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The book discusses the history and evolution of medieval castles in Britain.

The book is about medieval castles in Britain and discusses their roles as defensive structures, military bases, homes, and symbols of status.

Medieval castles served as offensive weapons, defensive strongholds, residences, and status symbols.


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PRAEGER Westport, Connecticut

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hull, Lise.
Britain's medieval castles / Lise E. Hull.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-275-98414-1 (alk. paper)
1. Castles Great Britain. 2. Architecture, Medieval Great Britain. 3. Great B r i t a i n -
HistoryMedieval period, 1066-1485. I. Title.
DA660.H94 2006
623'.19410902 dcv22 2005020949

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.

Copyright 2006 by Lise E. Hull

All rights reserved. No portion of this book mav be

reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2005020949

ISBN: 0-275-98414-1

First published in 2006

Praegcr Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Westport, C T 06881

An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
www. praeger.com

Printed in the United States of America

T h e paper used in this book complies with the

Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Illustrations vii

Acknowledgments xi

Introduction: What Is a Castle? xiii

Castles as Offensive Weapons 1

Castles as Defensive Strongholds 37

Castles as Residences 83

Castles as Status Symbols 125

Raglan Castle: A Properly Fortified Military Residence 161

What Is a Castle? Revisited 173

Epilogue 189

Notes 191

Glossary 199

Bibliography 207

Index 211

Ewyas Harold Castle xxii

Gwern y Domen 4
Motte at Warwick Castle 10
Rhuddlan Castle 16
Twthill, the Norman motte at Rhuddlan 17
Looking toward the upper bailey at Caernarfon Cast] 18
Wiston Castle 20

The ruined courthouse at Pembroke Castle 26

Edinburgh Castle 28

Marten's Tower, Chepstow Castle 35

The rock-cut ditch at Goodrich Castle 54
Looking toward the great keep at Chepstow Castle 57

Portcullis 58

Machicolations 59

The great gatehouse at Harlech Castle 60

Bodiam Castle, postern gate 62


Lifting gaffs 63
Goodrich Castle, barbican 64
Timber hoarding 68
Great keep, Pembroke Castle 70
Goodrich Castle, corner tower 71
Conwy town walls 73
Caerphilly Castle, water defenses 77
Caerphilly Castle, great gatehouse 79
Oakham Castle great hall 88
Bigod's apartments at Chepstow 90
Great hall, Conwy Castle 92
Hall-keep, Chepstow Castle 95
Berkeley Castle, keep 97
Clifford's Tower 99
Dolwyddelan Castle 102
Conisbrough Castle, keep 104
Tretower Castle 105
Ashby de la Zouch 108
Warkworth Castle, keep 109
Oxwich Castle, dovecote 114
Kenilworth Castle gardens 115
Tower house, Angle 117
Old Wardour Castle 120
Kirby Muxloe Castle 121
Tudor emblems, Carew Castle 131
Leicester Apartments and John of Gaunt's Oriel,
Kenilworth Castle 133
Caerlaverock Castle, Nithsdale Apartments 134
Llawhaden Castle, gatehouse 137
Ludlow Castle, chapel 140
Farleigh Hungerford Castle, chapel 141
Bolton Castle interior 146
Bodiam Castle interior 148
Ruperra Castle 152

Dryburgh Abbey Hotel 154

Castell Coch 158
Raglan Castle, gatehouse 164
Raglan Castle, Pitched Stone Court 165
Raglan Castle, statues in the ruined Iong gallery 166

Raglan Castle, Fountain Court 167

Raglan Castle, State Apartments 168
Raglan Castle, the great tower 169
Arundel Castle, the Quadrangle 176
Deal Castle 179
Dover Castle, gun emplacements 181
Folly at Abbey Cwmhir 185
Penrice Castle, sham ruins 186
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Developing a fascination with medieval castles was happenstance, born

from a desire to experience as much of Britain's culture, countryside, and
ancient and historic monuments as possible during the two and a half years
I was assigned to the naval facility at Brawdy, Wales. Initially drawn to castle
ruins by the romantic image they projected in the lush landscape, I actually
wrote out a list of "must-see" sites that I wanted to visit before being sent to a
new duty station. Progressively, I expanded my travels from Pembrokeshire
to the rest of Wales, and then to England and the rest of Britain, ensuring I
checked off several of my "must-sees" on each trip. Quickly, my casual cu-
riosity gave way to understanding. I discovered I had acquired considerable
knowledge about the archaeology and history of the sites. That awareness
led to a lifelong passion, one that has taken me back and forth across Britain
on countless excursions, to explore the castles and comprehend their place
in the landscape and in history.
Along the way, I have met many intriguing people, such as the farmer
whose intimate knowledge about the castle on his property rivals anything
a professional could know, to heritage professionals, to the members of
the Castles Studies Group, to the average British citizen, whose sense of
place and national identity is palpable. Each has inspired and enriched my
life and heightened my awareness of the importance of preserving castles of

all types, not only those that produce tourism income but alsoand perhaps
even more sothe ruins and eroding earthworks that are the only surviving
tangible links to the past at those sites.
Writing this book has helped me solidify my beliefs about Britain's me-
dieval castles, what they were, what they are, what they are notand what
they were never meant to be. I have been mocked for claiming that there are
no true castles in America. My research has bolstered that position, which is
based on fact, not mythology. This book has evolved from my own research,
both in the field and in resource materials. I have also benefitted enor-
mously from networking with scholars in the field of castle studies and other
aspects of British history and heritage, and with other castle enthusiasts who
appreciate and promote their continued presence in the countryside.
I would especially like to thank the following people for sharing their
knowledge and enthusiasm with me and for their support on this project:
John R. Kenyon, librarian, National Museum and Gallery of Wales,
whose expertise and contributions to castle studiesand my own education
are immeasurable.
Heather Staines, senior acquisitions editor for Praeger, who enthusiasti-
cally encouraged me to run with this project and provided helpful guidance
along the way.
Lisa Pierce, senior development editor for Praeger, whose responsive-
ness, advice, and excitement were sources of reassurance.
And Joseph Kaufmann, author and founder of Site O, an international
research/discussion group for people who have an interest in fortifications
and/or artillery (www.siteo.net) for connecting me with Greenwood Pub-
lishing Group in the first place.
Last, but by no means least, my enduring thanks is also extended to my
husband, my family, and to M. J. Klimenko for encouraging my journey.


Those of us who live in places where castles never thrived often grow up be-
lieving that Disney's Cinderella Castle, with its palatial staircases, spires ris-
ing to the skies, and pristine bejewelled furnishings fit for Prince Charming,
firmly represents the medieval castle. The proliferation of photos of Mad
Ludwig's Neuschwanstein in magazines, books, and even on jigsaw puzzle
boxes reinforces that notion. So does bestowing regal names on buildings
that are no more than grand mansions, like Hearst Castle at San Simeon or
Belcourt Castle in Newport, Rhode Island. While such buildings were cer-
tainly pleasure palaces for their owners, built to impress their guests and
passersby, none is a castle in the true sense of the term. None dates any ear-
lier than the eighteenth century, and none of the builders intended them as
military strongholds. Declaring their flamboyant homes as castles, men like
Mad Ludwig of Bavaria, William Randolph Hearst, and Oliver Hazard Perry
Belmont intended to send an unspoken message to the world: "Look at me!
I am fabulously wealthy, incredibly important, and possess what you should
covet but can only hope to achieve."
When arriving at an authentic castle, uninitiated visitors are sometimes
disappointed. They expect to see an occupied, completely intact castle, like
Windsor, with its State Apartments fitted for royalty, bearskin-topped guards-
men wearing scarlet jackets standing stoically at attention. Instead, they

more often encounter crumbling masses of blocky stone, empty shells of

structures whose original forms have decayed to the point that they can no
longer be easily visualized, or grassy humps of bracken-laden earth sur-
rounded by marshy fields and grazing cows. Some people recoil at the no-
tion that indeed all three of these types of structure qualify as true castles,
especially when they learn that palatial structures like Scotland's Balmoral
Castle do not.
Chunks of broken-down rock may appear to be all that survives of a great
stone fortress. In some ways, it seems understandable that the inexperienced
onlooker questions that the substance is a castle. However, most ruined cas-
tles do retain some defensive and residential features that support their on-
going characterization as castles. Enclosing ditches, portcullis grooves, and
drawbar holes all reveal a ruin's defensive nature, while foundations of
buildings lining a curtain wall or fragments of decoration bespeak of past
roles as halls, solars, or chapels. For example, almost completely demolished
at the end of the English Civil War, South Yorkshire's Pontefract Castle may
now seem devoid of the main features that contributed to its reputation as
one of the Middle Ages' grandest fortresses. Yet, closer examination reveals a
more glorious past, which featured a multilobed, three-storied, great tower
encasing a substantial motte, a dungeon, the historic well chamberreputedly
Richard IPs prison in the outer bailey, and an encompassing ditch. Some-
times all that visitors need are a vivid imagination and some basic knowl-
edge about castles in order to comprehend the enormity7 of such sites and
how they were originally used. However, amateur detectives exploring Pon-
tefract's castle will be able to identify evidence of its residential role, in the
form of bread ovens, a hearth, latrine, foundations of a hall and two chapels,
and even the discreetly placed well chamber.
Having grown up in the United States and developed an interest in ar-
chaeology and historic preservation before adolescence, I visited scores of
historic homes, including the magnificent mansions in Newport, Rhode Is-
land. I also wandered Civil War battlefields and explored National Monu-
ments, saw several places where George Washington slept, and even
participated in the excavation of a tannery site where Baylor's Dragoons
were slaughtered and buried during the American Revolution. I attended
lectures on archaeological findings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York City7 and visited dozens of other museums. I studied archaeology
in undergraduate and graduate schools, obtaining a master's degree special-
izing in Historic Preservation before entering the U.S. Navy in 1984. Up to
that point in my life, my exposure to American "castles" had come in the
forms of the Gingerbread Castle, in Hamburg, New Jersey, an early theme
park based on the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale; Dick's Castle, then a derelict

residence in Garrison, New York; the mansard-roofed Belcourt Castle, in

Newport, Rhode Island; and, of course, Cinderella's dazzling castle in Or-
lando, Florida. Even though I recognized them as the classy structures they
were built to be, I realized on a gut level that they were not really castles.
Spotting my first castle, Llansteffan, from the window of a passenger
train as it loped along the Tywi estuary enroute my new military posting in
Pembrokeshire in 1985, I felt an immediate surge of adrenaline. That view
ultimately led me to jaunts throughout the countryside, initially as a casual
visitor, awestruck with the visual impact castles had on me, their aging en-
durance and the romance they exuded. I could almost hear the stones speak.
Soon, I took up full-time castle research and, to date, I have explored well
over 300 castles in Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. I have
explored most of the castles repeatedly and have gained a familiarity with
them that verges on intimacy. I admit to having had my own set of precon-
ceptions about castles, not so much based on the fairy-tale fantasies of child-
hood, but on what many movies suggestthat castles really had only one
purpose: to keep out invaders and withstand sieges. However, as I became
increasingly familiar with castle architecture, I came to recognize that cer-
tain basic features were common to all medieval castles: defensive struc-
tures, such as ditches or towers, and residential facilities, most notably, a hall
and kitchen, chambers for the lord and the occasional latrine. I also devel-
oped an understanding that, much more important to the castle-builder was
the perpetuation of his control over an area and the maintenance of his
lordship. The medieval castle fulfilled that goal, as readers will discover
In countries studded with castles, such as Britain, nineteenth-century
"Normanized" shams compete for attention with their medieval counter-
parts. Designed to mimic the mighty fortresses of old, grand residences like
Penrhyn and Cyfarthfa castles in Wales are adorned with battlements, fitted
with massive towers and neo-Norman interiors, and fronted with gatehouses
that threatened and impressed all comers. Yet, transport them back to the
Middle Ages, and neither castle would withstand a siege. They were never
intended for that purpose. Rather, their owners, many of whom were rich in-
dustrialists who had gained their fortunes from the backbreaking production
of laborers in coal mines, slate quarries, and ironworks, who earned a mere
pittance of what their bosses earned, modeled their stately residences on
medieval precursors, which exuded the power, wealth, and success that
modern "barons" craved (and in some cases, achieved) during the Industrial
Revolution. In Wales, ironmaster William Crawshay, for example, actually
planted Cyfarthfa Castle on a grassy knoll near Merthyr Tydfil not only to
overawe his workers, who lived in dilapidated cottages nearby, but also to

physically remind them of their lowly position at his feet. Though these are
majestic structures in their own right, the castellated residences of the eigh-
teenth and nineteenth centuries are not real castles.
From the eleventh to fifteenth centuries, the British landscape sprouted
castles almost as quickly as the wheat that sustained its burgeoning popula-
tion. Ultimately, during its heyday of castle-building, Britain may have sup-
ported several thousand castles. Not all were necessarily active at the same
moment in time. Nowadays, the remains of countless castles scatter the
British countryside, towering over towns, hidden behind farmhouses and
pubs, occasionally still barred from access to intruders, and sometimes still
privately owned. No matter their present condition, each retains its own per-
sonality, its unique history and architectural tradition, and its distinctive rea-
sons for being. Yet, every castle served the same two overriding purposes, one
military, the other residential.

The phenomenon of fortification-building was not new to the Middle
Ages. For millennia, humans have felt the need to protect themselves and
their territory and have erected fortifications to provide safety and security
from the elements and also from covetous neighbors. Well before the first
castle arrived in England, fortified settlements occupied craggy hilltops and
jutting coastal headlands throughout the British Isles. Many still dominate
those sites and are easy to spot on a day's outing. Many, like Maiden Castle
in Dorset, date to the Iron Age and have acquired place-names that imply a
dual usage as a properly fortified military residence. In some ways, the mili-
tary terminology can be extended to cover many of these fortifications.
Nonetheless, these premedieval structures lacked the essential ingredient
that would otherwise characterize them as true castles: private ownership.
The univallate and multivallate sites of prehistory offered substantial
protection from an attack or prehistoric livestock rustling, functioning as for-
tified communal settlements (comparable to medieval walled towns) rather
than individual ranches. The group's leader or chief probably lived in a sep-
arate, private dwelling at the site, but his home was just one part of the
whole complex, which often formed a densely occupied settlement. Some
hillforts and promontory forts, which guarded headland settlements, served
as supply and distribution centers, granaries, animal pounds, and possibly as
military establishments or ritual sites.1 Many times, embedded rings of
steep-sided earthen ramparts and deep ditches defended the entire settle-
ment, sometimes cut into chalk-beds, buttressed with timber posts or com-
pacted stone, and stockaded with timber palisades. Like medieval castles,

many defended settlements were fronted with substantial gateways. How-

ever, these prehistoric earthwork forts were never intended exclusively for
use as fortified private residences.
Arguably Britain's most legendary Iron Age fort, Cadbury Castle com-
mands a hilltop overlooking the tiny village of thatched stone cottages in
South Cadbury, Somerset. Long touted as the site of King Arthur's Camelot,
archaeological excavations directed by Leslie Alcock from 1966 to 1970 tar-
geted portions of the enormous multivallate fort, the summit of which cov-
ered 18 acres. The effort revealed that the fort was occupied as early as 3300 BC,
during the Neolithic era, and that Bronze Age and Iron Age peoples added
the defenses, lined the concentric ramparts with limestone slabs and deep-
ened the ditches. By 100 BC, the entire set of four ramparts and ditches had
been completed and small huts and storage pits filled the summit and ac-
commodated the expanding settlement.
During the first century AD, the Romans devastated the hilltop settle-
ment, the home of the Durotriges, members of the Celtic tribe based at
Dorchester (then known by the Roman name, Durnovaria) who com-
manded at least twenty hillforts in southern England, including mammoth
Maiden Castle. The bodies of thirty adults and children slaughtered by the
Romans lay buried at the southwest entrance to Cadbury Castle until their
discovery in the 1960s. In addition to collecting scores of pottery sherds im-
ported from France and the Mediterranean, archaeologists discovered the
remains of a large timber hall, dating to about AD 500.2 Whether or not the
man who spawned the Arthurian legends actually called this place his
palace, someone of considerable status perhaps a chieftain decided the
hillfort should be reoccupied and ordered the construction of the timber-
framed structure. Perhaps, the leader administered justice and watched over
the surrounding lands from this fine vantage point and guided his commu-
nity into a period of sought-after calm after the Romans retreated from En-
gland. Some historians believe Cadbury Castle could very well have been
the inspiration for Camelot.
At the time of the Roman invasion of Britain in AD 43, Iron Age hillforts
teemed with activity. However, their defenses were no match for the tech-
nologically advanced outsiders, who swiftly devastated the fortified settle-
ments and established their own encampments and military bases to keep
order in the land. Like hillforts, Roman camps and forts were just that,
military enterprises that provided soldiers with communal barracks and
other facilities, which made life in the cool, damp British countryside as
comfortable as possible. The basic Roman fort followed a standardized rec-
tangular plan and had rounded corners. They were never intended to house
kings or lords, but to accommodate military forces. In addition to their forts,

the Romans enforced their conquest of Britain with other military engineer-
ing projects. Road networks linked smaller forts to the greater legionary
fortresses at Chester, Caerleon, and York, and allowed the Romans to con-
trol passage through frontier regions (particularly between England and
Wales) and to progressively expand throughout both areas.
Gradually, as the conquerors lingered in Britain, the indigenous popula-
tions either retreated to the fringes of their home territories or adapted them-
selves to the Roman ways. Many Romano-Britains built palaces and villas,
like those at Fishbourne in West Sussex and Chedworth in Gloucestershire,
both of which easily rivaled anything the Romans themselves constructed in
Britain. However, some tribal groups, such as the Picts in Scotland, contin-
ued to threaten the foreigners and forced the Romans to take drastic action
to prevent them from forcing their wav into England. Intending to once and
for all quash invasion from the north, Emperor Hadrian ordered the con-
struction of a formidable barrier across northern England in AD 122, which
expanded upon an already established line of forts stretching across what
was known as the Stanegate area. Begun during the reign of Emperor Tra-
jan, the Stanegate itself originated as a Roman road linking forts at Carlisle,
Brampton, Nether Denton, Carvoran, Vindolanda, Newbrough, and Cor-
bridge with smaller watchtowers and fortlets stationed in between."' How-
ever, the presence of the forts did little to dissuade the northern tribes from
raiding the lands Rome considered its own. In response, Hadrian ordered
the construction of a stone wall to fortify7 the Stanegate road.
Hadrian's Wall is, arguably, the greatest legacy left by the Romans to
Britain. Running over 70 miles eastward from the Solway estuary, west of
Bowness, to Wallsend, just east of Newcastle, the stone and earthwork forti-
fication remains a monumental feat of engineering. Largely complete by
AD 125, the ditch-fronted wall ran over craggy hilltops and plunged through
valleys, connecting watch turrets to more substantial fortifications, like the
huge fort at Housesteads in Northumberland, which the wall skirts on its
northern perimeter and was designed to accommodate a garrison of 800 sol-
diers. With its ramparts, headquarters building, commandant's house, hospi-
tal, barracks, latrines, kitchens, storage facilities, and stables, Housesteads
remains a classic example of a Roman fort, despite its now ruined condition.
Besides the major forts and a lengthy earthwork known as the "vallum,"
small walled enclosures with gateways on their northern and southern sides
stood watch over the frontier along the wall's entire length. Positioned about
every mile on the southern side of the wall, these simple "milecastles" were
entirely military features, each garrisoned by twenty soldiers. Barracks and
other facilities built nearby, but not inside, the enclosures met the men's
basic needs.

The fortifications employed by the Romans throughout their empire

cannotand should notbe characterized as castles. True, they were forti-
fied, and most contained residential buildings. But, their role within the em-
pire was to reinforce the military supremacy of the Romans over their
conquered subjects. They were public establishments founded to contain
an army and provide soldiers with a moderate state of comfortable living and
defensive muscle. Legionary fortresses, like Caerleon near Newport, also
provided many of Rome's pleasures, including a baths complex for leisure
time and a barracks fitted with latrines. Nonetheless, Isca, the fortress of the
second Legion Augusta at Caerleon, was built solely to provide the basic
needs of an occupying force and to establish an intimidating military pres-
ence on the southern Welsh border with England.


What was new to the Middle Ages was the trend away from the fortified
settlement that commanded an area toward the privately defended fortress,
which served a variety of purposes but was owned and used by a single indi-
vidual, a lord, monarch, or his representative. As early as 862, King Charles
the Bald ordered a massive castle-building program in France to thwart in-
vasions from the neighboring Normans. However, within two years, so many
castles had been built that Charles ordered the demolition of all private cas-
tles, forts, and enclosures and required builders to first obtain a license be-
fore beginning construction. The oldest surviving castle, an earth and
timber fortification known as a "motte," reputedly exists at Mont Glonne, on
the River Loire, and dates to 990.
In addition to mottes, the French widely erected stone castles, the oldest
of which include Peyrepertuse in the Pyrenees, Chateau de Coudray at
Chinon, the castle at Rouen that replaced the motte built by a Viking
named Rollo, and Doue-la-Fontaine. Fulk Nerra, Count of Anjou, was one
of the most prolific castle builders in early eleventh-century France. He
erected at least thirteen castles, including Chateau Gontier, Durtal, Bauge,
Montlevrier, Passavant, Montreuil-Bellay, Faye-la-Vineuse, Montcontour,
Mirebeau, Langeais, Montresor, Sainte-Maure, and Chaumont. Like the
Normans in England, Nerra used castles as a conspicuous way to showcase
his feudal authority within France.
For almost a century, historians have debated whether the Normans
introduced the idea and practice of castle-building when they conquered
England in 1066. We do know the Saxons built long dykes, earthen ramparts
flanked by deep ditches that barred passage between regions. Of these, Offa's

Dyke is arguably the best known. Erected in the late eighth century by the
king of Mercia, the linear earthwork stretched along the border between En-
gland and Wales and performed a defensive function. At least in theory, the
earthen barrier prevented the Welsh in Powys from storming into England.
In addition to earthen embankments, the Saxons constructed other forti-
fications prior to the Norman Conquest. Excavations at some earth and tim-
ber castles in England, including Goltho and Stamford in Lincolnshire and
Sulgrave in Northamptonshire, have revealed the presence of pre-Conquest
timber halls fortified to some degree with earthworks underneath the Nor-
man castles. Goltho, for example, may have been enclosed as early as the
mid-ninth century with earthworks and a ditch. Whether or not the de-
fended halls served the same function as the Norman castles that replaced
them remains unestablished, yet it seems reasonable to presume that the
homes of the leading Saxons would have required at least some form of pro-
tection, particularly from the Vikings, who were in full swing at this time,
and also from regional rivals. These fortified halls may represent an early
form of "castle" as defined in this book. Some historians characterize these
sites as "burns," individual structures that centered a Saxon lordship and
where the local leader received payments and services from the populace; 4
others apply the term only to the fortified communal settlements occupied
by the Saxons during the early Middle Ages.
The BurghalHidage 7 written in the early tenth century, documents that
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex from AD 871-899, established thirty-three
burns at a distance of 20 miles apart to prevent the Danes from taking over
southern England. 5 The unusual record provides fascinating details of each
burh, detailing its size, the length of the ramparts, and the number of men
needed to garrison the site. Saxon builders often reused existing Roman
walls as ready-made enclosures for a new burh, but also constructed timber-
revetted earthen ramparts to defend the settlements. While some burns pri-
marily served a military purpose comparable to a Roman fort, many were
noteworthy administrative or population centers. New inhabitants received
land in the burhs in exchange for providing defensive support when neces-
sary; the system seems notably similar to feudalism, the establishment of
which historians generally credit to the Normans. The largest Saxons burhs
included Wallingford in Oxfordshire, Southwark near London, Wareham in
Dorset, and Chichester in West Sussex.
Considerable evidence also exists that the Saxons established a burh
known as "Bircloyt" at Rhuddlan, in Denbighshire, which was later super-
seded by a motte castle, built by Robert of Rhuddlan to establish a Norman
presence in an area long controlled by the Saxons. In short, even though
archaeologists have unearthed evidence that the Saxon leaders may have

erected private residences that were fortified to some degree, they appar-
ently favored the defended community settlement, which confirmed their
dominance in the area and also provided protection from outside attack.
True castles, however, did not arrive in Wales until the Norman incursion
after 1066.
In pre-Norman Wales, native Celtic rulers lived in large halls, known as
"neuadd," protected by weakly fortified walls. Some, like Dinefwr in Car-
marthenshire, were later rebuilt as stone castles. Royal courts evidently
served as the main residence, the "llys" or royal palace, of the native princes.
Like the neuadd, each llys was enclosed with a defensive wall. The llys at
Rhosyr, near Newborough on the Isle of Anglesey, was only recently exca-
vated. Notable finds included the foundations of two timber halls, lengths of
the stone enclosure wall, and other structures. Such structures suggest func-
tional similarities with medieval castles, in that the llys was a private resi-
dence with some degree of fortification and was used to carry out the
business of the commote (or district) in which it was centered. However, at
best, these structures should probably be classified more as residences than
as fortified structures.


Inasmuch as archaeologists and historians still debate the exact timing

of the introduction of castles into Britain, most now agree that at least
three, and perhaps four, earthwork castles predate the Norman Conquest
by more than a decade. Substantiated by entries in The Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle, which record the existence of a "castle in Herefordshire" built
by "foreigners" whose presence insulted the Saxons in 1051, and two others
in 1052, known as "Pentecost's castle" and "Robert's castle," 6 many castellol-
ogists speculate that the border castles at Hereford and Ewyas Harold rep-
resent the first two castles mentioned in the Chronicle, while the motte
castle in Clavering, Essex, reputedly erected by Robert Fitz Wymarc, may
have been the aforementioned Robert's Castle. 7 The fourth pre-Conquest
castle is believed to have been Richard's Castle, a motte and bailey site on
the border between Herefordshire and Shropshire probably erected by
Richard FitzScrob, one of the Normans who arrived in England during the
reign of Edward the Confessor. 8 In 1988, D. J. Cathcart King stated un-
equivocally that "Ewyas Harold, whether or not it can be identified as Pen-
tecost's Castle, is the one certain pre-Conquest castle in England; it is
described as having been refortified by 'earl William' (fitzOsbern, who
reached the border in 1067, quitted England for ever in 1070, and was slain
next year)." 9

What makes these few motte castles

particularly noteworthy is that they were
built at least a decade prior to the Norman
Conquest but were typically Norman in de-
sign. In a period when earth and timber
castles had yet to make a significant mark
on the British landscape but had been pro-
liferating alongside stone castles in France
for at least fifty years and had already
made their appearance elsewhere in Euro-
pe, these three or four pre-Conquest castles
CASTLE. The tree-
are notably out of place. Though evidently erected by Norman followers
covered motte at (some of whom were also relatives) of Edward the Confessor, the reasons for
Ewyas Harold on the their construction must have differed to some degree from what William of
English border with
Wales in Herefordshire Normandy had in mind as he not only erected his own royal castles, but also
is one of only four as he parceled out the British countryside to his supporters, who built motte
castles in Britain that
probably predate the
and ringwork castles and also began constructing them in stone. Rather than
Norman Conquest in mechanisms of conquest, the pre-Conquest castles were early efforts to es-
tablish a Norman presence in the Welsh borders, and apparently also east of
London, perhaps to display the Saxon king's affiliation with the French
court, which he admired, perhaps to quell an imminent Welsh rebellion, or
perhaps to reward his favorite supporters with lordships and land ownership.
In any case, these four earth and timber structures appear to have been ac-
tual Norman castles; however, more detailed excavation is required in order
to place them in their true medieval context.


Much more than merely being a medieval phenomenon, the appear-

ance and proliferation of castles throughout Britain represented the en-
forced institutionalization of feudalism, which William the Conqueror
imported from his homeland in Normandy. Feudalism originated in conti-
nental Europe during the latter stages of Carolingian rule, when the death
of Charlemagne (Charles, King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor) in
814 resulted in political disunity. Civil war and widespread chaos high-
lighted by the invasion of the Vikings and other foreign raiders, led to the
development of feudalism as a way to reestablish centralized governmental
control, provide security, and stabilize the economy. Essentially consisting
of a network of mutual obligations, feudalism was based on personal honor
and professed loyalty, each participant exchanging specific services that os-
tensibly solidified their position within the feudal hierarchy.

Though evidently known to some degree in Anglo-Saxon England, feu-

dalism was not systemically instituted in England and Wales until the de-
cades immediately following the Norman Conquest, and castles played a
key role in its implementation. The new sociopolitical order was predicated
on the establishment of lordships. The monarch (initially by King William
I but by later kings as well) granted parcels of land (fiefs) to individual lords
(vassals, vassals-in-chief, or tenants-in-chief, later known as barons) 10 as re-
wards for military service and loyalty during the Conquest. The lords, in
turn, either subdivided the fiefs and appointed lesser lords (also known as
vassals) to manage them or kept the largest parcels for themselves, in order
to govern the land and directly reap economic and other material benefits.
In return for these grants of land, the vassals paid homage to the king, paid
rent (taxes), and fulfilled military obligations, as and when required. De-
pending on their social status, vassals agreed to provide a specific number of
men for an army or to serve in the castle guard; the number of men was cal-
culated according to the extent of the lord's holdings.
According to R. Allen Brown, castles were the physical embodiment of
the lordship: they "dominated the countryside in every way, militarily, so-
cially, politically, administratively and economically, and all these potencies
were integrated and combined in it, and given deliberate architectural ex-
pression by it."11 Their commanding presence in the landscape and their
unfamiliar, intimidating appearance provided the vehicle by which the Nor-
mans and later lords could clearly demonstrate their supremacy within their
new territory and their complete control over the conquered populace. In
short, castles functioned as centers of feudal power. Their owners intention-
ally planted them in the countryside, not solely as defensive structures
which protected the lord and his household from rampaging subjects but,
more so, as offensive strongpoints from which the lord and his garrison con-
trolled a region. Indeed, among their other roles, castles were an in-your-
face, ever-present enforcer of subjugation and an obvious reminder of feudal
Over time, control of a lordship or fiefand the associated castle
became hereditary; heirs not only acquired vast estates but also the laborers
(serfs) bound to the land. Three of the most powerful Norman feudal
lords Hugh d'Avranches, Earl of Chester; Roger de Montgomery, Earl of
Shrewsbury; and William FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford controlled the
Welsh Marches, the border region between England and Wales, as unoffi-
cial kings in their own right. William the Conqueror not only granted them
huge parcels of land to govern but also gave them the legal authority to
enforce laws as if they ruled their own kingdoms. Such men used castles to
demonstrate their newly acquired status within the feudal hierarchy.

In Scotland, the introduction of feudalism had less to do with conquest

per se, but rather with the reigning monarch's interest in establishing a gov-
erning system that he would head. In the early twelfth century, having been
educated in the courts of the Henry I, the Norman king of England, David I
actually welcomed the Normans into his Scottish kingdom, encouraging
their settlement with the establishment of lordships and the concomitant
construction of castles. Among the Normans who migrated to Scotland and
made names for themselves were the de Brus (or Bruce) family, the Comyns,
Haigs, Hays, Ramsays, and Sinclairs, each of whom played significant
roles in Scottish history and also erected several noteworthy strongholds,
such as Blair in Perth and Kinross, Inverlochy in Highland, Neidpath in the
Borders, and Dalhousie in Mid Lothian. Interestingly, unlike the situation in
the rest of Britain, many of Scotland's pre-Norman population, including the
Earls of Atholl, Fife, and Strathearn, also acquired feudal lordships. 12
Not only did King David I and his grandsons Malcolm IV and William I
(the Lion) invite notable Norman lords and their families to move to Scot-
land, they also encouraged several monastic communities from France to
found abbeys and priories and to spread Roman Catholicism. The move-
ment of Augustinian, Cistercian, and other religious orders into the Scottish
Borders resulted in the construction of several major monasteries, including
those at Kelso, Melrose, Jedburgh, and Dryburgh. In England and Wales,
William I of Normandy and his heirs also welcomed the development
of monastic communities, including several in North Yorkshire, such as
Rievaulx and Fountains abbeys.
The rapid spread of motte, ringwork, and stone castles throughout the
British Isles was the physical manifestation of the dramatically changing so-
cial order of the times, as the Normans progressively established power bases
throughout England and Wales in the decades after 1066, and shortly there-
after moved into Scotland and Ireland.


Plantagenet Somerset Fry's definition of a castle has long resonated with

me: "the castle was a properly fortified military residence, which is as exact a
definition as can be given."13 R. Allen Brown puts forth the following defini-
tion: "Castles were not just fortresses but also residences, albeit the resi-
dences of the great. It is this unique combination of the military and the
residential functions which makes a castle, and makes it differ from other
types of fortifications of other periods, earlier or later."14 Brown also empha-
sizes that the residential role of the castle had at least as much importance as
its military role.

Certainly, Fry's and Brown's definitions complement each other; even

the most ruinous of castles still retain evidence of these dual essentially
symbiotic purposes. Eroded mottes continue to convey their importance
as elevated platforms from which watchmen had distant views of the sur-
rounding countryside and upon which timber towers or shell keeps occu-
pied positions of relative safety. While the vast majority of timber towers do
not survive, the flattened summits or keep fragments provide evidence of
habitation. Over time, more complex stone fortresses either engulfed their
earthen predecessors, motte and ringwork castles, or replaced them com-
pletely. For example, at Rhuddlan, the massive Norman motte, Twthill,
which had previously superseded the Saxon burh, became obsolete when
Edward I began to build the diamond-shaped concentric fortress several
hundred feet to the north. Despite their eventual obsolescence, the earthen
mounds and ringworks persist throughout the British countryside. Passersby
not accustomed to recognizing the eroding mounds as castles may ignore
them in their pursuit of stone fortresses, whose masonry towers and battle-
mented curtain walls, they believe, surely prove the power and grandiose
lifestyles of their inhabitants. Yet, mottes and ringworks, and accompanying
baileys, played the same basic roles for their builders that more formidable
masonry strongholds also performed.
The diversity of castle design is striking. Not only did castles of the
same type differ from each other, no two contemporary castles followed the
same standard design. True, elements of every castle were standard; for ex-
ample, all castles contained a living chamber and some sort of defense. Yet,
their builders applied the same basic technology and building materials to
create unique structures. As Robert Higham points out, "we should not view
timber castles as a separate 'type' of castle, but rather as a variation on a
theme. Castle designers aimed to meet similar requirements of defense and
residence with whatever building technology and materials were available at
their disposal. Timber might be chosen because no suitable stone was avail-
able, or because the builder could not afford to buy stone, or because speed
of erection was essential, or because only short-term use for the site was
Clearly, their castles meant different things to different builders. They
served much more than a basic "protect thy lord and his household" func-
tion. The extent of fortification, the layout of the internal structures, the
choice of location, and the grandiosity of ornamentation all reflected the
needs, expectations, and idiosyncrasies of the men who built and lived in
them. Castles were much more than defensive structures built to protect
the lord and residents. They were much more than grand homes for the
monarch or regional ruler. Indeed, they were much more than merely

functional facilities; otherwise, castles could have easily been built to a stan-
dard plan. While the structure itself was built to contain all the buildings the
lord considered essential to the operation of his lordship, how the buildings
were laid outthe image they presented to otherswas as carefully, some-
times obsessively, contemplated as their ability to provide life's daily military
and domestic requirements.
As society in the Middle Ages shifted and developed, so did castle-
building. Advances in warfare technology also led to changes in castle de-
sign, the complexity of fortifications, and the role played by the castle in
medieval society. The ultimate form a castle took was also dictated by the
goals and personality of its builder. Many were more heavily defended, es-
sentially more military, while others were primarily residential but also had
defensive structures. Tower houses dominated the borders between Scot-
land and England and were also widespread in Ireland. Their thick, battle-
mented walls dutifully, though not necessarily comfortably, provided
residents with their most basic needs: shelter and a sense of safety. They also
symbolically displayed their owner's status, for, despite their simplicity and
compact size, not everyone could afford to build a tower house. For those
that could, the tower house filled a gap in the political order of the region.
They were properly, albeit lightly, fortified residences that served an occa-
sional military role.
Britain's medieval castles served individual overlords, who resided inside
perhaps only part of the year but who retained control over the surrounding
countryside, reaping the economic benefits of possessing the lordship and
manorial estates. Only occasionally in times of war were these fortified pri-
vate residences used as refuges for the local population. Not only did the
construction of castles reiterate that the Normans now controlled the king-
dom but their permanent presence in the landscape also emphasized the in-
creasing responsibility placed on the individual leader as the commander of
a region, whose separate status from the general populace and prestigious
political position as the monarch's representative warranted a dwelling wor-
thy of that status, one that provided distinct living arrangements as well as
defensive mightthe castle.

Castles as Offensive Weapons

Castles: "the architectural manifestation of feudal society."

R. Allen Brown, Castles: A History and Guide (1980), 16

It's simple enough to look at a castle, a fortified military residence built for
private use in the Middle Ages, and make assumptions about its various
functions, not only deciding what it meant to the owner-builder but also to
society as a whole. Or is it? Castles must not be viewed in a vacuum. Rather
than making judgments about their functions purely based on their exterior
appearance, one must consider the context in which they were built: who
built them, when they were built, what was happening in Britain at the
times they were built, and what motivated their builders.

Among the relics of the medieval world, the Bayeux Tapestry ranks as
one of its greatest treasures. Not only does the skillfully embroidered wall
hanging remain in outstanding condition, the 230-foot-long series of panels
vividly depicts one of history's most important events the Norman Con-
quest of Saxon England. Chronicling the entire saga, from events leading up

to the invasion, initial preparations and shipbuilding, to the Norman fleet's

arrival in England, the construction of castles on both sides of the Channel,
the Battle of Hastings, and William's coronation, the colorful masterpiece
commemorates the victory of the Normans over the Saxons.
Probably commissioned in 1070 by Odo, the Bishop of Bayeux and
William the Conqueror's half brother, and undoubtedly biased in favor of
the Duke of Normandy, the wool-and-linen tapestry hangs in Bayeux in
the Centre Guillaume le Conquerant. Historians, military enthusiasts, and
craftspeople have studied and evaluated the magnificent creation for the au-
thenticity of its details and its extensive insight into Norman military strate-
gies, soldiers' garb, ship construction, and even castle construction. The
tapestry reminded everyone that, after William's victory over the Saxon king,
Harold II, the Norman kings dominated the English throne. During their
reign, they implemented feudalism and introduced castles as one of their
most powerful tools for wielding authority over their new subjects.
Besides depicting castles ahead}' in use in France, the Bayeux Tapestry il-
lustrates the construction of several actual castles, including Dol and Dinan
in Normandy, and Hastings in England, in a stylized yet easily understand-
able way. All were standard motte castles, mounds of layered earth topped with
timber parapets, which the Normans built in their own homeland and intro-
duced into Britain as a quick and effective means of subduing the English in
the decades immediately after 1066. Between 1066 and 1215, approximately
700 motte castles and over 200 ringwork castles appeared in the English
countryside, 1 and scores of others were erected in Wales. Scotland and Ire-
land received motte castles, but their differing political situations resulted in
the greater construction of stone castles and tower houses. That is not to say
that England and Wales did not receive their fair share of stone castles. In-
deed, the Normans were busily building stone castles at the same time as the
more primitive earth and timber strongholds. Among the most notable ex-
amples are Chepstow Castle in Monmouthshire, which is now believed to
date to 1081, and the White Tower, which centers the Tower of London.
The castles of the Norman Conquest were largely offensive weapons
used by the Normans to solidify control over the areas they progressively
seized from the Saxons and the Welsh, and later from the Irish as well. The
conquest of Britain was a piecemeal process, which began with the defeat of
Harold Godwinson near Hastings and the coronation of Duke William of
Normandy as King William I of England. However, even though William's
men had slain the Saxon king, the Conquest was not yet complete. William
recognized that his new subjects might well rebel against his authority
and, in fact, so they did. Consequently, he instigated a program whereby he
erected castles in several of the larger Saxon towns, or burhs, in England,

including not only the establishment of his capital in London but also the
deliberate demolition of Saxon homes and the construction of castles in ur-
banized settlements, as at Nottingham, Warwick, Lincoln, York and some
forty other population centers in England.



Even though The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle offers evidence that the French
(probably Normans) erected a few motte castles in the border region be-
tween England and Wales, and perhaps in Essex, prior to 1066 (see intro-
duction), the vast majority of Norman strongholds appeared in the century
immediately after the Conquest. Indeed, when Duke William of Nor-
mandy's army bested the Saxons in late 1066, his men had already erected a
few simple earthwork fortifications in England, which displayed his power
and foreshadowed the defeat of the Saxons. At Pevensey, in West Sussex,
where William and his fleet first landed in September 1066, the Normans
immediately constructed a castle inside the extant, albeit, crumbling de-
fenses abandoned by the Romans six centuries earlier. Recognizing the
need for speed as they began their march toward Hastings, William's men
dug a ditch inside the Roman walls at Pevensey and piled the soil and rubble
alongside to form an earthen embankment, or partial enclosure, which was
probably topped with timber palisades. Only after becoming king did
William grant Pevensey to his half brother, Robert, Count of Mortain, who
refortified the stronghold with masonry defenses and began its conversion into
a substantial fortress poised to defend the coastline from seaborne assault.
After his victory at the Battle of Hastings, William I ordered the construc-
tion of several fortifications not merely to form a barrier to protect London
from outside attack but largely to provide himself with a significant power
base from which to rule his new kingdom and consolidate the Conquest. Re-
quiring brawn rather than skilled labor, raising earth and timber castles was a
rapid, relatively simple, cost-effective way to establish a presence and phys-
ically proclaim overlordship in an area. While archaeologists have deter-
mined that the majority of Norman earth and timber castles featured a sturdy
mound, a "motte," which supported a timber tower, and an adjacent "bailey,"
or defended enclosure, many of William's earliest strongholds in England
were substantial earthen embankments fronted with a ditch, which en-
closed an area. Inside the enclosure, soldiers and their commanders gath-
ered, awaited orders, and prepared for their next foray into the countryside.
Now commonly known as "ringwork castles," R. Allen Brown has character-
ized such structures as "enclosure castles" based on their plan, 2 while John

Kenyon describes them as "campaign castles,"3 structures thrown up to

quickly seize a spot during the initial stages of a military campaign.
Besides building the enclosure castle (a ringwork) at Pevensey and the
motte castle at Hastings in Kent, which overlooked the Saxon town of the
same name, just prior to the Conquest, the Normans swiftly planted an en-
closure castle on top of the Saxon settlement at Dover and also added a ring-
work castle inside the Roman fortifications at Londinium. The site became
William's capital and the castle soon developed into one of the world's pre-
mier stone fortresses, the Tower of London. William I quite likely also
erected earth and timber castles or reused Saxon fortifications when he
stopped at Canterbury in Kent and Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire, prior to
marching into London in 1066.4 During William's absence from England in
1067, during which he returned to Normandy for ten months, the Normans
erected a ringwork castle at Winchester, the Roman town that had been the
Saxon capital. Upon the king's return later that year, he began construction
on a ringwork castle at Exeter, another settlement established by the Ro-
mans and occupied by the Saxons.5 A pattern was beginning to emerge as
the Normans methodically entered towns and settlements previously domi-
nated by the Romans or Saxons and supplanted the earlier sites with their
own strongholds. Most Saxons had never seen such strange-looking earth and
timber structures; the unfamiliar architecture served not only as an ever-
present reminder of foreign oppression but also as a symbol of the new order.
GWERN Y DOMEN. Ideally, unskilled laborers could construct a ringwork in a matter of days
One of Glamorgan's in order to secure a spot and establish a concrete presence for the Normans
finest ringwork
castles, Gwern y within their new kingdom. The classic ringwork, or earthen enclosure cas-
Domen retains its tle, featured a mound of low to moderate size encircled with ditches and
earthen embankments
and associated bailey earthen banks, which were topped with timber palisades. The summit of the
despite the fittingly named stronghold was scooped out, so that the outer perimeter
encroachment of a
stood higher than the center of the mound. Unlike the motte and bailey cas-
railroad line and
nearby roadworks. tles, fewer ringwork castles acquired sub-
stantial stone structures, and many have
long since been leveled. Some ringwork
castles, like Castle Neroche, 6 were reused,
converted into baileys to support adjoining
mottes, the construction of which would
have improved the offensive capacity of the
site while creating a visible reminder of the
Conquest. Besides Exeter, fine examples of
ringworks reinforced with masonry struc-
tures can be found at Castle Rising in Nor-
folk and Restormel Castle in Cornwall and

Coity and Ogmore castles in Glamorgan. Other ringworks survive as well,

for example, at Deddington in Oxfordshire, and Caerau and Gwern y
Domen in Glamorgan.
A typical motte castle consisted of an artificially sculpted, flat-topped
mound, packed with earth and often revetted with timber and stone. Rising
well above ground level, mottes varied in height from as little as 5 or 6 feet to
well over 50 feet, the diameters of their summits ranging from 20 feet to 380
feet across (as was the case with Norwich Castle, in Norfolk). Builders often
reshaped natural hillocks for use as mottes or piled field stones or earth taken
from what became the enclosing ditch onto the mound to create a usable
foundation for timber (and, later, for stone) structures. Most motte castles
were supported by at least one large rounded area, the bailey, which was en-
closed by earthen embankments and defended with timber palisades. Con-
struction required little skilled labor and could proceed quickly and
inexpensively. While some historians allege that motte castles could have
been completed in as little as a week, more than likely it took at least several
weeks to months to finish each project. Nonetheless, along with ringworks,
motte and bailey castles were the Normans' weapon of choice when it came to
pacifying newly seized territory. Impressive examples survive at Berkhamsted
in Hertfordshire, Pickering in North Yorkshire, Ewyas Flarold in Hereford-
shire, Wiston in Pembrokeshire, and Tbmen y Rhodwydd in Denbighshire.
For about a century, historians have varied in their estimates of the num-
ber of Norman motte and ringwork castles erected in England and Wales.
This is not really surprising, as the historical record for the eleventh and
twelfth centuries, when most mottes and ringworks were erected, is incom-
plete at best; likewise, the archaeological record is incomplete, for many
earthwork castles have been demolished, plowed into oblivion or leveled to
make space for other structures. Other structures once categorized as motte
castles have been reclassified as ringworks, or other types of sites, including
prehistoric barrows. Nonetheless, Richard Eales speculates that, given the
historical and archaeological evidence and conclusions made by previous
researchers, quite possibly some 950 to 1,150 "early Norman castles" existed
in the landscape prior to 1200, with an average of between 500 and 600 in
use at the same time. 7 Unfortunately, the high expense and considerable ef-
fort involved in excavating motte and ringwork castles have prevented re-
searchers from making reasonably accurate conclusions on this issue.
Interestingly, the earliest ringwork castles appeared in Wales during the
first decade of the twelfth century, about thirty years after the first mottes and
stone castles were built, begging the question of the purpose they served
for the Normans. Many were quickly reinforced with stone, as at Coity,
Ogmore, and Newcastle Bridgend, also in Glamorgan, all of which were

lordship centers, while still others were relatively modest sites, perhaps func-
tioning as the defended residences of less wealthy individuals. Some histori-
ans speculate that, by this time, the choice of erecting ringwork or motte in a
certain area may have been more a matter of the lord's stylistic preference or
the condition of the terrain, rather than a decision based on offensive strate-
gies.8 With twenty-eight identified ringwork castles and another nine possible
ringworks, Glamorgan contains the highest concentration of this type of
earth and timber fortification in Wales. For example, all of Glamorgan's
ringworks were constructed either in the Vale of Glamorgan or on the south-
ern coast of the Gower, where geological conditions apparently interfered
with motte construction. In northern areas, mottes were primarily built on
glacial ridges, which could be easily reshaped into defensive mounds. Some
ringworks also incorporated glacial drift; however, in the main, ringworks
were centered in low-lying areas underlain by limestone where glacial de-
posits did not exist.


In addition to building their castles on sites long recognized for their

strategic value, access to waterways and roads, and for their symbolic mean-
ing, the Normans shrewdly chose to place their castles in locations that
suited their political aspirations and military priorities which, of course,
meant the ongoing oppression of their subjects. While many castles, like
Bamburgh in Northumberland, Stirling in Stirling, and Dinas Bran in Den-
bighshire, were situated on prominent hilltops or ridges that commanded at-
tention and respect from miles away, many others occupied low-lying
landscapes, marshy riversides, and peninsular sites. Castles were generally
sited for the convenience of the lord and his household, so that they could
efficiently administer the lordship during peacetime and also ensure replen-
ishment and access for reinforcements during wartime. Castles acted as of-
fensive staging points from which mounted and armed knights could
conduct sorties or fully organized sieges against an enemy or launch sudden
forays into the local countryside to swiftly quell a rebellion. Therefore, the
area a castle controlled was directly proportional to the distance a group of
soldiers could safely travel in a day (estimated to be about 10 miles) 9 and
then return to the castle. Those castles placed along major communications
routes, overlooking fording points, or in mountain passes commonly used to
traverse a region could be expected to block unwanted or suspicious move-
ment through an area, but only if that movement passed close enough to the
castle that the garrison could catch sight of the activity and have enough
time to organize and rush to the

Just as the Saxons recognized the strategic importance of controlling

the borderland between England and Wales and constructed lengthy earth-
work barriers between the two countries and the Romans dealt with the vul-
nerability of the northern frontier of England by constructing Hadrian's
Wall, the Normans likewise acknowledged the necessity to command the
same areas, which remained sources of contention long after 1066. In fact,
along the Welsh borders, also called "the Marches," scores of Norman-built
earth and timber castles still dot the landscape. Throughout their history,
both well before and long after the Norman Conquest, the Welsh had inter-
nal problems that diverted their attention from the encroachment of the
Normans in the Marches. Their lack of unity, discussed below, not only cre-
ated a power vacuum, which the Normans used to their advantage to move
farther into Wales, the discord actually reinforced the Welsh sense of na-
tional pride and provoked rebellion after rebellion, the storming of castles,
thirteenth-century conquest, the Act of Union in the sixteenth century, and
an uneasy coexistence with England. While most of the earth and timber
castles in the Welsh Marches have extensively eroded and lost their original
timber or stone structures, many developed into formidable fortresses, like
Ludlow in Shropshire, and Raglan and White Castles in Monmouthshire.
Even in ruin, these three castles still command respect. Others Marcher cas-
tles, like those at Chirk in Wrexham, Shrewsbury in Shropshire, and Powis
in Powys, have survived the ages little worse for the wear, having been con-
tinuously occupied and repaired by their owners. Marcher lords were men
with regional power on a scale comparable to the king's, who collected rent,
administered the regions' system, doled out punishment, and waged war as
Not only did the Anglo-Normans build Marcher castles to dominate the
native Welsh population, they also raised frontier castles to establish control
over their own countrymen. For example, Morlais Castle played a key role
in the conflict between Gilbert de Clare II, Earl of Gloucester and Lord of
Glamorgan, and his neighbor, Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and
Lord of Brecon, in the late thirteenth century. The site marked the border-
land between the two lordships. When de Clare began building his new
frontier castle, he was well aware that he would incite de Bohun to the brink
of battle. Probably thrown up by de Clare in about 1288 on the site of an ear-
lier Iron Age fort, the diamond-shaped castle occupied a limestone ridge
that commanded the border between the two lordships. In January 1292, af-
ter both men had repeatedly led incursions into each other's territory, King
Edward I threw them into the Tower of London and imposed hefty fines.
Even though de Clare retained rights to the castle, his victory over de Bo-
hun was short-lived. In 1294-1295, Madog ap Llywelyn led a Welsh attack on

Morlais Castle, after which it disappeared from the historical record. In the
end, Humphrey de Bohun had the last laugh, for Gilbert de Clare died in
late 1295, three years before the Lord of Brecon.
The sociopolitical structure in Scotland produced a different kind of re-
lationship between the Scots and the English, which led to the rise of
Robert the Bruce and the Stewart dynasty and resulted in centuries of al-
most constant feuding and warfare, in which castles played central roles. In
the border region linking the two nations, the Normans erected a scattering
of perhaps less than thirty motte and ringwork castles, far fewer than in the
Welsh Marches, where researchers have estimated as many as 500 timber
castles once existed. Nonetheless, the Normans recognized the importance
of controlling the border with Scotland; in time, northern England and
southern Scotland acquired scores of stone castles. Some were complex
strongholds like Warkworth in Northumberland and Carlisle in Cumbria,
which originated as motte castles; others, known as "pele towers" in En-
gland and "tower houses" in Scotland, resembled the typical Norman rec-
tangular keep, the self-sufficient stone strongpoint erected inside the castle
walls which also provided accommodation for the lord and his family.
In time, Northumberland acquired more castles than any other part of
The chaotic political relationship between Scotland and England fre-
quently sparked warfare, as one nation's army crossed the border into the
other nation and attempted to seize wide swaths of countryside commanded
from castles. For centuries, for example, the Scots waged sieges against the
powerful Northumbrian castles at Warkworth, Alnwick, and Bamburgh, en-
deavoring to gain a foothold in northern England; for centuries, the English
garrisoned the castles and fought to keep the Scots at bay. These border
fortresses were prized possessions. Those who controlled them, controlled
the region and wielded considerable power within the kingdom.
The real value of the border castles became obvious after 1296, when Ed-
ward I used them as bases from which to stage his assault on Scotland. Iron-
ically, the great warrior-king was unable to conclude his conquest of Scotland
before his death in 1307. Later monarchs, like Edward III, followed his ex-
ample, and the border castles continued to play a central role in the ongoing
strife, which ended only with the coronation of Scotland's James VI as James
I, king of England, in 1603.
The strategic wisdom of locating castles in border regions cannot be un-
derstated. Clearly, attackers viewed the structures as physical symbols of out-
side oppression, objects to be seized or destroyed as opportunities presented
themselves. During the 1090s, William (Rufus) II of England erected the
first castle at Carlisle, an earth and timber fortress strategically situated

some 10 miles from Scotland. Not surprisingly, the Scots repeatedly targeted
the stronghold, which encroached upon their homeland and commanded
the River Eden, which flowed from England into the Solway Firth and, be-
yond, to the Atlantic Ocean. Between 1173 and 1461, they besieged Carlisle
Castle nine times, but managed only once to capture it.10 Over time,
Carlisle Castle acquired more powerful masonry defenses, which not only
enhanced the garrison's ability to defend itself during a siege but also reem-
phasized the fact that having a strong castle to dominate the area could keep
the local populace under control while also providing the owner with con-
siderable authority and influence in royal circles.


As William I anticipated, many Saxons did not readily accept their new
king nor his Norman deputies. Rebellions continued to take place through-
out England, in Hampshire and Kent, and moved northwards into Durham
and Yorkshire. Consequently, in 1068, William instigated an extended pro-
gram of "pacification," which he enforced by building ringwork and motte
castles and simultaneously implementing feudal law. In fact, it took several
decades for the Normans to subdue the populace in portions of the country,
and some parts of the kingdom were never completely subdued. Castle con-
struction spread northwards from London, as the Normans launched the
"harrying of the north," ravaging the countryside, torching crops, and de-
stroying houses intending to once-and-for-all conquer the still-rebellious
Saxons, who were then led by Earls Morcar, Edwin, and Gospatric.
Just as Duke William of Normandy replaced the Saxon king, Harold II,
many of King William I's new castles stood squarely on top of settlements for-
merly occupied by the Saxons, and even earlier, by the Romans. He undoubt-
edly recognized the psychological and symbolic impact such construction
would have on his new subjects and intentionally reused Roman tiles and
other building materials to establish associations with this powerful past civi-
lization and to demonstrate Norman ascendancy. In London and its immedi-
ate environs, which served as the king's primary power base, William ordered
the construction of three strongholds along the Thames, at Baynard's Castle,
southwest of the city, and north of London, at Montfichet. Individual lords
managed the latter two castles on behalf of the monarchy. Then, as the Nor-
mans made their way through the Saxon countryside during the harrying from
1068-1071, seizing the lands and killing their opponents, they erected motte
castles at Warwick, York, Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Cambridge, and an
enclosure castle at Nottingham. Each of these earth and timber castles had
historical associations not only with the Saxons but with the Romans as well.

