1276 Wickland Neff 2007
1276 Wickland Neff 2007
1276 Wickland Neff 2007
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9101-4
US Geological Survey, 3215 Marine St., Boulder, Colorado 80303, USA; 2Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado 80303, USA
The fate of terrestrially-derived dissolved organic pore water DOC chemical characteristics or biode-
carbon (DOC) is important to carbon (C) cycling in gradability; however, DOC collected from the
both terrestrial and aquatic environments, and re- Poorly Drained site was significantly less biode-
cent evidence suggests that climate warming is gradable than DOC from the other three sites (6%
influencing DOC dynamics in northern ecosystems. loss vs. 1315% loss). The biodegradability of veg-
To understand what determines the fate of terres- etation-derived DOC ranged from 10 to 90% loss,
trial DOC, it is essential to quantify the chemical and was strongly correlated with hydrophilic DOC
nature and potential biodegradability of this DOC. content. Vegetation such as Sphagnum moss and
We examined DOC chemical characteristics and feathermosses yielded DOC that was quickly
biodegradability collected from soil pore waters and metabolized and respired. In contrast, the DOC
dominant vegetation species in four boreal black leached from vegetation such as black spruce was
spruce forest sites in Alaska spanning a range of moderately recalcitrant. Changes in DOC chemical
hydrologic regimes and permafrost extents (Well characteristics that occurred during microbial
Drained, Moderately Well Drained, Poorly Drained, metabolism of DOC were quantified using frac-
and Thermokarst Wetlands). DOC chemistry was tionation and fluorescence. The chemical charac-
characterized using fractionation, UVVis absor- teristics and biodegradability of DOC in soil pore
bance, and fluorescence measurements. Potential waters were most similar to the moderately re-
biodegradability was assessed by incubating the calcitrant vegetation leachates, and to the micro-
samples and measuring CO2 production over bially altered DOC from all vegetation leachates.
1 month. Soil pore water DOC from all sites was
dominated by hydrophobic acids and was highly Key words: dissolved organic carbon; decompo-
aromatic, whereas the chemical composition of sition; fluorescence; boreal forest; Alaska; black
vegetation leachate DOC varied significantly with spruce; thermokarst.
species. There was no seasonal variability in soil
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cycling in north-
ern terrestrial ecosystems, especially in areas af-
Received 16 May 2007; accepted 21 September 2007
*Corresponding author; e-mail: kpwick@usgs.gov fected by permafrost, is of particular interest in light
K. P. Wickland and others
of changing climate at northern latitudes. The large ability of DOC collected from terrestrial sources in
amounts of organic carbon (C) in biomass and soils, interior Alaska. We focused on black spruce [(Picea
combined with relatively slow decomposition rates, mariana Mill.) B.S.P.] forest, which constitutes a
provides a potentially large DOC source, while major ecosystem type in the North American boreal
permafrost prevents deep percolation into soils so forest (Van Cleve and Dyrness 1983; Hall and
DOC can be efficiently transported to surface wa- others 1997). We chose black spruce systems be-
ters. Changes in temperature and permafrost cause they are most commonly found on perma-
depths are likely impacting DOC production, pro- frost soils, but also exist in areas without
cessing, and transport in northern terrestrial eco- permafrost; they have large amounts of soil organic
systems (Frey and Smith 2005; Striegl and others C (SOC) and, thus, are a potentially large DOC
2005). Warmer temperatures may be stimulating source; and they are found in areas with soils that
DOC production and/or consumption rates by range from poorly to well drained. Their common
influencing microbial activity, and thawing per- association with permafrost makes many poorly
mafrost is likely altering hydrologic flow paths, drained black spruce forests particularly vulnerable
leading to increased residence time of DOC in soils. to effects of climate warming, as permafrost thaw
To understand the mechanisms that underlie this can cause changes in drainage conditions (Osterk-
potentially important C flux in high-latitude eco- amp and others 2000; Camill and others 2001;
systems, it is essential to: (1) know the chemical Wickland and others 2006) and increase the
characteristics of the terrestrially-derived DOC, (2) amount of SOC in the active layer as it deepens.
quantify the potential biodegradability of the DOC, Current and future climate warming may increase
and (3) understand environmental controls on soil biological activity and decomposition (Shaver
DOC chemistry and biodegradability. and others 1992; Oechel and others 1993; Goulden
DOC is a complex mixture of low and high and others 1998), and potentially increase DOC
molecular weight compounds that originates from release from peatlands (Frey and Smith 2005),
vegetation, litter, soil leachates, plant root exu- depending on hydrologic connectivity with surface
dates, and microbial enzymes and biomass (Thur- waters (Striegl and others 2005).
