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Torts Cases 1-13

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1. Calalas v CA (Torts) In relation thereto, does the principle of res judicata


Calalas v CA. G.R. No. 122039 May 31, 2000 VICENTE RULING:
JUJEURCHE SUNGA and FRANCISCO The issue in Civil Case No. 3490 was whether Salva and
SALVA, respondents. his driver Verena were liable for quasi-delict for the
damage caused to petitioner's jeepney. On the other
FACTS: hand, the issue in this case is whether petitioner is liable
At 10 o'clock in the morning of August 23, 1989, private on his contract of carriage.
respondent Eliza Jujeurche G. Sunga, then a college
freshman majoring in Physical Education at the Siliman Quasi-delict / culpa aquiliana / culpa extra contractual
University, took a passenger jeepney owned and 1. Has as its source the negligence of the tortfeasor
operated by petitioner Vicente Calalas. As the jeepney 2. negligence or fault should be clearly established
was filled to capacity of about 24 passengers, Sunga because it is the basis of the action
was given by the conductor an "extension seat," a
wooden stool at the back of the door at the rear end of 3. doctrine of proximate cause is applicable
the vehicle.
On the way to Poblacion Sibulan, Negros Occidental, the (device for imputing liability to a person where there is
jeepney stopped to let a passenger off. As she was no relation between him and another party, obligation is
seated at the rear of the vehicle, Sunga gave way to the created by law itself)
outgoing passenger. Just as she was doing so, an Isuzu
truck driven by Iglecerio Verena and owned by Francisco Breach of contract / culpa contractual
Salva bumped the left rear portion of the jeepney. As a 1. premised upon the negligence in the performance of a
result, Sunga was injured. contractual obligation
On October 9, 1989, Sunga filed a complaint for 2. action can be prosecuted merely by proving the
damages against Calalas, alleging violation of the existence of the contract and the fact that the obligor
contract of carriage by the former in failing to exercise (here, the common carrier) failed to transport his
the diligence required of him as a common carrier. passenger safely to his destination
Calalas, on the other hand, filed a third-party complaint 3. not available; it is the parties themselves who create
against Francisco Salva, the owner of the Isuzu truck. the obligation and the function of the law is merely to
regulate the relation thus created
DECISION OF LOWER COURTS: In case of death or injuries to passengers, Art. 1756 of
1. RTC Dumaguete rendered judgment against the Civil Code provides that common carriers are
Salva holding that the driver of the Isuzu truck was presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
responsible negligently unless they prove that they observed
It took cognizance of another case (Civil Case No. extraordinary diligence as defined in Arts. 1733 and
3490), filed by Calalas against Salva and Verena, for 1755 of the Code. This provision necessarily shifts to the
quasi-delict, in which Branch 37 of the same court held common carrier the burden of proof.
Salva and his driver Verena jointly liable to Calalas for
the damage to his jeepney. Hence, Vicente Calalas (operator) is liable since he did
2. CA reversed the RTC, awarding damages instead to not exercise utmost diligence.
Sunga as plaintiff in an action for breach of contract of 1. Jeepney was not properly parked;
carriage since the cause of action was based on such
and not quasi delict. 2. Overloading of passengers.
Hence, current petition for review on certiorari.

Whether (per ruling in Civil Case) negligence of Verena
was the proximate cause of the accident negates his 2. MERCURY DRUG CORP. v. BAKING
liability and that to rule otherwise would be to make the GR. No. 156037, May 28, 2007
common carrier an insurer of the safety of its
passengers SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.: (Proximate Cause)

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Sebastian M. Baking went to the clinic of Dr. Cesar Sy 3. SPS. GUANIO VS. MAKATI SHANGRI-LA HOTEL
for a medical check-up. After undergoing an ECG, and
several examininations, Dr. Sy found the respondents G.R. No. 190601 February 7, 2011
blood sugar and triglyceride were above normal. The
doctor then prescribed two medical prescriptions-
Diamicron for the blood sugar and Benalize for his Facts: Petitioner spouses, Luigi M. Guanio and Anna
triglyceride. Respondent then proceeded to Mercury Hernandez-Guanio, booked respondent Makati Shangre-
Drug Alabang to buy the prescribed medicines. The La Hotel for their wedding reception.
sales lady misread the prescription for Diamicron as a
A week before their wedding reception, the hotel
prescription for Dormicum. Thus what was sold was
scheduled a food tasting. Eventually, the parties agreed
Dormicum, a potent sleeping tablet. Unaware of the
to a package where the final price was P1,150.00 per
wrong medicine, he took one pill on three consecutive
days. On the third day he took the medicine, he met an
accident while driving his car. He fell asleep while According to the complainants, when the actual
driving. He could not remember anything about the reception took place, the respondents representatives
collision nor felt its impact. Suspecting the tablet he took, did not show up despite their assurance that they would;
respondent went back to Dr. Sy who was shocked after their guests complained of the delay in the service of the
finding that what was sold was Dormicum instead of dinner; certain items listed in the published menu were
Diamicron. He filed the present complaint for damages unavailable; the hotels waiters were rude and
against petitioner. The trial court favored the defendant unapologetic when confronted about the delay; and
which was affirmed by the CA hence this petition. despite Alvarezs promise that there would be no charge
for the extension of the reception beyond 12:00
ISSUE: Is petitioner negligent, and if so, is the midnight, they were billed and paid P8,000 per hour for
negligence was the proximate cause of the accident? the three-hour extension of the event up to 4:00 A.M. the
next day. They further claim that they brought wine and
HELD: YES. Art. 2176 provide the requisites of liquor in accordance with their open bar arrangement,
negligence: 1. damage suffered by the plaintiff, 2. fault or but these were not served to the guests who were forced
negligence of the defendant, 3. connection of cause and to pay for their drinks. They sent a letter-complaint to
effect between the fault or negligence of the defendant hotel and received an apologetic reply from the hotels
and the damage incurred by the plaintiff. It is generally Executive Assistant Manager in charge of Food and
recognized that the drugstore business is imbued with Beverage.
public interest. Obviously, petitioners employee was
grossly negligent in selling the wrong prescription. They nevertheless filed a complaint for breach of
Considering that a fatal mistake could be a matter of life contract and damages before the Regional Trial Court
and death for a buying patient, the said employee should (RTC) of Makati City.
have been very cautious in dispensing medicines. She
Answering, the hotel said that complainants requested a
should have verified whether the medicine she gave
combination of king prawns and salmon, hence, the
respondent was indeed the one prescribed by the
price was increased to P1,200.00 per person, but
physician. Petitioner contends that the proximate cause
discounted at P1,150.00; that contrary to their claim, the
of the accident was respondents negligence in driving
hotel representatives were present during the event,
his car. Proximate cause is that cause, which in natural
albeit they were not permanently stationed thereat as
and continuous sequence unbroken by any efficient
there were three other hotel functions; that while there
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without
was a delay in the service of the meals, the same was
which the result would not have occurred Proximate
occasioned by the sudden increase of guests to 470
cause is determined from the facts of each case, upon a
from the guaranteed expected minimum number of
combined consideration of logic, common sense, policy,
guests of 350 to a maximum of 380, as stated in the
and precedent. Here, the vehicular accident could not
Banquet Event Order (BEO);2 and the Banquet Service
have occurred had petitioners employee been careful in
Director in fact relayed the delay in the service of the
reading the prescription. Without the potent effect of
meals to complainants father.
Dormicum, a sleeping tablet, it was unlikely that
respondent would fall asleep while driving his car, The RTC, relying heavily on the letter of the hotels
resulting in collision. Petition DENIED. Executive Assistant ruled in favour of the complainants
and awarded damages in their favour.

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The Court of Appeals reversed the decision, noting that delay in service might have been avoided or minimized if
the proximate cause of the complainants injury was the respondent exercised prescience in scheduling events.
unexpected increase in the number of their guests. No less than quality service should be delivered
especially in events which possibility of repetition is
close to nil. Petitioners are not expected to get married
Issue: twice in their lifetimes.

WON Makati Shangri-La Hotel may be held liable

for damages. What applies in the present case is Article 1170 of the
Civil Code which reads:

Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay, and
The Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof,
decision, noting that in this case, the obligation was are liable for damages.
based on a contract, hence, the concept of proximate
cause has no application.
RCPI v. Verchez, et al. enlightens: In culpa contractual x
x x the mere proof of the existence of the contract and
In absolving the hotel from damages, the Supreme Court the failure of its compliance justify, prima facie, a
noted that: The appellate court, and even the trial court, corresponding right of relief. The law, recognizing the
observed that petitioners were remiss in their obligation obligatory force of contracts, will not permit a party to be
to inform respondent of the change in the expected set free from liability for any kind of misperformance of
number of guests. The observation is reflected in the the contractual undertaking or a contravention of the
records of the case. Petitioners failure to discharge such tenor thereof. A breach upon the contract confers upon
obligation thus excused, as the above-quoted paragraph the injured party a valid cause for recovering that which
4.5 of the parties contract provide, respondent from may have been lost or suffered.
liability for any damage or inconvenience occasioned
The remedy serves to preserve the interests of the
promissee that may include his expectation interest ,
Nevertheless, on grounds of equity, the High Court which is his interest in having the benefit of his bargain
awarded P50,000.00 in favour of the complainants and by being put in as good a position as he would have
justified it by saying: been in had the contract been performed, or his reliance
interest ,which is his interest in being reimbursed for
loss caused by reliance on the contract by being put in
The exculpatory clause notwithstanding, the Court as good a position as he would have been in had the
notes that respondent could have managed the contract not been made; or hisrestitution interest, which
situation better, it being held in high esteem in the hotel is his interest in having restored to him any benefit that
and service industry. Given respondents vast he has conferred on the other party. Indeed, agreements
experience, it is safe to presume that this is not its first can accomplish little, either for their makers or for
encounter with booked events exceeding the guaranteed society, unless they are made the basis for action.
cover. It is not audacious to expect that certain
measures have been placed in case this predicament
crops up. That regardless of these measures, The effect of every infraction is to create a new duty, that
respondent still received complaints as in the present is, to make RECOMPENSE to the one who has been
case, does not amuse. injured by the failure of another to observe his
contractual obligation unless he can show extenuating
circumstances, like proof of his exercise of due diligence
Respondent admitted that three hotel functions or of the attendance of fortuitous event to excuse him
coincided with petitioners reception. To the Court, the from his ensuing liability.
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collision occurred. Villagracia sustained serious injuries

as a result, which necessitated his hospitalization
several times in 1989, and forced him to undergo four (4)
4. G.R. No. 130003 October 20, 2004 operations.

JONAS AONUEVO, Petitioner. On 26 October 1989, Villagracia instituted an action for

vs. damages against Procter and Gamble Phils., Inc. and
HON. COURT OF APPEALS and JEROME Aonuevo before the RTC.2 He had also filed a criminal
VILLAGRACIA, Respondent. complaint against Aonuevo before the Metropolitan
Trial Court of Mandaluyong, but the latter was
DECISION subsequently acquitted of the criminal charge.3 Trial on
the civil action ensued, and in a Decision dated 9 March
1990, the RTC rendered judgment against Procter and
The bicycle provides considerable speed and freedom of Gamble and Aonuevo, ordering them to pay Villagracia
movement to the rider. It derives a certain charm from the amounts of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos
being unencumbered by any enclosure, affording the (150, 000.00). for actual damages, Ten Thousand
cyclist the perception of relative liberty. It also carries Pesos (10,000.00) for moral damages, and Twenty
some obvious risks on the part of the user and has Thousand Pesos (20,000.00) for attorneys fees, as
become the subject of regulation, if not by the well as legal costs.4 Both defendants appealed to the
government, then by parental proscription. Court of Appeals.

The present petition seeks to bar recovery by an injured In a Decision5 dated 8 May 1997, the Court of Appeals
cyclist of damages from the driver of the car which had Fourth Division affirmed the RTC Decision in toto6 . After
struck him. The argument is hinged on the cyclists the Court of Appeals denied the Motion for
failure to install safety devices on his bicycle. However, Reconsideration in a Resolution7 dated 22 July 1997,
the lower courts agreed that the motorist himself caused Procter and Gamble and Aonuevo filed their respective
the collision with his own negligence. The facts are petitions for review with this Court. Procter and Gambles
deceptively simple, but the resolution entails thorough petition was denied by this Court in a Resolution dated
consideration of fundamental precepts on negligence. 24 November 1997. Aonuevos petition,8 on the other
hand, was given due course,9 and is the subject of
The present petition raises little issue with the factual this Decision.
findings of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 160,
of Pasig City, as affirmed by the Court of Appeals. Both In arriving at the assailed Decision, the Court of Appeals
courts adjudged petitioner, Jonas Aonuevo ( Aonuevo affirmed the factual findings of the RTC. Among them:
), liable for the damages for the injuries sustained by the that it was Aonuevos vehicle which had struck
cyclist, Jerome Villagracia (Villagracia). Instead, the Villagracia;10 that Aonuevos vehicle had actually hit
petition hinges on a sole legal question, characterized as Villagracias left mid-thigh, thus causing a comminuted
"novel" by the petitioner: whether Article 2185 of the fracture;11 that as testified by eyewitness Alfredo
New Civil Code, which presumes the driver of a motor Sorsano, witness for Villagracia, Aonuevo was
vehicle negligent if he was violating a traffic regulation at "umaarangkada," or speeding as he made the left turn
the time of the mishap, should apply by analogy to non- into Libertad;12 that considering Aonuevos claim that a
motorized vehicles.1 passenger jeepney was obstructing his path as he made
the turn. Aonuevo had enough warning to control his
As found by the RTC, and affirmed by the Court of speed;13 and that Aonuevo failed to exercise the
Appeals, the accident in question occurred on 8 ordinary precaution, care and diligence required of him
February 1989, at around nine in the evening, at the in order that the accident could have been
intersection of Boni Avenue and Barangka Drive in avoided.14 Notably, Aonuevo, in his current petition,
Mandaluyong (now a city). Villagracia was traveling does not dispute the findings of tortious conduct on his
along Boni Avenue on his bicycle, while Aonuevo, part made by the lower courts, hinging his appeal
traversing the opposite lane was driving his Lancer car instead on the alleged negligence of Villagracia.
with plate number PJJ 359. The car was owned by Aonuevo proffers no exculpatory version of facts on his
Procter and Gamble Inc., the employer of Aonuevos part, nor does he dispute the conclusions made by the
brother, Jonathan. Aonuevo was in the course of RTC and the Court of Appeals. Accordingly, the Court,
making a left turn towards Libertad Street when the which is not a trier of facts,15 is not compelled to review

