Text Marking 4
Text Marking 4
Text Marking 4
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ISBN: 978-0-545-79380-3
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1. How Did That Taste, Doggie? (820 L)............ Life Science Essay.................................14
Sequence of Events
Make inferences
Authors Purpose
Answer Key................................................................................................................................54
The 20 reproducible passages in this book, which vary in genres and forms,
organizational structures, purposes, tones, and tasks, address ten key reading-
comprehension skills, from identifying main ideas and details, and separating
facts from opinions to summarizing and making inferences. Consult the table of
contents to see the scope of skills, genres, forms, content areas, and Lexile scores
of the passages. The Lexile scores fall within the ranges recommended for fourth
graders. (The scores for grade 4, revised to reflect the more rigorous demands of
todays higher standards, range from 740 to 940.)
Each passage appears on its own page, beginning with the title,
the genre or form of the passage, and the main comprehension skill 14 Problem & Solution Name
Animal or Vegetable?
the passage addresses. Most of the passages include visual elements, Read the newspaper article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
such as photographs, illustrations, or diagrams, as well as typical Ivory is a natural substance known for its
The passages are stand-alone texts and can be used in any Sadly, the only sure way to get ivory from
order you choose. Feel free to assign passages to individuals, pairs, make art objects!
small groups, or the entire class, as best suits your teaching style. natural product found in the rainforests of
However, its a good idea to preview each passage before you assign in the fruit of a palm tree called an elephant
plant. Tagua nuts share many characteristics with ivory. Both are smooth, hard, and bone-
it, to ensure that your students have the skills needed to complete it But vegetable ivory has major advantages over animal ivory. For one thing, tagua nuts
are a renewable resource. Harvesting them causes no harm to the elephant plant. Furthermore,
for students.)
14 Do More Name Date
Animal or Vegetable?
Reading-Comprehension Question Pages , Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 Another word that means about the same as hue (paragraph 1) is ____________________.
choice questions that call for a single response and a brief, text-
tt C. Vegetable ivory has a warmer color than animal ivory has.
tt D. Obtaining animal ivory causes animal cruelty while vegetable ivory is harmless.
4 Make an inference. Why do you think farmers in the rainforests of South America are
ensuring that students engage in close reading of the text, grasp its eager to protect elephant plants?
key ideas, and provide text-based evidence to support their answers. __________________________________________________________________________________
Animal or Vegetable?
An answer key (pages 5463) includes annotated versions of Read the newspaper article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
particular skills, the annotated versions in the answer key highlight make art objects!
and revise their answers as you review the text markings together. in the fruit of a palm tree called an elephant
plant. Tagua nuts share many characteristics with ivory. Both are smooth, hard, and bone-
This approach encourages discussion, comparison, extension, But vegetable ivory has major advantages over animal ivory. For one thing, tagua nuts
are a renewable resource. Harvesting them causes no harm to the elephant plant. Furthermore,
44 Engage prior knowledge of the topic of the piece and its genre. Help students link it
to similar topics or examples of the genre they may have read.
44 for which students will be marking the text. Distribute the
Identify the reading skill
Comprehension Skill Summary Card that applies to the passage. Go over its key ideas.
(See Comprehension Skill Summary Cards, page 8, for more.)
Model (for the first passage, to familiarize students with the process)
44 Have students do a quick-read of the passage independently for the gist. Then they
should read it a second time, marking the text as they go.
44 Encourage students to make additional markings of their own. These might include
noting unfamiliar vocabulary, an idiom or phrase they may not understand, or an
especially interesting, unusual, or important detail they want to remember. Invite them
to use sticky-notes, colored pencils, highlighters, question marks, or check marks.
44 Have students read the passage a third time. This reading should prepare them to
discuss the piece and offer their views about it.
44 Have students answer the questions on the companion Do More page. Encourage
them to look back at their text markings and other text evidence. This will help
students provide complete and supported responses.
To help students review the ten reading-comprehension skills this book addresses
and the specific terms associated with each, have them use the ten reproducible
Comprehension Skill Summary Cards (pages 1012). The boldface terms on each card
are the same ones students will identify as they mark the text.
You might duplicate, cut out, and distribute a particular Comprehension Skill
Summary Card before assigning a passage that focuses on that skill. Discuss the
elements of the skill together to ensure that students fully grasp it. Encourage students
to save and collect the cards, which they can use as a set of reading aids to refer to
whenever they read any type of informational text.
44 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says 120
explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
44 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key 120
details; summarize the text.
44 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in 2, 4, 79, 1114, 17, 19
charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on
Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding
of the text in which it appears.
44 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular 120
points in a text.
44 By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including 120
history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 45 text
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of
the range.
Source: Copyright 2010 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
9 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Comprehension Skill Comprehension Skill
Every passage has one or more main As you read, notice the order in which
ideas supported by details. The main idea things happen or ideas are presented.
answers the question, Who (or What) is Think about the beginning, middle,
this piece about? and end.
44 The main idea is the most important 44 Events are the important actions
point an author makes about a topic. that happen.
The main idea in most paragraphs The sequence is the order in which
is stated in a topic sentence. The topic events happen.
sentence can appear anywhere in
44 Signal words give clues that help
a paragraph.
clarify the order of events. Examples
44 Supporting details are facts, include first, second, third, next, then,
statements, examples, descriptions, last, later, before, prior to, soon, during,
and other information that tell more while, after, finally, as well as specific
about the main idea. dates and times.