man 1985; Guggenberger and Zech 1994). DOC Groundcover vegetation species and tree pro-
pools and fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems may be ductivity in black spruce systems are influenced by
small compared to other terrestrial C pools and drainage conditions and permafrost. In well
fluxes (Neff and Asner 2001; Moore 2003), but drained systems, trees are more productive and
these pools and fluxes have important roles in both light penetration through the canopy is limited,
terrestrial and aquatic C cycles. DOC is a substrate creating ideal conditions for feathermosses and li-
for microbial activity (McArthur and others 1985; chens to dominate the understory vegetation (Bis-
Amon and Benner 1996), it can be a readily sta- bee and others 2001). In poorly drained systems
bilized form of C through sorption to mineral soils the trees are slow growing and sparse, and Sphag-
(McDowell and Wood 1984; Neff and Asner 2001), num mosses thrive in the high light conditions
and it serves as a link between terrestrial and when moisture is not limiting (Bisbee and others
aquatic systems (Dalva and Moore 1991; Schiff and 2001). Moderately drained systems have interme-
others 1998; Cole and others 2007). Microbial diate tree productivity and the understory is dom-
metabolism of DOC is affected by environmental inated by feathermosses. To represent the current
conditions such as temperature (Christ and David range of conditions in which black spruce systems
1996) and oxygen availability (Bastviken and oth- exist, we chose three sites in central Alaska that
ers 2004), and by the chemical structure of DOC included a well drained forest without permafrost,
molecules (Qualls and Haines 1992). The fluxes of a moderately drained forest having permafrost, and
terrestrially-derived DOC within and between soils a poorly drained forest having permafrost. Within
and aquatic systems are highly dependent on the the poorly drained site there are several thermok-
source strength and the amount of water moving arst collapse wetlands that have formed due to
through soils to surface waters (Hope and others localized permafrost thaw.
1994; Aitkenhead and McDowell 2000), as well as We collected DOC from soil pore waters several
on the amount of microbial metabolism and sorp- times annually during multiple years to capture
tion the DOC undergoes during transport (Kawa- seasonal and site variability of DOC chemical
higashi and others 2004). characteristics and biodegradability. We also lea-
To increase our understanding of terrestrial DOC ched DOC from dominant vegetation for chemical
cycling in northern ecosystems, we characterized characterization and biodegradability. Our objec-
the chemical nature and the potential biodegrad- tives were to: (1) compare the chemical charac-
Dissolved organic carbon in Alaskan boreal forest
teristics of DOC from black spruce forest sites hav- Poorly Drained site near Fairbanks is a mature
ing differences in permafrost, drainage, and vege- black spruce stand (up to 130 years-old). Perma-
tation cover, (2) quantify the potential frost and underlying alluvial material prevent ver-
biodegradability of DOC from a range of black tical movement of water, and the water table is
spruce forest soils and vegetation, and (3) examine within 3540 cm of the surface during the entire
the influence of DOC chemical characteristics on snow-free season. Isolated thermokarst features
potential biodegradability. have formed within the Poorly Drained site where
permafrost has thawed (Thermokarst Wetlands
site). In these areas the ground surface is 0.51 m
lower than the surrounding forest, there is standing
The study sites are located in central Alaska (Fig- water in many places, and there are standing dead
ure 1) in regions underlain by discontinuous per- black spruce and tamarack trees. No permafrost is
mafrost. The sites are all populated by black spruce, present to a depth of at least 2.2 m in the Ther-
but vary in drainage, permafrost depth, organic mokarst Wetlands (see Wickland and others 2006
layer thickness, stand density, and dominant for detailed site description).
groundcover vegetation (Table 1). Two sites are
located in the Donnelly Flats area near Delta
Junction, AK (6353N, 14544W) and two sites
are in the Tanana River floodplain near Fairbanks, Soil Pore Water Collection and Analyses
AK (6442N, 14819W). Soils in the Donnelly flats
Soil pore water samples were collected within
area are mainly derived from Donnelly moraine
transects ranging from 40 to 100 m in length (one
and wind-blown loess (ONeill 2000), and are
transect at Poorly Drained, two transects each at
underlain by deposits of sand and gravel. A Well
Moderately Well Drained and Well Drained). Five
Drained site and a Moderately Well Drained site
to ten sampling locations were distributed among
are located here in mature black spruce forest (80
each transect, spaced 1020 m apart. In addition,
100 years-old) (Manies and others 2001, 2004). In
there were five sampling locations distributed
early spring, water collects in the surface soils on
within the Thermokarst Wetlands site. The depth of
top of the seasonal ice layer. As the seasonal ice
available water varied with site and season, as the
layer thaws, water drains into deeper soils by early
water table was most often located immediately
June at the Well Drained site, whereas the presence
above the ice layer. In addition, local spatial het-
of permafrost prevents water from completely
erogeneity of the water table at each site resulted in
draining at the Moderately Well Drained site. The
varying sample collection locations within the
Figure 1. Map of study
Poorly Drained & Thermokarst Wetland sites site locations.
Moderately Well Drained &
Well Drained sites
Delta Dawson
Yukon R
Tan iv
Riv na
0 250 500
K. P. Wickland and others
Moss cover, lichen cover, and O layer thickness for WD and MD are from Manies and others 2001
Manies and others 2004
Manies, unpublished data
HS=Hylocomium sp., AS=Aulocomium sp., SS=Sphagnum sp., PS=Pleurozium sp.
transects during the study. A stainless steel probe Drained sites; Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G.
