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Question: In Bay Area there is an organization called "Lovers of the Stinking Rose," dedicated to
what miracle bulb?
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Question: Which company in 1935 produced the first color photographic film: America's Kodak,
Japan's Fuji, or Germany's Agfa?
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Question: To help make you drowsy in the evening, and to regulate your circadian rhythm, the body
releases what hormone?
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Question: Mosquitoes prefer to bite which of the following: Men, Women, or Both Equally?
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Question: Can you identify any two of the three most popular zoos in the USA, based on number of
visitors in a year?
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SAN DIEGO ZOO /WILD ANIMAL PARK 5 million in 1998 // BUSCH GARDENS in Tampa, Florida 4
Question: There are more species of insects than all other animals, but there are more species of this
insect than any other -- almost half all insects are what kind?
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Question: The body and head of what animal is encased in bony plated armor?
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Question: Which fourteenth century English poet and author of The Canterbury Tales is known as the
father of English poetry?
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Geoffrey Chaucer
Question: The use of canvas as a primary painting surface came of age in which century: 14th, 16th,
or 18th?
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Question: What mean-spirited miser is the main character in Charles Dickens' 1843 novel, A
Christmas Carol?
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Ebenezer Scrooge
Question: a. What Frenchman wrote the 1873 novel Around the World in Eighty Days? b. This writer
is sometimes called
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Question: What were the names of these two popular films: the remake from 1991 of the original
film from 1950, with the same title, which starred Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor as father and
daughter. What's the title?
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Father of the bride
Question: From the computer world: What does the word "modem" abbreviate?
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Question: If the telephone company added one more digit to all the phone numbers in one area code,
how many new phone numbers could potentially be added?
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Question: What prison in France was stormed by the common people on July 14, 1789?
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Question: In 1783, the French brothers Montgolfier helped people go where no one had gone before,
when they invented what?
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Question: BONUS: Presuming she lives that long, in which year would Queen Elizabeth celebrate the
diamond anniversary of her reign?
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>> will give credit for either 2012 or 2013 succeeded to throne 2/6/52; crowned 6/2/53; +60 years
Question: America's (and possibly the world's) first movie review was printed in 1909 in what
prestigious newspaper?
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3 - one ideograph (Kanji) and two phonetic (one squiggly, one long and narrow
Question: Draw a circle. Draw the radius. Make a square out of one of the radii. How many of those
squares do you think would fit inside the circle?
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Question: Which planet has the largest moon: Earth, Jupiter, or Saturn?
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JUPITER, and it's called Ganymede, 3.5 times the volume of Earth's moon
Question: This one time Ivory Soap box model starred in the X-rated film, Behind the Green Door.
Who is it?
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Question: Can you rank these people in order of age, list the oldest first, and the youngest last.
Madonna, / Eddie Murphy / Princess Diana
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MADONNA 8/16/58 - 34 / EDDIE - 4/3/61 - 32 / DIANA 7/1/61 - 31 - correctors: one point for first,
one for last
Question: In the film, Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart used the same line four times. What was that
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Question: The Academy Award winning film from 1937 was based on the life of a 19th Century
French writer who tried to assist that wrongly accused Captain (Dreyfus); the film starred Paul Muni
and was entitled The Life of ... whom?
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Question: "The Simpsons" first appeared in the mid-1980's as a short segment on what woman's TV
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Question: Who was Americas first flapper icon?
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Betty Boop
Question: Identify each of these writers, whose last names begin with the letter C: a. In the 14th
century he wrote The Canterbury Tales b. In the 20th century she wrote Murder on the Orient Express
c. Almost 100 years ago this Russian wrote Uncle Vanya, The Three Sisters, and The Cherry Orchard
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Question: What do we call the food item consisting of toast, ham, poached eggs, and hollandaise
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Question: At 13,528 ft, Kings Peak is the highest point in what state located between Nevada and
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Question: Which country of the world produces the greatest volume of beer per year? Japan, Britain,
Germany, or USA?
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Question: Within about 10%, give the length of the Nile River.
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4,132 miles = margin 3700-4500 miles / 6,650 kilometers 6,650 km (6000-7300 margin)
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CAUCASIANS named after Caucasus Mountains
Question: This river with a short name is the longest river in Italy, flowing 640 km (400 miles) from
Torino towards Venice. What is this river?
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PO River
Question: Twice a year, a survey is taken to determine the cost of living in world cities. According to
the latest results, four of the five most expensive cities in the world are located in two different
countries. Which countries are these?
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JAPAN tokyo 1, osaka 2 / SWITZERLAND zurich 3, geneva 5 and moscow 3 and new york 56th and san
francisco 92nd but many cities tied
Question: If a foreign born person becomes a U.S. citizen, that person receives all the rights and
privileges of natural-born citizens, except for one. What is it?
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Question: Which U.S. city has these three nicknames: air crossroads of the world, Chicago of the
north, largest city in the largest state?
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Anchorage Alaska
Question: The U.S. Constitution was completed and ratified in what year?
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Question: In November, 1992, who was elected as America's first black female US Senator?
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Question: BONUS: What person acted in and co-owned the London theater company known as Lord
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William Shakespeare
Question: December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers made their first flight, in what North Carolina
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Question: The Alamo was a chapel built around 1750 as part of a mission in San Antonio, Texas.
From February 24 to March 6, 1836, 180 people, including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, were killed
there. During which historical event did this occur?
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Question: What is the basic, general difference between libel and slander?
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Question: What is the legal term for a voluntary written statement made under oath?
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Question: What is the name of the classification of crime which is less serious than a felony?
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uestion: As you sit in your stopped car at a railroad crossing, a train travelling at 60 miles per hour
takes twenty seconds to pass you. How many feet long is the train?
