biste
I danas turisti slino reaguju. Srbija ima mnotvo di- ga pronali. Tu su mesta za aktivan odmor, peca-
vnih gradia i planina sa netaknutom prirodom, niim nje, vonju biciklom, rafting, plivanje, zatim romanti-
cenama nego u velikim gradovima, tradicionalnom sr- ni predeli za zaljubljene, pa na kraju arobne obla-
pskom kuhinjom i gostoprimljivou lokalnih meta- sti idealne za pasivan odmor u potpunom miru i pre-
na. Ova mesta ne samo da su pogodna za letovanja lepoj prirodi.
Paliko jezero - raj za pecaroe
called Pali that just because of it became important
tourist center of Vojvodina. This lake is of aeolian ori
gin and represents the biggest natural lake in Serbia.
Its a part of protected area Park of Nature Pali. 63
2 0 1 7.
the center itself offers many other ways of entertai
nment as well - sports activities, round trips to natu
re reserv e, bird watching, hiking tours and photo sa
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fari. The coast of the lake is appealing because of its
sand banks, cycling paths, as well as a driving traini
ng ground. This lake is full of fish which gives the op
portunity for active vacation to those that like fishing.
Recommendation for round trips:
> Zoo
> Ludako lake
> Subotica
> Wine cellars
Serbian loves his trees the way a Swiss loves mer and winter vacations, but are also ideal as wee
his mountains and the way a Dane loves the kend destinations that citizens and foreign tourists
sea. This was how Hans Christian Andersen, visit just in order to take a short break or see so
the famous Danish writer of fairy tales described his mething new.
fascination with wonderful Serbian nature when he There are so many weekend destinations, so that
visited Serbia on that long gone 1842. whatever kind of relaxation you dream of, you dont ha
Even today tourists react similarly. Serbia has ma ve to travel away from Serbia to find it. There are pla
ny wonderful little towns and mountains with inta ces for active vacation, fishing, cycling, rafting, swim
ct nature, lower prices than in big cities, traditional ming, but also romantic landscapes for those in love
Serbian cuisine and hospitality of local population. and finally magical regions ideal for laid-back vaca
Not only that these places are convenient for sum tion in absolute peace and wond erf ul nature.
Zlatibor - uivanje u borovim umarcima Topola i Oplenac - umadijska Toskana
Ovo je planina izuzetne lepote. Kao stvorena je za Topola i Oplenac predstavljaju srce umadije, a
beg od gradske vreve i guve. Oni koji vole prirodu, mnogi ih nazivaju umadijskom Toskanom. Ovaj pre
etnju borovim umarcima i tradicionalnu kuhinju ju deo vekovima je poznat po vinogradima, pa se naro
gozapadne Srbije bez premiljanja je mogu odabrati ito preporuuje ljubiteljima dobrog vina. Idealno me
za vikend-odmor. Zlatibor i uivo deluje kao bajkovi sto za miran odmor u prirodi, uz obilaske zanimljivih
ta slika sa razglednice. Ima bujne panjake isprese istorijskih spomenika. U Topoli su i danas na svakom
cane planinskim potocima i mnogo borova, po koji koraku vidljivi tragovi vremena Prvog srpskog ustan
ma je planina i dobila ime. Najv ii vrh Zlatibora je Tor ka, kada je bila politiko i administrativno sedite Sr
nik, sa 1.496 metara. bije. Verovatno je najbolje vreme za veinu izleta po
Centar Zlatibora predstavlja turistiko naselje, gde umadiji poetak jeseni, dok je jo toplo, a kada dr
se nalazi najvei broj hotela i restorana. U blizini je ve vee poinje da menja boje.