(3 mm i.d.) slotted at the bottom 2 cm was inserted (stair-step moss) and Pleurozium schreberii (Brid.)
into the soil and water was drawn through the Mitt. (red-stemmed feathermoss) from the Mod-
probe using a peristaltic pump attached to the end erately Well Drained site (live, clipped; hereafter
of the probe. Samples ranging in volume from 1 to referred to as mixed feathermoss); Sphagnum
2 L were filtered in the field through Gelman angustifolium (Russow) C. Jens (live, clipped) and
AquaPrep 600TM capsule filters (0.45 lm) into Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. (live, clipped)
pre-baked amber glass bottles with Teflon-lined from the Thermokarst Wetlands; and Betula nana
caps (the first 200 mL of pore water were used to L. leaves (senesced leaves still on branches) from
rinse the filters and discarded). The samples were the Poorly Drained site. We also collected Betula
kept on ice during transport to the lab and refrig- papyrifera Marsh. leaves (senesced, recently drop-
erated until analysis for DOC concentration, UV ped) from a stand next to the Poorly Drained site,
absorbance, fluorescence, and DOC fractionation. as this tree species is commonly found near black
Soil pore water samples were collected during spruce forest. Soluble organic carbon was obtained
the following time periods: by leaching air-dried vegetation. Ten to fifty grams
of vegetation (dry weight) was combined with 5
Well Drained = July 2003, April and May 2004,
9 L of 0.001 N NaHCO3 solution in 9 L clear pyrex
and May 2005, ranging from 0.5 to 17 cm depth;
jugs covered with foil. The NaHCO3 was used to
Moderately Well Drained = September 2002, May
buffer pH and to mimic ionic strength of natural
October 2003, MaySeptember 2004, and May
systems. The samples were aerated continuously
2005, ranging from 0.5 to 34 cm depth;
using fish tank pumps and sintered glass tubes to
Poorly Drained = JulySeptember 2002 and 2003,
prevent anoxia. The vegetation samples were
AprilSeptember 2004, and May 2005, ranging
leached for 714 days, during which the solutions
from 2 to 43 cm depth;
were periodically sampled for DOC concentration,
Thermokarst Wetlands = JulySeptember 2002
UV absorbance, fluorescence, and DOC fraction-
and 2003, and MarchSeptember 2004, ranging
ation. Replicate Sphagnum and feathermoss-mix
from 6 to 80 cm depth.
vegetation samples were subjected to 3-month
long leaching periods to examine changes in
Vegetation Leachates leachate DOC chemical characteristics with time.
We collected samples of representative vegetation The volumes removed during sampling (50
from each site for leaching, including P. mariana 500 mL) were replaced with an equal volume of
needles (brown needles still on trees) and bark dilute NaHCO3 solution. Samples were immedi-
and twigs from the Well Drained and Poorly ately filtered through 0.45-lm Supor syringe fil-
Dissolved organic carbon in Alaskan boreal forest
ters or 0.45-lm capsule filters depending on above. EEMs were collected over an excitation
sample volume. range of 240450 nm every 5 nm, and an emission
range of 300600 nm every 2 nm. A series of cor-
DOC Analyses rections were made to the EEMs to ensure that
they were comparable among samples. DI water
Pore water samples were analyzed for DOC con-
EEMs, which served as blanks, were collected daily
centration within 2 weeks of collection, and vege-
and subtracted from each sample EEM. The blank-
tation leachate samples were analyzed within one
subtracted EEMs were then corrected for instru-
day of collection using an O.I. Analytical Model
ment biases using instrument-specific excitation
700 TOC Analyzer via the platinum catalyzed per-
and emission corrections files provided by the
sulfate wet oxidation method (Aiken and others
manufacturer. The EEMs were then Raman-nor-
1992). The instrument was calibrated using a
malized using the area under the Raman scatter
minimum of five standards spanning the range of
peak (350 nm excitation wavelength) obtained
sample concentrations, and standards and samples
from the corresponding DI water blank. We then
were run in duplicate (instrument std. dev. 0.2
corrected EEMs for inner filter effects using the
mg C L)1). Samples were diluted with deionized
UVVis absorbance spectra. This correction ac-
(DI) water by weight prior to DOC analysis to fall
counts for the absorption of excitation and emis-
within the optimum range of the TOC analyzer
sion light by the sample (Ohno 2002). The resulting
( 30 mg C L)1).
corrected EEMs were plotted using MatLab with 30
contour lines, after normalizing fluorescence
UVVis Absorption Analyses intensities to DOC concentration. The location of
Samples were analyzed for UVVis absorption using maximum fluorescence intensity (Fmax) for each
a Hewlett-Packard Model 8453 photo-diode array EEM was determined on regions unaffected by
spectrophotometer (k = 200800 nm) and a 1-cm first- and second-order Rayleigh scattering (Ingle
path-length quartz cell. DI water was used as an and Crouch 1988).
