The Main Occluding Area in Normal Occlusion and Mandibular Prognathism
The Main Occluding Area in Normal Occlusion and Mandibular Prognathism
The Main Occluding Area in Normal Occlusion and Mandibular Prognathism
Objective: To clarify whether the concept of main occluding area, where hard food is initially
crushed, exists in patients who have a jaw deformity.
Materials and Methods: Nineteen subjects with normal occlusion, 18 patients with mandibular
prognathism, and 11 patients with mandibular prognathism who had undergone orthognathic
surgery participated in this study. The main occluding area was identified by clenching Temporary
Stopping. The coincidence, location of the main occluding area, and distance from the first molars
to main occluding area were examined.
Results: High coincidence of the main occluding area was obtained in all groups, signifying that
the main occluding area exists even in these patients. Mandibular main occluding area was located
on the first molar in all groups. Maxillary main occluding area in subjects with normal occlusion was
located on the first molar. However, it was located on the second premolar and first molar in
patients with mandibular prognathism, and on the first and second molars in patients with
mandibular prognathism who had undergone orthognathic surgery. There was a statistically
significant difference in distance from the maxillary first molar to the main occluding area among
groups, but there was no difference in the distance from the mandibular first molar among groups.
Conclusion: The main occluding area is more stable on the mandibular first molar than the maxilla
in all groups. (Angle Orthod. 2016;86:8793.)
KEY WORDS: Main occluding area; Mandibular prognathism; Orthognathic surgery; Occlusion;
Research Associate, Department of Orthodontics, School of
Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan. Mastication is an important function of the stoma-
Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental tognathic system.1 Masticatory function has been
Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan.
Clinical Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of evaluated in terms of masticatory efficiency,2 electro-
Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan. myographic analysis,3 masticatory movement,4 and
Director, Handa Orthodontic Office, Yamato, Japan. occlusal force.5 However, the process of hard food
Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, crushing by molars during mastication has not been
School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama,
Japan. clarified.
Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kato et al.6 first described an occlusal area where
School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, hard foods are initially crushed in the early step of
Japan. mastication and named the area, the main occluding
Director, Dental Clinic of Tokyo Securities Industry Health
area. He found that the main occluding area plays an
Insurance Society, Tokyo, Japan.
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental important role in the initial step of mastication, and is
Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan. usually located on the maxillary and mandibular first
Corresponding author: Professor Y. Nakamura, Department molars in most of the subjects. This concept of the
of Orthodontics, Tsurumi University, 2-1-3 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, main occluding area has been based on research in
Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-8501, Japan
(e-mail: subjects with normal occlusion. However, no study has
yet confirmed the existence of such an area or location
Accepted: January 2015. Submitted: November 2014.
Published Online: April 15, 2015
in patients with mandibular prognathism who have
G 2016 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, a large anteroposterior discrepancy between maxillary
Inc. and mandibular molars as compared to that of subjects
with normal occlusion. In addition, there is no report The MPOS group, consisting of 11 patients with
about the detailed process of mastication in such mandibular prognathism who had undergone orthog-
patients. Despite the large discrepancy in molars, nathic surgery, met the following inclusion criteria:
these patients can crush hard food, signifying these
N no missing teeth other than the third molar at the first
patients would have a main occluding area too.
Therefore, we hypothesized that patients with
mandibular prognathism also have a stable main N no major restoration covering the cusp,
occluding area. Research on the main occluding area N appropriate overjet and overbite,
in patients with mandibular prognathism will help to N midline deviation of 1.0 mm or less,
elucidate the masticatory mechanism. N preoperative occlusion between the maxillary second
The objective of this study, therefore, was to premolar and mandibular first molar,
examine the main occluding area in patients with N at least 1 year since orthognathic surgery,
mandibular prognathism before and after surgical N Angle Class II molar relationship due to the
orthodontic treatment. extraction of the maxillary bilateral first premolars in
orthodontic treatment and mandibular setback
N normal intermaxillary relationship identified or clas-
The authors have no conflicts of interest. The sified by ANB angle and Wits analysis (Figure 1b).
present study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of Tsurumi University Hospital and conformed to the Table 1 shows the morphologic characteristics of
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. All subjects the subjects in the NORM, MP, and MPOS groups in
provided informed consent, and written consent forms terms of ANB angle and Wits appraisal on the lateral
were obtained before this study. cephalometric radiograph.
Subjects with normal occlusion (NORM), patients with
mandibular prognathism (MP), and patients with man- Test Material
dibular prognathism who had undergone orthognathic Dental stopping (Temporary Stopping, GC, Tokyo,
surgery (MPOS) were included in the present study. Japan; 3.4 mm in diameter), which is commonly used
The NORM group (n 5 19) met the following for dental temporary filling in Japan, was used as the
inclusion criteria: test material in this study. The material was cut to
N no missing teeth other than the third molar, 4.0 mm in length at room temperature, and one piece
N no major restoration covering the cusp, was used for each examination.