CASTLE. Even though
the later masonry Scores of Saxon houses were destroyed to make way for the castles: in Nor-
additions to Warwick
Castle overshadow
wich, the Normans demolished 98 houses, while, in Lincoln, 166 houses out
the simple earth and of a total of 970 were torn down to make way for motte castles.11 Certainly, the
timber site, the motte Normans knew how to impose themselves on native communities: seize the
still survives as a key
part of the great stone area, devastate the countryside when necessary, destroy a large number of
enclosure castle in houses, and erect a castle over them. At Cambridge, they built their castle over
a Saxon graveyard.12 The symbolism of that act could not have been more


The Norman "conquest" of Wales differed in many ways from the effort
in England. Unlike Saxon England, which was administered from several
urbanized centers, Wales was largely a rural country, divided into a series of
small "kingdoms" ruled by long-standing families, including the Houses of
Gwynedd, Powys, and Deheubarth. Initially, the Normans chose to remain
on the English side of the border with Wales and erected a scattering of
motte castles to consolidate their control over the lands they progressively
seized. Encouraged by William I and William Rufus during the early phase

of feudalism in Britain, they established three major Marcher lordships,

essentially miniature kingdoms with their own set of laws and authority, and
numerous lesser lordships not only in the Marches but throughout Wales.
Content with managing affairs from England, the Normans only sporadi-
cally forayed into Wales. William FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford and vice-
regent of England in William the Conqueror's absence, was a particularly
prolific castle-builder who not only erected motte castles at Berkeley in
Gloucestershire, Monmouth in Monmouthshire, and Clifford and Wig-
more in Herefordshire, but also rebuilt Ewyas Harold Castle on the English
side of the Marches.
During the eleventh century, the Welsh were immersed in a series of
struggles of their own. Periodically, a strong charismatic leader would take
charge of large portions of Wales, if not its entirety, but a unified Wales re-
mained an elusive prospect. When the head of a dynastic family died, his
holdings were equally divided amongst his sons, according to the law of part-
ibility. Consequently, elder brothers might fight younger brothers to wrest
control of a region. Such was the case in 1093, after the death of Rhys ap
Tewdwr, Prince of Deheubarth, when a power vacuum occurred in West
Wales. During the first two decades after Hastings, the Normans only made
casual inroads into that part of Wales; in fact, William I met with Rhys just
once, in 1081, reputedly during a pilgrimage to St. David's Cathedral. In re-
turn, Rhys paid homage to the new king and established a truce of sorts with
the Normans. With the exception of occasional raids into West Wales,
which increased in frequency when William the Conqueror died in 1087,
the Normans stayed away from southwest Wales until 1093, when the Welsh-
man's heirs battled for power over what they perceived as their rightful
Taking advantage of the chaos, Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrews-
bury, sent his son, Arnulf, with an army of Norman soldiers into Pem-
brokeshire, where they pushed the Welsh to the fringes of the former
kingdom of Deheubarth and established an earth and timber castle on the
River Pembroke. Pembroke Castle swiftly became the seat of the powerful
Earls of Pembroke and developed into one of the realm's mightiest stone
fortresses. Despite frequent raids on many of the Norman castles that dotted
Pembrokeshire, the native princes never fully regained control of the area.
Within fifty years of the arrival of the Normans in Pembrokeshire, a line
of earth and timber castles stretched along the southern side of the frontier
delineated by the inhospitable Preseli hills, which separated the Englishry
and the Welshry and reinforced the physical and political separation of the
Welsh from their Anglo-Norman overlords. A second group of earth and tim-
ber castles, each bearing Welsh names and located in Welsh-speaking areas,

marked the northern side of the Preselis. In time, the divide between the
Welshry and the Englishry became known as the "landsker line," and was for-
tified with several substantial stone castles and earth and timber strongholds,
including the now-vanished motte castle built by the Fleming, Letard Litelk-
ing, at Letterston, and Pointz Castle, a substantial motte possibly erected
by another Fleming named Pons, Ponce, Punchard, or Punch. The walled
castle town at Tenby was especially favored by the Flemings, where they
prospered as merchants and tradesmen.


The Norman strategy in the decades immediately following the Battle of

Hastings was to seize and occupy England and Wales. Even though the Nor-
mans erected numerous castles to control the border between England and
Wales, they also used them as bases from which to push farther into Wales,
progressively, albeit sporadically, wresting control of vast parcels of land
from the native princes. As they extended their hold on the landscape, the
Normans erected more castles and used the strongholds not only to physi-
cally overawe the local populace but also to graphically display their lasting
presence. When it came time to cross the Irish Sea and invade Ireland in
1169, the Anglo-Normans employed the same tactics, which had worked so
successfully against the Saxons and the Welsh.
The Norman lord, Richard (Strongbow) de Clare, Earl of Pembroke,
sailed from his base in West Wales to instigate the "conquest of Ireland,"
took advantage of the tumult that afflicted rival Irish families, and erected
earth and timber castles, many of which, like Trim and Carrickfergus, were
soon reinforced with stone and converted into Ireland's most powerful
fortresses. Of Ireland's earth and timber castles, the mottes were thrown up
almost entirely in the eastern half of the island; B the identification of ring-
works, on the other hand, is complicated by the proliferation in Ireland of a
class of structures known as "raths" or "ringforts," which appeared in the
countryside as early as the Iron Age, but persisted into the early Middle
Ages. By 1186, the Anglo-Normans had permanently entrenched themselves
in Ireland, building both timber and stone castles to consolidate their con-
trol over the Irish.


As mentioned in the introduction, medieval Scotland acquired a num-

ber of earth and timber castles; however, rather than being used as instru-
ments of conquest, the Normans built their castles after being welcomed

into Scotland. During the early twelfth century, King David I not only built
his own motte castles but also encouraged Norman lords and Flemish set-
tlers to move into his kingdom, construct castles, and spread feudalism. The
new settlers effectively forced the native Gaelic-speaking populace north-
wards into the hinterland. By 1250, more than 200 substantial motte castles
occupied the countryside. The most impressive examples include Duffus in
Moray, Bass of Inverurie in Aberdeenshire, and the Mote of Urr in Dumfries
and Galloway. As elsewhere in Britain, masonry castles appeared alongside
earth and timber strongholds. Reputedly built in the early twelfth century,
Scotland's earliest recorded stone castle is Sween, in Strathclyde.


Some military structures used for offensive purposes during wartime

have been designated as "siege-castles." Like Kenyon's "campaign castles"
mentioned above in the discussion of ringworks, these earthwork fortifica-
tions were erected when speed was of the essence. However, their usefulness
was temporary, for they were directly related to the conduct of a siege. Many
historians describe siege-castles as purely defensive structures, with their
combined earthen embankment and fronting ditch thrown up to protect the
besieged laying in wait inside. But they were in fact the tools of aggressors,
who used the fortifications to entrench themselves near the castle they were
preparing to besiege but keep far enough away to be out of firing range.
When the siege ended, so usually did the need for the siege-castle; and, even
though a few were reused, in most cases they were abandoned and allowed
to decay. Consequently, since most of these strongholds never served as a
fortified military residence for a lord, but rather as defended settlements of
sorts, they should be characterized as "siege-forts" or "siege-works," terms
which thereby eliminate misguided interpretations that they were castles.
Historically, the Norman kings of Britain used siege-works to besiege
several castles. Some historians believe the fort named "Malvoisin" (or "bad
neighbor"), which was reportedly erected by William (Rufus) II to besiege
Northumberland's Bamburgh Castle in 1095, may actually have been an
earth-and-ditch fortification, whereas others contend that the Malvoisin was
actually a timber siege-tower, or "belfry," which the king's soldiers erected as
a shield to gain proximity to the castle. 14 During the 1102 siege of Bridgnorth
in Shropshire, Henry I ordered the swift construction of an earthwork fort,
which acquired the name "Panpudding Hill." Also known as "Oldbury," the
fortification (which has been classified both as a ringwork and a motte) may
have been used to stage sieges in 1155, 1321, and 1646. England's National
Monuments Record classifies the site as a ringwork and bailey.15

Constructing siege-works was a common tactic during the "Anarchy," the

Civil War fought between King Stephen and Empress Matilda, both of
whom claimed the throne as their rightful inheritance after Henry I's death
in 1135. As his nephew, Stephen was Henry's closest living male heir. Matilda,
on the other hand, was Henry's only legitimate daughter, and also the widow
of the German emperor Henry V, who died in 1125. Just west of the mighty
stone fortress at Corfe in Dorset, Stephen erected siege-works still known as
"The Rings" to stage his successful siege in 1139. Still clearly visible from the
ruined castle, the well-preserved earthworks resemble a classic ringwork cas-
tle and are arguably the best surviving example of their kind in England.
Stephen also used siege-works to great effect when assaulting Exeter.16


While one can argue with considerable justification that William I

brought large-scale, methodical castle-building to the British Isles, his pro-
gram was not based on a carefully planned system for effecting the Con-
quest. Castles were erected largely as needed, to establish a Norman presence
not only in Saxon settlements and cities like London but also in the border-
lands. Because earth and timber fortresses aided in the rapid subjugation of
a town or an area, quite visibly establishing Norman dominance, it is not
surprising that the Conqueror planted many of his new castles in urbanized
centers. Scores of castles also appeared in the countryside and were used as
staging points for sorties intended to expand and consolidate Norman con-
trol throughout Britain. Wherever the king distributed lands to his subordi-
nates, more than likely a castle arose shortly thereafter. Not only did they
visibly remind everyone of the presence of the Normans in a locality, castles
also demonstrated the personal power of the individual who controlled the
newly formed lordship and the inferior status of the local populace subject
to that lord. In rural locations, the Normans generally chose the sites upon
which to build their castles based more on the terrain, the extent of natural
defenses it afforded, the availability of a reliable water supply, and ease of ac-
cess to other parts of the realm.1
Despite the lack of a well-honed system, the Normans effected the con-
quest of Saxon England with relative ease. The subjugation of Wales was
never to be as smooth. It would take almost 200 more years for an English
king to finalize the "conquest" of Wales, for, despite the presence of castles
and the arrival of Norman and other outsiders in Wales, the Welsh never
fully gave up their fight for independence.
In many ways, Edward I was Britain's greatest castle-building king, al-
though the Welsh might beg to differ. As a prince, Edward had witnessed

firsthand the strategic value of castles not only at the sieges of Kenilworth
and Lewes, during the barons' rebellion in the 1260s, but also while making
a name for himself as a skilled fighter in the Holy Land, during the Cru-
sades. Between 1277 and 1294, as King of England, Edward put into practice
the technology he had seen in action at home and abroad and inaugurated
a monumental building program in Wales, the likes of which has never
been replicated. Using the most advanced castle-building technology of the
times and the engineering talents of some of the world's most creative archi-
tects, including Master James of St. George, whose prowess as a castle-
designer was widely acclaimed in Savoy, France, Edward I established a
circuit of strongholds and walled towns around Wales that, at least for a
time, quelled his subjects' rebellious ambitions. In 1986, four of Edward's
great castles achieved international acclaim for their "outstanding contribu-
tion to humanity," when U N E S C O designated the castles and town walls at
Conwy, Caernarfon, Harlech, and Beaumaris as World Heritage Sites. His
efforts at the Tower of London also directly contributed to that castle's selec-
tion for the World Heritage List in 1988.
Unlike in Saxon England, the native population in Wales continued to be
ruled by the heads of dynastic families. Unity in Wales was elusive at best and
infighting was frequent; however, the Welsh continued to view their Norman
overlords and planted settlers, such as the Flemings, as their common enemy.
Periodically, they banded together to assault castles and burn towns, and at
times regained control of portions of their homeland from the Anglo-
Normans. The thirteenth century saw the rise of great Welsh leaders, Llywe-
lyn ab Iorwerth, who unified Wales and led assault after assault against the
Normans, and his grandson, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, whom Henry HI officially
recognized as Prince of Wales with the Treaty of Montgomery in 1267. De-
spite this proclamation, Henry Ill's son, Prince Edward, continued to clash
with the Welsh prince. Eventually, the rivalry would erupt into full-fledged
warfare between the Welsh and Plantagenet prince, but not until Edward
had gained the English throne and all the power that accompanied it.
In 1277, Edward I led his army on his first campaign against the Welsh,
implementing a three-pronged strategy that involved attacking Wales from
English bases at Montgomery in Montgomeryshire, Carmarthen in Car-
marthenshire and Chester Castle in Cheshire. 18 Within ten months, the
English forced the Welsh to admit defeat, and Edward swiftly established a
massive castle-building program in Wales. Not only did the king use innova-
tive design plans to build four new royal fortresses at Flint (Flintshire),
Rhuddlan (Denbighshire), Aberystwyth (Ceredigion), and Builth (Powys),
his Marcher lords also erected notable castles at Ruthin (Denbighshire) and
Hawarden (Flintshire) and refortified the Welsh-built castles at Dinas Bran,

T h e course of the Dinefwr (Carmarthenshire), and Carreg Cennen for use as English-occupied
River Clwyd was fortresses. Rhuddlan and Aberystwyth were fitted with concentric defenses,
rechanneled to
support Edward I's while Edward's riverside castle at Flint featured four corner towers, one of
twin-towered stone which functioned as a massive donjon, or great tower.
fortress at Rhuddlan
in Denbighshire.
For Edward, sea access was paramount when situating castles so that his
men could conveniently obtain supplies and reinforcements. Not surpris-
ingly, he deliberately chose sites that gave his men maximum advantage
during a siege. If the route of the river was insufficient, he knew he had
the option of redirecting itat an enormous cost. At Rhuddlan in Flintshire,
Edward's workforce rechanneled the direction of the River Clwyd to ensure
it flowed immediately alongside his stone castle, which he erected a short
distance away from the massive Norman motte and bailey castle, Twthill.
One of Edward's most innovative ventures, the 2-mile-long canal partially
filled the moat and also providing a deep-water channel for ship movement
between the castle and the Irish Sea. An average of seventy-seven men
worked six days a week for three years straight to complete the project, 19
which also included the construction of a dock and dock gate to safeguard
the ships, crew members, and passengers.
Even though Edward I took for granted that he had conquered the
Welsh in 1277, they stunned him five years later with yet another rebellion.

Once again, England's warrior-king, nick-

named "Longshanks" for his powerful
stature, systematically assaulted the coun-
tryside. After his men killed the Welsh
leader, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, at Cilmeri,
near Builth, the rebellion began to unravel
in late December. With the capture and
brutal execution of Llywelyn's brother,
Dafydd, who had actually instigated the re-
bellion, Edward proclaimed himself victo-
rious and initiated his second campaign of
castle-building in Wales. This time, he en- TWTHILL, the
substantial Norman
forced the subjugation of the Welsh not only with huge castles but also by
motte castle at
appropriating the palaces of the native princes of Gwynedd and seizing Rhuddlan, was
Castell y Bere and the castles at Criccieth and Dolwyddelan, which he probably erected close
to or over part of the
repaired and strengthened for his own use. The deliberate replacement of Saxon burh that
Welsh-built sites with English structures and the enclosure of North originally occupied
the area.
Wales with a ring of impregnable fortresses to keep the Welsh in check,
physically and symbolically demonstrated England's complete command
of Wales.
Royal castles on a scale never before seen in Wales arose in Conwy,
Caernarfon, and Harlech. Each fortress was strategically placed for seaborne
access and to demand submission from onlookers. Of these, Edward chose
Caernarfon as his imperial headquarters. Designed to display Edward Fs
supremacy over the Welsh and create subliminal links to the Holy Roman
Empire, Caernarfon Castle was deliberately modeled on the walls of
Constantinople. In 1284, Edward I solidified his conquest of Wales by sign-
ing the Statute of Rhuddlan and establishing his infant son, Edward, who
was born at Caernarfon, as the first English Prince of Wales. The unforgiv-
ing king believed his second phase of monumental castle-building would
completely overawe the Welsh. Fortifying his grip on Wales with the con-
struction of planted towns and the deliberate settlement of English resi-
dents inside the castle towns, Edward I intended to intimidate the Welsh
into complete submission and thereby firmly conclude his conquest of
Wales. Lordship castles were likewise repaired or constructed anew at
Caergwrle (Flintshire), Holt (Wrexham), Ruthin, and Denbigh, which
Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, enclosed with an extensive masonry wall,
fragments of which survive. Should the Welsh choose once again to rebel,
the king undoubtedly assured himself, the upstarts would be met with such
impenetrable obstacles that they would surrender with little more than a

Though quieted for al-

most twelve years, the
Welsh proved to their En-
glish overlords that they
had not yet been con-
quered. Much to Edward
I's chagrin, Madog ap Lly-
welyn led a well-organized
rebellion throughout Wales,
during which the Welsh
revolted against the intoler-
able conditions they en-
dured under English rule
and stormed some of Ed-
ward's most formidable
castles, including the in-
vincible Conwy. At Conwy
Castle, the mighty warrior-king, then in residence, became a prisoner in his
upper bailey at
Caernarfon Castle. own fortress. Food and water supplies dwindled until reinforcements finally
Powerful polygonal arrived by sea from Ireland and forced the Welsh to retreat in the spring of
towers dominate
Edward Fs imperial
1295. Again, Edward responded with the construction of another castle, this
castle at Caernarfon, time on the Isle of Anglesey, where he forcibly relocated the native residents
in Caernarfonshire, of Llanfaes to a new location, appropriately named Newborough, before be-
which he designed to
resemble the great ginning his final masterpiece, the great concentric castle at Beaumaris,
circuit of walls at which he erected on top of the vacant Welsh settlement. Even though the
Constantinople, now
in modern Turkey.
English never completed the work at Beaumaris and Edward I focused his
aggression toward the conquest of Scotland, the warrior-king had stymied
the Welsh fight for independence.
Ironically, even though he was also known as the so-called Hammer of
the Scots, Edward I never completely conquered his northern foes. Suc-
cessfully besieging a number of powerful Scottish castles, such as Caerlave-
rock in Dumfries and Galloway and Stirling, Edward I made significant
inroads toward his goal. However, rather than instigating the same monu-
mental castle-building program in Scotland that he had used to such
great advantage against the Welsh, Edward chose to refortify many Scot-
tish castles, including Selkirk in the Scottish Borders and Dumbarton in
West Lanarkshire, and to also seize the castles at Bothwell in South La-
narkshire and Stirling, garrisoning them all with English troops. Unlike
in Wales, Edward erected only a few, poorly defended castles of his own
in Scotland. 20 Not surprisingly, the Scots took matters into their own hands.

In 1306, the Scots crowned Robert Bruce as king and fought back against
Edward I, who died the next year. They then managed a series of unex-
pected victories against the outlanders, now ruled by Edward II, an inef-
fectual ruler with few of the fighting skills his father prized so highly. In
1328, a year after Edward II's murder at Berkeley Castle, his son, Edward
III, signed a treaty that returned control of Scotland back to the Scots.
Nevertheless, Robert Bruce ordered the methodical destruction of many
of his country's castles, so that the English could never again be able to
use them against the Scots. Another 275 years would have to pass before
the Scots and English would unite under a single monarch, James, the
son of Mary Queen of Scots.



The systematic settlement of English, Flemish, Bretons (French emi-

grants from Brittany), and other colonists in England, Wales, and Scotland
followed quickly after the Conquest and the spread of Norman castles. The
Norman and Scottish monarchs justified the colonization of England,
Wales, and Scotland with foreigners as a way to expand commerce, and, at
least in Wales, to demonstrate the benefits of an anglicized lifestyle so that
the locals would quickly assimilate and become a part of the new kingdom
rather than continuing to resist Norman domination. As in Saxon England,
the widespread construction of castles reinforced the notion that the Nor-
mans were there to stay and that the locals were better off acquiescing rather
than resisting. However, the plan was flawed, and, as has been discussed
above, both the Welsh and Scots rebelled repeatedly throughout the cen-
turies after 1066.
After a devastating storm ravaged Flanders in 1106, Flemings emigrated
in droves from their homeland in Flanders, now part of Belgium, at the
invitation of Henry I, who offered them financial inducements and land
grants to resettle in Britain. Skilled weavers and craftsmen, the Flemings
moved into southwest Wales and parts of the Scottish Borders, erected
castles, farmed the land, and established villages in the shadow of their
As early as 1107, Henry I deliberately encouraged the Flemings, and
English settlers from Devon and Somerset, to move into the Welsh lands
in Pembrokeshire. By the beginning of the thirteenth century, the fully
anglicized Flemings provided a buffer zone between the region's adminis-
trative center, the castle at Pembroke, and the local Welsh population. The

intrusion of the Flemings and English outsiders was vigorously supported by

the Norman king and forced the Welsh inhabitants into the northern fringes
of Pembrokeshire and beyond. With the Welsh went their language, and
Englishwith a strong Flemish dialectbecame the dominant tongue.
The area also acquired the appellation, "Little England Beyond Wales."
More than likely, the Flemings were responsible for building Wiston Castle
and the first castle at Haverfordwest and probably initiated construction on
both sites shortly after their arrival in the area.
Wiston Castle was first mentioned in historical records in about 1147,
when the Welsh, led by Cadell, Maredudd, and Rhys, sons of Gruffudd
ap Rhys ap Tewdwr, and Hywel ab Owain, stormed the motte and bailey
stronghold. However, the earth and timber castle probably dates to the start
of the twelfth century, when its original owner, a Fleming named Wizo
("Gwys" in Welsh), settled the land, having received the Lordship of Dau-
gleddau from Henry I. The Flemish settlement became known as Wizo's
town, or Wiston.
For years, the identity of the original castle-builder at Haverfordwest has
been hotly debated. For a time, historians had decided that Gilbert de Clare,
Earl of Pembroke, was the most likely can-
didate to have ordered the castle's construc-
tion, even though there are no records to
substantiate this claim. In fact, the earliest
records referring to Haverford Castle date to
the late twelfth century, when Gerald of
Wales chronicled his journey through
Wales. However, most researchers presently
accept that it probably was Tancred, a
Fleming, who began building Haverford-
massive motte at
Wiston, in west Castle in about 1110. Married to Gerald's aunt, Tancred (or Tancard)
Pembrokeshire, is one also had ties to the villages near Hayscastle, called Upper and Lower Tan-
of the finest examples
of its type in Wales.
credston and Tancredston Bridge, still located about 5 miles north of Haver-
Erected by the fordwest, and his children intermarried with several local families.
Fleming, Wizo, the Tancred's castle at Haverfordwest (then known as Haverford) dominated
mound was once
crowned with a shell the hilltop overlooking the Western Cleddau at the river's highest tidal
keep, the remains of point. At one time, ships could safely sail inland to the town's quay. Located
which still survive.
just 153 feet from the river, the Fleming's castle probably featured earth and
timber defenses, which were eventually replaced with stone. The basic plan
of the original castle is easy to identify in the current remains. Initially,
villagers may have lived in thatched huts on the hillsides close to the castle,
whereas the wealthiest residents occupied prime property just beyond the
castle walls.

Like his Norman predecessors, Edward I also recognized the strategic

value of colonizing newly conquered lands with his own supporters. Not
only was he responsible for Britain's greatest castle-building achievements,
the warrior-king also founded several fortified castle towns, which he popu-
lated with foreign settlers, including English merchants and craftsmen. And,
just as William I devastated many Saxon communities, Edward ordered the
demolition of Welsh homesteads and the destruction of settlements in order
to create English boroughs, the layout of which followed a strict grid plan.
One of the identifying traits of many medieval castle towns is their for-
mal grid plan. At least one main street, commonly called High Street,
stretched away from the castle. Small plots of land and minor lanes pro-
jected at right angles from the main street. Symmetry and order were care-
fully marked out and many medieval towns were enclosed with towered
stone walls or earthwork embankments, as at Pleshey in Essex, where the
well-preserved earthen bank still rings much of the present village. Over
time, as the towns expanded, new streets widened the grid pattern, but the
castle generally remained the focal point.
Standing atop the great round keep at Pembroke Castle, for example,
one can easily identify the town's medieval grid plan. Projecting almost
due eastwards from the castle gateway, the main street runs the length of the
town before it circles back toward the castle. Around the circuit, remnants of
the substantial towered, multigated town wall survive. Not only did such
walls protect the colonists from assault and encourage trade amongst the
residents, they also prevented the Welsh from participating in commercial
ventures within the walls. Within the masonry walls, the new settlers,
the English, Flemings, and Normans, conducted the daily business of life,
and also maintained their own residence near the castle. Populated with En-
glish and other settlers, the new planned towns functioned as strategically
located administrative centers whose residents would loyally serve the
monarchy, stimulate trade, and keep the native populace in check. 21 In most
cases, the settlers agreed to fight when called upon or to provide the garrison
with supplies in exchange for the grants of land.
Other noteworthy medieval planned towns include Edward Fs projects
at Flint, Aberystwyth, Caernarfon, and Conwy. To accomplish the ambi-
tious construction of these castellated towns, Edward I often ousted its prior
residents, regardless of their professions. In 1284, Edward was so insistent on
occupying land held by Cistercian monks at Conwy, that he moved the
entire monastic community at Aberconwy to Maenan to make space for
what would become his grandest planned castle town, Conwy, where the
entire 3/4-mile circuit of towered and gated walls are one of the best examples
of their kind still extant in Europe.

The deliberate plantation of foreign settlers in Ireland, not only by the

Normans but by postmedieval monarchs as well, changed the course of Irish
history and also the appearance of the landscape. Throughout the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries, England's monarchs consistently supported a
policy of sending English and Scottish families to Ireland to colonize the
countryside. As in Wales, the goal was not only to populate Ireland with res-
idents loyal to England, but also to change Irish culture and impose Protes-
tantism on the island nation by seizing and redistributing their land to
English and Scottish immigrants. The colonists agreed to build fortified
houses and castles, provide men-at-arms when necessary, and abide by sev-
eral strict rules, which, amongst other requirements, forbade them to em-
ploy Irish men or women not born in the immediate locality or to marry
them. The English subtly but persistently conquered the native population.
The first plantation was organized by Henry VIII, who became King of
Ireland in 1541. The English king decided to enforce a policy of "surrender
and regrant," which allowed several leading Irishmen to rise within the En-
glish peerage if they acknowledged the English king as the head of Ireland
as well as the head of the Church (Henry had established the Protestant
Church of England by this time), and also adopted English laws and cus-
toms. In essence, the Tudor king forced the Irish hierarchy to give up their
heritage in exchange for retaining ownership of their own lands. Properties
seized by the king were then parceled out to English settlers, known as
"planters" or "undertakers," who were expected to carry out (or "undertake")
the king's policies and, in effect, civilize the Irish. By 1592, after the planta-
tion of Offaly, Leix, and Minister, only about 1,300 planters occupied Ire-
land. 22 Failing miserably to impose their way of life on the local populace,
many planters chose to intermarry and instead adapted to the Irish lifestyle.
The most vigorous effort to colonize Ireland began in the early seven-
teenth century, during the reign of King James VI of Scotland, who also
ruled as King James I of England. Again, colonists from Scotland and En-
gland were enticed to Ireland with the promise of land in exchange for con-
structing castles and stone or brick homes equipped with "bawns," or
fortified enclosures similar to baileys. They were also required to provide sol-
diers for an army or garrison. 23 For about ninety years beginning in 1607, Ul-
ster witnessed the plantation of some 200,000 Scottish settlers, who erected
castles, established Presbyterian churches, and outnumbered English planters
by about twenty to one. Plantation castles sprang up throughout northern Ire-
land, where the Scots modeled their new7 castles on Scottish designs, most no-
tably emulating the rectangular tower house, which is discussed in chapter 3.
More compact than the medieval stone fortress, tower houses were multi-
level, self-sufficient strongholds designed to establish a presence in a region,

such as in the Scottish Borders, and to thwart sudden raids. Tower houses
were not built to withstand a prolonged siege by an organized army.
The remains of plantation castles, like Monea, Tully, and Parke's castles,
still scatter the Irish countryside. Located west of Enniskillen in Fermanagh,
Monea Castle is arguably the best preserved of its kind. Built by the Rev-
erend Malcolm Hamilton in 1616, in its heyday, Monea Castle consisted of
a three-story tower house which measured 54 feet long by 20 feet wide. It
also had what appears to be a typically Scottish bartizan at one corner and
two rounded towers on the opposite side. The castle also featured a 9-foot-
high bawn and a 300-foot-long enclosure wall. Interestingly, Monea Castle
had a thatched roof. During the mid-eighteenth century, a fire ravaged the
structure, which was then abandoned. 24
The castle at Tully, north of Derrygonnelly and also in Fermanagh, was
structurally quite similar to Monea Castle but had a single square wing pro-
jecting outwards from the center of the southern side, which created a T-
shaped plan. Built by Sir John Hume between 1612 and 1615, the castle,
which is also classified as a "stronghouse," was abandoned in 1641 after the
violent assault by the Maguires, which not only devastated the castle, but
also led to the slaughter of eighty-five Protestant planters men, women,
and children on Christmas Day.
Parke's Castle, located near Dromahaire in County Leitrim, was another
typical Irish plantation castle. Erected by Robert Parker in about 1610, the
site superseded an earlier castle built by the O'Rorkes and had a five-sided
bawn. 25 In recent decades, the castle has undergone an extensive rebuilding
program, which has largely restored its original appearance.
The seventeenth-century plantation of Ireland also involved the con-
struction of twenty planned towns, including Belfast. Rather than being laid
out on the straightforward rectilinear grid plan employed in medieval En-
gland and Wales, these plantation towns contained square- or diamond-
shaped centers, which housed their marketplaces, and widely spaced streets
lined with tall houses radiated outward at regular intervals.


Imposed as they were upon the populace, Britain's medieval castles

functioned as "the headquarters for local government, whether royal or
seigneurial." 26 Their ongoing presence in an area ensured the survival of the
feudal lordship (at least in theory) and the monarchy (again, in theory). The
lords who built and occupied Britain's properly fortified military residences
generally gained the right to do so by a grant from the reigning monarch,
who retained the power to wrest back control from his subordinate rulers on

as little as a whim. Feudal authority- passed from the monarch to the lord,
who paid homage and owed allegiance in the form of knights service, who
fought alongside the king when called, and who were expected to offer
sound advice. In return, the king granted lords large tracts of land and ex-
pected them to erect a castle and properly govern the territory in his name.
As the administrative center of a lordship, a castle provided a place for
the lord to carry out several official duties, which were critical to the main-
tenance of the estate and also to his ongoing control of an area. Indeed, the
castle and its surrounding estates and the people who worked them
formed a symbiotic relationship, one often known as a "manor." Despite the
fact that a lord and his subordinates were essentially intruders occupying the
region, in order to retain powder, the lord had to successfully administer his
lordship by establishing a tolerant and tolerable working relationship with
the peasants who lived on and farmed the neighboring fields, with the peo-
ple who worked inside the castle, and with those who paid rent in the form
of goods, military service, or money. Not only did the lord expect (and need)
support from the populace to keep a foothold on his lordship and its castle
the lord's residence and the symbol of his power his subjects likewise ex-
pected and needed support from their lord.
Consequently, castles became the seats of local government. From
them, law and order were dispensed; at them, local residents could register
civil complaints and receive satisfaction or the occasional favor from the
lord himself. During wartime, the surrounding population could also expect
the lord and his men to protect them. The monarch could also administer
royal power and justice from these lordship castles, if and when a situation
required his intervention.
In fact, the most powerful lords usually owned several castles that cen-
tered large estates and bound them together into a far-reaching power base.
Some lords acquired so much power by accumulating landed estates that
they actually threatened the king's authority, in psychological terms, if not
in intent. Warfare often resulted from the uneven balance of power between
the lords of the realm and their monarch. Castle-building decisions were di-
rectly influenced by these situations. For example, in the late twelfth cen-
tury, Henry II intentionally built Orford Castle in Suffolk to reassert his
authority over the Bigods, Earls of Norfolk, who controlled several castles in
southern Norfolk and northern Suffolk, and also over William de Blois,
King Stephen's son and later the 4th Earl Warenne, who held castles in Nor-
folk. Neither had supported Henry's mother, the Empress Matilda, in her
struggle against Stephen for the English crown. In fact, years earlier, in 1148,
Hugh Bigod had invited King Stephen to meet with Theobald, Archbishop
of Canterbury, the Bishops of London, Chichester, and Norwich, and sev-

eral noblemen at Framlingham Castle, also in Suffolk, in an effort to forge

peace between the king and the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. 2 7
When Henry became the first Plantagenet king in 1154, he felt the urgency
to establish a physical presence in the region. Building Orford Castle about
13 miles from Framlingham, Henry II intended to squelch any ambitions
held by either Bigod or de Blois to seize the throne.
Even though the monarchy maintained several castles for its own specific
use, including Windsor, which still functions as an important royal residence
(but has lost its military fortitude), the Tower of London, Edinburgh and Stir-
ling in Scotland, and Caernarfon and Conwy in Wales, most of Britain was
controlled by lords and landed gentry, men who often behaved as kings in
their own right, wielding military power, collecting rent and taxes, and meting
out their own interpretation of justice. During the fourteenth century, after
the death of Gilbert HI, the last de Clare Lord of Glamorgan, Caerphilly Cas-
tle passed to Hugh le Despenser, one of the realm's most despised noblemen,
whose control over the king, Edward II, ultimately led to both men's deaths.
As the administrative center of the much larger manor of Caerphilly, the cas-
tle functioned as a prison and an "estate office," from where the constable col-
lected revenue from levies on local markets and fairs, rents, fisheries, and
court fines, which he amassed when exacting justice within the manor. 28
By the mid-fifteenth century, Sir William Herbert, Lord of Raglan
(1465), Earl of Pembroke (1468), Sheriff of Glamorgan, Constable of Usk
Castle, Chief Justice of North Wales (1467), and Chamberlain of South
Wales (1462), had established his main base at the majestic residential
fortress at Raglan. From there, Herbert capably managed the lordship,
which was considered equivalent to a royal holding, where "no justices,
stewards, escheators, coroners, ringilds or other officers or ministers of the
King shall interfere."29 Besides spearheading the stronghold's transformation
into one of medieval Britain's most impressive palatial castles, among other
tasks undertaken by the lord of Raglan Castle, Herbert also organized a
force of 200 Yorkist soldiers to march from Raglan to Carreg Cennen Castle
to receive the Lancastrian garrison's surrender and carry out the castle's de-
molition 30 during the Wars of the Roses. Clearly, Herbert had assumed a
role befitting a man of considerable stature and influence within royal cir-
cles, and he ensured his palatial fortress displayed that status.
Many lords administered justice and collected revenue while seated in
their majestic great halls, as at Oakham Castle in the County of Rutland,
where the fine furnishings and elaborate architecture would have easily over-
awed their subjects and symbolically reinforced the lord's power and control
over the region. Centering the manor of Oakham, which was controlled by
the Ferrers, Earls of Derby, the freestanding hall served as a convenient

venue for the collection of tolls, payments, and levies, which were taken by
the Ferrers themselves or by their bailiffs. Curiously, at Oakham, an unusual
tradition was established whereby tolls were presented in the form of horse-
shoes, scores of which now adorn the walls of the well-preserved great hall. 31
Medieval castles frequently acquired special facilities, courthouses, or
secondary halls, inside of which the lord, the constable, or another castle of-
ficial would handle the day's business. Inside the inner ward at Pembroke
Castle, William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke during the late thirteenth
century, erected a courthouse alongside the great round keep. From there, the
Earl or his representatives met with complainants, administered justice, and
collected their income. Today, the rectangular structure is little more than a
THE RUINED shell, but, during the Middle Ages, it would have provided more than ample
space for the lord or his constable.
Pembroke Castle.
Now little more than Castles that centered an entire lordship, such as Chester Castle, tended
an empty shell, the to overshadow the castles of the lesser lords in the same region. As the seat of
medieval courthouse
at Pembroke Castle, the Earls of Chester, the establishment and expansion of the original Nor-
in Pembrokeshire, man castle within the remains of the great Roman fortress known as Deva
stood alongside
not only emphasized the builders' political power but also allowed them to
William Marshal's
formidable round command the borderland between England and northeastern Wales. The
keep in the inner

huge area under the control of the Earls of Chester was given a special des-
ignation as a "county palatine," which meant that these lords were answer-
able only to the King and could rule the countryside essentially as they saw
fit. Chester Castle quickly became the administrative center of the lordship,
and the great (shire) hall served as the hub of activity. Today, the Crown
Courts still dominate the site. Besides being an administrative and legal
venue where trials were routinely conducted, Chester Castle also func-
tioned as a mint and a grim, disease-ridden prison. 32
While some ringworks, such as Castle Rising in Norfolk, acquired strong
masonry structures and developed into formidable castles that centered sig-
nificant lordships, others were administrative centers for minor lordships.
Even though lesser lords, such as Maurice de Londres, who erected the
ringwork castle at Ogmore, were subordinate to men such as the Lord of
Glamorgan, whose main base was at Cardiff Castle, both castles served as
seats of government and both contained facilities for that purpose. During
Robert Fitzhamon's tenure as Lord of Glamorgan in the late eleventh century,
Cardiff Castle fulfilled a variety of roles: it was the "comitatus" or county
court, the exchequer, the chancery, and the prison, and probably held the
mint as well. The castle also functioned as a key administrative center from
1217 to 1314, while the de Clares served as Lords of Glamorgan.
Now little more than a shell, a structure purported to be a courthouse
stands in the outer bailey at Ogmore Castle. Dating to the fourteenth century
and rebuilt in the mid-fifteenth century, the roofless rectangular building has
a simple doorway flanked by two large chambers, and was probably the third
building to occupy the spot. The remains of a thirteenth-century building are
evident closer to the river, while a well-preserved lime kiln peeks out from
beneath the southwestern angle of the so-called courthouse. Apparently, the
lime kiln was built over the thirteenth-century building, and the courthouse
was then added on top of the lime kiln. The building, which some researchers
believe may have been a chapel, was used at least until 1631.


Throughout the course of British history, different monarchs favored dif-

ferent types of castles as their main residences. Their choices were guided as
much by their situation as by the castle's physical power, residential capacity,
or visual splendor. Over the course of its lengthy history, for example, Edin-
burgh Castle has functioned as a royal residence, a military citadel and store
for royal artillery, a treasury, a prison, and a repository for the government's
records. Yet, despite Edinburgh's position in the Scottish capital city, the
Stewart monarchs actually preferred Stirling Castle as their primary fortress.

Scotland's royal
stronghold at Like Edinburgh, Stirling stood atop a plateau of volcanic bedrock; however,
Edinburgh has it also controlled passage between northern and southern Scotland and ac-
capably served the
monarchy over time
cess to the North Sea. The castle's substantial defenses and impressive royal
as a privately fortified buildings created the clear impression of noble dominance, almost as if the
military residence. entire site had erupted from the bedrock just to command the region. Scot-
Changing repeatedly
over the course of its tish rulers made extensive use of Stirling Castle as a royal administrative
history, the castle center and held Parliament and State ceremonies inside the great hall.
features a wide range
of structures, and
The "Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London" has stalwartly
today still provides a performed a variety of functions during the ten centuries of its existence, in-
home to the military cluding acting as an impregnable fortress, a prison, and as the king's zoo
while also allowing
public access. (Henry HI established a royal menagerie inside the castle to house an ele-
phant, bears, lions, and other exotic animals presented to him by the crown
heads of several European nations). Edward I built a royal mint inside the
castle and added a treasury to house the Crown Jewels. The Tudors ex-
panded the castle's role as a prison and staged scores of political executions
both on Tower Green and on Tower Hill, where 125 prisoners lost their lives.
During the seventeenth century, the castle acquired a heightened military
role with the occupation of the Office of Ordnance, which established mu-
nitions stores, military workshops, a barracks for the permanent garrison,
and gun batteries at the site. The Tower of London also contained two ar-
mories. In the 1840s, the army transferred the mint, zoo, and records office

elsewhere, but the formidable castle still ensures the security of the Crown
Jewels, which are stored in vaults and displayed in the Jewel House.


Rivalling Britain's secular lordships, the medieval religious hierarchy

also controlled huge parcels of land and built great palaces and formidable
castles to house themselves and perpetuate their position within a region.
For example, the Bishops of St. Davids, who were the most powerful and
prosperous ecclesiastical lords in West Wales, functioned as secular lords in
their own right. Imbued by the English king with the proper legal authority,
the bishops held courts, filled prisons, and maintained a gallows. As mobile
bishops, they kept residences and facilities throughout southwestern Wales,
as at Llawhaden, where they located their administrative center at the
barony's castle, and at Lamphey, a manor hubbed by its own bishops'
palace. Featuring a twin-towered gatehouse, a towered curtain wall, a steep-
sided encompassing ditch, and a dungeon, Llawhaden Castle was as much a
fortified residence as any of its secular counterparts.
Further east at Cardiff, the Bishops of Llandaff also constructed a castle
that overlooked the River Taff and served largely to provide defensive
strength for the neighboring Llandaff Cathedral, just a few hundred yards to
the north. From Llandaff Castle, the bishops could watch over the activity
in the cathedral's precinct. The twin-towered castle gatehouse contained a
prison in the eastern tower and guardrooms and living chambers in the west-
ern tower. Inside the gate passage, an arrowslit, portcullis, and heavy timber
doors safeguarded the clerics and their staff.


Popularized in movies and literature and by marketing representatives

as places of torture, imprisonment, and disease-ridden hell, the dank un-
derground chambers traditionally associated with medieval castle prisons
most often served a temporary need, housing important hostages or
prisoners of war while the captors awaited the payment of ransom or the
settlement of a dispute. In reality, not every castle contained a dungeon,
and most castles never functioned as prisons. However, the presence of a
prison within the thick masonry walls would certainly have deterred the
local populace from rebelling and given them temporary pause before
violating the law.
The word "dungeon" actually derives from the French "donjon," a me-
dieval word itself deriving from the Latin "dominium," meaning "lordship,"

which was used to identify the keep, the self-sufficient great tower that si-
multaneously functioned as a castle's internal strongpoint and the lord's res-
idence. While the basement or lowest level of some keeps held the prison
and guardrooms, not all did. Indeed, many ground level and underground
chambers were actually used for storage. Frequently, the castle's prison was
located near or inside the main gatehouse along with the guardrooms, to
prevent the enemy from gaining access into the interior. This also allowed
the guards to keep a close watch over their captives. Historically, as castle ar-
chitecture evolved and many castles acquired gatehouses, owners often con-
verted the donjons into prison towers hence, the name "dungeon";
eventually, the term was used to designate any chamber that served as the
castle's prison. A few castle keeps, such as the cylindrical great towers at
Flint Castle in Wales and Bothwell Castle in Scotland, are still known as
donjons they were never intended as prisons.
Even though it seems reasonable to assume that castle-builders would
situate their prisons away from the castle's vital inner core, many dungeon
towers actually stood well inside the walls. At Pembroke Castle in Wales, the
cylindrical dungeon tower erected by William de Valence, Earl of Pem-
broke during the late thirteenth century, was intentionally located close to
the great keep along the perimeter of the inner bailey. The tower resembles
those erected along the outer curtain wall and around the town of Pembroke
itself. Accessible only from inside the inner bailey, the dungeon tower rose
three stories. The basement level contained the dungeon itself, a small,
poorly lit chamber known as an "oubliette" that was probably entered only
via a trapdoor in the ceiling. A spiral staircase at the first-floor chamber led
to the uppermost levels, which reputedly served as fighting platforms should
an enemy breach the great gatehouse and storm the outer bailey. Interest-
ingly, despite the existence of this prison tower, medieval graffiti cut in the
form of crosses and heraldic shields suggests that prisoners may also have
been held in a small chamber in Monkton Tower, which formed part of
the curtain wall and guarded the water gate on the opposite side of the outer
bailey from the dungeon tower.
One of the strangest locations for a prison tower can be found at Conwy
Castle, Edward I's mammoth fortress in North Wales. There, the dungeon
was accessible only from inside the great hall. On the southern side of the
hall, a discreetly placed doorway in one of the window embrasures opened
into a short mural passage. From there, a set of steps led to an adjoining
room at about 4 feet above ground level. Unwary visitors might suddenly
find themselves falling down onto the floor, and then, perhaps, through the
trapdoor and into the pit-prison below. Once in the oubliette, they had no
easy way out. 33

One can only speculate as to why Master James of St. George designed
the castle so that the prison was positioned immediately alongside the great
hall. Perhaps he assumed the king's guests would be too preoccupied with
the evening's entertainment to be aware of the plight of the prisoners
nearby. Perhaps the dungeon's presence forewarned them to act with a
degree of decorum when dealing with the warrior-king. Or, perhaps the
tower's physical location outside the town itself made it the only reasonable
place for a prison.
An oubliette (from the French "oublier" meaning "to forget") must have
been an incredibly brutal place for confinement, with or without the physi-
cal tortures that may have accompanied imprisonment. Known throughout
Europe and even in the Middle East, these early pit-prisons were usually
shaped like slender cylinders. The only entrance into the windowless cham-
bers was through a trapdoor in the ceiling, which opened from the floor of
the guardroom above and was placed too high for the prisoners to grasp in
an escape attempt. Guards tied doomed prisoners to a rope and then low-
ered them into the oubliette. They likewise used ropes and baskets to lower
food to the prisoners. Some oubliettes were below ground level; on occa-
sion, these filled with water seeping in from the ground, which made sur-
vival almost impossible.
The earliest-known medieval oubliettes survive at Pierrefonds in France,
and at the Bastille, in Paris. The eleventh-to-twelfth-century Black Tower at
Rumeli Hisari, in modern Turkey, contains an unusual variation. Guards
forced unsuspecting prisoners along a long, dark passageway that ended
above an opening in the floor through which they tumbled, never again to
see the light of day. The Scots, on the other hand, fancied the bottle dun-
geon, a particularly unpleasant type of oubliette shaped like a bottle so that
the prisoner could never lie down.
Newark Castle in Nottinghamshire was especially well equipped with
four oubliettes. Probably added in the early fourteenth century during the
castle's third major building period, the hexagonal northwest tower con-
tained a round prison chamber and a beehive-shaped chamber known as a
bottle dungeon. Ventilated by a slender slot in the exterior wall, the bottle
dungeon was situated immediately alongside a square oubliette, which was
embedded in the base of the west curtain wall. Further along this western
wall, a three-sided tower held two more prisons, one a simple chamber,
and the other, yet another oubliette. One of the many castles William the
Conqueror erected shortly after seizing the English throne, Newark Castle's
lengthy history included the destruction of Saxon houses and a cemetery
to make way for the construction of a Norman earth and timber castle
in 1069.34

Contrary to popular belief, relatively few people endured lingering

deaths in pit-prisons. Imprisoned in Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire by
his wife, Queen Isabella ("the she-wolf of France"), and her paramour,
Roger Mortimer, in 1327, the deposed King Edward II was forced to endure
his final days confined to a small chamber on the first floor. Not as com-
fortable at it may seem, this chamber was located next to the opening of a
28-foot-deep cesspit (the pit-prison). Normally, guards dropped human pris-
oners onto a mass of animal flesh already decaying in the oubliette; but, as a
royal, Edward was spared this fate. Aware that rotting carcasses emitted toxic
fumes, Isabella's guards believed that the king would die if merely exposed
to the malodorous vapors. However, Edward did not die. The king's surpris-
ing fortitude forced a creative response from the queen's henchmen they
allegedly murdered him with a red-hot poker. Edward III, the son of Edward
II and Isabella, then became the King of England. For his mother's part in
the deposition and death of his father, Edward committed Isabella to what
amounted to house arrest at Castle Rising, in Norfolk. Allowed to come and
go as she pleased until her death in 1358, the dowager queen frequently
moved between Castle Rising and her castles at Mold and Hawarden, in the
Welsh Marches, and Mere and Hertford, in England; 35 however, she lost all
authority to influence royal decision-making.
When their medieval roles as fortified military residences became obso-
lete or their owners moved elsewhere, many British castles experienced a re-
birth as prisons. Some continue in that capacity today. As early as 1195,
Lydford Castle in Devonshire supported a "strong house" for prisoners,
probably the masonry keep that still dominates the spot. By the fourteenth
century, the castle served as the county prison and courthouse. From Lyd-
ford Castle local authorities enforced stannary law in wild Dartmoor, a
major tin-mining region in England, until the county moved the prison to
the much larger and more isolated Princetown, which was constructed in
the nineteenth century to confine prisoners during the Napoleonic Wars.
In 1780, construction of a new county jail was completed inside the
grounds of Haverfordwest Castle. The work entailed the conversion of sev-
eral medieval structures. Placed along the southern wall of the inner ward,
the compact prison building measured about 13 feet by almost 7 feet and
had brick flooring. Lead doors prevented escape. Among the most notable
inmates were French prisoners of war seized during the so-called last inva-
sion of Britain in 1797. In 1816, a debtors' prison was added along the wall
between the North Tower and the governor's house, which occupied the site
of the original inner gatehouse. In 1820, an even larger, three-story jail was
added to the outer ward of the castle, which contained some n o cells, a
chapel, a small courthouse, and eight wards fitted with male and female

workrooms, dayrooms, and airing yards. To keep the prisoners gainfully oc-
cupied, two treadmills (one for men and the other for women) were in-
stalled inside the inner ward on the site of the medieval chapel to produce
flour for their own bread. The jail finally closed in 1878.
Begun in the twelfth century but extensively modified in the late eigh-
teenth and early nineteenth centuries, Lancaster Castle (Lancashire) has a
lengthy history of use as a state prison and a courthouse. It boasts a reputa-
tion for sentencing to death more prisoners than any other English court.
Besides the great keep, which still serves as one of Her Majesty's working
prisons, Lancaster Castle features the Gaoler's House, erected in 1788; the
prison for female felons, begun in 1792; the men's prison, begun two years
later; a debtors' prison; the shire hall and crown court, also added in the
1790s; and the female penitentiary, built in 1821. The "drop room" confined
convicted prisoners prior to their execution by hanging.
Although castles were not built to serve strictly as prisons, some housed
royal prisoners in relative comfort and others were sites of bloody execu-
tions. Some prisoners, such as Queen Isabella, Edward Ill's notorious
mother, and Mary, Queen of Scots, who were under house arrest, could
generally come and go freely, as long as a guard accompanied them. In fact,
castles played a crucial role in almost every event of significance in the Scot-
tish queen's tumultuous life. In 1567, Mary found herself in a desperate and
unhappy situation, married to the ruthless, ambitious, and notoriously
unpopular James Hepburn, Earl of Both well. When Mary's supporters fi-
nally betrayed their queen, she and Bothwell fled to Borthwick Castle, south
of Edinburgh, where their adversaries caught up to them. Hoping to quell
the rebellion, Mary approached the rebels, but they promptly seized their
qtieen and took her to Loch Leven Castle in what is now Perth and Kinross,
the first of a series of castle prisons used to confine the Queen of Scotland.
Bothwell, on the other hand, escaped, fleeing first to Crichton Castle in
Mid Lothian and then on to Dunbar in East Lothian, where he had
arranged to meet Mary. The meeting never took place.
At Loch Leven, Mary reputedly occupied the third floor of the main
tower, perhaps in the range of rooms above the hall. No one can truly claim
that the queen suffered during her confinement, except initially when her
health failed her. Inside these chambers, Mary not only signed abdication
papers and relinquished the throne, but she also danced, embroidered, had
the companionship of her ladies-in-waiting, and gradually regained her
health. Disguised as a servant and crouching down in the rescuing boat,
Mary escaped from Loch Leven Castle on May 2, 1568. At Niddry Castle,
West Lothian, she reclaimed the monarchy and gained a new following of
supporters. However, as on so many other occasions, the Scottish queen

made a misguided decision and headed into England to beg for Elizabeth's
support. She promptly found herself back in prison.
On May 18,1568, Marv was again under house arrest in the English border
castle at Carlisle. Two months later, she was moved to Bolton Castle, in North
Yorkshire, where she lived in relative comfort once she had obtained the
proper furnishings, like special Turkish rugs that kept out the cold. In early
1569, she was sent to Tutbury Castle, in Staffordshire. Twice imprisoned at
Tutbury, Mary hated the inhospitable place, which was already five hundred
years old, dank, and partly ruined when she arrived. She again became ill and
was transferred to the more comfortable Wingfield Manor, a fortified man-
sion in Derbyshire, and then to Chatsworth, where she regained her health,
albeit tenuously. Other prisons included Sheffield Castle and Sheffield
Manor in South Yorkshire, and Chartley Hall and Tixall in Staffordshire.
On September 21, 1586, Mary left Chartley Hall for yet another prison.
Though probably reconciled to her fate by this time, the former Queen of
Scotland had no idea that Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire would
be her final home. On February 8, 1587, Mary, Queen of Scots, bowed her
head on the executioner's block in Fotheringhay's great hall and died. Some
historians claim Man's heart was buried at the castle, but it has never been
found. The remains of the extensively ruined motte and bailey castle belie
its momentous role in British history.
While some political prisoners had the freedom to roam the passages of
their castle prison, some, like Henry Marten, the convicted regicide who
signed King Charles Fs death warrant, were largely restricted to a prison
tower for the balance of their lifetime. Renamed for its most notable pris-
oner, the heavily defended Marten's Tower at Chepstow Castle was built in
the late thirteenth century to house important guests. Imprisoned in 1660,
Marten spent the remaining twenty years of his life under house arrest. Liv-
ing with his wife on the first floor of the tower, their servants occupying the
second floor, Marten not only received guests, but from time to time he was
also able to visit associates in the local community.' 6 Henry Marten died at
the castle in 1680, at the age of 78.
Arguably the best known of Britain's medieval castle prisons is the Tower
of London. Altered frequently over time, the 90-foot-high White Tower, or
great keep, initially provided accommodation for the king and the castle's
constable but also housed important prisoners, such as the Duke of Orleans,
in its lavish upper levels. The basement, with its 15-foot-thick walls, was occa-
sionally used to contain less savory characters. Over time, successive mon-
archs expanded and upgraded the castle and its defenses, transforming it into
one of the world's most impressive concentric castles. The Tower of London
provided palatial accommodation, but also imprisoned many historic figures,

Chepstow Castle.
including Sir Walter Raleigh; Sir Thomas More; Welsh Prince Gruffudd ap Probably constructed
to provide Roger
Llywelyn; John Balliol, briefly the King of Scotland in the late thirteenth Bigod III, the lord of
century; George, Duke of Clarence; two Earls of Essex; and Edward V (age Chepstow Castle, with
12) and his brother, Richard, Duke of York (age 9), now traditionally known well-defended private
accommodation, the
as the "Princes in the Tower." Executions took place both inside the castle, battlemented
where the likes of Queens Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard lost their Marten's Tower
retains substantial
heads, and on Castle Hill, just north of the castle. The Tower of London con- spurred buttresses,
tinued to serve the monarchy as a state prison, confining Jacobites in the which helped prevent
1740s and German prisoners of war, including Rudolf Hess, in the 1940s. collapse and thwarted

Looking at a classic stone castle, like Dover, Caerphilly, or Warwick, one
can spot an array of defensive mechanisms: impenetrably thick stone walls;
tall crenellated towers spaced at intervals, which served as observation posts,
places from which to fire upon an enemy below, and to block unwanted ac-
cess; and twin-towered, battlemented gatehouses equipped with movable
drawbridges, spiked portcullises, heavy timber doors, which could be barri-
caded with stout iron bars, murder holes and machicolations ideally poised

above the gate passage and used to drop missiles or water upon attackers or
douse burning timbers, and arrowslits, slots in the masonry behind which
defenders could target the enemy and fire at them without being hit in re-
turn; and an enclosing moat or dry ditch, deep enough to test the mettle of
the fittest soldiers and wide enough to limit an onslaught by even the most
powerful of siege engines.
The casual observer can reasonably conclude that these mechanisms
were developed and installed to protect a lord, his household, and his pocket
of land from seizure. The conclusion seems logical; yet, upon closer inspec-
tion of a castle's physical makeup and history, one cannot help but realize
that the properly fortified military residence served much more than a defen-
sive role in medieval society. Indeed, a castle's defensive purpose was largely
secondary to its offensive, aggressive role as a subjugator of a populace, a ve-
hicle by which conquest could be solidified, and a structure that com-
manded a region with military license and its dominating physical presence.

Castles as Defensive Strongholds

Shutting oneself up in a castle was not an attempt to avoid

conflict, but a maneuver to make the enemy fight at a
Philip Warner, Sieges of the Middle Ages (2000), 2

The intrusion of the Normans and their followers into Britain inevitably
brought about a number of sociopolitical changes. Much of the populace
rejected outside control, and rebellions against the new overlords contin-
ued. Consequently, castles appeared throughout the countryside. Initially
erected to effect the Conquest, earth and timber castles were fairly simple
structures with limited defensive capabilities. The goal of their builders was
to establish a presence in a region. Some motte and ringwork castles fea-
tured steeply banked mounds topped by timber palisades and surrounded by
dry ditches, which made scaling their walls a strenuous effort for even the
most able-bodied of soldiers. The Normans swiftly recognized the fallibility
of their earthwork castles, which burned easily and were prone to rot. They
either refortified many of them with masonry walls and towers, as at York, or
constructed completely new strongholds.

Increasingly equipped with more sophisticated defensive mechanisms,

such as arrowslits, portcullises, and machicolations, Britain's castles took on
a dualistic military role. Not only were they offensive strongholds intended
to subjugate a population and dominate a region, castles were also intended to
withstand peasant revolts, assaults by besieging armies, and trickery by os-
tensibly loyal subjects. Castle-builders, the kings, lords, and barons of the
land, required defensive might for two crucial reasons: to protect them-
selves, their families, staff, and garrison during a siege; and to defend the
lordship, prevent the seizure of land, and maintain an offensive posture in
the region. 1


The medieval siege was a complex process that ended with a castle as-
sault only when other tactics failed to force a surrender. Because the cost of
besieging a castle was incredibly high, in terms of assembling and paying an
army and gathering enough supplies and hauling them to the site, and also
in terms of the time, effort, and lives involved, military leaders normally did
not rush into battle. Indeed, if the besieging army lost too many men in an
initial onslaught, they were often forced to retreat or give up the siege com-
pletely. Further, if they were successful enough to gain control of the castle,
the now-weakened troops might not be capable of repulsing a renewed at-
tack by forces sent to relieve the wounded garrison. Consequently, the full-
out siege was normally a last resort, unless, of course, the attacking king or
lord had a particular investment in breaking his opponent.
Although directly influenced by the Romans, medieval warriors devised
their own procedures for carrying out a siege, often responding to develop-
ments in castle architecture, the defenses of which became more and more
complex as siege technology improved. Initially, their assaults mainly con-
centrated on towns or major cities, which were often fortified, rather than on
individual castles.2 Until about 1100, siege tactics consisted mainly of using
firepower to break through the castle's physical defenses or starving out the
defenders. 3 During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, siege warfare be-
came increasingly sophisticated and, by the mid-fourteenth century, en-
gines of great power, such as the ballista and trebuchet, became the mainstay
of virtually every siege. At the same time, specific conventions for conduct-
ing a siege became well established. 4 The most practiced soldiers followed
traditional protocol, which allowed honorable negotiation and surrender be-
fore resorting to pummelling the garrison into submission.
Just journeying to a castle site to lay siege involved meticulous planning.
First, commanders had to devise an overall strategy for taking the castle.