instrument blank. Samples were diluted by weight Two indices based on fluorescence spectra, the
with DI to be within the range of the instrument. fluorescence index (FI) and the humification in-
Results are reported for absorption at k = 254 nm, dex (HIX), were determined from the EEMs. The
the wavelength associated with aromatic com- fluorescence index is calculated as the ratio of the
pounds (Chin and others 1994). The standard intensities at excitation (ex) and emission (em)
deviation for a UV measurement at 254 nm is wavelengths ex370/em450 and ex370/em500, and
0.002 AU. Specific UV absorbance (SUVA) of DOC has been used to distinguish between microbially-
gives an average molar absorptivity for all the derived (FI = 1.72.0) and terrestrially-derived
molecules contributing to the DOC in a sample, and (FI < 1.4) aquatic fulvic acids (McKnight and
it has been used as a measure of DOC aromaticity others 2001). The humification index is based on
(Chin and others 1994; Weishaar and others 2003). the suggestion that as decomposition, or humifi-
SUVA was determined by dividing UVVis absor- cation, of fluorescing molecules proceeds, their
bance at k = 254 nm by DOC concentration, where emission spectra will shift towards longer wave-
each variable was measured at the same dilution lengths due to lower molecular H:C ratios (Zsol-
factor. SUVA is reported in units of L mg C)1 m)1, nay and others 1999). Therefore the sum of
with a standard deviation of 0.1 L mg C)1 m)1. fluorescence intensities at long wavelengths can
be compared to the intensities at shorter wave-
DOM Fluorescence lengths to quantify the relative degree of humifi-
cation. We calculated the humification index
To further characterize the optically active portion (HIX) from the DOC normalized fluorescence
of the dissolved organic matter (DOM), we mea- values as:
sured 3-dimensional fluorescence of a subset of soil X . X X
pore waters and vegetation leachates using a Jobin- HIX I434!480 I300!344 I434!480 1
Yvon Horiba Fluoromax-3TM fluorometer. These
3-D fluorescence intensities are referred to as P
ExcitationEmission Matrices (EEMs). Before where Ix y is the sum of the fluorescence
analysis, an aliquot of each sample was allowed to intensity at emission wavlengths x y nm at ex
warm to room temperature and diluted, when 255 nm (Ohno 2002). The HIX values range from 0
necessary, to remain within the range of the to 1, with higher values indicating an increasing
detector. UVVis was measured after dilution, as degree of humification (Ohno 2002).
K. P. Wickland and others
Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), a statistical bottles per sample). An inoculant was prepared by
modeling technique, was applied to the corrected mixing soil from each site with DI water, filtering a
EEMS to identify fluorescing components accord- portion of the solution through a 1.6 lm glass fiber
ing to their unique excitation and emission patterns filter, and sequentially diluting the filtrate for a
(Stedmon and others 2003; Cory and McKnight 10)3 serial dilution. One mL of dilute soil solution
2005). We quantified the relative contribution of was added to each serum bottle. The DOC content
thirteen different fluorescing components previ- of the dilute soil solution was below detection
ously identified by Cory and McKnight (2005). limits. One-eighth of a pre-baked (400C for 4 h)
Seven of these components (Q1Q3, SQ1SQ3 and glass fiber filter was added to each bottle to provide
HQ) are identified as quinone-like molecules, a surface for microbial establishment, and the bot-
which vary in redox state and degree of conjuga- tles were sealed using butyl rubber stoppers.
tion. Tyrosine and tryptophan are identified as Within 2 h of sealing the serum bottles, we ana-
protein-like fluorphores, and the remaining four lyzed CO2 in the equilibrated headspace of the
components are not associated with any particular serum bottles by withdrawing 0.5-mL aliquots of
molecule class (Cory and McKnight 2005). headspace (four reps per bottle) and injecting them
into a nitrogen carrier stream passing through a
DOC Fractionation Licor 6252 infrared CO2 analyzer. The mean of the
four injections was used to calculate headspace CO2
We used a resin-based method of DOC fraction-
concentration. Calibration curves were created
ation as a further means to characterize DOC
using a minimum of three standards. On the first
chemistry. Soil pore water and vegetation leachate
and last days of the incubations, three replicate
samples were chromatographically separated into
bottles per sample were acidified with 2 mL 42.5%
five different fractions (hydrophobic acids, hydro-
H3PO4 and the headspace was analyzed for dis-
phobic neutrals, transphilic neutrals, hydrophilic
solved inorganic carbon (DIC) on the Licor CO2
organic matter, and transphilic acids) using Am-
analyzer to ensure that all carbonate species were
berlite XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins (Aiken and others
accounted for. The remaining replicate serum bot-
1992). The resins preferentially sorb different clas-
tles were analyzed for headspace CO2 concentra-
ses of organic acids based on aqueous solubility of
tion on Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The volume
the solute, chemical composition of the resin, resin
of headspace removed for analysis was replaced by
surface area, and resin pore size. The amount of
an equal volume of N2 after each sampling. Be-
organic matter within each fraction was calculated
tween analyses the bottles were placed upside-
using the DOC concentration and the sample mass
down on a shaker set at 100 rpm and covered with
of each fraction, and are presented as percentages
foil. On days 14 and 28 three replicate bottles per
of total DOC. UVVis absorption was run on
sample were opened and analyzed for DOC con-
hydrophobic acids (HPOA), hydrophilic organic
centration, SUVA, and fluorescence after head-
matter (HPI), and transphilic acid (TPIA) fractions.
space analysis. We calculated dissolved CO2
Fluorescence was run on HPOA and HPI fractions
concentrations (headspace + aqueous) from the lab
from soil pore water collected in May 2005. The
analyses and known CO2 equilibrium constants
fractions were brought to neutral pH prior to
(Plummer and Busenberg 1982) adjusted for
fluorescence analysis using NaOH. A select number
ambient temperature and pressure (Striegl and
of samples were fractionated in duplicate, and the
others 2001).
average values are presented. The standard devia-
Total CO2 production over the incubation period
tion for the mass percentages of the fractionation
was quantified as the difference between initial and
analysis was 2%.
final DIC concentrations, as this accounts for any
changes in pH during the incubation, which would
DOC Incubations alter the ratio of dissolved versus gaseous CO2. The
Potential DOC biodegradation was determined by change in DIC was assumed to originate completely
incubating samples in sealed serum bottles at 22C from respiration of DOC, thus equaling DOC con-
and measuring CO2 production in the headspace sumption. Biodegradation is expressed as % DOC
over 2831 days. Vegetation leachates were sub- mineralized (mg C-DIC produced/initial mg C-
sampled after 1 week of leaching for incubation. DOC).
