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Turner's syndrome is a genetic condition that affects female development and occurs in about 1 in 2500 live female births. It is caused by the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes. Common physical characteristics include short stature, underdeveloped sexual organs, swollen hands and feet, and broad chests.

Turner's syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by the complete or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes in females. Common physical characteristics include short stature, underdeveloped sexual organs, swollen hands and feet, and broad chests. It can be diagnosed prenatally through ultrasound findings or blood tests, or postnatally in newborns, children, teenagers or adults based on physical characteristics or delayed puberty.

Turner's syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally through ultrasound findings of fetal edema, or abnormal blood test results. It also may be diagnosed in newborns showing edema or heart/blood vessel issues. In children it is often diagnosed due to short stature, and in teenagers or adults due to delayed or absent puberty. Mosaicism can be detected through karyotyping.

The new england journal of medicine

review article

medical progress

Turners Syndrome
Virginia P. Sybert, M.D., and Elizabeth McCauley, Ph.D.

t urners syndrome, a disorder in females characterized by the

absence of all or part of a normal second sex chromosome, leads to a constel-
lation of physical findings that often includes congenital lymphedema, short
stature, and gonadal dysgenesis.1-3 Turners syndrome occurs in 1 in 2500 to 1 in 3000
live-born girls. Approximately half have monosomy X (45,X), and 5 to 10 percent have
From the Division of Medical Genetics, De-
partments of Medicine (V.P.S.) and Psychi-
atry and Behavioral Sciences (E.M.), Univer-
sity of Washington School of Medicine; and
Group Health Permanente Seattle (V.P.S.);
and Childrens Hospital and Regional Med-
ical Center (E.M.) all in Seattle.
a duplication (isochromosome) of the long arm of one X (46,X,i(Xq)). Most of the rest
have mosaicism for 45,X, with one or more additional cell lineages (Table 1). N Engl J Med 2004;351:1227-38.
In the past decade, more has been learned about the natural history of Turners syn- Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society.

drome, and recent molecular studies have identified some genes that may be involved
in the clinical expression of the condition. This review summarizes current knowledge
and makes recommendations for care on the basis of the medical literature and on our
own experience with 532 live-born children and adults with karyotypically confirmed
Turners syndrome (Table 1).4

When Turners syndrome is diagnosed prenatally, the diagnosis is usually based on the
finding of fetal edema on ultrasonography; abnormal levels of human chorionic go-
nadotropin, unconjugated estriol, and alpha-fetoprotein on screening of maternal se-
rum (triple screening); or abnormal results of fetal karyotyping performed because of
advanced maternal age. Affected fetuses often abort spontaneously. A 45,X fetus iden-
tified prenatally and surviving to birth has a prognosis similar to that of a child in
whom Turners syndrome is diagnosed postnatally. In contrast, approximately 90 per-
cent of fetuses in whom 45,X/46,XX or 45,X/46,XY mosaicism is diagnosed incidentally
during the course of screening for advanced maternal age or maternal triple screen-
ing will likely have a normal phenotype, female or male, respectively, at birth. The risk of
eventual gonadal failure in these children with mosaicism is unknown.5,6 In contrast,
a child in whom 45,X/46,XX or 45,X/46,XY mosaicism is diagnosed after birth is usually
identified because of phenotypic features suggestive of Turners syndrome; such chil-
dren have a prognosis similar to that for 45,X children.5
One fifth to one third of affected girls receive a diagnosis as newborns because of
puffy hands and feet or redundant nuchal skin (Fig. 1), the residual effect of cystic hy-
gromas in utero. Turners syndrome should be suspected in any newborn girl with ede-
ma or hypoplastic left heart or coarctation of the aorta, since the frequency of both con-
ditions is increased among children with Turners syndrome. Approximately one third
of girls with Turners syndrome receive the diagnosis in midchildhood on investiga-
tion of short stature. With the exception of familial short stature or constitutional de-
lay, Turners syndrome is the most common cause of short stature in otherwise healthy
girls. In most other patients with Turners syndrome, the condition is diagnosed either
in adolescence when they fail to enter puberty or in adulthood because of recurrent
pregnancy loss. The diagnosis should be excluded in any teenage girl with primary or
secondary amenorrhea, especially if she is short.