Do you truly know something or do you Authors discuss people, places, objects, or
simply believe it? Telling the difference ideas by describing how they are alike and
between knowing and believing is a critical ways they differ.
reading and thinking skill.
44 To compare means to tell how two or
44 A fact is a statement you can prove more things are alike.
or verify. Facts are true and certain.
44 To contrast means to tell how two or
44 An opinion is a statement of personal more things are different.
belief or feeling. Opinions vary.
44 Signal words guide you to compare
44 Signal words can help distinguish facts and contrast.
from opinions.
Examples for comparing: both, like, alike,
Examples for facts: proof, know, and discovered, also, too, share, in the same way, and similarly.
as well as details, such as dates and ages.
Examples for contrasting: but, only, unlike,
Examples for opinions: believe, wish, favor,
instead, however, in contrast, different,
expect, agree, disagree, probably, seems to,
although, on the other hand, as opposed to,
sense, think, viewpoint, and feel.
neither, whereas, while, and rather.
A text may discuss the relationship Authors may use words you dont
between something that happens and know. Search for synonyms, antonyms,
any outcomes that follow from it. explanations, or examples in the
nearby text to help you figure out
44 A cause is an event, condition,
the meaning.
reason, or situation that makes
something happen. 44 Context refers to the words and
An effect is the result of that sentences around the unfamiliar
particular event, condition, reason, word.
or situation. 44 Context clues are specific
Signal words are clues that help indications in the text that can
link a cause with its effects. Examples help you unlock the meaning of an
include due to, as a result, since, unfamiliar word.
therefore, because of, so, for this reason,
consequently, so that, in order to,
and leads to.
This kind of writing presents a challenging Think about how to retell the key ideas of
situation to engage readers, then offers a passage in your own words. Leave out
one or more forms of resolution. unimportant details and get to the point.
44 Signal words are clues that indicate 44 A summary is a brief statement of the
a problem and its solutions. topic using its most essential details.
Examples for problems: question, A good summary is short, clear, and
challenge, dilemma, issue, puzzle, need, recalls what is most important.
and trouble.
Examples for solutions: answer, result,
one reason, solve, improve, fix, remedy,
respond, and led to.
Authors may hint at an idea without Every author has goals in mind before
stating it directly. You must use what writing. Close reading and common
you already know about a topic to read sense can help you figure out the authors
between the lines to figure out an intention.
unstated idea.
44 The authors purpose is the reason
44 Text clues are words or details that the author chose to write a particular
help you figure out unstated ideas. piece. An author may write with more
You make an inference by than one purpose.
combining text clues with your 44 The main purposes for writing are to
background knowledge to come to inform (tell, describe), to persuade
a logical conclusion, or educated (convince, influence), or to entertain
guess. (amuse, please).
them gobble up food as if they are starving A puppy wolfing down dinner
Taste buds are groups of cells that let us Find the main idea
and supporting details.
know how things taste. They tell us whether
foods are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, or savory. Circle the main idea
in each paragraph.
Taste buds are located on the surface of the
tongue. There are also some on the roof of ________ Underline supporting
details for each main
the mouth and in the back of the mouth.
The more taste buds you have, the better
But compared to cats, dogs are foodies. Poor cats have only about 470 taste buds
in their mouths.
1 Which of the following words has the same meaning as detect (paragraph 1)?
2 Which statement is true about the connection between number of taste buds and the
ability to taste different things?
3 In your own words, explain what you think it means to wolf down food.
4 Suggest a different title that would work for this piece. Explain your thinking.
Towers of Green
Read the architecture essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
and energy now used to transport crops. Next, Design for the Urban Skyfarm
Architects in Seoul, South Korea, are designing Find the main idea
and supporting details.
what they call the Urban Skyfarm. It resembles a
Circle the main idea
massive tree that supports 24 acres of fields for
in each paragraph.
growing food. The trunk has rooms for indoor
________ Underline supporting
growing. The canopy holds solar panels and
details for each main
wind engines needed to make clean energy. The idea.
branches are open-air terraces, stacked one above
The architects see other uses for vertical farms. They could provide spaces for community
gardens, public parks, learning centers, and farmers markets. Architects hope that vertical
Towers of Green
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the essay.
tt A. the very top tt B. the sturdy bark tt C. the hidden roots tt D. the green terraces
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 In your own words, explain why vertical farms make sense for big cities.
4 Make an inference using the text and the picture. Why would a vertical farm need less
water than a traditional farm would?
Accidents Happen
Read the health and safety article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
scrapes usually close on their own. If not, cover the Text Marking
wound with a clean cloth or bandage. Then press Find the sequence of steps.
gently on it until the bleeding stops. This could
Box the signal words.
take a few seconds or minutes.
________ Underline the important
Next, its essential to rinse the wound to avoid
infection. Use lukewarm water and mild soap to
1-2-3 Number the events in
gently clean the area; repeat to remove dirt and the sequence they
grit. If needed, wet some cotton or gauze with happen.
alcohol or peroxide and lightly clean again. Dry
Then, cover the wound to keep out harmful germs using a bandage, gauze pad,
Finally, be kind to your wound. Try not to bump it. When the bandage gets wet or dirty,
replace it. After a scab forms, expose the wound to fresh air so it can finish healing.
