TC System Manager
TC System Manager
TC System Manager
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Ethernet/USB 150
Virtual Ethernet interface 150
Virtual USB interface 151
Miscellaneous 152
Beckhoff CP9030 152
Beckhoff CP9035 155
Beckhoff CP PC (CP9040) 158
Beckhoff IPC - Special Keys and UPS 160
Beckhoff NC Backplane 162
Beckhoff AH2000 164
Serial COM Port 166
Printer Port 169
Generic NOV/DP-RAM 170
Generic NOV-RAM 171
DPRAM-Online 173
System Management Bus (SMB) 174
Boxes 178
Beckhoff Bus Coupler 178
Overview 178
BK20x0 (Lightbus) 180
BK3xx0/BC3100 (Profibus) 181
BK40x0 (Interbus) 184
BK51x0/LC5100/IPxxxx-B510 (CANopen) 185
BK52x0/LC5200 (DeviceNet) 187
BK7500 (SERCOS interface) 191
BK9000 (Ethernet Interface) 194
BC9000 (Ethernet Interface) 196
BK9500 (USB Interface) 198
Special Types 199
CP68xx / CP78xx (USB Interface) 199
Common 201
Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus Nodes 201
IP Address Tab 202
Beckhoff Lightbus 203
Overview 203
General 32 Bit Device 204
M2400 205
M3120 207
Fox20 208
Fox50 209
FoxRk001/002 210
AX2000 (-B200) Drive 211
AX2000 Object Description 219
Profibus 228
Overview 228
GSD Device 229
Modular Profibus Devices 232
PROFIBUS DP-Slaves an FC310x 233
PROFIBUS DP-Slaves 233
DP-State der Slaves 238
Sync/Freeze functionality 239
PKW Interface of PROFIDRIVE Slaves 240
Interbus 241
Overview 241
Interbus-S Device 242
CANopen 246
Overview 246
CANopen Device 247
DeviceNet 252
Overview 252
DeviceNet Device 253
SERCOS interface 256
Overview 256
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9. Appendix 265
Appendix A: Fieldbus Know how 265
Profibus 265
Profibus cabling 265
CANopen 266
CANopen Introduction 266
Process Data Objects (PDO) 268
PDO Parameterisation 274
Automatic PDO Mapping 276
Bit Timing 278
Identifier Allocation 279
Identifier Full List 281
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1. Overview
The TwinCAT System Manager is the central configuration tool of the TwinCAT System. It is where the inputs
and outputs of the software tasks and the physical inputs and outputs of the connected fieldbusses are man-
aged. The individual software tasks (e.g. PLC tasks) each operate on their own private process image so that
the addresses of the symbols mapped in the process image (variables) are relevant and valid only within
that particular task.
The I/O information of the individual Software Tasks is read from and entered in the TwinCAT System Manager.
From there, the installed fieldbusses and their connected modules/boxes are also described. The logical and
physical inputs and outputs are assigned to one another by linking software task variables and fieldbus vari-
Task-task communication:
With the aid of the TwinCAT System Manager, the in and outputs of a task can be cyclically exchanged with
the out and inputs of another task. The data consistency remains thereby intact.
Variable orientated:
The smallest addressable and linkable unit is a variable. Variables can be individual bits, bytes, 16 bit data
words, 32 bit data words etc. Variables can also be structures or arrays (fields) consisting of other data types.
Process Images:
Variables are always precisely assigned to a process image, i.e. the address of the variable is indicated unam-
biguously in its process image - but only within that process image. Each software task and each fieldbus pos-
sesses precisely one process image (exception: PLC run time system tasks share a combined process image).
The TwinCAT System Manager produces individual assignments which contain the links created. Assignments
are produced between software tasks and fieldbus devices and between software tasks if these have mutually
linked variables. I.e. if a PLC task variable is linked to the variables of a fieldbus an assignment will be pro-
duced between these two. If the same PLC task has other variables linked with another fieldbus, a second as-
signment will be generated. The assignments contain the corresponding copying directives in order to enable
the exchange of the corresponding variables at the run time.
Fieldbus independence :
When defining and programming the software tasks participating in the TwinCAT system it is not necessary to
know the type and structure of these or the fieldbus used. Programming is carried out with the aid of logical
variables which are defined locally within the software itself. The TwinCAT System Manager links these logical
variables with other variables, which correspond either to physical inputs and outputs on the fieldbus or to logi-
cal variables of other tasks. The type and the special properties of each fieldbus do not need to be known or
taken into account.
TwinCAT System Manager supports all standard commercial fieldbusses and some other PC standard inter-
Beckhoff Lightbus
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Detailed information on the various fieldbus cards and other supported I/O devices can be found in our
Reference Documentation.
module Description
Real Time - Con- Basic system settings are carried out. The basis time for the system is specified. User-
figuration defined tasks can also be integrated.
PLC - Configura- Up to four PLC programs can be integrated into the maximum four run-time systems. Up
tion to four tasks per run-time system can be carried out and the links between the individual
task and the variables is configured.
Cam - Configura- The optional electronic camshaft controller is configured.
I/O - Configura- All devices and fieldbus components are listed and configured. These include:
tion all fieldbus cards, the boxes (beneath those fieldbus cards) and terminals con-
nected to the boxes.
the uninterrupted power supply (serial or 24V)
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Further information on the use of the TwinCAT System Manager can be found in the TwinCAT Quick Start do-
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2. Operation
Main Menus
The control elements, more precisely the menu bar and the toolbar (symbol bar) of the TwinCAT System Man-
ager are described below.
The menu bar comprises the following six options:
File, Edit, Actions, View, Options and ? (Help).
Where present, the tool bar icons are displayed next to their corresponding menu item.
The name of the currently active TwinCAT System Manager project is displayed in the header, (or as "Un-
known.wsm" if a new project has not yet been saved with a name).
The normal Windows control elements also appear in the right-hand corner of the title bar:
Moves the System Manager to the task bar without closing the project
/ Adjusts the System Manager view to small or full screen display (Minimise / Maximise).
File menu
Creates a new System Manager project (blank configuration).
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Opens a dialogue for the selection of an existing saved System Manager project.
Saves the current configuration in a TwinCAT System Manager *.wsm file.
Save As
Saves the current configuration in a *.wsm file with user-defined name and location.
Save Options
It is possible to save files in earlier TwinCAT versions.
Opens Printing dialog if high-lighted. Printable section required.
Print Preview
Presents view of the selected window which is prepared for printing (depending upon selected area of the Sys-
tem Manager).
Printer Set-up
Opens the printer settings dialogue box.
Closes the TwinCAT System Manager.
Edit menu
Reverses the last action.
Copies selected object to the clipboard and removes it from the current configuration.
Copies selected object to the clipboard.
Inserts elements from the clipboard to the current position.
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Not all functions are available at all times.
Actions menu
Generate Mappings
Creates assignment between two process images.
Check Configuration
Checks the current configuration for plausibility.
Save to Registry
Saves the current configuration into the Windows registry so that this issue of the configuration will be activated
when TwinCAT Systems is started next time. This function can be selected from the Command Line without
opening the System Manager.
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View menu
Displays or hides the tool bar.
Status Bar
Displays or hides the status bar. The status bar is displayed at the lower edge of the main window.
Activates a movement off a dividing line between the tree view and the dialogues in the System Manager main
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Options menu
Opens the selection menu to select one of the languages of the country supported by the TwinCAT System
Generate BAK-File
When this option is selected a Current Name.bak file is created as a backup file with each saving.
Help Topics
Opens the TwinCAT System Manager Help files. Help is a part of the TwinCAT Information System. If you re-
quire an English version of Help, you need to install the English language TwinCAT Information System.
Help Context
When the TwinCAT Information System is installed, opens the Help page relating to the area selected in the
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System Manager.
Opens object search dialogue within the System Manager.
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Watch Window
When the Watch Window display is selected, the following window appears at the lower edge of the System
Manager (shown here with sample variables):
Gives the name of the variable being viewed. The arrow symbol indicates whether the variable is linked or not.
Shows the current value of the variable. For non-Boolean variables the value is displayed in hexadecimal and
decimal format (in brackets). Forced variables are displayed with values also in straight bracket.
Provides the source of the variable. The information is comprised of Variable Name, In or Output, Task Name,
PLC Project Name.
Removes the variable from Watch window.
Opens previously created and saved Watch window configurations.
Calls up the dialogue to save the Watch window configuration to (file suffix: *.tcw).
Removes the Watch window from the current System Manager view. The configuration is retained, however,
and can be recalled at any time using the Menu: View / Show Watch Window.
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Logger View
When the Logger View is activated the following window appears in the lower section of the System Manager
(shown here with some example messages):
Gives the name and the port number of the server which generated the message. An icon is also shown indicat-
ing the severity of the error (e.g. System Stopped, etc..).
Gives the date and time of the current error message.
Gives a brief description of the error which has occurred.
Removes all messages from the Logger output
Currently in development.
Removes the Logger window from the current System Manager view. The configuration is retained for the dura-
tion of the session and can be recalled at any time via the menu using View.. / Show Logger Output.
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Gives the name of the physical I/O variables. A small arrow in the symbol indicates (exactly like the X in the
following column) that the variable is linked. By clicking on the column heading the variable list can be sorted
alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
Shows the current value of the variable. For non-Boolean variables the value is displayed in hexadecimal and
decimal format (in brackets). Forced variables are displayed with values also in straight bracket (see also
Watch Window).
Gives the Data Type of the current variable. Click on the column header to sort the variables according to data
type size.
Gives the size of the variable in bytes.
Shows the address at which the variable is located. The straight brackets before Address indicate whether the
address of the physical I/O variable or the linked target variable (e.g. PLC task variable) is displayed. By click-
ing on the column heading the address list can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Move Address in
the context menu is used to alter addresses in the process image at a later point.
In / Out
Defines whether physical I/O variable is an input or an output variable.
User ID
Identification number defined by the user. Is provided for future System Manager functions.
Linked to
Gives the target variable with the total hierarchy listing. By clicking on the column heading the target variable list
can be sorted alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
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Context Menu
Print List
Opens a dialog to select an installed printer.
Copy List
Copies the list to the clipboard
Export List
Exports the variable list to a *.csv file (comma separated values), for further processing, e.g. with a spread-
sheet program.
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Specify complete TwinCAT System Manager EXE path, the *.wsm file name and path plus the switches de-
scribed below on the command line and it will execute the following functions:
Supported switches:
Further details about commands are given under Control Elements - Main Menus.
Example 1:
The System Manager configuration Test1 should be loaded via the command line.
Example 2:
The System Manager configuration Test1 should be loaded via the command line and the TwinCAT system
started or respectively restarted.
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Variable Configuration
In and output variables can be added to process images. These can then be linked with the various I/O devices
or variables of other tasks. This section explains how to manipulate variables (HI / LO Swap, Force,..).
Add Variables
Variables assigned to the task process image can be added under the menu Inputs and Outputs sub-options.
Note: Variables for PLC tasks shouldn't be added in the System Manager. It is better to specify these variables
within the PLC project using TwinCAT PLC Control and then add them to the System Manager configuration
using ReScan PLC project command.
If you go to Tasks, Inputs / Outputs a right mouse click will display the following context menu:
Context menu:
Recalc Addresses
Recalculates the addresses of the variables in the process image.
Insert Variable
Displays the following dialogue:
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Defines the name of the variable.
Defines an optional comment on the new variable.
Start Address
Specifies the address of the variable in the tasks process image. This address must be the same as the ad-
dress at which the task is waiting for the corresponding variable. The variable address can be subsequently
changed using Move Address.
Multiple variables of the same type can be created and added with sequential addresses.
Variable Type
Lists all currently recognised data types in TwinCAT System Manager from which the type of the new vari-
able(s) can be selected.
Sort by
Allows the list of variable types to be sorted accordingly.
Adding new variables automatically adapts the size of the task process image.
Variable Information
The variable dialogue, flags and online dialogue are given under Variable Information.
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Variable Information
When you select a variable in the tree view, you will see dialogues giving information and settings options and
an online dialogue with a Force Option below a task or an I/O device (in the following image, a PLC variable on
the BC),on the right-hand side.
Variable tab
Defines the name of the variable selected in the tree view.
Gives the Data Type of the current variable.
Informs whether the variable is an input or an output.
Gives the size of the variable in bytes.
Displays the addresses of the variables in the process image. If, as in the example, another external address is
given (e.g. for variables in the Bus Terminal controller), the value must be added after "ext:" on the offset of the
data exchange variables (as defined in "PLC" Dialogue).
User ID
A user-defined number for future System Manager functions.
Linked to
Indicates if applicable the variable linked with the selected variable. Actuate this button to display the Selection
Diagram for the variable link.
User-defined comments field.
ADS Info
Provides information required to access selected variable via ADS (e.g. TwinCAT Scope View, ). The infor-
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mation comprises Port Number, Index Group, Index Offset and Variable Length in bytes.
Flags tab
Online tab
Shows the current value of the selected variable.
Displays the dialogue for forcing the variable. The overwritten value is retained until the command is cancelled
using Remove or the TwinCAT system restarts. A forced variable value is shown in red.
Releases the variable to its regular process image value.
Displays the dialogue for changing the variable value to a user-defined value. In this case the value is overwrit-
ten just once for one task cycle.
Additionally, the variable value is shown in a graphical trace view (continuously). This feature makes watching
of changes easy.
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Variable Links
The various task input or output variables can be linked when selected either with the context menu or the dia-
logue shown on the right-hand side, e.g. with the I/O Configuration.
Context Menu
Some of the selection options in the context menu are only available when the configuration is active and the
system is running or they have other dependencies. If that is the case, they aren't high-lighted.
Change Link
Displays the Selection Diagram for determining the target variable to be linked.
Clear Link(s)
Removes a link (indicated with a small arrow to the left of the variable symbol) from a variable.
Insert Variable
Adds further variables to the task (do not use for PLC tasks as these variables should be specified within the
PLC project).
Deletes corresponding variable from the list.
Move Address
Moves the address of the marked variable within the Process Image.
Online Write
Overwrites the current variable value with a user-defined value for one cycle.
Online Force
Overwrites the current variable value with a user-defined value until halted using Cancel Force.
Release Force
Cancels forced variable and restores the actual variable value.
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Add to Watch
Adds the selected variable to the Watch Window in the System Manager. You can carry out a continuous ob-
servation of the current online variable values.
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All potentially linkable target variables will appear in the tree view of the Selection Diagram(depending on the
selected variable type (input/output variable).
Show Variables
Unused: If you select this option, only those variables which are not yet linked will be shown.
Used and Unused: With this option, all variables, including those already linked, are shown. This makes sense
e.g. for outputs for which multiple links are to be defined.
Continuous: If Multi Link is active, this option links variables in continuous order with regard to offset.
Open Dialogue: This option opens an Offset dialogue where the user defines the bits of two variables to be
Confirms a variable link and closes the dialogue.
Closes the dialogue without establishing a link.
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In the example above the variable dwStatus is linked from its 11th bit to the first 8 bits of the selected target
Linked Variable
Shows the names of the variables to be linked (selected variable in System Manager tree).
Gives the size of the variables to be linked in bits.
Gives the bit offset, as starting bit of the link, within the variables. Use the scroll up/down arrow keys (spin but-
tons) to select the offset bit.
Own Variable
The target variable to be linked with the selected variable. Size and offset are also given. The offset itself can
be adapted using the arrow keys.
States the number of bits to be linked together from the start offset.
Confirms a variable link and closes the dialogue.
Closes the dialogue without making a link.
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Context menu
Clear Links
Removes the links of the marked variables.
Move Address
Displays the dialogue for changing the variable address in the Process Image.
Add to Watch
Adds the selected variable to the Watch Window in the System Manager. You can carry out a continuous ob-
servation of the current online variable values.
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Print List
Prints List. Further System Manager documentation functions are given under I/O Configuration -Mappings.
Copy List
Copies the list to the clipboard.
Export List
Exports the variable list in *.csv file format (comma separated values). This file can be edited further as required
(e.g. using spreadsheets,)
Move to
Marked variable(s) can be moved to other PLC Task, if available. Variable(s) will be refreshed with the appro-
priate cycle time, then.
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Process Images
The tree view gives the process images for the tasks and/or devices below the various configurations.
If you select the process images shown in the example, on the right-hand side you will see the corresponding
dialogue with more detailed information on the process image. The process image appears beneath, with a list
of all linked and unlinked I/O variables.
General Dialogue
Name of Process Image
Defines whether process image functions as a master or a slave after linking (see also Mapping Types).
Gives the identification number of the process image.
User-defined comments field.
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Input Size
Size of the Input area in the generated process image.
Input Offset
It is possible to enter a start offset for the input range (if applicable, depends upon the device).
Output Size
Size of the Output area in the generated process image.
Output Offset
It is possible to enter a start offset for the output range (if applicable, depends upon the device).
The process image area in byte-size, hexadecimal form is shown in the Input / Output dialogue (and as symbols
in its own column, if the Show Characters option has been selected).
When displaying process images of devices with a mixed I/O area in the DPRAM (e.g. Beckhoff C1220 Light-
bus card) output values are also shown reversed at the input.
Further information on process images and their links is given under Mappings.
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ADS Settings
ADS Settings at I/O Devices
Devices which can transport ADS-Services, but don't provide an own ADS-Server (e.g. the Virtual Ethernet or
USB Interface), have the dialog described below.
"ADS" Tab
Displays the ADS Port number of the device.
If this button is active, the ADS Port number can be changed here. Whether the change is possible or not, de-
pends on the device type.
Max Timeout
Determines the allowed maximum response time for the ADS communication (in seconds).
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Displays the ADS Port number of the current device.
Makes a change of the Port number possible.
Max Timeout
Determines the allowed maximum response time for the ADS communication (in seconds).
Displays the ADS-AmsNetId of this device.
Remote Name
Displays the name of this device as it appears in the list of possible -> "AMS Remote Connections". This field
can be edited by user.
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Address (Port): Addresses the AMS-Net ID and Port Nummer (last one in brackets) for the destination of the
ADS command.
Type:: Telegram type of the ADS command (e.g. T-RW = Type Read/Write).
IGroup: Specifies the Index-Group of the wanted ADS command.
IOffs: Specifies the Index-Offset of the wanted ADS command.
RLen: Length of the data to read from the ADS device (in Byte).
WLen: Length of the data to write to the ADS device (in Byte).
ROffs: Offset of the data to read (in Byte).
WOffs: Offset of the data to write (in Byte).
New: Adds an ADS command to the list.
Delete: Removes the selected ADS command from the list.
Edit: Edits the values inside the different command fields.
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If this entry is selected, the Settings dialogue (described below), the Online and the Priorities dialogue (de-
scribed later) appear on the right-hand side in the System Manager.
Settings tab
Base Time
The TwinCAT schedulers change on every tick from Windows to the TwinCAT real time. The planned and nec-
essary task is then performed in TwinCAT real time. By the time the CPU limit (see below) has been reached,
the system has changed back to Windows. The TwinCAT basis time is therefore the shortest possible task cy-
cle time. The cycle time can also be a multiple of the basis time. The basis time should only be set to less than
a millisecond if necessary and with correspondingly fast PC systems. The following are possible: 1ms, 500s,
333s, 250s, 200s, 125s, 100s, 66s and 50s.
CPU Limit
Specify the CPU percentage proportion that completely fills the TwinCAT real time, the remainder is reserved
for Windows (and for surface programs). The value can be set very high since it is automatically reset to Win-
dows when the real time task has completed its cycle.
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Fast Tick
Only for special TwinCAT extensions which require a rapid tick irrespective of basis time (e.g. camshaft control-
Latency Warning
The TwinCAT real time functions on practically all PC systems with extremely low fluctuations (Jitter). These
jitters are measured continuously. If a pre-set limit is exceeded, the system can issue a warning.
Router Memory
Used to adjust the TwinCAT router memory settings. This memory is required for the internal communication.
Online tab
The online display gives information about the current CPU load. This is the amount of time required by the real
time task. The bright green line indicates the pre-set CPU Limit value.
In addition the current jitter (system latency time) is given in the bottom window.
"Priorities" tab
Information about the different Priorities of the TwinCAT System can be found here.
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"Priorities" tab
Each TwinCAT Task has its own Priority in the system. The priority number is shown in this column. The lower
the number, the higher the priority of the task. Additionally, each task type has a dedicated icon, shown in front
of the number.
Task cycle time in milliseconds.
names the job of the task. At PLC tasks, it differs between
- PLC communication Task: This Task serves the ADS communication. To protect PLC data consistency,
it should have the lowest priority level, referring to one PLC Run Time System.
- PLC Boost Priority: Priority of a PLC Task, as soon as it is in Monitoring / Debug mode. This Task should
have the highest priority, referring to the Tasks of one PLC Run Time System.
- Common TwinCAT Task (light blue icon)
- reserved Priority for currently unused PLC Tasks (e.g. Task 1, 2 and 3 of a PLC Run Time System). The
icon is grey (not active).
Describes the task origin (e.g. PLC Run Time System and project name).
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Show All
Shows additionally the unused priorities of the available TwinCAT priorities.
Change Priorities
If Show All is activated, this checkbox enables the manipulation of the Task priorities inside the TwinCAT
Move Up
Moves the task priority up the list (and makes it therefore higher prior), if Expert Mode is enabled.
Move Down
Moves the task priority down the list (and makes it therefore lower prior), if Expert Mode is enabled.
PLC Standard
Organizes the priorities of the PLC Tasks like they are staggered by default (all Tasks of the 1st RTS in front of
the tasks of the 2nd RTS and so on).
PLC Optimized
Organizes the Task priorities within the TwinCAT Systems in an optimal order in terms of execution of high prior
task of different Run Time Systems. Means, the highest priority task of RTS 1 is followed by the Boost Priority
Task of RTS 2 and then by the highest priority task of this RTS and so on.
Following picture shows an example of the staggered order for PLC Optimized:
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User-defined Tasks
User-defined tasks can be used in the maximum four run-time systems in the PLC. The TwinCAT system also
supports further (non-PLC) software tasks which may possess I/O variables. These tasks are managed in the
TwinCAT System Manager under the option Additional Tasks (below Real Time Configuration). These tasks
can be used if a PLC is not available. Access to variables of these tasks can be gained directly from applica-
tions, e.g. via ADS-OCX or ADS-Dll.
Settings carried out under this option require more advanced knowledge of the TwinCAT system.
Context Menu
Append Task
Adds another task.
Import Task
Integrates previously created and exported task into the existing system.
Inserts additional tasks from the clipboard.
The Name should be selected descriptively at this point. The nature of the user-defined task may also be out-
lined in a few sentences under Commentary.
There are different settings options for the tasks in the TwinCAT system. The effects and functions of these
options are explained under Task Settings.
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The new task then appears in the tree. This automatically contains the sub-menu options Process Image, In-
puts and Outputs.
Further information about the inputs and outputs is given under: Variable Configuration
Export Task
Exports the task configurations with sub-elements and links into a file with the suffix *.tce. It can be thereby
imported, as described earlier, into other projects.
Copies the task to the clipboard and removes it from the current configuration.
Copies the task to the clipboard.
Excludes the current task from calculation and editing by the TwinCAT system. Configurations and links are
retained and are reactivated when this function is selected once more.
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Task Settings
TwinCAT is a pre-emptive multitasking system. The settings options for this task are explained below. Not all
options are available, however, for all tasks.
Task tab
The following settings options cannot be activated for every task.
Edits the internal name of the task
Defines the AMS port number of the task. This value must be specified! For some tasks the value is already set
(e.g. for PLC tasks).
Causes the TwinCAT System Manager to create the start command for the task so that when restarting Twin-
CAT the task is automatically started with the specified data.
Defines the Priority of the Task within TwinCAT (you should ensure that priorities are not duplicated). The prior-
ity is only relevant when Auto-Start is selected.
Cycle Ticks
Sets the cycle time in ticks (depends upon the pre-set TwinCAT Base Time). of the task. The cycle time is only
relevant when Auto-Start is selected.
Warning by exceeding
Causes the TwinCAT to issue a warning when the pre-set task cycle time is exceeded.
Message box
Outputs the warning (above) also as a message box.
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Allows occasional task-disablement, i.e. the task is ignored when generating the I/O information (e.g. during
commissioning). The link information is, however, retained.
Create Symbols
Allows access to variables of the corresponding task via ADS (e.g. from TwinCAT Scope View). Further infor-
mation is given under: Variable Configuration.
Extern Sync
Is this option activated, this Task will be synchronized with a configured device with Master Sync Interrupt (e.g.
a SERCOS card).
Online tab
Here you can find information on the Online Display of Task Load.
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Online tab
CPU display
Shows the CPU time required for the last task execution.
Total display
Gives the time that has passed between the start and the end of the task execution. The difference between
CPU and absolute (total) execution time can result, for example, from an interruption of the current task by a
higher priority task or by Windows.
Exceed counter
Counts the number of cycle time limit exceeded.
Resets the exceeded limit counter to 0.
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4. PLC Configuration
If TwinCAT is installed with PLC function capability (minimum TwinCAT Level PLC) you will see PLC Configura-
tion in the tree view of the System Manager. PLC projects can be added here and their settings (number of run-
time systems, port no., cycle times, ) checked. The path settings for the PLC project can also be matched
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Context menu:
Adds the PLC project which is currently on the clipboard to the configuration.
When a project is added in TwinCAT PLC Control without errors and then saved, a PLC configuration is inte-
grated into the current system configuration and the I/O variables with address locations are read in. When you
select the added PLC project in the tree the associated dialogue IEC1131 appears on the right-hand side.
Shows the name of the currently selected PLC project.
Defines the path of the current PLC project. This path indicates the PLC project currently being edited.
In TwinCAT version 2.7, the path points to a *.pro file, on the contrary in TwinCAT version 2.8 it does to a new
*.tpy file type.
Run-Time No.
Gives the Run-time System for which the selected PLC project is configured. Settings changes can be
carried out under Online Settings in the TwinCAT PLC Control.
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Defines the AMS Port Number of the run-time system. The number shown depends on the Run-time Number
described above.
Target System
Defines the target system for which the respective PLC code was generated. If the PLC is running on the PC,
code i386 is generated.
Re-loads the current PLC configuration into the system. Changed configurations (e.g. new I/O variables) will
then appear in the System Manager configuration.
This command enables the path for the PLC project to be adjusted. This is necessary if the project location has
changed or if you want to activate another PLC project.
As a PLC project can comprise up to 4 tasks, several task names will appear in the corresponding multitasking
projects in the tree. This is shown in the diagram below for both Standard and FastTask tasks.
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The input and output variables are always assigned to the first task after loading the PLC project, but can also
be assigned to other tasks, e.g. via Drag&Drop. This means that the values of the variables can be refreshed
according to the current pre-set task cycle times.
If you select an input or output variable, this can be linked either with the context menu or the dialogue which
appears on the right-hand side, via a Variable Link.
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5. IO Configuration
The I/O Configuration is an important component of the TwinCAT System Manager. After the various
Configurations have been carried out for the different tasks and the System Manager has been acquainted with
all relevant variables, the hardware (usually a fieldbus with I/O modules) is configured under this rubric.
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Append Device
Displays the Selection Diagram for the supported fieldbus cards and other hardware devices.
Import Device
Integrates previously created and exported I/O configurations into the current System Manager project.
Scan Devices
Scans the PC for known devices. Found devices are then listed under I/O Devices.
Adds another device to the current position (before marked device) in the configuration.
Dialogue General
After installing a device (the example shows a FC2001 card) the following dialogue appears on the right hand
side in the System Manager view:
Displays the user-defined name of the device, selected on the left-hand side in the tree.
Identification number for internal management within the System Manager.
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Gives the type of the particular I/O device (fieldbus type, etc..).
User-defined comment giving additional information about the device.
Provides the option of driving the configurations without connected hardware for test purposes.
These are input and output variables which can be linked as standard, e.g. with matching PLC variables, and
which can therefore indicate the status of the device to the PLC run-time system. Further information about the
topic of links can be found under: Variable Links.
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A right mouse click on the Configured I/O Device (the example shows a Beckhoff FC200x Lightbus PCI card)
displays a context menu. As the name says, this menu is context-dependant, i.e. different fieldbus cards often
have different context menus. In the following description, therefore, only the general menu entries are dis-
cussed. You can obtain detailed device information from the Technical Reference.
Append Box
Calls up, depending on the configured fieldbus system, the Selection Diagram for the supported I/O module.
Delete Device
Deletes the I/O device from the tree view and thereby from the configuration.
Online Reset
Actuates an I/O reset on the card. This is only possible, of course, for active configurations and when the sys-
tem is running.
Export Device
Saves the entire configuration (with all added boxes) for the selected device into an export file.
Import Box
Integrates a previously configured and exported fieldbus station into the current system.
Copies the current I/O device to the clipboard and removes it from the I/O configuration.
Copies the current I/O device to the clipboard.
Inserts another device from the clipboard into the current position (before marked device) in the configuration.
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Excludes the marked Box for calculation. Box configuration and possibly linked variables are still conserved and
available for future restoration.
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Select Box
After selecting Add Box..., a Selection Diagram for the specified I/O module appears, according to the selected
fieldbus system (in this case Beckhoff Lightbus).
The tree view of the Selection Diagram displays all possible I/O modules (see also Technical Reference). The-
se are sometimes listed in order of manufacturer to simplify viewing.
The Profibus and DeviceNet fieldbus systems support I/O configuration with description/configuration files sup-
plied with the systems (or by each manufacturer). Adding these types of GSD/GSE and/or EDS boxes is de-
scribed under Adding GSE and EDS Boxes.
Shows the possible I/O modules. These can be compact or modular I/O devices, and drives with digital inter-
face (like the AX2000 drive shown in the example).
The identifier for the selected module can be edited here.
Confirms a module selection and closes the dialogue. Alternatively, double click to achieve the same result.
Closes the dialogue without adding a module to the configuration.
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After selecting Append Box..., depending upon the selected fieldbus system (in this case Profibus), a Generic
Profibus Box (GSD) item is shown under Miscellaneous.
In the case of DeviceNet you would see General DeviceNet Box (EDS).
With double-click or press on Ok, a Windows file-selection dialog shows available *.gsx files stored in the
\TwinCAT\IO\GSD directory.
Press the Open button to integrate the device into the System Manager configuration.
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The device manufacturers are responsible for the GSD and/or ESD files, i.e. Elektro Beckhoff GmbH does
not provide GSD/GSE (GSE = GSD files in English) or EDS files for 3rd party devices, nor does it offer any
guarantee of their function.
Device description
The specific structure of the GSD/GSE and/or ESD files (specified by the corresponding user organisations
(PNO and ODVA respectively) allows the TwinCAT System Manager to read and display device information
(manufacturer, device type etc.). This is shown in the right-hand General dialogue for the device selected in the
The dialogue contains the device name, type, manufacturer and GSD/GSE and/or EDS file revision number.
The latter can be of particular importance if there is any confusion over currently valid versions.