All samples were diluted to approximately 10 mg The decomposition constants for each DOC
C L)1 with DI water to prevent excessive microbial sample were determined from the time series of
growth, and 50 mL aliquots were dispensed into cumulative DIC production, which we calculated
100 mL amber glass serum bottles (12 replicate by multiplying the CO2 concentrations by the ratio
Dissolved organic carbon in Alaskan boreal forest
of total change in DIC: total change in CO2, and late (SeptemberOctober) prior to statistical
assuming a constant pH (Kawahigashi and others analyses. This allowed us to test for site by season
2004). We fitted a single exponential model (Eq. 2) effects, and to compare the Well Drained site,
and a double exponential model (Eq. 3) to the where soil pore water was present only during the
incubation results assuming one or two distinct early season, with the other sites. Two-factor AN-
DOC pools (Kalbitz and others 2003): OVA without replication was used to test PARA-
FAC results for significant differences between
samples (p < 0.05).
Mineralized DOC %of initial DOC
100 1 ek1t RESULTS
Soil Pore Water DOC Concentrations and
Mineralized DOC %of initial DOC Chemical Characteristics
100a 1 ek2t a1 ek1t Soil pore water DOC concentrations and fractions
were not significantly different between sites or
seasons, so we present the mean values here (Ta-
where t = time (days), k1 = decomposition rate
ble 2). Although spatial and temporal variability
constant of stable DOC (slowly mineralizable
were insignificant, general trends among the sites
DOC pool, day)1), a = the portion of the total DOC
were evident. DOC concentrations tended to be
pool that is stable (%), k2 = decomposition rate
greatest at the wettest sites (Poorly Drained and
constant of labile DOC (rapidly mineralizable
Thermokarst Wetlands) and lowest at the Well
DOC pool, day)1). The curves were fitted using a
Drained site. The SUVA values were high at all sites,
least-squares regression (Levenberg-Marquardt
indicating high aromatic content. The dominant
method) in Statistica 7.0. We fitted both models to
DOC fraction at all sites was HPOA, accounting for
all sample incubations and determined which
more than 50% of the total DOC. The next largest
model best described each sample.
fractions were HPI and TPIA, whereas the neutral
fraction (hydrophobic plus transphilic neutrals) was
Statistical Analyses consistently the smallest fraction at all sites.
We used repeated-measures ANOVA followed by We measured fluorescence on whole water DOC
Unique N HSD post-hoc analyses (p < 0.05; Statis- and on the HPOA and HPI fractions from one
tica 7.0) where appropriate to test for significant sample date (May 2005) for Well Drained, Moder-
differences in soil pore water DOC chemical char- ately Well Drained, and Poorly Drained. The fluo-
acteristics and DOC incubation results between rescence signatures of samples from each site were
sites (p values are reported when significant). We very similar, and we show one example in Figure 2
partitioned the samples into seasons, designated (Moderately Well Drained, whole water DOC). The
early (MarchMay), middle (JuneAugust), whole waters and DOC fractions all displayed
WW DOC (mg C L)1) 55.1 (8.9) 6 67.5 (6.4) 15 76.3 (6.6) 12 91.8 (12.9) 12
WW DOC SUVA 3.8 (0.15) 6 4.2 (0.15) 14 4.5 (0.18) 12 4.0 (0.06) 12
HPOA (%) 56.2 (1.8) 6 51.9 (1.8) 15 55.9 (1.0) 12 59.3 (1.2) 12
HPOA SUVA 4.3 (0.30) 6 4.5 (0.12) 15 4.5 (0.14) 12 4.4 (0.11) 12
HPI (%) 17.8 (0.98) 6 21.6 (1.2) 13 16.4 (0.84) 12 14.4 (0.90) 12
HPI SUVA 1.9 (0.47) 6 2.3 (0.29) 12 3.2 (0.59) 7 3.5 (0.24) 10
TPIA (%) 15.2 (1.3) 6 16.8 (0.88) 15 16.4 (0.64) 12 15.8 (0.77) 12
TPIA SUVA 3.2 (0.27) 4 3.3 (0.11) 13 3.4 (0.09) 10 3.2 (0.09) 12
HPON+TPIN (%) 8.5 (3.20) 4 9.7 (1.6) 13 11.3 (0.84) 12 8.6 (2.1) 7
WW = whole water; HPOA = Hydrophobic acids; HPI = Hydrophilic organic matter; TPIA = Transphilic acids; HPON = Hydrophobic neutrals; TPIN = transphilic
neutrals; SUVA = specific UV absorbance (L mg C)1 m)1)
K. P. Wickland and others
Whole water HPOA HPI Whole water HPOA HPI Whole water HPOA HPI
Fmax 0.16 (240/450) 0.42 (240/452) 0.020 (240/432) 0.16 (240/456) 0.47 (240/458) 0.0063 (240/436) 0.16 (240/448) 0.32 (240/454) 0.0072 (240/444)
FI 1.27 1.17 1.49 1.27 1.14 1.45 1.23 1.20 1.51
HIX 0.94 0.94 0.77 0.96 0.96 0.84 0.95 0.95 0.85
%C1 10 13 12 10 12 14 11 13 14
%C2 17 17 21 17 17 20 18 17 20
%C3 3 2 9 2 1 6 3 2 7
%C4 26 24 11 26 28 13 23 22 13
%C5 10 9 3 11 11 3 9 9 3
%C6 7 10 3 9 11 6 9 11 5
%C7 7 4 5 6 4 5 5 3 6
%C8 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 1 3
%C9 3 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 2
%C10 4 5 7 3 3 7 4 5 7
%C11 6 7 6 6 6 9 7 8 8
%C12 5 6 11 4 4 9 6 6 8
%C13 3 2 6 3 2 6 2 2 3
Fmax is the maximum flourescence intensity normalized to DOC concentration, excitation and emission wavelengths follow in parentheses
FI = fluorescence index; HIX = humification index
The fluorescent components correspond to the following fluorophores as identified by Cory and McKnight (2005): C2 = Quinone 2, C4 = Hydroquinone, C5 = Semiquinone 1, C7 = Semiquinone 2, C8 = Tryptophan, C9 = Semiquinone 3,
C11 = Quinone 1, C12 = Quinone 3, C13 = Tyrosine
The chemical structures of C1, C3, C6, and C10 are currently unidentified.
