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The Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ):

Psychometric Properties of A Survey Instrument for
School-Aged Children
Judith A. Owens MD, MPH,1 Anthony Spirito PhD,2 and Melissa McGuinn BS3

1Division of Pediatric Ambulatory Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Brown University
School of Medicine
2Child and Family Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University

School of Medicine
3Child and Family Psychiatry, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University School of Medicine

Study Objectives: To present psychometric data on a comprehensive, parent-report sleep screening instrument designed for
school-aged children, the Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ). The CSHQ yields both a total score and eight subscale
scores, reflecting key sleep domains that encompass the major medical and behavioral sleep disorders in this age group.
Design: Cross-sectional survey.
Setting: Three elementary schools in New England, a pediatric sleep disorders clinic in a childrens teaching hospital.
Participants: Parents of 469 school-aged children, aged 4 through 10 years (community sample), and parents of 154 patients diag-
nosed with sleep disorders in a pediatric sleep clinic completed the CSHQ.
Interventions: N/A
Measurements and Results: The CSHQ showed adequate internal consistency for both the community sample ( =0.68) and the
clinical sample ( =0.78); alpha coefficients for the various subscales of the CSHQ ranged from 0.36 (Parasomnias) to 0.70 (Bedtime
Resistance) for the community sample, and from 0.56 (Parasomnias) to 0.93 (Sleep-Disordered Breathing) for the sleep clinic group.
Test-retest reliability was acceptable (range 0.62 to 0.79). CSHQ individual items, as well as the subscale and total scores were able
to consistently differentiate the community group from the sleep-disordered group, demonstrating validity. A cut-off total CSHQ score
of 41 generated by analysis of the Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (ROC) correctly yielded a sensitivity of 0.80 and speci-
ficity of 0.72.
Conclusions: The CSHQ appears to be a useful sleep screening instrument to identify both behaviorally based and medically-
based sleep problems in school-aged children.
Key words: Sleep habits; sleep survey; sleep disorders; pediatrics

