5th Amendment101
5th Amendment101
5th Amendment101
n Themes:
n What type of trial can I get as a US citizen?
What types of trial can I get as a US
n Two (2) types:
n petit jury =
hearing & a jury trial
n grand jury =
determines evidence
n Grand juries
determine evidence,
but can also
Grand Jury & JonBent Ramsey
Ken Starr & The Impeachment Grand Jury
Treason Trials in the US
Should inmates at Gitmo get 5th Amendment
What is the 5th Amendment?
n nor shall any person be subject for the
same offense to be twice put in
n Theme:
n Double Jeopardy
What is double jeopardy?
n Double Jeopardy
means that a person
can not be tried for
the same crime twice
n Theme:
n Self-incrimination
n Confessions
n Immunity
What does it mean to plead the fifth?
n A defendant in court
cannot be forced to
testify against him or
n Pleading the 5th
n In Europe, police
used torture to get
n false confessions
The Inquisition
The Head Vice
The Judas Chair
The Pear
The Wheel
The Rack
Central Park Jogger Case (1989)
The Central Park Five (2012)
West Memphis Three (1993)
West of Memphis (2012)
The Norfolk Four (1997)
Immunity from Prosecution
What are the Miranda Rights?
n The Miranda Rights is
the warning police give a
suspect once in custody
n Miranda v. Arizona
n Theme:
n Due Process of law
n Eminent Domain
What is due process of the law?
n Due Process is the
idea that the
government must
respect all the basic
rights of a citizen