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Earth Sci CS

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Republic of the Philippines


2 Mayor Chanyungco St. Sta. Elena, Marikina City


Course Code/Title ERH330 EARTH SCIENCE

Credit Units 3
Time Allotment 54 (3 hours lecture x 18 weeks)
Semester, School Year 1st Semester SY 2018-2019
Faculty Editha V. Villamor, Ed.D.
Instructor III
Course Pre-requisites None
Course Description This one year course explores the foundations of Earth Science in the following related topics / fields: Earths place in the universe, dynamic
Earth processes, Energy in the Earth system, biochemical cycles, structure and composition of the atmosphere, and California geology.
Students will have the opportunity for self assessment as well as for teacher guidance and assessment throughout the course including the
preparation and finalization of two semester Problem Solving Projects, which focus on research, organization, and drafting strategies. The
course covers scientific terminology, historical and cultural advances in science, vocabulary building, test taking strategies, and several
simulated labs, hands-on labs, the essay, workplace documents, and science projects using the scientific method.

Course Objectives Students will develop an understanding of: Earths place in the universe Galaxies and stars Solar systems Planets and satellites Planet
Earth Tectonic processes Oceans Atmosphere Energy in the Earth system Earths energy budget: inflow and outflow Circulation in
the oceans and atmosphere Climate variations in time and space Biochemical cycles Rock cycle Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycles
California Geology Tectonic evolution Major economic Earth resources Surface processes Natural hazards Geographic Mapping
Investigation and experimentation Question formation Planning a scientific investigation Observation and data collection Data analysis /
graphing Drawing conclusions and communicating explanations Nature of science Scientific inquiry Scientific ethics Historical
perspectives Science and society Science literacy Diversity Science, technology, and society safety

MPC Vision The Marikina Polytechnic College shall be the national center for higher professional teacher and technical education and training and the
development center for shoe and leathercraft and other allied industries.

Mission The College is committed to promote quality and relevant education and training for propective administrators, teachers, trainers and
technoprenuers and to produce quality researches for the development of and leathercraft and other allied industries.
Goals Using Standard lab report format, make predictions, record and interpret data, and make observations to produce conclusions. Use word
processing software and interpret resources to complete research assignments. Write or verbally tell an in-depth explanation about a class

Objectives Students will be able to independently use their learning to: 1. Approach science as a reliable and tentative way of knowing and explaining the
natural world. 2. Weigh evidence and use scientific approaches to ask questions, investigate, and make informed decisions.

Course Learning Outcomes Communicate effectively in a professionally accepted manner

Demonstrate effective oral and written scientific communication
Demonstrate understanding of ethical and controversial issues in science, including the merits of alternative hypotheses.

Values Infused
Session No. Instructional
Chapter Learning Outcomes Topic/Content Assessment
(by week) Delivery/Strategies/Activities
1st Introduction to Earth Science Discussion of the Origin Written test
1. The Origin and Evolution of Life and Evolution of Life Graded Recitation
Define and use correctly a wide What are Earth Sciences Overview of the different
range of descriptive and 1. Science Basics Earth Sciences
technical geological terminology. 2. Geology
3. Oceanography
4. Meteorology
5. Astronomy
2nd Define latitude and longitude Science Basics Begin by asking students to Written test
A. Models of Earth identify points of latitude Graded Recitation
Identify the Equator and Prime 1. Latitude/Longtitude and longitude on the globe. Written Assignment
Meridian 2. Topographic Maps Does everyone in class
3. GPS Receivers agree on which points
Map point coordinates of latitude exemplify latitude and
and longitude which indicate longitude?
Discuss this as a class.
Exhibit the World Globe in
front of the class.

Show the world map in

front of the class and
determine the latitude and
3rd 4th Discuss cogently the overarching Geology Lecture and Discussion Written test
theory of plate tectonics as it A. Plate techtonics Teach Plate Techtonics Graded Recitation
pertains to various aspects of the 1. Seafloor Spreading with Drawing Project Making: Print
Earth's processes 2. Plate Boundary features Demonstrates plate Photos
3.Plate Motions tectonics through easy-to- of igneous, sedimentary
Comprehend and be able to B. Rocks draw illustrations. and metamorphic rocks
explain the model of the internal 1. Rock Cycle Get a rock, mineral or fossil and compare.
structure and energetics of the 2. Igneous kit to teach your students
Earth 3. Sedimentary and Metamorphic about earth materials and
Rocks how to identify them.
Recognize the origins and
significance of metamorphic

