Eicc Confidential - Eicc Gap Analysiss Only: Important Notice
Eicc Confidential - Eicc Gap Analysiss Only: Important Notice
Eicc Confidential - Eicc Gap Analysiss Only: Important Notice
The EICC information below is strictly confidential and subject to Agreement on Exchange of Confidential Informa (AECI).
The EICC VA Protocol can only be used by EICC Qualified Audit Firms and EICC VAP auditors.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The EICC VA Protocol is strictly internal to EICC and cannot be used by any organization for any purpose other than EICC recognized Audit Program.
Auditee Information
Address Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, P.R. China
Country China
Facility Manager (Name & Title) Mr. Youzhu CHEN (General Manager)
Main Contact(s) for Audit (Name
& Title) Mr. Lock HUANG (vice manager of ISO office)
email lock.huang@tpv-tech.com
Telephone 86-591-85285555-7373
Audit Information
Start date of the Audit: 06/06/2016
Close date of the Audit: 08/06/2016
Audit Type: Initial audit
Bureau Veritas
Audit Firm Certification
Audit Team:
name email Phone
Lead: Linda FU linda.fu@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501362
Labor Linda FU linda.fu@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501362
Ethics Linda FU linda.fu@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501362
Health and Safety Lian WANG lian.wang@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501279
Environment Lian WANG lian.wang@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501279
Management System Lian WANG lian.wang@cn.bureauveritas.com 18017501279
Executive Summary
A 3.1 Minor It was shown in the work time record of (Jun. 2015-low, Nov. 2015-peak, May. 2016- average) that 16.7% workers worked overtime more than 36 hours per month
as local laws requirements.
A3.3 Minor The work time record of Jun. 2015-low, Nov. 2015-peak, May. 2016- averageand found the sampled workers work time were not meet the EICCs
requirement. It was showed that the overtime should be controlled more effective.
B4.2 Minor Workshop. High voltage test employees has no insulant shoe, and the regular test record of insulant gloves has not been provided on assembling workshop
Executive summary
TPV Electronics (Fujian) Co., Ltd. is one subsidiary of TPV Group and its main scope of the facility is design and manufacturing of monitor and TV. The company is located
at Rongqiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, P.R. China. The company had obtained the certification of ISO9001, ISO14001,
OHSAS18001 and QC080000 management systems.
There are totally 4479 employees in the company.
The audit is conducted as an Non-VAP audit. Totally 5 mandays on site. It is performed to evaluate the facility's labor, ethics, occupational health and safety and
environmental practices and supporting management systems against the EICC Audit Criteria and applicable laws and regulations. No exception management or integrity issues
were encountered during the Audit.
Management attitude
The management has attended the opening meeting and closing meeting. The management is cooperative during the audit. The management promises to take corrective actions
for the nonconformances found.
Worker attitude
All workers attended interviews were freely selected by the auditors. Interviews were conducted either in group or individual in a confidential manner. Some interviews
with individual worker were conducted in a separate room, whereas others were conducted either in production lines or on spot. The Interviewed workers' attitude is open
to the audit. They can talk the condition in the company freely. Most of them gave positive comments to the company.
Process Integrity
The audit covered all EICC requirements: labor, ethics, environment, health & safety, management.The documents and records were analyzed. Individual workers and group
workers were interviewed. The offices, workshops, warehouses, dormitory were visited.
Closing meeting
LABOR/EHS Senior Manager and other managers attend the closing meeting. The audit findings were communicated to the management. The NC had been agreed by the management
and the top they promised to take corrective actions.
Exception management
APM integrity changes made: NA
Absolute Conformance
Overall Audit Score Result
(worst individual finding)
187 Major
Audit Findings
Data point 1: Site observation: The workers moved freely in the factory without restriction.
