A Study On The Recuitment and Selection AT Ivrcl Ifrastructure & Projects LTD
A Study On The Recuitment and Selection AT Ivrcl Ifrastructure & Projects LTD
A Study On The Recuitment and Selection AT Ivrcl Ifrastructure & Projects LTD
I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “The study of recruitment and
University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published
Place: Hyderabad
Signature of the Student
This is to certify that the Report on the Project titled “A study on recruitment and
selection” in IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Ltd is the bonafide work carried out by
Miss P. Lakshmi, MBA second year student, bearing Roll No.06911E0014 of this
college under my guidance and in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Curriculum
for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration by Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University for the academic year 2006-2008
This Project Report has not been submitted to any other University or Organization for
the award of any Degree or Diploma.
There have been revolutionary changes brought about in the field of Human Resource
Management in the last decade. The most important of these is the recognition of the
importance of HRD as a strategic business partner. This means accepting the HR function
as a strategic partner in the formulation of the company’s strategies as well as in the
implementation of those strategies through HR activities such as recruitment, selection,
compensation, training and rewarding personnel.
One of the most important functions of Human Resource Management is the Recruitment
and Selection of employees within the organization .And one industry where Recruitment
and Selection is very essential in the industry. Getting the projects in the industry, which
makes to Recruitment and Selection the people in the organization.
This project deals with “the study of the Recruitment and Selection” at IVRCL
Infrastructure & Projects Ltd.
This Project focuses on the roles of recruit of people in an organization, and selecting a
suitable person for the post. Placing a right candidate at a right time and right place the
recruitment and selection process is completed in IVRC
I sincerely thank Mr. Pandu Ranga Rao for giving me the opportunity to do the project
at IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Ltd.
Mrs. Bharathi and Mr. Giridhar for their guidance throughout this project.
It is with great pleasure that I express my gratitude to Mr. Siva Rami Reddy (Head of
the Department), and Mrs. Swapna under whose inspiring guidance and advice this
study has been carried out.
I am also thankful to my family members and my friends who helped me to complete this
Place: Hyderabad
Chapter Page no
1.1 Need 10
1.2 Methodology 11-12
1.3 Structure of the Study 12
1.4 Objectives of the Study 12
3.1 Industry Profile 34- 35
3.2 Company Profile 36-45
Chapter 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 79
8.1 Bibliography 80
Once the required number and kind of human resources are determined, the
management has to find the places where required human resources are/will be available
and also the means of attracting them towards the organization before selecting
candidates for jobs. All this process is generally known as ‘RECRUITMENT’. Some
people use the term ‘recruitment’ for employment. These two are not one and the same.
Recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire employment process. Some others use
the term recruitment for selection. These two terms are not one and the same either.
Technically speaking the function of recruitment precedes the selection function and it
includes only finding, developing the sources of prospective employees and attracting
them to apply for jobs in an organization, whereas the selection is the process of finding
out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates attracted. Formal
definition of recruitment would give clear cut idea about the function of recruitment.
Requirements of the job to be filled, have been clearly specified [job analysis, etc]
Employee specifications [physical, mental, social, and behavioral, etc] have been
clearly specified.
Candidates for screening have been attracted.
candidates is selected and placed in the right position. There will be job
satisfaction which in turn reduces the employee turn over and enhances the
productivity. More work can be done at less cost.
The need of the study is to offer new and improved measures and strategies
of recruitment and selection process to IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects
Limited. This report is an attempt to delve into the area of “Recruitment and
Selection” and offer strategies customized for IVRCL Infrastructure &
Projects Limited.
This study will be helpful to the juniors and will work as a guide to them.
A survey has been conducted on the perception of the employees on the recruitment
and selection process of IVRCL. All the work levels are considered for the
• Number of employees working in IVRCL.
• Location considered - corporate office.
• Primary Data:
The primary data is collected through the personal interview with the HR
manager and the other employees of the HR circle. Observation is also made at the
recruitments which were conducted at the time of the study.
• Secondary Data:
Sampling technique:
The sampling technique used for the collection of information through the
questionnaires is the simple random sampling.
Sample size:
To know about different strategies those are implementing in recruitment process.
To know how the company attracts with multi-dimensional and experiences that
suit. The present and future organizational strategies.
Secondary data:
Since the data that has been considered for analysis and evaluation is
secondary data, all the limitations that pertain to secondary data will be
present. There is a possibility of biased information
A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The
result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.
Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create
a pool of prospective for the organization so that the management can select the right
candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process
is to expedite the selection process.
do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manager initiates an
employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.
The needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.
Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization
Predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.
Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.
