5 Dari Univet
5 Dari Univet
5 Dari Univet
Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo
Ratih WIjayava
Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo
This research aims at finding the types of swearing expressions and linguistic forms of
English swearing used in Richard Wrights Black Boy. This is a descriptive qualitative
research since it describes the phenomena of swearing used in the novel. The data of the
research are all the conversations or sentences used swearing in the novel written by Richard
Wright namely Black Boy as the main data source. The method of collecting data in this
research is observation and teknik lanjut catat. After all the data had been collected then they
are coded using the coding system such as data number/title of novel/chapter/page/data.
There is no data reduction since all the data are analyzed in this research. This research used
theory triangulation. Kind of swearing expressions found in this novel dealing with God and
religion terms, name of animals and plants, part of body, racial terms, stupidity terms, name
of occupation, sexual terms, family terms. The linguistic forms of English swearing used in
this novel are word, phrase, and clause. The swearing in the form of words consists of (1)
noun referring to place, person, occupation, animal, and idea (2) verb and (3) adjective.
Phrase consists of (1) noun phrase with swearing functioning as headword, modifier, and
both headword and modifier, (2) adjective phrase with swearing functioning as modifier.
Swearing expression is also found in the form of sentence.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis makian serta satuan bahasa dari makin
berbahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam novel Richard Wright yang berjudul Black Boy.
Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif kualitatif karena penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
fenomena makian yang terdapat pada novel Black Boy karya Richard Wright. Data pada
penelitian ini adalah semua kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat yang mengandung kata makian dalam
percakapan di novel Black Boy karya Richard Wright yang merupakan sumber data primer
dalam penelitian ini. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan
teknik lanjut catat. Setelah semua data terkumpul maka data diberi kode dengan system kode
yang sudah ditentukan yaitu nomor data/judul novel/BAB dalam novel/halaman novel/data.
Semua data yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dianalisis, sehingga tidak ada reduksi data.
Penelitian ini menggunakan trianggulasi teori. Jenis makian yang ditemukan dalam novel ini
terkait dengan nama tuhan serta istilah keagamaan, nama hewan dan tumbuhan, nama
bagian tubuh, istilah rasial, istilah yang bersinonim dengan hal yang menunjukkan
kebodohan, nama pekerjaan, istilah aktivitas seksual, dan istilah yang terkait dengan
keluarga. Sementara itu dari satuan lingual, makian dapat berbentuk kata yang terdiri dari
(1) kata benda yang merujuk pada tempat, orang, pekerjaan, binatang serta idea (2) kata
kerja (3) kata sifat. Frase yang digunakan dalam makian pada novel ini meliputi (1) frase
kata benda dengan posisi kata makian sebagai kata inti (head word), penjelas (modifier),
serta berfungsi sebagai keduanya baik kata inti (head word) dan penjelas (modifier), (2) frase
kata sifat dengan kata makian sebagai penjelasan (modifier). Ekspresi makian juga
ditemukan dalam bentuk kalimat.
Kata kunci: tabu, makian dan satuan lingual.
Richard Wright was one of famous American authors. He wrote some novels, short
stories, poems, and non-fictions. Many of his works concern with racial theme. One of his
novels is Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth. It is considered to be a semi
autobiography, because the novel tells about his early life then moved to Chicago. He started
his writing career and became involved with Political Party in that town. This novel was
written in 1945 and became best seller.
Having read this novel, the writer found interesting language phenomenon, i.e. the use
of swearing. Richard Wright used many swearing expressions in the novel. It is easy to find
swearing expression such as Damn, Hell, Goddamn, Sonofabitch in this novel. Swearing is an
offensive word, usually as an expression of anger. Swearing is considered to be impolite and
taboo so that many people avoid it.
Swearing is common in languages but not universal. There are some communities
such as Indian America, Malay, and most of Polynesian languages do not swear (Montagu in
Geoffrey, 1998; 3). Swearing is influenced by culture and belief of the society using the
swearing. In one society maybe a certain word is not considered as swearing but in another
society maybe that certain word is swearing. For example is jangkrik (cricket) which is
considered as swearing in East Java, Indonesia but not in Central Java, Indonesia. Jangkrik
(cricket) is a name of animal. There are many animals used as swearing such as dog, bitch and
pig. Besides, there are still many sources used as swearing expression such as part of body for
instance eyes and lips (mata dan bibir in Javanese society), ass (in English language).
