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LECTURE 13 Imprinting F08

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Amacher Lecture 13, 10/19/08

MCB C142/IB C163


Reading: Ch. 18, p. 660-664
Problems: Ch. 18, problems 21-24

** MIDTERM is Thursday, November 6th, from 7-9 pm. It will cover material through Monday, November 3rd.
Room assignments will be finalized the week of the exam and posted on the website. No calculators may be used on
the exam. Additional information about the midterm and office hours will be posted on the website.

In the 1980s, scientists attempted to create gynogenetic or androgenetic diploids in mammals by

putting either two female pronuclei or two male pronuclei into mouse eggs and then transferring
the eggs into a foster mother. Control embryos derived from fusion of a maternally-derived
pronucleus and a paternally-derived pronucleus developed normally, but embryos from the
fusion of two maternally-derived pronuclei or two maternally-derived pronuclei did not develop
normally. The only possible genetic difference between males and females in this experiment
was the sex chromosomes, but even XX animals failed to thrive!

We know now that one of the reasons that mammalian gynogenetic and androgenetic diploids
cannot be made is because of an epigenetic phenomenon called genomic imprinting. The
expression of an imprinted gene depends upon the parent (maternal or paternal) that transmits it.
Epigenetic means outside the genes. Epigenetic inheritance describes a variant condition that
does not involve a change in DNA sequence, yet is transmitted from one somatic cell generation
to the next during development and growth of an organism. Maternal imprinting means that the
allele of a particular gene inherited from the mother is transcriptionally silent and the paternally-
inherited allele is active. Paternal imprinting is the opposite; the paternally-inherited allele is
silenced and the maternally-inherited allele is active.

Maternal imprinting of Igf2 in mice

The insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) gene in mice is imprinted. Imprinting was discovered at
this locus from studies of the transmission of a deletion in chromosome 7 that removed this gene.
Mice that inherited the deletion chromosome from the paternal side were small, but mice
inheriting the same deletion from the maternal side were normal. Thus, a deletion of Igf2 only
causes a mutant phenotype when transmitted by the father.

A simple model of maternal imprinting seen in a two generation cross:

Cross: del / Igf2 female x Igf2 / Igf2 male
------( )------ ------[ + ]------
------[ + ]------ ------[ + ]------

Progeny: ------( )------m and ------[ + ]------m Normal sized sons and daughters
------[ + ]------p ------[ + ]------p Alleles inherited from mom are silent

The sons and daughters of this cross are normal-sized. This is because even though each
individual inherits an inactive copy of the Igf2 gene from their mother (either the deletion or the
imprinted allele), they inherit an active allele from their father.
Note1: There are sons and daughter of both genotypes this is not a sex-linked trait.
Note 2: Superscript m or p indicates whether the allele was inherited from mom (m) or dad (p).
Amacher Lecture 13, 10/19/08
MCB C142/IB C163

Some of the sons of the first cross inherit the deletion from their mother and the normal
chromosome 7 from their father. If we cross one of these sons (del / Igf2) to an Igf2 / Igf2
female, we see that about half the progeny are small-sized. This is because they have no active
Igf2 gene; they inherit the deletion from their father and an inactived (imprinted) alelle from their

Cross: del / Igf2 female x Igf2 / Igf2 male

------[ + ]------ ------( )------
------[ + ]------ ------[ + ]------

Progeny: ------[ + ]------m and ------[ + ]------m Half the progeny are small
------[ + ]------p ------( )------p Alleles inherited from mom are silent

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse imprinting with sex linkage. Igf2 is an autosomal gene that is
inherited in a silenced state from mom and an active state from dad. It is the sex of the parent
that transmits the allele that matters, not the sex of the progeny!

Old imprints must be erased and new imprints imposed during meiosis.
Every individual carries a maternal allele and a paternal allele at any one locus. If an allele is
maternally imprinted (as in our example above), then when males undergo spermatogenesis, both
maternally- and paternally-inheritied alleles are reactivated. When females undergo oogenesis,
imprints are imposed on both the maternally- and paternally-inherited genes. Thus when males
and females are crossed, the progeny inherit a silenced (imprinted) allele from their mothers and
an activated functional (non-imprinted) copy from their fathers.

For a maternally-imprinted gene:

Egg: ------[ + ]------ (imprinted) x Sperm: ------[ + ]------

Daughter: ------[ + ]------m (not expr) Son ------[ + ]------m (not expr)
------[ + ]------ p (expr) ------[ + ]------ p (expr)

Gametogenesis: During gamete

formation, it is thought that all
imprints are erased early.

During oogenesis, imprints are then During spermatogenesis, imprints

imposed upon both Igf2 copies, are erased upon both Igf2 copies,
regardless of whether they were regardless of whether they were
inherited from mom or dad. This inherited from mom or dad. This
ensures that the daughter passes on ensures that the son passes on active
only inactive copies. copies.

Gametes: ------[ + ]------ (imprinted) Gametes: ------[ + ]------

Amacher Lecture 13, 10/19/08
MCB C142/IB C163

A model for imprinting at the Igf2 locus.

Insight into how imprinting at Igf2 might function came from the discovery that a linked gene,
called H19, was imprinted in the opposite fashion (paternally, instead of maternally). One model
(an enhancer competition model) is that the two linked genes, Igf2 and H19 share an enhancer.
The enhancer prefers to turn on the H19 gene. Since there is no imprinting at the maternally-
inherited H19 locus, the adjacent enhancer turns on H19 and not Igf2. Because there is
imprinting at the paternally-inherited H19 locus, H19 is not expressed from this chromosome,
but Igf2 is activated instead.