tako jezero etvrtastog oblika, kao i pijaca na ko Preporuka za obilazak
joj moete da kupite uveni zlatiborski kajmak i sir, a > Oraac
This is the mountain of exceptional beauty. Its ma Topola and Oplenac represent the heart of u
de for an escape from crowded city and its turmoil. madija and many also call them umadijas Tusca
Those that like nature and walks through pine gro ny. This region is known for centuries by its vineya
ves, traditional cuisine of southwestern Serbia, cou rds and thats why its recommended to admirers of
ld choose to visit it as a weekend destination wit good wine.
hout furt her hesitation. Even in reality Zlatibor looks It is an ideal place for peaceful vacation in nature
like a fairy
tale picture from a postcard. Its full of ri with round trips to interesting historical monuments.
ch pastures intersected with mountain streams and Even today, on each step traces of the First Serbian
a lot of pine trees that this mountain was named af Uprising are visible in Topola which was at that time
ter. The highest peak of Zlatibor is called Tornik and political and governmental center of Serbia. Probably
it is 1.496 meters high. the best time for most of the excursions round u
The center of Zlatibor is a tourist settlement whe madija is the beginn ing of autumn while its still warm
re the most of hotels and restaurants are. In the vici and the trees starts to change colors.
nity there is an artificial lake of rectangular shape as Recommendation for round trips:
well as open market where you can buy famous ho > Oraac
memade cheese and cream called kajmak, but be > Oplenac
cause of cold nights dont miss woolen socks either! > Risovaa cave
Recommendation for round trips: > Bukulja mountain
> Stopia cave
> Ethno-village Sirogojno
> Gostiljski waterfalls
> Monastery Uvac
a Banja - najp
oznatije leilite avolja varo - prirodni fenomeni
Najvee i najpoznatije leilite u Srbiji i turistiki Spomenik prirode na jugu Srbije. Nalazi se 89 ki
centar za odmor i rekreaciju. Banja se nalazi u cen lometara jugozapadno od Nia i 288 kilometara od
tralnoj Srbiji, na oko 200 kilometara juno od Beo Beograda. avolja varo prepoznatljiva je po dva ret
grada. Ima veoma dugu leilinu tradiciju. Na vrnja ka prirodna fenomena: mistinim zemljanim figurama
kom toplom mineralnom izvoru u vremenu od 2. do i dva izvora vrlo kisele vode sa visokom mineralizaci
4. veka Rimljani su izgradili svoje oporavilite Aqu jom. Zato je mnogi nazivaju pravim svetskim udom
ae Orcinae. Preko cele godine, posebno leti, Vrnja prirode. Figura ima tano 202 i nastale su dugotraj
ka Banja ima izuzetno bogat, sadrajan i raznovrstan nim i strpljivim radom prirode. Prema jednom narod
kulturno-zabavni program. Mnogobrojni sportsko-re nom predanju, re je o skamenjenim svatovima. Ljudi
kreativni objekti i tereni pruaju vrlo povoljne uslove su, po nalogu Neastivog, reili da po svaku cenu ve
za rekreaciju i pogodni su za one koji i na odmoru vo naju roenog brata i sestru. Da se to ne bi dogodilo,
le da se bave sportom. Inae, u njoj ivi tek neto vi umeala se Boja sila, koja ih je sve okamenila i osta
e od 9.000 stanovnika, tako da, ko eli miran odmor, vila da svedoe da nijedan greh nee proi bez kazne.
ovo je idealna destinacija. Preporuka za obilazak
Preporuka za obilazak > Crveno vrelo
> Rimski izvor > Krivo drvo
> Most ljubavi > Vidikovac 65
2 0 1 7.
