E55796 PDF
E55796 PDF
E55796 PDF
February 2015
Describes data center site planning, network configuration,
hardware and software installation, and maintenance of
Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide, Release 4 (4.0)
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Changes in This Release for Oracle Big Data Appliance ................................................... xix
Changes in Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4 (4.0) ........................................................................ xix
Part I Preinstallation
Ensuring That the Site Is Ready ......................................................................................................... 2-12
Verifying the ASR Manager Installation............................................................................................. 5-3
Configuring the Trap Destinations on Oracle Big Data Appliance ............................................... 5-4
Verifying ASR Assets.............................................................................................................................. 5-4
Validating Auto Service Request on Oracle Big Data Appliance................................................... 5-5
Troubleshooting ASR.............................................................................................................................. 5-6
Updating the PDU Firmware Version ......................................................................................... 7-19
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers ..................................................................... 7-19
Configuring the Network .................................................................................................................... 7-23
Copying the Configuration Files to Oracle Big Data Appliance .............................................. 7-23
Starting the Network Configuration ............................................................................................ 7-24
Connecting to the Administrative Network ............................................................................... 7-26
Connecting to the Client Network................................................................................................ 7-26
Completing the Network Configuration ..................................................................................... 7-27
Checking the Virtual Interface Cards (VNICs) ........................................................................... 7-29
Verifying Access to the Network Services................................................................................... 7-29
Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks ............................................................. 7-30
Configuring and Cabling Multiple Racks.................................................................................... 7-30
Validating a Multirack InfiniBand Network............................................................................... 7-32
Changing Support for Oracle Big Data Connectors................................................................. 10-11
Adding Support for Auto Service Request................................................................................ 10-13
Adding Support for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control ........................................... 10-14
Adding Support for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall ........................................... 10-14
Adding Disk Encryption .............................................................................................................. 10-15
Adding Kerberos Authentication ............................................................................................... 10-17
Reinstalling the Base Image.............................................................................................................. 10-18
Reimaging a Single Oracle Big Data Appliance Server ........................................................... 10-18
Reimaging an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack ....................................................................... 10-19
Reimaging an Oracle Big Data Appliance Cluster ................................................................... 10-21
Installing a One-Off Patch................................................................................................................. 10-23
Mammoth Software Installation and Configuration Utility ...................................................... 10-24
Mammoth Options........................................................................................................................ 10-24
Mammoth Installation Steps........................................................................................................ 10-25
Mammoth Reconfiguration Utility Syntax..................................................................................... 10-28
Oracle Big Data Appliance Base Imaging Utilities ...................................................................... 10-30
makebdaimage............................................................................................................................... 10-30
reimagecluster ............................................................................................................................... 10-31
reimagerack.................................................................................................................................... 10-31
Part IV Maintenance
Standard Mount Points .................................................................................................................. 12-3
Obtaining the Physical Slot Number of a Disk Drive ................................................................ 12-3
Prerequisites for Replacing a Failing Disk ...................................................................................... 12-3
What If a Server Fails to Restart? ....................................................................................................... 12-5
Replacing a Disk Drive ........................................................................................................................ 12-6
Correcting a Mounted Partitions Error.............................................................................................. 12-8
Identifying the Function of a Disk Drive ......................................................................................... 12-9
Configuring an Operating System Disk ........................................................................................... 12-9
Partitioning the Operating System Disk .................................................................................... 12-10
Repairing the RAID Arrays ......................................................................................................... 12-13
Formatting the HDFS Partition of an Operating System Disk ............................................... 12-14
Restoring the Swap Partition....................................................................................................... 12-15
Restoring the GRUB Master Boot Records and HBA Boot Order.......................................... 12-16
Configuring an HDFS or Oracle NoSQL Database Disk ............................................................ 12-17
Verifying the Disk Configuration ................................................................................................... 12-19
Part V Appendixes
B Replacement Units
Understanding Repair Categories........................................................................................................ B-1
Disk Controller Batteries ....................................................................................................................... B-2
LED Status Descriptions ........................................................................................................................ B-2
Sun Server LEDs................................................................................................................................ B-3
Sun InfiniBand Switch LEDs ........................................................................................................... B-4
Parts for Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers ..................................................................................... B-5
Parts for Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 .............................................................................. B-14
Parts for Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch ........................................................... B-15
Parts for the Cisco Ethernet Switch ................................................................................................... B-16
Parts for Power Distribution Units .................................................................................................... B-16
Cables and Cable Accessories for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack ..................................... B-17
C In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2
Cable Color Coding ................................................................................................................................ C-1
Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Layout ............................................................................................ C-1
Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cable Connections ...................................................................... C-4
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager Cable Connections............................................................ C-5
Single-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections ............................................................ C-6
Three-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections ............................................................. C-7
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cable Connections ............................................................. C-8
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cable Connections .............................................................. C-9
Six-Rack Cabling ................................................................................................................................... E-12
Seven-Rack Cabling.............................................................................................................................. E-16
Eight-Rack Cabling ............................................................................................................................... E-20
List of Examples
31 Output from bda-preinstall-checkip.sh ................................................................................ 3-10
71 Sample Output from networksetup-one .............................................................................. 7-25
72 Sample Output from networksetup-two .............................................................................. 7-27
73 Multirack Configuration File sample-multi-rack.json........................................................ 7-33
101 Mammoth Syntax Examples................................................................................................. 10-24
List of Figures
21 Low-Voltage, Single-Phase Power Connector ........................................................................ 2-6
22 Low-Voltage Three-Phase Power Connector.......................................................................... 2-7
23 High-voltage Single Phase Power Connector ......................................................................... 2-7
24 High-Voltage Three-Phase Power Connector......................................................................... 2-8
25 Typical Data Center Configuration for Perforated Floor Tiles ......................................... 2-12
31 Network Diagram for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2........................................................ 3-3
32 Network Diagram for Oracle Big Data Appliance................................................................. 3-4
41 Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility ............................................. 4-2
51 Auto Service Request Network Connections.......................................................................... 5-3
61 Oracle Big Data Appliance in the Shipping Crate.................................................................. 6-3
62 Carefully Push Oracle Big Data Appliance from Behind...................................................... 6-5
63 Stabilizing the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Using Leveling Feet ................................ 6-6
64 Location of Mounting Brackets on the Rack ........................................................................... 6-7
65 Bottom View of the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack ........................................................... 6-7
66 Base Position of the Rack to Measure (in mm) ....................................................................... 6-8
67 Securing the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Using Mounting Brackets ......................... 6-9
68 Earth Ground Attachment Bolt Location ............................................................................. 6-10
69 Location of Power Cord Cable Ties....................................................................................... 6-11
610 Power Cord Routing Out the Bottom ................................................................................... 6-12
611 Power Cord Routing Out the Top ......................................................................................... 6-12
612 PDU Switch Locations............................................................................................................. 6-13
111 Oracle ILOM 3.1 Configuration Backup............................................................................... 11-8
151 Administrative Network in Oracle Big Data Appliance .................................................... 15-3
152 Oracle ILOM 3.1 Web Interface.............................................................................................. 15-4
C1 Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 Full Rack Layout ............................................................... C-2
C2 Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 Starter Rack Layout .......................................................... C-3
C3 Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 Starter Rack With In-Rack Expansion............................ C-4
C4 Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Ports ...................................................................... C-9
D1 Rack Layout of Oracle Big Data Appliance............................................................................ D-2
D2 Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Ports ......................................................... D-7
E1 Connections Between Spine Switch and Leaf Switches ....................................................... E-2
E2 Connections Between the Servers and the Leaf Switches .................................................... E-3
E3 Connecting Switches Across Two Racks ................................................................................ E-3
E4 Connecting Switches Across Multiple Racks......................................................................... E-4
List of Tables
11 Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Components ...................................................................... 1-1
12 Sun Server X4-2L Server Components.................................................................................... 1-2
13 Sun Server X3-2L Server Components.................................................................................... 1-2
14 Sun Fire X4270 M2 Server Components ................................................................................. 1-3
15 Bundled Components and Accessories .................................................................................. 1-3
16 Bundled Cables .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
17 In-Rack Spare Cables ................................................................................................................. 1-4
21 Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack .......................... 2-1
22 Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack...................... 2-2
23 Shipping Measurements ........................................................................................................... 2-3
24 Access Route Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance ............................................... 2-4
25 Maintenance Access Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance................................... 2-4
26 Floor Load Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance ................................................... 2-4
27 Low-Voltage 15 kVA Single-Phase PDUs .............................................................................. 2-5
28 Low-Voltage 15 kVA Three-Phase PDUs ............................................................................... 2-6
29 High-voltage 15 kVA Single Phase PDUs .............................................................................. 2-7
210 High-Voltage 15 kVA Three-Phase PDUs .............................................................................. 2-8
211 Temperature, Humidity, and Altitude Requirements....................................................... 2-10
31 Default IP Addresses for Oracle Big Data Appliance........................................................... 3-6
32 Oracle Big Data Appliance Port Numbers ............................................................................. 3-7
33 CDH Port Numbers ................................................................................................................... 3-8
41 Customer Details Page .............................................................................................................. 4-5
42 Hardware Selection Page.......................................................................................................... 4-7
43 Rack Details Page....................................................................................................................... 4-7
44 Client Ethernet Page .................................................................................................................. 4-8
45 Administration Network Page................................................................................................. 4-9
46 InfiniBand Network Page ...................................................................................................... 4-10
47 General Network Properties Page ........................................................................................ 4-11
48 Advanced Network Properties ............................................................................................. 4-11
49 Define Clusters Page............................................................................................................... 4-12
410 Installed Components ............................................................................................................ 4-13
411 Oracle NoSQL Configuration................................................................................................ 4-13
412 User /Groups for a New CDH Cluster................................................................................ 4-14
413 Big Data SQL............................................................................................................................ 4-14
414 Installed Components ............................................................................................................ 4-15
415 Kerberos ................................................................................................................................... 4-15
416 On-Disk Encryption................................................................................................................ 4-16
417 Audit Vault .............................................................................................................................. 4-16
418 Auto Service Request.............................................................................................................. 4-17
419 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control...................................................................................... 4-17
420 Email Alerting Page................................................................................................................ 4-18
81 In-Rack Expansion Kit Components and Accessories.......................................................... 8-2
82 In-Rack Expansion Kit Cables .................................................................................................. 8-2
101 Mammoth Reconfiguration Utility ADD and REMOVE Keywords ............................. 10-29
102 Mammoth Reconfiguration Utility UPDATE Keywords................................................ 10-30
111 Threshold Values for Single-Phase, Low-Voltage PDU .................................................. 11-14
112 Threshold Values for Three-Phase, Low-Voltage PDU................................................... 11-14
113 Threshold Values for Single-Phase, High-Voltage PDU ................................................. 11-14
114 Threshold Values for Three-Phase, High-Voltage PDU.................................................. 11-14
121 Disk Drive Identifiers ............................................................................................................. 12-2
122 Mount Points ........................................................................................................................... 12-3
131 bdacli admin_cluster parameters ....................................................................................... 13-11
132 bdacli enable or disable Service Parameters ..................................................................... 13-12
133 BDACLI start, stop, and restart Parameters...................................................................... 13-12
134 InfiniBand Parameters.......................................................................................................... 13-13
135 Rack Parameters.................................................................................................................... 13-13
136 General Cluster Parameters................................................................................................. 13-14
137 Oracle Big Data Connectors Status Parameters................................................................ 13-15
138 Cluster Network Parameters............................................................................................... 13-15
139 Cluster Security Parameters ................................................................................................ 13-16
1310 Server Parameters ................................................................................................................. 13-16
1311 One-Off Patch Parameters ................................................................................................... 13-17
141 dcli Options.............................................................................................................................. 14-4
B1 Oracle Big Data Appliance Repair Categories...................................................................... B-1
B2 Sun Server LED Status Descriptions ...................................................................................... B-3
B3 Sun InfiniBand Switch LED Status Descriptions.................................................................. B-4
B4 Replacement Parts for a Sun Server X4-2L Server ............................................................... B-6
B5 Replacement Parts for a Sun Server X3-2L Server ............................................................... B-9
B6 Replacement Parts for Sun Fire X4270 M2 Servers ............................................................ B-11
B7 Replacement Parts for the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 .................................... B-15
B8 Replacement Parts for the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch.................. B-15
B9 Replacement Parts for Cisco Catalyst Ethernet .................................................................. B-16
B10 Replacement Parts for Power Distribution Units............................................................... B-17
B11 Replacement Cables for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack........................................... B-18
C1 Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cabling ............................................................................. C-4
C2 Oracle ILOM Cabling ............................................................................................................... C-5
C3 Single-Phase PDU Cabling ...................................................................................................... C-6
C4 Three-Phase PDU Cabling ....................................................................................................... C-7
C5 InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cabling .................................................................................... C-8
C6 InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cabling ..................................................................................... C-9
D1 KVM Cabling ............................................................................................................................. D-2
D2 Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cabling ............................................................................. D-3
D3 Oracle ILOM Cabling ............................................................................................................... D-4
D4 Single-Phase PDU Cabling ...................................................................................................... D-5
D5 Three-Phase PDU Cabling ....................................................................................................... D-6
D6 InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cabling .................................................................................... D-7
D7 InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cabling ..................................................................................... D-7
E1 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Two-Rack System .................................. E-5
E2 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Two-Rack System ............................. E-5
E3 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Three-Rack System ................................ E-6
E4 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Three-Rack System ........................... E-6
E5 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Three-Rack System .............................. E-7
E6 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Four-Rack System.................................. E-8
E7 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Four-Rack System ............................. E-8
E8 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Four-Rack System................................ E-9
E9 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Four-Rack System.............................. E-9
E10 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Five-Rack System................................. E-10
E11 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Five-Rack System............................ E-10
E12 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Five-Rack System............................... E-11
E13 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Five-Rack System............................. E-11
E14 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Five-Rack System ................................ E-12
E15 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Six-Rack System................................... E-13
E16 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Six-Rack System .............................. E-13
E17 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Six-Rack System................................. E-14
E18 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Six-Rack System............................... E-14
E19 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Six-Rack System .................................. E-15
E20 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in a Six-Rack System.................................. E-15
E21 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Seven-Rack System.............................. E-16
E22 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Seven-Rack System......................... E-17
E23 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Seven-Rack System............................ E-17
E24 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Seven-Rack System.......................... E-18
E25 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Seven-Rack System ............................. E-18
E26 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in a Seven-Rack System............................. E-19
E27 Leaf Switch Connections for the Seventh Rack in a Seven-Rack System ....................... E-20
E28 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in an Eight-Rack System ............................ E-20
E29 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in an Eight-Rack System........................ E-21
E30 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in an Eight-Rack System .......................... E-21
E31 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in an Eight-Rack System ........................ E-22
E32 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in an Eight-Rack System ............................ E-23
E33 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in an Eight-Rack System ........................... E-23
E34 Leaf Switch Connections for the Seventh Rack in an Eight-Rack System ...................... E-24
E35 Leaf Switch Connections for the Eighth Rack in an Eight-Rack System......................... E-24
This guide describes Oracle Big Data Appliance, which is used for acquiring,
organizing, and analyzing very large data sets. It includes information about hardware
operations, site planning and configuration, and physical, electrical, and
environmental specifications.
