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Performance Analysis of Iterative Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in Multipath DS-CDMA Channels

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Performance Analysis of Iterative Channel

Estimation and Multiuser Detection in Multipath

DS-CDMA Channels
Husheng Li, Sharon M. Betz and H. Vincent Poor
arXiv:cs/0606016v1 [cs.IT] 4 Jun 2006


This paper examines the performance of decision feedback based iterative channel estimation and multiuser de-
tection in channel coded aperiodic DS-CDMA systems operating over multipath fading channels. First, explicit ex-
pressions describing the performance of channel estimation and parallel interference cancellation based multiuser
detection are developed. These results are then combined to characterize the evolution of the performance of a system
that iterates among channel estimation, multiuser detection and channel decoding. Sufficient conditions for conver-
gence of this system to a unique fixed point are developed.


Direct sequence code division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) has been selected as the fundamental sig-
naling technique for third generation (3G) wireless communication systems, due to its advantages of soft
user capacity limit and inherent frequency diversity. However, it suffers from multiple-access interference
(MAI) caused by the non-orthogonality of spreading codes, particularly for heavily loaded systems. There-
fore, techniques for mitigating the MAI, namely multiuser detection, have been the subject of an intensive
research effort over the past two decades. It is well known that multiuser detection can substantially sup-
press MAI, thus improving system performance. Maximum likelihood (ML) multiuser detection [28] was
proposed in the early 1980s, and achieves the optimal performance at the cost of prohibitive computational
Husheng Li is with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, 92121, USA (email: hushengl@qualcomm.com). Sharon M. Betz is with Department of
Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA (email: sbetz@princeton.edu). H. Vincent Poor is with Department of
Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA (email: poor@princeton.edu). This research was supported by the Air
Force Research Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement No. FA8750-05-2-01 92.

cost when the number of users is large. For practical implementation, suboptimal algorithms, such as the
linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) detector [21] or decorrelator [29], allow a tradeoff between
complexity and performance. It should be noted that the technique of multiuser detection is being applied in
existing CDMA systems, such as EV-DO Revision A systems [12].
In recent years, the turbo principle, namely the iterative exchange of soft information among different
blocks in a communication system to improve the system performance, has been applied to combine mul-
tiuser detection with channel decoding [1][22][24][26][27][31]. In such turbo multiuser detectors, the out-
puts of channel decoders are fed back to the multiuser detector, thus enhancing the performance iteratively.
Turbo multiuser detection based on the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detection and decoding
criterion has been proposed in [30][31] together with a lower complexity technique based on interference
cancellation and LMMSE filtering. Further simplification is obtained by applying parallel interference can-
cellation (PIC) [1] for multiuser detection, where the decisions of the decoders are directly subtracted from
the original signal to cancel the MAI.
Practical wireless communication systems usually experience fading channels, whose state information
is unknown to the receiver. Thus practical systems need to consider detection and decoding with uncertain
channel state information. In the context of short code CDMA systems, blind multiuser detection can be
accomplished without explicit channel estimation by using subspace and other techniques [32]. An alter-
native receiver structure adopts an explicit channel estimation block and carries out the decoding with the
corresponding channel estimate. In systems without decision feedback, the channel estimation block is cas-
caded with the decoder and operates as a front end for the subsequent blocks. With such a receiver structure,
the channel estimates can be obtained with training symbols [6] or with blind estimation algorithms [33].
Explicit expressions for the performance of such channel estimation schemes are given in [17] and the cor-
responding impact on multiuser detection is discussed in the large system limit in [9] and [18]. In systems
with decision feedback, the decisions of the decoder are fed back to the channel estimator to enhance its
performance. In such systems, the channel estimator and the decoder can operate either simultaneously [25]
or successively [7] [13] [23]. An example of the former strategy applied to ML sequence detection in uncer-
tain environments is proposed in [25]; called per-survivor processing, tentative decisions are immediately
fed back to the channel estimation algorithm and the corresponding estimates are used for the detection
of future symbols. In the latter strategy, the decisions are fed back only when the entire current decoding

procedure is finished. For example, in [13], an expectation maximization (EM) channel estimation algo-
rithm, combined with successive interference cancellation, is proposed. Joint channel estimation and data
detection algorithms for uncoded single-antenna and multiple-antenna systems are discussed in [8] and [7],
respectively. In channel coded systems, iteration can achieve better performance when the turbo principle is
applied, due to the redundancy introduced by the code structure. In [23], an iterative algorithm is proposed
and analyzed for channel estimation and decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded quadrature
amplitude modulation (QAM) systems.
In this paper, we consider channel-coded CDMA systems operating over multipath fading channels whose
channel state information is unknown to the receiver. To demodulate and decode such systems, we apply
the turbo principle to both channel estimation and multiuser detection. As shown in Figure 1, we consider
a receiver that feeds back decisions from channel decoders to both an ML channel estimator and a PIC
multiuser detector. The iteration is initialized with training symbol based channel estimation and a non-
iterative multiuser detection. The receiver structure is similar to those proposed in [2][15][20]. However,
this paper is focused mainly on the performance analysis of such structures using semi-analytic methods. We
analyze the contributions to the variance of the channel estimation error due to noise and decision feedback
error, and the variance of the residual MAI after PIC. We then use this analysis to describe the decoding
process as an iterative mapping. We also propose conditions assuring convergence of this iterative mapping
to a unique fixed point. We further compute the asymptotic multiuser efficiency (AME) [29] of this overall
system, under some mild assumptions on the channel decoders. It should be noted that the analysis in this
paper is based on large sample and large system analysis.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the signal model and the chan-
nel decoder used in our analysis. The performance analyses of ML channel estimation and PIC multiuser
detection are given in Section III and Section IV, respectively. Based on these results, the corresponding
iterative mapping is described and analyzed in Section V. Numerical results and conclusions are given in
Section VI and Section VII, respectively. The notations used in this paper are explained as follows.

• Throughout this paper, if no special note is given, we denote vectors with small letters in bold fonts,
matrices with capital letters in bold fonts and scalars with non-bold fonts.
• For any variable X, we denote the corresponding estimate from the decision feedback by X̂ and the
corresponding error X − X̂ by δX.

