Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 11 Statics - 2.5
Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 11 Statics - 2.5
Statics and Dynamics Prof. Sivakumar Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 11 Statics - 2.5
Prof. Sivakumar
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture 11
Statics - 2.5
I mean example in this particular module, let us look at whether this particular structural
system is stable in this statics sense, whether this is stable is a question that we have to
Let examinant step by step, the first thing that I would attempt to do is, I would look at
this particular free body, let me just has it to indicate. So, I am going to take this
particular entire structural system and look at, it support reactions and ask the question
whether it is rigidly connected to the fixed frame of reference. If the answer is yes, then
we can proceed to find out the nature of the structural system itself as a separate body.
Mind you, if I do this, at this particular point if I pin this particular body at this point, the
only way that the body can rotate is like this. Assume that this body is stationary within
itself and if I use a roller support to arrest the vertical moment over here at A, then I
know that this particular body cannot move as an integral body with only these particular
supports. In other words, these supports at A and E are enough to give a particular rigid
body a stable support.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:03)
So, the first question that we answer is, is the support system to the structure, here the
structure is this which consists of rigid bodies connected together. Is the support system
to the structure and stably or stable in connection to the fixed frame? The answer that to
the question in this particular problem is yes, if I fix if I inject E and have a roller
supported A that is enough to pin this particular rigid body to the fixed frame of
Therefore, the next question that I have to ask is, is the structure itself a rigid body. If it
is a rigid body, then from the earlier concept that we know it will be a structure that is
stable. So, let us examine in there, how do I examine that particular concept, it is not
difficult. In order to do that, first let us make it a body with the supports removed,
typically this particular body it should indicate the characteristics of a single rigid body.
So, if I start with this particular member for example I am going to take this member, I
hold this member and ask the question if I connect these two and do not connected this
particular point, these two members can rotate about B and E. So, if I take this particular
member D E and this particular member B D and ask the question, if they are pinned at
these two points what will happen to these. These members B D and D E will rotate
about A and B.
Again they can rotate about B and D and if I hold the relative rotation of these two
members at C, they become rigid again with respect to this rigid body, which means I
can include this and say that both together form another rigid body. I can extent this
argument and show that I can end up this region also and therefore, this entire body A, B,
E, D, C is a single rigid system planar of course, provided each of these members that we
have A B, B C, C D, D E and B E are rigid and that satisfies this condition and serve
therefore, the answer is yes.
And if these two conditions are met, then I will say that this structure is a stable structure
that is simple. This is one of the criteria that has to be met in order to analyze for the
forces in the structure for stability and statics.
Now, let us look at some examples in relation to stability, so let say I have something like
this, I have one like this and another like this, I ask the question is this the stable system,
let us examine and find out. Unlike the previous system which I have just taken a similar
system here, here I have take a roller support here and a hint support here. In contrast
both are hint system, but I have one member last over here and I want to ask the question
is this a rigid stable system.
Let us examine, first let us take this, this structure out of defects of frame of reference. I
find that this has is a hints, this is a hints and if I remove these two, there are two
reactions that occur. Or in other words, if I have to draw this as a free body and examine
the equilibrium, there are four unknowns that I have to solve for it. But, mind you I can
solve for only three equations, but one thing is clear it is rigidly connected to defects of
frame of reference.
And therefore, let me go to the next step, the next step I will examine the free body of
this. Like in the earlier case, as long as I have three members like this joined as a
triangle, it becomes a rigid system, this rigid system is again forming a triangle with
these two. And therefore, they together will be a rigid system, but this rigid system along
with this is no more a rigid one, there is a degree of freedom that you see here.
And therefore, this no more remains a free body rigid body, if it a rigid body a rigid body
has 3 degrees of freedom. But, here I have a system of rigid bodies, this is one rigid body
that can have 3 degrees of freedom, in addition this can have a rotational degree of
freedom and therefore, plus 1 4 degrees of freedom or possible in this particular system
of rigid bodies. So, here I have a case where externally it is fixed to the system in a stable
way, but internally there seems to be a mechanism possible.
But, since I have to find out four unknowns from the external support and I have 4
degrees of freedom for this body that I can form, it is possible to solve for the four
unknowns through 4 degrees of freedom. So, in that sense if I take the entire thing
together it the stable system, even though this particular body that I am looking at these
not a stable body.
Let us look at a simpler example then this, supposing I had this also and I ask the
question it is a stable system, the answer is immediate yes I have this also included in a
single rigid body mind you single rigid body, means I have only 3 degrees of freedom
which means I can generate three equations, I have to solve for four unknowns only three
equations, which means I have to generate another equation from some other condition I
cannot generate from the equilibrium conditions that I already know of.
Let me remove that member and ask the question supposing I had something like this
and will this be a rigid body or in other words will this be a stable system. Let us
examine that earlier we did that exercise I ask that question, let us look at the external
supports, external supports are introducing three reactions, 2 from here and 1 from here.
So, 1, 2 and 3 reactions or in other words three members have to be solved from
equilibrium of this particular body.
This body already we found out that these two can form a rigid body. Whereas, this body
does not integrally form a single rigid body will this rigid body. Or in other words, it has
a mechanism of being able to rotate and removes this and therefore, this particular
system of rigid bodies will have not 3 degrees of freedom 4 degrees of freedom which
means I can write four equations, but three unknowns only to be solved and we have a
problem here.