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The new england journal of medicine

Table 1. Major Clinical Features of Turners Syndrome.*

No. of Mental Cardiac Renal

Karyotype Patients Retardation Disease Malformation Edema Menses Height
number/total number (percent) cm no.
All 532 55/500 (11) 169/319 (53) 147/373 (39) 165/461 (36) 64/288 (22) 1487.1 149
45,X 241 (45) 19/230 (8) 94/154 (61) 84/181 (46) 141/217 (65) 13/128 (10) 147.36.0 64
46,X,i(Xq) 35 (7) 6/33 (18) 10/20 (50) 8/22 (36) 4/30 (13) 4/22 (18) 145.64.7 9
45,X/46,X,i(Xq) 40 (8) 3/34 (9) 7/24 (29) 10/38 (26) 0/26 4/26 (15) 143.47.9 14
45,X/46,X,+ring 32 (6) 10/30 (33) 14/22 (64) 6/27 (22) 3/27 (11) 2/16 (12) 145.74.9 7
45,X/46,X,+mar 5 (1) 4/5 (80) 1/2 (50) 1/3 (33) 1/4 (25) 0/1
45,X/46,XY or 37 (7) 0/32 14/22 (64) 12/27 (44) 3/32 (9) 0/13 148.85.9 12
45,X/46,XX/47,XXX 17 (3) 0/24 1/10 (10) 3/12 (25) 1/17 (6) 5/9 (56) 144.97.7 6
45,X/46,XX 70 (13) 5/65 (8) 17/43 (40) 17/44 (39) 9/61 (15) 14/35 (40) 149.77.5 22
46,X,Xp (short-arm 13 (2) 1/13 (8) 0/4 0/5 1/12 (8) 6/7 (86) 1535.0 5
46,X,Xq (interstitial 9 (2) 0/9 ND 2/4 (50) 0/6 5/7 (71) 16316.6 6
long-arm deletions)
Other 33 (6) 7/32 (22) 11/18 (61) 4/20 (20) 2/29 (7) 6/20 (30) 149.97.4 15

* Data were obtained from patients in our Seattle clinic. Denominators reflect the number of patients for whom we have complete information
for each feature. Plusminus values are means SD. ND denotes no data.
The category includes both structural malformations and hypertension. Patients with normal physical examinations who did not undergo
echocardiography are omitted.
The analysis includes patients with either renal-ultrasound or intravenous-pyelographic information.
The analysis does not include patients who received a diagnosis in adult life on the basis of recurrent pregnancy loss (four women; mean
height, 167 cm). The analysis excludes patients who had received growth-promoting agents (oxandrolone, human growth hormone, or both).
Secondary amenorrhea developed in all five patients with spontaneous menarche.

Karyotyping of a blood sample is definitive in nads.7 Although the use of flow cytometry or DNA
most cases. Detection of mosaicism depends on the hybridization to search for Y-chromosome mate-
proportion of cells present from the additional cell rial has been suggested for all girls with a 45,X
lineages. In routine karyotyping, 20 cells are count- karyotype,8 clinical evidence indicates that such an
ed, since this number is sufficient to detect mosa- approach is merited only in those with masculin-
icism at a level of about 5 percent. ization or mosaicism for an unidentified marker.
Mosaicism for a second, normal 46,XX cell pop- The use of polymerase-chain-reaction testing for
ulation occurs in approximately 15 percent of girls Y-chromosome sequences has a high false posi-
with Turners syndrome. Extensive searching for tive rate.9
46,XX cells in a girl with a 45,X karyotype is not nec- Which chromosomal regions and genes account
essary, since the detection of a normal cell lineage for the physical characteristics of Turners syndrome
in fewer than 5 percent of cells does not change the remains uncertain (Fig 2).10-12 It has been hypoth-
prognosis or the management. Conversely, if the esized that the physical manifestations of Turners
diagnosis of Turners syndrome is suspected clini- syndrome are due either to the absence of two nor-
cally but the result of routine testing is normal, in- mal sex chromosomes before X-chromosome in-
creasing the number of cells counted to 100 and activation or to haploinsufficiency of genes in the
performing a skin biopsy for karyotyping of fibro- pseudoautosomal regions of the X or Y chromo-
blasts are indicated to rule out mosaicism for an some, as well as to aneuploidy itself.13,14 Both the
abnormal cell lineage. short arm and the long arm of the X chromosome
Girls with mosaicism for a cell population with contain genes important for ovarian function, and
a Y chromosome are at increased risk for gonado- aneuploidy alone may lead to a reduction in the
blastoma (risk, 7 to 30 percent) in their streak go- number and survival of oocytes.

