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ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702011000400014

Immature stages of the moth Lobeza dentilinea (Lepidoptera:

Notodontidae), with redescription of the species based on male
and female morphology

Lvia R. Pinheiro1,2; Renato O. Silva1 & Marcelo Duarte1,3

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de So Paulo. Avenida Nazar 481, Ipiranga, 04263-000 So Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Programa de Ps-graduao em Cincias Biolgicas (Zoologia), Instituto de Biocincias, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de So Paulo. Rua do Mato, Travessa 14, 321, Butant, 05508-900 So Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Corresponding author. E-mail: mduartes@usp.br

ABSTRACT. Egg and pupa of Lobeza dentilinea Schaus, 1901 are described and illustrated for the first time. Eggs are
smooth, dome-shaped, and greenish at oviposition. Last instar larvae have an aposematic coloration and the chaetotaxy
is very similar to other notodontines, except for the number of lateral setae: L. dentilinea has three instead of four lateral
setae on abdominal segments A3-A6. Pupae are light brown and typical of the family, with the last abdominal segments
broadly round. Evidence from the adult morphology supporting the placement of the genus in Notodontinae includes
proboscis smaller than the length of the head, epiphysis with more than half the length of tibia, tarsal claws simple, and
labial palpi short. Male and female are confidently associated, and a redescription of the species is presented based on
both sexes. Larvae of L. dentilinea are here recorded feeding on a Melastomataceae.
KEY WORDS. Cteniophore; genitalia; larva; Neotropical region; pupa.

Notodontidae comprises approximately 3,000 species and dentilinea Schaus, 1901, and GODFREY et al. (1989) studied the
they occur mainly in the neotropics (SEITZ 1932). The larvae larval mouthparts of Lobeza suprema Schaus, 1894. Like many
are generally brightly colored, and are peculiar among Lepi- other genera of notodontids, Lobeza is not yet undoubtedly
doptera for feeding on arboreous species rather than herbs or assigned to an available subfamilial name (GAEDE 1934). The
shrubs, as caterpillars usually do (STEHR 1987). genus is thought to be part of Heterocampinae as recognized
As virtually all groups of holometabolous insects, imma- in some well curated collections from the neotropics. How-
ture stages of Notodontidae are poorly known, especially those ever, with the lack of morphological or biological evidence this
of Neotropical species (MILLER 1992a, b). This lack of knowledge is hypothesis remains controversial.
particularly problematic given the recognized importance of lar- In the present paper, we provide detailed descriptions of
val and pupal characters to establish a reasonable classification, the immature stages and imago of L. dentilinea, as well as of
which is still uncertain for Notodontidae (MILLER 1991, 1992a). the male and female genitalia. We discuss the placement of the
DYAR (1897) proposed the first classification of world genus in Heterocampinae with evidence from immature and
notodontids based on adult and larval characters. Despite of adult morphology. Based on laboratory rearing, male and fe-
being an important contribution, this work does not give em- male are confidently associated, and a redescription of the spe-
phasis to the Neotropical fauna. The current classification of cies is proposed based on both sexes (the original description
Notodontidae is based on the works of MILLER (1991, 1992a) includes only female characters).
and is supported to a great extent by larval, pupal and adult
characters. According to this author, the family is divided into MATERIAL AND METHODS
nine subfamilies. Of these, six include Neotropical species:
Notodontinae, Dudusinae, Dioptinae, Pygaerinae, Heterocam- Last instar larvae of L. dentilinea were found near the
pinae and Nystaleinae. Municipal Park of Pedroso, municipality of Santo Andr, state
Lobeza Herrich-Schffer, 1854 is a poorly known genus of So Paulo, southeastern Brazil (2345.3S, 4630.86W), on
with about 30 Neotropical species, occurring from Costa Rica Miconia sp. leaves (Melastomataceae). The larvae were trans-
to southeast Brazil. Besides the generic and species descriptions, ferred to the laboratory, where leaves of the host plant were
Lobeza has been briefly treated in only two works. SPITZ (1931) offered ad libitum in a screen box (30 x 30 x 30 cm) under
described the morphology and behavior of the larva of Lobeza natural conditions of temperature and humidity.