Swearing can be also got from the bad behavior of someone such as silly, stupid (bodoh in
The writer is interested in the English swearing found in Richard Wrights Black Boy
so that the writer had a research on it. The research focused on the type of swearing and
linguistic forms used on swearing found in Richard Wrights Black Boy.
Previous Study
Swearwords seem to be very interesting to study hence there are many researches
dealing with swearwords. The researchers presented some previous researches dealing with
swearword to complete the researchers study. Ririn Febrima and Rusdi Noor Rose in
Swearwords Found in Chat Room Yahoo Messenger (2012) focus their study on kinds of
swearwords used by the people in Indian Chat Room Yahoo Messenger and the functions of
swearwords used by the people in Indian Chat Room Yahoo Messenger. This research shows
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
that there are 6 kinds of swearwords used in Indian Chat Room Yahoo Messenger such as the
swearwords related to (1) supernatural or internal power of Gods, angels and devils (2)
swearwords related to the future life (3) swearwords related to the names of ancestors and
heroes (4) oaths by natural objects, forces, and phenomena (5) vulgar or obscene words (6)
oaths by animals, plants, and their products. Meanwhile, the swearwords used in this chat
room functions as anger, joke, surprise, unbelievable, promise, convince, and disappointment.
The two previous studies mentioned used chat room and movies to get the data, while
this research uses novel, The Black Boy by Richard Wright to get the data. In addition this
research focuses on kinds of swearing and linguistic forms found in Richard Wrights Black
Taboo is closely related to swearing so thats why it is necessary to discuss it. Taboo
comes from Tongan language, an Austronesia language of the Polynesian branch spoken in
Tonga (in Pacific Ocean). Taboo was firstly introduced into English by Captain Cook in 1777.
Broadly speaking, taboo means forbidden to be said, to be used because of its contradiction to
the value in the society and culture.
Winick (in Laksana, 2009; 17) defines taboo is a prohibition, which, if violated, leads
to an automatic penalty inflicted by magic and religion. Frazer in (Laksana, 2009; 25)
classifies taboo into taboo of action, taboo of people, taboo of property, and taboo of words.
Furthermore, Frazer classifies taboo words into taboo of parents name, taboo of family, taboo
of dead people, taboo of sacred person or animal, taboo of Gods name, and taboo of certain
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In addition (Wijana; 242) mentions that taboo can appear in three ways such as taboo
of fear, taboo of delicacy, and taboo of property. Taboo of fear refers to the forbidden of
mentioning Gods name, spirit and animal. The example of this taboo is taboo word for
animal such as bear which people prefer calling it honey eater because of its totem power
(Geoffrey,1998; 8). When people avoid of naming something that is not worth saying such as
name of disease and death, it is the implementation of taboo of delicacy. Geoffrey (1998; 10)
states that virtually all societies have, for instance taboo against direct reference to death:
invariably preferred is some euphemism concerning journey to unknown destination, such as
pass on, pass away or more uplifting variant of Salvation Army, promoted to the glory. Taboo
of property has something to do with sexual, parts of body as well as their function.
Crystal mentions the sources of swearing such as things that have something to do
with sexual activity, secretion, and supernatural (1992; 61). Still from Crystal, swearing is
classified into (1) parts of body and their functions that are considered taboo and impolite in
the society such as ball and four letter words, (2) name of God, evil, holy place, hereafter life,
saint people such as God, Dear Lord, Heaven, Hell, by heard of the Prophet.
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
with parts of body (4) those which have something to do with function of human body (5)
those which have something to do with synonymy of stupidity (6) names of animal.
Another article from Choiron in dalam Manfaat Memaki (Bukan Kamus Makian) pada
http://bahasa.kompasiana.com/2011/03/26/manfaat-memaki-bukan-kamus-makian/ mentions
that most of society share similarity on theme that deals with swearing such as (1) human
body and its defects (2) weakness of bad attitude of person (3) human organ dealing with
secretion (4) sexual activity (5) animal which are considered low and small (6) insect such as
jangkrik (7) fruit such as jambu (8) bad name of family.