> Go
A P R -J U N
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a Banja - The most famous spa Devils Town - Natural phenomena
It is the biggest and the most famous mineral spri Natural monument in south Serb ia. It is situated 89
ng resort and treatment center in Serbia as well as kilometers southwest from Nis and 288 kilometers
tourist center for vacation and recreation. This spa from Belgrade. Djavolja Varo consists of two rare
is situated in central Serbia at around 200 kilomete phenomena: mystical stone formations created by
rs south from Belgrade. It has very long tradition as erosion and two springs of extremely acid water wi
a treatment center. th high mineral content. Thats why many consider it
In the period between 2nd and 4th century, Ro to be a world wonder of nature. It comprises of exa
mans used hot mineral spring in Vrnjacka Banja to ctly 202 stone formations that are created by the lo
build their treatment center Aquae Orcinae. During ng and persistent work of nature. According to the le
the whole year and especially during the summ er, Vr gend, stone formations are actually a group of petri
njaka Banja has exceptionally rich, eventful and vivid fied wedding guests that on devils orders, wanted to
cultural and entert ainment program. Numerous spo marry a brother and a sister. In order to prevent this,
rt and recreational facilities and sport terr ains offer Godly force interv ened and punished them by turni
very advantageous opportunities for recreation and ng them into stone to stand as a reminder that no sin
are appropriate for those that like to practice spor goes unpunished.
ts during their vacation. On the other hand, Vrnjacka Recommendation for round trips:
Banja has merely round 9.000 inhabitants, so that it > Red spring
is also ideal destination for those that want peace > Curved tree
ful vacation. > Panoramic Spot
Recommendation for round trips: > Prolom spa and Lukovska spa
> Roman well
> Bridge of Love
> Castle of Culture
> Go
Rekreacija / Recreation
za sva ula
for All Senses
2 0 1 7. Terminal
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Rekreacija / Recreation
pravljanje kajakom je prilino dnevne izlete, ribolov, fotografisanje, za
jednostavno i zabavno. Brzo obilazak mirnih ili umereno divljih voda.
68 osvajamo krivinu za krivinom Mogu ga koristiti i oni koji nemaju pret
dok blagi vetar neno talasa ujezere hodnog iskustva sa kajacima. Klasi
w w w. b e g . a e r o
nu vodu. Tamo gde nema vetra, imate ni rekreativni kajaci su oblikovani tako
oseaj da klizite po ogledalu. Ali ono da su stabilni i dobro odravaju pravac
to defin itivno morate da uradite ako kretanja. U njima uglavnom ima me
jednom doete na Uvac jeste da se za sta i za smetanje odee, hrane ili fo
valite u kajak ili jo bolje da legnete, za to-opreme. Za organizovane kajak-ture
murite i potpuno se opustite i uivate sa vodiima u Srbiji obezbeeno je sve
u trenutku. to vam je neophodno: kajaci, vesla, pr
Ovo je samo jedna od mogunosti sluci za spasavanje, vodootporne vre
koje spajaju uivanje, aktivnost i upo e. U ovim aktivnostima mogu uestvo
znavanje prelepe Srbije i njene netak vati svi, bez obzira na prethodno isku
nute prirode, kakva se moe videti ma stvo u kajak-sportu, i uivati u arima
lo gde u Evropi. S poetkom prolea vodenog sveta.
ovo je jedna od najboljih avantura koje Lok ac ije na kojim a se org an iz u
moete doiveti u naoj zemlji! Uiva ju kajak-ture su reka Drina, Lim, Ibar,
nje za sva ula u organizaciji Divlje Sr Uvaki meandri, Timok, Peruako je
bije moete iskusiti i ako se oprobate zero, Dunav i Sava (tura oko Ratnog
u dip-safariju, kanjoningu, penjanju uz ostrva i es t most ova Sav e). Zbog
litice i planine, vonju biciklom uz pre svoje plavi astozelene boje, brojnih
lepu reku Dunav... Na vama je samo da brzaka i mirnih virova, kao jedinstven
izaberete avanturu i prepustite se a doivljaj izdvaja se kajak-avantura na
rima Srbije. reci Drini.