Thought had to be given to where the best archers, skilled carpenters, black-
smiths, sappers, and engineers could be drawn; to which lords owed knights'
service to the king (if the king were waging the battle), and how many
knights they would provide (knights normally were obligated to do forty
days' service during the course of a year); to how much timber, lead, tools,
nails, food, drink, livestock, and other provisions were required, and from
where they could be acquired; and to the timing involved in assembling the
massive entourage and moving the entire siege train at an average rate of
9 miles per day5 across the countryside.
Given the huge effort involved in coordinating a siege and assembling
an army, potential besiegers made at least cursory efforts to convince the
garrison, the constable, or the lord of the castle to surrender peaceably.
The besiegers would first send a herald or messenger to the castle to an-
nounce the impending siege and propose that the defenders surrender or re-
quest a truce for a specific period of time. Defiant garrisons often responded
to the besiegers' effrontery by killing the herald and tossing his head or body
over the battlements. On rare occasions, opposing leaders might meet in the
open field to discuss terms, but generally they preferred their underlings to
handle the face-to-face discussions.
When the prospect of surrender seemed unlikely, the attacking forces
would begin their trek to the siege site, where they set up their encampment
and constructed some basic defenses of their own not too far from the cas-
tle's walls. Specialists would also begin erecting bulky, intimidating siege en-
gines. Other soldiers fomented dissent in the surrounding countryside in an
effort to recruit supporters and seize control of crops and other resources
assuming landowners and peasants had not already torched them. In fact, it
was common for inhabitants of an area to use a "scorched earth" policy to
sabotage an impending siege. After gathering food, livestock, and other
items for their own use, they would intentionally burn their own lands to
prevent the enemy from gaining any benefit from them. Oftentimes, the re-
sulting famine left the besiegers no alternative but to retreat.
Surrender under honorable terms was a common way out of a siege. In
many cases, the besiegers allowed the defenders a period of time, ranging
from a week to forty days, to decide whether or not to give in. Truces effec-
tively delayed a full-blown assault, so that the constable could contact the
lord for directions on how to handle the situation or to gain assistance at the
castle. In cases where supplies and reinforcements failed to arrive in time to
bolster the garrison, they would fly a white flag as a sign of surrender. How-
ever, lengthy truces could also lead to the deterioration of the attacking army,
particularly when each knight's forty-day service obligation neared comple-
tion and no reinforcements showed up to replace them. If a beleaguered

garrisonknew7they had enough food and drink to carry them at least forty
days or had notice that relief was on its way, they could survive the siege un-
scathed. 6 Truces also gave the defenders time to construct their own siege
engines, shore up their defenses, and build wooden hoards (fighting plat-
forms) on the battlements.
If the garrison refused surrender demands, the siege began with an overt
act, a symbolic sign of intent. At times, attackers threw javelins or shot cross-
bows at the castle gateway to signal their intentions. On occasion, siege en-
gines hurled missiles. By the late Middle Ages, cannon fire signaled the
beginning of battle.
In order to ease access to the castle, attackers might first fill in the en-
compassing dry ditch or wet moat with vegetation, tree branches, gorse,
heather, loose earth, or whatever was available locally and not needed for
other purposes. Alternatively, they might use a barge to sail to the base of the
curtain wall. Once the ditch could be crossed or the moat forded, the initial
offensive could proceed rapidly. Often relatively mild, the early assault
primarily consisted of an escalade (using ladders to scale the curtain wall)
and small-arms fire, employing crossbows, long bows, and slings. Scaling
ladders frequently consisted of a single timber pole with footholds or pegs
projecting outward. Rope-ladders used leather thongs and were equipped
with grappling hooks that latched onto the castle wall. Other ladders had
iron spikes at their bases to secure them into the ground, or used wooden
wedges to remain upright. Still others used straps and buckles. 8
The key to a successful escalade was for the aggressors to climb the lad-
ders as quickly as possible, leap onto the battlements, and then immediately
begin fighting any number of defenders. During this effort, besieging archers
and crossbowmen outside the castle shielded themselves behind screens
known as "pavises," and provided protective fire for their comrades while also
attempting to kill the fighters on the battlements. The onrush would take
place at several spots along the curtain wall in the hopes of splitting up the
garrison, diverting their attention, and gaining access somewhere.
The besiegers simultaneously assaulted the main gate's heavy timber
doors, timber fighting platforms, and timber rooftops shielding the castle
towers, setting them afire or battering them with axes. They might also begin
hammering the masonry defenses with picks, iron bars, and other tools,
while being protected inside a hide-covered timber-and-iron framework,
known variously as a "cat," "rat;' "tortoise," or "turtle," 9 and also as "sows,"
"weasels," and "mice." 10
Of course, the defenders made every effort to thwart the escalade, by
shoving ladders away from the walls, shooting at the besiegers and dropping
stones, quicklime, or hot liquids upon them. They also attempted to douse

any fires. It took nimble, sure-footed, quick-thinking men to maneuver their

weighty armor and weapons and scale the walls successfully.
Some escalades actually succeeded in defeating a castle's garrison. In
1140, attackers seized the outer defenses of Devizes Castle, in Wiltshire, by
using rope-ladders; however, the defenders managed to resist the siege for
some time afterwards.11 In 1327, the garrison at Norham Castle in Northum-
berland was victorious against an escalade. 12
If the escalade successfully breached the castle's walls, the besiegers would
chivalrously offer the garrison a final chance to surrender with honor or to call a
temporary truce. On the other hand, when the escalade failed to make a serious
dent in the defenses, the attackers intensified the onslaught. They also began
constructing siege-works or a siege castle in preparation for a prolonged conflict.
Then, they would man their most destructive weaponsthe siege engines.
No two sieges were ever conducted in exactly the same way. How the as-
sault took place depended on the strength, size, and resources of the attack-
ing army, the condition and complexity of the castle's fortifications (some
castles were easier to take than others), its armory and supplies, as well as the
resolve of the besieged. Consequently, an army might employ several differ-
ent types of siege engine, such as belfries, mangonels, ballistas, and tre-
buchets, to bring down the battlements, while also attempting to force
surrender by other, perhaps less sensational, means.
If a castle was strong enough to withstand the pounding of the siege en-
gines and if the garrison refused to surrender, the commander of the besieg-
ing army still had several options rather than giving up the fight. The next
weapon employed would be the "sappers," skilled fighters capable of digging
tunnels, propped up with timber frameworks, underneath castle walls and
towers. Once the miners reached their destination, they filled the tunnel,
sometimes called a "sap,"13 with flammable materials, tar-soaked beams,
branches, and vegetation, and set them alight. If things went according to
plan and the flames consumed the timber props inside, the tunnel would
promptly collapse, taking with it whatever stood on the ground overhead,
and opening a breach in the curtain wall for the besiegers to storm through.
To determine if a mine was being dug, defenders placed bowls of water on
the castle walls and watched for ripples. The tiny waves indicated that sap-
ping was underway, and the garrison then had a chance to respond. Some-
times, they dug countertunnels and surprised the sappers with defensive
fire, floods, or thick smoke before the walls collapsed. 14 Undermining was
not without risks, and miners were sometimes killed when a tunnel col-
lapsed too early. Yet, the technique remained an effective tactic for sieges
and capably brought down many powerful fortresses.
While sappers busily dug mines, other attackers would roll one last siege

engine up to the castle walls the siege tower, or "belfry." Used by the Ro-
mans, the belfry was a feat of engineering creativity, a multipurpose ma-
chine built to reach the battlements of the castle so that the men secreted
inside could safely climb over the walls or utilize a series of weapons, like
battering rams and mangonels, from positions of relative safety. The wheeled
wooden tower normally stood at least three stories high. At the top, a strate-
gically placed drawbridge opened to allow7 the attackers to scramble onto the
battlements. Some belfries rose well over go feet high and were crowned
with a mangonel or ballista. To protect the belfry from fire and the men in-
side from being shot, animal hides soaked in mud and vinegar covered the
framework.1^ On rare occasions, iron plates also offered protection. The
mechanism itself might carry scores of soldiers, who used ladders to move
between levels. A belfry at the siege of Kenilworth Castle (1266) held 200
archers and 11 siege engines. 16
Each man had a particular role to play in operating a siege tower. Some
men were responsible for moving the clumsy structure into place; others stood
poised with containers of water to keep fires at bay. The ground level often
contained a ram, which swung on ropes or chains from the ceiling, and also
held sappers who dug under the castle foundations. Archers, crossbowmen,
gynours, and armored knights manned upper levels, firing at the defenders
while waiting to pounce upon them when the belfry reached its destination.
Moving the belfry into position was no mean feat. Attackers first had to en-
sure the moat or ditch was filled in and the ground surface relatively smooth
so that forward progress would not be impeded. Then, it took strong, persistent
men and sometimes oxen to haul the unstable, heavy tower into place at
the foot of a curtain wall. Windy weather posed problems and the defensive
actions of the soldiers on the battlements could also thwart attackers' efforts.
Henry III employed two enormous belfries during the siege of Bedford
Castle to tower over the battlements and shelter archers firing at the garri-
son. Unfortunately, almost nothing survives of this once-mighty castle. The
siege itself was well documented by contemporary writers, and certainly
the castle must have been a formidable foe in order to precipitate such an
extensive and expensive undertaking. When finished, along with the exe-
cution of eighty men, the king ordered the complete demolition of the
castle, the remnants of which survive about 55 miles north of London.
Given the destructive power of the war engines, the devastation that
mining could cause to a castle, and the determination of the attacking
army, one would expect a breach in the castle's walls or the surrender of the
garrison during the later stages of a siege. But, as often as not, the besiegers
had to resort to a final tactic to force capitulation. With the attackers al-
ready in place around the castle, and much of the land scorched, the likeli-

hood was poor at best that reinforcements and additional supplies would
safely reach the besieged. The besiegers could easily apply starvation tac-
tics at this point.
Blockading the castle and adopting a wait-them-out attitude might come
early in a siege, if the attackers believed the garrison had few resources to de-
fend themselves. Then, a blockade might save lives on both sides of the fray,
while also conserving the resources available to the besiegers if they decided
to push ahead with a full-scale assault. However, when used as a tactic late in
a siege, the blockade was intended to lower morale inside the castle and to
starve the garrison into surrender. As food and drinking supplies dwindled,
disease often spread rampantly, thanks to the catapulting of carcasses into the
castle or the poisoning of the water supply with dead bodies or deadly chem-
icals, like sulfur.17 Sometimes, garrisons held out for months during block-
ades and forced the besiegers to retreat when their supplies ran out.
As soon as a garrison surrendered, arrangements were made for the
movement of captives and the payment of ransom, and the victors were ex-
pected to keep up their side of the bargain. A variety of solutions might be
debated, including banishment, relinquishment of all personal property, or
the symbolic humiliation of the captives. Not surprisingly, defeated leaders
were often imprisoned or swiftly and brutally executed. It was clearly to their
advantage to have in place as efficient, powerful, and complex a set of de-
fenses as time, money, and technology allowed.


Medieval siege engines originated in Greek, Roman, and ancient Chi-

nese warfare. In fact, Archimedes was responsible for advancing siege tech-
nology, which the Greeks had introduced to the world before the fourth
century BC. The renowned mathematician and engineer actually developed
several engines as early as 213 BC, when the Greeks fought the Romans at the
siege of Syracuse. His prototypical "petrariae" (or "great stone-throwing en-
gines") were copied and modified by the Romans and, later, used through-
out the medieval world.
The Romans bequeathed two important siege engines to medieval war-
riors. The "onager," meaning "wild ass," consisted of a heavy timber trestle
mounted midway on a horizontal timber frame. Operated by as many as ten
men, the stone-throwing torsion machine capably projected stones and
other missiles weighing 12 pounds or more for a distance of up to 500 yards.
The onager's shooting motion, similar to what happens when children fling
peas with a spoon, hurled the missile in an overhead arc. When fired, the
engine's rear kicked upward, hence the descriptive name.

The onager's medieval counterpart, the mangonel, featured long-timber

arms or beams, with large cuplike scoops affixed to one end to hold missiles
or incendiary devices. "Gynours" ("gunners," the engine operators) pulled
back the heavy beam and used skeins of twisted rope (the Romans suppos-
edly used human hair) to hold it in place while they readied the missile.
Then, they released the firing arm, which sprang into action. "Mangonel" ap-
parently means "stone-thrower" and may derive from the Greek "mangano,"
meaning "crush" or "squeeze." 18
Despite the inherent inaccuracy of this torsion-operated machine,
which is sometimes called a "catapult," the mangonel could effectively
break through stone walls or knock down a castle's battlements. Occasion-
ally, mangonels projected dead carcasses over the battlements in an effort to
spread disease into the castle. In response, defenders sometimes used their
own siege engines to toss back one of the besiegers, if they had managed to
capture him during the escalade, or a messenger who carried unacceptable
surrender terms. 19
Used in battle across Europe and the Holy Land, mangonels saw action
when the Vikings besieged Paris (885), at the siege of Acre (1191), and at the
siege of Chateau Gaillard, in France (1203-1204), where King Philip of
France successfully used petraries, mangonels, mantlets (protective wooden
screens), and siege towers (belfries) to defeat the English. Mangonels were
also on hand in 1216, when France's Prince Louis besieged mighty Dover
Castle, on England's southeastern coast.20 Despite Louis' greatest efforts,
which included a battery of siege engines and other tactics designed to take
even the strongest of castles, he failed to breach Dover's formidable defenses
(it is, arguably, England's mightiest castle).
Prior to the siege of Bedford Castle, Henry III requisitioned "petrarias,"
"mangonillos," and "berefridum cum balistis," or petraries, mangonels, and
belfries with ballistas, and used them to great effect.21 From June 22 to Au-
gust 15, 1224, a petrary and two mangonels fired at a tower on the eastern
wall, two more mangonels shot missiles at the western tower, and other
mangonels aimed at the northern and southern sides of the castle.22
The Romans modified a modest Greek siege engine known as the "scor-
pion" into a horrific dart-firing machine called the "ballista," which was later
used during the Middle Ages. Like the mangonel, the ballista was also pow-
ered by twisted skeins of rope, hair, or sinew, but, rather than firing its missiles
in an overhead arc, the ballista projected its heavy stones, bolts, and spears
along a horizontal path. Easy to fire accurately, smaller ballistas were effective
antipersonnel weapons that skewered warriors to trees, while large field ballis-
tas capably crushed castle roofs, as they would have done during the siege of
Bedford. Ballistas could project a 60-pound stone at least 400 yards.

A variant of the ballista was a tension-driven device called the

"springald," which closely resembled a crossbow in form and function. Used
to project javelins, the springald had a vertical springboard fixed at its lower
end to a timber framework.23 Soldiers manually retracted the board, which
moved like a lever. When released, the springboard smacked the spear or
bolt projectile and thrust it toward its target. Springalds also made excellent
defensive weapons: at Chepstow Castle, Wales, Roger Bigod mounted four
springalds on the corners of the great keep to keep the enemy at bay. Al-
though the springalds no longer survive, the platforms on which they stood
are still visible.
While their comrades busily managed the engines, other besiegers
used battering rams or bores (chisel-like poles) to pound the main gateway
and crash through the walls. Rather than soldiers simply grabbing a giant log
and repeatedly thrusting it at castle gates or stone walls until they broke
open, the battering ram involved a sophisticated device operated from in-
side a timber framework called a "penthouse" or "pentise." Used in warfare
as early as the sixth century, rams and bores were often pointed and iron-
tipped for added effect, and were sometimes shaped, not surprisingly, as
ram's heads. The ram or bore was suspended by chains or ropes from the
ceiling inside the penthouse, so that when the besiegers arrived close
enough to the castle, they would rhythmically swing the beam and pound
the walls into submission.
Also known as a "cat" or "sow," the movable penthouse consisted of a
lanky timber gallery covered with a pointed roof, cloaked with wet hides to
prevent burning, and braced with iron plates to deflect missiles dropped by
the defenders overhead. Battering rams sometimes needed scores of men to
operate them. The attackers used rollers, levers, ropes, pulleys, and winches
to pull the penthouse into place at the base of the castle wall. They then re-
moved the wheels to stablize the structure. 24
Rams were most effective against timber defenses, particularly the heavy
oak doors barricading most main gates. Against stone fortifications, they
worked best when battering angular corners. Antiram tactics included using
hook-ended ropes to grab the ram and turn over the cat, or swinging beams
on pulleys to smash the timber penthouse as it approached the castle. Popu-
lar during the Crusades, battering rams were effectively employed in 1191 to
besiege Acre, a walled city with a formidable citadel. They became obsolete
once the most powerful siege engine of all the trebuchetbegan to domi-
nate European sieges.
The terrible trebuchet was the mother of all stone-throwing siege en-
gines. A purely medieval invention, the giant machine struck fear into the
hearts of many garrisons. Castle defenders were known to yield once they

noticed the mighty7 engines rising in the besiegers' camp, especially when
the attackers were led by someone with a reputation for brutality7 and
prowess in battle. In 1304, for example, Edward I assaulted Stirling Castle
using an enormous trebuchet that, when disassembled, reputedly filled
thirty wagons. Even before the machine could be constructed, the sight so
intimidated the Scots that they surrendered. Edward, however, decided to
carry on with the siege and witness for himself the power of the masterful
weapon, nicknamed "Warwolf," which accurately hurled missiles weighing
as much as 300 pounds. 25
The name, "trebuchet," probablv comes from an Old French word, "tra-
bucher," which means "to overturn or fall" and probably described the ac-
tion of the timber beam that "falls over" the associated pivot. Worked with
springs, powered by a counterweight mechanism, and able to accurately hit
targets at a range of 500 yards with missiles exceeding 300 pounds, the tre-
buchet's ability to relentlessly pound a curtain wall until it broke open made
the engine an invaluable siege weapon. The trebuchet was equally useful
for flinging all sorts of projectiles over the curtain walls, to spread disease,
break down the defenders' siege weapons, and generally create mayhem.
On occasion, besiegers might strap a captive soldier, unwelcome messenger,
or kinsman of one of the defenders to the throwing sling of the trebuchet
and fling him or his body parts back into the castle.
Besiegers also used trebuchets to hurl incendiary devices, including
flaming missiles, casks of burning tar, and Greek fire. Dreamt up in Con-
stantinople in the seventh centurv AD, Greek fire was a particularly nasty7
concoction of sulfur, pitch, charcoal, tallow, salt peter, turpentine, crude
antimony, 26 and other ingredients. The substance stuck like glue to almost
any surface and was nearly impossible to extinguish, except with sand, salt,
or urine water only fanned the flames.2 In twelfth-century medieval
France, Count Geoffrey V of Anjou used a siege engine to hurl a heated
iron jar filled with Greek fire at the castle of Montreuil-Bellav, which was
promptly destroyed after a three-} ear siege. The exact components of Greek
fire remain a mystery.
Engineers in seventh-century China may have perfected an early form
of trebuchet (quite possibly, the "perrier," a traction trebuchet operated
solely by men). 28 Its medieval counterpart, however, effectively applied the
principle of counterpoise and replaced the manpower with a massive ballast
box filled with stone and other objects, which sometimes weighed as much
as 20 tons. 29 On the opposite end of the beam, a leather sling or pouch
clutched whatever type of missile the besiegers had stockpiled. After me-
chanically hauling the counterweight into the air, the gynours allowed the
box to drop. The force created bv the falling weight propelled the sling-end

upward and flung the missile at a specific point. The same spot could be
pummeled repeatedly. Eventually, the incessant pounding breached walls,
killed personnel, or crushed siege engines defending the castle.
Counterweight trebuchets probably arrived in England when Prince
Louis of France besieged Dover Castle during his near-successful invasion
of England. In 1216, the French army first used a variety of techniques and
weapons to try to breach the resistant castle walls. However, the two sides
signed a truce in October, and Louis moved most of his troops to London.
After the English garrison broke the truce, killed many of the French sol-
diers posted outside the castle, and interfered with the movement of French
troops and supplies, the prince returned to Dover to conduct another siege
the following May. This time, he raised a trebuchet, which, ironically,
proved ineffective. Perhaps the French army had yet to develop the skills
needed to effectively use the unfamiliar siege machine.
Eight days after renewing the siege at Dover, the French suffered a mas-
sive defeat at Lincoln, well to the north, and Louis moved his trebuchet
back to London. Then, in August 1217, English forces led by Hubert de
Burgh, Dover Castle's constable, devastated the French fleet as they brought
reinforcements to their countrymen. The defeat forced the prince to give up
his ambitions for the English throne. 30 Despite the losses and his retreat
back to France, Louis left an important legacy in England: new technology
that not only changed how sieges were conducted but also influenced the
design of castle defenses.
Described as a "master in the art of castle warfare,"31 England's Edward
I was particularly fond of the trebuchet and used it, and other siege engines,
against castles in Scotland, Wales, and France during the late thirteenth and
early fourteenth centuries. His siege of Caerlaverock Castle in 1300 aimed to
suppress the Scottish drive to remain independent from England. Located
in the Scottish Borders about 3 miles from Dumfries, the castle of the Lords
Maxwell posed a formidable obstacle to the king's plans to control Scotland.
According to Walter of Exeter, a Franciscan monk of the time, "Caerlave-
rock was so strong a castle that it feared no siege before the King came there,
for it would never have had to surrender, provided that it was well supplied,
when the need arose, with men, engines and provisions."32
To meet the challenge, Edward required all of England's noblemen who
owed knights' service or held property in his name to assemble at Carlisle, in
the northwestern corner of the country. He commissioned Master Richard
and a variety of specialist laborers to construct a cat, battering ram, belfry,
springalds, and robinets (probably trebuchets), and also stockpiled large
stones, timber, bolts, animal hides, and tools. Ships hauled supplies by sea,
while the siege train journeyed northward to the castle.

Once at their destination, the English army set up their camp, erected
tents and huts, stabled the horses, foraged in the surrounding countryside
for timber and other resources. Then, they laid siege to the Scottish castle.
English and Breton soldiers toting small arms charged the castle walls while
siege engines began their assault. Sappers began undermining the walls.33
Despite the deaths of several soldiers, the garrison remained defiant and the
siege continued for some twenty-four hours. Finally, the mighty siege engines
breached the curtain wall. Waving a white flag, the Scots first requested a
truce to discuss terms, but then surrendered when their spokesman was killed
with an arrow7. The English ended the siege by formally taking over the castle
and flying the king's standard overhead. Incredibly, the garrison amounted to
only sixty7 men, whose fates varied from reprieve to hanging.^ 4
During the thirteenth century, cannons appeared in medieval warfare.
As the new fighting machines increasingly became the weapon of choice,
timber-framed siege engines became obsolete. Warfare practices changed as
well. Castle-builders devised sturdier defenses to thwart the bombards, as at
Craignethan Castle in South Lanarkshire, where low, thick bastion walls
with cannon loops were intentionally added in 1530 to withstand cannon
fire.3^ The construction of new castles waned, and Henrician gun forts,
armed with heavy artillery emplacements to ease cannon positioning, began
to take their place. However, until cannon technology progressed far enough
to make their use more practical, medieval siege engines remained the
weapons of choice and besieging armies continued to follow the conven-
tions of warfare established centuries earlier.



Even though they were poised to respond to threats at a moment's no-

tice, the majority7 of British medieval strongholds maintained only a limited
number of soldiers. In addition to the constable, who managed the military
aspects of the castle in the lord's absence, a typical peacetime garrison might
consist of less than ten men, depending of course on the size and status of
the castle. Even royal castles and lordship castles could capably function
with between twenty and one hundred men, who might include knights,
men-at-arms, crossbowmen, archers, and support ranks, such as smiths,
porters, and carpenters. During the late thirteenth century, Caernarfon
Castle, the king's imperial stronghold, reportedly only employed a consta-
ble, two sergeant horsemen, ten sergeant crossbowmen, one smith, one car-
penter, one skilled craftsman, and twenty-five men-at-arms.36 During wartime

or when local rebellion seemed likely, garrisons would be augmented, but it

was not uncommon during much of the Middle Ages for relatively small
garrisons to ably thwart a besieging army.
Lords ensured the manning of their castles in wartime by imposing a
feudal obligation on the local population that required tenants (holders of
fiefs) to provide a specific number of men for either "castle-guard" or
"knights' service" for a prescribed period of time. During the twelfth century,
a quota system of sorts was used to calculate the actual number of men owed
at any one time. 37 A century later, the quota system was greatly modified and
then largely abandoned in the 1300s;38 rather, a tenant's feudal obligation
was often accomplished by a monetary transaction known as "scutage," the
assessment of which was still based on quotas but did not involve bartering
human labor. With the extra cash flow, the lord of the castle could then af-
ford to hire professional soldiers for a permanent garrison. 39
Also known as "castle ward" for service that often took place in the ward
or bailey, castle-guard duty was normally allocated on a two-month basis so
that the garrison had enough men to swiftly shift to a wartime footing and ad-
equately defend the castle against a siege.40 In addition to manning observa-
tion posts and gatehouses day and night, these men also took the opportunity
to hone their battle skills, sparring with each other, and training for combat.
Supporting a substantial garrison cost the lord a considerable outlay of
money, food, and weapons. So, members of the household, such as servants,
the chaplain, and even the lady of the castle, could be called to arms when
necessary. Indeed, many wives of absent lords, such as Lady Bankes of Corfe
Castle and Lady Arundell of Wardour Castle, fought with their garrisons
and successfully defended their homes from destruction during the English
Civil War. Their husbands were elsewhere, pursuing arguably nobler voca-
tions such as attending the king. Without the human element, whatever the
gender, defense of any castle would have been futile.


In the lord's absence, responsibility for the management of the castle might
fall to his wife, the lady of the castle, and to the small group of staff members
who permanently occupied the stronghold. At times, the lady acted as consta-
ble (or chatelaine), shrewdly and successfully commanding her garrison and
other occupants during a siege. During the English Civil War, two bold
women rallied their garrisons against assaults from parliamentarian troops.
In early 1643, the English Civil War finally descended upon southern
England and approached Wardour Castle in Wiltshire. For Lady Blanche
Arundell, the struggle meant nothing short of sheer determination and

the headstrong defense of her family's home. For two years, her husband,
Thomas, 2nd Lord Arundell, had had his own troubles to contend with,
thanks to his royalist affinities, and often left his wife alone to contend with the
administration of the estate and castle at Wardour. Even though Parliament
ordered Arundell's arrest, he managed to evade capture, organize a troop of
horse soldiers, and ride to fight for the king's cause. By year's end, Arundell
was at Oxford, preparing to support Charles I. Lady Blanche remained be-
hind, to head her household, care for her children, and command her sup-
porters against a ferocious siege.
In late April 1643, a force of 1,300 parliamentarians led by Sir Edward
Hungerford besieged the castle. Despite having only twenty-five troops and a
few household staff members to help defend her home, Lady Arundell re-
fused to surrender. For eight days, the defenders withstood the onslaught. The
thick fourteenth-century walls thwarted the efforts of the besiegers, and the at-
tackers' small cannons inflicted only minor damage to some windows and a
chimnevpiece. Then, Hungerford ordered his men to plant gunpowder mines
underneath the castle walls. They planted one mine in the service tunnel that
led to the cellars under the eastern side of the main entrance, and another in
the base of a latrine chute draining the private apartments. The thick-walled
building actually withstood the explosions, but the garrison recognized the in-
creasing threat and persuaded Ladv Arundell to surrender on May 2.
Determined to reoccupy his ancestral home, Henry, the new 3rd Lord
and heir to the Arundell estate, led a rovalist assault on Wardour in Decem-
ber of 1643. This time, pounding by cannons broke windows and gouged the
walls. The castle withstood the onslaught until mid-March 1644, when
Henry Arundell ordered his men to lay gunpowder mines. This time, the
royalist mines devastated the castle, much to Lord Arundell's dismay.
Apparently, one of the parliamentarian troops garrisoning the castle un-
wittingly tossed a match into the tunnel where a mine lay hidden. The re-
sulting explosion ripped a gaping wound in the rear of the building and
destroyed the upper floors of the castle. Asleep at the time, the parliamen-
tary leader, General Ludlow, had to single-handedly defend what was left of
his bedchamber until his men could reach him. After four days, the threat of
more mining and starvation forced the defenders to admit defeat. Henry,
Lord Arundell, had indeed regained control of his castle, but he had ren-
dered it unliveable at the same time.
At Corfe Castle, Lady Mary Bankes gallantly stymied the best efforts of
parliamentarian troops who readied themselves for an easy victory when the
lord of the castle, Sir John Bankes, was tending to the king's business else-
where in England. In May 1643, Lad}7 Bankes wisely signed a treat}7 agreeing
to turn over the castle's four cannons to the parliamentarians in exchange for

her tenants' safety. Meanwhile, knowing a full-fledged attack was inevitable,

she began to stock supplies and recruit aid from the king's supporters. Two
months later, opposition forces began an intensive assault on Corfe Castle.
For over six weeks, parliamentarian siege engines failed to breach the walls.
Whereas the attacking army lost over 100 men, only two royalist soldiers died.
When Lady Bankes' husband finally returned to Corfe, he espied what he in-
terpreted as the utter devastation of his village and castle. Promptly retreat-
ing, the not-so-stout-hearted Sir John abandoned his wife, sons, and castle to
the machinations of the parliamentarian forces. He died within six months.
Lady Mary, however, carried on, and brazenly again led her royalist gar-
rison into the fray in 1645. ^n February 1646, one of her own soldiers betrayed
his comrades and opened the doors to the besiegers, who speedily captured
the castle. After withstanding seven centuries of tumult, Corfe Castle then
met its demise at the hands of parliamentarian troops, who ruthlessly slighted
the defiant fortress. Soon afterwards, Lady Bankes, now widowed, moved
her children to safety in London.


Over time, builders developed increasingly sophisticated ways to defend

their castles. The choice of location was always a critical decision, for castles
situated in wide open spaces were naturally more vulnerable to attack than
if they dominated steep-sided hilltops. Consequently, one of the first and
foremost tasks would be to identify the ideal site, ideal at least in terms ot
what the lord deemed necessary to meet his particular needs and to fulfil]
his expectations for a fortified military residence. In addition to having ac-
cess to a reliable water supply to replenish the well, the perfect setting might
feature a vantage point from which to view the surrounding landscape (and,
of course, to overawe the local populace). Indeed, scores of castles were po-
sitioned on rocky summits or parcels of land such as bluffs or promontories,
where at least one side of the property possessed natural defenses, such as
sheer cliffs, which would form an imposing obstacle to an advancing army.
Even motte-builders often reshaped natural hillocks into castle mounds,
which not only eased the laborious task of excavating and erecting the
mound but also strengthened the structure. Locating a castle so that the sea
or a river washed one or more sides, especially if the castle sat on its own is-
land, was another way to make use of the land's natural defensive capacity.
Whether natural or artificial, water barriers successfully kept the enemy
and their siege engines at bay.
Contrary to the popular belief that most castles occupied hilltop posi-
tions, it is important to recognize that scores of castles were actually built on

low-lying areas.41 Castle-builders were just as likely to prize low-lying, river-

ine positions, which eased the movement of supplies and soldiers to and
from the castle and helped prevent them from being cut off from assistance
during a siege. In fact, Edward I intentionally situated his great Welsh cas-
tles, including Conwy and Harlech, to ensure access by water. Ironically, the
waters that once lapped the base of Harlech Dome, which the castle crowns,
have long since receded; the modern-day vision even more dramatically re-
inforces the notion that the strategic value of a hilltop setting outweighed
any other type of setting. Certainly locations with panoramic views and pre-
cipitously steep sides, as at Carreg Cennen, enhanced a castle's defensive ca-
pacity. Yet, completely isolating a castle on a mountain peak could also
make its residents vulnerable to blockades and starvation tactics from a be-
sieging army. The shrewd castle-builder selected a location which afforded
natural defensive strength, swift communication links to distant allies, and
the ability to move from place to place with relative ease.


Long before the first castles appeared in Europe, people used ditches
often in combination with substantial earthen embankments, known as
ramparts to protect themselves. During the Neolithic era and in the late
Bronze and Iron Ages, enormous causewayed enclosures and hillforts such
as Maiden Castle in Dorset, Old Oswestry in Shropshire, and South Cad-
bury in Somerset, sprang up in the countryside. Built to enclose and secure
communities rather than to function as private fortifications, these distinc-
tive forts consisted of one or more sets of earthen ramparts. Adjoining
ditches traced the contours around the perimeter of the site and were
topped with timber palisades for added protection.
The inhabitants of these remarkably enduring forts found themselves
relatively safe from outside assaultthat is, until the Romans invaded
Britain and managed to breach the defenses with their superior technology.
While the tribal groups who dominated Britain fought vigorously to repel
the Roman advance, which began in earnest in AD 43, the invaders effec-
tively completed their conquest within forty years, establishing a series of
fortresses, erecting a 73-mile wall across northern England, and Romanizing
Britain over the ensuing three centuries. Like their prehistoric predecessors,
the Romans also made effective use of ditches and embankments to take
command of the countryside, as at Richborough Castle in Kent, w7here they
first established themselves in England. Now7 extensively decayed, Richbor-
ough (the Roman "Rutupiae") featured two distinct sets of ditches. The first,
built shortly after the Romans set foot on shore in AD 43, enclosed the entire

site; the second set, comprised of three ditches and adjacent banks, was
added during the third century AD to enclose a smaller fort near the center
of the site. The characterization of Richborough as a "castle" is misleading,
for the site actually functioned as a fort.
The Romans also effectively used ditches along Hadrian's Wall to block
penetration into Roman Britain from northern tribes. A ditch lined the
stretches of earthworks along most of its entire length. The "vallum," a flat-
bottomed ditch flanked by two earthen ramparts, paralleled the main wall
on its southern side. Historians speculate that the vallum delineated the rear
boundary of the military zone established by the great wall.42
After the Romans withdrew from Britain in the fifth century, the Saxons
began to dominate the countryside. They too recognized the benefit of con-
structing ramparts and ditches as barricades to outside aggression. Among
the most notable Saxon contributions to the British landscape is Offa's
Dyke, built on the border between England and Wales by King Offa of Mer-
cia in the eighth century. Intended to thwart Welsh incursions into Offa's
territory, some 70 miles of fragments of the original bank and ditch (which
faces Wales) still distinguish Saxon England from Celtic Wales.
With the Norman Conquest and the concomitant spread of castles
throughout the British Isles, the creative use of ditch-building was essential to
maintaining control of the kingdom. Depending upon the choice of location,
castle-builders constructed ditches to enclose an entire site or to line its most
vulnerable spots. For example, if the site occupied a headland, a ditch was
often built only on the inland-facing sides of the castle. On the other hand,
the royal builders of the Tower of London shrewdly chose to build William
I's fortress immediately alongside the River Thames inside the remains of a
Roman fort. The river not only allowed easy access to supplies and shipping,
it also acted as a natural barrier to assault from the south. Around the inland
perimeter, deep ditches defended the castle.
Even though castles are traditionally associated with water-filled ditches,
commonly known as "moats," in actuality most castle ditches were dry. Nev-
ertheless, dry ditches served the same basic function as their water-laden
counterparts: to thwart a siege and prevent the enemy from capturing the
castle, and, at the same time, to help perpetuate the lord's authority over the
Whether wet or dry, ditches formed a considerable barrier that blocked
an army's approach, forced soldiers to operate siege engines at a distance too
far to be effective, and made undermining of the castle walls virtually im-
possible. Siege engines such as the battering ram and belfry required a posi-
tion immediately next to the curtain wall. In order to accomplish this,
besiegers had to risk their lives filling in the ditches with bracken, rubble,

and whatever else they could find to level the ground before hauling the en-
gines into place, or they had to sail or swim across the moat, a task which
could prove quite daunting at best. Wearing heavy armor and toting cum-
bersome crossbows hindered access to an enditched castle, especially when
the attacker found himself confronted with pointed timber stakes embedded
in the ditch. Even without armor, modern-day visitors will still find scaling
the steep sides of a dry ditch a challenging experience.
Ditch designs differed from castle to castle. Basically, moats contained
U-shaped ditches while dry ditches were V-shaped. Ditch dimensions varied
considerably, widths ranging from less than ten feet to over 60 feet across,43
and depths from as shallow as 3 feet to well over 25 feet. Many were lined
(revetted) with some sort of material, such as clay or stone slabs, turf or tim-
at Goodrich Castle. ber, which helped prevent collapse. 44 Ditches cut into solid bedrock were
The enormous effective defensive features that could easily stymie undermining. An out-
rock-cut ditch
enclosing Goodrich standing example exists at Goodrich Castle in Herefordshire, where fos-
Castle, in satores (the ditchers) carved a remarkable ditch (measuring 90 feet wide by
Herefordshire, 28 feet deep) 45 into the red sandstone bedrock on the castle's eastern and
measured 90 feet
wide by 28 feet deep southern sides. The other sides sported natural defensive features. Rock
and acted as a hauled from the ditch, which was probably excavated in the twelfth century,
formidable barrier
during a siege.

was used as building material for sections of the castle itself. Other impres-
sive rock-cut ditches can be found at Harlech Castle (Gwynedd) and at
Cilgerran Castle (Pembrokeshire).
Earth and timber castles also made extensive use of ditches to extend
their defensive capacity as well as to provide a convenient source of building
material. The ditch enclosing the ringwork at Wooler, Northumberland, for
example, measured about 3 feet deep and stretched 33 feet across.46
Supplying enough water to fill a moat could be a costly and complex
project. Consequently, engineers relied upon nearby water sources to feed and
replenish the moat. Both the impressive motte castle at Berkhamsted and the
quadrangular castle at Bodiam, arguably England's best-known moated cas-
tle, were fed by springs, whereas rivers replenished the moats at Clavering in
Essex and Skenfrith in Monmouthshire. Filled by the River Monnow, Sken-
frith's stone-revetted moat measured 9 feet deep and 46 feet wide; 47 at Bo-
diam Castle, where the moat measures some 500 feet by 350 feet,48 the broad
waters came from a series of springs. Reflooded after archaeological excava-
tions in the early twentieth century, Bodiam's enormous moat seems much
more a lake than merely a water-filled ditch. At many sites, the moving waters
also served as the castle's sewage system. Latrine chutes often dumped hu-
man waste into the moats at their base, and the fluctuating waters would
push the remains away from the castle. In the meantime, however, sewage-
filled moats made the prospect of assaulting a castle even less appealing.
The late thirteenth century experienced a surge in castle-building tech-
nology, largely thanks to the innovative minds of King Edward I and his
master mason, James of St. George. Of Edward's great castles in northern
Wales, all were deliberately situated to afford access to the sea for easy
replenishment, the transport of troops, water defense and the king's con-
venience. Edward's private entrance to Conwy Castle, for example, over-
looked the confluence of the River Conwy and the Gyffin Stream and
allowed him to come and go as he wished at least in theory. The Welsh re-
bellion of 1295 led to Edward's self-imposed imprisonment within the castle,
which lasted until reinforcements finally arrived. Fossatores situated Ed-
ward's castle at Flint so that the tidal waters of the Dee Estuary not only
filled the outer ditch, which faced the medieval town, but also flowed into
the inner ditch, which enclosed the great tower and lined the southern side
of the inner ward, and around the northern and eastern sides of the strong-
hold. Today, the land remains marshy, and at times the tidal waters of the
Dee still flood the site. And, concentric Beaumaris, Edward's last Welsh cas-
tle, made strategic use of the waters of Colwyn Bay to flood its enclosing
moat. The sea waters once transported huge ships, some of which reportedly
weighed as much as 40 tons, 49 to a well-appointed dock safeguarded by the

so-called Gunner's Walk, where crewmen could unload and move cargo
directly into the castle.
Technological advances in the ability7 to manipulate the direction of
stream, river, and sea waters encouraged the construction of late medieval
castles in low-lying, less naturally defended spots, such as at Bodiam, men-
tioned above, and at Kirby Muxloe Castle, located in Leicestershire. Begun
but not completed by William, Lord Hastings, a few7 years before his execu-
tion in 1483, the attractive brickwork quadrangular castle featured a sophisti-
cated system that made strategic use of dams, hollow logs, wooden plugs,
sluices, and screens of oak stantions to manipulate the waters of two brooks
so that they would fill the moat and also maintain a balance in the levels of
the larger brook, the moat, and a vital fishpond located along the smaller
brook. Despite their sophistication, neither Bodiam nor Kirby Muxloe,
whose moats so visually reinforced the status of their owners, could compete
with the lakelike enclosures erected by the thirteenth-century builders of
Kenilworth and Caerphilly Castles, where the construction of water de-
fenses reached their zenith.


The main entrance into a castle was also its most vulnerable spot.
Whomever controlled the access point controlled the castle. Consequently,
considerable attention was focused on ensuring that all gaps in the walls
were as well protected as possible, so that attackers could not batter down
the doorway and wreak havoc on the interior. As castle-building technology
advanced, so did the defensive complexity of the main entrance. The sim-
plest way to construct a main entrance was to cut an archway through the cur-
tain wall and fit the opening with timber doors. However, not only were the
doors subject to burning and battering, the lack of overhead vantage points
meant the defenders had scant warning of an imminent attack.
In addition to simple archwavs cut into the curtain wall, many eleventh-
century castles acquired simple square or rectangular gatetowers. Essentially
redesigned mural towers, the ground floors of which were bisected by a sin-
gle passage, some gatetowers projected beyond the line of the curtain wall,
as at Exeter, in Devon, where one of England's earliest-known castle gate-
towers still stands. Erected by William the Conqueror in about 1068, the
passage itself has long since been blocked but the tower remains substan-
tially complete. It is fronted by a barbican and a ditch, which together af-
forded extra protection. Other gatetowers stood flush with the curtain wall,
the passageway and remainder of the structure projecting inwards into the
bailey behind it.

During the late twelfth century, castle-

builders increasingly experimented with
the use of flanking towers to safeguard a
gate passage. For example, William Mar-
shal, Earl of Pembroke and one of Britain's
most innovative castle-builders, bolstered
the defensive capacity of the simple arch-
way leading into Chepstow Castle's middle
bailey by strategically placing a substantial
round tower adjacent to it.
During the early thirteenth century,
castle-builders like the Marshals and King
Henry III took the next logical step in gate-
way construction. They began building
twin-towered gatehouses, which were fitted
not just with enormous towers that flanked
elongated gate passages but also with nu-
merous defensive mechanisms which trans-
formed the structures into effective killing
machines. A chamber over the gate passage
normally contained the constable's accom-
modation and/or the windlass room, which
held the winding mechanism used to raise
and lower the drawbridge and portcullises.
Internal mural passages and spiral staircases radiated from different levels of great keep at
the gatehouse toward the curtain wall, where they connected to other towers Chepstow Castle. A
massive round tower
and to the wall-walk and battlements, from which soldiers could fire upon dominates the curtain
the enemy. The powerful Constable's Gate added by Henry III to Dover wall separating the
lower and middle
Castle successfully organized five massive battlemented towers around a
baileys at Chepstow
narrow passageway guarded by a single portcullis and set of double-leaved Castle. Probably
doors. Erected in the 1220s, the imposing gatehouse still serves as the deputy erected by William
Marshal the Younger,
constable's residence. the innovative round
Controlling the gate passage was the key to controlling the castle, there- tower provided
defensive support for
fore much of the goal when installing the passage was to equip the gate-
the simple gateway
house with the most effective, state-of-the-art features. Arrowslits, narrow alongside it. T h e
cross-shaped grooves also known as "arrowloops" or "crossloops," penetrated great hall-keep looms
in the background.
the walls at strategic locations and allowed crossbowmen to watch and shoot
at an attacker while shielded by the tower walls. Sets of portcullises and
heavy doors could be lowered into place in a moment's notice, barring
movement through the passageway or trapping the enemy between them.
Generally made from spikes of oak, covered and linked together with iron,

portcullises functioned as movable iron

grates or grilles (known as "yetts" in Scot-
land), which could be lowered into place
with the aid of a windlass stored in an over-
head chamber. The windlass was operated
by a series of ropes, chains, pulleys, and a
mechanized winding drum and made use
of grooved slots carved into the gate-passage
walls to ensure correct placement.
A pair of heavy timber doors was nor-
mally placed close to each portcullis to
manage movement along the gate passage.
Consisting of thick oak timbers secured
into an oak framework and reinforced with
iron nails and straps, the double doors,
which opened outwards, could be secured
into place by sliding iron bars or bolts into
slots carved into the stone doorjambs.
Nowadays, even if the portcullis and doors
no longer survive, the presence of grooves
and drawbar holes provides reliable evi-
dence of their medieval existence. A fine
example of a medieval doorway survives at
example of a typical Chepstow Castle. It features a smaller wooden doorway, known as a "wicket,"
portcullis, complete
which could be opened to allow individual access rather than an entire en-
with a wicket, adorns
the main gateway at tourage of people, equipment, or mounted men.
Caldicot Castle in Besides the portcullis, gaping openings in the vaulted ceiling of a gate
passage, called "murder holes" or "meurtrieres," allowed soldiers standing in
the windlass room or constable's chamber to drop a variety of items down
into the gate passage. While tradition and speculation has it that mur-
der holes were commonly used to throw stones and other heavy missiles
onto the heads of unsuspecting besiegers, they quite likely originated as de-
vices that allowed defenders to quench the flames of an enemy's fire burning
the timber defenses situated within the passage. Some historians believe that
the holes functioned as slots through which timber frameworks could be
moved, 50 but this seems unlikely.
One of the most characteristic yet perplexing features of many castle
gatehouses, tower tops, and rooflines is the "machicolation." Said to func-
tion much like the murder hole, machicolations typically projected outward
from the tops of gatetowers to create a series of openings, or crenellated
parapets, which allegedly allowed defenders to safely toss missiles or water

down onto enemies or fires below. Re-

putedly brought to Britain by soldiers re-
turning from the Crusades, these curious
devices make shrewd use of corbelling to
add an ornate flair to the facades of scores
of castles. Two particularly outstanding ex-
amples rim the gatehouse and towers at
Raglan Castle and Caerlaverock Castle.
The constable's gatehouse at Harlech
Castle, begun by Edward I in 1283, is ar-
guably the finest example of its kind and
survives virtually intact. The splendid struc-
great gatehouse at
ture actually contained two gateways. The first was a squat archway, flanked Raglan Castle,
by two squat cylindrical turrets that overlooked a rock-cut ditch framing the Monmouthshire,
features an impressive
eastern, inland side of the castle (which was easier to reach than the sheer- set of machicolations,
sided western side that faced the sea). The second was an enormous multi- carved openings at
level twin-towered behemoth to the rear. Fitted with three portcullises, roof level that
functioned like
three sets of double doors equipped with drawbars and arrowslits facing into "murder holes" and
the passage from the adjoining guardrooms, the complex gate passage were reputedly used to
pour liquids or drop
stretched along the lowest level of the great gatehouse and also provided ac-
missiles down on an
cess to the porter's lodge. Rising inside the two interior corner towers, the unsuspecting enemy.
battlemented top floors of which offered panoramic views of the country-
side, were spiral staircases that provided access to the upper levels, where
huge, well-appointed residential chambers comfortably accommodated the
constable and important guests. Residents were warmed by fireplaces and
had access to the chapel and small vestries, several latrines, a great hall, and
an adjoining chamber. Bed chambers filled the massive round towers. More
than likely, the central story, which conveniently connected to the inner bai-
ley via an exterior staircase, served as the constable's residence. This type of
structure was also known as a "keep-gatehouse" because of its dual purpose.
Had construction been completed on Edward I's imperial castle at
Caernarfon, the King's Gate would probably have surpassed Harlech's, at
least in respect to its defenses. Master James of St. George intended the in-
timidating structure to contain at least six portcullises, five double doorways,
nine murder holes, arrowslits, and spy holes. 51 However, work ceased in the
1320s, when the great gatehouse was little more than a shell.
The imposing gatehouse defending Denbigh Castle used a multitowered
structure to confuse attackers and command the route taken into the strong-
hold. Built by Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln and one of Edward I's com-
manders during his wars against the Welsh, Denbigh Castle is a veritable
maze of features deliberately situated to thwart an enemy assault. Three 40-

foot-diameter polygonal
towers guarded the exterior
corners of the triangular
gatehouse: two of the towers
flanked the gate passage just
like the standard thirteenth-
century twin-towered de-
sign, whereas the third
dominated the rear and pro-
jected into the inner bailey.
If attackers managed to
safely cross the drawbridge,
they then had to tackle the
two portcullises and two sets
of heavy timber doors that
barred their way at either
end of the passage inside
the gatehouse. If an enemy
somehow progressed be-
yond the second doorway,
he would find himself
trapped within an octago-
nal chamber (reputedly a
hall), from which the only
escape was to confront yet
GATEHOUSE a t another portcullis on the
Harlech Castle. right, as well as five arrowslits52 and numerous murder holes, which defended
Equipped with heavy
defenses, numerous the way into the inner bailey. Guarded by postern gates, several towers, and an
residential chambers, unusual mantlet, access to the southern side was equally daunting.
and an unusual inner
stairway that allowed
easy access to the
upper level from
inside the castle, the
enormous main gate- Generally simpler in design that the main gateway, secondary entrances
house at Harlech known as postern gates and sally ports provided the lord and his garrison
Castle, in Gwynedd,
dwarfed anyone who
with exterior passageways through the curtain wall, which could be quickly
approached its walls. opened and slammed shut without jeopardizing the security provided at the
The gatehouse still main gate. Using the postern gates, a besieged garrison could welcome fresh
intimidates onlookers.
troops and supplies or launch a sudden sortie and "sally forth" against an
otherwise unsuspecting attacker.
Many postern gates were strategically located so that ships could easily
and surreptitiously move to and from a castle. Often known as "water gates"

for their immediate access to the sea, these gateways proved essential during
a siege, and in times of peace as well. Notable examples survive at Skenfrith
Castle, where steps lead downward from the inner bailey to the moat, which
was flooded by the River Monnow, and at the Tower of London, where the
famed "Traitor's Gate" at the foot of St. Thomas' Tower opened alongside
the River Thames to receive vital supplies and many of Britain's most
infamous and soon to be executed prisoners, including the archbishop
of Canterbury, Thomas More, whose name adorns the tower overhead.
Now barred, but accessible from inside the castle, one of Pembroke Cas-
tle's two water gates was actually the gaping mouth of a natural cavern
gouged into the bedrock underlying the powerful fortress. Large enough to
engulf large seagoing vessels, the "wogan" protected the movement of sup-
plies and personnel between the castle and river. Today, the tidal waters of
the River Pembroke have retreated from the curtain wall, but a narrow spiral
staircase connects the wogan to the inner bailey above.
Not all postern gates were simple structures. Some, as at Bodiam, func-
tioned as rear gatehouses as well as water gates. Others, like the gateways at
Denbigh Castle, not only provided a passageway for moving people and sup-
plies into the castle but also allowed defenders to stage assaults outside the cas-
tle on short notice. In fact, besides the unusual triangular gatehouse at
Denbigh, the castle sported at least two postern gates, which provided access
to the eastern and southern sides of the stronghold; a postern tower, which ad-
joined the so-called upper gate and helped defend the southern side of the in-
ner bailey from unwanted access; and a sally port, located on the western side
of the inner bailey at the base of the Bishop's Tower, an unusually complex
structure that consisted of a narrow curving stair and passage equipped with a
portcullis, timber doors, and murder holes in the ceiling, which led down-
wards and away from the castle, probably along the length of the mantlet. 53


A defensive feature commonly associated with medieval castles is the

drawbridge, the movable timber bridge which spanned the moat or dry
ditch and could be raised upwards to prevent unwelcome entry through the
gatehouse. Almost all drawbridges were made of wood. The earliest and
easiest to manipulate were "removable" bridges. When necessary, defenders
could simply lift and move the timber platform away from its position, back-
wards into the safety of the castle. "Turning" bridges were hinged on the in-
ner side and operated with ropes or chains and pulleys, which hoisted the
timber platforms toward the gatehouse until they rested vertically alongside
the wall. This not only made the ditch impossible to cross but also created

postern gate. Used as
a secondary entrance,
an additional barrier to the interior of the castle. 54 Guards used windlasses to
the elaborate postern
gate at Bodiam power the pulley system.
Castle, Kent, eased "Pivoting" bridges also required pulleys to haul them into place. Used
movement of people
and goods arriving increasingly from the late thirteenth century, these fairly elaborate systems
from the nearby River effectively used counterweights, a pivot, and chains or ropes to maneuver
the bridge. Depending on the exact nature of the design, drawbridge pits
were often required to provide space for the weighted end of the bridge as it
moved into place. Without the drawbridge to span the gap, the steep, rock-
sided pits also threatened a successful assault.55 An interesting example sur-
vives at Cilgerran Castle. Later, during the fourteenth century, a few castles
adopted bascule bridges, which had "lifting gaffs" for use with the pulley sys-
tem to ease the raising and lowering process. The great tower at Raglan Cas-
tle still sports the grooves for lifting gaffs.
An intriguing system of bridges and paths once forced visitors at Bodiam
Castle to move at angles to finally reach the main gatehouse. Attackers unwit-
tingly approached the site with their unshielded right sides exposed and vul-
nerable to retaliation from inside the castle. Before they could begin to lay
siege, the invaders also had to reach the octagonal islet implanted in the moat
and then cross the final drawbridge, which connected to the gatehouse. To-

day, the original bridges no longer exist (ex-

cept for underwater pilings and the unusual


Even though the gatehouse developed as

a way to protect the weakest spot in a castle's
defenses, many builders were not merely
content to rely upon the heavily defended
structure to keep an enemy at bay. Rather,
they preferred to compound an attacker's LIFTING GAFFS. Paired
grooves for the lifting
confusion and force them to move at unexpected angles along narrow pas- gaffs used to raise and
sageways or into enclosed areas from where there was little chance of escape. lower the drawbridges
Generally located just outside the main gate, the barbican was a defensive out- into Raglan Castle's
Yellow Tower of
work, which in some cases extended a gateway already in place, as at Exeter. Gwent provide insight
In other cases, the structures stood as separate buildings apart from but into how the
mechanisms were
fronting the main gate, as at Arundel in West Sussex, which was built by
Richard Fitzalan in about 1295. Numerous examples exist throughout Britain,
including the D-shaped barbican that defends the King's Gate at Dover Cas-
tle. Probably erected in the late twelfth century, this barbican is one of En-
gland's oldest. In fact, barbicans served a dual defensive-offensive role, for they
were intended not only to prevent or stall enemy access but were also places
where the garrison could gather to stage a sortie.56
During the fourteenth century, John de Warenne, 8th Earl of Surrey,
built the well-preserved barbican that still dominates the outer bailey at
Lewes Castle (East Sussex) to strengthen the older, more weakly fortified
gateway. Projecting outward from the gatehouse, the barbican contained a
number of defensive mechanisms, including arrowslits, a portcullis, a
drawbridge, machicolations, two projecting turrets known as "bartizans,"
and roof-level battlements. The compact, well-designed building pre-
vented attackers from easily entering the grounds of the unique double-
motted castle.
The twin-towered barbican at Warwick Castle is one of the finest exam-
ples of its kind. A lanky rectangular structure resembling the great gate-
house but separated from it by a drawbridge, the battlemented barbican
was constructed in the late fourteenth century by Thomas de Beauchamp,
Earl of Warwick. With its foundations securely embedded in the steep-
sided ditch, the sturdy barbican still rises four stories. Arrowslits, a
portcullis, a pair of thick timber doors, and several murder holes provided a
defensive advantage. The barbican on Walmgate Bar, along York's city

walls, is contemporary with, and noticeably similar to, the well-preserved

barbican at Warwick.
Whereas many barbicans structurally resembled gatehouses, several
were little more than curved curtain walls enclosing the open area just out-
side the gatehouse. One example survives at Pembroke, where the seem-
ingly fragile barbican probably erected by William de Valence in the late
thirteenth century is little more than a shell. The D-shaped outwork would
have entrapped attackers before they could begin their assault on the gate-
house but after they had already passed through the flimsy archway into the
Arguably one of Britain's most interesting and clearly laid out barbicans
survives at Goodrich Castle, in Herefordshire. Now standing to about half its
original height, and probably constructed in the late thirteenth or early four-
teenth century, the helmet-shaped structure acted as the first line of defense at
the castle. Projecting eastward from the gatehouse and strategically designed
with its own entrance gate, this substantial
barbican could ensnare advancing besiegers
when slammed shut. It was also fitted with a
guard chamber, which occupied a spot near
the bridgehead on the opposite side of the
barbican, where a substantial bridge spanned
the rock-cut ditch and allowed passage into
the castle itself.
William de Valence was probably also
responsible for the barbican at Goodrich,
which was considerably more substantial
than the one he erected at Pembroke.
BARBICAN. The Quite possibly, Pembroke's barbican may have been an earlier attempt by de
D-shaped barbican at Valence to experiment with the design. In both cases, had attackers made it
Goodrich Castle acted
as a defensive outwork into the barbican, they would have been forced to turn and face the gate-
that could entrap house (to their right at Pembroke and to the left at Goodrich), by which
unwelcome visitors
and prevent them
time, the defenders would have begun their response by lowering the
from gaining access to bridges and arming their crossbows.
the main gatehouse. Almost 200 years after the original building period was completed in the
mid-twelfth century, a D-shaped barbican was added to the substantial motte
and bailey castle at Sandal, West Yorkshire. What makes Sandal Castle's
barbican especially unusual is its location. Rather than being positioned to
defend the main gatehouse, this massive structurewhich was actually a
tower rather than simply a curved wall 57 stood between the motte and the
bailey, where one would normally expect to see a bridge. Instead, bridges
linked the barbican to both the motte and the bailey. When raised, the

bridges would have allowed the defenders to isolate and perhaps occupy the
structure during an attack, had the enemy managed to get close.
Despite its naturally defended position atop a 300-foot-high craggy hill-
top in Carmarthenshire's Black Mountains, the late-thirteenth-century Ed-
wardian builders of Carreg Cennen Castle believed it vulnerable enough to
warrant not only a heavily defended gatehouse and rock-cut ditch, but also
one of Britain's most creatively designed barbicans. Once an enemy man-
aged to regain his breath after climbing the rugged slopes approaching the
outer gateway, he would then be forced to breach the modest defenses and
rush farther uphill, passing through the outer bailey to reach the entry point
into the barbican. Modern-day visitors to the stronghold will find the slen-
der, albeit considerably ruined, barbican a perplexing structure which
routes them to the main gate.
To enter Carreg Cennen's barbican from the outer bailey, visitor and
foe alike had no other choice but to make an abrupt right turn, pass
through a narrow opening, and then almost immediately turn left to climb
the steeply sloping, constricted 10-foot-wide rampway that led to the
square, middle gatetower, an integral part of the barbican, located at its
westernmost end. Strategically placed along the walled rampway, two
drawbridges spanned five underlying pits and passed alongside the treach-
erous rock-cut ditch. They could be raised if time permitted to prevent en-
emy access. If an attacker managed to make it to the middle gatetower,
he was then forced to make another turn, again to the left, to approach the
twin-towered main gatehouse. The gatehouse possessed its own set of de-
fensive mechanisms, including yet another drawbridge, a portcullis, tim-
ber doors, and arrowslits.


