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Orientation Presentation-Student Version

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Surgery Clerkship

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Dr. Juliet Holder

Assistant Professor of Surgery
Clerkship Director
Associate Clerkship Director: Dr. Stephanie Gordy
UME Clerkship Coordinator: Ashlie Contos
Surgery Education Office, Jewish Suite 404D
On This Rotation

Youll have lots of fun

Clinical encounters unlike any other

More like a marathon than a sprint but itll be

worth it!! Pace to edit title style

Dont expect to edit
to learn howsubtitle style
to operate it takes us
5 years!
Medical Education Training
Core Surgery Clerkship
Medical Student Programs (Sub-Internships and Electives)

Clerkship Goals & Objectives
Clerkship Overview Document
Passport / Evaluation Forms
Important Schedules
Rotation Schedule/ Resident Rotation Schedule
Didactic Schedule (lecture/small groups)
Trauma Shift Schedule
Breast Clinic Schedule
Chairmans Rounds Schedule
BSLMC Group Scrub Training
School Wide Policies
Harassment/Mistreatment Policy
Harassment includes but is not limited to:
Verbal, graphic, or physical conduct related to an individual's race, color, sex,
religion, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, or marital or veteran

Sexual Harassment
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Baylor College of Medicine does not discriminate based on sex and will not
tolerate discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating
violence, domestic violence and stalking. Incidents of sexual harassment, sexual
violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking are taken seriously.
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A student who experiences sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence,
domestic violence and/or stalking may contact the Baylor Title IX Coordinator for
School Wide Policies

Blood Borne Pathogen and Infectious Disease

Baylor College of Medicine students (Students) are expected to
provide the appropriate level of care to all patients while
following standard precautions to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases due to exposure to human blood or bodily

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In the event of an exposure, students should immediately inform
their supervisor and should notify the BCM Occupational Health
Program (OHP) at (713) 798-7880. Students will be provided
with all OHP and associated
Click to edithospitals and clinics
subtitle style contact
information during orientation.
School Wide Policies
Duty Hours Policy

Duty hours, including all in-house call activities, must be limited

to an average of 80 hours per week over a four-week period.
Duty periods may be scheduled to a maximum of 24 hours of
continuous duty in the hospital. An additional four hours may
be spent to ensure appropriate, effective and safe transition of
care. Minimum time off between scheduled duties is 10 hours.
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Students must also receive a minimum of either 24 hours off
per seven-day work period, or four days off per 28-day work
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Duty Hours Policy

Link to BCM Student Handbook

Duty Hours Policy

faculty and residents are aware the

policy, but


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Duty Hours Policy

No defined hours to clock in/out

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Identify the diseases where surgical intervention is indicated, understand

principles of perioperative management of a surgical patient

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Conduct a focused history and physical exam.

Develop a relevant problem list and differential diagnosis using

patients history findings.

Formulate appropriate care plans, including diagnostic tests and


Demonstrate understanding of the perioperative preparation of

patients and routine postop care pathways.

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Demonstrate familiarity with the anatomy/pathophysiology of and
establish treatment of the surgical diseases and procedures.

Deliver organized and concise written notes and oral presentations.

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Practice self-directed learning to improve the care of surgical

Demonstrate skills to communicate with team and patients

Perform basic clinical skills

Clerkship Expectations

Attend all mandatory lectures and teaching sessions

Complete assignments on time
Complete Mid-point Feedback/Direct Observation
Submit Passport
Pass Shelf, CPX, Oral Exam
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Adhere to Professionalism Standards
Follow dress code
Be on time Click to edit subtitle style
Adhere to attendance policy
Check email regularly
Rotation Structure
One (1) Month General Surgery
Ben Taub Hospital
Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Hospital
Baylor St. Lukes Medical Center
Texas Childrens Hospital

Two 2-Week Rotations

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Note the weekend between Month 1 and

Month 2 are not considered days off
Surgery Education Contacts
General Surgery Site Directors Surgery Subspecialty Site Directors

Ben Taub Hospital Congenital Heart

Dr. Stephanie Gordy Dr. Carlos Mery

Dr. Konstantinos Makris Dr. Lorraine Cornwell

Dr. George Van Buren Dr. Bryan Burt

TCH Transplant-BSLMC

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Dr. Bindi Naik Mathuria Dr. Abbas Rana

