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Wifi Survey2015 715 Web

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An Intimate Look at

Hospitality Wi-Fi
A Study of
Guests and Hoteliers

At the core of todays

customer experience is

www.hotelwifi.com 855-999-8110
Keeping People Connected The survey was conducted in April and May of 2015.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
An Intimate Look at Hospitality Wi-Fi
A Study of Guests and Hoteliers
Hotel Internet Services is well-known for installing uncompromising Wi-Fi
networks to the hospitality industry. Per recent surveys of the hotel industry Wi-
Fi is the most important amenity for guests and can actually determine whether
a guest will stay in your establishment or not. Truly, Wi-Fi is no longer an amenity,
it has become a utility, as important as running water and electricity. In order to
keep our finger on the guest pulse, we recently conducted a survey of over 500
hotel guests to determine how significant a role Wi-Fi was in their travels. We
wanted to know what devices they traveled with, their Internet habits and desires
and what they needed as well as wanted from their digital hospitality experience.
This included the importance of streaming for guests with its native need for
increasing bandwidth, which of course leads us to a more robust W-Fi network.
At the core of todays guest experience is connectivity and the quality of that
connection. Guests no longer are stationary with their laptops. They have
become moving targets with their smartphones, tablets and coming advances in
smartwear. What was workable two years ago is no longer acceptable. Antiquated
Wi-Fi networks account for the majority of todays user complaints with dropped,
weak or inconsistent signals.
At Hotel Internet Services we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver installations
that keep our clients a step ahead of the competition in terms of using cutting
edge technologies and equipment to deliver world-class service.
While we were surveying guests, we also wanted to get the hoteliers take on the
current and future of Wi-Fi. Therefore, simultaneously, we surveyed some 200
hoteliers to determine how the industry was responding to guest needs and wants
when it came to Internet access. Where possible we include both results in order
to demonstrate the similarities and differences regarding cares and concerns of
Wi-Fi is the conduit for the myriad of services, connections and communications
we do every day. Here is the intimate story of Wi-Fi for today and tomorrow.
The survey was conducted in May of 2015.

Keeping People Connected

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

When asked what devices they normally carried with them on their travels,
we discovered that close to 76% carried smartphones, 68% laptops and close
to 62% tablets.

Which devices do you normally carry with you when you travel

Answer Options Response Count

Smartphone 75.9% 397

2.3% 12
61.8% 323
68.1% 356
Other 5.0% 26

Which devices do you normally carry

with you when you travel (click all that
Answered: 523 Skipped: 0


80% 68.07%



2.29% 4.97%

Smartphone Smartwatch Tablet Laptop Other

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

iPhone, Android or Other

When asked what brand of phone they used, it was not surprising to
learn that the majority were iPhone users (54.9%) and just slightly over
39% were Android oriented

What type of phone do you use?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
39.2% 205
54.9% 287
4.0% 21
3.4% 18
Other 9.4% 49


2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

Tablets: iPad or?

When it came to tablets a similar trend followed with iPad at 66.5% and
Android at 30.6%

If you have a tablet what type do you use?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Android 30.6% 129
iPad 66.5% 280
Other 10.0% 42



0% 10% 20% 30%4 0% 50% 60% 70%

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

When asked if they connected multiple wireless devices to Wi-Fi, guests responded with a
resounding yes with their smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Do you connect multiple wireless devices to the guestroom Internet? If so which ones?

Answer Options Response Percent Response Count

67.0% 335
18.6% 93
64.2% 321
56.8% 284
58.0% 290

Other 4.4% 22

Do you connect multiple wireless devices to the guestroom Internet?

If so which ones?

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Subscribed Content An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
We asked the guests about their subscription content with Netflix (46.3%),
iTunes (37.9%) and others coming out on top.

Which subscriptions do you use when traveling(click

all that apply)?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Netflix 46.3% 242

Hulu 6.3% 33

Google Play 20.7% 108

iTunes 37.9% 198

Pandora 20.5% 107

Amazon 37.5% 196

Other 23.5% 123

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

Utilizing Subscribed Content

Guests are moving more and more into the direction of using their own subscribed content when
staying away from home just as they do at home. Almost half take advantage of them.