Accidents Happen
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 Which of the following words means about the same as sufficient, as used in paragraph 1?
tt A. Rinse the wound carefully. tt C. Press on the wound to stop any bleeding.
tt B. Let the wound get some fresh air. tt D. Apply some form of cover to the wound.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 According to the article, what is the most important reason to clean and cover a wound?
4 Does the advice explained in this article apply to all kinds of accidents? In your own words,
explain your response.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
19 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
4 Sequence of Events Name Date
Herbert Hoover.
households by the 1960s, when TV screens got Box the signal words.
much larger. Then, with the arrival of color, ________ Underline the important
very few channels people could watch. 1-2-3 Number the events in
the sequence they
With the coming of cable in the 1970s,
the number of channels multiplied. Then,
the invention of devices that let people record programs and then watch them whenever they
wished. Next, in the late 1990s, new high-definition television changed the game again. These
HDTVs displayed clearer, sharper pictures on even larger, flat-panel screens. Today, with further
1 Look at the photo and its caption. Which is the best synonym for console?
tt A. They showed color images. tt C. They got their power from gasoline.
tt B. They had very small screens. tt D. You could find them in nearly every home.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Make an inference. What led to each new rise in interest for television? Support your idea.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
21 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
5 Fact & Opinion Name Date
Time to Learn
Read the debate speech.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
Text Marking
I believe that American students need to spend more Identify the facts and opinions
time in school. We need it to keep up with students all in the speech.
over the world. And the following facts support my views. Box at least three signal
words or phrases.
6 hours a day, 180 days a year. In Germany, the ________ Underline at least three
school year lasts 240 days; in Japan and South opinions.
the school day is 8 hours long, plus kids have a half-day every Saturday.
Chinese students are in class 9 hours each day, 260 days a year.
Test scores show that we are falling behind students in many other
must extend our school year and lengthen each school day. We do not
need all those hours we spend playing video games or watching dumb
kids learn. But if we dont add more school time, well keep
falling behind.
Time to Learn
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the speech.
1 Which of the following words means about the same as acknowledge (paragraph 4)?
2 Why does the debater argue that American test scores are lower than test scores
in other countries?
tt A. Foreign students have more days of school than American students have.
tt B. Foreign students are far smarter than American students are.
tt C. American students start school later.
tt D. American tests are much too difficult.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Summarize the debaters point of view on how American kids spend their free time.
4 In your own words, explain how you can tell a fact from an opinion in this speech.
I am discouraged that our schools music programs have been cut. As the father
of three children, I know how much my kids need music. In my view, music is not an
unnecessary frill, as critics say. As I see it, music is as vital as reading, writing, and math.
Serious brain science supports my view. Dr. Nina Kraus, researcher at Northwestern
University, has long studied how learning music affects growing brains. Her findings
prove that it does enhance students brains and nervous systems. These benefits improve
childrens abilities in language, memory, patterning, and critical listening. She supports
music training as part of a balanced school program. I strongly agree. I favor all the brain
My kids sang nearly as soon as they could speak. They learned new words from song
lyrics. They exercised their bodies and minds dancing to DVDs and music videos. They
sang songs to memorize math facts. In my opinion, these are perfect examples of music
1 Which of the following is most nearly opposite in meaning to vital, as used in paragraph 1?
2 Why did Mr. Gosch discuss research by Dr. Nina Kraus in paragraph 2?
3 Why do you think Mr. Gosch shared his memories of his children as perfect examples
of music working its magic?
4 Explain how the last paragraph of the letter summarizes Mr. Goschs point of view.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
25 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
7 Compare & Contrast Name Date
Which Boat?
Read the blog post.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
But to move a rowboat, a rower uses two oars at Compare and contrast rowboats
and canoes.
once, one on each side of the boat.
Which Boat?
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the blog.
1 Which of the following words in the piece best helps you determine the meaning of vessel
(paragraph 2)?
tt A. Both have flat bottoms and two pointed ends. tt C. Both are powered by engines or sails.
tt B. Both move equally fast through the water. tt D. Both are a good size for lake use.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 In your own words, explain the different ways you make the two boats move.
4 Contrast the photos of the canoe and rowboat. What other differences do you notice?
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
27 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
8 Compare & Contrast Name Date
Your Move
Read the games article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
begins with 12 flat, round pieces called men. One Text Marking
player has all dark pieces, the other, all light ones.
Compare and contrast the games
To start, men are set out on alternating squares of checkers and chess.
across the three rows nearest each player. All pieces Box at least four
move only diagonally. signal words or phrases.
Like checkers sets, chess sets come in two Circle at least three ways
opposite colors. But in contrast, each chess player they are alike.
gets 16 pieces to arrange in two rows. Pieces are ________ Underline at least three
not all the same. Instead, one row holds the eight ways they are different.
one queen, and one king. The eight smaller pieces, or pawns, fill another row. Each type
of piece has its own particular way to move. For instance, bishops move diagonally over
one or several squares, while pawns move only one square at a time.