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medical progress

an function.11,12 Loss of this region usually con-

A fers short stature and the typical skeletal chang-
es, in part as a result of haploinsufficiency of the
short staturehomeobox (SHOX) gene, located in
the pseudoautosomal region of Y and Xp.16 The
SHOX gene is probably not the only gene responsi-
ble for the skeletal features. Aneuploidy itself may
contribute to growth failure.14 Loss of a region at
Xp22.3 appears to be associated with the neurocog-
nitive problems in Turners syndrome.17 Loss of the
testis-determining factor (SRY) gene locus on the
short arm of the Y chromosome (e.g., 46,X,del(Yp))
also leads to the phenotype of Turners syndrome,
even without a 45,X cell population. A region on
Xp11.4 has been proposed as critical for the devel-
opment of lymphedema.18
There are some correlations between karyotype
B and phenotype (Table 1). Infants with a 45,X kary-
otype are the most likely to have congenital lymph-
edema. Patients with a karyotype of 45,X/46,XX or
45,X/47,XXX are the most likely to have spontane-
ous menarche and fertility.4,19 As a group, women
with mosaicism for 45,X/46,XX are marginally tall-
er than other women with Turners syndrome. The
presence of an isochromosome Xq suggests an in-
creased risk for hypothyroidism and inflammatory
bowel disease.3,4,20 The presence of a ring or mark-
C er chromosome confers an increased risk of men-
tal retardation and atypical phenotypic features.
Nonetheless, phenotypic predictions for a given
patient that are based on karyotype are unreliable
in patients with Turners syndrome. Women with
a 45,X karyotype have conceived; women with a
45,X/46,XX karyotype and a preponderance of 46,XX
cells may have all the findings of the disorder.

The mean birth length of infants with Turners syn-
Figure 1. Redundant Nuchal Skin (Panel A) and Puffi- drome falls within the low end of the normal range.
ness of the Hands (Panel B) and Feet (Panel C) in Turners
A decrease in growth velocity occurs as early as 18
months of age.21 Many patients will not be the short-
est child in kindergarten but will have had a sig-
nificant decrease in linear growth rate by third or
Loss of interstitial or terminal long-arm materi- fourth grade. Some present only when the normal
al of the X chromosome (Xq) can result in short pubertal growth spurt fails to occur. It is easy to mis-
stature and primary or secondary ovarian failure.15 interpret the absence of puberty and small size of
Deletions distal to Xq21 appear to have no effect on these patients as due to constitutional delay; 104
stature. In general, loss of the short arm (Xp) results of 150 patients who came to our attention as teen-
in the full phenotype. Very distal Xp deletions are agers had had evidence of growth failure earlier in
compatible with, but do not ensure, normal ovari- childhood that had been overlooked.4

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A study of the efficacy of recombinant human

Xp22+33 PAR1 (contains SHOX) growth hormone in patients with Turners syn-
Visuospatial or perceptual abilities? drome was initiated in 1983 in the United States22
and led to approval of this agent by the Food and
Drug Administration in 1997. Treatment with re-
combinant human growth hormone is now stan-
dard in many centers, though physiologically sig-
Xp22+11 nificant alterations in growth hormone secretion
have not been identified in patients with Turners
Xp21+1 syndrome. Studies that followed treated patients to
Xp11+4 Lympedema gene? their final height23-36 have based therapeutic suc-
cess on one of three measures: the mean final
height of the treated group, as compared with a
historical mean height of 143.2 cm37; the height
Xp11+21 achieved by each subject, as compared with her
Xq11+1 projected height on the basis of her centile on the
Xq11+2 Lyon curve (a growth chart specific to patients with
Turners syndrome)37 at the onset of treatment with
recombinant human growth hormone; and the sub-
Xq13+3 jects predicted height, which was derived from
Xq21+1 midparental height.38 Only one published, non-
Xq21+2 randomized study has included a concurrent con-
Xq21+31 trol group.30 Two studies that include randomized
Xq21+33 POF2 control groups have been initiated one in Cana-
da and one at the National Institutes of Health.
Xq22+2 Only interim results in abstract form are available
Xq22+3 for the former39; the latter is ongoing.
Xq23 Comparisons of the final heights of girls treated
Xq24 with recombinant human growth hormone with
projected or predicted heights range from no gain
Xq25 to an increase of as much as 11.9 cm.22-36 Differ-
Xq26+1 ences in ages at the commencement of treatment
Xq26+2 POF1 and differences in the doses and duration of ther-
apy complicate analysis. The use of historical con-
Xq27+2 trols whose measurements led to the Lyon growth
Xq27+3 curves may not be valid for contemporary popula-
Xq28 PAR2
tions. For example, the mean adult height in 149
of our untreated patients is currently 148 cm, 4.8 cm
taller than the mean adult height of the Lyon curve.
Figure 2. The Banding Pattern on the X Chromosome, Although one study suggested that all treated girls
the Location of Pseudoautosomal Regions (PAR1 reached or exceeded their predicted adult height,22
and PAR2), and the Putative Locations of Regions other studies have not.33,38-41 The ideal dosing
and Genes Responsible, in Part, for the Phenotypic
Features of Turners Syndrome.
regimens and duration of treatment have not been
established.36,42 It has been estimated that the cost
POF2 denotes the premature ovarian failure gene, an
unidentified gene hypothesized to be responsible for of recombinant human growth hormone per cen-
ovarian failure on the basis of the study of translocations. timeter of final gain in height is approximately
The POF1 gene is homologous to the diaphanous gene $29,000.42
(DIAPH2) in the fruit fly. SHOX is located within PAR1. The short-term safety of treatment with recom-
binant human growth hormone in patients with