Kroz njih moet e otk rit i skriv en e Koji je bolji nain da otkrijete odre
obale planinskih reka i jezera Srbije, eni deo zemlje nego da kombinuje
istraiti rene plae, rukavce, peine i te uivanje u prirodi i kulturi? Dip-sa
okolni divlji svet! Rekreativni kajak pri farijem moete otkriti zapadnu Srbi
lagoen je svakodnevnoj upotrebi - za ju na nekonvencionalan nain. Vozie
rs with guides in Serbia, everything you
needed has been provided in advance:
kayaks, paddles, life jackets, watertight
bags. Everybody can participate in the
se activities regardless of their previous
experienc e in kayaking and enjoy the
charms of water world.
Locations where kayak tours are or
ganized are: rivers Drina, Lim, Ibar, Uvac
meanders, Timok, Perucac Lake, rive
rs Danube and Sava (tours around War
Island and six bridges on Sava). Kayak
adventure on the river Drina stands out
as a unique experienc e, because of its
bluish-green color, numerous rapids
and peaceful whirlpools.
ranges near the city of Belgrade. This
teering a kayak is pretty simple unusual tour of Wild Serb ia offers you
and full of fun. We quickly han the opportunity to soak up the beauty
dle curve after curve while mi of some of the most beautiful landsca 69
ld wind gently ripples still water. When pes that western Serb ia has to offer, as
2 0 1 7.
there is no wind, you feel like gliding well as to become familiar with the cu
across mirror. But what you definitely lture of small settlements and authen
need to do if you once get to Uvac is to tic villages that could be found in this
A P R -J U N
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sit back in a kayak or even better to lie part of Serbia. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls
down, close your eyes, relax and enjoy and intact gorges, combined with ma
the moment. ny historic sites dating from the Paleoli
This is just one of the activities that thic period up to the Second World War,
combine enjoying, being active and di will make this tour unforgettable and it
scovering wonderful Serbia and its wont leave you indifferent.
beautiful intact nature that could be This adventure includes lunch ma
seen in just few places elsewhere in de of organic food in an authentic Ser
Europe. With the beginning of spring bian household and professional driver
this is one of the best adventures that instructor will be with you all the time.
you can experience in our country! You
can also experience pleasure for all se
nses if you try out adventures organi Mountaineering
zed by Wild Serbia: jeep-safari, canyo
ning, climbing the cliffs and mountains, One of the best ways to see all the
cycling along the beautiful Danube ... Its beauty of a country is mountaineering.
up to you to choose the adventure and Whether you are a slow climber, acti
let yours elf enjoy the charm s of Serbia. ve athlete or even if the only fit thing
you have is your adventurous spirit,
you will surely enjoy! You can choose
Kayak adventures from one-day tours to those lasting up
to two weeks. Mountaineering and hiki
Thanks to them you can discover the ng in the mountains of Serbia will make
hidd en shores of Serb ian mountain ri you healthier and most certainly thril
vers and lakes, explore the river beac led thanks to breathtaking scenery. You
hes, backw aters, caves and the surrou do not have to be a pro and set aside
nding wildlife! For organized kayak tou a lot of money and time for socializing
Rekreacija / Recreation
w w w. b e g . a e r o
most beautiful parts of Serbia, so that
you will enjoy intact nature and all those
What you need to do when you arrive at Uvac is fantastic landscapes that our country
to sit back in a kayak or even better to lie down, has to offer. Let the adventure begin! 71
2 0 1 7.