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the factual findings of the lower courts, which following suggests that at the time of the enactment of the Code,
jurisprudence have to be received with respect and are the legislators "must have seen that only motor vehicles
in fact generally binding.16 were of such public concern that they had to be
specifically mentioned," yet today, the interaction of
Notwithstanding, the present petition presents interesting vehicles of all types and nature has "inescapably
questions for resolution. Aonuevos arguments are become matter of public concern" so as to expand the
especially fixated on a particular question of law: application of the law to be more responsive to the
whether Article 2185 of the New Civil Code should apply times.24
by analogy to non-motorized vehicles.17 In the same
vein, Aonuevo insists that Villagracias own fault and What Aonuevo seeks is for the Court to amend the
negligence serves to absolve the former of any liability explicit command of the legislature, as embodied in
for damages. Article 2185, a task beyond the pale of judicial power.
The Court interprets, and not creates, the law. However,
Its is easy to discern why Aonuevo chooses to employ since the Court is being asked to consider the matter, it
this line of argument. Aonuevo points out that might as well examine whether Article 2185 could be
Villagracias bicycle had no safety gadgets such as a interpreted to include non-motorized vehicles.
horn or bell, or headlights, as invoked by a 1948
municipal ordinance.18 Nor was it duly registered with the At the time Article 2185 was formulated, there existed a
Office of the Municipal Treasurer, as required by the whole array of non-motorized vehicles ranging from
same ordinance. Finally, as admitted by Villagracia, his human-powered contraptions on wheels such as
bicycle did not have foot brakes.19 Before this Court, bicycles, scooters, and animal-drawn carts such
Villagracia does not dispute these allegations, which he as calesas and carromata. These modes of transport
admitted during the trial, but directs our attention instead were even more prevalent on the roads of the 1940s and
to the findings of Aonuevos own 1950s than they are today, yet the framers of the New
negligence.20 Villagracia also contends that, assuming Civil Code chose then to exclude these alternative
there was contributory negligence on his part, such modes from the scope of Article 2185 with the use of the
would not exonerate Aonuevo from payment of term "motorized vehicles." If Aonuevo seriously
damages. The Court of Appeals likewise acknowledged contends that the application of Article 2185 be
the lack of safety gadgets on Villagracias bicycle, but expanded due to the greater interaction today of all
characterized the contention as "off-tangent" and types of vehicles, such argument contradicts historical
insufficient to obviate the fact that it was Aonuevos experience. The ratio of motorized vehicles as to non-
own negligence that caused the accident.21 motorized vehicles, as it stood in 1950, was significantly
lower than as it stands today. This will be certainly
Aonuevo claims that Villagracia violated traffic affirmed by statistical data, assuming such has been
regulations when he failed to register his bicycle or compiled, much less confirmed by persons over sixty.
install safety gadgets thereon. He posits that Article Aonuevos characterization of a vibrant intra-road
2185 of the New Civil Code applies by analogy. The dynamic between motorized and non-motorized vehicles
provision reads: is more apropos to the past than to the present.
Article 2185. Unless there is proof to the contrary, it is There is a fundamental flaw in Aonuevos analysis of
presumed that a person driving a motor vehicle has Art. 2185, as applicable today. He premises that the
been negligent if at the time of the mishap he was need for the distinction between motorized and non-
violating any traffic regulation. motorized vehicles arises from the relative mass of
The provision was introduced for the first time in this number of these vehicles. The more pertinent basis for
jurisdiction with the adoption in 1950 of the New Civil the segregate classification is the difference in type of
Code.22Its applicability is expressly qualified to motor these vehicles. A motorized vehicle operates by reason
vehicles only, and there is no ground to presume that the of a motor engine unlike a non-motorized vehicle, which
law intended a broader coverage. runs as a result of a direct exertion by man or beast of
burden of direct physical force. A motorized vehicle,
Still, Aonuevo hypothesizes that Article 2185 should unimpeded by the limitations in physical exertion. is
apply by analogy to all types of vehicles23 . He points out capable of greater speeds and acceleration than non-
that modern-day travel is more complex now than when motorized vehicles. At the same time, motorized vehicles
the Code was enacted, the number and types of vehicles are more capable in inflicting greater injury or damage in
now in use far more numerous than as of then. He even the event of an accident or collision. This is due to a

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combination of factors peculiar to the motor vehicle, diligence and care imposed on motorized vehicles,
such as the greater speed, its relative greater bulk of arising from the special nature of motor vehicle, leads to
mass, and greater combustability due to the fuels that the inescapable conclusion that the qualification under
they use. Article 2185 exists precisely to recognize such higher
standard. Simply put, the standards applicable to motor
There long has been judicial recognition of the peculiar vehicle are not on equal footing with other types of
dangers posed by the motor vehicle. As far back as vehicles.
1912, in the U.S. v. Juanillo25 , the Court has recognized
that an automobile is capable of great speed, greater Thus, we cannot sustain the contention that Art. 2185
than that of ordinary vehicles hauled by animals, "and should apply to non-motorized vehicles, even if by
beyond doubt it is highly dangerous when used on analogy. There is factual and legal basis that
country roads, putting to great hazard the safety and necessitates the distinction under Art. 2185, and to
lives of the mass of the people who travel on such adopt Aonuevos thesis would unwisely obviate this
roads."26 In the same case, the Court emphasized: distinction.

A driver of an automobile, under such circumstances, is Even if the legal presumption under Article 2185 should
required to use a greater degree of care than drivers of not apply to Villagracia, this should not preclude any
animals, for the reason that the machine is capable of possible finding of negligence on his part. While the legal
greater destruction, and furthermore, it is absolutely argument as formulated by Aonuevo is erroneous, his
under the power and control of the driver; whereas, a core contention that Villagracia was negligent for failure
horse or other animal can and does to some extent aid to comply with traffic regulations warrants serious
in averting an accident. It is not pleasant to be obliged to consideration, especially since the imputed negligent
slow down automobiles to accommodate persons riding, acts were admitted by Villagracia himself.
driving, or walking. It is probably more agreeable to send
the machine along and let the horse or person get out of The Civil Code characterizes negligence as the omission
the way in the best manner possible; but it is well to of that diligence which is required by the nature of the
understand, if this course is adopted and an accident obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the
occurs, that the automobile driver will be called upon to persons, of the time and of the place.30 However, the
account for his acts. An automobile driver must at all existence of negligence in a given case is not
times use all the care and caution which a careful and determined by the personal judgment of the actor in a
prudent driver would have exercised under the given situation, but rather, it is the law which determines
circumstances.27 what would be reckless or negligent.31

American jurisprudence has had occasion to explicitly Aonuevo, asserts that Villagracia was negligent as the
rule on the relationship between the motorist and the latter had transgressed a municipal ordinance requiring
cyclist. Motorists are required to exercise ordinary or the registration of bicycles and the installation of safety
reasonable care to avoid collision with bicyclists.28 While devices thereon. This view finds some support if
the duty of using ordinary care falls alike on the motorist anchored on the long standing principle of negligence
and the rider or driver of a bicycle, it is obvious, for per se.
reasons growing out of the inherent differences in the The generally accepted view is that the violation of a
two vehicles, that more is required from the former to statutory duty constitutes negligence, negligence as a
fully discharge the duty than from the latter.29 matter of law, or negligence per se.32 In Teague vs.
The Code Commission was cognizant of the difference Fernandez,33 the Court cited with approval American
in the natures and attached responsibilities of motorized authorities elucidating on the rule:
and non-motorized vehicles. Art. 2185 was not "The mere fact of violation of a statute is not sufficient
formulated to compel or ensure obeisance by all to traffic basis for an inference that such violation was the
rules and regulations. If such were indeed the evil proximate cause of the injury complained. However, if
sought to be remedied or guarded against, then the the very injury has happened which was intended to be
framers of the Code would have expanded the provision prevented by the statute, it has been held that violation
to include non-motorized vehicles or for that matter, of the statute will be deemed to be the proximate cause
pedestrians. Yet, that was not the case; thus the need of the injury." (65 C.J.S. 1156)
arises to ascertain the peculiarities attaching to a
motorized vehicle within the dynamics of road travel. The "The generally accepted view is that violation of a
fact that there has long existed a higher degree of statutory duty constitutes negligence, negligence as a
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matter of law, or, according to the decisions on the In Teague, the owner of a vocational school stricken by
question, negligence per se, for the reason that non- a fire resulting in fatalities was found negligent, base on
observance of what the legislature has prescribed as a her failure to provide adequate fire exits in contravention
suitable precaution is failure to observe that care which of a Manila city ordinance.35 In F.F. Cruz and Co., Inc. v.
an ordinarily prudent man would observe, and, when the Court of Appeals36 , the failure of the petitioner to
state regards certain acts as so liable to injure others as construct a firewall in accordance with city ordinances
to justify their absolute prohibition, doing the forbidden sufficed to support a finding of negligence.37 In Cipriano
act is a breach of duty with respect to those who may be v. Court of Appeals, 38 the Court found that the failure of
injured thereby; or, as it has been otherwise expressed, the petitioner to register and insure his auto rustproofing
when the standard of care is fixed by law, failure to shop in accordance with the statute constituted
conform to such standard is negligence, negligence per negligence per se, thus holding him liable for the
se or negligence in and of itself, in the absence of a legal damages for the destruction by fire of a customers
excuse. According to this view it is immaterial, where a vehicle garaged therein.
statute has been violated, whether the act or omission
constituting such violation would have been regarded as Should the doctrine of negligence per se apply to
negligence in the absence of any statute on the subject Villagracia, resulting from his violation of an ordinance?
or whether there was, as a matter of fact, any reason to It cannot be denied that the statutory purpose for
anticipate that injury would result from such violation. x x requiring bicycles to be equipped with headlights or
x." (65 C.J.S. pp.623-628) horns is to promote road safety and to minimize the
occurrence of road accidents involving bicycles. At face
"But the existence of an ordinance changes the value, Villagracias mishap was precisely the danger
situation. If a driver causes an accident by exceeding the sought to be guarded against by the ordinance he
speed limit, for example, we do not inquire whether his violated. Aonuevo argues that Villagracias violation
prohibited conduct was unreasonably dangerous. It is should bar the latters recovery of damages, and a
enough that it was prohibited. Violation of an ordinance simplistic interpretation of negligence per se might
intended to promote safety is negligence. If by creating vindicate such an argument.
the hazard which the ordinance was intended to avoid it
brings about the harm which the ordinance was intended But this is by no means a simple case. There is the fact
to prevent, it is a legal cause of the harm. This comes which we consider as proven, that Aonuevo was
only to saying that in such circumstances the law has no speeding as he made the left turn, and such negligent
reason to ignore the causal relation which obviously act was the proximate cause of the accident. This
exists in fact. The law has excellent reason to recognize reckless behavior would have imperiled anyone unlucky
it, since it is the very relation which the makers of the enough within the path of Aonuevos car as it turned
ordinance anticipated. This court has applied these into the intersection, whether they are fellow motorists,
principles to speed limits and other regulations of the pedestrians, or cyclists. We are hard put to conclude that
manner of driving." (Ross vs. Hartman, 139 Fed. 2d 14 Villagracia would have avoided injury had his bicycle
at 15). been up to par with safety regulations, especially
considering that Aonuevo was already speeding as he
"x x x However, the fact that other happenings causing made the turn, or before he had seen Villagracia. Even
or contributing toward an injury intervened between the assuming that Aonuevo had failed to see Villagracia
violation of a statute or ordinance and the injury does not because the bicycle was not equipped with headlights,
necessarily make the result so remote that no action can such lapse on the cyclists part would not have acquitted
be maintained. The test is to be found not in the number the driver of his duty to slow down as he proceeded to
of intervening events or agents, but in their character make the left turn.
and in the natural and probable connection between the
wrong done and the injurious consequence. The general This court has appreciated that negligence per se,
principle is that the violation of a statute or ordinance is arising from the mere violation of a traffic statute, need
not rendered remote as the cause of an injury by the not be sufficient in itself in establishing liability for
intervention of another agency if the occurrence of the damages. In Sanitary Steam Laundry, Inc. v. Court of
accident, in the manner in which it happened, was the Appeals,39 a collision between a truck and a privately-
very thing which the statute or ordinance was intended owned Cimarron van caused the death of three of the
to prevent." (38 Am Jur 841)34 vans passengers. The petitioner therein, the owner of
the truck, argued that the driver of the Cimarron was
committing multiple violations of the Land Transportation

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and Traffic Code40 at the time of the accident. Among 2185, for that matter) is undeniably useful as a judicial
these violations: the Cimarron was overloaded at the guide in adjudging liability, for it seeks to impute
time of the accident; the front seat of the van was culpability arising from the failure of the actor to perform
occupied by four adults, including the driver; and the van up to a standard established by a legal fiat. But the
had only one functioning headlight. Similar as in this doctrine should not be rendered inflexible so as to deny
case, petitioner therein invoked Article 2185 and argued relief when in fact there is no causal relation between the
that the driver of the Cimarron should be presumed statutory violation and the injury sustained.
negligent. The Court, speaking through Justice Presumptions in law, while convenient, are not
Mendoza, dismissed these arguments: intractable so as to forbid rebuttal rooted in fact. After all,
tort law is remunerative in spirit, aiming to provide
[It] has not been shown how the alleged negligence of compensation for the harm suffered by those whose
the Cimarron driver contributed to the collision between interests have been invaded owing to the conduct of
the vehicles. Indeed, petitioner has the burden of others.44
showing a causal connection between the injury
received and the violation of the Land Transportation Under American case law, the failures imputed on
and Traffic Code. He must show that the violation of the Villagracia are not grievous enough so as to negate
statute was the proximate or legal cause of the injury or monetary relief. In the absence of statutory requirement,
that it substantially contributed thereto. Negligence one is not negligent as a matter of law for failing to equip
consisting in whole or in part, of violation of law, like any a horn, bell, or other warning devise onto a bicycle.45 In
other negligence, is without legal consequence unless it most cases, the absence of proper lights on a bicycle
is a contributing cause of the injury. Petitioner says that does not constitute negligence as a matter of law46 but is
"driving an overloaded vehicle with only one functioning a question for the jury whether the absence of proper
headlight during nighttime certainly increases the risk of lights played a causal part in producing a collision with a
accident," that because the Cimarron had only one motorist.47 The absence of proper lights on a bicycle at
headlight, there was "decreased visibility," and that the night, as required by statute or ordinance, may constitute
fact that the vehicle was overloaded and its front seat negligence barring or diminishing recovery if the bicyclist
overcrowded "decreased its maneuverability." However, is struck by a motorist as long as the absence of such
mere allegations such as these are not sufficient to lights was a proximate cause of the collision; 48 however,
discharge its burden of proving clearly that such alleged the absence of such lights will not preclude or diminish
negligence was the contributing cause of the injury. 41 recovery if the scene of the accident was well illuminated
by street lights,49 if substitute lights were present which
Sanitary Steam42 is controlling in this case. The bare fact clearly rendered the bicyclist visible,50 if the motorist saw
that Villagracia was violating a municipal ordinance at the bicycle in spite of the absence of lights thereon,51 or
the time of the accident may have sufficiently if the motorist would have been unable to see the bicycle
established some degree of negligence on his part, but even if it had been equipped with lights.52 A bicycle
such negligence is without legal consequence unless it equipped with defective or ineffective brakes may
is shown that it was a contributing cause of the injury. If support a finding of negligence barring or diminishing
anything at all, it is but indicative of Villagracias failure in recovery by an injured bicyclist where such condition
fulfilling his obligation to the municipal government, was a contributing cause of the accident.53
which would then be the proper party to initiate
corrective action as a result. But such failure alone is not The above doctrines reveal a common thread. The
determinative of Villagracias negligence in relation to failure of the bicycle owner to comply with accepted
the accident. Negligence is relative or comparative, safety practices, whether or not imposed by ordinance or
dependent upon the situation of the parties and the statute, is not sufficient to negate or mitigate recovery
degree of care and vigilance which the particular unless a causal connection is established between such
circumstances reasonably require.43 To determine if failure and the injury sustained. The principle likewise
Villagracia was negligent, it is not sufficient to rely solely finds affirmation in Sanitary Steam, wherein we declared
on the violations of the municipal ordinance, but that the violation of a traffic statute must be shown as
imperative to examine Villagracias behavior in relation the proximate cause of the injury, or that it substantially
to the contemporaneous circumstances of the accident. contributed thereto.54 Aonuevo had the burden of
clearly proving that the alleged negligence of Villagracia
The rule on negligence per se must admit qualifications was the proximate or contributory cause of the latters
that may arise from the logical consequences of the injury.
facts leading to the mishap. The doctrine (and Article