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medical progress

Turners syndrome appears to be acceptable. In- trols, particularly in the right posterior regions of
creased insulin resistance and increased blood pres- the brain.52,53 How these differences may relate to
sure have occurred during therapy and resolve on neurocognitive findings is unknown.
its cessation.43 The long-term effects of recombi- A meta-analysis of 13 studies involving 226 pa-
nant human growth hormone treatment on car- tients with Turners syndrome and 142 controls
diovascular status,44 especially on aortic-root di- identified deficits in visuospatial organization, so-
ameter, and the lifetime risk of type 2 diabetes cial cognition, nonverbal problem-solving, and psy-
are unknown. No systematic studies have exam- chomotor functioning in the patients.49 Deficits
ined whether treatment with recombinant human in nonverbal memory,54 executive function,55,56 and
growth hormone improves the psychosocial out- attentional abilities47 are common. As with nonver-
comes and the quality of life of patients with Tur- bal learning disabilities,57 these deficits translate
ners syndrome. into problems with diverse activities such as math-
Our view is that recombinant human growth ematics,58,59 driving, multitasking, and social func-
hormone should be considered for every girl with tioning.49,56 Spatial and math deficits appear early;
Turners syndrome. Parents and children should be problems with reading comprehension emerge as
told of the limitations of current knowledge about more complex academic demands are made. At-
treatment and be given realistic expectations with tention-deficithyperactivity disorder is relatively
respect to the resulting gain in height, so that they common.60 Early cognitive testing and appropri-
can make informed decisions.28 Most adults with ate accommodations, such as tutoring; enrollment
Turners syndrome cope successfully with their in small, structured classes; and the use of untimed
small stature.45 testing, may be indicated.
Weight management is an issue in patients with Girls with Turners syndrome have typical fe-
Turners syndrome. Obesity is neither inherent nor male-sex identification. Most affected women re-
unavoidable.46 Affected girls should be encouraged port being heterosexual, although they are less
to engage in physical activities such as swimming, likely than their peers to have sexual relationships
walking, and bicycling beginning in childhood and and do so at an older age.45,61 Prevalence rates of
continuing throughout their lives. coexisting psychiatric diagnoses range from 2 to
10 percent,4,62 which are actually lower than the
developmental and behavioral concerns rate of 14 percent among the general population.63
Most people with Turners syndrome have normal Younger patients may have impaired peer rela-
intelligence. Approximately 10 percent of patients tionships and anxiety and may be preoccupied with
(Table 1), irrespective of karyotype, will have sub- keeping things in order and inflexible regarding
stantial developmental delays, need special educa- changes in their routine.64-66 They have relatively
tion, and require ongoing assistance in adult life. poor self-esteem, particularly in the social arena,
The risk of mental retardation is highest among pa- as compared with both girls with short stature from
tients with a marker chromosome (66 percent) or other causes and girls with normal height.60,66,67
a ring (X) chromosome (30 percent).4 During adolescence, immaturity, social isola-
Approximately 70 percent of patients with Tur- tion, and anxiety are common.60,64 People with Tur-
ners syndrome have learning disabilities affect- ners syndrome may misread social cues, facial ex-
ing nonverbal perceptual motor and visuospatial pressions, and body language,47,65,68 contributing
skills.47-49 These deficits appear to be more com- to awkwardness in social interactions; special train-
mon among patients with a 45,X karyotype than ing in recognizing social cues may be helpful.
among those with a 45,X/46,XX karyotype.50 Bet- Successful transition of these patients into the
ter verbal and executive skills may be associated working world requires age-appropriate, not size-
with inheritance of a paternally derived X chromo- appropriate, expectations. During drivers train-
some,51 although these findings have not been cor- ing, many adolescents will require attention to be
roborated. Findings on magnetic resonance im- paid to their impaired navigational planning, visuo-
aging and positron-emission tomography have motor integration, and spatial and directional abil-
suggested the presence of nonspecific differences ities. Most adults with Turners syndrome report
between patients with Turners syndrome and con- satisfaction with their lifestyle45,69; they have fewer