Danube Djerdap cycling
derful woods and stunning viewpoin
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pih mesta, otkrivajui deo njihove isto ts. There youll find 19 hiking trails more Danube is the second long est river in
rije i njihova seanja. Ova specijalno than 120 kilometers long! Europe and as such it passes through
dizajnirana turneja e vam dati priliku many beautiful places, revealing a part
da upoznate Dunav na drugaiji nain of their history and their memories. This
- kroz vonju biciklom. Svi ljubitelji bi Caving specially design ed tour will give you an
ciklizma e uivati u ovoj turi, koja e opportunity to get to know Danube in
vas odvesti du reke i kroz neke od na Theres so much to see on the sur a different way - by bicycle. All admi
jlepih predela Srbije. Obii ete i Voj face that sometimes we forget the wi rers of cycling will enjoy this tour that
vodinu i videti autentina sela i grado ld beauty of the underground. Serbia is will take you along the river and throu
ve. Vonju ete nastaviti po najveem blessed with many magnificent caves gh some of the most beautiful parts of
peanom terenu u Srbiji - Deliblatskoj that you can explore. Underground rive Serb ia. You will visit Vojv odina and see
peari i nauiti poneto o endemskim rs and lakes, fossils, various cave forma authentic villages and towns. The ride
biljnim i ivotinjskim vrstama koje se tions of limestone and many other natu will continue through the largest sandy
nalaze samo na ovom podruju. Oda ral phenomena can be found below the terrain in Serbia - Deliblato Sands and
tle ete posetiti poznati Viminacijum, surface of countrys eastern and weste learn something about endemic plant
jedinstveno arheoloko nalazite, i sa rn parts. These adventures will take you and animal species that are found only
znati neto o njegovim najstarijim sta through the parts of caves that are still in in this area. From there you will proceed
novnicima - viminacijumskim mamu their natural state, so you will experience to the famous Viminacium, a unique ar
tima. Nakon toga, oduevie vas ar close encounter with intact nature. All ne chaeological site and learn about its ol
heoloka nalazita tvrave Golubac i cessary equipment is provided: helmets, dest residents - Viminacium mammot
Lepenski vir, potom i najlepi deo Po lights, boots for each participant. Profes hs. After that, you will be thrilled by arc
dunavlja - erdap. Ovo su samo neke sional guides will be with you at all times. haeological sites of the Golubac fortre
od atrakcija koje vas ekaju na ovom One of the most beautiful caves in Serbia ss and Lepenski Vir (Lepen Whirl) and
bogatom biciklistikom putovanju. Ko is certainly Resava Cave, which is located then the most beautiful part of the Da
mbinacija biciklizma, kulture, istorije i in eastern Serbia in the area of ??Upper nube Region - Djerdap. These are just
velianstvenih pejzaa bie neto to Resava, 20 km from Despotovac. It is one some of the attractions that await you
neete zaboraviti. of the oldest caves in our country becau on this eventful cycling journey.
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Avio-kompanija Destinacija Destination Napomena/Note
14 Germanwings tugart Stuttgart od 17. jula/as of July 17
15 ydubai Dubai Dubai
16 Israir Airlines Tel Aviv Tel Aviv
17 LOT Varava Warsaw
18 Lufthansa Frankfurt, Minhen Frankfurt, Munich
19 Montenegro Airlines Podgorica, Tivat Podgorica, Tivat
20 Norwegian Air Shuttle Oslo, Stokholm Arlanda Oslo, Stockholm Arlanda Stokholm Arlanda/
Stockholm Arlanda
21 Pegasus Airlines Istanbul Sabiha Goken Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen
22 Qatar Airways Doha Doha
23 Swiss Cirih Zurich
24 TAROM Bukuret Anri Koanda Bucharest Henri Coanda
25 Transavia Airlines Amsterdam Amsterdam od 4. aprila/as of April 4
26 Tunisair Tunis Tunis
27 Turkish Airlines Istanbul Ataturk Istanbul Ataturk
28 Vueling Airlines Barselona Barcelona od 8. aprila/as of April 8
29 Wizz Air Ajndhoven, Bazel, Dortmund, Geteborg, Eindhoven, Basel, Dortmund, Gothenburg, Fridrihshafen/Friedrichshafen
Karlsrue, Larnaka, London Luton, Malme, Karlsrue, Larnaca, London Luton, Malmo, (od 19. maja/as of May 19), Nirnberg/
Memingen, Pariz Bove, Stokholm Skavsta, Memmingen, Paris Beauvais, Stockholm Nuremberg (od 19. maja/as of 19. May),
*Fridrihshafen, Nirnberg, *Hanover, Skavsta, *Friedrichshafen, Nuremberg, Hanover/ Hannover, (od 20. maja/as of
*Malta *Hannover, *Malta 20. May), Malta (od 21. maja/as of 21. May)
Tehnologija / Hi-Tech
ko ste kupili dron i planirate da ta, atraktivnih destinacija za potrebe tu-
ga koristite za snimanje iz va- ristikih agencija...