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1760 FEET 1 mile per minute, 1/3 mile per 20 seconds, 5280/3 = 1760
Question: What is the smallest positive number which, when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, always
leaves a remainder of 1?
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Question: A helicopter flies over a river at 9:02am and arrives at a heliport 10 miles away at 9:17am.
How many miles per hour was the helicopter traveling?
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Question: If you add the numerical value of all seven Roman numerals, what is the sum?
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Question: The 1989 Oscar-winning best film had the flowery name of a woman in the 3-word title.
What was it?
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Driving Miss Daisy, 1989
Question: What is the title of the satirical film comedy from 2005 in which Aaron Eckhart played the
non-enviable role as the chief spokesman for Big Tobacco?
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Question: I
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Question: Which 16-year old girl, grandniece of Henry VIII, was Queen of England for 9 days in 1553,
then beheaded a year later?
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LADY JANE GREY / Proclaimed queen on the death of Edward VI (July 10, 1553), she was imprisoned
after her short reign, replaced by the popular Mary Tudor, later Mary I, and subsequently beheaded
for treason
Question: Although this person had been already dead for over 25 years, he shared the Grammy
Award for best record in 1991. Who was he?
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Question: When this person retires from his current position in September, he will become the first
African-American to receive an honorary knighthood, bestowed by Queen Elizabeth. Who is he?
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GEN. COLIN POWELL - will retire as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff
Question: I'll give the beginning of each of these phrases. You complete the phrase. a. Alexander
Pope, English poet, said, "Hope springs eternal in " b. Pliny the Roman said, "In Vino Veritas" which
means what?
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Question: On the pedestal of New York's Statue of Liberty appears a sonnet, "The New Colossus,"
which begins... a. "Give me your tired, your poor, your..." what?
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Question: What two French word-phrase describes that beautiful era of artistic and cultural
refinement in France at the beginning of the 20th century?
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Question: Writer John Steinbeck titled which 1939 novel after a phrase from the "Battle Hymn of the
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Question: This southern Russian republic declared its independence four years ago, but had to defend
itself against Russian military troops this year in bloody fighting. Which region is this?
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Question: If, after the Presidential election, no candidate would have a majority of the electoral
votes, how would the President be determined?
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Question: In what year was Edward Kennedy first elected Senator from Massachusetts?
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Question: What term that customers use to order coffee at Tim Hortons was added to the Canadian
Oxford Dictionary in 2004?
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Double Double
Question: What's the brand name of the product, a strong stick with footrests and a heavy spring on
which people can hop around?
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Question: A gold ring that is 50% solid gold and 50% other metals will be rated how many carats?
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(12) - the term carats indicates the proportion of solid gold out of 24 parts
Question: Baskin Robbins Ice Cream makers once tried to produce and market an ice cream product
with what vegetable flavoring?
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KETCHUP, After making several gallons of the stuff, they soon realized it would not sell...
Question: a. What country of Africa has largest population? b. Which one has largest area?
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a. Nigeria b. Sudan
Question: The first brand of mascara for women, in 1915, was named after a woman. What was it?
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Maybelline, who was the sister of T. L. Williams who produced the product
Question: Can you name two very popular stage musicals set in 19th century France?
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Question: Which actress on the TV hit, Friends, had a hairdo which spawned millions of look-alikes
around the world? What was her character's name?
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Question: The first talking picture in Britain was called Blackmail. It was made in 1929, and was
directed by which well-known director?
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Alfred Hitchcock
Question: The British Union Jack can be found in the flag of which US state?
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Question: What is the only month used in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?
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Question: The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is recorded in which book of the bible?
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Question: Which branch of Islam regards Ali and his descendants as the legitimate successors to
Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs.
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SHI'A, Shi'ite
Question: The last book of the New Testament of the Bible, written about 100 years after the birth of
Christ, is sometimes called The Apocalypse. What's the name of this book?
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THE BOOK OF REVELATION Its title comes from the first verse of the text, "the revelation of Jesus his servant John."
Question: The Coptic religion is a Christian minority found mostly in which non-Christian country?
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Question: What is the name of the metallic alloy composed of copper and zinc?
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Question: This chemical element, symbol S, was known to the ancients; it is the brimstone of the
Bible. What is it?
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Question: Until the 18th century, this plant was grown for its beauty, but not eaten, since it was
believed to be poisonous. Today it can be found in tossed salads. Which plant is this?
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Question: In the 1920's, before his discovery of penicillin, Alexander Fleming discovered an antiseptic
bacteria-fighter called lysozime, an enzyme that appears naturally, where in the human body?
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Lyosozime occurs naturally in saliva, human tears, and other body fluids.
Question: Women in sports: a. This runner won 3 gold medals at the 1988 Olympics, including
setting the world records in the 100 and 200 meter runs? b. This speedskater won the 500 meter gold
medal at the 1988 Winter Olympics.
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Question: Born in 1904, this outstanding athlete won 5 Olympic gold medals and set 67 world
records for swimming. He later played Tarzan in numerous jungle adventure films. Who was he?
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Question: Which female runner lost her chance to win a gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics of
1984, when she fell down during the 3,000 meter race?
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Question: In the 1200's the Persians introduced what exciting sport played with an animal, today
played with a ball?
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POLO a goat or small animal is used as the "live" ball that must be transported by horseriders across a
goal line. Still played with live animals today in Afghanistan.
Question: Words beginning with "H" a. As a mineral, salt is known by this name b. A word meaning
an extravagant exaggeration, such as "dying with laughter"
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Question: Name an 11-letter word that begins and ends with UND.
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Question: In what part of speech does a verb end in "ing" to operate as a noun, such as "eating
breakfast" or "answering the phone" or "walking on the moon"?
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