To Win A checkers game ends when one player captures all the others men. However,
the winner in chess is the one who captures the opponents king.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
28 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
8 Do More Name Date
Your Move
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 Which of the following direction words best describes how checkers pieces move on the board?
tt A. Chess pieces are played on a square board. tt C. Chess sets cost more than checkers sets.
tt B. Chess pieces come in six different shapes. tt D. Chess pieces are all the same color.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Study the photographs of the playing boards. Describe them in as many specific ways as you can.
4 Look back at your text markings and think about the ideas in the article. In your own words,
summarize the similarities and the major differences between chess and checkers.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
29 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
9 Cause & Effect Name Date
When Its 10 AM in . . .
Read the geography essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
and cities used their own time standards; Time
sunsets, though these events differed from place to place. Text Marking
The effect was that separate towns had their own times.
Find at least two cause-and-effect
For a while, it didnt matter too much because snail-like relationships.
travel speeds made time differences in distant locations
Box at least four
hardly noticeable.
signal words or phrases.
But since the coming of railroads, time variations
Circle the causes.
between locations began to matter. In the late 1800s,
there were more than 300 regional sun times in the ________ Underline the effects.
timetables. Uniform schedules for departures and arrivals were sorely needed.
In 1883, American and Canadian railroad companies adopted four time zones.
The time was the same anywhere within each zone. This decision resulted in less confusion.
Now travelers could easily know the correct time at their destination.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
30 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
9 Do More Name Date
When Its 10 AM in . . .
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the essay.
2 Ohio is in the Eastern Time Zone. Oregon is in the Pacific Time Zone. If it is 9 AM
in Cleveland, Ohio, what time is it in Salem, Oregon?
tt A. 7 AM tt B. 8 AM tt C. 6 AM tt D. 5 AM
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Reread the opening paragraph and use the time-zone map. Explain why the author
listed the times in those particular cities in the order you see.
4 What made train scheduling so difficult before time zones came into effect?
Pop Culture
Read the culture article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
not go together.
and profits soared. (And so did the piles of crumbs!) Circle the causes.
Popcorn and movies began a lasting relationship.
________ Underline the effects.
By the 1940s, the smell of melted butter wafted
The hefty profits popcorn sales brought had three clear effects. One was that movie theater
concessions began selling other foods and beverages. Another was that movie prices dropped
at least for a while. And a third effect was that movie theaters needed constant cleaning.
Pop Culture
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 When their profits are hefty (paragraph 4), movie theater owners
4 Make an inference. Why do you think that movie theater ticket prices fell after popcorn
was first introduced to theater audiences?
found a transfer of germs in less than five seconds. Common sense prevails: Its simply not safe
to eat food that has fallen on the floor. For her work, Clarke received a joke prize for research
2 What usually happens when people eat food that is contaminated with E. coli bacteria?
4 Use context clues in the essay to explain the meaning of tainted (paragraph 2) in your
own words.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
35 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
12 Context Clues Name Date
From an Egghead
Read the word origin article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
eggy sayings to perk up your own speaking Use context clues to unlock the
and writing. meanings of words and phrases.
Yet it was like walking on eggs to present Circle the word durable
editor wouldnt frown and order me to go fry an egg. Happily, her praise led to this piece.
I plan to tuck away the money Ill earn from this article and others to build my nest egg.
One day, if I can save enough, I hope to buy a farm, and maybe even some hens!
From an Egghead
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 According to the article, why did the author say it was like walking on eggs to convince
a magazines editors to accept a piece on egg expressions?
2 Which expression might the editor have used instead of go fry an egg (paragraph 3)?
3 Explain how you determined the meaning of nest egg (paragraph 4).
4 Think about the saying in the caption of the photo. In your own words, explain its meaning.
Tell how the picture offers clues. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Pickles on Ice
Read the environment essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
the juice of beets, pickles, potatoes, and cheese. Circle the problem.
Indiana has begun to use beet brine to melt ice on its roadways. Surfaces
in Tennessee are being de-iced with potato brine. New Jersey ice is being melted
with pickle brine. Cheese brine is now used to combat Wisconsins icy streets.
Pickles on Ice
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the essay.
2 Why may rock salt not be the best way to melt ice on roads in winter?
4 Give three reasons from the text that explain why using brine to melt ice is a good idea.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
39 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
14 Problem & Solution Name Date
Animal or Vegetable?
Read the newspaper article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
plant. Tagua nuts share many characteristics with ivory. Both are smooth, hard, and bone-
But vegetable ivory has major advantages over animal ivory. For one thing, tagua nuts
are a renewable resource. Harvesting them causes no harm to the elephant plant. Furthermore,
Animal or Vegetable?
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
1 Another word that means about the same as hue (paragraph 1) is ____________________.
2 Which is the most important way that vegetable ivory is better than animal ivory?
4 Make an inference. Why do you think farmers in the rainforests of South America are
eager to protect elephant plants?
Elephant Orchestra
Read the animal behavior article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
feet. He built 22 such instruments. These included An elephant named Pratiah playing the drums
The Thai Elephant Orchestra has been a success. They have made three albums. And
theyll play for peanuts (or bananas or apples). But the best part is that these talented
musicians help raise much-needed money to house and protect other endangered elephants.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
42 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
15 Do More Name Date
Elephant Orchestra
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
2 Which of the following would make another good title for this article?
3 Look back at your text markings. Write a one-paragraph summary of the key information
provided in the article.