INTRODUCTION to considerable difficulties in comparing results across

studies. Few of the sleep survey methods used in school-
aged children examine both behaviorally-based (Limit
Setting Sleep Disorder, Sleep Onset Association Disorder,
etc.) and medical (Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy,
CHILDREN,5-7 relatively few studies have addressed these
etc.) sleep disorders, and most have not been formulated
issues in latency-aged children.8-10 Those studies which
according to any of the standardized systems for catego-
have examined sleep behavior in middle childhood11-13
rization of clinical sleep disorders such as is contained in
have employed a variety of different interviews, brief ques-
the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD)
tionnaires, and sleep survey instruments, many of which do
manual.14 Finally, the definition of a sleep disturbance
not have reliability and validity data reported. This has led
vs. a sleep behavior in these studies has been based on
often arbitrary thresholds set by the authors and have not
Accepted for publication September 2000 included parental definitions of sleep problems in the con-
Address correspondence to: Judith A. Owens, MD, MPH, Pediatric Ambulatory text of the individual family.
Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy St., Potter Bldg., Suite 200, We present preliminary reliability and validity data on
Providence, RI 02903. Tel: 401-444-8280; Fax: 401-444-6218;
a parent-report sleep screening survey specifically
E-mail: JOwens@Lifespan.org
SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000 1 Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al
designed for school-aged (4 years through 10 years) chil- confirmed by standard one-night in-hospital polysomno-
dren, the Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ). graphic (PSG) evaluation, including EEG monitoring for
The design of the CSHQ is based on common clinical sleep staging, using a cut-off respiratory disturbance index
symptom presentations of the most prevalent pediatric of >1 to define OSA.16 The mean age of the clinical sample
International Classification of Sleep Disorders diag- was 6.8 years (SD=1.7 yr.). There were 91 boys (59.1%)
noses.14 and 63 girls (40.9%). The mean Hollingshead SES score
was 33.0 (SD=13.8).
METHODS The characteristics of the three clinical sample diagnos-
tic groups were as follows: Behavioral Sleep Disorders
group (n=43) (including Limit Setting Sleep Disorders,
The community sample population consisted of 1099 Sleep Onset Association Disorder, and Adjustment Sleep
students aged 410 years inclusive, enrolled in three pub- Disorder); 22 M, 21 F; mean age = 6.6 years (SD=1.6);
lic elementary schools, each of which was comprised of Parasomnias group (n=45) (including Sleepwalking, Night
grades kindergarten through fourth grade. The three Terrors and Confusional Arousals); 25 M, 20 F; mean age
schools were in a predominantly white, middle-income, = 7.1 years (SD=1.7); and Sleep-Disordered Breathing
English-speaking suburban school district in Southeastern group (n=66); 44 M, 22 F; mean age = 6.7 years (SD=1.7).
New England and were selected both on the basis of acces-
sibility and as representative of a typical suburban commu- MEASURE
nity school system. Participants from each of the three
The Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ).
schools were surveyed separately during one of three peri-
The CSHQ is a retrospective, 45-item parent questionnaire
ods during the school year (Spring, Fall, Winter), in order
that has been used in a number of studies to examine sleep
to minimize potential seasonal differences in sleep habits.
behavior in young children.17-19 The CSHQ includes items
Sixty parents also responded voluntarily to a request for
relating to a number of key sleep domains that encompass
test-retest completion of the survey approximately two
the major presenting clinical sleep complaints in this age
weeks later.
group: bedtime behavior and sleep onset; sleep duration;
Of the total of 1099 questionnaire packets mailed, 520
anxiety around sleep; behavior occurring during sleep and
questionnaires were not returned; there were 54 refusals,
night wakings; sleep-disordered breathing; parasomnias;
and 10 subjects moved (response rate = 46.9%). Twenty-six
and morning waking/daytime sleepiness. Parents are asked
11-year-old children were eliminated because of the deci-
to recall sleep behaviors occurring over a typical recent
sion to restrict the sample age distribution in order to min-
week. Items are rated on a three-point scale: usually if
imize possible pubertal influences on sleep. Twenty chil-
the sleep behavior occurred five to seven times/week;
dren were excluded from the final sample because of a par-
sometimes for two to four times/week; and rarely for
ent-reported history of having been diagnosed with a psy-
zero to one time/week. Some items were reversed in order
chiatric condition (such as ADHD or depression) that could
to consistently make a higher score indicative of more dis-
impact on sleep onset or night wakings and/or were receiv-
turbed sleep.
ing medication with likely effects on sleep, such as psy-
chostimulants, anticonvulsants, or antihistamines. The final Reduction of Sleep Variables. For the purposes of fur-
sample consisted of 469 children. The mean age of the sam- ther psychometric evaluation analysis, some of the CSHQ
ple was 7.6 years 1.5 years. There were 240 boys (51.2%) items were eliminated as redundant or ambiguous, and the
and 229 girls (48.8%).15 Socioeconomic status was deter- remaining 35 were conceptually grouped into eight sub-
mined using the Hollingshead Form Index of Social scales reflecting the following sleep domains: 1) Bedtime
Status15 which is based on occupation and education. The Resistance, 2) Sleep Onset Delay, 3) Sleep Duration, 4)
mean Hollingshead SES score was 45.5 (SD=11.3). Sleep Anxiety, 5) Night Wakings, 6) Parasomnias, 7) Sleep-
The clinical population consisted of 154 patients con- Disordered Breathing, 8) Daytime Sleepiness. Total Sleep
secutively diagnosed with a behavioral sleep disorder, a Disturbance score included all items of the eight subscales,
parasomnia or sleep-disordered breathing in a pediatric but consisted of only 33 items because two of the items on
sleep disorders clinic in a childrens teaching hospital in the Bedtime Resistance and Sleep Anxiety subscales were
Southeastern New England. The data was collected over a identical. Items contained in each of the subscales are list-
four year period due to presentation rates of the specific ed in Table 1.
diagnostic entities in the selected age group. Patients were Statistical Analysis. The subscales were assessed for
divided into the three primary diagnostic groups following internal consistency using Cronbachs -coefficients.
an extensive evaluation in the sleep clinic. In addition, the Means and standard deviations of each item in the sub-
diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) scales and the total subscale scores are listed in Table 1.
in all patients in the sleep disordered breathing group was Test-retest reliability was calculated using Pearsons corre-

SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000 2 Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al
SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000

Table 1Unadjusted Means, Standard deviations for individual items and subscales, N, F values, Test-retest, and Alpha coefficients for the Subscales of the CSHQ