In Budiawanto (2006; 5), English swearing develops in three stages. The first is in 16 th
century. In this stage, most swearing refers to euphemism for Gods name such as God blind
me, bloody by my lady. The next stage is in the 18th century. Swearing dealing with Gods
name euphemism was decreasing in this stage. England started to clean their language from
such kind of swearing. Most of swearing refers to the parts of body and their function such as
cock, and cunt, the genital organs for male and female. The last stage is on the 20 th century, in
which swearing has something to do with racial issues and sexuality, such as nigger, which
means people having black skin.
Linguistic Forms
Language consists of two elements i.e. form and meaning. Linguistic form includes
phonological units such as phonemes and syllables. On the other hand, grammatical units such
as morphemes, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses (Ramlan, 2005; 21)
a. Word
Word is the smallest of linguistic units which can occur on its own speech or writing
(Richard, 1985; 311) Similar definition of word from Crystal saying that word is the
smallest unit of linguistic that can stand independently. In the written form, word is
separated by spaces and in the spoken form; it is recognized by pause (Crystal, 1992;
To sum up, the two definitions are viewed word from the orthographical point of view.
Word is classified into content word and function word. Content word refers to object,
events, and abstract concept. Content words consist of noun, verb, adjective, and
adverb. On the other hand, function words are those kinds of words that are often best
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defined by its function (Aronoff and Fudeman, 2005; 40). Articles, conjunctions,
pronouns, prepositions are the examples of function words.
b. Phrase
Richard mentions that phrase is a group of words which form grammatical units. A
phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicative structure
(1985; 39). Based on the definition there is no finite verb and subject-predication on a
phrase, however a phrase consists elements name Headword and modifier.
Based on its headword, phrase can be classified into noun phrase, verb phrase,
adjective phrase, and adverb phrase.
This is a descriptive qualitative research which observed the phenomenon of swearing
found in novel entitles Black Boy by Richard Wright. The data of this research is swearing
found in Richard Wrights Black Boy as the main source of data. The method of collecting
data used is observation and teknik lanjut catat. The data found are recorded then are given
codes. The coding system is data number/title of novel/chapter/page/data such as
001/BB/017/damn thing. The writer used all the data so there was no data reduction. This
research is used theory triangulation.
a. Type of Swearing Used on Richard Wrights Black Boy
Based on the analysis, the types of swearing words used on Richard Wrights Black
Boy are;
1. Religion Terms
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
Swearing expression dealing with religion terms covers the euphemism of Gods
names such as Gods name, evil, angel, hell, and heaven.
No Religion Terms Amounts
2 Angel 1
3 Hell 22
4 Damn 11
a. Whats the matter, for the Gods sake? My mother asked for me, of Granny,
of my brother, turning her face from one to anther (005/BB/II/50/Gods sake)
b. I have nothing to do with whether you go to school or not, she said.
You left the church and dead to me, dead to Christ.(037/BB/V/154/Christ)
c. Mrs. Moss came down in her robe.
Mama, look what Richards was gonna do. Bess said, showing the can.
He was gonna eat this in his room.
Lord, boys, Mrs. Moss said. You dont have to do that (096/BB/236/Lord)
d. Holy cats, he said. He looked at us.
Did you really find this here?
oh, yes sir, we said. (098/BB/XI/242/Holy)
Swearing dealing with religion terms that was firstly found is the use of evil and
devil. Both refer to something unpleasant. However, there is also the use of angel
as the swearing expression. The examples of these data are:
a. Youre an evil. You bring nothing but trouble. (035/BB/IV/148/evil)
b. Then why write it? she asked.
Because people might want to read it.
Thats the Devils work, she said and left. (057/BB/VII/185/Devil
Meanwhile, religion terms for swearing can be seen in the use of hell to swear
such as in the following data:
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Names of animals and plants can be used to swear too. However not all animals
and plants can be used as swearing. The use is various among the culture. Some of
the swearing found in Richard Wrights Black Boy use animal and plant terms,
such as;
a. Bitch and Dog
Thats right, you bitch, the young man said (046/BB/VI/164/bitch)
Well, walk, you black sonofabitch (069/BB/IX/black sonofabitch)
Bitch is female dog, wolf, or fox. This swearing sometimes appears in another
form such as sonofabitch. In informal use, bitch means unpleasant woman.