4 In this article, play for peanuts has two meanings. Explain what they are.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
43 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
16 Summarize Name Date
worked on many films and had done the make- Text Marking
up for scores of famous actors. This gifted artist Summarize the text.
understood faces. He knew just how to emphasize
Circle the topic.
a cheekbone or arch an eyebrow.
________ Underline important
But Stuart Freeborn is best known today for details.
the unforgettable characters he created for the
the Hutt and Chewbacca were his creations. So was the tiny Jedi master, Yoda.
Yoda is odd-looking, with a pointed chin and wrinkles crossing his forehead. The
resemblance between that charming pint-sized Jedi and Freeborn is unmistakable. Thats
because when coming up with a model for this now-famous face, Freeborn chose one hed never
Stuart Freeborn worked on glamorous stars, superheroes, cavemen, and Muppets, too.
2 Which of the following do Jabba the Hutt, Chewbacca, and Yoda have in common?
tt A. All three were honored in Hollywood. tt C. All three are real people.
tt B. All three had the same creator. tt D. All three are Muppets.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Look back at your text markings. Write a one-paragraph summary of the key
information provided in the biographical sketch.
with chicken!
She wasted nothing, not even the extra fat, Text Marking
which she melted down to use in future cooking.
Make an inference: Why does the
She took out the liver and the gizzardthe birds writer admire Grandma?
stomachto save for her delicious stuffing or
________ Underline text clues.
to flavor a meatloaf. She used the picked-over
Think about what you
chicken carcass to make stock for soup. And, as I
already know.
recall, shed also include the birds neck, feet, back,
I try to be a smart shopper and economical cook. I dont let food go to waste.
But as conscientious and frugal as I aim to be, Ill never match Grandma.
2 According to the memoir, which word would best describe the writers grandmother?
3 Look back at your text markings and consider your own knowledge. What does the writer
admire about Grandma?
4 Based on this memoir and your own knowledge, in what other ways might Grandma
have applied the waste not, want not saying?
Orlando Bloomed!
Read the magazine article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
or Lord of the Rings films. But his life was not always
so successful.
mind moved faster than his words could express. dyslexia: a learning disorder that
makes reading and interpreting
He recalls that he had to work three times as hard
words very difficult
to get two-thirds of the way.
able to work around his disability, letting his ________ Underline text clues.
find other ways to succeed. If you can overcome this obstacle, you are going
Orlando Bloomed!
,, Answer each question. Give evidence from the article.
2 Which of these words can replace the word hurdle as it is used in paragraph 4 without
changing the meaning of the sentence?
4 Look back at your text markings and consider your own knowledge. How did acting help
Orlando Bloom cope with his disability? Explain in your own words.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
49 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
19 Authors Purpose Name Date
right on target.
here in America. Cricket taco with guacamole and ________ Underline text clues
for each purpose. Write
fresh cream, anyone, with some delicious crittle*
E, I, or P in the margin
for dessert? Come, now. Just close your eyes and take beside each clue.
a nibble. You might be pleasantly surprised.
3 Look back at how the author began the article. How would you describe the purpose of
starting that way?
4 Look back at your text markings regarding authors purpose. Summarize the authors
point of view about eating insects.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
51 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
20 Authors Purpose Name Date
Illustrated magazine.
Mone on the mound
But will her awesome talent lead to further
But this all seems to change with age. ________ Underline text clues
for each purpose. Write
As boys and girls age, clear differences in size
E, I, or P in the margin
and strength emerge. The best male ballplayers will beside each clue.
be able to throw a ball harder and hit it farther than
she is, Mone will not likely be able to compete successfully against Major League players.
1 Which is another word that means the same as feats, as it is used in paragraph 1?
2 What does the author think will happen if more 13-year-old girls compete in sports
against boys their own age?
tt A. Girls will give up because they cant keep up with the boys.
tt B. There will be fewer men wanting to coach Little League teams.
tt C. More girls will prove that they can compete successfully against boys.
tt D. More girls will become better athletes than boys their age.
What in the text helped you answer? ________________________________________________
3 Look back at your text markings regarding authors purpose. Summarize the authors
reasons why Mone is not likely to become a Major League pitcher.
4 Notice how the essay ends. What do you think this says about the authors point of view
on Mone Daviss chances in the future?
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
53 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Answer Key
. Sample Text Markings
1 Main Idea & Details Name Date
Their sense of taste is not as good as 2. C; Sample answer: In paragraph 3, the author writes,
ours. You get one clue simply by watching
them gobble up food as if they are starving A puppy wolfing down dinner
the more taste buds you have, the better your sense of
and dont seem to even taste what they are
taste is.
wolfing down. Well, dogs just dont seem to
care much about taste. Thats because they 3. Sample answer: I think it means to gobble the food
Text Marking
have fewer taste buds than you do. down as fast as possible. It probably comes from wolves
Taste buds are groups of cells that let us Find the main idea
and supporting details.
in the wild eating very quickly before others try to take
know how things taste. They tell us whether
foods are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, or savory. Circle the main idea their food.
in each paragraph.