The component values correspond to the relative percentage of the total fluorescence.
Dissolved organic carbon in Alaskan boreal forest
K. P. Wickland and others
0.16 (280/310)
phore in both leachates. After 3 months, the rela-
WW = whole water; HPOA = hydrophobic acids; HPI = hydrophilic organic matter; TPIA = transphilic acids; HPON = hydrophobic neutrals; TPIN = transphilic neutrals; SUVA = specific UV absorbance (L mg C)1 m)1).
B. papyrifera tive contribution of tryptophan decreased by 83
97%. The other amino acid-like fluorophore,
Component 13 or tyrosine, also decreased in rela-
tive abundance in both leachates with time. The
initial rates of disappearance of tryptophan and
tyrosine (24194 h) were greater in the Sphagnum
All analyses were done on DOC samples collected after 24 h of leaching, except for E. angustifolium and B. papyrifera leaves which were collected after 48 h of leaching DOC yield, mg C mg-1 litter dry wt.
leachate than the feathermoss leachate. Compo-
Betula nana
that increased the most in relative contribution to
fluorescence were Components 7 and 9 (semiqui-
0.11 (240/446) nones) in both leachates, and Component 6
(unidentified) in the feathermoss and Component
Table 4.
TPIA (%)
HPI (%)
A 0.08 B 5 .5
DOC Yield (mg C*mg-1 litter dry wt)
P. mariana needles
P. mariana bark & twigs 5 .0
0.07 S. angustifolium
4. 5
Figure 3. A DOC yields during vegetation leaching. B Change in ratios of hydrophobic acids to hydrophilic organic matter
(HPOA:HPI) during vegetation leaching.
The vegetation leachates DOC had a wide best described using a two pool model. Sphagnum
range in potential biodegradability, ranging from DOC had the fastest decomposition constants for
about 11% mineralization for P. mariana leach- the labile and stable DOC pools, followed closely
ates to about 90% mineralization for moss by mixed feathermoss DOC for the stable pool.
leachates (Table 6). When calculating DOC bio- The P. mariana leachates had the slowest
degradation, we included any net decreases in decomposition constants, and were similar to
DOC concentration that we measured during the those calculated for soil pore water DOC.
first week of leaching where appropriate (see Potential DOC biodegradability of all soil pore
Figure 3A). DOC decomposition was best de- waters and vegetation leachates combined was
scribed by a single pool model for all leachates positively associated with initial % HPI content
except Sphagnum and B. papyrifera, which were (Figure 6, r2 = 0.82).
Figure 4. Fluorescence of
vegetation leachate DOC after
2448 h of leaching: A Picea
mariana needles (24 h), B P.
mariania bark and twigs (24 h),
C Eriophorum angustifolium
(48 h), D Betula papyrifera
leaves (48 h). The color bar to
the right indicates
fluorescence intensity, which
has been normalized to DOC
concentration. See Figure 5
(A1, B1) for moss leachate
DOC fluorescence.
K. P. Wickland and others
Figure 5. Change in fluorescence of moss leachate DOC over time: Sphagnum angustifolium at 24 h (A1), 194 h (A2), and
3 months (A3); Feathermoss mix at 24 h (B1), 194 h (B2), and 3 months (B3). The color bar to the right indicates
fluorescence intensity, which has been normalized to DOC concentration.
Potential biodegradability was negatively associ- water DOC biodegradability alone was not signifi-
ated with % HPOA, but to a lesser degree cantly correlated with % HPI, % HPOA, or any
(r2 = 0.50; not shown). The variability in soil pore other measured DOC chemistry parameter.