Dr. Charles West

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Vascular-VAMC style
Dr. Neal Barshes

Dr. Ramyar Gilani
Surgical Diseases

Acute Abdomen
Biliary Disease
Breast Disease
Soft Tissue
Surgical Critical Care
Surgical Click
Diseasesto edit title style
in Children
Trauma Click to edit subtitle style
Vascular Disease
Surgical Diseases

What do I need to know

about common surgical
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Surgical Diseases

What do I need to know about common surgical


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Manual of Surgical Objectives
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Disease Specific Learning Objectives
For each presenting symptom, condition, or disease state, the
student is expected to know:

Common associated symptoms
Positive physical findings
Differential Diagnosis
Medical/Surgical alternatives

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When treated medically, indications for surgical intervention
Risk factor assessment
Pre and Post operative management
Adjuvant therapies indications and outcome
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Patient education
Resumption of activities
What are my responsibilities?

Students Level of Responsibility:

Perform an appropriately focused history and physical

exam, interpret labs, and diagnostic tests and develop a
prioritized list, assessment, and plan
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Assist the team with patient care, collect data
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Perform supervised procedures
Keys to Success
Helpful students are:

Well read
Proactive (but dont touch drains)
Helpful to residents
Work well with other students
Engaged in the OR

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Maintain positive communication with patients and nurses
Ask questions in a respectful manner
Report exam Click
that you subtitle style
actually observed
Report any new/relevant finding
Always remember you are in a hospital setting!
Keys to Success

qBe available

qKnow your patients well

qHelp the team

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qPut your patients first
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Students MUST be supervised
while performing procedures on

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Ben Taub
Lots of resident autonomy
Opportunities for procedures
Large census

Private patients
More hands on
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Wide variety of General Surgery
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You choose cases and attendings

Veteran population
Wide variety of cases
Service Activities

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OR Rounds

A day on the typical Surgery service revolves around the following:

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Clinic Call/Shifts
OR Rounds

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Service Activities - Rounds
Follow a number of patients during your entire time on the

Morning (working) Rounds

Rounds begin early; be on time.

Evening Rounds
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Gather days data to help rounds proceed smoothly.

Each student will be expected to present a patient at one of

the services daily to edit subtitle style
Briefly present a patient that is not new to the service.
After each rounding session, the attending or chief resident (who
rounded with the student) is to provide feedback to ensure the
student improves throughout the clerkship.
Service Activities

Rounds Etiquette

You should know all pertinent details (hpi, pmh, reasons for
hospitalization, surgery)
Present/write notes in a SOAP format
Pay attention when colleagues are presenting you should know all

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patients on the service
Know as much as the intern
80-hour work restriction
Report any violations to edit subtitle style
Service Activities Clinic Etiquette
Arrive on time and be professionally dressed.

When seeing new patients, perform a complete history and


When seeing returning patients, perform a focused history

and physical.
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Present patients to upper level/attending.

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You must get approval prior to leaving.

Students needing EPIC access at Baylor Clinic

instructions are posted on Blackboard in the orientation folder.
Service Activities - OR Etiquette

Read beforehand
Meet patient in the holding area
Arrive early for procedure opportunities

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Introduce yourself to the OR staff
Get your own gown and gloves
First scrub of the day should take 5 minutes
Ask questions at the to edit
appropriate subtitle
time style
Be ready with the scissors
Be aware of the Mayo Stand
Service Activities - Observing in the OR

While observing, be sure to know:

Diagnosis, Decision (& why)

Why, Type (Suction,), Size, Position, How?

Closure - Layers Sutured

Muscle, Decision (& why), Skin

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How? (Simple, Subcuticular), and ask the resident to show you how its done.
Material (proline, Vicryl, silk)
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When? (ask when to use different types, and size?)
And why?

Betadine, Dressing, Plaster
Service Activities
Minimizing HIV/Hep C Exposure

Scrubbing on these cases is completely optional.

Use forceps and needle drivers to handle needles/blades

Protect needles when tying knots when possible.