This preface contains the following topics:
Documentation Accessibility
Related Documentation
Backus-Naur Form Syntax
This guide is intended for Oracle Big Data Appliance customers and those responsible
for data center site planning, installation, configuration, and maintenance of Oracle
Big Data Appliance.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Related Documentation
The following Oracle libraries contain hardware information for Oracle Big Data
Appliance. Links to these libraries are available through the Big Data library at
Sun Server X4-2L library:
Sun Rack II 1042 and 1242 library:
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch library:
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 library:
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.1 library:
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
# prompt The pound (#) prompt indicates a command that is run as the Linux
root user.
Changes in This Release for Oracle Big Data
This preface describes the changes in Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.0.
New Features
Oracle Big Data SQL 1.0.0
Oracle Big Data SQL supports queries against vast amounts of big data stored in
multiple data sources, including HDFS and Hive. You can view and analyze data
from various data stores together, as if it were all stored in an Oracle database.
Support for Oracle Big Data SQL includes the following new features in Oracle
Hive static data dictionary views
Access drivers for Hadoop and Hive
Oracle Big Data SQL is an installation option, which you can specify using the
Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility.
You can monitor and manage Oracle Big Data SQL using the bdacli command
and Cloudera Manager.
See "bdacli" on page 13-11 and Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide.
Service Migration
The bdacli utility can migrate services from a failing critical node to a healthy
noncritical node. It can also remove failing critical and noncritical nodes from a
cluster, and restore them to the cluster after repairs. See "bdacli" on page 13-11 and
Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide.
Software Upgrades
Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop 5.1.0
Cloudera Manager 5.1.1
Perfect Balance 2.2.0
Oracle Data Integrator Agent (for Oracle Data Integrator Application
Adapter for Hadoop)
See Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide.
Oracle NoSQL Database Zone Support
The Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility and the
mammoth -e command support multiple zones on Oracle NoSQL Database
clusters. You can add nodes to an existing zone, or create a new primary or
secondary zones.
See "Oracle NoSQL Configuration" on page 4-13 and "Mammoth Software
Installation and Configuration Utility" on page 10-24.
Multiple Rack Clusters
You can now install a cluster on multiple racks using one cluster_name-config.json
Part I
Part I Preinstallation
You must complete the preinstallation procedures before receiving shipment of Oracle
Big Data Appliance, to avoid delays with the installation.
Part I contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, "Introduction to Oracle Big Data Appliance"
Chapter 2, "Site Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance"
Chapter 3, "Understanding the Network Requirements"
Chapter 4, "Using Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility"
Chapter 5, "Setting Up Auto Service Request"
Introduction to Oracle Big Data Appliance
This chapter describes the features and hardware components of Oracle Big Data
Appliance. It also includes usage information.
This chapter contains these sections:
About Oracle Big Data Appliance
Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Components
Server Components
Spare Parts Kit Components
Oracle Big Data Appliance Management Software
Oracle Big Data Appliance Restrictions on Use
Server Components
Table 12 lists the components of a Sun Server X4-2L.
Table 17 lists the spare cables that are secured to the center section of an Oracle Big
Data Appliance rack.
See Also: Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide for
information about using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
and Cloudera Manager to monitor Oracle Big Data Appliance.
with this change given the numerous possible scenarios involved, and it is
not included as part of the standard installation. Customers must supply
the replacement hardware, and make or arrange for this change through
other means.
Remove the Cat 5 cables connected to the Ethernet switch and connect
them to the customer network through an external switch or patch panel.
Customers must perform these changes at their expense and labor. In this
case, the Cisco 4948 Ethernet switch in the rack can be turned off and
disconnected from the data center network.
2. In a rack without a KVM, install a top-of-rack (TOR) switch that supports both
10 GbE (or 40 GbE) and 1 GbE, such as the Sun Network 10 GbE Switch 72p, in
rack slots 41 and 42. These slots are empty in the factory configuration.
Customers must perform this installation at their expense and labor. It is not
included as part of the standard installation.
This modification is not permitted in Sun Fire X4270 M2-based racks, which
have no empty slots.
Customers cannot update the firmware directly on Oracle Big Data Appliance
servers. Oracle Big Data Appliance patches update the firmware of the server
ILOM/BIOS, InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCA), disk controller host bus
adapters (HBA), and hard drives (HDD).
The only exception is if the customer replaces a faulty server component (such as a
disk drive) with a unit installed with firmware at a lower version than the faulty
component. The upgrade must be performed using the bdaupdatefw utility.
Customers can update the firmware of the other components of Oracle Big Data
Customers can update the IOS and firmware versions on the Cisco 4948
Ethernet switch to meet their data center requirements.
Customers can update the firmware of the InfiniBand switches if the updates
comply with the validated versions documented in My Oracle Support ID
Customers can update the firmware of the power distribution units (PDUs) if
the updates comply with the validated versions documented in My Oracle
Support ID 1528190.1.
Customers can update the firmware of the KVM switch and the KMM
(keyboard, monitor, mouse) as needed (Sun Fire X4270 M2-based rack only).
Customers can install additional software on Oracle Big Data Appliance servers.
Oracle does not support questions or issues with the nonstandard modules. If a
server fails, and Oracle suspects that the failure may have been caused by a
nonstandard module, then Oracle Support may refer the customer to the vendor of
the nonstandard module or ask that the issue be reproduced without the
nonstandard module.
Modifying the server operating system other than by applying official patches and
upgrades is not supported.
InfiniBand-related packages must always be maintained at the officially supported
You can install third-party software that complies with the following restrictions:
The software must support the version of 64-bit Oracle Linux running on
Oracle Big Data Appliance.
See Also: Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide for service
Customers cannot connect USB devices to Oracle Big Data Appliance servers
except as documented in this guide. In those documented situations, the USB
device should not draw more than 100 mA of power.
The network ports on the servers can connect to external non-Sun servers using
Internet small computer system interface (iSCSI) or network file system (NFS)
protocols. However, the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) protocol is not
Only switches specified for use in Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exadata
Database Machine, and Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine can be connected to
the InfiniBand network. Connecting third-party switches and other switches not
used in these engineered systems is not supported.
This chapter describes the site requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance. Use this
chapter while you complete the Oracle Big Data Appliance Site Checklists.
This chapter contains these sections:
General Environmental Requirements
Space Requirements
Flooring Requirements
Electrical Power Requirements
Temperature and Humidity Requirements
Ventilation and Cooling Requirements
Network Connection Requirements
Ensuring That the Site Is Ready
Table 21 Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack
Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2
Environmental Component and X3-2 Oracle Big Data Appliance1
Net Weight 829 kg (1828 lb) 816.5 kg (1800 lb)
See Also: "Flooring Requirements"
on page 2-4
Acoustic levels 8.3 Bel 8.3 Bel
Power Maximum: 10 kW (10.2 kVA) Maximum: 12.0 kW (12.25 kVA)
See Also: "Electrical Power Typical: 7 kW (7.15 kVA) Typical: 8.4 kW (8.6 kVA)2
Requirements" on page 2-5
Table 21 (Cont.) Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack
Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2
Environmental Component and X3-2 Oracle Big Data Appliance1
Cooling Maximum: 34,142 BTU/hour (34,838 Maximum: 40,971 BTU/hour (41,807
kJ/hour kJ/hour)
See Also: "Temperature and
Humidity Requirements" on Typical: 23,940 BTU/hour (24,420 Typical: 28,680 BTU/hour (29,265
page 2-9 and "Ventilation and kJ/hour) kJ/hour)
Cooling Requirements" on page 2-10
Air flow front-to-back (subject to Maximum: 1,573 CFM Maximum: Approximately 1,886
actual data center environment) CFM
Typical: 1,103 CFM
See Also: "Temperature and Typical: Approximately 1,340 CFM
Humidity Requirements" on
page 2-9, and "Ventilation and
Cooling Requirements" on page 2-10
IP addresses 24 for Ethernet network 24 for Ethernet network
See Also: Chapter 3, 18 for InfiniBand network 18 for InfiniBand network
"Understanding the Network
Network drops One network connection Minimum of two network
See Also: Chapter 3,
"Understanding the Network
External connectivity 1 x 1 Gbps Ethernet ports 2 x 1 Gbps Ethernet ports
See Also: Chapter 3, 18 x 10 Gbps Ethernet ports 18 x 10 Gbps Ethernet ports
"Understanding the Network
Sun Fire X4270 M2-based rack
Varies based on application load.
Table 22 shows the general environmental requirements for the starter rack and
in-rack expansion kit.
Table 22 Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack
Starter Rack with One In-Rack
Environmental Component Starter Rack Expansion Kit
Net Weight 418 kg (922 lb) 635 kg (1400 lb)
See Also: "Flooring Requirements"
on page 2-4
Acoustic levels 76 Bel 79 Bel
Power Maximum: 4.2 kW Maximum: 7.7 kW)
See Also: "Electrical Power Typical: 3 kW Typical: 5.4 kW1
Requirements" on page 2-5
Cooling Maximum: 14,052 BTU/hour Maximum: 26,411 BTU/hour
(14,825.6 kJ/hour (27,865.1 kJ/hour)
See Also: "Temperature and
Humidity Requirements" on Typical: 9,836 BTU/hour (10,377.5 Typical: 18,487 BTU/hour (19,504.8
page 2-9 and "Ventilation and kJ/hour) kJ/hour)
Cooling Requirements" on page 2-10
Table 22 (Cont.) Environmental Requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack
Starter Rack with One In-Rack
Environmental Component Starter Rack Expansion Kit
Air flow front-to-back (subject to Maximum: 676 CFM Maximum: 1223 CFM
actual data center environment)
Typical: 473 CFM Typical: 856 CFM
See Also: "Temperature and
Humidity Requirements" on
page 2-9, and "Ventilation and
Cooling Requirements" on page 2-10
IP addresses 12 for Ethernet network 18 for Ethernet network
See Also: Chapter 3, 6 for InfiniBand network 12 for InfiniBand network
"Understanding the Network
Network drops One network connection One network connection
See Also: Chapter 3,
"Understanding the Network
External connectivity 1 x 1 Gbps Ethernet port 1 x 1 Gbps Ethernet port
See Also: Chapter 3, 6 x 10 Gbps Ethernet ports 12 x 10 Gbps Ethernet ports
"Understanding the Network
Varies based on application load.