Determine the present and future requirements of the firm in conjunction with its
personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.
Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long
Increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all
types of job applicants.
Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
• To attract people with multi-dimensional skills and experience that suits the
present and future organizational skills.
• To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.
• To induce fresh blood at all levels of the organization.
• To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the
• To search or head hunt people whose skills fit the company’s values.
• To devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits.
• To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent,
• To search for talent globally and no just within the company.
• To design entry pay that competent on quality but not quantum.
• To anticipate and find people for positions that does not exist yet.
Sub-systems of Recruitment:
Management has to attract more candidates in order to increase selection ratio
in order to select the most suitable candidates out of the total candidates.
Recruitment is positive as it aims increasing the number of applicants and selection
is somewhat negative as it selects the suitable candidates in which process the
unsuitable are automatically eliminated. Though, the function of recruitment seems
to be easy, a number of factors make performance of recruitment a complex one.
Recruitment planning
• Estimated no. of
Contacts need.
• Job specifications.
Recruitment philosophy
• Internal vs External job filling
• Job vs Career orientation
• St-term vs longterm orientation
Recruitment Activities
• Job posting
• Ads
• Other recruitment sources
• Follow up actions
• Record keeping
Screening /
employees 19
Recruitment Evaluation
No. of jobs filled ?
Jobs filled in timely fashion ?
Cost per job filled ?
Recruiting the wrong kind of people can become a serious issue for any
company. A defined recruitment process needs to be followed to ensure that the right
person reaches the right place.
Interviews are an important and a crucial part of recruitment process. The person
taking the interview of the candidate has to be well prepared in advance. Concerns like
the location of the interview, the time table, the structure of the question strategy, style of
taking the interview needs to be decided beforehand so that nothing is left ambiguous in.
A general recruitment process may include a written test to judge particular skills
of a candidate. In this case, the test should be prepared carefully, not deviating from the
subject. A lot can be judged about the candidate from his CV. A proper presentation of
his CV in an organized and refined manner speaks a lot about the individual. His mindset
and attitude can be judged according to his CV.
There are a few things that need to be kept in mind during the recruitment process.
Until the final decision about a certain candidate is taken, it is important to keep in
regular touch with the candidate. The decision making process should not take very long
to avoid the candidate from taking up some other opportunity. A candidate should be
duly informed once the decision is taken. He should be told the complete process of his
appointment clearly with details of all the documents that he needs to submit. A record
file should be maintained of the candidate for any future reference.
The recruitment process must be robust and justifiable and should stand up to
external scrutiny. Only a good recruitment agency with good understanding can perform
the same with a good understanding.
There are several sources and they may be broadly classified into two.
i) Internal sources
ii) External sources
Professional or Trade
E Employment Exchange
Present Employees C
R Campus Recruitment
Employee Referrals U
I Walk-ins and Write-ins
Former Employees T
M Consultants
Previous Applicants E
N Contractors
Displaced Persons
Present Employee:
Promotions and transfers from among the present employees can be a good
source of recruitment. Promotion to higher positions has several advantages. They are i)
it is good public relations; ii) it builds morale;
iii) it encourages competent individuals who are ambitious; iv) it is cheaper than going
outside to recruit.
Promotion can be dysfunctional to the firm a advantage of hiring outsiders who
may be better qualified and skilled is denied. Promotion also results in inbreeding which
is not good for the organization.
Promotion, to be effective, requires using job posting, personal records and skill
banks. Job posting means notifying vacant positions by posting notices, circulating
publications or announcing at staff meetings and inviting employees to apply. Personnel
records are also useful to effect promotions. Examining personal records may help
discover employee who are below their educational qualifications or skill levels.
Employee referrals:
This can be good source of internal recruitment. Employees can develop good
prospectus for their families and friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job
with the company. When employees recommend successful referrals, they are paid
monetary incentives which are called “finders fees”.
Former employees:
Former employees are also a internal source of applicants. Some retired persons
employees may be willing to come back to work on a part-time basis or may recommend
someone who would be interested in working for the company. Sometime, people who
have left the company for some reason or the other are willing to come back and work.
An advantage of this source is that the performance of these people is already known.
Previous applicants:
Although not truly internal sources, those who have previously applied for jobs can
be contracted by mail, a quick and inexpensive way to fill an unexpected opening
Advertising in newspapers and periodicals is one of the most important methods of
recruitment today. This is specially so in case of recruitment of management and
technical personnel. The company needing advertisers details about requirement, salary,
perquisites , duties and responsibilities etc. the advantage of advertising is that all details
about the job can be given I advertisement to allow self-screening by the prospective
candidates. Advertisement gives the management a wider range of candidates from which
to choose. Its disadvantage of applicant’s whole screening cots may be quite heavy.