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social contacts than their peers but do not perceive at onset is in the third decade, though 5 to 10 per-
themselves to be isolated.45 They react with appro- cent of cases occur before adolescence. Acute thy-
priate depression and feelings of loss related to roiditis is uncommon. Screening of thyroid func-
their physical limitations and usually cope well; tion, including measurement of thyrotropin levels,
their sense of self appears to be directly related to should begin at about 10 years of age in asymptom-
their health status.45 atic patients. We do not monitor antithyroid anti-
Women with Turners syndrome are often em- body status, since the presence of these antibodies
ployed at occupational levels below that predicted does not alter management.
on the basis of their education and training. They Gonadal dysgenesis is a cardinal feature of
may fail at jobs requiring a rapid response and mul- Turners syndrome; 90 percent of patients will re-
titasking, reflecting the effect of nonverbal learn- quire hormone-replacement therapy to initiate pu-
ing disabilities.70 Nonetheless, many have success- berty and complete growth. In utero, the ovaries have
ful professional careers. a decreased number of primordial follicles; these
appear to undergo premature apoptosis78 and are
cardiovascular concerns usually absent by adult life. The uterus may be small
The prevalence of congenital heart disease among owing to a lack of estrogen; structural uterine ab-
patients with Turners syndrome ranges from 17 normalities are rare. Dyspareunia sometimes oc-
to 45 percent, with no clear phenotypegenotype curs because of a small vagina or an atrophic vag-
correlations.3,71,72 Death from cardiac causes is a inal lining.
serious concern.4,73 Coarctation of the aorta and The presence of normal gonadotropin levels in
bicuspid aortic valve are the most common struc- the first three to six months of life suggests that
tural malformations, followed by other left-sided residual ovarian function exists but does not ensure
defects. Hypertension, mitral-valve prolapse, and that the initiation and progression of puberty will
conduction defects also occur. Hypertension in the be normal. Gonadotropins are suppressed in child-
absence of structural cardiac malformations is usu- hood, even in those with gonadal dysgenesis. In
ally not associated with arteriosclerotic heart dis- many girls with Turners syndrome, pubic and ax-
ease or renal disease.4 The risk of hyperlipidemia illary hair will develop spontaneously, but chang-
and coronary artery disease in patients with Tur- es of adrenarche are not indicative of ovarian
ners syndrome is unclear. function. Some girls have enough residual ovari-
Echocardiography is a mandatory part of the an function for breast budding or vaginal spot-
diagnostic workup for Turners syndrome, since ting to occur, but secondary amenorrhea will de-
a physical examination may be inadequate to de- velop. A minority will maintain ovulatory cycles
tect a bicuspid aortic valve.71 Use of magnetic reso- for a time. Two fifths of girls with 45,X/46,XX mo-
nance imaging as a screening tool for Turners syn- saicism will have spontaneous menarche; howev-
drome has not been standardized. er, ovarian failure usually ensues.4 If the status of
There have been more than 80 reports of aor- ovarian function in adolescence is unclear, mea-
tic dissection in patients with Turners syn- surement of follicle-stimulating hormone, lutein-
drome.71,74-76 Coarctation of the aorta (unrepaired izing hormone, and estradiol levels can help deter-
or repaired), bicuspid aortic valve, hypertension, mine the need for hormone-replacement therapy.
or a combination of these findings, which are risk Hormone-replacement therapy should be ini-
factors for aortic dissection, were present in 93 per- tiated at about the age of 14 years.4,79 Earlier treat-
cent of these patients. The normal range of aortic- ment may result in a decrement in final height. Psy-
root diameters has not been established in pa- chosocial issues and the patients maturity and
tients with Turners syndrome. The need for and wishes also need to be considered. Girls who have
frequency of repeated echocardiography for the as- received recombinant human growth hormone and
sessment of the aortic-root diameter in those with- who have completed most of their growth, as judged
out structural cardiac abnormalities is unknown on the basis of bone age or growth velocity, may
and should be individualized (Table 2).71,76 start hormone-replacement therapy at the age of
12 years if they wish.
endocrine concerns There is no single formula for the use of hor-
Hypothyroidism occurs in 15 to 30 percent of wom- mone-replacement therapy.80 Several strategies
en with Turners syndrome.4,20,77 The mean age are outlined in Table 3. After the first year, the use

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medical progress

Table 2. Recommendations for Care.