There is also a "Checkbox" for disabling the device, i.e. if selected, the device will be excluded on the driver
side from the current combination of the fieldbus telegram, but can be retained on the hardware side unless the
address is assigned to another device.
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Context menu
Append Terminal
Calls up the Selection Diagram for the various Beckhoff Bus Terminals.
Delete Box
Deletes the box from the tree view and thereby from the configuration.
Export Box
Saves the selected fieldbus station to an export file (*.tce).
Copies the currently selected fieldbus station to the clipboard and removes it from the I/O configuration.
Copies the current fieldbus station to the clipboard.
Inserts another box from the clipboard into the current position (before the marked device) in the configuration.
Removes the box from the current system configuration (excludes it from calculation) without deleting it. The
box can be reactivated at any time.
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Details about the various Beckhoff Bus Terminals are described under Terminals - Technical Reference.
The list shows the different Beckhoff Bus Terminals sorted by their main groups.
Here you can edit the identifier for the selected terminal, which should appear in the tree view.
Inserts n terminals of the selected type continuously into the configuration.
Integrates the selected terminals into the configuration.
Closes the dialogue without adding a terminal to the configuration.
You can find further information about the configuration of the terminals in the System Manager under: Terminal
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Terminal Configuration
Once a terminal has been added it will appear in the System Manager tree view. On the right hand side you will
see the general and terminal-specific dialogues:
In this view you can edit the identifier for the selected terminal, which will then appear in the tree view and in the
Exporting Variables Information.
Names the selected terminal type and its function.
User-defined comment on the terminal to be used (e.g. specific, user-defined settings in the terminal registers).
The comment given here is also displayed when performing configurations under Bus Terminal Controller -
Configurations, the subsequent Exporting Variables Information and in the Global BC Variable List. This infor-
mation also appears when importing I/O variables into the TwinCAT OPC Server.
Disables the terminal input for the current configuration (transparent), i.e. the terminal is excluded from the con-
figuration and calculation.
1st option
Open the terminal within the tree view to the lowest level and select the physical I/O variable you wish to link
(the example shows Data Out, the process data output for this terminal).
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Identifier of the selected physical I/O variable.
Data type of the selected physical I/O variable.
The channel to which the selected physical I/O variable belongs.
Number of data bytes of this physical I/O variable.
Parameter offset in the local process image of the coupler.
User ID
User-defined identification number for this variable (for future System Manager functionality).
Linked to
Calls up the variable link Selection Diagram.
User-defined comment on the physical I/O variable.
2nd option
Select the terminal in the tree view and then go to the channel required in the dialogue on the right-hand side.
In the dialogue, all physical I/O variables are listed. Here you can link the process data in/outputs and possible
terminal Control/Status information with task variables (Selection Diagram).
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Details about the various Beckhoff Bus Terminals are described under Terminals - Technical Reference.
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Append Terminal
Calls up the Selection Diagram specific for the various Bus Terminal controllers.
Here not mentioned context menu items are described under Adding Bus Terminals.
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Details about the various Beckhoff Bus Terminals are described under Terminals - Technical Reference.
The list shows the different Beckhoff Bus Terminals sorted by their main groups.
Analogue and special terminals are provided and listed according to fieldbus system
Compact: Only the terminals data bytes are integrated into the System Manager device configuration
Process Image on the PC.
Complex: The terminals data and control/status bytes are integrated into the device configuration pro-
cess image on the PC.
PLC - compact: The terminals data bytes provided only, and only for the local BC process image
PLC - complex: The terminals data and control/status bytes, for the local BC process image.
The identifier for the selected terminal can be edited here. The revised name is used for e.g. Exporting Variable
Inserts n terminals of the selected type continuously into the configuration.
Integrates the selected terminals into the configuration.
Closes the dialogue without adding a terminal to the configuration.
You can find further information about the configuration of the terminals in the System Manager under:
Terminal-specific Dialogues.
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PLC Dialogue
Background Time
Time for the processing of the communication via the fieldbus (includes program download, debugging,..).
Retain Data
Store Retain Data: Activates the support of residual data in the Bus Terminal controller.
Size: Size of the retain data area within the Bus Terminal controller (%Mx0 .. %Mxy).
KBus Update
Double Cycle: Activates the execution of BC station I/O cycles (KBus Update) within before and after each
PLC cycle.
Before PLC: A KBus update will be carried out before executing the PLC cycle.
After PLC: A KBus update will be carried out after executing the PLC cycle.
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Variable Dialogue
After selecting Adding Variables you will see the dialogue for the selected variable on the right-hand side under
the tree input PLC Variables, as described in the Variables Information rubric.
You should, of course, use intelligent names for the data exchange variables as these are used when Exporting
Variable Information as variable names in the local BC Process Image.
You may now Link the data exchange variables with existing tasks.
Sample BC configuration:
The image below shows both data exchange variables and fieldbus variables. The BC manages terminals 4 - 9
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The variables are composed of the Names configured in the System Manager and the type of terminal, along
with the channel number and the definition of the terminal variable. The address in the local BC process image
(IEC61131-3 notation) and the data type of the variables are given.
The variables in lines 2 to 8 are Exchange Variables (PLC Variables) to be transferred via the fieldbus.They
serve to exchange data between the BC PLC program and the superordinate control system. They can, for
instance, be processed further with TwinCAT PLC, TwinCAT OPC or via ADS on the application level. For ex-
ample, the declared output variables for the outputs process image (lines 2, 3 and 4) are inputs in the su-
perordinate control system. The variables of lines 5 - 8 are correspondingly outputs of the superordinate control
The exchange variables in the local BC process image start from offset 128 (as shown in the example). Never-
theless, this offset can also be set in a System Manager dialogue if necessary.
Details on the different Beckhoff Bus Terminal types (e.g. definition of descriptors Ctr1 and State and Data_x)
are described under Terminals - Technical Reference.
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7. Link Information
The Variable Links created for the various Process Images can be controlled afterwards in a graphical display.
See the rubric Assignments beneath I/O Configurations.
Context Menu
Right click on Mappings to display its context menu. If you select the Generate Mappings entry, the copy ac-
tions between the configured tasks and devices will be recalculated.
Generate Mappings
On the right-hand side the corresponding dialogue for the generated mappings will appear as shown below.
Select a device mapping to view its cross-reference lists.
Address A
Shows the addresses of the linked variables of the process image A. In the case of PLC tasks (as in the exam-
ple of the RunningSystem PLC project task standard) these are the addresses at which the variables were lo-
cated at %I... / %Q... Select this option to display the Address column in the list. Click on the column header to
display the variables sorted by their addresses (ascending or descending order).
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Address B
Shows the addresses within process image B. Process image B can be a task for physical I/Os (the example
shows a task for updating a C1220 card) or another linked task within the system configuration.
Displays/removes the Data Type information column.
Displays/removes the byte size information column for the current data type.
Swap Images
Swaps process image A and B in the list.
Long Names
Shows the linked target variable in its own column with detailed information (coupler name, terminal name..).
Context Menu
Right click the mouse in the list window to display the context menu for the documentation functions.
Print List
Outputs the list with all displayed information to the installed printer. For further documentation functions see:
Extended Link Options.
Copy List
Copies the list to the clipboard.
Export List
Exports the variable list in *.csv file format (comma separated values), for further processing (e.g. with a spre-
adsheet program, etc.).
This Mappings context menu entry calls up a file selection box which is used to save link information for the
current System Manager project (XML text file).
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You can import this file at a later date to restore the previous links in the event of configuration changes or loss
of mapping information. Variable names do not need to be changed in this case.
If you wish to save the link information of a selected mapping, select the corresponding assignment on the left
in the tree view.
For further information on task/device assignments see: Process Images. Describes, amongst other things, the
graphical display of links.
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On the right-hand side the corresponding dialogue for the selected assignments will appear as shown below.
Map ID
Identification number for internal management of the various Mappings.
Map Name
Names both linked process images.
Map Type
Synchronous: A process image is master, second slave. The master actuates the outputs for writing (e.g. to
fieldbus card C1220, ..) and checks that the other side has completed its I/O cycle in order to read the current
inputs. The other side has no independent cycle time in this case (Engl. timekeeper).
Asynchronous: Is set, e.g. in the event of links from two tasks, or with devices operating on their own cycle
times (e.g. COM port) and independently regulates and thereby the refreshes inputs and outputs. The ex-
change of information between two Process Images thereby takes place in the case of asynchronous mapping
on the basis of the three-buffer principle.
For some device types (e.g. the multitasking Profibus card FC310x) a mix of synchronous and asynchronous
assignment (mappings) is used. In relation to the device the higher Priority task behaves in a synchronous
manner while the lower priority task is asynchronous.
In the case of asynchronous mapping (see Map Type) a task could fail to conclude correctly (endless loop), the
other task is, however, processed as normal and therefore continues to read old values from the buffers. A
maximum lifecycle value is specified to prevent this occurring. Once the value is reached, all buffer values are
reset to 0.
Activates the timing of a synchronous assignment (see Map Type).
Process Image A
Shows the task name assigned to process image A.
Process image B
Shows the task name assigned to process image B.
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The colours green and pink represent process images A and B. The colours yellow and blue are in/outputs of
the process image. Click with the mouse on the in/outputs to display a tool tip with the variable terminal names.
Context Menu
A right mouse click displays the context menu via which you can set the zoom resolution of the mappings gra-
phics. The higher the pixel value per byte, the easier it is to assess the links for individual variables.
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Current Copy Action Number.
Offset A
Gives the offset within process image A, from which the copy action is actuated.
Offset B
Gives the offset within process image A, from which the copy action is actuated.
Length of the values to be copied from each offset (e.g. 0.1 means that one bit is copied).
"Online" Tab
When a configuration is active on a running system, you will find a graphical display of the copy times between
the different process images. The given information on the online graph differs depending on a synchronous or
asynchronous mapping (see also: Map Type).
Asynchronous mapping:
Synchronous mapping:
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All given values are time distances between start and finishing of the referenced action and can fluctuate due to
interruptions from higher priority tasks.
Busy counter
At synchronous mappings of process images, the master process image checks whether the slave has com-
pleted its I/O cycle and offers new inputs for transmission. If transmission does not take place, the Busy
Counter is incremented by the master. At asynchronous mappings, the "Busy counter" field is disabled.
Resets the Busy counter to 0.
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8. Reference
I/O Devices
The TwinCAT I/O system currently supports the following I/O devices:
Beckhoff Lightbus
Beckhoff C1220 ISA master card
Beckhoff FC2001 PCI master card
Beckhoff FC2002 PCI dual master card
Profibus DP / MC
Beckhoff FC3101 PCI master card
Beckhoff FC3102 PCI master card (dual)
Siemens CP5412A2 ISA master card
Hilscher CIF30-DPM ISA master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher C104-DPM PC104 master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF30-PB ISA master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher C104-PB PC104 master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF50-PB PCI master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF60-PB PCMCIA master card (8k DPRAM)
Siemens IM182 ISA slave card (SPC3)
Phoenix IBS ISA SC/I-T ISA master card
Hilscher CIF40-IBM ISA master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF30-IBM ISA master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher C104-IBM PC104 master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF50-IBM PCI master card (2k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF60-IBM PCMCIA master card (8k DPRAM)
Beckhoff FC5101 PCI master card
Beckhoff FC5102 PCI master card (dual)
Hilscher CIF30-CAN ISA master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher C104-CAN PC104 master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF50-CAN PCI master card (8k DPRAM)
Hilscher CIF60-CAN PCMCIA master card (8k DPRAM)
Beckhoff FC5201 PCI master card
Beckhoff FC5202 PCI master card (dual)
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Beckhoff FC7501 PCI master card
Beckhoff FC7502 PCI master card (dual)
Indramat SERCANS ISA SCS-P ISA master card
Indramat SERCANS PCI SCS-P PCI master card
Virtual Ethernet Interface
Virtual USB Interface (Note: USB is supported by TwinCAT version 2.8 or higher and only on Windows2000
and Windows XP PCs)
Beckhoff CP9030 ISA card for CP-Link (Control Panel-Link connection), incl. UPS support
Beckhoff CP9035 PCI card for CP-Link (Control Panel-Link connection), incl. UPS support
Beckhoff CP9040 for CP PCs (CP71xx)
Beckhoff IPC - Special Keys and UPS (C1230-S)
Beckhoff NC Backplane
Beckhoff AH2000
The Serial COM port device (for UPS, BK8xxx or KL6001 emulation mode use)
PC LPT Port (Printer port) for use as a small I/O device
Generic NOV / DP-RAM support for Beckhoff Fieldbus cards with optional NOVRAM extension or DP-RAM
support for any PC card.
System Management Bus (SMB) motherboard bus for temperature and fan speed diagnosis
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Beckhoff Lightbus
Beckhoff C1220/FC200x
The C1220 is an active ISA master card for the Beckhoff Lightbus. Up to 254 fieldbus boxes can be con-
nected into a ring circuit. Individual boxes and sometimes separate I/O data boxes can be updated selectively
and on a priority basis.
The DPRAM of the C1220 is 4 kBytes. There are no interrupts used.
The FC2001 and FC2002 are PCI bus cards which are otherwise no different from the C1220.
The FC2002 supports two Lightbus rings. Each card offers two independent C1220 functions.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the fibreoptic ring.
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C1220 tab
Address: (C1220) Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume
the following values (jumper settings J1 - J6):
0xC8000 00 1000
0xD8000 10 0010
0xE0000 11 0001
PCI Slot/Ring: (FC2001/FC2002) Gives the logical PCI slot and in addition for FC2002 whether ring A or ring B
is in use.
Search: Searches the computer for C1220 and/or FC2001/FC2002 and sets the address/slot number corre-
Check number of boxes: If you tick this checkbox, when the card is initialised the number of boxes which are
physically present is compared with the number entered under this card in the System Manager. If the numbers
do not comply an error is triggered.
System Start Despite Optical Fibre Error: A warning is given rather than halting the TwinCAT start process.
K-Bus Update with Broadcast Telegram (0x80): Decides whether K-Bus update should take place individu-
ally per Bus Coupler or for all Bus Couplers together via broadcast telegram when Bus Couplers are connected.
Reserved CDLs: The C1220 has eight priority channels (CDLs) which, under normal circumstances, are also
used by the System Manager. If individual CDLs are unused - in non-standard applications - these must be
indicated here.
Firmware: Gives the firmware version of a found card (for older C1220s Found only).
Input Diagnosis
The C1220 automatically provides four input bytes, which describe the status of the card and the fibreoptic ring:
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Profibus DP
Beckhoff FC310x
Hardware Description
One FC3102 card behaves in logical terms in the same way as 2 FC3101 cards, i.e. all components (with the
exception of the PCI interface and the optional NOV RAM) are present in duplicate on the FC3102 card. Each
channel of the FC310x card consists of the following components:
- 80165 25 MHz micro-controller
- 512k RAM
- 256k Flash
- 4k DP RAM
- Fieldbus interface (Altera 6016 with 48 MHz, RS485 bus interfacing, 9 pole SUB D plug)
- 2 LEDs (1 x green, 1 x red)
- 1 four pin and 1 two pin plug for the bootstrap loading mode
The following components are present in single form only:
- PCI interface (PLX9050: One interrupt input per channel, one interrupt output and a chip-select signal to the
DP RAM and a reset lead for both channels)
- Optional 32k plug-in NOV RAM, addressed via an additional chip-select line
After power-on, the FC310x is in the RESET state. It exits the RESET state when TwinCAT is started and will
enter the OFFLINE state after TwinCAT is stopped (or after a severe bus error). In the OFFLINE state, the
FC310x is not active on the bus.
After TwinCAT has started, or during reading of the bus configuration from the System Manager, the FC310x
will enter the STOP state, in which it is active on the bus, but does not yet carry out data exchange (Da-
ta_Exchange) with the DP slaves. During the TwinCAT start, and also during an IO reset, the FC310x will be in
the STOP state. It will exit the STOP state automatically both during TwinCAT start and during IO reset and will
enter the RUN state.
In the RUN state, the FC310x will automatically establish the DP connections with all projected DP slaves. As
soon as the associated TwinCAT task was started, it will communicate with the DP slaves via Data_Exchange.
As long as the associated TwinCAT task was not yet started, it will only query the diagnosis. If the associated
task is stopped (e.g. PLC STOP, breakpoint in the PLC), the FC310x will automatically enter CLEAR mode
(outputs to 0 or slave-specific response, if FailSafe mode is supported). Once the associated task is running
again, the FC310x will automatically re-enter the OPERATE mode (all outputs at the values set by TwinCAT).
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The FC310x supports the PROFIBUS protocols PROFIBUS DP (as master or slave), PROFIBUS DPV1 (as
master) and PROFIBUS MC (as master).
FC3100 tab
PCI Slot/Irq: Indicates in which logical PCI slot the card was found.
Search...: Searches for all connected FC310x channels. Select those required. In the case of an FC3102 both
channels A and B appear. These behave in logical terms like two FC3101 cards.
Hardware Configuration...: The hardware version number of the FC310x can be displayed here.
Upload Configuration : This will scan the PROFIBUS, and all devices detected are added to the FC310x
device (boxes cannot be added). In the case of Beckhoff boxes, reads the configuration precisely. Searches
external devices to find the corresponding GSD file.
Firmware: Shows the current firmware version of the FC310x.
Firmware Update...: Update the FC310x card firmware version here.
Stations No.: Each Profibus device requires a unique station number - including the master.
Baudrate: Set the Profibus baud rate.
Operating Mode: In all three operating modes, the highest-priority task linked to the appropriate device will
take control of the PROFIBUS cycle and is therefore synchronised with the DP cycle. If this task is stopped or
reaches a breakpoint, the FC310x switches to CLEAR mode (slave outputs will assume 0 or safe values). All
other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding buffers. If one of these tasks is stopped or reaches a
breakpoint, the System Manager will generally display a message saying that the watchdog of the appropriate
asynchronous mapping has been activated, and the appropriate outputs are set to 0. For all operating modes,
one polling rate per slave can be adjusted (in the Features tab of the Box). The sequence of the slaves in the
PROFIBUS cycle corresponds to the sequence in which they are located in the FC310x device tree. The
operating mode DP is designed for standard DP operation, the operating modes DP/MC (equidistant) and
Equidistant (no GC) are described in section PROFIBUS MC, as well as the parameters NC Access Time,
Relation NC Access Time/Cycle Time, PLL Sync Time and Safety Time, the Sync Mode settings and the
Calculate Equi-Times button, which are only relevant for PROFIBUS MC.
Cycle Time: Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task.
Estimated Cycle: Displays the expected PROFIBUS cycle time.
Watchdog Time: Here a watchdog can be activated, which, in case of a PC crash, will cause the FC310x to
enter the STOP state and terminate the data exchange with all projected slaves.
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Calculate DP-Slave Watchdog Time: Here, the DP watchdog time of all DP slaves is set to a sensible value,
according to the equation Estimated Cycle Time * number of DP slaves * 4
Profibus tab
Most parameters to be set here are described in chapter 7 of the PROFIBUS standard (DIN 19245 Part 3 -
PROFIBUS DP) and should only be changed by experienced users.
Max-Retry-Limit: The Max Retry Limit specifies how often a telegram should be repeated, if the device ad-
dressed does not answer. The minimum value should be 1, so that, in case of an error, there will be at least one
repeat for acyclic telegrams.
Max-Retry-Limit (DX): Since the Data_Exchange telegram is repeated cyclically, a value of 0 could be used for
the repetition of the Data_Exchange telegram here, in order to keep the cycle relatively constant in equidistant
mode, even if there is no response from a device. However, in this case it would make sense to set the
Features tab of the box such that lack of response would not lead to DATA EXCH being exited. The fact that a
device has not responded is apparent from DpState, which would not be equal 0 for one cycle.
GAP Update: The GAP update asks all stations up to HSA at intervals to confirm their presence. It can be
en/disabled. The GAP update is only really relevant for multi-master operation. However, disabling it can lead to
the slaves having trouble finding the baud rate. For single-master operation it leads to greater jitter of the PRO-
FIBUS cycle and is therefore switched off by default.
PROFIBUS Mode: A distinction can be made between master functionality (standard) and slave (standard sla-
ve functionality, as from version 1.x).
For slave function, proceed as follows:
3. When appending a box, only those GSD files will be displayed that have the entry "FC310xSlaveIntern
= 1".
4. Add modules as required but ensure that as many inputs as outputs are selected.
5. Unlike other slaves, the FC310x slave function does not support automatic baud rate recognition. The-
refore ensure that the baud rate is set correctly.
6. From TwinCAT 2.8, you can access the FC310x device with the right mouse button and export a GSD
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file containing the current settings. This file can be inserted into the configurator of the DP master, so
that no further settings are required there.
If no GSD file was exported, the file TCDPSLAV.GSD will have to be integrated on the master side (for both
TwinCAT or third-party masters), and the modules must be appended in the same order as in the FC310x slave
GSD box.
ADS tab
The FC310x is an ADS device with its own net ID, which can be changed here. All ADS services (diagnosis,
acyclical communication) going to the FC310x must address this net ID.
Here, an overview of all current box states, the Repeat counter (increments for each telegram repeat to the
slave) and the NoAnswer counter (increments every time the slave fails to answer) is displayed.
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Input Diagnosis
The FC310x automatically provides various diagnostic variables which describe the status of the card and the
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CdlInfo.error: Shows the number of slaves with which data exchange could not take place in the last cycle.
The box status (BoxState) of the slaves should only be checked if this value is not equal to 0.
CdlInfo.cycleCounter: Is incremented at the end of each PROFIBUS cycle in order that this variable can indi-
cate whether the last cycle was completed before the task was started.
CdlInfo.actualCycleTime: Shows the current cycle time in 4/25 s. This variable is updated only when all sla-
ves are involved in the data exchange (also when CdlInfo.error is 0).
Debug: Internal Information.
DiagFlag: Shows whether the diagnostics information on the card has changed. This can be read off using
ADS-Read. For that purpose, specify the net ID of the FC310x, the port number 200 and the IndexGroup
0xF100. The IndexOffset and the length then relate to the diagnostic data.
Offset Description
0 -125 BusStatus List, one byte per station address 0-125 which contains the station status (see
BoxState for PROFIBUS boxes and for non-selected stations: 0x80 - not present, 0x81 -
slave, 0x82 - master not ready for token ring, 0x83 - master ready for token ring, 0x84 -
master in token ring).
126 - 127 reserved
128 - 135 State of the FC310x (->GlobalState).
136 - 137 Send error counter for all sent telegrams.
138 - 139 Receive error counter for all received telegrams.
140 - 255 reserved for extensions
256 - 257 Sync Failed Counter (see Equi Diag tab).
258 - 259 Cycle Start Error Counter, counts up one when the PROFIBUS is restarted before the old
cycle is complete (intercepted by the TwinCAT-IO driver, only possible with customised
260 - 261 Time Control Failed Counter (see Equi Diag tab).
262 - 263 reserved for extensions
264 - 265 Minimum reload value of real time timer.
266 - 267 Maximum reload value of real time timer (max. FCxxxx-Jitter (see Equi Diag tab) = max.
reload value - min. reload value).
268 - 269 PLL Overflow Counter (see Equi Diag tab).
270 - 271 PLL Underflow Counter (see Equi Diag tab).
GlobalState: GlobalState[0] displays the state of the FC310x, GlobalState[1-3] are reserved for extensions:
RESET (1): Card router not started (after StartUp of the PC).
INIT (2): Router started but card not active on PROFIBUS.
STOP (3): Card active on PROFIBUS, but no cyclical data exchange.
STOPPING (4): Card ends cyclical data exchange.
RUN (0): Card in cyclical data exchange.
GlobalState[1] counts the detected bus errors (as from FC310x, version 1).
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GlobalState[2]: Bit 0 is set, if no 11 bit idle time is detected on the PROFIBUS (-> check cabling), bit 1 contains
the operating mode CLEAR (bit 1 = 1) or OPERATE (bit 1 = 0), the other bits (2..7) are reserved for expansions
(from FC310x, version 1).
GlobalState[3] is reserved for expansions.
CycleFailedCounter: This counter shows how often the FC310x PROFIBUS cycle was unready at the start of
the TwinCAT task.
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The difference between PROFIBUS MC and PROFIBUS DP is that the PROFIBUS cycle is constant, with a
jitter of a few microseconds (for PROFIBUS DP, the jitter is greater than 100s), and at the start of the cycle a
broadcast global control telegram is sent, which can be used by the MC slaves for synchronisation. This en-
ables precise synchronisation of drive control loops with the NC.
However, this precise synchronisation means that bus disturbances, switching off of slaves, pulling of bus plugs
etc. will usually lead to a loss of synchronicity between master and slave, since the bus timing is changed.
Generally, for PROFIBUS MC the latest TwinCAT version should always be used, at least TwinCAT 2.7 (build
459) or TwinCAT 2.6 (build 359).
If several 611Us are configured, the equidistant times may have to be adjusted (see below).
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The NC Access Time specifies by how much the PROFIBUS cycle is shifted towards the TwinCAT cycle, the
PLL Sync Time should be set to approx. 10% of the Shift Time (max. 50 s).
Sync Slave
The synchronisation signal comes from another device, whose Sync mode must be set to Sync Master. The
connection between Sync master and Sync slave is established via a hardware link, which is only supported
from hardware version 4 of the FC310x. No times have to be set.
Sync Master
The synchronisation signal is generated by the FC310x, the PC synchronises itself with the FC310x (jitter of the
PROFIBUS cycle approx. 1 s).
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The NC Access Time specifies by how much the TwinCAT cycle is shifted towards the PROFIBUS cycle.
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max. TwinCAT-Jitter: Here, the maximum TwinCAT jitter is displayed; the measurement is reset as soon as
the tab is no longer active.
min./max. Mapping Time or NC Access Time: Here, the minimum or maximum NC Access Time is displayed.
Apart from the Mapping Time, this also contains the task run-time (provided that IO at Task Start for the high-
est-priority task linked to the FC310x (usually the NC task) is set).
The NC Access Time should be greater than the sum of the two measured times (max. TwinCAT Jitter plus
max. Mapping Time or NC Access Time), with a safety margin of approx. 10%.
max. FCxxxx Jitter: This is only relevant for Sync Mode = disabled. If the value is greater than 5, real time
jitter will become excessive, and a more powerful PC should be used.
Since the PROFIBUS MC slaves should always be added to the FC310x device first, they are always ad-
dressed before the DP slaves in the DP cycle. This part of the DP cycle will be called Equi-Cycle below. If the
Equi-Cycle becomes greater than the To-time of the MC slaves, the last MC slaves at the FC310x device will
usually get a synchronisation error (error 597 or 598 for Simodrive 611U).
max. Repeats/Equi-Cycle: This will show the maximum number of repeated Data_Exchange telegrams during
an Equi-Cycle. This will extend the Equi-Cycle, usually no repetitions should occur (unless a bus plug was pul-
led or an MC slave was switched off).
min./max. Equi-Cycle: Here, the minimum or maximum Equi-Cycle Time is displayed.
Equi-Cycle-Repeat-Counter: Here, the number of telegram repetitions within the Equi-Cycle is displayed.
Equi-Cycle-NoDxch-Counter: Here, the number of occurrences is displayed, for which not all MC slaves were
in data exchange during an Equi-Cycle.
FC310x-Failed Counter
Sync-Failed-Counter: This counter will increment if TwinCAT task and DP cycle are not synchronised with
each other. This may happen during start-up of the TwinCAT system, after which this counter should no longer
Time-Control-Failed-Counter: This counter will increment if the PROFIBUS was not free at the time of the DP
cycle start. Possible causes are bus faults, non-existent device, a second master or a safety time that is too
PLL-Overflow-/-Underflow-Counter: This counter is only relevant during Sync mode disabled and will incre-
ment in case of excessive jitter of the TwinCAT task which the DP cycle uses for synchronisation (this may
happen, for example, if the DP cycle is not synchronised with the highest-priority task).
For each MC slave the To-time specifies when, relative to the DP cycle start, the slave should accept the out-
puts received from the master. The MC slaves can be synchronised with each other, if the same To value is set
for all MC slaves. However, this value must be equal or greater than the Equi-Cycle Time plus a safety margin
of approx. 200 s. The To-time is calculated for all MC slaves via the button "Calc. Equi-Times" (see above).
calc. To-Reserve: This contains the calculated To-reserve (To-time - Equi-Cycle Time)
min./max. To-Reserve: Here, the min. or max. To-reserve is measured.
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min./max. Cycle-Time: Here, the minimum or maximum difference between two AH2000 TwinCAT task cycles
is measured.
max. TwinCAT-Jitter: Here, the maximum TwinCAT jitter is displayed on the AH2000.
max. pos/neg Shift-Time: Here, the minimum or maximum shift time between PROFIBUS cycle and TwinCAT
task is displayed. It should not exceed 250 s.
Input-Failed-Counter: This counter will increment if the TwinCAT task of the AH2000 did not have access to
the DP RAM of the PROFIBUS connection at the time of the actual value transfer (Ti). The chosen Ti value may
be too large, or bus faults are present.
Output-Failed-Counter: This counter will increment if the TwinCAT task of the AH2000 had not received new
setpoint values from the PROFIBUS connection at the time of the setpoint value transfer (To). The chosen To
value may be too small, or bus faults are present.
Furthermore, the current firmware version of the AH2000 will be displayed from AH2000 firmware version
01.4E. The TwinCAT system of the AH2000 may be restarted via the PROFIBUS with the button "Restart Re-
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This tab also has a check-box "PKW interface", which will activate the PKW interface. This enables online dis-
play of the box parameters on the Online tab (hitherto this only worked with the Simodrive 611U, since a pa-
rameter file generated by the SimoCon U is required). It is in any case possible to read and write the parame-
ters via the PKW interface per ADS (reading and writing of PROFIDRIVE parameters via PKW interface
with ADS).
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Port Description
200 This addresses the FC310x itself, i.e. data that reside locally on the FC310x, and for which
usually no additional bus access is required
0x1000 - This addresses a connected PROFIBUS device, with the address calculated from port-
0x107E 0x1000; this always involves a bus access
An overview of the IndexGroups/IndexOffsets supported by the FC310x during ADS-Read is provided below.
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0x0000 - 0x10000000 - 0x00-0xFF This will transmit a PKW-Read to the appropriate, projected
0xFFF 0xF0000000 PROFIDRIVE slave; the parameter number (PNU) is con-
tained in the Low WORD of the IndexGroup, the sub-index for
access to an array is in the IndexOffset, the addressed axis is
in bits 28-31 of the IndexGroup (for a 1-axis unit, this must be
1), the PKW compatibility can be adjusted in bits 26, 27 (un-
fortunately, not all PROFIDRIVE slaves are compatible, ->
section PROFIBUS DP slaves).
0 0x01000000 0 This will send FDL-Read for Siemens AG interfacing to the
appropriate projected FDL station.
An overview of the IndexGroups/IndexOffsets supported by the FC310x during ADS-Write is provided below.
An overview of the ADS-Write-Control commands supported by the FC310x is provided below.
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Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the Profibus.