2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia | www.sbzoologia.org.br | All rights reserved.

518 L. R. Pinheiro et al.

Three larvae were reared to adults, emerging two males as wide. Labrum deeply notched. Anteclypeus somewhat pro-
and one female, which were caged for inducing pairing in cap- tuberant in lateral view (Fig. 14). Mandibles symmetrical with
tivity, but apparently they did not copulate because only infer- smooth cutting edges. Maxillae as illustrated in Fig. 18, with
tile eggs were obtained in laboratory. fleshy stipital lobe dorsally (see also GRIMES & NEUNZIG 1986),
Eggs and pupae of L. dentilinea were photographed to minutely spiculated, rounded, and smaller than the rest of
document color patterns. Posteriorly, they were frozen for 24 maxilla. Like other notodontids, mesal lobe with three sensilla
hours. Larvae were also photographed and killed in hot water trichodea (STI, STII, STIII) and two styloconica (LSS, MSS); a
(ca. 80C), where they remained until the water cooled. The sixth sensillum (trichodeum), not yet named, positioned be-
immatures were treated with Kahles solution (PETERSON 1962) tween LSS and MSS. Maxillary palpi about as long as wide. La-
for 48 to 72 hours (larger specimens needed more time in the bium as illustrated in Fig. 17, with palpus approximately equal
solution; see also DUARTE et al. 2005). Finally, all specimens were in length to segment 1 of maxillary palpus; segment 1 of labial
preserved in 70% ethanol. Immatures and adults were depos- palpus entirely sclerotized. Spinneret approximately as long as
ited in the Lepidoptera Collection of the Museu de Zoologia da labial palpi. Cervical gland apparently absent. Prothoracic shield
Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, except for a male, strongly sclerotized, protuberances absent. Pretarsus of thoracic
which will be deposited in the collection of Dr Vitor O. Becker, legs with four tarsal setae (Ts); Ts1 and Ts3 basal in position,
Camacan, Bahia, Brazil. and typically flattened and broad; Ts1 fork-shaped at tip, slightly
We followed standard procedures for preparation and longer than Ts3; Ts2 closer to claw base, slightly thicker than
study of female and male genitalia (MORAES & DUARTE 2009). Ts4. Abdominal segments without protuberances. Prolegs
The abdomen was carefully removed from each specimen and equally developed on A3-A6, with three lateral setae each one.
soaked in 10% KOH for approximately 18 hours, being cleaned Proleg A10 with five lateral setae, slightly different from oth-
with a soft brush and opened by one side to remove the genita- ers, bearing almost same number of crochets (25 instead of 27)
lia. Drawings were made with aid of camera lucida, and digi- of A3-A6. Crochets in two transverse bands, homoideous
tally edited with Adobe Illustrator CS3. uniordinal mesoseries. Paraprocts not elongate. Body length
For description of the immature stages, we followed the 6.5 cm (n = 1).
terminology of STEHR (1987) and MILLER (1991) for the larval
Pupa (Figs 5, 6 and 19-21)
chaetotaxy and general morphology; and MOSHER (1916) for
general morphology of the pupa. Terminology of the male and Body cylindrical. Integument light brown, smooth, gla-
female genitalia follows KLOTS (1970), and COMMON (1979) for brous. Laterobasal angles of proboscis reaching eye sclerites; pro-
wing venation. boscis with anterior suture slightly curved and half the length
of anterior wings; mesothoracic legs meeting at midline. Labial
palpus sclerite absent. Antennae extending beyond mesotho-
racic legs. Prothoracic segment with two dorsal tubercules. An-
terior margin of segments A5-A7 with dorsal shallow punctures.
Lobeza dentilinea Schaus, 1901 Segments A8-10 with rounded aspect, not tapering posteriorly;
Lobeza dentilinea Schaus, 1901: 320, 321. Holotype female, Bra- cremaster absent. Female pupa measuring 2.5 cm of length
zil, So Paulo. Deposited at the National Museum of Natu- (n = 1), male pupa measuring 1.5 cm of length (n = 1).
ral History, Washington, DC (photograph examined). Imago (Figs 7-10 and 22-25)
Egg (Fig. 1) Head. Covered with long brown and white scales, the
Dome-shaped with smooth chorion. Light green at ovi- ones on vertex exceeding length of antennal scape. Eyes well
position. Change in color pattern was not observed since the developed. Ocelli present, light colored. Antennae bipectinate
eggs were not fertilized. Average diameter 1.5 mm (n = 18). in both sexes. Male with many large sensila, female with only
one at apex of comb. Antennal segments brown dorsally, with
Last instar larva (Figs 2, 3 and 11-18) sparse white scales. Labial palpi not reaching dorsal margin of
Coloration as described in SPITZ (1931) (see also Figs 2 eyes. Proboscis shorter than length of head. Thorax. Predomi-
and 3). Head and body chaetotaxy as in Figs 12-14. Pore MGa, nantly brown dorsally, with white scales spread through whole
seta MG2, and secondary setae absent. Head rounded, narrower thorax and orange scales on prothorax and mesothorax. Tarsi
than thorax, slightly depressed at epicranial notch. Stemmata brown and white, other segments with the same pattern on
1-6 nearly equal in size; however, in lateral view of head, external surface and orange on internal surface. Dorsal surface
stemma 3 distinctly smaller than others (Fig. 14). Stemma 5 of anterior wing (female) covered with sparse brown and white
ventral in position, near base of antennae separated from semi- scales, giving a dirty aspect; two longitudinal oblique and den-
circle formed by stemmata 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Antenna relatively tate lines of brown and orange scales, the proximal line from
shorter if compared to that of other notodontid species illus- stem of vein R to inner margin, and the distal one from stem of
trated by MILLER (1991: 121-122); medial segment about as long veins R4+R5 to inner margin; posterior end of discocellular