Employment Exchange:
Employment exchanges have been set up all over the country in deference to the
provisions of the employment exchange act 1959. The major functions of the exchanges
are to increase the pool of possible applicants and to do preliminary screening. Thus,
employment exchanges act as a link between the employers and the prospective
employees. These offices are particularly useful in recruiting blue-collar, white-collar,
and technical workers.
Campus recruitment:
Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are fertile
ground for recruiters, particularly the institutes. Four reasons can be given to explain this
trend. First, changes in the economic front have thrown open new opportunities in the
home country. Second, quality of life in India has improved considerably. Third, it is
becoming highly difficult for foreign students to secure work permits in the US. Fourth,
sentiment and love for the mother country compels them to return India.
Campus recruitment is often an expensive process, even if the recruiting process
eventually produces job offers and acceptances.
Consultants are useful in as much as they have nation-wide contacts and lend
professional to the hiring process. They also keep prospective employer and the
employee anonymous.
Contractors are used to recruit causal workers. The names of the workers are not
entered in the company records and to this extent, difficulties experienced in maintaining
permanent workers are avoided.
Perhaps no method has ever had revolutionary an effect on recruitment practices s
the internet. There are respective company websites devoted in some manner to job-
posting activities. Currently, employers can electronically screen candidates soft
attributes, direct potential hires to a special website for online skill assessment, conduct
background checks over the internet, interview candidates via videoconferencing, and
manage the entire process with web-based software. Companies benefit immensely
through cost savings,
Speed enhancement and extend worldwide candidate reach which the internet offers.
The internal factors include the company’s pay package including salary, fringe
benefits and incentives, quality of work life, organizational culture, career planning
and growth opportunities, size of the company, company’s product/services
geographical spread of the company’s operations viz., local, national or global,
company’s growth rate, Role of Trade Unions and cost of recruitment.
Function of Recruitment
has to divert its energies for developing the sources within the limits of those
factors thought it cannot find suitable candidates for the jobs.
In human resource planning we identified our personnel needs. Once these needs
were established a job analysis was conducted, which clarified the characteristics of jobs
being done and the individual qualities necessary to do these jobs successfully. This
information was then used to recruit a pool of qualified applicants. We must now begin
the process of thinning this set, which is one of the major objectives of selection.
The selection procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given
company to ascertain whether the candidate's specifications are matched with the job
specifications and requirements or not. The selection procedure cannot be effective until
and unless:
1. Requirements of the job to be filled, have been clearly specified (Job Analysis)
2. To inform and sell the candidate on the job and the organization.
External Environment
Internal Environment
Preliminary Interviews
Selection Tests
Employment Interview
Reference and Background
Selection Decision
Physical Examination
Job Offer
Employment Contract
Preliminary Interview:
The applications received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as
to eliminate unqualified applicants. This is usually followed by a preliminary interview
the purpose of which is more or less the same as Scrutiny of applicants, that is,
elimination of unqualified applications. Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to eliminate
unqualified job seekers based on the information supplied in their application forms.
Selection Tests:
Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests.
Different types of test mat be administered, depending on the job ad the company.
Ability tests or Achievement tests assist in determining how well an individual can
perform tasks related to the job.
Aptitude tests help determining a persons potential to learn in a given area.
Personality tests are given to measure a prospective employee’s motivation to function
in a particular environment.
Interest tests are used to measure an individual’s activity preferences. These tests are
particularly useful for students considering many careers or employees deciding upon
career changes.
Graphology test is a test that seeks to predict success or failure through one’s
handwriting. It s vastly used in the U.S but is yet to make its presence felt in India.
Medical test reveal physical fitness of a candidate.
Employment Interview:
An interview is conducted at the beginning of the selection process. Interview is a
formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability. It is
considered to be an excellent selection device. Interview can be adapted to unskilled,
skilled, managerial and professional employees. It allows a two-way exchange of
information, the interviewers learn about the applicant, and the applicant learns about the
In the one-to-one interview, there are only two participants- the interviewer and the
The sequential interview takes the one-to-one a step further and involves a series of
interviews, usually utilizing the strength and knowledge-base of each interview can ask
questions in relation to subject area of each candidate.
The panel interview consists of two or more interviewers and the figure may go up to
as many. It is less intimate and more formal than the one-to-one, but if handled and
organized well, it can provide a wealth of information.
Selection Decision:
If a candidate successfully overcomes all the obstacles or tests given above he would
be declared selected. An appointment letter will be given to him/her mentioning the terms
of employment, pay scales, post on which selected etc.