Data point 2: Document Review; The detailed policy was defined in the <TPV employee manual>, 15 version, release on April 2014,Labor and <Ethics Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01,08
Any type of forced, Version, It stated that any type of force labor was forbidden in the company.
involuntary prison,
All employees joined the company
indentured, bonded Data point 3: Management Interview; Mr. Hui Zhao/HR supervisor stated that no withdraw of ID, no deposit was taken for worker employment, and no forced prison or bonded
A1.1 Conformance voluntarily. All of them had signed labor
(including debt bondage, worker was used.
contracts with the company.
trafficked or slave) labor
is not used Data point 4: 67 workers interviewed, they all said that no any type of forced, prison, indentured or bonded labor used.
Legal references:---
Supporting evidence reference(s):---
Data point 1: Document Review:
The detailed policy of freely choosen employment was defined in the <TPV employee manual>, 15 version, release on April 2014,<Labor and Ethics Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01,08
Adequate and effective
policy and procedures are Data point 2: Management Interview: Mr. Hui Zhao/HR supervisor, stated that the ID card and personnel information should be checked in the recruitment process. No forced
The company prohibit using any type of
established ensuring that labour is used in the company.
forced, involuntary prison, indentured,
A1.2 any form of forced, bonded, Conformance
bonded (including debt bondage, trafficked
involuntary prison, Data point 3: Worker interview
or slave) labor.
trafficked or slave labor 67 workers were interviewed.They all stated that they joined the company volunteer and they signed the labor contact themselves. No any type of forced, prison, indentured
is not used. or bonded labor used.
Legal references: --
Supporting evidence reference(s):--
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Site observation:
No visible child labour is found in the company.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Documental Review: The payment policy is stated clear in <TPV employee manual>, 15 version, release on April 2014. <Salary management process>, A00, issued on
Jan. 12, 2016.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Documental Review:
5 resignation records are reviewed. The payments for the resignation workers are checked. The wages were paid with 3 days.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Disciplinary actions are The discipline actions were recorded and Data point 2: Management interview:
recorded, consistent with signed by the employee himself/herself. Mr. Hui Zhao, HR supervisor, states that the discipline actions are in compliance with the discipline policy.
A5.3 Conformance
the procedures and reviewed And the discipline actions were reviewed
by management by the HR Dept. Data point 3: Worker interview:
67 interviewed workers state that they know the discipline policy and no discipline action has been implemented for them.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
A6) Non-Discrimination
Participants should be committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination. Companies shall not engage in discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership or
marital status in hiring and employment practices such as promotions, rewards, and access to training. In addition, workers or potential workers should not be subjected to medical tests that could be used in a discriminatory way.
Data point 1: Site observation:
No case of discrimination is found.
No evidence of
Data point 2: Document review:
discrimination based on
No discrimination policy is stated in TPV employee manual: 15 version, release on April 2014,Labor and Ethics Manual, TPVFQ-LEM-01,08 Version. TPV internal website, www.
grounds of race, color,
baidu.com were checked.
age, gender, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, No any kinds of discrimination was found
A6.1 Conformance Data point 3: Management interview:
disability, pregnancy, during this audit
Mr. Hui Zhao, HR HR supervisor, stated that there is anti-discrimination policy. He states that discrimination is prohibited in the company.
religion, political
affiliation, union
Data point 4: Worker interview:
membership or marital
67 interviewed workers state that no discrimination is found in the company.
status exists.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Document review:
Freedom association policy is stated in <TPV employee manual>, 15 version, release on April 2014,Labor and <Ethics Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01,08 Version. The policy has
communicated to workers.
There was TU organization in the company.
Adequate and effective About 7% employees joined the company.
Data point 2: Management interview:
communication/training to
Mr. Hui Zhao, HR supervisor, stated that the freedom of association policy has been communicated to the workers when they join the facility.
A7.2 workers on their legal Conformance
rights related to freedom .
Data point 3: Worker Interview;
of association is provided
67 interviewed workers stated that the freedom of association policy has been communicated to them.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Document review:
Freedom association policy is stated in <TPV employee manual>, 15 version, release on April 2014,Labor and <Ethics Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01,08 Version.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1:
List of special equipment indicate that the use certificates, expiry dates of permits of all special equipment were tracked to ensure permits and licenses are up to date
at all times.
