A 648 04a
TABLE 1 Tensile Requirements
Class II Wire Class III Wire
Wire Gage or Decimal Size, Minimum Tensile Breaking Strength, lbf (kN) Minimum Tensile Breaking Strength, lbf (kN)
Fraction, in. in. (mm) Strength,A Strength,A
ksi (MPa) min max ksi (MPa) min max
6 0.192 (4.88) 222 (1530) 6 430 (28.6) 7 300 (32.5) 252 (1740) 7 300 (32.5) 8 170 (36.3)
1/4 0.250 (6.35) 211 (1450) 10 360 (46.1) 11 830 (52.6) 240 (1650) 11 780 (52.4) 13 250 (58.9)
5 / 16 0.312 (7.92) 201 (1390) 15 370 (68.4) 17 660 (78.6) 221 (1520) 16 900 (75.2) 19 190 (85.4)
Based on nominal wire diameter.
A 648 04a
6.4 Torsion Test:
6.4.1 Torsion RequirementsTorsion requirements shall
conform to those prescribed in Table 3 for the specified size
and class.
6.4.2 Number of TestsOne test specimen shall be taken
from each coil. FIG. 1 Acceptable View of the Break Face.
6.4.3 Test MethodConduct the torsion test in accordance
with the following: Use a twist rate of 10 to 30 r/min. Load the wire with an axial force of from 0.5 to 2 %
of the minimum breaking strength of the wire. Use a test specimen length, defined as the distance
between the testing machine jaws, of a minimum of 8 in. (203
mm). Use a minimum number of turns proportional to the
length of the test specimen based upon Table 3. FIG. 2 Visible Longitudinal (Spiral) Splitting After Torsion Testing The test shall be conducted to fracture, defined as
complete separation of the broken ends. The test specimens
shall be inspected for primary break shear area and longitudinal
(spiral) splitting following completion of the torsion test.
(1) Primary Break ShearThe primary break face of the
test specimen shall have a clean, flush, full shear face,
FIG. 3 End View of Offset Longitudinal (Spiral) Split After Torsion
perpendicular to the wire axis (see Fig. 1). Testing
(2) Longitudinal (Spiral) SplittingIf the fractured
specimen shows evidence of a spiral split, either visible
without magnification (see Fig. 2) or by an offset in the wire wiping or light cleaning, shall not be cause for rejection. Coils
surfaces (see Fig. 3) detectable with a fingernail, a retest of that of wire with visible pitting shall be rejected.
coil shall be conducted in accordance with (3). 8.2 The wire shall not have detrimental piping, cross check-
(3) Retest for Splitting in Torsion The retest specimen ing, torn surfaces, chatter marks, splits, die marks, scratches,
shall have a minimum length of 8 in. (203 mm). The retest shall pits, or seams.
consist of twisting the retest specimen proportionally to three 8.3 The wire shall not be kinked, improperly cast, or show
twists per 8 in. (203 mm) specimen length, at which point the a wavy condition.
twisting shall be stopped and the specimen inspected while still 8.4 Each coil shall be one continuous length of wire,
in the torsion machine. A spiral split in this specimen, either properly coiled.
visible without magnification or detectable with a fingernail, 8.5 The wire shall not be oiled or greased.
shall be cause for rejection of the coil.
9. Inspection The tested coil number, specimen length, and total
number of turns shall be recorded. 9.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchasers inspector
6.5 Mechanical Test Results Report The wire manufac- all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being
turer shall furnish a report listing the tensile, reduction of area, produced and furnished in accordance with this specification.
and torsion test results. All tests and inspections may be made at the place of
manufacture prior to shipment and shall be so conducted as not
7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the work.
7.1 The diameter of the wire shall not vary from that
10. Rejection Retesting, and Rehearing
specified by more than 60.002 in. (0.05 mm) in diameter nor
more than 0.002-in. (0.05-mm) out-of-round. 10.1 Failure of any specimen to meet the mechanical
requirements of this specification when tested by the manufac-
8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance turer, except splitting during torsion testing, shall be cause
8.1 The surface of the wire as received shall be smooth and either for rejection of the coil represented by the sample or for
generally free of rust. A light oxidation film that does not cause retesting two additional specimens from that coil. If either
pitting of the wire surface visible to the unaided eye after additional specimen fails the retest for the mechanical require-
ment in which the first specimen failed, the coil in question
shall be rejected. Requirements for retesting coils which split
TABLE 3 Torsion Requirements during torsion testing are described in (3).
Wire Gage or Decimal Size, Class II and Class III min 10.2 Any rejection based on tests made in accordance with
Fraction in. in. (mm) turns per 8 in. (203 mm)
the specification shall be reported to the wire manufacturer
6 0.192 (4.88) 10 within a reasonable period of time. The material must be
1/4 0.250 (6.35) 8
5 / 16 0.312 (7.92) 7 adequately protected and correctly identified in order that the
wire manufacturer may make a proper investigation.
A 648 04a
11. Product Marking and Packaging 11.2 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in
11.1 The size of the wire, purchasers order number, ASTM accordance with the procedures in Practices A 700.
specification and class number, cast or heat number, coil
number, and name or mark of the manufacturer shall be marked 12. Keywords
on a tag securely attached to each coil of wire. 12.1 prestressed concrete pipe; prestressing; steel wire
The following supplementary requirements shall apply when specified by the purchaser order or
S1. Hydrogen Embrittlement Test chemical analyses that conform to the parameters stated in the
S1.1 ResultsFor a single diameter and class of wire, the purchase order and also falling within Chemical Requirements
results of nine hydrogen embrittlement tests performed in listed in Table 2. All wire to be tested shall be manufactured
accordance with Test Method A 1032 shall be submitted to the using the same wire drawing procedure. Each of the test
purchaser. No test shall result in a time-to-failure of less than specimens shall be taken from a different coil of wire.
75 hours. The results shall be derived from tests conducted S1.3 RetestsIf time-to-failure for one specimen from any
anytime within the previous 12 months on wire of the same heat is less than 75 hours, retesting of two specimens taken
diameter and class and made from the same rod source as the from test units from two additional coils from the same rod
wire being furnished. The hydrogen embrittlement test report heat of steel shall be performed. If both retest specimens have
described in Test Method A 1032 shall be submitted to the time-to-failure of 75 hours or greater, those two results shall be
purchaser at the time of delivery of wire or as agreed between reported. If either retest has a time-to-failure less than 75 hours,
purchaser and wire manufacturer. no wire drawn from the failing rod heat of steel shall be
S1.2 Test SpecimensFor a single diameter and class of supplied to purchase orders or contracts requiring these supple-
wire, three wire test specimens shall be taken from each of mentary requirements. Wire samples representing a fourth heat
three different rod heats from the same rod source, having of steel shall be then submitted for testing.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last version (A 648
04) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Sept. 1, 2004.)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last version (A 648 95 (2000)) that
may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2004.)
(1) Revised Table 1 and 5.2. (2) Revised Table 3 and (1), and added a new Figure 1.
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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