Steps in the selection procedure are not rigid. The may vary from one organization
from another or in the same organization from job to job.
Physical Examination:
Candidates who have crossed the above hurdles are required to go for the medical
examination. This is very important because a person of poor health cannot work
completely and the investment in him may go waste. So it is essential.
Job offer:
Job offer is made through letter of appointment. Such a letter generally contains a
date by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointment must be given a
reasonable time for reporting. It is necessary when he or she is already employment, in
which case the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the previous
Contracts of Employment:
After job offer has been made and the candidates accept the offer, certain documents
need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. One document is the Attestation
form. This form contains certain vital details about the candidate which are authenticated
and attested. It is valid for future reference.
Multi-dimensional testing:
However, the need for multi-skills is being felt be most of the companies consequent
upon globalization, competitiveness and the consequent customer-centered strategies.
Organization have to develop multi-dimensional testing in order to find out whether the
candidates possess a variety of skills or not, candidates ability to integrate the multi-skills
and potentiality to apply the\m based on situational and functional requirement.
The goal of selection is to sort out or eliminate those judged unqualified to meet
the job and organizational requirements, whereas the goal of recruitment is to create a
large pool of persons available and willing to work. Thus, it is said that recruitment tends
to be positive while selection tends to be somewhat negative.
Each of these steps represents a decision point requiring some affirmative feedback for
the process to continue. Each step in the process seeks to expand the organization’s
knowledge about the applicant’s background, abilities & motivation increases the
information from which decision makers will make their predictions and final choice.
Once the required number and kind of human are determined, the management has to
find the places where required human resources are will be available and also find the
means of attracting them towards the organization on before selecting suitable candidates
for jobs. All this process is generally known as recruitment.
Some people use the term ‘recruitment’ for employment. These two are not one and
the same recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire employment process. Some
others use the term recruitment for selection. These two terms are not one and the same
Technically speaking the function of recruitment precedes the selection function and it
includes only findings, developing the sources of prospective employees and attracting
them to apply for jobs in an organization, whereas the selection is the process of finding
out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates attracted. Formal
definition of recruitment would give clear cut idea about the function of recruitment.
Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that
manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce”.
Houses, apartments, factories, offices, schools, roads, and bridges are only some
of the products of the construction industry. This industry’s activities include the building
of new structures, including site preparation, as well as additions and modifications to
existing ones. The industry also includes maintenance, repair, and improvements on these
Industry organization:
The construction industry is divided into three major segments. The construction
of building segment includes contractors, usually called general contractors, who build
residential, industrial, commercial, and other buildings. Heavy and civil engineering
construction contractors build sewers, roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, and other
projects. Specialty trade contractors perform specialized activities related to construction
such as carpentry, painting, plumbing, and electrical work.
Work environment:
Workers in this industry need physical stamina because the work frequently
requires prolonged standing, bending, stooping, and working in cramped quarters. They
also may be required to lift and carry heavy objects. Exposure to weather is common
because much of the work is done outside or in partially enclosed structures. Construction
workers often work with potentially dangerous tools and equipment amidst a clutter of
building materials; some work on temporary scaffolding or at great heights and in bad
weather. Consequently, they are more prone to injuries than are workers in other jobs. In
2006, cases of work-related injury and illness were 5.9 per 100 full-time construction
workers, which is significantly higher than the 4.4 rate for the entire private sector.
Workers who are employed by foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors
experienced the highest injury rates. In response, employers increasingly emphasize safe
working conditions and habits that reduce the risk of injuries. To avoid injury, employees
wear safety clothing, such as gloves and hardhats, and devices to protect their eyes,
mouth, or hearing, as needed.
Industry earnings:
Earnings in construction are higher than the average for all industries (table 4). In
2006, production or no supervisory workers in construction averaged $20.02 an hour, or
about $781 a week. In general, the construction trades workers needing more education
and training, such as electricians and plumbers, get paid more than construction trades
workers requiring less education and training, including laborers and helpers. Earnings
also vary by the worker’s education and experience, type of work, complexity of the
construction project, and geographic location. Earnings of construction workers often are
affected when poor weather prevents them from working. Traditionally, winter is the
slack period for construction activity, especially in colder parts of the country, but there is
a trend toward more year-round construction even in colder areas.
IVRCL Infrastructures and Projects Ltd; with a punch line “WE MAKE IT
HAPPEN” resembles the importance and popularity of the company. Basically the
company has divided into four divisions.
IVRCL was incorporated in the year 1987 with eight members with construction
of buildings activity. Formerly this company started as IVR Constructions Ltd; and later
it changed its name to IVRCL Infrastructure and Projects Ltd.