Taste buds are located on the surface of the
tongue. There are also some on the roof of ________ Underline supporting 4. Accept reasonable responses. Sample answer:
details for each main
the mouth and in the back of the mouth.
idea. I might call the essay All About Taste Buds because
The more taste buds you have, the better
it is mostly about how the number of taste buds affects
your sense of taste is. Whereas humans
in their mouths.
Towers of Green
Passage 2: Towers of Green
Read the architecture essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. D; Sample answer: It says in paragraph 2 that vertical
Most people would describe farms as huge
farms could provide jobs and use less water.
outdoor fields for growing crops. Farms are mostly
and energy now used to transport crops. Next, Design for the Urban Skyfarm
3. Sample answer: I think they make sense in crowded
vertical farming would provide jobs for city workers. cities that dont have a lot of open space for traditional
And vertical farms would use far less water than
Text Marking farms. Vertical farms would be more likely to fit.
traditional farms do.
The architects see other uses for vertical farms. They could provide spaces for community
gardens, public parks, learning centers, and farmers markets. Architects hope that vertical
Accidents Happen
Passage 3: Accidents Happen
Read the health and safety article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. A; Sample answer: It takes time for a wound to
What if you scrape your shin or a pet
heal so the other choices dont make sense. The
claws you by mistake? Alas, accidents occur
wounds without visiting a hospital; thats 2. B; Sample answer: Each of the other choices
why its a good idea to have basic first-aid describes something to do earlier in the process of
supplies on hand at home.
scrapes usually close on their own. If not, cover the Text Marking 3. Sample answer: You need to clean the wound to help
wound with a clean cloth or bandage. Then press Find the sequence of steps. avoid infection and cover it to keep germs from getting
gently on it until the bleeding stops. This could
Box the signal words. into the wound before it is healed.
take a few seconds or minutes.
________ Underline the important
2 Next, its essential to rinse the wound to avoid
steps. 4. Sample answer: I think that the advice in this
infection. Use lukewarm water and mild soap to
replace it. After a scab forms, expose the wound to fresh air so it can finish healing.
Herbert Hoover.
2. B; Sample answer: It says in paragraphs 1 and 2 that
2 A decade later, people could watch on early TVs were very small; the other choices were not
slightly larger sets, some with 9-inch screens true about them.
(measured diagonally). They watched in
very few channels people could watch. 1-2-3 Number the events in
with sound. But the early sets had very small screens
6 With the coming of cable in the 1970s,
the sequence they that only showed pictures in black-and-white. Also,
the number of channels multiplied. Then, they could not record, did not have high definition,
in the 1980s, TV viewing itself changed with
and had few channels to watch. TVs today have all of
7 the invention of devices that let people record programs and then watch them whenever they
wished. Next, in the late 1990s, new high-definition television changed the game again. These 8 those things and can link to the Internet. Some are
HDTVs displayed clearer, sharper pictures on even larger, flat-panel screens. Today, with further gigantic, too.
improvements in technology, TVs are linked to computers and the Internet.
Whats next for TV?
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
20 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Time to Learn
Passage 5. Time to Learn
Read the debate speech.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. D; Sample answer: The details in this paragraph
Text Marking
show that the speaker recognizes other factors that are
I believe that American students need to spend more Identify the facts and opinions
time in school. We need it to keep up with students all in the speech. important to helping kids learn.
over the world. And the following facts support my views. Box at least three signal
words or phrases. 2. A; Sample answer: In paragraph 2, the speaker
American students are in school for about Circle at least three facts. describes the greater number of days students in other
6 hours a day, 180 days a year. In Germany, the ________ Underline at least three
countries go to school. Its one of the points the debater
school year lasts 240 days; in Japan and South opinions. uses to support this view.
Korea, it lasts for more than 200 days. In France,
the school day is 8 hours long, plus kids have a half-day every Saturday.
3. Sample answer: The speaker believes that American
Chinese students are in class 9 hours each day, 260 days a year.
kids waste a lot of time when they arent in school
Test scores show that we are falling behind students in many other
like playing video games or watching dumb TV.
countries. This is both sad and unnecessary. To keep up, I think we
must extend our school year and lengthen each school day. We do not 4. Sample answer: The speaker uses specific facts about
need all those hours we spend playing video games or watching dumb the number of hours and days students attend schools
TV shows. We should be more productive by sharpening our math skills
in other countries. When giving an opinion, the debater
or becoming better readers. We can do itwe just need more time.
uses judgment words that show a personal view, like
I acknowledge that other factors, like well-qualified
dumb, sad, I think, and I believe.
teachers and supportive homes, are important to helping
kids learn. But if we dont add more school time, well keep
falling behind.
unnecessary frill, as critics say. As I see it, music is as vital as reading, writing, and math. 2. C; Sample answer: The conclusions Dr. Kraus found
I believe music helps children grow socially, emotionally, and academically.
in her research are facts Gosch uses to support his
Serious brain science supports my view. Dr. Nina Kraus, researcher at Northwestern
University, has long studied how learning music affects growing brains. Her findings
argument that music is important.
prove that it does enhance students brains and nervous systems. These benefits improve
childrens abilities in language, memory, patterning, and critical listening. She supports 3. Sample answer: I think Mr. Gosch offers this
music training as part of a balanced school program. I strongly agree. I favor all the brain information to show how his own kids benefited from
development kids can get!
using music to help them learn and grow.
