Training Effectiveness Questionairre
Training Effectiveness Questionairre
Training Effectiveness Questionairre
d) Unsure
d) Cant say
a) Yes b) No
7) Are you able to practice the concepts learnt at your work place?
10) Have you observed any changes in your work after the training program?
a) Yes b) No
a) Computer related b) Safety & Health related c) Skill & Technology related
12) List the factors that are required for an organization to be called as a Learning Organization.
13) Do you notice any continuous improvement in training programs conducted at VSP?
a) Yes b) No
14) The training programs are helping the employees to update their knowledge and skills and
change their attitude
15) Which one of the following methodologies do you find more effective in training?
a) Lectures & Demonstrations b) Lectures & Discussions
17) How do you rate the effectiveness of audio visuals namely LCD, projectors & sound
19) List the factors which influence the effectiveness of the training programs.
20) Will the training program contribute towards safe work environment?
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