Periodical inspection reports for 36 elevators (last on 28/04/2016), 42 safety valve (last on 17/11/2015), 27 pressure valve(last on 18/02/2016) 63 forlifts (last
There are special equipment were
All required permits, inspection on 14/03/2016) and 18 air tanks (last on 29/09/2015) were available, uasage registration qualification for air tanks, elevators and weights were available.
elevators, forklift and Pressure tank at
licenses and test reports inspection report for safety performance of lightning protection system:DQ0020160100100017, DQ0020160100100015,issue date: Jan 26, 2016
the facility. The facility has obtained
for occupational safety are drink water inspection report: SZ201605070, issue date: May 16, ,2016,including two dormitory and production area.
all required permits, licenses and test
B1.1 in place and a process is Conformance
reports for occupational safety. The
implemented to ensure Data point 2: Management Interview:
facility has established and implemented a
permits and licenses are up Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, state that special equipment list was available, and expired date was showed in the list, and special equipment will
process to ensure that all the permits are
to date at all times be re-inspected.
up to date.
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Site observation: Automatic sprinklers are installed at the workshops. The alarm system are available in the company. The fire extinguishers were montly
inspected by the company.
Data point 2: Document Review: Construction engineering fire verification comments (2009-0205 for production building), (2014-0007 for new warehouse),(350000WYS120003889
for dormitory), (350000WYS110016748 for canteen) by Fuqing Fire Brigrade were available. Fire system checking forms (monthly) to show that fire system was monthly
Adequate and effective fire maintained by professional company (Zhejiang Yongan Fire Co., Ltd. FuJian branch).
The fire detection, alarm and supperssion
detection, alarm and
B2.2 Conformance systems are adequate, and monthly
suppression systems are in Data point 3: Management Interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that the fire facilities were checked monthly by the company and by one professional company.
maintained to ensure its effectiveness.
Data point 4: Worker interview: 67 workers out 67 interviewed can state where the fire extinguishers and fire hydrants are in place.
Data point 1: Observation: All emergency exit, aisles and stairways were adequate, readily accessible and properly maintained.
Data point 2: Document review: Construction engineering fire verification comments (2009-0205 for production building), (2014-0007 for new warehouse),(350000WYS120003889
Effective emergency exit
for dormitory), (350000WYS110016748 for canteen) by Fuqing Fire Brigrade were available. Fire system checking forms (monthly) to show that fire system was monthly
access, exits, and exit
All emergency exit, aisles and stairways maintained by professional company (Zhejiang Yongan Fire Co., Ltd. FuJian branch).
discharge are adequate in
B2.4 Conformance were adequate, readily accessible and
number and location,
properly maintained. Data point 3: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that emergency exit, aisle and stairways passed the verification of loca fire bureau, and suitbaly
readily accessible, and
properly maintained
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Education training attendance forms (periodical training for workers, last on 24/12/2015) and training contents for new workers were
All employees are provided availabele.
with appropriate All workers are trained on fire and other
training/communication on emergencies as well as the corresponding Data point 2: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that the fire safety training had implemented to all employees, and fire dirll training was
fire and other emergencies, preparedness and response plans/procedures conducted to all workers at least once a year.
B2.5 Conformance
as well as the during orientation training and are re-
corresponding preparedness trained according to annual training plan. Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 out of 67 interviewed workers state that the training had implemented.
and response All workers attended fire drill.
plans/procedures Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 2: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that the internal emergency response team was established and relevant PPE was available, and all
the persons were trained by local fire brigade.
Designated emergency
response personnel are Designated emergency response personnel
Data point 3: Worker interview: 2 of 67 workers was emergency respnse personnel states that the training had been implemented.
B2.7 provided adequate and Conformance are provided adequate PPE and periodic
effective PPE and training training.
Data point 4: Site observation: Adequate PPE for emergency repsonse personnel were placed at fire department, such as fire-prevetion clothes, respirators, light, etc.
on a regular basis
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Occupational illness inspection summary report (on 11/04/2016) were available, and total 478 workers (related to noise, dust and chemical)
Occupational illness test is provided to
All required permits, were inspected on occupational illness body check,
workers at occupational-health-relevant
licenses and testing
positions, and the process to ensure
reports for occupational Data point 2: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that occupational inspection was needed for workers related to dust, noise and chemical, and was
permits and license to be up to date is
injury and illness are in conducted annually and before in-position.