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Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume the follow-
ing values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEF800 in steps of 0x800 (and 0x2000 at CIF 30-PB)
Search: Searches the computer for available CIF-30 cards (only when TwinCAT is active)
Stations No.: Each Profibus device requires a unique station number - including the master.
Baudrate: Set the Profibus baudrate. Automatically tests whether the connected slave also supports this baud-
Cycle Ticks: The smallest possible cycle time for the currently specified slave is set here. It can be manually
increased (in ms)
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
Profibus tab
See "Siemens CP5412A2"
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Siemens CP5412 A2
The DPRAM of the CP5412A2 is 16 or 64 Kbytes. There are no interrupts used. There are no functional differ-
ences between the 16k and 64k settings. In general therefore the 16k setting is recommended.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the Profibus.
CP 5412 tab
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Address: The DPRAM card address is entered here. The software sets this address when the card is initial-
For newer motherboards/BIOS it may be necessary to reserve the DPRAM area which the card will use in the
computer BIOS. The corresponding setting is generally carried out in PNP-BIOS and is described as ISA Mem-
16 / 64 Kbytes: Set here whether the card should use 16 or 64 Kbytes of DPRAM. There are no functional dif-
ferences between the 16k and 64k settings. In general therefore the 16k setting is recommended.
Port: Used to set the port address for the card, which is set on the card via the DIL switch. When the card is
initialised the DPRAM address specified above is set via the port. Available ports (in hex) (the corresponding
DIL switches 1-4) are:
244-247 0001
248-24B 0010
24C-24F 0011
280-283 0100
284-287 0101
288-28B 0110
28C-28F 0111
300-303 1000
304-307 1001
308-30B 1010
30C-30F 1011
390-393 1100
394-397 1101
398-39B 1110
39C-39F 1111
Stations No.: Each Profibus device requires a unique station number. - including the master.
Baudrate: Set the Profibus baudrate. Automatically tests whether the connected slave also supports this baud-
Cycle Ticks: The smallest possible cycle time for the currently specified slave is set here. It can be manually
increased (in ms)
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
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Profibus tab
The parameters set here are described in the PROFIBUS standard (DIN 19245 part 3 - PROFIBUS-DP), Chap-
ter 7 and should only be changed by expert users.
Input Diagnosis
The Siemens CP5412A2 automatically provides two input bytes, which describe the status of the card and the
DeviceState: General status, which only assumes values 0=OK and 1=error
DeviceDpState: DeviceDpState is a flag byte, the individual bits have the following definitions:
0x00 = No error
0x01 = Transmitter fault
0x02 = Master address fault
0x04 = HSA fault
0x08 = Baudrate fault
0x80 = Temp fault
If the CP5412A2 in a Beckhoff IPC is set at 24V UPS and/or with special keys, the port address must be chan-
ged from 0x240 to another value as 0x240 is configured by the IPC.
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Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the Profibus.
Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card
Port: The card uses one of the ports 0x320 or 0x330
Stations No.: Each Profibus device requires a unique station number.
Input Diagnosis
The Siemens SPC3/IM182 automatically provides one input byte which describes the status of the card and the
Flags: The individual bits have the following definitions:
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0x10 = SYNC_MODE
Variables can be defined under the inputs and outputs for data exchange with a Profibus master. These vari-
ables are exchanged with the Profibus master and can be linked within TwinCAT.
Variables are added as described in Additional Tasks under Adding Variables
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Hilscher CIFxx-IBM
The CIF30-IBM is an Interbus ISA master card.
The CIF50-IBM is an Interbus PCI master card.
The CIF60-IBM is an Interbus PCMIA master card.
The C104-IBM is an Interbus PC104 master card.
The CIFx0-IBM DPRAM is 2 Kbytes (CIF60-IBM 8 Kbytes). There are no interrupts used.
The following description relates to the CIF30-IBM. The other cards vary from the point of view of TwinCAT in
form only.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the InterBus-S.
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Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume the follow-
ing values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEF800 in steps of 0x800
Search: Searches the computer for available CIF-40 cards (only when TwinCAT is active)
Cycle Ticks: Used to set the cycle time with which the InterBus-S should be served (in ms)
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
Input Diagnosis
The CIF-40 automatically provides two input bytes which describe the status of the card and the Interbus:
GlobalFlags: The individual bits have the following definitions:
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Hilscher CIF40-IBSM
The CIF40-IBM is an InterBus-S master card.
The DPRAM of the CIF40-IBSM is 2 Kbytes. There are no interrupts used.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the InterBus-S.
Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume the follow-
ing values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEF800 in steps of 0x800
Search: Searches the computer for available CIF-40 cards (only when TwinCAT is active)
Cycle Ticks: Used to set the cycle time with which the InterBus-S should be served (in ms)
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
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and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
Input Diagnosis
The CIF-40 automatically provides two input bytes which describe the status of the card and the Interbus:
GlobalFlags: The individual bits have the following definitions:
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Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the InterBus-S. The card is then set to RUN mode (see Bus Controller).
Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address can assume the following values: from 0xC8000
to 0xEF000 in steps of 0x1000
Port: Enter the card port address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume the following val-
ues: from 0x100 to 0x3F8 in steps of 0x8
IBS cycle: The run-time of the Interbus is calculated approximately on the basis of the configured devices and
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Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
"Activate_Configuration" at StartUp: Activates the loaded configuration during the TwinCAT StartUp phase
(standard setting). Can be disabled if other firmware services are to be accessed before StartUp (see System
Start with Incomplete Configuration).
"Start_Data_Transfer" at StartUp: Starts cyclical data transfer in the Interbus at the TwinCAT system start.
Read Bus Configuration: Activates loading of current Interbus device configuration, provided that a TwinCAT
configuration is started in which no devices have been configured under the Interbus master card! Close the
TwinCAT system with an error message (0 boxes configured and x boxes awaited). The Read Bus Configura-
tion button is then enabled. This will display the previously recognised configuration in the tree.
Read Firmware Version: Reads the firmware version of the card via firmware service "Get_Version_Info" (see
cards user manual).
For newer motherboards/BIOS it may be necessary to reserve the DPRAM area which the card will use in the
computer BIOS. The corresponding setting is generally carried out in PNP-BIOS and is described as ISA Mem-
CFG tab
Lists the configuration framework produced on the basis of the configured devices and which is loaded into the
card at the system StartUp. Serves as an overview, particularly when the configuration is to be influenced at the
run-time via ADS.
Firmware services
Nearly all SC/I-T firmware services can be accessed via ADS by each TwinCAT program. For this purpose you
need to assign an AMS port to the SC/I-T. This port is activated on the ADS tab. The port number is specified
as 0x7000 + the ID of the SC/I-T. Otherwise a PLC library is offered which gives the essential Firmware Ser-
vices for Bus Control in a simple user form.
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ADS tab
Use AdsReadWriteReq (see ADS documentation) to display the services in the following form:
IndexGroup = 0x00010001
IndexOffset = firmware service code (e.g. 0x00000713 for Control_Active_Configuration)
The number of parameters is determined automatically using Write data. The Write data are not converted by
the TwinCAT into Motorola format. The user must do this if required.
The result (confirmation) of the firmware service is returned in Read data.
Example: Switching off a device while bus is in operation (see Interbus Box Tab CAC/CDF)
The device with the logical device number 3.1 should be switched off while the bus is in operation:
IndexGroup: 0x00010001
IndexOffset: 0x00000713 (Control_Active_Configuration)
Write Data:
Word 0 0x0200 (device_Off in Motorola Format)
Word 1 0x0100 (entry in Motorola Format)
Word 2 0x0103 (3.1 in Motorola Format)
The Write length is 6 bytes so that the firmware of the Parameter_Count 3 (words) is provided.
Positive confirmation is as follows:
Read Data:
Word 0 0x0000
Negative confirmation is as follows:
Read Data:
Word 0 0xXXXX (result in Motorola Format)
Word 1 0xXXXX (Add_Err_Info Motorola Format)
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Allows typical firmware bus control commands to be triggered via ADS (providing that an ADS port has been
Bus Control
The bus controller can be influenced with the above firmware services as illustrated below:
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Input Diagnosis
The IBS ISA SC-I/T automatically provides two input words whose bits describe the status of the card and the
State: 0x0001 = user error
0x0002 = periphery error
0x0004 = bus error
0x0008 = hardware error(interface module)
0x0010 = diagnostic routine active
0x0020 = data transfer active
0x0040 = selected configuration is ready to operate
0x0080 = interface module is ready to operate
0x0100 = bus segment is switched off
0x0200 = disable command output
0x0400 = standard function negative
0x0800 = synchronisation error occurred
0x1000 = data cycle malfunction
0x2000 = pre-set waiting period exceeded
0x4000 = pre-set error density exceeded
0x8000 = signal to controller present
DiagPara: The content depends upon the contents of State.
- If 0x0001 or 0x0008 bit is set, the error code is shown in DiagPara.
- If 0x0002 or 0x0004 bit is set, the segment address of the error location is shown in DiagPara.
See firmware Reference Manual IBS SYS FW G4 LIB UM (item no.: 27 45 13 0) under function GetIBSDiag-
1. Alternative Definition: If the potentially unavailable devices are assigned an alternative, they will be
disabled when the system is started (this can only take place if deliberately activated using Con-
trol_Active_Configuration (see. "InterBus-S tab for that device)).
2. Special Device Settings: A Control_Active_Configuration command can be defined for individual de-
vices. This will be executed before activating the configuration (see "InterBus-S Tab for that device).
Note that a Control_Active_Configuration command will affect subsidiary devices!
3. Special configuration during system StartUp by the PLC: You can tell the card to switch on in
PAR_READY mode at the system StartUp and have further configuration and bus control carried out
by the PLC. In this case proceed as follows:
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1. Deselect automatic "Active_Configuration". This will leave the card in PAR_READY state
2. After the system start, you can individually deselect those devices which you do not re-
quire or use a Group Definition (Control_Active_Configuration), so that only remaining
(present) devices are activated. De-selection (switching off selected devices) is generally
carried out from the PLC via ADS. You can link in the PLC library "PlcIbsScit.lib" in order
to view the necessary ADS commands in the form of options.
The process data length and parameter channel length of the system coupler can be configured via the slave's
context menu commands. The slave's context menu can be opened by clicking with the right mouse button on
the slave in the tree of I/O devices.
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The maximum possible length for the process data channel depends on the length chosen for the parameter
channel. The process data length of 10 words can only be configured after the parameter channel has been
deactivated. The system coupler's ID code is generated from the chosen length of the parameter channel, and
can adopt the following values:
ID code 235: parameter channel length 1 word, maximum process data length 9 words;
ID code 232: parameter channel length 2 words, maximum process data length 8 words;
ID code 233: parameter channel length 4 words, maximum process data length 6 words;
The system coupler can be supplied with an external voltage so that data can still continue to be exchanged in
the higher level system even if the lower level master fails. The slave's configuration can not be permanently
saved on the IBS SC/RI/RT-LK card, and is reset to default values whenever the PC boots again. The card's
configuration memory is cleared, and the higher level system reports a peripheral error. In the default configura-
tion, the system coupler has ID code 233 and length code 0x4 (4 words). The parameter channel is 64 bits
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Configuration of the IBS SC/RI/RT-LK Slave Interfaces in the Higher level INTERBUS System
The system coupler in the higher level system is preceded by a bus terminal with ID code 0x0C and length code
0x0. The system coupler's ID code and length code are specified by the configuration of the system coupler in
the lower level system.
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Beckhoff FC510x
The FC510x is a CANopen master card with one (FC5101) or two (FC5102) channels. It supports all CANopen
Communication Modes and complies with the CANopen specification DS301V4.01. The card can synchronize
the related PLC or NC task using CANopen SYNC. It is a good idea to control drives via the bus in "master"
synchronization mode as the SYNC objects are averagely transmitted with quartz precision and the process
data exchange is synchronized throughout with the application.
The CANopen master card provides numerous diagnosis possibilities. Emergency objects are stored and can
be read via ADS.
The two channel card FC5102 has two independent micro processor systems. Therefore the two channels do
not interfere with each other. The CAN interfaces are galvanically isolated (-> hardware description).
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the CANopen bus.
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"FC510x" tab
PCI Slot/Irq:
Shows in which logical PCI slot the card was detected and which IRQ is assigned to it. The IRQ is unused.
Baud rate:
Set the Baud rate here. Automatically tests whether the connected slave also supports this baud rate.
Synchronization Mode:
The synchronization mode determines the accuracy of the CANopen SYNC telegram generation.
The highest priority task linked with the FC510x device controls the CANopen card and is thereby synchronized
with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding buffers. For all operating modes
you can individually set the communication type for each process data object (PDO) - event driven or synchro-
nized (in each PDO tab). If one of the PDOs has been configured for synchronous operating mode, a SYNC
telegram is sent at the start of the cycle, which the slaves use to synchronize their actions with the master cy-
Depending on the sync accuracy requirements of the application several modes can be selected. Please note,
that due to CAN technology a single SYNC telegram may jitter for one entire frame length it the bus is busy at
the time of sync generation. The SYNC accuracy therefore refers to the long time stability. Bus nodes that use a
phase locked loop (PLL) mechanism to synchronize themselves require a maximum long time stability or accu-
racy of the SYNC.
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In slave synchronization mode the card receives its time basis from a sync master. The sync master is selected
at the corresponding field.
Sync Master: PC-Task. This is the default setting. The PC provides the time basis using the TwinCAT
Real Time. Depending on the settings the Task start (Default with TwinCAT NC) or the Task end (De-
fault at TwinCAT PLC) triggers the SYNC telegram.
Sync Master: Balanced PC Task. This operating mode as well generated the CANopen Sync cycle
with the long term accuracy of the PC time basis. However, the short term accuracy (interval between
two SYNC telegrams) is better that with Sync Master "PC-Task":
- Run time differences (e.g. caused by case dependent program calls) are leveled out,
- the FC510x delays pending transmit telegrams until the SYNC telegram was sent,
- the SYNC intervals are determined by the quartz timer of the FC510x card.
The card timer is adjusted in small steps to the PC-timer if the difference is larger that the value of the
"PLL Sync Time".
In this mode the SYNC telegram is delayed for the Shift Time after the end of the TwinCAT task cycle.
Here the shift time should be set to a value as small as possible - but large enough to allow the proc-
ess data access by the TwinCAT task. The function "Calculate Equi-Times" helps to configure the op-
timal shift time. It is started by selecting the corresponding button.
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In master synchronization mode the card generates its time basis locally. The SYNC is generated with long time
quartz accuracy. The start of the TwinCAT task is triggered by the card, delayed by the Shift Time. In this mode
the shift time value should be as large as possible. The function "Calculate Equi-Times" helps to configure the
optimal shift time. It is started by selecting the corresponding button.
Cycle Time:
Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task. The value is updated when the TwinCAT
mapping is generated.
Sync-Cycle Multiplier:
CANopen SYNC Cycle Time = (Task) Cycle Time x Sync-Cycle Multiplier. Event driven PDO communications
and cyclic synchronized PDO communication are frequently combined when used in conjunction with CANo-
pen. In order to be able to respond rapidly to an event, the TwinCAT task cycle time has to be less than the
CANopen SYNC cycle time.
Sync-Cycle time
Shows the cycle time of the CANopen SYNC telegram. This cycle time is derived from the highest priority task
which has process data linked to the card, and the Sync Cycle Multiplier.
Sync-Tx-PDO Delay:
Directly after the SYNC telegram, the synchronized slaves send their input data/actual values. The FC510x can
delay the sending of the output data / set value (TxPDOs from the perspective of the card) in order to minimize
the telegram burst directly after the SYNC. The Sync-Tx-PDO delay parameter is used to set this delay in per-
cent of the Sync Cycle Time.
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Task Cycle Time = 2000s, Sync Cycle Multiplier = 5, Sync Tx-PDO Delay =40[%]. Event driven
PDOs can be processed by the PLC task every 2 ms. The CANopen sync cycle is 10 ms, the
FC510x sends its synchronized PDOs 4ms (=40% of 10ms) after SYNC.
Searches for all connected FC510x channels. Select those required. In the case of an FC5102 both channels A
and B appear. These behave in logical terms like two FC5101 cards.
Hardware Configuration :
In which the address of the FC510x is set in the lower memory area (below 1 MB) of the PC.
Upload Configuration:
Scans the CANopen network and adds all detected equipment to the device (FC510x) (only available when no
box has been configured). In the case of Beckhoff boxes, reads the configuration precisely. In the case of ex-
ternal devices, the PDO configuration and the identity object are read and evaluated.
Verify Configuration:
Allows one to compare the expected (configured) network configuration with the actual (physically present)
configuration. The data from the CANopen Identity object is read an compared. In the case of Beckhoff Boxes
the connected Bus Terminals or Extension Modules are identified ad compared. In preparation.
Shows the current firmware version of the FC510x.
Firmware Update...:
Update the FC510x card firmware version here. Warning: The TwinCAT System must be stopped for this func-
ADS tab
The FC510x is an ADS device with its own net ID, which can be changed here. All ADS services (diagnosis,
non-cyclical communication) going to the FC510x must address this net ID.
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Input Diagnosis
The FC510x automatically provides various diagnostic variables which describe the status of the card and the
CANopen network:
cycleCounter: Is incremented at the end of each firmware cycle in order that this variable can indicate whether
the last cycle was completed before the task was started.
Error: Shows the number of slaves whose Box State is not equal to zero. Only check the BoxState of the sla-
ves if this value is other than 0.
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ActualCycleTime: Shows the current cycle time in 4/25 s. This variable is only updated when all slaves are
involved in the data exchange (and when error is 0)
DiagFlag: Shows whether the diagnostics information on the card has changed. This can be read off using
ADS Read. For that purpose, specify the net ID of the FC510x, the port number 200 and the IndexGroup
0xF100. The IndexOffset and the length then relate to the diagnostic data. (Note: The Box States are also avai-
lable as box variables.)
Offset 1-127: BusStatus List, 1-127 one byte per station address which contains the station status (see Box-
State for CANopenboxes)
Global State: Various diagnostic and status displays for the FC510x. The byte in GlobalState(0) shows the
status of the card in relation to the TwinCAT system: RUN, RESET, OFFLINE and STOP are distinguished.
GlobalState(2) gives information about the status of the CAN controller: "CAN Warning Limit Reached" and
"Bus Off" are displayed. Warning limit reached means that the send/receive error counter on the CAN controller
has exceeded the value 96. BusOff means that the CAN controller can no longer participate in bus communica-
tion; this is caused by an excessive number of CAN errors (Error Frames). In this case there is a serious physi-
cal error in the CAN network. (e.g. too little or too much matching resistors, at least a device with an incorrect
baudrate, short circuit etc.) The bus off state is only left by a card reset. Details about further global state data,
see comments in Online tab.
LastAdsError: Shows the error code of the last ADS access error, e.g. if an attempt has been made to read the
diagnostic data for a deactivated node.
CycleFailedCounter: Counts the number of firmware cycles which could not be completed before the associ-
ated task wanted to re-read/re-write the process image. If this counter is incremented, the task cycle time has
been set too low for the actual network configuration.
BusLoad: Shows the current bus load in %. The Bus Load is an important design criterion for CAN networks.
The value shown is a average value over 100ms.
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Pin out
The CAN network is connected via 9-pin DB9 sockets with the following pin out:.
LED Behavior
The red ERROR LED and the green RUN help to quickly diagnose the status of the card:
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For each CANopen fieldbus node there is a node state input variable, which signals the status of the current
slave during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Node State
Shows whether the box diagnostic information has changed.
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Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Hilscher CIFxx-CAN
The CIF30-CAN is an CANopen ISA master card.
The CIF50-CAN is an CANopen PCI master card.
The CIF60-CAN is an CANopen PCMCIA master card.
The C104-CAN is an CANopen PC104 master card.
The DPRAM of the CIFx0-CAN is 8 Kbytes. There are no interrupts used.
The following description relates to the CIF30-CAN. The other cards vary from the point of view of TwinCAT in
form only.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the CAN bus.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here (CIF30-CAN and C104-CAN). This address is jum-
ped/configured on the card and can assume the following values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEE000 in steps of 0x2000
PCI Slot/Ring: (CIF50-CAN) Indicates the logical PCI slot into which the card is inserted.
Search: Searches the computer for available CIF-30 cards (only when TwinCAT is active)
Synch Cycle: Enter the cycle time for the synch telegram send.
Baudrate: Used to set the baudrate used for CAN bus operation.
Watchdog: Watchdog, used by the CANopen card to monitor TwinCAT.
AutoClear: If you select this box, a node failure will halt the whole network. Otherwise the system attempts to
re-incorporate the node and continues operating.
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with a corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus I/O update (but not with CANopen SYNC; this is an independent
card function). All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding buffers.
Firmware Update... Update the CIF-30 CAN firmware version here. The currently loaded firmware version is
shown in the window - in red if the TwinCAT recognises and is awaiting a more recent version.
Input Diagnosis
The CIF-30 automatically provides four input bytes which describe the status of the card and the CAN bus:
GlobalFlags: The individual bits have the following definitions:
0x04 = NData: At least one node failing to communicate or has a configuration error
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=210 no database
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For each CANopen fieldbus node there is a box state input variable, which signals the status of the current
slave during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Node State
This bit indicates whether the node is currently exchanging data. Nodes can only be monitored, if their guarding
protocol has been activated.
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Beckhoff FC520x
The FC520x is a DeviceNet compliant Fieldbus card with one (FC5201) or two independant channels
(FC5202). It can be driven as both a DeviceNet master and/or a DeviceNet slave. In master operating mode, it
can exchange data with up to 63 slaves. All IO operating modes defined by DeviceNet are available as options
for the exchange of IO data. Support of the Offline Connection Set provides access to a high-performance di-
agnostic interface. The "Auto-Device-Replacement" function makes it easy to replace faulty nodes.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the DeviceNet Master.
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"FC5200" tab
PCI Slot/Irq: Shows in which logical PCI slot the card was detected and which IRQ is assigned to it. The IRQ is
Search...: Searches for all connected FC520x channels. Select those required. In the case of an FC5202 both
channels A and B appear. These behave in logical terms like two FC5201 cards.
PCI Configuration : In which the address of the FC520x is set in the lower memory area (below 1 MB) of the
Upload Configuration : Scans the DeviceNet network and adds all found devices (boxes cannot be added).
In the case of Beckhoff boxes, reads the configuration precisely. Searches external devices to find the corre-
sponding EDS file.
Firmware: Shows the current firmware version of the FC520x.
Firmware Update...: Update the FC520x card firmware version here.
Stations No.: Each DeviceNetdevice requires a unique station number (MAC-ID)- including the master.
Baudrate: Set the DeviceNet Baudrate here. Select one of the following: 125kBaud, 250 kBaud and 500 kBaud
Operating Mode: Set the CDLSYSNCHRON operating mode, the highest priority task linked with the corre-
sponding device controls the DeviceNet cycle and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are
served asynchronously via corresponding buffers.
Shift-Time: The DeviceNet cycle is started by a real time timer, but only if at the time of the timer overflow, the
PC application has already sent the output data(transfer of output data). This means that the real time timer on
the card and the highest priority TwinCAT task are using the same cycle time but are shifted together by a pre-
determined time difference, whereby the shift time must be greater than the maximum TwinCAT jitter plus the
maximum mapping time (see Equi Diag tab).
PLL-Sync-Time: As the cards real time timer and the highest priority TwinCAT task gradually diverge, the
cards real time timer must be readjusted. The PLL Sync time gives thresholds at which, once exceeded, the
cards real time timer is readjusted. A small PLL Sync time exerts a strong shift on the cycle time of the cards
real time timer, producing a significant jitter on the fieldbus.
Safety-Time: Idle time on the bus before the start of the next cycle.
Cycle Time: Displays the cycle time of the corresponding highest priority task.
Estimated Cycle: Displays the expected DeviceNet cycle time.
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IO-Cycle Time: Sets the cycle time for the I0 connections. This value is used as the default value for newly
added boxes.
Heartbeat Time : Cycle Time for DeviceNet Heartbeat Messages. Heartbeat messages allow monitoring of the
nodes within the network.
ADS tab
The FC520x is an ADS device with its own net ID, which can be changed here. All ADS services (diagnosis,
non-cyclical communication) going to the FC520x must address this net ID.
Input Diagnosis
The FC520x automatically provides a number of diagnostic variables which describe the status of the card and
the DeviceNet network:
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CdlInfo.error: Shows the number of slaves with which data exchange cannot be carried out. The box status of
the slaves must only be checked if this value is not equal to 0.
CdlInfo.cycleCounter: Is incremented at the end of each DeviceNet cycle. This variable allows you to deter-
mine whether the last cycle was completed before the task was begun
CdlInfo.actualCycleTime: Shows the current cycle time in 4/25 s. This variable is updated only when all sla-
ves are involved in the data exchange (also when CdlInfo.error is 0)
DiagFlag: Shows whether the diagnostics information on the card has changed. This can be read off using
ADS Read. For that purpose, specify the net ID of the FC520x, the port number 200 and the IndexGroup
0xF100. The IndexOffset and the length then relate to the diagnostic data.
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Hilscher CIFxx-DNM
The CIF30-DNM is a DeviceNet ISA master card.
The CIF50-DNM is a DeviceNet PCI master card.
The CIF60-DNM is a DeviceNet PCMCIA master card.
The C104-DNM is a DeviceNet PC104 master card.
The DPRAM of the CIFx0-CNM is 8 Kbytes. There are no interrupts used.
The following description relates to the CIF30-DNM. The other cards vary from the point of view of TwinCAT in
form only.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the DeviceNet.
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Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here (CIF30-DNM and C104-DNM). This address is jum-
ped/configured on the card and can assume the following values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEE000 in steps of 0x2000
PCI Slot/Ring: (CIF50-DNM) Indicates the logical PCI slot into which the card is inserted.
Search: Searches the computer for available CIFxx-CAN cards
MAC ID: Enter the master node (scanner) card address here. These must not be duplicated within the network.
Heartbeat: Set the rate with which the DeviceNet card sends heartbeat messages (not supported at the present
Baudrate: Used to set the baudrate used for DeviceNet operation.
Watchdog: Watchdog, used by the DeviceNet card to monitor TwinCAT.
VendorID: Gives the vendor ID with which the scanner card is identified in the network (e.g. in the Duplicate
MAC ID Detection protocol)
AutoClear: If you select this box, a node failure will halt the whole network. Otherwise the system attempts to
re-incorporate the node and continues operating.
Synchronous Mode: The highest priority task linked with the corresponding device controls the fieldbus cycle
and is thereby synchronised with the fieldbus. All other tasks are served asynchronously via corresponding
Firmware Update... Update the CIFxx-DNM firmware version here. The currently loaded firmware version is
shown in the window - in red if the TwinCAT recognises and is awaiting a more recent version.
Global Flags
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x00 No error
0x01 Ctrl: Parameter error Check Master Parameter
0x02 AClr: Device stops the transmission Check cabling, Reconfigure Master
to all nodes
0x04 NExc: at least one node has not Check ErrorRemAddr and ErrorEvent. inspect the field de-
reached the data exchange state vice indicated by ErrorRemAddr.
0x08 Fatal error because of heavy buser- Check cabling, inspect the field devices, may one node
ror makes trouble on the bus, Check DeviceNet Voltage
0x10 Event: transmission errors were Check cabling, inspect the field devices, may one node
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Beckhoff FC7501/FC7502
The FC7501 respectively FC7502 are single-channel and double-channel SERCOS cards (SERCOS = SE-
riell Realtime COmmunication System) with PCI interfaces. They can be operated as SERCOS masters
and/or as SERCOS slaves. The SERCON816 ASIC is used for this cards. It supports not only 2 and 4 Mbaud,
but also 8 and 16 Mbaud. At the moment, neither the transmitter nor the receiver being used are specified for
16 Mbaud, which means that this property can not yet be guaranteed.
Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset of the Sercos master, so that the phase will switch to phase 0 and will then return to
what had previously been the current phase.
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"FC7500" tab
PCI Slot/Irq: Shows in which logical PCI slot the card was detected and which IRQ is assigned to it. The IRQ is
Search...: Searches for all connected FC750x channels. Select those required. In the case of an FC7502 both
channels A and B appear. These behave in logical terms like two FC7501 cards.
PCI-Cfg...: In which the address of the FC750x is set in the lower memory area (below 1 MB) of the PC.
Scan the bus...: The Sercos ring is scanned here, and all devices found are added to the device. The configu-
ration of Beckhoff boxes is read precisely.
Data rate: The Sercos baud rate is set here. 2 Mbaud, 4 Mbaud, 8 Mbaud or 16 Mbaud can be selected.
Transmitter power: The power of the transmitter is set here, depending on the length of optical fibre being
Operating mode: The FC750x can be operated as a Sercos master and as a Sercos slave. In either of these
operating modes, the card can be operated as the synchronous master (the PC and other synchronous devices
receive their clock from the sync master) or as a sync slave (the card, or the card channel, receive the synchro-
nisation signal from the other channel or from another card over the ribbon cable). There can only be one syn-
chronous master within one PC. If both the channels of a FC7502 are used, then only the A-channel (the chan-
nel closest to the motherboard) can be used as the sync master.
Start-up to Phase 4: If selected, then every time TwinCAT starts an attempt will be made to bring the Sercos
bus into phase 4, and thus to perform cyclical data exchange. If this option is not selected, the card will remain
in phase 2. It will then have to be placed into phase 4 at a later stage by ADS from, for example, the PLC.
Check Timing: If selected, then in each cycle the exact real-time behaviour of access to the card is monitored.
If not maintained (actual values are read too early, or set values are written too late) then a corresponding
counter located in the process data is incremented. This monitoring has only a very small impact on the per-
formance, so that there is no disadvantage to using it in normal applications. In applications with very short
cycle times and where performance margins are very tight, however, it can be switched off.
Watchdog: The SERCON816 Sercos ASIC used has a hardware watchdog that monitors regular PC access,
activating phase 0 if the accesses cease. The number of cycles that the watchdog will tolerate is given here.
The watchdog is deactivated if the figure supplied is 0.
NC Access Time: A figure is given here for the time required by the NC in each cycle for reading the actual
values and writing the set values. This value is only used by the internal time slot calculation, so that possible
time slot problems can be seen in advance (cf. Check Timing Errors).
NC Shift Time: The NC shift time can be used to delay the time at which the NC begins to read the actual val-
ues. The value gives the number of s after the last AT. The default value of 50s ensures in normal cases that
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even if there is a small amount of jitter in the real-time system, the ATs, and therefore the actual values, have
safely arrived at the master before the NC takes action. If more than one Sercos ring is in use, it may be neces-
sary to adjust this value, since the NC accesses all the rings at more or less the same time, but the connected
devices in particular rings mean that the last ATs arrive at different times. Since the Sercos rings on the bus are
synchronised in hardware, the following rule applies: The NC shift time should be set on the various rings in
such a way that the resulting tNcAccess time (see timing) is about the same on all the rings. In addition to this,
the NC shift time should not be much less than about 20 s on any ring.
