Policies and Procedure For Ensuring Quality of Sputum Microscopy Results
Policies and Procedure For Ensuring Quality of Sputum Microscopy Results
Policies and Procedure For Ensuring Quality of Sputum Microscopy Results
Policy Statement
The most important element in the quality of laboratory test result is its accuracy or
correctness. If the laboratory result is falsely negative, there is a chance that the patients
illness would be incorrectly diagnosed or would not be diagnosed at all. Consequences
include continued progression of the disease which would lead to its full-blown status and
eventually, death. If the disease whereof the patient is inflicted is infectious, there is a great
risk of transmission to his/her family and close contacts. On the other hand, if the result is
falsely positive, incorrect diagnosis would ensue and the patient is likely to receive
unnecessary treatment, such as therapy with toxic drugs subjecting him/her to its side effects,
even adverse effects, and hospitalization which would expose the patient to nosocomial
In order to demonstrate and maintain high quality results, a laboratorys overall performance
should be monitored through a series of regular activities. In combination, such activities
make up the laboratorys quality assurance (QA) program, to wit:
1. Validation of samples submitted for testing;
2. Regular checking of reagents used in test procedures including expiry dates;
3. Inclusion of standards or samples of known positivity in routine test runs;
4. Periodic review and updating of procedure manuals;
5. Regular maintenance and calibration of equipment;
6. Data collection and analysis;
7. Regular meetings with clients;
8. Regular conduct of staff meeting;
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Butuan City Jail
Butuan City Jail- Health Service Unit/ TB DOTS
Libertad, Butuan City
Tel. No.: 342-9282
Prepared by:
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