IVRCL commenced its operation in 1995 and established itself as one of the
fastest growing construction company (CAGR of 50% over the last 5 years).
In a short span of time the company expanded all over the country and could be
able to achieve a turnover of Rs. 2347 crore in 2006-2007 with a growth rate of 53%.
IVRCL today, reckoned as a leader in infrastructure building and development. It
has developed confidence in stakeholders and its value has gone up from Rs.10/- to
IVRCL is taking and getting projects from both government and other private
companies. It is getting a good and worth of projects. Just constructing is not enough.
They have to take care of employees, environment, quality and safety etc.
Commitment to customer satisfaction, Quality awareness,
desire for excellence and Continual improvement is our motto.
IVRCL will be the national leader in constructing projects, which make every-
body’s life mere comfortable, easy and safe. It provide projects, services and
infrastructure of such excellent value that customers will actively choose to do
business with them .To reach the goals in providing value to customers and
shareholders, they will continue to develop an IVRCL culture, built on the
strength of the multicultural key values as:
People development
Environmental Concern
• To further improve work culture that facilitates sharing of knowledge,
teamwork and a sense of belongingness among all employees
• To inculcate deeply in the minds of all employees, the concepts like quality
consciousness, customer delight and business orientation.
To understand organization’s Status
• Develop talent and creativity.
• Create Role models and change agents.
• Visualize people problems with human face.
• To plan for employee retention policies and strategies.
• Standardize integrated Performance Management System.
• To improve communication.
• To inculcate positive work culture.
• To promote career planning and succession planning.
Competency Mapping
Enterprises Resource Planning
Balanced Score Card
Effective controls at all levels
Training and Development Programme
IVRCL Family Day
Independence Day
Republic Day
Community Development Programmes
Public Relations Programmes
Training need analysis
Training budget
Training calendar
Identification of external training agencies
IVRCL Vision, Mission transmission, Teambuilding, Positive Attitude, Discipline
and safety
Review Compensation Plans
Relocation to place of choice
Involve in decision making
Abroad programmes
Create professionalism
Hard furnishing loan
Vehicle loan
Marriage loan
Education loan
Club membership
Recognition for good work
Employee stock option
Housing loan
Human Capital Planning
Recruitment / Selection /Induction
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal
Succession Planning
Career Planning
Job Rotation and Multi Skilling
Job Enrichment
HR Manual
Induction Manual
Safety Manual
Exit Interviews
Organizational culture
HRD Climate
Training Need Analysis
Compensation Survey
Employee Satisfaction
Safety survey
Safety Budget
Safety Policy
Safety Manual
Awareness and Training on safety
Safety Reviews and Safety Meetings
Safety systems
Safety audit
Safety Banners
On site emergency plan
Zero accident schemes for sites
10,000 Crores
All employees shall sign a Contract of Employment stipulating all the conditions of
The workweek comprises a minimum of 48 hours, beginning Monday and ending
Saturday of each week. The official working hours are form 9.30am to 18.00pm with half
an hour brake between 13.00 and 13.30 for lunch. Each employee is required to put in at
least eight hours per day. However the nature of work may require some variation and
extension of these times. The Chairman and Managing Director or his delegate must
approve any deviation from these hours. The working hours of the Factories will deviate
as per local guidelines and should be checked up with the HR department in the
Duty station shall be stated in the letter of appointment and any transfer to other field
offices shall be communicated in writing. The workstation for each member of staff shall
be specified in the letter of appointment. Employees will however be required to report to
the IVRCLHead Office before proceeding to their place of posting. They shall meet their
travel costs to Head Office while IVRCL shall meet the travel costs from Head Office to
the place of posting. Where the employee is to report straight to their workstation, the
employee shall meet the travel costs. Transfers are fully discussed in the policy for Staff
4.1.4 Confidentiality
4.2 Recruitment and Selection process in IVRCL:
4.2.1 Introduction
Recruitment and Selection aim to search and hire suitable candidate to fill vacancies in
IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Ltd., with the view to satisfying human resources needs.
The search may be internal and/or external.
Any position within IVRCL that become vacant will be filled, on completion of a
requisition form by the immediate supervisor. Restructured on newly created positions
will only be activated upon approval from the GM.
The success and adaptability of a Company depends upon the recruitment of employees
who are flexible, adaptable and committed to the success of the Organization.
4.2.2 Objectives
This section aims to promote and maintain high standards of professional recruitment
4.3 Overall Recruitment and Selection Process in IVRCL:
In IVRCL Infrastructure and Projects Ltd, the company follows the following
In IVRCL, there are different departments in the company. Each department as their
Department Head. The Head of the Department will conduct a meeting with the Head of
the Human Resource Department to fill the vacancy for a particular location and a
particular position in the concerned departments.