Control Sample Clinic Sample Control Control Clinic

Subscale Item Mean SD N Mean SD N F df Z Test- Test- N N
retest r retest N

1. Bedtime Resistance 7.06 1.89 382 9.43 3.49 128 65.74 3, 506 -- 0.676** 56 0.70 441 0.83 142
Goes to bed at same time 1.18 0.53 402 1.30 0.57 130 3.57 0.163 60 --- --- --- ---
Falls asleep in own bed 1.21 0.57 400 1.52 0.81 129 5.10 0.335 58 --- --- --- ---
Falls asleep in others bed 1.21 0.52 401 1.48 0.76 129 4.53 0.580 59 --- --- --- ---
Needs parent in room to sleep 1.17 0.48 390 1.57 0.82 129 6.67 0.886 58 --- --- --- ---
Struggles at bedtime 1.13 0.41 392 1.70 0.86 130 9.50 0.265 58 --- --- --- ---
Afraid of sleeping alone 1.19 0.49 388 1.85 0.91 128 9.60 0.597 59 --- --- --- ---

2. Sleep Onset Delay 1.25 0.53 403 1.80 0.88 128 7.58 0.620** 60 --- --- ---
Falls asleep in 20 minutes

3. Sleep Duration 3.41 0.93 398 4.94 1.98 122 102.68 3, 516 0.400 60 0.69 459 0.80 137
Sleeps too little 1.21 0.42 400 1.78 0.86 127 7.69 0.420 60 --- --- --- ---
Sleeps the right amount 1.13 0.43 400 1.73 0.84 124 9.73 0.452 60 --- --- --- ---

Sleeps same amount each day 1.07 0.34 398 1.42 0.63 125 8.84 0.062 60 --- --- --- ---

4. Sleep Anxiety 4.89 1.45 374 7.09 2.44 119 114.13 3, 489 0.790** 56 0.63 432 0.68 132
Needs parent in room to sleep 1.17 0.48 390 1.57 0.82 129 6.67 0.886 58 --- --- --- ---
Afraid of sleeping in the dark 1.38 0.68 387 2.08 0.87 129 9.23 0.585 59 --- --- --- ---
Afraid of sleeping alone 1.19 0.49 388 1.85 0.91 128 9.60 0.597 59 --- --- --- ---
Trouble sleeping away 1.17 0.44 386 1.56 0.79 120 6.10 0.551 58 --- --- --- ---
Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al

5. Night Wakings 3.51 0.89 384 5.69 1.60 120 278.99 3, 500 0.634** 56 0.54 437 0.44 135
Moves to others bed in night 1.17 0.44 392 1.76 0.82 126 9.58 0.584 59 --- --- --- ---
Awakes once during night 1.31 0.55 393 2.13 0.76 121 11.45 0.682 58 --- --- --- ---
Awakes more than once 1.03 0.16 385 1.86 0.83 126 15.19 0.018 57 --- --- --- ---

6. Parasomnias 8.11 1.25 371 11.22 2.53 117 229.21 3, 484 0.618** 57 0.36 425 0.56 132
Wets the bed at night 1.12 0.43 380 1.30 0.61 125 4.48 1.000 58 --- --- --- ---
Talks during sleep 1.22 0.44 393 1.72 0.77 127 7.97 0.392 58 --- --- --- ---
Restless and moves a lot 1.37 0.58 390 2.26 0.83 127 11.30 0.572 59 --- --- --- ---
Sleepwalks 1.04 0.22 384 1.36 0.65 128 8.76 1.000 58 --- --- --- ---
Grinds teeth during sleep 1.25 0.52 386 1.50 0.70 124 5.07 0.668 57 --- --- --- ---
Awakens screaming, sweating 1.02 0.12 385 1.50 0.77 125 12.03 1.000 58 --- --- --- ---
Alarmed by scary dream 1.10 0.30 389 1.53 0.73 126 8.72 0.858 60 --- --- --- ---
SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000

Table 1 ContinuedUnadjusted Means, Standard deviations for individual items and subscales, N, F values, Test-retest, and Alpha coefficients for the Subscales of the CSHQ