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Inform staff when you are passing off sharps.

Recap syringes with oneto edit
hand subtitle
versus style
two hands.

Report any needle sticks immediately to OR personnel.

Service Activities
Ben Taub Trauma Shift/ Breast Clinic Visit
Students on their subspecialty sub-rotation will take a scheduled weekend trauma
shift at Ben Taub. This excludes student who are assigned to BTH for their general surgery sub-rotation.

The schedule is posted on Blackboard and will shifts are:

Sub-Specialty Friday Night (6pm-6am) Saturday (6am-6pm) Saturday Night (6pm-6am)

BTH Sunday Night (6pm-6am) Monday Night (6pm-6am) Thursday Night (6pm-6am)

Please note that the Clerkship Coordinator should be contacted if you wish to discuss shift changes.

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Reminders and contact information will be emailed each Thursday.

To expose students to breast disease and breast patients, students on their general
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surgery sub-rotation, will be assigned to visit Dr. Elizabeth Bonefas at her clinic (either
her private practice or at Baylor Clinic) or Dr. Eric Silberfein at HHS Smith Clinic.
The schedule is posted on Blackboard. Dr. Bonefas sees students on Mondays and
Tuesdays and Dr. Silberfein on Wednesdays.
Dr. Bonefas asks that you contact her beforehand to ensure that she
will be in the office.
Service Activities - Shifts

No call on General Surgery

Students who would like to take observe at Ben Taub

may contact:
Dr. Stephanie Gordy, S. Rob Todd
Chief Resident Trauma Service

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Security for call rooms

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Notes and H&Ps

Students cannot write notes and H&Ps of record, must

be signed by a resident.

Should practice writing Op notes and admission orders.

Students are required to complete independent H&P

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write-ups to include the assessment and plan of a
Ashley will discuss to edit
the details of this subtitle
later. style
SOAP Notes

Overnight events, any N/V/F/C, pain control, bowel function, oral intake

Vitals, Physical Exam (include wound appearance), drain output and
appearance, urine output, labs, imaging

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EX., POD #3 s/p sigmoid colectomy. Stable. Post-op ileus. Hypokalemia
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Await return of bowel function
Replete K+
Brief OP Notes

Pre-op Diagnosis Fluid

Post-op Diagnosis Specimens
Procedure Drains
Surgeon Complications
Assistant Condition
AnesthesiaClick to edit title style
Estimated Blood
Loss/Urine Output
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Admission/Transfer Orders
A Admitting Physician, Floor, Service
D Diagnosis
C Condition
V Vitals Frequency
A Allergies
A Activity
N Click to edit title style
Nursing Instructions
D Diet
I Click
IV fluid to edit subtitle style
and rate
M Medications
L Labs
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Click to edit subtitle style
Laparotomy Sponges

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Raytec Sponges

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Sponge stick

Yankauer suction

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Pool tip suctionClick to edit subtitle style

Scrub Technique Videos

Scrub technique

Gown and Gloving

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Instrument Handling
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You will have an orientation on scrub technique
at your respective hospitals.
Recommended Study Resources
Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment
Essentials of General Surgery
Peter Lawrence
NMS Surgery Casebook
Bruce Jarrell
Surgical Recall

Lorne Blackbourne
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
edit title style
Pestana Review Notes
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Access Surgery
via TMC library
Discourse LLC
Virtual surgical patient cases
uworld question bank
What should I study?

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When should I study?

You will be busy, and then have some downtime

Finding time and energy to study may be limited

Good to have something in your pocket to pull out and

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Copy a chapter at a time to keep in your pocket and read
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while waiting

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When you need to be absent, email:
Ashlie Contos
Cc Dr. Holder-Haynes
Cc Chief resident (NOT an Intern)
Can miss a total of 5 days over the eight-week rotation for acceptable
Issues with attendance will be sent to PACE (Professionalism Appraisal and
Competency Evaluation) Committee
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Your team mates cover in your absence
May ask for a doctors note
May be asked to make up time
We do not give time off to study for the Shelf must inform
if accommodations needed BEFORE THE START OF THE