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On this point, the findings of the Court of Appeals are contributes proximately to the injury, and not simply a
well-worth citing: condition for its occurrence.61

[As] admitted by appellant Aonuevo, he first saw As between Aonuevo and Villagracia, the lower courts
appellee Villagracia at a distance of about ten (10) adjudged Aonuevo as solely responsible for the
meters before the accident. Corrolarily, therefore, he accident. The petition does not demonstrate why this
could have avoided the accident had he [stopped] finding should be reversed. It is hard to imagine that the
alongside with an earlier (sic) jeep which was already at same result would not have occurred even if Villagracias
a full stop giving way to appellee. But according to bicycle had been equipped with safety equipment.
[eyewitness] Sorsano, he saw appellant Aonuevo Aonuevo himself admitted having seen Villagracia from
"umaarangkada" and hit the leg of Villagracia (TSN ten (10) meters away, thus he could no longer claim not
March 14, 1990 p. 30). This earlier (sic) jeep at a full having been sufficiently warned either by headlights or
stop gave way to Villagracia to proceed but Aonuevo at safety horns. The fact that Aonuevo was recklessly
an unexpected motion (umarangkada) came out hitting speeding as he made the turn likewise leads us to
Villagracia (TSN March 9, 1990 p. 49). Appellant believe that even if Villagracias bicycle had been
Aonuevo admitted that he did not blow his horn when equipped with the proper brakes, the cyclist would not
he crossed Boni Avenue (TSN March 21, 1990 p. 47).55 have had opportunity to brake in time to avoid the
speeding car. Moreover, it was incumbent on Aonuevo
By Aonuevos own admission, he had seen Villagracia to have established that Villagracias failure to have
at a good distance of ten (10) meters. Had he been installed the proper brakes contributed to his own injury.
decelerating, as he should, as he made the turn, The fact that Aonuevo failed to adduce proof to that
Aonuevo would have had ample opportunity to avoid effect leads us to consider such causal connection as
hitting Villagracia. Moreover, the fact that Aonuevo had not proven.
sighted Villagracia before the accident would negate any
possibility that the absence of lights on the bike All told, there is no reason to disturb the assailed
contributed to the cause of the accident.56 A motorist has judgment.
been held liable for injury to or death of a bicyclist where
the motorist turned suddenly into the bicyclist so as to WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The Decision of
cause a collision.57 the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. Costs against
Neither does Aonuevo attempt before this Court to
establish a causal connection between the safety SO ORDERED.
violations imputed to Villagracia and the accident itself.
Instead, he relied on a putative presumption that these
violations in themselves sufficiently established 5. Phoenix Construction v. IAC
negligence appreciable against Villagracia. Since the
onus on Aonuevo is to conclusively prove the link
between the violations and the accident, we can deem At about 1:30 a.m. on November 15, 1975, private
him as having failed to discharge his necessary burden respondent Leonardo Dionisio was on his way home
of proving Villagracias own liability. from cocktails and dinner meeting with his boss. He was
proceeding down General Lacuna Street when he saw a
Neither can we can adjudge Villagracia with contributory
Ford dump truck parked askew, partly blocking the way
negligence.1wphi1 The leading case in contributory
of oncoming traffic, with no lights or early warning
negligence, Rakes v. Atlantic Gulf58 clarifies that
reflector devices. The truck was driven earlier by
damages may be mitigated if the claimant "in
Armando Carbonel, a regular driver of the petitioner
conjunction with the occurrence, [contributes] only to his
company. Dionisio tried to swerve his car to the left, but
injury."59 To hold a person as having contributed to his
it was too late. He suffered some physical injuries and
injuries, it must be shown that he performed an act that
nervous breakdown. Dionision filed an action for
brought about his injuries in disregard of warnings or
damages against Carbonel and Phoenix Insurance.
signs of an impending danger to health and body.60 To
Petitioners countered the claim by imputing the accident
prove contributory negligence, it is still necessary to
to respondents own negligence in driving at high speed
establish a causal link, although not proximate, between
without curfew pass and headlights, and while
the negligence of the party and the succeeding injury. In
intoxicated. The trial court and the Court of Appeals
a legal sense, negligence is contributory only when it
ruled in favor of private respondent.

Page 9 of 31

Issue: the result of other active forces which have gone before.
Even the lapse of a considerable time during which the
Whether the collision was brought about by the way the "condition" remains static will not necessarily affect
truck was parked, or by respondents own negligence liability. "Cause" and "condition" still find occasional
Held: mention in the decisions; but the distinction is now
almost entirely discredited. So far as it has any validity at
We find that private respondent Dionisio was unable to all, it must refer to the type of case where the forces set
prove possession of a valid curfew pass during the night in operation by the defendant have come to rest in a
of the accident and that the preponderance of evidence position of apparent safety, and some new force
shows that he did not have such a pass during that intervenes. But even in such cases, it is not the
night. It is the petitioners' contention that Dionisio distinction between "cause" and "condition" which is
purposely shut off his headlights even before he reached important but the nature of the risk and the character of
the intersection so as not to be detected by the police in the intervening cause.
the police precinct which he (being a resident in the
area) knew was not far away from the intersection. We We believe, secondly, that the truck driver's negligence
believe that the petitioners' theory is a more credible far from being a "passive and static condition" was rather
explanation than that offered by private respondent an indispensable and efficient cause. The improper
Dionisio, i.e., that he had his headlights on but that, at parking of the dump truck created an unreasonable risk
the crucial moment, these had in some mysterious if of injury for anyone driving down General Lacuna Street
convenient way malfunctioned and gone off, although he and for having so created this risk, the truck driver must
succeeded in switching his lights on again at "bright" be held responsible. In our view, Dionisio's negligence,
split seconds before contact with the dump truck. We do although later in point of time than the truck driver's
not believe that this evidence is sufficient to show that negligence and therefore closer to the accident, was not
Dionisio was so heavily under the influence of liquor as an efficient intervening or independent cause.
to constitute his driving a motor vehicle per se an act of The defendant cannot be relieved from liability by the
reckless imprudence. The conclusion we draw from the fact that the risk or a substantial and important part of
factual circumstances outlined above is that private the risk, to which the defendant has subjected the
respondent Dionisio was negligent the night of the plaintiff has indeed come to pass. Foreseeable
accident. He was hurrying home that night and driving intervening forces are within the scope original risk, and
faster than he should have been. Worse, he hence of the defendant's negligence. The courts are
extinguished his headlights at or near the intersection of quite generally agreed that intervening causes which fall
General Lacuna and General Santos Streets and thus fairly in this category will not supersede the defendant's
did not see the dump truck that was parked askew and responsibility. Thus, a defendant who blocks the
sticking out onto the road lane. sidewalk and forces the plaintiff to walk in a street where
Nonetheless, we agree with the Court of First Instance the plaintiff will be exposed to the risks of heavy traffic
and the Intermediate Appellate Court that the legal and becomes liable when the plaintiff is run down by a car,
proximate cause of the accident and of Dionisio's injuries even though the car is negligently driven; and one who
was the wrongful or negligent manner in which the dump parks an automobile on the highway without lights at
truck was parked in other words, the negligence of night is not relieved of responsibility when another
petitioner Carbonel. The collision of Dionisio's car with negligently drives into it. We hold that private respondent
the dump truck was a natural and foreseeable Dionisio's negligence was "only contributory," that the
consequence of the truck driver's negligence. "immediate and proximate cause" of the injury remained
the truck driver's "lack of due care" and that
The distinctions between "cause" and "condition" which consequently respondent Dionisio may recover damages
the 'petitioners would have us adopt have already been though such damages are subject to mitigation by the
"almost entirely discredited. If the defendant has created courts.
only a passive static condition which made the damage
possible, the defendant is said not to be liable. But so far Petitioners also ask us to apply what they refer to as the
as the fact of causation is concerned, in the sense of "last clear chance" doctrine. The common law notion of
necessary antecedents which have played an important last clear chance permitted courts to grant recovery to a
part in producing the result it is quite impossible to plaintiff who had also been negligent provided that the
distinguish between active forces and passive situations, defendant had the last clear chance to avoid the
particularly since, as is invariably the case, the latter are casualty and failed to do so. Accordingly, it is difficult to

Page 10 of 31

see what role, if any, the common law last clear chance of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Dumaguete City,
doctrine has to play in a jurisdiction where the common Branch 41, Negros Oriental, holding petitioner and his
law concept of contributory negligence as an absolute driver Bienvenido Gerosano (Gerosano) liable for
bar to recovery by the plaintiff, has itself been rejected, damages for the injury sustained by Noe Bernardo
as it has been in Article 2179 of the Civil Code of the (respondent Noe). Also assailed is the appellate courts
Philippines. Under Article 2179, the task of a court, in Resolution dated August 16, 20002 denying petitioners
technical terms, is to determine whose negligence - the motion for reconsideration.
plaintiff's or the defendant's - was the legal or proximate
cause of the injury. The relative location in the In the afternoon of October 16, 1982, respondent Noe
continuum of time of the plaintiff's and the defendant's was going home to Dumaguete from Cebu, via Bato and
negligent acts or omissions, is only one of the relevant Tampi. At Tampi, he boarded a Ford Fiera passenger
factors that may be taken into account. Of more jeepney with plate no. NLD 720 driven by respondent
fundamental importance are the nature of the negligent Geminiano Quinquillera (Quinquillera), owned by
act or omission of each party and the character and respondent Cecilia Bandoquillo (Bandoquillo), and was
gravity of the risks created by such act or omission for seated on the extension seat placed at the center of the
the rest of the community. Our law on quasi-delicts Fiera. From San Jose, an old woman wanted to ride, so
seeks to reduce the risks and burdens of living in society respondent Noe offered his seat. Since the Fiera was
and to allocate them among the members of society. To already full, respondent Noe hung or stood on the left
accept the petitioners' pro-position must tend to weaken rear carrier of the vehicle. Somewhere along Barangay
the very bonds of society. Sto. Nio, San Jose, Negros Oriental, between
kilometers 13 and 14, the Fiera began to slow down and
We believe that the demands of substantial justice are then stopped by the right shoulder of the road to pick up
satisfied by allocating most of the damages on a 20-80 passengers. Suddenly, an Isuzu cargo truck, owned by
ratio. Thus, 20% of the damages awarded by the petitioner and driven by Gerosano, which was traveling
respondent appellate court, except the award of in the same direction, hit the rear end portion of the Fiera
P10,000.00 as exemplary damages and P4,500.00 as where respondent Noe was standing. Due to the
attorney's fees and costs, shall be borne by private tremendous force, the cargo truck smashed respondent
respondent Dionisio; only the balance of 80% needs to Noe against the Fiera crushing his legs and feet which
be paid by petitioners Carbonel and Phoenix who shall made him fall to the ground. A passing vehicle brought
be solidarity liable therefor to the former. The award of him to the Silliman University Medical Center where his
exemplary damages and attorney's fees and costs shall lower left leg was amputated.
be borne exclusively by the petitioners. Phoenix is of
course entitled to reimbursement from Carbonel. 18 We Police investigation reports showed that respondent Noe
see no sufficient reason for disturbing the reduced award was one of the 11 passengers of the Fiera who suffered
of damages made by the respondent appellate court. injuries; that when the Fiera stopped to pick up a
passenger, the cargo truck bumped the rear left portion
of the Fiera; that only one tire mark from the front right
wheel of the cargo truck was seen on the road. A sketch
of the accident was drawn by investigator Mateo Rubia
6. G.R. No. 144723 February 27, 2006 showing the relative positions of the two vehicles, their
distances from the shoulder of the road and the skid
LARRY ESTACION, Petitioner, marks of the right front wheel of the truck measuring
vs. about 48 feet.
NOE BERNARDO, thru and his guardian ad litem ARLIE
BERNARDO, CECILIA BANDOQUILLO and On February 18, 1993, respondent Noe, through his
GEMINIANO QUINQUILLERA, Respondents. guardian ad litem Arlie Bernardo, filed with the RTC of
Dumaguete City a complaint3 for damages arising
DECISION from quasi delict against petitioner as the registered
owner of the cargo truck and his driver Gerosano. He
alleged that the proximate cause of his injuries and
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari filed by suffering was the reckless imprudence of Gerosano and
Larry Estacion (petitioner) seeking to annul the Decision petitioners negligence in the selection of a reckless
dated April 17, 20001 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in driver and for operating a vehicle that was not
CA-GR CV No. 41447 which affirmed in toto the decision roadworthy. He prayed for actual damages, loss of