Bitch and dog are used for swearing to compare the traits of the swearing
addressee with those of the animals.
Hog is a male pig with its sexual organ removed that is allowed to grow large
so it can be eaten its meat. Hog and pig usually symbolize greediness so in
informal use pig and hog means greedy persons.
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
c. Ass
Listen, nigger, he said to me, my ass is tough and a quarter is scarce.
The next animal used for swearing is ass. Ass is the same as donkey. It is a
mammal of the horse family which is usually smaller than a horse and has
longer ears. In British informal, ass means foolish or stupid person.
d. Rooster
I dont want to fight for white men. Im no dog or rooster (106/BB/XII/262-
Rooster is a male chicken. It is also known as cock. In slang terms both rooster
and cock has another meaning. Rooster and cook can mean male genital.
Rooster can also mean male homosexual.
e. Monkey
Yeeeessss, siiir, Shorty sang : but first he picked up his quarter and put it
into his mouth.
This monkeys got the peanuts, he chortled. (100/BB/XII/250/Monkey)
Monkey and other animals like cow, baboon, ape, skunk, polecat, and shrew,
has been used in a metaphorical fashion for both a disreputable and unpleasant
f. Nut
Crush that niggers nut, nigger!
Hit that nigger! (109/BB/XII/265/nut)
Nut means a hard-shelled dry fruit or seed with a separable rind or shell and
interior kernel (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nut). In slang
language, nut means a persons head and in a vulgar use, it can mean testis. In
addition, nut can also mean a person with silly and stupid behavior.
3. Racism Terms
1 Black 10
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2 Negroes 1
3 Nigger 33
4 Coloured man 1
a. Maybe thats wrong with Negroes, I said. They take too much time.
b. Crush that niggers nut, nigger!
Hit that nigger! (109/BB/XII/265/nut)
c. Pack up your rags, you black bastard, and get, the landlady ordered.
(015/BB/II/74/black bastard)
Besides, there is some swearing having something to do with white skin, such as
white, white man, white people like the following ones:
4. Stupidity Synonymy
3 Lousy 1
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
There is swearing having synonymy with stupidity that is found in this novel for
example fool (fool, foolish, foolishness), silly and lousy. The most used is fool. All
kinds of the swearing is used for showing someones stupidity. The following are
the examples of swearing dealing with stupidity:
a. Come on here, you little filthy fool, my mother called (007/BB/II/51/fool)
b. Couldnt Granny find out who her father was?
For what, silly?
So she could know (009/BB/II/57/silly)
c. That goddamn lousy bastard sonofabitching bucket! I spoke in a whisper of
hate and despair. (033/BB/III/107/lousy)
5. Occupation
No Occupation Amount
1 Whore 1
2 Prostitute 2
6. Sexual Activity
1 (f*****g) 2
There are only two swearing dealing with sexual activity found in this novel such
as f**k and f*****g. Those two words are not written completely. There are some
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letters blanked to hide the real words because this swearing is considered as the
worst swearing. This swearing has something to do with sexual activity. The
example of the swearing with sexual activity term is;
a. Didnt you call him, Pease? If you say you didnt, Ill rip your gut string loose
with this f- - k- i- g bar, you black granny dodger! You cant call a white man
a liar and get away with it (084/BB/IX/209/f- - k - i - g)
b. Suck im in his f- - k - - g piece! (109/BB/XII/265/ f- - k - - g)
7. Parts of Body
1 Ass 1
2 Piece 1
Parts of body are also used in swearing. This research found two swearing using
part of body in this novel, namely ass and piece.
a. Ass
Ass is derived from the word arse which means a persons buttocks. This
swearing is usually used to show someone who is stupid and irritating.
Listen, nigger, he said to me, my ass is tough and a quarter is scare.
b. Piece
Piece, in this case means male genital.