Control Sample Clinic Sample Control Control Clinic

Subscale Item Mean SD N Mean SD N F df Z Test- Test- N N
retest r retest N

d b
7. Sleep Disordered Breathing 3.24 0.63 382 4.71 2.54 17 35.57 3, 395 0.688** 58 0.51 439 0.93 18
Snores loudly 1.19 0.44 392 1.84 0.92 126 8.28 0.463 58 --- --- --- ---
Stops breathing 1.01 0.13 385 1.46 0.83 24 8.14 1.000 58 --- --- --- ---
Snorts and gasps 1.05 0.27 384 1.41 0.80 17 3.41 0.816 58 --- --- --- ---
a b
8. Daytime Sleepiness 9.64 2.80 381 11.99 3.39 119 1.59 3,149 0.649** 56 0.65 437 0.70 134
Wakes by himself 1.76 0.87 398 1.65 0.78 129 0.69 0.666 59 --- --- --- ---
Wakes up in negative mood 1.32 0.50 396 1.74 0.70 128 7.25 0.536 58 --- --- --- ---
Others wake child 1.95 0.78 398 2.05 0.80 128 0.94 0.543 60 --- --- --- ---
Hard time getting out of bed 1.46 0.64 395 1.63 0.77 128 2.47 0.415 59 --- --- --- ---
Takes long time to be alert 1.25 0.49 393 1.55 0.72 127 5.42 0.607 59 --- --- --- ---
Seems tired 1.23 0.43 392 1.85 0.69 123 10.76 0.291 60 --- --- --- ---
Watching TV 0.19 0.53 400 0.65 0.75 124 8.57 0.451 60 --- --- --- ---
Riding in car 0.50 0.81 401 0.77 0.81 124 4.46 0.637 60 --- --- --- ---

a All F values for the subscale scores were significantly different at P<0.001 except where there are a
b Z=Mann-Whitney U-test; all are significantly different at P<0.001 level except for those with b
c Subscale correlations are Pearsons r values; Item-by-item correlations are Spearmans r values.
Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al

d The items on this subscale were changed toward the end of clinic data collection, which accounts for the
low number of subjects.

*** = significant at the 0.001 level

** = significant at the 0.01 level
* = significant at the 0.05 level
lation coefficients for the subscale scores and Spearmans = 1.14, ns. There was a significant difference on
correlation coefficients for the item scores. Because the Hollingshead SES, F (2,132) = 6.76, p<0.01. Post hoc test-
subscale scores were not normally distributed, the scores ing with Tukey HSD revealed that the Sleep-Disordered
were log transformed and then a Bonferroni correction was Breathing group (28.611.7) had a lower SES score than
applied to the item analyses in order to correct for multiple either the Behavioral (38.515.4) or Parasomnia
comparisons. The control and clinical samples were com- (34.013.1) groups.
pared using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), covary-
ing age and SES. Individual items were compared on the Internal Consistency
Mann-Whitney U-test because age and SES varied across
The internal consistency of the entire CSHQ was 0.68
the samples, we also divided the samples by age (four to
for the community sample and 0.78 for the clinical sample.
seven years/eight to ten years) and SES (low/high) and cal-
The alpha coefficients for the subscales are listed in Table
culated Mann-Whitney U-tests on the items for each subdi-
1. Alphas ranged from 0.36 to 0.70 in the community sam-
vided sample. Because the statistically significant findings
ple. Items were systematically dropped from each of the
changed little using these subsamples, only the findings for
subscales, with the exception of sleep onset delay which
the total sample are presented.
has only one item, to determine if this improved internal
consistency. For the community subjects, dropping items 2
(goes to bed same time) and 11(struggles at bedtime) from
Control Sample the Bedtime Resistance subscale only increased the alpha