N appropriate overjet and overbite,
N midline deviation of 1.0 mm or less, Identification of the Main Occluding Area
N no functional symptoms such as temporomandibular
The main occluding area was identified in accor-
joint disorder,
dance with the method of Kato et al.6 Briefly, one piece
N no history of orthodontic treatment,
of dental stopping was placed on the center of the
N Angle Class I molar relationship (Figure 1a), and
dorsal surface of the tongue in each subject as test
N normal intermaxillary relationship identified or clas-
food, and the subject was instructed to clench it once
sified by ANB angle and Wits analysis (Figure 1b).
on the particular occluding area that was preferably
The MP group comprising 18 patients with mandibular used during mastication (Figure 2). The subjects were
prognathism who required orthognathic surgery at the trained to clench dental stopping several times on the
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, left and right side respectively. Then the subjects were
Tsurumi University, met the following inclusion criteria: instructed to clench it on their preferable side. After
that, the dental stopping was carefully taken out from
N no congenital abnormalities,
the oral cavity and subsequently transferred onto
N no missing teeth other than the third molar,
a prepared dental stone model for analysis. The
N no major restoration covering the cusp,
location of the dental stopping on the dental arch
N overbite of 1.0 mm or more,
was defined as the main occluding area. The same
N overjet of less than 0 mm,
procedure was repeated three times for each subject.
N no notable mandibular asymmetry,
N severe Angle Class III molar relationship with the
Evaluation Method
occlusion between the maxillary second premolar
and mandibular first molar (Figure 1a), and Coincidence of the main occluding area. We
N skeletal Class III intermaxillary relationship in ANB examined the location of the main occluding area in
angle and Wits analysis (Figure 1b). three trials to confirm the reproducibility of the method.
Figure 1. Representative photographs of the dental stone models and cephalometric diagrams of each group. (a) Representative photographs of
dental stone models of subjects in the NORM, MP, and MPOS groups are shown. Photographs are of dental stone models of the subject closest
to the characteristics of each group. (b) Representative cephalometric diagrams of subjects in the NORM, MP, and MPOS groups are shown.
Figure tracing of lateral cephalometric radiographs of the subject closest to the average of the skeletal characteristics of each group.
The dental stopping was examined from the point of Location of the main occluding area. The location of
whether the site includes the same cusp or interdental the maxillary and mandibular main occluding areas in
region. subjects of the NORM, MP, and MPOS groups was
Distance from the first molars to the midpoint of the
Table 1. Cephalometric Characteristics of the Subjectsa
main occluding area. The distances from the mesio-
Groupsb buccal cusp tip of the maxillary first molar, or the
Parameter NORM MP MPOS mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar to the
ANB, (degrees) 3.2 6 2.0; NS 24.2 6 2.9* 2.0 6 1.5; NS mesiodistal midpoint of the dental stopping were
(Wits mm) 20.9 6 1.9* 212.8 6 3.5* 22.7 6 1.4* measured by calipers. The mesiobuccal cusp tip of
NORM indicates subjects with normal occlusion; MP, patients the maxillary first molar or the mesiobuccal groove of
with mandibular prognathism; and MPOS, patients with mandibular the mandibular first molar served as the reference
prognathism who had undergone orthognathic surgery. point. Mesial distances were regarded as positive
* The Mann-Whitney U-test (comparison among groups); P , .05.
NS indicates no significant difference. Statistically significant
value, and distal distances as negative value
difference was observed among groups, except for the ANB between (Figure 2). These measurements were performed by
NORM and MPOS. a single investigator.
Figure 2. Identification of the main occluding area using a piece of dental stopping. (a) Placement of the stopping on the tongue. (b) Chewing the
stopping (arrow). (c) Image of a dental stone model with the stopping indicating the main occluding area (circle). (d) Distance from the first molars
to the midpoint of the main occluding area. Mesial distances from molar were regarded as positive value, and distal distances as negative value.
Statistical Analysis In the NORM group, chewing was seen at the same
The coincidence of locations within each group was location in all three trials in 16/19 subjects (84.2%),
analyzed using the chi-square test. The Fisher exact and two trials in 3/19 subjects (15.8%). In the MP
test was used to compare the percentage of the group, chewing was seen at the same location in all
coincidence among the three groups. The Mann- three trials in 17/18 subjects (94.4%), and two trials
Whitney U-test for between-group comparisons with in 1/18 subjects (5.6%). Interestingly, 11/11 sub-
Bonferroni correction was used for multiple compar- jects (100%) in the MPOS group chewed in the
isons of the mean distance from the midpoint of the same location in all three trials. The percentage of
main occluding area to the first molars.
subjects who chewed in the same location in all
A P value less than .05 was considered statistically
three trials was significantly higher than those who
significant. Statistical analyses mentioned above were
performed with SPSS for Windows (Chicago, Ill). chewed in the same location twice within all groups.
There was no statistically significant difference in
RESULTS the percentage of the subjects who chewed in the
same location in all three trials among three groups.
Coincidence of the Main Occluding Area
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