Procedure Timing of Evaluation

At Diagnosis Childhood Adolescence Adulthood

Physical examination* Yes As indicated by age Yearly Yearly
Echocardiography Yes Every 35 yr Every 35 yr Every 35 yr
Renal ultrasonography Yes
Thyroid-function test Yes Repeat only if indicat- Yearly Yearly
ed by findings
Hearing test Yes (baseline) Optional Optional Yearly
Ophthalmologic evaluation Early referral to ophthal-
mologist if strabismus
or ptosis present
Lipid screening Optional
Liver-function test Optional
Screening for diabetes Only if indicated Only if indicated Only if indicated Optional
by clinical findings by clinical findings by clinical findings
Evaluation for ovarian failure Yes Yes Yes

Evaluation of growth issues Yes Yes Yes

Evaluation for psychosocial Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weight-control measures As needed As needed As needed As needed

* Physical examination should include measurement of blood pressure, growth, weight, and vision and an evaluation
for scoliosis.
Recommendations are current (best-guess) estimates with few data to support the use of this approach in patients with-
out cardiac disease. If structural cardiac malformations are present, recommendations need to be individualized.
Measurement of gonadotropins may be helpful, as discussed in the text. Any discussion of gonadal dysgenesis, the need
for hormone-replacement therapy, sexual function, and fertility should be age-appropriate.
The use of recombinant human growth hormone should be discussed.
Schooling issues and the need for job and drivers training and other steps to independence should be discussed at ap-
propriate ages.

of a cycling regimen with a progestational agent a 47,XXX cell lineage, or very distal Xp deletions.19
is mandatory to minimize the risk of endometrial These women have an increased risk of spontane-
hyperplasia and uterine adenocarcinoma. ous pregnancy loss, twins, and aneuploidy in fe-
The effects of hormone-replacement-therapy tuses that are carried to term.4,19,84 Efforts to cryo-
on liver function, on bone density, and on the risk preserve ovarian tissue are fairly new, and the
of hypertension, cancer, and obesity in patients with applicability of such techniques to preserve fertil-
Turners syndrome are uncertain. Although there ity in women with Turners syndrome may be com-
have been very few reports of frank liver disease in promised by a high rate of aneuploid gametes.
women with Turners syndrome, elevated liver en- Physicians should discuss infertility issues and
zymes have been reported,81 and the use of differ- reproductive options with their patients and reas-
ent forms of estrogen replacement may ameliorate sure them about their sexual function. It is impor-
or exacerbate this problem.82 There are currently in- tant to acknowledge the sense of loss associated
sufficient data to make specific recommendations. with infertility, on the part of both the patient and
There has not been an increased occurrence of her parents. Pregnancy, by means of gamete intra-
breast cancer among patients with Turners syn- fallopian transfer with donor eggs, has been at-
drome.83 tempted in women with Turners syndrome, with
Spontaneous fertility is rare among patients a success rate equal to that in other infertile wom-
with Turners syndrome and is most likely in wom- en. However, there have been five case reports of
en with mosaicism for a normal 46,XX cell lineage, aortic dissection in women with Turners syndrome

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Table 3. Ovarian Hormone Replacement.

Variable Comment
Induction Start one of the following at the age of 12 years if the child has previously been treated with
recombinant human growth hormone; and at the age of 14 if she has not.
Estrogen Conjugated estrogens (Premarin), 0.3 mg daily; ethinyl estradiol, 25 g daily; or 17b-estra-
diol, 1 patch nightly.
After 6 months, if the response is poor as measured by the Tanner breast stage, increase the
dose. After 1 year, begin cyclical treatment on days 121, 125, or 128, adding progestin.
Progesterone Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 10 mg on days 112, 1521, 1525, or 1528, or norethin-
drone, 0.71.0 mg on days 112, 1521, 1525, or 1528.
Maintenance Use any of above cycling regimens. The dose of conjugated estrogens can be increased to
therapy 1.25 mg, or that of ethinyl estradiol to 10 to 20 g if needed. Continuous treatment can be
used with daily estrogen, low-dose progestin, or low-dose oral contraceptives to increase
patient compliance. Use of the transdermal patch for induction is relatively new; it can
also be used for maintenance therapy in combination with progestin in an appropriate
cycling regimen.
Menopause There are no data regarding the benefits or risks of continuing or stopping hormone-replace-
ment therapy in women with Turners syndrome at the usual age of menopause. Decisions
need to be made on an individual basis.