Cycle-Time(3-4): The cycle time of the highest priority associated task is indicated here. This is used in phases
3 and 4.
Cycle-Time(0-2): The cycle time in phases 0 to 2 is given here. This is used for the bus start-up.
The following values make it possible to influence the internal time slot calculation, to make modifications of a
few s in the event of communication problems or loading difficulties. However, this should not be done without
the appropriate Sercos expertise, so that the effects can be estimated.
JT1 User: The value set here alters the jitter JT1 used in the internal time slot calculation.
JT2 User: The value set here alters the jitter JT2 used in the internal time slot calculation.
JTSCyc User: The value set here alters the jitter JTSCyc used in the internal time slot calculation.
T3 User: The value set here alters the time T3 used in the internal time slot calculation.
T4 User: The value set here alters the time T4 used in the internal time slot calculation.
The Timing tab provides internal details of the time slot calculation. A distinction is made between and online
and an offline mode, since parameters are also read from the devices and included in the calculation of the time
slot. In offline mode (TwinCAT is stopped) default values are used for the timing values that are normally read
from the devices, so that the result of this calculation can differ slightly from that obtained with the true values.
The offline calculation does however as a rule provide a very good estimate of the bus timing. In online mode
(TwinCAT is running and the Sercos Bus is in phase 3 or 4) the exact values are displayed, and provide the
expert user with very precise information about the timing on the bus.
The diagram in the lower section provides a good summary of the bus loading being generated, and over the
capacity still available. A Sercos cycle is displayed between the two red master control telegrams (MST). After
the MST the devices first send their drive telegrams (green), and after the NC shift time the NC access time
(dotted region) starts, in which the NC accepts the actual values and transmits new set values. The subsequent
clear region leading up to the Master Data Telegram (MDT, blue) indicates bus capacity that is still free, and
can be used for other devices or for additional data associated with the existing devices.
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Not long after the MDT the master sends another MST, so starting the next cycle. Times T3 and T4 indicate
when the devices should all simultaneously accept the set values or acquire the actual values.
"Online" tab
The Online tab makes it possible to find the current phase of the Sercos ring and to change it. Three red das-
hes "---" for the phase indicate a ring that is not closed. A phase indication like "2->3" indicates that a change of
phase is currently in progress, and that it is possible that this may take some time.
Input Diagnosis
The FC750x has a variety of diagnostic variables available automatically. They describe the state of the card
and of the Sercos ring:
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Context menu
Address: ISA: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumped on the card and can assume the
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Virtual Ethernet Interface
The virtual Ethernet interface adds PC network adaptors, which are configured on a Windows NT / 2000 / XP
Operating System, to the TwinCAT System. Starting from this network adaptor-independent virtual Ethernet
Interface, Beckhoff Ethernet devices can be configured, now.
Context Men
Online Reset
Initiates an Online Reset on all Beckhoff Ethernet devices which are connected to this network.
"ADS" Tab
See -> "ADS Settings at I/O Devices
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Context Men
Online Reset
Initiates an Online Reset on all Beckhoff USB devices which are connected to the USB ports.
"ADS" Tab
See -> "ADS Settings at I/O Devices".
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Beckhoff CP9030
The CP9030 card acts as a PC-side connector for the Beckhoff Control Panel - Link system. It can be used to
connect control panels via coaxial cable to the PC over greater distances. As well as transmitting the TFT im-
age signals, mouse pad/touch screen and keypad inputs, the Control Panels may have additional Special Keys
and LED's which can be read/written to via TwinCAT (see Beckhoff IPC - Special Keys and UPS).
"CP9030" tab
Address: Enter the DPRAM card address here. This address is jumpered on the card and can assume the
following values: from 0xC8000 to 0xEF000 in steps of 0x0080
Search: Searches the computer for available CP9030 cards
Buttons: Enter the number of Special Keys available on the Control Panel. The default value is 27 which is
appropriate for the mostly used Control Panels. (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
LEDs: Enter the number of LED's available on the Control Panel. The default value is 27 which is appropriate
for the mostly used Control Panels (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
Async Mode: If this Checkbox is enabled, the communication of the I/O driver even continues when the linked
Task (e.g. PLC Task) is not active.
Firmware: Shows the Firmware version of the used CP-Link card.
Firmware Update: With this button, the Firmware of the CP9030 card can be updated.
Note: Items, which are disabled are not relevant for the CP9030 card. They belong to the Beckhoff CP9035
UPS tab
see -> "Beckhoff IPC - Special Keys and UPS"
"ADS" Tab
See -> "ADS/AMS Settings at I/O Devices"
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I/O Variables:
S1 .. Sn: Input status of corresponding Special Keys (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
TermDiag: To this input, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis" can be
PlcIFace: The status variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is mapped, the
actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
KBusErr: Error status of a K-Bus (if present) connected to the Control Panel
CnfErr: Configuration error (e.g. Flash checksum error)
PDLenErr: Wrong configured length of process data (e.g. existing number of LEDs / Special Keys don't match
with the System Manager configuration).
ExtVoltageOk: External voltage status (when UPS is active)
AkkuVoltageOk: Battery voltage status (when UPS is active)
AkkuCharging: Battery is charging (when UPS is active)
AkkuNotPresent: Battery not detected (when UPS is active)
AkkuCharged: Battery fully charged (when UPS is active)
AkkuWaiting: Check of Battery charging level. Charging is currently interrupted
IdentSwitch: Value of dip switch installed on card
ComErr: Communication error between Control Panel and CP9030 card
LED 1 .. n: Output bits for control of LED's inside Special Keys (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
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TermDiag: To this output, an output variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis"
can be mapped.
PlcIFace: The control variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here.
EnableUPS: Output bit for manual activation of UPS (use only if the UPS is not activated via the UPS configu-
DisplayOff: Switches off the background illumination on the control panel
KbdOff: Disables the keyboard at a connected Control Panel (important if multiple Control Panels are con-
nected to multiple CP9030 cards).
To enable the data exchange between Control Panel and CP9030, at least one variable must be linked and the
linked task must be running or Async Mode has to be activated! Otherwise the handshake between the PC and
the CP9030 is not served and no data is exchanged with the Control Panel.
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Beckhoff CP9035
The CP9035 card acts as a PC-side connector for the Beckhoff Control Panel - Link system. The difference to
the CP9030 card is, that the CP9035 uses a PCI slot instead of an ISA one.
With CP-Link, the Beckhoff Control Panel can be connected via coax cables to the PC, which makes long dis-
tances available. Beside TFT display, Mauspad/Touchscreen and Keyboard information, a Beckhoff Control
Panel can contain Special Keys and LEDs, which can be accessed through TwinCAT ( see also: Beckhoff IPC -
Special Keys and UPS).
"CP9030/CP9035" Tab
PCI Bus/Slot: The appropriate PCI slot, where the CP9035 sits in, can/has to be selected here (see also
Search: With the use of this button, the System Manager scans the current PC for CP9035 cards. Alternatively,
the PC can be searched for by TwinCAT supported I/O Devices with the -> "Scan Devices" function.
Buttons: The number of implemented Special Keys at the Control Panel has to be selected here. Default num-
ber is 27, which suits for the most of the Control Panels (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
LEDs: The number of implemented LEDs and/or lamps at the Control Panel has to be selected here. Default
number is 27, which suits for the most of the Control Panels (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
Async Mode: With activated Checkbox, the communication with the I/O driver even continuous, if the linked
task (e.g. a PLC task) is not active (anymore).
PCI-Cfg: With the usage of this button, the address of the CP9035 can be set to a lower memory area (below 1
MB) of the PC.
Upload Configuration: Scans the K-Bus Extension port of the CP9035 card for connected Bus Terminals (e.g.
for handwheel or potentiometers inside CP7xxx).
Firmware: Shows the Firmware version of the implemented CP9035 card.
Firmware Update: With this function an update of the CP9035 Firmware can be started.
"USV" Tab
See -> "Beckhoff IPC - Special Keys and UPS"
"ADS" Tab
See -> "ADS/AMS Settings at I/O Devices"
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I/O Variables:
S1 .. Sn: Status of corresponding Special Keys (see above description of tab "CP9030/CP9035").
TermDiag: To this input, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis" can be
PlcIFace: The status variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is mapped, the
actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
Fan: Not used
KBusErr: Error condition of an eventually to the Control Panel connected K-Bus.
CnfErr: Configuration error (e.g. Flash checksum error)
PDLenErr: Wrong configured length of process data (e.g. existing number of LEDs / Special Keys don't match
with the System Manager configuration).
ExtVoltageOk: Status of external voltage (if UPS active).
AkkuVoltageOk: Voltage of battery o.k. (if UPS active).
AkkuCharging: Battery is charging (if UPS active).
AkkuNotPresent: Battery not found (if UPS active).
AkkuCharged: Battery completely charged (if UPS active).
AkkuWaiting: Charging level of battery is evaluated. Charging is currently interrupted.
IdentSwitch: Shows the value of Dip-Switch, which is set on CP9035 card.
ComErr: Communication error between Control Panel und CP9035 card.
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LED 1 .. n: Output bits for control of the corresponding LED's inside Special Keys.
TermDiag: To this output, an output variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis"
can be mapped.
PlcIFace: The control variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here.
EnableUPS: This bit enables manually the UPS (only to be used if UPS wasn't activated through UPS configu-
DisplayOff: If this bit is set, it switches the Control Panel backlight off.
KbdOff: If this bit is set, it switches the Control Panel keyboard off (important if multiple CP9035 cards and
Control Panels are hooked up to one PC system.
For data exchange between Control Panel and CP9035 card, at least one variable has to be mapped. The
linked task has to be activeated or the above described Async Mode has to be enabled! Otherwise, the hand-
shake between PC and CP9035 is not served and no data is going to be exchanged between CP9035 and
Control Panel.
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Beckhoff CP9040
The CP9040 PCB is used for the special keys and/or pushbutton extensions at Beckhoff Control Panel PC's.
The description of the different options in this dialog are described under -> "Serial COM Ports" in TwinCAT
System Manager - Reference.
Items which are disabled in the above tab, are not relevant for a CP9040 device.
I/O Variables:
Diag State: To this status input, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis"
can be mapped.
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PLC State: The status variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is mapped,
the actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
Buttons: After opening of this Bit-Array, the single Special Keys can be mapped with Variables of another task
(e.g. TwinCAT PLC) or there status can be checked. Additional information can be found under -> "BECKHOFF
Knowledge Base".
State: This Bit-Array contains status bits of the CP9040 communication. The meaning of the several bits is
explained in the belonging "Comment" field on the right side, if this variable is highlited in the TreeView.
Diag Ctrl: To this control output, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis"
can be mapped.
PLC Ctrl: The control variable (output) for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is
mapped, the actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
Display Ctrl: The variable for control over the display (e.g. enabling or disabling of the backlight) can be map-
ped here. Additional information to this item can be found under -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base".
LEDs: This Bit-Array contains the output bits for the LEDs inside the Special Keys or pushbuttons of the Beck-
hoff IPC. Additional information can be found under -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base".
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Some of the Beckhoff Industrial PCs offer additional Special Keys with integrated LED's. These keys and LED's
can be used and linked as per normal inputs and outputs.
When you add the Beckhoff PC under I/O devices in the tree view, 10 bit variables are created automatically
below the inputs and outputs for each one.
UPS tab
Some Beckhoff Industrial PCs also have an integrated 24V UPS (uninterruptible power supply).
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Beckhoff NC Backplane
The following screenshots show the possible System Manager settings at a Beckhoff NC Backplane device.
Address: The set address of the NC Backplane has to be selected here. The possible range goes from
0xCC00 to 0xCCC0, by steps of 0x400 (see also Search).
Search: If this button is pressed by the user, an existing NC Backplane inside the PC will be found unless there
is an address overlapping. Alternatively, with a use of -> "Scan devices" , the PC can be searched for all
TwinCAT supported I/O devices. The appropriate address will be displayed in the Address field, after a NC
Backplane was found.
ADC n Gain: Hier wird
ADC n Offset: Hier wird
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I/O Variables:
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Subsequently, the Beckhoff AH2000 hydraulic controller is described. Meant is the configuration of the Twin-
CAT System Manager inside the AH2000 itself.
The AH2000 has either 1 (part number: AH2001) or 3 (part number: AH2003) channels. Therefore, the below
described settings haveto be done one time in the AH2001 and three times in the AH2003, to have the com-
plete configuration.
"AH2000" tab
Address: The base address of the peripherals (ADC's, DAC,..) at the respective channel has to be set here.
Search: Finds the base address of the peripherals of the current channel, if possible.
Firmware: Shows the loaded Firmware-Version of the AH2000.
Hardware: Shows the Hardware-Version of the AH2000.
Buffered I/O access: This Checkbox is activated by default. It shows,that the I/O access goes through a buffer
but the reading and writing of the I/O's is still proceeded in real time and synchronized with the PLC task.
Diagnosis Inputs
The I/O variables in the TreeView of the AH2000 device have the following meaning and to be mapped to
IN_REG: This Bit-Array contains the Hardware status bits of the respective channel. The meaning of the single
bits is described inside the table below and also listed in short form inside the "Comment" field on the right tab
of the highlited variable.
SIN_A: ADC value of the sinus part of the sinus/cosinus encoder.
COS_B: ADC value of the cosinus part of the sinus/cosinus encoder.
V1_IST: ADC value of the analog valve feedback.
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OUT_REG: This Bit-Array contains the Hardware control bits of the respective channel. The meaning of the
single bits is described inside the table below and also listed in short form inside the "Comment" field on the
right tab of the highlited variable.
V1_SOLL: DAC setpoint value for the valve.
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The TwinCAT can use the PCs serial COM ports. There are two operating modes available:
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Data Bytes:
The maximum number of transferable data bytes can be set to between 16 and 4096. In addition the internal
buffer size can be adjusted, which is particularly important for the reception of data bytes (between 4096 and
The handshake is processed via the Ctrl and Status words. These words are structured in a very similar way to
the Ctrl and Status bytes of the KL6xx1, with the difference that the data length to be specified is twelve, rather
than three bits (maximum 4096).
Bit 3: Unused
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indicators are reset. The execution of initialisation is acknowledged by the interface with IA.
The receive buffer is full. Data received now will be lost.
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Printer Interface
With the aid of the printer interface Fieldbus the eight inputs and outputs per card are ready for use.
There are three port address options. These echo the standard PC interfaces LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3. Your PC
manual will tell you which LPT port on your computer corresponds to which port address. Alternatively check
the current BIOS setting.
When you add the printer interface under I/O devices in the tree view, eight bit variables are automatically cre-
ated under the inputs and outputs. Note that with the inputs, the logic of the individual bits varies. Most inputs
deliver a logical one if that pin is not connected to earth, and a logical zero if the pin is connected to earth. The
logic is reversed in the case of those inputs indicated as inv.
A bi-directional interface is required for problem-free operation of the Fieldbus.
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Context menu
Online Reset
Initiates an online reset on the Fieldbus.
PCI Slot/Irq: Displays the card address (below 1 Mb for an ISA card) or, in the case of a PCI card the logical
PCI slot where the card is located along with the IRQ that has been assigned to it. The IRQ is unused.
Length: It is possible to modify the length of the memory area here, but this should only be done for ISA cards.
It is read out automatically for PCI cards.
Search...: This is used to search for the address of the PCI card according to the vendor ID, device ID and the
base address.
PCI-Vendor ID: The PCI vendor ID is entered here
PCI-Device ID: The PCI device ID is entered here
PCI BaseAddr: The appropriate memory area is selected here. (A PCI chip can address up to four memory
areas, corresponding to the PCI chip's base addresses 2-5. Base address 0 and base address 1 are used for
the PCI registers, to which access has not in the past been possible.)
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Generic NOV-RAM
To use the optional NOVRAM extension of Beckhoff Fieldbus Cards (e.g. FC3101-0002 / FC3102-0002,
FC3151-0002 / FC3152-0002, FC5101-0002 / FC5102-0002, FC5201-0002 / FC5202-0002) under TwinCAT,
an additional I/O device called: "Generic NOV/DP-RAM " which can be found under I/O Devices | Miscellane-
ous, has to be implemented in the I/O configuration.
In difference to the configuration of an ordinary DP-RAM card with TwinCAT, the data which has to be trans-
ferred to the NOV-RAM is not supposed to be linked to I/O variables underneath the "Inputs" or "Outputs" area
of the device. Instead, an ADS command (e.g. from PLC) is used for direct writing of this persistent data to the
NOV-RAM IC on the Fieldbus card. This means, the configured device has usually no variables underneath the
"Inputs" and "Outputs" section in this case. Due to the technical habit of the NOV-RAM component, even cycli-
cal data saving can be implemented.
If the data would be written per I/O refresh of the PLC task to the attached and linked I/O variables underneath
the "Generic NOV-RAM" device, a system stop would cause zero-values inside the NOVRAM IC registers!
Configuration example:
The following picture shows an example of how to set up a Fieldbus card with NOV-RAM extension. However,
the PCI address and other necessary device info is not configured properly in this example.
For the address and data length information to be entered here, please use the displayed data of the already
configured fieldbus card (in the sample above "Device 1 (FC5201-0002)" or use the following button:
Search...: With this button, the scan for PCI address corresponding to the Vendor ID, Device ID and Base Ad-
dress of this card is started.
For additional details see the description of the various Beckhoff Fieldbus cards.
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When the TwinCAT is active, the DPRAM of the current fieldbus card may be read-accessed directly for diag-
nosis purposes. For further details, please refer to the description of the particular card.
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All ICs belong to the LM78 family. The LM78 is the basic chip with which all other chips are compared. The
Winbond ICs have no internal temperature sensor, in contrast to the LM7 ICs. The temperature is generally
measured by the motherboard via the internal temperature sensor. The CPU temperature is measured either
via a sensor below the CPU or via the Pentium thermal diode. Other temperature sensors can be connected to
external connectors on the board. If the CPU temperature sensor is under the CPU a correction variable must
be added to the measured temperature. This depends upon the size of the air gap between the CPU and the
sensor. If the temperature is measured via the Pentium thermal diode, the measured value must also be cor-
rected. This correction variable depends upon the type of thermal diode. If there is doubt concerning the meas-
ured values, the temperature values can generally be monitored in the BIOS set up.
All ICs possess inputs allowing the simultaneous measurement of the speed of three fans (LM80, 2 fans on-
ly)(CPU FAN, CHASSIS FAN and PWR FAN). The fans must be of a special type with tachometer outputs.
These fans generally possess three connection leads. Depending upon the board, the CPU fan may be wired
by the manufacturer to a different diagnostic IC input. In most cases, the inputs for two fans (CHASSIS FAN
and PWR FAN) are present on the board as external connection pins.
The diagnostic ICs can measure positive and negative voltages via the analogue inputs. In general, the IC can
measure a max. 4.096V at the input. To measure greater values, voltage divider can be connected upstream.
The measured variable is calculated from the upstream resistances and the ADC value (Analogue Digital Con-
The TwinCAT uses the suggested standard value given by the IC manufacturer as the resistance value for the
voltage divider (find in the IC technical documentation). If a board manufacturer has wired other resistance val-
ues to the board, the measured values may vary from the real values. The correct voltages can be monitored in
the BIOS set up.
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Mapping the diagnosis data using the example of the EPOX motherboard ( EP-3BXA) with the Winbond
W83782D IC.
Hardware/connections de-
Variable scription on the board Comments
Temp MB 3TH THERMAL Temperature of an external sensor. If this is not connected,
the variable delivers the value 0. In BIOS this sensor has
the description: "Extended JP2".
Fan 0 CPU FAN CPU fan
Fan 1 CHASSIS FAN Chassis fan
Fan 2 PWR FAN Power supply fan
Volt 2a Vccp1 Described as Vcore in BIOS
Volt 2b Vtt Described as Vio in BIOS
Volt 3.3 +3.3V voltage
Volt 5 +5V voltage
Volt 12 +12V voltage
Volt -12 -12V voltage
Volt -5 -5V voltage
Temp 0 CPU temperature Temperature at the Pentium thermal diode
Temp 1 RT1 Described as System Temperature in BIOS. A thermal
sensor is located on the board (labelled RT1)
Temp 2 to not used
Temp 7
Mapping the diagnosis data using the example of the EPOX motherboard ( EP-4B2A) with the Winbond
W83627HF IC.
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Variable description on the board Comments
Temp MB not used
Fan 0 CPU FAN CPU fan
Fan 1 CHASSIS FAN Chassis fan
Fan 2 PWR FAN Power supply fan
Volt 2a Vccp1
Volt 2b Vtt
Volt 3.3 +3.3V voltage
Volt 5 +5V voltage
Volt 12 +12V voltage
Volt -12 -12V voltage
Volt -5 -5V voltage
Temp 0 CPU temperature Temperature at the Pentium thermal diode
Temp 1 RT1 Described as System Temperature in BIOS. A thermal sensor
is located on the board (labelled RT1)
Temp 2 to not used
Temp 7
Mapping the diagnosis data using the example of the ASUS motherboard ( P2B or P2B-F) with the
Winbond W83781D IC.
Variable description on the board Comments
Temp MB RT1S Sensor on the board near the Winbond IC (system tempera-
Fan 0 CHA FAN Chassis fan
Fan 1 CPU_FAN CPU fan
Fan 2 PWR_FAN Power supply fan
Volt 2a Vccp1
Volt 2b Vccp2
Volt 3.3 +3.3V voltage
Volt 5 +5V voltage
Volt 12 +12V voltage
Volt -12 -12V voltage
Volt -5 -5V voltage
Temp 0 JTPWR Connection for an external sensor for mains supply tempera-
Temp 1 JTCPU Connection for a sensor for the CPU chiller temperature
Temp 2 to not used
Temp 7
Mapping the diagnosis data using the example of the QDI motherboard BrillantX IS with the LM80 IC.
Variable description on the board Comments
Temp MB Internal temperature sensor Main board temperature
in the LM80 IC
Fan 0 CHASFAN Chassis fan
Fan 1 CPUFAN CPU fan
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Mapping the diagnosis data using the example of the ABIT BE6 motherboard with the W83783S IC.
Hardware/connections de-
Variable scription on the board Comments
Temp MB CON2 Connection for an external sensor for the CPU chiller tem-
Fan 0 FAN2 Connection for a fan near the CPU
Fan 1 FAN3 Connection for a fan near the ISA slot
Fan 2 FAN1 Connection for a fan near the CPU
Volt 2a +2V voltage
Volt 2b not used
Volt 3.3 +3.3V voltage
Volt 5 +5V voltage
Volt 12 +12V voltage
Volt -12 -12V voltage
Volt -5 not used
Temp 0 RT1 System temperature. A thermal sensor is located on the
board (labelled RT1)
Temp 1 to not used
Temp 7
If the variables Temp 0 or Temp 1 deliver a constant value 0xD0, there may be no external sensor connected to
the board (open thermal input).
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Beckhoff Bus Coupler
The Beckhoff Bus Terminal system is an open Fieldbus-neutral periphery concept comprising electronic ter-
minal blocks. The head of an electronic terminal block is the Bus Coupler with the interface to the Fieldbus.
Beckhoff Lightbus
BK2010 (Economy)
BK2020 ("Economy plus")
BC2000 (Bus Terminal Controller)
Profibus DP / MC
BK3000 (1,5 MBaud)
BK3010 (1,5 MBaud, Economy)
BK3020 (1,5 MBaud, "Economy plus")
BK3100 (12 MBaud)
BK3110 (12 MBaud, Economy)
BK3120 (12 MBaud, "Economy plus")
LC3100 (12 MBaud, Low-cost)
BC3100 (12 MBaud, Bus Terminal Controller)
BK4010 (Economy)
BK4020 ("Economy plus")
BK4500 (fibre optical interface)
BC4000 (Bus Terminal Controller)
BK5110 (Economy)
BK5120 (successor of BK5100)
LC5100 (Low-cost coupler)
BK5210 (Economy)
BK5220 ("Economy plus")
LC5200 (Low-cost coupler)
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BK7500 (2 and 4 MBaud)
BK7520 ("Economy plus" Bus Coupler with 2, 4, 8 and 16 MBaud support)
Ethernet Interface
BK9000 (Bus Coupler)
BC9000 (Bus Terminal Controller)
USB Interface
BK9500 (Bus Coupler)
Context menu
Export Box...
Exports the information from the selected box and the information about its sub-elements into a file with the
suffix "*.ioe".
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BK20x0 (Lightbus)
The Bus Couplers BK20x0 and Bus Terminal Controller BC2000 are used for Beckhoff Lightbus. Those spe-
cific properties which distinguish them from other Bus Couplers are described below. The following Bus Cou-
plers are currently supported by TwinCAT:
Type Description
BK2000 Bus Coupler
BK2010 Economy Bus Coupler
BK2020 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler
BC2000 Bus Terminal Controller with integrated PLC
IPxxxx-B200 Fieldbus Compact Box: Lightbus in/output module, protection class IP67
ILxxxx-B200 Fieldbus Coupler Box: Expandable Lightbus in/output module, protection class IP67
BK2xx0 tab
2 byte PLC interface: Once selected, one input and output variable for each 2 byte PLC interface is inserted
below the coupler.
Check Terminals at StartUp: If you select this option (available only when the 2 byte PLC interface is active),
compares the configured terminals with those physically present on the coupler during the system StartUp pha-
se. If differences are detected, the system StartUp will be cancelled with a corresponding message.
Check Online Status: If selected, the status byte for the Bus Coupler (Address =0xFF) is evaluated and a cor-
responding logger entry is created if errors occur.
Show MessageBox in the Event of Error: If selected (only possible when online status checking is activated),
any errors are logged and a message box is opened.
Carry Out own K-Bus Update: You can influence the terminal bus update. If this update is not carried out via a
C1220 broadcast, it must carry out its own K-Bus update (standard).
After own Data: The update takes place directly after transmission of its own data.
After All Data: The update takes place in the current CDL after all data has been transmitted.
In Extra CDL: The update takes place in an extra CDL (provided the server is set accordingly).
Variable Description
State (input) Content of the first byte of the word 255 from the process image of the Bus Coupler (see
BK2000 manual).
Ctrl0 (out- Content of the first byte of the word 254 from the process image of the Bus Coupler (see
put) BK2000 manual).
Ctrl1 (out- Ctrl1: Content of the second byte of the word 254 from the process image of the Bus Coupler
put) (see BK2000 manual).
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BK3xx0/BC3100 (Profibus)
The BK3xx0 Bus Coupler and the BC3100 Bus Controller are used for Profibus. Those specific properties
which distinguish them from other Bus Couplers are described below. Following Bus Couplers are currently
supported by TwinCAT:
Types Description
BK3000 Bus Coupler (max. 1.5 MBaud)
BK3100 Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BK3010 Economy Bus Coupler (max. 1,5 MBaud)
BK3110 Economy Bus Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BK3120 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BK3500 Bus Coupler (fibreoptical, max. 1.5 MBaud)
BK3520 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler (fibreoptical,, max. 12 MBaud)
LC3100 Low-cost Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BC3100 Bus Terminal Controller with integrated PLC (max. 12 MBaud)
IPxxxx-B310 Fieldbus Compact Box: Profibus in/output module, protection class IP67 (max. 12 MBaud)
ILxxxx-B310 Fieldbus Coupler Box: Expandable in/output module, protection class IP67 (max. 12 MBaud)
ILxxxx-C310 Fieldbus PLC Box: Coupler Box with integrated PLC, protection class IP67 (max. 12 MBaud)
AX2000-B310 Beckhoff AX2000 drive as Profibus DP slave
Profibus tab
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The settings DP class 1, DP class 2, DPV1 class 2, Set and Reset slave are only activated for FC310x (->
PROFIBUS DP slaves at FC310x)
2 byte PLC interface: Switches on the 2 byte PLC coupler interface. Register settings in the coupler are then
carried out by, e.g. the PLC.
The diagnosis for the PROFIBUS DP slaves at the FC310x is described in a separate section. The diagnosis
for other I/O devices is described below.
Input Diagnosis
Each Profibus slave box contains two diagnostic input bytes which signal the state of each slave during the
running time and which can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Value Description
0 No Error
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Value Description
0 No Error - station is exchanging data
1 Station deactivated - slave has been deactivated, temporary state during StartUp
2 Station not exists - slave does not reply on the bus -> check whether slave is switched on, whether
PROFIBUS plug is in, correct station address or bus cables
3 Master lock - slave is exchanging data with another master -> remove other master from bus or re-
lease slave again by other master
4 Invalid slave response - incorrect answer from slave, occurs temporarily if slave has ceased data
exchange as a result of a local event
5 Parameter fault - check whether Bus Coupler / GSD file is correct, that station address is correct or
that UserPrmData settings are correct
6 Not supported - DP function is not supported -> check whether GSD file is correct or whether station
address is correct
7 Config fault configuration fault -> check whether the added terminals / modules are correct
8 Station not ready -> station starting up, temporarily displayed during StartUp
9 Static diagnosis - slave signalling static diagnosis and cannot deliver valid data at present -> check
operating state at the slave
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BK40x0 (Interbus)
The BK40x0 Bus Couplers are used for InterBus. Those specific properties which distinguish them from other
Bus Couplers are described below. Following Bus Couplers are currently supported by TwinCAT:
Types Description
BK4000 Bus Coupler
BK4010 Economy Bus Coupler
BK4020 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler
BK4500 Bus Coupler with fibre optical interface
BC4000 Bus Terminal Controller with integrated PLC
IPxxxx-B400 Fieldbus Compact Box: Interbus in/output module, protection class IP67
ILxxxx-B400 Fieldbus Coupler Box: Expandable Interbus in/output module, protection class IP67
BK4xx0 tab
Identity Code: Displays the identity code for the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to the
connected terminals.
Length Code: Displays the length code for the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to the con-
nected terminals.
Installation depth: Displays the installation depth of the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to
the hierarchical structure of the InterBus-S.
Diagnostic: Inserts two bytes of diagnostic data into the process image per input and output (see BK4000 ma-
2 byte PLC interface: Inserts two bytes of PLC interface into the input and output process image
Input Diagnosis
Each InterBus-S box contains one diagnostic input byte which signals the status of the current slave during the
running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
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BK51x0/LC5100/IPxxxx-B510 (CANopen)
The BK51x0 Bus Coupler and the IPxxx-B510 fieldbus box are installed in the CANopen bus. Those specific
properties which distinguish them from other Bus Couplers and/or Fieldbus Box modules are described below.
Following Bus Couplers are currently supported by TwinCAT:
Types Description
BK5100 Bus Coupler
BK5110 Economy Buskoppler
BK5120 Bus Coupler, successor of BK5100
LC5100 Low-cost Bus Coupler
IPxxxx-B510 Fieldbus Compact Box: CANopen Ein-/Ausgabebaugruppe in Schutzart IP67
ILxxxx-B510 Fieldbus Coupler Box: Expandable CANopen in/output module, protection class IP67
"BK51x0/IX-B510" tab
Node Id: Sets the node ID of the CAN bus device (between 1 and 63 (BK51x0) and/or 1 and 99 (IPxxxx-B510)).