• Superscript T denotes transposition and superscript H denotes conjugate transposition.

• I denotes the identity matrix.
• ⌈x⌉ denotes the smallest integer larger than or equal to x.
• mod(i, j) denotes the modulo of i with respect to j, with the convention of mod(i, i) = i.
qP P
m n
• For a matrix Am×n , kAkF , i=1
j=1 Aij is the Frobenius norm of A.


A. Signal Model

We consider a synchronous uplink long code (aperiodic) DS-CDMA system, with identical channel cod-
ing, binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation, K active users, spreading gain N, system load β = N
and identical transmission rates for all users. The transmitted symbols experience multipath fading. We
adopt a block fading model and denote by M the coherence time, measured in the number of symbol peri-
ods, over which the channel is stationary. Within a coherence period, the chip matched filter output of the
receiver at symbol period t can be collected into an N-vector given by
r(t) = bk (t) akl skl (t) + n(t), t = 1, 2, ...M, (1)
k=1 l=1

where L denotes the number of resolvable paths per user, bk (t) denotes the channel coded binary symbols, akl
denotes the channel gain of the l-th path of user k, skl (t) denotes the binary spreading code with kskl (t)k = 1
received from user k along path l at time t and n(t) is an N-vector of independent and identical distributed
(i.i.d.) circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (CSCG) 1 noise variables with (normalized) variance σn2 . It
should be noted that although the assumption of synchronicity is valid in time division duplexing (TDD)
systems, it does not hold for many frequency division duplexing (FDD) systems. However, as it will be
shown, the results from the analysis of synchronous systems are also reasonably valid, though not exactly
the same, in the case of asynchronous systems.
For the system model, we have the following assumptions.
Assumption II.1: The channel gains {akl } are independently CSCG distributed with zero means and vari-
ances L1 . We consider only the case of large L, which implies that Ll=1 |akl |2 ≈ 1, k = 1, ..., K; thus all

users achieve the same performance with maximal ratio combining (MRC).
A complex random variable is CSCG distributed if its real and imaginary parts are mutually independent Gaussian random variables with
zero mean and identical variance.

Assumption II.2: We ignore intersymbol interference (ISI) and assume that the spreading codes received
along different paths of a given user are mutually independent (independent model).
Assumption II.3: Based on Assumption II.2, the crosscorrelations ρklmn (t) , skl (t)T smn (t) (note that
ρklkl (t) = 1) satisfy

• E {ρklmn (t)} = 0, if (k, l) 6= (m, n);

• E {ρ2klmn (t)} = N
, if (k, l) 6= (m, n);
• E {ρklmn (t)ρpqrs (t)} = 0, if (k, l, m, n) 6= (p, q, r, s).
The above assumptions simplify the performance analysis substantially. Moreover, these assumptions are
reasonable for practical systems due to the following reasons:

• Assumption II.1 is based on the fact that more propagation paths are resolvable in CDMA systems
than narrow band systems, particularly in environments with abundant scattering (e.g., indoor environ-
ment). With this assumption, we ignore the impact of the fluctuation of received power incurred by the
multipath fading, and consider only the impairment caused by the channel estimation error.
• Assumption II.2 is unrealistic since these sequences are shifted versions of each other (shifted model).
However, the accuracy of the results dependent upon this assumption is validated with numerical results
in Section VI and asymptotic analysis given in Appendix 1.

B. Receiver Structure

The structure of receiver is shown in Figure 1. The channel coefficients are estimated in the channel
estimator, which operates in a ‘semi-blind’ way. Training symbols are available to obtain an initial estimate
in the first iteration. In the further iterations the information symbol decisions from channel decoders are
assumed to be correct. Then, both the training symbols and fed back decisions are considered as training
symbols and used for ML channel estimation. A multiuser detector is used to mitigate the MAI and its
outputs are de-interleaved and decoded in the channel decoder. In the multiuser detector, we use the LMMSE
algorithm in the first iteration and the PIC algorithm with the aid of hard decision feedback in the succeeding
iterations. We follow the standard procedure in turbo multiuser detection [1][13][22][30] to reconstruct the
channel symbols from the channel decoder output. Then these channel symbol estimates are interleaved and
fed back to the multiuser detector and channel estimator to enhance the performance iteratively.
We denote by b̂k (t) the estimated binary channel symbol of user k at symbol period t that is fed back from
the channel decoder. For simplicity, we use hard decision feedback and denote the feedback symbol error

rate by Pe . The decision feedback error is denoted by δbk (t) , bk (t) − b̂k (t). Supposing that both bk (t) and
δbk (t) are symmetrically distributed, it is easy to check that

• E {δbk (t)} = 0;
• E {bk (t)δbk (t)} = 2Pe ;
• E {δb2k (t)} = 4Pe .
• E {δbk (m)δbl (n)} = 0, when (k, m) 6= (l, n).

It should be noted that, in practical systems, soft decision feedback will achieve better performance than
hard decision feedback. However, the performance of channel estimation with soft decision feedback is
determined by both the first and second moments of the decision feedback error [17]. Thus the corresponding
analysis of performance evolution is more complicated than the case of hard decision feedback. Therefore,
we adopt hard decision feedback in order to simplify the system performance analysis.
For the decision feedback from channel decoders, we have the following reasonable assumption, which
simplifies the analysis and is also used in [1].
Assumption II.4: The codeword length is assumed to be large enough so that the transmitted symbols are
n o
coded over many coherence periods. The decision feedbacks b̂k (t) are mutually independent for different
k or t.