who have undergone gamete intrafallopian trans- the same frequency as in normal males.4,86 There
fer. Two of these cases may represent duplicate re- should be a low threshold for referral to ophthal-
ports; inadequate details were provided to be cer- mologists for these patients.
tain. In a collected series,85 101 of 146 women with The majority of infants and children with Tur-
Turners syndrome in whom gamete intrafallopian ners syndrome have recurrent otitis media, which
transfer was attempted became pregnant; none had is probably due to a combination of small, dysfunc-
aortic dissection. One woman had an aortic dis- tional eustachian tubes and palatal dysfunction.
section before the procedure. Among 93 reports of This can be a major problem in early childhood,
women with Turners syndrome who have become causing substantial complications and many sleep-
pregnant spontaneously, there have been no occur- less nights. The frequency of ear infections decreas-
rences of aortic dissection.4 es with age and growth of facial structures. Palatal
The prevalence of insulin resistance and type 2 dysfunction in these patients may be exacerbated
diabetes may be increased in patients with Turners by the removal of adenoids. Such surgery should be
syndrome. Among 257 patients in several large undertaken only after a careful evaluation of the pa-
series, 18 (7 percent) had diabetes requiring treat- tients speech and palatal configuration.
ment.4 Diabetes has developed in 11 of our 372 pa- Progressive sensorineural hearing loss is a ma-
tients older than five years of age for whom we have jor feature of Turners syndrome in adults. Ninety
information (type 1 in 3 and type 2 in 8).4 The ma- percent of 44 adults with Turners syndrome had
jority of patients with Turners syndrome and dia- sensorineural hearing loss. The loss was clinically
betes have adult-onset diabetes, and most are over- significant in two thirds, and 27 percent required
weight. There is conflicting evidence regarding the hearing aids.87 Five percent of children and 17 per-
effect of hormone-replacement therapy on glucose cent of adults in our clinic require hearing aids. The
homeostasis in patients with Turners syndrome biologic basis is not known.
and none regarding the long-term effects of recom-
binant human growth hormone. gastrointestinal manifestations
Feeding problems, gastroesophageal reflux, and
ophthalmologic and otologic concerns failure to thrive occur in both breast-fed and bot-
Clinically significant strabismus occurred in 18 per- tle-fed infants with Turners syndrome, possibly
cent of our patients with Turners syndrome, and as a result of anatomical differences in the orophar-
ptosis in 13 percent.4 Cataracts and nystagmus also ynx as well as oral motor immaturity.88 There have
occur more commonly in patients with Turners been rare reports of a variety of symptomatic vas-
syndrome. Redgreen colorblindness is found with cular malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.

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medical progress

More common are instances of inflammatory bow- sive feature of a general skeletal dysplasia or is
el disease. In a series of 135 adults with Turners analogous to the accelerated bone loss seen in post-
syndrome, 2 had Crohns disease, 2 had ulcerative menopausal women primarily as a result of estro-
colitis, and 2 had chronic diarrhea of unknown gen deficiency. Both hormone-replacement ther-
cause.89 More than half of patients with Turners apy and recombinant human growth hormone
syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease who treatment may improve regional bone mass.95,97
have been described in the literature have had an However, one study found no differences among
i(Xq) cell lineage. There may be an increased inci- patients treated with growth hormone, estrogen re-
dence of celiac disease among patients with Tur- placement, or both and an age-matched group of
ners syndrome; preliminary screening studies have untreated patients with Turners syndrome.97
shown elevated levels of IgAantiendomysium and
IgAantigliadin antibodies in 2 to 10 percent of dermatologic concerns
patients who were screened but symptomatic dis- It may take several years for the congenital puffi-
ease in only a few.3,90,91 The incidence of gallblad- ness of the hands and feet to resolve in patients
der disease may be higher than expected and is not with Turners syndrome. In rare cases, pedal ede-
associated with diabetes or obesity.4 ma persists or recurs in late childhood, at the time
of ovarian hormone-replacement treatment, or lat-
renal manifestations er. There is an increased number of typical melano-
Structural renal malformations, including horse- cytic nevi that are not clinically or histologically un-
shoe kidney and duplication of the collecting sys- usual, with no recognized increase in the risk of
tem, are found in up to 40 percent of patients with malignant melanoma.83
Turners syndrome.4,92 Whereas most structural The risk of keloid formation may be more ap-
malformations do not cause renal dysfunction, si- parent than real because the neck and upper chest,
lent hydronephrosis resulting from obstruction of which are the typical areas for operative proce-
a duplicated collecting system may occur (present dures in these patients, are more likely to have such
in 10 percent of our patients). Screening renal ul- scarring.98 Premature fine wrinkling of facial skin,
trasonography is necessary for all patients with similar to that seen in smokers, occurs commonly
Turners syndrome. in women with Turners syndrome in their late 30s
and early 40s. It is not associated with smoking or
musculoskeletal characteristics excessive sun exposure.
Turners syndrome is characterized by skeletal dys-
plasia, with short stature, mild epiphyseal dyspla- neoplasia
sia, and typical bony alterations. Dislocation of the A review of 597 women with Turners syndrome
patellae and chronic knee pain are common. Mal- in the Danish Cytogenetic Register found no in-
formation of the ulnar head causes the typical in- crease in the relative risk of cancer, although there
creased carrying angle of the arm and may cause were more cases of colon cancer than expected.83
limited range of motion. Chondrodysplasia of the In another review of 400 women, neither colon can-
distal radial epiphysis (Madelungs deformity), typ- cer nor nervous system cancer was increased.99 No
ical of the LeriWeill syndrome the skeletal dys- history of gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma was
plasia associated with SHOX haploinsufficiency reported in 29 patients with Turners syndrome and
is a rare complication. Congenital dislocation of the a Y chromosome, but it was not known whether
hip is common (occurring in 5 percent of patients), they had undergone prophylactic gonadectomy.
as is clinically significant scoliosis (occurring in One of these patients with a 45,X/46,XY karyotype
10 percent).4 had adenocarcinoma of a gonadal streak. Two of
It is unclear whether patients with Turners syn- our 37 patients with Y-chromosome material have
drome have an increased risk of osteoporosis or had gonadoblastoma. Until better data regarding
fractures.93-96 Their bones appear osteopenic on risk are available, prophylactic gonadectomy is in-
radiographic evaluation, and their regional bone dicated if a Y chromosome is present. Endometri-
mass is often, but not always, below that of age- al carcinoma has occurred exclusively in patients
matched, but not height-matched, controls.95 No who received unopposed estrogen treatment or pro-
longitudinal studies have been done to establish longed treatment with diethylstilbestrol.4
whether the reduced bone mass is a nonprogres-