When staying at a hotel, do you use the Internet

to watch movies and/or TV for things like Netflix,
Hulu, etc.?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count

Yes 46.8% 245

No 53.2% 278

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

Streaming Content
Now, when we asked them if they wanted to be able to stream their content to the room TV, the
percentage in favor moved up a notch to 52.2%. This is the coming trend!

Are you interested in being able to stream content

such as Hulu and Netflix on your hotel rooms TV?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 52.2% 265

No 45.3% 230

Other 2.6% 13

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Wheres Your Wi-Fi
Hotel guests expect to have Wi-Fi in their rooms but would also like it
throughout the establishment.

When you check into your hotel, do you expect Wi-Fi in: (check all that apply)?

Answer Options Response Count
Hotel lobby 68.6% 177

Pool 43.0% 111

Restaurant 46.9% 121

Room 98.4% 254

Other 3.9% 10

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Hotelier Response An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi

The hoteliers polled agreed with guests with the addition of Meeting

In which of the following areas of your hotel do you provideWi-Fi (check all that
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Hotel Lobby 96.8% 179
Pool 61.1% 113
Restaurant 74.6% 138
Room 95.7% 177
Meeting Room 21.0% 48


2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi
Just in case you wondered, free Wi-Fi is almost a given at this point. We
asked the guests if not having free Wi-Fi was a deal breaker 72% said yes.
80% of our hoteliers replied that they provide free Wi-Fi but it should be
noted that a small percentage (less than 5%) said that it was available in the
lobby only.

Is not havingfree Wi-Fi a deal breaker when choosing a hotel?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 72.0% 366
No 21.1% 107
Other 6.9% 35

Is not having free Wi-Fi a deal breaker

when choosing a hotel?
Answered: 508 Skipped: 15

Other (please



2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Hotelier Response An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi

Do you providefree Wi-Fi?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 80.0% 148
No 10.3% 19
Other 9.7% 18

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look Upgraded Wi-Fi Speeds

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Interestingly, guests were asked if they would be willing to pay an upgrade
fee to higher speeds (tiered pricing) and over half said yes. As you can see
from the next question what they would be willing to pay varied between
$2.99 and $4.99.

Would you purchase upgraded WIFI speeds if you the price was reasonable?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 53.0% 269

No 39.2% 199

Other 7.9% 40

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Purchasing upgraded Wi-Fi Speeds An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
What is the most you would pay for upgraded internet speeds?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
$2.99 34.4% 175
$3.99 6.3% 32
$4.99 15.4% 78
$6.99 3.5% 18
$8.99 3.3% 17
$10.99 4.3% 22
$11.99 0.4% 2
$12.99 1.4% 7
Other 30.9% 157

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Hotelier Response
It should be noted that some 41% of the hotels surveyed said they had some
form of tiered Internet for their guests and 29% were considering it for the
future. According to the hoteliers the sweet spot was $4.99.

Do you provide tiered internet speeds for your guests?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 41.6% 77
No 58.4% 108

If no, are you considering providing tiered Internet speeds for your guests??

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 29.0% 40

No 57.2% 79

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Purchasing upgraded Wi-Fi Speeds An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi

In your opinion, what is the most your guests would pay for upgraded internet
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
$2.99 10.3% 19
$3.99 5.4% 10
$4.99 24.3% 45
$6.99 7.6% 14
$8.99 10.8% 20
$10.99 10.3% 19
$11.99 1.1% 2
$12.99 8.1% 15
Other 22.2% 41

In your opinion, what is the most your

guests would pay for upgraded internet
Answered: 185 Skipped: 23


Other (please
specify) $3.99





2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
The Top Guest Complaints
Guests complained about Low Speed (64.6%), Poor Signal Coverage (63.8%),
Connectivity Problems (58.3%) and Insufficient Bandwidth (41.7%).

What are thebiggest problems regarding Wi-Fi that you encounter (click all that
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Poor signal coverage 63.8% 324
Insufficient bandwidth 41.7% 212
Connectivity problems 58.3% 296
Low speed 64.6% 328
Poor call center support 13.6% 69
Other 9.1% 46

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Hotelier Response An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Hoteliers were for the most part in accordance with Connectivity Problems
at 54.1%, Insufficient Bandwidth at 44.9% and Poor Signal Coverage (43.8%).
Interestingly, they felt low speed was a lesser issue then the guests did with
36% vs. 65%!