One of the castle's most basic, yet most essential, defenses was the wall,
which took many forms. Builders of both motte and ringwork castles used
earthen embankments as walls to enclose the bailey. They crowned them
with timber fences, or palisades, rough-hewn logs normally carved to points
on one end and strapped together with either leather or iron and embedded
into the earthworks. The ramparts generally ranged between 10 and 12 feet
tall; some may have been crenellated.^ 8
However, with timber not only in short supply but also vulnerable to rot
and fire, stone became the building material of choice when it came to mak-
ing castles more durable. Within a decade of the Norman Conquest, ma-
sonry curtain walls began to appear in England, as at Richmond Castle,
North Yorkshire, where Alan "the Red," the son of the Count of Penthievre,

began the first structure, a triangular stone wall, shortly after he obtained the
castle in 1071.^ Other early masonry curtain walls survive at Ludlow (ca.
1086), Shropshire; Rochester (ca. 1087), Kent; and Brough (ca. 1095), West-
moreland (Cumbria). All enclosed and, therefore, defended, castle baileys.
The term, "curtain wall," itself apparently dates to well after the last castle
was erected; 60 it refers to the segments of masonry that were built to fill in
the spaces between neighboring mural towers. Curtain walls surrounding an
area similar to a bailey but most commonly associated with Scottish tower
houses are known as "barmkins."
Castle walls basically consisted of a central rubble core, piles of unat-
tractive stone, encased on either side with adeptly cut stone, known as ash-
lar. The width of curtain walls ranged from 7 feet, as at Conisbrough in
South Yorkshire,61 to over 20 feet, as at Dover and Chepstow Castles. Forti-
fied manors generally had thinner curtain walls, which varied from 3 to
7 feet thick. Although curtain wall heights averaged about 30 feet, some rose
over 40 feet. At Framlingham Castle, which was built during the late twelfth
and early thirteenth centuries, the segmented curtain wall still stands some
44 feet high and is about 8 feet wide. 62
As a physical reminder of an area's subjugation, castles were likely tar-
gets for a rebellious population or the armies of incensed rivals. A plain
curtain wall w7as little match against an intensive assault. Without adding
extra mechanisms to defend the curtain wall, the garrison inside would
have been unable to respond to an imminent attack and the wall itself
would have been completely exposed to siege tactics, such as battering,
undermining, and escalade. Consequently, several devices were installed,
largely along the tops of the walls, to enhance their defensive capacity and
to provide defenders with a safety net behind which they could observe
an enemy's approach, prepare their response, and retaliate against the
One of the medieval castle's most distinctive defensive features, its bat-
tlements, rimmed the wall tops. The toothlike pattern, known as "crenella-
tion," consisted of "merlons," squarish masonry blocks which projected
upwards between two openings, known as "crenels" or "embrasures." Dur-
ing an assault, soldiers could prepare their weapons while standing on the
wall-walk behind the merlons and then move to either side of the masonry
tooth to fire through the crenel. Some merlons were pierced with arrowslits,
which served the same function as the crenel. Often equipped with wooden
shutters, which could be slammed closed in the face of an attacker, crenels
generally varied from 2 to 3 feet wide, w7hereas the intervening merlons mea-
sured about 5 feet wide and rose 3 to 7 feet high (some actually stood over
9 feet tall). 6 ' Battlements not only topped the curtain wall but other pro-

nounced features that the enemy typically targeted during a siege, such as
the gatehouse and mural towers.
Lining the inner side of the top of the curtain wall, stone walks enabled
defenders and inhabitants alike to move from place to place, to keep track of
the enemy and approaching visitors, and to move to other parts of the castle,
such as the gatehouse, arsenal, towers, and latrines. Also known as "allures,"
wall-walks were often paved with stone slabs. Some, as at Conwy, made a
continuous circuit around the castle.
Even with the aid of battlements, which allowed soldiers to look out and
downward over the curtain wall, blind spots and ineffective shooting angles
in the overhead defenses allowed attackers to approach and assault the walls
with battering weapons or by undermining. To counter these situations, gar-
risons constructed timber fighting platforms, known as "hoards" or "hoard-
ing," which projected outward from the battlements and were supported by
timber beams, known as "joists" or "putlogs." Gaps in the flooring of the
platforms allowed defenders to observe the activities underway beneath
them and to shoot crossbows or drop stone missiles onto enemy heads. Gaps
in the wooden walls that protected the men from enemy fire functioned
much like crenels, and provided the soldiers inside the hoard with an open-
ing through which they defended the castle. The only lasting evidence that
a castle used hoarding survives in what are known as "putlog" or "joist
holes," squares positioned along the wall to hold the ends of the timber
beams. Sometimes known as "brattices" or "bretaches," an interesting, albeit
reconstructed, example adorns the northern curtain wall lining the inner
bailey at Caerphilly Castle.
Curtain walls were also riddled with mural passages, pathways stretching
within the walls themselves through which residents could roam. Their
outward-facing walls often contained arrowslits and narrow windows, which
met defensive needs and also allowed light inside.
Used with fortifications as early as 215 BC,64 arrowslits consisted of nar-
row vertical slots cut into the curtain wall or the wall of a tower and al-
lowed defenders to fire their crossbows from a place of cover. Rare before
1190,65 arrowslits were often less than 2 inches on the outside and between
3 and 12 feet in length. They often featured a short horizontal slit about
midway along their length. Over time, the design was modified but the
purpose remained unchanged: arrowslits were used to defend the castle.
During the fourteenth century, some arrowslits were widened to accom-
modate handguns and larger artillery. The slots then became known as

Lining the
battlements along the
northern curtain wall TOWERS
of the inner bailey, the
replica fighting Whether built of timber or stone, towers allowed the garrison not only
platform at Caerphilly to observe the comings and goings of people as they passed near the cas-
Castle provided a
wider field of fire and
tle, but also enhanced the castle's defensive capacity. Flat, towerless cur-
protective shield for tain walls developed dead ground, or blind spots, at their foundations,
the defenders in the which an enemy could use to their advantage to approach the stronghold
event of an assault.
without detection and begin undermining, battering, or scaling the walls.
Periodically erecting mural towers along the walls dramatically extended
the defender's field of fire and reduced the impact of an attacker's siege
Beginning in the late eleventh century (as at Ludlow) and continuing
well into the twelfth, at sites such as Orford and Framlingham Castles, castle-
builders throughout Britain began to make ample use of rectangular towers.
For example, Henry II built several rectangular mural towers not only at
Orford Castle but also at Dover Castle, where he erected an inner and an
outer circuit of curtain towers to make the castle virtually invulnerable to an
assault. Begun in about 1185, the inner curtain wall at Dover is England's
earliest surviving example of its kind. 66 It features fourteen rectangular towers

grouped around the formidable great keep, the focal point of the castle. Four
of the towers defended the King's Gate and Palace Gate.
Even though rectangular mural towers increased a garrison's ability to
defend their castle, they also had weaknesses that an attacker could exploit.
Flat surfaces were relatively easy to breach by battering and corners readily
collapsed with undermining. Inspired by designs they saw while lighting in
the Holy Land during the Crusades, castle-builders began experimenting
with new tower shapes upon their return to Britain. Chief among these de-
signs was the round tower, which was used to great effect throughout En-
gland, Wales, and Scotland. In fact, according to John Kenyon, 6 "It is the
circular or D-shaped tower which is the dominant form of the 13th century,
although square, rectangular or polygonal forms were also used in later me-
dieval castles."
Round towers were sturdier than their rectangular counterparts because
they had no corners to make them susceptible to undermining. Rounded
walls more effectively deflected stone missiles and thwarted battering and
boring siege engines. In fact, during a siege against rebels in 1215, King
John's sappers successfully undermined one of the square corner towers on
Rochester Castle's great keep. Almost immediately after the end of the siege,
the garrison replaced the crumbling structure with a round turret and
erected a smaller round tower at approximately the same point along the ad-
joining curtain wall.
The early thirteenth century saw the proliferation of round towers, in-
cluding at the Tower of London, where Henry III ringed the inner bailey
with thirteen round mural towers and initiated the construction of an outer
wall with six round mural towers. Henry's son, Edward I, completed the
outer wall in the late thirteenth century. As Britain's greatest castle-building
king, Edward made prolific use of round towers in England and in Wales,
most notably at Conwy Castle.
Some castle-builders used the round design for self-sufficient structures,
known as keeps or great towers, which stood on their own and simultane-
ously served as a residence and a fortified refuge. Probably erected in the
early thirteenth century, William Marshal's massive round keep at Pem-
broke Castle remains one of Britain's most impressive round towers. The
enclosing curtain wall, erected by William de Valence at the end of the
century, was fitted with round mural towers. Other round keeps survive at
Bronllys and Tretower castles in Powys and at Conisbrough Castle in South
Yorkshire, where six enormous rectangular buttresses support the imposing
Despite their heightened defensive capability, cylindrical towers did have
their weaknesses. The difficulties of building curved walls made round tow-

Pembroke Castle.
Erected in the early ers particularly vulnerable to collapse, particularly if the underlying ground
thirteenth-century, subsided (as occurred at Caerphilly Castle, where one of the giant round
William Marshal's
cylindrical keep corner towers still leans at a precarious angle). Consequently, many of the
completely dominates most substantial round mural towers received added support from structures
the inner bailey at
known as "battered plinths" and "pyramidal spurs," which impeded under-
Pembroke Castle. The
dungeon tower added mining and helped keep the towers upright. To protect the garrison standing
later in the century by on the wall-walk during an attack, round towers were also often bolstered
William de Valence
stands nearby. with arrowslits, battlements, timber hoarding, and machicolations.
Marten's Tower, at the southeastern corner of Chepstow Castle, is an es-
pecially impressive example. Actually D-shaped, the mammoth thirteenth-
century tower built by Roger Bigod III dominates the main approach to the
Welsh castle. Though originally intended as a residential tower, during the
seventeenth century it served as the prison for Henry Marten, one of the sig-
natories of Charles I's death warrant. Marten endured twenty years under
house arrest in the moderately comfortable, yet well-defended, stone struc-
ture. Two powerful pyramidal spurs still rise from the foundations to the first
story to interfere with undermining and, even more important, to provide
greater physical support for the tower. And, to intimidate an advancing en-
emy, a set of fourteenth-century carved stone soldiers patrolled the battle-

ments. From a distance, the unmoving men gave the impression that the
castle had an ample garrison to defend it. The interior of Marten's Tower
was fitted with arrowslits, which were later modified for use with handguns,
and a portcullis defended each interior doorway. In essence, the tower func-
tioned much like a keep; though primarily residential, Marten's Tower
could also be used as a well-defended sanctuary during a siege.
Perhaps believed to be the most likely targets during a siege, the round
corner towers at Goodrich Castle also relied upon enormous pyramidal corner tower. Huge
spurs to buttress them. The spurs on the southeastern tower climbed from pyramidal spurs climb
the walls of the
their bedrock foundations well up the sides, almost reaching the battle-
southeastern tower at
ments. The spurs buttressing the southwestern tower, on the other hand, Goodrich Castle to
only rose to the first story. bolster the tower and
thwart the advances of
D-shaped, or apsidal, towers like Marten's Tower offered builders a sappers mining
compromise between having to deal with the complexities of erecting a com- underneath the
pletely round tower but
wanting to take advantage
of their defensive strength.
Two basic types of D-shaped
towers were built in Britain:
those where the entire
inward-facing wall was con-
structed in stone, and those
only partially enclosed with
timber-backing or no back-
ing at all. Each design had
its uses. "Closed" towers
could serve as defensive
structures, and also as do-
mestic units, which, at the
minimum, might hold the
kitchen, a chapel, or bed-
chambers. " O p e n " and
"open-gorged"68 towers pro-
vided heightened security
by allowing defenders to
remove the timber plank-
ing and effectively isolate
the spot from enemy sol-
diers attempting to scale
the walls or to trap besiegers in an area. Interesting examples survive at
Manorbier Castle and at Chepstow Castle, where the tower in the western

barbican was probably open-gorged. Conwy's medieval town walls are espe-
cially noteworthy for their shrewd use of timber planking which, when re-
moved, completely segregated sections of walling and checked an enemy's
advance toward the castle, which may also have been equipped with open-
gorged towers.69
Late twelfth and early thirteenth century Wales also saw the develop-
ment of Welsh-built masonry castles, which had affinities with those built by
the Anglo-Normans but also contained distinctive features, most notably
elongated D-shaped towers. Several survive, albeit in ruin, at Castell y Bere
and Castell Carndochan, both in Gwynedd, and at Ewloe Castle, in
Flintshire. They were probably built by Llywelyn ab Iorwerth in the early
thirteenth century. Only one similar tower has been identified in England,
at Helmsley Castle in North Yorkshire; so, archaeologists presently speculate
that the elongated D-shaped design may have been a Welsh innovation,
which would have afforded a wider visual field from which to defend the
castles' main approaches. 70
Perhaps built more to impress than to serve a strictly defensive purpose,
polygonal towers made their initial appearance in the early thirteenth cen-
tury, as at Warkworth Castle in Northumberland, where the semioctagonal
Carrickfergus Tower commands the curtain wall at the southwestern cor-
ner of the outer bailey. Grey Mare's Tail, another semioctagonal tower,
which juts out from the curtain wall about midway along the eastern side,
was added at the end of the thirteenth century, when construction of polyg-
onal towers had become more common. During the latter stages of castle
development in Britain, however, builders generally continued to prefer
round and rectangular towers over polygonal towers, despite their stylish
appearance. 71
Not surprisingly, Edward I made ample use of the polygonal design at
his mighty imperial fortress at Caernarfon. Designed to mimic the formida-
ble walls erected at Constantinople, Edward's Welsh masterpiece featured
seven polygonal mural towers and two twin-towered gatehouses fronted
with polygonal towers. Of these structures, the ten-sided Eagle Tower mea-
sured internally about 35 feet across and was enclosed with 18-foot-thick
walls. 72
Two especially impressive polygonal towers guard Warwick Castle's north-
eastern and northwestern corners. Erected by Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of
Warwick during the mid-fourteenth century, Caesar's Tower rises about
147 feet, whereas its shorter, twelve-sided counterpart, Guy's Tower, stands 128
feet high. Both structures feature machicolated battlements. The basement of
the six-story-high Caesar's Tower houses the dungeon chamber. 73


Many medieval towns were encompassed with towered, battlemented,

masonry walls, which, like castle towers and curtain walls, offered additional
protection from outside attack. Oftentimes, the walls directly abutted the cas-
tle, as at Pembroke, Conwy, and Caernarfon in Wales, or enclosed the castle
within them, as at York, Canterbury, and Chester in England, to create effec-
tive concentric defenses. Town wall tower designs often echoed the shape of
those at the castle. They could be round, square, or polygonal.
Conwy's heavily defended walls provided the ideal complement to the
hulking castle. Constructed to completely enclose the town, the triangular
wall also safeguarded the northern and western sides of Edward I's castle.
The 3/4-mile circuit featured three twin-towered gateways and twenty-one
round towers deliberately placed at 50-yard intervals which were linked by a
continuous wall-walk and removable timber bridges. In the event of an at- CONWY TOWN WALLS.
tack, defenders could remove boards running across the rear of each open- Edward Fs towered,
gated town walls at
backed tower and effectively isolate that tower and the adjoining length of Conwy complement
wall. Not only did the inventive design impede enemy progress, it also gave the design of his great
castle. Together, the
defenders a safety zone from which to fire at attackers. The towers averaged walls and castle
over 5^ feet in thickness, rose almost 30 feet high to the walltops and then enclosed the entire
medieval town.

stood another 20 feet above the walls themselves. Today, they survive to their
full extent. 4



From outward appearances, the most successful and enduring castles

are those that possess the most extensive and complex defensive structures,
buildings and mechanisms deliberately devised to protect the residents liv-
ing inside their thick, towered walls. The concentric plan with its vast ar-
ray of defensive mechanisms as well as walls-within-walls defensive
system offered castle-builders the perfect barrier to a successful assault.
In order to penetrate the interior of the site, besiegers had to maneuver
their way through a series of twists and turns while simultaneously avoid-
ing crossbow fire and missiles hurled by defenders stationed within the
walls. Soldiers defending the stronghold had an obvious advantage. Not
only could they concentrate firepower onto a specific spot from several
vantage points, but they could also camouflage themselves within the
timber fighting platforms and behind the battlements and arrowslits that
sliced the walls.
The royal builders of the Tower of London, for example, shrewdly used
its natural water defenses (the River Thames) to both keep the enemy
at bay and allow the passage of prisoners to and from the castle. They en-
sured the walls themselves were well equipped with tall battlemented
towers. A series of twin-towered, heavily defended gateways fronted by
drawbridges forced visitors and residents along strict pathways as they
moved ever closer to the interior of the castle. The structures also afforded
plenty of security for the royal occupants and their guests. In the end, en-
suing monarchs and their master masons created one of England's most
powerful concentric castles.
Assuming a visitor was welcome, defenders at the Tower of London, and
most other castles, would lower the drawbridge, hoist the portcullises, pull
open the barred timber doors, and allow passage into another defended area.
The process would be repeated until the person made his or her way to the
innermost part of the castle, the inner bailey, which was dominated by the
White Tower, the huge multilevel keep from which the castle takes its
name. Even today, as modern visitors seek to reach the inner bailey, they
recreate the medieval procedure of passing through successive gateways to
reach the inner ward. Nowadays, however, the likelihood of visitors finding
themselves imprisoned in the Bloody Tower or their heads on the execution
block in Tower Green has diminished significantly.

Poised on a steep-sided hilltop overlooking the English Channel and the

famed White Cliffs, Dover Castle represents the height of castle-building in
England. Originating as an Iron Age fort, the earthen ramparts of which sur-
vive in the castle's outer defenses, Dover Castle developed into the quintes-
sential concentric fortress and has seen use throughout Britain's lengthy
history, even playing a role in World War II. Over the centuries, the
promontory on which the castle stands was occupied by the Romans, who
established a settlement known as Dubris; the Anglo-Saxons, who built the
heavily restored Church of St. Mary-in-Castro ("in the castle"), which
stands next to the Roman pharos (a stone beacon that once burned with fire
to warn residents of seaborne attack); and the Normans, who erected their
first castle at the site, an earth and timber stronghold, almost immediately af-
ter their victory at nearby Hastings.
As at the Tower of London, successive royal owners and the army altered
and expanded Dover Castle's defensive capacity. Notable structures include
Henry IPs enormous and virtually impenetrable great keep; two extensive
towered curtain walls, one embedded within the other and defended peri-
odically with massive twin-towered gatehouses; steeply inclined earthen em-
bankments; and a network of underground tunnels, a portion of which was
modified for use in the event of a nuclear attack during the Cold War. Still
exuding power and domination, the heavily defended great keep is crowned
with four corner turrets, rises some 95 feet, and has walls measuring between
17 and 21 feet in thickness. Dover Castle has served more than capably as the
castle's primary strongpoint and as the monarch's residence, providing a
great hall, a well, two chapels, the royal apartments, fireplaces, and garder-
obes. 75 During the Napoleonic Wars in the late eighteenth century, Dover's
mammoth keep also functioned as a prison and housed French prisoners of
war. The complex interplay of concentrically situated defensive structures
and the castle's location on high ground have ensured its continued exis-
tence over the course often centuries.



In many ways, the strength and complexity of a castle's fortifications were

directly proportional to the likelihood of rebellion by the local populace or
siege by rival noblemen, as perceived by the lord. In Wales, where the threat
of revolt was constant, castle-builders such as Gilbert de Clare II, Earl of
Gloucester and Lord of Glamorgan, and King Edward I two of Britain's
most powerful thirteenth-century leaders erected formidable fortresses fit-
ted with' state-of-the-art, concentric defenses and massive towered walls.

Their castles represent the apogee of castle-building in Britain. The elaborate

designs disclosed both men's ongoing suspicion of the Welsh and their antic-
ipation of further revolt.
Unlike his king, who experienced an unexpected resurgence of Welsh
independence despite completing a large-scale castle-building program that
ringed North and Mid Wales, Gilbert de Clare endured only limited prob-
lems at the hands of the Welsh, who devastated his castle at Caerphilly in
1270 before it could be completed. Rebuilding the castle was no easy feat,
but, by 1278, Caerphilly had essentially reached its full extent. Today,
Caerphilly stands as a testament not only to the power and wealth of
Gilbert de Clare II but also to the strength of the threat he felt from Lly-
welyn ap Gruffudd, the last native Prince of Wales, and his followers.
Even though the Welsh attempted an assault on Caerphilly during their
countrywide rebellion just before de Clare's death in 1295, they only man-
aged to devastate portions of the town and could not breach the castle's
concentric defenses.
Whereas the Tower of London and Dover Castle were the products of
several building phases, Gilbert de Clare's castle at Caerphilly was Britain's
first (and arguably its finest) concentric castle erected from scratch and by a
single builder. The enormity of the achievement is difficult to comprehend,
for de Clare not only created a unique defensive complex, he also rerouted
two streams to enclose the fortress with its own water defenses. As at the
Tower of London, anyone wishing progress to the interior of the Welsh
castle was forced to undergo a series of maneuvers as they moved ever closer
to the center of the castle. Their progress first led them across several draw-
bridges spanning the lakelike moats and through several twin-towered gate-
houses, each of which contained a variety7 of defensive mechanisms. The
final barrier, the great gatehouse itself, was flanked by massive round towers
and a thick curtain wall. An enemy who managed to make it past the outer-
most defenses would find himself entrapped between the great gatehouse
and the simpler gatehouse before it and exposed to arrows and missiles fired
from the battlements topping the round corner towers.
Even though the present castle is a ruin, structural power radiates from
every vantage point. The substantial masonry remains demonstrate what
made the concentric design so valuable to castle-builders: the towers and
gatehouses closer to the outside of the castle were shorter than comparable
features closer to the center, where the main business of the castle was
conducted. During a siege, the garrison could place themselves on both de-
fensive rings and not worry about hitting their own men while concentrating
their firepower toward the enemy. And, if an enemy managed to breach the
outer ring of defenses, they would find themselves confined between lower

water defenses. Gilbert
outer and higher inner defensive walls, with the defenders still firing upon de Clare II modeled
them from positions of safety well over their heads. his great stone and
water defenses at
But Caerphilly Castle was not just defended with rings of stonework. In- concentric Caerphilly
tentionally selecting the low-lying spot, which was surrounded on three on those of Kenilworth
Castle to create the
sides by high hills, de Clare astutely modeled his new castle on what he had archetypal concentric
encountered at Kenilworth Castle, the siege of which he participated in fortress.
shortly after supporting Prince Edward at the Battle of Evesham in 1266. It
was at Kenilworth that Gilbert encountered the formidable water defenses
that he mimicked at Caerphilly. Water defenses were an essential part of de
Clare's concentric plan. They acted as intervening defensive rings, which
the enemy had to cross in order to assault the progressively taller gateways
into the interior. No matter whether attackers used boats or attempted to
swim across the lakelike moats, they would find themselves exposed to the
soldiers inside the castle and unable to effectively return their fire.
To access the interior of the fortress, all visitors were forced to first cross
the two bridges that spanned the outer moat and then pass through the east-
ernmost outer gatehouse. Two massive dams flanked the gatehouse, ensur-
ing the waters from the two diverted streams flowed properly into the
artificial lakes. Twin-towered gatehouses barred unwanted access from

the outer ends of the dams, the southernmost of which was once linked to
the town's medieval walls.
The well-preserved main outer gatehouse was probably built at the same
time as the northern dam. The bases of the twin polygonal towers were sup-
ported with angle spurs. Arrowslits and grooves for ropes to raise and lower
the drawbridge penetrated the thick walls. A portcullis and six narrow mur-
der holes defended each side of the gate passage, which was also flanked by
guardrooms. During the English Civil War, this gatehouse became a prison,
its heavy defenses providing more than adequate barriers to escape.
At the southernmost end of the platform of land behind the southern
dam, a self-contained complex of structures guarded the approach to the
castle from the town. A curious, ruined cross-wall and downward step now
separate this area the south barbican from the rest of the dam. At the
very end of the clam, a round-fronted salient, erected during the castle's ini-
tial building phase, projects outward. To its west (right), the twin-towered
south gatehouse (sometimes known as Giffard's Tower or the Barbican
Gate) still watches over Caerphillv town. The presence of deep pits under
the main passage indicate that the gateway once linked to the "mainland"
via a turning bridge.76
A modern footbridge now spans the inner moat at the point where its me-
dieval counterpart would have allowed access to the middle ward, which
once surrounded the entire interior of the castle. The two-story outer eastern
gatehouse, with its arrowslits and portcullis, offered only modest protection
from the enemy. However, if besiegers managed to pass this gateway and
cross into the middle bailey, they would have found themselves face-to-face
with the castle's most forbidding gatehouse and two formidable round towers.
Arguably the finest structure at Caerphilly Castle, the enormous inner
eastern gatehouse not only barricaded unwanted access, it also housed the
castle's constable. Probably modeled on the gatehouse atTonbridge Castle in
Kent, which was erected by Gilbert's father, Richard de Clare, the secondary
stronghold functioned as a keep-gatehouse, the massive round towers and
well-defended gate passageway guarding the self-sufficient structure, inside of
which castle occupants could withstand a siege. Begun during the initial
building phase in 1268-1271, Caerphilly's great gatehouse was reputedly the
first of its kind erected in Wales. Two portcullises, heavy wooden doors,
murder holes, and arrowslits defended the gate passage; inside the towers,
guardrooms occupied the lowest level. The placement of doorways along
the passageway and the ability to barricade it from both directions made as-
saulting the great gatehouse a challenging, if not impossible, prospect. From
the battlements, guards had clear views of all action, both inside and outside
the castle. Evidence for timber hoarding and arrowslits survives.

great gatehouse.
An immense round tower defended each corner of the inner ward, and, Inspired by his father's
as on the eastern side of the castle, two gatehouses defended the western work at Tonbridge
front. Like the eastern gatehouses, those on the west decrease in height from Castle in Kent, Gilbert
de Clare's imposing
the taller interior structure to the shorter outer one. Both are simpler in de- great gatehouse
sign than their eastern counterparts, which served as the castle's main entry dominates the inner
bailey at Caerphilly.
points. The hall complex
Today, the inner western gatehouse retains most of its original masonry. refurbished by Hugh
le Despenser lines the
The ground floor contained two six-sided, vaulted guardrooms equipped
southern side of the
with arrowslits. Two portcullises prevented unwanted access, one at the in- courtyard.
ner end of the passageway and the second situated midpassage. Overhead,
murder holes provided defensive assistance from above. Unlike its eastern
counterpart, the western gatehouse was also fitted with a pit intended to
contain the workings of a drawbridge. Apparently, the medieval bridge was
never finished.
Peculiarly, the two western gatehouses stand at different levels relative to
each other. Possibly built this way to interfere with an assault, the outermost
gateway now faces directly into the revetment of the western hornwork. 78 Of-
ten called the western island or Y Weringaer ("the people's fort"), academics
theorize that the hornwork may have been the last place of refuge for local

townsfolk during a siege. How well the people would have been served by
such an exposed, isolated area is difficult to say. The irregularly shaped
earthen platform is completely encompassed by a low stone revetment wall,
which was never completed; two rounded stone salients face westward.
Drawbridges once linked the hornwork to the inner ward and to the north-
ern side of the castle, and also crossed the moat.
Unlike the castles in London and Dover, both of which were held by the
monarchy and poised to defend two particularly vital locations (the capital
city and the portal to France), the lordship castle at Caerphilly provided
Gilbert de Clare with defensive might that in some ways seems dispropor-
tionate to the seemingly small threat posed by the poorly equipped Welsh
rebels or by rival lords, with the exception perhaps of Edward I, a king with
an unbounded ego who had a past history of conflict with de Clare. As one
of Britain's most powerful lords, the Lord of Glamorgan certainly would
have wanted a castle that dramatized his status and self-importance. Caer-
philly more than capably fulfilled that requirement. But, its innovative
scheme of embedded defenses must have served a loftier purpose as well, for
Gilbert de Clare could have easily (and probably more cheaply) showcased
his superior political standing with a less complex but still substantial strong-
hold, something along the lines of his father's fortress at Tonbridge, ele-
ments of which he reproduced at Caerphilly.


In theory, the best defenses provided a lord with his best offense against
an assault, whether or not his perception of the threat from the local popu-
lace or an opponent's army was realistic. Throughout the Middle Ages, and
later, this concept was repeatedly tested. Some castles fell; others remained
strong. Some, such as Caerphilly, never really had their defenses tested. Per-
haps Gilbert de Clare's masterful concentric stone and water defenses were
so intimidating that the Welsh and rival lords dismissed any thought of a
During its notably brief history, Caerphilly Castle never experienced a full-
blown siege, nor were the Welsh successful in bringing down its w;alls. Their
threat was minimal at best. Perhaps, the complexity of the defenses thwarted the
best efforts of the Welsh against the Lord of Glamorgan; perhaps, de Clare's
army was strong enough to keep the rebels away from the castle walls. Perhaps,
de Clare perceived that his subjects were a greater menace than in reality7 they
could ever possibly be. Whatever the case, Caerphilly's defenses were cer-
tainly much more complex than they apparently needed to be.
Certainly, de Clare wanted to ensure the safety and security of his

stronghold, his garrison and his household against the ever-present possibil-
ity of Welsh rebellion. De Clare also recognized the need for protection
against rival lords, such as Humphrey de Bohun, Lord of Brecon, with
whom he had sparred for years. He may also have kept a wary eye out for the
king's troops, knowing Edward I had less than positive feelings toward him.
However, with Edward's attention focused elsewhere in Wales and also in
Scotland, the real threat to de Clare's power base in South Wales would
have been from a relatively poorly organized, weakly equipped group of
Welshmen, like those who had destroyed Caerphilly Castle in the early
stages of its construction.
One may conclude that the real reason behind the heavy defenses and
structural complexities of the Edwardian-era castles in Wales had less to do
with safeguarding its residents than it did with ensuring the Anglo-Norman
lords maintained their grip over the Welsh. Certainly, such defenses would
protect them during a siege. But, even more so, the structures projected a
menacing posture and probably created the perception that it was not worth
the effort to attempt a siege in the first place.

In effect, building a heavily defended castle was more about stressing the
lord's power and control in the region than it was about protecting its resi-
dents. As such, the defensive capacity of a castle was just another aspect of its
largely offensive nature. Certainly, defeat at the hands of an enemy meant
death and dishonor for the lord and his garrison and was to be avoided at all
costs. But even more important, defeat meant the loss of the lordship, the
loss of control over a populace, and the loss of land.
The concentric design capably served a lord according to his particular
needs and requirements. The Tower of London's overarching role as the cap-
ital city's royal fortress, mint, treasury, state prison, and military depot, for ex-
ample, prompted its regal owners to strengthen and extend its defenses. Their
goal was twofold: to prevent unwanted access to its treasures (and its prison-
ers) and to maintain royal authority. At Dover, the complexity of the concen-
tric design coupled with the placement of the royal castle on a headland
projecting into the sea, not only overawed and intimidated all comers, but,
when called to respond, the defenses ably interfered with concerted efforts by
the French dauphin, Louis, to bring down the walls in the thirteenth century.
Even during the Napoleonic Wars, when the technology of warfare had ad-
vanced dramatically, the well-equipped French army avoided an assault on
the reputedly unconquerable fortress, then bolstered with modern artillery
bastions and heavy gun platforms.

Overall, castles were about power and control. As discussed above, lords
who intended to keep control implemented creative ways to erect powerful
castles, with thick walls, the latest in design technology, and a myriad of de-
fensive features that would confuse, confine, and control the enemy.

Castles as Residences

In all periods of the Middle Ages and not only towards the
end of its history, the castle was lived in far more than it was
fought in. . . .
R. Allen Brown, English Medieval Castles(1954), 18

Modern-day images of medieval castles as the targets of frequent, almost in-

cessant, battering by siege engines and knights intent on storming the gate-
house glorify the military nature of the medieval castle in Britain. But, in
many ways, entertaining as they may be, they misrepresent reality. Much of
a lord's year consisted of moving from place to place, to oversee the territo-
ries under his control, to administer justice, such as it was, and to attend to
the monarch when summoned. Warfare became his secondary occupation.
The constable or castellan managed the castle's military affairs in the lord's
name and was generally a more permanent fixture in a castle than the owner
himself ever intended to be. In fact, while some castles were subjected to
several sieges during the course of stormy histories, the vast majority actually
existed from day to day in relative peace, their residents following daily rou-
tines, completing household chores or maintaining the stronghold in a state
of readiness, not only for battle but for the arrival of the lord and his retinue.

Under routine peacetime conditions, there was little need for a regular
garrison. Large garrisons were maintained only at castles located in areas of
frequent conflict or when a crisis was fomenting. 1 In fact, in the event of a
sudden attack, every member of the permanent staff was expected to rise to
the occasion to defend the castle and hopefully hold out long enough for
reinforcements to arrive. Besides the constable, castles routinely housed the
porter (also known as the "door-ward" or "durward," the person responsible for
opening the doors), a gatekeeper, watchmen, a few men-at-arms, the chap-
lain, and craftsmen, 2 such as smiths, who prepared and repaired weapons,
bowyers, who crafted bows, and fletchers, who made arrows. As the lord
moved from place to place throughout the year, the attending retinue nor-
mally included his retainers, but his wife, family, her ladies-in-waiting, ser-
vants, and members of his household staff might also travel with him. In
some ways, however, "castles were female preserves . . . certainly as long-
stay residences and as administrative commitments." 3 Medieval noble-
women could hold castles in their own right through inheritance or
widowhood, but most commonly rights to the castle and any accompanying
lordship passed to husbands upon marriage or remarriage. Widows often
maintained control of the castle until underage sons became adults and
gained their legal inheritance.
The fully occupied castle teemed with activity', much of which took
place within the crowded bailev. Craftsmen worked their trades; masons,
carpenters, carters, and other laborers focused on the structure itself; and,
supervised by the marshal, grooms tended to the horses in their stables.
Other workers included plumbers, coopers (barrel-makers), fullers (who
cleaned and prepared cloth), and spencers (who dispensed bread and other
foodstuffs).4 The lord's inner household consisted of manservants to dress
and attend to his needs and key advisers such as the steward (also known as
the "seneschal," which derives from "styward"), who was in charge of the
day-to-day management of the castle; the butler (or "bottler"), who oversaw
the activities in the kitchen, buttery (the bottlery), pantry, and larder; and
the chamberlain, who had responsibility for the lord's chamber. 5 Subordi-
nates included kitcheners, cooks, bakers, brewers, tapsters, scullions, larder-
ers, poulterers, pantlers, chandlers, washerwomen, and waterers. Gong
farmers cleansed the latrine chutes. Treasurers kept the accounts. Falconers
kept the hawks. Chaplains ministered not only to the lord and his family but
also to the other castle residents and workers.
The lady of the castle maintained her own staff separately from the lord's
household. Served by ladies-in-waiting and chambermaids, she spent much

of the day overseeing their work, as well as supervising the activities of the
kitchen staff. The lady also kept an eye on her large group of spinners,
weavers, and embroiderers, who had the enormous responsibility of keeping
everyone clothed and offering the lady companionship. In addition, the
ladies of the castles were responsible for educating the young pages, who, at
the age of 7, came to the castle to learn religion, music, dance, hunting,
reading, and writing before moving into knights' service as squires. The lady
of the castle also had charge of it in her husband's absence.


The sheer number of people (along with their own families) who might
occupy the castle when the lord and his family were in residence necessi-
tated the construction of special facilities, which became increasingly elab-
orate over time. Regardless of the size, complexity/, and building materials
used to construct Britain's medieval castles, most contained a fairly consis-
tent set of domestic structures, which provided life's necessities and as much
comfort as possible given the temperament of the times, the castle's location,
and the lord's personal requirements and preferences. The hall, kitchen
block, and residential chambers might be located on the upper stories of the
great tow7er, or keep, or occupy their own designated towers; but just as often
they rimmed the interior of the curtain wall enclosing the bailey, or stood
freely within the bailey, as just one of the variety of buildings that filled the


Though often described as the focal point of the castle, for much of the
day the hall stood empty, and the other structures in the bailey bustled with
activity. However, when it came time to dine and, for some castle occu-
pants, when it came time to sleep residents headed to the hall. Logically,
it made complete sense to locate the kitchen and its associated service
rooms, the buttery and pantry, adjacent to the hall. The proximity of the
structures, which were often secreted behind timber screens, allowed ser-
vants to prepare and serve meals while they were still hot. The lord and
higher-status diners normally sat at the opposite end of the hall, where their
table and chairs rested on top of a dais, a raised platform which emphasized
their elevated status over the other diners in the room. The lord's private
chambers generally occupied the area immediately behind the dais wall, a
matter of convenience that not only allowed the lord to retreat discreetly and
reiterated his overall importance, but also afforded him and his family the

ability to keep an eye on the activities in the hall, as many of the walls were
equipped with spy holes.
A fine example of a hall complex dominates the entire western range of
buildings at Manorbier Castle. Said to be the oldest stone building surviving
in any castle in West Wales, the twelfth-century three-story hall block at
Manorbier measures over 65 feet in length and about 33 feet wide. As the
castle's primary residential building, the ornate great hall erected by
William or Philip de Barri centered the first floor and was accessed from the
inner bailey via an impressive stone porchway, added at a later date, which
is now extensively ruined. A huge fireplace dominated the wall near the
doorway leading into the great hall. Placed alongside the fireplace, a large
window overlooked the inner ward. Domestic chambers would have occu-
pied the level above the great hall, while underneath, three barrel-vaulted,
windowless chambers probably provided ground-level storage space. The
buttery and pantry filled the western end of the hall block and serviced the
lord and his guests dining in the adjoining chamber; a small chamber fitted
with a fireplace and latrine, which emptied outside the castle wall, occupied
the area above the tw;o service rooms. During the late thirteenth century, the
solar and an elaborate chapel building were added either by David de Barri
I (d. 1262) or by his son, David de Barri II, who served as lord justiciar of Ire-
land in the 1260s. The complex of new buildings also included a latrine
tower and a water gate or postern tower.
Most earth and timber castles and many stone castles contained at least
one timber hall. Sadly, virtually nothing survives of these structures, which
have decayed over time or were replaced with hardier masonry. However, ar-
chaeological excavations have revealed the remains of postholes and other
evidence of the presence of timber halls at sites such as Hen Domen (Mont-
gomeryshire) and Rhymney (Glamorgan), where the halls stood on their
own in the bailey and at some distance from the main tower. The dimen-
sions of timber halls which have been excavated vary noticeably: the hall at
Castle Bromwich (Warwickshire) measured 69 feet by i62A feet, whereas
Hen Domen's largest hall (only partly excavated) ranged about 46 feet by
23 feet. Some timber halls stood more than one story high and were fitted
with one or two roofed aisles, which created additional living space within
the building. 6
Stone halls suited men of higher social status. Often lavishly furnished
with fine carvings, painted plasterwork, and decorative glass, and dominated
by huge windows with side seats and enormous fireplaces, the stone hall
formed the architectural centerpiece of the lord's castle. Inside, special festi-
vals and banquets were staged for important guests. The chambers also

formed the ideal setting for the lord to conduct his business affairs, for the
flamboyance of the great hall vividly displayed his political and social stature
and reminded guests of his supremacy within his own lordship.
Erected in the 1070s, one of England's earliest stone halls still occupies
the southeast corner of the triangular bailey overlooking the River Swale at
Richmond Castle, in North Yorkshire. Named for the steward to Alan the
Red, the first earl to hold the Honour of Richmond, the rectangular Scot-
land's Hall stood two stories, the ground floor of which was used for storage
and as cellars, while the upper level held the hall itself. Windows lined the
exterior wall and offered fine views of the rushing river below and the lush
green countryside beyond. From the hall, a doorway led into the great
chamber, to where the lord would retreat after an evening's festivities. The
kitchen block stood on the western side of the hall, but originally servants
did not have direct access from the food preparation areas into the hall.
Eventually, however, a window was enlarged to form a doorway.
Scolland's Hall is just one example of many castle halls that were built
around the outside perimeter of the bailey. Another example can be found
at Conisbrough Castle, where, in about 1180, a rectangular aisled hall was
constructed on the northwestern angle of the bailey some 60 feet away from
the great cylindrical keep. Between the two structures and making use of
the same length of curtain wallstood the kitchen block, at its regular position
at one end of the hall, and the servants' quarters. At right angles on the op-
posite end of the hall, the great chamber connected to the hall, and a series
of other buildings lined the western and southern sides of the bailey. The
now extensively ruined hall once stretched approximately 70 feet by 30 feet.
It was heated by a substantial central hearth, which was probably replaced
by the fireplace built into the curtain wall.
Hugh le Despenser the Younger, Lord of Glamorgan and Edward IPs
hated chamberlain, revamped Gilbert de Clare's great hall at Caerphilly
Castle, which lined the southern side of the inner bailey. Transforming it
into an eye-catching fourteenth-century spectacle, Despenser added elabo-
rate carved corbels, which bore the likenesses of King Edward II, Queen Is-
abella, and Hugh himself, and also a giant fireplace, flanked by huge,
skillfully carved windows, which commanded the center of the north-facing
wall. As at other castles, the Lord of Glamorgan's private apartments were
easily accessible on the western side of the great hall. To the east, the buttery
and pantry attached to the kitchen tower. Restored by the 3rd Marquess of
Bute in the 1870s, Despenser's great hall is now adorned with an impressive
timber-beamed ceiling similar to the one that the Lord of Glamorgan would
have enjoyed when entertaining his king in 1326.


hall. Arguably the
finest surviving One of the most complete and impressive examples of a freestanding
example of its kind in castle hall dominates the western side of the otherwise vacant bailey at
England, the
freestanding great hall Oakham Castle, in Leicestershire, which possibly replaced an earlier timber
at Oakham Castle, in hall erected by William I shortly after his victory over the Saxons in 1066.
commands a place of
Still displaying its original Norman architecture, the double-aisled hall
attention inside the features exquisite carvings and sturdy arcades that date to the late twelfth
motte and bailey century. At one time, a kitchen block and stables stood along the eastern
side the hall, and the solar block projected from the western side. A chapel
may once have stood here as well. Today, an extensive collection of histori-
cal horseshoes tend to distract visitors' attention away from the fine medieval
interiors and the remains of the motte castle and earthworks that still en-
close the site.
Another outstanding example of a freestanding castle hall survives in
the remains of Winchester Castle, in Hampshire. Built from 1222 to 1235 by
Henry III, Winchester Hall stretches some 110 feet in length, 7 occupies
more than twice the area of Oakham's hall, 8 and is best known for its curi-
ous wall hanging, which has long been touted as King Arthur's Round
Castle halls also served an administrative function, as the chamber
where the lord conducted business, handed out justice, and collected


Like the halls with which they are so intimately associated, castle
kitchens were constructed either in the bailey or inside a tower. More often
than not, they stood adjacent to or on the level beneath the hall, intention-
ally positioned to allow rapid and efficient movement of meals between
the two chambers. The buttery and pantry, the two primary service rooms,
were often positioned between the kitchen and the hall, from which they were
separated by screens or a screen passage. Inside, final preparations were made
before the food and drink were carried into the hall. By the late thirteenth
century, construction intentionally joining the kitchen and service rooms
had become common practice. At many castles, such as Pembroke and
Chepstow, the arrangement is identified by the presence of a trio of door-
ways, a central service door flanked by two others, which led to and from the
buttery and pantry. Together with the kitchen, the three facilities formed the
kitchen block.
Many early medieval castles had timber kitchens, but the fire hazard
they created necessitated a quick switch to stone construction, which was
less susceptible to burning. Early kitchens relied upon central hearths, open
fires based in the floor in the room's center that vented smoke through open-
ings in the ceiling. In time, the hearths were replaced by fireplaces, which
were built into the curtain wall or into an inner wall, as at Conisbrough, and
located closer to the halls which they served.
Even at ruined castles, kitchens are most easily identified by the pres-
ence of a fireplace and ovens, many of which (as at Montgomery Castle)
were actually installed inside the hearth and used to bake bread, a staple of
the medieval diet. One should keep in mind when visiting a castle, however,
that the presence of fireplaces and ovens does not necessarily prove the orig-
inal structure that held them was a kitchen. For example, powerful fire-
places dominate both sides of the inner bailey at Manorbier Castle. While
the set on the northern side may indeed have equipped the castle kitchen,
considerable evidence suggests that at least one served as an iron forge dur-
ing the sixteenth century. In fact, many castles maintained separate bake-
houses. They also had mills for grinding the grain used to make bread. Mills
were sometimes also in the brewhouses, which were often located in the bai-
ley. Kitchen blocks occasionally contained kilns for drying corn. Scotland's
Urquhart Castle, in Highland, features a rare example of a kiln combined
with a mill within one of the gatehouse towers. Kilns were also used to burn
lime, a critical ingredient for making the mortar that held the masonry
together. Fine examples survive at Carreg Cennen Castle and at Weobley
Castle, on the Gower Peninsula, both of which were located outside the castle

at Chepstow. Roger
Bigod III expanded walls but close enough so that workers could haul the lime to the building
the domestic facilities
at Chepstow Castle to site when needed.
include a complex
apartment range,
which overlooked the A CLOSER LOOK
River Dee and
featured the great hall Forming the entire northern side of the lower bailey at Chepstow Castle,
and accommodation
not only for the lord Roger Bigod Ill's late-thirteenth-century impressive residential range was
or his guests but also created not only to comfortably house the lord and his family, it was also
for resident military
carefully designed to function efficiently and effectively. The service rooms
(the buttery and pantry), a service passage, and the kitchen separate the two-
story hall from the smaller chamber block. Interestingly, Bigod located the
main set of private chambers, which were heated with a large fireplace, on
the story above the buttery and pantry, rather than placing them at their nor-
mal location at the end of the hall opposite the service rooms.
Fronted by a battlemented, two-story painted porch, which allowed ac-
cess through the screen passage, Bigod's great hall measured 85 feet by 29 feet
and featured tall windows with decorative carvings and painted designs that
opened into the lower bailey and also overlooked the River Wye. The base-
ment level beneath the great hall contained a vaulted cellar and two service
rooms equipped with cupboards, and a stairway to the upper level, where the
pantry and buttery were located. The cellar may have also stored wine. 9

Situated at a slight angle to the hall block, the kitchen and the eastern
chamber block comprised a two-story building that probably accommo-
dated special guests or higher-ranking officers in Bigod's retinue, who might
require quick access to the adjoining prison tower. The quarters were lit with
finely carved windows, fitted with latrines, and probably heated with fire-
Kitchens often occupied more than one level in a mural tower, as at
Raglan Castle, where the massive hexagonal kitchen tower dominates the
northern corner of the pitched stone court. Erected during the 1460s by Sir
William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, the upper stories of the battlemented
tower contained two large fireplaces with ovens, one of which was elabo-
rately decorated, drains, and windows with seats. Steps led downward into
the dank and cool "wet larder," where food items such as fish, meat, and
dairy products were probably stored. Adjacent to the kitchen tower, the
pantry filled the entire northwestern side of the courtyard. The basement
level contained a cellar for storage, while the upper levels not only provided
the normal services expected from the pantry but also held accommodations
for members of the household. 10 A passageway runs from the pantry into the
adjoining buttery, which stood on the northern side of the great hall and
contained a hatch through which food could be passed into the great hall.
The upper stories held additional living quarters for staff.
James of St. George, Edward I's inventive master mason, creatively situ-
ated Conwy Castle's residential structures around the two baileys and also
within specifically designated towers. The inner bailey solely served the king
and queen. In addition to the chapel tower and king's own tower, the en-
closed area apparently provided a private kitchen, the solar and great cham-
ber, and the privy and presence chambers required by the king when
conducting official duties. The outer bailey contained many key residential
facilities, including the great hall, kitchen, and chapel. Even though the
outer bailey provided accommodation for the garrison, household staff, and
other residents, it could also be used by the king to entertain important
Interestingly, the kitchen block and stables at Conwy Castle occupied a
portion of the outer bailey immediately in front of the kitchen tower and
provided access into the tow7er, which took its name from its location. The
kitchen tower contained a basement-level storage area, possibly used as
a larder. Two upper-story chambers overlooked the ditch on the northern
side of the castle and gave views to the town and the estuary beyond. The
massive bakehouse tower, at the southern end of the curtain wall separating
the outer and inner baileys, rose three stories and was topped by a narrow-
observation turret; the basement level contained a baking oven, hence, the
tower's name, bakehouse tower.


Castle. WTien viewed
from the battlements,
Across the courtyard from the kitchen tower, Conwy's magnificent great
the enormity of the
great hall at Conwy hall took up the entire southwestern wall. An anteroom and lesser hall oc-
Castle dramatically cupied its western side, and the chapel filled much of the eastern side of the
reveals itself. About
midway along the
structure, which, strangely, also gave access to the prison tower located on its
southern wall, the southern wall.
prison tower provided
facilities of a different

Every castle had some form of living space set aside for the lord and his
family when in residence. In the lord's absence, the constable might use the
chambers. While the rest of his household and staff might bed down in the
hall or in their specific workspaces, the lord routinely stayed in his own
chamber. Early castles generally offered very basic accommodation, and the
lord often shared quarters with his men, bunking down in the hall. Yet, even
the most rudimentary motte castle also provided a private chamber for the
lord inside the timber tower or stone shell keep that stood atop the motte.
As previously mentioned, the solar, or withdrawing room, was an essen-
tial feature of the hall complex. Often situated behind the dais-end of the
hall or on the level immediately above, the solar served as the lord's private

parlor and allowed him and his lady, and, perhaps other family members,
the luxury of retreating from the activities taking place in the hall. Inside the
solar, which probably acquired its name from its well-lit, south-facing posi-
tion, the lord and lady could relax while also keeping an eye on what was
happening in the neighboring chamber.
The specific location of the solar, and also the lord's private apartments,
was often determined by the amount of available space. At many castles, the
amount of free space was restricted by the presence of other buildings and
by the dimensions of the site itself. Consequently, in order to make do with
the space they had, castle-builders developed creative ways to provide them-
selves with adequate accommodation. They might occupy the upper stories
of mural towers, the great tower (keep), or the gatehouse, erect residential
chambers around the bailey (as at Haverfordwest and Conisbrough), or ex-
pand the castle's perimeter to provide additional living space.
One of thirteenth-century England's finest residential structures is now
little more than a jumble of ruins crowning the highest point of Corfe Cas-
tle. Completed in 1204 by King John, the Gloriette was a lavishly decorated
royal residence that stood in the inner bailey to the east of the great keep. In
its heyday, the Gloriette consisted of courtyard, enclosed by an extensive
hall range and kitchen block, the great chamber and the king's presence
chamber. On the northern side, royal residents could stroll through the open
garden and admire King John's prized castle.11
The wealthiest castle-owners, such as the Dukes of Norfolk and the Earls
of Warwick, constructed state apartment blocks, which essentially trans-
formed their properly fortified military residences at Arundel and Warwick
into palatial fortresses. Both castles have retained their powerful defensive
structures and also contained the finest furnishings that money could pro-
vide. The transformation of the royal castle at Windsor into a fortified palace
began in earnest during the reign of Henry III, after his marriage to Eleanor
of Provence in 1236. u Intent on impressing his new queen, Henry ordered
the construction of a lavish set of apartments and a new block of royal apart-
ments in the lower bailey. Several residential towers, including the Salisbury
Tower, Garter Tower, Curfew Tower, and King Henry III Tower, also date to
the thirteenth century. Succeeding monarchs left their own architectural
marks on Windsor Castle. Most recently, Queen Elizabeth II directed the
reconstruction of eight of the main state rooms, the private chapel, and
scores of smaller rooms that been destroyed during a devastating fire in 1992.
Arguably a castle's two most important residential features were fire-
places, which provided warmth, and latrines, which offered personal relief.
Yet, many castle living spaces lacked these facilities; instead, occupants used
portable braziers for heat and chamber pots for overnight toilet needs. Unlike

most kitchen fireplaces, those that heated living chambers were often quite
ornate. Chimneypieces, adorned with heraldic emblems, stone carvings,
and painted designs, not only enhanced the character of the room but also
highlighted the status of the occupant. Other fireplaces were quite mun-
dane for they were used more for their original purpose than to impress.
No other structure inside a castle has the uncanny ability7 to connect
modern-day visitors with the castle residents of the Middle Ages than the la-
trine. Even in ruined castles, the latrine has a curious way of surviving and
bringing a strong feeling of humanness to the site. Also known as the "garder-
obe" or "privy chamber," latrines afforded a moderate degree of comfort and
privacy that many castles otherwise lacked. Commonly positioned at the end
of a narrow, angled mural passage, the latrine might provide facilities for a
lone occupant or accommodate two or more users. Discreetly placed door-
ways often linked the solar, great hall, or guardrooms to the latrine. Some
latrines w7ere strategically located at points along the curtain wall or the wall-
walk. Wooden or stone seats rimmed the opening in the latrine.
Human waste dropped down a masonry chute, the exit to which
dumped into a cesspit at the latrine tower's base, as at Weobley Castle; into
the ditch or moat outside the curtain wall where the waters might periodi-
cally flush away the waste, as at Caerphilly Castle; or, rarely, into the bailey
itself, as at Orford and Middleham Castles. One of Beaumaris Castle's more
peculiar, albeit innovative, features was a series of back-to-back latrine units.
Accessed periodically along the wall-walk, the units had individual doors for
privacy and wooden seats for convenience. Fitted with ventilation shafts ris-
ing from basement-level pits that allowed air to circulate and also opened
into channels underneath the outer bailey, the latrines offered considerable
comfort in the otherwise hostile environment.


Early castles, whether of stone or timber, generally consisted of a single

tower and an enclosing circuit of walling. Originally, these towers were
called the "turris magnus," a term which, along with "keepe," appeared in
medieval documents. 1 ' Then, the word associated the tower with its military
role as a defensive stronghold. Only relatively recently has "keep" come into
common usage. Evidently, the French word, "donjon," w7as the earliest label
used for these self-sufficient, fortified residences. Over time, the French word
evolved into the now very familiar "dungeon." Interestingly, the two struc-
tures had very different uses. One served as a prison; the other functioned as
a castle in miniature. "Donjon" is rarely used to identify keeps in Britain; the
great cylindrical tower at Flint, erected by F,dward I, is known as a "donjon."