In this section, we discuss the performance of channel estimation. First, we explain the training symbol
based ML channel estimation algorithm that is used in the first iteration. Then, we consider the estimation
of the channel coefficients with only hard decision feedback from the channel decoders. Finally, we extend
the performance results to channel estimation with both training symbols and decision feedback, the latter
of which is used in the further iterations.
In applying the turbo principle, to avoid the reuse of information, only observations {r(t)}t6=i are used in
the channel estimation for multiuser detection in symbol period i. Thus the corresponding channel estimation
error is independent of r(i). However, for simplicity of discussion, we still assume that all M received
signals are used for the channel estimation while retaining this independence assumption. For large M, this
results in only a small error in the analysis.
In the following discussion of channel estimation and PIC, we regard the channel gains {akl } and the
spreading codes {skl } as realizations of random variables. Only the transmitted symbols, decision feedback

errors and noise are considered as random variables. Throughout this paper, all expectations, denoted as
E{·}, are over the distributions of these three variables. Thus our results are conditioned on the realizations
of {akl } and {skl }. However, by the strong law of large numbers, we will see that we can obtain identical
results for almost every realization of {akl } and {skl } in the large system limit (K, N → ∞).

A. Training Symbol Based ML Channel Estimation

First we assume that there are M training symbols, channel symbols known to the receiver, within a single
coherence period. For simplicity in deriving the channel estimate, we stack the chip matched filter output of
the signal corresponding to these training symbols, rewriting (1) as

r = Sa + n, (2)


r = rH (1), ..., rH (M) N M ×1
n = nH (1), ..., nH (M) N M ×1

a = (a11 , a12 , ..., aKL)TKL×1 ,

S = (S(1)B(1))T , ..., (S(M)B(M))T ,
 
 b1 (m)IL×L 0 ··· 0 
 
 0 b2 (m)IL×L · · · 0 
B(m) = 
 
.. .. .. .. 

 . . . . 

 
0 0 · · · bK (m)IL×L
S(m) = (s11 (m), s12 (m), ..., sKL(m))N ×KL , m = 1, ..., M.

Applying the ML criterion and the normality of the noise, we can obtain the ML channel estimate, which
is given by

â = arg max P (r|a)


= arg min kr − Sak


= (ST S)−1 ST r

= R−1 y, (3)

where R = ST S and y = ST r.
It follows directly that the channel estimation error is

δa = a − â

= −R−1 ST n,

from which it is obvious that this error has zero mean and covariance Σa , E δaδaH = σn2 R−1 .
For a finite M, we can compute trace {R−1 } in the large system limit (i.e. when K, N → ∞ while keeping
the system load, N
= β, constant). For a system with system load β, it is well known that as K → ∞,
trace{R̂−1 } converges to the multiuser efficiency of a decorrelator, namely 1 − β [29]. M is equivalent to the
covariance matrix of a system with equivalent system load β ′ = M N
=M β. Thus as K, N → ∞, we have

trace {Σa } σn2

→ .
M M − Lβ

Therefore, for sufficiently large K and N, the variance of channel estimation error is given by

∆a = , (4)
M − Lβ
which can be approximated by ∆a ≈ M
when M is sufficiently large.
It should be noted that, in asynchronous systems, we can remove part of the chips in the first and the
last symbol periods to obtain a similar matrix SN M −dmax ×KL, where dmax denotes the largest time offsets
of different users, measured in chips. Since the training symbols have been incorporated into the spreading
codes, we can consider the columns of S as random (NM − dmax )− vectors, regardless of the time offsets
of different users. Therefore, the variance of channel estimation error in asynchronous systems is similar to
that of synchronous systems when M is sufficiently large.

B. Channel Estimation with Decision Feedback

1) Algorithm: When decision feedback is used in place of training symbols to derive the ‘ML’ channel
estimates2, a process that assumes that the decision feedback is free of error, the channel estimation error
is caused by both the thermal noise and the decision feedback error. On applying (3), the channel estimate
By ‘ML’ estimates, we mean using the expression obtained from the training symbol based estimation, but with symbols obtained from
decision feedback. It is not an exact ML estimate since the distribution of the decision feedback error is not considered.

with decision feedback is given by

â = R̂−1 ŷ

= R̂−1 ŜT (Sa + n)

= a + R̂−1 ŜT (δSa + n),

where δS , S − Ŝ, R̂ , ŜT Ŝ, ŷ , ŜT r and Ŝ is the version of S in (3) obtained from the decision feedback,
which is given by
 T  T T
Ŝ = S(1)B̂(1) , ..., S(M)B̂(M) ,
 
 b̂1 (m)IL×L 0 ··· 0 
 
 0 b̂2 (m)IL×L ··· 0 
B̂(m) =  .
 
.. .. .. .. 

 . . . . 

 
0 0 · · · b̂K (m)IL×L

Hence, the channel estimation error can be decomposed into two parts

δa = −R̂−1 ŜT (δSa + n)

= δaf + δan , (5)

where δaf , −R̂−1 ŜT δSa and δan , −R̂−1 ŜT n denote the channel estimation error due to the decision
feedback error and the thermal noise, respectively. It is reasonable to assume that δaf and δan are mutually
independent. (Recall our assumption concerning the use of only measurements t 6= i in estimating gains at
time i.)
It is difficult to tackle the calculation of δa due to the matrix inversion R̂−1 . However, we can approximate
R̂−1 by M
when Pe is sufficiently small. This approximation is justified by the following lemma.
Lemma III.1: When fixing K and N, we have

M R̂−1 → IKL×KL,

almost surely 3 as M → ∞ and Pe → 0.

Proof: According to the definition of R̂, we have

R̂−1 = R−1 + R−1 A,

Here, a matrix is considered as a point in the probability space and the metric is induced by a matrix norm.

where A = (I − δRR−1) − I. According to the error analysis of matrix inversion in [11], we have4

kδRR−1 kF
E {kAkF } ≤ E = O(Pe ),
1 − kδRR−1kF

which tends to 0 as Pe → 0. Thus, we have

n o
E R̂−1 − R−1 ≤ R−1 F E {kAkF } → 0,


as Pe → 0. Therefore, R̂−1 converges to R−1 almost surely as Pe → 0.

