Constitution For The ICU Debating Society: 1. Name
Constitution For The ICU Debating Society: 1. Name
Constitution For The ICU Debating Society: 1. Name
1. Name
1.1 The name of the club shall be the Imperial College Union Debating Society, hereafter referred
to as the club.
1.2 The club shall be a member of the SCC
3. Statement of intent
3.1 The constitution, regulations, management and conduct of the club shall abide by all Imperial
College Union Policy, and shall be bound by the Imperial College Union Constitution and
3.2 The club stresses that it abides by the Imperial College Union Equal Opportunities Policy, and
that club regulations pertaining to membership of the club or election to management of the
club shall not contravene this policy.
3.3 The club shall also be governed by the SCC standing orders, regulations and constitution.
3.4 The club committee shall supply a Code of Conduct to the ICU DP(C&S) for approval, who
shall sign it as the accepted Code of Conduct for the club.
4. Membership
4.1 The following shall be eligible to become members of ICU Debating Society:
4.1.1 ICU Full Members
4.1.2 ICU Associate Members Life members of ICU Staff of Imperial College Students of other colleges and universities with reciprocal membership of ICU Others with the approval of the Debating Society committee and the approval of
the relevant CSC.
4.2 Any club member who is a full member of ICU shall be a full member of the club, all other
members shall be associate members of the club.
4.3 All members shall pay an annual subscription to join the club; the membership fee shall be
decided by the club committee but shall not be less than that specified in the CSC Standing
7. General Meetings:
7.1 A general meeting may be called by the club President, quorum of the committee or by ten full
members of the club, this must be submitted to the President in writing. The general meeting
must be held within 10 college days of receipt of the proposal.
7.2 General Meetings may only be held during undergraduate term time.
7.3 At least five college days notice of a general meeting must be given to the club membership.
7.4 Only full members of the club may vote at General Meetings.
7.5 Quorum of the meeting shall be half of the voting club members.
7.6 Decision shall be reached by a simple majority of the voting members present.
9. Finance
9.1 The club shall receive a grant from Imperial College Union and shall administer this in
accordance with the Imperial College Union financial procedures.
9.2 The club Treasurer will provide the Treasurer of the SCC with a detailed budget for the
following academic year during the first half of the second term of the academic year.
9.3 Budgets for events shall be taken to the DP(F&S) for inspection and approval.
This constitution has been approved in accordance with 11.1 above, and accepted as the constitution for
the Debating Society, signed,