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

Immature stages of Lobeza dentilinea with redescription of the species 519

1 2

4 5 6 10
Figures 1-10. Immature stages and adults of L. dentilinea: (1) eggs; (2) last instar, dorsal view; (3) last instar, lateral view; (4) cocoon; (5-
6) pupa in dorsal and lateral views; (7-8) male in dorsal and ventral views; (9-10) female in dorsal and ventral views. Scale bars: 1 = 15
mm, 2 = 8 mm, 3= 25 mm, 4-6 = 5 mm; 7-10 = 10 mm.

brown. Ventral surface brown with white scales on inner and face entirely white; costal and outer margins with thin line of
outer margins, besides distal end of costal margin; proximal white scales, the rest of wing brown. Venation identical to that
end of wings with bristled scales; fringe white. Venation trifid, of female. Abdomen. Predominantly brown dorsally and or-
R1 arising before discal cell; without accessory cell. Dorsal and ange in ventral view; segment I with small patch of white scales;
ventral surfaces of posterior wing brown with distal portion of segments II to VI, or II to VII, entirely brown dorsally, terminal
costal margin and fringe on outer margin white. Venation segments covered with brown and white scales, giving a dirty
trifine. Anterior wing (male) as long as body length, with aspect; all segments orange laterally; segments VII to VIII gray-
rounded apex; ground color of dorsal surface brown, with sparse ish ventrally; with cteniophores on male fourth sternite. Male
white scales throughout wing and few orange scales medially; and female eighth sternite similar in shape and sclerotization
patch of white scales distal to discal cell. Ventral surface pre- to other abdominal sternites. Female genitalia (Fig. 23). Lamel-
dominantly brown, with white scales medially and in costal lae antevaginalis and postvaginalis subequal in width and
and outer margins. Venation identical to that of female. Dor- length. Antrum centralized. Ductus bursae short, sclerotized
sal surface of posterior wing predominantly brown, with few longitudinally, and about the same length of both lamellae.
white scales spread medially and on costal margin. Ventral sur- Corpus bursae lacking signa. Acessory bursae absent. Posterior