Suck im in his f- - k - - g piece! (109/BB/XII/265/ f- - k - - g)
8. Family Terms
1 Bastard
2 Sonofabitch
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
a. Bastard
Bastard is used to call a child born with no married parents or an illegitimate
child. There are many swearing using the word bastard, one of them is;
Pack up your rag, you black bastard, and get, the landlady ordered.
b. Sonofabitch
Bitch is a female dog. This swearing is sometimes combined with the word son
(the male child in the family). The following is the example of it;
That goddamn lousy bastard sonofabitching bucket! I spoke in a whisper of
hate and despair. (033/BB/III/107/sonofbiching)
b. Linguistic Forms
The most dominant linguistic forms used in swearing found in Richard Wrights Black
Boy are words and phrases. There is also a swearing in the form of sentence.
1. Word
The swearing expression in word forms that are found in Richard Wrights Black
Boys consists of noun, adjective, and verb.
No Parts of Speech Swearing Words
2. Verb Damn
2. Place such as hell. Hell is a place for punishing and tormenting in the
afterlife. The used of this term can be found in the following examples:
a) Hell, I woulda just killed her if she hada said that to me.
b) Hell, I aint gonna stand near you, nigger (018/BB/III/89/hell,nigger)
3. Animal such as ass, rooster, cock, pig, hog, dog, bitch and monkey. Rooster
and cock both refer to an adult male. Rooster and cock are used for
referring male genital. Hog and pig are similar. Hog is male pig that its
sexual organs have been removed and a hog is usually kept for its meat.
Dog and bitch both refer to an animal with four legs that are usually kept
by human for pet, hunting or guarding. Bitch refers to female dog. These
animals are used for referring people who is unpleasant. The used of these
swearing words such as;
a) Thats right, you bitch, the young man said (046/BB/VI/164/bitch)
b) Go home, pig! (030/BB/III/92/hogs, pig)
c) I dont want to fight for white men. Im no dog or rooster
4. Idea such as foolishness. Foolishness is used to show someone else
stupidity. The use of it can be seen in the following example;
a) Quit talking foolishness! (008/BB/II/55/foolishness)
b. Verb
There is only one verb found in the novel. It is damn. It, however, has variation
in the past form such as damned. This verb usually combined with the word
God such as Goddamn and Goddamnit. The used of it can be found in the
following examples;
a) Now Ill be damned if Im going to be beaten because of your hurt
feeling. (053/BB/VI/174/damned)
b) It is my house and Ill have in it what I damn please, the landlady said.
c. Adjective
Swearing in adjective forms found in the novel are black, fool, and foolish.
Those swearing function to modify noun such as the following data;
a) Youre foolish, my mother said. (017/BB/II/foolish)
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
The swearing words (in bold capital letters) on the sentences above all are
nouns and functioning as headwords in the noun phrase.
2) Swearing as modifier.
In this part, swearing words function as modifier to the headword of the
phrase. The followings are the examples of swearing as modifier found in
the novel;
a. Kill that DAMN thing!, my father exploded (001/BB/I/17/DAMN
b. You stop that, you EVIL gal, she shouted. (002/BB/I/47/EVIL gal)
c. Who on earth put such sides into your NIGGER head?
(043/BB/VI/162/NIGGER head)
All the swearing words (in bold capital letters) are functioning as modifiers.
They modify the headwords in the noun phrase.
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b. Adjective Phrase
This kind of phrase has adjective as its headword. The modifier for this phrase
is usually adverb. The followings are the adjective phrases found in this novel;
a. What so damn FUNNY about that? She asked (040/BB/V/160/damn
b. Sometimes I get so goddamn MAD I want to kill everybody, he spat I a
I like to sleep too goddamn MUCH. Ill die here. Or maybe theyll kill
me (111/BB/XIII/281/ goddamn mad, goddamn much)
The above phrases have adjectives (in capital letters) as their headwords and
adverbs (in bold type) as modifiers. The swearing words on the sentences are
functioning as modifiers.
3. Sentences
The biggest linguistic unit in swearing found in this novel is sentence. The
followings are the sentences with swearing:
a. Ha ha ha.Yeah, goddamnit theyll catch you (024/BB/III/90/godamnit)
b. Goddamn. I thought. It happened quicker than I had expected.
The two swearing expressions found in the novel are in the form of sentence but
they are written with no spaces. They should be God damn and God damn it.
Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati
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Giyatmi, Ratih WIjayava, Nunun Tri Widarwati