Space Requirements
The space requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance are as follows:
Height: 200 cm (79 inches)
Width: 60 cm with side panels (24 inches)
Depth: 120 cm (47.5 inches)
The minimum ceiling height for the cabinet is 230 cm (90 inches), measured from the
true floor or raised floor, whichever is higher. An additional 92 cm (36 inches) is
required above the rack height in the front and rear aisle space for maintenance access.
The space surrounding the cabinet must not restrict the movement of cool air between
the air conditioner and the front of the systems within the cabinet, or the movement of
hot air coming out of the rear of the cabinet.
If your loading dock meets the height and ramp requirements for a standard freight
carrier truck, then you can use a pallet jack to unload the rack. If not, you must
provide a standard forklift or other means to unload the rack. You can also request that
the rack be shipped in a truck with a lift gate.
Leave Oracle Big Data Appliance in its shipping container until it arrives at the
installation site. Ensure sufficient clearance and clear pathways for moving it from the
unpacking location to the installation location. The entire access route to the
installation site should be free of raised-pattern flooring that can cause vibration.
Use a conditioned space when removing the packaging material to reduce particles
before entering the data center. Allow enough space for unpacking Oracle Big Data
Appliance from its shipping cartons. Table 24 lists the access route requirements.
Flooring Requirements
Oracle recommends that Oracle Big Data Appliance be installed on raised flooring.
The site floor and the raised flooring must be able to support the total weight.
Table 26 lists the floor load requirements.
Single-Phase PDUs for North America, South America, Japan, and Taiwan
Table 27 lists the requirements for low-voltage single-phase PDUs for North America,
South America, Japan, and Taiwan. There are two PDUs per rack.
Data center receptacle 15 kVA, with three 30A/250V 2-pole/3-wire NEMA L6-30P
UL489 2-pole circuit breaker
The following are needed to connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to a low-voltage
single-phase power source:
6 power cords for two PDUs, 30A at 200 to 240 VAC
6 receptacles to connect the PDUs to 6 NEMA L6-30 data center receptacles
Figure 21 shows the low-voltage, single-phase PDU power connector for North
America, South America, Japan, and Taiwan.
Three-Phase PDUs for North America, South America, Japan, and Taiwan
Table 28 lists the requirements for low-voltage three-phase PDUs for North America,
South America, Japan, and Taiwan. There are two PDUs per rack.
Data center receptacle 15 kVA IEC 60309 60A 4-pin 250 VAC three-phase IP67
UL489 2-pole circuit breaker
The following are needed to connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to a low-voltage
three-phase power source:
2 power cords for two PDUs, 60A at 190 to 220 VAC three-phase
2 receptacles to connect the PDUs to 2 IEC 60309 60A 4-pin 250 VAC three-phase
IP67 data center receptacles
Figure 22 shows the low-voltage three-phase PDU power connector for North
America, South America, Japan, and Taiwan.
Single-Phase PDUs for Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific
Table 29 lists the requirements for a 15 kVA high-voltage single-phase PDU for
Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, except Japan and Taiwan. There are
two PDUs per rack.
Data center receptacle 15 kVA, with three blue 32A/240V splash-proof 2-pole/3-wire
IEC 60309 plugs
UL489 1-pole circuit breaker
Three-Phase PDUs for Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific
Table 210 lists the requirements for high-voltage three-phase PDUs for Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, except Japan and Taiwan. There are two PDUs
per rack. The following specifications are per PDU.
Data center receptacle 15 kVA, three-phase, 5-pin, IEC 60309 32A, 5-pin 230/400V,
three-phase IP44
UL489 1-pole circuit breaker
The following are needed to connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to a high-voltage
three-phase power source:
2 power cords for two PDUs, 25A at 220/380 to 240/415 VAC three-phase
2 receptacles to connect the PDUs to 2 IEC 60309 32A 5-pin 230/400 VAC
three-phase IP44 data center receptacles
Figure 24 shows the high-voltage three-phase PDU power connector for EMEA and
APAC, except for Japan and Taiwan.
To prevent catastrophic failures, design the input power sources to ensure adequate
power is provided to the PDUs. Use dedicated AC breaker panels for all power circuits
that supply power to the PDU. When planning for power distribution requirements,
balance the power load between available AC supply branch circuits. In the United
States and Canada, ensure that the overall system AC input current load does not
exceed 80 percent of the branch circuit AC current rating.
PDU power cords are 4 meters (13.12 feet) long, and 1 to 1.5 meters (3.3 to 4.9 feet) of
the cord is routed within the rack cabinet. The installation site AC power receptacle
must be within 2 meters (6.6 feet) of the rack.
Note: The owner supplies the circuit breakers. Each power cord
requires one circuit breaker.
Grounding Guidelines
The cabinets for Oracle Big Data Appliance are shipped with grounding-type power
cords. Always connect the cords to grounded power outlets. Because different
grounding methods are used depending on location, check the grounding type and
refer to documentation, such as International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
documents, for the correct grounding method. Ensure that the facility administrator or
qualified electrical engineer verifies the grounding method for the building and
performs the grounding work.
Table 211 lists the temperature, humidity, and altitude requirements for operating and
nonoperating systems.
Set conditions to the optimal temperature and humidity ranges to minimize the chance
of downtime due to component failure. Operating Oracle Big Data Appliance for
extended periods at or near the operating range limits, or installing it in an
environment where it remains at or near nonoperating range limits, could significantly
increase hardware component failure.
The ambient temperature range of 21 to 23 degrees Celsius (70 to 74 degrees
Fahrenheit) is optimal for server reliability and operator comfort. Most computer
equipment can operate in a wide temperature range, but near 22 degrees Celsius (72
degrees Fahrenheit) is desirable because it is easier to maintain safe humidity levels.
Operating in this temperature range provides a safety buffer if the air conditioning
system fails.
The ambient relative humidity range of 45 to 50 percent is suitable for safe data
processing operations. Most computer equipment can operate in a wide range (20 to 80
percent), but the range of 45 to 50 percent is recommended for the following reasons:
Helps protect computer systems from corrosion problems associated with high
humidity levels.
Provides the greatest operating time buffer if the air conditioner control fails.
Helps avoid failures or temporary malfunctions caused by intermittent
interference from static discharges that may occur when relative humidity is too
through the rear of the rack. There is no air flow requirement for the left and right
sides due to front-to-back cooling.
If the rack is not completely filled with components, then cover the empty sections
with filler panels. Gaps between components can adversely affect air flow and cooling
within the rack.
Relative humidity is the percentage of the total water vapor that can exist in the air
without condensing, and it is inversely proportional to air temperature. Humidity
goes down when the temperature rises, and goes up when the temperature drops. For
example, air with a relative humidity of 45 percent at a temperature of 24 degrees
Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) has a relative humidity of 65 percent at a temperature
of 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit). As the temperature drops, the relative
humidity rises to more than 65 percent, and water droplets form.
Air conditioning facilities usually do not precisely monitor or control temperature and
humidity throughout an entire computer room. Generally, you should monitor
individual points corresponding to multiple exhaust vents in the main unit and other
units in the room, because the distribution of temperature and humidity is uneven
across the room. Pay special consideration to humidity when using underfloor
Oracle Big Data Appliance is designed to function while mounted in a natural
convection air flow. Follow these requirements to meet the environmental
Ensure that the rack has adequate air flow.
Ensure that the rack has front-to-back cooling. The air inlet is at the front of the
server, and the air outlet is at the rear.
Allow a minimum clearance of 91.4 cm (36 inches) at the front of the rack and 91.4
cm (36 inches) at the rear of the rack for ventilation.
Use perforated tiles, rated for 400 cubic feet per minute (CFM) per tile air flow, in front
of the rack for cold air intake. The tiles can be arranged in any order in front of the
rack, if cold air from the tiles can flow into the rack. Inadequate cold air flow could
result in a higher inlet temperature in the servers due to exhaust air recirculation.
Oracle recommends four floor tiles for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Figure 25 shows a typical installation of the floor tiles for Oracle Big Data Appliance
in a typical data center.
See Also:
Chapter 3, "Understanding the Network Requirements"
Chapter 4, "Using Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration
Generation Utility"
2. Note problems or peculiarities at the site. For example, ensure that the doors are
tall enough and wide enough for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
3. Verify that the installation site flooring has a strength rating to withstand the
combined weight of Oracle Big Data Appliance and any other installed equipment.
4. Install all necessary electrical equipment, and ensure that sufficient power is
provided for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
See Also:
"Electrical Power Requirements" on page 2-5
Sun Rack II Power Distribution Units User's Guide for the power
distribution unit (PDU) power requirements at
6. Operate the air conditioning system for 48 hours to bring the room temperature to
the appropriate level.
This chapter describes the network requirements for Oracle Big Data Appliance. This
chapter contains these sections:
Overview of Network Requirements
Cabling the Client Network
Factory Network Settings
Port Assignments for Oracle Big Data Appliance Software
Preparing the Network for Oracle Big Data Appliance
InfiniBand private network: This network connects the servers by using the
InfiniBand switches on the rack and the bondib0 interface. This nonroutable
network is fully contained within Oracle Big Data Appliance and any other Oracle
engineered systems that are connected to it with InfiniBand cables. This network
does not connect to your existing network. It is automatically configured during
Network Diagram
The servers are configured on the network as follows:
eth0: Provides access to the operating system using the administrative network.
bondeth0: Provides access to the server using the client access network.
ILOM: Provides access to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) using the
administrative network.
Use the bda-preinstall-checkip.sh script to verify the readiness of the network
environment before cabling Oracle Big Data Appliance to the existing network. See
"Preparing the Network for Oracle Big Data Appliance" on page 3-9.
Figure 31 shows the network diagram for Sun Server X4-2L and Sun Server
X3-2L-based racks.
Switch PDU A PDU B
eth0 ILOM
bondib0 bondeth0
Gateway Switch
10 GbE
Gateway Switch
10 GbE
Client Access
Ethernet Over InfiniBand (EolB)
Private InfiniBand
Figure 32 shows the network diagram for a Sun Fire X4270 M2 -based rack, which
includes a KVM.
eth0 ILOM
bondib0 bondeth0
Gateway Switch
10 GbE
Gateway Switch
10 GbE
Client Access
Ethernet Over InfiniBand (EolB)
Private InfiniBand
Half of the Oracle Big Data Appliance servers have active connections to one gateway
switch, and the other half have active connections to the other gateway switch. Inside
Oracle Big Data Appliance, the client network traffic is transported over those
InfiniBand connections using the Ethernet over InfiniBand (EoIB) protocol. As a result,
each Oracle Big Data Appliance server has two virtual NICs (VNICs) that are bonded
in the same active-passive backup mode. Each VNIC is assigned a specific port on the
gateway switch. If a switch has only one 10 GbE connection, then all VNICs for that
switch point to the same port. If a switch has multiple connections, then the VNICs are
spread across those ports in round-robin fashion.
For example, if you create three 10 GbE uplinks from each gateway switch, then the
client network traffic from the servers is handled by the switches as shown in the
following table:
Depending on the number of 10 GbE connections, the client network traffic for
multiple servers can be sent across the same physical 10 GbE connection. The
maximum number of connections provides 160 gigabits per second (Gbps) of client
network bandwidth to Oracle Big Data Appliance.
GbE) and 1 GbE. The Sun Network 10 GbE Switch 72p and numerous third-party
switches provide this capability. You can connect the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switches to a 10 GbE or 40 GbE port and connect the data center to a 1 GbE
port in the external switch.
Cisco Switch
Table 33 lists the ports used by Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop
version 5 (CDH5). For additional details about these port assignments, go to the
Cloudera website at
and IP addresses to a name server on the network. You can view this file in a
bda-preinstall-checkip.sh: Performs validation checks on network configuration
values, including host names and IP addresses.
See "Generating the Configuration Files" on page 4-3.
