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Teste Diagnostico de Ingles 5º Ano

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Teste diagnstico de Ingls


Nome : ______________________________________________ Ano Escolar: ___ Data: ____ / ____ / _______

A - Look at the images and complete the dialogues:

B - Replace the underlined words by the correct personal pronoun: he, she, it, they.
1. Ted is at school. ___________________________________________________________
2. Sue and John are students. __________________________________________________
3. The dog is black. ___________________________________________________________
4. Jennifer is my mother. _______________________________________________________
C - Match the sentences and write the letters in the boxes:

1. Good morning, Fred. 1 e) a) My names John.

2. Whats your name? b) Bye.
3. Who are you? c) No, it isnt.
4. Whats her name? d) Im your teacher.
5. Is her surname Jones? e) Good morning, Max.
6. Goodbye. f) Its Carol.

D - Put the words in the correct order.

1. surname /. / is / My / Smith ____________________________________________________
2. is / your / What / ? / surname __________________________________________________
3. Mary / name / My / is /. _______________________________________________________
4. your / What / ? / name / is ____________________________________________________

E - Answer the questions about you:

1. What is your first name? ______________________________________________________
2. What is your full name? _______________________________________________________
3. Are you a student? __________________________________________________________
4. How old are you?_____________ ______________________________________________
5. Whats your favourite colour? __________________________________________________

F - Label the pictures with the greetings.

Good afternoon Good night Good morning Good evening
1 - _____________ 2 - _______________ 3 - ______________ 4 - ______________
_____________ _______________ ______________ ______________
G - Find out the cardinal numbers in the wordsearch and write the numbers.

H Complete with the verb to be:

1 - ________you Spanish? Yes, I am.
2 What colour ________ your book?
3 What ________ your surname?
4 His favourite number ________ thirteen.
5 My parents and I are from Portugal. We ________ Portuguese.
6 Is that a desk? Yes, it ________.
7 I ________ a student.

G Complete with the indefinite articles (a or an)* or zero article:

1 This is ________ dog.
2 These are ________ cats. a antes de uma palavra iniciada
3 I am ________ English girl. por consoante
4 Sarah and Amy are ________ sisters. E.g.: a baby
5 This is ________ apple. an antes de uma palavra
6 That is ________ red book. iniciada por vogal
E.g.: an elephant

Good Luck!

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