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

520 L. R. Pinheiro et al.



13 14

Figures 11-14. Last instar larva of L. dentilinea: (11) dorsolateral view; (12) body chaetotaxy; (13-14) head chaetotaxy in frontal (13) and
lateral (14) views. (A) Anterior seta, (Aa) anterior pore, (AF) adfrontal seta, (C) clypeal seta, (D) dorsal seta, (F) frontal seta, (Fa) frontal
pore, (L) lateral seta, (La) lateral pore, (MD) microdorsal seta, (MDa) microdorsal pore, (MG) microgenal seta, (Pa and Pb) parietal
pores, (Sa and Sb) stemmatal pores, (SD) subdorsal seta, (SS) substemmatal seta, (SSa) substemmatal pore, (SV) subventral seta, (V)
ventral seta, (X) seta X diagnostic for the notodontids, (XD) XD setal group. Pores and V setae of thoracic segments and A3 are not
shown (they are located on the internal side of the leg). Proleg setae on A10 were not named due to the difficulty of recognizing
homologies. Scale bar: 1 mm.

apophyses approximately five times longer than anterior apo- smooth; coecum long and straight. Vesica with cluster of spini-
physes. Setae restricted to papillae anales and small area poste- form cornuti on dorsal surface and transversal row ventrally
rior to lamella postvaginalis. Male genitalia (Figs 24 and 25). oriented.
Uncus broad, short and bifid. Tegumen scaled latero-ventrally.
Gnathos pointed and well sclerotized, almost reaching poste-
rior end of uncus. Valvae thin, sparsely scaled; cucullus finger- We collected larvae of L. dentilinea on leaves of Miconia
like. Transtillae present. Juxta trapezoid with few setae above sp. (Melastomataceae). Tibouchina pulchra (Cham.) Cogn.
sclerotized area. Saccus not developed. Aedeagus straight and (Melastomataceae) has also been recorded as larval host plant

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

Immature stages of Lobeza dentilinea with redescription of the species 521


16 17 18
Figures 15-18. Last instar larva of L. dentilinea: (15) left antenna, lateral view; (16) Left pretarsus of mesothoracic leg, mesal view; (17)
labium, dorsal view; (18) left maxilla, dorsoposterior view. (Cl) Claw, (Lps) labial palpus segment, (LSS) lateral styloconicum sensillum,
(MP) segment of maxillary palpus, (MSS) medial styloconicum sensillum, (Sp) spinneret, (ST) sensillum trichodeum, (Ts) tarsal seta.
Scale bar: 0.2 mm.

for this moth (SPITZ 1931). We observed approximately up to Remarks. BROWN & FREITAS (2000) illustrated a larva of L.
40 larvae per plant, each plant with 1.5 m of height. The re- dentilinea, but attributed it to an adult identified as Eudocima
duced number of reared specimens and the unfavorable labo- serpentifera (Walker, 1857) (Noctuidae: Calpinae). The known
ratory conditions prevented us to report much about larval occurrence of L. dentilinea is restricted to the state of So Paulo,
behavior. All larvae were collected in the penultimate instar, with records for the cities of So Paulo and Campos do Jordo,
possibly the fourth instar considering that the number of five from sea level to an altitude of 700 m. Notes on the larval be-
instars may be more widespread in Lepidoptera (see also DUARTE havior are found in SPITZ (1931).
& ROBBINS 2009). Although several larvae may be present on a
single plant, they do not seem to be gregarious (at least in late DISCUSSION
instars). None of the larvae presented the usual position adopted
by many notodontid larvae, with the last abdominal segments Although the monophyly of most subfamilies of
bended dorsally. The larvae eat the exuviae entirely after the Notodontidae has yet to be firmly established, MILLER (1991,
ecdysis. Penultimate and last instars are morphologically very 1992a) did provide the framework for further contributions. Even
similar. Before pupation the larvae construct a dense cocoon though his concept of some subfamilies differs significantly from
formed of salivary secretions and some small pieces of leaves previous authors (e.g. G AEDE 1934), M ILLER s subgroups of
from the host plant. As described in SPITZ (1931), the larvae of Notodontidae were tentatively delimitated on the basis of infor-
L. dentilinea generally pupate in the soil, but in the laboratory mative characters of immature stages and adults. Our morpho-
they were observed building cocoons on the bottom of the rear- logical evidence suggests that Lobeza belongs to Notodontinae,
ing cage attached to the host plant remnants. Female adults and not to Heterocampinae as previously hypothesized (see in-
are larger than males (Figs 7-10). troduction). The characters supporting the placement in

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

522 L. R. Pinheiro et al.

Fr Fr
Pt An
A4 A3



Go A7
19 20 A10 21
Figures 19-21. Pupa of L. dentilinea: (19) ventral view; (20) lateral view; (21) dorsal view. (A) Abdominal segment, (An) antenna, (Ao)
anal opening, (E) eye, (Fr) frons, (Go) genital opening, (Ml) mesothoracic leg, (Ms) mesothorax, (Mt) metathorax, (Mw) mesothoracic
wing, (Pb) proboscis, (Pl) prothoracic leg, (Pt) prothorax, (Tl) metathoracic leg. Scale bar: 5 mm.