This value must comply with the value set at the Bus Coupler and/or at the compact box.
Guard time: Cycle time for the node monitoring (node guarding).
Life time factor: Guard time multiplied produces the watchdog time for the monitoring of the master by the
coupler (life guarding). Life guarding is deactivated if the lifetime factor is set to zero.
Inhibit time: Displays the minimum send interval for PDOs (telegrams) with analogue and special signals. If
more than digital 64 signals are present, these are also provided with this Inhibit Time.
K-Bus Update: Calculates the anticipated duration of a complete update of the terminal bus (according to type
and number of connected terminals).
Trans.Type: Gives the Transmission Type for digital / analogue input telegrams. 254 + 255 corresponds to the
event-driven transfer, 1 240 are synchronous transfer types. For further details see also BK51X0 manual.
Firmware Update: Enables the updating of the coupler firmware via the serial interface (requires KS2000 soft-
ware package interface cable).
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Input Diagnosis
FC510x: Each CANopen fieldbus box node contains one diagnostic input byte (Node State), which signals the
status of the current slave during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC. In addition a
signal is sent via the "Diag Flag" bit informing as to whether the card contains new Diagnostic Information. This
can the be read off using ADS READ.
CIF30-CAN: Each CANopen fieldbus box node contains one diagnostic input byte (Box State), which signals
the status of the current slave during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC. In addition
there is a further bit DataExchange", which indicates whether the node is exchanging data.
SDOs tab
SDO inputs sent to the node at StartUp are displayed/managed on this page. Inputs with an object index in
straight brackets are automatically created on the basis of the updated terminal configuration. Other inputs can
be managed using Add, Insert, Delete and Edit.
ADS tab
In order to be able to read and write SDO objects during the running time (e.g. from the PLC), the node (Bus
Coupler) can be allocated an ADS port (CIFx0-CAN). The FC510x provides an ADS port at all times for every
node since the diagnostic information is transported via ADS. These ports can be used to read and write SDO
objects using ADS read requests and/or write requests.
The ADS IndexGroup contains the CANopen object index and the ADS IndexOffset contains the CANopen
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BK52x0/LC5200 (DeviceNet)
The BK52x0 Bus Coupler is used for DeviceNet. Those specific properties which distinguish them from other
Bus Couplers are described below. Following Bus Couplers are currently supported by TwinCAT:
Types Description
BK5200 Bus Coupler
BK5210 Economy Bus Coupler
BK5220 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler
LC5200 Low-cost Bus Coupler
IPxxxx-B520 Fieldbus Compact Box: DeviceNet in/output modules, protection class IP67
ILxxxx-B520 Fieldbus Coupler Box: Expandable DeviceNet in/output modules, protection class IP67
BK52x0 tab
MAC Id: Sets the node ID of the DeviceNet participant (between 0 and 63). This value must comply with the
value set at the Bus Coupler.
Cycle Time: Sets the cycle time for the I0 connection. This value is added to the Expected Packet Rate (EPR)
attributes of the DeviceNet slave and acts as a timeout monitor for IO connections.
Electronic Key: Serves to check the devices within the network at the system StartUp. The electronic key is
read from the devices at every system StartUp and compared with the saved configuration.
Polled: Produced/Consumed: Activation of the Polling operating mode, cyclical writing and reading of IO data.
Setting of the data content of the data transmitted via the polled IO connections. You can choose from digital
data, analogue data or both. The selection depends upon the BK52xx terminal arrangement.
Bit-Strobed: Produced/Consumed: Activation of the Bit Strobe Operating Mode. With a broadcast message
all nodes are requested to send their bit strobe message (up to 7 bytes input or status data). Setting of the data
content of the data transmitted via the bit-strobed IO connections. You can choose between digital data or di-
agnostic data.
Change of State / Cyclic:
- Produced/Consumed: Setting of the data content of the data transmitted via the change of state/cyclical IO
connections. You can choose from digital data, analogue data or both. The selection depends upon the BK52xx
terminal arrangement.
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Input Diagnosis:
Each DeviceNet fieldbus node contains one diagnostic input byte which signals the status of the current slave
during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x00 No error
0x01 IO Error Data exchange between Check the IO error LEDs at the coupler, see error code in
coupler and terminals has faulted coupler manual
0x02 Coupler configuration error, devices Set Manufacturers Setting e.g. with KS2000 or via register
non-volatile parameters are not valid communication and reset coupler
0x08 Diagnoses of analog terminals, this Read the terminal diagnoses via explicite messages or via
feature has first to be activated via the Bit-Strobe Connection. The Bit is reseted after reading
KS200 or register communication of the diagnosis data
0x80 Fieldbus Error / Idle Mode Check Communication Parameter of the IO Connections.
Send correct IO data, Check if the Device is in the Idle
mode. The bit is reseted if the device receives valid IO
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x02 Station not exists, device is not Inspect the device, verify connections, check cabling
0x05 Parameter fault Check explicite access to devices attributes, check object
class, instance and attribute id
0x07 Configuration fault Check configuration settings of device
0x09 Device is deactivated Check master and device configuration
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x00 No data exchange between node and Inspect the field device, verify connections, check
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master cabling
0x01 Data Exchange is active
Attributes tab
DeviceNet attributes/parameters sent to the node at StartUp are displayed/managed on this page. Other inputs
can be managed using New, Delete and Edit.
ADS tab
In order to be able to read and write attributes during the running time (e.g. from the PLC), the node (Bus Cou-
pler) can be allocated an ADS port. These can be used to read / write attributes via ADS read requests / ADS
write requests.
The ADS IndexGroup contains the ClassId and the ADS IndexOffset contains InstanceId and AttributeId (In-
stanceId * 256 + AttributeId).
Diagnostic data
The DeviceNet status data from a node can be read by any TwinCAT program via ADS and/or signalled to any
TwinCAT program.
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Parameter tab
The parameters are read from the EDS when creating the box. If the system has not started up yet, the EDS
default value is always displayed under the value input.
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Types Description
BK7500 Bus Coupler with 2 and 4 MBaud
BK7520 "Economy plus" Bus Coupler with 2, 4, 8 and 16MBaud (under preperation)
BK7500 tab
Address: This is used to set the Sercos address with which the coupler announces its presence on the bus.
K-Bus Update: Knowing the attached terminals, the estimated K-Bus run-time is calculated and given.
Strict Mode: The manufacturer-specific parameter P-0-0001 can be used to specify whether the I/O data chan-
nels are to be allocated in strict accordance with the Sercos I/O specification, or whether a variation that saves
IDNs should be used, since some controllers can only handle a limited number of IDNs in the Master Data Te-
legram (MDT) or Drive Telegram (AT). The checkbox on this tab only displays the selected mode. It can be
modified on the next tab, under Startup, because this parameter is communicated at each start-up (change
from phase 2 to phase 3), and the I/O data channels are then assigned accordingly.
Firmware Update...: The coupler's firmware can be updated by means of what is known as a KS2000 cable.
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"Startup" tab
Any IDNs can be given (2 and 4 byte values) on the "Startup" file tab, and these are sent to the coupler at the
change from phase 2 to phase 3. Further values can be added or deleted here.
Both the coupler and the TwinCAT System Manager calculate the assignment of the I/O data channels in the
light of the connected terminals. The value in P-0-0001, which should normally always be included in the start-
up parameters, is considered here, so that both the coupler and the System Manager calculate according to the
same rules. The calculated I/O data channels are included in the AT's list of IDNs (S-0-0016, actual channel), or
that of the MDT (S-0-0024, nominal channel). In addition to the automatically generated entries, further IDNs
can be included in the AT and MDT (as shown in the diagram of the IDN S-0-0364).
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"Online" tab
Read and write access to all the coupler's IDNs is possible through the Online tab at run-time from phase 2
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Type Description
BK9000 10/100 MBit Ethernet Standard Bus Coupler
Diagnosis Inputs:
Each fieldbus module contains status informations which can be linked to TwinCAT (e.g. to to TwinCAT PLC).
This status informations are mostly identical at all Beckhoff fieldbus nodes (see CouplerState, MissedCnt)) and
are described under -> "Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus nodes". Only the input variable BoxState is
specific. This variable can contain the values which are described inside the below table. Additionally, each
variable status is listed in the corresponding "Comment" field.
"Bx9000" Tab
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The task cycle time ("Cycle ticks") of the corresponding task should be set to that high, that the variable
MissedCnt shows a static value. In a case of doubt it is better to decide for a higher rather than a lower cycle
Minimum cycle time with UDP: 30ms
Minimum cycle time with TCP: 50ms
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Type Description
BC9000 10/100 MBit Ethernet Standard Bus Terminal Controller
Diagnosis Inputs:
The directly below the Busterminal Controller listed PLC Variables are described under "Data Exchange PC /
Bus Terminal Controller".
Each fieldbus module contains status informations which can be linked to TwinCAT (e.g. to to TwinCAT PLC).
This status informations are mostly identical at all Beckhoff fieldbus nodes (see CouplerState, MissedCnt)) and
are described under -> "Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus nodes". Only the input variable BoxState is
specific and therefore described below. This variable can contain following values, which are described inside
the below table. Additionally, each variable status is listed in the corresponding "Comment" field.
"Bx9000" Tab
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"PLC" Tab
For information about this tab, see -> "Data Exchange PC / Bus Terminal Controller".
The task cycle time ("Cycle ticks") of the corresponding task should be set that high, that the variable
MissedCnt shows a static value. In a case of doubt it is better to decide for a higher rather than a lower cycle
Minimum cycle time with UDP: 30ms
Minimum cycle time with TCP: 50ms
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Type Description
BK9500 Beckhoff USB Standard-Buskoppler
Diagnosis Inputs
Each fieldbus module contains status informations which can be linked to TwinCAT (e.g. to to TwinCAT PLC).
This status informations are mostly identical at all Beckhoff fieldbus nodes (see CouplerState, MissedCnt)) and
are described under -> "Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus nodes". Only the input variable BoxState is
specific. This variable can contain the values which are described inside the below table. Additionally, each
variable status is listed in the corresponding "Comment" field.
"BK95x0/CPx8xx" Tab
Dip-Switch: The active dip-switch setting (USB address) of the USB Control Panel has to be edited here. If the
BK9500 and his Bus Terminals have been found through ->"Scan Devices", the appropriate address has been
set here automatically.
Diagnosis: This checkbox is deactivated at the BK9500.
2 Byte PLC Interface: This checkbox is deactivated at the BK9500.
K-Bus Update: According to the attached Bus Terminals, the estimated K-Bus update time is calculated and
displayed here.
Search: If this button is pressed, the Device Handle is searched manually (usually not necessary).
Device Handle: Shows, with activated configuration and started TwinCAT System, the USB Device Handle for
this device, which was obtained by the Operating System (and is currently valid).
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Special Types
CP68xx / CP78xx (USB Interface)
The Beckhoff Control Panel CP68xx and. CP78xx contains an USB interface (incl. integrated USB Hub ) for PC
communication to the Special Keys and/or all kind of USB devices, connected to the Control Panel. The Special
Keys and USB fieldbus devices communicate with TwinCAT via ADS.
Typen Beschreibung
CP68xx / CP78xx Beckhoff Control Panel with DVI and USB interface
"BK95x0/CPx8xx" Tab
Dip-Switch: The actual dip-switch setting (USB address) of the Control Panel with USB interface has to be
edited here. If the Control Panel (plus possible Bus Terminals) have been found through ->"Scan Devices", the
appropriate address has been set here automatically.
Diagnosis: This checkbox is deactivated at the CP68xx and CP78xx.
2 Byte PLC Interface: This checkbox is deactivated at the CP68xx and CP78xx..
Buttons: The correct number of Special Keys has to be selected here. The default is 27, which is appropriate
for the most Beckhoff Control Panels (see also -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base").
LEDs: The number of implemented LEDs and/or lamps inside the Special Keys of the Control Panel has to be
selected here. Default number is 27, which suits for the most of the Control Panels (see also -> "BECKHOFF
Knowledge Base").
K-Bus Update: According to the attached Bus Terminals, the estimated K-Bus update time is calculated and
displayed here.
Search: If this button is pressed, the Device Handle is searched manually (usually not necessary).
Device Handle: Shows, with activated configuration and started TwinCAT System, the USB Device Handle for
this device, which was obtained by the Operating System (and is currently valid).
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I/O Variables:
PanelState: This Bit-Array contains the status information of the Control Panel. The meaning of the different
bits is described in the corresponding "Comment" field. Or see "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base" for details.
S 1 .. n: The input variables from other tasks (e.g. TwinCAT PLC) can be linked to the Control Panel Special
Keys, respectively their status can be watched, here.
CouplerState: See "Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus nodes".
BoxState: See "BK9500 (USB Interface"
MissedCnt: See "Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus nodes".
PanelCtrl: With this Bit-Array, the Panel can be controlled (e.g. to switch off the backlight or disable the key-
board). The meaning of the different bits is described in the corresponding "Comment" field. Or see
"BECKHOFF Knowledge Base" for details.
LED 1 .. n: The output variables from other tasks (e.g. TwinCAT PLC) can be linked to the LEDs, respectively
their status can be watched, here.
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Status Information - Beckhoff Fieldbus Nodes
Each Fieldbus module contains state informations which can be linked in TwinCAT to other tasks (e.g. PLC
task) for supervision. These state informations are identical at all fieldbus participants for the most part. (see
the following CouplerState, MissedCnt) and are therefore described below for all Beckhoff Bus Couplers, Bus
Terminal Controllers and Fieldbus Boxes in common. An exception is the specific BoxState, to be found in the
corresponding description of the device (e.g. BC9000 under -> "TwinCAT System Manager - Reference").
Diagnosis Inputs
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Beckhoff Lightbus
Following listed devices are used at Beckhoff Lightbus and currently supported by TwinCAT:
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Context menu
Add Box...
Adds another box above the marked box.
Import Box...
Adds another box above the marked box. The description of the new box and its sub-elements are read from a
file with the suffix "*.tce". This file is created with the following menu option.
Export Box...
Exports the information from the selected box and the information about its sub-elements into a file with the
suffix "*.ioe".
Beneath the box, four bytes each in/outputs are automatically defined which are addressed/linked either as
bytes or as individual bits.
32 bit tab
The individual variables can be linked at the same time for all variables via the 32 bit tab. You can of course
still create the links using the context menu or the tab view for each variable.
D0 Input...: Opens the link dialogue for the first input byte / for a bit of the first input byte if you have selected
bit-wise mode. If linking by bits you can select the relevant bit.
D1 Input...: ditto.
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The M2400 is an analogue output box with up to four channels, which also has two digital data bytes. The box
jumpers determine whether the data bytes function as input or output bytes (see M2400 manual). If the box has
less than four analogue channels, the corresponding DACs are not linked.
If the box is linked to several tasks (e.g. DACs with NC and data bytes with PLC), the data telegram is only
created for the higher priority task. This is important in particular during commissioning if, e.g. only the PLC is
Context menu
Add Box...
Adds another box above the marked box.
Import Box...
Adds another box above the marked box. The description of the new box and its sub-elements are read from a
file with the suffix "*.tce". This file is created with the following menu option.
Export Box...
Exports the information from the selected box and the information about its sub-elements into a file with the
suffix "*.ioe".
Four 16 bit output variables with the descriptors DAC 1 to DAC 4 are created and can be linked. Both data
bytes are located correspondingly under inputs and/or outputs. The orientation is entered in the Data Bytes
tab. The data bytes can be accessed as both bytes and bits.
"DAC's" tab
The individual variables can be linked for all variables via the DACs and Data Bytes tabs. You can of course
still create the links using the context menu or the tab view for each variable.
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DAC 1...: Opens the link dialogue for the first analogue output channel.
DAC 2...: ditto...
D 2...: Opens the link dialogue for the first data byte (D2 in the telegram).
Input / Output: Determines whether the data byte is treated as an input or output (must correspond to the
hardware setting).
By bytes / by bits: Determines whether the link dialogue is opened for the whole byte or for individual bits.
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The M3120 is an incremental encoder box with up to four channels. It is available in four different versions with
one, two, three and four channels. When inserting the box you need to choose the right type, since each chan-
nel represents in logical terms a single box. Therefore in the event of an error input, the total number of boxes
The M3120 channels are called INC 4, INC 3, INC 2 and INC 1; these descriptions correspond to the label on
the box!
Each channel of the M3120 has four variables, two input variables and two output variables:
1. Status byte (8 bit input variable), displays the current status of that channel.
2. Value (24 bit input variable), delivers the current counter status/latch value.
3. Control byte (8 bit output variable) allows you to, e.g. toggle between counter and latch variable
4. Set value (24 bit output variable) to set the counter value.
Please refer to the M3120 manual for further details.
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The Fox-20 module has four sockets for digital and analogue sub-modules (the first socket is for analogue sub-
modules only).
All possible variables are displayed in the tree. The variables can/must be linked depending on what is plugged
into the Fox-20 module. If an analogue sub-module has been plugged into a socket, the word variables
Modx_Chny in the input and/or output area can be linked. In which x stands for the sub-module socket and y for
the channel corresponding to that socket.
In the case of digital sub-modules (one channel only) the bit variables must be linked below the Modx_Chn1
The links tell the TwinCAT System Manager whether the fibreoptic telegram is for a digital or an analogue sub-
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The Fox-50 module is a two channel SSI sensor interface.
In the tree, one status byte and one 24 bit value is inserted per channel. These can be linked manually or from
the NC configuration (FOX50 encoder type).
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The Fox-Rk001 and Fox-Rk002 modules are coupling modules which couple the fibreoptic ring with another
fibreoptic ring (Rk001) or with a Profibus (Rk002).
When inserting the module you will be requested to give the required number of input and output words (max.
254 Rk001 and/or 16 Rk002).
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AX2000(-B200) Drive
The Beckhoff AX2000 drive is available with different (optional) fieldbus interfaces. The following dialog is for an
AX2000 with Beckhoff Lightbus interface (part no.: AX2000-B200).
"AX2000" Tab
State: The variable "State" of the AX2000-B200 Servo drive can be linked to a variable of another process im-
age (e.g. with TwinCAT PLC) here.
K-Bus Update: Optionally, Beckhoff Bus Terminals can be hooked up to an AX2000 drive. Based on the at-
tached terminals, the K-Bus update time is calculated and displayed here.
Firmware Update: The Firmware of the -B200 Lightbus interface can be updated through the serial COM port
of the PC, if this button is pressed.
Firmware Version: After pressing of this button, the current Firmware version of the -B200 Lightbus interface is
read and displayed in the field next to it..
2 Byte PLC Interface: After checking of this box, input and output variables for the PLC Interface will be in-
serted below the drive symbol in the tree view.
Check Terminals at Startup: Checks during initialization phase, whether configured Bus Terminals (optional)
are really connected to the K-Bus extension of the drive). It has no function at drives without K-Bus extension.
Check State while Online: Evaluates cyclical the -B200 "State" variable if checked. On error condition, a
message will be brought to the System Manager Logger View.
Show Message Box on Error: Fires on error conditions, additionally to the Logger View and Event viewer
entry, a Message Box to the surface.
Generate own K-Bus update: Activates own des K-Bus cycle if 0x30 telegram arrives to the Lightbus inter-
face and the master card sends no broadcast telegram. This checkbox is activated by default at AX2000-B200
After own data: The K-Bus update is done directly after own data was sent.
After all data: The K-Bus update is done after all data of the current CDL were sent.
Variable I/O Data: From Firmware version "B5" of the -B200 Lightbus interface for the AX2000 drive on, the
Lightbus telegram structure to the drive can be optimized. To allow the optimization, this and the following
checkbox have to be activated. For compatibility reasons, this checkbox "Variable I/O Data" is not checked, if a
new AX2000 device is added to the System Manager configuration, by default.
Optimized Telegram Count: See: Variable I/O Data.
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Save Configuration to Flash: If this box is checked, the configuration is going to be saved to the Flash mem-
ory of the drive with each TwinCAT start (only, if at least one parameter has changed).
Reset Config and Clear Flash: The Flash memory of the drive can be cleared with pressing this button.
For information about this tab, see -> "ADS/AMS Settings at I/O Devices".
"Online" Tab
The AX2000 Parameters are listed on this tab with current values (values are read during tab opening). See
also: Refresh
Refresh: To update the values shown in the listing, press this button.
Drive to Disk: Saves parameters with currently displayed values to disk. The file is stored in ASCII format and
has the file extension *.axp.
Disk to Drive: Loads the parameter values of an previously stored *.axp file into the AX2000 drive.
CLRFAULT: Calls the command for clearing of some defined drive errors (see AX2000 manuals supplied with
drive, also).
COLDSTART: Call the command for a initialising the drive (the Firmware) once again. Previously appeared
errors are cleared then.
SAVE (EEPROM): Saves the downloaded parameters to the EEPROM of the drive. Therefore, the previous
parameter changes will be active even after a coldstart of the drive.
Send String: Sends a single command (edited in the field right next to it) with a request for a parameter value
to the drive. The feedback will be displayed in a message box after arrival.
Example: An input of the string FW would display the current Firmware version. An input of
ERRCODE would display a possible AX2000 error condition as text.
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If the the option Variable I/O Data is checked in the "AX2000" tab, additionally the tabs "Actual Channel" and
"Nominal Channel" appear at the AX2000 drive device. On "Actual Channel", the optional input variables which
are wanted in the cyclical Lightbus drive telegram (and which appear inside the "Inputs" area below the drive
symbol), can be added or removed manually.
Append: Calls the dialog described below for selecting the variable incl. their data type and appends the vari-
able in the tree view of the device.
Insert: Calls the dialog described below for selecting the variable incl. their data type and inserts the variable at
a specified position in the tree view of the device.
Delete: Removes the selected variable from the tree view of the drive inputs (and from the Lightbus telegram).
Edit: Calls the dialog below for editing a variable.
Offs (Byte): Automatically assigned offset for the variable in the Lightbus drive telegramm.
(Bit): Bit-offset of variable.
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Swap Word: Word swap in 32bit telegrams for passing values to process image (activ by default).
Bit Addr: Points to the bit address of a variable for the automatic masking.
Name: Shows the name of the selected variable. If a different variable name should show up in the drive tree
view, it can be edited here.
OK: Accepts the change of the Lightbus telegram.
Cancel: Closes the dialog without changing the telegram.
If the variables DriveError, DriveStatus and Status are added to the Variable I/O Data, they can be used for
diagnosis purposes (e.g. if they are linked to a TwinCAT PLC process image, they can be evaluated in the PLC
task in real time). The error IDs are displayed additionally in the 7-segment display of the AX2000 drive.
The below error messages and warnings could appear:
Data AX2000
Variable Type Value Display Designation
DriveError UINT32 0x00000001 F01 Error heat sink temperature
is set, if the current heat sink tempreature
(can also be linked (TEMPH) goes beyond the max. allowed value
byte-wise with help (MAXTEMPH).
of the variables
0x00000002 F02 Error overvoltage
DriveError0, Drive-
is set, if the voltage inside the DC-link circuit goes
Error1, DriveError2
beyond the max. allowed value (VBUSMAX).
and DriveError3)
0x00000004 F03 Error position controller (drive)
if drive internal position controller is used
(OPMODE=6/SERCOS) and the lag distance is
too high. Means, if in the above case the max.
revolutions per minute value goes beyond (VLIM /
0x00000008 F04 Feedback error (Resolver)
is set, if the amplitude of the resolver / encoder
signals goes below the min. value.
0x00000010 F05 Error undervoltage
is set, if the voltage inside the DC-link circuit goes
below the min. allowed value (VBUSMIN).
0x00000020 F06 Error motor temperature
is set, if the resistance of the motor thermoele-
ment (TEMPM) goes beyond the max. allowed
value (MAXTEMPM).
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For details about the different parameters, see AX2000 manual "Inbetriebnahme-Software SR600 fr
AX2000", to be downloaded in english under or
available on current "Beckhoff Product CD", also.
ASCII Object Short Description no.
\ Selector remote address 299
ACC Acceleration ramp speed control 1
ACCR Acceleration ramp calibration / jogging 2
ACCUNIT Type of system acceleration preset 345
ACTFAULT Error in Stop mode 3
ACTIVE Amplifier enable / disable 4
ACTRS232 Enable RS232 Watchdog 341
ADDR Station address 5
AENA Initialization state of Software-enable 6
ALIAS Symbol name of drive
ANCNFG Configuration of analog Inputs 7
ANDB Deadband for analog speed setpoint 8
ANIN1 Voltage at analog input SW1 9
ANIN2 Voltage at analog input SW2 10
ANOFF1 Analog offset for analog input SW1 11
ANOFF2 Analog offset for analog input SW2 12
ANOUT1 Pre-selection for analog input 1 13
ANOUT2 Pre-selection for analog input 2 14
ANZERO1 Offset calibration for analog input SW1 15
ANZERO2 Offset calibration for analog input SW2 16
AVZ1 Filter time constant for analog input SW1 17
BCC EEPROM checksum 314
BOOT Type of initialization at drive start 350
CALCHP Evaluation of Hiperface parameters 18
CALCRK Evaluation of resolver parameters 19
CALCRP Evaluation of resolver phase 20
CBAUD CAN-bus baud rate 21
CDUMP Dump of current controller parameters 23
CLRFAULT Clear drive errors 24
CLRHR Clear bit 5 at status register STAT 25
CLRORDER Clear motion order 26
CLRWARN Reaction of drive warnings 27
CMDDLY Command delay time of RS232 interface 368
COLDSTART Hardware reset of drive 306
CONFIG Recalculation of drive parameters 28
CONTINUE Resume last motion order 29
CTUNE Optimization of current controller parameters 30
CUPDATE Program update via CAN-bus 31
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BK3000 Bus Coupler (max. 1.5 MBaud)
BK3100 Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BK3010 Economy Bus Coupler (max. 1.5 MBaud)
BK3110 Economy Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BK3500 Bus Coupler (fibreoptic, max. 1.5 MBaud)
LC3100 Low-cost Bus Coupler (max. 12 MBaud)
BC3100 Bus controller with integrated PLC (max. 12 MBaud)
GSD Device General Profibus device (GSD files required from the manufacturer)
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GSD Device
Profibus devices which are not recognised by the TwinCAT System Manager can be loaded with the help of
their device source file (GSD). If a GSD Box-type fieldbus box is inserted, an Open file dialogue appears from
which you need to select the corresponding GSD file. This procedure is described in detail under Selection of
GSD and EDS boxes.
Context menu
Add Box...
Adds another fieldbus box above the marked box.
Import Box...
Adds another fieldbus box above the marked box. The description of the new box and its sub-elements are
read from a file with the extension "*.tce". This file is created with the following menu option.
Export Box...
Exports the information from the selected box and the information about its sub-elements into a file with the
extension "*.tce".
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Profibus tab
The diagnosis for the PROFIBUS DP slaves at the FC310x is described in a separate section. The diagnosis
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Input Diagnosis
Each Profibus slave fieldbus box contains two diagnostic input bytes which signal the state of each slave during
the running time and which can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Value Description
0 No Error
1 Error - more precise description in DpState
Value Description
0 No Error - station is exchanging data
1 Station deactivated - slave has been deactivated, temporary state during StartUp
2 Station not exists - slave does not reply on the bus -> check whether slave is switched on, whether
PROFIBUS plug is in, correct station address or bus cables
3 Master lock - slave is exchanging data with another master -> remove other master from bus or re-
lease slave again by other master
4 Invalid slave response - incorrect answer from slave, occurs temporarily if slave has ceased data
exchange as a result of a local event
5 Parameter fault - check whether Bus Coupler / GSD file is correct, that station address is correct or
that UserPrmData settings are correct
6 Not supported - DP function is not supported -> check whether GSD file is correct or whether station
address is correct
7 Config fault configuration fault -> check whether the added terminals / modules are correct
8 Station not ready -> station starting up, temporarily displayed during StartUp
9 Static diagnosis - slave signalling static diagnosis and cannot deliver valid data at present -> check
operating state at the slave
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1. Byte (8 bit)
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Profibus tab
Stations No.: Here, the PROFIBUS station address must be set for each slave. For some slaves, the station
address cannot be set in the hardware, but only via the SetSlaveAddress service. In this case, the button Set..
should be pressed. This will open a dialogue, through which transmission of a SetSlaveAddress telegram can
be triggered.
Watchdog: Activates the DP watchdog. If the slave does not receive a DP telegram for the duration of the
watchdog time with the watchdog switched on, it will automatically exit the data exchange. The minimum
watchdog time to be set depends on the number of slaves and should be greater than the value calculated ac-
cording to the following equation: Estimated Cycle Time * number of DP slaves * 4
Because the default value of 200 ms is too small for many slaves, and because it is very laborious to change
the watchdog manually for all slaves, a button is provided from TwinCAT 2.8 under the FC310x device on the
FC310x tab, which allows setting of the watchdog time for all slaves according to the above equation.
Ident No.: Here, the Ident number from the GSD file is displayed.
PrmData: Allows editing of the Profibus-specific parameter data. The values of the current parameter data are
also displayed. The PrmData can usually be set as text (-> PrmData (text)) or for Beckhoff DP slaves partly via
the Beckhoff tab.
CfgData: The current configuration data (resulting from the attached modules or terminals) as well as their
length is displayed.
Sync/Freeze: In operating mode DP/MC (equidistant) of the FC310x, slaves can be operated with Sync and
DPV1 Class 2 (from firmware version 2.0): With FC310x, a DPV1 class 2 connection to a DPV1 slave can be
activated. This is a good idea, for example, if the DP slave is in data exchange with another master, but should
nevertheless be addressed acyclically by TwinCAT. The class 2 connection monitoring time is set via the time-
out parameter.
DP Class 2 (from firmware version 2.0): No Cyclic Connection or ReadOnly should be selected under DP
class 2, if the DP slave is in data exchange with another master, but should nevertheless be addressed acycli-
cally by TwinCAT, or the DP inputs and outputs should be read cyclically. If ReadOnly is selected, as for nor-
mal cyclic connection those modules should be selected that appear with input variables in the TwinCAT sys-
tem, irrespective of whether they are input or output modules.
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ResetSlave: With this button, provided TwinCAT has been started, cyclic data exchange with the DP slave can
be disabled and re-established immediately (corresponds to a IO reset but only for the one slave).
Features tab
Data_Exchange Poll-Rate: A different polling rate (Divider) can be set for each slave. Divider 1 means that the
slave is polled during each cycle, Divider 2 means every 2nd cycle, etc. The modulo will distribute slaves with
dividers greater than 1 across different cycles in order to minimise the maximum cycle time (divider 2 and mo-
dulo 0 means that the slave is polled every even-numbered cycle, divider 2 and modulo 1 means that the slave
is polled every oddly-numbered cycle).
NoAnswer-Reaction: You can specify, for each slave, whether it should remain in the Data Exch, despite re-
sponding incorrectly or not at all. In this case (Stay in Data-Exch), data exchange is only exited if the slave has
never responded correctly within the address monitoring period (provided the watchdog is activated, otherwise
data exchange is only terminated once the slave has not responded correctly 65,535 times).
