Essay Templates
Essay Templates
Essay Templates
It is recommended to
use a T-list in order to write the main idea and supporting details.
2. Make sure you understand the subject and write exactly whats
3. Write 4 paragraphs not more than 120-140 words. Remember!
The more you write the more mistakes you make!
4. Leave margins of 2 cm on each side of the page for my remarks.
5. Clear handwriting! Write in ink only black or blue. If you type, leave
double space between the lines.
6. Your sentences must be short and clear; not longer than one and a
half lines. Use sentence connectors to connect sentences and
7. Start each sentence with a CAPITAL LETTER and end it with a full
stop (.)
8. Leave an empty line between paragraphs.
9. Pay attention to grammar. Decide in advance what time frame you
want to use (past or present) so you wont confuse tenses.
10. Make sure your ideas are clear to you and your readers.
11. Structure of your composition:
a. First paragraph introduction of the topic you are going to write
b. Body or the text (2 paragraphs in the middle) should contain
explanations, details, examples or descriptions related to your
c. Last paragraph summary or conclusion of your composition.
12. Each paragraph should have a key sentence at the beginning. It
should tell the reader what the paragraph is about.
13. After you finish writing, read your composition again in
order to make sure that what you wrote is clear and to
correct your mistakes. Check your dictionary for spelling.
Each paragraph in an opinion essay should contain:
Paragraph can help
Introduction. Get theyou write youParagraph 2: State the first main point (topic
attention. Introduce your main idea and sentence). State the supporting detail(s), such
controlling statement. The reader should know as, explanations, examples, arguments or facts
from the beginning what you are going to to support your argument.
Paragraph 3: State the second main point Paragraph 4: Conclusion. Restate your main
(topic sentence). State the supporting idea. Restate your main points. Leave the
detail(s). Make sure that your arguments are reader with a good impression. That is, your
related to the main idea you introduced to reader should feel that you have presented your
your reader in the beginning. ideas clearly and grammatically.
This model can help you with your own essay of opinion.
First, ________________________________________________________________
For example, ______________________________________________________.
As a result, ____________________________________________.
Second, _____________________________________________________________.
That is, _____________________________________________________________.
Therefore, __________________________________________________.
This model can help you write your own for and against
To add points on the same And, in addition to, moreover, besides, furthermore,
topic also, too
To describe cause or reason Because (of), since, due to, for this reason, that is
why, one/another reason for is
To give examples For example, for instance, such as, like, particularly,
in particular, especially, specifically
To list points To begin with, in the first place, first of all, first/
firstly, secondly, thirdly, after that, then, next, finally
To show time When, while, before, after, until, as soon as, by the