Figure 22. Fore and hind wings of L. dentilinea. (A) Anal vein, (CuA) cubital vein, (M) medial vein, (R) radial vein, (Rs) radial sector, (Sc)
subcostal vein. Scale bar: 10 mm.

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

Immature stages of Lobeza dentilinea with redescription of the species 523

23 24


Figures 23-25. Female and male genitalia of L. dentilinea: (23) female, lateral view; (24-25) male: (24) genital capsule, posterior view;
(25) aedeagus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Notodontinae are the following (see also MILLER 1991): last ab- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dominal segments of pupae broadly rounded, proboscis smaller
than the length of the head, epiphysis with more than half the We thank Vitor O. Becker, who identified the species, Don
length of tibia, tarsal claws simple, and labial palpi short. Differ- Harvey (USNM) for the holotype picture, and two anonymous
ing from other notodontines (MILLER 1991), a fourth L seta on reviewers for useful comments on the manuscript. For recent
segments A3-A6 is lacking in L. dentilinea. financial support MD thanks FAPESP (as part of the project Sys-
MILLER (1991) divided the Notodontinae into Notodontini tematics, Bionomy, and Evolution of Neotropical Lepidoptera;
and Dicranurini. Lobeza is probably better placed in the latter processes 2002/13898-0 and 2003/13985-3), CNPq (as part of
because of the male flat epiphysis (about as long as tibia), the the project National Network for Research and Conservation
absence of a proximal pair of spurs and absence of forewing of Lepidoptera/ SISBIOTA-Brasil; process 563332/2010-7), and
accessory cells. Lobeza dentilinea does not have all characters Pr-Reitoria de Pesquisa da Universidade de So Paulo/USP/Proje-
suggested as synapomorphic for Dicranurini; however, given to 1. LRP and ROS have also been supported by FAPESP (2009/
the limited number of species available when MILLER (1991) 11159-5 and 2011/03409-1, respectively).
developed his work, it is expected that some of the listed char-
acters do not represent synapomorphies of the entire group. LITERATURE CITED
Concerning larval food plant preference in Dicranurini,
most of the species feed on Salicaceae, with some reports also COMMON, I.F.B. 1979. Lepidoptera, p. 765-866. In: CSIRO. The
mentioning the use of Sapindaceae, Rosaceae and Fagaceae insects of Australia. Carlton, Melbourne University Press,
(MILLER 1991). Larvae of L. dentilinea are for the first time found XIV+1029p.
feeding on the genus Miconia Ruiz & Pav., and it is the second BROWN JR, K.S. & A.V.L. FREITAS. 2000. Diversidade de Lepidoptera
record of a host plant belonging to Melastomataceae. MILLER em Santa Teresa, Esprito Santo. Boletim do Museu Biol-
(1991) did not mention this plant family for the Notodontinae, gico Mello Leito (Nova Srie) 11/12: 71-118.
possibly due to the unexpected placement of Lobeza in the sub- DUARTE, M.; R.K. ROBBINS & O.H.H. MIELKE. 2005. Immature stages
family. of Calycopis caulonia (Hewitson, 1877) (Lepidoptera, Lycae-

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nidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini), with notes on rearing detritivo- MILLER, J.S. 1992a. Pupal morphology and the subfamily classifi-
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DUARTE, M. & R.K. ROBBINS. 2009. Immature stages of Calycopis of the New York Entomological Society 100 (2): 228-256.
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Submitted: 06.XII.2010; Accepted: 03.VII.2011.

Editorial responsibility: Gabriel L.F. Mejdalani

ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 517524, August, 2011

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