Applying the strong law of large numbers and the fact that the diagonal elements in
R= (B̂(m)S(m))T S(m)B̂(m)

are M and the off-diagonal elements in (B̂(m)S(m))T S(m)B̂(m) are independent for different values of m
and have zero mean, we obtain that, while keeping K and N fixed, M
→ IKL×KL almost surely, as M → ∞.
Since the elements of R−1 are continuous functions of those in R in a neighborhood of R = MIKL×KL, we
also have MR−1 → IKL×KL as M → ∞. This completes the proof.
Therefore, we can further approximate R̂−1 by M
for large M and small Pe . For simplicity, our
further discussion of δaf will be based on this approximation, which will be validated by numerical results.
Consequently, in the following discussions, we use the approximations

1 T
δaf = − Ŝ δSa,

1 T
δan = − Ŝ n.
2) Covariance matrix of channel estimation error: We denote the covariance matrices of δa, δaf and
δan by Σa , Σf and Σn , respectively, which satisfy Σa = Σf + Σn . We first consider the channel estimation
error incurred by decision feedback errors. The following lemma shows that the channel estimation error
δaf is asymptotically biased. The proof is given in Appendix II.
Lemma III.2: When keeping K and N fixed, we have

E{δaf } → 2Pe a, (6)

almost surely, as M → ∞.
4 x
x = O(Pe ) means Pe
< ∞ as Pe → 0.

It should be noted that this bias cannot be removed a priori in the estimator since it is dependent on the
channel gain, a. However, this bias vanishes as Pe → 0.
An asymptotic expression for the elements in Σf is given in the following proposition, whose proof is
given in Appendix III, where we also explain that the conclusion also applies to asynchronous case when Pe
is sufficiently small.
Proposition III.3: For all i and j, when fixing K and N, we have that (recall that akl is the channel gain
of use k and path l)
2 1

 4P e |a i
⌈ L ⌉, mod(i,L) | + N
k=1, k6=i ⌈ L ⌉, mod(k,L)
k | , if i = j,

4Pe 1 + N1 a⌈ i ⌉, mod(i,L) a∗⌈ j ⌉, mod(j,L) , if i 6= j and ⌈ Li ⌉ = ⌈ Lj ⌉, ,

M × (Σf )ij → (7)
 L L

 4P 2 1 + 1 a i if ⌈ Li ⌉ 6= ⌈ Lj ⌉
⌈ ⌉, mod(i,L) a⌈ j ⌉, mod(j,L) ,

e N L L

almost surely, as M → ∞.
For δan , which is caused by thermal noise, the corresponding analysis is identical to that of training
symbol based estimation. Then, we have
−1 T
MΣn = Mcov R̂ Ŝ n

= Mσn2 R̂−1

→ σn2 IKL×KL, (8)

almost surely, as M → ∞. Then the covariance matrix of channel estimation error Σa , E δaδaH =
Σf + Σn can be obtained from (7) and (8).
3) Variance of channel estimation error: The variance of channel estimation error can be obtained as a
corollary of the previous subsection.
Corollary III.4: On defining ∆a , KL
trace {Σa }, we have

4Pe (1 + βL)
M∆a → + σn2 , (9)

almost surely, as K, N, M → ∞.
Thus, when K, N, M are sufficiently large, we have the following approximation

4Pe (1 + βL) σn2

∆a ≈ + . (10)

It should be noted that the channel estimation error cannot be removed by increasing M although the
variance vanishes as M → ∞, since the estimate is biased and the bias cannot be removed a priori.

C. Estimation with Both Training Symbols and Decision Feedback

We denote the number of training symbols by Mt and the corresponding percentage by α = M
. When the
training symbols and decision feedback are combined for channel estimation, the performance is determined
by (10), with Pe replaced by (1 − α)Pe . Decision feedback should only be used along with the training
symbols if the resulting variance is smaller than that obtained when only the training symbols are used.
Then it is easy to check that, when M and Mt are sufficiently large, Pe max , the maximum Pe assuring
performance improvement when decision feedback is used, is determined by

4(1 − α)Pe (1 + βL) σn2 σ2

+ ≤ n,

which results in

σn2 L
Pe max = , (11)
4α(1 + βL)

from which we observe that Pe max decreases with α and β while increasing with σn2 and L.


A. Performance Analysis of PIC

For convenience of analysis, the performance of PIC is analyzed based on matched filter (MF) outputs.
We drop the index of the symbol period for notational simplicity throughout this section. For a given symbol
period, the MF outputs, which form sufficient statistics for multiuser detection, are given by

y = ST r.

In PIC based multiuser detection, the MAI reconstructed from the channel estimates and the decoder output
is subtracted directly from the MF output of the desired user. Without loss of generality, we take the l-th
path of user 1 as an example; then the MF output after PIC, which is contaminated by residual MAI and
thermal noise n1l = sT1l n, is given by

y1l = a1l b1 + a1m ρ1l1m b1 + I1l , (12)

X L  
I1l = ρ1lkm akm bk − âkm b̂k + n1l ,
k=2 m=1

which is the sum of the residual interference and the thermal noise. It is obvious that E{I1l } = 0. And the
corresponding variance is given by
1 XX 
σI2 , E |I1l |2 E |δakm bk + δbk akm − δakm δbk |2 + E |n1l |2
N k=2 m=1
1 XXn 
E |δakm |2 + 4Pe |akm |2 + 4Pe E |δakm |2 + 2E {δakm a∗km } E {bk δbk }

N k=2 m=1
−2E |δakm |2 E {bk δbk } − 8Pe E {akm δa∗km } + σn2

→ βL∆a + 4β(1 − Pe )Pe + σn2 , (13)

as K, N → ∞, where we have applied the fact that E |δakm |2 = ∆a + 4Pe2 |akm |2 , E {akm δa∗km } =

2Pe |akm |2 , E {bk δbk } = 2Pe . It is easy to check that σI2 is identical for asynchronous systems since different
time offsets do not affect the interference power.
It is difficult to apply the central limit theorem to show the asymptotic normality of the PIC output since
the variables {δakm } are mutually correlated across different users and paths. However, numerical results in
Section VI will show that the output distribution of PIC can be well approximated by a Gaussian distribution.
Thus, in the subsequent sections, we assume that the output of PIC is Gaussian distributed.
According to the properties of the crosscorrelation given in Section II.A, ρ1l1m → 0 almost surely, as
N → ∞. Thus, for large spreading gain, the interference across different paths of the same user can be
ignored. With the normality assumption of the residual MAI, it is easy to show that the variables {I1l }l=1,...,L
are mutually independent as N → ∞, which means that channel coded symbol b1 is transmitted through L
independent channels. This assumption simplifies the analysis although it does not hold exactly when N is
finite. Thus, we use MRC to collect these L replicas, resulting in the output
z1 = â∗1l a1l b1 + â∗1l I1l . (14)
l=1 l=1

Applying Lemma III.2, we obtain that, as M, L → ∞,

â∗1l a1l b1 |a1l |2 − δa∗1l a1l

l=1 l=1

→ 1− E {δa∗1l } a1l

= 1 − 2Pe |a1l |2
= 1 − 2Pe .