Table 5. Fluorescence Properties and PARAFAC Analyses of Moss Leachate DOC over Time
Sphagnum angustifolium Feathermoss mix
Well Drained
Mean 13.4 0 100 0.00478 179
std error 5.8 0.00140 40
n 4 4 4
Moderately Well Drained
Mean 15.3 0 100 0.00619 122
std error 1.6 0.00078 13
n 7 7 7
Poorly Drained
Mean 6.6 0 100 0.00259 327
std error 1.3 0.00045 65
n 7 7 7
Thermokarst Wetlands
Mean 13.4 0 100 0.00553 167
std error 2.6 0.00105 38
n 7 7 7
P. mariana needles 11.4 0 100 0.00440 158
P. mariana bark and twigs 10.9 0 100 0.00384 180
Sphagnum angustifolium 93.0 31.5 68.5 0.6332 0.05840 1.1 12
Feathermoss mix 89.0 0 100 0.05548 12
E. angustifolium 21.9 0 100 0.00898 77
B. papyrifera leaves 59.8 49.8 50.2 0.4316 0.00800 1.6 87
ranged from slow to fast biodegradability. Soil pore
water DOC chemistry was not reflective of vege-
tation leachate DOC chemistry probably because
the highly biodegradable compounds were quickly
consumed and respired as CO2 and/or CH4, leaving
the more recalcitrant compounds to accumulate in
the soil solution (van Hees and others 2005). Forest
soils characterized by poor drainage and shallow
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 permafrost contained the least labile pore water
% Initial DOC as HPI DOC, suggesting that the large DOC pools in these
systems have undergone significant microbial pro-
Figure 6. Initial percent hydrophilic organic matter (% cessing, and that relatively recalcitrant DOC accu-
HPI) in soil pore water DOC and vegetation leachate DOC mulates as a result of slow hydrologic transport out
versus percent total DOC mineralized during one month of the system.
incubations. Gray squares, soil pore waters (means), black
squares, vegetation leachates. The line represents the
linear regression of all points. Soil Pore Water DOC Chemical
Characteristics and Biodegradability
Soil pore water DOC concentrations were generally
DOC collected from black spruce forest soils rang- highest in the wettest sites (Thermokarst Wet-
ing in drainage and permafrost regime was domi- lands > Poorly Drained > Moderately Well
nated by hydrophobic compounds and was Drained > Well Drained), which is likely a result of
K. P. Wickland and others
differences in organic soil layer thickness, water sured for DOC from other terrestrial ecosystems
availability, redox potential, and water residence (Kalbitz and others 2003; McDowell and others
times. Organic layer thickness increases by almost 2006). The relatively low potential biodegradability
tenfold from the Well Drained to the Thermokarst of soil pore water DOC is consistent with the gen-
Wetlands sites, which has two implications for DOC erally low hydrophilic content, as that is regarded
concentrations. First, there is a much larger po- as the most biodegradable fraction (Qualls and
tential DOC source in the sites that have more soil Haines 1992; Jandl and Sollins 1997; Qualls 2005).
organic C (Hope and others 1997). Second, sites Among the sites, Poorly Drained-DOC was the least
with thicker O horizons have comparatively deep biodegradable, and had a significantly longer half-
mineral soil horizons, so pore water DOC must be life than Moderately Well Drained- and Thermok-
transported further to sorb to mineral soils. Shallow arst Wetlands-DOC. The differences in biodegrad-
permafrost further isolates DOC from mineral soils, ability are likely due to a combination of DOC
particularly at the Poorly Drained site, by blocking residence time (that is, age of DOC), extent of prior
vertical transport. Differences in water availability microbial processing, and of source material. Veg-
among the sites may affect DOC concentrations by etation may account for much of the difference in
influencing DOC production (Christ and David DOC biodegradability between the Poorly Drained
1996), and by increasing the potential for OC and Thermokarst Wetlands sites (Table 1). The
compound dissolution. Free soil pore water is primary vegetation at the Thermokarst Wetlands
present at varying depths during the entire snow- site is Sphagnum moss, a source of highly labile DOC
free season at the Thermokarst Wetlands and as shown in this study. The Poorly Drained site has
Poorly Drained sites, and is often present at the comparatively less Sphagnum moss, and it has more
Moderately Well Drained site. However, free soil black spruce trees, which are a source of more re-
pore water is rarely present at the Well Drained site calcitrant DOC (this study). Low oxygen availabil-
except during spring snowmelt before the seasonal ity at the Thermokarst Wetland site may also serve
ice layer disappears. Finally, poor drainage condi- to slow in situ decomposition (Bastviken and others
tions likely result in longer residence times of wa- 2004), resulting in the preservation of more la-
ter, and thus of DOC, at the Thermokarst Wetlands bile DOC compounds. The Well Drained site has
and Poorly Drained sites. Hongve (1999) suggested the highest density of black spruce trees and the
that high DOC concentrations found in poorly least moss cover (Table 1), and thus potentially the
drained peat are due primarily to long water least labile DOC sources. However, the smaller
retention times. DOC pool at the Well Drained site is transient as the
Soil pore water DOC collected from all the sites soils drain quickly after spring thaw, so there may
was highly aromatic and dominated by the HPOA not be the opportunity to accumulate more re-
fraction (Table 2), which is consistent with other calcitrant DOC in soils at this site.
studies of soil pore waters (Guggenberger and Zech
1994; Cronan and Aiken 1985; McKnight and Vegetation Leachate DOC Chemical
others 1985; Qualls and Haines 1991; Michaelson
Characteristics and Biodegradability
and others 1998; Smolander and Kitunen 2002).