5th 6th Associate the global distribution of Geology Discussion Written test
earthquakes and volcanoes. C. Earthquakes Film Showing Project Making: Creating
1. Seismic Waves a map project to find the
2. Causes location of different
3. Hazards earthquakes and relating
D. Volcanoes this to techtonic plates.
1. Types of Volcanoes and Magmas
2. Hazards
7th Oceanography Discussion Written test
Describe the theories of the origin of A. Ocean Water Film Showing Report Writing
the earth, atmosphere, and oceans 1. Salinity and Density
B. Movements of the Ocean
Compare density and surface currents 2. Currents and Upwelling
and identify the factors that affect each
8th Meteorology Discussion Written test
Demonstrate knowledge of the A. Atmosphere Film Showing Report Writing
atmosphere and its evolution 1. Composition/Structure
2. Movement of Energy
9th Meteorology Discussion Quantitative assignments
Describe the physical basis of the B. Climate Quizzes and tests
natural greenhouse effect 1. Causes of Changes
2. Greenhouse Effect
10th 11th Observe that there are Astronomy Begin by asking students what Written test
A. Studying Space they know about transverse Report Writing
eight main types of 1.Electromagnetic Spectrum waves and compressional waves.
electromagnetic waves Work with students to create a t-
classified on the chart on the board and compare
electromagnetic spectrum and contrast the two types of
according to their waves. Identify key concepts
wavelengths. associated with each wave. It may
be helpful to create this chart on a
transparency or chart paper for
later reference and reinforcement.
12th 14th Astronomy Discussion Written test
Identify the major characteristics of B. Our Solar System Film Showing Report Writing
objects in our solar system including 1. Formation Group Activity: Study Tour Graded Recitation
the sun, planets, moons, asteroids and 2. Terrestial Planets (Planetarium) Group Activity: Make an
comets. 3. Gas Giant Planets illustration of the solar
C. Minor Bodies of the Solar System system
1. Satellites, Asteroid and Meteors
D. The Sun
1. Solar Energy
2. Stellar Evolution
15th 16th Astronomy Discussion Written test
E. Stars, Galaxies and the Universe Film Showing Graded Recitation
Identify the scale of items within 1. Milky way galaxy
the Universe 2. Types of Galaxies
Appreciate the wide variety of
objects contained in the

Employ current methodologies in Earth Science Investigation and Discussion Written Test
17th 18th the field and laboratory Experimentation Laboratory Report
Analyze and interpret data and A. The Scientific process and the
scientific literature Scientific Method
Synthesize data and draw a. Scientific inquiry
accurate inferences b. Laboratory Reporting
c. Laboratory Safety
Course References:
A. Books
Mac O`neall (2014) Understanding Earth Science (4th Edition) pp. 30-55
Gregor Mcgregor (2015) Earth Science (3rd Edition) pp. 167-190
Mary Kozier (2016) Foundations of Earth Science (7th) Edition
Cris Farmosa (2016) Climate Change: What everyone needs to know
John Conner (2016) Foundations of Earth Science (7th) Edition

Additional Supplementary Materials:

Jerome Bruner, The Sea Around Us (Special Edition)

Oke Mills, Urban Climates
Dorrick Stow, Oceans: Avery Short Introduction

Course Requirements:

Computation of Grades
Attendance 5%
Attitude 5% Midterm Grade is 1/3 (one thirds) : Midterm grade x 34%
Recitation 20% Final Grade is 2/3 (two-thirds) : Final grade x 66%
Quizzes/Long test 20% Total 100%
Midtern/Finals 25%
Activity/Project/Homework 25%
Total 100%

Suggested Projects/ Activities:

A. Print Photos of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and compare.

B. Creating a map project to find the location of different earthquakes and relating this to techtonic plates.
C. Group Activity: Study Tour (Planetarium)
D. Group Activity: Make an illustration of the solar system
E. Laboratory Report
F. Writing Report
G. Film Showing
Course Policies:

Students are expected to observe the Academic Policies and Code of Conduct and Discipline based on the College Student Manual. In addition, the following guidelines shall be observed:
Students must always participate in classroom and online discussions and activities as may be required by the instructors.
The students are expected to complete the activity workbook/sheets upon submission
Midterm and final examinations are major components of the grading system. Failure to take the final examination will result in an incomplete Grade as reflected in the student manual.

Consultation Period: As reflected in the Instructor/Professor`s Schedule

Communicate effectively in a
professionally accepted manner

Demonstrate effective oral and At least 80% class attendance

Narrative reports
written scientific communication Compiled with all activities and
Submitted Projects Handbook on Typology of
class projects
Documentation of activities Outcomes-based Education
Demonstrate understanding of Passed all summative exams
ethical and controversial issues in Laboratory reports
science, including the merits of
alternative hypotheses.

Prepared by:

Edithe V. Villamor, Ed.D.

Instructor III
Recommending Approval: Approved by:

______________________ Limuel C. Cirineo, Ed.D.

Dean of Science and Technology Vice President of Academic Affairs

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