Run the bda-preinstall-checkip.sh script at these points in the installation process:
Before Oracle Big Data Appliance arrives at the site but after the network
administrator has added the new names and IP addresses to the name server. This
step ensures that the network configuration parameters are valid and the network
is ready to accept Oracle Big Data Appliance connections.
After Oracle Big Data Appliance arrives but before it is connected to the network.
This step ensures that the network has not changed and is still ready to accept
Oracle Big Data Appliance connections.
4. If the script identifies errors, open the bda-checkip.out file for details. It contains
information about every test the script performed. The output file is created in the
same directory as the script.
5. Resolve all reported errors before rerunning the script.
Example 31 shows success and error messages from the bda-preinstall-checkip.sh
Domain is example.com
Generation Utility
This chapter describes how to use Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration
Generation Utility.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Overview of Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility
Generating the Configuration Files
About the Configuration Files
Validating the Network Settings
Customer Details Page
Hardware Selection Page
Rack Details
Networking Page
Client Ethernet Network Page
Administration Network Page
InfiniBand Network Page
General Network Properties Page
Review and Edit Details Page
Define Clusters Page
Cluster Page
Complete Page
One or more Big Data Appliance racks being added to an existing group of Big
Data Appliances: This choice activates the Import button, so that you can select
the BdaDeploy.json file that was used to configure the last rack in the group.
One or two in-rack expansion kits being added to a Big Data Appliance starter
rack: This choice activates the Import button, so that you can select the
BdaDeploy.json file that was last used to configure the rack (either the starter rack
or one in-rack expansion kit).
An in-process configuration using a saved master.xml configuration file: This
choice activates the Import button, so that you can select the master.xml file and
continue the configuration.
Figure 41 shows the Customer Details page of the Oracle Big Data Appliance
Configuration Generation Utility.
Oracle Big Data Appliance uses Cloudera's Distribution including
Apache Hadoop (CDH). A Hadoop cluster on Oracle Big Data
Appliance is called a CDH cluster.
The terms appliance and rack refer to Oracle Big Data Appliance,
Oracle Big Data Appliance X3-2, and Oracle Big Data Appliance
rack_name /
cluster_name /
Contains a copy of the configuration files. If an Oracle customer service representative
will perform the installation, then send this file to Oracle before the installation date.
Otherwise, transfer the file to a USB drive for copying to Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Provides a report that lists all the details of the configuration. You can view the this
report in a browser. Check it carefully to ensure that all of the settings are correct.
Runs a series of tests to ensure the specified names and IP addresses for Oracle Big
Data Appliance were added correctly to the name server, and they do not conflict with
the existing network configuration.
Contains the network configuration for a full rack, a starter rack, or a starter rack with
one in-rack expansion kit. It contains information about all the servers, switches, and
Contains all the information for a cluster, including the network configuration, port
numbers, user names, and passwords. The configuration utility creates a separate
parameter file for each cluster. If several clusters are being configured, then each
parameter file is located in a separate subdirectory.
If an in-rack expansion kit is being configured as an addition to an existing cluster,
then the configuration utility does not generate a parameter file; the Mammoth utility
generates it.
Contains all the configuration settings in XML format so that Oracle Big Data
Appliance Configuration Generation Utility can read it. To alter the configuration of an
Oracle Big Data Appliance deployment, you can load this file, enter the changes, and
regenerate the configuration files.
This file is used only by Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility.
It is not used for the actual configuration of Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Contains the network configuration for one or two in-rack expansion kits. It contains
information about all the servers, but no information about the switches and PDUs.
This file is generated only when an expansion kit is being installed and configured.
This script checks your existing network for conflicts with the Oracle Big Data
Appliance IP address pool.
3. Correct any network problems discovered by the script before installation begins.
Network problems during the installation can cause extensive delays.
4. Run the network connections to the planned location for Oracle Big Data
5. Inform your Oracle representative when you have completed these steps.
Rack Details
The rack details page identifies the optional network connections for an Oracle Big
Data Appliance rack.
The following table describes the rack detail fields.
Networking Page
The networking page identifies the number of IP addresses required for each network.
The administration, client Ethernet, and InfiniBand networks are required. You must
allocate the specified number of IP addresses for them.
Each IP address pool initially contains a range of consecutive IP addresses. If some IP
addresses in the range are not available, then you can change individual addresses on
the Review and Edit Details Page.
The next table describes the network properties for the administration network if they
are different from the client network. Typically, these properties are the same for both
networks. They default to the values you entered for the general network properties.
Cluster Page
Select the software to install on this cluster. The fields displayed on this field depend
on the type of cluster being configured:
Adding to an Existing Cluster
A New Oracle NoSQL Database Cluster
A New CDH Cluster
Installed Components
You can install either Community Edition or Enterprise Edition of Oracle NoSQL
The following table describes these choices.
Audit Vault
Auto Service Request
Enterprise Management Cloud Control
Email Alerting
The following table describes the user name, groups, and password fields for a new
CDH cluster. Passwords are optional, but you must enter them during the software
installation if you do not provide them here.
Installed Components
You can install Oracle Big Data Connectors on a CDH cluster. You must have a
separate license for this product. The following table describes the installed
components field.
Kerberos authentication is a security option for CDH clusters. It is included with your
Oracle Big Data Appliance license.
To use a key distribution center (KDC) elsewhere on the network (that is, not on Oracle
Big Data Appliance), you must complete several steps before installing the software.
See "Installation Prerequisites" on page 10-2.
The following table describes the Kerberos fields.
Disk Encryption
You can configure CDH clusters on Oracle Big Data Appliance to automatically
encrypt and decrypt data stored on disk. On-disk encryption does not affect user
access to Hadoop data, although it can have a minor impact on performance.
The following table describes the encryption fields.
Audit Vault
You can configure CDH clusters on Oracle Big Data Appliance as secured targets for
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall. The Audit Vault plug-in on Oracle Big Data
Appliance collects audit and logging data from MapReduce, HDFS, and Oozie
services. You can then use Audit Vault Server to monitor these services on Oracle Big
Data Appliance.
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Server Release 12.1.1 or later must be up
and running on a separate server on the same network as Oracle Big Data Appliance
before you perform the actual configuration.
The following table describes the Audit Vault fields.
Email Alerting
Cloudera Manager sends email alerts when it detects a problem in the CDH cluster.
The following table describes the email alert fields.
Complete Page
You have now set all the installation and configuration options. Click Back to return to
a page and change its settings. The Back button does not clear the pages; your settings
remain unless you change them.
The text boxes on this page provide a place for you to identify the Hadoop
components and any third-party applications that you plan to use on the cluster, and
to record any notes that might be useful at a later date. This information is saved in a
file named master.xml, which you can use to reload these configuration settings into
Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility.
To generate the configuration files, click Create Files and click Yes in response to the
prompt. An operating system window automatically opens in the directory where the
files are saved.
This chapter explains how to install and configure Auto Service Request for Oracle Big
Data Appliance. It contains these sections:
Understanding Auto Service Request
Getting Ready to Install ASR
Installing ASR Manager
Verifying the ASR Manager Installation
Configuring the Trap Destinations on Oracle Big Data Appliance
Verifying ASR Assets
Validating Auto Service Request on Oracle Big Data Appliance
Troubleshooting ASR
See Also:
Oracle Auto Service Request web page at
Oracle Auto Service Request user documentation at
If necessary, download and install the latest version of JDK from the Java SE
Downloads website:
Port 6481
eth0 ILOM
Oracle Big Data
Appliance Server
(1 of 18)
InfiniBand InfiniBand
Gateway Switch Gateway Switch
Client Access
The following is an example of the output. You should see a host name and an
Oracle ILOM name for each of the servers, for a total of 12, 24, or 36 activations. If
you see fewer, then identify the missing ones and activate them. An example of a
server name is bda1node15 and an Oracle ILOM name is bda1node15-c.
------------- -------------- ----------- -------- -------------------------- bda1node15 1143FMM023 Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER bda1node15-c 1143FMM073 Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER bda1node16 1143FMM021 Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER bda1node16-c 1143FMM063 Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER bda1node17 1143FMM021 Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER bda1node17-c 1143FMM46B Enabled SUN FIRE X4270 M2 SERVER
2. If no assets are listed, then verify that ASR is configured on Oracle Big Data
Appliance. Log in to the first server and enter this command:
# cat /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/cluster_name-config.json | grep ASR
The following output shows that ASR has not been configured.
type = snmptrap
level = disable
destination =
destination_port = 0
community_or_username = public
snmp_version = 1
testrule = (Cannot show property)
4. Ensure that the properties have valid values, not blank or set to zeros as shown in
Step 3. Use the appropriate IP address and port for your site.
5. Set the test trap:
-> set testrule=true
6. You should receive an email about the event. Verify that an email was also sent to
the address listed in your customer support identifier (CSI) for Oracle Big Data
To set up a test in the operating system environment:
1. Log in to any server on Oracle Big Data Appliance.
2. Enter this command to validate the operating system.
# ./opt/oracle/bda/compmon/bda_mon_hw_asr.pl -validate_snmp_subscriber -type
3. Verify that an email about the event was sent to you and to the address listed in
your customer support identifier (CSI) for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
This test event does not open a case, but it makes a verifiable entry in the ASR
back end.
If you received the emails from both of the previous tests (Oracle ILOM and operating
system environment), then your validation is complete. If not, then proceed to
"Troubleshooting ASR" on page 5-6.
If the emails state that there are contract issues, contact your installation coordinator
for further assistance.
Troubleshooting ASR
For troubleshooting procedures for the ASR software, see Chapter 5 of the Oracle ASR
Installation and Operations Guide at:
If you continue to have issues, contact ASR support. See My Oracle Support Note
An Oracle field engineer typically installs and configures the hardware components of
Oracle Big Data Appliance. You must follow these instructions only if you plan to
install and configure Oracle Big Data Appliance yourself.
Part II contains the following chapters:
Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Big Data Appliance at the Site"
Chapter 7, "Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack"
Chapter 8, "Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance In-Rack Expansion Kit"
Chapter 9, "Connecting Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks"
Installing Oracle Big Data Appliance at the Site
This chapter describes how to move, install, and configure the hardwarefrom
unpacking Oracle Big Data Appliance to powering on the system. This chapter
contains these sections:
Reviewing Safety Guidelines
Unpacking Oracle Big Data Appliance
Placing Oracle Big Data Appliance in Its Allocated Space
Powering On the System for the First Time
Do not place anything on top of Oracle Big Data Appliance or perform any work
directly above it.
Do not let the room temperature rise sharply, especially in winter. Sudden
temperature changes can cause condensation to form inside Oracle Big Data
Appliance. Allow for a sufficient warm-up period before operation.
Do not install Oracle Big Data Appliance near a photocopier, air conditioner,
welding machine, or any other equipment that generates loud, electronic noises.
Avoid static electricity at the installation location. Static electricity transferred to
Oracle Big Data Appliance can cause malfunctions. Static electricity is often
generated on carpets.
Confirm that the supply voltage and frequency match the electrical ratings
indicated for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Do not insert anything into any Oracle Big Data Appliance opening, unless doing
so is part of a documented procedure.
When using single-phase power distribution units (PDUs), note the following:
PDU A input 0 and PDU B input 2 must be on the same phase.
PDU A input 1 and PDU B input 1 must be on the same phase.
PDU A input 2 and PDU B input 0 must be on the same phase.
The inputs are labeled where they come out of the PDU. Connecting cables as
described ensures that the phases are balanced on both sides, A and B, in a
See Also:
Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems (816-7190)
included with the rack and available online at
Oracle Big Data Appliance Safety and Compliance Guide and all safety
notices printed on the packaging
Sun Rack II Power Distribution Units User's Guide at
32 M6 screws
Cage nut mounting tool
SW 17 mm single-headed wrench is included on the shipping pallet
Note: The following items are not included in the shipping kit:
No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
Antistatic wrist strap
WARNING: Rocking or tilting the rack can cause it to fall over and
cause serious injury or death.
5. Save the mounting brackets that secure the rack to the shipping pallet. You can use
these mounting brackets to permanently secure Oracle Big Data Appliance to the
installation site floor.
6. Recycle the packaging properly. Follow local laws and guidelines to dispose of the
Use two people to move the rack: one person in front and one person in back to help
guide the rack. When transporting configured racks from one location to another,
move them slowly -- 0.65 meters (2 feet) per second or slower.