B3.1 Conformance established in Occupational Health
place and a process is
Checking Implementation Instruction" and
implemented to ensure Data point 3: Worker interview: 2 of 67 workers was on occupational illess postion personnel states that the occupational illness body check had been implemented.
effectively implemented.
permits and licenses are up
to date at all times Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Work-related injury insurrance control method (A01) ws established to define the requirements of investigations to determine root cause(s)
and implement corrective/preventive actions. Work-related injury list to show that 2 work-related injury was happened in 2012, 8 in 2013, 3 in 2014, 0 in 2015 and 1 in 2016
Investigations to determine till now. Incident investigation report (06/1/2016 sampled) showed that root cause investigation and corrective action was taken.
root cause(s) and implement The process for root cause investigation
corrective/preventive and corrective action taken for work- Data point 2: Management inteview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, can explain the process of work-related injury, and root cause and corrective action for work-related
B3.2 actions for work-related Conformance related injury was established, and no injury was needed.
injuries/illness in the work-related injury happened from the
past three years are establishment of the company. Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 out of 67 workers state that they had been provided injury insurance and they will be treated in compliance witht the legal requirement.
performed and documented
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: The first aiders list (total 78) was maintained. The training records for 78 first aiders are available. Medical facility operation license
(350181032711) was available for the infirmary, qualification for 1 nurses was available.
Data point 2: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that first aiders are arranged in differant dept., and one infirmary was available for all
A effective process and Trained first aiders are in place to workers.
adequate first aiders to provide medical treatment for injured or
B3.3 provide medical treatment Conformance ill workers, and one infirmary was placed Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 out of 67 interviewed workers know the first aider in the Dept. and the infirmary.
for injured or ill workers at dormitory area, and the doctors and
is in place nurses were qualified. Data point 4: One infirmary was placed at Productions area, and one first aid was available for every department.
Data point 1: Document review: Production machine list is available to show that no machine required license is available. EDX-702 exemption notice (2008-291) by Shanghai
All required permits, environment protection bureau on 28/07/2008 to show that the 3 X-ray equipments were not required license.
licenses and testing
reports for machinery are The facility doesn't use any machines that Data point 2: Management review: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor and Mr. Lock HUANG / vice manager of ISO office, could show that no production machine is reqired license,
B6.1 in place and a process is Conformance need permits, licenses and testing and the 3 X-ray test machines are not required license.
implemented to ensure reports.
permits and licenses are up Legal references: NA.
to date at all times Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Machine operation working instructions (for SMT machines, doard-cutting machine, packing machines, etc.) were available. Training recording
forms (last on 15/12/2015) to show that training on safety machine operation was suitably conducted.
Workers operate machinery safely. They can
Workers operate machinery Data point 2: Site observation:Workers safely operated machiens, and safeguarding equipment was suitbaly available.
proper use of machine safeguards and
safely, including proper
B6.2 Conformance emergency stop switches.
use of machine safeguards Data point 3: Worker interview: 10 of 67 interiviewed workers who use the machine state that they are trained for the safety guidance.
and emergency stop switches
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Machine operation working instructions and Machine Maintenance Recording Form (for SMT machines, doard-cutting machine, packing machines,
etc.) were available.
The facility has established the machine
safeguarding program, and the machine Data point 2: Management interview: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, can explain the operation safety guidances and maintenance period, and safeguarding equipment was covered
An adequate and effective
safeguard program is effectively in maintenance content.
B6.3 machine-safeguarding Conformance
implemented. All safeguarding equipment
program is implemented
are periodically maintained together with Data point 3: Worker interview: 10 of 67 interiviwed workers who use the machine state that they are trained for the safety guidance.
periodical maintenance of machines.
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 2: Management review: Ms. rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that all waste water is collected to wasterwater collection pool (whick was controlled by TPV
group) and discharged to local municipal treatment system, and wastewater discharge was yearly monitored, and last in May. 2016.