What are thebiggest problems regarding Wi-Fi that your guests encounter (click
all that apply)?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Poor signal coverage 43.8% 81

Insufficient bandwidth 44.9% 83

Connectivity problems 54.1% 100

Low speed 36.2% 67

Poor call center support 8.1% 15

Poor signal



Low speed

Poor call
center support

0% 10% 20% 30%4 0% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Past Problems with Hotel Wi-Fi
There are many problems that can occur with a Wi-Fi network. Here is the guests take on
what they feel is happening notably poor signal coverage (81%)!

What problems have you encountered in the past (whether the hotels system or your computers
problem) while trying to use the guest room Internet system at the hotels you have stayed at?

Answer Options Response Count
25.4% 127
Access points down
40.6% 203
Internet down
81.0% 405
Poor signal coverage
9.8% 49
Call center support did not answer
21.4% 107
Hotel did not provide call centersupport
13.6% 68
Security settings on laptop preventing Internet access
17.8% 89
Could not send email
28.2% 141
Web Browser issues
17.8% 89
In-room equipment not working
5.6% 28
Could not get gaming station towork
48.4% 242
Could not get access

Access points
What problems have
you encountered in Internet down

the past (whether the Poor signal

hotels system or your
Call center
computers problem) support did ...

while trying to use the Hotel did not

provide call...
guest room Internet
system at the hotels Security
settings on...

you have stayed at? Could not send


Answered: 500 Skipped: 23

Web Browser

equipment no...

Could not get

gaming stati...

Could not get


0% 10% 20% 30%4 0% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Hotelier Response An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
On the other side of the coin, here is the hoteliers view on what problems occur with the
hotel system. Poor signal coverage once again leads the way with a whopping 68.6%!

What problems have your guests encountered in the past (whether the hotels
system or your computers problem) while trying to use the guest room Internet
system at the hotels you have stayed at? (Please check all that apply)
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Access points down 36.6% 64
Internet down 37.7% 66
Poor signal coverage 68.6% 120
Call center support did not answer 11.4% 20
Hotel did not provide call centersupport 11.4% 20
Security settings on laptop preventing Internet access 42.3% 74
Could not send email 12.0% 21
Web Browser issues 32.6% 57
In-room equipment not working 8.6% 15
Could not get gaming station towork 12.0% 21
Could not get access 37.1% 65

What problems have

your guests encountered
in the past (whether the
hotels system or your
computers problem)
while trying to use the
guest room Internet
system at the hotels you
have stayed at? (Please
check all that apply)

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Minimum Acceptable Speed
There is no question that Internet speed is of interest to guests. They are
happiest at 1 to 1.5 mbps + when getting free Wi-Fi.

What is the minimum free Internet speed you would be happy receiving?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
256K 4.9% 25
384K 3.5% 18
512K 17.7% 90
1.0 mbps 31.7% 161
1.5 mbps + 28.7% 146
Other 13.4% 68

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Hotelier Response An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Our hoteliers shared what size Internet pipes they provide for their

How much total bandwidth do you have for your guest internet network now?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
1-5 Mbps 2.7% 4

6-10 Mbps 12.2% 18

11-25 Mbps 14.3% 21

26-50 Mbps 19.0% 28

51-100 Mbps 15.0% 22

100 or more Mbps 23.1% 34

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
The Need
24X7 Internet forSupport
More Bandwidth
Hoteliers Response
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Over 60% of the guests felt that 24x7 Internet support is very important.

Answer were asked if theyVery
Options planned on increasing guestNot
important bandwidth
important 44.9%

said they intended to provide additional
bandwidth. 202

Hotelier Response
Are you planning on increasing your total guest Internet bandwidth?

Response Response
Options in with a huge 94% saying that 24x7 Internet support is vital!
Percent Count
Yes 44.9% 66
Answer Options Very important Not important
No 45.6% Count
174 11 185

Secure Encrypted Connection

We asked hotel guests if they would be interested in having a secure encrypted
connection for a nominal fee 57% said yes.

Would you pay a small added fee with your Internet connection ($1-$2) to have a
secure encrypted Wi-Fi connection?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 57.0% 285

No 43.0% 215

Hotelier Response
45% of hoteliers agreed that a secure encrypted connection would be of use
for their guests.

Do you think your guests would pay a small added fee with your Internet
connection ($1-$2) to have a secure encrypted Wi-Fi connection?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 45.1% 79
No 54.9% 96

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Wi-Fi Networks
Support An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

Hoteliers Response to their own network.