Igf2 H19
Maternally-inherited allele: (off) (ON) enh

Paternally-inherited allele: Igf2 H19

(ON) (off) enh

What is the imprint? Imprinting has been correlated with DNA methylation. When DNA is
heavily methylated, it tends to be transcriptionally inactive. When mice mutant for a
methyltransferase (a primary enzyme required for DNA methylation) are made, H19, and not
Igf2, is transcribed from both maternally- and paternally-inherited chromosomes.

Methyltransferase Mutant
Igf2 DMD
Maternally-inherited allele: (off) (ON) enh

Igf2 H19
Paternally-inherited allele: (off)
(ON) enh

But a mouse mutant for a methyltransferase could affect the expression of many genes, so this
experiment is not as good as a mutation that affects only the Igf2 locus. There is a differentially
methylated domain (DMD) at the H19 / Igf2 locus that is usually heavily methylated on the
paternally-derived chromosome. When investigators made a mouse in which the DMD is
deleted, one sees an increase in H19 expression and a decrease in Igf2 expression from the
paternally-inherited chromosome, just as one might expect. However, both H19 and Igf2 are
expressed from the maternally-inherited chromosome!

Mutant lacking the differentially methylated domain (DMD) Class, I had the data
right in my notes,
but wrong on my
Igf2 no DMD H19 diagram (corrected
Maternally-inherited allele: enh here). As we
(this result was a surprise!) (ON) (ON)
deduced in class,
Igf2 is biallelically
expressed (levels are
Igf2 no DMD H19 slightly different in
Paternally-inherited allele: enh
(ON)) (ON) the 2 situations, but
thats not critical for
you to consider!)
Amacher Lecture 13, 10/19/08
MCB C142/IB C163

This shows that the region identified as the DMD in fact serves two purposes: (1) the region
becomes methylated (thus silencing H19 expression and allowing Igf2 expression) on the
paternally-inherited chromosome and (2) the region acts as an insulator on the maternally-
inherited allele and prevents the enhancer from activating Igf2 gene. In fact, there is a protein
CTCF that binds the unmethylated DMD (on the maternally-inherited chromosome) -- this
protein blocks the enhancer from turning on the IGF2 gene. Thus, the mutation in which the
DMD is deleted will remove the binding site for this protein and allow the enhancer to activate
the maternally-inherited Igf2 gene.

Igf2 H19


Igf2 H19


Imprinting in humans
Imprinting has been implicated in a variety of human disorders, including Prader-Willi syndrome
(OMIM 176270) and Angelman syndrome (OMIM 105830). Prader-Willi syndrome children
have small hands and feet, underdeveloped gonads and genitalia, short stature, mental
retardation, and obesity. Children with Angelman syndrome have red cheeks, large jaws, large
mouth and tongue, mental and motor retardation, and a happy disposition. Both syndromes are
associated with deletions in a region of chromosome 15. (In fact, it is not uncommon for
imprinted genes to be clustered in the genome.) This region contains at least two imprinted
genes, one maternally imprinted and one paternally imprinted. If a child receives a chromosome
in which a large deletion removes function of these genes from their father and an (inactive)
copy of the maternally imprinted gene from their mother, they will have Prader-Willi Syndrome.
If a child receives the deleted chromosome from their mother and an (inactive) copy of the
paternally imprinted gene from their father, they will have Angelman syndrome.

Lets say a spontaneous deletion occurs on chromosome 15 that deletes at least 2 genes:
Gene 1 Gene 2
(mat. impr.) (pat. impr.)

If deletion is inherited from mom, no gene 2 product is made Child has Angelman syndrome
If deletion is inherited from dad, no gene 1 product is made Child has P-W syndrome
Phenotype of offspring depends upon which parent transmits the deleted chromosome!
Amacher Lecture 13, 10/19/08
MCB C142/IB C163

Take a look at the pedigrees in your book (Fig. 18-15e) and convince yourselves that you could
recognize a paternal and maternal imprinting in a human pedigree. General guidelines are (1) in
paternal imprinting, half the progeny of affected females will be affected and (2) in maternal
imprinting, half the progeny of affected males will be affected.

Why does imprinting exist?

Imprinting seems to put individuals at a disadvantage, giving them only one chance for an active
copy of the gene. One potential explanation, the Haig hypothesis, is that imprinting reflects the
battle of the sexes. Males want to transmit genes that normally retard embryonic growth in a
silenced form; this ensures that his progeny would grow larger and more rapidly than other
embryos in the uterus that might have been fathered by different males. This would increase the
chances of his genes being successfully passed on. Severe overgrowth of embryos can be a
disadvantage to the mother, so she counteracts by transmitting silenced copies of genes
normally responsible for enhancing growth. All of her embryos would have an equal chance of
survival and would do so without draining all of her energy. This hypothesis could explain why
imprinting has only been observed in mammals, the only animals where embryos can compete in
utero for maternal resources. It is also interesting to note that many, but not all, of the imprinted
genes known to date are involved in embryonic growth control.

Imprinting Pedigrees (from Figure 18.15 in your book)

In paternal imprinting,
the paternally-inherited
allele is inherited in a
silent state. Half the
progeny of affected
females will be affected,
regardless of their

In maternal imprinting,
the maternally-inherited
allele is inherited in a
silent state. Half the
progeny of affected
males will be affected,
regardless of their

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