Moreover, we can obtain that, as M, L → ∞

 2 
 X L  L

E |â∗1l |2 σI2

E â1l I1l =

 
l=1 l=1
E {δa∗1l a1l } + |δa∗1l |2 σI2

= 1−2 E
l=1 l=1
4Pe2 σI2

→ 1 − 4Pe + + L∆a

= ((1 − 2Pe )2 + L∆a )σI2 .

Therefore, when M and L are sufficiently large, (14) can be approximated by

z1 ≈ (1 − 2Pe )b1 + n1 , (15)

where n1 is a CSCG random variable with variance of ((1 − 2Pe )2 + L∆a )σI2 . An interesting observation
is that the channel estimation error not only increases the interference but also decreases the valid received
power of the desired user.

B. Performance of Channel Decoder

At the channel decoder, Pe is a function of the input signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the
input to the channel decoder given by
Pe = g , (16)

where the function g can be estimated using Monte Carlo simulations. For most practical channel codes, the
following assumption is reasonable:
Assumption IV.1: Within a closed interval Ω = [0, σImax ], function g satisfies

• g(x) monotonically increases with x, and g(0) = 0;

• g(x) is continuously differentiable and g ′(0) = 0.


In this section, we analyze the overall iterative system shown in Figure 1. We consider only the case
of small Pe , moderate σn2 and moderate M and note that the analytic results become more precise as Pe
and σn2 decrease and M increases. This configuration is reasonable for the decision feedback basedsystems
since if M is large, training symbol based channel estimation can be adopted with marginal loss of spectral

efficiency; if M is small, it is difficult to carry out coherent detection; and if Pe is large, the iteration diverges.
Although the performance analysis of the channel estimation in Section III is based on large M, numerical
results in Section VI indicate that expression (10) is still valid for moderate M. We adopt the expressions
(10) and (13) in large system limits (K, N → ∞).

A. Iterative Mapping

In this section, we consider the d-th iteration and couple the results from Section III and Section IV
to analyze the overall system performance. We can regard the decoding process as an iterative mapping
h : R → R in terms of the error probability of the decoder output after the d-th iteration, Pe , which is
given by (recall that g is defined as the function characterizing the output error probability in terms in input
SINR in (16))

Pe(d) = h(Pe(d−1) )

≈ g D0 + D1 Pe(d−1) ,


where we ignore terms of a smaller order than Pe and M
since we assume small Pe and large (or moderate)
M. Based on (10), (13) and (15), the coefficients D0 and D1 are given by
 D0 = σn2 1 + βL

+ M
2 βL2 +β 2 L+σ 2 L+Lβσ 2 +L σ 2 2
 D1 = 4 β +
 β+σn n n ( n)

B. Condition for Convergence

A reasonably good initialization, which results in sufficiently small channel estimation error and MAI
in the first iteration, is necessary to guarantee the convergence of the iterative mapping described in (17).
In the initial stage, only training symbols are used for the channel estimation since no decision feedback
is available then. Any non-iterative multiuser detection technique can be applied to the initializing stage.
For practical applications, we can use the LMMSE detector, whose performance using imperfect channel
estimation can be obtained using the replica method [18].
For convergence, the variance of input interference and noise of the initializing stage, denoted by σI2 (0)
and obtained from the SINR of the LMMSE detector, must satisfy the following conditions:

• σI2 (0) is located within the interval Ω defined in Section IV.B, namely

σI2 (0) < σImax . (18)


This condition assures a reasonably good initial performance of the iterations.

• The variance of interference and noise decreases with iteration time, namely
σI2 (0) − D0
g(σI2 (0)) < . (19)
This condition assures that the iterations do not diverge.

C. Condition Assuring the Uniqueness of the Fixed Point

If there exists more than one fixed point, the iteration may become stuck at a suboptimal fixed point and
not converge to the optimal one. The following proposition provides a sufficient condition for the uniqueness
of the fixed point and the corresponding convergence rate.
Proposition V.1: (1) If there exists a γ < 1, such that
D1 ≤ , (20)
maxx∈Ω (g ′(x))
then there exists only one fixed point xf for the iterative mapping xk+1 = h (xk ), and for every initial point
x0 ∈ Ω, the mapping converges to xf with an exponential rate, namely kxk − xf k ≤ 1−γ
kx0 − xf k.
1 x1
(2) If there exists an x1 ∈ Ω such that g ′ (x1 )
< D1 < g(x1 )
, then there exists a D0 such that there is more
than one fixed point for h.
Proof: (1) The condition D1 ≤ maxx∈Ω (g ′ (x))
implies that h′ (x) = g ′ (D0 + D1 x) ≤ γ < 1. Then h(·)
is a contraction mapping, and the conclusions follow due to Banach’s fixed point theorem [14].
(2) Letting xf = g(x1 ) and setting D0 = x1 − D1 xf , we can show that D0 > 0 due to the assumption that
x1 x1
D1 < g(x1 )
= xf
. It is easy to check that xf is a fixed point and g ′(D0 + D1 xf ) = D1 g ′ (x1 ) > 1. Hence,
there exists an ǫ > 0 such that for all x ∈ (xf , xf + ǫ), g(D0 + D1 x) > x. However, g(D0 + D1 x2 ) < x2
for x2 = g (σI2 (0)) due to condition (19). If x2 < xf , there exists at least one fixed point within (0, x2 ) since
g(D0 ) > 0; if x2 > xf , there exists at least one fixed point different from xf within (xf , x2 ).
It should be noted that condition (20) is sufficient but not necessary for the uniqueness of the fixed point.
This condition is more stringent than the condition of convergence in (19) since it assures both the uniqueness
of the fixed point and the exponential convergence rate. The second part shows that a moderate D1 may cause
multiple fixed points. A useful conclusion drawn from (20) is that this iterative procedure does not work
well for those channel codes, such as powerful turbo codes or LDPC codes, that have a steep performance
curve (bit error rate versus SINR) which implies a large value of maxx∈Ω (g ′(x)). This will be demonstrated
in numerical simulations in Section VI.