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income, moral and exemplary damages, attorneys fees, 48 feet is visibly imprinted on the road where the incident
litigation expenses and costs of suit. took place indicating that the said vehicle was speeding
fast; that the existence of one tire mark of the cargo
Petitioner and his driver Gerosano filed their truck proved that the said vehicle had a faulty brake,
Answer4 denying the material allegations in the otherwise, it would have produced two tire marks on the
complaint. They, in turn, filed a third party road; and that the photographs taken right after the
complaint5 against respondents Bandoquillo and incident also showed who the guilty party was.
Quinquillera, as owner and driver respectively of the
Fiera. They alleged that it was the reckless imprudence The trial court did not give credence to the argument of
of respondent driver Quinquillera and his clear violation petitioner and his driver that the truck was properly
of the traffic rules and regulations which was the checked by a mechanic before it was dispatched for a
proximate cause of the accident and asked for trip. It found that petitioner is negligent in maintaining his
indemnification for whatever damages they would be vehicle in good condition to prevent any accident to
sentenced to pay. Respondents Bandoquillo and happen; that petitioner is liable under Article 2180 of the
Quinquillera filed their Answer to the third party Civil Code as employer of driver Gerosano for being
complaint asking for the dismissal of the third party negligent in the selection and supervision of his driver as
complaint and for payment of attorneys fees. well as for maintaining and operating a vehicle that was
not roadworthy; and that petitioner and his driver are
Driver Gerosano was charged criminally for reckless solidarily liable for all the natural and probable
imprudence resulting to multiple physical injuries with consequences of their negligent acts or omissions. The
damage to property before the Municipal Circuit Trial trial court dismissed the third party complaint filed by
Court (MCTC) of Pamplona-Amlan and San Jose, petitioner and his driver against respondents Bandoquillo
Negros Oriental. On November 16, 1987, the MCTC and Quinquillera.
rendered its decision6 finding him guilty of the crime
charged and was sentenced to four months and one day Dissatisfied, only petitioner appealed to the CA. On April
to two years and four months and to pay the costs. 17, 2000, the CA rendered the assailed decision which
affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court. Petitioners
On February 18, 1993, the RTC rendered its judgment in motion for reconsideration was denied in a Resolution
the civil case,7 the dispositive portion of which reads: dated August 16, 2000.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is Hence, the herein petition for review.
hereby rendered, ordering defendants Gerosano and
Estacion, to pay plaintiff, jointly or solidarily, the Petitioner submits the following issues for resolution:9
1. 129,584.20 for actual damages in the form of FINDING THAT PETITIONER LARRY ESTACION
medical and hospitalization expenses; EXERCISED THE DUE DILIGENCE OF A GOOD
2. 50,000.00 for moral damages, consisting of mental DESPITE ABUNDANCE OF EVIDENCE TO THAT
anguish, moral shock, serious anxiety and wounded EFFECT;
3. 10,000.00 for attorneys fees; and HOLDING THAT PETITIONER LARRY ESTACION
4. 5,000.00 for litigation expenses. EXERCISED DUE DILIGENCE IN THE SELECTION
The trial court ruled that the negligence of Gerosano,
petitioners driver, is the direct and proximate cause of WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
the incident and of the injuries suffered by respondent EXONERATING RESPONDENTS CECILIA
Noe; that Gerosanos gross negligence and reckless BANDOQUILLO AND GEMINIANO QUINQUILLERA.
imprudence had been confirmed by the Judgment in
Criminal Case No. 463; that based on the findings of the In his Memorandum, petitioner contends that he was
police investigator, the faulty brakes caused the cargo able to establish that he observed the diligence of a
truck to bump the Fiera; that the Traffic Accident Report good father of a family not only in the selection of his
showed that the tire mark of the cargo truck measuring employees but also in maintaining his truck roadworthy

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and in good operating condition; that the CA erred in (1) when the inference made is manifestly mistaken,
exonerating respondents Bandoquillo and Quinquillera, absurd or impossible; (2) when there is grave abuse of
owner and driver, respectively of the Fiera from liability discretion; (3) when the findings are grounded entirely
when their negligence was the proximate cause of on speculations, surmises or conjectures; (4) when the
respondent Noes injuries; that respondent Noes act of judgment of the CA is based on misapprehension of
standing in the rear carrier of the Fiera is in itself facts; (5) when the findings of fact are conflicting; (6)
negligence on his part which was aggravated by the fact when the CA, in making its findings, went beyond the
that respondent Quinquillera overtook the cargo truck issues of the case and the same is contrary to the
driven by Gerosano on the curve and suddenly cut into admissions of both appellant and appellee; (7) when the
the latters lane; that due to the overloading of findings of fact are conclusions without citation of
passengers, Gerosano was not able to see the brake specific evidence on which they are based; (8) when the
lights of the Fiera when it suddenly stopped to pick up CA manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not
passengers; that overloading is in violation of the disputed by the parties and which, if properly
applicable traffic rules and regulations and Article 2185 considered, would justify a different conclusion; and (9)
is explicit when it provides that "unless there is proof to when the findings of fact of the CA are premised on the
the contrary, it is presumed that a person driving a motor absence of evidence and are contradicted by the
vehicle has been negligent if at the time of the mishap, evidence on record.12
he was violating any traffic regulation"; that since the
Fiera driver was negligent, there arises a presumption On the basis of the records of this case, we find that
that respondent Bandoquillo, as owner of the Fiera, is there is cogent reason for us to review the factual
negligent in the selection and supervision of her findings of the lower courts to conform to the evidence
employee; that assuming petitioner Estacion and his on record and consider this case as an exception to the
driver are not entirely blameless, the negligence of general rule.
Quinquillera is sufficient basis why the respective The trial court and the appellate court had made a
liabilities should be delineated vis--vis their degree of finding of fact that the proximate cause of the injury
negligence consistent with Article 217910 of the Civil sustained by respondent Noe was the negligent and
Code. careless driving of petitioners driver, Gerosano, who
Respondent Noe filed his Memorandum alleging that the was driving at a fast speed with a faulty brake when the
first and second issues raised are factual in nature which accident happened. We see no cogent reason to disturb
are beyond the ambit of a petition for review; that the trial courts finding in giving more credence to the
petitioner failed to overcome the presumption of testimony of respondent Noe than the testimony of
negligence thus he is liable for the negligence of his Gerosano, petitioners truck driver.
driver Gerosano; and that the third issue is best The correctness of such finding is borne by the records.
addressed to respondents Bandoquillo and Quinquillera. In his testimony, Gerosano said that he was driving the
Respondents Bandoquillo and Quinquillera failed to file truck at a speed of about 40 kilometers per hour;13 that
their memorandum despite receipt of our Resolution the Fiera was behind him but upon reaching the curve,
requiring them to submit the same. i.e.,after passing San Jose going to Dumaguete, the
Fiera overtook him and blocked his way;14 that he was
We find it apropos to resolve first the third issue 10 meters from the Fiera prior to the impact15 when he
considering that the extent of the liability of petitioner applied the brakes16 and tried to evade the Fiera but he
and his driver is dependent on whether respondents still hit it.17
Bandoquillo and Quinquillera are the ones negligent in
the vehicular mishap that happened in the afternoon of We agree with the trial court and the appellate court
October 16, 1982 where respondent Noe was injured, when they found that the truck was running at a fast
resulting in the amputation of his left leg. speed because if Gerosano was really driving at a speed
of 40 kilometers per hour and considering that the
At the outset, the issue raised is factual in nature. distance between the truck and the Fiera in front was
Whether a person is negligent or not is a question of fact about 10 meters, he had more than enough time to
which we cannot pass upon in a petition for review slacken his speed and apply his break to avoid hitting
on certiorari, as our jurisdiction is limited to reviewing the Fiera. However, from the way the truck reacted to
errors of law.11As a rule, factual findings of the trial court, the application of the brakes, it showed that Gerosano
affirmed by the CA, are final and conclusive and may not was driving at a fast speed because the brakes skidded
be reviewed on appeal. The established exceptions are: a lengthy 48 feet as shown in the sketch of police
Page 13 of 31

investigator Rubia of the tire marks visibly printed on the However, we agree with petitioner that respondent Noes
road. act of standing on the rear carrier of the Fiera exposing
himself to bodily injury is in itself negligence on his part.
Moreover, the photographs taken after the incident and We find that the trial court and the CA erred when they
the testimony of Gerosano as to the extent of damage to failed to consider that respondent Noe was also guilty of
the truck, i.e. the trucks windshield was broken and its contributory negligence. Contributory negligence is
hood was damaged after the impact,18 further support conduct on the part of the injured party, contributing as a
the finding of both courts that Gerosano was driving at a legal cause to the harm he has suffered, which falls
fast pace. below the standard to which he is required to conform for
The accident was further caused by the faulty brakes of his own protection. 23
the truck. Based on the sketch report, there was only It has been established by the testimony of respondent
one tire mark of the right tire of the cargo truck during Noe that he was with four or five other persons standing
the incident which, as testified to by police investigator on the rear carrier of the Fiera since it was already full.
Rubia, meant that the brakes of the truck were not Respondent Noes act of standing on the left rear carrier
aligned otherwise there would be two tire marks portion of the Fiera showed his lack of ordinary care and
impressions on the road.19 Although petitioner contends foresight that such act could cause him harm or put his
that there are other factors to explain why only one skid life in danger. It has been held that "to hold a person as
mark was found at the place of the incident, such as the having contributed to his injuries, it must be shown that
angle and edges of the road as well as the balance of he performed an act that brought about his injuries in
the weight of the cargo laden in the truck, he failed to disregard of warning or signs of an impending danger to
show that indeed those factors were present to prove his health and body.24 Respondent Noes act of hanging on
defense. Such claim cannot be given credence the Fiera is definitely dangerous to his life and limb.
considering that investigator Rubia testified that the body
of the truck was very much on the road, i.e., not over the We likewise find merit in petitioners contention that
shoulder of the road,20 and the road was respondent Quinquillera, the Fiera driver, was also
straight.21 Indeed, it is the negligent act of petitioners negligent. There is merit to petitioners claim that there
driver of driving the cargo truck at a fast speed coupled was overloading which is in violation of traffic rules and
with faulty brakes which was the proximate cause of regulations. Respondent Noe himself had testified that
respondent Noes injury. he was standing at the rear portion of the Fiera because
the Fiera was already full. Respondent Quinquillera
Petitioners claim that right after overtaking the cargo should not have taken more passengers than what the
truck, the Fiera driver suddenly stopped to pick up three Fiera can accommodate. If the Fiera was not
passengers from the side of the road; that the overloaded, respondent Noe would not have been
overloading of passengers prevented his truck driver standing on the rear carrier and sustained such extent of
from determining that the Fiera had pulled over to pick injury.
up passengers as the latters brakelights were
obstructed by the passengers standing on the rear Furthermore, we find that respondent Quinquillera was
portion of the Fiera were not substantiated at all. negligent in allowing respondent Noe to stand on the
Respondent Quinquillera, the driver of the Fiera, testified Fieras rear portion. Section 32(c) of Article III of
that the distance from the curve of the road when he Republic Act No. 4136, otherwise known as "The Land
stopped and picked up passengers was estimated to be Transportation and Traffic Code" provides:
about 80 to 90 feet.22 In fact, from the sketch drawn by
investigator Rubia, it showed a distance of 145 feet from (c) Riding on running boards No driver shall allow any
the curve of the road to the speed tire mark (which person to ride on running board, step board or mudguard
measured about 48 feet) visibly printed on the road to of his motor vehicle for any purpose while the vehicle is
the Fiera. This means that the Fiera driver did not stop in motion.
immediately after the curve as what petitioner claims. Respondent Quinquilleras act of permitting respondent
Moreover, Gerosano admitted that his truck was at a Noe to hang on the rear portion of the Fiera in such a
distance of 10 meters prior to the impact. The distance dangerous position creates undue risk of harm to
between the two vehicles was such that it would be respondent Noe. Quinquillera failed to observe that
impossible for Gerosano not to have seen that the Fiera degree of care, precaution and vigilance that the
had pulled over to pick up passengers. circumstances justly demand. Thus, respondent Noe
suffered injury.25 Since respondent Quinquillera is
Page 14 of 31

negligent, there arises a presumption of negligence on show that he observed all the diligence of a good father
the part of his employer, respondent Bandoquillo, in of a family to prevent damage.26
supervising her employees properly. Such presumption
was not rebutted at all by Bandoquillo. Thus, the CA In Yambao v. Zuniga,27 we have clarified the meaning of
erred in affirming the dismissal of the third party the diligence of a good father of a family, thus:
complaint filed by petitioner against respondents The "diligence of a good father" referred to in the last
Quinquillera and Bandoquillo. paragraph of the aforecited statute means diligence in
Petitioner contends that he was able to establish that he the selection and supervision of employees. Thus, when
exercised the due diligence of a good father of a family an employee, while performing his duties, causes
in the selection of his employees as well as in the damage to persons or property due to his own
maintenance of his cargo truck in good operating negligence, there arises the juris tantum presumption
condition. He claims that in addition to looking at that the employer is negligent, either in the selection of
Gerosanos drivers license, he accompanied the latter in the employee or in the supervision over him after the
his first two trips, during which he ascertained selection. For the employer to avoid the solidary liability
Gerosanos competence as a driver, petitioner being a for a tort committed by his employee, an employer must
driver himself; that the truck driven by Gerosano has rebut the presumption by presenting adequate and
never figured in any accident prior to the incident convincing proof that in the selection and supervision of
involved; that upon his acquisition of the cargo truck on his employee, he or she exercises the care and diligence
March 16, 1982, only 7 months prior to the incident, the of a good father of a family. x x x
same was thoroughly checked up and reconditioned; Petitioners claim that she exercised due diligence in the
and that he had in his employ a mechanic who selection and supervision of her driver, Venturina,
conducted periodic check-ups of the engine and brake deserves but scant consideration. Her allegation that
system of the cargo truck. before she hired Venturina she required him to submit
We are not persuaded. his drivers license and clearances is worthless, in view
of her failure to offer in evidence certified true copies of
Article 2180 of the Civil Code provides: said license and clearances. Bare allegations,
unsubstantiated by evidence, are not equivalent to proof
Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by Article 2176 is under the rules of evidence. x x x
demandable not only for ones own acts or omissions,
but also for those of persons for whom one is In any case, assuming arguendo that Venturina did
responsible. submit his license and clearances when he applied with
petitioner in January 1992, the latter still fails the test of
xxx due diligence in the selection of her bus driver. Case law
Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by teaches that for an employer to have exercised the
their employees and household helpers acting within the diligence of a good father of a family, he should not be
scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former satisfied with the applicants mere possession of a
are not engaged in any business or industry. professional drivers license; he must also carefully
examine the applicant for employment as to his
xxx qualifications, his experience and record of service.
Petitioner failed to present convincing proof that she
The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease
went to this extent of verifying Venturinas qualifications,
when the persons herein mentioned prove that they
safety record, and driving history. The presumption juris
observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to
tantum that there was negligence in the selection of her
prevent damage.
bus driver, thus, remains unrebutted.
As the employer of Gerosano, petitioner is primarily and
Nor did petitioner show that she exercised due
solidarily liable for the quasi-delict committed by the
supervision over Venturina after his selection. For as
former. Petitioner is presumed to be negligent in the
pointed out by the Court of Appeals, petitioner did not
selection and supervision of his employee by operation
present any proof that she drafted and implemented
of law and may be relieved of responsibility for the
training programs and guidelines on road safety for her
negligent acts of his driver, who at the time was acting
employees. In fact, the record is bare of any showing
within the scope of his assigned task, only if he can
that petitioner required Venturina to attend periodic
seminars on road safety and traffic efficiency. Hence,
Page 15 of 31