Carefully examine the transportation path. Avoid obstacles such as doorways or
elevator thresholds that can cause abrupt stops or shocks. Go around obstacles by
using ramps or lifts to enable smooth transport.
Never attempt to move Oracle Big Data Appliance by pushing
on the side panels. Pushing on the side panels can tip the rack
over. This can cause serious personal injury or death, and also
damage to the equipment.
Never tip or rock Oracle Big Data Appliance because the rack
can fall over.
Stabilize the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack with Leveling Feet
The rack contains four leveling feet that you can lower to stabilize the rack, even when
it is permanently secured to the floor.
To adjust the leveling feet:
1. Locate the four leveling feet located at the bottom corners of the rack.
2. Lower the leveling feet to the floor as shown in Figure 63 using the SW 12 mm
wrench. When lowered correctly, the four leveling feet should support the full
weight of the rack.
Figure 63 Stabilizing the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Using Leveling Feet
Stabilize the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack with Mounting Brackets
You can permanently mount the rack to the installation site floor using the same four
mounting brackets that secured the rack to the shipping pallet.
2. Obtain four bolts and washers to mount the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack to the
floor. The bolt holes in the mounting brackets have a 10.0 mm diameter. Oracle
does not provide mounting bolts because different floors require different bolt
types and strengths. Select bolts that are appropriate for your location.
3. Position the rack over the predrilled holes. Figure 65 shows the bottom view of
the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack and the location for the mounting hole and
floor cut dimensions.
1: Distance from the center of the mounting bracket to the edge of the rack is
113 mm (4.45 inches).
2: Width between the centers of the mounting hole slots is 374 mm (14.72
3: Distance from the center of the mounting bracket to the edge of the rack is
113 mm (4.45 inches).
4: Distance between the centers of the front and rear mounting hole slots is
1120 mm (44.1 inches).
5: Depth of cable-routing floor cutout is 330 mm (13 inches).
6: Distance between the floor cutout and the edge of the rack is 160 mm (6.3
7: Width of cable-routing floor cutout is 280 mm (11 inches).
If you plan to route data or PDU power cords through the bottom of the rack, then
you must cut a hole in the installation floor site. Cut a rectangle below the rear
portion of the rack, between the two rear casters and behind the rear RETMA
(Radio Electronics Television Manufacturers Association) rails.
Caution: Do not create a hole where the rack casters or leveling feet
brackets will be placed.
Figure 66 shows the base positions of the rack from the bottom.
Figure 67 Securing the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Using Mounting Brackets
6. Using bolts and washers obtained in Step 2, permanently mount your system to
the floor using the four mounting brackets shown in Figure 67.
7. Firmly tighten all of the bolts that secure the mounting brackets to the rack and to
the floor.
WARNING: The PDU power input lead cords and the ground cable
must reference a common earth ground. If they do not, then a
difference in ground potential can be introduced. If you are unsure
of your facility's PDU receptacle grounding, then do not install a
ground cable until you confirm that there is a proper PDU
receptacle grounding. If a difference in ground potential is
apparent, then you must take corrective action.
Figure 610 shows the power cords routed out of the bottom of the rack.
Figure 611 shows the power cords routed out the top of the rack.
2. Verify that the expected power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are on. The LEDs are
located as follows:
Servers: Top LED
Cisco switch: Left LED (viewed from front) is green, and the other LEDs are
InfiniBand switches: Right LED (viewed from front) labeled PS1
KVM switch: Lower LED B (Sun Fire X4270 M2-based rack only)
KMM switch: Only supplied by PDU B (Sun Fire X4270 M2-based rack only)
3. Connect power to PDU A. Ensure that the breaker switches are in the OFF position
before connecting the power cables.
4. On single-phase systems, ensure that the following inputs are on the same phase:
PDU A Input 2 and PDU B Input 0
PDU A Input 1 and PDU B Input 1
This chapter describes how to configure the system, accounts, and software for an
Oracle Big Data Appliance full rack or starter rack.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Configuring the KVM Switch
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches
Configuring the Power Distribution Units
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
Configuring the Network
Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks
See Also:
Chapter 8, "Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance In-Rack
Expansion Kit"
Chapter 14, "Executing Commands Across a Cluster Using the dcli
Chapter 15, "Using Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager"
Oracle recommends that you have the
bda-install-preview.html file available while completing these
procedures. See "About the Configuration Files" on page 4-3.
Oracle recommends that an Oracle field engineer performs the
configuration steps described in this chapter.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-1
Configuring the KVM Switch
10. To verify that the port has been configured correctly, ensure that the Media Access
Control (MAC) address on the Network Settings page matches the label next to the
LAN1/LAN2 ports at the rear of the KVM switch.
11. Under Users, select Overview to display the Unit Maintenance page.
12. Enter a name for the KVM switch, and then choose Save.
13. To restart the KVM switch, choose Reboot under Overview and Yes to confirm.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-3
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
This sequence prevents any duplicate IP address conflicts, which are possible due
to the default addresses set in the components when shipped.
Configure the Cisco Ethernet switch with the network administrator.
See Also:
Chapter 3, "Understanding the Network Requirements"
Oracle Big Data Appliance Site Checklists
2. If the Ethernet switch displays status lights and a welcome message, then
continue. If it does not, then go to "Correcting the Autoboot Settings" on page 7-6.
3. Ensure that the terminal session is recorded on the laptop by logging the output.
You can use the output as a record that the switch has been configured correctly.
The default serial port speed is 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no
4. Change to enable mode using the following command. The default password is
Switch> enable
5. Configure the network for a single VLAN. The following is an example of the
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface vlan 1
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# end
Switch# *Jan 23 15:54:00.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by
Switch# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 2474 bytes to 1066 bytes [OK ]
6. If the network does not require IP routing on the switch, then disable the default
IP routing setting and configure the default gateway. This method is preferred.
Consult the network administrator if in doubt.
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# no ip routing
Switch(config)# ip default-gateway
Switch(config)# end
*Jan 23 15:54:00.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
Switch# write memory
Building configuration...
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-5
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
7. If the network requires IP routing on the switch, and then keep the default IP
routing setting and configure the default gateway as follows:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# ip route
Switch(config)# end
*Jan 23 15:55:02.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
Switch# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 2502 bytes to 1085 bytes [OK ]
8. Set the host name of the switch to the name specified in the installation preview.
This example uses the name bda1sw-ip.
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# hostname bda1sw-ip
bda1sw-ip(config)# end
*Jan 23 15:57:50.886: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
bda1sw-ip# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3604 bytes to 1308 bytes[OK]
7. If IPBASEK9 is not listed in the bootflash directory, then you must install it before
continuing. See My Oracle Support Document ID 1415044.1.
8. Set the BOOT variable as shown in this example:
Switch# config term
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# config-register 0x2102
Switch(config)# no boot system
Switch(config)# boot system bootflash:cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.151-1.SG.bin
Switch(config)# end
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-7
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3628 bytes to 1281 bytes[OK]
The switch automatically restarts and then continues the reload process.
2. Set up telnet access. In this example, the first login output shows that the
password is not set and telnet access is disabled. If the login command returns
nothing, then the password is set and telnet access is available.
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
bda1sw-ip(config)# line vty 0 15
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# login
%Login disabled on line 1,until 'password' is set
%Login disabled on line 2,until 'password' is set
%Login disabled on line 3,until 'password' is set
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# password welcome1
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# login
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# end
bda1sw-ip# write memory
*Jan 23 15:58:53.630: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3604 bytes to 1308 bytes[OK]
3. To disable telnet access and prevent remote access, follow this example:
Switch# configure terminal
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-9
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3778 bytes to 1433 bytes[OK]
bda1sw-ip# show clock
15:00:18.819 EST Mon Jan 23 2012
Clock Commands
The following are descriptions of the commands for setting the clock and time zone:
To use UTC, enter this command:
no clock timezone global configuration
In this command, zone is the time zone to display when standard time is in effect,
hours-offset is the hours offset from UTC, and minutes-offset is the minutes offset
from UTC.
To set summer time hours:
clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month hh:mm week day month \
hh:mm [offset]]
In this command, zone is the time zone to be displayed when summer time
(daylight savings time) is in effect, week is the week of the month (1 to 5 or last),
day is the day of the week, month is the month, hh:mm is the time in 24-hour
format, and offset is the number of minutes to add during summer time. The
default offset is 60 minutes. Summer time is disabled by default.
To manually set the clock to any time:
clock set hh:mm:ss month day year
In this command, hh:mm:ss is the hour, month, and second in 24-hour format, day
is the day of the month, month is the month, and year is the year. The time specified
is relative to the configured time zone.
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3870 bytes to 1487 bytes [OK ]
bda1sw-ip# show ntp status
output varies by network
bda1sw-ip# show clock
15:00:57.919 EST Mon Jan 23 2012
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-11
Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches
2. If any setting is incorrect, then repeat the appropriate step. To erase a setting, enter
no in front of the same command. For example, to erase the default gateway, enter
these commands:
bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
bda1sw-ip# no ip default-gateway
bda1sw-ip# end
*Sep 15 14:13:26.013: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
bda1sw-ip# write memory
commitpending = (Cannot show property)
dhcp_ser_ip = none
ipaddress =
ipdiscovery = static
ipgateway =
ipnetmask =
macaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:34
managementport = SYS/SP/NET0
outofbandmacaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:33
pendingipaddress =
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-13
Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches
pendingipdiscovery = static
pendingipgateway =
pendingipnetmask =
pendingmanagementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
sidebandmacaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:35
state = enabled
7. Set and verify the switch host name, replacing hostname with the valid name of the
switch, such as bda1sw-ib2. Do not include the domain name.
-> set /SP hostname=hostname
-> show /SP hostname
hostname = bda1sw-iba
auto_dns = enabled
nameserver =,
retries = 1
searchpath = us.example.com
timeout = 5
2. Set the time zone, replacing zone_identifier with the time zone in the Configuration
Template, such as America/New_York:
-> set /SP/clock timezone=zone_identifier
6. Configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP), replacing ip_address with the server
address. Server 1 is the primary NTP server and Server 2 is the secondary server.
-> set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1 address=ip_address
-> set /SP/clients/ntp/server/2 address=ip_address
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-15
Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches
3. Check the overall health of the switch and correct any issues:
FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> showunhealthy
OK - No unhealthy sensors
4. Check the environment. Ensure that all tests return OK and PASSED, and correct
any issues before continuing. This example shows a problem with PSU1 caused by
a loose power cord. See the line starting with WARNING PSU.
FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> env_test
Environment test started:
Starting Environment Daemon test:
Environment daemon running
Environment Daemon test returned OK
Starting Voltage test
Voltage ECB OK
Measured 3.3V Main = 3.28
Measured 3.3V Standby = 3.39 V
Measured 12V = 11.97 V
Measured 5V = 4.99 V
Measured VBAT = 3.09 V
Measured 1.0V = 1.01 V
Measured I4 1.2V = 1.22 V
Measured 2.5V = 2.52 V
Measured V1P2 DIG = 1.19 V
Measured V1P2 ANG = 1.18 V
Measured 1.2V BridgeX = 1.22 V
Measured 1.8V = 1.78 V
Measured 1.2V Standby = 1.20 V
Voltage test returned OK
Starting PSU test:
PSU 0 present OK
WARNING PSU 1 present AC Loss
PSU test returned 1 faults
Starting Temperature test:
Back temperature 30
Front temperature 29
SP temperature 36
Switch temperature 52,
5. Verify a priority setting of 5 for the InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches or 8 for the
InfiniBand Switch 36 spine switch:
FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> setsmpriority list
Current SM settings:
smpriority 5
controlled_handover TRUE
subnet_prefix 0xfe80000000000000
b. Set the priority to 5 for the InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches or 8 for the
InfiniBand Switch 36 spine switch. This example is for a leaf switch:
FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> setsmpriority 5
9. Log in to the switch as root and restart it to ensure that all changes take effect:
# reboot
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-17
Configuring the Power Distribution Units
FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance --list
No BXM system name set, using 6 last bits of the ip-address, value: 24
If you see No BXM system name set (as shown here), or a system name of 0, then
you must set the instance number manually.
4. If rack 1 gateway switch 1 is not set to 10:
FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance 10
Stopping Bridge Manager..-. [ OK ]
Starting Bridge Manager. [ OK ]
FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance --list
BXM system name set to 10
2. Log in as the admin user on the PDU metering unit. The default password is adm1n
or admin. Change this password after configuring the network.
3. To check the firmware version, select Module Info. The version should be 1.06.
You can upgrade the firmware for a lower version. See "Updating the PDU
Firmware Version" on page 7-19.