Most keeps were freestanding, self-sufficient structures. They often

dominated the inner bailey or stood on top of the motte. On most days, the
great tower housed the lord of the castle and his family. But, during times
of attack, it became a refuge for the lord, his household, and the garrison
of soldiers. Great towers were heavily defended and also contained a store-
house of supplies and weaponry. If the outer defenses were breached by
the enemy, the castle's inhabitants could flee to the keep and continue
Keeps were designed in a variety of sizes and shapes. Types include the
shell keep, the rectangular keep, the round or cylindrical keep, and the
polygonal keep. Some, like the keeps at Manorbier and Chepstow castles,
were blocklike hall-keeps. Each new design gave the owners hope that their
keep would be strongerand more impressive than its older counterparts,
would accommodate more people and a wider range of activities, and would
not collapse when bombarded by siege engines.
The first-floor level above the basement and upper-level rooms generally stow
stow Castle. Probably
contained the hall, kitchen, and living quarters for the lord and his family. begun by William
The strategically placed main entrance opened at first-floor level, forcing FitzOsbern, Earl of
Herefordshire, in 1081,
both inhabitants and visitors to use wooden ladders or a stone stair fitted Chepstow Castle's
with a detachable bridge (similar to a drawbridge) to reach the doorway. massive hall-keep is
believed to be the
When the ladder and drawbridge were removed or lifted, the resulting gap oldest surviving
secular stone
structure in Wales.


prevented intruders from entering the hub of the castle. As building tech-
niques evolved, some keeps were built as taller, sideways versions of the hall-
keep. The extra stories allowed for privacy and more breathing space and
also allowed guards to see farther into the distance and watch for any suspi-
cious activity.


The logical replacement for the timber tower, the shell keep consisted
of a stone wall that encircled the top of a motte. Inside the hollow
shell stood the main buildings, which used the keep's walls for support.
The ring wall distributed the weight of the masonry around the top of the
motte, so that it could support the keep without buckling under the
weighty mass. Well-preserved examples survive at Restormel, Cardiff,
Rothesay, and Windsor, where the existing shell keep probably resembles
the original keep even though it has been greatly altered over the course of
Despite the effects of time and neglect, Restormel Castle in Cornwall re-
mains an outstanding and unique example of its kind, an earthen
mound crowned with an almost perfectly round shell keep. Protected on
three sides by natural slopes and entirely encircled by a 50-foot-wide ditch,
the deceptively squat site is surely the West Country's most impressive castle.
Planting the castle in the midst of an enormous deer park, Restormel Cas-
tle's Norman builders may have originally intended the compact earth and
timber stronghold to serve as a hunting lodge. By the late thirteenth century,
after its acquisition by the F,arls of Cornwall, the site developed from a mod-
est stronghold with timber defenses into a moderately secure two-story stone
castle. Its battlemented walls rose 26 feet and measured over 8 feet thick.
Windows were installed only on the upper story. A substantial gatetower and
drawbridge defended the main entry point.
Inside, the formidable slate shell stretched 109 feet in diameter. It
supported the standard buildings expected of any noble castle domestic
quarters, latrines, the great hall, kitchen, and service chambers and sur-
rounded an open courtyard, which offered wandering and work space to the
inhabitants. Beyond the solar, the chapel tower projected outward into the
Restormel's shell keep is particularly noteworthy for its physical relation-
ship to the earthen mound at its base, which has been characterized as a motte
but was more than likely a ringwork. Rather than constructing the wall around
the summit, as typically occurred when timber keeps were refortified with
stone, workers sank the foundations of the shell keep 6 feet down into the

earth, cutting away a portion of the mound that had originally risen higher.
The modifications created the castle's deceptive low-lying appearance.
Originating as a motte and bailey fortress, Gloucestershire's Berkeley
Castle developed into a substantial stone enclosure castle dominated by a
masonry-wrapped motte and a circular courtyard surrounded by the main
residential chambers built within the curtain wall. The enormous great hall
measures 62 feet long by 32 feet wide by 32XAfeet high and retains some of its
medieval fabric. The kitchen, buttery, and beer cellar display their medieval
origins and reveal the working side of castle life. An unusual subterranean
passage beneath the buttery leads to the well and once funneled water to the
entire town.
Dating to the twelfth century, Berkeley's massive shell keep has stalwartly
withstood the test of time and looks much as it did in its heyday. Built around
the base of the motte, the keep actually engulfs the earthen mound. The cas- KEEP. Hubbing the
tle's oldest surviving structure, the motte, provided the scene of one of En- inner bailey at
Berkeley Castle,
gland's most grisly executions (see chapter 2). Peering into King Edward's Gloucestershire, the
Room, with its stone-cold walls, iron-barred windows, and adjoining pit- unusual shell keep
prison, visitors will easily envision the circumstances of the king's last days. completely engulfs
the Norman motte.
Inside, Edward II met
a grisly fate in 1327.

Cardiff Castle forms the core of the Welsh capital city. A conglomeration
of building periods perhaps best known for the lavish interiors recreated by
the Marquess of Bute in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the
stronghold also enclosed one of Britain's finest shell keeps. Erected in the
twelfth century by Robert "the Consul," Henry I's natural son, the twelve-sided
keep remains in solid condition. Modern-day visitors must climb the steep set
of stairs, once covered by a forebuilding, to enter the castle via the imposing
gatetower, which was added by the de Clares, Lords of Glamorgan, before
the early fourteenth century. The seven-sided gatetower rises three stories
and was defended by a series of arrowslits and drawbars, which barricaded
timber doors. The first floor held the hall and a garderobe; the second story
still contains well-preserved Tudor window frames. Today, the shell keep no
longer shields the timber buildings that once stood along the walls, but a
large fireplace and corbels indicate the rooms' original locations.
York's two castles, Clifford's Tower and Baile Hill, flank opposite sides
of the River Ouse in North Yorkshire. Both were motte castles built in
1068-1069, soon after the Norman Conquest. Once topped with a timber
keep, only Baile Hill's earthen motte remains. Recent excavation confirmed
that steps led up the side of the motte to a timber building (probably the
original keep), which was enclosed by a wooden palisade.
Situated not too far from Baile Hill, Clifford's Tower is a superb example
of a motte castle. Presently topped with an unusual quatrefoil (four-lobed)
shell keep, the 60-foot-high motte originally supported a series of timber
keeps and palisades, which the unique stone shell keep replaced in the thir-
teenth century. The Normans erected the first timber tower in 1069, shortly
after the locals rebelled against the despised king. Almost immediately
thereafter, Vikings also assaulted York. Trying to flush out the rebels, Nor-
man soldiers promptly set fire to the city's houses. However, much to their
dismay, not only did the Normans lose control of the fire, but they also de-
stroyed their two timber castles, Baile Hill and Clifford's Tower, which
burned to the ground.
After the Danes routed the Normans at York, William I wreaked havoc
in the area, implementing the "Harrying of the North" and devastating York-
shire villages in order to quash any other rebellions. The Normans then re-
built the castle's keep in timber. The tower remained secure until the
anti-Jewish riots of the late twelfth century. Religious intolerance came to a
head during the coronation of Richard the Lionheart in 1189. Mobs attacked
the Jewish community who had come to honor their new king. Similar as-
saults spread throughout the realm, but, in York, Jewish residents were of-
fered sanctuary inside the castle. Unfortunately, the timber refuge became
the Jews' prison after they refused to allow the sheriff to enter the tower.

Crowning the
During the ensuing assault on the castle, several Jewish leaders killed them- substantial motte
castle at York,
selves and their families, and attackers burned the timber keep to the Clifford's Tower is a
ground. Again rebuilt in wood, the timber keep continued to overlook York well-preserved
until 1228, when a powerful gale leveled the tower. multilobed shell keep
that still dominates
In 1245, Henry III ordered the complete rebuilding of York's timber cas- the site close to the
tle. During the next twenty-five years, the bailey received a towered curtain River Ouse, where a
Norman-built second
wall and two gateways and the keep was finally refortified in stone. The king motte, Baile Hill, also
consulted Masters Simon of Northampton and Henry of Reynes, both of survives
whom had major roles in the construction of Windsor Castle. Known as the
King's Tower until the late sixteenth century, York's unique shell keep con-
sisted of four interlocking lobes. In all, Henry invested about 2,600 in the
construction of the unique shell keep.
Today, a modern set of stone steps probably marks the site of the original
stairway that led into Clifford's Tower. What survives mainly dates to the late
1600s after Charles IPs Restoration, when the original forebuilding (slighted
during the Civil War) was rebuilt. Visitors now enter the keep through a
three-story forebuilding located where two of the "foils" (lobes) intersect.
The chapel, with its decorative arcading, sits just aboye the entrance. On the
floor above, a small chamber once housed the portcullis mechanism, the

chains of which extended through the chapel to raise or lower the massive
iron grille.
Constructed with limestone and ashlar blocks, the exterior of the mar-
velous shell keep remains in excellent condition. A slightly projecting plinth
supported the base and prevented the walls from collapsing under their own
weight. Where two lobes intersected, the castle builders placed a small tur-
ret at the second-floor level. Each turret had a defensive arrowslit to com-
pensate for any blind spots unintentionally created by the keep's lobate
shape. The two turrets nearest the forebuilding contained spiral staircases,
and the third served as a latrine chute. Originally, the ramparts and a wall-
walk rimmed the top of the tower. A third story may have been planned but
was never completed.
Once surprisingly elaborate, the north and west lobes probably housed a
garrison or residents of status, for each contained chambers with fireplaces
and latrines. Four sets of spiral stairways eased passage around the keep. The
eastern lobe just right of the forebuilding also held the well, which plunged
50 feet down into the water table. Notably, unlike most shell keeps, an oc-
tagonal pier once supported the roof of the shell keep; its foundations were
only recently uncovered.
One of Scotland's few medieval shell keeps rings the mound at Rothesay
Castle, which is located on the Isle of Bute. Also known as a castle of "en-
ceinte," Rothesay features a circular shell wall, erected in about 1150, which
traced the shape of the supporting mound and enclosed a courtyard stretch-
ing about 150 feet in diameter. The shell keep surrounded several domestic
structures and a chapel. Equipped with arrowslits and defended by four
strategically placed towers, the 10-foot-thick battlemented walls offered
tremendous protection to castle inhabitants.


Emphasizing verticality, rectangular keeps ranged from three to five sto-

ries; some rose as high as 120 feet. The massive bulk of the rectangular keep,
which could sport 20-foot-thick walls, necessitated a move away from the
motte. The tall towers were generally erected in the bailey. Only a few
mottes, such as Chin in Shropshire, supported fairly compact rectangular
keeps, which were embedded into the earthen mounds to prevent the walls
from collapsing. 14
Many rectangular keeps were freestanding structures, clearly intended to
be self-sufficient, into which the garrison and other castle residents could flee
to safety during a siege. Outstanding examples survive at Dover, Rochester, and
Canterbury Castles, in Kent; Goodrich Castle in Herefordshire; Bamburgh

and Norham Castles in Northumberland; and Richmond Castle, in North

Yorkshire, where the keep actually forms part of the enclosing wall rather
standing on its own. Britain's best-known rectangular keep centers the Tower
of London. Known as the White Tower, the impressive structure dates to the
reign of William the Conqueror. The massive four-story structure stood
about 90 feet high, its corner turrets rising an additional 15 to 20 feet above
the main battlements. The White Tower measured approximately 151 feet
long by 110 feet wide. Interestingly, builders used brickwork and decorative
stone quarried from a nearby Roman-era site to enhance the look of the keep.
The two uppermost levels were demolished in the late seventeenth century. 15
William I also erected the powerful rectangular keep at Colchester Castle in
Essex shortly after the Norman Conquest. Like the Tower of London, Colch-
ester Castle is well preserved and open to the public. As Europe's largest
stone keep, Colchester measures 152 feet by 112 feet.
Virtually every domestic convenience a lord and his household could
want was incorporated into these fortified residential structures, which ap-
peared throughout the Norman-controlled countryside during the twelfth
and early thirteenth centuries. The basement or ground level inside a rec-
tangular keep was normally used for storage, while the next floor up housed
the hall and, perhaps, main living areas. For defensive purposes, and per-
haps as well for privacy, access was located at this level and not on the
ground floor, as occurs at later and modern-day buildings. Removable tim-
ber ladders and stone forebuildings typically offered access into the hall.
During an assault or at nighttime, the ladders would be pulled into the great
tower for safekeeping. The keep's uppermost stories contained additional
living space, a chapel, observation decks, and sometimes, an arsenal. Spiral
staircases connected the levels and often provided a pathway to latrines po-
sitioned within the adjoining mural passages. Lower-level windows tended
to be narrow at best, little more than a slit in the masonry that prevented un-
wanted access, whereas larger, often ornately decorated windows lit upper
stories. On occasion, a corner turret contained the all-important well.
A massive 50-foot-high keep dominates the ringwork stronghold at Castle
Rising (Norfolk), as it would have in its heyday when it served as the stylish
home of the lord of Rising and his lady. Entered at the northeastern corner
through one of England's finest forebuildings, the rectangular keep stands
essentially intact, its well-preserved ornamentation still displaying the status
of the d'Albini family. Containing two wide flights of stairs, the first of which
stopped at the middle doorway and acted as a stopgap measure, the elegant
forebuilding provided formal access at the first-floor level. From inside the
forebuilding, visitors passed through an entrance vestibule into the exquis-
itely decorated great hall. Discreetly placed latrines and servants working in

the adjoining kitchen and service rooms capably met the needs of the lord
and his guests in the great hall. Beyond a cross-wall, the lord's private cham-
ber and chapel filled the southern side of the keep. Clearly the highlight of
the first-floor level, the lovely chapel features skillfully carved Norman
arches, ornate diamond and chevron patterns, and decorative columns.
Traces of medieval paintings also survive.
Few Welsh castles featured rectan-
gular keeps. Of those, one of the most
noteworthyDolwyddelan Castle is lo-
cated along a mountain pass in Snowdonia
National Park. Although cited by many his-
torians as Llywelyn ab lorwerth's birth-
place, the native Prince of Gwynedd also
known as Llywelyn the Great probably
built the masonry castle early in the thir-
teenth century. Llywelyn's stronghold fea-
tured a single rectangular keep accessed by
a forebuilding, enclosed by a stone curtain
wall and a simple gateway, and defended
on two sides by a deep ditch. Restored in
the nineteenth century, the stone keep orig-
inally rose two levels; the great chamber,
equipped with fireplace and latrine, occu-
pied the first story and provided access to
DOLWYDDELAN the basement via a trapdoor in the floor.
CASTLE. Llywelyn ab Another Welsh castle with a rectangular keep was erected by the Normans
lorwerth's rectangular
stone keep at
in Glamorgan in the early twelfth century. Known as Ogwr in Welsh, the
Dolwyddelan ringwork castle at Ogmore was begun by William de Londres possibly as
dominates a pass in early as 1106. Its oval-shaped, steeply banked earthworks enclosed an area
the Snowdonia
Mountains. Now measuring 164 feet by 115 feet. A deep, rock-cut ditch also surrounded the
largely restored, it is a site; it was dry, except during high tide, when the waters of the River
fine example of a
Welsh-built stone
Ewenny flooded the spot. The flat inner ward at Ogmore Castle would have
castle. contained a variety of timber structures, and timber ramparts would have
provided defensive strength.
Shortly after completing the ringwork, the Norman lords began trans-
forming Ogmore Castle into stone. The castle's first masonry building was
the simple square keep. Probably built by Maurice de Londres in the 1120s,
the ruined keep is the castle's tallest surviving building, and one of the old-
est in South Wales. Situated to the left (north) of the decrepit main gateway,
the keep still rises two stories. Even though only three of its four original walls
survive, they are substantial enough to indicate how the keep originally

looked. Built with irregularly shaped field stones and glacial pebbles inter-
spersed with Lias limestone slabs, the structure was held together with
brown mortar. Notable features include round-headed windows dressed in
fine Sutton stone ashlar and an ornate fireplace, which would have heated
the first-floor great hall. Initially, the keep only rose one level, but in the
early thirteenth century another story was added to hold private apartments.
A two-story latrine tower was also fitted onto the exterior. Accessed from in-
side the keep, the well-preserved tower provided garderobes on both levels.
Rectangular keeps had one serious flaw: the square corners which joined
the walls were vulnerable to undermining and bombardment. Miners
known as sappers would dig a tunnel under a corner tower, propping it up
with a timber frame. Then they would set the framework afire, and the stone
tower would usually collapse. As mentioned above, the mighty rectangular
keep at Rochester was successfully undermined in 1215. When rebuilt, the
angle tower was replaced with a round tower.


To strengthen the keep against siege weapons and thwart undermining,

castle-builders began erecting cylindrical keeps during the late twelfth and
early thirteenth centuries. Unlike their rectangular counterparts, round tow-
ers were better able to withstand undermining (there were no corners to col-
lapse) and bombardment (missiles generally bounced off the curved walls).
Like shell keeps, their rounded design dispersed the weighty masonry load,
and motte castles now began to support round keeps, which were smaller
in area than rectangular keeps but contained extra living space. 16 Round
keeps also afforded an all-around view that enhanced the garrison's ability to
defend the castle.
Arguably England's finest round keep, Conisbrough Castle dominates a
hilltop in South Yorkshire. The unique keep dates to the late twelfth century,
making it the oldest and most impressive example of its type in England. Re-
fortifying the original earth and timber castle in stone, Hamelin Planta-
genet, the 5th Earl of Warenne, designed the five-story tower as a grand
fortified residence. The walls rose 90 feet, had an average width of 15 feet,
and encompassed a 62-foot basal diameter. To ensure the keep's stability, the
earl erected six semihexagonal stone buttresses, five of which were com-
pletely solid, while the sixth contained a small chapel.
Access into the great tower at Conisbrough was on the first-floor level.
A trapdoor in the floor provided the only way into the basement, which held
the well. Each story contained a single, large chamber. The lord occupied the
first floor. Heated by an ornate fireplace, his chamber featured a washbasin,

a window with stone

benches, and access to a la-
trine, which emptied outside
the curtain wall. Accommo-
dation on the second story
mirrored that on the first
floor below, but the upper
level also contained a lavishly
decorated hexagonal chapel
built within the adjoining
buttress. A spiral staircase
led to the battlements and
rooftop wall-walk. Curi-
ously, even the tops of the
buttresses had their own
roles supporting a dove-
cote, an oven, and water
CASTLE, KEEP. En- One of the Middle Ages' greatest knights and most innovative castle-
gland's largest circular builders was William Marshal, whose incredible hulking keep at Pem-
keep stands in the
inner bailey at broke ranks as Wales' greatest round tower. Rising over 80 feet and
Conisbrough Castle, measuring about 53 feet in diameter, the great cylinder still dominates the
South Yorkshire. Six
inner ward. Constructed from carboniferous limestone, the walls of the
enormous buttresses
distinguish the great keep remain intact, measuring some 13 feet thick. Originally, the main
tower, which may doorway to the keep was on the first floor and accessed via an external
have been inspired by
Henry IFs castle at stone stairway, but the entrance was later moved to the basement. A re-
Orford, in Suffolk. stored spiral staircase rises within the thickness of the walls from ground
level to the roof of the now floorless keep. On top of the dome-capped
tower, modern-day visitors, like the medieval guards before them, will dis-
cover expansive views of the walled town and surrounding countryside.
Notable features include a battered foundation, string courses, putlog
holes, beam holes for timber hoarding, fireplaces on the first and second
floors, an ornate window with seats on the second story, and arrowslits.
The third level evidently served as a fighting platform, while the domed
vault that covers the rooftop completely enclosed the fourth floor. The
keep is noticeably lacking in sanitary facilities, which were provided in
several other buildings and along the wall-walk.
Interestingly, the majority of Britain's round keeps were built in South
Wales and the Welsh Marches. Many historians speculate that round de-
sign was transitional in nature. Yet, their frequency in the border region be-
tween England and Wales implies a different rationale. Perhaps their

builders preferred the design for its ease of construction. Perhaps, round
keeps, with their unprecedented layout, were considered status symbols.
Perhaps, they reflected a regional preference or a psychological connection
with France, where round towers were common. Fine examples, all erected
by Anglo-Norman lords, survive at Bronllys (Breconshire), at Skenfrith, and
also at Longtown, on the English side of the Marches in Herefordshire. One
of Wales' most substantial round keeps commands the southeastern corner
of Edward I's castle at Flint. Begun in 1277, the unique great tower known as
the "donjon" was heavily defended, surrounded by its own moat, and con-
tained a variety of residential structures, including the well, latrine chutes, a
spiral staircase, and a chapel. 17 Welsh-built round keeps still stand at Dol-
badarn Castle, in Caernarfonshire, and at Dinefwr Castle, in Carmarthen-
shire. The round keep at Dryslwyn, also in Carmarthenshire, was recently
Architectural progression from earth and timber motte castle to stone
The curious
stronghold to residential comfort is vividly but strangely displayed at Tre- embedded towers at
tower Castle and adjoining Tretower Court in Breconshire. The castle at Tretower Castle in
Powys date to two
Tretower consists primarily of a tall, foreboding round keep, which the Pi- separate building
card family built in the early thirteenth century to fortify an older shell periods. The taller
round tower was
keep. The round keep actually sits inside the polygonal shell keep built in
about 1150, which replaced the original timber keep. Today, the shell ruins constructed within
the walls of the earlier
shell keep.

gird the taller tower. Though much of the original Norman shell keep was
demolished to make room for the taller round tower, remains of some of
its domestic buildings have survived, including the outlines of windows
and the fireplace. When it stood alone in the twelfth century, the shell
keep also contained a kitchen, the hall, and a range of apartments. Why
the thirteenth-century owners saved the shell keep is unclear, for at best af-
ter the completion of the taller keep, the site must have become stifling
and claustrophobic. Perhaps they believed it afforded added defensive
Probably erected by James, Lord Berkeley, Tretower's cylindrical keep
dominates the spot. Once rising three stories, the round tower contained
fine apartments furnished with fireplaces and windows with seats and also
incorporated structures from the earlier shell keep as well. The uppermost
level supported a timber hoard, or fighting platform, which projected out
from the rooftop over the ground below. Today, the castle is little more than
a shell within a shell, but it still dramatically displays the cramped living
quarters that must have prompted the construction of Tretower Court, a res-
idential courtyard complex, in the early fourteenth century. Even though
the castle remained operational until the sixteenth century, the Berkeleys,
who owned the estates until Sir William ap Thomas, Lord of Raglan, pur-
chased the site in the 1420s, made increasing use of Tretower Court as their
primary residence. 18 During the fifteenth century, when Sir Roger Vaughan
acquired the property7 from his half brother, Sir William Herbert (Lord
Raglan's son), he extensively remodeled Tretower Court, adding a series of
residential ranges that essentially enclosed the entire courtyard and created
a comfortable house befitting a family of status. Today, the two sites one a
true castle, the other purely residential occupy opposite sides of an aging
farm; the ruins of the bailey wall are visible as well.
Taking its inspiration from the great French donjon at Coucy, which
was destroyed in 1916, ruined Bothwell Castle remains Scotland's greatest
thirteenth-century stone enclosure castle. Dominated by the massive 90-
foot-high cylindrical keep, one of the few built in medieval Scotland, the
polygonal red sandstone fortress also featured a twin-towered gatehouse and
massive round towers. Enclosed with 15-foot-thick walls and protected with a
15-foot-deep ditch spanned by a drawbridge, Scotland's tallest round keep
rose 90 feet high. Built to serve not just as the castle's strongpoint but also as
its grandest residence, the great keep featured a vaulted basement primarily
used for storage; a 20-foot-deep well; a first-floor hall; second-story quarters for
soldiers or retainers; and an upper level fitted with the lord's private apart-
ments, a latrine, and access to the wall-walk. A turnpike staircase connected
the levels, while a well-preserved expanse of curtain wall linked the keep

first to a smaller postern tower, which allowed escape during a siege, and
then to the battlemented prison tower.


Like his half brother's castle at Conisbrough, Henry IPs stronghold at

Orford introduced a new concept to British castle-building. Predating the
keep at Conisbrough by a mere ten years, Orford Castle's great keep com-
bined a cylindrical core with three rectangular buttress towers to produce
an imposing six-story-high, twenty-one-sided stronghold, which the king
believed would easily control two rival lords, William de Blois and Hugh
Bigod, both of whom held castles in East Anglia. The power of the royal
castle is reflected in its present condition, which remains strong even
though the accompanying defensive structures have long since disap-
Rising about 90 feet and having an interior diameter of 49 feet, Orford
Castle's great keep foreshadowed the appearance of other freestanding
cylindrical keeps, which arose throughout Britain just a few decades
later. What makes Orford's keep particularly unusual is the shrewd use of
the three evenly spaced buttresses, which contained additional living
space, including two kitchens, the chapel, and at least two solars or small
living chambers. Orford's great keep may have served as the model for
Hamelin Plantagenet when he constructed his own imposing keep at


During the thirteenth century, the trend in castle design shifted away
from the keep toward the gatehouse. New castles were often keepless, or
contained what some historians have mislabeled as "keep-gatehouses." Sev-
eral of Edward I's castles in Wales, such as Harlech, feature outstanding ex-
amples of this kind of structure. Nevertheless, keeps never truly went out of
fashion. Constructing late-medieval keeps was an expensive undertaking
and normally only the wealthiest families could afford to build them. Men
such as Lord Cromwell in Lincolnshire, Lord Hastings in Leicestershire,
Lord Percy in Northumberland, and Lord Raglan in Wales all qualified.
Two substantial rectangular keeps made their appearance during the fif-
teenth century. Built by Ralph, Lord Cromwell, high treasurer of England
from about 1434 to 1446, Tattershall's 100-foot-tall keep is virtually all that re-
mains of the original enclosure castle located in Lincolnshire. The attrac-
tive red-brick keep was a strong structure with polygonal turrets at each of its

four corners, machicolations, and a fighting platform, but Lord Cromwell

ensured his five-story-tall fortress was comfortable and stylish as well. The
first story contained the hall, the second probably housed Cromwell's pres-
ence chamber, and the solar apparently occupied the next level. Ornate
windows also highlighted the owner's prestige.
Even in ruin, the great keep at Ashby de la Zouch in Leicestershire com-
pletely dominates the site. Also known as the Hastings Tower, the five-story
spectacle extended the medieval manor house that had occupied the prop-
erty since the Norman Conquest and transformed it into a well-defended
Although now
extensively ruined, fortified residence. Built in the late fifteenth century, the 90-foot-tall rectan-
the late medieval gle measured a narrow 47 feet by 41 feet and had walls over 8 feet thick, an
keep at Ashby de la
Zouch, in
entrance protected by a portcullis, machicolations, polygonal corner turrets,
Leicestershire, and a well. 19 An even taller extension occupied the northeastern side and
contained a five-story contained seven stories. The intimidating structure was decorated with elab-
core and a seven-story
corner tower, and orate carvings, including heraldic lions, and contained several living cham-
displayed the wealth bers and latrines, a kitchen, the hall, and a solar. An underground passage,
and status of its
which still survives, connected the basement of the great tower to a separate
builder, William,
Lord Hastings, who kitchen block situated to the northwest of the keep, which was part of the
also began earlier manor house and dates to the late fourteenth century. 20
construction at Kirby
Muxloe Castle.

KEEP. Fronted by the
Because they were more difficult to erect and needed heavy buttressing ruins of the collegiate
church and the
to prevent the walls from falling outward, relatively few castle-builders ex-
freestanding porchway
perimented with polygonal keeps. Those polygonal keeps that were at- adorned with the
tempted were mostly the architectural fancies of their creators rather than Percy heraldic
lion, the unique
effective improvements over the rectangular and round designs. It is not sur- polygonal keep at
prising that this design was never fully embraced. Arguably England's most Warkworth Castle,
impressive example stands tall, albeit in ruin, at Warkworth Castle, in
dominates the inner
Northumberland. bailey.
From above, the 4th Lord Percy's one-of-a-kind keep looks like a cross su-
perimposed on a square. Riddled with passageways leading to spiral stair-
cases and a myriad of chambers, including the great hall, kitchen block,
solar, bedchambers, chapel, chancel, and sacristy, the keep rose three sto-
ries. The mazelike building also had room for beer and wine cellars.
Adorned throughout with the Percy lion, the late-fourteenth-century great
tower vividly dramatized the family's status.
Stokesay Castle near Craven Arms, in Shropshire, contained both de-
fensive and domestic facilities, including a polygonal great tower. Largely
dating to Lawrence de Ludlow's occupation in the late thirteenth century,
the attractive site possessed several features typically associated with me-
dieval castles: it was surrounded with a water-filled moat; the curtain wall
that once rose over 30 feet (the last remaining portion stands alongside the
south tower); a gatehouse offered access; and two formidable towers offered
defensive protection. At the same time, the structure contained elaborately

decorated domestic chambers, including the great hall and kitchen block,
and the lord's private chamber.
The five-sided north tower at Stokesay Castle consisted of two upper sto-
ries, one of which supported timber hoarding, and a basement level that
probably served as the castle's storeroom. The basement still contains traces
of medieval painting and a deep drain that emptied into the moat. The well-
preserved hall block occupies the gap between the north and south towers.
Well-lit, the great hall stands 35 feet high and stretches over 50 feet in
length. It still displays the original timber-beamed ceiling and remains of the
timber staircase, which once allowed access to the north tower. Traces of a
central hearth also survive.
Located between the hall and the south tower, Stokesay Castle's elabo-
rate solar was decorated with Elizabethan oak panelling and a magnificent
fireplace. The ornately carved Flemish mantlepiece retains remnants of its
original medieval paint. Squint (or spy) holes allowed the castle owner to
watch the action in the neighboring great hall.
Adjacent to the solar, Stokesay's battlemented south tower capably
served Lawrence de Ludlow's defensive needs, and in several ways may
rightly be classified as a polygonal keep. The sturdy tower rises over 65 feet
and has 5-foot-thick walls supported by two heavy buttresses. Although the
main entrance is now at ground level, the tower was originally accessed via a
drawbridge, which linked the fortified structure to the solar. It also con-
tained latrines, which dumped into the moat, fireplaces, and tall lancet-
headed windows with side seats.


Scattered in and around the inner and outer bailey, several less-
substantial structures contained the castle's primary support facilities, such
as the stables and mills and the ever-essential well.


Other than their foundations, few intact stable blocks survive at any of
Britain's castles. These important buildings housed the lord's horses and
readied them for the journey to their next stop on the annual itinerary, for
the hunt, or to do battle. Some castles had more than one stable block. Ar-
guably the finest example of a castle stable is situated along the line of the
curtain wall in the outer bailey at Kenilworth Castle. Flanked on either side
by now-ruinous thirteenth-century medieval towers, the stable block added
by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, during the sixteenth century, stretches

just over 164 feet and stands two stories tall, the upper level timber-framed
and the lower level completed in brick. The building presently serves as the
castle cafe and exhibit area.


Whether powered by human strength, waterwheels, or horses, the mill

played a key role in the daily life of the castle. As with stables, most castle
mills are ruined; few survive to any extent at all. Examples can be seen at
Caerphilly, where the remains of a water mill occupy a space about midway
along the southern side of the central platform, the bailey-like open area
that stood on the eastern side of the concentric fortress. The sixteenth-
century mill at Middleham Castle, in North Yorkshire, on the other hand,
occupied the ground-floor level of a building in the southern range, which
lined the inner bailey. Inside, horses walked in circles to drive the wheel to
grind grain, which was then used in the nearby bakehouse or brewhouse.
Many, perhaps the majority, of mills actually stood at some distance from
the castle they supported. For example, at Manorbier, the mill's empty
shell is accessible to the public in the low-lying area just west of the hilltop


No facility was more important to the survival of the castle and its resi-
dents than its well, which provided a constant source of fresh drinking wa-
ter. Commonly located in the inner bailey near the keep or kitchen block,
wells were generally lined with stone and protected by a stone well-house.
They could be well over several hundred feet deep, as at Dover Castle,
where the well plunges 350 feet, and at Beeston Castle, Cheshire, where the
well drops at least 400 feet. Some wells were actually situated inside the
keep or in one of the mural towers, where the walls prevented an enemy
from poisoning the water supply. Notable examples can be found at Flint
Castle, where the well occupies an unusual position along the vaulted
gallery (passageway) that rings the first floor of the circular donjon, or great
tower, and at Bodiam Castle, where the castle well occupied the basement
level of the southwest tower alongside the kitchen block. Measuring about
8 feet in diameter and 11 feet deep, the stone-lined well was fed by the same
springs that filled the moat.
Placing the well outside the curtain wall was one of the poorest decisions
a castle-designer could make. If attackers seized or poisoned the well, de-
fenders would find themselves without access to fresh water, and thirst

would give way to surrender. Curiously though, some castles, such as Carreg
Cennen and Weobley, lacked wells. To compensate, builders constructed
cisterns, stone-lined containers that collected and stored rainwater. Whereas
wells penetrated the water table or were constantly fed by springs and could
be relied upon as a water source, except perhaps in years of severe drought,
cisterns were undependable at best, dependent on frequent rains for re-
newal, and vulnerable to evaporation. Nonetheless, they were the reason-
able alternative at castles where the water table could not be broached,
largely due to impenetrable bedrock. Weobley Castle featured a cistern tur-
ret, so-named for the large pit that fills most of the lowest level. Presumably,
the pit was used to collect rainwater as it flowed downwards from the
rooftops of adjoining structures. 21
Rarely, a castle might feature both wells and cisterns. Caernarfon, for ex-
ample, was amply equipped with well, cisterns, and a well tower, and also
had a cistern tower. The basement entrance into the well tower, which was
located in the lower-lying western bailey, actually allowed supplies brought
by ship to be carried directly into the castle. An adjoining lead-lined 50-foot-
deep cistern provided ground-level access to the castle's water supply. Across
the castle at the southeastern end of the upper bailey, the cistern tower fea-
tured a stone-lined tank that gathered rainwater and then piped it into the
adjacent Queen's Gate. 22
Castles that presently appear not to have had a well would either have re-
lied upon cisterns, traces of which no longer survive, or the occupants had
their water piped into the stronghold, as at Pembroke Castle. On the other
hand, some castles had several wells, as at Ashby de la Zouch, fitted with
four wells over the course of its history,23 and Caernarfon, which reputedly
had at least seven.


The castle food supply was almost as necessary as a reliable water source
to survival during a siege, and certainly was just as important to the resi-
dents' daily standard of living. In order to ensure a constant and plentiful
supply of both meat and produce, the castle and its surrounding country-
side formed what amounted to a symbiotic relationship. The local peas-
antry was the essential link that kept the lord and his household well
supplied with food. The lord, at least in theory if not necessarily in practice,
maintained order and provided the locals with security in times of strife.
Life inside the castle could not be sustained without the efforts of the pop-
ulace living outside its walls, who tilled the fields and managed the
orchards and vineyards.

In order to maintain a supply of fresh meat throughout the year, castle

dwellers bred fish, rabbits, pigeons, and deer, in fishponds, warrens, dove-
cotes, and parkland. In most cases, these facilities were located outside the
castle walls but close enough that they could be administered and farmed
as necessary. Normally under the supervision of the castle constable, fish-
ponds w7ere relatively easy to manage. Long since drained of water, in most
cases only the rectangular earthwork retaining walls survive. An interesting,
but fairly late example, can be viewed at Ashby de la Zouch Castle, where
earthworks in an open garden, known as the "Wilderness," mark the site of
several ornamental ponds, which the Earl of Huntingdon probably added in
the early seventeenth century during the castle's transformation into a pala-
tial showcase. Traces of Manorbier Castle's fishponds can be identified in
the grounds near the ruined mill, and remnants of those at Kenilworth sur-
vive just south of Forest Road, which leads to the castle car park. Keen-eyed
visitors should be able to locate the earthwork remains of these, and other,
castle fishponds.
Even though the lord and his guests might entertain themselves with a
hunt in the castle deer-park, the scenic lands, which were enclosed by
earthworks and timber or stone walls, primarily functioned as deer forms,
which provided fresh venison throughout the year. Today, most castle deer-
parks are little more than forested areas just outside the castle walls, but
many stately homes still pride themselves on the extent and quality of their
deer-parks. During the Middle Ages, as now, the presence of a deer-park em-
phasized the status of the property owner, who was required to obtain a royal
license to establish the park. 24 Whereas the bishops of Winchester's deer-
park at Farnham now serves as a public park, Raby Castle's deer-park still
features a fine herd of deer. Windsor Great Park once served the monarchy
as a venue for hunting deer and wild boar.
In order to breed pigeons, which were considered a medieval delicacy,
castle-builders often erected dovecotes, curious structures containing a se-
ries of roosting holes where the birds lived and raised their young. Reputedly
introduced by the Normans, many of these freestanding buildings normally
stood just outside the castle walls; however, some interior walls also sported
pigeonholes. Accessible to the public, a fine conical dovecote stands near
the fishpond and ruined mill just west of the castle at Manorbier. The
domed building contained at least 250 rectangular boxlike holes. Inside the
castle, another dovecote occupied a section of the wall of the great hall.
Speculation exists that, whereas those cloves bred outside the castle were
used for food, these birds were used as carrier pigeons. The placement of
the dovecote in the southwest tower at Bodiam Castle, on the other hand, re-
veals that the birds must have been used as a source of food. Located at the

dovecote. Now largely
exposed to the top of the tower, which stood immediately alongside the kitchen block and
elements, the remains also contained the well, the dovecote provided some 300 roosting spaces. 25
of an enormous
dovecote reveal scores A fine, albeit partly ruined, example also survives at Oxwich Castle, on the
of pigeon holes that Gower Peninsula.
once provided meat
for the food supply at
The lands outside the castle walls were not just used to produce food or
adjoining Oxwich venues for hunting deer and game. They often featured lavish gardens,
Castle, on the Gower which offered the lord and his lady an enjoyable place to spend time and a
Peninsula in Wales.
pleasant place for entertaining and impressing guests. The earliest-known
castle garden was added by Henry II at Arundel Castle during the 1170s and
1180s. By the fourteenth century, most castles had a garden of some sort, of-
ten walled or enclosed with hedges, which displayed a spectacular mix of
flower beds and lush lawns. 26 Some castles, such as Conwy, maintained
herb gardens. Kenilworth Castle not only had extensive sixteenth-century
knot gardens inside the curtain wall, which have been recreated in recent
years, but the palatial fortress also featured an unusual pleasure garden
known as a "pleasaunce," which could only be reached by boat. Con-
structed in 1414 by Henry V just west of the castle, the pleasaunce consisted
of a platform of land, enclosed by earthworks and moats, which supported a
timber banqueting house and a walled courtyard with small towers. Today,

the house no longer survives, but visitors may wander the square earthworks GARDENS. Occupying
and try to visualize the grand sight enjoyed by Queen Elizabeth I when the grounds just north
of the great keep at
Robert Dudley entertained her at the castle 400 years ago. Kenilworth Castle, in
Warwickshire, the
Tudor gardens have
TOWER HOUSES been restored to their
original splendor.
Primarily distributed throughout the border region separating England
and Scotland, tower houses seemed a particularly reasonable response to the
sociopolitical conditions peculiar to the region, such as clan rivalries, reiver
raids, disputes over land ownership, and brief incursions into territory
owned or occupied by a rival nation. Structurally quite similar to the rectan-
gular keep, tower houses simultaneously served military and residential
functions, albeit on a scale much less dramatic than displayed at the more
complex stone fortresses previously discussed. Tower houses were privately
fortified residences, sometimes known as "castles of enceinte," and in many
ways meet the criteria for classification as true castles.
Like rectangular keeps, tower houses were freestanding structures gener-
ally encompassed by a masonry wall, the "barmkin." Many were enclosed
with ditches or moats filled from the waters of neighboring streams. They
stood between 40 and 80 feet tall, contained at least three stories, and had

walls averaging between 6 and 7 feet in thickness. Like rectangular keeps,

access was often at the first-floor level via a removable exterior ladder. The
main entrance was also defended with an iron grate, known as a "yett." Each
level had a single function. Consequently, space became a priority7. The
ground floor was used for storage. The first floor held the hall or the kitchen
and contained a trapdoor to access the basement. Residential chambers
filled the uppermost levels. Tower houses appeared in Scotland in the four-
teenth century. They represent the one castle design that had direct associa-
tions with medieval Scotland.
Located in Dumfries and Galloway, Threave Castle is the archetypal
Scottish tower house. Serving the Black Douglases as a springboard against
their rivals, the Stewarts, during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,
Threave Castle stood five stories high and had 8-foot-thick walls. Used for
storage, the vaulted basement contained the well, a sink, and a drain and
the dungeon. It may also have housed the servants' quarters. The kitchen
level above had a large fireplace, a stone sink, a deeply recessed window,
and a latrine. Besides its role as the lord's kitchen, the chamber probably
also provided dining space for the servants. A spiral staircase eased the trans-
fer of meals between the kitchen and the great hall located on the floor
above. The great hall contained an ornate fireplace, three windows with
seats, a latrine, and a doorway leading to the boat docks on the River Dee,
which surrounded the site. Private apartments occupied the level above the
great hall, and sparse accommodation filled the top story.
By the end of the fourteenth century, the need for additional living space
prompted the construction of L-plan tower houses, which featured a
smaller, square wing situated at a right angle to the main tower. Dunnotar
Castle in Aberdeenshire was just one Scottish castle that featured an L-plan
tower house. William Keith, hereditary Great Marischal of Scotland,
erected the tower house on the site of an earlier medieval earth and timber
castle at the end of the fourteenth century. Also during the late fourteenth
century, King David II of Scotland erected an L-plan tower house at Edin-
burgh Castle to replace the royal residence destroyed during the Wars of In-
dependence earlier in the century.
H-plan and Z-plan tower houses also made their appearance in Scotland
during this time. Fine examples include Hermitage Castle, in the Scottish
Borders, and Claypotts Castle, in Dundee. The Z-plan had offsetting wings
jutting out from opposite ends of the main rectangular tower that not only
provided additional living quarters but also improved the castle's defensive
Serving the same basic function as Scottish tower houses, "pele towers"
proliferated in northern England. Generally slighter than their northern

counterparts, pele towers stood two to four stories tall. Tower walls averaged
from 3 to 4 feet thick and were normally enclosed by a barmkin. At one
time, Northumberland featured 200 pele towers, while Cumbria and West-
moreland had ninety. 27 The Vicar's Pele at Corbridge is one of Northum-
berland's finest examples.
Irish tower houses developed in the early fifteenth century. Ranging
from three to six stories high, their most distinctive features include stepped
battlements and double-gabled roofs, which held the attic. Those with an
extra corner turret resembled Scottish L-plan tower houses, and those hav-
ing turrets at opposite ends resembled the Z-plan. One of the Republic of
Ireland's most impressive examples is Bunratty Castle, in Shannon. The
tower house consists of a rectangular core fronted on the northern and
southern sides with bulky facades. Each facade is flanked by two enormous
corner towers linked together with arches that span the void between them.
Measuring 62 feet by 41 feet, the central tower rises four stories, each of
which contains a single large chamber. The first-floor entrance leads di-
The well-preserved
rectly into a vaulted hall, which once serviced the garrison. On the level tower house at Angle,
above, the Earl of Thomond held court in the lavish great hall, which was, in Pembrokeshire, is
one of the finest of its
interestingly enough, heated by a brazier. Each five-story-high corner tower kind. Its resemblance
at Bunratty Castle measured over 23 feet square and contained residential fa- to the classic Irish
cilities, including private apartments and the solar, chambers for the captain tower house may not
be mere coincidence,
of the guard, the kitchen, rooms for the castle priest, and two chapels. as Angle is located
Harkening more to Irish or Scottish origins, Angle Tower in Pem- just across the Irish
Sea from Ireland.
brokeshire is the only structure of its kind
left in Wales. Although no garrison
guarded the structure, the site was a strong-
hold in which the builders, the Shirburns,
could feel at least a moderate sense of safety
if an enemy approached. Rising over 34
feet and constructed with walls 3 feet thick,
Angle's machicolated tower house provided
single living chambers on each of the up-
per three floors. The ground level had a
vaulted ceiling and was probably used for
storage. The main entrance was at first-
floor level, and apparently a movable draw-
bridge allowed visitors to gain access.
Movement from floor to floor was accom-
plished by using the corner spiral stair-
casethe rounded turret holding the stairs
is noticeable from the outside at the tower's

northeastern corner. Each chamber had its own fireplace, small unglazed
windows and arrow loops, but only the first floor was equipped with a garder-
obe. Corbels still rim the roofline. Not too far from the tower house, a de-
crepit medieval dovecote survives behind a row of modern structures,
providing evidence that the Shirburns occasionally harvested meat for their
meals from the pigeon house.
Quite possibly, Irish construction styles influenced the design of Angle's
tower house and, perhaps also, the medieval building behind the post office,
which bears a close resemblance to the standard Irish hall-house. Located
on the Irish Sea, Angle was a convenient landing point for seafarers. With
Ireland so close, it seems reasonable to assert that the Irish landed here and
that the locals sailed to Ireland and back. If the Shirburns had traveled to
Ireland, they would have had ample opportunity to see tower houses and
bring the design concept back to Wales.


During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Britain, the trend in the
construction of privately fortified military residences began moving away
from a heavy reliance on strong defensive protection and toward a prefer-
ence for domestic space and comfort. New castles appeared. Older ones
were remodeled. Both reflected the social attitudes, changing politics, and
developing warfare practices of the times. Nonetheless, men of stature and
wealth continued to value ownership of private fortifications, "even though
they had reduced capacities for military involvement when compared with
many of their predecessors." 28 Furthermore, as battle strategies moved away
from concentrated castle sieges to open battlefields, owners were able to lav-
ish more money on the residential nature of their fortified homes.
Late in the Middle Ages, a new category of fortified house, the "castel-
lated residence," appeared in the British landscape. These structures might
physically resemble earlier castles with battlements and defended gateways,
machicolations, portcullises, and moats spanned with drawbridges. Yet, in-
creasingly, heavy defenses gave way to weaker fortifications that were in-
tended largely as adornment and display. Consequently, some late-medieval
privately fortified residences, such as Bodiam, Kirby Muxloe, and Wardour,
featured seemingly heavy defenses and carefully laid out residential ranges,
whereas other late-medieval fortified houses, such as Nunney in Somerset,
and Weobley and Oxwich on the Gower Peninsula, were lightly defended at
best and mainly fulfilled a residential role for their owners. These less sub-
stantially fortified buildings are more accurately characterized as "castel-
lated residences."

It is, however, important to remember that, even though new castellated

residences were being erected throughout Britain, many older, more power-
fully constructed castles coexisted with them. All castles were expensive to
maintain and to occupy, and over time they decayed if their owners could
not afford their upkeep. However, even in decay, Britain's medieval castles
continued to function as privately fortified military residences, which were
garrisoned if and when necessary. While some owners abandoned their cas-
tles and migrated to more comfortable quarters elsewhere in the kingdom,
many castles were recalled into action, most notably during the English
Civil War in the 1640s, which pitted King Charles Fs royalist supporters
against Oliver Cromwell's parliamentarian opponents.



In 1393, John, the 5th Lord Lovel, acquired a license to crenellate and
began construction of his new castle at Wardour. Taking its inspiration from
contemporary French design currently in vogue, Lovel's master architect,
probably William of Wynford, created a splendid hexagonal castle that com-
bined beauty and comfort and resembled a polygonal keep more than a
house. Fronted by a drawbridge and enclosed by a dry ditch, Wardour Castle
would have posed a considerable threat to attackers in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries. Among its defensive features were a series of portcullises,
massive walls, and corner turrets crowned with battlements. Around the perime-
ter, a substantial curtain wall provided enhanced security for the castle.
Wardour Castle's four stories surrounded a central courtyard, where
the well was located. Doorways led from the courtyard to the upper levels
and the keeplike structure focused almost entirely on accommodating the
lord and his household. An enormous kitchen block filled the ground floor
and much of the first floor with several huge fireplaces, bread ovens, walk-in
cupboards, sinks, and drains leading to storage cisterns in the basement. The
pantry and buttery stood nearby, poised to serve the guests in the ornate
great hall, which spanned the area immediately above the main entrance-
way. Spiral staircases allowed access to the uppermost levels, which held the
private apartments and, possibly, the chapel, before their destruction in the
Civil War.
When Sir Matthew Arundell altered the castle into a more comfortable
yet still fortified home in 1570, he weakened the structure's defensive capa-
bilities by removing the towers that flanked the main entrance. In their
place, however, he added one of the castle's finest features, the curious set of
decorated shell-headed seats, and adorned the facade with a bust of Christ

CASTLE. Combining and the family's coat of arms. Above the entryway, Sir Matthew embedded
power with stylishness,
the unusual an inscription to emphasize his role in the reconstruction of the castle and
fourteenth-century his hereditary ties to the Arundells at Lanherne. In addition, Arundell re-
hexagonal castle at
Wardour, Somerset,
modeled the great hall, built a new minstrel's gallery, realigned the door-
withstood a series of ways, added more fireplaces, and replaced most of the windows. Clearly, he
barrages before being concentrated on the appearance of his castle, the impression it would have
destroyedby its
ownerduring the presented to guests, and the comfort it gave the Arundells. Even so, Wardour
English Civil War. Castle retained its defensive capacity as well.
Kirby Muxloe Castle in Leicestershire now primarily consists of its main
gatehouse and the three-story west tower. Designed by master mason, John
Cowper, the quadrangular castle replaced an earlier manor house. Con-
structed with 100,000 bricks fired on site, Kirby Muxloe featured four corner
towers. The curtain wall linked the towers to the gatehouse and to other tow-
ers placed midway along each length of wall. Around the entire complex, a
moat provided defense against intrusion. A timber drawbridge originally
spanned the water-filled ditch and gave access to the gatehouse, which in
turn allowed entry into the inner ward via a single passageway.
Facing northwest, the rectangular gatehouse at Kirby Muxloe now only
rises a single story over the gate passage. On the outside, the red-and-black
brickwork diamond pattern and heraldic carvings showcased the prestige of

the castle's fifteenth-century owner and builder, William, Lord Hastings. Hastings' castle at
Kirby Muxloe,
The two octagonal corner turrets that projected outward into the moat Leicestershire, sharply
contained single chambers on both levels. One was used as a guardroom, contrasts with his great
while the opposite held the porter's lodge. Each contained fine fireplaces, tower at Ashby de la
Zouch. Only rising
windows facing into the castle, and private latrines, which emptied into to its first story, the
vaulted cesspits. The upper level of the gatehouse contained a large central gatehouse at Kirby
Muxloe features brick-
room, brick fireplaces at two corners, and six windows, which overlooked the work
w orkpatterns and
inner ward and also outside the castle. From this chamber, the single large upper-story
portcullis and drawbridge were raised and lowered as needed. The only other windows. Rerouting
the waters of two
defensive features in the gatehouse (which are repeated in the west tower) are nearby brooks created
a series of low-lying gunports. Overlooking the inner ward, two octagonal the enclosing moat.
stair turrets allowed movement between the two levels of the gatehouse.
Quite possibly, Lord Hastings intended the gatehouse to rise at least another
level, but he met his demise before he could enjoy the finished product.
Almost perfectly preserved, the rectangular west tower dominates Kirby
Muxloe Castle. It was probably the one structure that Hastings managed to
complete before his execution on Tower Green at the Tower of London in
1483. Like the gatehouse, the battlemented tower was built in brick and dec-
orated with red-and-black patterns. On the north and east sides, two turrets

rose another level; the northern one contained a newel staircase and the
eastern one held latrines. Gunports defended the castle from the tower's
lowest level; chambers overhead provided accommodation for overnight
guests and household staff. It remains speculative whether Kirby Muxloe,
never completed due to Lord Hastings' untimely demise, can be classified as
a true castle. Perhaps the builder intended for the defenses to impress and
forewarn, rather than withstand an onslaught.
The compact "castle" at Nunney in Somerset is an anomaly that
harkens more to its French origins than to England, where John de la Mere
began its construction after receiving a license to crenellate from King Ed-
ward III in 1373. The walls of the quadrangular structure are flanked on the
north and south sides by twin round towers situated so close together that
hardly any walling separates them. Access was through a simple gateway,
which would never have kept out a determined enemy. The ground floor of
de la Mere's weakly fortified residence contained the kitchen with its large
fireplace, storage areas, and the well. The pantry, buttery, and servants'
quarters probably occupied the next story, and the hall and private apart-
ments filled the two uppermost levels. Each of the machicolated corner
towers played a key role within the castle. The northwest tower contained
the castle's only staircase, which linked the upper and lower levels, the south-
east tower held the chapel, and the two remaining towers contained addi-
tional accommodation.
Castellated residences, more often known as fortified manor houses, are
rare in Wales. Weobley Castle is one of the finest examples of its type.
There, the castle-builders seem to have been more concerned with personal
conveniences than defensive might. Superficially, the structure seems to
have been built with a randomness that reflects the flimsy construction of its
defenses. The earliest buildings include the hall block, which lines the
northern face of the castle, the large southwest tower, and portions of the
eastern range. The de la Beres added the gatehouse, almost as an after-
thought, to fill in a gap between the hall and solar and the southwest tower.
The gatehouse contained a simple archway defended by wooden gates,
which were placed on the outermost side of the gateway. Significantly, the
castellated "strongpoint" lacked both a portcullis and arrowslits, which
would certainly have bolstered its defensive capabilities. The upper story
provided accommodation and shared a latrine with the solar.
Across the courtyard from the extensively ruined chapel stand the
fourteenth-century hall block and great porch. Initially, the hall and kitchen
block both occupied the ground floor, but, during the second phase of
building, when the great hall moved to the upper story, the kitchen took
over the entire lower level. The porchway was added to the interior wall at

that time. Features emphasizing the residential focus of this fortified house
include a drain in the central splayed window, a small round-backed fire-
place and another, much larger fireplace. The windows had seats and could
be barricaded with iron grilles and shutters. A doorway offered access to the
solar, which had a fireplace, mullioned windows with side seats, and a pri-
vate garderobe. A covered wall-walk linked the hall block with the eastern
range, which provided three very essential garderobes and access to a latrine
turret at the northeastern corner of the site.
Characterized as a "mock-fortified manor house," 29 Oxwich Castle, lo-
cated on the opposite end of the Gower Peninsula from Weobley Castle,
seems small, its modest gatehouse stunted and fragile. Almost all of what
survives dates to the massive rebuilding program undertaken by Sir Rice
Mansel and his son, Edward, in the mid- to late sixteenth century. Only the
recently discovered cross-wall in the east range predates this era and may ac-
tually be medieval. Oxwich Castle consisted of two adjacent ranges of build-
ings surrounding a cobbled courtyard. The gatehouse and south range
reflect the stylistic taste of their builder, Sir Rice Mansel, who not only
served as chamberlain of Chester and as a member of the Council of the
Marches, but was also a vice-admiral in charge of ten ships. Originally
flanked on either side by solid round towers, the gatehouse is hallmarked by
a fine heraldic emblem, which dominates the archway overhead.
Upon stepping through the main gate, visitors immediately encounter a
cobbled courtyard and, beyond the open area, a flat, off-putting wall pitted
with several windows, which seems more like a barrier than a residential fea-
ture. However, a porchway once projected into the courtyard from this side
of the wall; now only foundations survive. The western half of the castellated
residence was constructed by Sir Rice during the first building phase at
Oxwich; the eastern range was added later in the century by Sir Edward
Mansel. The south range of buildings once held Sir Rice's two-story resi-
dence, with the great hall, kitchen block and, perhaps, servants' quarters. At
one time, the courtyard may have also contained gardens.
Of particular note just outside the walls, Rice Mansel's ruined dovecote
now lacks its dome and a large portion of its exterior wall. The gaping hole
now allows visitors to see the symmetrical arrangement of the 300 pigeon
holes that once bred meat for the castle food supply.
Edward Mansel was responsible for the extensive residential block well
hidden from view behind the huge eastern wall. Shaped like a sideways "E,"
Mansel's "great house" once featured three enormous towerlike wings. Each
projected outward from the high wall that formed the eastern side of the
cobbled courtyard. Today, only the southeast wing stands to its full six sto-
ries. Sadly, the middle wing has been leveled to foundations; the northeast

wing rises only partially but manages to preserve an impressive oven. Scat-
tered within the ruins of the residential block are fragments of the first-floor
hall and fireplace; the long gallery that ran along the third story; remnants
of a pillar staircase; windows w7ith flanking seats; and vaulted basements.
The southeast tower is arguably Oxwich Castle's most imposing structure.
The six-story-high walls are riddled with windows of varying height. Each
single-chamber level held at least one fireplace. Quite possibly, this building
housed the Mansels' huge entourage of retainers and other workers. Cer-
tainly, the lack of substantial fortifications and the predominance of resi-
dential structures support the implication that Oxwich "Castle" is a
misnomer, as was the case with so many later castellated structures.