My kids sang nearly as soon as they could speak. They learned new words from song
lyrics. They exercised their bodies and minds dancing to DVDs and music videos. They
sang songs to memorize math facts. In my opinion, these are perfect examples of music
4. Sample answer: The last paragraph begins with a fact
working its magic. Mr. Gosch finds important to his argument. It lets him
A 1997 study by research teams from Wisconsin Text Marking end with his opinion that schools should bring back
and California found that music increases spatial
Identify the facts and opinions music programs.
reasoning, which links to stronger math and science in the speech.
skills. Is this not proof enough that our schools
Box at least three signal
deserve music for all?
words or phrases.
Respectfully yours,
Circle at least three facts.
James Gosch
________ Underline at least three
(Father of Brianna, Luke, and Nelson)
Which Boat?
Passage 7: Which Boat?
Read the blog post.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. A; Sample answer: The word boating is used in
I just had a great weekend at a lake cabin
paragraph 1, so I think vessel is a synonym for boat.
where I got an introduction to boating. I now
them go. Neither has an engine or a sail. oars to push against the water, one on each side of the
But the two water craft differ in important
boat. But to move a canoe, you use one or two paddles
ways. First, the canoe is lightweight; it has a
and is pointed only in the front. Each vessel 4. Sample answer: It looks like the people in the canoe
requires a special device to propel it through the are facing the direction they are paddling, but the
water. To move a canoe, each person uses one
Text Marking person in the rowboat is not facing the pointed part in
paddle and switches it from side to side to steer.
But to move a rowboat, a rower uses two oars at Compare and contrast rowboats the front of the boat. He cant see where he is going.
and canoes.
once, one on each side of the boat.
Its same-sized small squares alternatedark and 3. Sample answers: Both boards are square and divided into
light. In both games, players take turns moving
64 smaller squares. Every other small square is light or dark.
their pieces according to the rules.
Chess set Both boards have a border with letters and numbers. Each
Pieces and Movements In checkers, each player
side of the checkers board has 12 playing pieces on the dark
begins with 12 flat, round pieces called men. One Text Marking
player has all dark pieces, the other, all light ones.
squares of the first three rows. The pieces on one side are
Compare and contrast the games
To start, men are set out on alternating squares of checkers and chess. light; those on the opposite side are dark. Each side of the
across the three rows nearest each player. All pieces Box at least four chess board has 16 pieces in different shapes and sizes with
signal words or phrases.
move only diagonally.
light pieces on one side and dark pieces on the other.On
Like checkers sets, chess sets come in two Circle at least three ways
opposite colors. But in contrast, each chess player they are alike. each side,the 8 larger pieces are on the squares in the first
gets 16 pieces to arrange in two rows. Pieces are ________ Underline at least three row; the 8 smaller ones are on the squares in the second row.
not all the same. Instead, one row holds the eight ways they are different.
larger pieces: two rooks, two knights, two bishops, 4. Sample answer: Both chess and checkers are games
one queen, and one king. The eight smaller pieces, or pawns, fill another row. Each type played by two people who move pieces around on an
of piece has its own particular way to move. For instance, bishops move diagonally over
8 x 8 square board. But chess has more pieces with different
one or several squares, while pawns move only one square at a time.
shapes and a variety of ways to move, while checkers men
To Win A checkers game ends when one player captures all the others men. However,
the winner in chess is the one who captures the opponents king.
are all the same size and shape and only move diagonally.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Checkers and chess have different ways to get a winner.
When Its 10 AM in . . .
Passage 9: When Its 10 AM in...
Read the geography essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
hardly noticeable.
Box at least four set schedules, and there was a lot of confusion.
signal words or phrases.
But since the coming of railroads, time variations
timetables. Uniform schedules for departures and arrivals were sorely needed.
In 1883, American and Canadian railroad companies adopted four time zones. *
The time was the same anywhere within each zone. This decision resulted in less confusion.
Now travelers could easily know the correct time at their destination.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
30 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
Pop Culture
Passage 10: Pop Culture
Read the culture article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. D; Sample answer: I understood from context that
Americans love popcorn; we consume more
hefty means large or great, so large profits means making
of it than people do anywhere else in the world
not go together.
2. A; Sample answer: In paragraph 2, the author
As movie-going became a popular activity, describes the fancy movie theaters that the owners
luxurious movie theaters popped up across wanted to keep clean.
the country. People flocked to these glamorous
The hefty profits popcorn sales brought had three clear effects. One was that movie theater
concessions began selling other foods and beverages. Another was that movie prices dropped
at least for a while. And a third effect was that movie theaters needed constant cleaning.
safe to eat. Is this a legitimate fact you 2. A; Sample answer: The caption of the picture explains
can accept as true? Or is it simply an that eating E. coli can make you sick.
excuse not to waste that tasty brownie?
found a transfer of germs in less than five seconds. Common sense prevails: Its simply not safe
to eat food that has fallen on the floor. For her work, Clarke received a joke prize for research
From an Egghead
Passage 12: From an Egghead
Read the word origin article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. D; Sample answer: In paragraph 3, the author says
Expressions come and go, but some
the magazine is strict and demanding and usually picks
are so durable that they never fade away.
have been around for centuries. 2. A; Sample answer: I think the expression means go
Language is one of my greatest delights. away or stop bothering me. A is the only choice that
Ive been a fan of words ever since, as a
Yet it was like walking on eggs to present Circle the word durable
and the phrases walking
4. Sample answer: I think the saying means that you
my idea for this article to a language
editor wouldnt frown and order me to go fry an egg. Happily, her praise led to this piece.