Effluent discharges
Just sanitary wastewater raised and Data point 3: Site observation; Just sanitary wastewater raised, and wastewater was discharged to wastewater collection pool and then discharged to municipal treatment
discharged to municipal treatment system, system, and no storm water used.
wastewater, sewage and
C4.2 Conformance and wastewater discharge is monitored, and
storm water) meet the
the results meet the discharge limits in Legal references: N/A
discharge limits for
accordance with legal requirements. Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
regulated constituents
Data point 4: Worker interview:
1 out of 1 interviewed worker, responsible for operation of sanitary sewage station, states that he has been trained and has good knowledge on sanitary sewage station
Data point 1: Document review: Monitoring and measurement operation procedure (TPVFQ-SHEP-19/03) indicates that monitoring for air emission need be conducted once a year.
Monitoring report (CTPF16HJ027) for air emission from kitchen indicated that wastewater monitoring was conducted on 16/05/2016. The result showed that the effluent
discharge could meet the legal requirements.
There is just air emission from the
kitchen and air emission from production
Air emissions meet the Data point 2: Management review: Ms. Rui WANg / EHS supervisor, states that air emission from kitchen and production workshop is monitoring yearly, and the kitchen was
lines on soldering raised, and air
C5.1 discharge limits for Conformance controlled and last in May. 2016.
emission is monitored on 16 May. 2016 by
regulated constituents
its headquarter, and the results meet the
Data point 3: Site observation: Air emission from kitchen and production lines on soldering was available.
discharge limits for legal requirements.
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Document review: Monitoring and measurement operation procedure (TPVFQ-SHEP-19/03) indicates that monitoring for boundary noise need be conducted once a
year. Monitoring report ((CTPF16HJ027) for boundary noise indicated that boundary noise was conducted on 16/05/2016. The result showed that the effluent discharge could
meet the legal requirements.
Environmental noise levels Boundary noise is annually monitored, and
C5.2 are within regulatory Conformance the results meet the legal requirements in
Data point 2: Management review: Ms. Rui WANG / EHS supervisor, states that boundary noise is monitoring yearly, and last in May. 2016.
limits the company.
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Effective processes and Data point 1: Document review: Environment-controlled substance standard (RDEMS-01/A09.0) indicates that the control requirements on hazardous substance in product
procedures are in place to Environment-protection agreements (from all suppliers, HeLian sampled) indicate test reports indicate that all parts are tested on hazarouds substance content by
request and obtain relevant suppliers.Component HSF test data sheet indicates that in-coming parts were periodically tested by XRF equipment.
The procedures in place to request and
chemical composition
obtain chemical composition information
C6.2 information from their Conformance Data point 2: Management review: Ms. Jianfang LEI / SQA supervisor, states that every parts is provided test report on hazardous substance content by suppliers, and in-
from the suppliers are established and
suppliers, including coming parts is tested by XRF equipment.
effectively implemented.
certificates and analytical
reports if required by law Legal references: N/A
or customers Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1:
No identified risk that
The policy was defined in the <Labor and Ethics Management Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01, Ver 04, issued on DEC.12, 2012. It states that the company supports and protects the
Employees/Workers who
employee who refuses to bribery or other against the business code. The revenge is prohibited.
refuse to participate in
bribery, facilitation
No employees are found they are punished Data point 2: Management interview:
payments or who have
due to employees/workers refuse to Mr. Hui Zhao, HR supervisor, stated that employees will not be punished due to employees/workers refuse to participate in bribery or declared conflicts of interest, even
declared conflicts of
D1.1 Conformance participate in bribery, facilitation though loss of business. The policy is approved by GM.
interest do not suffer
payments or who have declared conflicts of
demotion, penalty or other
interest. Data point 3: Worker interview:
adverse consequences even
67 interviewed workers stated that they will not be punished due to employees/workers refuse to participate in bribery, or declared conflicts of interest.
if this action may result
in the enterprise losing
Legal references: N/A
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 1: Site observation: The suggestion boxes were placed in the workshop.