from 0.70 to 0.73. Dropping items from the Sleep Duration
A packet containing informed consent forms; a brief sur-
subscale lowered the alpha coefficient on the Sleep
vey regarding parents education and occupation and any
Duration subscale. Dropping items 12 (afraid of sleeping in
significant medical problems and/or medication for the
dark) and 29 (trouble sleeping away) increased the alpha
child; and the Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire, were
slightly from 0.63 to 0.65 on the Sleep Anxiety subscale;
sent home with the student to be completed by the par-
dropping single items only lowered the score. Dropping
ent/guardian. A second mailing and reminder were sent to
item 34 (awoken more than once) from the Night Wakings
all parents who had not returned the questionnaire within
subscale increased the alpha from 0.54 to 0.55. If items 19
two weeks of the initial mailing. This procedure was
and 25 (bedwetting and teeth grinding) are eliminated from
approved by the hospital Institutional Review Board as
the Parasomnias subscale, the alpha coefficient improves
well as the towns school board. We were unable to obtain
from 0.36 to 0.45. Dropping item 26 (snores loudly)
information on non-responders because of school board
improved the alpha coefficient to 0.58 from 0.51 on the
request for anonymity.
Sleep-Disordered Breathing subscale. Finally, on the
Daytime Sleepiness subscale, dropping five items
Clinical Sample
increased the alpha coefficient to 0.76 from 0.65 (wakes
Patients referred to a pediatric sleep disorders clinic negative mood, takes long time to be alert, seems tired,
received the CSHQ in the mail to complete prior to the clin- falls asleep watching TV and riding in the car).
ic appointment. Parents brought the CSHQ to their appoint- For the clinical sample, alpha coefficients ranged from
ment at the sleep clinic and the responses were reviewed 0.44 to 0.83. Dropping four items from the Bedtime
with the parents by staff conducting the clinical interview. Resistance subscale increased the alpha from 0.83 to 0.86;
dropping item 18 (sleeps same amount) increased the Sleep
RESULTS Duration subscale alpha from 0.79 to 0.89; dropping items
12 and 29 raised the Sleep Anxiety subscale from 0.68 to
Preliminary Analyses 0.77; dropping item 33 (awakes once) increased the alpha
The community and clinical samples did not differ by on the Night Wakings subscale from 0.44 to 0.48; dropping
gender, 2 (1,623) = 2.92, ns. The two groups did differ by item 19 from the Parasomnias subscale increased the alpha
age, t (621) = 5.47, p<0.001, with the community sample from 0.56 to 0.61; and dropping the five items (Above)
(M = 7.6 years, SD = 1.5 years), significantly older than the increased the alpha on the Daytime Sleepiness subscale
clinic sample (M = 6.8 years, SD = 1.7 years). The two from 0.70 to 0.80. Dropping items did not change the alpha
groups also differed by SES, t (538) = 10.47, p<0.001, with coefficient on the Sleep-Disordered Breathing subscale.
the community sample (M = 45.5, SD = 11.3) having a
higher SES score than the clinic sample (M = 33.0, SD = Test-Retest Reliability
13.8). Test-retest reliability was assessed in a volunteer sample
There was no difference between the three clinical sub- of 60 parents from the community sample who responded
groups by gender, 2 (2,154)) = 2.92, ns; or age, F (2,151) to a request to complete a second rating of the CSHQ at a

SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000 5 Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al
Table 2Intercorrelation matrix among CSHQ subscales for both control (N = 469) and clinical (N = 154) samples

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. BEDTIME RESISTANCE - .397 .170 .203 .430 .228 .813 .372
2. SLEEP DURATION .431 - .292 .262 .410 .626 .345 .495
3. PARASOMNIA .212 .133 - -.160 .396 -.325 .229 -.003
4. SDB .126 .057 .202 - -.270 -.001 .153 -.176
5. NIGHT WAKINGS .337 .239 .340 .016 - -.057 .460 .266
6. DAYTIME SLEEPINESS .152 .156 .127 .182 -.029 - .264 .519
7. SLEEP ANXIETY .629 .250 .186 .066 .284 .081 - .316
8. SLEEP ONSET DELAY .140 .265 .119 .080 .126 .163 .035 -

two-week interval. The Pearsons correlations for three ly). There was a larger percentage of children in both the
subscales and the Spearmans rank order correlations for Parasomnia and Sleep-Disorder Breathing groups (60.9%)
each of the items are presented in Table 1. The correlations that had total CSHQ scores below the clinical sample mean
for the subscales ranged from 0.62 to 0.79, which is an of 68.4 compared to the percentage in the Behavioral Sleep
acceptable level. T-tests between the subscales for the two Disorders group (27.5%).
administrations were all non-significant.
Sleep Duration
Interrelationships Among Subscales
The only item not listed on Table 1 is the number of
The correlation matrix for each of the subscales of the hours of sleep per night. The mean (weekday) sleep dura-
CSHQ was calculated separately for the community and tion as reported by parents in the community sample was
clinical samples. As can be seen at least in part in Table 2, 10.16 hours 44.48 minutes (median = 10 hours), with a
because the two subscales had two items in common, bed- range from 7 to 14.0 hours. This broad range is somewhat
time resistance and sleep anxiety for both the clinical (r misleading in that there were several outliers at both ends
=0.81) and community (r =0.63) samples were the most of the distribution. Age and sleep duration were signifi-
highly correlated subscales. When these two items were cantly but modestly negatively correlated (r = -0.17,
dropped and correlations were recalculated, the coefficients p<0.01) in the control sample.
dropped in both the clinical (r = 0.42) and community (r = In the clinical sample, the mean weekday sleep duration
0.19) samples. In general, the intercorrelations among the reported by parents was 9.4 hours3 hours (median = 10
subscales were higher for the clinical sample than the com- hours) with a range from 3.5 to 14.0 hours. Age and sleep
munity sample. duration were not significantly related in the clinical sam-
ple, (r=-0.01, ns). An ANCOVA comparing two groups and
Distribution of CSHQ Total Scores covarying age and SES revealed the clinical sample slept
significantly less than the community sample
The total scores for the community sample ranged from
F(3,520)=104.36, p<0.0001.
6 to 83 (M = 56.2, SD = 8.9). For the clinical sample, the
total scores ranged from 7 to 114 (M = 68.4, SD = 13.7).
An effect size of 1.06 was calculated, suggesting this dif-
ference was clinically significant. Fifty-six percent (56%) Validity was investigated by comparing the clinical sam-
of the clinical group had scores one standard deviation ple to the community sample for each of the items and the
above the mean of the community sample. The distribu- subscales of the CSHQ. Due to the large number of com-
tions of the community and clinical samples are displayed parisons, statistical significance was set at p<0.001 for the
in Figure 1. There was also a significant difference between individual items based on a Bonferroni correction. Each of
the three clinical groups on the total CSHQ score, F(2,143) the items was compared across groups using a Mann-
= 5.44, p< .01. Post-hoc tests revealed that the Behavioral Whitney U-test analysis. As can be seen in Table 1, the clin-
Sleep Disorders group (M=74.4, SD = 9.7) had significant- ical group had higher (worse) scores than the community
ly higher scores in the CSHQ than either the Parasomnias group on all items with the exception of item 38 (wakes by
(M=66.3), SD = 12.9) or Sleep-Disordered Breathing self). For 30 out of 33 items, the difference was statistical-
(M=66.1, SD = 16.4) groups. Effect size calculations indi- ly significant at the p<0.001. Only three items on the
cated that the differences between the Behavioral Sleep Daytime Sleepiness subscale were not significant at the
Disorders Group and the Parasomnia and Sleep-Disordered p<0.001 level.
Groups were moderate to large (d= .61, d = .70, respective- ANCOVAS, covarying age and SES, indicated that the
SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000 6 Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al
clinical sample had significantly higher (worse) scores than sought based on the belief that it was more important to
the community group (P<0.001) on all subscales (see Table avoid false negatives than false positives. The cut-off score
1). There was also a significant difference between the clin- with the best diagnostic confidence, as determined by the
ical (M = 68.4, SD = 12.1) and the control (M = 56.2, SD intersect point of sensitivity and specificity, was 41, which
= 8.6) groups on the total score of the CSHQ, after con- corresponded to the upper 23.2% of the control groups
trolling for age and SES, F(3,531)=136.56, p<0.0001. CSHQ total score. Using the cut-off score of 41, sensitivi-
Because there were age differences between the clinical ty was calculated at 0.80 and specificity at 0.72. This score
and community samples, the Mann-Whitney U-tests were correctly identifies 80% of the clinical group.