I plan to tuck away the money Ill earn from this article and others to build my nest egg.
One day, if I can save enough, I hope to buy a farm, and maybe even some hens!
Pickles on Ice
Passage 13: Pickles on Ice
Read the environment essay.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. B; Sample answer: I saw the word brine in the middle
Do thoroughfares in your area ice over in
of paragraph 3 and a definition of it: brine is salty water.
winter? Are sidewalks treacherous for walking? If
with using rock salt is that it is hazardous to the 3. Sample answer: Roads and sidewalks get icy, which
environment. Salt seeps into the ground and into
Truck de-icing a road in winter
makes travel dangerous. But using rock salt to melt the
our fresh water, damaging plants and trees. Salt
ice harms the environment.
also harms wildlife and pets.
Text Marking
4. Sample answer: The article says that brine is safer for
This challenge has pushed transportation
departments in some states to seek safer Find the problem and solution.
materials to use. One solution is to replace rock the environment, that it works better than rock salt at
Box the signal words.
salt with brine. Brine is salty water. It is found in low temperatures, and is less expensive than rock salt.
the juice of beets, pickles, potatoes, and cheese. Circle the problem.
Indiana has begun to use beet brine to melt ice on its roadways. Surfaces
in Tennessee are being de-iced with potato brine. New Jersey ice is being melted
with pickle brine. Cheese brine is now used to combat Wisconsins icy streets.
Animal or Vegetable?
Passage 14: Animal or Vegetable?
Read the newspaper article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. C; Sample answer: The context helped me know that
Ivory is a natural substance known for its
hue is another word for color.
warm, creamy hue. For centuries, collectors
plant. Tagua nuts share many characteristics with ivory. Both are smooth, hard, and bone-
But vegetable ivory has major advantages over animal ivory. For one thing, tagua nuts
are a renewable resource. Harvesting them causes no harm to the elephant plant. Furthermore,
would play music themselves. 3. Sample answer: This article explains how David
So Sulzer collected a band of elephants at
Sulzer used what he observed about elephants and his
the center to find out. He first built a variety
mallet. Sulzers instruments resemble traditional Text Marking by selling albums the Thai Elephant Orchestra made.
Thai ones and sound like them, too. Summarize the text.
Sulzer soon found that elephants were indeed
Circle the topic.
4. Sample answer: I know that elephants like peanuts,
musicians. They could bang, stomp, tap, and blow
________ Underline important
so one meaning is that the elephants earn their pay in
to play distinct musical notes. With the help of the
details. peanuts for working in the orchestra. But the expression
trainers, Sulzer got his elephant orchestra to play
musicians help raise much-needed money to house and protect other endangered elephants.
Informational Passages for Text Marking & Close Reading: Grade 4
42 2015 by Scholastic Teaching Resources
worked on many films and had done the make- Text Marking his Star Wars characters, especially Yodawhose face he
up for scores of famous actors. This gifted artist Summarize the text. modeled on his own.
understood faces. He knew just how to emphasize
Circle the topic.
a cheekbone or arch an eyebrow.
________ Underline important
4. Sample answer: A grandfather is someone older,
But Stuart Freeborn is best known today for details. who has been around a long time and has had many
the unforgettable characters he created for the
Stuart Freeborn worked on glamorous stars, superheroes, cavemen, and Muppets, too.
dinners, she often prepared the most delicious 3. Sample answer: I think the writer was inspired by
roast chicken anyone ever ate. But that was only
how clever Grandma was in making use of every part of
part of what she did with that chicken. She would
I try to be a smart shopper and economical cook. I dont let food go to waste.
But as conscientious and frugal as I aim to be, Ill never match Grandma.
Orlando Bloomed!
Passage 18: Orlando Bloomed!
Read the magazine article.
Then follow the directions in the Text Marking box.
1. B; Sample answer: This is the only statement
Orlando Bloom is a famous actor you may
supported by the text. In paragraph 2 it says that having
know from his roles in The Pirates of the Caribbean
or Lord of the Rings films. But his life was not always
dyslexia made Blooms school years challenging.
so successful.
Bloom encourages dyslexic kids never to think already know. respect he earned encouraged him to keep going.
theyre failures, but rather to use their hurdle to
find other ways to succeed. If you can overcome this obstacle, you are going
E Eating insects may seem, well, disgusting to 2. B; Sample answer: Even if this is true, the article
you. But thats because you havent been introduced
Fried grasshoppers, a delicacy in Brazil, doesnt include this information. But it does mention all
to what 2 billion people around the world already Ghana, Mexico, and Thailand
for dessert? Come, now. Just close your eyes and take
E, I, or P in the margin
beside each clue.
also supports this as a good idea for the environment.
a nibble. You might be pleasantly surprised. P
Illustrated magazine.
she is, Mone will not likely be able to compete successfully against Major League players.