Over 60% of the guests felt that 24x7 Internet support is very important.

Answer Options Very important Not important

were asked about the age306of their current Wi-Fi network.
202 We
discovered that over 51% were 2 to 5+ years old. Of course, the Wi-Fi
needs of guests have substantially shifted over the past few years with the
introduction of multiple devices that guests now bring with them.
Hotelier Response
Hoteliers weighed
How old is in with
your Current a huge
WIFI 94% saying that 24x7 Internet support is vital!

Response Response
Answer Options
Answer Options Very important Not important
Percent Count
0-1 years 174 11 19.7% 29
1-2 years 23.1% 34
2-3 years 24.5% 36

Secure Encrypted Connection

3-4 years
4-5 years
5+ asked
We years hotel guests if they would be interested in having
11.6% a secure encrypted
connection for a nominal fee 57% said yes.

Would you pay a small added fee with your Internet connection ($1-$2) to have a
secure encrypted Wi-Fi connection?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 57.0% 285

No 43.0% 215

Hotelier Response
45% of hoteliers agreed that a secure encrypted connection would be of use
for their guests.

Do you think your guests would pay a small added fee with your Internet
connection ($1-$2) to have a secure encrypted Wi-Fi connection?
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Yes 45.1% 79
No 54.9% 96

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
More Bandwidth
Hoteliers Response
Hoteliers Response to their own network.
Hoteliers were asked if they planned on increasing guest bandwidth 44.9%
said were asked
they intended to about the
provide age of their
additional current Wi-Fi network. We
discovered that over 51% were 2 to 5+ years old. Of course, the Wi-Fi
needs of guests have substantially shifted over the past few years with the
introduction of multiple devices that guests now bring with them.
Are you planning on increasing your total guest Internet bandwidth?

Response Response
How oldOptions
is your Current WIFI network?
Percent Count
Yes Response
44.9% Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
No 45.6% 67
0-1 years 19.7% 29
1-2 years 23.1% 34
2-3 years 24.5% 36
3-4 years 9.5% 14
4-5 years 6.1% 9
5+ years 11.6% 17

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

Wi-Fi Network Upgrade An Intimate Look

Hoteliers Response
at Hospitality Wi-Fi

When asked if they planned to upgrade, over 40% said they intended to
upgrade within the next 24 months with nearly 23% in under 12 months.

Do you intend to upgrade your WIFI network? If so when?

Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
0-12 months 22.6% 31

13-24 months 18.2% 25

25-36 months 23.4% 32

37-48 months 3.6% 5

48+ months 13.9% 19

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
at Hospitality Wi-Fi
In the last few years there has been a major transition in the
hospitality Internet access industry. Once upon a time guests
checked into their rooms, unpacked their laptop and plugged it in
and inserted the Ethernet cable. The transition to Wi-Fi was simple
enough comparatively speaking. At least it was pretty straight
forward as users still were only connecting a laptop. But then the
next evolution of connecting changed as users of iPhones and
Androids wanted to connect their smartphones to the Internet and
while they are at it, lets connect up some tablets too. And unlike
guests sitting still at a laptop, smartphone users are on the move
and this sudden shift from stationary to moving about changed
the whole complexion of the game and instantly obsoleted most
installations. It takes a lot more technology to provide a good signal
when the user is moving from place to place. The current state-of-
the-art is very different today than just a couple of years ago.
So what did we learn from this encounter with both guests and
hoteliers? There were a number of things that came to light from
this study. For the most part, guests and hoteliers have some very
similar thoughts when it comes to Wi-Fi and connectivity.

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look
The Guests View at Hospitality Wi-Fi

As we saw early in the study, Guests are carrying more and more devices.
Over 75% have smartphones, 68% laptops and nearly 62% take their
tablets on the road. Wearable technology is starting to show its face and
will make more of an impression as these devices proliferate throughout
the marketplace. In short, more devices demand more bandwidth and
robust Wi-Fi networks are a necessity!

One of the key points, brought out in this study, is that guests want the
same level of access that they have at home and cannot understand why
hotels cannot accommodate them. This can cause major upsets with the
establishment. Guests want and are demanding high-quality Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi
is no longer an amenity. It is a utility like electricity and water, just different
pipes. In reality, Wi-Fi is the life blood of the hotel.