Excused Absences
Medical illness experienced by the student (physician note
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required if three or more days of illness experienced)
Personal crisis (e.g., death or illness of immediate family
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Child birth (maternity and paternity policy of the College
takes precedence)
Presentation at professional meetings (up to two days with
attendance up to department's discretion)
Residency Interviews
BCM Holidays

New Years Day

Memorial Day
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Independence Day
Labor Day
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Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break
Didactic Sessions
Lectures and Small Groups are typically held every Wednesday from 8 am
10 am at main Baylor campus
To prepare for lecture complete required portion of Access Surgery
Take short quiz beforehand, complete cases
Small Groups will be student lead with an assigned facilitator for guidance
Cases (located on blackboard) are to be reviewed and ready to discuss before
each session
Lecturer/Small Group Facilitator must sign next to topic on passport
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Ben Taub General Surgery Teaching Rounds
Dr. Scott will hold teaching rounds every Monday from 1-2 pm
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TSICU Rounds every Monday from 2-3 pm
Held for BTGH students and residents in the BTGH trauma SICU
Calendar invite will be sent by the General Surgery Residency Coordinator
Didactic Sessions
Grand Rounds held every Wednesday from 7-8 am. Mandatory

Ben Taub General Surgery Teaching Rounds

Dr. Scott will hold teaching rounds every Monday from 1-2 pm

TSICU Rounds every Monday from 2-3 pm

Held for students and residents in the trauma SICU
Calendar invite will be sent by the General Surgery Residency Coordinator

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St. Lukes Teaching Conference with Dr. Holder-Haynes
St. Lukes General Surgery students Fridays 77:45 am

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Weekly M&M conference at each hospital - TBA
Didactic - Lecture/Small Group Topics

Acute Abdomen Hernia

Aortic Aneurysms GI Bleeding
Biliary Disease Melanoma/Sarcoma
Breast Disease Pancreas
Carotid Disease/PAD Pediatric Surgery
CT Surgery Perioperative Care

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Colorectal Disease Sepsis/Shock
DVT/PE Trauma
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Endocrine Plastic Surgery & Wound
Foregut Surgery Healing
Chairmans Rounds
Occurs each Wednesday 1-2 pm.

Location alternates between BTH and


Attendance is mandatory for students

on general surgery sub-rotation.

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Schedule title style
& Instructions
are on
(Calendar invite will be sent)

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subtitle style
at both locations should
prepare to present thorough history
on an interesting patient.
Skills Lab
Bi-monthly skills lab are held for General Surgery sub-rotation students.
Take this opportunity to practice surgical skills such as:

Basic laparoscopic
Open skills
Central line insertion
Trauma scenario

Held on the following Wednesdays from 10:30 11:30 am for the general
surgery sub-rotation students; attendance is required (a calendar invite will be sent).

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Suture kits may be borrowed from Ashlie Contos.
Didactic Teaching Sessions
Mid-point Feedback Session
Observed/Unobserved H&P
Patient Contact
Clinical Skills
Case Logs
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Completed passport and evaluation forms must be
submitted to Click
receiveto edit subtitle
a grade. style
Take pictures/have copies
of your passport.

Losing passport is not an excuse. Grade will be held

if not submitted at end of clership.
Passport: Mid-Point Feedback
Mid-Point Feedback Session
Evaluation forms are included in your passport. Your attending
must complete the form after providing feedback.
Helpful if a senior resident can be in attendance

Identify person who will provide feedback and inform office by

next Thursday.
All students must have at least one evaluation completed &
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uploaded to Blackboard by Wednesday of the 4th week

Mid-point feedbackClick
is to occur once on general surgery sub-rotation
to edit subtitle style
and once on subspecialty sub-rotation.

*Failure to comply will result in the student receiving a dropped

letter grade and or an incomplete for the course.
Passport: Observed/Unobserved H&P
Observed H&P
Focused exam
Evaluation forms are included in your passport. Your attending
must complete the form while observing you and you are required
to upload at least one evaluation form to blackboard by
Wednesday of week 4.
This is to occur once on general surgery sub-rotation and once on
subspecialty sub-rotation.

Written H&P Click to edit title

A brief write-up of a patient assessment and plan
All students must have to edit
at least subtitle
one observed H&P style
completed & uploaded to Blackboard by Wednesday of the 4th week
detailed due dates are located in your passport.