Castles as Status Symbols

Castles . . . are the perfect architectural expression of feudal

lordship of which they were the conscious symbol as well as
much of the substance.
R. Allen Brown, Castles: A History and Guide (1980), 14

Not only was medieval Britain a contentious time, it was a time when ambi-
tious men strove to achieve social status and maintain power as wealthy
landowners and influential politicians who wielded authority much like the
monarch they represented. Success and admiration were overriding goals.
Men of royal birth or noble status strove to retain their power bases. Men of
lesser status strove to reach the upper classes. One of the most obvious marks
of achievement, a badge of honor and accomplishment, was the construc-
tion and possession of a castle.


Possession of a castle, no matter its complexity, was a symbol of success
and character that distinguished men from each other. During the Middle
Ages, however, size did matter. The more powerful the lord, the larger his

castle, or, at least, the larger or more innovative certain structures within the
castle would be. Even though the military nature of the castle was always a
lord's priority, the appearance of the castle, the complexity of its layout, the
location of specific structures, and the skill and ornamentation displayed by
the final product were all intentionally planned to display his status. Only
monarchs and men with "the right stuff" could afford to build castles. The
effort required an enormous investment of money to pay laborers, purchase
and transport building materials, and then to maintain the complex struc-
ture in working order. Having a castle signaled to all comers that the lord
had indeed "arrived" and was a man to be respected perhaps even awed.
Edward I took this concept to an extreme. Intent on demonstrating to
the Welsh that he had conquered them once and for all, Edward set about
establishing a network of massive castles, the likes of which had never been
seen in Britain before the thirteenth century nor afterwards. Now known as
his iron ring of castles, Edward I's mammoth strongholds were deliberately
placed at strategic points around North Wales and in Mid Wales, at Flint,
Rhuddlan, Aberystwyth, Builth, Conwy, Caernarfon, Harlech, and Beau-
maris. The state-of-the-art strongholds physically dominated their surround-
ings. Visually demonstrating the subjugation of the Welsh at the hands of
the English king, the fortresses were intended to intimidate Edward's rebel-
lious subjects into complete compliance.
In order to accomplish his grandiose scheme, Edward hired the most tal-
ented master mason of the times, James of St. George, and spent about
80,000 virtually bankrupting himself in his rush to squash the Welsh.1 Im-
pressive lordship castles were also erected in support of the king at Denbigh,
Ruthin, Chirk, Holt, and Hawarden to enforce the conquest of Wales. Ed-
ward also replaced several key Welsh-built castles (Criccieth, Dolwyddelan,
Castell y Bere, and Carreg Cennen) with English-built structures and gar-
risons, which reiterated his dominion over the Welsh. Ironically, Edward's
first series of castles, built in or shortly after his initial success in Wales in
1277, proved incapable of preventing further Welsh rebellion. So, in order to
avoid another debacle like the second foray into Wales in 1282, Edward com-
manded the construction of four huge, heavily defended royal castles and
also enclosed two of the four adjoining towns (Caernarfon and Conwy) with
towered curtain walls.
Edward I's castle at Caernarfon stands out from among the rest, not only
for its fine state of preservation and its historic role as the venue for the in-
vestiture of the Prince of Wales, but also for its symbolic value to the
thirteenth-century king. As indicated earlier, the great warrior-king believed
Caernarfon was the only place where he could erect his imperial fortress,
a structure he imagined would prove beyond all doubt that he was as great

a ruler as the Byzantine emperors. And, the omens seemed to support his
belief. Not only had Caernarfon served as a Roman outpost during Con-
stantine's reign, but when Edward prepared to establish his new7 castle,
reports circulated widely that a tomb belonging to the Roman emperor him-
self had been discovered in Caernarfon. Certain his destiny paralleled that
of the Holy Roman Emperors, Edward ordered the castle built on the shores
of the River Seiont, close to the aging Roman fort, and designed it to mirror
the walls of Constantinople.
Caernarfon Castle and its circuit of medieval walls embodied Edward's
vision of himself as a warrior-king who stood head-and-shoulders above the
common man and whose accomplishments rivaled those of Constantine,
who had ruled some 700 years earlier. Unlike his other great fortresses in
North Wales, the imperial stronghold at Caernarfon featured giant polygonal
towers crowned with battlements, the walls banded with stone of contrasting
color, and clearly resembled the walls of fifth-century Constantinople. The
Eagle Tower was the largest and most complex of the eleven polygonal tow-
ers that commanded strategic points around the castle walls. Topped with
sculpted stone eagles, the tower symbolically linked Edward to the Romans
(who used the eagle as their imperial symbol). Certainly, anyone approach-
ing Edward's castle would appreciate its singular importance as a king's
palace and fortress, and cower in its presence. When Edward pronounced
his son, Edward, as the "Prince of Wales," English by blood but Welsh by
birthplace and spoken language, his Welsh subjects could no longer claim
the Prince of Wales as their own. Thenceforth, the Princes of Wales were
heirs to the English throne, the eldest son of the reigning monarch, rather
than the heirs of the native Welsh princes. Many modern-day Welsh believe
that the persistence of the investiture ceremony at Caernarfon Castle,
Prince Edward's birthplace, symbolically restates their subjugation.


Obtaining a license to crenellate was almost as much a mark of status for

a man as building the castle itself. Although never mandated by the monar-
chy nor a common practice until after 1200, applying for royal permission to
erect a castle or to fortify an already extant residence indicated not only that
the applicant had the self-confidence to approach the king, but also demon-
strated that he possessed the financial and personal status that came with the
ability to build a castle. For many lords, receiving the license to crenellate
was accomplishment enough, so they felt no urgency to complete the pro-
cess with an outlandish expenditure of money that could result in bank-
ruptcy. Just having the royal license proved they were qualified to move in

the circles of the rich and famous and that the monarch recognized their so-
cial status. The first license to crenellate was possibly issued for Bishopton
Castle in 1143, though earlier licenses gave permission to strengthen an ex-
isting castle. The last license was granted to Sir William Fitzwilliam for
Cowdray in Sussex in 1533.2 A license issued in 1281 by Edward I to Stephen
of Penchester and Margaret his wife authorized them to "fortify and crenel-
late their house at Allington in the County of Kent with a wall of stone and
lime, and that they and their heirs may hold it, thus fortified and crenel-
lated, in perpetuity." The resulting house, now a fortified residence, was
Allington Castle. 3
Overall, Edward III issued 181 licenses; Richard II issued 60; Henry IV,
8; Henry V, 1; Henry VI, 5; and Edward IV, 3. Indeed, of the 500 or so li-
censes that were granted between 1200 and 1500, only about 13 percent were
ever fully acted upon; in other words, only about forty licenses resulted in
the construction of true castles. Late-fourteenth-century examples include
Bodiam and Wardour castles. The remaining licenses were either never
acted upon or led to the construction of weakly fortified residences, crenel-
lated for show rather than to thwart a serious attack. 4
As time progressed, kings became more reluctant to grant licenses to
crenellate. In fact, the license to crenellate was more often than not a cer-
emonial document that acknowledged the relationship between subordi-
nate and monarch. Applicants generally sought out the honor that came
with the license, and the right to build a castle, or fortify an already existing
structure. It should be noted as well that many castle-builders never both-
ered to obtain a license to crenellate, feeling confident that they had
achieved enough political and social clout that the king would not interfere
with the project. And, some licenses were granted well after the fact, long af-
ter the castle was in operation. 5 However, even today, centuries after the last
castle was constructed, possession of a license to crenellate remains a source
of pride. A few castles, such as Chillingham in Northumberland, have
placed their medieval license on public display.


Displaying heraldic emblems above the main gateway into the castle, as
at Warwick, Wardour, and Arundel, embedded in the interior and exterior
walls, as at Caerlaverock, Warkworth, and Alnwick, or adorning the massive
chimneypieces and walls in so many great halls and private apartments also
symbolically and visually emphasized the historical and social importance
of the lord. Heraldic emblems not only highlighted a lord's personal
achievements but also reaffirmed the lengthy and prestigious pedigree of his

ancestors. Indeed, even where the bulk of a castle lay in ruin, quite often the
heraldic carvings survive, albeit worn by exposure to the elements (rains,
winds, and fluctuating temperatures), as perpetual evidence of the lingering
relationship between the present and the historic. From the Percy lion to
Dudley's initials on Leicester's Gatehouse to the many coats of arms and in-
scriptions displayed to grand effect on the walls of Caerlaverock's Nithsdale
Apartments, the intricate carvings continue to project the self-importance of
the lords they symbolized.
As castles passed through the generations of a single family or were
relinquished to a different series of owners, successive lords made sure to
leave their mark by altering the structure itself. Some added new chambers
or remodeled what already existed; others tore down earlier structures and
rebuilt the castle according to their own ambitions and needs. Such projects
often involved the addition of heavier and more complex defensive struc-
tures, larger or more ornate facilities and palatial features that demonstrated
beyond any doubt (at least in their minds) that they were men of substance,
stature, and financial independence who deserved the social position they
Royal castles physically document the changing times and changing
preferences of reigning monarchs. In 1496 at Stirling Castle, for example,
Scotland's James IV began the castle's first extensive building program. His
achievements include Scotland's largest great hall, which measured 138 feet
by 47 feet. Heated by five huge fireplaces, lit by two giant bay windows and
several smaller lights, equipped with four turnpike staircases, and adorned
with conical turrets and ornate carvings, the stunning building provided the
setting not only for kings to confer with Parliament, but also for feasting and
celebrations. Then, in 1594, James VI decided to renovate the Chapel Royal
in honor of his son's christening and to vividly display the magnificence of
the Scottish monarchy. After the ceremony, the king staged a sensational
banquet in the great hall, where he had his men construct an 18-foot-long
wooden ship with 40-foot-high masts which fired thirty-six brass cannons in
celebration and carried the fish course to his guests.
Begun only twenty years after the great hall, James V's palace at Stirling
Castle was intended to impress his second wife, Mary of Guise, whom he
had married in 1538. Bedecked with an array of sculpted creatures, gods and
goddesses, and even a carved portrait of the king, the Renaissance facade is
the palace's most impressive feature, and one of the first of its kind to appear
in Britain. Besides the bedchamber, the king's lodgings contained two pub-
lic rooms for receiving guests and conducting the affairs of state. For his
queen, James V added a similar set of chambers, which included a guard-
room, the queen's presence chamber, and her bedchamber.

As the monarch's primary residence, Windsor Castle is known for the

grandeur of its State Apartments, which, along with the Private Apartments,
enclose the upper bailey. Over the centuries, reigning monarchs have peri-
odically demolished and replaced the royal apartments, recreating them to
new specifications that displayed his or her tastes and ambitions. In the late
seventeenth century, Charles II embarked on a major building project at
Windsor, hiring architect Sir Hugh May, painter Antonio Verrio, and wood-
carver Grinling Gibbons to transform the fortress into a Baroque palace, the
interiors of which rivaled France's Palace of Versailles. While only three
of Charles IPs rooms now survive (the King's Dining Room, Queen's Pres-
ence Chamber, and Queen's Audience Chamber), their painted ceilings,
wood carvings, and gilt ornamentation resplendently reflect the grandiosity
of the times. They remain a remarkable tribute to their builders. 6
In the late twentieth century, Queen Elizabeth II transformed Windsor
Castle's State Apartments, employing modern craftsmen to restore the
northeastern corner of the castle after a devastating fire in 1992. While some
areas, like the Green and Crimson Drawing Rooms and the Grand Recep-
tion Room have been restored to their earlier glory, the Octagon Dining
Room, Lantern Lobby, and St. George's Hall were rebuilt using new de-
signs. Undoubtedly, these rooms reflect the queen's preferences and will be
her lasting legacy to the ever-evolving castle.
Lordship castles likewise evolved over time as new owners added new
structures, revamped the furnishings, and modernized their homes. Castles
such as Warwick, Arundel, and Alnwick, the fortified residences of the most
important lords in the realm the Earls of Warwick, the Dukes of Norfolk,
and the Dukes of Northumberland bridged the status divide between royal
castles and those of lesser lords. Developing and expanding with the times,
all three castles retain their regal stature and their medieval essence, and
powerfully dramatize the splendor that came with the attainment of politi-
cal and social rank. Like the monarch's residence at Windsor, these three
lordship castles feature state apartments, which display their owners' station
in life as well as their wealth and accomplishments.
Throughout Britain, lords of varying rank used their castles to showcase
their continuing importance within a region and to the nation's history. The
promontory site dominated by the sprawling ruins of Carew Castle in Pem-
brokeshire has supported a fortified stronghold of some type at least since
the twelfth century, when Gerald de Windsor, the Norman constable of
Pembroke Castle, acquired the site upon his marriage to Nest, the daughter
of Rhys ap Tewdwr, Prince of Deheubarth. Some historians speculate that
the first Norman castle at Carew was a motte castle, while others believe it
would have been a ringwork. The oldest surviving masonry structure at the
C A S T L E S AS S T A T U S S Y M B O L S 131

castle is the so-called Old Tower, which dates to the twelfth century and may
have been built by de Windsor or his heir. Originally fronted with a large
outer bailey on the eastern side and protected with four corner towers, the
stone castle was essentially rectangular in plan. Over time, modifications
were made to the plan, new towers erected along the eastern and southern
walls and a new facade added on the northern side. Ultimately, Carew Cas-
tle combined standard military and trendy decorative features into a strong
yet very attractive fortified residence, which served as the scene of the last
great tournament in Wales, which honored King Henry VII and the selec-
tion of Sir Rhys ap Thomas as a Knight of the Garter in 1505.
During the Wars of the Roses, Rhys ap Thomas initially sided with York-
ist Richard III, agreeing never to allow the king's rival, Harri Tudor, into
Pembrokeshire. However, when Tudor landed in West Wales, Rhys actually
joined the Lancastrian cause and fought at Bosworth Field. Upon Tudor's TUDOR EMBLEMS,
victory at Bosworth, the new king knighted Rhys ap Thomas and also cre- Carew Castle. Erected
by Sir Rhys ap Thomas
ated him chamberlain and justiciar of Wales. Even though Sir Rhys became to pay tribute to Henry
an active member of King Henry VII's English court, his Welsh castle at VII and the Tudor
Carew remained a favorite stronghold. Dynasty, three eroding
but attractive heraldic
Sometime before the death of Arthur, the Prince of Wales, in 1502, Rhys emblems adorn the
revamped Carew Castle, adding the ornamentation that emphasized his ties great porchway at
Carew Castle, in
to the monarchy, a residential level over the lesser hall, an oriel window in the Pembrokeshire.
great hall, and a plain two-story outer gate-
house. Sir Rhys' most noteworthy contribu-
tion was the grand porchway opposite the
main entrance into the inner bailey. Over
the entryway, he placed three skillfully
carved heraldic emblems: the arms of King
Henry VII flanked by the arms of his first
son, Arthur, and his son's wife, Catherine of
Aragon. Quite possibly, the crests were added
to honor the marriage of Prince Arthur and
Catherine of Aragon in 1501. The attractive
emblems have survived the ravages of the
damp Welsh weather in remarkably fine condition.
In 1506, Sir Rhys held the grandest tournament he could muster to
honor his king. For five days, the participants, numbering well over 600
knights, their ladies and other nobility, retainers, and servants gathered for
what turned out to be an enormously successful celebration.7 Bedecked in
the finest gilded armor, Rhys umpired the events. At his side were heralds
and trumpeters, who announced each event and readied the knights. Con-
tests included the joust, wrestling, tossing the pike, and swordplay. The

tournament day was probably chaotic, with many events occurring simulta-
neously, but, despite the unavoidable drunkenness, no blood was shed. The
expensive yet dignified production, and the attendant overhaul of his castle,
demonstrated Sir Rhys' strong ties to the Tudor dynasty and proved his wor-
thiness to be a member of the Order of the Garter.
Even in ruin, Warwickshire's Kenilworth Castle exudes an air of splen-
dor befitting the lords who transformed it from a heavily military stronghold
into one of Elizabethan England's grandest structures. Originating in the
late eleventh or early twelfth century, Kenilworth's massive stone enclosure
castle features elements from essentially every era of castle-building in
British history. The basic shape of the site and the presence of the massive
rectangular keep still reflect the castle's medieval origins, while the skillfully
carved mullioned windows and the showy Leicester Gatehouse demonstrate
the flamboyance of the Elizabethan era. The marshy grassland now enclos-
ing the ruins once functioned as a scenic lake and a giant moat known as the
"great mere." Created in the early thirteenth century by damming the waters
of the neighboring Finham and Inchford Brooks to flood the open area, the
great mere was a key part of the castle's defensive system.
In the late fourteenth century, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and fa-
ther to King Henry IV, began the castle's conversion into a palatial dwelling
that melded grandeur and comfortin the form of a splendid new great
hall with its powerful defenses. In 1553, Edward VI granted the castle to
John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Warwick. After the king's
untimely death the same year, Dudley unwisely supported Lady Jane Grey
as queen of England (for a brief nine days), but lost his head when the right-
ful queen, Bloody Mary Tudor, seized the throne and reclaimed Kenilworth
Castle for the monarchy. Ten years later, Mary's sister, Queen Elizabeth I,
sought to put things right and awarded the grand fortress to her favorite
courtier, Robert Dudley, John's heir and Earl of Leicester. Dudley assumed
responsibility for the castle and completed its transition into one of En-
gland's greatest palatial fortresses, adding stylish Leicester's Building and the
grand gatehouse adorned with his initials.
Besides more than capably fulfilling its military role, Kenilworth Castle
acted as the stunning backdrop from which Robert Dudley displayed his
passion for and loyalty to his queen with one of the most widely acclaimed
events of his day. For nineteen days in 1575, he wined, dined, and feted his
queen and her entourage of thirty-one barons, numerous ladies-in-waiting,
and 400 servants. Housing Elizabeth in Leicester's Building, Dudley en-
sured she had the most stylish accommodation. He also organized a won-
drous water pageant, masques, fireworks, hunting and bear baiting, music,
dancing, minstrel shows, mystery plays, and, of course, feasting. In all, the

Earl of Leicester spent 1,000 a day bankrupting himself for his queen's APARTMENTS and
John of Gaunt's
amusement, as any loyal lord would endeavor to do to prove his mettle. 8
Oriel, Kenilworth
During the early fifteenth century, Henry, the 4th Lord Percy and 1st Castle. John of
Earl of Northumberland, began Alnwick Castle's transformation into the Gaunt's fifteenth-
century construction
splendid ducal residence still occupied by his descendants to this day. of an elaborate hall
Erected in about 1350, Percy's most impressive addition, the great keep, complex fitted with
an unusual oriel
dominates the site. Although heavily refurbished during the eighteenth and (right) and the
nineteenth centuries, Alnwick Castle retains its original medieval plan, addition of an
which consisted of a low mound (possibly a Norman motte), a circular keep, enormous block of
apartments by Robert
two baileys, and a multitowered, irregular curtain wall. In 1755, the 1st Dudley in the
Duke of Northumberland hired the incomparable architect, Robert Adam, sixteenth century,
ensured Kenilworth
to recreate his ancestral castle. However, almost 100 years later, the 4th
Castle's transformation
Duke turned to architect Anthony Salvin to complete the castle's rebirth. into a palatial fortress.
Salvin demolished most of Adam's work and restored the residence to its
original, battlemented glory.
Fronted by Percy's octagonal towers and defended with seven semicircu-
lar towers enclosing an inner courtyard, the four-story-tall, polygonal keep
commands a place of pride atop the grass-laden medieval mound at Al-
nwick. Patrolling the battlements, life-sized stone soldiers steadfastly guard
the grounds below. Visible from quite a distance, the finely carved sentinels

would have presented a distant enemy with

the impression that a formidable garrison of
living soldiers awaited their approach. Even
today, the stone men exude a quiet but
steadfast presence, and rank high amongst
Alnwick's alluring treasures. Now more
palace than fortress, Alnwick Castle is one
of England's finest stately homes.
Erected in the late thirteenth century,
Caerlaverock Castle's triangular shape is
distinctive; no other medieval castle in
Scotland was built with this design. Sur-
rounded by two water-filled ditches (moats)
and acres of rolling green grass, the rust-
colored fortress seems to float on the water's
surface. At two corners, massive round tow-
ers once rose several stories; now, only the
westernmost tower rises to its full height.
Adorned with heraldic emblems, the castle's
machicolated twin-towered gatehouse still
dominates the spot, symbolizing the power
of the Lords Maxwell during the Middle
Ages, who first occupied the site in the
C A S T L E , Nithsdale During the seventeenth century, Robert, ist Earl of Nithsdale, trans-
Apartments. T h e
lavishly decorated formed Caerlaverock Castle into a grand palace. The fancy Nithsdale Apart-
windows of the ments make a dramatic contrast with the simpler medieval parts of the
Nithsdale Apartments
display heraldic
castle. Each window is framed with a triangular-shaped design called a
e m b l e m s and "tympanum," which is decorated with scenes from mythology and heraldry.
classical designs that The lovely carvings only hint at the grandeur that once made Caerlaverock
probably took their
inspiration from Castle one of Scotland's most splendid sites. Even today, it is easy to imagine
similar work at how the charming castle would have impressed the guests of the Earls of
Linlithgow Palace,
the birthplace of
Mary, Q u e e n of
Scots. T h e Earls
the Renaissance style
to the Edwardian-era The Norman Invasion not only brought castle-building to Britain, but
castle at
powerful ecclesiastical figures arrived as well. Having tremendous influence
over their secular counterparts and the ability to curtail a lord's aspirations,
these religious leaders accumulated great wealth while pursuing their own

very worldly ambitions. Like a secular lord, a bishop traveled frequently

t h r o u g h o u t his d o m a i n , a c c o m p a n i e d by a large e n t o u r a g e of p e o p l e , in-
cluding individuals of lesser religious status, servants a n d even a garrison.
In order to h o u s e the bishop a n d his c o m p a n y , great stone residences
(palaces a n d smaller houses) were p u t u p at each spot regularly visited. T h e
most prosperous bishops controlled several of these imposing structures. In
the twelfth century, for e x a m p l e , the bishops of W i n c h e s t e r m a i n t a i n e d six
castles a n d two palaces, while the archbishops of C a n t e r b u r y kept as m a n y
as twenty-one palaces.
By the e n d of the fourteenth century, the fortified residence of the bish-
ops of St. Davids at L l a w h a d e n in Pembrokeshire possessed all the essential
features o n e normally associates with a medieval castle. M u c h m o r e t h a n a
palatial residence, L l a w h a d e n was a true castle in every sense of the word:
its twin-towered gatehouse overlooked a d e e p ditch, not only a u g m e n t i n g
the castle's defensive strength b u t also providing quarters for the garrison,
while the lanky great hall, flanked on the east by private a p a r t m e n t s a n d on
the west by the k i t c h e n a n d a b a k e h o u s e , filled the opposite side of the i n n e r
bailey. Nearby, the well d r o p p e d over 98 feet into the ground. A second
range of residential c h a m b e r s a d d e d d u r i n g the final building phase
o c c u p i e d the southeastern side of t h e castle, the n o r t h e r n end of w h i c h h e l d
the chapel and the unusual porch.
Built on lands owned by the bishops of St. Davids in the early twelfth
century, the earliest castle at Llawhaden was a formidable ringwork with a
steep-sided circular embankment and deep ditch. The substantial earth and
timber stronghold dominated the site for about twenty years before the cler-
ics decided to strengthen it in stone. The earthen embankments and deep
ditch that presently encompass the castle date to this time. When Gerald of
Wales visited Llawhaden in 1175 to meet with his uncle, Bishop David
FitzGerald, the earthwork castle was still defended by a timber palisade and
In the early thirteenth century, the bishops regained control of the castle
site from the Welsh who had destroyed the timber defenses in 1192. They
promptly began a major rebuilding program at Llawhaden, which involved
the construction of a stone curtain wall and at least two substantial round
mural towers. Measuring about 26 feet across, the larger tower may have
served as the keep. The smaller semicircular tower had a diameter of
approximately 18 feet. At one time, the two towers were linked by a faceted
curtain wall, a configuration often used when fortifying ringworks with
masonry defenses (other examples include Coity and Newcastle Bridgend,
in Glamorgan).

Like other thirteenth-century lords, Thomas Bek, who served as Bishop

of St. Davids from 1280 to 1293, began the castle's transformation into a com-
fortable, yet still fortified, residence. His chief contribution was the two-story
great hall. Together with the kitchen and solar, which extended from either
side of the upper level, the great hall measured over 78 feet in length by 23
feet in width. Underneath, the bishops used the vaulted undercroft to store
food and other supplies. For a time, the great hall was accessed up a set of
timber steps from the inner ward, but the ladder was eventually replaced
with a stone stairway and forebuilding, remnants of which survive. The fore-
building itself was later removed to make way for a bakehouse.
Late in the fourteenth century, Bishop Adam de Houghton hired master
mason, John Fawle, to begin the southeastern range of residential buildings,
which eventually contained an undercroft and two apartments, which were
fitted with fireplaces, lit with crossloops and separated by an octagonal la-
trine tower, the shaft of which ran down the wall between the two apart-
ments. These rooms presumably accommodated guests of some standing or
members of the bishop's retinue.
Rising from the ditch outside its walls, the castle chapel occupied the
eastern end of the range. A five-story porch fronted the chapel, providing ac-
cess from the inner ward and outstanding views of the surrounding country-
side and also emphasizing the important role played by the bishops, not
only as clerics, but also as lords in their own right. Interestingly, the series of
small chambers on the upper floors of the porch, which are linked by a spi-
ral staircase, may have housed the bishop's exchequer. A finely carved lintel
and stone heads resembling a crowned male and a female wearing what ap-
pears to be a wimple adorn the doorway; some scholars speculate that the
figures may represent the king and queen of England. The polygonal tower
at the chapel's eastern corner contained another latrine and also held the
dungeon, just like any secular castle.
Bishop Houghton's most impressive legacy at Llawhaden is the great
gatehouse, its two semicircular towers supported by spurred buttresses,
which still reach into the ditch. Arrowslits open from the guardrooms that
once stood alongside the gateway. Murder holes and a portcullis slot are vis-
ible in the ceiling above the gate passage, which was reached by a movable
drawbridge. The better-preserved eastern tower retains interior walls, floors,
fireplaces, and window seats. These rooms accommodated the castle consta-
ble and his household, or other members of the garrison.
Scattered throughout England, bishops' castles were located in distant ar-
eas such as Sherborne in Dorset, Rochester in Kent, Farnham in Surrey, and
Durham in County Durham, where the clerics had the proud distinction of

GATEHOUSE. The twin-
being designated as Prince Bishops of the palatinate of Durham, a "state towered
towered gatehouse at
within a state," which they ruled as kings subordinate only to the King of En- Llawhaden Castle, in
Pembrokeshire, still
gland (at least according to the law) until the nineteenth century, when the
commands attention
motte and bailey castle became home to the University of Durham. At from all comers, even
Durham, the Prince Bishops could hold their own parliament, raise armies, though it is now little
more than a facade.
administer justice, levy taxes and collect other revenue, and mint their own The Bishops of St.
coins. The layout of the Norman castle is still obvious, despite the addition of David's ensured that
their fortified residence
modern structures during the course of its lengthy history. Like Llawhaden,
had all the militarized
Durham Castle features all of the structures normally associated with a true features expected of a
medieval castle, including a shell keep and motte, a large bailey, a gatehouse, substantial medieval
the great hall, a chapel, and private apartments for the bishops. Standing
close to Durham Cathedral, one of Europe's greatest example of Norman ar-
chitectural achievement and now a designated World Heritage Site, the castle
not only documents the history of the Prince Bishops but also displays the in-
timate relationship between church and castle that spanned the Middle Ages.
Bishops in Scotland also maintained fortified residences, most notably at
St. Andrews in Fife, where the ruined castle remains one of the finest exam-
ples of its kind.


The location and design of specific parts of the castle not only served a
functional purpose, they also symbolically reflected the status of the people
who resided within or had access to different areas. 9


Generally recognized as the castle's social and administrative center, the

great hall was usually the most ornate room in the castle, with the exception,
perhaps, of the chapel. Everything about the great hall displayed the status
of the lord, from the ornate carved windows, giant fireplace hoods, and
timber-beamed ceilings to the sheer size of the chamber, the presence of
heraldic emblems, and the position of the lord's table on a raised dais at the
end of the hall. The elaborate great hall added during John of Gaunt's trans-
formation of Kenilworth Castle into a palatial fortress remains one of the
castle's most impressive features. Even in ruin, the late-fourteenth-century
chamber dominates the western side of the inner bailey and is clearly iden-
tifiable from both inside and outside. Replacing an earlier range of domestic
facilities, the great hall was particularly notable for its undercroft, bays
flanked with finely carved columns, and the four tall lancet-headed win-
dows. The unusual three-sided oriel commands attention in the inner bai-
ley. Comparable to a dais, the oriel was actually a separate room still located
within the great hall. Inside, the lord and visiting dignitaries ate their meals
and watched the activities in the courtyard as well as in the hall itself.10
Another impressive medieval great hall survives at Berkeley Castle in
Gloucestershire, its furniture and furnishings poised to entertain stately visi-
tors. Measuring over 32 feet high, 62 feet long, and 32 feet wide, the
fourteenth-century chamber features a timber-beamed ceiling, wall tapes-
tries, stained glass windows, and the original sixteenth-century painted
screen which displays an eye-catching array of heraldic shields and a carved
arcade. 11 Behind the raised dais, a skillfully carved yet modest chimneyp-
iece adorned the fireplace that warmed the lord and his guests.


Many medieval castle-builders portrayed themselves as devout Chris-

tians who served as patrons for local religious establishments, such as abbeys
or priories, many of which were built at the behest of the lord. Indeed, it is
not surprising to find a parish church standing fairly close, within walking
distance of the local Norman castle, for example, at Rochester, Durham,

Castle Rising, and Castle Acre, all of which are located in England. At
Manorbier in Wales, the parish church was located across the narrow valley
from the castle but close enough that a young Gerald de Barri sought refuge
there when Welsh rebels stormed nearby Tenby. Not only did the church
provide sanctuary to the lad, it also played a key role in Gerald's future, prepar-
ing him for ordination as a priest, his position as chaplain to royal princes
and his selection as Archdeacon of Brecon. 12 Nonetheless, despite the pro-
liferation of churches throughout the British countryside, most castles had
at least one chapel where the lord and his family could attend mass on a reg-
ular basis. At Manorbier, the de Barris added a separate chapel tower onto
the eastern end of the hall block during the mid-thirteenth century. Among
its finery, the chapel had a tiled floor and ornate lancet-headed windows.
Many castles also maintained a smaller, secondary chapel which offered ser-
vices to the household and other residents.
Just as a grandiose great hall displayed the lord's status, so did an ornate
chapel. Arguably England's best-known castle chapel fills the second story
of the White Tower, the great keep at the Tower of London. Dedicated to
St. John the Evangelist, the chapel royal is an excellent example of Norman
architecture, its circular limestone columns now lacking their original me-
dieval paintwork but still crowned with stylishly carved capitals and a trifo-
rium on the uppermost level. In its heyday, the chapel featured lavish
stained glass windows, a painted rood screen, and other furnishings and
could be entered from the great chamber. The White Tower also contained
a chapel for the constable. The Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula ("in chains"),
a separate structure on Tower Green, once stood outside the castle walls.
During the expansion of the castle in the late thirteenth century, Henry III
enclosed the building, which had been the local parish church, inside the
new curtain wall. He then refurbished the church so that the castle's nu-
merous residents would have a place to worship. 13 Remodeled more than
once, St. Peter's contains memorials to former residents and also the tombs of
several people who lost their heads on Tower Green, including Queens
Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, Lady Jane Grey, and Sir Thomas
Often identifiable by their fine windows or the presence of a piscina,
aumbry, and sedile, individual chapel towers graced many medieval castles.
Some chapels occupied an entire mural tower. At Kidwelly, in Carmarthen-
shire, the late-thirteenth-century chapel tower projects outward from the
eastern face of the castle. Its base supported with pyramidal spurs that pre-
vented collapse into the river below, the chapel tower is the only structure of
this type at the castle. The chapel itself occupies the uppermost story and fea-
tures a series of windows adorned with special white stone, a double piscina

(a stone basin where the priest washed the communion vessels), and a sedile,
a special seat used exclusively by the priest. Adorned with a cruciform roof, a
slender turret known as the sacristy rises along the chapel tower's southern
side. Inside the sacristy, the priest stored the containers, cups, and candelabra
used during mass. He lived in the chamber on the level below.
The Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Ludlow Castle's unique stone
chapel, stands on its own in the inner bailey, one of two chapels at the great
Marcher castle. The other, dedicated to St. Peter, stands at the southeastern
LUDLOW CASTLE, corner of the outer bailey. Now little more than a shell of its former self, the
chapel. One of the
rectangular structure was added in about 1328 by Roger Mortimer, who had
few medieval round
chapels erected in been freed from the Tower of London five years earlier and reputedly built
England, the the chapel to celebrate the event. Before its ultimate decay, the Chapel of
charming chapel at
Ludlow Castle, in St. Peter was also used as a courthouse and records office.14
Shropshire, is Erected two centuries earlier than the Chapel of St. Peter, Ludlow's
adorned with classic
splendid round chapel remains an impressive example of Norman-era ar-
Norman designs,
including a fine chitecture. Dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene and possibly built by Hugh de
Norman archway. At Lacy, the unusual battlemented cylinder functioned as the chapel's nave; it
one time, the now
demolished chancel was possibly inspired by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
linked the round Originally, the chapel would also have featured a 26-foot-long rectangular
structure to the
curtain wall.

chancel that stretched to the curtain wall. During late seventeenth century,
Sir Henry Sidney ordered the demolition of the chancel and made several
alterations to the round nave, including the insertion of a window alongside
the entrance, the transformation of a Norman window into a doorway, and
the construction of an upper story.15 Nevertheless, much of the original Nor-
man fabric still graces the chapel. The western door retains its Norman FARLEIGH
archway, which is highlighted with a distinctive chevron pattern and interior HUNGERFORD
CASTLE, chapel.
arcading. Originally serving as
Even more impressive than having one or two castle chapels (Edward I the parish church, the
well-preserved Chapel
reputedly had made plans for four chapels at Caernarfon), building an en-
of St. Leonard inside
tire church within the castle walls proved not only the lord's piety but also the walls of Farleigh
dramatized his extreme wealth. After all, how many men, even those who Hungerford Castle,
Somerset, contains the
had achieved a large degree of success, could afford to erect and furnish colorfully decorated
such as a special church, let alone one inside the castle walls. At Farleigh tombs of members of
the Hungerford family,
Hungerford in Somerset, Sir Walter Hungerford deliberately enclosed the as well as impressive
local parish Church of St. Leonard within the walls of the outer bailey when wall paintings. The
he expanded the site in the 1420s. Today, the building, now known as the crypt below contains
several plain lead
Chapel of St. Leonard, is the best-preserved structure at the otherwise heav- coffins that still wear
ily ruined castle, which was begun in the late fourteenth century by Sir the funeral masks of
the individuals buried
Thomas Hungerford, Britain's first Speaker of the House of Commons. within.

Vividly displaying a number of well-preserved medieval wall paintings and

the Hungerford arms, the fine chapel contains the elaborate tombs of sev-
eral generations of Hungerford, including Sir Thomas and his wife, Joan
Hussey. Beneath the chapel, a vaulted crypt still protects the lead coffins of
other members of the Hungerford family, which are still adorned with life-
like lead masks. To compensate for the annexation of the original parish
church, Sir Walter built a new church, likewise dedicated to St. Leonard,
which serves the parish about Vz mile south of the castle. 16
Undoubtedly, St. George's Chapel inside the royal castle at Windsor is
the best-known example of its kind. Remodeled by Edward IV in the late fif-
teenth century (Edward III had established the College of St. George in 1348
in the earlier chapel on the site), extended by Henry VII, and completed by
Henry VIII in time for his own burial, the magnificent Gothic structure
remains the castle's crowning glory. One cannot help but be amazed by the
vision of flying buttresses rising to pinnacles topped with carved figures, draw-
ing one's eyes to the heavens to memorialize the royals who rest within. In-
side, meticulously carved fan-vaulting pulls attention toward the fabulous
choir, where intricate carvings honor the Knights of the Garter, whose
banners fly overhead. The resting place of kings, queens, and other royals,
the chapel dominates the lower bailey and is the first structure visitors see
when entering the castle through the King Henry VIII Gate. In reality, the
new chapel was a collegiate church managed by sixteen vicars, a deacon
gospeller, thirteen lay clerks, two clerks epistoler, and thirteen choristers.17
Like the castle in which it stands, the great chapel has been modified over
time to accommodate the stylistic tastes of reigning monarchs.
One of the few lords who could afford to construct entire churches
within his castle was Henry, 4th Lord Percy, whose collegiate church at
Warkworth Castle (initially planned by his grandfather, the 3rd Lord Percy)
now lays extensively ruined midway between the great polygonal keep and
the outer bailey, where the shell of a substantial chapel stands just west of
the main gatehouse. This outer chapel was probably used by the members
of the castle staff, retainers, and other residents. By building an entire
church in the center of the inner bailey, the Percys undoubtedly intended to
symbolically reconfirm their supreme importance to England and proba-
bly to God as well. Curiously, Percy's church was apparently never com-
pleted. Now represented by its cruciform foundations, the collegiate church
would have housed a group of priests who sang masses and prayed for their
Indeed, everything about Warkworth Castle displays the power, wealth,
self-confidence, and self-importance of the Percys, lords of Alnwick, who

acquired the castle and other lands in Northumberland in 1332 by a grant

from Edward III. A castle already stood at Warkworth, and the Percys set
about strengthening and expanding the structure into an architectural mas-
terpiece like no other, adorned throughout with the Percy heraldic lion and
dominated by the unique keep, which Percy erected on top of what is be-
lieved to be the original motte at the site. Inside the keep, the Percys had
their own private chapel, where they could attend services in style and main-
tain a sense of social separation from the rest of the castle.


The nature of one's position and the type of labor he or she performed
often determined where individuals slept within the castle. For example,
cooks often slept in or near the kitchen, the chaplain slept in a chamber
adjoining the chapel, and grooms slept with the horses. 18 At some sites, the
castle-guard and resident knights occupied small houses in the bailey, as at
Cardiff Castle, where the Lord of Glamorgan owned the houses but re-
quired the occupants to repair and maintain them. One "domus" still
stood in the outer bailey when Rice Merrick visited Cardiff in the six-
teenth century; archaeologists unearthed foundations during excavations
from 1974 to 1981.19 On the other hand, higher status members of the
household might have their own sleeping chambers, and guests might
sleep in the lord's own bedchamber. Alternatively, the lord and his family
often occupied a specially designated tower, a keep, or a block of private
Royal castles, not surprisingly, were fitted with apartments specifically
designated for the king, queen, and their retinue. King Edward I ensured he
and his queen, Eleanor, had comfortable, private accommodation at Conwy
Castle, where the four-story King's Tower contained royal bedchambers and
adjoining buildings housed the great chamber, the presence chamber, and
the privy chamber. Traditionally believed to have been favored by Queen
Eleanor, the chapel tower stood on the opposite side of the inner bailey. The
king's garrison and key members of the household staff lived on the western
side of the castle, which was physically separated from the king's residence
by a cross-wall.
In 1533, King Henry VIII added the lavish half-timber and brick Queen's
House to the Tower of London to impress and accommodate his second
wife, Anne Boleyn, whom he had only recently wed. Three years later, how-
ever, the unfortunate woman would find herself imprisoned by her vengeful
husband inside the castle, accused of adultery and beheaded on Tower

Green within sight of her former residence and adjacent to the Chapel of
St. Peter ad Vincula, where she was laid to rest.


Beginning in about 1200, the trend shifted away from the lord sleeping
together with his men in the hall. Increasingly, lords preferred to have pri-
vate accommodation and began building separate series of residential units
that not only enhanced the quality of life for the occupants but also socially
distanced higher-status castle residents from the rest of the occupants. 20 Not
only did this practice emphasize the supremacy of the lord within his own
castle, it also symbolically and quite visually reiterated to the other resi-
dents exactly where they fit within the "chain of command." Visitors and
residents alike recognized that the largest suites and most elaborate struc-
tures housed the most important members of the castle family. They then
maintained the appropriate social distance.
Throughout the medieval period, living in the keep or the dominant
mural tower at a castle was a mark of status normally reserved for the lord
and his family. From the earliest motte castles, with their timber towers or
shell keeps, to the finest stone castles of the Middle Ages, the great tower
most visibly distinguished its occupants from other castle dwellers. Even
though they now exist only as hulking shells of their original selves, the great
keeps at lordship castles such as Pembroke, Conisbrough, and Warkworth
clearly demonstrate the powerful effect created by self-reliant, freestanding
keeps, especially when they were so obviously unlike the castle's other struc-
tures. Those lords who implemented the latest, state-of-the-art construction
techniques, for example, erecting round mural towers or keeps, not only
demonstrated their creativity and forward thinking, they also displayed their
superiority over those men whose castles did not possess such innovative fea-
tures. Medieval visitors and their modern-day counterparts would have
immediately identified the imposing structures as being of central impor-
tance to the castle and also reflecting the special status of the lord.
This perception persisted throughout the Middle Ages,21 even when the
construction of new keeps waned and great gatehouses, with their heavy de-
fenses and more spacious interiors, were preferred for their extra living space
and elaborate defenses. Making a comeback of sorts late in the Middle Ages,
the great keep hallmarked palatial fortresses like Raglan Castle, where the
moated Yellow7 Tower of Gwent erected by Sir William ap Thomas in
the early fifteenth century still commands attention alongside machicolated
gatetowers and lavish residential facilities built by his son and later owners.
Now largely in ruins, the five-story-high, hexagonal great tower once contained

a basement-level kitchen, the great chamber on the next story above, and
living quarters with latrines and fireplaces on the uppermost levels. The
topmost story was battlemented. The unique great tower reflected the social
achievements and personal pride of its builder, a Welshman by birth also
touted as "the Blue Knight of Gwent."
At nearby Chepstow Castle, not only did Roger Bigod III construct sepa-
rate apartments for himself and for his in-house military officers during the
last decades of the thirteenth century, but he also erected a massive mural
tower to fortify and dominate the easternmost corner of the outer curtain
wall. Crowned with its very own stone security force, a set of carved figures,
the four-story tower featured elegant paintings, windows with seats, fire-
places, latrines, a private chapel, and portcullises to barricade the doorways
into the tower; the self-contained unit held all the domestic conveniences
and security the lord of the castle, Roger Bigod III, required. 22


As social expectations changed, the lord and his family began to favor liv-
ing at a distance from the great hall and from the rest of the castle's inhab-
itants. They constructed new apartment blocks, consisting of several
chambers, the existence of which reiterated their social separation from
their subjects and from their guests. Accommodations for members of the
household were increasingly based on their social status. Those residents
whose chambers were placed nearest the lord's apartments had the highest
status and, perhaps, the lord's ear as well. The social hierarchy within the
castle was directly reflected in the overall layout and decoration on both the
inner and exterior walls of the rooms.
For many castle-builders, display of status, power, wealth, and self-
assurance was a major priority. In some cases, it was an obsession. Careful
thought went into the design of new castles and into the expansion of those
castles already occupied. The need to house the families of permanent staff
members (such as the steward or the constable) prompted some owners to
build separate residential suites, as at Goodrich, Bolton, and Bodiam castles,
which were essentially smaller versions of the lord's private apartments and
thereby reflected the lesser status of their occupants. During the late thir-
teenth or early fourteenth century, the Earl of Pembroke, William de Va-
lence, and his son and heir, Aymer, completed several substantial
construction projects. At Pembroke, the men erected the towered curtain
wall, elaborate great gatehouse, and the circuit of walls that linked the adja-
cent town to the castle. They also extended their fortress, Goodrich Castle,
which safeguarded the Forest of Dean on the English side of the Welsh bor-

der. Already a substantial stronghold centered by a tall rectangular keep, the

Goodrich Castle of the de Valences acquired two substantial residential
ranges, which lined the inner courtyard. Today, the structures are exten-
sively ruined, but enough survives to reveal their place within the
fourteenth-century castle.
Whereas the exterior emphasized heavy defenses, with its massive cor-
ner towers, barbican, and deep rock-cut ditch, the interior of Goodrich
INTERIOR. Bolton Castle focused on meeting the lord's residential requirements. In addition
Castle's shrewdly to the great rectangular keep, which was built during the mid-twelfth cen-
planned interior both
physically and
tury and still dominates the stronghold, the inner courtyard was encom-
symbolically assigned passed by several residential ranges, which not only served the needs of the
staff members of lord but also accommodated his household, resident soldiers, and guests.
differing status to
different parts of the Situated at right angles to the great hall and lord's private solar, the so-
castle. Lord Scrope called north hall featured a ground-floor hall or great chamber and also a
erected self-contained
basement-level hall, believed to have been used by the servants. The north-
suites of chambers
to accommodate not western tower which stood at the angle between the northern and western
only his own family ranges contained at least two stories of living quarters and was well-
but also those of his
workers. appointed to house the lord and his family.
Running eastward from the north hall, a
timber-framed set of chambers provided
additional living space and access to the
chapel. 2 ^ Another series of residential
chambers and an associated hall filled the
eastern range, which connected to and ran
due south from the chapel tower. This
block probably accommodated the castle's
constable, other military occupants, and
members of the permanent staff; the im-
posing tower at its southernmost end
would have serviced guests of more note-
worthy status. 24
One of the most dramatic examples of a
lord consciously planning and building a
series of residential suites to accommodate
residents in accordance with their social
rank was Richard, Lord Scrope's quadran-
gular castle at Bolton, in North Yorkshire.
Begun in the 1370s, Bolton Castle is domi-
nated by four enormous rectangular tow-
ers, each of which rose five levels.
Three-story-tall residential ranges occupied

the walls linking the corner towers to each other. Lord Scrope constructed
eight completely self-contained residential suites, each focused on its own
hall, and an additional set of twelve individual lodgings.2^ Around the cen-
tral courtyard (the inner bailey), ground-level rooms contained storage
space, the stables, bakery, brewhouse, and lodgings for lower-status workers,
and the main living chambers filled the first and second stories. Senior
members of the household occupied private apartments fitted into the
northwest and southwest towers and the western range between them, and
the eastern range housed military personnel. 26
Bolton Castle's southeastern tower and adjoining south range contained
structures whose functions were already provided elsewhere in the castle.
An entirely separate section that could function without relying on the other
facilities inside the castle, the southern range contained ground-floor guard-
rooms, storage, and a bakehouse; a hall and kitchen block on the floor
above; more private accommodation on the second story; and access to the
southeastern tower, which held additional lodgings. 27 More than likely, this
group of buildings served the lord, who could effectively distance himself
and live separately from his staff members. Lord Scrope's castle both physi-
cally and symbolically put people in their place.
Sir Edward Dalyngrigge's quadrangular masterpiece, Bodiam Castle,
also separated its residents by social status. As at both Goodrich and Bolton
Castles, the inner courtyard at Bodiam was enclosed by residential struc-
tures. At Bodiam, however, the great gatehouse also contained a number of
living chambers and was connected to the northeast tower, another residen-
tial building fitted with two halls and living quarters. Each of the four main
residential suites contained a hall, living chambers, service rooms, and bed-
rooms and could access the adjoining corner tower. They were allotted to
the lord and his family, important visitors, higher-status members of the
household, and the lord's retainers. Sir Edward occupied the eastern range,
which contained the great chamber, lord's hall, the chapel, a secondary
hall, and two other chambers, and the east tower, which held two more liv-
ing chambers, garderobes, fireplaces, and access to the wall-walk. Dalyn-
grigge also provided modest accommodation for the servants,28 and the
retainers' quarters filled the opposite side of the courtyard from his own do-
mestic range.
This type of layout not only emphasized the social distinction between
the castle's different residents, but also served a practical purpose; after all,
in an age where wealth and status were measured by the appearance of one's
castle, it only made sense that the lord would provide special accommoda-
tion for his household and military employees. Extra accommodation
showed that the lord could both afford the expense and was himself of such

importance that he required a large, varied,

and expensive staff.


As mentioned in chapter 1, medieval

lords deliberately planned their new cas-
tles to emphasize their control over the lo-
cal populace. They placed their castles on
sites for maximum visual impact as con-
stant reminders of the power and domin-
ion of the outsiders who controlled the
region. The stronghold itself was built for
the same purpose: to intimidate, repel re-
bellion, and maintain the lordship. Yet,
many lords did not stop at the physical
structure when it came to symbolically re-
iterating their position. They also sought to
impress and command respect from their
guests and rivals. An effective way to ac-
complish this goal was to also design the
surrounding landscape and the approach
to the castle to instill awe and at the same
time to subtly remind oncomers of their
place within the social hierarchy. Choreo-
INTERIOR. Sir Edward graphed pathways to the castle, water-filled landscapes, and lush terraced
Dalyngrigge gardens not only enhanced the appearance of the grounds, they also cre-
apportioned out the
inner chambers of his ated an image of a man with substantial wealth and political clout who was
great castle at Bodiam worthy of admiration, deference, and at least a smidgen of fear. On occa-
to accommodate his
own household in
sion, however, some guests might experience the reverse of what Sir Ed-
style and also to ward intended with such dramatic vistas. Jealousy often led to simmering
ensure that his resentment, which could prompt betrayal or an attack, given the right cir-
retainers were well
provided with their cumstances.
own facilities. Sir Edward Dalyngrigge recognized the power of symbolism and went
out of his way to incorporate it into Bodiam Castle. In addition to ensur-
ing the structure had the basic elements that made it a castle battle-
ments, towers, defended gatehouses, and a wide moatDalyngrigge
arranged the interior to reflect the social status of its residents. Yet, he did
not stop at the design of the castle when it came to dramatizing his self-
importance. He also laid out the encompassing landscape so that visitors
were forced to follow a pathway that weaved and turned as it neared the

castle, pointing guests and potential attackers toward specific vantage

Even today, the approach to the castle prompts emotional responses
from visitors. For much of the way, the castle seems invisible, hidden from
view behind the sloping ground. Suddenly, it springs into existence, mysti-
cally floating atop the expansive waters of the moat. During the Middle
Ages, the effect would have been much the same. Almost at once, the route
shifted to the right, moving visitors along the southern side, where the great
postern gateway acted as the secondary entrance into the castle. Movement
was then guided around the eastern side of the castle to the low hill over-
looking the main gatehouse. From there, visitors would not only appreciate
the majesty of the castle itself but had views beyond the castle to the River
Rother, which it reputedly commanded. The pathway to the castle then
took another sharp turn away from the main facade and forced visitors to
proceed around to the western side, cross a drawbridge, and turn again to
face the castle. At this point, they were greeted with Dalyngrigge's heraldic
emblems and again reminded of their own social status relative to their
host's.29 Attackers who followed the same route, on the other hand, found
themselves exposed to the defenders on the battlements, who had a clear
view of their approach.
As at Bodiam Castle, Kenilworth Castle was laid out for maximum ef-
fect. Not only did the great mere act as a defensive strategy to keep attackers
at bay, it also created visual drama that must have stunned the senses. Walk-
ing across the drawbridge to the main entry point at Kenilworth Castle
would have encouraged visitors to take in the panoramic, water-filled scene,
and, perhaps, cause them to wonder how the lord of the castle managed to
create such a spectacle. Then, once across the bridge and past the gate-
house, they would then proceed onward to the central hub of the great cas-
tle, the pathway to which forced them to turn to their left. Facing the inner
bailey full on, guests would suddenly feel dwarfed by the hulking red struc-
tures that stood on the hill and towered overhead. The experience still oc-
curs for modern-day visitors. Clearly, Robert Dudley understood how to
manipulate the vistas to their advantage, as when he staged gala events at the
castle in 1575. So did his predecessor, Roger de Mortimer, who held a rau-
cous medieval tournament at the castle in 1279, treating the water defenses
as the star attraction and making special use of the tiltyard. While their
ladies watched, 100 knights competed for three days in the traditional joust
and in a new type of contest called "the Round Table," during which the
group of jousting knights would treat each other as equals, no matter their
status, and sit at a circular table while dining and participating in other

The splendor of Raglan Castle was only recently put into context with
archaeological confirmation that a series of spectacular terraced gardens
and huge artificial lakes were added by the Somersets, Earls of Worcester,
between 1550 and 1646.30 The gardens were in essence an extension of what
had existed at the site during the fourteenth century, before its acquisition
by William ap Thomas, who began its transformation into one of Britain's
greatest palatial fortresses, as will be discussed in the next chapter.


A special type of folly exists throughout Britain, one that displays the
grandiosity and narcissism of the rich and famous. More aptly called "sham
castles," these structures were not constructed for military purposes, as were
true castles. Instead, these modern strongholds showcased their owners'
wealth and proclaimed the establishment of a new form of feudalism. With
their battlements and towers, they seemed like true castles but in reality they
were merely fantasies incapable of withstanding a siege. The pride of the
rich, who displayed their wealth as the lords of the Middle Ages did, by
spending it on grandiose homes, structures such as Eastnor Castle in Here-
fordshire and Lulworth Castle in Devon may look like castles but they are
not, nor were they ever intended to be, properly fortified military residences.
Sadly, by 1650, the majority of Britain's great castles were rendered use-
less. Those that managed to escape Cromwell's demolition teams at the end
of the English Civil War battled other daunting foes. The natural effects of
time and aging caused the stone structures to crumble. Without routine
maintenance, castles quickly decayed, due to rain, wind, erosion, the intru-
sion of vines and shrubbery, and animals. And, local people used castles as
convenient quarries, pilfering stone and lead for other building projects.
Repairing stonework broken down during sieges or from neglect has al-
ways been a tremendously costly endeavor. Some noblemen even bank-
rupted themselves to keep their castles in good condition. Most castles
needed almost constant attention to ensure they would not decay. The price
for that attention was staggering. So, when faced with repairing a castle or
building another one somewhere else, many post-medieval owners moved
elsewhere and started over, building homes that were more cost-effective.
Nonetheless, Britain's medieval castles had firmly entrenched themselves in
the national mind-set.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a new attitude of romanti-
cism spawned organized efforts to preserve medieval castles and other his-
toric sites in Britain. Early in the twentieth century, the British government

intervened and many castles were placed in state care. Most of Britain's
great castles are now7 in the care of a state agency such as English Heritage,
Historic Scotland, or Cadw. Private organizations such as the National Trust
care for many of the better-preserved sites, thanks to legal agreements be-
tween the Trust and owners, whereby the owner continues to live in the cas-
tle but agrees to open at least part of it to the public. The Trust relieves the
financial burden but respects the history and rights of the owner. If such
agreements were not possible, too many castles and stately homes would
have disappeared long ago. Other castles are privately owned and remain
closed to the public. Some have been converted into stylish castle hotels.


Wales has several notable sham castles, most of which were built in the
nineteenth century by men who accumulated their wealth exploiting their
fellow humans while ravaging the countryside. Like the Normans, who es-
tablished a feudal order over goo years ago, the nineteenth-century industri-
alists imposed a new social system on the Welsh. Some historians describe
the system as "industrial feudalism," a process that, like the Norman Con-
quest, greatly changed the face of Wales. Like the Normans, the industrialists
often proclaimed their potency by constructing what in reality were imitation
castles. And, as in the Middle Ages, the general population labored and suf-
fered in the service of their lord. Yet, to confuse them with true castles is a
mistake. These follies never withstood the hardships of siege warfare; indeed,
the worst they endured was the temperamental Welsh weather. The average
citizens, the men and women, old and young, who labored inside the mines
in exchange for a mere pittance, were the ones under siege.
Among the Welsh shams are Penrhyn Castle (near Bangor), Bryn Bras
Castle (about four miles east of Caernarfon), Ruperra Castle (near Cardiff),
and Cyfarthfa Castle (at Merthyr Tydfil). Fanciful Castell Coch, built by the
Marquess of Bute close to his Cardiff-based empire, differs in one respect:
Lord Bute and his architect, William Burges, made a serious effort to recon-
struct the ruined castle according to its medieval plan and incorporated as
much as they could of its original foundations.
At first glance, each of these shams looks like a castle. However, their his-
tories and actual purpose identify them as stately homes, the splendid mod-
ern residences of the industrial lords of Wales. Certainly, each memorializes
its medieval predecessors with richly battlemented towers, Norman arches,
and antiquated features. Even now, they manage to inspire awe. With some
imagination, we can envision that, in earlier times, these shams would have

One of several sham intimidated even the most self-assured visitor. Nonetheless, they remain
castles that dot the
Welsh countryside, nothing more than skillful copies, recalling idealized days when life seemed
Ruperra Castle in so much more gallant and feudal lords controlled the land and people of
Glamorgan was built
to resemble a Wales.
medieval stone castle. Considered Britain's foremost example of neo-Norman architecture,
The original Norman
mighty Penrhyn Castle in Caernarfonshire was founded on slate mining, as
motte still graces a
ridgetop within was its close copy, Bryn Bras, also in Caernarfonshire. Built in 1820 by
walking distance of George Hay Dawkins Pennant, Lord Penrhyn, the sham castle is one of
the sham.
Wales' most pretentious structures. Its walls topped with perfectly balanced
battlements and fine rectangular towers, Penrhyn's grandest architectural
feature is a classic Norman keep. The slate bed, upon which Queen Victo-
ria refused to sleep, makes the ideal symbol for a family who prospered from
the vast slate-mining industry that still characterizes North Wales.
At the opposite end of Wales sits Cyfarthfa Castle, overshadowed for de-
cades by the waste heaps that dominated the valleys of South Wales. Con-
structed to overlook the Cyfarthfa Ironworks, the sham castle not only
glorified the accomplishments of the Crawshay family (the patriarch,
Richard Crawshay, who died in 1810, was one of Britain's first millionaires),
but also accentuated the chasm that separated the haves and the have nots,
just as authentic castles did during the Middle Ages.

As their workers endured deplorable working conditions, poverty, dis-

ease, and squalid living arrangements, ironmasters such as the Crawshays
became wealthy enough to live in a newly constructed castle. Adding salt to
his laborers' wounds, in 1825, William Crawshay (the "Iron King of Merthyr
Tydfil") built his mock castle within walking distance of the Cyfarthfa Iron-
works. Not a day passed without this blatant reminder of the social distance
between master and employee looming in the background as the workers
passed to and from the Ironworks.
Perhaps, Cyfarthfa Castle was more of a true castle than we realize. Neo-
Gothic in design, Cyfarthfa Castle is adorned with battlemented towers and
sham arrowslits and looks ready for a royal visit. Surely, the presence of Cy-
farthfa Castle did not endear William Crawshay to his workers. Perhaps, its
sham fortifications were more than symbolic of the owner's power and pres-
tige. Perhaps, the Crawshays unconsciously realized the need for a strong
fortress to sequester themselves, a place to take refuge in the event of a re-
bellion. Perhaps, the Iron King anticipated the events of 1831 and fled to his
castle after announcing his ill-timed decision to lower his workers' wages.
Crawshay's announcement reportedly provoked the Merthyr Rising, when
government troops shot to death at least twenty people who were among the
thousands of rioting laborers.
Today, the Crawshay's baronial home houses a museum and gallery.
The Ironworks was closed in 1921 after over 150 years of industrial activity.
Interestingly, the last Iron King of Merthyr Tydfil is buried underneath
a stone slab which states, Robert Thompson Crawshay 1817-1879 G O D


Whereas the sham castles of Wales were built from scratch to dramatize
the power and prestige of their owners, the castellated residences that distin-
guish the Scottish countryside frequently incorporate remnants from their
medieval past, many of which have been disguised to the point that they are
no longer recognizable. Whether one can rightly classify such structures as
true castles rather than as shams is doubtful, but that many replaced earlier
strongholds is undeniable. Hallmarked by pointed turrets, mock battle-
ments, crow-stepped gables, and corner bartizans, Scotland's so-called baro-
nial castles powerfully link past and present and provide their owners with
proof of their ancient and historical pedigree.
The Scottish baronial style of architecture had its origins in the late six-
teenth century, when the Stewart monarchs and the upper-class landowners
began transforming their heavily militarized castles into palatial fortresses.

They modeled their de-

tails on the Renaissance
chateaux typically associ-
ated with France, but com-
bined them with a
romanticism that harkened
back to the Middle Ages.
During the early nine-
teenth century, a revival of
interest in the Scottish Re-
naissance style led to the
widespread adoption of the
Scottish baronial design
for the homes of the rich
and stylish, which had
modern conveniences but
also displayed castellated
DRYBURGH ABBEY features, such as turrets
HOTEL. Located
within view of ruined
and bartizans.
Dryburgh Abbey in One of the earliest proponents of the Scottish baronial style was Sir Wal-
the Borders, stunning ter Scott, who advocated the conservation of Scotland's medieval past at sites
Dryburgh Abbey
Hotel displays such as Smailholm Tower in the Borders. Notably, Scott also championed
characteristics of the the resurgence of Scottish nationalism with the construction of his own ba-
Scottish baronial style.
ronial masterpiece, Abbotsford, near Melrose, also in the Borders, which he
built in 1816. A forerunner of later, more flamboyant baronial castles, Ab-
botsford featured battlemented gateways, crow-stepped gables, pointed tur-
rets, and machicolations, elements inspired by medieval architecture that
created for Scotta personal link to his nation's past. In addition, his work
prompted a new wave of architectural expression, exemplified by the works
of David Bryce and his mentor, William Burn, which can be found
throughout Scotland. Among the best-known examples of the Scottish baro-
nial style are Glamis and Balmoral castles, both associated with the late
Queen Mother; Blair and Blairquhan castles; Crathes and Thirlestane cas-
tles; Inverarary and Dunvegan castles; and Culzean, Dunrobin, and Fyvie
castles, considered by many architectural historians to be the most impres-
sive of Scotland's baronial castles. Many of these castellated residences
this is the most accurate description of these baronial castles have long
served as clan seats and the ostentatious country homes of Scottish noble
families, including the Dukes of Argyll, the Dukes of Atholl, and the Lords
of the Isles.

Originating in the fourteenth century as a simple royal hunting lodge,

the first Glamis Castle, in Angus, probably consisted of a small building, a
few ancillary structures, and a courtyard enclosed with a timber palisade and
moat. Over time, the site quickly developed into a substantial tower house,
its eight-foot-thick walls absorbing the earlier structure. During the early fif-
teenth century, the Lords Glamis, members of the Lyons family, replaced
the timber defenses with a barmkin and improved the outbuildings. By the
1440s, the addition of the main tower gave the castle its L-shaped plan.
During the seventeenth century, Patrick Lyon, 9th Lord Glamis and 1st
Earl of Kinghorne, transformed the site into a baronial marvel by adding
conical turrets and bartizans, three vaulted stories to the central tower, and
round towers at either end of the wings. He also erected the unusual stair
tower in the angle of the "L" formed at the junction of the two main wings.
The stair tower rises 143 steps from the basement up to the battlements.
Late in the same century, the 3rd Earl of Kinghorne, another Patrick Lyon,
tore down much of his namesake's work and transformed the red castle into
the turreted palatial marvel that presently dominates the grand estate. In-
side, Glamis Castle is adorned with memorabilia, fine artwork, tapestries
and furnishings, ornate plasterwork ceilings, heraldic emblems, and lavish
chimneypieces that display the status and wealth of its famous residents, in-
cluding Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyons, the late Queen Mother.
Inveraray Castle, the seat of Clan Campbell, is located in Strathclyde
on the edge of Loch Fyne and impressively combines neoclassical Greek
and Roman features while remaining essentially a baronial castle. Begun
in 1743 by Archibald, the 3rd Duke of Argyll, to replace the less-than-
adequate stronghold on a neighboring island, the massive building is
blocky and rectangular in plan and dominated with long, conical corner
turrets. These "pepper-pot" domes give the castle the illusion of great
height, when in reality it stands just three stories tall. Its beauty comes
from the well-balanced mix of chateauxlike turrets, the boldly colored
blue-green chlorite masonry, the rows of lance-headed windows, and the
lovely, lush surrounding parkland. The imposing, solidly majestic struc-
ture is well suited to carry out its role as the headquarters of the Dukes of
Argyll, Chiefs of Clan Campbell.
Inveraray Castle hallmarks the completion of the stylistic transition in
Scotland from defensive to residential construction. Its castellated exterior
was designed by Roger Morris with inspiration from Vanbrugh and features
battlements, drum towers at the corners, and thick walls. It was completed
in 1770 by the famous architects, the Adams, under the scrutiny of the 5th
Duke. In the late 1800s a fire led to a major rebuilding effort, during which

the attic-level dormer windows and pepper-pot domes were added along
with the tower in the central courtyard. The tall central tower resembles a
keep and barely peaks over the chlorite battlements, which survive from the
eighteenth century. In 1975, Inveraray Castle was again ravaged by fire, but
Iain, the 11th Duke of Argyll and the 25th MacCailean Mhor, faithfully re-
stored it to its original splendor.
While the castle's exterior gives the impression of power and status, the
exquisite interior exhibits the glories of the Campbells at Inveraray. De-
signed by Robert Mylne, the lavish rooms date from 1772 to 1782. Spectacu-
lar plasterwork and gilded ceilings, outstanding wood carvings and painted
paneled walls, Beauvais tapestries, ornate French furniture, an extensive col-
lection of armor and Scottish weaponry, portraits, and porcelain embellish
this grandiose home. Each item provides insight into Clan Campbell's mo-
mentous impact on Scottish history.
Complementing the architectural magnificence of the castle are the
spectacular gardens, which span some sixteen acres and include formal
lawns, brilliant floral combinations, woodlands, and parklands. Initiated by
the 3rd Duke of Argyll in 1744, they were redesigned in 1848 by the 8th
Duke. The crowning glory of the gardens lines the main drive to the castle.
Known as the "Flag Borders," the unique pattern is based upon Scotland's
national flag, the saltire, and is planted to resemble the St. Andrew's Cross.


Two of the nineteenth century's most fascinating and eccentric medieval-

ists, John Patrick Crichton Stuart, the 3rd Marquess of Bute, and his architect
companion, William Burges, yearned to live in the Middle Ages. Twenty
years older than Bute, Burges was an expert on medieval architecture and a
true medievalist at heart who actually wore medieval attire at home. Their
two most famous creations, Castell Coch and the nineteenth-century interi-
ors at Cardiff Castle, were bold products of their fanciful mind-set.
Originally hailing from the Isle of Bute in Scotland, the Bute family
courted the privileges of the upper class. Marrying wealthy heiresses, the 3rd
Earl of Bute (who served as prime minister under King George III) and his
heirs acquired enormous estates throughout Britain. John Crichton Stuart,
the 2nd Marquess, is best known as "the Father of Modern Cardiff" for his
involvement in the industrialization of the area, the development of the coal
fields in neighboring valleys, and the construction of the docks in what be-
came known as Butetown. He also began the restoration of Cardiff Castle.
Dying in 1848, he left his enormous fortune to his infant son, John Patrick
Crichton Stuart.

Having acquired Castell Coch as part of his inheritance, the 3rd Mar-
quess of Bute eventually decided to explore the site on the south-facing hill-
side overlooking the River Taff. There, he excitedly discovered a jumble of
ruined structures covered by undergrowth, the moat infilled with rubble
and earth. In 1871, Bute decided to restore Castell Coch (the Red Castle)
and called upon his friend, William Burges, to spearhead the project. To-
gether, Bute and Burges created a castle like no other in Wales, reputedly as
faithful to the original medieval structure as possible, while also creating
wildly flamboyant interiors, which never would have graced the medieval
Incorporating the surviving portions of the medieval castle, Burges re-
built the kitchen and keep towers with nine-foot-thick-walls and sturdy
spurred buttresses at their bases. He also added arrowslits, putlog holes and
drainage holes, and constructed rectangular latrine turrets on both towers
their chutes still dump into the moat. The well tower, on the other hand,
lacks a spurred base but does contain a dungeon, which is reached by step-
ping downwards from the wellhead inside the tower. A nine-foot-thick bat-
tlemented curtain wall links the well tower with the kitchen tower, as the
shell wall would have done in the thirteenth century. A wall-walk and em-
brasures with arrowslits complete the "authentic" appearance of the castel-
lated Victorian wall.
Inside the castle, a set of covered stairs leads to the great banqueting
hall, the first of Burges' Castellan Rooms. This enormous chamber spans
the entire length of the curtain wall between the keep and kitchen towers.
Below, the servants' quarters stand on the site of the medieval hall. When
compared to the other interior chambers, the banqueting hall is surprisingly
mundane, but every bit as inventive. Supported by two long timber beams,
the hall's dramatic ceiling was decorated with stenciled wooden panels.
Fine murals adorn wall tops and display the violent deaths of several Christ-
ian martyrs; these are accentuated with painted arcading and portraits. The
banqueting hall's most impressive attribute is the ornate fireplace hood
crowned by a figure of St. Lucius, who perpetually watches over the rather
dull, utilitarian furniture.
Certainly, Castell Coch's most spectacular feature is the interior of the
keep tower, where dazzling displays of romantic revivalism represent the
height of Victorian fantasy. On the lower levels, visitors encounter the draw-
ing room, an octagonal chamber crowned with an amazing two-story ribbed
dome and embellished with brilliant colors and brightly gilded vaulting. Flo-
ral designs and a variety of birds, mice, lizards, monkeys, foxes, caterpillars,
and butterflies adorn the walls and ceiling. Stars light up the painted skies
inside the dome, while scenes from Aesop's fables and Greek mythology

flourish in bold relief. This exotic room is

filled with symbols of life and death,
themes particularly meaningful to the Mar-
quess of Bute. Lady Bute's bedroom was
placed on the upper floor of the keep
tower. As below, gay colors emboldened
with gilding and mirrors illuminate the
double-domed chamber. Painted birds,
monkeys, squirrels, and mythological crea-
tures grace the walls, while an elaborate ar-
cade encircles the room with Moorish
The gatehouse adjacent to the keep
tower contains the windlass room and Lord
Bute's bedroom. Initially, Bute had his bed-
room on the level directly over the gate pas-
sage, but the commotion created from
raising and lowering of the drawbridge and
portcullis was so disturbing that he moved
the winding mechanism into the lower room
the winding mechanism into the lower room
and hauled his personal belongings up to
the second story. The windlass room con-
tains the heavy mechanisms for moving the
gaily colored towers at turning bridge and portcullis, and also a
Castell Coch (the orative wall stenciling, geometric
fireplace. The lord's bedroom features dec-
Red Castle) in
Glamorgan display
orativewall stenciling, geometric designs, and floor tiling. The fireplace
the fantasies of the around the chimneypiece.
castle's restorers, the d, the room's most notable feature, has a skilfully carved frieze running
Marquess of Bute and
his architect, William
Ages. Ironically, once Castell Coch was finished in 1891, Lord Bute rarely
Burges, who rebuilt stayed at his lavish Welsh residence. Stables, the chapel, and administra-
the structure on the
foundations of its
tiveoffices were planned but never built. Bute did attempt a small vine-
medieval precursor but yardon the slopes beneath the castle and apparently produced wine good
embellished it with a enou
flair that was all of
their own imagination.
Britain's castles were erected to symbolically emphasize the lord's mili-
tary supremacy and control within the lordship. They flaunted the self-
importance savored by their owners and symbolized their innate need to
impress their rivals, their subjects, and anyone else who passed within visual

range. Like their owners, castles exuded self-confidence, authority, and su-
periority. Their modern counterparts, in no way capable of military strength,
likewise accentuated the wealth, power, and self-importance of their builders,
men who compared themselves with medieval overlords and, at times, even
portrayed themselves as such. Yet, they are mere imitations.
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Raglan Castle


No one arriving at Raglan in the time of Sir William Her-

bert could fail to be impressed by this very public display of
wealth, status and power.
John R. Kenyon, Raglan Castle (2003), 25

Commanding a ridge on the northern side of the A40 roadway near its junc-
tion with the A449 in southeastern Wales, Raglan Castle is a splendid mon-
ument to a late-medieval Welsh gentry family, the lords of Raglan, who
played a key role in controlling the region and as Yorkist supporters during
the Wars of the Roses. It also honors their successors, the Somerset Earls of
Worcester, who completed the site's evolution into Wales' greatest and
grandest late-medieval castle. Even in ruin, Raglan Castle exudes grandeur
and power, two essential qualities expected of any influential leader, espe-
cially one destined to serve the monarchy.


Architecturally and historically, the glorious structure epitomizes the
ideal medieval castle. Raglan Castle simultaneously served as the physical
embodiment of the lordship, emphasized the owners' wealth and personal
power, distinguished them both from subjects of lower status and their noble
rivals (which was particularly important in an era when clashes between
Yorkists and Lancastrians were increasingly common), and provided a
grand venue for entertaining and impressing guests. Equipped with heavy
defenses, including two great gatehouses, portcullises, and a virtually inde-
structible great tower, its builders ensured the castle would capably with-
stand a siege, whether it came from Lancastrian opponents, a resurgence
of Wales' struggle for independence, or from some other foe. And, they
also ensured the ostentatious fortress would house them in exceptional
comfort and more than amply provide all the facilities needed for an up-
wardly mobile, highly affluent, aristocratic, native Welsh family and their


Marrying Elizabeth (Blouet) Berkeley, "the lady of Raggeland," in 1406,

William ap Thomas, a Welsh country squire, moved into the Blouet manor
house at Raglan, which he occupied until his wife's death in 1420. Having
fought alongside Henry V at Agincourt in 1415, ap Thomas had already be-
gun to make a name from himself and was soon appointed as the steward of
the lordship of Abergavenny. In 1426, Henry VI knighted the Welshman. Al-
lowed to occupy the manor house after his wife's death in 1420, Sir William
ap Thomas, "the Blue Knight of Gwent," was finally able to purchase the es-
tate from his stepson-in-law, Lord Berkeley, in 1432. Within three years, he
began the transformation of the manor house into a substantial masonry cas-
tle, one that matched his newly acquired status and his ambitions.
More than likely, the layout of the Blouet house influenced the plan of
the castle that replaced it. There is some speculation that Sir William's great
hexagonal keep originally occupied the site of a Norman motte castle, how-
ever, nothing survives to substantiate this theory. What does survive is an
eye-catching combination of fortress and residence that suited the needs
and conditions of the times and the social inclinations of its owners.
In order to ensure his command of the region, which was challenged by
the local unrest that ultimately led to the Wars of the Roses, Sir William ap
Thomas began rebuilding his fortified residence with the construction of

two powerful structures: the south gatehouse (the original entrance into the
castle) and the imposing keep. His son and heir, William Herbert, com-
pleted the projects. Impressed by French castle architecture, the men fitted
their Welsh castle with hexagonal and semihexagonal towers and the prolific
use of machicolations, which not only performed a defensive function but
also embellished the battlements on top of the great tower, the great gate-
house, and the spurred closet tower. Even now, the grimacing gargoyles
watch for intruders, their mouths agape to guide rainwater off rooftops.
After Sir William's death in 1445, his son, William, inherited Raglan
Castle and adopted the surname Herbert, supposedly to claim kinship with
Henry I through Herbert ap Godwin, one of the king's illegitimate sons.1
William Herbert soon became a man of tremendous import in the king's
court. Knighted in 1452, Sir William Herbert began accumulating power,
wealth, and status. He also chose to side with Edward, Duke of York, as he
fought for the English throne. At the Battle of Mortimer's Cross in Here-
fordshire, Herbert joined the Yorkists in a resounding victory over the Lan-
castrians and received the titles chief justice and chamberlain of Wales for
his service to the newr king, Edward IV He was also created the Baron of
Raglan, selected as a Knight of the Garter, and had custody of a young Harri
Tudor, the future King Henry VII, who spent 1462 at Raglan Castle. In 1465,
the new lordship of Raglan was established, with Herbert at its Lord. Then,
in 1468, in recognition for leading the capture of Harlech Castle, the last
holdout against the Yorkists during the Wars of the Roses, Sir William Her-
bert received the title Earl of Pembroke and all the honors and responsibili-
ties that accompanied it. He was the first member of Welsh gentry to
become an English peer. 2
Not surprisingly, Sir William Herbert also continued in his father's foot-
steps at Raglan Castle, adding the great gatehouse, the pitched stone court,
kitchen tower, and the fountain court, which not only emphasized his per-
sonal clout and recently acquired wealth but also symbolically reiterated his
support for the Yorkist cause. 3 Ironically, despite his accomplishments, Her-
bert's tenure at Raglan was short-lived. In 1469, after the Yorkist defeat at the
Battle of Edgecote in Oxfordshire, he was captured and beheaded upon the
orders of Richard Neville, the infamous "Kingmaker" and Earl of Warwick.
Herbert's body was interred at Tintern Abbey, a short distance from his great
castle at Raglan.
William Herbert's twin-towered gatehouse was a formidable obstacle. If
attackers made it past the machicolations and across the drawbridge, they
would then be confronted by defenders watching through spy holes and
firing through gunloops, while barricading the gate passage with two
portcullises and two sets of heavy timber doors. At one end of the passage,

machicolated twin-
towered main gate- a latrine chute opened into the moat; to either side, basement-level cham-
house and adjoining bers provided access to the three upper stories. The first floor probably con-
hexagonal closet
tower built by William tained the constable's withdrawing room and a gallery, which may have
Herbert in the late contained a library; both were adorned with Tudor fireplaces. The chamber
fifteenth century still
command attention at
on the left side of the gate passage contained the porter's lodge or guard-
Raglan Castle, Wales' room and the latrine block, which also served the adjoining state apart-
finest late medieval
ments. The similar chamber on the right contained a brick fireplace, an
properly fortified
military residence. oven, and the caretaker's lodgings.
The lowest level of the semihexagonal closet tower, located at the east-
ern end of the gatehouse, may have functioned as the prison tower. On the
first story, the presence of a fine fireplace and latrine implies that the tower
may also have been the residence of a senior member of the household staff,
such as the steward. Upper levels contain additional fireplaces, and small
windows suggest that the chambers may have stored munitions.
Immediately to the rear of the great gatehouse is William Herbert's
pitched stone court, a rectangular area dominated by large corner towers and
paved with clumsy cobblestones. Comparable to an outer bailey, the court-
yard formed an open area between the gatehouse, the all-essential hall block
and its service buildings, and a wall of chambers that were apparently used as

Pitched Stone Court.
office space during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the domestic T h e wellhead graces
the pitched stone
activities occurred inside this side of the castle. More than likely, the court at Raglan Castle,
servants residents of lesser status slept in or near their work areas, which occupied the
area immediately
whereas the steward maintained his own suite in the closet tower. The behind the great gate-
hexagonal, machicolated kitchen tower dominates the northern end of the house. Household
pitched stone court. It contains a dank basement for cool storage (the wet staff, including the
steward, worked and
larder), two huge, double-flued fireplaces and ovens (each fitted with a gun- lived in and around
loop), and drains. The tower's upper levels had elaborate fireplaces and win- this courtyard.

dows with seats and probably housed higher-status members of the household.
Before Sir William Herbert's untimely demise in 1469, he also managed to
complete work on the fountain court, the castle's other bailey, which was orig-
inally accessed through the southern gatehouse built by his father and sepa-
rated from the pitched stone court by the chapel and long gallery. Herbert's
fifteenth-century chapel is now little more than foundations and a wall, which
still supports the staircase to the upper-level gallery, where the lord and his
family were provided with seating.4 In its heyday, the chapel floor was adorned
with brightly colored tiles, and the walls featured human-headed carved
corbels. Little survives of the adjoining long gallery, which was added in the

sixteenth century, except for the impressive,

though weatherworn, carvings of two fig-
ures. Once thought to represent William
Somerset, the Earl of Worcester, and his
wife, the figures were taken from Hugues
Sambin's "La Diversite des Termes."5
Named for "a pleasant marble fountain
in the midst thereof, called the White
Horse, continually running with clear wa-
ter,"6 only the foundation survives of this
pretty structure, which was actually added
RAGLAN CASTLE, during the sixteenth century. However,
statues in the ruined
long gallery. Though clustered around the courtyard are the extensive remains of what once was a
now extensively lavish series of apartments, three sets of which were probably reserved for
decayed due to the dignitaries and other high-status guests and their entourage, while the fourth
ravages of time and
weather, two skillfully apartment range served the lord and his family. Entered via the elaborately
carved statues, once decorated grand stair, a huge porchway gave access to two adjoining resi-
believed to represent
the Earl of Worcester
dential wings. At the rear of the stairway, a well-appointed latrine tower pro-
and his wife, adorn jected outwards from the castle and emptied human waste onto the ground
the upper level of the outside the walls. The tower was later blocked when the exterior of the cas-
long gallery at Raglan
Castle. tle was transformed into a series of splendid terraced gardens. Each of the
apartment blocks contained at least four rooms fitted with fireplaces, well-lit
windows with seats facing both into and outside the castle, and additional
The lords of Raglan also maintained their own state apartments, which
occupied the area between the entrance to the great tower (the keep) and
the hall-and-chapel complex, and complemented the three other apart-
ment ranges. Today, the extensively ruined chambers are difficult to dis-
tinguish from the other residences inside the castle; however, the lavishly
decorated fireplaces and strategic positioning next to the great hall pin-
point their location. The suite of rooms is best recognized when looking
back at the building from inside the great tower. Supplementing the ac-
commodation provided by the great tower, the state apartments probably
contained the parlor (or lord's withdrawing room), dining room, and state


In 1479, William Herbert's son, another William, lost his claim to

Raglan Castle when King Edward IV seized it for his own son, the Prince of
Wales, and forced Herbert to exchange it for the earldom of Huntingdon.

, f

r~ r~

Fountain Court.
Over time, Herbert reasserted his position in South Wales and became chief Raglan Castle's
justice under Richard III. In 1491, Raglan Castle passed to his daughter, Eliz- residential range
showcased the
abeth, whose uncle, Sir Walter Herbert (William Herbert's brother), decided splendor of life in the
to possess and manage the property on her behalf. Once an avid Yorkist, Sir late Middle Ages.
Now only the shell of
Walter Herbert took over his niece's estates and the castle at Raglan. Then,
what would have
astutely switching allegiance to Harri Tudor, the Lancastrian who eventually been luxurious
became Henry VII, Sir Walter gained royal favor and feted the king's wife at accommodation
survives near the
the castle. After Walter's death in 1507, Henry VII granted the lordship of remains of the
Raglan to the widow, Anne Herbert, who soon remarried. Then, Elizabeth fountain.
Herbert, the rightful heiress, finally regained possession of her family's castle.
Majestic Raglan Castle promptly passed into the hands of Elizabeth's
husband, Sir Charles Beaufort, the illegitimate son of Henry Beaufort,
Duke of Somerset. An avowed Lancastrian, Sir Charles vigorously sup-
ported Henry VII and soon became his lord chamberlain. In 1504, he also
became Baron Herbert of Raglan, Chepstow, and Gower by right of his mar-
riage to the Herbert heiress. Having participated in Henry VIII's successful
first campaign against the French, Sir Charles was created Earl of Worces-
ter, a position with considerable status that allowed him to be buried in St.
George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, not too far from his king.

William Somerset, Sir Charles' grand-

son and 3rd Earl of Worcester, initiated the
final building effort at Raglan Castle, adding
the hall, service block, and long gallery, re-
building the Office Wing, and initiating
the transformation of the surrounding
grounds into elaborate walled terraces,
knot and water gardens, and recreational
facilities. Like his predecessors, Somerset
played a key role in the courts of several
monarchs, including Edward VI, Mary,
and Elizabeth I, who dubbed him a Knight
of the Garter in 1570. Raglan Castle be-
came the Somerset family's showcase and
one of Britain's finest late-medieval pala-
tial fortresses. At Raglan, Somerset added
the huge, multilevel pantry and buttery
blocks that completed the building project
probably planned by William Herbert.
RAGLAN CASTLE, From the pantry and buttery, servants pro-
State Apartments.
When gazing at the
ceeded into the great hall, hoping to keep the meals from cooling down
residential suites from before they reached the diners.
atop the great keep,
visitors can still
The 3rd Earl of Worcester also erected the now-empty great hall be-
identify features that tween the castle's two courtyards. Accessed through a porchway opening in
pinpoint the location
the pitched stone court, the hall still displays enchanting carvings and a
of the lord's private
apartments, such as massive fireplace. Originally, the great hall was embellished with wood pan-
this fireplace adorned eling, which rose to window level and held stained glass; its timber ceiling
with skillfully carved
heraldic emblems. featured a geometrical roof with a large cupola. Now, only the corbels sur-
vive. The raised dais still marks the spot where William Somerset enter-
tained his guests beneath the finely carved heraldic plaque that proclaimed
his selection to the Order of the Garter. 7
After his father's death in 1589, Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester,
lived at Raglan. Like his father, Edward courted royal favor. He served as
Queen Elizabeth's Master of the Royal Horse, as Earl Marshal for the coro-
nation of King James I in 1603, and as lord chamberlain for Charles I. Build-
ing upon his predecessors' efforts at Raglan, not only did the 4th Earl add
the set of fireplaces above the buttery, he also extended his father's gardens,
creating the fantastic water garden, or "parterre," and building the summer-
house at the northern end of the "great poole," formed by damming the
Wilcae brook, which allowed a lake to flow behind the castle. Edward Som-
erset also developed the decorative moat walk, a grassy area at the foot of the
Raglan Castle 169

great tower, and encouraged visitors to stroll past the fifteen brick niches that
held the busts of several Roman emperors.8 Perhaps, Somerset was hinting at
a symbolic relationship between himself, his earldom, and his castle, and the
great leaders of the Roman world. His spectacular castle at Raglan certainly
emphasized the wealth, status, and self-importance of the Earls of Worcester.


By far, the greatest structural achievement at Raglan Castle was the Twr RAGLAN CASTLE, the

Melyn Gwent, the Yellow Tower of Gwent, erected by Sir William ap great tower. Raglan
Castle's Yellow Tower
Thomas. Standing on its own outside the main walls of the castle, the great of Gwent, erected by
hexagonal tower was a self-sufficient building capable of withstanding a Sir William ap
Thomas, stands
lengthy siege which could function as a powerful refuge in the event that an outside the curtain
enemy penetrated the rest of the castle. The sheer power of the imposing wall. The powerful
keep, which once stood five stories and had a machicolated roofline, is pal- late medieval keep
stalwartly resisted the
pable. From its upper levels, soldiers would have had clear views of the sur- best efforts of
rounding countryside and, later, of the Civil War siege-works constructed parliamentarian
troops to force its
just outside the main gate. Encircling the Tower of Gwent, an apron wall, surrender, only falling
to undermining after
the end of the siege.

which dates to the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century, still leads to a
well-preserved postern gate, a latrine turret, and five other turrets, which
may have supported cannons. Seventeenth-century records claimed that in
terms of its "height, strength and neatness," the Tower of Gwent "surpassed
most, if not every other tower of England or Wales." 9
Due to damage suffered during the English Civil War, the great tower
now only stands four floors tall. Nevertheless, the shorter height in no way
diminishes the Yellow Tower's visual impact, the enormity7 of which be-
comes obvious when standing on any of the upper levels. Like earlier me-
dieval keeps, Raglan's great tower contained the lord's living quarters and all
the necessary facilities to make life comfortable and secure. The basement
level held the kitchen, with its great fireplace and fine latrine, and was
equipped with gunloops and cross-slits. Quite possibly, the castle treasury
was also located on this level. Eireplaces, latrines, and wide windows indi-
cate that the upper stories were used for accommodation.
In 1628, Henry Somerset, 5th Earl of Worcester, inherited the earldom
and Raglan Castle. While under the 5th Earl's control, Raglan Castle be-
came a royalist stronghold and vigorously supported Charles I, who had
played bowls in the terrace just outside the fountain court. Created 1st Mar-
quis of Worcester in 1643, Somerset invested over 1 million to aid his king's
cause, 10 spending about half that on refortifying Raglan. In the summer of
1646, parliamentary troops finally began besieging the castle, relentlessly
pounding its walls with cannon fire, evidence of which is still visible in the
curtain wall. Eitted with artillery bastions, the newly refortified castle stal-
wartly held out against the parliamentarians for over two months. Realizing
the castle would not fall easily, the besieging army then constructed several
siege-works to handle additional cannons and mortars, including the famous
Roaring Meg.
On August 14,1646, Somerset and his garrison finally initiated surrender.
Most of the garrison was permitted to march freely from the castle "with
their Horses and Armes, with Colours flying, Drums beating, Trumpet
sounding." 11 The 1st Marquis, on the other hand, was seized and taken to
London, where he died in December. Like his forebears, Henry Somerset
was buried in the Beaufort Chapel at Windsor. Raglan Castle was forced to
suffer a greater indignityslighting by victorious parliamentarian troops.
Ironically, the great Yellow Tower of Gwent proved a formidable foe to the
end. The parliamentarians finally managed to damage the tower by under-
mining, but, even then, they only partly destroyed the walls. Among other
losses were the castle's great library of books and manuscripts dating to the
fifteenth century.

Despite the royalist defeat and his father's death in 1646, Edward Somer-
set, Lord Herbert and 2nd Marquis of Worcester, retained ownership of the
castle and estates at Raglan. His most notable contribution to the castle was
an invention he installed as a young man either inside the keep or in the ad-
joining moat. The device was Somerset's prototype of a "water-commanding
machine," which could send a spout of water up to the keep's rooftop. Dur-
ing the 1640s, the machine was reportedly used to repel a group of local men
who had hoped to seize the castle's weapons. The roar of the machine sup-
posedly sounded so much like a lion that the intruders fled empty-handed. 12
After the death of the 2nd Marquis in 1667, another Henry Somerset, 3rd
Marquis of Worcester, began to reaccumulate his family's possessions; how-
ever, he did little to restore Raglan Castle to its former splendor. Instead, he
rebuilt another ancestral home, Badminton House in Gloucestershire, and
furnished the mansion with bits taken from Raglan Castle. An ornate chim-
neypiece and exquisitely carved paneling are among the items said to have
once adorned the medieval castle. In 1682, the 3rd Marquis received the new
title, Duke of Beaufort, and his descendants continued to live at Badminton
House. Interestingly, in keeping with the resurgence of romanticism in
Britain, Raglan Castle acquired a new, quite modern role as a popular
tourist attraction before the end of the eighteenth century. It remains under
the guardianship of Cadw and is regularly open to the public.


In ruin as in its heyday, Raglan Castle has always been a stronghold of
contrasts. Whereas the main entrance is still commanded by grandiose
machicolated twin towers and a powerful, albeit partially broken-down,
great keep, and two substantial corner towers dominate the pitched stone
court, the rest of the buildings surrounding the two courtyards now only hint
at their original grandeur. Yet, the elaborate carvings and heraldic crests, the
unusual cobblestone courtyard, and the wide-ranging fountain court suggest
that the interior was every bit as impressive as the castle's exterior. Coupled
with what were once vast water gardens and ornate terraces, the entire site
still creates an overwhelming awareness of power, wealth, status, and finery
and boldly emphasizes the remarkable achievements of the lords of Raglan
and their successors.
From the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries, Raglan Castle must
have simply sparkled. Equipped in case of attack, the powerful fortified resi-
dence confirmed the status of the Welsh landowners who made their way up
the social and political ladders to become the monarchy's most supportive

advisors. The unique positioning of the great tower outside the curtain
wall commanded the attention of anyone approaching the great gatehouse.
The Yellow Tower of Gwent proclaimed its role as the lord's private residence
and imposing stronghold, which towered over the heads of the rest of the cas-
tle, just as Sir William ap Thomas and his heirs stood head-and-shoulders
above their countrymen. Even in ruin, Raglan Castle remains a classic ex-
ample of a properly fortified military residence.

What Is a Castle? Revisited

Despite the persistence of the notion that castles were first and foremost
built to defend their inhabitants, this book has endeavored to place Britain's
medieval castles in their larger, and more appropriate, context. True castles
were built for several reasons, and not only to thwart sieges or unwanted in-
trusion. Indeed, I make the case that all castles were about aggression and
power. Power and aggression go hand in hand, and the physical makeup of
Britain's medieval castles necessarily and characteristically fulfilled these
two overriding priorities. They were erected as offensive structures which at
once established the primacy of an outsider, the lord, over the local popula-
tion and acted as a base from which the lord could maintain control over
the region and stage forays as needed to reiterate his power over his subjects.
They were equipped with increasingly sturdy, innovative, and complex de-
fensive structures, which not merely safeguarded the occupants but even
more so ensured the continuation of the lord's dominion. As such, castles
were primarily offensive buildings. That they protected their inhabitants was
largely a secondary consideration.
At the same time, castles were private residences. Even though the lord
might be away for a large portion of each year, the castle was always occupied
on his behalf by a small yet permanent group of people, including the con-
stable, who managed the military affairs, and the steward, who had control

over the household and the surrounding estates. When the lord's family re-
mained behind, the lady of the castle not only supervised the activities of the
permanent staff, she also represented her husband in legal, ceremonial, and
political matters. She could also be counted upon to be fully knowledgeable
and to command a garrison during a siege. The castle itself provided ac-
commodation for its residents not necessarily the most lavish and comfort-
able facilities, but at the very minimum, a floor on which to sleep. Increasingly,
the placement of structures within the castle delineated the social differ-
ences between its residents: the lord and his family living in the finest, most
secure, and most spacious living quarters; and the lowliest servants occupied
space wherever they could find it or to where they were assigned. One can
make the case that even the residential capacity of the castle functioned in
an aggressive hence, offensive way, heightening and reconfirming the
lord's power, even within his own home.


The feudal system that dominated Britain during the Middle Ages grad-
ually gave way to an economy based more on the exchange of money for ser-
vices rather than on the exchange of personal services (such as knights'
service or castle-guard) for land. The largely decentralized government,
whereby the monarch depended on his lords for military support and to con-
trol the countryside on his behalf, had served its purpose. Lords and their
knights found military service more and more inconvenient and preferred to
pay for the privilege of land ownership. Money replaced land as the ultimate
power symbol and drove the actions and ambitions of leading lords, mon-
archs, and men of lesser status. Tenants eventually bartered their services for
wages, and trade, manufacturing, and agriculture took on new roles. Britain
began moving toward capitalism and free-market competition.
Accordingly, the prevailing system of military service and land tenancy
underwent major changes that ultimately led to the obsolescence of the
heavily fortified military residence. The ability to create a permanent army
of paid (or "indentured") soldiers encouraged fighting to move away from
the castle and onto the open field. Castle sieges were no longer the focus of
warfare. During the Wars of the Roses, which filled the decades between the
Battle of St. Alban's in 1455 and Harri Tudor's victory at Bosworth Field in
1485, warfare involved the clash of armies on the battlefield, where major
battles occurred at times and short skirmishes were the norm. 1 During the
reign of the Tudor Dynasty, new fortifications were specifically designed to
meet offensive and defensive purposes, and what had been the medieval

castle's residential role was by and large confined to lightly fortified resi-
dences or newly constructed stately mansions.
As feudalism waned, Tudor England saw the rise of coastal fortifications,
strongholds built solely to meet the military needs of the times. Elizabethan
England experienced the spread of new architectural styles, which favored
gothicized grandeur and abundant luxury over the harshness of the milita-
rized lifestyle. Medieval castles received facelifts, which not only enhanced
the quality of their owners' lives but also improved their image as weathly
trendsetters. In West Wales, for example, Sir John Perrot added huge mul-
lioned window frames and oriel windows to the facades on his castles at
Carew and Laugharne to reflect his position as first lord of Minister (and
later as lord deputy of Ireland) and also as a member of Queen Elizabeth I's
privy council (he was also rumored to have been her half brother). Palatial
masterpieces such as Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire and Burghley House in
Lincolnshire soon surpassed medieval lordship castles as symbols of political
power and social status.
In the 1640s, Britain's medieval castles experienced a renaissance of sorts
during the English Civil War, when they were either refortified and gar-
risoned by royalists in support of King Charles I or occupied by his parlia-
mentarian opponents, led by Sir Thomas Fairfax. Several castle sieges
occurred, with both sides claiming victories. At the end of it all, the parlia-
mentarians defeated the royalists, Charles I was executed, and scores of cas-
tles were "slighted" under the orders of the new Lord Protector, who wanted
to ensure no castles could be garrisoned against him.
With the decline of feudalism and the changing sociopolitical tempera-
ment in post-medieval Britain, the wealthier classes no longer felt the ur-
gency to occupy heavily defended strongholds. Many castles were altered
over time into comfortable, often flamboyantly castellated homes, more
palace than fortress. The one thread that tied medieval castles to later resi-
dences built and occupied by the upper class was that both building types
showcased the owner's power, wealth, social achievement, and, in essence,
superiority over other residents and perhaps even over other lords or mem-
bers of the gentry class. Today, relatively few "castles" still provide homes for
Britain's upper crust. However, those that remain occupied are much more
like stately homes than medieval castles. In many cases, even the castella-
tion has been minimized.
Arundel Castle in West Sussex, however, retains its medieval fabric and
also provides state apartments and more modern facilities for its noble resi-
dents. An outstanding example of a motte and bailey which evolved into a
substantial stone enclosure castle, Arundel Castle remains a fitting home
and a stately castle primed for England's premier duke and earl. Having

ARUNDEL CASTLE, landed near Pevensey on England's southern coast to launch his invasion
the Quadrangle. Now
more stately home
from France, William I recognized the value of fortifying the chalk spur on
than heavily fortified the River Arun, with its clear views of the English Channel that allowed easy
military residence, the detection of an inbound French invasion. In 1067, the new Norman king
great castle at Arundel
in West Sussex not granted the land to Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, who quickly
only retains its constructed a substantial motte and bailey castle at Arundel. In time, the cas-
medieval character
with the preservation
tle became the seat of the Fitzalan Earls of Arundel and their heirs, the
of the motte, shell Howard Dukes of Norfolk, the highest authority of state on royal ceremonial
keep, and other early occasions, and transformed the earth and timber castle into a splendid pala-
structures, but also
provides a residential tial complex.
range of battlemented Tall enough to afford clear views to the English Channel, the grass-laden
buildings designed to
accommodate the
motte rose 70 feet high and had a basal diameter of about 250 feet. The massive
Dukes of Norfolk in mound was crowned with a well-preserved shell keep, which William d' Albini,
the style to which they one of Empress Matilda's supporters during her struggle with King Stephen
have long been
accustomed. for the English throne, completed in about 1138. Adorned with classical Nor-
man zigzag and scrollwork
designs, the battlemented
oval wall measures 9 feet
thick and stands about 80
feet by 70 feet round. 2 Inside,
the keep still encloses fire-
places, roof timbers, and cor-
bels, traces of the structure's
former residential capacity.
By 1243, the male line
of the d'Albinis had run
its course. The "Castle and
Honour of Arundel" passed
to the Fitzalans when Isabel
d'Albini married John Fitza-
lan. Initiating its conversion
from a fairly primitive for-
tification into one of En-
gland's greatest treasure
houses, their son Richard,
the 1st Fitzalan Earl of
Arundel, left a permanent
mark on the Norman castle.
Four hundred years later,
Fitzalan's twin-towered bar-
bican actually endured in-

tensive pounding from parliamentarian cannons positioned on the roof of

St. Nicholas' Collegiate Church, which forced the garrison's surrender in
1642. Fitzalan also added the Bevis Tower (named for St. Bevis), before
which statues of the Norfolks' heraldic animals, the Howard lion and Fitza-
lan horse, stalwartly stand guard.
Two huge baileys occupy the land on either side of the great keep and
complete the stone enclosure castle. Named for its reputation as a place for
sparring or jousting, the bright green Tiltyard (formerly the outer bailey) still
retains some of its original Norman foundations; it is now mainly used for
private events. On the opposite side of the motte, the great Quadrangle, with
its Victorian-era battlements, encloses the inner bailey with an impressive
array of residential buildings, including State Apartments, a private chapel,
and the armory.
In form, function, and symbolism, Arundel Castle embodies the clas-
sic British medieval castle. Interiors contain fine furniture, stained glass
windows, tapestries and family portraits, and extravagant chimneypieces.
Heraldic crests rim ornate ceilings. In the Victoria Room, named in honor
of the Queen's visit in 1846, the stunning fireplace features lavish carvings,
two heraldic flags, and a regal shield. Outside, precisely cut stone walls,
battlemented cylindrical towers, and skillfully carved arches harken to the
Middle Ages.
Erected in accordance with the terms of the will of Richard Fitzalan, the
3rd Earl, the Fitzalan Chapel occupies the eastern side of St. Nicholas'
Church. Located on the same grounds as the castle, the former collegiate
church still serves as the parish church and contains the impressive tombs of
several Earls of Arundel and Dukes of Norfolk. Like other medieval lords,
the Fitzalans sought a higher connection with the heavens, which was sym-
bolically dramatized by the presence of the neighboring collegiate church.
Today, the fortified ancestral residence of the Dukes of Norfolk continues to
exudes status, power, and wealth and reminds all visitors that Arundel Castle
not only houses a family of substance but one whose lengthy and historic
pedigree sets them apart from the average citizen.
Arundel Castle, and its royal counterpart at Windsor, rank as two of En-
gland's greatest castles, both historically and structurally. Yet, the scores of
other medieval castles performed the same essential functions: domination,
subjugation, administration, and residence, and all symbolically (and very
physically) exhibited the status, power, and self-importance of their builder-
ownerssome of whom ruled the kingdom, many more of whom ruled
their little pieces of turf, the remains of which lay scattered throughout the


During the reign of Henry VIII, the construction of artillery forts, which
had originated in the late fifteenth century, began in earnest along En-
gland's southern coast. Generally labeled as "castles," Henry's coastal forts
were just thatforts. They were built purely as military strongholds, strate-
gically placed to defend against foreign invasion. They never centered a
lordship, were not built to serve as a lord's private residence, and were not
especially complex. They did, however, provide a response to the defensive
needs of the times.
In the early 1530s, the Tudor king made the bold decision to rid himself
of his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. When the Pope refused to authorize
an annulment, Henry rashly responded by breaking all ties with the Church
in Rome, dissolving monasteries throughout Britain, and creating himself as
head of the new Church of England. In December 1538, the Pope excom-
municated the English king and demanded that Europe's more pious lead-
ers undertake a holy war to reestablish Roman Catholicism in England.
To secure the vulnerable coastline of his kingdom from what he perceived
as an imminent attack, Henry systematically erected a series of fortresses.
These coastal artillery forts and blockhouses (simpler versions that supported a
single cannon and muskets) contained gun platforms that positioned tiers of
cannons out to sea. The forts only provided living quarters for the soldiers who
garrisoned them. Some were enclosed by ditches and an outer curtain. 3
Largely completed between 1539 and 1543, the formidable forts and block-
houses were placed at strategic points along the shores from Hull (almost 200
miles northeast of London) to Milford Haven (at the western tip of South
Wales). Henry VIII built coastal forts at Sandown, Deal, Walmer, Sandgate,
Camber, Southsea, Calshot, Hurst, Yarmouth, Portland, St. Mawes, and Pen-
dennis, all of which were labeled as castles but were actually artillery forts. He
also established blockhouses at Hull, Tilbury, Gravesend, Dover, Cowes,
Sandsfoot, Brownsea, Harwich, Dale, and Angle (the latter two in Wales), and
built numerous fortlets and bulwarks along the coastline.
"The Three Castles which keep the Downs" Deal, Walmer, and
Sandown were among the first of Henry's coastal fortresses. Begun in 1539,
all three were completed late the next year and formed a complex unit
linked together by earthen ramparts, which no longer survive. They guarded
a two-mile stretch of shoreline adjacent to the Downs, a shallow length of
water just offshore that offered approaching ships a convenient, protected
gathering place from which to coordinate an assault. With their concentric
plans, their intentional resemblance to the Tudor Rose, and their strategic
coastal placement, these three "castles" typified the Henrician fortress.

In fact, the physical layout of several of Henry VIII's artillery forts consisted
ofa series of circular bastions (projecting gun-towers) that surrounded a circu-
lar central tower. The entire structure was encircled by a curtain wall and
ditch. Soldiers inside the forts were completely protected from view and could
move throughout the castle without being detected by the enemy. Pendennis
acquired a set of pointed bastions late in the sixteenth century, when Spanish
adventurers began attacking ports in Cornwall after the defeat of the Armada. 4
Deal Castle in Kent was the largest and most complex of the Tudor forts.
Built with stone quarried from a nearby Carmelite Priory, Deal is "sixfoil" in
shape. It features a tall central cylindrical tower surrounded by progressively
shorter, semicircular bastions, six of which immediately adjoin the central
tower, while six others link together to form the curtain wall. The design was
intended to prevent blind spots, areas where firepower could miss an at-
tacker. With this concentric, lobate shape, cannons could be positioned ef- by Henry VIII as part
fectively and fired simultaneously without interfering with each other. A ofa string of coastal
fortresses, Deal Castle
total of almost 200 gun ports penetrated the walls. Deal Castle also possessed in Kent guarded
several medieval defensive devices, including a portcullis, heavy double England's vital
southeastern shoreline
doors, and a series of five murder holes, and the enemy could be cornered
from foreign invasion.
inside one of several open areas, similar to a barbican, located between the Together, the rounded
bastions resemble the
Tudor rose.

curtain and the bastions. The self-sufficient central tower contained storage
rooms, living quarters for the garrison, and the vital wellhead.
Ironically, Henrv's massive coastal network was never put to the test, but
some of the forts tolerated brief assaults. The anticipated invasion from
across the English Channel never occurred. Only during the English Civil
War did these forts see any real action. For five months during 1648, parlia-
mentary forces besieged Pendennis Castle before the garrison surrendered,
then only giving up after they had depleted the last of their supplies. St.
Mawes Castle (Cornwall) surrendered without enduring any gunfire, but
Deal Castle sustained considerable damage at the hands of the parliamen-
tarians. And, even though Walmer Castle, in Kent, was later converted into
the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, it was never
intended for use as a private residence. The last person to serve as Lord War-
den was Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Since her death in 2002, the
position has remained unfilled.


Even though the focus shifted away from fortified military residences to
the new construction of gun forts for coastal defense, some medieval castles
in England and Scotland were expanded and adapted to handle heavy ar-
tillery and withstand advanced firepower from attackers. In the wake of his
divorce from Catherine of Aragon and second marriage to Anne Boleyn,
Henry VIII felt an increasing threat from the Roman Catholic nations across
the English Channel, mainly France, Germany, and Spain, and also from
Roman Catholic Scotland. Consequently, Henry also fitted Carlisle Castle
in Cumbria with casemates and emplacements for heavy artillery, such as
the Half Moon Battery, and expanded the ramparts in anticipation ofa Scot-
tish invasion. The expected assault from Scotland never took place; how-
ever, during the late eighteenth century, when Napoleon posed a very real
threat to England, and again in the nineteenth century, Carlisle Castle was
strengthened, cannons were hauled into place, barracks buildings and a hos-
pital erected, and an armory also raised. The King's Own Royal Border Reg-
iment still occupies the castle, which now houses the count}' archives
service and is open to the public.
During the sixteenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, Scotland's
mighty Stirling Castle also moved from the age of the siege engines into the
age of artillery. In 1559, when Queen Mary of Guise ordered the construc-
tion of an artillery platform known as the French Spur to bolster Stirling
Castle against attacks from France and England, the castle still largely
served as a royal residence. However, after the accession of James VI as

James I of England in 1603, the focus of the

Scottish monarchy shifted to England.
From then onward, Stirling Castle func-
tioned primarily as a military establishment
and acquired a variety of gun batteries,
magazines, barracks, and casemates, which
ringed the outer perimeter. The army
garrisoned Stirling Castle until 1964, when
it relinquished its control and transferred
the castle to the capable hands of Ministry
of Works, which consolidated the site and
opened it to the public.
The military also maintains a presence
at Edinburgh Castle, which was adapted to
accommodate heavy artillery as well as a
permanent garrison beginning in the 1570s
with the construction of the Half Moon
Battery, the Forewall Battery, and several
other structures. New fortifications built
during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries included the Western Defences
with the Butts, Argyle, and Dury's Batteries.
The addition of the military prison, bar-
racks, an ordnance storehouse, the gover-
nor's house, and hospital completed the
building project and transformed the stronghold into heavily militarized Garrisoned by the
military until late in
the twentieth century,
Unlike any other medieval castle in Britain, Dover has stalwartly served the Dover Castle was
military needs of the monarchy, from its origins in the eleventh century well repeatedly upgraded
to keep up with
into modern times. Over the course of its lengthy history, the powerful con- advances in warfare
centric fortress has maintained a military presence on England's southeastern technology. Gun
emplacements now
coastline. As technology changed, so did Dover Castle. Beginning in the mid- stand alongside
1700s, the army systematically demolished many of the original medieval forti- medieval fortifications
fications to make way for artillery, gun batteries, bastions with underground silently watching the
action both inside
facilities and caponiers (covered passages or bombproof galleries), and a new the castle and outside,
barracks in the event that France or Spain decided to stage an assault. where Dover remains
one of Europe's
The Napoleonic Wars prompted further demolition at Dover Castle, busiest ports.
along with the addition of more artillery bastions and gun platforms and the
alteration of the medieval tunnels. Most of this construction took place from
the 1790s to 1850s. The troops also added earthen ramparts, upon which they
mounted cannons, while ditches fitted with caponiers acted as obstacles

against direct attacks. In all, the castle was modified to accommodate some
231 guns.'
When other castles ceased to function or fell to ruin, Dover Castle per-
severed. During World War II, the historic fortress was still fully operational.
In 1939, Vice-Admiral Ramsay used the stronghold as his headquarters and
relied upon the lookout point, known as Hellfire Corner, to watch for en-
emy attacks. A year later, Dover played a key role in the evacuation of
Dunkirk, which was directed from the castle.
Even though the army ended its official occupation of the castle in 1956,
it remained in a state of readiness during the Cold War. In the early 1960s,
the network of underground tunnels was refitted to serve as a Regional Head
of Government in the event ofa nuclear attack. Only in 1984 did the army fi-
nally decommission the castle's underground installations and relinquish
them to English Heritage for public display. Nevertheless, one can only
imagine that, if called into action, Dover Castle now more military strong-
hold than fortified private residence would capably fulfil its nation's de-
mands. And, if circumstances required the monarch to flee London,
Dover's great keep, which remains in outstanding condition, could be
quickly restored to its original role as a well-defended home, albeit not nec-
essarily a comfortable one, for its royal occupant.


Britain's medieval castles mav now be distinguished between those that

are still occupied and those enduring varying stages of ruin. Both types of
structure provide a physical link between past and present. Both have histo-
ries that date to the Middle Ages. Both necessarily served as properly forti-
fied military residences and were modified over time. Both had physical
substance. Thev either fell into disrepair and suffered abandonment, the
ravages of neglect or slighting, or they underwent a series of alterations insti-
gated by successive owners intent upon modernizing defensive capabilities
and living conditions, while also maintaining political control in the region.
The changes displayed the superior power, status, and wealth of the owners,
whether thev belonged to the upper classes or the royal family or were up-
wardly mobile.
With some exceptions, Britain's still-occupied medieval castles have
evolved into palatial residences, changing with the times to meet ever-
changing social and political conditions. Now7 exclusively serving the resi-
dential (and status) needs of their owners, lordship castles in England that

retain much of their medieval integrity include Berkeley, Arundel, Alnwick,

Chillingham in Northumberland, and Raby in County Durham. England's
two great royal castles, Windsor and the Tower of London, now rank among
the world's best-known heritage attractions. Even so, Windsor remains a key
royal residence and is an active castle occupied by an authentic military gar-
rison trained both to protect the monarch and to perform ceremonial duties.
Ironically, Britain's longest continuously occupied royal castle lacks much
ofa sense of its medieval past. The structures are there: the motte and shell
keep, battlemented gatehouses and towers, and two baileys enclosed by resi-
dential ranges of buildings. However, the never-ending modernization pro-
grams and continual use of the castle as a private residence have overshadowed
its medieval character. The restoration project undertaken by Queen Eliza-
beth II after the 1992 fire renovated the castle yet again, but distanced it even
further from its medieval character.
Despite the daily throngs of visitors that descend upon the Tower of Lon-
don, William the Conqueror's stronghold maintains a physical and sensory
connection to its past. At first glance, the encroachment of modern build-
ings on both side of the River Thames and the presence of the London Un-
derground within walking distance of the ditch and twin-towered main
entrance seems to detract from the visual impact of the royal fortress. But,
once on the property, awareness of the present dissipates. The Tower of Lon-
don, with its broad array of architectural styles and its owners' historical
impact on both Britain and the world, has the capacity to swiftly shift per-
ception to the Middle Ages. Though still garrisoned and providing homes
for dozens of employees, the Tower of London no longer serves as a royal
residence. Like Dover, however, one can imagine that the castle could eas-
ily provide respite and a refuge for the monarchy if Buckingham Palace ever
proved inadequate.


Many more medieval castles survive in Britain than remain occupied.

True, they are largely ruinous, fragments of what their builders originally in-
tended, and often survive only as earthworks or rubble underneath the
ground. Yet, earthworks and masonry ruins must be seen as castles and not
piles of waste with no relevance to the past or the present. Their timber
structures ramparts, timber-framed halls, residential facilities, or stables
may have long since decayed. They may have been replaced during the
Middle Ages by sturdier stone walls, towers, and apartment blocks. Regard-
less, archaeological and documentary evidence verifies the existence of

such structures and substantiates all claims that these ruins were indeed op-
erating castles. Even in decline, they are castles.
Motte and ringwork castles performed the same functions as masonry
castles. Their lords erected them to demonstrate their conquest of an area
and the establishment ofa lordship. They were equipped with defensive fea-
tures intended to thwart attack and perpetuate the lordship. They were pri-
vate residences and also centers of bustling communities. They showcased
the power and primacy of the lord and his subjugation of the local populace.
What largely distinguished earth and timber castles from their stone coun-
terparts was the choice of building material. Timber proved insubstantial
and rotted easily. Stone provided strength and stability. Both were vulnera-
ble to sieges and to the weather, and both were expensive and difficult to
maintain in a state of ready repair. And, even though the stone castle pre-
vailed in Britain, both types of castle were occupied until the fifteenth cen-
tury. Furthermore, both types survive throughout the British landscape, in
varying stages of repair to be sure, but each one provides ongoing physical
proof that people of different social positions lived in, worked at, and fought
to defend or destroy these sites. To discount mottes, ringworks, fragmentary
ruins, and empty7 stone shells as true castles is to impose a set of cultural
standards that dismisses the reality of the medieval era and the fact that the
people living in them played an instrumental role in shaping the course of
British (and world) history. As such, earthworks and ruins are rare, tangible,
and invaluable links between the present and the past.
For over three hundred years, antiquarians, historians, archaeologists,
and the public at large in Britain and abroad have endeavored to preserve
castle remains. Governmental agencies, archaeological trusts, heritage soci-
eties, and amateur enthusiasts have all had a role in their restoration or in
their clearance and consolidation. In an age where economic priorities are
shifting, mottes have been quarried, ringworks ploughed over, and stone
fragments allowed to collapse. In some cases, the very heritage agencies
tasked to protect the sites either dismiss reports of vandalism or prohibit con-
cerned landowners from making essential structural repairs. Some farmers
who appreciate the historical and archaeological value of the earthworks
and stone ruins on their properties have actually been prevented from re-
moving trash, old tires, and rotting equipment from the medieval ruins.
Consequently, these treasures from the past are rapidly losing their original
fabric and their medieval character. In some ways, one can understand how
some members of the public might fail to appreciate that mottes, ringworks,
and ruins are indeed authentic castles, when officials, who should know
better, ignore the plight of these sites to favor the preservation of modern

structures or the construction of new airports and highways on top of

archaeological sites. Perhaps, it is up to the public (and other heritage pro-
fessionals) to take the lead in insisting the physical remains of the past do
not vanish for good.