4. Click Net Configuration in the upper left of the page.
5. Confirm that the DHCP Enabled option is not selected.
6. Enter the following network settings for the PDU metering unit:
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
7. Click Submit to set the network settings and reset the PDU metering unit.
8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for the second PDU.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-19
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
6. If prompted for a password, enter Ctrl+C several times. This prompt confirms
distribution of the keys, so that you can continue to the next step. Otherwise,
generate the root SSH keys across the rack, replacing password with a valid
password and using the -j parameter for a starter rack:
# setup-root-ssh -p password [-j "eth0_ips[range]"]
8. Compare the rack master serial number on the rack front sticker to the rack
assignment, to ensure that they match:
# dcli "ipmitool sunoem cli 'show /SP system_identifier'" | grep = system_identifier = Oracle Big Data Appliance AK00024695
. system_identifier = Oracle Big Data Appliance AK00024695
9. If the rack master serial number is incorrect, then reset it in the ILOM on every
system. Enter the following command on one line, with no breaks, replacing
R-MSN with the rack master serial number (such as AK00024695):
# dcli -l root \"ipmitool sunoem cli' set /SP system_identifier=\"\"Oracle Big
Data Appliance R-MSN\""'" \> /tmp/set-rack-csn.out
11. Verify that the InfiniBand ports are running at 40 Gbps (4X QDR):
# dcli ibstatus | grep rate | more rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR) rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)
.. rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR) rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)
12. Verify that Oracle ILOM does not detect any faults:
# dcli 'ipmitool sunoem cli "show faulty"'
13. Power up each server and verify that BDA_IMAGING_SUCCEEDED and BDA_REBOOT_
SUCCEEDED are in the /root directory of every server:
# dcli 'ls /root/BDA*'
14. Save the hardware profile output from each system in a file for review, replacing
filename with a file name of your choice:
# dcli bdacheckhw > filename
15. Check the hardware profile output file using commands like the following. In
these example, the file name is all-bdahwcheck.out.
To verify that there are no failures in the hardware profile:
grep -vi SUCCESS ~/all-bdahwcheck.out
This command returns all lines that do not show SUCCESS, so no returned lines
means no failures.
To verify 32 cores:
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-21
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
To verify 63 GB of memory:
grep memory ~/all-bdahwcheck.out
To verify that disks 0 to 11 are all the same model, online, spun up, and no
grep disk ~/all-bdahwcheck.out | grep "model\|status" | more
16. Save the RAID configuration in a file, replacing filename with a file name of your
dcli MegaCli64 -ldinfo -lall -a0 | grep "Virtual Drive\|State" > filename
17. Verify that 12 virtual drives (0 to 11) are listed for each server. In this example, the
RAID configuration is stored in a file named all-ldstate.out.
less ~/all-ldstate.out
18. Save the software profile output from each system into a file for review, replacing
filename with a file name of your choice:
dcli bdachecksw > filename
19. Verify that the partition setup and software versions are correct. In this example,
the software profile is stored in a file named all-bdaswcheck.out.
less ~/all-bdaswcheck.out
20. Verify the system boots in this order: USB, RAID Slot 0, PXE:
# dcli "ubiosconfig export all -x /tmp/bios.xml"
[# dcli "grep -m1 -A20 boot_order /tmp/bios.xml" | more
[root@bda01 bda]# dcli "ubiosconfig export all -x /tmp/bios.xml"
[root@bda01 bda]# dcli "grep -m1 -A20 boot_order /tmp/bios.xml" | more
<description>USB:USBIN:ORACLE UNIGEN-UFD PMAP</description>
<description>RAID:PCIE6:(Bus 50 Dev 00)PCI RAID Adapter</description>
<description>PXE:NET0:IBA XE Slot 4000 v2196</description>
<description>PXE:NET1:IBA XE Slot 4001 v2196</description>
<description>PXE:NET2:IBA XE Slot 8800 v2196</description>
a. Log in to the ILOM for that server and force the next restart into BIOS setup:
# set /HOST boot_device=bios
5. Enter the showusb command to locate the USB drive. The command returns with
the mapped device or, if no USB drive is connected, with no output.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-23
Configuring the Network
# showusb
7. Mount the device using the device name given in Step 5. The following is an
example of the command.
# mount -t vfat /dev/sdn1 /mnt/usb
10. Dismount the USB flash drive and remove the device:
# umount /mnt/usb
# rmdir /mnt/usb
2. For a new rack, verify that /opt/oracle/bda contains the new BdaDeploy.json file.
For one or two in-rack expansion kits, verify that /opt/oracle/bda contains both
BdaDeploy.json from an existing node and the new BdaExpansion.json file.
3. Verify that the InfiniBand network is healthy:
# cd /opt/oracle/bda
# bdacheckib -s
The networksetup-one script restarts the network services, so you do not see all of
the output using an ssh connection.
6. Begin the network configuration:
# cd /opt/oracle/bda/network
# ./networksetup-one
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-25
Configuring the Network
bda1node02.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
bda1node03.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
bda1node04.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
networksetup-one: deploying this server
networksetup-one: network will restart momentarily, pardon our dust
bda1node01.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
networksetup-one: generate dcli bda host file lists
networksetup-one: ping server ips on admin network
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: test ssh server ips on admin network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
hello from bda1node04.example.com
networksetup-one: passed
See Also: For SFP port configuration details, the Cisco Catalyst 4948
Install Guide at
2. After the cables are routed, the network administrator may need to alter the
network switch end configuration to recognize the links.
3. Use SSH to connect to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switch, and log in
as the ilom-admin user.
4. Enter the Fabric Management shell:
-> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
5. Ensure that the Bridge entries have active links from the leaf switches to the
customer network switch:
FabMan@bda1sw-iba-> listlinkup
Note: This procedure fails if the networks are not connected. See
"Connecting to the Administrative Network" on page 7-26.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-27
Configuring the Network
networksetup-two: ping server ips on client network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: test ssh server ips on client network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: end setup client network
3. Verify that the active ports are assigned to the default VLAN (0):
FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> showvlan
Connector/LAG VLN PKEY
------------- --- ----
0A-ETH-1 0 ffff
0A-ETH-3 0 ffff
1A-ETH-1 0 ffff
1A-ETH-3 0 ffff
4. Verify that the VNICs were created round-robin on each server and 10 GbE
FabMan@hostname-> showvnics
--- -------- --- ----------------------- --------------------------------
---- ----------------- --- ---- --------
561 UP N 0021280001CF4C23 bda1node12 BDA 0000
CE:4C:23:85:2B:0A NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
5. Ensure that you can ping in to and out from the 10 GB interfaces.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-29
Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks
2. If you are prompted for a password, then enter Ctrl+c several times. Otherwise,
generate new SSH keys with the setup-root-ssh utility. See "setup-root-ssh" on
page 13-42.
3. Use the output from the date command to check that the servers are synchronized
within a few seconds. If they are not, then restart each device. Time differences can
cause the software installation to fail.
You can also check the NTP clients:
# ntpq -p
5. If the network is not able to resolve both DNS names and IP addresses, then
correct the /etc/resolv.conf files. Otherwise, the software installation will fail.
6. Check the accessibility of the PDUs by entering the IP address or host name as the
address in a browser.
If the connection is successful, you see the Current Measurement page.
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-31
Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks
1. Complete the configuration steps for each new Oracle Big Data Appliance rack
Configuring the KVM Switch
Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch
Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches
Configuring the Power Distribution Units
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
Configuring the Network
2. Unplug the power to the InfiniBand switches on the new racks.
3. Cable the Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exadata Database Machine, or Oracle
Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine racks together. See Chapter 9.
4. Plug in power to the InfiniBand switches. Wait five minutes between switches
while the subnet manager fabric is updated.
5. Ensure that the subnet manager only runs on the switches with the highest
firmware versions:
For example, if Oracle Big Data Appliance has the highest firmware version, then
make its spine switch the master and its gateway switches the failover. On the
racks that have lower firmware versions than the Oracle Big Data Appliance
InfiniBand switches (both spine and gateway), disable the subnet manager.
a. Log into the Exadata master switch as root.
b. Verify that the Oracle Big Data Appliance switches are visible:
# ibswitches
d. Log in to each additional lower-version InfiniBand switch and verify that the
master switch changes to the Oracle Big Data Appliance spine switch:
# getmaster
Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack 7-33
Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks
You can install and configure up to two in-rack expansion kits in an Oracle Big Data
Appliance starter rack. This chapter explains how to configure the hardware provided
in an expansion kit.
This chapter consists of the following sections:
About Expanding an Oracle Big Data Appliance Starter Rack
Installing the Servers in the Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack
Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
Setting Up the Network
Installing Oracle Big Data Appliance Software on the New Servers
Caution: Two people are needed to install the servers in the rack.
4. Install the servers in the rack rails. After installing each server, ensure that both it
and the unit below it can slide in and out normally.
5. Install the cable arms and cables into each server, starting with the first new server
at the bottom (server 7 or 13) and working up to the top unit. Ensure that all
InfiniBand cables are plugged in to the correct ports on both ends. Keep the power
cables out of the way while you route the InfiniBand and Ethernet cables.
Caution: Do not plug the power cables into the PDU strips until you
are ready to turn on the PDU and configure it. Plug the power cables
only into the servers now.
7. Compare the output of the following command with the system serial number
(S/N) sticker on the front of each system. Verify the order of each server
assignment, where the range for the first expansion kit is 7 to 12, and for the
second expansion kit is 13 to 18.
# dcli -j "eth0_ips[7:12]" "dmidecode -s chassis-serial-number" 1143FMM064
. 1144FMM1A0
If you find inconsistencies, then verify that the InfiniBand cables are plugged into
the correct ports on the gateway switches for each node.
8. Set the rack master serial number in the ILOM to the S/N on the front left rack
sticker (also displayed on the rear of the rack near PDU-A):
# dcli -j "eth0_ips[range]" "ipmitool sunoem cli 'set /SP \system_
This example sets the range to [7:12] for the first expansion kit, and sets the serial
number to AK00086253:
# dcli -j "eth0_ips[7:12]" "ipmitool sunoem cli 'set /SP \system_
identifier="\"Oracle Big Data Appliance AK00086253\""'"
10. Complete the physical hardware checks beginning with Step 10 in "Configuring
the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers" on page 7-19. In all dcli commands, be
sure to enter the range, using the eth0_ips[range] syntax shown previously.
Alternatively, use a USB flash drive to copy the file between servers.
6. Copy the new BdaExpansion.json configuration file from a USB flash drive to the
same /opt/oracle/dba directory:
# mkdir /mnt/usb
# /opt/oracle/bda/bin/showusb /dev/sdm1
# mount /dev/sdm1 /mnt/usb
# cp /mnt/usb/BdaExpansion.json /opt/oracle/bda
See "Copying the Configuration Files to Oracle Big Data Appliance" on page 7-23
for general instructions on using a flash drive.
After this step completes, the servers have their custom IP addresses.
2. Reconnect the Cisco switch uplink cable to the local network.
3. If you lost your SSH connection when the IP addresses changed, then reconnect:
a. Use SSH to connect to Oracle ILOM of the first server, using the custom IP
b. Log in as the root user with the default welcome1 password.
If you use a serial connection, you may still be connected when networksetup-one
completes. If not, type Esc+( to get the Oracle ILOM prompt before reconnecting.
4. Verify the InfiniBand topology:
# cd /opt/oracle/bda
# bdacheckib BdaDeploy.json
If you are prompted for a password, type Ctrl+c several times. If the dcli
command fails, then repeat Steps 5 and 6 of the first procedure to configure the
6. Use the output from the date utility in Step 5 to verify that the clocks for all
servers and switches are synchronized. The times should be within a few seconds.
If they are not synchronized, then you can manually change the time, restart the
device, or check the routing through the Cisco switch to the NTP server. Issue this
command to check the status of an NTP client:
# ntpq -p
7. Run networksetup-two:
# ./networksetup-two | tee /tmp/bdanet_exp.out
The tee utility captures the output in a file while still allowing it to appear on your
8. Log out of the server, unless it is the first server in the cluster.
This chapter describes how to combine multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance racks into
one large cluster. It contains the following sections:
Extending a Rack by Adding Another Rack
Prerequisites for Multirack Cabling
Cabling Two Racks Together
Cabling Several Racks Together
See Also:
Appendix E, "Multirack Cabling Tables" for the physical
connections among the racks
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Administration Guide for
monitoring the Subnet Manager at
See My Oracle Support Doc ID 1534255.1 about upgrading the firmware for Oracle Big
Data Appliance.