In IVRCL, the Group Head receives the manpower requisition in a formal method
through mail or any other communication like telephone or inter-operator communication
from different Region Heads or Department Heads. As IVRCL deals with different kind
of CIVIL Projects like Transportation,
Oil and Gas,
And is situated allover with regional offices in different locations including all metro
and semi-metropolitan cities.
This particular task is been distributed to the recruiting team by the Asst.GM of HR.
Kick of Meeting
Manpower Requisition
Joining Formalities
Payroll Preparation
Employee Orientation
4.3.2 Selection Process:
In IVRCL, the Recruiting team uses different methods to fill the requirement. The
methods are as follows:
Browsing of Job Portals
Using the database
Campus Recruitment
Walk-In interview
Job Posting in internet
Internal and External Reference
Newspaper advertisement
Placement Agencies
Job Portals:
Job Websites are a good source of recruitment. Prospective job seekers register
themselves with these websites and offer their resumes online. Employers make use of
these websites to reach suitable jobseekers.
In IVRCL, the Recruiting team can collect the profiles of the candidate through the
job portals like Naukri, Monster Etc. They browse the resumes according to the
requirement given by the head.
Campus Recruitment:
In IVRCL, one of the best sources to fill the candidates is Campus Placement. This is
a favorable choice for most organizations who are looking for fresh talent. Company
Heads approach colleges, universities and conduct campus interviews. Training is
provided to the prospective candidates during vacations to give them background
HR Team covered different location such as Andhra Pradesh Region,
Kolkata, Tamilnadu, Kerala, and Maharasthra recruited freshers from
Diplomo,B.E,ITI(Technical Trades) and M.B.A fresher for their accounts and marketing
The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct
applications. Direct applications can also provide a pool of employees to meet future
needs. These are particularly effective in filling entry-level and unskilled vacancies.
Newspaper Advertisements:
The popular method of seeking recruits prefers advertisements because of their wide
reach. In the advertisements they describe the job and benefits, identify the employer, and
tell those who are interested and how to apply. They are the most form of employment
After collecting the profiles through various sources the team will separate the
resumes according to the job profile of the candidates. They separate the profiles
department wise like Buildings, Water, Power, Transportation, Oil & Gas.
Again they screen the resumes according to the experience & region etc.
After screening the profiles, the profile will be forward to the concerned
department, in IVRCL after Screening resumes, they shortlist the resumes according to
the manpower requirement sheet given by the head of the HR they shortlist the resumes
accordingly to required fields to check them technically. The particular department
shortlist and will return the profiles to HR department. On the same day they fill the date
and time with a technical person to conduct interviews.
After short listing the resumes the HR executives make a call to the interested
candidate to attend the interview. Also, they inform the candidates through mail about the
date and time of interview.
When the candidates is attending to the interview they have to fill the
o Interview Evaluation Form (with proper comments of HOD)
o Standard Application Form (with photo attached)
o Latest copy of Resume
o Latest salary slip
o Experience certificates (latest to last)
o Educational certificates (descending order)
Evaluation Form:
After fixation of Compensation, they issue the Appointment Letter. All other norms
like probation period or training period (if applicable), gross salary, designation, place of
posting and name and designation of the person to whom the candidate has to report etc,
are mentioned clearly in the Appointment.
Letter of Appointment:
The appointment letter will be signed by the General Manager of HR Department.
Job Description:
On appointment, an employee shall be given a job description. Each member of staff
is expected to devote their time and attention to their work and the work should be the
growth of the company.
In IVRCL, in the appointment order they specify the probation period of employees
for six months. After six months, they do appraisal, if the candidate performed well then
they will become regular in the company. If they do not perform well, training would be
Duration of the probation period, G5-G9, they have to inform before one month
when they want turnout from the organization.
But G1-G4, they should inform before three month when they going to left the
Once the candidates accept of an appointment, the new staff member is required to
complete the employee personal form. The employee should fill in the form, dependants,
spouse and children.
Employee should attach the Educational Certificates,
Experience certificates, if any
Salary slips, if any.
Any changes in personal status shall be reported promptly to the Human Resources
Officer by completing a fresh Personal Data Form. Staff records and related
correspondence shall be treated confidentially at all times.
After filling joining formalities the employee record can be given to the payroll
department. The employees has to fill the statutory forms like ESI, PF and Gratuity
Nomination Form.