D. Asymptotic Multiuser Efficiency

As is described in [29], the asymptotic multiuser efficiency measures the slope at which the bit-error-rate
goes to zero in logarithmic scale, giving intuition into the performance loss from multiuser interference.
Suppose that there is only one fixed point for the iterative mapping h, and let Pe (σn2 ) be this fixed point
when the noise power is σn2 . Similarly, let D0 (σn2 ) and D1 (σn2 ) be the corresponding values of D0 and D1 in
(17). It is obvious that Pe (0) = 0 and D0 (0) = 0.
The asymptotic multiuser efficiency is given by

AME = lim
2 →0 D (σ 2 ) + D (σ 2 )P (σ 2 )
σn 0 n 1 n e n

2 )P (σ 2 ))
dD0 (σn d(D1 (σn
dσn 2 + dσn2
e n
2 =0
σn =0 σn

If H(Pe , σn2 ) = g (D0 (σn2 ) + D1 (σn2 )Pe )−Pe , then Pe (σn2 ) is the unique solution of H(Pe , σn2 ) = 0. Applying
the assumptions that g ′ (0) = 0 and Pe (0) = 0, we have

d(D1 (σn2 )Pe (σn2 )) dPe (σn2 )

= D 1 (0)
dσn2 dσn2 σn2 =0
2 =0


∂H(Pe ,σn
∂σn2 2
σn =0
= −D1 (0)
∂H(Pe ,σn
∂Pe 2
σn =0

2 )+D (σ 2 )P )
∂(D0 (σn
1 n e
g ′(0)
2 =0
= −D1 (0)
D1 (0)g ′ (0) − 1
= 0.


AME = dD0 (σn2)

dσn2 |σn2 =0
= . (21)
1 + Lβ

From (21), we can see that the loss of AME is due to the channel estimation error incurred by the thermal
noise. The impact of the decision feedback error vanishes as σn2 → 0, while that of the channel estimation
error remains.

E. Computational Aspect

The main computational cost of the iterative channel estimation and multiuser detection includes:

• Solving the linear equation R̂â = y for ML channel estimation.

• Reconstructing the channel symbols and cancelling the interference.
• Channel decoding.

Since the channel symbol reconstruction is similar to the encoding procedure and the interference cance-
lation requires only subtractions, this is not a bottleneck of the whole procedure and the corresponding
computational cost is of complexity O(K). Real-time channel decoding can also be accomplished in a way
similar to Turbo codes. Therefore, the main bottleneck is solving the linear equation for channel estimation.
Direct Gaussian Eliminatation, which is of complexity O(K 3 ), can be applied to solve the equation R̂â =
y when K is small. When K is large, iterative techniques of solving linear equations, such as the Jacobi
method and the Gauss-Seidel method, can be applied. For assuring the convergence, we cite the following
lemma from [10]:
Lemma V.2: The sufficient and necessary condition for the convergence of iterations in solving the linear
equation Ax = y is that

• A and 2 diag(A) − A are both positive definite in the Jacobi method5;

• A is positive definite in the Gauss-Seidel method.
The Gauss-Seidel method always converges when β < 1 since R̂ is positive definite when K < N. For
the Jacobi method, it is easy to check that diag(R̂) = IK×K . Since the largest eigenvalue of R̂ converges to
√ 2 √ 2
1 + β [3] almost surely as K, N → ∞, the eigenvalues in 2 diag(R̂) − R̂ are less than 2 − 1 + β

almost surely in the large system limit. Therefore, β < 1 is a sufficient condition for the almost sure
convergence of Jacobi iteration in the large system limit. Then, when K and N are sufficiently large and
K < N, we can use either Gauss-Seidel or Jacobi iterations to estimate the channel coefficients efficiently.


A. Channel Estimation

Figure 2 shows the average variance of the channel estimates versus the coherence time M with the
configuration of β = 0.2, L = 5, Mt = 0, Pe = 0.1 and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)= 5dB6 . The
asymptotic results obtained from (10) and the simulation results for finite systems (N = 100) with spreading
codes for the shifted model are represented by solid and dotted curves, respectively. In this figure, the
diag(X) denotes a diagonal matrix constituted by the diagonal elements in matrix X
Note that Pe and SNR are not mutually independent; however, we set these two parameters arbitrarily to test the validity of asymptotic results.

estimation error variance caused by decision feedback and noise are denoted by ∆f and ∆n , respectively.
The corresponding asymptotic results are obtained from the first and the second terms in (10), respectively.
We can observe that the asymptotic results match the simulation results well even when M is small. This
figure also demonstrates the validity of results based on the independence assumption of the spreading codes
given in Section II.A.

B. Normality of PIC Output

Figure 3 shows the channel symbol error rate7 with the configuration of SNR = 10dB, K = N = 30
and Pe = 0.1 and 0.05. The solid curves represent the results obtained from numerical simulations and the
dashed curves represent the results with the assumption that the output of PIC is CSCG distributed. The gap
between the numerical results and CSCG based prediction is small, thus justifying the normality assumption
of the PIC output.