Fluorescence analyses further highlight the simi- Soluble OC yields from various boreal forest vege-
larity in DOC chemical characteristics among the tation species ranged from less than 1 to 7% of dry
sites (Table 3). Fluorescence analyses of the DOC litter mass, although these yields are conservative
fractions indicate that there may be differences in as some DOC was likely lost to respiration, espe-
sources and degree of humification of the different cially from the highly biodegradable DOC leach-
fractions (McKnight and others 2001; Ohno 2002). ates. These values are similar in magnitude to DOC
In particular, the FI and HIX values suggest that in yields measured from a wide range of vegetation
soil pore waters the HPOA fraction is strongly de- from very different ecosystems, including subalpine
rived from terrestrial plant sources and has and tropical plant species (Cleveland and others
undergone extensive microbial processing, whereas 2004). The relatively narrow range in DOC yields
the HPI fraction is a mixture of terrestrially- and that we measured from the various vegetation
microbially-derived compounds and is relatively types is in striking contrast to the very broad range
less humified. Comparison of the HIX values of the in potential biodegradability of this DOC, which
HPI fractions from the three sites suggest that this spanned from approximately 10 to 90% DOC loss
fraction is more degraded in Poorly Drained-DOC. over one month. The variability in potential DOC
The range in decomposition rate constants (k1) of biodegradation was highly correlated with the rel-
soil pore water DOC was similar to values mea- ative amounts of hydrophilic DOC in the vegeta-
Dissolved organic carbon in Alaskan boreal forest
tion leachates (Figure 6). Qualls (2005) more nar- certain quinone- and semiquinone-like compo-
rowly defined hydrophilic neutrals as the most la- nents increased in relative abundance. Over time,
bile DOC fraction, and hydrophilic acids as the least the distinct chemical signatures of the fresh vege-
labile. We did not separate the hydrophilic fraction tation leachates became more similar to each other,
into neutrals and acids (the fraction we call HPI and to the chemical characteristics of DOC in the
includes both), and this may explain why some soil pore waters.
leachates, such as P. mariana needles, had a large The transformation of DOC by microbial metab-
HPI fraction but a low potential biodegradability olism may in part explain the absence of significant
(33% DOC as HPI at the start of the incubation, site-dependent and seasonal variability in soil pore
11% total DOC mineralized). Presumably, the HPI water DOC chemical characteristics, and explain
fraction from P. mariana needles was predomi- the distinct differences between vegetation leach-
nantly composed of HPI-acids. This may be the case ates and soil pore water DOC properties (Figure 7).
for the soil pore water HPI DOC as well. For example, mosses may contribute significant
The high potential biodegradability of DOC lea- amounts of DOC to the forest floor (Wilson and
ched from the mosses is opposite of what we ex- Coxson 1999; Moore 2003), but the chemical sig-
pected, based on low decomposition rates reported nature of fresh moss-derived DOC was absent from
for both Sphagnum moss and Hylocomium splendens soil pore waters because much of this DOC is highly
(Hobbie 1996; Aerts and others 1999). Slow labile and disappears on the order of days. Al-
Sphagnum decomposition rates have been attrib- though much of the moss-derived DOC is miner-
uted to low concentrations of nutrients, high con- alized quickly, the microbially altered DOC
centrations of decay-resistant compounds, and the remaining in the leachate resembles the chemical
release of decay inhibitors (Painter 1991; Johnson character of soil pore water DOC. The chemical
and Damman 1993; Verhoeven and Toth 1995; character of the soil pore water DOC also resembles
Aerts and others 1999). However, our results P. mariana bark and twigs leachate DOC, although
demonstrate that DOC leached from some Sphag- this type of biomass is relatively less abundant in
num and feather mosses is highly biodegradable, these sites and has less direct contact with soils than
and results from other studies provide supporting the mosses. Other sources of DOC, including plant
evidence of this. Moore and Dalva (2001) mea- root exudates and microbial enzymes and biomass
sured moderately high rates of CO2 production (Thurman 1985; Guggenberger and Zech 1994),
during incubation of fresh Sphagnum fuscum and likely contribute to soil pore water DOC chemical
Sphagnum magellanicum moss under saturated con- characteristics as well.
ditions. It is possible that DOC leached from the
Sphagnum fueled this respiration. Carlton and Read
(1991) found that Pleurozium schreberi leachate
contained sufficient nutrients to support growth of Boreal black spruce forest soils generally contained
mycorrhizal fungi in pure culture. Therefore, some relatively recalcitrant DOC in their pore waters, al-
mosses contain very labile soluble C compounds, though this was not due to the lack of labile DOC
while at the same time have recalcitrant structural source material. Sphagnum mosses and feathermos-
components. Whether this is the case for most moss ses, which often form continuous groundcover on
species needs to be investigated further. the forest floor, leached DOC that is characterized by
high hydrophilic DOC content and high potential
biodegradability. Most of the moss-derived DOC can
Transformation of DOC Chemistry by
be respired on the order of days, leaving behind more
Microbial Metabolism recalcitrant DOC that has not been consumed, and
The changes in the HPOA:HPI ratios of the vege- DOC from other vegetation, to accumulate in soil
tation leachates (Figure 3B) and the moss leachate pore waters. The chemical nature of DOC from dif-
fluorescence (Figure 5) demonstrate that as DOC ferent vegetation species, rather than differences in
undergoes microbial processing certain compounds the rate of DOC supply, dictates the fate of plant-
are selectively removed while other compounds derived DOC in soils. Drainage condition, which
remain, increasing in relative abundance. Specifi- varies with permafrost depth, appears to be an
cally, the labile HPI fraction was metabolized and important influence on both the size of the DOC pool
decreased in absolute abundance whereas the and of the extent of accumulation of more re-
HPOA fraction became relatively enriched. In terms calcitrant DOC compounds. The biodegradation of
of the fluorescent components, the protein-like plant and litter-derived DOC may be a significant
components were preferentially metabolized while source of heterotrophic respiration in surface soils of
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