Restart-Behaviour: You can specify for each slave whether it should automatically StartUp after exiting Data
Exch, or whether it should remain in Wait Prm mode.
Reaction of the Master: You can specify for each slave, whether its exit from the data exchange should cause
the PROFIBUS cycle to stop (all slaves abandon data exchange and go into Wait Prm mode, restart after IO
reset or TwinCAT system restart).
Changes of the Input Data: For each slave it can be specified whether, on exiting of Data Exch (DpState not
equal 0), its input data should be set to 0 or remain unchanged.
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BK3xx0/IX-B310 tab
2 byte PLC interface: Switches on the 2 byte PLC interface of the Beckhoff DP slave.
FirmwareUpdate: This button enables updating of the firmware of a Beckhoff DP slave over a KS2000 cable
via the serial port.
K-Bus-Update: For Bus Couplers, the expected internal cycle time (K-Bus cycle + DP buffer transfer) is speci-
fied here.
The following settings can also be made on the "PrmData (text)" tab (-> UserPrmData description of the corre-
sponding slave).
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Click on a line to change the current value. The description of the respective settings can be found in the do-
cumentation of the relevant manufacturer.
Diag tab
Input Diagnosis
Each Profibus slave fieldbus box contains two diagnostic input bytes which signal the status of the current slave
during the running time and which can be linked, for example with the PLC. DpState contains the current state
of the slave (real time state, i.e. if DpState is 0, the slave input data are current, if DpState is not equal 0,
FC310x will have set the input data to 0 by default (see Features tab above)). The ExtDiagFlag indicates
whether the slave has new PROFIBUS diagnostic data. As soon as the diagnostic data were read via ADS-
Read, the flag is reset (for the flag to be reset, all 276 bytes must be read or (from FC310x firmware version
1.4E), alternatively, it may be specified in the Low Word of the IndexGroup 0xF181 (see below)).
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Offset Description
0 Receive Error Counter (WORD): The number of faulty telegrams occurring while communicating with
this slave.
2 As from FC310x, version 1.11:
Repeat Counter[9] (WORD): The repeat counters (Repeat-Counter) indicate how often it has been
necessary to repeat a telegram a given number of times (1..MaxRetryLimit, MaxRetryLimit without
answer). Repeat Counter[0] indicates how often it has been necessary to repeat a telegram for this
slave once, Repeat Counter[1] shows how often a telegram for this slave has had to be repeated
twice, and so on. The MaxRetryLimit parameter can be set in the PROFIBUS parameters (value
range 0..8).
20 NoAnswer Counter (DWORD): The number of telegrams occurring during communication with this
slave that received no answer and which have not been repeated. The first time that a slave fails to
answer, the telegram is repeated up to MaxRetryLimit times, but if it does not answer even then,
further telegrams are not repeated.
24-31 reserved for future use
32-37 PROFIBUS standard diagnostics
38- PROFIBUS standard extended diagnosis (-> manufacturer's documentation).
The data contain the last received value and are updated when the extended diagnostic data have been chan-
ged. Station status 1-3 of the PROFIBUS standard diagnosis is summarised in the diagnostic input DpState.
For DP slaves supporting the DPV1 services Read and Write (the GSD file must contain the row DPV1slave =
1 and the keywords C1_Max_Data_Len or C2_Max_Data_Len with an appropriate length), the DPV1 data
can be accessed acyclically via ADS. The ADS tab contains the relevant ADS address, the ADS parameters
should be set as follows (see example program
The data addressable via DPV1-Slot_Number and DPV1 index can be found in the manufacturer's description.
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Sync/Freeze functionality
Sync is used for the simultaneous outputting of outputs for several slaves, Freeze is used for reading in inputs
from several slaves simultaneously.
The process in TwinCAT with FC310x and Bus Couplers (in K-Bus synchronous mode) would therefore be as
- The outputs are written at the end of the task cycle
- This will start the PROFIBUS cycle
- A Sync/Freeze telegram is sent at the start of the PROFIBUS cycle
- This will cause the Bus Couplers to start a K-Bus cycle with the outputs from the last task cycle and transfer
the inputs from the last K-Bus cycle
- The master will then send the current outputs to each slave and pick up the transferred inputs
- The inputs are read at the start of the next task cycle
- etc.
Outputs and inputs are therefore always one cycle old.
At the FC310x, the operating mode should be set to DP/MC (equidistant). At the boxes, that are to be operated
via Sync/Freeze, the Sync/Freeze flag should be clicked.
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BK4000 Bus Coupler
BK4010 Economy Bus Couplers
General Interbus General Interbus device. Specify the identity code and the identity length or select pre-
Box defined box
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InterBus-S Device
InterBus-S boxes which are not recognised by the TwinCAT System Manager can be inserted by inputting In-
terBus-S-specific length and identity codes. The length and identity codes for each device are given in the cor-
responding manual and are frequently marked on the device itself.
When adding an InterBus-S box you will see the following dialogue:
Context menu
Actuate the List... button to display a list of current InterBus-S boxes, whose length and identity codes are
When adding another InterBus-S box you will see the following dialogue:
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Export Box...
Exports the information from the selected box and the information about its sub-elements into a file with the
suffix "*.tce".
"InterBus-S" tab
Identity Code: Displays the identity code for the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to the
connected terminals.
Length Code: Displays the length code for the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to the con-
nected terminals.
Installation depth: Displays the installation depth of the Bus Coupler. It is calculated dynamically - according to
the hierarchical structure of the InterBus-S.
The following settings are only possible in the case of the Phoenix IBS ISA ST-I/T.
Group: Allows the assignment of the device to a group (see Interbus user manual).
Alternative: Allows the assignment of the device to an alternative (see Interbus user manual).
Data consistency: Allows you to increase the data consistency for this device
StartUp: Allows the execution of a Control_Active_Configuration command at the system StartUp for this de-
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"CAC/CDF" tab
Allows the execution of some firmware services of the Phoenix IBS ISA ST-I/T when an ADS port is active for
the master card. See Interbus user manual. Note that a Control_Active_Configuration command will affect sub-
sidiary devices!
Input Diagnosis
Each InterBus-S fieldbus box contains one diagnostic input byte which signals the status of the current slave
during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
PCP Communication
Some InterBus-S devices can carry out non-cyclical communication with the master card as well as cyclical
process data exchange (not CIF40-IBSM). The communication in the case of InterBus-S is called PCP commu-
nication (Peripherals Communication Protocol).
The devices are recognised by their identity code and have an additional tab.
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Enable PCP communication assigns an AMS port to the device, via which the PCP communication is proc-
essed via ADS.
On the InterBus side, the communication connection between this device and the master card receives a com-
munication number (CR = Communication Reference). A password and an access group number can also be
specified (see description of PCP communication).
PCP services
The following services are currently supported:
1. Read (0x0081)
2. Write (0x0082)
3. Start (0x0083)
4. Stop (0x0084)
5. Resume (0x0089)
6. Reset (0x008A)
The required service is specified by entering the service code (mentioned above) in the ADS IndexGroup HI-
WORD (see ADS documentation).
You can simplify the process by using the code 0 for the read service in the case of an AdaReadReq and the
write service in the case of an AdsWriteReq.
Index: The required PCP Index is entered in the LOWORD of the IndexGroup.
Sub-index: The required PCP sub-index is entered in the IndexOffset.
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BK5100 Bus Coupler
BK5110 Economy Bus Couplers
BK5120 Bus Coupler
LC5100 Low-Cost Bus Couplers
CANopen Node General CANopen device.
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CANopen Device
CANopen devices which are not recognised by the TwinCAT System Manager can be incorporated into the
network by selecting the box CANopen Node. The CAN(open) messages (PDOs) can be configured directly
for these devices. This will guarantee the optimum flexibility of this general CANopen interface.
When using the FC510x, this box also enables you to receive and send any CAN identifier - this enables com-
munication with any CAN node. The only condition is the support of at least one of the Baud Rates supported
by the FC510x.
Node ID: Enter the general CANopen device node address here. If you select the Auto Adapt PDO COB Ids
box, the default identifier for the process data object can also be carried out after changing the node ID.
Profile No.: After CANopen, the parameter 0x1000 "Device Type" contains the number of the supported device
profile in both the lowest value bytes. These are entered here and compared at the system StartUp with the
device parameters present. If no device profile is supported, the parameter will contain the value 0.
Add Info: The additional info is located in both the highest value bytes of the object directory entry 0x1000 (de-
vice type).
FC510x: Comparison of the set/actual configuration takes place only if the profile no. or add info
(i.e. object directory entry 0x1000) are configured to a value other than zero. If the expected data
at the system start do not comply with the values present, the StartUp of this node will be inter-
rupted and a corresponding error message will appear in the Diag Tab.
CIFx0-CAN: The values are continuously compared (even if 0 is entered in both). If values do not
comply, the node StartUp is interrupted.
Guard Time: The guard time determines the interval in which the node is monitored (node guarding). 0 signifies
no monitoring.
Life time factor: Guard time x lifetime factor determines the watchdog length for the mutual monitoring of card
and CANopen nodes. 0 indicates that the CANopen node is not monitoring the card. At 0 the card takes the
guard time directly as the watchdog length.
FC510x: This card also supports the heartbeat protocol and firstly attempts to start this form of
node monitoring on the CANopen node (write access to objects 0x1016 and 0x1017 in the object
directory). If this attempt fails, guarding is activated. The guard time as producer heartbeat time
and (guard time x lifetime factor) as consumer heartbeat time are entered. The card then transmits
its heartbeat telegram with the smallest configured guard time (the guard times can be set indi-
vidually for each node).
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Emcy COB Id. and Guard COB Id. are the identifiers for emergency messages and/or guarding protocol and
are based on the node address.
Automatic PDO... Specifies whether TwinCAT should download the PDO communications parameters to the
node at the system start.
FC510x: If the download of the PDO parameters fails, the card attempts to read these parameters
and compares them with the configured values. In this way, it supports only those nodes which,
e.g. have implemented the default identifiers as read-only values.
CIFx0-CAN: The PDO parameters are transferred to the CANopen node, but allowance is made if
the node does not support these inputs - requires only the conformation of the SDO access (an
SDO abort response is sufficient).
Vendor ID, Product Code, Serial No., Revision No. (FC510x only): If values other than zero are entered here,
these identity object inputs (0x1018 in the object directory) are read off at the system StartUp and compared
with the configured values. The corresponding node will be started only if the values coincide. It is also possible
to compare one part of the value (e.g. vendor ID and product code) - in this case set the not desired parameters
to zero.
Node Error Response (FC510x only):
Stop Node: After a recognised node error, the node is set to Stopped mode (NMT command
"Stop Remote Node"). The node (according to each device profile) can then be switched to a safe
mode via the network status machine - SDO addressing is not possible in this mode.
No Response: No NMT stop remote node command after node error
Node Restart (FC510x only):
Automatic Restart: After a recognised node error the card automatically attempts to restart the
node. The StartUp attempt is initiated by a node reset command.
Manual Restart: After a node error, this node remains in error mode and is not restarted automati-
cally. You can actuate a restart via "I/O-Reset".
CANopen PDOs
Process Data Objects (PDOs) are CAN telegrams which transport process data without a protocol overhead.
RxPDOs are received by node, TxPDOs are sent by the node. This description is contained in the System
Manager from the perspective of the configured node, i.e. RxPDOs are sent by the TwinCAT, TxPDOs are re-
ceived by the TwinCAT.
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PDO tab
COB Id: The CAN identifier of this PDO. For every two send and receive PDOs per node, CANopen provides
Default Identifiers. These can then be changed.
Trans.Type: The Transmission Type determines the send behaviour of the PDO. 255 corresponds to the event
driven send.
Inhibit time: Send Delay between two identical PDOs. Is entered in multiples of 0.1 ms.
Length: The length of the PDO is based on the mapped variables and cannot therefore be edit here.
Event Time (FC510x only): Enter the value for the Event Timer in ms. For send PDOs (here: RxPDOs, see
above) the StartUp of this timer triggers an additional PDO send, for receive PDOs (here: TxPDOs) the arrival
of a PDO within the pre-set value is monitored and the box state of the node is changed as appropriate. If 0, the
parameter is not transferred to the node.
TwinCAT creates corresponding inputs in the node object directory on the basis of the parameters entered
here. These are transferred via SDO at the system start. You can view the inputs at the SDO tab. If this behav-
iour is not required, you can deactivate "Auto Download of PDO Parameters" by selecting the checkbox at the
CAN node tab.
Tree Representation:
TwinCAT firstly provides two send and receive PDOs, with Default Identifiers, for a general CANopen node.
Superfluous PDOs can be selected and removed.
TxPDOs are sent by the CANopen node and generally contain inputs. RxPDOs are received by the node, i.e.,
sent by TwinCAT.
Add variables to the PDOs by right clicking on Inputs and/or Outputs and selecting the corresponding vari-
able(s). If several variables of the same type are inserted with a single action, the offset within the PDO will be
created automatically. If variables are inserted one after another, you need to set the corresponding offset (start
address within the CAN telegram) for each variable.
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Context menu:
The menu alongside is obtained by right clicking on the general CANopen node. Here you can insert further Tx
PDOs and/or Rx PDOs.
SDOs tab
SDO inputs sent to the node at StartUp are displayed/managed on this page. Inputs with an object index in
straight brackets are automatically created on the basis of the updated terminal configuration. Other inputs can
be managed using Add, Insert, Delete and Edit.
ADS tab
In order to be able to read and write SDO objects during the running time (e.g. from the PLC), the node (Bus
Coupler) can be allocated an ADS port (CIFx0-CAN). The FC510x provides an ADS port at all times for every
node since the diagnostic information is transported via ADS. These ports can be used to read and write SDO
objects using ADS read requests and/or write requests.
The ADS IndexGroup contains the CANopen object index and the ADS IndexOffset contains the CANopen
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BK5200 Bus Coupler
BK5210 Economy Bus Couplers
LC5200 Low-Cost Bus Couplers
DeviceNet Node General DeviceNet device
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DeviceNet Device
Select DeviceNet node to integrate general DeviceNet devices. You then need to enter the connection parame-
ters for these devices.
MAC Id: Sets the node ID of the DeviceNet participant (between 0 and 63). This value must comply with the
value set at the node.
Cycle Time: Sets the cycle time for the I0 connection. This value is added to the Expected Packet Rate (EPR)
attributes of the DeviceNet slave and acts as a timeout monitor for IO connections.
Electronic Key: Serves to check the devices within the network at the system StartUp. The electronic key is
read from the devices at every system StartUp and compared with the saved configuration.
Polled: Produced/Consumed: Activation of the Polling operating mode, cyclical writing and reading of IO data
Bit-Strobed: Produced/Consumed: Activation of the Bit Strobe Operating Mode. With a broadcast message
all nodes are requested to send their bit strobe message (up to 7 bytes input or status data).
Change of State / Cyclic: Produced/Consumed: Activation of "Change of State" operating mode, event con-
trolled sending of IO data or Cyclic, cyclical sending of IO data.
- Change of State / Cyclic: Selecting the Corresponding Operating Mode
- Heartbeat Rate / Scan Rate: In the "Change of State" mode the heartbeat rate gives the cycle time of the cy-
clical send of the lower-level (i.e. in addition to the event driven) IO data. In the Cyclic operating mode the
scan rate gives the cycle time of the IO data send.
Inhibit time: Delay period in the Change of State operating mode inserts this pre-set delay period after a chan-
ge of state before the IO data send.
Acknowledge Timeout: Time before the re-send in the event of faulty acknowledgement of a change of state /
cyclical message.
Acknowledge Retry Limit: Maximum number of re-sends until IO connection goes into error mode.
K-Bus Update: Calculates the anticipated duration of a complete update of the terminal bus (according to the
number of connected terminals).
Input Diagnosis:
Each DeviceNet fieldbus node contains one diagnostic input byte which signals the status of the current slave
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during the running time and can be linked, for example with the PLC.
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x02 Station not exists, device is not Inspect the device, verify connections, check cabling
0x05 Parameter fault Check explicite access to devices attributes, check object
class, instance and attribute id
0x07 Configuration fault Check configuration settings of device
0x09 Device is deactivated Check master and device configuration
Code Description Troubleshooting
0x00 No data exchange between node and Inspect the field device, verify connections, check
master cabling
0x01 Data Exchange is active
Attributes tab
DeviceNet attributes/parameters sent to the node at StartUp are displayed/managed on this page. Other inputs
can be managed using New, Delete and Edit.
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ADS tab
In order to be able to read and write attributes during the running time (e.g. from the PLC), the node (Bus Cou-
pler) can be allocated an ADS port. These can be used to read / write attributes via ADS read requests / ADS
write requests.
The ADS IndexGroup contains the ClassId and the ADS IndexOffset contains InstanceId and AttributeId (In-
stanceId * 256 + AttributeId).
Diagnostic data
The DeviceNet status data from a node can be read by any TwinCAT program via ADS and/or signalled to any
TwinCAT program.
Parameter tab
The parameters are read from the EDS when creating the box. If the system has not started up yet, the EDS
default value is always displayed under the value input.
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SERCOS interface
SERCOS Axis Sercos axis
BK7500 Bus Coupler
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Sercos axis tab
Address: SERCOS axis address which must be the same as the one on the drive amplifier.
Operating mode: Sets the SERCOS operating mode for the axis. It supports the speed operating mode (veloc-
ity control) in which speed command values are sent to the drive and the position control mode.
mode Description
Velocity The drive receives digital velocity setpoints, which are generated by the TwinCAT NC con-
troller on the PC.
Position 1 The drive receives digital position setpoints cyclically generated by TwinCAT NC. The loop
is closed by the drive. The motor resolver provides actual position values (Position 1, Re-
solver, S-0-0051).
Position 2 The drive receives digital position setpoints cyclically generated by TwinCAT NC. The loop
is closed by the drive. An external encoder provides actual position values (Position 2, S-
Position 1+2 The drive receives digital position setpoints cyclically generated by TwinCAT NC. The loop
is closed by the drive. Actual position feedback is provided from external encoder and from
Position 1 with- Drive-internal interpolation (drive is deployed without linkage to TwinCAT NC controller).
out Lag The motor resolver provides actual position values (Position 1, Resolver, S-0-0051).
Position 2 with- Drive-internal interpolation (drive is deployed without linkage to TwinCAT NC controller).
out Lag An external encoder provides actual position values (Position 2, S-0-0053).
Position 1+2 Drive-internal interpolation (drive is deployed without linkage to TwinCAT NC controller).
without Lag Actual position feedback is provided from external encoder and from Resolver.
In positioning operating mode ensure that, if using a loop axis in the weighting mode for position data (S-0-
0076), the modulo function is switched on and the resulting modulo value (S-0-0103) is recognised by TwinCAT
(see SERCOS tab).
In speed operating mode ensure that the output scaling for the drive is set correctly in TwinCAT (see SER-
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COS tab).
Telegram type: Defines the telegram structure to and from the drive. Default setting is "Configurable Tele-
gram" (see table below).
The calculation described under FC750x at the "Timing Offline" Tab , is based on telegram type 2 to 4.
StartUp tab
In this case SERCOS parameters can be set here which are sent to the drive at every TwinCAT StartUp via the
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Enter the SERCOS parameters which are exchanged in the actual value channel of that axis. Corresponding
variables are automatically created below the axis in the tree. These can be linked accordingly.
An actual position value is required in all cases!
ADS tab
The ADS port number, via which all ADS access to the internal drive parameters takes place, is entered here.
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Online tab
The NC service channel can be served via the online tab. TwinCAT must be started for this to take place and
the SERCOS ring must be in at least phase 2.
A SERCOS axis and/or drive amplifier reset as well as the queued diagnosis can take place on this page.
The list below shows all SERCOS parameters with current values. This data is read from the drive online (incl.
text and units) which means that scrolling through the list takes some time. If the drive supports this function
you can choose between English and German output.
Change the parameters by double-clicking on the relevant ID no. to display a corresponding dialogue.
The list of SERCOS parameters may also be printed and exported (includes via drag and drop e.g. in Excel).
Right click with the mouse to open a corresponding context menu.
Click on the Update List button to reload the currently viewed values from the drive. Use Auto Update to initi-
ate a regular timed update (update rate approx. 2sec.).
Backup and Restore are used to save the parameters suggested by the drive (see S-0-0192) to a (backup) file
and subsequently reload those parameters into a replacement drive (restore). The format of the backup file
corresponds to the parameter format (*.par), which is used by the Drivetop Tool supplied by the company Rex-
roth-Indramat. This enables you to carry out data exchange using this tool.
The upper left-hand list box allows you to place thresholds on the values displayed in the lower list. The system
suggests a series of groups which define associated values in certain contexts. The last group on the list is a
user-defined group. Any combination can be created in the right hand list in this case.
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Diagnosis Inputs
The Drive Status Word is a SERCOS specific return telegram, all SERCOS drives have to provide.
Variable type Bit Description
Drive Status UINT16 0..2 Control information for service channel
5 Bit change command
6+7 Real time status bits 1 + 2
8+9 Actual type of operation
00: Main type of operation active
01: Secondary type of operation, etc.
11 Bit change class 3 diagnostics
12 Bit change class 2 diagnostics
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Bus Terminals
Beckhoff Bus Terminals
Context menu
Digital terminals
Digital terminals automatically create the bit variable corresponding to each type. These variables are organised
in channels whose number depends upon the type of terminals.
On the left, for example, the tree view shows the digital input terminal KL1002 with two channels. Two channels
have been created, each of which contains a binary input variable.
Variable tab
The individual variables can be linked at the same time for all variables via the variables tab. You can of cour-
se still create the links using the context menu or the tab view for each variable.
Channel 1...: Opens the link dialogue for the binary variable of the first channel.
Channel 2...: ditto.
Analogue terminals
Analogue terminals automatically create the variable corresponding to each type. These variables are arranged
in channels whose number and structure depend upon the type of terminal.
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On the left, for example, the tree view shows the analogue output terminal KL4032 with two channels. Two
channels have been created, each of which has two input and two output variables (II/O Lightbus and Profibus).
Analogue in/outputs have one status byte per channel (8 bit input), one input data word (16 bit input), one con-
trol byte (8 bit output) and one output data word (16 bit output). In the case of the InterBus-S there are no status
and control bytes.
The number of variables per channel offered depends upon the fieldbus used!
Channel X tab
The individual variables for a channel can be linked at the same time for all variables via the Channel X tab.
You can of course still create the links using the context menu or the tab view for each variable.
Status ...: Opens the link dialogue for the status byte.
Data In ... : Opens the link dialogue for the input data word.
Control ... : Opens the link dialogue for the control byte.
Data Out ... : Opens the link dialogue for the output data word.
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9. Appendix
Appendix A: Fieldbus Know how
PROFIBUS cabling
A PROFIBUS cable (or a cable segment when using repeaters) can be checked with a few simple resistance
measurements. The cable should meanwhile be removed from all stations:
1. Resistance between A and B at the start of the lead: approx. 110 Ohm
2. Resistance between A and B at the end of the lead: approx. 110 Ohm
3. Resistance between A at the start and A at the end of the lead: approx. 0 Ohm
4. Resistance between B at the start and B at the end of the lead: approx. 0 Ohm
5. Resistance between screen at the start and screen at the end of the lead: approx. 0 Ohm
If these measurements are okay, the cable is in working order. If bus errors still occur, however, these will gen-
erally be due to EMC interference, in which case refer to the PROFIBUS user organisation installation instruc-
tions (
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CANopen Introduction
CANopen is a widely used CAN application layer, developed by the CAN in Automation association, and which
has meanwhile been adopted for international standardisation.
Device Model
CANopen consists of the protocol definitions (communication profile) and of the device profiles that standardise
the data contents for the various device classes. Process data objects (PDO) are used for fast communication
of input and output data. The CANopen device parameters and process data are stored in a structured object
directory. Any data in this object directory is accessed via service data objects (SDO). There are, additionally, a
few special objects (such as telegram types) for network management (NMT), synchronisation, error messages
and so on.
Communication Types
CANopen defines a number of communication classes for the input and output data (process data objects):
Event driven: Telegrams are sent as soon as their contents have changed. This means that the proc-
ess image as a whole is not continuously transmitted, only its changes.
Cyclic synchronous: A SYNC telegram causes the modules to accept the output data that was previ-
ously received, and to send new input data.
Requested: A CAN data request telegram causes the modules to send their input data.
The desired communication type is set by the "Transmission Type" parameter.
Device Profile
The Beckhoff CANopen devices support all types of I/O communication, and correspond to the device profile for
digital and analog input/output modules (DS401).
Transmission Rates
Nine transmission rates from 10 kbaud up to 1 Mbaud are available for different bus lengths. The effective utili-
sation of the bus bandwidth allows CANopen to achieve short system reaction times at relatively low data rates.
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CAN is based on a linear topology. The number of devices participating in each network is logically limited by
CANopen to 128, but physically the present generation of drivers allows up to 64 nodes in one network seg-
ment. The maximum possible size of the network for any particular data rate is limited by the signal transit time
required on the bus medium. For 1 Mbaud, for instance, the network may extend 25 m, whereas at 50 kbaud
the network may reach up to 1000 m. At low data rates the size of the network can be increased by repeaters,
which also allow the construction of tree structures.
The Beckhoff CANopen devices have a powerful implementation of the protocol, and are certified by CiA, the
CAN in Automation association.
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In many fieldbus systems the entire process image is continuously transferred - usually in a more or less cyclic
manner. CANopen is not limited to this communication principle, since the multi-master bus access protocol
allows CAN to offer other methods. Under CANopen the process data is not transferred in a master/slave pro-
cedure, but follows instead the producer-consumer model. In this model, a bus node transmits its data, as a
producer, on its own accord. This might, for example, be triggered by an event. All the other nodes listen, and
use the identifier to decide whether they are interested in this telegram, and handle it accordingly. These are
the consumers.
The process data in CANopen is divided into segments with a maximum of 8 bytes. These segments are known
as process data objects (PDOs). The PDOs each correspond to a CAN telegram, whose specific CAN identifier
is used to allocate them and to determine their priority. Receive (Rx) PDOs and transmit (Tx) PDOs are distin-
guished, the name being chosen from the point of view of a device: an input/output module sends its input data
with TxPDOs and receives its output data in the RxPDOs. This naming convention is retained in the TwinCAT
System Manager.
Communication parameters
The PDOs can be given different communication parameters according to the requirements of the application.
Like all the CANopen parameters, these are also available in the device's object directory, and can be ac-
cessed by means of the service data objects. The parameters for the receive PDOs are at index 0x1400
(RxPDO1) onwards. There can be up to 512 RxPDOs (ranging up to index 0x15FF). In the same way, the en-
tries for the transmit PDOs are located from index 0x1800 (TxPDO1) to 0x19FF (TxPDO512).
The Bus Couplers or Fieldbus Box modules make 16 RxPDO and 16 TxPDOs available for the exchange of
process data (although the figure for Economy and LowCost BK5110 and LC5100 couplers and the Compact
Box modules is 5 PDOs each, since these devices manage a lower quantity of process data).
For each existing process data object there is an associated communication parameter object. The TwinCAT
System Manager automatically assigns the set parameters to the relevant object directory entries. These en-
tries and their significance for the communication of process data are explained below.
PDO Identifier
The most important communication parameter in a PDO is the CAN identifier (also know as the communication
object identifier, or COB-ID). It is used to identify the data, and determines their priority for bus access. For
each CAN data telegram there may only be one sender node (producer), although all messages sent in the
CAN broadcast procedure can be received, as described, by any number of nodes (consumers). Thus a node
can make its input information available to a number of bus devices at the same time - even without transferring
them through a logical bus master. The identifier is located in subindex 1 of the communication parameter set. It
is coded as a 32-bit value in which the least significant 11 bits (bits 0...10) contain the identifier itself. The data
width of 32 bits also allows 29-bit identifiers in accordance with CAN 2.0B to be entered, although the default
identifiers always refer to the more usual 11-bit versions. Generally speaking, CANopen is economical in its use
of the available identifiers, so that the use of the 29-bit versions remains limited to unusual applications. The
highest bit (bit 31) can be used to activate the process data object or to turn it off.
A complete identifier list is provided here.
PDO Linking
In the system of default identifiers, all the nodes (here: slaves) communicate with one central station (the mas-
ter), since slave nodes do not listen by default to the transmit identifier of any other slave node.
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If the consumer-producer model of CANopen PDOs is to be used for direct data exchange between nodes
(without a master), the distribution of identifiers must be appropriately adapted, so that the TxPDO identifier of
the producer agrees with the RxPDO identifier of the consumer. This procedure is known as PDO linking. It
permits, for example, easy construction of electronic drives in which several slave axes simultaneously listen to
the actual value in the master axis TxPDO.
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Event driven
The event is the alteration of an input value, the data being transmitted immediately after this change. The
event-driven flow can make optimal use of the bus bandwidth, since instead of the whole process image it is
only the changes in it that are transmitted. A short reaction time is achieved at the same time, since when an
input value changes it is not necessary to wait for the next interrogation from a master.
The PDOs can also be polled by data request telegrams (remote frames). In this way it is possible to get the
input process image of event-driven inputs onto the bus, even when they do not change, for instance through a
monitoring or diagnostic device brought into the network while it is running. The time behaviour of remote frame
and answer telegrams depends on what CAN controller is in use (Fig. 8). Components with full integrated mes-
sage filtering ("FullCAN") usually answer a data request telegram immediately, transmitting data that is waiting
in the appropriate transmit buffer - it is the responsibility of the application to see that the data there is continu-
ously updated. CAN controllers with simple message filtering ("BasicCAN") on the other hand pass the request
on to the application which can now compose the telegram with the latest data. This does take longer, but does
mean that the data is "fresh". Beckhoff use CAN controllers following the principle of Basic CAN.
Since this device behaviour is usually not transparent to the user, and because there are CAN controllers still in
use that do not support remote frames at all, polled communication can only with reservation be recommended
for operative running.
It is not only for drive applications that it is worthwhile to synchronise the determination of the input information
and the setting the outputs. For this purpose CANopen provides the SYNC object, a CAN telegram of high pri-
ority but containing no user data, whose reception is used by the synchronised nodes as a trigger for reading
the inputs or for setting the outputs.
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Acyclic Synchronous
PDOs of transmission type 0 function synchronously, but not cyclically. An RxPDO is only evaluated after the
next SYNC telegram has been received. In this way, for instance, axis groups can be given new target positions
one after another, but these positions only become valid at the next SYNC - without the need to be constantly
outputting reference points. A device whose TxPDO is configured for transmission type 0 acquires its input data
when it receives the SYNC (synchronous process image) and then transmits it if the data correspond to an
event (such as a change in input) having occurred. Transmission type 0 thus combines transmission for rea-
sons that are event driven with a time for transmission (and, as far as possible, sampling) and processing given
by the reception of "SYNC".