C. User Capacity

We define the user capacity to be the maximum system load βmax with which the system can achieve
the information bit error rate of 10−3 . Two types of channel codes, the convolutional code (35, 23)8 and a
turbo code (with two constituent codes (37, 21)8), with bit rate R = 2
and codeword length 1024 are used
in this paper and their error rates for both information bits and extrinsic information based channel symbols
are shown in Figure 4. The corresponding βmax ’s for various values of coherence time M, denoted by
‘iterative’, are given in Figure 5 and Figure 6 for convolutional codes and turbo codes, respectively, with the
configuration α = 0.2, SNR= 5dB and L = 5. The βmax ’s of the non-iterative LMMSE detector, denoted
by ‘LMMSE’, are given for comparison. We can see that the iterative system achieves substantially higher
user capacity than the non-iterative one. The performance of systems with ideal initialization, where actual
channel parameters are provided by a genie in the initialization stage, denoted by ‘Perfect initialization’,
implies that a good initialization can improve the performance considerably. Thus, blind or semi-blind non-
iterative techniques, which make use of information symbols, can be applied to obtain a better initialization.
For comparison, the user capacities of both iterative and non-iterative systems with perfect channel state
information are also given in both figures. An interesting observation is that the relative performance gain
This channel symbol error rate is equivalent to bit error rate when the output of PIC is used directly for the detection (without channel

of iterative systems over the non-iterative ones is smaller for turbo codes than for convolutional codes. This
is due to the steeper waterfall region in turbo codes.


In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of decision feedback based iterative channel estimation
and multiuser detection in multipath DS-CDMA channels. The decoding process has been described as an
iterative mapping in terms of the variance of the channel decoder output, and conditions assuring the conver-
gence and uniqueness of a fixed point have been proposed. Numerical results show that the initialization is
important to the iterations, thus necessitating the use of non-iterative blind or semi-blind channel estimation
algorithms for initialization purposes. Another observation of interest is that the gain of the iterative process
over a non-iterative one is small when a near-optimal channel coding scheme is used.


In (1), for different values of l and m, skl and skm are generated by the same binary sequence with different
offsets. Our purpose is to show that if K and N are large enough, we can regard the shifted spreading codes
of different paths of a given user as independent sequences. The properties based on this assumption, which
are used for the system performance analysis in this paper, include:

• The properties of crosscorrelation ρklmn in Section II.A.

• The distribution of the eigenvalues of the matrix SST , when developing the expression of ∆n for finite
M and large K in Section III.C. Our assumption means that the corresponding distribution of the shifted
model is asymptotically identical to that of the independent model.

It is easy to check the first item using the symmetry of the binary distribution. However, the validity of
the second one is non-trivial and is of considerable importance when applying the theory of large random
matrices to multipath fading channels. We can tackle this problem by showing that the moments of the
eigenvalues in both models are the same via the following lemma.
Lemma I.1: Denote a generic eigenvalue of SST by λ. Then the m-th moment of λ in the shifted model
is given by
E {λm } = (β ′ ) c(m1 , ..., mk ), as K → ∞,
k=1 m1 +...+mk =m

which is the same expression of that of the independent model, and where the definition of c(m1 , ..., mk ) is
given in [19] and β ′ = MN
Proof: Using similar arguments to those in [19], we have

E trace{(SST )m }

1 X X
= E{Vim ,j1 Vi1 ,j1 ...Vim−1 ,jm Vim ,jm }, (22)
N m+1 i ,...,i =1 j ,...,j =1
1 m 1 m

where Vi,j = N Sij .
For any ir 6= is , Vir ,jp = Vis ,jq when ⌈ iLr ⌉ = ⌈ iLs ⌉ and jp − jq equals the offset difference between these
two shifted sequences. However, the probability of such events vanishes as K → ∞ since
 
P (|ir − is | < L) ≤   2L + 1 → 0, as K → ∞.
2 KL

Thus, as K → ∞, the term involving Vi,j ’s of different users, which are mutually independent, dominates
the summation in (22). The remaining part of the proof is the same as in [19].
The following lemma (Theorem 30.1 in [5]) provides a sufficient condition for the equality of two proba-
bility measures when their moments are identical .
Lemma I.2: Let µ be a probability measure on the real line having finite moments αk = −∞ xk µ(dx) of
all orders. If the power series ∞ rk
k=1 αk k! has a positive radius of convergence, then µ is the only probability

measure with the moments {αm }m=1,2,... .

For applying Lemma I.2, we need the following lemma which provides an upper bound for the moments
of the eigenvalues.
Lemma I.3: For any eigenvalue λ of SST , there exists a constant C > max(1, β ′ ) such that for m =
1, 2, ...

E {λm } < C m mm−2 . (23)

Proof: The result follows by induction on m.
It is easy to verify that (23) holds when m = 1, 2. Suppose E {λn } < C n nn−2 , for n = 1, 2, ..., m. Use
the following recursive formula [19] to evaluate E {λm+1 }, which is given by

 m+1 m+1
β′ E λm1 −1 · · · E λmk −1 .
E λ =
k=1 m1 +...+mk =m+1

Then we have

 m+1 m
 m1 −1  m −1
E λ = β 1 + mE{λ} + E{λ } + E λ ...E λ k
k=2 m1 +...+mk =m+1
m−1 k
< β ′ 1 + mβ ′ + C m mm−2 + C mi −1 mimi −3
k=2 m1 +...+mk =m+1 i=1
′ ′ m m−2 m+1−k m−1−k
< β 1 + mβ + C m + C m
k=2 m1 +...+mk =m+1
   
X m
< C m+1 1 + mm−1 +   mm−1−k 
k=2 k−1
   
X m−1
< C m+1 1 + mm−1 +   mm−1−k 
k=1 k
 
X m−1
= C   mm−1−k
k=0 k
= C m+1 (1 + m)m−1 ,

where the first inequality is based the assumption on n = 1, ..., m and the fact that E{λ} = β ′ ; the third
inequality applies the condition that C > max(1, β ′) and mm−1 > mm−2 + m for m > 2. This concludes
the proof.
Applying Stirling’s formula and Lemmas I.1,2,3, we can obtain the conclusion that the eigenvalue distri-
bution of SST in the shifted model is identical to that of the independent model, thus assuring the assumption
that the columns of S can be regarded as independent in the large system limit.


Proof: From the definition of δaf , we have

E{ST δSa} − E{δST δSa} .