repeated separately for younger (four to seven year olds)
and older (eight to ten year olds) samples. The findings DISCUSSION
were identical in the younger sample. There were four addi-
This paper reports the psychometric properties of a
tional nonsignificant differences between the clinical and
sleep screening questionnaire designed primarily for sur-
community samples: goes to bed at the same time, falls
veying sleep habits and sleep disturbances in community
asleep in others bed, falls asleep riding in car, and wets the
populations. The distribution of scores for the total score
bed at night. The sample was also divided using a median
and the subscales suggest that these scores have an accept-
split on SES and Mann-Whitney U-tests repeated for high
able range of variability. Based on the criterion of 0.70,24
and low SES samples. The result were identical to the
the internal consistency coefficients of the entire scale are
entire sample.
near (0.68) or above (0.78), acceptable standards for the
The three clinical groups were also compared on the
community and clinical samples, respectively. There was a
subscales of the CSHQ using an analysis of variance.
wider range of internal consistency coefficients among the
Statistically significant differences were found on all sub-
subscales, with the alpha coefficients of the subscales for
scales with post hoc testing indicating that differences were
the clinical sample higher than those for the community
in the predicted direction. For the Bedtime Resistance sub-
sample. The subscales with the highest internal consistency
scale, F(2,139)=11.11, p<0.0001, the Behavioral group had
coefficients in the clinical sample were Sleep Duration,
significantly higher scores than both the Sleep-Disordered
Bedtime Resistance, Daytime Sleepiness and Sleep
and Parasomnias groups. The same pattern was also true
Anxiety. The stability of the CSHQ was demonstrated by
for Sleep Duration, F(2,139)=14.07, p<0.0001, Sleep
acceptable test-retest reliability coefficients.
Anxiety, F(2,131)=7.25, p<0.001, and Sleep Onset sub-
The subscale-to-subscale correlations were strongest in
scales, F(2,140) = 45.27, p<0.0001. As expected, the
the clinical sample and highest between bedtime resistance
Parasomnias group had higher scores on the Parasomnias
and sleep anxiety, sleep duration and daytime sleepiness,
subscale, F(2,129) = 7.91, p<0.001, than the other two
and daytime sleepiness and sleep onset delay. Similarly, in
groups. The Sleep-Disordered Breathing group has signifi-
the community sample, sleep duration and bedtime resis-
cantly higher scores than the other two clinical groups on
tance, and sleep anxiety and bedtime resistance, were most
the Sleep Disordered-Breathing subscale, F(2,15) = 54.61,
highly correlated. These subscale intercorrelations suggest
p<0.0001. There was a smaller number of subjects for this
that the CSHQ taps the relatively distinct sleep behaviors
latter analysis because two of the three items on this sub-
described in the sleep medicine literature. That is, daytime
scale were added to the scale towards the end of the study.
sleepiness, bedtime resistance, sleep anxiety, sleep dura-
However, on the snoring item of the subscale which had
tion, and even the sleep onset delay subscales are related,
complete data, the Sleep-Disordered Breathing group had
although there may be different underlying sleep disorders
higher scores than the other two clinical groups. On the
causing these sleep symptoms. However, the other sub-
Night Wakings subscale, the Sleep-Disordered Breathing
scalesparasomnias, sleep disordered breathing, and night
group had higher scores than both the Behavioral and the
wakingsrepresent other types of sleep problems. It is
Parasomnias group, F(2,132)=9.67, p<0.0001. On the
important to note that in order to achieve subscales with
Daytime Sleepiness subscale, the Sleep-Disordered
greater discriminatory power between subscales, more
Breathing had higher (worse) scores than the Parasomnias
items per subscale would be necessary. We feel that the
brevity of the CSHQ is a strength, however, and thus we
Sensitivity and specificity were examined using the
have chosen to keep the scale at its current length.
Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve.20 The esti-
The validity of the CSHQ was demonstrated by the abil-
mated prevalence score of 40% for sleep problems was
ity of the items, subscales, and total score of the CSHQ to
based on previous survey data in school-aged children.10,21-
23 These studies have reported a combined prevalence of consistently differentiate non-sleep disordered children
from those seeking an evaluation due to a suspected sleep
bedtime struggles and night wakings of between 25% and
disorder, although there was overlap in the distribution of
35% and an overall prevalence of sleep difficulties of
scores. Given the high prevalence of sleep problems report-
43%.22 A cut-off score which maximized sensitivity was
ed in the literature6,7,10 in children of a similar age distri-
SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2000 7 Childrens Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)Owens et al
bution to those in the community sample, it is not surpris- the underlying etiology of the presenting sleep symptoms.
ing that we found this overlap. The broad range of CSHQ The items on the Sleep Anxiety Subscale, for example,
scores of both the clinical and community samples reflects could be associated with sleep onset delay related to such
this overlap; in addition, because the construction of the diagnostic entities as a circadian phase delay, nightmares,
subscales on the CSHQ is weighted toward items pertain- or a more generalized anxiety disorder, among others. The
ing to difficulties with initiating and maintaining sleep, the utility of the various subscale scores on the CSHQ is in
total CSHQ scores tend to be scored (higher) for those chil- both alerting the clinician of a potential sleep disorder and
dren in either sample with behavioral sleep disorders. providing information that would serve as the starting point
When the clinical group was subdivided into different sleep for a more detailed clinical evaluation. It is also important
disorders, the subscales differed across the three clinical to note that clinical category systems for diagnosing child-
groups in the predicted directions, suggesting the scale has hood sleep disorders, including the ICSD classification,
utility within clinical populations. Within the community have yet to be sufficiently validated.
sample, as previously reported, CSHQ total and subscale The limitations of this study must be considered in
scores did not differ significantly by gender or SES, but evaluating the suitability of this scale. As in any parent
there was a higher frequency of reported bedtime struggles report measure, the role of both parental and retrospective
and night wakings in younger compared to older (grades 3 bias in completing the scale must be considered. Despite
and 4) children.23 data suggesting that parental report is reasonably accurate
We elected to group items together conceptually accord- for identifying many types of sleep disturbances when
ing to presenting symptom constellations rather than to rely compared to objective data such as actigraphy,16 parents of
on a statistical procedure to derive empirically related sub- older children, in particular, may not always be aware of
scales. There have been a few factor analytic studies pub- any difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep. The survey
lished in the literature to date of similar childrens sleep was cross-sectional and asked only for the frequency of
scales. For example, a factor analysis of the Childrens sleep behaviors over a week time period, which may have
Sleep Behavior Scale,25 using a community sample, result- resulted in inaccurate assessments of the prevalence of
ed in five factors characteristic of parasomnias, bedtime more episodic sleep phenomena, such as sleepwalking or
resistance, activity during sleep, sleep anxiety, and positive night terrors. In addition, the short time frame might have
affect. These factors did not correspond very well to clini- resulted in relative over-reporting of very transient sleep
cal diagnostic categories. The Sleep Disturbance Scale for disturbances. However, the test-retest reliability results
Children11 has a factor structure closer to the clinical cate- suggest that there was good consistency in the types and
gories of disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep, severity of sleep disturbances reported over at least a three-
sleep disordered breathing, disorders of arousal/night- week period. The survey also did not significantly address
mares, sleep wake transition disorders, disorders of exces- possible irregularities in sleep-wake cycles related to dif-
sive somnolence, and sleep hyperhydrosis. Although this ferences in bedtimes on school vs. non-school nights.
factor analysis seems more clinically useful than that However, it would be important to specifically ask parents
derived from the CSBS, the categories are rather broad to clarify any discrepancies in using the survey in older
when compared to the conceptually derived subscales pre- children, in particular.
sented here. An additional limitation is the use of the 20 minute cri-
It should be noted that the CSHQ is designed primarily teria for prolonged sleep onset latency, which may be an
to be a screening tool. The sleep domains reflected in seven overly liberal definition for school-aged children. The
of the CSHQ subscales do parallel symptom constellations validity of the CSHQ in the clinical setting, therefore,
associated with ICSD (revised) classifications that repre- would be enhanced by the addition of a sleep log to some
sent the most common sleep disorders in this age group: specifically delineate any sleep delay. Also, because of the
DyssomniasIntrinsic and Extrinsic Sleep Disorders, importance of developmental factors in sleep disturbances,
including Sleep Onset Association Disorder, Limit Setting the results of this study may not be generalizeable to chil-
Sleep Disorder, Adjustment Sleep Disorder and Inadequate dren older than the age range of the sample. We chose to
Sleep Hygiene, and Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders, limit the upper age range of the sample to 10 years in order
including Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome, (CSHQ to minimize the possible effects of pubertal changes on
Subscales, Bedtime Resistance, Sleep Onset Delay, Sleep sleep behavior. More detailed results of the influence of age
Duration, Sleep Anxiety and Night Wakings); Parasomnias; on sleep behavior from this study have been reported pre-
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (CSHQ Subscale, Sleep- viously.23 Finally, an additional limitation is that there may
Disordered Breathing). The Daytime Sleepiness Subscale also have been children in the community sample who had
reflects the daytime consequences common to many of undiagnosed sleep disorders.
these disorders. However, it should be noted that the sub- The sensitivity and specificity analysis suggest that the
scale labels were not intended to be diagnostic or to define CSHQ may have utility as a screening instrument for sleep

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