Cyclic Synchronous
In transmission types 1-240 the PDO is transmitted cyclically: after every nth SYNC (n = 1...240). Since
transmission types can be combined on a device as well as in the network, it is possible, for example, for a fast
cycle to be agreed for digital inputs (n = 1), whereas the data for analog inputs is transmitted in a slower cycle
(e.g. n = 10). RxPDOs do not generally distinguish between transmission types 0...240: a PDO that has been
received is set to valid when the next SYNC is received. The cycle time (SYNC rate) can be monitored (object
0x1006), so that if the SYNC fails the device reacts in accordance with the definition in the device profile, and
switches, for example, its outputs into the fault state.
The CANopen CIFx0 PC cards always transmit under event control, even if the transmission type is set in the
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range from 1-240. This behaviour is quite similar to transmission type 0. The FC510x PC cards support cyclic
synchronous transmission types completely.
Only RTR
Transmission types 252 and 253 apply to process data objects that are transmitted exclusively on request by a
remote frame. 252 is synchronous: when the SYNC is received the process data is acquired. It is only transmit-
ted on request. 253 is asynchronous. The data here is acquired continuously, and transmitted on request. This
type of transmission is not supported by the Beckhoff PC cards.
The transmission types 254 + 255 are asynchronous, but may also be event-driven. In transmission type 254,
the event is specific to the manufacturer, whereas for type 255 it is defined in the device profile. In the simplest
case, the event is the change of an input value - this means that every change in the value is transmitted.
Inhibit time
The inhibit time parameter can be used to implement a transmit filter that does not increase the reaction time
for relatively new input alterations, but is active for changes that follow immediately afterwards. The inhibit time
(transmit delay time) specifies the minimum length of time that must be allowed to elapse between the trans-
mission of two of the same telegrams. If the inhibit time is used, the maximum bus loading can be determined,
so that the worst case latency can then be found.
Although the Beckhoff FC510x PC cards can parameterise the inhibit time on slave devices, they do not them-
selves support it. The transmitted PDOs become automatically spread out (transmit delay) as a result of the
selected PLC cycle time - and there is little value in having the PLC run faster than the bus bandwidth permits.
The bus loading, furthermore, can be significantly affected by the synchronous communication.
Event Timer
An event timer for transmit PDOs can be specified by subindex 5 in the communication parameters. Expiry of
this timer is treated as an additional event for the corresponding PDO, so that the PDO will then be transmitted.
If the application event occurs during a timer period, it will also be transmitted, and the timer is reset.
In the case of receive PDOs, the timer is used to set a watchdog interval for the PDO: the application is in-
formed if no corresponding PDO has been received within the set period.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
PDO Mapping
PDO mapping refers to mapping of the application objects (real time data) from the object directory to the proc-
ess data objects. The CANopen device profile provide a default mapping for every device type, and this is ap-
propriate for most applications. Thus the default mapping for digital I/O simply represents the inputs and outputs
in their physical sequence in the transmit and receive process data objects.
The first 4 analog inputs or outputs are located in the second PDO. These PDOs are accordingly occupied by
the Beckhoff fieldbus I/O modules - if, for instance, no digital outputs are present, RxPDO1 remains empty.
In this way the PDO assignment for the Compact Box Modules is determined by the particular signal variants:
digital input/output data is in PDO1, analog in PDO2, special signals in PDO3.
The extendable I/O modules occupy the PDOs automatically: during the start-up phase the coupler reads in
which terminals are plugged in and which Extension Box Modules are present, and allocates the data to the
PDOs. A distinction is made here between digital, analog and special terminals, and the PDOs are each occu-
pied with one type. In other words, different types of data (such as digital and analog inputs) are not packed into
one PDO, but a new PDO is started for each new data type.
Automatic PDO Assignment in Beckhoff Bus Couplers
The default PDOs for drives contain 2 bytes each of a control and status word and a set or actual value for the
relevant axis.
The current mapping can be read by means of corresponding entries in the object directory. These are known
as the mapping tables. The first location in the mapping table (sub-index 0) contains the number of mapped
objects that are listed after it. The tables are located in the object directory at index 0x1600ff for the RxPDOs
and at 0x1A00ff for the TxPDOs.
Dummy Mapping
A further feature of CANopen is the mapping of placeholders, or dummy entries. The data type entries stored in
the object directory, which do not themselves have data, are used as placeholders. If such entries are con-
tained in the mapping table, the corresponding data from the device is not evaluated. In this way, for instance, a
number of drives can be supplied with new set values using a single CAN telegram, or outputs on a number of
nodes can be set simultaneously, even in event-driven mode.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
PDO Parameterisation
Even though the majority of CANopen networks operate satisfactorily with the default settings, i.e. with the mi-
nimum of configuration effort, it is wise at least to check whether the existing bus loading is reasonable: 80%
bus loading may be acceptable for a network operating purely in cyclic synchronous modes, but for a network
with event-driven traffic this value would generally be too high, as there is hardly any bandwidth available for
additional events.
Safety reserves for bus malfunctions (enough bandwidth for the repetition of messages)
Baud rate
We generally begin by choosing the highest baud rate that the bus will permit. It should be borne in mind that
serial bus systems are always more sensitive to interference at higher baud rates, so the better rule is "just as
fast as needed". 1000 kbit/s are not usually necessary, and only to be unreservedly recommended on networks
within a control cabinet where there is no electrical isolation between the bus nodes. Experience also tends to
show that estimates of the length of bus cable laid are often over-optimistic - the length actually laid tends to be
Cyclic synchronous communication provides an accurately predictable bus loading, and therefore a de-
fined time behaviour - you could say that the standard case is the worst case. It is easy to configure:
The SYNC rate parameter sets the bus loading globally. The process images are synchronised: Inputs
are read at the same time, output data is set valid simultaneously, although the quality of the synchro-
nisation depends on the implementation. The Beckhoff FC510x PC cards are capable of synchronising
the CANopen bus system with the cycles of the application program (PLC or NC).
The guaranteed reaction time under cyclic synchronous communication is always at least as long as
the cycle time, and the bus bandwidth is not exploited optimally, since "old" data, i.e. data that has not
changed, is continuously transmitted. It is however possible to optimise the network through the selec-
tion of different SYNC multiples (transmission types 1...240), so that data that changes slowly is
transmitted less often than, for instance, time-critical inputs. It must, however, be borne in mind that
input states that last for a time that is shorter than the cycle time will not necessarily be communicated.
If it is necessary for such conditions to be registered, the associated PDOs for asynchronous commu-
nication should be provided.
Event-driven asynchronous communication is optimal from the point of view of reaction time and the
exploitation of bus bandwidth - it can be described as "pure CAN". Your choice must, however, also
take account of the fact that it is not impossible for a large number of events to occur simultaneously,
leading to corresponding delays before a PDO with a relatively low priority can be sent. Proper net-
work planning therefore necessitates a worst-case analysis. Through the use of, for instance, inhibit
time, it is also necessary to prevent a constantly changing input with a high PDO priority from blocking
the bus (technically known as a "babbling idiot"). It is for this reason that event driving is switched off
by default in the device profile of analog inputs, and must be turned on specifically. Time windows for
the transmit PDOs can be set using progress timers: the telegram is not sent again before the inhibit
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
time has elapsed, and not later than the time required for the progress timer to complete.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
BK51x0, IL23x0-B510
PDO1 and PDO2 are occupied, as described, with digital and analog process data. For each additional PDO
the CANopen node acts in accordance with the following procedure, and puts process data into the PDOs in
the following sequence:
1. Digital I/Os (if more than 64 are present)
2. 1-bytes special terminals
3. Analog I/Os
4. 2-bytes special terminals
5. 3-bytes special terminals
6. ...10. 8-bytes special terminals
Data types are not mixed, and a new PDO is taken for each new data type. for example
The procedure is illustrated in the flow diagram below.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
A BK5120 CANopen coupler has altogether 78 digital inputs and 48 digital outputs, 6 analog inputs and 10 ana-
log outputs, 1 SSI transducer interface (by default 2 x 2 bytes input), 1 serial interface (by default 2 x 2 bytes
each input + output) and an incremental encoder interface (6 bytes each input + output):
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Bit Timing
The following baud rates and entries in the bit-timing register are supported by the CANopen devices:
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Identifier Allocation
Default identifier
CANopen provides default identifiers for the most important communication objects, and these are derived from
the 7-bit node address (the node ID) and a 4-bit function code in accordance with the following scheme:
For broadcast objects the node ID is set to 0. This gives rise to the following default identifiers:
Broadcast objects
Function Resulting COB ID ?hex / Object for communication Parameter /
Object Function code dec mapping
NMT Boot-Up 0 0x00 / 0 -/-
SYNC Synch. 1 0x80 / 128 0x1005 + 0x1006 / -
Peer-to-peer objects
Function Resulting COB ID Object for communication Parame-
Object Function code ?hex / dec ter / mapping
Emergency Status / error 1 0x81 - 0xFF/ 129 - -/-
PDO1 (tx) dig. inputs 11 0x181 - 0x1FF / 385 - 0x1800 / 0x1A00
PDO1 (rx) digital outputs 100 0x201 - 0x27F/ 513- 0x1400 / 0x1600
PDO2 (tx) analog inputs 101 0x281 - 0x2FF/ 641- 0x1801 / 0x1A01
PDO2 (rx) Analog outputs 110 0x301 - 0x37F/ 769- 0x1401 / 0x1601
SDO (tx) Parameters 1011 0x581 - 0x5FF/ 1409- -/-
SDO (rx) Parameters 1100 0x601 - 0x67F/ 1537- -/-
Guarding Life/node guar- 1110 0x701 - 0x77F/ 1793- (0x100C, 0x100D, 0x100E)
ding 1919
Note: Up until version 3 of the CANopen specification, default identifiers were assigned to 2 PDOs at a time.
The Beckhoff Bus Couplers correspond to this issue of the specification. After version 4, default identifiers are
provided for up to 4 PDOs.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Remark: Ensure that index 0x5500 is not used if bus couplers with more than 5 PDOs are present in networks
with node numbers >64, otherwise identification overlaps can occur.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
170 AA EMCY Nd.42 918 396 TxPDO3*, Nd.22 1474 5C2 TxPDO10*, Nd.2
171 AB EMCY Nd.43 919 397 TxPDO3*, Nd.23 1475 5C3 TxPDO10*, Nd.3
172 AC EMCY Nd.44 920 398 TxPDO3*, Nd.24 1476 5C4 TxPDO10*, Nd.4
173 AD EMCY Nd.45 921 399 TxPDO3*, Nd.25 1477 5C5 TxPDO10*, Nd.5
174 AE EMCY Nd.46 922 39A TxPDO3*, Nd.26 1478 5C6 TxPDO10*, Nd.6
175 AF EMCY Nd.47 923 39B TxPDO3*, Nd.27 1479 5C7 TxPDO10*, Nd.7
176 B0 EMCY Nd.48 924 39C TxPDO3*, Nd.28 1480 5C8 TxPDO10*, Nd.8
177 B1 EMCY Nd.49 925 39D TxPDO3*, Nd.29 1481 5C9 TxPDO10*, Nd.9
178 B2 EMCY Nd.50 926 39E TxPDO3*, Nd.30 1482 5CA TxPDO10*, Nd.10
179 B3 EMCY Nd.51 927 39F TxPDO3*, Nd.31 1483 5CB TxPDO10*, Nd.11
180 B4 EMCY Nd.52 928 3A0 TxPDO3*, Nd.32 1484 5CC TxPDO10*, Nd.12
181 B5 EMCY Nd.53 929 3A1 TxPDO3*, Nd.33 1485 5CD TxPDO10*, Nd.13
182 B6 EMCY Nd.54 930 3A2 TxPDO3*, Nd.34 1486 5CE TxPDO10*, Nd.14
183 B7 EMCY Nd.55 931 3A3 TxPDO3*, Nd.35 1487 5CF TxPDO10*, Nd.15
184 B8 EMCY Nd.56 932 3A4 TxPDO3*, Nd.36 1488 5D0 TxPDO10*, Nd.16
185 B9 EMCY Nd.57 933 3A5 TxPDO3*, Nd.37 1489 5D1 TxPDO10*, Nd.17
186 BA EMCY Nd.58 934 3A6 TxPDO3*, Nd.38 1490 5D2 TxPDO10*, Nd.18
187 BB EMCY Nd.59 935 3A7 TxPDO3*, Nd.39 1491 5D3 TxPDO10*, Nd.19
188 BC EMCY Nd.60 936 3A8 TxPDO3*, Nd.40 1492 5D4 TxPDO10*, Nd.20
189 BD EMCY Nd.61 937 3A9 TxPDO3*, Nd.41 1493 5D5 TxPDO10*, Nd.21
190 BE EMCY Nd.62 938 3AA TxPDO3*, Nd.42 1494 5D6 TxPDO10*, Nd.22
191 BF EMCY Nd.63 939 3AB TxPDO3*, Nd.43 1495 5D7 TxPDO10*, Nd.23
385 181 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.1 940 3AC TxPDO3*, Nd.44 1496 5D8 TxPDO10*, Nd.24
386 182 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.2 941 3AD TxPDO3*, Nd.45 1497 5D9 TxPDO10*, Nd.25
387 183 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.3 942 3AE TxPDO3*, Nd.46 1498 5DA TxPDO10*, Nd.26
388 184 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.4 943 3AF TxPDO3*, Nd.47 1499 5DB TxPDO10*, Nd.27
389 185 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.5 944 3B0 TxPDO3*, Nd.48 1500 5DC TxPDO10*, Nd.28
390 186 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.6 945 3B1 TxPDO3*, Nd.49 1501 5DD TxPDO10*, Nd.29
391 187 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.7 946 3B2 TxPDO3*, Nd.50 1502 5DE TxPDO10*, Nd.30
392 188 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.8 947 3B3 TxPDO3*, Nd.51 1503 5DF TxPDO10*, Nd.31
393 189 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.9 948 3B4 TxPDO3*, Nd.52 1504 5E0 TxPDO10*, Nd.32
394 18A TxPDO1, DI, Nd.10 949 3B5 TxPDO3*, Nd.53 1505 5E1 TxPDO10*, Nd.33
395 18B TxPDO1, DI, Nd.11 950 3B6 TxPDO3*, Nd.54 1506 5E2 TxPDO10*, Nd.34
396 18C TxPDO1, DI, Nd.12 951 3B7 TxPDO3*, Nd.55 1507 5E3 TxPDO10*, Nd.35
397 18D TxPDO1, DI, Nd.13 952 3B8 TxPDO3*, Nd.56 1508 5E4 TxPDO10*, Nd.36
398 18E TxPDO1, DI, Nd.14 953 3B9 TxPDO3*, Nd.57 1509 5E5 TxPDO10*, Nd.37
399 18F TxPDO1, DI, Nd.15 954 3BA TxPDO3*, Nd.58 1510 5E6 TxPDO10*, Nd.38
400 190 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.16 955 3BB TxPDO3*, Nd.59 1511 5E7 TxPDO10*, Nd.39
401 191 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.17 956 3BC TxPDO3*, Nd.60 1512 5E8 TxPDO10*, Nd.40
402 192 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.18 957 3BD TxPDO3*, Nd.61 1513 5E9 TxPDO10*, Nd.41
403 193 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.19 958 3BE TxPDO3*, Nd.62 1514 5EA TxPDO10*, Nd.42
404 194 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.20 959 3BF TxPDO3*, Nd.63 1515 5EB TxPDO10*, Nd.43
405 195 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.21 961 3C1 TxPDO8*, Nd.1 1516 5EC TxPDO10*, Nd.44
406 196 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.22 962 3C2 TxPDO8*, Nd.2 1517 5ED TxPDO10*, Nd.45
407 197 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.23 963 3C3 TxPDO8*, Nd.3 1518 5EE TxPDO10*, Nd.46
408 198 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.24 964 3C4 TxPDO8*, Nd.4 1519 5EF TxPDO10*, Nd.47
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409 199 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.25 965 3C5 TxPDO8*, Nd.5 1520 5F0 TxPDO10*, Nd.48
410 19A TxPDO1, DI, Nd.26 966 3C6 TxPDO8*, Nd.6 1521 5F1 TxPDO10*, Nd.49
411 19B TxPDO1, DI, Nd.27 967 3C7 TxPDO8*, Nd.7 1522 5F2 TxPDO10*, Nd.50
412 19C TxPDO1, DI, Nd.28 968 3C8 TxPDO8*, Nd.8 1523 5F3 TxPDO10*, Nd.51
413 19D TxPDO1, DI, Nd.29 969 3C9 TxPDO8*, Nd.9 1524 5F4 TxPDO10*, Nd.52
414 19E TxPDO1, DI, Nd.30 970 3CA TxPDO8*, Nd.10 1525 5F5 TxPDO10*, Nd.53
415 19F TxPDO1, DI, Nd.31 971 3CB TxPDO8*, Nd.11 1526 5F6 TxPDO10*, Nd.54
416 1A0 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.32 972 3CC TxPDO8*, Nd.12 1527 5F7 TxPDO10*, Nd.55
417 1A1 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.33 973 3CD TxPDO8*, Nd.13 1528 5F8 TxPDO10*, Nd.56
418 1A2 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.34 974 3CE TxPDO8*, Nd.14 1529 5F9 TxPDO10*, Nd.57
419 1A3 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.35 975 3CF TxPDO8*, Nd.15 1530 5FA TxPDO10*, Nd.58
420 1A4 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.36 976 3D0 TxPDO8*, Nd.16 1531 5FB TxPDO10*, Nd.59
421 1A5 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.37 977 3D1 TxPDO8*, Nd.17 1532 5FC TxPDO10*, Nd.60
422 1A6 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.38 978 3D2 TxPDO8*, Nd.18 1533 5FD TxPDO10*, Nd.61
423 1A7 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.39 979 3D3 TxPDO8*, Nd.19 1534 5FE TxPDO10*, Nd.62
424 1A8 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.40 980 3D4 TxPDO8*, Nd.20 1535 5FF TxPDO10*, Nd.63
425 1A9 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.41 981 3D5 TxPDO8*, Nd.21 1537 601 SDO Rx Nd.1
426 1AA TxPDO1, DI, Nd.42 982 3D6 TxPDO8*, Nd.22 1538 602 SDO Rx Nd.2
427 1AB TxPDO1, DI, Nd.43 983 3D7 TxPDO8*, Nd.23 1539 603 SDO Rx Nd.3
428 1AC TxPDO1, DI, Nd.44 984 3D8 TxPDO8*, Nd.24 1540 604 SDO Rx Nd.4
429 1AD TxPDO1, DI, Nd.45 985 3D9 TxPDO8*, Nd.25 1541 605 SDO Rx Nd.5
430 1AE TxPDO1, DI, Nd.46 986 3DA TxPDO8*, Nd.26 1542 606 SDO Rx Nd.6
431 1AF TxPDO1, DI, Nd.47 987 3DB TxPDO8*, Nd.27 1543 607 SDO Rx Nd.7
432 1B0 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.48 988 3DC TxPDO8*, Nd.28 1544 608 SDO Rx Nd.8
433 1B1 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.49 989 3DD TxPDO8*, Nd.29 1545 609 SDO Rx Nd.9
434 1B2 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.50 990 3DE TxPDO8*, Nd.30 1546 60A SDO Rx Nd.10
435 1B3 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.51 991 3DF TxPDO8*, Nd.31 1547 60B SDO Rx Nd.11
436 1B4 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.52 992 3E0 TxPDO8*, Nd.32 1548 60C SDO Rx Nd.12
437 1B5 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.53 993 3E1 TxPDO8*, Nd.33 1549 60D SDO Rx Nd.13
438 1B6 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.54 994 3E2 TxPDO8*, Nd.34 1550 60E SDO Rx Nd.14
439 1B7 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.55 995 3E3 TxPDO8*, Nd.35 1551 60F SDO Rx Nd.15
440 1B8 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.56 996 3E4 TxPDO8*, Nd.36 1552 610 SDO Rx Nd.16
441 1B9 TxPDO1, DI, Nd.57 997 3E5 TxPDO8*, Nd.37 1553 611 SDO Rx Nd.17
442 1BA TxPDO1, DI, Nd.58 998 3E6 TxPDO8*, Nd.38 1554 612 SDO Rx Nd.18
443 1BB TxPDO1, DI, Nd.59 999 3E7 TxPDO8*, Nd.39 1555 613 SDO Rx Nd.19
444 1BC TxPDO1, DI, Nd.60 1000 3E8 TxPDO8*, Nd.40 1556 614 SDO Rx Nd.20
445 1BD TxPDO1, DI, Nd.61 1001 3E9 TxPDO8*, Nd.41 1557 615 SDO Rx Nd.21
446 1BE TxPDO1, DI, Nd.62 1002 3EA TxPDO8*, Nd.42 1558 616 SDO Rx Nd.22
447 1BF TxPDO1, DI, Nd.63 1003 3EB TxPDO8*, Nd.43 1559 617 SDO Rx Nd.23
449 1C1 TxPDO6*, Nd.1 1004 3EC TxPDO8*, Nd.44 1560 618 SDO Rx Nd.24
450 1C2 TxPDO6*, Nd.2 1005 3ED TxPDO8*, Nd.45 1561 619 SDO Rx Nd.25
451 1C3 TxPDO6*, Nd.3 1006 3EE TxPDO8*, Nd.46 1562 61A SDO Rx Nd.26
452 1C4 TxPDO6*, Nd.4 1007 3EF TxPDO8*, Nd.47 1563 61B SDO Rx Nd.27
453 1C5 TxPDO6*, Nd.5 1008 3F0 TxPDO8*, Nd.48 1564 61C SDO Rx Nd.28
454 1C6 TxPDO6*, Nd.6 1009 3F1 TxPDO8*, Nd.49 1565 61D SDO Rx Nd.29
455 1C7 TxPDO6*, Nd.7 1010 3F2 TxPDO8*, Nd.50 1566 61E SDO Rx Nd.30
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456 1C8 TxPDO6*, Nd.8 1011 3F3 TxPDO8*, Nd.51 1567 61F SDO Rx Nd.31
457 1C9 TxPDO6*, Nd.9 1012 3F4 TxPDO8*, Nd.52 1568 620 SDO Rx Nd.32
458 1CA TxPDO6*, Nd.10 1013 3F5 TxPDO8*, Nd.53 1569 621 SDO Rx Nd.33
459 1CB TxPDO6*, Nd.11 1014 3F6 TxPDO8*, Nd.54 1570 622 SDO Rx Nd.34
460 1CC TxPDO6*, Nd.12 1015 3F7 TxPDO8*, Nd.55 1571 623 SDO Rx Nd.35
461 1CD TxPDO6*, Nd.13 1016 3F8 TxPDO8*, Nd.56 1572 624 SDO Rx Nd.36
462 1CE TxPDO6*, Nd.14 1017 3F9 TxPDO8*, Nd.57 1573 625 SDO Rx Nd.37
463 1CF TxPDO6*, Nd.15 1018 3FA TxPDO8*, Nd.58 1574 626 SDO Rx Nd.38
464 1D0 TxPDO6*, Nd.16 1019 3FB TxPDO8*, Nd.59 1575 627 SDO Rx Nd.39
465 1D1 TxPDO6*, Nd.17 1020 3FC TxPDO8*, Nd.60 1576 628 SDO Rx Nd.40
466 1D2 TxPDO6*, Nd.18 1021 3FD TxPDO8*, Nd.61 1577 629 SDO Rx Nd.41
467 1D3 TxPDO6*, Nd.19 1022 3FE TxPDO8*, Nd.62 1578 62A SDO Rx Nd.42
468 1D4 TxPDO6*, Nd.20 1023 3FF TxPDO8*, Nd.63 1579 62B SDO Rx Nd.43
469 1D5 TxPDO6*, Nd.21 1025 401 RxPDO3*, Nd.1 1580 62C SDO Rx Nd.44
470 1D6 TxPDO6*, Nd.22 1026 402 RxPDO3*, Nd.2 1581 62D SDO Rx Nd.45
471 1D7 TxPDO6*, Nd.23 1027 403 RxPDO3*, Nd.3 1582 62E SDO Rx Nd.46
472 1D8 TxPDO6*, Nd.24 1028 404 RxPDO3*, Nd.4 1583 62F SDO Rx Nd.47
473 1D9 TxPDO6*, Nd.25 1029 405 RxPDO3*, Nd.5 1584 630 SDO Rx Nd.48
474 1DA TxPDO6*, Nd.26 1030 406 RxPDO3*, Nd.6 1585 631 SDO Rx Nd.49
475 1DB TxPDO6*, Nd.27 1031 407 RxPDO3*, Nd.7 1586 632 SDO Rx Nd.50
476 1DC TxPDO6*, Nd.28 1032 408 RxPDO3*, Nd.8 1587 633 SDO Rx Nd.51
477 1DD TxPDO6*, Nd.29 1033 409 RxPDO3*, Nd.9 1588 634 SDO Rx Nd.52
478 1DE TxPDO6*, Nd.30 1034 40A RxPDO3*, Nd.10 1589 635 SDO Rx Nd.53
479 1DF TxPDO6*, Nd.31 1035 40B RxPDO3*, Nd.11 1590 636 SDO Rx Nd.54
480 1E0 TxPDO6*, Nd.32 1036 40C RxPDO3*, Nd.12 1591 637 SDO Rx Nd.55
481 1E1 TxPDO6*, Nd.33 1037 40D RxPDO3*, Nd.13 1592 638 SDO Rx Nd.56
482 1E2 TxPDO6*, Nd.34 1038 40E RxPDO3*, Nd.14 1593 639 SDO Rx Nd.57
483 1E3 TxPDO6*, Nd.35 1039 40F RxPDO3*, Nd.15 1594 63A SDO Rx Nd.58
484 1E4 TxPDO6*, Nd.36 1040 410 RxPDO3*, Nd.16 1595 63B SDO Rx Nd.59
485 1E5 TxPDO6*, Nd.37 1041 411 RxPDO3*, Nd.17 1596 63C SDO Rx Nd.60
486 1E6 TxPDO6*, Nd.38 1042 412 RxPDO3*, Nd.18 1597 63D SDO Rx Nd.61
487 1E7 TxPDO6*, Nd.39 1043 413 RxPDO3*, Nd.19 1598 63E SDO Rx Nd.62
488 1E8 TxPDO6*, Nd.40 1044 414 RxPDO3*, Nd.20 1599 63F SDO Rx Nd.63
489 1E9 TxPDO6*, Nd.41 1045 415 RxPDO3*, Nd.21 1601 641 RxPDO10*, Nd.1
490 1EA TxPDO6*, Nd.42 1046 416 RxPDO3*, Nd.22 1602 642 RxPDO10*, Nd.2
491 1EB TxPDO6*, Nd.43 1047 417 RxPDO3*, Nd.23 1603 643 RxPDO10*, Nd.3
492 1EC TxPDO6*, Nd.44 1048 418 RxPDO3*, Nd.24 1604 644 RxPDO10*, Nd.4
493 1ED TxPDO6*, Nd.45 1049 419 RxPDO3*, Nd.25 1605 645 RxPDO10*, Nd.5
494 1EE TxPDO6*, Nd.46 1050 41A RxPDO3*, Nd.26 1606 646 RxPDO10*, Nd.6
495 1EF TxPDO6*, Nd.47 1051 41B RxPDO3*, Nd.27 1607 647 RxPDO10*, Nd.7
496 1F0 TxPDO6*, Nd.48 1052 41C RxPDO3*, Nd.28 1608 648 RxPDO10*, Nd.8
497 1F1 TxPDO6*, Nd.49 1053 41D RxPDO3*, Nd.29 1609 649 RxPDO10*, Nd.9
498 1F2 TxPDO6*, Nd.50 1054 41E RxPDO3*, Nd.30 1610 64A RxPDO10*, Nd.10
499 1F3 TxPDO6*, Nd.51 1055 41F RxPDO3*, Nd.31 1611 64B RxPDO10*, Nd.11
500 1F4 TxPDO6*, Nd.52 1056 420 RxPDO3*, Nd.32 1612 64C RxPDO10*, Nd.12
501 1F5 TxPDO6*, Nd.53 1057 421 RxPDO3*, Nd.33 1613 64D RxPDO10*, Nd.13
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502 1F6 TxPDO6*, Nd.54 1058 422 RxPDO3*, Nd.34 1614 64E RxPDO10*, Nd.14
503 1F7 TxPDO6*, Nd.55 1059 423 RxPDO3*, Nd.35 1615 64F RxPDO10*, Nd.15
504 1F8 TxPDO6*, Nd.56 1060 424 RxPDO3*, Nd.36 1616 650 RxPDO10*, Nd.16