Streaming Content
More than half of the guests we surveyed said they wanted to stream
their own content. There is no doubt whatsoever that this percentage will
increase exponentially as guests have the apps and devices to make it
so. Guests are tuned in to Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, etc. Streaming content is
still an emerging technology embraced by nearly half of our respondents.
The rooms television is the focal point with access to content and hotel
amenities including housekeeping, in-room dining, billing, checkout, etc.
Look for guests, streaming content to increase substantially. It is clear that
guests want to stream content from their device as well as on the hotels
TV. They want to watch what they want, when they want, and of course,
where they want.

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

An Intimate Look Ubiquitous

at Hospitality Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi has become omnipresent in many hotels. It pervades everywhere
from lobby to restaurant to shopping areas and the pool. Guests want to
be connected everywhere not just in their room or in the business center.

What does this mean for hoteliers? It means that there will be a continuous
need for more bandwidth as guests continue to make themselves feel
at home in the hotel of their choice. Guests want access throughout
the hotel, not just in their rooms or a business center but also in the
restaurants, gym, spa and out by the pool. Guests are demanding access

Hotel Wi-Fi networks will be compelled to be able to handle the load.

Poor signal coverage, insufficient bandwidth, low speed and connectivity
problems are no longer acceptable to todays travelers.
Complaint Department
With all the advances in technology, there are still a few problems with
Wi-Fi that are of major concern to guests. The chief culprits, in the minds
of guests, include low speed, poor signal coverage and connectivity
problems. When Wi-Fi is functional and good it is one of the wonders
of the world. But when there are problems, especially when it comes to
poor signal coverage, you have some very unhappy guests! Todays Wi-Fi
installations must be robust and quality equipment is a must, as coverage
extends beyond the room and into the hotel proper. Connectivity problems
should become a thing of the past.

Encryption Is Important
57% of the guests surveyed would be amenable to paying a modest fee
($1 -$2) to have a secure encrypted Wi-Fi connection. This desire for
privacy is very strong especially after recent data breaches.

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.

The Hoteliers View An Intimate Look

at Hospitality Wi-Fi

How are todays hoteliers coping with this demand? One thing is for sure, they are well
aware of guest desires for unlimited and ubiquitous Wi-Fi. Guests truly expect to have
the home experience in your hotel and what was valid two years ago is no longer the
case. How will hotels pay for all this connectivity? Perhaps tiered bandwidth could be the
solution. Some hotels have already established this.

Upgrading the Network

It is significant to know that more than 50% of the Wi-Fi networks of the hoteliers surveyed
are over 2 years old. These networks are just not sufficient for the number of devices
that guests are using. 45% said they intended to upgrade their wireless network with
approximately 40% planning to do it within the next two years. The balance not planning to
do anything for three years or more.
Monetizing Your Network
So how can you monetize free Wi-Fi? One solution is to go to a tiered pricing system,
where guests are paying an extra fee to access more bandwidth. Most guests (53%) are
amenable to paying for an upgraded Wi-Fi speed up to $4.99. As streaming becomes more
prevalent, expect that percentage to increase as well.

Another area is location based services that can enhance the guest experience by
providing information, or special promotions as guests move through the property. For
example a guest walking past a hotel restaurant could be texted about a featured dinner
item, discounts, etc. There are numerous ways that Wi-Fi can be used to help promote
hotel services and products helping to improve the ROI on the network itself.

24X7 Customer Support

There is no question that Hoteliers (94%) not only appreciate but need 24X7 support
from their provider. It eliminates having hotel personnel trying to answer questions that
they dont understand and taking them off other duties. This is vital to hoteliers and rated
important by 60% of the guests surveyed.

There is no question that guests and hoteliers recognize the current Wi-Fi scene,
its problems and its benefits. The challenge then is how to pay for all this increased
service. This study opens the door to a dialog between vendors and hoteliers to
meet this challenge.

2015 Hotel Internet Services. All Rights Reserved. The BeyondTV logo, and other trademarks are trademarks of Hotel Internet Services and may not be used without
permission. The names of other companies, products and services are the property of their respective owners.
Keeping People Connected

East Coast: 2138 Alternate 19 North, Ste. A, Palm Harbor, FL 34683 West Coast: 4590 Ish Drive Suite #120, Simi Valley, CA 93063

www.hotelwifi.com 855-999-8110

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