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The new england journal of medicine

life expectancy be served by their primary care practitioners, with

Patients with Turners syndrome appear to have a the use of informed judgment about the need for
decreased life expectancy, primarily as a result of referral to specialists. Although these women have
complications of heart disease and diabetes.100 In substantial health concerns, their care for the most
our series of 532 live-born patients, 30 have died, 13 part falls under the standard repertoire of primary
from heart disease (mean age at death, 27.925.5 care, and continued follow-up in specialty care cen-
years; range, birth to 80.2 years).4 ters may inhibit their integration into society and
foster a sense of ill-being. Support groups for pa-
summary tients with Turners syndrome and their families
(listed in the Appendix) can be a source of valuable
Most children with Turners syndrome are under information.
the care of specialists. It has been proposed that We are indebted to the members of the Puget Sound Turner Syn-
adults should also be followed in multidisciplina- drome Society for their faith in our work and their support; to the
Welchs Fund for initial seed money; to Dr. Judith G. Hall, who was in-
ry specialty clinics.3 We believe, on the basis of our strumental in establishing the clinic; to Dr. Christine Disteche for help
own experience, that most affected women can best with Figure 2; and to numerous colleagues for their contributions.

ap p e n d i x
There are several support groups for patients with Turners syndrome and their families:
The Turners Syndrome Society of the United States, 14450 TC Jester, Suite 260, Houston, TX 77014; telephone 800-365-9944 or 832-
249-9988; fax 832-249-9987; e-mail tssus@turner-syndrome-us.org; or see www.turner-syndrome-us.org;
The Turner Syndrome Society of Canada, 21 Blackthorn Avenue, Toronto, ON M6N 3H4, Canada; telephone 800-465-6744 or 416-781-
2086; fax 416-781-7245; or see www.TurnerSyndrome.ca;
The Turner Syndrome Society of Quebec (in French), telephone 888-9TURNER or 450-655-8771; or see www.turnerquebec.qe.ca; and
The Turner Syndrome Society of UK, 12 Irving Quadrant, Hardgate, Clydebank G81 6AZ, United Kingdom; telephone +44(0)1389-
380385; fax +44(0)1389-380384; e-mail Turner.Syndrome@tss.org.uk; or see www.tss.org.uk/contact.html.
Free growth charts for patients with Turners syndrome are available through the Turner Syndrome Society. Publications are also avail-
able at cost through the Turner Syndrome Society, including Turner syndrome: A guide for families, by P.A. Reiser and L.E. Underwood (1992),
and Turner syndrome: A guide for physicians, by R.G. Rosenfeld (1992). The Turner Syndrome Society also has videotapes of their annual con-
ferences available for a fee.

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