505 1F9 TxPDO6*, Nd.57 1061 425 RxPDO3*, Nd.37 1617 651 RxPDO10*, Nd.17
506 1FA TxPDO6*, Nd.58 1062 426 RxPDO3*, Nd.38 1618 652 RxPDO10*, Nd.18
507 1FB TxPDO6*, Nd.59 1063 427 RxPDO3*, Nd.39 1619 653 RxPDO10*, Nd.19
508 1FC TxPDO6*, Nd.60 1064 428 RxPDO3*, Nd.40 1620 654 RxPDO10*, Nd.20
509 1FD TxPDO6*, Nd.61 1065 429 RxPDO3*, Nd.41 1621 655 RxPDO10*, Nd.21
510 1FE TxPDO6*, Nd.62 1066 42A RxPDO3*, Nd.42 1622 656 RxPDO10*, Nd.22
511 1FF TxPDO6*, Nd.63 1067 42B RxPDO3*, Nd.43 1623 657 RxPDO10*, Nd.23
513 201 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.1 1068 42C RxPDO3*, Nd.44 1624 658 RxPDO10*, Nd.24
514 202 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.2 1069 42D RxPDO3*, Nd.45 1625 659 RxPDO10*, Nd.25
515 203 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.3 1070 42E RxPDO3*, Nd.46 1626 65A RxPDO10*, Nd.26
516 204 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.4 1071 42F RxPDO3*, Nd.47 1627 65B RxPDO10*, Nd.27
517 205 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.5 1072 430 RxPDO3*, Nd.48 1628 65C RxPDO10*, Nd.28
518 206 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.6 1073 431 RxPDO3*, Nd.49 1629 65D RxPDO10*, Nd.29
519 207 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.7 1074 432 RxPDO3*, Nd.50 1630 65E RxPDO10*, Nd.30
520 208 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.8 1075 433 RxPDO3*, Nd.51 1631 65F RxPDO10*, Nd.31
521 209 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.9 1076 434 RxPDO3*, Nd.52 1632 660 RxPDO10*, Nd.32
522 20A RxPDO1, DO, Nd.10 1077 435 RxPDO3*, Nd.53 1633 661 RxPDO10*, Nd.33
523 20B RxPDO1, DO, Nd.11 1078 436 RxPDO3*, Nd.54 1634 662 RxPDO10*, Nd.34
524 20C RxPDO1, DO, Nd.12 1079 437 RxPDO3*, Nd.55 1635 663 RxPDO10*, Nd.35
525 20D RxPDO1, DO, Nd.13 1080 438 RxPDO3*, Nd.56 1636 664 RxPDO10*, Nd.36
526 20E RxPDO1, DO, Nd.14 1081 439 RxPDO3*, Nd.57 1637 665 RxPDO10*, Nd.37
527 20F RxPDO1, DO, Nd.15 1082 43A RxPDO3*, Nd.58 1638 666 RxPDO10*, Nd.38
528 210 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.16 1083 43B RxPDO3*, Nd.59 1639 667 RxPDO10*, Nd.39
529 211 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.17 1084 43C RxPDO3*, Nd.60 1640 668 RxPDO10*, Nd.40
530 212 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.18 1085 43D RxPDO3*, Nd.61 1641 669 RxPDO10*, Nd.41
531 213 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.19 1086 43E RxPDO3*, Nd.62 1642 66A RxPDO10*, Nd.42
532 214 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.20 1087 43F RxPDO3*, Nd.63 1643 66B RxPDO10*, Nd.43
533 215 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.21 1089 441 RxPDO8*, Nd.1 1644 66C RxPDO10*, Nd.44
534 216 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.22 1090 442 RxPDO8*, Nd.2 1645 66D RxPDO10*, Nd.45
535 217 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.23 1091 443 RxPDO8*, Nd.3 1646 66E RxPDO10*, Nd.46
536 218 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.24 1092 444 RxPDO8*, Nd.4 1647 66F RxPDO10*, Nd.47
537 219 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.25 1093 445 RxPDO8*, Nd.5 1648 670 RxPDO10*, Nd.48
538 21A RxPDO1, DO, Nd.26 1094 446 RxPDO8*, Nd.6 1649 671 RxPDO10*, Nd.49
539 21B RxPDO1, DO, Nd.27 1095 447 RxPDO8*, Nd.7 1650 672 RxPDO10*, Nd.50
540 21C RxPDO1, DO, Nd.28 1096 448 RxPDO8*, Nd.8 1651 673 RxPDO10*, Nd.51
541 21D RxPDO1, DO, Nd.29 1097 449 RxPDO8*, Nd.9 1652 674 RxPDO10*, Nd.52
542 21E RxPDO1, DO, Nd.30 1098 44A RxPDO8*, Nd.10 1653 675 RxPDO10*, Nd.53
543 21F RxPDO1, DO, Nd.31 1099 44B RxPDO8*, Nd.11 1654 676 RxPDO10*, Nd.54
544 220 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.32 1100 44C RxPDO8*, Nd.12 1655 677 RxPDO10*, Nd.55
545 221 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.33 1101 44D RxPDO8*, Nd.13 1656 678 RxPDO10*, Nd.56
546 222 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.34 1102 44E RxPDO8*, Nd.14 1657 679 RxPDO10*, Nd.57
547 223 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.35 1103 44F RxPDO8*, Nd.15 1658 67A RxPDO10*, Nd.58
548 224 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.36 1104 450 RxPDO8*, Nd.16 1659 67B RxPDO10*, Nd.59
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
549 225 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.37 1105 451 RxPDO8*, Nd.17 1660 67C RxPDO10*, Nd.60
550 226 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.38 1106 452 RxPDO8*, Nd.18 1661 67D RxPDO10*, Nd.61
551 227 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.39 1107 453 RxPDO8*, Nd.19 1662 67E RxPDO10*, Nd.62
552 228 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.40 1108 454 RxPDO8*, Nd.20 1663 67F RxPDO10*, Nd.63
553 229 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.41 1109 455 RxPDO8*, Nd.21 1665 681 TxPDO5*, Nd.1
554 22A RxPDO1, DO, Nd.42 1110 456 RxPDO8*, Nd.22 1666 682 TxPDO5*, Nd.2
555 22B RxPDO1, DO, Nd.43 1111 457 RxPDO8*, Nd.23 1667 683 TxPDO5*, Nd.3
556 22C RxPDO1, DO, Nd.44 1112 458 RxPDO8*, Nd.24 1668 684 TxPDO5*, Nd.4
557 22D RxPDO1, DO, Nd.45 1113 459 RxPDO8*, Nd.25 1669 685 TxPDO5*, Nd.5
558 22E RxPDO1, DO, Nd.46 1114 45A RxPDO8*, Nd.26 1670 686 TxPDO5*, Nd.6
559 22F RxPDO1, DO, Nd.47 1115 45B RxPDO8*, Nd.27 1671 687 TxPDO5*, Nd.7
560 230 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.48 1116 45C RxPDO8*, Nd.28 1672 688 TxPDO5*, Nd.8
561 231 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.49 1117 45D RxPDO8*, Nd.29 1673 689 TxPDO5*, Nd.9
562 232 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.50 1118 45E RxPDO8*, Nd.30 1674 68A TxPDO5*, Nd.10
563 233 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.51 1119 45F RxPDO8*, Nd.31 1675 68B TxPDO5*, Nd.11
564 234 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.52 1120 460 RxPDO8*, Nd.32 1676 68C TxPDO5*, Nd.12
565 235 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.53 1121 461 RxPDO8*, Nd.33 1677 68D TxPDO5*, Nd.13
566 236 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.54 1122 462 RxPDO8*, Nd.34 1678 68E TxPDO5*, Nd.14
567 237 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.55 1123 463 RxPDO8*, Nd.35 1679 68F TxPDO5*, Nd.15
568 238 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.56 1124 464 RxPDO8*, Nd.36 1680 690 TxPDO5*, Nd.16
569 239 RxPDO1, DO, Nd.57 1125 465 RxPDO8*, Nd.37 1681 691 TxPDO5*, Nd.17
570 23A RxPDO1, DO, Nd.58 1126 466 RxPDO8*, Nd.38 1682 692 TxPDO5*, Nd.18
571 23B RxPDO1, DO, Nd.59 1127 467 RxPDO8*, Nd.39 1683 693 TxPDO5*, Nd.19
572 23C RxPDO1, DO, Nd.60 1128 468 RxPDO8*, Nd.40 1684 694 TxPDO5*, Nd.20
573 23D RxPDO1, DO, Nd.61 1129 469 RxPDO8*, Nd.41 1685 695 TxPDO5*, Nd.21
574 23E RxPDO1, DO, Nd.62 1130 46A RxPDO8*, Nd.42 1686 696 TxPDO5*, Nd.22
575 23F RxPDO1, DO, Nd.63 1131 46B RxPDO8*, Nd.43 1687 697 TxPDO5*, Nd.23
577 241 RxPDO6*, Nd.1 1132 46C RxPDO8*, Nd.44 1688 698 TxPDO5*, Nd.24
578 242 RxPDO6*, Nd.2 1133 46D RxPDO8*, Nd.45 1689 699 TxPDO5*, Nd.25
579 243 RxPDO6*, Nd.3 1134 46E RxPDO8*, Nd.46 1690 69A TxPDO5*, Nd.26
580 244 RxPDO6*, Nd.4 1135 46F RxPDO8*, Nd.47 1691 69B TxPDO5*, Nd.27
581 245 RxPDO6*, Nd.5 1136 470 RxPDO8*, Nd.48 1692 69C TxPDO5*, Nd.28
582 246 RxPDO6*, Nd.6 1137 471 RxPDO8*, Nd.49 1693 69D TxPDO5*, Nd.29
583 247 RxPDO6*, Nd.7 1138 472 RxPDO8*, Nd.50 1694 69E TxPDO5*, Nd.30
584 248 RxPDO6*, Nd.8 1139 473 RxPDO8*, Nd.51 1695 69F TxPDO5*, Nd.31
585 249 RxPDO6*, Nd.9 1140 474 RxPDO8*, Nd.52 1696 6A0 TxPDO5*, Nd.32
586 24A RxPDO6*, Nd.10 1141 475 RxPDO8*, Nd.53 1697 6A1 TxPDO5*, Nd.33
587 24B RxPDO6*, Nd.11 1142 476 RxPDO8*, Nd.54 1698 6A2 TxPDO5*, Nd.34
588 24C RxPDO6*, Nd.12 1143 477 RxPDO8*, Nd.55 1699 6A3 TxPDO5*, Nd.35
589 24D RxPDO6*, Nd.13 1144 478 RxPDO8*, Nd.56 1700 6A4 TxPDO5*, Nd.36
590 24E RxPDO6*, Nd.14 1145 479 RxPDO8*, Nd.57 1701 6A5 TxPDO5*, Nd.37
591 24F RxPDO6*, Nd.15 1146 47A RxPDO8*, Nd.58 1702 6A6 TxPDO5*, Nd.38
592 250 RxPDO6*, Nd.16 1147 47B RxPDO8*, Nd.59 1703 6A7 TxPDO5*, Nd.39
593 251 RxPDO6*, Nd.17 1148 47C RxPDO8*, Nd.60 1704 6A8 TxPDO5*, Nd.40
594 252 RxPDO6*, Nd.18 1149 47D RxPDO8*, Nd.61 1705 6A9 TxPDO5*, Nd.41
595 253 RxPDO6*, Nd.19 1150 47E RxPDO8*, Nd.62 1706 6AA TxPDO5*, Nd.42
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596 254 RxPDO6*, Nd.20 1151 47F RxPDO8*, Nd.63 1707 6AB TxPDO5*, Nd.43
597 255 RxPDO6*, Nd.21 1153 481 TxPDO4*, Nd.1 1708 6AC TxPDO5*, Nd.44
598 256 RxPDO6*, Nd.22 1154 482 TxPDO4*, Nd.2 1709 6AD TxPDO5*, Nd.45
599 257 RxPDO6*, Nd.23 1155 483 TxPDO4*, Nd.3 1710 6AE TxPDO5*, Nd.46
600 258 RxPDO6*, Nd.24 1156 484 TxPDO4*, Nd.4 1711 6AF TxPDO5*, Nd.47
601 259 RxPDO6*, Nd.25 1157 485 TxPDO4*, Nd.5 1712 6B0 TxPDO5*, Nd.48
602 25A RxPDO6*, Nd.26 1158 486 TxPDO4*, Nd.6 1713 6B1 TxPDO5*, Nd.49
603 25B RxPDO6*, Nd.27 1159 487 TxPDO4*, Nd.7 1714 6B2 TxPDO5*, Nd.50
604 25C RxPDO6*, Nd.28 1160 488 TxPDO4*, Nd.8 1715 6B3 TxPDO5*, Nd.51
605 25D RxPDO6*, Nd.29 1161 489 TxPDO4*, Nd.9 1716 6B4 TxPDO5*, Nd.52
606 25E RxPDO6*, Nd.30 1162 48A TxPDO4*, Nd.10 1717 6B5 TxPDO5*, Nd.53
607 25F RxPDO6*, Nd.31 1163 48B TxPDO4*, Nd.11 1718 6B6 TxPDO5*, Nd.54
608 260 RxPDO6*, Nd.32 1164 48C TxPDO4*, Nd.12 1719 6B7 TxPDO5*, Nd.55
609 261 RxPDO6*, Nd.33 1165 48D TxPDO4*, Nd.13 1720 6B8 TxPDO5*, Nd.56
610 262 RxPDO6*, Nd.34 1166 48E TxPDO4*, Nd.14 1721 6B9 TxPDO5*, Nd.57
611 263 RxPDO6*, Nd.35 1167 48F TxPDO4*, Nd.15 1722 6BA TxPDO5*, Nd.58
612 264 RxPDO6*, Nd.36 1168 490 TxPDO4*, Nd.16 1723 6BB TxPDO5*, Nd.59
774 306 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.6 1329 531 RxPDO4*, Nd.49 1885 75D RxPDO11*, Nd.29
775 307 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.7 1330 532 RxPDO4*, Nd.50 1886 75E RxPDO11*, Nd.30
776 308 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.8 1331 533 RxPDO4*, Nd.51 1887 75F RxPDO11*, Nd.31
777 309 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.9 1332 534 RxPDO4*, Nd.52 1888 760 RxPDO11*, Nd.32
778 30A RxPDO2, AO, Nd.10 1333 535 RxPDO4*, Nd.53 1889 761 RxPDO11*, Nd.33
779 30B RxPDO2, AO, Nd.11 1334 536 RxPDO4*, Nd.54 1890 762 RxPDO11*, Nd.34
780 30C RxPDO2, AO, Nd.12 1335 537 RxPDO4*, Nd.55 1891 763 RxPDO11*, Nd.35
781 30D RxPDO2, AO, Nd.13 1336 538 RxPDO4*, Nd.56 1892 764 RxPDO11*, Nd.36
782 30E RxPDO2, AO, Nd.14 1337 539 RxPDO4*, Nd.57 1893 765 RxPDO11*, Nd.37
783 30F RxPDO2, AO, Nd.15 1338 53A RxPDO4*, Nd.58 1894 766 RxPDO11*, Nd.38
784 310 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.16 1339 53B RxPDO4*, Nd.59 1895 767 RxPDO11*, Nd.39
785 311 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.17 1340 53C RxPDO4*, Nd.60 1896 768 RxPDO11*, Nd.40
786 312 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.18 1341 53D RxPDO4*, Nd.61 1897 769 RxPDO11*, Nd.41
787 313 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.19 1342 53E RxPDO4*, Nd.62 1898 76A RxPDO11*, Nd.42
788 314 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.20 1343 53F RxPDO4*, Nd.63 1899 76B RxPDO11*, Nd.43
789 315 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.21 1345 541 RxPDO9*, Nd.1 1900 76C RxPDO11*, Nd.44
790 316 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.22 1346 542 RxPDO9*, Nd.2 1901 76D RxPDO11*, Nd.45
791 317 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.23 1347 543 RxPDO9*, Nd.3 1902 76E RxPDO11*, Nd.46
792 318 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.24 1348 544 RxPDO9*, Nd.4 1903 76F RxPDO11*, Nd.47
793 319 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.25 1349 545 RxPDO9*, Nd.5 1904 770 RxPDO11*, Nd.48
794 31A RxPDO2, AO, Nd.26 1350 546 RxPDO9*, Nd.6 1905 771 RxPDO11*, Nd.49
795 31B RxPDO2, AO, Nd.27 1351 547 RxPDO9*, Nd.7 1906 772 RxPDO11*, Nd.50
796 31C RxPDO2, AO, Nd.28 1352 548 RxPDO9*, Nd.8 1907 773 RxPDO11*, Nd.51
797 31D RxPDO2, AO, Nd.29 1353 549 RxPDO9*, Nd.9 1908 774 RxPDO11*, Nd.52
798 31E RxPDO2, AO, Nd.30 1354 54A RxPDO9*, Nd.10 1909 775 RxPDO11*, Nd.53
799 31F RxPDO2, AO, Nd.31 1355 54B RxPDO9*, Nd.11 1910 776 RxPDO11*, Nd.54
800 320 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.32 1356 54C RxPDO9*, Nd.12 1911 777 RxPDO11*, Nd.55
801 321 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.33 1357 54D RxPDO9*, Nd.13 1912 778 RxPDO11*, Nd.56
802 322 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.34 1358 54E RxPDO9*, Nd.14 1913 779 RxPDO11*, Nd.57
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803 323 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.35 1359 54F RxPDO9*, Nd.15 1914 77A RxPDO11*, Nd.58
804 324 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.36 1360 550 RxPDO9*, Nd.16 1915 77B RxPDO11*, Nd.59
805 325 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.37 1361 551 RxPDO9*, Nd.17 1916 77C RxPDO11*, Nd.60
806 326 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.38 1362 552 RxPDO9*, Nd.18 1917 77D RxPDO11*, Nd.61
807 327 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.39 1363 553 RxPDO9*, Nd.19 1918 77E RxPDO11*, Nd.62
808 328 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.40 1364 554 RxPDO9*, Nd.20 1919 77F RxPDO11*, Nd.63
809 329 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.41 1365 555 RxPDO9*, Nd.21 1921 781 RxPDO5*, Nd.1
810 32A RxPDO2, AO, Nd.42 1366 556 RxPDO9*, Nd.22 1922 782 RxPDO5*, Nd.2
811 32B RxPDO2, AO, Nd.43 1367 557 RxPDO9*, Nd.23 1923 783 RxPDO5*, Nd.3
812 32C RxPDO2, AO, Nd.44 1368 558 RxPDO9*, Nd.24 1924 784 RxPDO5*, Nd.4
813 32D RxPDO2, AO, Nd.45 1369 559 RxPDO9*, Nd.25 1925 785 RxPDO5*, Nd.5
814 32E RxPDO2, AO, Nd.46 1370 55A RxPDO9*, Nd.26 1926 786 RxPDO5*, Nd.6
815 32F RxPDO2, AO, Nd.47 1371 55B RxPDO9*, Nd.27 1927 787 RxPDO5*, Nd.7
816 330 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.48 1372 55C RxPDO9*, Nd.28 1928 788 RxPDO5*, Nd.8
817 331 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.49 1373 55D RxPDO9*, Nd.29 1929 789 RxPDO5*, Nd.9
818 332 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.50 1374 55E RxPDO9*, Nd.30 1930 78A RxPDO5*, Nd.10
819 333 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.51 1375 55F RxPDO9*, Nd.31 1931 78B RxPDO5*, Nd.11
820 334 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.52 1376 560 RxPDO9*, Nd.32 1932 78C RxPDO5*, Nd.12
821 335 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.53 1377 561 RxPDO9*, Nd.33 1933 78D RxPDO5*, Nd.13
822 336 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.54 1378 562 RxPDO9*, Nd.34 1934 78E RxPDO5*, Nd.14
823 337 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.55 1379 563 RxPDO9*, Nd.35 1935 78F RxPDO5*, Nd.15
824 338 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.56 1380 564 RxPDO9*, Nd.36 1936 790 RxPDO5*, Nd.16
825 339 RxPDO2, AO, Nd.57 1381 565 RxPDO9*, Nd.37 1937 791 RxPDO5*, Nd.17
826 33A RxPDO2, AO, Nd.58 1382 566 RxPDO9*, Nd.38 1938 792 RxPDO5*, Nd.18
827 33B RxPDO2, AO, Nd.59 1383 567 RxPDO9*, Nd.39 1939 793 RxPDO5*, Nd.19
828 33C RxPDO2, AO, Nd.60 1384 568 RxPDO9*, Nd.40 1940 794 RxPDO5*, Nd.20
829 33D RxPDO2, AO, Nd.61 1385 569 RxPDO9*, Nd.41 1941 795 RxPDO5*, Nd.21
830 33E RxPDO2, AO, Nd.62 1386 56A RxPDO9*, Nd.42 1942 796 RxPDO5*, Nd.22
831 33F RxPDO2, AO, Nd.63 1387 56B RxPDO9*, Nd.43 1943 797 RxPDO5*, Nd.23
833 341 RxPDO7*, Nd.1 1388 56C RxPDO9*, Nd.44 1944 798 RxPDO5*, Nd.24
834 342 RxPDO7*, Nd.2 1389 56D RxPDO9*, Nd.45 1945 799 RxPDO5*, Nd.25
835 343 RxPDO7*, Nd.3 1390 56E RxPDO9*, Nd.46 1946 79A RxPDO5*, Nd.26
836 344 RxPDO7*, Nd.4 1391 56F RxPDO9*, Nd.47 1947 79B RxPDO5*, Nd.27
837 345 RxPDO7*, Nd.5 1392 570 RxPDO9*, Nd.48 1948 79C RxPDO5*, Nd.28
838 346 RxPDO7*, Nd.6 1393 571 RxPDO9*, Nd.49 1949 79D RxPDO5*, Nd.29
839 347 RxPDO7*, Nd.7 1394 572 RxPDO9*, Nd.50 1950 79E RxPDO5*, Nd.30
840 348 RxPDO7*, Nd.8 1395 573 RxPDO9*, Nd.51 1951 79F RxPDO5*, Nd.31
841 349 RxPDO7*, Nd.9 1396 574 RxPDO9*, Nd.52 1952 7A0 RxPDO5*, Nd.32
842 34A RxPDO7*, Nd.10 1397 575 RxPDO9*, Nd.53 1953 7A1 RxPDO5*, Nd.33
843 34B RxPDO7*, Nd.11 1398 576 RxPDO9*, Nd.54 1954 7A2 RxPDO5*, Nd.34
844 34C RxPDO7*, Nd.12 1399 577 RxPDO9*, Nd.55 1955 7A3 RxPDO5*, Nd.35
845 34D RxPDO7*, Nd.13 1400 578 RxPDO9*, Nd.56 1956 7A4 RxPDO5*, Nd.36
846 34E RxPDO7*, Nd.14 1401 579 RxPDO9*, Nd.57 1957 7A5 RxPDO5*, Nd.37
847 34F RxPDO7*, Nd.15 1402 57A RxPDO9*, Nd.58 1958 7A6 RxPDO5*, Nd.38
848 350 RxPDO7*, Nd.16 1403 57B RxPDO9*, Nd.59 1959 7A7 RxPDO5*, Nd.39
849 351 RxPDO7*, Nd.17 1404 57C RxPDO9*, Nd.60 1960 7A8 RxPDO5*, Nd.40
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850 352 RxPDO7*, Nd.18 1405 57D RxPDO9*, Nd.61 1961 7A9 RxPDO5*, Nd.41
851 353 RxPDO7*, Nd.19 1406 57E RxPDO9*, Nd.62 1962 7AA RxPDO5*, Nd.42
852 354 RxPDO7*, Nd.20 1407 57F RxPDO9*, Nd.63 1963 7AB RxPDO5*, Nd.43
853 355 RxPDO7*, Nd.21 1409 581 SDO Tx Nd.1 1964 7AC RxPDO5*, Nd.44
854 356 RxPDO7*, Nd.22 1410 582 SDO Tx Nd.2 1965 7AD RxPDO5*, Nd.45
855 357 RxPDO7*, Nd.23 1411 583 SDO Tx Nd.3 1966 7AE RxPDO5*, Nd.46
856 358 RxPDO7*, Nd.24 1412 584 SDO Tx Nd.4 1967 7AF RxPDO5*, Nd.47
857 359 RxPDO7*, Nd.25 1413 585 SDO Tx Nd.5 1968 7B0 RxPDO5*, Nd.48
858 35A RxPDO7*, Nd.26 1414 586 SDO Tx Nd.6 1969 7B1 RxPDO5*, Nd.49
859 35B RxPDO7*, Nd.27 1415 587 SDO Tx Nd.7 1970 7B2 RxPDO5*, Nd.50
860 35C RxPDO7*, Nd.28 1416 588 SDO Tx Nd.8 1971 7B3 RxPDO5*, Nd.51
861 35D RxPDO7*, Nd.29 1417 589 SDO Tx Nd.9 1972 7B4 RxPDO5*, Nd.52
862 35E RxPDO7*, Nd.30 1418 58A SDO Tx Nd.10 1973 7B5 RxPDO5*, Nd.53
863 35F RxPDO7*, Nd.31 1419 58B SDO Tx Nd.11 1974 7B6 RxPDO5*, Nd.54
864 360 RxPDO7*, Nd.32 1420 58C SDO Tx Nd.12 1975 7B7 RxPDO5*, Nd.55
865 361 RxPDO7*, Nd.33 1421 58D SDO Tx Nd.13 1976 7B8 RxPDO5*, Nd.56
866 362 RxPDO7*, Nd.34 1422 58E SDO Tx Nd.14 1977 7B9 RxPDO5*, Nd.57
867 363 RxPDO7*, Nd.35 1423 58F SDO Tx Nd.15 1978 7BA RxPDO5*, Nd.58
868 364 RxPDO7*, Nd.36 1424 590 SDO Tx Nd.16 1979 7BB RxPDO5*, Nd.59
869 365 RxPDO7*, Nd.37 1425 591 SDO Tx Nd.17 1980 7BC RxPDO5*, Nd.60
870 366 RxPDO7*, Nd.38 1426 592 SDO Tx Nd.18 1981 7BD RxPDO5*, Nd.61
871 367 RxPDO7*, Nd.39 1427 593 SDO Tx Nd.19 1982 7BE RxPDO5*, Nd.62
872 368 RxPDO7*, Nd.40 1428 594 SDO Tx Nd.20 1983 7BF RxPDO5*, Nd.63
873 369 RxPDO7*, Nd.41 1429 595 SDO Tx Nd.21
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
ITcSysManager description
ITcSmTreeItem description
Schema documentation
How to section
XML schemas
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Base interface of the TwinCAT System Manager automation interface. This interface is implemented by the
System Manager and allows basic operations to configure the TwinCAT System. The ProgId of the implement-
ing class is "TCatSysManager.TcSysManager".
This interface inherits from IDispatch and is accessible both from full featured languages (e.g. VB or C++) and
script languages (e.g. VBscript or Javascript).
Sample (vbscript):
dim tsm
set tsm = CreateObject("TCatSysManager.TcSysManager")
call tsm.OpenConfiguration("c:\twincat\myConfig.wsm")
call tsm.ActivateConfiguration
call tsm.StartRestartTwinCAT
Sample (javascript):
var tsm
tsm = ActiveXObject("TCatSysManager.TcSysManager");
The ITcSysmanager and the ITcSmTreeItem interface allows full access to a TwinCAT configuration. In the
How to... section of this documentation there is a long (but incomplete) list of samples how to manipulate a
TwinCAT configuration automatically.
Built on Thursday, March 08, 2001
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Each tree item of a TwinCAT System Manager configuration implements a ITcSmTreeItem interface that en-
ables various interactions with the tree item. This interface will be returned by a call to the
ITCatSysManager::LookupTreeItem method.
Property Type Allowed Description
Name BSTR RW Name of tree item
Comment BSTR RW Comment of tree item
Disabled BOOL RW Disabled state of tree item
can be one of the following enum:
SMDS_NOT_DISABLED (item is enabled)
SMDS_DISABLED (item is disabled)
SMDS_PARENT_DISABLED (read only, set if
one of its parent is disabled)
PathName BSTR R Tree name of tree item. The branches are separated by
Tabs. The PathName can be used in method call to
ItemType ENUM R Type of tree item defined by TREEITEMTYPES Enum
ItemSubType LONG RW Sub type of tree item, depending on the Item Type
ItemSubTypeName BSTR R
Parent ITcSmTreeItem* R ITcSmTreeItem pointer of the parent
ChildCount LONG R Number of childs. Childs counted by this property en-
closes only main childs of the tree item (e.g. boxes are
main childs of a device but not the device process im-
age). To access all childs use the _NewEnum property.
Child(LONG n) ITcSmTreeItem* R ITcSmTreeItem pointer of the n-th child
VarCount((LONG LONG R Number of variables belonging to the tree item. x = 0
x) counted the input variables, x = 1 the outputs
Var(LONG x, ITcSmTreeItem* R ITcSmTreeItem pointer of the n-th variable. x = 0 uses
LONG n) the input variables, x = 1 the outputs
_NewEnum IUnknown* (IE- R Returns a enum interface that enumerates all child tree
numVariant*) items of the current tree item. This property is automati-
cally used by the VB For-Each statement.
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
Item Types
Following item types are currently defined:
typedef enum
TREEITEMTYPE_DEVICE = 2, // I/O Device (e.g. "FC3101")
TREEITEMTYPE_IMAGE = 3, // Process Image
TREEITEMTYPE_BOX = 5, // I/O Box (e.g. "BK2000", child of I/O
TREEITEMTYPE_TERM = 6, // I/O Terminal (child of terminal cou-
plers (box)
TREEITEMTYPE_VAR = 7, // Variable
TREEITEMTYPE_VARGRP = 8, // Variable Group (e.g. "Inputs")
TREEITEMTYPE_GSDMOD = 11, // Module of a Profibus GSD device
typedef enum
IODEVICETYPE_SPC3 = 3, // ProfiBus Slave (Siemens Card)
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
typedef enum
BOXTYPE_BK2000 = 1,
BOXTYPE_M1400 = 2,
BOXTYPE_M2400 = 3,
BOXTYPE_M3120_1 = 4,
BOXTYPE_M3120_2 = 5,
BOXTYPE_M3120_3 = 6,
BOXTYPE_M3120_4 = 7,
BOXTYPE_M3000 = 8,
BOXTYPE_C1120 = 9,
BOXTYPE_BK2010 = 10,
BOXTYPE_AX2000 = 11,
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
BOXTYPE_M2510 = 12,
BOXTYPE_BK2020 = 20,
BOXTYPE_BC2000 = 21,
BOXTYPE_CP1001 = 35,
BOXTYPE_BK3000 = 1001,
BOXTYPE_BK3100 = 1002,
BOXTYPE_BK3010 = 1004,
BOXTYPE_BK3110 = 1005,
BOXTYPE_BK3500 = 1006,
BOXTYPE_LC3100 = 1007,
BOXTYPE_BK3020 = 1009,
BOXTYPE_BK3120 = 1010,
BOXTYPE_BC3100 = 1011,
BOXTYPE_BK4000 = 2001,
BOXTYPE_BK4010 = 2004,
BOXTYPE_BK4500 = 2005,
BOXTYPE_BK4510 = 2006,
BOXTYPE_BC4000 = 2008,
BOXTYPE_BK4020 = 2009,
BOXTYPE_CP2020 = 2020,
BOXTYPE_BK7500 = 3011,
BOXTYPE_BK7510 = 3012,
BOXTYPE_BK7520 = 3013,
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BOXTYPE_BK8100 = 4001,
BOXTYPE_BK8110 = 4002,
BOXTYPE_BK8000 = 4003,
BOXTYPE_BK8010 = 4004,
BOXTYPE_CP9040 = 4005,
BOXTYPE_BC8000 = 4011,
BOXTYPE_BC8100 = 4012,
BOXTYPE_BK5100 = 5001,
BOXTYPE_BK5110 = 5002,
BOXTYPE_BK5120 = 5004,
BOXTYPE_LC5100 = 5005,
BOXTYPE_IPXB51 = 5030,
BOXTYPE_ILXB51 = 5031,
BOXTYPE_ILXC51 = 5032,
BOXTYPE_BK5200 = 5201,
BOXTYPE_BK5210 = 5202,
BOXTYPE_BK5220 = 5204,
BOXTYPE_LC5200 = 5205,
BOXTYPE_BK52XX = 5211,
BOXTYPE_BC52XX = 5212,
BOXTYPE_IPXB52 = 5230,
BOXTYPE_ILXB52 = 5231,
BOXTYPE_ILXC52 = 5232,
BOXTYPE_BK9000 = 9001,
BOXTYPE_BC9000 = 9011,
Built on Thursday, March 08, 2001
Eiserstrae 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149
TcSmTreeItem Schema
How To...
How to activate a previously created configuration
How to link variables
How to unlink variables
How to disable/enable a tree item (e.g. an I/O device)
How to change the path to a plc project and/or rescan the project
How to change the fieldbus address (station no.) of a profibus box
How to export/import the information of a child of a tree item
How to enumerate through the child's of a tree item
Explains the difference between the child's and all sub items of a tree item
How to add child items (devices, boxes, terminals, variables etc.)
How to update the address information of I/O devices
How to create/change a linkage of a nc axis, encoder or drive to an I/O device, box or terminal
How to exchange a fieldbus device and move all childs to the new one