petitioner cannot claim exemption from any liability When the plaintiffs own negligence was the immediate
arising from the recklessness or negligence of Venturina. and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot recover
damages. But if his negligence was only contributory,
In sum, petitioners liability to private respondents for the the immediate and proximate cause of the injury being
negligent and imprudent acts of her driver, Venturina, the defendants lack of due care, the plaintiff may
under Article 2180 of the Civil Code is both manifest and recover damages, but the courts shall mitigate the
clear. Petitioner, having failed to rebut the legal damages to be awarded.
presumption of negligence in the selection and
supervision of her driver, is responsible for damages, the The underlying precept of the above article on
basis of the liability being the relationship of pater contributory negligence is that a plaintiff who is partly
familias or on the employers own negligence. x x responsible for his own injury should not be entitled to
x28 (Emphasis supplied) recover damages in full but must bear the consequences
of his own negligence. The defendant must thus be held
Petitioner failed to show that he examined driver liable only for the damages actually caused by his
Gerosano as to his qualifications, experience and negligence.32
service records. In fact, the testimony of driver Gerosano
in his cross-examination showed the non-observance of In Phoenix Construction, Inc., v. Intermediate Appellate
these requirements. Gerosano testified that petitioner Court,33 where we held that the legal and proximate
was his first employer in Dumaguete and that he was cause of the accident and of Dionisios injuries was the
accepted by petitioner on the very day he applied for the wrongful and negligent manner in which the dump truck
job;29 that his drivers license was issued in Mindanao was parked but found Dionisio guilty of contributory
where he came from 30 and that while petitioner asked negligence on the night of the accident, we allocated
him about his driving record in Mindanao, he did not most of the damages on a 20-80 ratio. In said case, we
present any document of his driving record.31 Such required Dionisio to bear 20% of the damages awarded
admission clearly established that petitioner did not by the appellate court, except as to the award of
exercise due diligence in the selection of his driver exemplary damages, attorneys fees and costs.
In the present case, taking into account the contributing
Moreover, the fact that petitioners driver Gerosano was negligence of respondent Noe, we likewise rule that the
driving in an efficient manner when petitioner was with demands of substantial justice are satisfied by
him in his first two trips would not conclusively establish distributing the damages also on a 20-80 ratio excluding
that Gerosano was not at all reckless. It could not be attorneys fees and litigation expenses.34 Consequently,
considered as due diligence in the supervision of his 20% should be deducted from the actual and moral
driver to exempt petitioner from liability. In the damages awarded by the trial court in favor of
supervision of his driver, petitioner must show that he respondent Noe, that is: 20% of 129,584.20 for actual
had formulated training programs and guidelines on road damages is 25,916.84 and 20% of 50,000.00 for
safety for his driver which the records failed to show. We moral damages is 10,000.00. Thus, after deducting the
find that petitioner failed to rebut the presumption of same, the award for actual damages should be
negligence in the selection and supervision of his 103,667.36 and 40,000.00 for moral damages or 80%
employees. of the damages so awarded.

Moreover, there was also no proof that he exercised Petitioner and respondents Bandoquillo and Quinquillera
diligence in maintaining his cargo truck roadworthy and are jointly and severally liable for the 80% of the
in good operating condition. While petitioners mechanic damages as well as attorneys fees and litigation
driver testified that he made a routine check up on expenses conformably with our pronouncement in Tiu v.
October 15, 1982, one day before the mishap happened, Arriesgado35 where we held:
and found the truck operational, there was no record of
such inspection. The petitioners, as well as the respondents Benjamin
Condor and Sergio Pedrano are jointly and severally
Turning now to the award of damages, since there was liable for said amount, conformably with the following
contributory negligence on the part of respondent Noe, pronouncement of the Court in Fabre, Jr. v. Court of
petitioners liability should be mitigated in accordance Appeals:
with Article 2179 of the Civil Code which provides:
The same rule of liability was applied in situations where
the negligence of the driver of the bus on which plaintiff

Page 16 of 31

was riding concurred with the negligence of a third party RAKES v ATLANTIC [G.R. No. 1719. January 23, 1907.]
who was the driver of another vehicle, thus causing an M. H., RAKES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. THE ATLANTIC,
accident. In Anuran v. Buo, Batangas Laguna Tayabas GULF AND PACIFIC COMPANY, defendant-appellant.
Bus Co. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, and Metro
Manila Transit Corporation v. Court of Appeals, the bus FACTS:
company, its driver, the operator of the other vehicle and he plaintiff, one of a gang of eight negro laborers in the
the driver of the vehicle were jointly and severally held employment of the defendant, was at work transporting
liable to the injured passenger or the latters heirs. The iron rails from a barge in the harbor to the company's
basis of this allocation of liability was explained in Viluan yard near the malecon in Manila. Plaintiff claims that but
v. Court of Appeals, thus: one hand car was used in this work. The defendant has
proved that there were two immediately following one
"Nor should it make difference that the liability of another, upon which were piled lengthwise seven rails,
petitioner [bus owner] springs from contract while that of each weighing 560 pounds, so that the ends of the rails
respondents [owner and driver of other vehicle] arises lay upon two crosspieces or sills secured to the cars, but
from quasi delict. As early as 1913, we already ruled without side pieces or guards to prevent them from
in Gutierrez v. Gutierrez, 56 Phil. 177, that in case of slipping off. According to the testimony of the plaintiff,
injury to a passenger due to the negligence of the driver the men were either in the rear of the car or at its sides.
of the bus on which he was riding and of the driver of According to that defendant, some of them were also in
another vehicle, the drivers as well as the owners of the front, hauling by a rope. At a certain spot at or near the
two vehicles are jointly and severally liable for damages. water's edge the track sagged, the tie broke, the car
Some members of the Court, though, are of the view that either canted or upset, the rails slid off and caught the
under the circumstances they are liable on quasi plaintiff, breaking his leg, which was afterwards
delict."36 amputated at about the knee.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is PARTIALLY
GRANTED. The assailed Decision of the Court of ISSUE:
Appeals dated April 17, 2000 as well as its Resolution Whether the company is liable
dated August 16, 2000
are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION to the effect that RULING:
the dispositive portion of the Decision dated February Yes. The negligence of the plaintiff, contributing to the
18, 1993 of the Regional Trial Court of Dumaguete City accident, to what extent it existed in fact and what legal
in Civil Case No. 8122, should read as follows: effect is to be given it. In two particulars is he charged
with carelessness:
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is First. That having noticed the depression in the track he
hereby rendered, ordering defendants Gerosano and continued his work; and
Estacion, as well as third party defendants Bandoquillo Second.That he walked on the ends of the ties at the
and Quinquillera, to pay plaintiff, jointly and solidarily, the side of the car instead of along the boards, either before
following: or behind it.
The Court ruled that His lack of caution in continuing at
1. 103,667.36 for actual damages in the form of
his work after noticing the slight depression of the rail
medical and hospitalization expenses;
was not of so gross a nature as to constitute negligence,
2. 40,000.00 for moral damages, consisting of mental barring his recovery under the severe American rule.
anguish, moral shock, serious anxiety and wounded While the plaintiff and his witnesses swear that not only
feelings; were they not forbidden to proceed in this way, but were
expressly directed by the foreman to do so, both the
3. 10,000.00 for attorneys fees; and officers of the company and three of the workmen testify
that there was a general prohibition frequently made
4. 5,000.00 for litigation expenses.1avvphil.net
known to all the gang against walking by the side of the
SO ORDERED." car, and the foreman swears that he repeated the
prohibition before the starting of this particular load. On
7. Rakes v Atlantic (Torts) this contradiction of proof we think that the
preponderance is in favor of the defendant's contention
to the extent of the general order being made known to
the workmen. If so, the disobedience of the plaintiff in

Page 17 of 31

placing himself in danger contributed in some degree to operation, Dra. Gutierrez, the anesthesiologist botched
the injury as a proximate, although not as its primary the administration of the anesthesia causing Erlinda to
cause. go into a coma and suffer brain damage. The botched
operation was witnessed by Herminda Cruz, sister in law
Distinction must be between the accident and the injury, of Erlinda and Dean of College of Nursing of Capitol
between the event itself, without which there could have Medical Center.
been no accident, and those acts of the victim not
entering into it, independent of it, but contributing under
review was the displacement of the crosspiece or the The family of Ramos (petitioners) sued the hospital, the
failure to replace it. this produced the event giving surgeon and the anesthesiologist for damages. The
occasion for damages that is, the sinking of the track petitioners showed expert testimony showing that
and the sliding of the iron rails. Erlinda's condition was caused by the anesthesiologist in
not exercising reasonable care in intubating Erlinda.
1. CIVIL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. In order to Eyewitnesses heard the anesthesiologist saying Ang
enforce the liability of an employer for injuries to his hirap ma-intubate nito, mali yata ang pagkakapasok. O
employee, it is not necessary that a criminal action be lumalaki ang tiyan.
first prosecuted against the employer or his
representative primarily chargeable with the accident. No
criminal proceeding having been taken, the civil action
Diagnostic tests prior to surgery showed that Erlinda was
may proceed to judgment.
robust and fit to undergo surgery.
responsibility of an employer to his employee of a fellow-
servant of the employee injured, is not adopted in The RTC held that the anesthesiologist ommitted to
Philippine jurisprudence. exercise due care in intubating the patient, the surgeon
was remiss in his obligation to provide a good
3. FELLOW-SERVANT RULE. Sua cuique culpa anesthesiologist and for arriving 3 hours late and the
nocet. The doctrine known as the "Fellow-servant rule," hospital is liable for the negligence of the doctors and for
exonerating the employer where the injury was incurred not cancelling the operation after the surgeon failed to
through the negligence of a fellow-servant of the arrive on time. The surgeon, anesthesiologist and the
employee injured, is not adopted in Philippine DLSMC were all held jointly and severally liable for
jurisprudence. damages to petitioners. The CA reversed the decision of
the Trial Court.

ISSUES: Whether or not the private respondents were

8. RAMOS vs. COURT OF APPEALS negligent and thereby caused the comatose condition of
G.R. No. 124354. December 29, 1999.

Ponente: Kapunan
Yes, private respondents were all negligent and are
solidarily liable for the damages.

Erlinda Ramos underwent a surgical procedure to

remove stone from her gall bladder (cholecystectomy).
They hired Dr. Hosaka, a surgeon, to conduct the
surgery at the De Los Santos Medical Center (DLSMC).
Hosaka assured them that he would find a good Res ipsa loquitur a procedural or evidentiary rule which
anesthesiologist. But the operation did not go as means the thing or the transaction speaks for itself. It is
planned, Dr. Hosaka arrived 3 hours late for the a maxim for the rule that the fact of the occurrence of an
injury, taken with the surrounding circumstances, may
Page 18 of 31

permit an inference or raise a presumption of Damages temperate damages can and should be
negligence, or make out a plaintiffs prima facie case, awarded on top of actual or compensatory damages in
and present a question of fact for defendant to meet with instances where the injury is chronic and continuing.
an explanation, where ordinarily in a medical malpractice
case, the complaining party must present expert
testimony to prove that the attending physician was
9. Africa vs. Caltex, 16 SCRA 448

By LLBe:LawLifeBuzzEtcetera
This doctrine finds application in this case. On the day of
the operation, Erlinda Ramos already surrendered her Facts: In the afternoon of March 18, 1948, a fire broke
person to the private respondents who had complete out at the Caltex service station at the corner of Antipolo
and exclusive control over her. Apart from the gallstone St. and Rizal Avenue, Manila. It started while gasoline
problem, she was neurologically sound and fit. Then, was being hosed from a tank truck into the underground
after the procedure, she was comatose and brain storage, right at the opening of the receiving tank where
damagedres ipsa loquitur!the thing speaks for itself! the nozzle of the hose was inserted. The fire spread to
and burned several houses. The owners, among them
petitioner spouses Africa and heirs of Ong, sued
Negligence Private respondents were not able to respondents Caltex Phil., Inc., the alleged owner of the
disprove the presumption of negligence on their part in station, and Mateo Boquiren, the agent in charge of its
the care of Erlinda and their negligence was the operation, for damages. The CFI and CA found that the
proximate cause of her condition. One need not be an petitioners failed to prove negligence of the respondents,
anesthesiologist in order to tell whether or not the and that there was due care in the premises and with
intubation was a success. [res ipsa loquitur applies respect to the supervision of their employees.
here]. The Supreme Court also found that the Issue: Whether or not, without proof as to the cause and
anesthesiologist only saw Erlinda for the first time on the origin of the fire, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur should
day of the operation which indicates unfamiliarity with apply so as to presume negligence on the part of the
the patient and which is an act of negligence and respondents.
Held: Yes. Res ipsa loquitur literally means the thing or
transaction speaks for itself. For the doctrine of res ipsa
The head surgeon, Dr. Hosaka was also negligent. He loquitur to apply, the following requisites should be
failed to exercise the proper authority as the captain of present: (a) the accident is of a kind which ordinarily
the ship in determining if the anesthesiologist observed does not occur in the absence of someones negligence;
the proper protocols. Also, because he was late, he did (b) it is caused by an instrumentality within the exclusive
not have time to confer with the anesthesiologist control of the defendant or defendants; and (c) the
regarding the anesthesia delivery. possibility of contributing conduct which would make the
plaintiff responsible is eliminated. In the case at bar, the
gasoline station, with all its appliances, equipment and
employees, was under the control of respondents. A fire
The hospital failed to adduce evidence showing that it occurred therein and spread to and burned the
exercised the diligence of a good father of the family in neighboring houses. The persons who knew or could
hiring and supervision of its doctors (Art. 2180). The have known how the fire started were respondents and
hospital was negligent since they are the one in control their employees, but they gave no explanation thereof
of the hiring and firing of their consultants. While these whatsoever. It is a fair and reasonable inference that the
consultants are not employees, hospitals still exert incident happened because of want of care. The
significant controls on the selection and termination of negligence of the employees was the proximate cause of
doctors who work there which is one of the hallmarks of the fire, which in the ordinary course of things does not
an employer-employee reationship. Thus, the hospital happen. Therefore, the petitioners are entitled to the
was allocated a share in the liability. award for damages.