5. Power off leaf switch R1 IB2. This causes all servers to fail over their InfiniBand
traffic to R1 IB3.
6. Disconnect all interswitch links between R1 IB2 and R1 IB3.
7. Cable leaf switch R1 IB2 according to Table E1.
8. Power on leaf switch R1 IB2.
9. Wait for 3 minutes for R1 IB2 to become completely operational.
To check the switch, log in to it and run the ibswitches command. The output
should show three switches: R1 IB1, R1 IB2, and R1 IB3.
10. Power off leaf switch R1 IB3. This causes all servers to fail over their InfiniBand
traffic to R1 IB2.
11. Cable leaf switch R1 IB3 according to Table E1.
15. Wait for 3 minutes for the switches to become completely operational.
To check the switch, log in to it and run the ibswitches command. The output
should show six switches: R1 IB1, R1 IB2, R1 IB3, R2 IB1, R2 IB2, and R2 IB3.
16. Ensure that the Subnet Manager Master is running on R1 IB1 by running the
getmaster command from any switch.
17. Power on all servers in R2.
18. Log in to spine switch R1 IB1, and lower its priority to 8 as follows:
11. Ensure that the Subnet Manager Master is running on one of the spine switches by
entering the getmaster command from any switch.
12. Ensure that the Subnet Manager is running on every spine switch by entering the
following command from any switch:
ibdiagnet -r
Each spine switch should show as running in the Summary Fabric SM-state-priority
section of the output. If a spine switch is not running, then log in to the switch and
enable the Subnet Manager by entering the enablesm command.
13. If there are now four or more racks, then log in to the leaf switches in each rack
and disable the Subnet Manager by entering the disablesm command.
This chapter explains how to install, reinstall, and reconfigure the software on Oracle
Big Data Appliance. It contains these sections:
About the Mammoth Utility
Installation Prerequisites
Downloading the Mammoth Software Deployment Bundle
Installing the Software on a New Rack
Adding Servers to a Cluster
What If an Error Occurs During the Installation?
Upgrading the Software on Oracle Big Data Appliance
Changing the Configuration of Optional Software
Reinstalling the Base Image
Installing a One-Off Patch
Mammoth Software Installation and Configuration Utility
Mammoth Reconfiguration Utility Syntax
Oracle Big Data Appliance Base Imaging Utilities
Note: If you did not enter the required passwords in the Oracle Big
Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility, then you are
prompted to enter them during the software installation. Ensure that
you know the current passwords for the operating system root and
oracle users, the Cloudera Manager admin user, and the MySQL
administrator. If you are installing or reinstalling Oracle Big Data
Connectors, then you also need the MySQL password for Oracle Data
Installation Prerequisites
The Oracle Audit Vault, Auto Service Request, and Oracle Enterprise Manager options
require software on a remote server on the same network as Oracle Big Data
Appliance. Those installations must be complete before you run Mammoth, or it will
Similarly, you must complete several steps for Kerberos if the key distribution center
(KDC) is installed on a remote server. There are no preliminary steps if you install the
KDC on Oracle Big Data Appliance.
The following list describes the prerequisites for all installation options.
Audit Vault Requirements:
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Server Release 12.1.1 or later must be up
and running on a separate server on the same network as Oracle Big Data
Auto Service Request Requirements:
Your My Oracle Support account is set up.
ASR Manager is up and running.
Enterprise Manager Requirements:
Oracle Management System (OMS) version or higher is up and running.
The OMS agent pull URL is working.
The OMS emcli download URL is working.
Both the HTTPS upload port and the console port are open.
Note: Double-check the OMS credentials and ensure that you enter
them correctly when running Mammoth. Invalid credentials are the
primary cause of failure in the Enterprise Manager discovery process.
a. Open kdc.conf and set values for max_life and max_renewable_life. The
max_life parameter defines the time period when the ticket is valid, and the
max_renewable_life parameter defines the time period when users can renew
a ticket.
b. Set maxrenewlife for the krbtgt principal. Use the following kadmin
command, replacing duration with the time period and REALM NAME with
the name of the realm:
modprinc -maxrenewlife duration krbtgt/REALM NAME
If the KDC does not support renewable tickets when Kerberos is configured, then
Oozie and Hue might not work correctly.
Sentry Requirements
1. Create a Sentry policy file named sentry-provider.ini.
2. Copy the file to /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth on the first node in the cluster.
the first, seventh, or thirteenth server from the bottom of the rack. For multirack
clusters, this server is in the primary rack.
The patch consists of two files:
ppatch_version_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip contains the Mammoth installation
ppatch_version_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip contains the base image.
3. Log in to the first node of the cluster as root.
4. Extract all files from the downloaded zip files. For example:
$ unzip p12345678_400_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip
Archive: p12345678_400_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip
inflating: README.txt
creating: BDAMammoth-ol6-4.0.0/
inflating: BDAMammoth-ol6-4.0.0/BDAMammoth-ol6-4.0.0.run
$ unzip p12345678_400_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip
Archive: p19590684_400_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/biosconfig
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/makebdaimage
extracting: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/reimagerack
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE.iso
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/reimagecluster
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/RCU/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/ODI/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/ODI/odi_generic.jar
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/NOSQL/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/BALANCER/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
extracting: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/CELL/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/CELL/bd_cell-
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/Extras/CELL/bd_cellofl-
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/README.txt
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-4.0.0_RELEASE/ubiosconfig
BDABaseImage-4.0.0_RELEASE.iso: OK
Generating /tmp/BDAMammoth.tar
Verifying MD5 sum of /tmp/BDAMammoth.tar
/tmp/BDAMammoth.tar MD5 checksum matches
For the other racks of the cluster, follow the procedure in "Adding Servers to a
Cluster" on page 10-7.
8. File an Oracle Support Request (SR) to validate the ASR installation. Note the
following choices:
1. Under "What is the Problem?" click the Hardware tab.
2. For Products Grouped By, select Hardware License.
3. For Problem Type, select My - Auto Service Request (ASR) Installation and
Configuration Issues.
4. Include the output of asrexacheck.
9. Continue with Step 8 of the software installation procedure.
The servers can be on the same rack or multiple racks. See the -e option in
"Mammoth Software Installation and Configuration Utility" on page 10-24.
After Mammoth completes Step 3 of the installation, it prompts you to restart, if it
upgraded the base image.
5. If you are using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to monitor Oracle Big
Data Appliance, then run rediscovery to identify the hardware and software
If you have a license for Oracle Big Data Connectors, then they are installed on all
nodes of the non-primary racks, although the services do not run on them. Oracle Data
Integrator agent still runs on node03 of the primary rack.
Mammoth obtains the current configuration from the files stored in
/opt/oracle/bda/install/state. If those files are missing or if any of the services
have been moved manually to run on other nodes, then Mammoth fails.
You must know the passwords currently in effect for the cluster, which the Mammoth
utility will prompt you for:
Cloudera Manager admin
MySQL Database admin
MySQL Database for Oracle Data Integrator (if Oracle Data Integrator agent is
INFO: Creating nodelist files...
WARNING: The password for the Cloudera Manager admin user is missing from the
parameters file and is required for the installation.
Enter password: admin_password
Enter password again: admin_password
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 2 0 2 0 0 184 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 250
WARNING: The password for the MySQL root user is missing from the parameters
file and is required for the installation.
Enter password: root_password
Enter password again: root_password
INFO: Executing verifyMySQLPasswd.sh on nodes
/opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/all_nodes #Step -1#
SUCCESS: Executed verifyMySQLPasswd.sh on nodes
INFO: Creating environment.pp file ...
INFO: Making sure all puppet agents can be accessed.
INFO: Pinging puppet agents
INFO: Removing big data connectors. This will take some time ...
SUCCESS: Successfully reconfigured service
Please Check the values you entered for the ASR parameters
ASR_HOST = asr-host.example.com
ASR_PORT = 162
/opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/ bda1node01-20140805072714.trc
INFO: This is the install of the primary rack
INFO: Checking if password-less ssh is set up
INFO: Executing checkRoot.sh on nodes
INFO: Creating nodelist files...
Please enter the Audit Vault Server Admin Username: admin_username
Please enter the Audit Vault Server Admin Password: admin_password
Enter password again: admin_password
Please enter the Audit Vault Server Database Service Name: service_name
Please enter the Audit Vault Server IP Address: IP address
Please enter the Audit Vault Server Port: port_number
INFO: The password for disk encryption is not needed since feature is not
INFO: Creating environment.pp file ...
INFO: Making sure all puppet agents can be accessed.
INFO: Pinging puppet agents
INFO: Adding audit Vault Service. This will take some time ...
Status : succeeded
Hive Job Status:
0000000-140805085424212-oozie-oozi-W@hive-node OK job_1407254020699_0006
SUCCESS: Cluster validation checks were all successful
INFO: Time spent in post-cleanup operations is 1051 seconds.
3. Configure Kerberos:
# ./mammoth-reconfig add kerberos
INFO: Logging all actions in
/opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/bda1node01-20131104072502.log and traces
in /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/bda1node01-20131104072502.trc
INFO: Executing checkRoot.sh on nodes /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/all_
nodes #Step -1#
SUCCESS: Executed checkRoot.sh on nodes
/opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/tmp/all_nodes #Step -1#
SUCCESS: Password-less root SSH is setup.
Caution: If you reimage a server, then all files and data are erased.
Caution: Use the most recent 2.x version of the base image. Do not
use the version included in the Mammoth bundle.
See "Downloading the Mammoth Software Deployment Bundle" on page 10-3. You
can take the same basic steps to download the base image patch from My Oracle
2. If you are reimaging the server to the current customer settings, verify that
/opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json reflects the intended network configuration. If
it does not, then generate a new file using Oracle Big Data Appliance
Configuration Generation Utility. See "Generating the Configuration Files" on
page 4-3.
3. Ensure that 4 GB or more disk space are free in the partition:
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md2 161G 23G 130G 15% /
/dev/md0 194M 40M 145M 22% /boot
tmpfs 24G 0 24G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda4 1.7T 197M 1.7T 1% /u01
/dev/sdb4 1.7T 197M 1.7T 1% /u02
/dev/sdc1 1.8T 199M 1.8T 1% /u03
/dev/sdd1 1.8T 199M 1.8T 1% /u04
4. Unzip the downloaded base image ZIP file. For example:
$ unzip p19070502_260_Linux-x86-64.zip
Archive: p19070502_260_Linux-x86-64.zip
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/biosconfig
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/makebdaimage
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/reimagerack
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/reimagecluster
extracting: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE.iso
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/RCU/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/ODI/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/README.txt
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/ubiosconfig
6. Reimage the server using the makebdaimage command. The following example
reimages server 4, including the internal USB, from the 2.6.0 base image to the
custom settings in BdaDeploy.json. You must be logged in to the server being
reimaged, which is server 4 in this example.
./makebdaimage --usbint BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE.iso
/opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json 4
See makebdaimage on page 10-30 for the complete syntax of the command.
7. If the makebdaimage command succeeds without errors, then restart the server.
Caution: If you reimage an entire rack, then all clusters, files, and
data on the rack are erased. Reimaging is not required for a software
See "Downloading the Mammoth Software Deployment Bundle" on page 10-3. You
can take the same basic steps to download the base image patch from My Oracle
Caution: Use the most recent 2.x version of the base image. Do not
use the version included in the Mammoth bundle.
This command must run without errors and return the host names of all Oracle
Big Data Appliance servers. If not, then follow the steps in "Setting Up
Passwordless SSH" on page 14-1. Do not continue until the dcli hostname
command runs successfully on all servers.
6. Check all Oracle Big Data Appliance servers for hardware issues:
# dcli bdacheckhw | grep -v SUCCESS
7. Resolve any hardware errors and warnings before reimaging the rack.
8. Verify that at least 4 GB are available in the root (/) partition of all servers:
# dcli df -h / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 21G 132G 14% / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 19G 135G 12% / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 23G 131G 15% /
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/RCU/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/Extras/ODI/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/README.txt
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/ubiosconfig
To reimage an Oracle Big Data Appliance that was configured for a customer
network to the same customer network settings, execute the ./reimagerack
To reimage an appliance that still has the factory settings:
a. Ensure that /opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json does not exist.
b. Execute the ./reimagerack command.