E{δaf } = − (24)

We consider the term E{δST δSa} first. It is easy to check that (recall that skl denotes the spreading code
of user k along path l)
1 n  o 1 X T
E δST δS ij = s (m)srs (m)E {δbp δbr }
M M m=1 pq

 0, if p 6= r
= ,
 4Pe PM sT (m)s (m), if p = r
M m=1 pq rs

i j
where p = L
, q = mod (i, L), r = L
, s = mod (j, L). It should be noted we applied the fact that
E {δbp δbr } = 4Pe in the second equality.
According to Assumption II.3, the spread codes are mutually independent for different users or different
paths. Thus, by applying the strong law of large numbers, we have

M  0,
1 X
if (p, q) 6= (r, s)
spq (m)srs (m) → .
M m=1
 1, if (p, q) = (r, s)

Therefore, we have

1 n o  0, if i 6= j

E δS δS ij → , almost surely, as M → ∞
M  4Pe , if i = j

Similarly, we can show that

1 n o  0, if i 6= j

E S δS ij → , almost surely, as M → ∞
M  2Pe , if i = j

This completes the proof.


Proof: The covariance matrix Σf is given by


Σf , cov Ŝ δSa
1  T H T
1  T H T

= E S δSaa δS S − E S δSaa δS δS
M2 M2
1  T H T T
1  T H T

− E δS δSaa δS S + E δS δSaa δS δS
M2 M2
− E{δaf }E{δaf }H . (25)

The elements in ST δSaaH δST S are given by

ST δSaaH δST S ij = s̃Ti (p)δs̃k (p)s̃Tj (q)δs̃l (q)ak a∗l ,

p=1 q=1 k=1 l=1

where s̃i (p) , b⌈ i ⌉ (p)s⌈ i ⌉, mod(i,L) (p), namely the spreading code (incorporating the channel symbol) of

the mod(i, L)-th path of user ⌈ Li ⌉ at symbol period p, δs̃i (p) , δb⌈ i ⌉ (p)s⌈ i ⌉, mod(i,L) (p) and ak is the k-

th element of vector a and equals a⌈ k ⌉,mod(k,L) . To compute the corresponding expectation, we apply the

following properties, which are based on Assumption II.4:

• When p = q, if ⌈ Lk ⌉ = ⌈ Ll ⌉, P (δs̃k (p) 6= 0, δs̃l (q) 6= 0) = Pe , since δs̃k (p) and δs̃l (p) are determined
by the same decision feedback;
• When p = q, if ⌈ Lk ⌉ 6= ⌈ Ll ⌉, P (δs̃k (p) 6= 0, δs̃l (q) 6= 0) = Pe2 , since δs̃k (p) and δs̃l (p) are determined
by decision feedback from different users;
• When p 6= q, P (δs̃k (p) 6= 0, δs̃l (q) 6= 0) = Pe2, since δs̃k (p) and δs̃l (p) are determined by decision
feedback from different symbol periods;
• When δs̃k (p) 6= 0, δs̃k (p) = 2s̃k (p).

Thus the expectation of i − jth element of ST δSaaH δST S is given by

n  o
E ST δSaaH δST S ij
= 4Pe s̃Ti (p)s̃k (p)s̃Tj (p)s̃l (p)ak a∗l
p=1 k=1 ⌈ l ⌉=⌈ k ⌉
+ 4Pe2 s̃Ti (p)s̃k (p)s̃Tj (p)s̃l (p)ak a∗l
p=1 k=1 ⌈ l ⌉6=⌈ k ⌉
+ 4Pe2 s̃Ti (p)s̃k (p)s̃Tj (q)s̃l (q)ak a∗l
k=1 l=1
p, q = 1
p 6= q

= T1 + T2 + T3 ,

where T1 , T2 and T3 represent the corresponding three summations, respectively.

Applying the strong law of large numbers and the assumption on the spreading codes that {s̃i (p)} are
independent for different values of i or p, we can obtain that, as M → ∞, the following conclusions hold
almost surely:
2 1

 4P e |ai | + N
k=1, k6=i k | , if i = j,
1 
T1 → 1
if i 6= j and ⌈ Li ⌉ = ⌈ Lj ⌉,
4P e 1 + ai aj ,
M 
 N

 0, if ⌈ Li ⌉ 6= ⌈ Lj ⌉


 4P 2 1 + 1 ai a∗ , if ⌈ Li ⌉ 6= ⌈ Lj ⌉,

1 e N j
T2 →
M  0, if ⌈ Li ⌉ = ⌈ Lj ⌉
T3 → 4Pe2 ai a∗j , ∀i, j.

We can apply the same manipulation and obtain that E ST δSaaH δST δS = E δST δSaaH δST S =


E δST δSaaH δST δS as M → ∞. Therefore, we can obtain (7) since the sum of the middle three terms
in (25) is zero and T3 cancels E{δaf }E{δaf }H .
It should be noted that the above analysis is also valid for asynchronous case when Pe is sufficiently small.
Similar to the discussion in Section III.A, we can remove part of the chips in the first and the last symbol
periods to obtain a similar matrix SN M −dmax ×KL , where dmax denotes the largest time offsets of different
users, measured in chips. When Pe is sufficiently small and M is sufficiently large, we can ignore the terms
scaled by Pe2 and the edge effect in the first and last symbol period. Then, we have
n KL
 o X X
S δSaa δS S ij ≈ 4Pe s̃Ti s̃k s̃Tj s̃l ak a∗l ,
k=1 ⌈ l ⌉=⌈ k ⌉

where s̃k is the k-th column of matrix S, which converges to T1 as M → ∞.

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transmitter of user 1
channel fading
interleaver and
encoder channel
information modulation

... +
transmitter of user K
channel fading
interleaver and
information encoder channel


channel deinterleav
receiver output decoder er
of user 1
... ... multiuser channel
detector estimator received
channel deinterleav symbols
decoder er
receiver output
of user K


Fig. 1






0.03 ∆n




10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Fig. 2



Pe=0.1 Simulation
Pe=0.1 Gaussian
0.12 Pe=0.05 Simulation
Pe=0.05 Gaussian


Bit Error Rate






10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 3





Information Bit (Convolution)
Extrinsic Information(Convolution)
Information Bit (Turbo)
Extrinsic Information(Turbo)

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 4



iterative with CSI
0.6 perfect initialization







20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 5





iterative with CSI

1.3 perfect initialization






20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 6


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