Page 19 of 31

10. G.R. No. 73998 November 14, 1988 As prayed for by the plaintiffs counsel, the Court
declared the defendant in default on October 12, 1979,
PEDRO T. LAYUGAN, petitioner, and plaintiff's evidence was received ex-parte on
vs. January 11, 1978 and February 19, 1980. The decision
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, GODOFREDO on behalf of the plaintiff was set aside to give a chance
ISIDRO, and TRAVELLERS MULTI-INDEMNITY to the defendant to file his answer and later on, a third-
CORPORATION, respondents. party complaint.
Edralin S. Mateo for petitioner. Defendant admitted his ownership of the vehicle
Orlando L. Espinas for respondent Travellers Multi- involved in the accident driven by Daniel Serrano.
Indemnity Corp. Defendant countered that the plaintiff was merely a
bystander, not a truck helper being a brother-in-law law
Roberto T. Vallarta for respondent Godofredo Isidro. of the driver of said truck; that the truck allegedly being
repaired was parked, occupying almost half of the right
lane towards Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, right after the
SARMIENTO, J.: curve; that the proximate cause of the incident was the
failure of the driver of the parked truck in installing the
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari are 1) the early warning device, hence the driver of the parked car
decision 1 of the then Intermediate Appellate Court 2 in should be liable for damages sustained by the truck of
AC-G.R. CV No. 01055, entitled "Pedro T. Layugan, the herein defendant in the amount of more than
Plaintiff-Appellee, versus Godofredo Isidro, Defendant- P20,000.00; that plaintiff being a mere bystander and
Appellant and Third-Party Plaintiff-Appellee, versus hitchhiker must suffer all the damages he incurred. By
Travellers Multi-Indemnity Corporation, Third Party way of counterclaim defendant alleged that due to
Defendant- Appellant, "which reversed and set aside the plaintiffs baseless complaint he was constrained to
decision 3 of the Regional Trial Court, Third Judicial engage the services of counsel for P5,000.00 and
Region, Branch XXVI, Cabanatuan City, and also P200.00 per court appearance; that he suffered
dismissed the complaint, third party complaint, and the sleepless nights, humiliation, wounded feelings which
counter claims of the parties and 2) the may be estimated at P30.000.00.
resolution 4 denying the plaintiff-appellee's (herein
petitioner) motion for reconsideration, for lack of merit. On May 29, 1981, a third-party complaint was filed by
the defendant against his insurer, the Travellers Multi
The findings of fact by the trial court which were adopted Indemnity Corporation; that the third-party plaintiff,
by the appellate court are as follows: 5 without admitting his liability to the plaintiff, claimed that
the third-party defendant is liable to the former for
xxx xxx xxx
contribution, indemnity and subrogation by virtue of their
Pedro T. Layugan filed an action for damages against contract under Insurance Policy No. 11723 which covers
Godofredo Isidro, alleging that on May 15, 1979 while at the insurer's liability for damages arising from death,
Baretbet, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, the Plaintiff and a bodily injuries and damage to property.
companion were repairing the tire of their cargo truck
Third-party defendant answered that, even assuming
with Plate No. SU-730 which was parked along the right
that the subject matter of the complaint is covered by a
side of the National Highway; that defendant's truck
valid and existing insurance policy, its liability shall in no
bearing Plate No. PW-583, driven recklessly by Daniel
case exceed the limit defined under the terms and
Serrano bumped the plaintiff, that as a result, plaintiff
conditions stated therein; that the complaint is premature
was injured and hospitalized at Dr. Paulino J. Garcia
as no claim has been submitted to the third party
Research and Medical Center and the Our Lady of
defendant as prescribed under the Insurance Code; that
Lourdes Hospital; that he spent TEN THOUSAND
the accident in question was approximately caused by
PESOS (Pl0,000.00) and will incur more expenses as he
the carelessness and gross negligence of the plaintiff-,
recuperates from said injuries; that because of said
that by reason of the third-party complaint, third-party
injuries he would be deprived of a lifetime income in the
defendant was constrained to engage the services of
sum of SEVENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P70,000.00);
counsel for a fee of P3,000.00.
and that he agreed to pay his lawyer the sum of TEN
THOUSAND PESOS (Pl0,000.00). Pedro Layugan declared that he is a married man with
one (1) child. He was employed as security guard in
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, with a salary of SIX
Page 20 of 31

HUNDRED PESOS (600.00) a month. When he is off- a) To pay the plaintiff SEVENTY THOUSAND
duty, he worked as a truck helper and while working as (P70,000.00) PESOS actual and compensatory
such, he sustained injuries as a result of the bumping of damages;
the cargo truck they were repairing at Baretbet,
Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya by the driver of the defendant. b) TWO THOUSAND (P2,000.00) PESOS for attorney's
He used to earn TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P200.00) to fees;
THREE HUNDRED PESOS (P300.00) monthly, at the c) FIVE THOUSAND (P5,000.00) PESOS for moral
rate of ONE HUNDRED PESOS (Pl00.00) per trip. Due damages; and
to said injuries, his left leg was amputated so he had to
use crutches to walk. Prior to the incident, he supported d) To pay the costs of this suit. On the third-party
his family sufficiently, but after getting injured, his family complaint, the third-party defendant is ordered to
is now being supported by his parents and brother. indemnify the defendant/third party plaintiff-.

GODOFREDO ISIDRO, defendant/third-party plaintiff, a) The sum of FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) PESOS
testified that his truck involved in this vehicular accident for actual and compensatory damages; and
is insured with the Travellers Multi Indemnity Corporation
b) The costs of this suit.
covering own damage and third-party liability, under
vehicle policy No. 11723 (Exh. "1") dated May 30, 1978; The Intermediate Appellate Court as earlier stated
that after he filed the insurance claim the insurance reversed the decision of the trial court and dismissed the
company paid him the sum of P18,000.00 for the complaint, the third-party complaint, and the counter-
damages sustained by this truck but not the third party claims of both appellants. 7
Hence, this petition.
DANIEL SERRANO, defendant driver, declared that he
gave a statement before the municipal police of The petitioner alleges the following errors. 8
Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya on May 16, 1979; that he knew
the responsibilities of a driver; that before leaving, he
checked the truck. The truck owner used to instruct him
to be careful in driving. He bumped the truck being
repaired by Pedro Layugan, plaintiff, while the same was
at a stop position. From the evidence presented, it has
been established clearly that the injuries sustained by 2. WHETHER THE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE
the plaintiff was caused by defendant's driver, Daniel COURT ACTED CORRECTLY IN APPLYING THE
Serrano. The police report confirmed the allegation of DOCTRINE OF "RES IPSA LOQUITUR" WITH
the plaintiff and admitted by Daniel Serrano on cross- PROPER JURIS- PRUDENTIAL (sic) BASIS.
examination. The collision dislodged the jack from the
parked truck and pinned the plaintiff to the ground. As a The crux of the controversy lies in the correctness or
result thereof, plaintiff sustained injuries on his left error of the decision of the respondent court finding the
forearm and left foot. The left leg of the plaintiff from petitioner negligent under the doctrine of Res ipsa
below the knee was later on amputated (Exh. "C") when loquitur (The thing speaks for
gangrene had set in, thereby rendering him itself).<re||an1w> Corollary thereto, is the question
incapacitated for work depriving him of his income. (pp. as to who is negligent, if the doctrine is inapplicable.
118 to 120, Record on Appeal.)
The respondent corporation stresses that the issues
xxx xxx xxx raised in the petition being factual, the same is not
reviewable by this Court in a petition for review by
Upon such findings, amply supported by the evidence on certiorari. 9
record, the trial court rendered its decision, the
dispositive part of which reads as follows: 6 Indeed, it is an elementary rule in the review of decisions
of the Court of Appeals that its findings of fact are
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the defendant is entitled to great respect and will not ordinarily be
hereby ordered: disturbed by this Court. 10 For if we have to review every
question of fact elevated to us, we would hardly have
any more time left for the weightier issues compelling
and deserving our preferential attention.11 Be that as it
Page 21 of 31

may, this rule is not inflexible. Surely there are On the technical aspect of the case, the respondent
established exceptions 12 when the Court should corporation would want us to dismiss this petition on the
review and rectify the findings of fact of the lower court, ground that it was filed out of time. It must be noted that
such as: there was a motion for extension, 19 albeit filed
erroneously with the respondent court, dated March 19,
1) when the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on 1986, requesting for 30 days from March 20, 1986, to file
speculation, surmise, or conjecture; 2) the inference the necessary petition or pleading before the Supreme
made is manifestly mistaken; 3) there is grave abuse of Court". Also, on April 1, 1986, an appearance of a new
discretion; 4) the judgment is based on misapprehension lawyer for the petitioner before the Supreme Court" with
of facts; 5) the Court of Appeals went beyond the issues motion 20 was filed, again erroneously, with the Court of
of the case if the findings are contrary to the admission Appeals, requesting for 20 days extension "to file the
of both the appellant and the appellee; 6) the findings of Petition for Review on Certiorari." Likewise a similar
the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the trial motion 21 was filed with this Court also on April 1, 1986.
court; 7) the said findings of fact are conclusions without On the other hand, the instant petition for review was
citation of specific evidence on which they are based; 8) filed on April 17, 1986 22 but it was only after three
the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the months, on August 1, 1986, in its comment 23 that the
petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondent corporation raised the issue of tardiness.
respondents; and 9) when the findings of fact of the The respondent corporation should not have waited in
Court of Appeals are premised on the absence of ambush before the comment was required and before
evidence and are contradicted on record. due course was given. In any event, to exact its "a
Exceptions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 obtain in the instant case pound of flesh", so to speak, at this very late stage,
to warrant a deviation from the general rule. would cause a grave miscarriage of justice.
Parenthetically, it must be noted that private respondent
From its finding that the parked truck was loaded with Isidro did not raise this issue of late filing.
ten (10) big round logs 13 the Court of Appeals inferred
that because of its weight the truck could not have been We now come to the merits of this petition.
driven to the shoulder of the road and concluded that the The question before us is who was negligent?
same was parked on a portion of the road 14 at the time Negligence is the omission to do something which a
of the accident. Consequently, the respondent court reasonable man, guided by those considerations which
inferred that the mishap was due to the negligence of the ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would
driver of the parked truck.15 The inference or conclusion do, or the doing of something which a prudent and
is manifestly erroneous. In a large measure, it is reasonable man would not do24 or as Judge Cooley
grounded on speculation, surmise, or conjecture. How defines it, "(T)he failure to observe for the protection of
the respondent court could have reversed the finding of the interests of another person, that degree of care,
the trial court that a warning device was precaution, and vigilance which the circumstances justly
installed 16 escapes us because it is evident from the demand, whereby such other person suffers injury.25
record that really such a device, in the form of a lighted
kerosene lamp, was installed by the driver of the parked In Picart vs. Smith, 26 decided more than seventy years
truck three to four meters from the rear of his parked ago but still a sound rule, we held:
truck.17 We see this negative finding of the respondent
appellate court as a misreading of the facts and the The test by which to determine the existence of
evidence on record and directly contravening the negligence in a particular case may be stated as follows:
positive finding of the trial court that an early warning Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use
device was in proper place when the accident happened that reasonable care and caution which an ordinarily
and that the driver of the private respondent was the one prudent person would have used in the same situation?
negligent. On the other hand, the respondent court, in If not, then he is guilty of negligence. The law here in
refusing to give its "imprimatur to the trial court's finding effect adopts the standard supposed to be supplied by
and conclusion that Daniel Serrano (private respondent the imaginary conduct of the discreet paterfamilias of the
Isidro's driver) was negligent in driving the truck that Roman law. The existence of negligence in a given case
bumped the parked truck", did not cite specific evidence is not determined by reference to the personal judgment
to support its conclusion. In cavalier fashion, it simply of the actor in the situation before him. The Law
and nebulously adverted to unspecified "scanty evidence considers what would be reckless, blameworthy, or
on record." 18 negligent in the man of ordinary intelligence and
prudence and determines liability by that.
Page 22 of 31

Respondent Isidro posits that any immobile object along Whether the cargo truck was parked along the road or
the highway, like a parked truck, poses serious danger on half the shoulder of the right side of the road would
to a moving vehicle which has the right to be on the be of no moment taking into account the warning device
highway. He argues that since the parked cargo truck in consisting of the lighted kerosene lamp placed three or
this case was a threat to life and limb and property, it four meters from the back of the truck. 30 But despite this
was incumbent upon the driver as well as the petitioner, warning which we rule as sufficient, the Isuzu truck
who claims to be a helper of the truck driver, to exercise driven by Daniel Serrano, an employee of the private
extreme care so that the motorist negotiating the road respondent, still bumped the rear of the parked cargo
would be properly forewarned of the peril of a parked truck. As a direct consequence of such accident the
vehicle. Isidro submits that the burden of proving that petitioner sustained injuries on his left forearm and left
care and diligence were observed is shifted to the foot. His left leg was later amputated from below the
petitioner, for, as previously claimed, his (Isidro's) Isuzu knee when gangrene had set in. 31
truck had a right to be on the road, while the immobile
cargo truck had no business, so to speak, to be there. It is clear from the foregoing disquisition that the
Likewise, Isidro proffers that the petitioner must show to absence or want of care of Daniel Serrano has been
the satisfaction of a reasonable mind that the driver and established by clear and convincing evidence. It follows
he (petitioner) himself, provided an early warning device, that in stamping its imprimatur upon the invocation by
like that required by law, or, by some other adequate respondent Isidro of the doctrine of Res ipsa loquitur to
means that would properly forewarn vehicles of the escape liability for the negligence of his employee, the
impending danger that the parked vehicle posed respondent court committed reversible error.
considering the time, place, and other peculiar The respondent court ruled: 32
circumstances of the occasion. Absent such proof of
care, as in the case at bar, Isidro concludes, would, xxx xxx xxx
under the doctrine of Res ipsa loquitur, evoke the
In addition to this, we agree with the following arguments
presumption of negligence on the part of the driver of the
of appellant Godofredo Isidro which would show that the
parked cargo truck as well as his helper, the petitioner
accident was caused due to the negligence of the driver
herein, who was fixing the flat tire of the said truck. 27
of the cargo truck:
Respondent Isidro's contention is untenable.
xxx xxx xxx
The evidence on record discloses that three or four
... In the case at bar the burden of proving that care and
meters from the rear of the parked truck, a lighted
diligence was (sic) observed is shifted evidently to the
kerosene lamp was placed.28 Moreover, there is the
plaintiff, for, as adverted to, the motorists have the right
admission of respondent Isidro's driver, Daniel Serrano,
to be on the road, while the immobile truck has no
to Wit: 29
business, so to speak, to be there. It is thus for the
Question No. 8 (by Patrolman Josefino Velasco)Will plaintiff to show to the satisfaction of a reasonable mind
you narrate to me in brief how the accident happens (sic) that the driver and he himself did employ early warning
if you can still remember? device such as that required by law or by some other
adequate means or device that would properly forewarn
Answer: (by Daniel Serrano) vehicles of the impending danger that the parked vehicle
That on or about 10:40 p.m., 15 May 1979 while driving posed considering the time, place and other peculiar
Isuzu truck at Baretbet, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya and at circumstances of the occasion. Absent such proof of
KM 285, I met another vehicle who (sic) did not dim his care, as in the case at bar, will evoke the presumption of
(sic) lights which cause (sic) me to be blinded with negligence under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, on the
intense glare of the light that's why I did not notice a part of the driver of the parked cargo truck as well as
parked truck who (sic) was repairing a front flat tire. plaintiff who was fixing the flat tire of said truck. (pp. 14-
When I was a few meters away, I saw the truck which 17, Appellant's Brief). (Emphasis supplied).
was loaded with round logs. I step (sic) on my foot At this juncture, it may be enlightening and helpful in the
brakes but it did not function with my many attempts. I proper resolution of the issue of negligence to examine
have (sic) found out later that the fluid pipe on the rear the doctrine of Res ipsa loquitur.
right was cut that's why the breaks did not function.
(Emphasis supplied). This doctrine is stated thus: "Where the thing which
causes injury is shown to be under the management of