*Failure to comply will result in the student receiving a dropped

letter grade and or an incomplete for the course.
Passport: Observed/Unobserved H&P

Only a PORTION of the history and

physical must be observed

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Click to edit subtitle style

*Failure to comply will result in the student receiving a

dropped letter grade and or an incomplete for the course.

Patient Contact participate in the care of patients with:

Acute abdomen
Biliary disease
Breast cancer/disease [Access Surgery option]
Comorbidity is acceptable

Soft tissue infections
Surgical critical care
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Vascular disease
Surgical disease of chest

Admission/Transfer Orderto edit subtitle style

Brief Operative Notes

Clinical Skills
Suturing a wound
Wound care dressing
Foley Catheter insertion
NGT/OGT insertion [optional]
Presentation of a patient

Case Logs
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I.e. Red, Gold, CT, Vas
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Quality of Faculty Interaction
50% is clinical performance

30% - Average of evaluations from General Surgery Attending and

o 2 attendings
o 2 residents (one must be a senior)
10% - Two week ICU Rotation (Average of Attending and Resident/fellow)
10% - Average of evaluations from Subspecialty Attending and Residents
o 2 attendings
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2 residents (one must be a senior)

20% - CPX Exam

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30% - National Board Exam


You can fail the rotation for professionalism issues, e.g.

Unexcused absences
Disruptive behavior
Disrespectful behavior towards houses staff/admin staff
Failing to complete assignments on time
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Can also fail if:
Evaluation scores <= 2SD below mean
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Failing to pass BCM required exams after 2 attempts
Failing both Shelf and CPX
E*Value (Who Did You Work With?)
Must be completed by the last day of the sub-rotation.

Recommend asking for evaluations from 2 attendings, 1 chief resident, and

1 resident per service. (General Surgery and Subspecialty)

Evaluators have 2 weeks to complete evaluations

Office will actively contact for completed evaluations.
If no response, grades will be calculated without them.

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Issues will be reported to Vice Chair of Education and Department Chairman.

Mid-Term Rotation Feedback and Overall Course Survey (E*Value)

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Sent out through E*Value during week 4 and 8
These surveys are to be taken seriously
Not completing them in a timely manner is not an option

We will not consider any evaluations received 4 weeks after the end
of the clerkship.
Oral Exam
You will be examined on two clinical scenarios which should last 15-30
minutes each.
A facilitator will be assigned and information will be sent to you at week 4 or
It will be your responsibility to contact the faculty to schedule a time for your
We suggest scheduling your exam during week 6 and 7.
It is fair game to be asked any additional questions that are appropriate for
a student at your level.

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ASE Cases will help you prepare for the exam.
Links to the cases are in posted on Blackboard.
Grading is Honors/Pass/Fail
Extra point on the Shelf grade for honors performance.
Those who fail mayClick
remediate edit subtitle style

*Dr. Holder-Haynes will give a preparation review at the mid-point of the

Oral Exam Topics
The following topics are those in which you may be tested on
however, this is not a comprehensive list:

Breast Disease Limb Ischemia

Biliary Disease Pediatric obstruction
Colon Disease Peptic Ulcer Disease
DVT/PE Small Bowel Disease
GI Bleeding Click to edit title style

Click to edit subtitle style

CPX Exam
Given on the last Monday of the Clerkship

You will get one case either

Upper or lower abdominal pain

Each case with standardized patient includes:

Physical exam

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Verbalize what you are doing and why

You will have 15 minutes for the SP encounter and 30 minutes for the post
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If you dont pass the exam, you must retake the entire exam.
If you successfully pass after retesting, the highest grade achievable is
a Pass.
Passing score 70%
Differential What does not What supports the What studies and
diagnosis support the diagnosis? results would
diagnosis? support your
1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

2. 1. 1. 1.