All new staff shall undergo induction training to assist them in the process of
becoming integrated to the institution within the shortest time possible. The concerned
Department Heads in collaboration with the HR Officer shall conduct induction training.
After orientation the employee can be placed on a particular position. Then the
employee’s duty can be started. By the placing of the candidate, the Recruitment and
Selection process ends.
Nature of Research
The nature of study conducted is to understand the procedure of the recruiting
programme, assess the effectiveness of the recruiting programmes and to suggest
improvements for enhancing their effectiveness.
Sampling Technique
The sampling technique used for the collection of information through the
questionnaires is the simple random sampling.
Questionnaire Design
The designed questionnaire consists of 12 questions, a combination of open ended and
close ended questions for employees.
Analysis of Data
For the purpose of analysis, feedback is collected from the employees in the organization
by the way of questionnaire. Data collected is represented in the form of percentages and
graphs and an analysis has been done on the basis of these percentages and graphs.
1. Opinion on R & S Process
Opinion on No. of % of
Respondents Respondents Respondents
Excellent 15 15
Good 60 60
Average 20 20
Bad 5 5
Figure No.1
From the above table it is evident that the recruitment and selection process of IVRCL is
good. 60% of the employees responded that the recruitment & selection process of the
company is good 15% and 20% of the candidates said it is excellent & average respectively.
But it can be seen that around 5% of the employees responded that the recruitment of the
selection process of the company is bad. Different people have perceived the process
differently. But it is clear that the maximum number of people have responded as good.
2. Work Experience in the Company.
Opinion on No. of % of
S.NO. Respondents Respondents Respondents
1 0-1 Years 24 24
2 1-3 Years 46 46
3 3-5 Years 30 30
Total 100 100
Table No.2
0-1 Years
1-3 Years
3-5 Years
Figure No.2
The above table shows the percentage of the employees years of working in IVRCL
46% of the employees are working from since 5 years. From this it can be understood
that R & S process of Job is good enough that the employees are able to stay for a long
time in the company.
1 Advertisement 21 21
2 Walk-Ins 24 24
3 Job Portals 40 40
4. Campus Placement 15 15
Total 100 100
Table No.3
Job Portals
24% Campus
Figure No.3
From the table, it is clear that only 21% of the employees come to know about the
company through advertisement, 24% of the employees to know through Walk-ins,
40%of the employees to know through Job Portals and 15% of them came to know
through Campus Placement. The study shows that most of them are recruited through
4. Attracted Factor:-
No. of % of
S.NO. Attracted Factor
Respondents Respondents
1 Decent Salary 27 27
3 Job Security 35 35
Table No.4
Decent Salary
Opportunity for grow th
Job Security
Identification w ith
the company
Figure No.4
The table explains that the most alternative factor to the employees to apply for the job at
IVRCL is decent salary which is of 27%. Around 28% of the employees have responded
that the opportunity for the growth has attracted them to apply for job, where as around
35% of the employees attracting factor is job security and the least attracting factor is
identification with the company, which is of only 10%. As there is no advertising for the
company, the identification for the company is very less. But the other their factors are
making the employees to apply for the job & remain in the company for long time.
Information provided by the No. of % of
S.NO. Recruiter Respondents Respondents
1 Job Description 41 41
2 Job Specification 24 24
3 Employee Specification 35 35
4 None 0 0
Total 100 100
Table No.5
41% Job Description
Job Specification
Employee Specification
Figure No.5
From the above table it is understood that 41% employees have responded that the
recruiter give job description to get the candidates which is the main required
information. And 35% of the employees responded that they are provided employee
specification and 24% of them are provided with job specification. And there is no one
where they are not provided with at least the above one of the 3 factors.
6. Required Statement by applicants:
Table No.6
Job Description
Job Specification
Employee Specification
All the above
21% 16%
Figure No.6
From the above table it is evident that 33% of the respondents prefer to know job
description before applying for the job then 16% & 21% of them prefer to know job
specification & employee specifications respectively 30% of them are interested to all the
3 factors before applying for the job. As the recruiter is providing at least one of them it
will be good for the process of recruitment in future if they provide all the three factors.
7 . Time gap between Recruitment & Selection Process:-
No. of % of
S.NO. Time Gap Respondents Respondents
1 1 Week 20 20
2 2 Week 40 40
3 3 Week 25 25
4 One month 15 15
Total 100 100
Table No.7
1 Week
2 Week
25% 3 Week
One month
Figure No.7
The table given depicts that 20% of the respondents responded that the time gap between
recruitment & selection is one week, whereas 40% said it is 2 weeks 25% said it is 3
week & 15% said it one month. It shows that there is no particular time gap between
recruitment & selections process.
