PID Tuning Methods-Automation Study With MathCad-A
PID Tuning Methods-Automation Study With MathCad-A
PID Tuning Methods-Automation Study With MathCad-A
Neil Kuyvenhoven
Calvin College
ENGR. 315
December 19, 2002
The Trail and Error method requires a closed The Ziegler Nichols method takes two
loop system, it steps through the system from approaches depending on the system at hand.
proportional to integral to derivative. This First, with the closed method or begins in
method is a divide and conquer approach, first much the same way as the Trial and Error
it puts the system into a rough solution from method as a steady oscillation is desired with
which small tweaks are performed to perfect only a proportional influence present. The
the response. To begin, each coefficient of the proportional value at which the oscillations
PID controller is set to zero. The proportional become constant is coined the term 'ultimate
component is now considered by increasing gain'. The period of oscillations at the
its value until a steady oscillation is obtained ultimate gain is termed 'ultimate period'. The
as in figure two. Scaling the current ultimate gain can be found in an simpler way
proportional value down by a factor of two with the root locus of the open loop transfer
will give the resulting proportional value. function. The ultimate gain and ultimate
Applying this proportional value will dismiss period as noted in figure 2, are applied to the
the steady oscillations. Next the integral Ziegler-Nichols formulae as noted in table 2.
coefficient is increased until steady This method works provided the closed loop
oscillations are again obtained. The present transfer function is known and there is an
value of the integral coefficient is scaled up by ultimate gain, the point where the root locus
a factor of three and applied to the integral as value has zero for the real portion.
the final value. This once again sets
oscillations off, which brings up the Table 2 Tuning parameters for Ziegler
derivative control, this value is increased until Nichols closed loop ultimate gain method
for a final time the oscillations are at a KP KI KD
constant period and amplitude. The P 0.5*Ku
coefficient of the derivative is then scaled PI 0.45*Ku 1.2/Tu
down by a factor of three and applied as the PID 0.6*Ku 2/Tu Tu/8
final value for the derivative control. The
resulting output may still have some noise
associated with it, this must now be tuned by The second Ziegler-Nichols method applies to
hand with small educated tweak of the the open loop transfer function. It is simpler
different coefficients. to calculate because the guess work is taken
out as opposed to the closed loop method
where the accuracy of 'steady oscillations'
becomes an estimation at best. The tuning
parameters for the Ziegler-Nichols open loop
method is shown in table three.
Figure 2 Steady oscillation illustrating P 1/(RL)
the ultimate period PI 0.9/(RL) 3L
PID 1.2/(RL) 2L 0.5L
as seen in figure three and applied to the
Ziegler-Nichols open loop formulae as found
in table three. The outcome of the two
Ziegler-Nichols method is a system with a
fairly clean response, work still must be done
tweaking the system as the Ziegler-Nichols
method will only give rough estimates.
partialNumF( s) :=
(s Z )
H( s) :=
2 Numerator's scalar
s + 10 s + 20
Num( s , Kp , Ki , Kd )
Input disturbance scaleNumF( s) :=
partialNumFr( s)
F( s ) :=
s Factored numerator
PID Controller
2 Factored denominator
Kp s + Kd s + Ki without any scalar
G( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) :=
s p
F( s) G( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) H( s)
T( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) :=
1 + G( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) H( s ) Denominator's scalar
Den( s , Kp , Ki , Kd )
scaleDenF( s ) :=
Numerator of Closed loop partialDen F( s)
Num( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) := numer( T( s , Kp , Ki , Kd ) )
Factored denominator
Time for response to go from
10% of steady state to 90% of X ( t) := x ( t)
steady state dt
@ 10%
X ( q) = 0
Given q>0
x ( q) = SS .1
Tovershoot := Find( q)
x ( q) > 0
T10% := Find( q)
PO :=
x Tovershoot SS )