Why anyone would intentionally erect a set of ruins seems unfath-

omable. Pride of ownership normally expresses itself in newly constructed
buildings, often grandiose for the times and built with a flourish and the in-
vestment ofa lot of money. Some two centuries after the end of the Middle
Ages, a resurgence of interest in ancient and classical monuments occurred.
New construction was modeled on Greek and Roman designs, which builders
emulated as a way to symbolically link the present to the ancient past. This
renewed regard for the past led young members of the elite upper class on
Grand Tours of Europe, during which they explored and studied famed ar-
chaeological sites and gathered collections of fine artwork, paintings, and
sculpture to exhibit at home. Their acquisitions displayed in a very visual
way just how refined these world travelers had become.
Not only did the returning wanderers furnish their homes in grand style,
the "Grand Tourists" also sought to re-create the architectural wonders they CWMHIR. Known best
encountered in the landscape surrounding their stately residences. Minia- as the traditional
ture Greek or Roman temples and Egyptian-style pyramids began to dot burial siteforthe
late thirteenth-century
country estates. At Wardour (Old) Castle, for example, Henry, the 8th Lord Welsh hero Llywelyn
Arundell, added an unusual craglike grotto (an artificial cave) that used ma- ap Gruffudd, the
"First and Last Prince
sonry taken from the ruined castle. He also moved a portion of what was re- of Wales/' the remains
putedly an authentic stone circle from the landscape at nearby Tisbury and of Abbey Cwmhir, in
had it reconstructed near the grotto, along with two stone alcoves also con- Radnorshire, sport an
unusual follyan
structed with stone from the castle. Arun- artificial motte castle.
dell also built a mock-Gothic banqueting
house on the opposite side of the grounds,
which overlooked the Swan Pond and af-
forded views of his new "castle," located
across the pond and to the rear of the heav-
ily ruined medieval site. Inside the ban-
queting hall, the Arundells entertained
their guests in style.
During the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, the construction of these
pseudo-architectural featuresknown as

sham ruins. High "follies" became something of a favorite British pastime. Essentially
above the authentic
medieval castle at
serving no real purpose, follies took on a myriad of forms. Indeed, many
Penrice on the Gower were sham ruins or earthworks. Two curious examples, which have the ca-
Peninsula, the sham pacity to fool the most experienced castle explorers, are the "motte" at
ruins ofa towered
curtain wall create Abbey Cwmhir, in Powys and the "ruined" towered wall at the upper en-
the ideal welcome for trance to the grounds encompassing medieval Penrice Castle, on the
guests approaching
the historic estate.
Gower Peninsula. However, follies did and still do serve a purpose.
Sadly, the castle itself They symbolically displayed their owners 7 individualism, ingenuity, cul-
is not accessible to tural sophistication, and social status. After all, if someone could afford to
the public.
put up purposefully built ruins, he or she must have plenty of spare cash
to toss about!
The British landscape is a remarkable compilation of ancient, historic,
and sham sites, which physically document the entire course of h u m a n
occupation on the Isles. They connect the present to the past in a tangible,
visceral way that enlivens the sites, regardless of whether they remain oc-
cupied or are little more than earthen mounds or chunks of masonry.
Nonetheless, the difference between authentic medieval castles and their
sham counterparts remains as profound as the difference between night
and day.

Contrary to what popular television and some publications claim, there
are no castles in the United States. Those buildings including Hearst Cas-
tle in California, which incorporates architectural fragments from grand Eu-
ropean residences, Belcourt Castle in Rhode Island, and Dick's Castle in
New York are not castles. Neither are Cinderella's Castle at Disneyland
nor Mad Ludwig's Bavarian castle Neuschwanstein, upon which Cin-
derella's Castle was modeled. No matter how persistent their admirers and
owners may be and no matter what they are called, these grand structures
must be classified as palaces, palatial residences, stately homes, or mansions.
They are not, nor were they ever intended to be, castles in the true sense of
the word. Certainly, these fantastic places radiate wealth, personal achieve-
ment, and high status. They have housed their owners in remarkable splen-
dor, which few of us can hope to afford. Yet, they were never intended to
withstand a siege, center a lordship, or subjugate a population. By christen-
ing their fantastic homes as castles, the affluent owners intended to validate
their position within social circles and to prove they were worthy of the rep-
utations they ambitiously strove to achieve. Just as Henry VIII's "castles"
were actually coastal forts and never intended as private residences, Amer-
ica's "castles" are more accurately characterized as mansions. And,
Neuschwanstein? It was Mad Ludwig's turreted palace.
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The erroneous but still widely held notion that castles were built primarily
to defend the lord and his household undoubtedly has its origins in the inter-
pretation of their structural nature. The rationalization for this point of view
is that, logically, the most powerful and most enduring castles were those
with the most complex defenses, thickest walls, and deepest moats, which
were well positioned to thwart an assault with sheer cliffsides, inhospitable
surroundings, and panoramic views of the countryside. Castles were erected,
according to this belief, to dutifully and capably protect their residents from
rampaging subjects or besieging armies. The better the defensive might, the
greater the castle's capacity to keep an enemy at bay.
The theory seems sound, if one examines castles in a vacuum, removing
them from their sociopolitical and historical contexts, their relationship to the
historic landscape, the needs of the lords who ordered their construction,
and the perceptions of their oppressed subjects. From the outside looking
in, castles epitomized offensive power, not defensive assurances. The popu-
lace might be awed by the enormity of the stronghold or its unfamiliar ap-
pearance within the landscape, but they would have been even more likely
to resent its physical presence and that of the overlord within. Like its lord,
a castle was an intrusion into an area. Lord and subject understood this

True, all castles were fortified to provide the inhabitants with at least a
modicum of protection. And, over the centuries, castle defenses became in-
creasingly complex, partly in response to technical advances in siege war-
fare, partly in response to the ongoing threat of rebellion or siege, and partly
for symbolic and aesthetic reasons. But, the construction ofa castle was an
overtly hostile action and recognized as such from within and without the
ranks. True, the castle's defenses were essential to survival, for surely no
medieval lord would care to control an area or raise a family without a mea-
sure of security. Yet, to characterize castles as built primarily for defensive
purposes distorts reality.
First and foremost, castles were built for offensive purposes and they
certainly offended many people. The aggressive actions taken after the Scot-
tish Wars of Independence and the English Civil War suggest just how im-
portant it was to control castles. After the stunning Scottish victory over the
English at Bannockburn in 1314, Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, ordered
the deliberate destruction of his country's own strongholds, including pow-
erful Stirling Castle, to prevent the English from retaking the castles and us-
ing them against the Scots. During the late 1640s and early 1650s, the
parliamentary leader Oliver Cromwell, who governed England and Wales
as "Lord Protector" after the defeat and execution of King Charles I, ordered
the destruction of scores of castles. With this policy, known as "slighting,"
Cromwell intended to prevent royalist garrisons from re-manning their cas-
tles in order to maintain control of his newly acquired, but short-lived, pro-
tectorate. Many of today's ruined castles are the by-products of Cromwell's
Even today, some British citizens, particularly in Wales and Ireland, take
offense at the ongoing presence of castles in the landscape. Viewing them as
perpetual symbols of past (and, on occasion, present-day oppression), these
people claim they would rather see demolition than careful preservation.
This lingering resentment proves a point: despite their current state of im-
potence, castles remain as much the offensive weapons that their medieval
owners originally intended them to be.

1. Richard Muir, The N E W Reading the Landscape: Fieldwork in Landscape
History (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2000), 236-237.
2. Richard Cavendish, Prehistoric England (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1983), 20-22.
3. Stephen Johnson, Hadrians Wall(London: B. T. Batsford, 1989), 25-27..
4. Ann Williams, "A Bell-House and a Burh-Geat: Lordly Residences in En-
gland Before the Norman Conquest," in Anglo-Norman Castles, ed. Robert Liddi-
ard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2003), 37.
5. Anthony Bradshaw, "The Burghal Hidage: Alfred's Towns,"
6. Anne Savage, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (London: Guild Publishing,
1988), 177-180.
7. D. F Renn, "The First Norman Castles in England: 1051-1071," an abstract
from Chateau Gaillard (1964), 128.
8. P. E. Curnow and M. W. Thompson, "Excavations at Richard's Castle,
Herefordshire: 1962-1964," in journal of the British Archaeological Association 32
(1969): 106.
9. D.J.C. King, The Castle in England and Wales: An Interpretative History
(Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm, 1988), 34.

10. Geoffrey Williams, Stronghold Britain (Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton

Publishing, 1999), 102.
11. R. Allen Brown et al., Castles: A History1 and Guide (Poole, Dorset: Bland-
ford Press, 1980), 16.
12. David Seller, "Farewell to Feudalism," in Burke's Landed Gentry: The King-
dom in Scotland, ed. Peter Beauclerk Dewar (Stokeslev, North Yorkshire: Burke's
Peerage & Gentry, 2004), http://www.burkes-peerage.net/Sites/Scotland/SitePages/
13. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton
Abbot, Devon: David and Charles, 1980), 9.
14. Brown, Castles, 98.
15. Robert Higham, "Timber Castles: A Reassessment," in Anglo-Norman Cas-
tles, ed. Robert Liddiard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Bovdell Press, 2003), 118.

1. Helen Clarke, The Archaeology of Medieval England (Oxford: Basil Black-
well, 1986), 109.
2. R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles (London: B. T. Batsford,
1984), 27.
3. John R. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications (Leicester: Leicester University
Press, 1990), 7.
4. Trevor Rowley, The Norman Heritage: 1066-1200 (London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1983), 46.
5. Robert Higham and Philip Barker, Timber Castles(Mechanicsburg, PA
Stackpole Books, 1995), 59.
6. Ibid., 49.
7. Richard Eales, "Royal Power and Castles in Norman England," in Anglo-
Norman Castles, ed. Robert Liddiard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Bovdell Press,
2003), 48.
8. C. J. Spurgeon, "Mottes and Castle-Ringworks in Wales," in Castles in Wales
and the Welsh Marches: Essays in Honour of D. /. Cathcart King, ed. John R.
Kenyon and Richard Avent (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1987), 37.
9. R. Allen Brown et al., Castles: A History and Guide (Poole, Dorset: Bland-
ford Press, 1980), 14.
10. M. J. Jackson, Castles of Cumbria (Carlisle: Carel Press, 1990), 39.
11. O. H. Creighton, "Castles, Lordship and Settlement in Norman England
and Wales," History Today, April 2003, 14-15.
12. Derek Renn, Norman Castles in Britain(London: John Baker Publishers,
73)> 3 2 -
13. David Sweetman, The Medieval Castles of Ireland(Woodbridge, Suffolk:
The Bovdell Press, 2003), 17 (emphasis added).
14. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton
Abbot, Devon: David and Charles, 1980), 130 (emphasis added).

15. English Heritage, PastScape, http://www.pastscape.orgmomepage/index.html

16. N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Po-
litical History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 52.
17. Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages: The English Ex-
perience (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003), 207.
18. P. H. Humphries, Castles of Edward the First in Wales (London: H M S O ,
1983), 5-10.
19. Arnold Taylor, Rhuddlan Castle(Cardiff: Cadw, 1987), 11.
20. Pounds, Medieval Castle, 182.
21. Derek Renn and Richard Avent, Flint Castle/Ewloe Castle (Cardiff: Cadw,
1995), 11.
22. Peter and Fiona Somerset Fry, A History? of Ireland(London: Routledge,,
1991), 124.
23. Ibid., 138.
24. Brian de Breffny, Castles of Ireland (London: Thames and Hudson, 1981), 177.
25. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, Castles of Britain and Ireland (New York:
Abbeville Press, 1997), 229.
26. Brown, Castles, 16.
27. F.J.E. Raby, Framlingham Castle (London: H M S O , 1984), 5.
28. C. N. Johns, Caerphilly Castle (London: H M S O , 1978), 18.
29. A. J. Taylor, Raglan Castle(London: H M S O , 1970), 12.
30. Ibid., 10.
31. T. H. McK. Clough, The Horseshoes of Oakham Castle(Oakham: Rutland
County Council, 1999), 7.
32. Chester County Council, "Chester Castle," http://www.chestercc.gov.uk
33. Arnold Taylor, Conwy Castle and Town Walls(Cardiff: Cadw, 1998),
34. Pamela Marshall and John Samuels, Guardian of the Trent: The Story7 of
Newark Castle (Newark: Newark Castle Trust, 1997)710, 34-35.
35. R. Allen Brown, Castle Rising (London: H M S O , 1983), 16.
36. Jeremy K. Knight, Chepstow Castle(Cardiff: Cadw, 1986), 15. Also refer to
the latest edition of the Chepstow Castle guide, updated in 2002 by Rick Turner.

1. Tom McNeill, Castles (London: B. T. Batsford/English Heritage, 1992), 87.
2. Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Bovdell Press,
1992), 2.
3. MacNeill, Castles, 91.
4. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 308.
5. Mark P. Donnelly and Daniel Diehl, Siege: Castles at War (Dallas: Taylor
Publishing Company, 1998), 53.

6. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 326.

7. Philip Warner, The Medieval Castle: Life in a Fortress in Peace and War
(New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1993), 63.
8. Donnelly and Diehl, Siege, 68.
9. Frank Bottomley, The Castle Explorers Guide(New York: Avenal Books,
1983), 28.
10. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 271.
11. Bottomley, Castle Explorers Guide,156
12. Ibid., 58.
13. Ibid., 120.
14. Donnelly and Diehl, Siege, 119.
15. Ibid., 243.
16. Bottomley, Castle Explorers Guide, 15
17. Ibid., 147.
18. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 252.
19. Philip Warner, Sieges of the Middle Ages (London: Penguin Books, 2000), 30.
20. John Goodall, "Dover Castle and the Great Siege of 1216," Chateau Gail-
lard, XIX: Actes du Colloque International de Graz, http://www.deremilitari.org/
goodall.htm (1998).
21. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 141.
22. Warner, Sieges, 146.
23. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 168.
24. Ibid., 28, 149.
25. Michael Prestwich, Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages: The English Ex-
perience (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003), 288.
26. Ibid., 76.
27. Donnelly and Diehl, Siege, 107.
28. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 265.
29. Peter Vemming Hansen, "War Engines of the Middle Ages," The Medieval
Centre, http://www.middelaldercentret.dk/english/us_home.htm (1998).
30. Goodall, "Dover Castle."
31. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 142.
32. B. H. St. J. O'Neil, Caerlaverock Castle (Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Sta-
tionery Office, 1988), 6.
33. David Morrison, "The Siege of Caerlaverock," Seanachaidh, http://www.
seanachaidh.org/siegeof.htm (2002).
34. Bradbury, Medieval Siege, 143.
35. Donnelly and Diehl, Siege, 167.
36. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide,71-72.
37. Prestwich, Armies, 61-62.
38. Ibid., 70-73.
39. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide,27.
40. Lawrence Butler, "The Origins of the Honour of Richmond and Its Cas-
tles," in Anglo-Norman Castles, ed. Robert Liddiard (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The
Boydell Press, 2003), 96.

41. Oliver Creighton, "Castles, Lordship and Settlement in Norman England

and Wales," in History? Today, April 2003, 14-15.
42. Stephen Johnson, Hadrians Wall (London: B. T. Batsford, 1989), 70.
43. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 49.
44. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton
Abbot: David and Charles, 1980), 33.
45. Derek Renn, Goodrich Castle (London: English Heritage, 1998), 6.
46. Mike Salter, The Castles and Tower Houses of Northumberland (Malvern:
Folly Publications, 1997), 113.
47. Jeremy Knight, The Three Castles (Cardiff: Cadw, 2000), 27.
48. James Forde-Johnston, A Guide to the Castles of England and Wales (Lon-
don: Constable, 1981), 63.
49. Arnold Taylor, Beaumaris Castle (Cardiff: Cadw, 1999), 9.
50. Bottomley, Castle Explorers Guide, 127.
51. R. Allen Brown, The Architecture of Castles (London: B. T. Batsford, 1984), 63.
52. Sidney Toy, The Castles of Great Britain (London: William Heinemann,
1953), 240-241.
53. L.A.S. Butler, Denbigh Castle and Town Walls (Cardiff: Cadw, 1990), 33.
54. Toy, Castles, 236.
56. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 12.
57. John R. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications (Leicester: Leicester University
Press, 1990), 81.
58. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 135.
59. Forde-Johnston, A Guide, 300.
60. Stephen Friar, The Sutton Companion to Castles (Stroud: Sutton Publish-
ing, 2003), 86.
61. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles(Newton
Abbot: David and Charles, 1980), 212.
62. Ibid., 234.
63. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 117.
64. Toy, Castles, 152.
65. Bottomley, Castle Explorer's Guide, 107.
66. R. Allen Brown, Dover Castle: Kent (London: H M S O , 1985), 9.
67. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications, 72.
68. Bottomley, Castle Explorers Guide, 190.
69. Arnold Taylor, Conwy Castle and Town Walls (Cardiff: Cadw, 1998), 43.
70. Derek Renn and Richard Avent, Flint CastlelEwloe Castle (Cardiff: Cadw,
!995)> 33-
71. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications, 72.
72. Arnold Taylor, Caernarfon Castle and Town Walls (Cardiff: Cadw, 1993),
73. Paul Barker, Warwick Castle (Warwick: Warwick Castle, 1990), 29.
74. Taylor, Caernarfon Castle, 42-47.
75. Brown, Dover Castle, 26.

76. Derek Renn, Caerphilly Castle (Cardiff: Cadw, 1997), 33.

77. Ibid., 36-39.
78. Ibid., 46.

1. R. Allen Brown et al., Castles: A History and Guide (Poole, Dorset: Bland-
ford Press, 1980), 118.
2. N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Po-
litical History(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 90
3. Charles Coulson, Castles in Medieval Society: Fortresses in England, France,
and Ireland in the Central Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University7 Press, 2004), 297.
4. Philip Warner, The Medieval Castle: Life in a Fortress in Peace and War
(New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1993), 195.
5. Tom McNeill, Castles (London: B. T. Batsford/English Heritage, 1992), 22.
6. John R. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications (Leicester: Leicester University
Press, 1990), 101.
7. Adrian Pettifer, English Castles: A Guide by Counties (Woodbridge, Suffolk:
The Boydell Press, 1995), 92.
8. Francois Matarasso, The English Castle (London: Cassell, 1993), 122.
9. Jeremy K. Knight, Chepstow Castle and Port Wall (Cardiff: Cadw, 1991), 25.
10. John R. Kenyon, Raglan Castle (Cardiff: Cadw, 2003), 34.
11. The National Trust, Corfe Castle Dorset (London: The National Trust,
2000), 35.
12. Robin Mackworth-Young, The History? and Treasures of Windsor Castle (Lon-
don: Pitkin-Britannia, 1982), 14.
13. Plantagenet Somerset Fry, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton
Abbot: David and Charles, 1980), 11.
14. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications, 39.
15. Fry, David and Charles Book of Castles, 212.
16. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications, 39.
17. Derek Renn and Richard Avent, Flint Castle/Ewloe Castle (Cardiff: Cadw,
!995)> 27-
18. David M. Robinson, ed., Tretower Court and Castle (Cardiff: Cadw, 1990), 4.
19. Fry, David and Charles Book of Castles, 180.
20. T. L. Jones, Ashby de la Zouch Castle (London: English Heritage, 1999), 11.
21. Diane M. Williams, Gower: A Guide to Ancient and Historic Monuments on
the Gower Peninsula (Cardiff: Cadw, 1998), 42.
22. Kenyon, Medieval Fortifications, 161.
24. Stephen Friar, The Sutton Companion to Castles (Stroud, Gloucestershire:
Sutton Publishing, 2003), 91.
25. David Thackray, Bodiam Castle East Sussex (London: The National Trust,
!995)> 49-

26. McNeill, Castles, 81.

27. Fry, David and Charles Book of Castles, 129.
28. Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham, Medieval Castles (Princes Risebor-
ough, Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications, 2003), 17.
29. Williams, Gower, 31.

1. P. H. Humphries, Castles of Edward the First in Wales (London: H M S O ,
1983), 10.
2. Frank Bottomley, The Castle Explorer's Guide (New York: Avenal Books,
1983), 103.
3. Ibid., 102.
4. N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Po-
litical History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 261.
5. Ibid., 262.
6. Robin Mackworth-Young, The History and Treasures of Windsor Castle (Lon-
don: Pitkin-Britannia, 1982), 36-42.
7. Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Carew Castle (Haverfordwest: Pem-
brokeshire Coast National Park Authority, 2002), 9.
8. Peter Furtado et al., The Ordnance Survey Guide to Castles in Britain
(Twickenham: Country Life Books, 1987), 142.
9. Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham, Medieval Castles (Princes Risbor-
ough Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications, 2003), 20.
10. Derek Renn, Kenilworth Castle (London: English Heritage, 1999), 7-8.
11. Nick McCann, ed., Berkeley Castle (Derby: English Life Publications,
997)> 17-
12. Charles Kightly, A Mirror of Medieval Wales: Gerald of Wales and His Jour-
ney of 1188 (Cardiff: Cadw, 1988), 8-9.
13. Peter Hammond, Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of
London (London: Historic Royal Palaces, 1993), 3334.
14. Historic Tours (Wales), Ludlow Castle (Caernarfon: Historic Tours (Wales),
1987)- 8.
15. Ibid., 11, 14.
16. English Heritage, Farleigh Hungerford Castle (London: English Heritage,
1998), 4.
17. St. George's Chapel, http://www.stgeorges-windsor.org/liistory/liist_stgeorges
.asp (2005).
18. R. Allen Brown et al., Castles: A History? and Guide (Poole, Dorset: Blanford
Press, 1980), 117.
19. Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales, An In-
ventory of the Ancient Monuments in Glamorgan, vol. 3, Part ib, Medieval Secular
Monuments: The Later Castles from 1217 to the Present (London: H M S O , 1991),

20. Tom McNeill, Castles (London: B. T. Batsford/English Heritage, 1992), 51.

21. Ibid., 57.
22. Ibid.
23. Ron Shoesmith, A Guide to Castles and Moated Sites in Herefordshire
(Almeley, Herefordshire: Logaston Press, 1996), 113-115.
24. McNeill, Castles, 60.
25. Pounds, Medieval Castle, 274.
26. James Forde-Johnston, A Guide to the Castles of England and Wales (Lon-
don: Constable, 1981), 282.
27. Ibid.
28. David Thackray, Bodiam Castle (London: The National Trust, 1995), 39.
29. Matthew Johnson, Behind the Castle Gate: From Medieval to Renaissance
(London: Routledge, 2002). Johnson presents a thought-provoking look at the sym-
bolism behind the construction of castles, focusing on Cooling, Bodiam, and Ke-
nilworth Castles.
30. John R. Kenyon, Raglan Castle(Cardiff: Cadw, 2003), 54

1. John R. Kenyon, Raglan Castle (Cardiff: Cadw, 2003), 9.
2. Ibid., 10.
3. Anthony Emery, "The Development of Raglan Castle and Keeps in Late
Medieval England," Archaeological journal 132 (1975): 176.
4. Ibid., 41.
5. Kenyon, Raglan Castle, 42.
6. Ibid., 40.
7. Ibid., 38.
8. Ibid., 17.
9. Ibid., 50.
10. Ibid., 19.
11. Ibid., 21.
12. Ibid., 18.

1. N.J.G. Pounds, The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Social and Po-
litical History? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 250.
2. James Forde-Johnston, A Guide to the Castles of England and Wales (Lon-
don: Constable, 1981), 73.
3. Plantagenet Somerset Frv, The David and Charles Book of Castles (Newton
Abbot, Devon: David and Charles, 1980), 158.
4. Ibid., 160.
5. R. Allen Brown, Dover Castle: Kent (London: H M S O , 1985), 42.

allure: wall-walk

angle-spur: pyramid-shaped projections rising at the corners of towers, intended for

added support and to prevent collapse from undermining

apsidal: D-shaped

arrowslit: vertical slot in castle walls used for firing crossbows from inside castle;
also called "arrowloop"

ashlar: building stone neatly trimmed to shape; stone with cut, flat surface

aumbry: a cupboard for storing valuables

bailey: defended courtyard or ward of a castle; open area enclosed by the castle
walls; a ward

ballista: siege engine shaped like a giant bow, which fired iron-tipped arrows or
stone missiles

barbican: fortified outwork defending the gate ofa castle or town

bar-holes: holes behind doors placed to receive timber bars, which were used to
bolt the doors closed

barmkin: Scottish term for defended courtyard of a castle; also, the wall enclosing
such an area

barrel vault: a vault in the shape of a half barrel split lengthways

bartizan: an overhanging corner turret

basement: a secure storage space at ground level or below

bastion: an open projecting work placed at the corner or along the wall ofa fortifi-
cation that acts as an added firing platform

batter: inward and upward slope of an external wall, normally located at its base

battery: gun emplacement

battlement: jagged stonework protecting the wall-walk, consisting of crenels and

merlons; also known as "crenellation"

bawn: walled enclosure

besiege: to surround a castle in order to cut off its supplies, stage an assault if neces-
sary, and force its surrender

bratticing: wooden housing erected on top of walls; known as "war-head" when

erected on towers; see "hoarding"

bretasch: wooden tower or wooden defense

burh: Saxon defended settlement

buttery: storeroom where wine and other drink were dispensed from barrels; the
"bottlery"; usually located between the hall and the kitchen

buttress: thickening ofa wall or projecting masonry added for strength and support

capital: head of a column

caponier: covered connecting passageway

casemate: vaulted chamber embedded in ramparts or walls and equipped with a

gun emplacement; passageway within thickness of a curtain wall that leads to gun
and musket ports

castellan: individual in charge of the castle; castle custodian

castellation: battlements; implies use as a decorative feature

castle: a properly fortified military residence; from the Latin, "castellum"

cat: hide-covered framework that protected miners during a siege

cesspit: a depression in the base of a tower or in the ground that collected human

chamberlain: individual responsible for the great chamber and for the personal fi-
nances of the castellan

chancel: part of church or chapel containing the altar


chancery: medieval high court that presided over cases of common law and equity;
chancellor's court or office

chapel: chamber for religious services

chatelaine: lady of the castle; wife of the castellan

cobbled: paved with cobblestones, large rounded stones

comitatus: county court

concentric: having two parallel lines of defense, the lower outer wall closely sur-
rounding the higher inner wall; a walls-within-walls design; circles within circles

constable: governor of a castle

corbel: projecting stone (or timber) feature on a wall used to support an overhang-
ing parapet, platform, turret, or timber beams

crenel: the openings between the upright sections of crenellation

crenellation: toothlike protective stonework rimming the top ofa castle wall; fortifi-
cation, including crenels and merlons; battlements

cross-wall: a stone wall that creates a barrier between two chambers or forms part of
a passageway between two structures

curtain wall: defensive wall which encloses a bailey, courtyard, or ward, generally
constructed in stone; links towers, the main gateway, and other structures

custodian: manager of castle in absence of lord

dais: a raised platform for the high table, located at the end of the great hall, where
the lord and his guests dined

donjon: keep or great tower, the main citadel ofa castle

dormer: a window located partly in the wall and partly in the roof

dovecote: medieval pigeon house, often associated with castles or monasteries;

building with pigeon holes used to breed doves for food supply

D-plan: semicircular design of towers; apsidal

drawbar: sliding wooden bar used to secure a door in the closed position

drawbridge: a timber or stone bridge or roadway across a moat or ditch that lifted or
pivoted to prevent unwanted access into the castle

drum tower: a completely round tower

dungeon: castle prison

embankment: earthen wall or slope that enclosed an area or formed the walls of a

embrasure: splayed opening in a wall or parapet; slits cut into the merlons

enceinte: enclosure or courtyard wall

escalade: assault on a wall or palisade using scaling ladders

exchequer: individual tasked with collecting revenue

fee: land held by a knight or other landowner in exchange for the military service of
a single knight

feudalism: a political and economic system under which land was granted by a
landowner to a person in exchange for military service or other duties

fief: a feudal estate

forebuilding: projecting defensive work that screened the entrance to keep

fossatores: miners

foundations: the masonry substructure of a building; often the only surviving re-
mains ofa castle or its inner structures

garderobe: usually the latrine chute, privy, or castle toilet; sometimes, a room to
store personal items; a wardrobe

garrison: a group of soldiers stationed at a castle

gatehouse: strong multistory structure containing a fortified gate, the portcullis

chamber, and accommodation for the castle constable

gothic: architectural style developed in northern France that is characterized by

pointed arches

great hall: entertainment center of the castle, where guests were feasted; also used
as the main administrative chamber

guardroom: room used by guards when on duty; normally located in the castle gate-
house, often on either side of gate passage

gun emplacement: platform or defended position providing a place to secure can-

nons or other guns

gunloop: opening in a wall for firing a gun, often a modified arrowslit; also called a

harrying: harassing with destructive raids

hearth: open fire in center of chamber

hillfort: a large hilltop enclosure surrounded by one or more earthen ramparts

hoarding: wooden fighting platform fitted to the parapet of wall as extra protection
for defenders that provided extra space from which to fire down on an enemy

hornwork: earthwork barrier usually set before an entrance to impede attackers

inner ward: interior courtyard; hub of castle where daily activities took place
keep: the main citadel or great tower of a castle; a fortified tower containing living
quarters and used as the last line of refuge in a siege; a self-sufficient tower; the
lancet-headed: pointed arches at the peaks of narrow windows
latrine chute: an open channel in a tower or wall through which human waste
passed into a cesspit or outside the castle walls into the moat
license to crenellate: official permission from the monarch to erect a fortified
building or fortify an existing structure
lifting gaffs: mechanical arms used to raise drawbridge
light: compartment of a window
loophole: vertical slit for air, light, or firing through
machicolation: carved projections located along a wall or above an archway
through which defenders could drop or shoot missiles vertically onto attackers be-
low; functioned similar to murder holes
magazine: chamber for storing ammunition, arms, and provisions
mangonel: stone-throwing siege engine consisting ofa heavy frame that supported a
long arm with a cup or sling at the free end, worked with ropes stretched between
upright posts
mantlet: stretch of land running along the outer side ofa curtain wall
marches: borderlands or frontier, especially associated with the border between
Wales and England
merlon: the "teeth" of the battlements rising between the crenels or embrasures;
high sections of battlement
meurtrieres: murder holes
mint: where coins were produced
missile: a large stone or other object thrown at an enemy through murder holes or
by a siege engine

moat: water-filled ditch encircling the castle; a body of water around the castle, as at

motte: artificial or improved natural mound on which a timber tower or shell keep
was built
mullion: vertical bar of stone or wood dividing a window into smaller openings

multilobed: having several curved or rounded projections

multivallate: having more than one rampart

mural: within the wall

murder holes: openings in the ceilings of gate passages through which missiles and
liquids could be dropped onto attackers or fires

newel stair: circular or spiral stair within a wall or tower

Normanized/neo-Norman: architectural features imitating Norman style

oratory: a small private chamber for prayer

oriel: a large projecting, curved or polygonal window supported on corbels

oubliette: tiny cell where prisoners were left to die; secret chamber; pit-prison

palisade: timber fencing, normally erected on top of earthen ramparts or motte

parapet: a protective, battlemented wall located on the outer side of the wall-walk

parliamentarian: supporter of Parliament against King Charles I during English

Civil War in 1640s

partibility: system whereby a deceased person's property is divided equally among

his sons

pele tower: similar to a tower house, but on a smaller scale

piscina: stone basin with drain hole for the priest to wash hands or vessels

pit-prison: underground cell accessed through a hatch or trapdoor in ceiling; dun-

geon; bottle dungeon; oubliette

plantation: deliberate settlement ofa group of people from outside the area

plinth: projecting stone platforms upon which keeps or wall towers were raised to
prevent undermining

portcullis: heavy wooden, iron, or combination grille protecting an entrance, raised

and lowered by winches (the windlass) located inside the gatehouse; grooves visible
in gate passages

postern: secondary gateway or back doorway used for quick escape or to take in sup-

putlog holes: square holes that supported timber scaffolding

rampart: battlement or protected fighting platform for castle defenders; a defensive

bank of earth or rubble, topped with timber fence

range: a group of associated buildings

revetment: an outwork or embankment faced with a laver of timber or masonry


revetting: stone or timber facing applied to a wall or bank

ringwork: an earth and timber fortification similar to a motte but where the summit
is dished to some degree, encircled with earthen banks and then topped with timber

royalist: supporter of monarchy (King Charles I) during English Civil War in the 1640s

rubble: walling of rough, undressed stones; fill stone

sacristy: room used to store sacred vessels and vestments

salient: part ofa fortification that points or angles outward

sally port: small door or gate, usually some distance from main entrance of castle or
ward, which allowed defenders to discreetly enter and exit castle without detection;
related to "sally forth"

sapper: miner

sedile: priest's seat in chapel

seigneurial: of or related to a feudal lord

seneschal: individual in charge ofa lord's feudal estate

serf: a member of the lowest feudal class who is bound to the soil and subject to the

shell keep: a stone ring wall encircling the top of a motte which held domestic
chambers, the hall, and other facilities

shire: an administrative subdivision similar to a county

shire hall: building used to conduct the administrative business of the shire

shutter: movable device for closing the crenel or other wall openings

siege: attacking a castle in order to cause surrender

siege engine: a machine for firing missiles at castle or for scaling walls; includes tre-
buchet, mangonel, ballista, and belfry

siege-work: an earthwork raised for the protection ofa force besieging a castle

slighting: the process of rendering a castle useless to prevent its future use; disman-
tling a fortification accomplished by breaching walls, undermining walls, and, later,
by blowing them up with gun powder; a policy enforced by Oliver Cromwell to en-
sure all castles were unable to oppose his authority after the English Civil War

solar: the lord's private living quarters, usually adjacent to great hall; a withdrawing

splay: an aperture that widens as it progresses inwards, normally associated with


steward: individual who took care of the estate and supervised the castle's house-
hold and events in the great hall; the "seneschal"

string course: horizontal projecting molding or band of masonry running along the
face ofa wall

stronghouse: a horizontally oriented Irish tower house, that often had five stories,
but was wider than it was tall; dates to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

tower house: a significantly fortified residence built to thwart brief assaults rather
than prolonged sieges; architecturally similar to a rectangular keep

trebuchet: stone-throwing siege engine worked with counterweights

triforium: a gallery forming the upper story in the aisle ofa church

turning bridge: early form of drawbridge, operating on seesaw principle

turret: a small tower, often an add-on to a larger tower

twin-towered: describing a gatehouse with matching drum towers flanking either

side of the gate passage

undercroft: plain chamber underneath a medieval house or castle, most often used
as storage and barrel-vaulted

undermining: digging a tunnel at the base ofa curtain wall or tower, which is then
propped up with timber beams and set alight to bring down the foundations over-

univallate: having a single rampart

vassal: a feudal tenant

vault: an arched ceiling, usually of stone

wall-walk: interior walkway along a wall top, protected by a parapet

ward: courtyard or bailey enclosed within castle walls

wicket: small gate or doorway, part of the portcullis

windlass: mechanical device used to raise and lower the drawbridge or portcullis

yett: gate made of intersecting iron bars penetrating each other vertically and hori-
zontally; Scottish variation of portcullis

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Abbotsford, 154 Bailey. See Motte castles

Accommodation, 90, 92-94; private vs. Ballista, 44. See also Besieging a castle;
communal quarters, 93,143-144; as Siege engines
a reflection of social position, Bankes, Lady Mary, 49, 50-51
90-91, 92, 138,145-148; staff Bankes, Sir John, 50, 51
members, 92. See also Keeps Barbicans, 63-65; Carreg Cennen
Alnwick Castle, 133-134 Castle, 65; Exeter Castle, 57, 63;
Anarchy, 14 Lewes Castle, 63; Sandal Castle,
Angle tower house, 117 64-65; Warwick Castle, 63-64
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The, xxi, 3. See Baronial castles, 153-157. See also
also Pre-Conquest castles Residences, castellated
Ap Thomas, Sir Rhys, 130-132 Battering rams, 42, 45. See also Besieging
Ap Thomas, Sir William, 106, 162-163, a castle; Bores; Siege engines
169. See also Raglan Castle Battlements, 65, 66-67
Arrowslits, 57, 67. See also Defensive Bayeux Tapestry, 1-2
features Beaufort, Sir Charles, Earl of
Artillery forts. See Coastal forts Worcester, 167
Arundel Castle, 63,114,175-177 Beaumaris Castle, 18, 55, 94
Arundell, Henry, 3rd Lord, 50 Bedford Castle, siege of, 42, 44
Arundell, Lady Blanche, 49-50 Beeston Castle, 111
Arundell, Sir Matthew, 119 Belfry, 42. See also Besieging a castle;
Ashby de la Zouch Castle, 108,112,113 Siege engines

Berkeley Castle, 19, 32, 97,138 Castell Coch, 151,156-158

Berkhamsted Castle, 55 Castle Rising, 27, 32,101-102
Besieging a castle, 38-43; lady of castle, Castles, xxv-xxvi, 6, 23-28, 29-36,
49-51; surrender, 42-43. See also 173-174, 189; choice of location,
Blockade; Concentric design; 6-9,15, 51-52, 53, 55-56, 77;
Incendiary devices; Siege engines; defined, xxiv-xxv; French origins,
Undermining; Weapons xix; during peacetime, 83-85.
Bigod, Roger, III, 70, 90-91. See also See also Norman Conquest;
Chepstow Castle individual castle entries; types of
Bishops castles, 29,135-137. See also castles
Ecclesiastical castles; Llawhaden Cat. See Penthouse
Castle Catapult. See Mangonel; Siege engines
Blockade, 43; and starvation tactics, Chapels, 138-143
42 Chepstow Castle, 45, 57, 58, 66, 71-72;
Bodiam Castle, 55, 62, 111, 113,147-149 Bigod's range, 90-91; Marten's
Bolton Castle, 146-147 Tower, 34,145
Border castles, 7, 8-9, 104-105. See also Chester Castle, 26, 27
Marcher castles; Pele towers; Tower Churches, collegiate, 141-143; Arundel
houses Castle, 177; St. George's Chapel,
Bores, 45. See also Battering rams; Windsor Castle, 130,142;
Besieging a castle; Siege engines Warkworth Castle, 142-143
Bothwell Castle, 30,106-107 Cilgerran Castle, 55, 62
Brown, R. Allen, definition of "castle," Cisterns, 111, 112. See also Wells
xxiv, 3 Clavering Castle. See Pre-Conquest
Bruce, Robert, 19 castles
Bryce, David, 154. See also Baronial Clifford's Tower, 98-100
castles Clun Castle, 100
Bunratty Castle, 117 Coastal forts, 174, 175,178-180
Burges, William, 156,157 Colchester Castle, 101
Burhs, xx, 2-3 Colonization. See Planned towns
Bute, Marquess of, 87, 98, 151, 156-158 Concentric design, 74-81. See also
Buttery. See Kitchen Beaumaris Castle; Caerphilly
Castle; Dover Castle; Tower of
Cadbury Castle, xvii London
Caerlaverock Castle, 59,129,134; siege Conisbrough Castle, 66, 87,103-104
of, 47-49 Conwy Castle, 55, 114, 143; great hall,
Caernarfon Castle, 48, 59, 112; Eagle 92; kitchen tower, 91; prison tower,
Tower, 72; symbolism, 126-127 30, 92; town walls, 69, 73-74
Caerphilly Castle, 75-80, 87, 94. See Corfe Castle, siege of, 49, 50-51. See
also Concentric design; Gatehouses also Bankes, Lady Mary; Gloriette
Cardiff Castle, 27, 98,143,156 County palatine. See Lordship castles
Carew Castle, 130-132 Courthouses, 26, 27
Carlisle Castle, 8-9,180 Craignethan Castle, 48
Carreg Cennen Castle, 52, 65, 89,112 Crawshay, William, 153

Crawshay family, 152-153 Drawbridges, 61-63, 78-80. See also

Crenellation. See Battlements Bodiam Castle; Raglan Castle
Crusades, 59, 69 D-shaped, 70-72. See also Caernarfon
Curtain wall, 66, 67-68 Castle; Chepstow Castle: Marten's
Cyfarthfa Castle, 151,152-153. See also Tower
Shams Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, and
Kenilworth Castle, 110,115,132-133,
D'Albini, William, 176 149
Dalyngrigge, Sir Edward, 147-149. See Dungeons. See Prisons
also Bodiam Castle Durham Castle, 136-137
David I, King of Scotland, xxiv, 13
Deal Castle, 179-180. See also Coastal Earth and timber castles, 65,183. See
forts also Motte castles; Norman
De Clare, Gilbert, II: Caerphilly Conquest; Ringwork castles;
Castle, 76-80; frontier castles, 7-8; William I, King of England
Kenilworth Castle, 77. See also Ecclesiastical castles, 29,134-137. See
Concentric design also Bishops castles
Decoration, 102, 129, 157-158, 176 Edinburgh Castle, 28,116, 181
Deer parks, 113 Edward I, King of England, 14-19,
Defensive features, 51-80,179. See also 126-127,143; castle symbolism, 126;
Arrowslits; Barbicans; Battlements; concentric castles, 76; invasion of
Concentric design; Curtain wall; Scotland, 18-19, 47; lordship castles,
Ditches; Doors; Drawbridges; 17; royal castles, 15-17; sea access,
Fighting platforms; Gatehouses; 16, 17, 52, 55; use of trebuchet at
Keeps; Machicolations; Moats; Stirling Castle, 45-46. See also
Murder holes; Portcullis; Towers; Caerlaverock Castle: siege of;
Water defenses; individual castle James of St. George, Master;
entries Planned towns; Plantation
De Ludlow, Lawrence, n o Edward II, King of England, 32, 87
Denbigh Castle, 59-60, 61 Elizabethan era, 175
Despenser, Hugh le, 25, 87 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 93,130
De Valence, William, Earl of Enclosure castles. See Ringwork castles
Pembroke, 26, 30, 64, 69, 145 English Civil War: and coastal forts,
Devizes Castle, 41 180; and slighting of castles, 175. See
Ditches, 52-55. See also Moats also Corfe Castle, siege of; Wardour
Dolwyddelan Castle, 102 Castle: siege of
Donjon, 30, 94,105 Escalade, 40-41. See also Besieging a
Doors, 57, 58 castle
Dovecotes, 113-114,123 Ewyas Harold Castle. See Pre-Conquest
Dover Castle, 66, 68-69; besieged by castles
Prince Louis of France, 44, 47; Exeter Castle, 56
concentric design, 75, 76, 81;
Constable's Gate, 57; King's Gate, Farleigh Hungerford Castle, Chapel of
63; post-medieval uses, 181-182 St. Leonard, 141-142

Feudalism, xxii-xxiv, 23, 40, 49, Greek fire, 46

1 1
74- 75 Gunforts. See Coastal forts
Feudalism, industrial, 151, 156. See also
Shams Hadrian's Wall, xvii, 7, 53
Fighting platforms, 30, 40, 67, 74 Hall, 85-88. See also Great hall
Fireplaces, 89, 93, 94. See also Great Harlech Castle, 52, 55, 59
hall; Kitchen Haverfordwest Castle, 20, 32
Fishponds, 113 Hearths, central, 89
Fitzalan, Richard, 176-177 Hen Domen, 86
Flemings, 12, 15, 19-20 Henrician fortresses. See Coastal forts
Flint Castle, 30, 55, 94,111. See also Henry I, King of England, xxiv, 13, 14,
Donjon 19, 20
Follies, 185-186 Henry II, King of England, 24-25, 68,
Forebuildings, 101 107. See also Orford Castle
Fortified settlements, xvi-xix. See also Henry III, King of England, 18, 57, 69,
Hillforts; Roman fortifications; 88, 99; Bedford Castle, siege of, 42,
Saxon fortifications 44
Fortresses, palatial. See Palatial Henry VIII, King of England: coastal
fortresses forts, 178-180; plantation of Ireland,
Framlingham Castle, 66 22; Tower of London, 143
Frontier castles, 6-7. See also Heraldic emblems, 94,128-129,149;
Marcher castles; Pele towers; Arundel Castle, 176,177;
Tower houses Caerlaverock Castle, 134; Carew
Fry, Plantagenet Somerset, definition of Castle, 131; Percy lion, 109, 143
"castle," xxiv-xxv Herbert, Elizabeth, 167. See also Raglan
Gardens, 114-115, 150, 156 Herbert, Sir Walter, 167. See also
Garderobe. See Latrines Raglan Castle
Garrison, 48-49, 66 Herbert, Sir William, 25, 91,163-165,
Gatehouses, 57, 62. See also Caerphilly 166,168. See also Raglan Castle
Castle; Concentric design; Gate Hereford Castle. See Pre-Conquest
towers; Gateways; Harlech Castle; castles
Llawhaden Castle Hillforts, xvi-xvii, 52; Cadbury Castle,
Gate towers, 56, 57. See also Gateways xvii. See also Fortified settlements
Gateways, 56, 60-61. See also Postern Hoarding, 67-68
gate; Sally port; Water gate Hornwork, 80
Glamis Castle, 155 House arrest, 32, 34, 70. See also Prisons
Gloriette, 93 Household, 84, 92
Goodrich Castle: apartments,
145-146; barbican, 63; ditch, 54; Incendiary devices, 46
towers, 71 Inveraray Castle, 155-156
Great hall: carvings, 129; furnishings,
138; as a reflection of social order, James, Lord Berkeley. See Tretower
25-26, 86, 87 Castle

James IV, King of Scotland, 129 Ludlow Castle: Chapel of St. Mary
James V, King of Scotland, 129 Magdalene, 140-141; Chapel of St.
James VI, King of Scotland, plantation Peter, 140
of Ireland, 22 Lydford Castle, 32
James of St. George, Master, 15, 31, 55,
91,126 Machicolations, 58
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 138. Mangonel, 43-44. See also Besieging a
See also Kenilworth Castle castle; Siege engines
Johnson, Matthew, 1 9 8 ^ 9 Manorbier Castle, 71, 86,111,113,139
Mansel, Sir Edward, 123-124
Keeps, 93-110; rectangular, 100-103; Mansel, Sir Rice, 123
round, 69, 103-107; shell, 96-100, Marcher castles, 7-8
105-106. See also Arundel Castle; Marshal, William, Earl of Pembroke,
Conisbrough Castle; Orford Castle; 57, 69, 104. See also Goodrich
Pembroke Castle; Raglan Castle; Castle; Pembroke Castle
Tretower Castle Marten, Henry, 34. See also Chepstow
Kenilworth Castle, 132-133; fishponds, Castle; Prisons
113; gardens, 114-115; great hall, Mary, Queen of Scots, 33-34
138; great mere, 149; siege of, 42, Mary of Guise, Queen, 180
77; stables, 110-111; water defenses, Middleham Castle, 94,111
77 Mills, 89,111
Kidwelly Castle, 139-140 Moats, 53, 54, 55. See also Ditches
Kilns, 27, 89 Mock-fortified manor house. See
Kirby Muxloe Castle, 56, 120-122 Residences, castellated; Oxwich
Kitchen, 85, 89, 91. See also Conwy Castle
Castle; Fireplaces; Great hall; Monea Castle, 23
Raglan Castle Morlais Castle, 7-8
Motte castles: construction, xxii, 2, 3, 4;
Lancaster Castle, 33 distribution, 2, 5, 8, 11-13; purpose,
Landscape and status, 148-150. See xxv
also Bodiam Castle; Raglan Murder holes, 58. See also Defensive
Castle features
Latrines, 93, 94
Lewes Castle, barbican, 63 Neuadd. See Wales, pre-Norman
License to crenellate, 127-128 fortifications
Life in a castle, 84, 112 Newark Castle, 31
Living quarters. See Accommodation Nithsdale Apartments, 129, 134
Llawhaden Castle, 135-136 Norman Conquest: of Britain, 1-2, 3; of
Llys. See Wales, pre-Norman Ireland, 12; and Scotland, xxiv, 12; of
fortifications Wales, 10-12
Llywelyn ab Iorwerth, 15, 72,102 Normans, and castle-building in
Loch Leven Castle, 33 Britain, xxii-xxiv, 2-4, 6-7, 9, 14,
Lordship castles, 25-27, 93,126, 130 37. See also Motte castles;
Louis, Prince of France, 44, 47 Norman Conquest; Ringwork

castles; William I, King of England; James VI, King of

England Scotland; Planned towns
Nunney Castle, 122 Pleasaunce, 114-115. See also Gardens;
Kenilworth Castle
Oakham Castle, great hall, 25-26, 88 Portcullis, 57, 58. See also Defensive
Offa's Dyke, xx, 53. See also Saxon features
fortifications Postern gate, 60, 61
Ogmore Castle, 27,102 Pre-Conquest castles, xx-xxii
Onager, 43. See also Besieging a castle; Princes of Wales, native, 7,10-11,15,17,
Mangonel; Siege engines 76,127
Orford Castle, 94, 107 Prisons, 29-35, 7^- See also Berkeley
Oubliette, 30-32. See also Prisons Castle; Conwy Castle;
Oxwich Castle, 123-124 Haverfordwest Castle; House arrest;
Lydford Castle; Newark Castle;
Palatial fortresses, 93, 129-130, 132, 153 Tower of London
Pantry. See Kitchen
Parke's Castle, 23 Raglan Castle, 161-172; defensive
Pele towers, 8, 116-117. See also Tower features, 59, 62; English Civil War,
houses 169-170; fountain court, 165-166;
Pembroke Castle: courthouse, 26; gardens, 150, 168; gatehouse, 163;
dungeon tower, 30, 145; keep, 69, great hall, 168; historical
104; wogan, 61. See also Marshal, background, 162-163; kitchen
William, Earl of Pembroke tower, 91, 165; long gallery,
Pendennis Castle. See Coastal forts 165-166; pitched stone court, 164;
Penrhyn Castle, 151, 152 polygonal towers, 163, 164; as a
Penthouse, 45. See also Besieging a reflection of social order, 145-146;
castle; Siege engines Yellow Tower of Gwent, 166,
Pentise. See Penthouse 169-171, 172
Percy, Henry, 4th Lord, 109, 133, 142. Ramparts. See Battlements
See also Warkworth Castle Residences, castellated, 118-124, x53>
Perrier, 46. See also Besieging a castle; *54
Siege engines Residences, fortified. See Residences,
Petrary, 43. See also Besieging a castle; castellated
Siege engines Residential structures. See
Pevensey Castle, 3-4 Accommodation
Pit-prison. See Oubliette Restormel Castle, 96-97
Planned towns, 21, 23. See also Rhosyr (llys), xxi
Plantation Rhuddlan Castle, 15,16; Twthill motte,
Plantagenet, Hamelin, 103,107 16
Plantation, 19-23; castles, 22-23; Rhymney Castle, 86
Ireland, 22; Ulster, 22. See also Richard's Castle. See Pre-Conquest
Flemings; Henry I, King of castles
England; Henry VIII, King of Richmond Castle, Scolland's Hall, 87

Ringwork castles, construction, 3, 4, Somerset, Edward, Lord Herbert and

5-6. See also Castle Rising; 2nd Marquis of Worcester, water-
Llawhaden Castle; Ogmore Castle commanding machine, 171. See also
Robert's Castle. See Pre-Conquest castles Raglan Castle
Rochester Castle, siege of, 69 Somerset, Henry, 5th Earl of Worcester
Roman fortifications, xvii-xix, 52-53. and 1st Marquis of Worcester, 170.
See also Hadrian's Wall See also Raglan Castle
Rothesay Castle, 100 Somerset, William, 3rd Earl of
Royal castles, 25, 27-29,143-144 Worcester, gardens, 168. See also
Ruins, 184 Raglan Castle
Springald, 45. See also Ballista;
Sally port, 60, 61. See also Denbigh Besieging a castle; Siege engines
Castle Stables, 110-111
Sandal Castle, 64 Staff, permanent, 84
Sapping. See Undermining Stanegate. See Roman fortifications
Saxon fortifications, xix-xxi, 53. See also Stirling Castle: royal residence, 180;
Burhs; Offa's Dyke siege of, 46,180
Scorpion. See Ballista St. Mawes Castle. See Coastal forts
Scott, Sir Walter, 154 Stokesay Castle, 109-110
Scrope, Lord, Richard, 146-147
Service rooms. See Kitchen Tattershall Castle, 107-108
Settlements, defended. See Fortified Threave Castle, 116
settlements Tower houses, 115-118; Ireland, 117; L-
Shams, xv-xvi, 150-158. See also plan, 116; Northumberland, 8;
Baronial castles; Crawshay, Scotland, 66,155; Wales, 118; Z-
William; specific examples plan, 116. See also Pele towers
Siege-castles. See Siege-works Tower of London, 28-29,183; Chapel of
Siege engines, 41, 43-48; Chinese St. John the Evangelist, 139; Chapel
origins, 46; Greek origins, 43, 44; of St. Peter ad Vincula, 139;
Roman origins, 43, 44. See also concentric design, 34, 74-75, 76, 81;
Ballista; Battering rams; Belfry; as a prison, 34-35; Queen's House,
Besieging a castle; Mangonel; 143-144; Traitor's Gate (water gate),
Perrier; Petrary; Springald; 61; White Tower (great keep), 34,
Trebuchet 101
Siege tower. See Belfry Towers: blind spots, 68; "closed," 71; D-
Siege-works, 13-14; Malvoisin, 13; the shaped, 69-70, 71; "open-gorged,"
Rings, Corfe, 14 71-72; polygonal, 78,127;
Skenfrith Castle, 55, 61 rectangular, 68; round, 69, 70, 79;
Slighting, 150, 175 strengths, 69; weaknesses, 69. See
Solar, 92-93 also Gate towers; Keeps; Pele
Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of towers; Tower houses
Worcester, 168-169. See also Raglan Town walls, medieval, 73-74; Conwy,
Castle 73

Trebuchet, 45-47. See also Besieging a Weapons, 41, 43-47, 49, 66-67, 84,103,
castle; Siege engines; Stirling 171,190
Castle: siege of Wells, 111-112,135
Tretower Castle, 105-106 Welsh-built castles, 17, 72; shams,
Twthill. See Rhuddlan Castle 151-153
Weobley Castle, 89, 94,112,122-123
Undermining, 41, 48, 53, 66 William, Lord Hastings, 56, 121-122
Urquhart Castle, 89 William of Normandy, Duke. See
William I, King of England
Vaughan, Sir Roger, 106 William I, King of England: castle-
building program, 3-5, 9-10, 14;
Wales, pre-Norman fortifications, xxi. harrying of the North, 9, 98; reuse
See also Edward I, King of of Roman and Saxon sites, 9-10, 31,
England; specific castles by 53. See also Motte castles; Norman
name Conquest; Ringwork castles
Walls, 65-68; timber, 65-66. See also William the Conqueror. See William I,
Curtain wall King of England
Walmer Castle. See Coastal forts Winchester Hall, 88
Wardour Castle, 119-120,185; siege of, Windlass room, 57, 58, 62, 158, 183
49-50. See also Arundell, Lady Windsor Castle, renovation, 93, 183; St.
Blanche George's Chapel, 130,142
Warkworth Castle, 72,109,142-143 Wiston Castle, 20
Warwick Castle, 63-64, 72-73 Women, 84-85. See also Arundell, Lady
Water defenses, 77; great mere, 132,149. Blanche; Bankes, Lady Mary
See also Caerphilly Castle; Dudley,
Robert, Earl of Leicester; Yellow Tower of Gwent. See Raglan
Kenilworth Castle; Moats Castle
Water gate, 60 Yetts, 58. See also Portcullis
Water supply. See Cisterns York Castle. See Clifford's Tower
About the Author

LISE E. HULL is an independent researcher who has spent twenty years re-
searching Britain's castles. She is the founder of Castles Unlimited, an or-
ganization dedicated to promoting appreciation and preservation of these
masterpieces of military engineering. She is the author of The Castles of
Pembrokeshire (2005) and numerous magazine articles.

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