Page 23 of 31

the defendant, and the accident is such as in the presents evidence as to the specific act of negligence
ordinary course of things does not happen if those who which is the cause of the injury complained of or where
have the management use proper care, it affords there is direct evidence as to the precise cause of the
reasonable evidence, in the absence of an explanation accident and all the facts and circumstances attendant
by the defendant, that the accident arose from want of on the occurrence clearly appear. 43 Finally, once the
care. 33 Or as Black's Law Dictionary 34 puts it: actual cause of injury is established beyond controversy,
whether by the plaintiff or by the defendant, no
Res ipsa loquitur. The thing speaks for itself Rebuttable presumptions will be involved and the doctrine becomes
presumption or inference that defendant was negligent, inapplicable when the circumstances have been so
which arises upon proof that instrumentality causing completely eludicated that no inference of defendant's
injury was in defendant's exclusive control, and that the liability can reasonably be made, whatever the source of
accident was one which ordinarily does not happen in the evidence, 44 as in this case.
absence of negligence. Res ipsa loquitur is rule of
evidence whereby negligence of alleged wrongdoer may The private respondent is sued under Art. 2176 in
be inferred from mere fact that accident happened relation to Art. 2180, paragraph 5, of the Civil Code. In
provided character of accident and circumstances the latter, when an injury is caused by the negligence of
attending it lead reasonably to belief that in absence of a servant or employee there instantly arises a
negligence it would not have occurred and that thing presumption of law that there was negligence on the part
which caused injury is shown to have been under of the master or employer either in the selection of the
management and control of alleged wrongdoer. Hillen v. servant or employee, or in supervision over him after
Hooker Const. Co., Tex. Civ. App., 484 S.W. 2d 133, selection, or both. Such presumption is juris tantum and
155. Under doctrine of "res ipsa loquitur" the happening not juris et de jure and consequently, may be rebutted. If
of an injury permits an inference of negligence where follows necessarily that if the employer shows to the
plaintiff produces substantial evidence that injury was satisfaction of the court that in the selection and in the
caused by an agency or instrumentality under exclusive supervision he has exercised the care and diligence of a
control and management of defendant, and that the good father of a family, the presumption is overcome
occurrence was such that in the ordinary course of and he is relieved from liability. 45 In disclaiming liability
things would not happen if reasonable care had been for the incident, the private respondent stresses that the
used. negligence of his employee has already been
adequately overcome by his driver's statement that he
In this jurisdiction we have applied this doctrine in quite a knew his responsibilities as a driver and that the truck
number of cases, notably in Africa et al. vs. Caltex, Inc., owner used to instruct him to be careful in driving. 46
et al., 35 and the latest is in the case of F.F. Cruz and
Co., Inc. vs. CA.36 We do not agree with the private respondent in his
submission. In the first place, it is clear that the driver did
The doctrine of Res ipsa loquitur as a rule of evidence is not know his responsibilities because he apparently did
peculiar to the law of negligence which recognizes that not check his vehicle before he took it on the road. If he
prima facie negligence may be established without direct did he could have discovered earlier that the brake fluid
proof and furnishes a substitute for specific proof of pipe on the right was cut, and could have repaired it and
negligence. 37 The doctrine is not a rule of substantive thus the accident could have been avoided. Moveover,
law 38 but merely a mode of proof or a mere procedural to our mind, the fact that the private respondent used to
convenience. 39 The rule, when applicable to the facts intruct his driver to be careful in his driving, that the
and circumstances of a particular case, is not intended driver was licensed, and the fact that he had no record of
to and does not dispense with the requirement of proof any accident, as found by the respondent court, are not
of culpable negligence on the part of the party sufficient to destroy the finding of negligence of the
charged. 40 It merely determines and regulates what Regional Trial Court given the facts established at the
shall be prima facie evidence thereof and facilitates the trial 47 The private respondent or his mechanic, who
burden of plaintiff of proving a breach of the duty of due must be competent, should have conducted a thorough
care.41 The doctrine can be invoked when and only inspection of his vehicle before allowing his driver to
when, under the circumstances involved, direct evidence drive it. In the light of the circumstances obtaining in the
is absent and not readily available. 42 Hence, it has case, we hold that Isidro failed to prove that the diligence
generally been held that the presumption of inference of a good father of a family in the supervision of his
arising from the doctrine cannot be availed of, or is employees which would exculpate him from solidary
overcome, where plaintiff has knowledge and testifies or liability with his driver to the petitioner. But even if we
Page 24 of 31

concede that the diligence of a good father of a family

was observed by Isidro in the supervision of his driver, ISSUE: Was defendant in maneuvering the car was
there is not an iota of evidence on record of the guilty of negligence such as gives rise to the civil
observance by Isidro of the same quantum of diligence obligation to repair the damage done?
in the supervision of his mechanic, if any, who would be
directly in charge in maintaining the road worthiness of HELD: YES. The control of the situation pass entirely to
his (Isidro's) truck. But that is not all. There is paucity of the defendant; and it was his duty either to bring his car
proof that Isidro exercised the diligence of a good father to an immediate stop or, seeing that there was no other
of a family in the selection of his driver, Daniel Serrano, persons on the bridge, to take the other side and pass
as well as in the selection of his mechanic, if any, in sufficiently far away from the horse to avoid the danger
order to insure the safe operation of his truck and thus of collision. In doing this, the defendant ran straight on
prevent damage to others. Accordingly, the responsibility until he was almost upon the horse. In view of the known
of Isidro as employer treated in Article 2180, paragraph nature of the horse, there was an appreciable risk that, if
5, of the Civil Code has not ceased. the animal in question was unacquainted with autos, he
might get excited and jump under the conditions which
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The here confronted him. The test of negligence is: Did the
Decision of the respondent court as well as its defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use that
Resolution denying the petitioner's motion for reasonable care and caution which an ordinary prudent
reconsideration are hereby SET ASIDE and the decision person would have used in the same situation? If not,
of the trial court, dated January 20, 1983, is hereby then he is guilty of negligence. The question as to what
REINSTATED in toto. With costs against the private would constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a
respondents. situation must of course be always determined in the
SO ORDERED. light of human experience. Applying the conduct of the
defendant we think that negligence is clearly
established. It goes without saying that the plaintiff was
not free from fault, for he was guilty of antecedent
negligence in planting himself on the wrong side of the
GR. No. L-12219, March 15, 1918
road. But the defendant was also negligent; and in such
case the problem always is to discover which agent is
STREET, J.: (Last Clear Chance) The plaintiff was riding
immediately and directly responsible. It will be noted that
on a pony over a Carlatan Bridge at San Fernando, La
the negligent acts of the two parties were not
Union. Before he had gotten half way across, defendant
contemporaneous, since the negligence of the defendant
approached from the opposite direction in an
succeeded the negligence of the plaintiff by an
automobile, going at about 10-12 miles per hour. He
appreciable interval. Under this circumstances the law is
blew his horn as warning which the plaintiff heard.
that the person who has the last fair chance to avoid the
Having seen the approaching fast-approaching auto, he
impending harm and fails to do so is chargeable with the
pulled the pony up against the railing on the right side
consequences, with reference to the prior negligence of
instead of going left. The bridge is about 75 meters long
the other party. Judgment is REVERSED.
and 4.8 meters wide. The defendant guided the auto to
the left, that being the proper side for the auto, he
assumed that the plaintiff would move to the other side.
The defendant continued to approach without 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ong vs Metropolitan Water District
decreasing the speed. When he had gotten near, there 104 Phil 397 Civil Law Torts and Damages Due
being no possibility of the horse getting across to the Diligence as a Defense Last Clear Chance; when not
other side, he then turned the auto to the right to escape applied
hitting the horse. The horse got frightened and turned its
body across the bridge with its head across the railing. On July 5, 1952, Dominador Ong (14 years old) and his
The auto struck on the hock of the left hind leg of the two brothers went to the swimming pool operated by
horse which was eventually broken. The horse fell and Metropolitan Water District (MWD). After paying the
the plaintiff was thrown off with some violence. The entrance fee, the three proceeded to the small pool.
horse died. The plaintiff received contusions which
caused temporary unconsciousness and required The swimming pools of MWD are provided with a ring
medical attention for several days. CFI of La Union buoy, toy roof, towing line, oxygen resuscitator and a
absolved the defendant from liability. first aid medicine kit. The bottom of the pools is painted
Page 25 of 31

with black colors so as to insure clear visibility. There is able to go to the big pool. He went to the locker and
on display in a conspicuous place within the area certain thereafter no one saw him returned not until his body
rules and regulations governing the use of the pools. was retrieved from the bottom of the big pool. The last
MWD employs six lifeguards who are all trained as they clear chance doctrine can never apply where the party
had taken a course for that purpose and were issued charged is required to act instantaneously (how can the
certificates of proficiency. These lifeguards work on lifeguard act instantaneously in dissuading Dominador
schedule prepared by their chief and arranged in such a from going to the big pool if he did not see him go there),
way as to have two guards at a time on duty to look after and if the injury cannot be avoided by the application of
the safety of the bathers. There is a male nurse and a all means at hand after the peril is or should have been
sanitary inspector with a clinic provided with oxygen discovered; at least in cases in which any previous
resuscitator. And there are security guards who are negligence of the party charged cannot be said to have
available always in case of emergency. contributed to the injury.

Later, Dominador told his brothers that hell just be going

to the locker room to drink a bottle of Coke. No one saw
him returned. Later, the elder Ong noticed someone at
the bottom of the big pool and notified the lifeguard in 13. G.R. No. 188363 February 27, 2013
attendant (Manuel Abao), who immediately dove into
the water. The body was later identified as Dominadors. ALLIED BANKING CORPORATION, Petitioner,
He was attempted to be revived multiple times but of no vs.

The parents of Ong sued MWD averring that MWD was DECISION
negligent in selecting its employees. During trial, the
elder brother of Ong and one other testified that Abao
was reading a magazine and was chatting with a A collecting bank is guilty of contributory negligence
security guard when the incident happened and that he when it accepted for deposit a post-dated check
was called a third time before he responded. Plaintiff notwithstanding that said check had been cleared by the
further alleged that even assuming that there was no drawee bank which failed to return the check within the
negligence on the part of MWD, it is still liable under the 24-hour reglementary period.
doctrine of Last Clear Chance for having the last
opportunity to save the Dominador, its employees failed Petitioner Allied Banking Corporation appeals the
to do so. Decision1 dated March 19, 2009 of the Court of Appeals
(CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 97604 which set aside the
ISSUE: Whether or not MWD is liable for the death of Decision2 dated December 13, 2005 of the Regional
Dominador Ong. Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 57 in Civil Case
No. 05-418.
HELD: No. As established by the facts, MWD was not
negligent in selecting its employees as all of them were The factual antecedents:
duly certified. MWD was not negligent in managing the
pools as there were proper safety measures and On October 10, 2002, a check in the amount of
precautions/regulations that were placed all over the 1,000,000.00 payable to "Mateo Mgt. Group
pools. Hence, due diligence is appreciated as a International" (MMGI) was presented for deposit and
complete and proper defense in this case. Further, the accepted at petitioner's Kawit Branch. The check, post-
testimony in court by the elder Ong and the other dated "Oct. 9, 2003", was drawn against the account of
witness was belied by the statements they have given to Marciano Silva, Jr. (Silva) with respondent Bank of the
the investigators when they said that the lifeguard Philippine Islands (BPI) Bel-Air Branch. Upon receipt,
immediately dove into the water when he was called petitioner sent the check for clearing to respondent
about the boy at the bottom of the pool. through the Philippine Clearing House Corporation

The check was cleared by respondent and petitioner

credited the account of MMGI with 1,000,000.00. On
October 22, 2002, MMGIs account was closed and all
The doctrine of Last Clear Chance is of no application
the funds therein were withdrawn. A month later, Silva
here. It was not established as to how Dominador was
Page 26 of 31

discovered the debit of 1,000,000.00 from his account. within the contemplation of Section 20.312 and it appears
In response to Silvas complaint, respondent credited his that respondent was already contented with the 50-50
account with the aforesaid sum.4 split initially implemented by the PCHC. Finding both
parties negligent in the performance of their duties, the
On March 21, 2003, respondent returned a photocopy of Committee applied the doctrine of "Last Clear Chance"
the check to petitioner for the reason: "Postdated." and ruled that the loss should be shouldered by
Petitioner, however, refused to accept and sent back to respondent alone, thus:
respondent a photocopy of the check. Thereafter, the
check, or more accurately, the Charge Slip, was tossed WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is
several times from petitioner to respondent, and back to hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff Allied Banking
petitioner, until on May 6, 2003, respondent requested Corporation and against defendant Bank of the
the PCHC to take custody of the check. Acting on the Philippine Islands, ordering the latter to pay the former
request, PCHC directed the respondent to deliver the the following:
original check and informed it of PCHCs authority under
Clearing House Operating Memo (CHOM) No. 279 dated (a) The sum of 500,000.00, plus interest thereon at the
06 September 1996 to split 50/50 the amount of the rate of 12% per annum counted from the date of filing of
check subject of a "Ping-Pong" controversy which shall the complaint;
be implemented thru the issuance of Debit Adjustment (b) Attorneys fees in the amount of 25,000.00;
Tickets against the outward demands of the banks
involved. PCHC likewise encouraged respondent to (c) The sum of 2,090.00 as and by way of
submit the controversy for resolution thru the PCHC reimbursement of filing fees, plus the cost of suit.
Arbitration Mechanism.5
However, it was petitioner who filed a complaint6 before
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration14 but it
the Arbitration Committee, asserting that respondent
was denied by the PCHC Board of Directors under
should solely bear the entire face value of the check due
Board Resolution No. 10-200515 dated April 22, 2005.
to its negligence in failing to return the check to
The Board pointed out that what actually transpired was
petitioner within the 24-hour reglementary period as
a "ping-pong" "not of a check but of a Charge Slip (CS)
provided in Section 20.17 of the Clearing House Rules
enclosed in a carrier envelope that went back and forth
and Regulations8(CHRR) 2000. Petitioner prayed that
through the clearing system in apparent reaction by
respondent be ordered to reimburse the sum of
[petitioner] to the wrongful return via the PCHC clearing
500,000.00 with 12% interest per annum, and to pay
system." Respondents conduct was held as a "gross
attorneys fees and other arbitration expenses.
and unmistakably deliberate violation" of Section
In its Answer with Counterclaims,9 respondent charged 20.2,16 in relation to Section 20.1(e) of the CHRR 2000.17
petitioner with gross negligence for accepting the post-
On May 13, 2005, respondent filed a petition for
dated check in the first place. It contended that
review18 in the RTC claiming that PCHC erred in
petitioners admitted negligence was the sole and
constricting the return of a post-dated check to Section
proximate cause of the loss.
20.1, overlooking the fact that Section 20.3 is also
On December 8, 2004, the Arbitration Committee applicable which provision necessarily contemplates
rendered its Decision10 in favor of petitioner and against defects that are referred to in Section 20.1 as both
the respondent. First, it ruled that the situation of the sections are subsumed under the general provision
parties does not involve a "Ping-Pong" controversy since (Section 20) on the return of regular items. Respondent
the subject check was neither returned within the also argued that assuming it to be liable, the PCHC
reglementary time or through the PCHC return window, erred in holding it solely responsible and should bear
nor coursed through the clearing facilities of the PCHC. entirely the consequent loss considering that while
respondent may have the "last" opportunity in proximity,
As to respondents direct presentation of a photocopy of it was petitioner which had the longest, fairest and
the subject check, it was declared to be without legal clearest chance to discover the mistake and avoid the
basis because Section 21.111 of the CHRR 2000 does happening of the loss. Lastly, respondent assailed the
not apply to post-dated checks. The Arbitration award of attorneys fees, arguing that PCHCs
Committee further noted that respondent not only failed perception of "malice" against it and misuse of the
to return the check within the 24-hour reglementary clearing machinery is clearly baseless and unfounded.
period, it also failed to institute any formal complaint
Page 27 of 31