zduha, morate da se upiete Korienje bespilotne letelice zabra-
u evidenciju bespilotnih vazduhoplova njeno je u naseljenim i gusto naseljenim
i da dobijete dve dozvole. Direktorat za podrujima, a dronovi koji se koriste u
civilno vazduhoplovstvo daje odobrenje privredne svrhe mogu leteti u tim rejo-
za letenje, a Vojska za snimanje. nima samo uz prethodno odobrenje Di-
Da biste dobili ova odobrenja, mora- rektorata. Bez posebne dozvole ne sme
ete da odgovorite na pitanja - ko na- da se leti ni na manje od pet kilometa-
SVE TO TREBA DA ZNATE O DRONOVIMA merava da koristi dron i koji, ko e njime ra od aerodroma i na visinama veim
da upravlja, za koje i ije potrebe, kad od 100 metara, a bez odobrenja Direk-
Snimanje iz vazduha e leteti i na kojim koordinatama... Po-
tom sledi polaganje ispita o upravljanju
torata zabranjeno je iz drona izbacivati
predmete i tenost.
samo s dozvolom bespilotnim vazduhoplovima i popunja- Ukoliko bespilotni vazduhoplov leti
vanje izjave o osposobljenosti za oba- na udaljenosti manjoj od 500 metara
vljanje leta. od znaajnih objekata kao to su ele-
Odobrenje za letenje daje Direktorat U Srbiji trenutno ima 130 registrova- ktrane, dravne ustanove, vojni objek-
za civilno vazduhoplovstvo, nih zikih i pravnih lica koja poseduju ti, auto-putevi, kazneno-popravne usta-
a Vojska za snimanje dronove. Uglavnom ih uvoze rme koje nove, potrebno je i odobrenje korisni-
ih koriste za snimanje svadbi, koncera- ka objekta.
upotreba dronova teih od 150 kg
74 transport ljudi, ivotinja use of drones weighing
i opasnih materija more than 150 kg
w w w. b e g . a e r o
f you purchased a drone and you shooting of weddings, concerts, attrac-
plan to use it for shooting from the tive destinations for tourism...
air, you need to enroll in the register The use of unmanned aerial vehicles
of unmanned aircrafts and to get two is prohibited in urban and densely po-
permits. Directorate of Civil Aviation pulated areas and the drones used for
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW grants approval for ying and Ministry commercial purposes may y in these
ABOUT DRONES of Defense for shooting. regions only with the prior approval of
In order to get these approvals, you the Directorate. It is forbidden to y a
Shooting from the Air will have to answer the following que-
stions - who intends to use a drone
drone at a distance less than ve kilo-
meters from the airport without a spe-
Only with Permission and of which kind, who will manage it, cial permission, as well as at altitudes
for which purpose and whose needs, higher than 100 meters and it is also
when is it going to y and in which coo- prohibited to throw objects and liquids
The Directorate of Civil Aviation rdinates... It is followed by the exam on from the drone without permission of
approves ying and the Ministry the management of unmanned aircra- the Directorate.
fts and lling of qualication statement If the unmanned aircraft is ying at
of Defense shooting
for performing the ight. a distance less than 500 meters from
In Serbia there are currently 130 re- the important facilities such as power
gistered individuals and legal entities plants, government buildings, military
that own drones. They are mostly im- facilities, highways, correctional institu-
ported by companies that use them for tions, the users approval is needed too.