Data point 2: Document review: Informant identity secret rules was defined in the <Labor and Ethics Management Manual>, TPVFQ-LEM-01, Ver 04, issued on DEC.12, 2012..
A way to confidentially The confidentially report way was
Data point 3: Management interview:
report suspected ethical available to workers and employee of
Mr. Hui Zhao, HR supervisor, can explain how the procedure implemented. The company provided the the hotline and GM email address to the suppliers.
D6.1 misconduct is available to Conformance suppliers
workers and employee of
Data point 4: Worker interview:
67 interviewed workers stated that they knew the complain channel.
D7) Privacy
We are committed to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone we do business with, including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees. Comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is
collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared.
D8) Non-Retaliation
Participants should have a communicated process for their personnel to be able to raise any concerns without fear of retaliation.
A policy to reasonably
assure that purchasing of
Data point 1: Document review:
the 3TG minerals does not
"No conflict mineral commitment" was signed by all suppliers. It stated that conflict minerals from these serious-human-rights Democratic Republic of Congo or surrounding
directly or indirectly
The policy has been established to avoid countries are forbidden to be purchased.
finance armed groups that
knowingly purchasing of the 3TG minerals The CFSI CMRT sheet of 'Guanhao' was sample checked.
are perpetrators of serious
that directly or indirectly finance armed
human rights abuses in the
groups that are perpetrators of serious Data point 2: Management review:
Democratic Republic of
human rights abuses in the Democratic Ms. Hong Wei, Purchasing supervisor, states that all suppliers must sign EICC agreement. No conflict mineral commitment need to be signed.
D9.1 Congo or surrounding Conformance
Republic of Congo or surrounding
countries with an effective
countries. Data point 3: Worker interview:
procedures to establish and
Purchasing staff states that he was trained on the requirements of non-usage conflict minerals, and all suppliers must sign commitment.
monitor responsible
sourcing of minerals and
Legal references: Not applicable
capable of making the due-
Supporting evidence reference(s): None
diligence measures
available upon request from
Management Systems
Does the facility have
credible, accredited third-
party certified (valid)
management systems for:
The company has third-party certified
A) Labor (e.g. SA8000)
E0 Not rated management system for ISO9001, ISO14001, See general info tab for certifcate details
B) Health & Safety (e.g.
OHSAS18001 and QC080000.
C) Environment (e.g.
D) Ethics
Data point 1: Document review: Labor & ethics management manual (TVE-LEM-01/04) to show that the requirements of risk assessment on labor & ethics were defined, Labor &
An adequate and effective
ethics risk assessmnet sheet, updated on Apr. 11, 2016, that risk identification, risk assessment and management is established that the risks of labor & ethics are
risk management process to
The risk management process to identify, identified and the control methods are determined.
identify, assess, and
assess and manage risks on labor & ethics
E4.1 Conformance is established, and effectively Data point 2: Management interview: Mr. Lock HUANG - vice manager of ISO office, shows the risk lists were avaiable, and they could explain the cotrol methods of the risks
its risks in the areas of:
implemented. The control methods are control.
A) Labor B) Health & Safety
C) Environment and D)
Legal references: N/A
Ethics is in place
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
E6) Training
Programs for training managers and workers to implement Participants policies, procedures and improvement objectives and to meet applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Data point 1: Document review: Education training procedure (TPVFQ-QP-31/08) indicates that training requirements on labor & ethics are defined, Annual training plan is
An adequate and effective
established. Education training attendance sheets showed that training on labor & ethics was conduced on Mar. 29, 2016. The training on labor & ethics is performed to new
training process is
employees when they join the company. Training materials for new employees checked.
established for all
employees/workers on all An effective training process is
Data point 2: Manangement interview: Mr. Lock HUANG - vice manager of ISO office, can explain that the training on labor & ethics has covered new employees and exiting
policy/procedures/job established for all employees/workers on
E6.1 Conformance employees.
related aspects and labor & ethics code, and suitably
performance targets related implemented.
Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 interviewed workers stated that they are trained on labor & ethiucs when they joined the company
to A) Labor, B) Health &
Safety, C) Environment, and
Legal references: N/A
D) Ethics
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
E7) Communication
Process for communicating clear and accurate information about Participants policies, practices, expectations and performance to workers, suppliers and customers.
An adequate and effective Data point 1: Document review: Consultation and communication control procedure (TPVFQ-SHEP-05/02) states the communication methods to workers, customer, supplier,
worker/employee, supplier employees for labor & ethics code are established.
and customer
The communication process is established
communication/reporting Data point 2: Management interview: Mr. Lock HUANG - vice manager of ISO office, can explain the communication process.
for customer, supplier, employees on labor
E7.1 process for A) Labor, B) Conformance
& ethics code, and effectively
Health & Safety, C) Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 interviewed workers stated that the company communicate them for labor & ethics issues by the meeting, bulletin board.
Environment, and D) Ethics
policies, practices and Legal references: N/A
performance is established Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1:Consultation and communication control procedure (TPVFQ-SHEP-05/02) indicates that the process of consulation and participation for workers is established.
An adequate and effective
Data point 2: Management interview: Mr. Lock HUANG - vice manager of ISO office, states that the participation process is established in the company and encourage workers
to participate EICC issues.
process whereby management The adequate and effective participation
E8.2 solicits and encourages Conformance process is esblished, and is suitably
Data point 3: Worker interview: 67 interviewed workers stated that they get EICC konwledge from training and employee manual, and they can participate EICC issue by
worker feedback and implemented.
suggestion box, hotline and HR service center, etc..
participation for
improvement via various
Legal references: N/A
channels is in place
Supporting evidence reference(s): Nil
Data point 1: Site observation: The documents are maintained well on-site. Personal files were kept at file room of HR deaprtment, and personal information could be
accessed only by the approval of HR manager.
Adequate and effective
documentation and records
Data point 2: Document review: Document and data control procedure (TPVFQ-QELMP-06/17) and Record control procedure (TPVFQ-QELMP-29/12) state that the procedures are
for A) Labor, B) Health &
The procedures for cotnrol of documents established in company to ensure adequate and effective documents and records for EICC management systems.
Safety, C) Environment, and
and records for labor & ethics management
E11.1 D) Ethics management Conformance
systems are adequately established, and Data point 3: Management interview: Mr. Lock HUANG - vice manager of ISO office, states that the company has maintained documents and records to ensure that the company can
systems are maintained and
are effectively implemented. meet the legal requirements and customer requirements.
appropriate levels of
access to ensure privacy
Legal references: NA
are implemented
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Data point 2: Document review: EICC agreement including purchase contracts signed with each vendor states that the EICC Code is included in the commitment and the
The EICC Code requirements The communication way to next tier commitment is signed by all suppliers.
have been communicated to suppliers about the Code is established,
E12.1 Conformance
the next tier major and the EICC code was communicated to all Data point 3: Management interview: Ms. Hong Wei / Purchase supervisor states that all suppliers have signed the EICC commitments.
suppliers next tier suppliers.
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s):NA
Data point 1: Document review: "Supplier evaluation and audit procedure (TPVFQ-QP-08, 08Version)" indicates that on-site audit for main suppliers should be conducted once
a year. "Approved vendor list" indicates that there are 468 suppliers, and at present. "Supplier QSA system audit checklist" indicate that the requirements on EICC is
defined for supplier audit.
An effective process to
The company has established an audit
ensure that the next tier Data point 2: Management interview: Mr. Hong Wei / Purchase supervisor, states that the supplier evaluation on EICC is established, the audits were performed as the
E12.2 Conformance process to ensure the next tier suppliers
major suppliers implement anuanlly audit plan.
have implemented the EICC Code.
the Code is implemented
Legal references: NA
Supporting evidence reference(s): NA
Leading Practices
Labor Provision NA
Good Practice:
Health & Safety Provision NA
Good Practice:
Environment Provision NA
Good Practice:
Ethics Provision NA
Good Practice:
Management System Provision NA
Good Practice: