Mathematical Association of America
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H (k + 1) 1)k+1(
In -= -x dx, (3)
2 J[o,l (1 +x)ln x
4 f 1-x
ln - - - dxdy, (4)
S n (1 + xy) Inxy
S 1 -x dx dy
y' =1-n-
n= n +1 k=0(- 1 k+lyjln(k
k + 1), (6)
(For example,using the classic formula *(1) = In2 for the alternatingharmonic
series-for a new proof see [14]-one can derive the series ln 2 = n>,, (2"n)-1
from (7) by consideringit when s = 1.) Differentiating(7) termwiseand substitut-
ing the value of the derivative of * at s = 0,
1 r
*'(0) = - In - (9)
2 2
(see [13]), yields the series
ln _ 2l1(
- 1 k=0 (_l ln\k (10)
valid for any convergent series of complex numbers [9, sec. 33B], [13]. Applying (13)
to the logarithm of Wallis's product
In (-1)n-1 In n (14)
n 0 1 ) lnk+2
In - = ( Ink+ (15)
n=0 k=0 W /c
If we replace n with n - 1, write the last logarithm as ln(k + 2) - ln(k + 1) and the
sum on k as the difference of two sums in the first of which we replace k with k - 1,
then the recursion
(n - (n- 1 (n\
k -i)+ nki)-]\k
leads to (10), completing the second proof of (2). The first proof is basically the same,
because in [13] we use Wallis's productto evaluate (9), and we take the Euler transform
of (8) to get (7) for complex s with 9t(s) > 0.
Products (12) and (11) are linked by Stirling's asymptotic formula
n! ~ (n/e)/2nn,
which is proved in [3] using (11) and is used in [12] to establish (12). Products (1)
and (2) are linked by transformations:a hypergeometric one [17] for (1) and Euler's
for (2). (To strengthen the link, we can write series (14) and (15) as integrals of hy-
pergeometric functions-compare [17, Proof 1]-and then obtain (15) from (14) by a
hypergeometric transformationequivalent to (13).) However, this link does not explain
the remarkableresemblance between (1) and (2).
Euler's transformationaccelerates the rate of convergence of a slowly converging
series such as (14) (see [9, sec. 35B]). Thus, product (2) converges faster than prod-
uct (11), as Figure 1 (courtesy of P. Sebah) shows.
4. AVOIDING EULER. A third proof of (2) (due in part to S. Zlobin [20]) avoids
using Euler's transformationaltogether (compare the proofs avoiding hypergeometric
functions in [17]). We show that
f00 /f1 0 /1 - \n+1
I :=f j
Jo =
dx dy = In -.
This implies (2), because if we factor 1 - x from the integrand and use the binomial
theorem, then termwise integration (justified since the integrand is majorized by the
1.9 1.9
1.8 1.8
1.7 1.7
1.6 1.6
1.5 1.5
1.4 1.4
1.3 1.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
series 2-"-') yields (15) and, therefore, (2). To prove (16), we use the geometric
series summations
to write
I= (1 - x)2xy+2"ndx dy.
max (1 - x)2x2n ( 1 2 n - 1
o<x< n+1 ( n+1 (n+1)2
and x y 1), so we may perform the integrationsterm by term, which by invoking (11)
00 (2n + 2)2 22 42 62 27
I= ln( =InI - = ln--.
no (2n+1)(2n+3) 133.55.7 2
Proof of (3). Equation (16) and the first equality in (17) yield
f0 ff 1-x
xY- dx dy - In .
o o 1+x 2
5. RELATING THE PRODUCTS FOR ir AND e". Recall that we derived product
(2) for Jrfrom the alternatingzeta function * (s). Omitting details, we sketch a deriva-
so that f(1/2, s) = '*(s). Using integral (16) but replacing (1 - x)/2 with t(1 - x),
we can show that the formula obtained from (3) and (9),
1 r1 1-x
2J (1 + x)lnxdx,
extends to
The last is a classical integral for Euler's constant [2, sec. 10.3], [17], and (6) follows,
implying (1).
Otherproducts can be derived in the same way. For example, exponentiating the in-
tegral f1 t-2 f'(t, 0) dt = 1 gives product (5) for e, which converges more slowly than
Pippenger's product for e, because of the exponents 1/n in (5), versus 1/2" in (12).
In order to identify the function f(t, s), we reverse the order of summation in (18)
and sum the resulting series on n. We then replace k with k - 1, obtaining
f (t, s) - k + 1) - kl ks (20)
for t satisfying -1 < t < 1/2 and for suitable s. Therefore, f(t, s) and '*(s) are
related to the function
F(t, s) = - (- 1 t < 1,( () > 0)
by the formulas
for appropriatet and s. (With t = 1/2, equations (18) and (20) verify that formulas (7)
and (8) for *(s) agree.) The function F(t, s), a special case of the Lerch transcendent
1. P. Biane, J. Pitman, and M. Yor,Probabilitylaws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta functions,
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2. G. Boros and V. Moll, Irresistible Integrals: Symbolics,Analysis, and Experimentsin the Evaluation of
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3. A. J. Coleman, A simple proof of Stirling's formula, this MONTHLY 58 (1951) 334-336.
4. A. Erd6lyi, et al., Higher TranscendentalFunctions, The Bateman ManuscriptProject, vol. 1, McGraw-
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5. C. Goldschmidtand J. B. Martin,Randomrecursivetrees and the Bolthausen-Sznitmancoalescent, Elec-
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6. J. Guillera,personal communication,25 July 2003.
7. J. Guilleraand J. Sondow, Double integralsand infinite productsfor some classical constantsvia analytic
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9. K. Knopp, Theoryand Application of InfiniteSeries, Dover, New York, 1990.
10. L. Lewin, Polylogarithmsand Associated Functions, Elsevier North-Holland,New York, 1981.
11. A. E. Parks, rt,e, and other irrationalnumbers,this MONTHLY 93 (1986) 722-723.
12. N. Pippenger,An infinite productfor e, this MONTHLY 87 (1980) 391.
13. J. Sondow, Analytic continuationof Riemann's zeta function and values at negative integers via Euler's
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14. - , Zeros of the alternatingzeta function on the line 9(s) = 1, this MONTHLY 110 (2003) 435-437.
15. - , Criteriafor irrationalityof Euler's constant,Proc. Amer Math. Soc. 131 (2003) 3335-3344.
16. - , Double integralsfor Euler's constant and ln(4/r) and an analog of Hadjicostas's formula, this
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17. - , An infinite productfor ev via hypergeometricformulasfor Euler's constant, y (2003, preprint);
available at
18. J. Spanierand K. B. Oldham,An Atlas of Functions, Hemisphere,New York, 1987.
19. J. Wallis, Computationof n by successive interpolations,in A Source Book in Mathematics,1200-1800,
D. J. Struik, ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1986, pp. 244-253; reprintedin Pi: A Source
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20. S. Zlobin, personal communication,26 May 2003.