1. Introduction
NOTE: This document assumes the HMI and PLC are pre-programmed and the
Digi One IAPs Ethernet interface is configured. If you require additional
assistance in configuring the Digi One IAP, please refer to the documentation on
the CD that ships with the product or check Digis support web site at
1.1. Example Application
You have an existing system with a serial master and single-port slave; such as a
local HMI and low-end PLC. The Digi One IAP allows you to retrofit this system
so the serial master can share this slave with the world.
This diagram shows the HMI connected to the screw terminal port and the PLC
to the DB-9 port. This can be reversed, depending on your needs. The order
does not matter but you need to adjust the steps shown as appropriate.
This example shows a local HMI or operator panel on port 1 and a single-port
PLC on port 2. When pass-thru is enabled:
Port 1 is the screw terminal and can be EIA-232, 422, or 485.
Port 2 is the DB-9 and is EIA-232 only.
1.2. Theory of Operations
The Digi One IAP supports this application because it is Modbus protocol-aware.
It understands Modbus/RTU, Modbus/ASCII, and Modbus/TCP requests and
responses. It also understands how slave addresses or unit id are handled.
Given this understanding of the Modbus protocol, the Digi One IAP acts like a
network print server; it can juggle & interleave requests from many masters to
many slaves. Requests from the HMI are understood to be destined for the PLC
(or can even be for remote PLC). The same is true of requests from remote
OPC, programming software, or network-enabled PLC.
2. Hardware Setup
2.1. Enable Pass-Thru Port
Power off the Digi One IAP.
Set the Pass Thru DIP-switch to ON. This lone DIP-switch is on the side of
the unit opposite the MAC address and serial number labels. It is NOT in the
4-switch block used for EIA-232/485 selection.
Power on the Digi One IAP. The Pass Thru DIP-switch is ONLY read during
boot up, so changing it while the unit is powered has no effect.
2.2. Connect your devices
The HMI and PLC can be connected to either physical serial interface. This
document assumes that the HMI is on the screw terminal block and the PLC is
connected via the DB-9 connector. If you connect in the opposite order, you
just need to modify the steps below as necessary.
2.3. Configure the firmware in the Digi One IAP
You have 2 options for configuring the Digi One IAP. You can use your web
browser to access a Web Wizard, or you can use HyperTerminal (or any
telnet/comms app) to access the Digi One IAP by TCP port 23.
You will log in as root, where the default password is dbps.
When you get to this page, click the Continue creating option to define our
incoming Ethernet Master or message sources and press Next.
3.5. Define second Master / Message Source remote PLC & OPC
Click the option for network devices and set the protocol to Modbus/TCP. The
Network Port should set itself to 502. Click Next and set the appropriate value
in the following screen. Press Help if you need more explanation.
When you get to this page, uncheck the Continue creating option to stop
adding Masters or message sources and press Next.
Click the option for serial devices, set the Protocol to Modbus/RTU (or
Modbus/ASCII) and the Serial Port to 2. Go through the following pages and
set values as desired. Press Help if you need more information.
When you reach this page, check the box to Continue creating.
3.8. Create more destinations remote Digi One IAP or PLC w/Enet
The HMI or serial Modbus master is not limited to querying the serial PLC(s),
however it can just as well poll remote Modbus/TCP slaves, including other serial
Modbus slaves on Digi One IAP or Modbus/TCP-enabled PLC like Quantum or