8. Whether the work is related to the academic studies:-
No. of % of
S.NO. Work related to studies Respondents Respondents
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 0 0
Total 100 100
Table No.8
Figure No.8
The table presents that 100% of the employees’ job profile exactly matches with their
academic studies. With this it is understood that their academic studies are related to the
work they perform and hence the job description, job specification and employee
specification are exactly matched.
9. Awareness of other departments:-
Figure No.9
The table shows that 78% of the respondents are aware of the happenings of the other
departments of the company and 22% of the employees are unaware of the happening of
the other departments of the company.
10. Difference between job description and the role that is being
played in the organization:-
Organization No. of % of
S.NO. Culture Respondents Respondents
1 Formal 58 58
2 Semi-Formal 32 32
3 Informal 10 10
Total 100 100
Table No.10
32% Semi-Formal
58% Informal
Figure No.10
In the above table, it is clearly shows that 58% of the employees described their
organization as formal 32% of the candidates responded as semi-formed and 10%
responded it as informal. The detailed study of the organization reveals that the culture of
the organization creates on open environment where the employees can show their
creativity and innovation and much scope for the process development.
11. Difference between job description and the role that is being played in the
Organization No. of % of
S.NO. Culture Respondents Respondents
1 Both are same 71 71
2 Slightly different 23 23
3 Significantly different 6 6
Total 100 100
Table No.11
Figure No.11
Interpretation :
From the above table it is evident that 70% of the respondent job descriptions are some
with their role played in the organization 23% of the respondents said its slightly different
and 6% said that it is significantly different. This shows that most of the respondent’s
role-played matches with their job description.
12. Recommending others to join the company:-
No. of % of
S.NO. Recommending Others Respondents Respondents
1 Yes 85 85
2 No 15 15
Total 100 100
Table No.12
Figure No.12
Interpretation :
The table shows that 85% of the respondents will recommend their friends of the join this
company where as only 15% study unveils that may recruitments are made through that
employee referrals & friend’s recommendations.
6.1 Findings
The Company is employing the right candidates at right time and at right place.
The company is concentrating to attract the candidates mostly through the
technique of job portals and advertisements where as it is ignoring the new &
emerging techniques of recruitment.
The company is attracting the candidates by highlighting the factors like decent
salary, opportunity for growth with the company which drags many candidates.
The company is providing proper information for recruiting the candidates like
job description, job specification & employee specification.
There is no particular time gap between the recruitment and the selection of the
candidates. The time gap extended till one month in few cases.
The recruiter is able to place the candidate at the job which he deserves. The job
performance of the candidates will increase by proper placement.
Placement is also given equal importance with recruitment and selection. This
will increase the performance of the company.
The employees are provided an open work environment where they can use their
There is much scope for learning & growth of the employees.
The culture of the organization is formal.
Many employees have responded that they will recommend their friends to join
this organization. This gives more employee referrals for the recruitment.
Most of the employees are working from since three years. This shows that they
are satisfied with the jobs and with the company.
Employees want to stay for long period of time.
6.2 Suggestions
6.3 Conclusion:
Recruitment in IVRCL was a very good learning experience as I had a very good
insight into the public sector recruitment and selection procedure. This learning
experience was a good practical exposure which acquainted me to the organization
culture and its operational activities and this exposure will surely help in my future
7.1 Survey on Employee Perception on Recruitment and Selection
Process of IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Limited.
3. How did you come to know about the vacancy, when applying at IVRCL?
a) Advertisement b) Walk-Ins c) Job Portals d) Campus Placement
4. Which of the following attracted you to apply for the job at IVRCL?
a) Decent Salary b) Opportunity for growth
c) Job security d) Identification with the company
7. What do you think is the time gap between recruitment and selection process?
a) 1 week b) 2 weeks c) 3 weeks d) 1 month
a) Yes b) No
9.. Are you aware of the happenings of other departments of the company?
a) Yes b) No
10. How do you describe the organization?
11. How is your job description different from your role being played in the organization?
12. Would you recommend your formal colleagues or friends to join this organization?
a) Yes b) No
G1 Directors
G2 Dy. Director/ COO/EVP/SVP/GM/CS
G3 Senior Deputy General Manager
Deputy General Manager
G4 Senior Assistant General Manager
Assistant General Manager
Senior Manager
G5 Deputy Manager
Assistant Manager
G6 Senior Manager
Senior Officer
G7 Engineer
G8 Assistant Engineer
Assistant Officer
Junior Officer
Junior Engineer
G9 Senior Supervisor
Senior Assistant
Sr. Technician
Office Boy/ Helper
Text and Cases by K. Aswathappa