In its Decision dated December 13, 2005, the RTC conceded that the drawee bank has a bigger
affirmed with modification the Arbitration Committees responsibility in the clearing of checks, it declared that
decision by deleting the award of attorneys fees. The the presenting bank cannot take lightly its obligation to
RTC found no merit in respondents stance that through make sure that only valid checks are introduced into the
inadvertence it failed to discover that the check was clearing system. According to the CA, considerations of
post-dated and that confirmation within 24 hours is often public policy and substantial justice will be served by
"elusive if not outright impossible" because a drawee allocating the damage on a 60-40 ratio, as it thus
bank receives hundreds if not thousands of checks in an decreed:
ordinary clearing day. Thus:
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court
Petitioner admitted par. 4 in its Answer with of Makati City (Branch 57) dated December 13, 2005 is
Counterclaim and in its Memorandum, further adding ANNULLED and SET ASIDE and judgment is rendered
that upon receipt of the subject check "through ordering petitioner to pay respondent Allied Banking
inadvertence", it did not notice that the check was Corporation the sum of 100,000.00 plus interest
postdated, hence, petitioner did not return the same to thereon at the rate of 6% from July 10, 2003, which shall
respondent." become 12% per annum from finality hereof, until fully
paid, aside from costs.
These contradict petitioners belated contention that it
discovered the defect only after the lapse of the SO ORDERED.20
reglementary period. What the evidence on record
discloses is that petitioner received the check on Its motion for reconsideration having been denied by the
October 10, 2002, that it was promptly sent for clearing, CA, petitioner is now before the Court seeking a partial
that through inadvertence, it did not notice that the check reversal of the CAs decision and affirmance of the
was postdated. Petitioner did not even state when it December 13, 2005 Decision of the RTC.
discovered the defect in the subject check. Essentially, the two issues for resolution are: (1) whether
Likewise, petitioners contention that its discovery of the the doctrine of last clear chance applies in this case; and
defect was a non-issue in view of the admissions made (2) whether the 60-40 apportionment of loss ordered by
in its Answer is unavailing. The Court has noted the fact the CA was justified.
that the PCHC Arbitration Committee conducted a As well established by the records, both petitioner and
clarificatory hearing during which petitioner admitted that respondent were admittedly negligent in the encashment
its standard operating procedure as regards confirmation of a check post-dated one year from its presentment.
of checks was not followed. No less than petitioners
witness admitted that BPI tried to call up the drawer of Petitioner argues that the CA should have sustained
the check, as their procedure dictates when it comes to PCHCs finding that despite the antecedent negligence
checks in large amounts. However, having initially failed of petitioner in accepting the postdated check for
to contact the drawer, no follow up calls were made nor deposit, respondent, by exercising reasonable care and
other actions taken. Despite these, petitioner cleared the prudence, might have avoided injurious consequences
check. Having admitted making said calls, it is simply had it not negligently cleared the check in question. It
impossible for petitioner to have missed the fact that the pointed out that in applying the doctrine of last clear
check was postdated.19 (Emphasis supplied) chance, the PCHC cited the case of Philippine Bank of
Commerce v. Court of Appeals21 which ruled that
With the denial of its motion for partial reconsideration, assuming the banks depositor, private respondent, was
respondent elevated the case to the CA by filing a negligent in entrusting cash to a dishonest employee,
petition for review under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of thus providing the latter with the opportunity to defraud
Civil Procedure, as amended. the company, it cannot be denied that petitioner bank
By Decision dated March 19, 2009, the CA set aside the had the last clear opportunity to avert the injury incurred
RTC judgment and ruled for a 60-40 sharing of the loss by its client, simply by faithfully observing their self-
as it found petitioner guilty of contributory negligence in imposed validation procedure.
accepting what is clearly a post-dated check. The CA Petitioner underscores respondents failure to observe
found that petitioners failure to notice the irregularity on clearing house rules and its own standard operating
the face of the check was a breach of its duty to the procedure which, the PCHC said constitute further
public and a telling sign of its lack of due diligence in negligence so much so that respondent should be solely
handling checks coursed through it. While the CA liable for the loss. Specifically, respondent failed to
Page 28 of 31

return the subject check within the 24-hour reglementary the injury incurred by its client simply by faithfully
period under Section 20.1 and to institute any formal observing its own validation procedure, it nevertheless
complaint within the contemplation of Section 20.3 of the ruled that the plaintiff depositor (private respondent)
CHRR 2000. The PCHC likewise faulted respondent for must share in the loss on account of its contributory
not making follow-up calls or taking any other action negligence. Thus:
after it initially attempted, without success, to contact by
telephone the drawer of the check, and clearing the The foregoing notwithstanding, it cannot be denied that,
check despite such lack of confirmation from its indeed, private respondent was likewise negligent in not
depositor in violation of its own standard procedure for checking its monthly statements of account. Had it done
checks involving large amounts. so, the company would have been alerted to the series
of frauds being committed against RMC by its secretary.
The doctrine of last clear chance, stated broadly, is that The damage would definitely not have ballooned to such
the negligence of the plaintiff does not preclude a an amount if only RMC, particularly Romeo Lipana, had
recovery for the negligence of the defendant where it exercised even a little vigilance in their financial
appears that the defendant, by exercising reasonable affairs. This omission by RMC amounts to contributory
care and prudence, might have avoided injurious negligence which shall mitigate the damages that may
consequences to the plaintiff notwithstanding the be awarded to the private respondent under Article 2179
plaintiffs negligence.22The doctrine necessarily assumes of the New Civil Code, to wit:
negligence on the part of the defendant and contributory
negligence on the part of the plaintiff, and does not apply "x x x. When the plaintiffs own negligence was the
except upon that assumption.23 Stated differently, the immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot
antecedent negligence of the plaintiff does not preclude recover damages. But if his negligence was only
him from recovering damages caused by the contributory, the immediate and proximate cause of the
supervening negligence of the defendant, who had the injury being the defendant's lack of due care, the plaintiff
last fair chance to prevent the impending harm by the may recover damages, but the courts shall mitigate the
exercise of due diligence.24Moreover, in situations where damages to be awarded."
the doctrine has been applied, it was defendants failure In view of this, we believe that the demands of
to exercise such ordinary care, having the last clear substantial justice are satisfied by allocating the damage
chance to avoid loss or injury, which was the proximate on a 60-40 ratio. Thus, 40% of the damage awarded by
cause of the occurrence of such loss or injury.25 the respondent appellate court, except the award of
In this case, the evidence clearly shows that the 25,000.00 attorneys fees, shall be borne by private
proximate cause of the unwarranted encashment of the respondent RMC; only the balance of 60% needs to be
subject check was the negligence of respondent who paid by the petitioners. The award of attorneys fees
cleared a post-dated check sent to it thru the PCHC shall be borne exclusively by the petitioners.27 (Italics in
clearing facility without observing its own verification the original; emphasis supplied)
procedure. As correctly found by the PCHC and upheld In another earlier case,28 the Court refused to hold
by the RTC, if only respondent exercised ordinary care petitioner bank solely liable for the loss notwithstanding
in the clearing process, it could have easily noticed the the finding that the proximate cause of the loss was due
glaring defect upon seeing the date written on the face of to its negligence. Since the employees of private
the check "Oct. 9, 2003". Respondent could have then respondent bank were likewise found negligent, its claim
promptly returned the check and with the check thus for damages is subject to mitigation by the courts. Thus:
dishonored, petitioner would have not credited the
amount thereof to the payees account. Thus, Both banks were negligent in the selection and
notwithstanding the antecedent negligence of the supervision of their employees resulting in the
petitioner in accepting the post-dated check for deposit, encashment of the forged checks by an impostor. Both
it can seek reimbursement from respondent the amount banks were not able to overcome the presumption of
credited to the payees account covering the check. negligence in the selection and supervision of their
employees. It was the gross negligence of the
What petitioner omitted to mention is that in the cited employees of both banks which resulted in the fraud and
case of Philippine Bank of Commerce v. Court of the subsequent loss. While it is true that petitioner BPIs
Appeals,26while the Court found petitioner bank as the negligence may have been the proximate cause of the
culpable party under the doctrine of last clear chance loss, respondent CBCs negligence contributed equally
since it had, thru its teller, the last opportunity to avert to the success of the impostor in encashing the
Page 29 of 31

proceeds of the forged checks. Under these Following established jurisprudential precedents, we
circumstances, we apply Article 2179 of the Civil Code to believe the allocation of sixty percent (60%) of the actual
the effect that while respondent CBC may recover its damages involved in this case (represented by the
losses, such losses are subject to mitigation by the amount of the checks with legal interest) to petitioner is
courts. x x x proper under the premises. Respondent should, in light
of its contributory negligence, bear forty percent (40%) of
Considering the comparative negligence of the two (2) its own loss.31 (Emphasis supplied)
banks, we rule that the demands of substantial justice
are satisfied by allocating the loss of 2,413,215.16 and In Philippine National Bank v. F.F. Cruz and Co.,
the costs of the arbitration proceedings in the amount of Inc.,32 the Court made a similar disposition, thus:
7,250.00 and the costs of litigation on a 60-40 ratio.
Conformably with this ruling, no interests and attorneys Given the foregoing, we find no reversible error in the
fees can be awarded to either of the findings of the appellate court that PNB was negligent in
parties.29 (Emphasis supplied) the handling of FFCCIs combo account, specifically,
with respect to PNBs failure to detect the forgeries in the
Apportionment of damages between parties who are subject applications for managers check which could
both negligent was followed in subsequent cases have prevented the loss. x x x PNB failed to meet the
involving banking transactions notwithstanding the high standard of diligence required by the circumstances
courts finding that one of them had the last clear to prevent the fraud. In Philippine Bank of Commerce v.
opportunity to avoid the occurrence of the loss. Court of Appeals and The Consolidated Bank & Trust
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, where the banks
In Bank of America NT & SA v. Philippine Racing negligence is the proximate cause of the loss and the
Club,30 the Court ruled: depositor is guilty of contributory negligence, we
In the case at bar, petitioner cannot evade responsibility allocated the damages between the bank and the
for the loss by attributing negligence on the part of depositor on a 60-40 ratio. We apply the same ruling in
respondent because, even if we concur that the latter this case considering that, as shown above, PNBs
was indeed negligent in pre-signing blank checks, the negligence is the proximate cause of the loss while the
former had the last clear chance to avoid the loss. To issue as to FFCCIs contributory negligence has been
reiterate, petitioners own operations manager admitted settled with finality in G.R. No. 173278. Thus, the
that they could have called up the client for verification or appellate court properly adjudged PNB to bear the
confirmation before honoring the dubious checks. Verily, greater part of the loss consistent with these rulings.33
petitioner had the final opportunity to avert the injury that "Contributory negligence is conduct on the part of the
befell the respondent. x x x Petitioners negligence has injured party, contributing as a legal cause to the harm
been undoubtedly established and, thus, pursuant to Art. he has suffered, which falls below the standard to which
1170 of the NCC, it must suffer the consequence of said he is required to conform for his own
negligence. protection."34 Admittedly, petitioners acceptance of the
In the interest of fairness, however, we believe it is subject check for deposit despite the one year postdate
proper to consider respondents own negligence to written on its face was a clear violation of established
mitigate petitioners liability.1wphi1 Article 2179 of the banking regulations and practices. In such instances,
Civil Code provides: payment should be refused by the drawee bank and
returned through the PCHC within the 24-hour
xxxx reglementary period. As aptly observed by the CA,
petitioners failure to comply with this basic policy
Explaining this provision in Lambert v. Heirs of Ray
regarding post-dated checks was "a telling sign of its
Castillon, the Court held:
lack of due diligence in handling checks coursed through
"The underlying precept on contributory negligence is it."35
that a plaintiff who is partly responsible for his own injury
It bears stressing that "the diligence required of banks is
should not be entitled to recover damages in full but
more than that of a Roman paterfamilias or a good father
must bear the consequences of his own negligence. The
of a family. The highest degree of diligence is
defendant must thus be held liable only for the damages
expected,"36 considering the nature of the banking
actually caused by his negligence. xxx xxx xxx"
business that is imbued with public interest. While it is
xxxx true that respondent's liability for its negligent clearing of
the check is greater, petitioner cannot take lightly its own
Page 30 of 31

violation of the long-standing rule against encashment of

post-dated checks and the injurious consequences of
allowing such checks into the clearing system.

Petitioner repeatedly harps on respondent's

transgression of clearing house rules when the latter
resorted to direct presentment way beyond the
reglementary period but glosses over its own negligent
act that clearly fell short of the conduct expected of it as
a collecting bank. Petitioner must bear the
consequences of its omission to exercise extraordinary
diligence in scrutinizing checks presented by its

Assessing the facts and in the light of the cited

precedents, the Court thus finds no error committed by
the CA in allocating the resulting loss from the wrongful
encashment of the subject check on a 60-40 ratio.

WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari

is DENIED. The Decision dated March 19, 2009 of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 97604 is
hereby AFFIRMED.

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