2. Click to2.edit title2.style

3. 3. 3.
Click to edit subtitle style
3. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.
Differential What does not What supports the What studies and
diagnosis support the diagnosis? results would
diagnosis? support your
1. Acute MI 1. Radiates to back 1. Diaphoresis 1. EKG ST
2. segment elevation
2. Prior history of 2. + stress test
3. chest pain
3. Resolution with 3. Echo with wall
NTG abnormalities
2. Pulmonary 1. Responds to 1. Diaphoresis 1. CT PE protocol
embolus oxygen with embolus
2. Click to edit title style
2. Shortness of
2. V/Q scan with
3. 3. Recent knee 3. Angiogram with
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surgery filling defect
3. Pneumothorax 1. No trauma 1. Shortness of 1. CXR with
breath dropped lung
2. 2. Decreased 2. CT scan with
breath sounds dropped lung
3. 3. Hypoxia 3. CT placement
with rush of air
NBME Shelf Exam
Given on last day of the Clerkship

110 questions 2 hours 45 minutes

We cant possible teach you everything that will appear on the Shelf.

You are ultimately responsible for knowing testable material.

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You must pass this exam to pass the rotation.
The passing score is equal to the NBME 5th percentile.
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If you do not pass the exam you be required to retest; If you fail
twice, you must repeat the clerkship.
If you successfully pass after your retest, the highest grade achievable
is a Pass.
You Said.We Did
You Said: We Did:
More organization. Try to condense lecture material and simulations The clerkship now conducts all of its education didactic session on
all in one day. Wednesdays.

Consolidation of all passport/midpoint feedback forms/supervised

The passport now houses all evaluation forms and required
H&P forms/any and all forms required to be documented in one
documented material into one booklet.
booklet would be very helpful.

Might be better to set clear expectations for assignments such as The orientation was revamped to address expectations of all
access surgery, chairman's rounds, and other accessory coursework. educational activities.

The number of email communications should be reduced.

We received multiple emails and sources of information containing Only one email is sent a week - "weekly announcements" email.

More skills lab would be helpful.

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carious portions of scheduled clerkship events.

We have scheduled 3 skills lab per month for students that are on
their general surgery sub-rotation.

The clerkship now has created a chart on blackboard as well as our

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One centralized area on blackboard would be helpful to include all
scheduling information for the clerkship.
BCM surgery website that provides the students with a weekly
snapshot of activities that are scheduled for the clerkship.

Only Ben Taub students get Trauma exposure Added Trauma Shift

Provided Manual of Surgical Objectives

Not sure what we should study
Access Surgery Modules
More faculty interaction needed Developed Small Group Curriculum

Student Mentor Program

Need more access to faculty mentors early in med school
Pre-Clinical Student Shadowing Program
You MUST submit evaluation forms and a completed
Passport (including observation cards) to receive your

You MUST perform at least one Observed H&P before a

FACULTY member before Wednesday of the 4th
week. Will receive Incomplete if not completed.
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You MUST have at least one Mid-Point Feedback
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session with a FACULTY member and senior
resident before the Wednesday of the 4th week. Will
receive Incomplete if not completed.

Complete AccessSurgery Modules points deducted!

Invest time needed to learn your

Keep small snacks nearby

OR can be cold wear an extra

layer Click to edit title style
Interns/nurses are your friends
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Pull up images in OR for case
Clinic is the best place for faculty
contact and getting H&Ps

TCH: open structure, choose your

own cases

SLEH Thoracic: Fill out the Turtle

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SLEH Transplant: Patient cards
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SLEH: M&M protocol

Clinic great opportunity for

attending contact time

Ben Taub: resident run, lots of

procedures, involvement

VA : no wi-fi access
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Ortho, Ophtho, ENT, Plastics,
Urology not Click
part oftothis
edit subtitle style

DO NOT call attendings on their


Before starting on a new service, contact

prior students to learn logistics/pts on

Take frequent pics ofto edit
your title
passport style
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Clinical course of a surgical patient can

change abruptly. We will update you of
any changes. Check your email/calendar

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Cc Ashlie if you email me:
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We want you to have fun.

We really appreciate you!

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Click to edit subtitle style
Where do I go today?

Refer to the contact info you

received with your
orientation schedule.

Contact the Intern/Resident

or your service
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Even iftitle
you knowstyle
where you
are going, contact them.
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Turn in the following before leaving:
Clerkship Guidelines Signature Page
Any applicable site credentialing documents

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