To restore the factory network settings on a rack configured with custom
network settings:
a. Copy /opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json to a safe location outside Oracle
Big Data Appliance.
b. Ensure that /opt/oracle/bda/BdaShip.json exists.
c. Reimage the rack:
./reimagerack deploy ship
See reimagerack on page 10-31 for the complete syntax of the command.
12. Run Mammoth. See "Installing the Software" on page 10-6.
Caution: If you reimage a cluster, then all files and data on the
cluster are erased. Reimaging is not required for a software upgrade.
Caution: Use the most recent 2.x version of the base image. Do not
use the version included in the Mammoth bundle.
Depending on the configuration of clusters in the rack, the first server might be 1,
7, 10, or 13, counting from the bottom
3. Establish an SSH connection to the first server and log in as root.
4. Verify that /opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json reflects the intended network
configuration. If it does not, then generate a new file using Oracle Big Data
Appliance Configuration Generation Utility. See "Generating the Configuration
Files" on page 4-3.
5. Ensure that passwordless SSH is set up:
# dcli -C hostname bda1node01.example.com bda1node02.example.com bda1node03.example.com
This command must run without errors and return the host names of all Oracle
Big Data Appliance servers in the cluster. If not, then follow the steps in "Setting
Up Passwordless SSH" on page 14-1. Do not continue until the dcli -C hostname
command runs successfully on all servers.
6. Check all Oracle Big Data Appliance servers for hardware issues:
# dcli -C bdacheckhw | grep -v SUCCESS
7. Resolve any hardware errors and warnings before reimaging the rack.
8. Verify that at least 4 GB are available in the root (/) partition of all servers:
# dcli -C df -h / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 21G 132G 14% / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 19G 135G 12% / Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md2 161G 23G 131G 15% /
9. Unzip the downloaded base image ZIP file (2 of 2). For example:
$ unzip p19070502_260_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip
Archive: p19070502_260_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip
creating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/biosconfig
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/reimagecluster
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/reimagerack
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/makebdaimage
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE.iso
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/README.txt
extracting: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_
inflating: BDABaseImage-ol6-2.6.0_RELEASE/ubiosconfig
See reimagecluster on page 10-31 for the complete syntax of the command.
12. Run Mammoth. See "Installing the Software" on page 10-6.
Generating /tmp/BDA-patch-2.2.1-123456.tar
Verifying MD5 sum of /tmp/BDA-patch-2.2.1-123456.tar
/tmp/BDA-patch-2.2.1-123456.tar MD5 checksum matches
Extracting /tmp/BDA-patch-2.2.1-123456.tar to
Removing temporary files
Alternatively, you can use the bdacli command. See "bdacli" on page 13-11.
In this command, cluster_name is the name of the cluster You must enter cluster_name
in the first command exactly as it appears in (cluster_name-config.json). Afterward,
cluster_name defaults to the rack specified in a previous mammoth command.
You must finish installing one rack before starting the installation of another rack.
This command runs steps 2 through 6 on the rack being set up:
./mammoth -r 2-6
This command generates a parameter file to add six servers in an in-rack expansion
kit, beginning with node07, to an existing cluster:
./mammoth -e node07 node08 node09 node10 node11 node12
Mammoth Options
The syntax of the mammoth command supports the configuration of new clusters and
in-rack expansion kits. You can also use the Mammoth bundle to upgrade from earlier
Run the Oracle Big Data Appliance cluster checks.
Displays command Help including command usage and a list of steps.
-i cluster_name
Runs all mandatory steps on the cluster, equivalent to -r 1-18 for a full rack. Use this
option when configuring a new rack or adding a group of servers to a cluster.
Lists the steps of the Mammoth utility.
Upgrades the software on the cluster to the current version or installs a one-off patch.
-r n-N
Runs steps n through N of the Mammoth while no errors occur.
-s n [cluster_name]
Runs step n. Enter cluster_name to identify another cluster on the same rack. See the -e
Displays the version number of the Mammoth.
Step 1 PreinstallChecks
This step performs several tasks:
Validates the configuration files and prompts for the passwords.
Sets up a Secure Shell (SSH) for the root user so you can connect to all addresses
on the administrative network without entering a password.
Sets up passwordless SSH for the root user on the InfiniBand network.
Generates /etc/hosts from the configuration file and copies it to all servers so
they use the InfiniBand connections to communicate internally. The file maps
private IP addresses to public host names.
Sets up an alias to identify the node where the Mammoth is run as the puppet
master node. For example, if you run the Mammoth from bda1node01 with an IP
address, then a list of aliases for that IP address includes
bda1node01-master. The Mammoth uses Puppet for the software installation.
Checks the network timing on all nodes. If the timing checks fail, then there are
unresolved names and IP addresses that will prevent the installation from running
correctly. Fix these issues before continuing with the installation.
This step also performs a variety of hardware and software checks. A failure in any of
these checks causes the Mammoth to fail:
The ARP cache querying time is 2 seconds or less.
All server clocks are synchronized within 10 seconds of the current server.
All servers succeeded on the last restart and generated a /root/BDA_REBOOT_
The bdacheckhw utility succeeds.
The bdachecksw utility succeeds.
Step 2 SetupPuppet
This step configures puppet agents on all nodes and start them, configures a puppet
master on the node where the Mammoth is being run, waits for the agents to submit
their certificates, and automates their signing. This step also changes the root
password on all nodes (optional). After this step is completed, Puppet can deploy the
Puppet is a distributed configuration management tool that is commonly used for
managing Hadoop clusters. The puppet master is a parent service and maintains a
Puppet repository. A puppet agent operates on each Hadoop node.
A file named /etc/puppet/puppet.conf resides on every server and identifies the
location of the puppet master.
Puppet operates in two modes:
Periodic pull mode in which the puppet agents periodically contact the puppet
master and asks for an update, or
Kick mode in which the puppet master alerts the puppet agents that a
configuration update is available, and the agents then ask for the update. Puppet
operates in kick mode during the Mammoth installation.
In both modes, the puppet master must trust the agent. To establish this trust, the
agent sends a certificate to the puppet master node where the sys admin process signs
it. When this transaction is complete, the puppet master sends the new configuration
to the agent.
For subsequent steps, you can check the Puppet log files on each server, as described
in "What If an Error Occurs During the Installation?" on page 10-8.
Step 3 PatchFactoryImage
Installs the most recent Oracle Big Data Appliance image and system parameter
Step 4 CopyLicenseFiles
Copies third-party licenses to /opt/oss/src/OSSLicenses.pdf on every server, as
required by the licensing agreements.
Step 5 CopySoftwareSource
Copies third-party software source code to /opt/oss/src/ on every server, as required
by the licensing agreements.
Mammoth does not copy the source code to Oracle NoSQL Database clusters.
Step 6 CreateLogicalVolumes
Mammoth does not create logical volumes for Oracle NoSQL Database clusters.
Step 7 CreateUsers
Creates the hdfs and mapred users, and the hadoop group. It also creates the oracle
user and the dba and oinstall groups.
The various packages installed in later steps also create users and groups during their
See Also: Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide for more
information about users and groups.
Step 8 SetupMountPoints
The NameNode data is copied to multiple places to prevent a loss of this critical
information should a failure occur in either the disk or the entire node where they are
set up.
Step 9 SetupMySQL
Installs and configures MySQL Database. This step creates the primary database and
several databases on node03 for use by Cloudera Manager. It also sets up replication of
the primary database to a backup database on node02.
Mammoth does not install MySQL Database on Oracle NoSQL Database clusters.
Step 10 InstallHadoop
Installs all packages in Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and
Cloudera Manager. It then starts the Cloudera Manager server on node03 and
configures the cluster.
Mammoth does not install CDH or Cloudera Manager on Oracle NoSQL Database
Step 11 StartHadoopServices
Starts the agents on all nodes and starts all CDH services. After this step, you have a
fully functional Hadoop installation.
Cloudera Manager runs on port 7180 of node03. You can open it in a browser, for
In this example, bda1node02 is the name of node02 and example.com is the domain.
The default user name and password is admin, which is changed in Step 17.
Mammoth does not install or start CDH services on Oracle NoSQL Database clusters.
Step 12 InstallBDASoftware
Installs the server-side components of Oracle Big Data Connectors, if this option was
selected in Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility. Oracle Big
Data Connectors must be licensed separately. Optional.
Installs the server-side components of Oracle Big Data SQL, if this option was selected
in Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility. For Oracle Big Data
SQL support of Oracle NoSQL Database, this step installs the client libraries
(kvclient.jar) on the CDH nodes. Oracle Big Data SQL must be licensed separately.
Installs Oracle NoSQL Database on clusters allocated to its use. Enterprise Edition
requires a separate license.
Step 13 HadoopDataEncryption
Configures network and disk encryption.
Step 14 SetupKerberos
Configures Kerberos authentication on Oracle Big Data Appliance, if this option was
selected. No prerequisites are required if you set up the key distribution center on
Oracle Big Data Appliance. Otherwise, see "Installation Prerequisites" on page 10-2.
Step 15 SetupEMAgent
Installs and configures the Oracle Enterprise Manager agents. Optional.
This step does the following:
Creates following named credentials: Switch Credential, Host Credential,
Cloudera Manager credential and ILOM credential.
In a cluster expansion, the same credentials are reused.
Updates the Oracle Big Data Appliance and Oracle Exadata Database Machine
plug-in agents on the Oracle Big Data Appliance servers to the latest version
deployed on the management servers.
Performs discovery of the cluster using the named credentials.
Step 16 SetupASR
Installs and configures Auto Service Request (ASR). Optional.
This step does the following:
Installs the required software packages
Configures the trap destinations
Starts the monitoring daemon
To activate the assets from ASR Manager, see "Verifying ASR Assets" on page 5-4.
Note: For this step to run successfully, the ASR host system must be
up with ASR Manager running and configured properly. See
Chapter 5.
Step 17 CleanupInstall
Performs the following:
Changes the Cloudera Manager password if specified in the Installation Template.
Deletes temporary files created during the installation.
Copies log files from all nodes to subdirectories in /opt/oracle/bda/install/log.
Runs cluster verification checks, including TeraSort, to ensure that everything is
working properly. It also generates an install summary. All logs are stored in a
subdirectory under /opt/oracle/bda/install/log on node01.
Where parameter is a node name in the syntax examples, bda1 is
the rack name, node is the server base name, and -adm is the
administrative access suffix.
This utility uses the configuration settings stored in
/opt/oracle/bda/install/state/config.json. When the utility
makes a change, it modifies this file to reflect the new
The bdacli command provides an alternative way to call
mammoth-reconfig. See "bdacli" on page 13-11.
add | remove
Adds or removes a service from the cluster.
This example adds Auto Service Request support to all servers in the cluster:
# cd /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth
# ./mammoth-reconfig add asr
This example removes Oracle Enterprise Manager support from all servers in the
# cd /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth
# ./mammoth-reconfig remove em
Table 101 describes the keywords that are valid parameters for add and remove.
install node
Installs and configures software on the specified node.
failover node
Moves critical services from the specified node to a node with no critical services.
Changes the configuration of a service from the cluster. The parameter is a keyword
that identifies the service. See Table 102.
Reinstalls the base image on a single server, a cluster, or an entire rack. Both
reimagecluster and reimagerack call this utility.
The makedbaimage utility has this syntax:
makebdaimage [--usb | --usbint] [--noiloms] /path/BDABaseImage-version_RELEASE.iso
/path/BDdaDeploy.json target_servers
--usb | --usbint
Identifies the USB port that will be used for reimaging. Use --usb for the external USB
drive, or --usbint for the internal drive. The internal USB drive contains a full Linux
To use the --usbint option, you must be logged in to the target server; otherwise, you
reimage the server using the wrong network information.
The reimaging process does not alter the Oracle ILOMs on the target servers.
One or more servers where the image will be installed, which you specify using one of
these formats:
Identifies one server for reimaging. Enter the position of the server in the rack,
from 1 to 18, counting from bottom to top.
from.json to.json
Identifies the current configuration (from.json) and the desired configuration
(to.json). The JSON files can be either the factory configuration in BdaShip.json
or a custom configuration in BdaDeploy.json. You can find them in
/opt/oracle/bda on configured servers.
to.json: Concatenation of JSON files similar to BdaDeploy.json and BdaShip.json,
but containing an extra ETH0_MACS array entry. The first entry in the
concatenated file with a matching eth0_mac entry is used when reimaging. The
to.json file is used as is.
Reimages all servers in the cluster in parallel using dcli and makebdaimage.
The reimagecluster utility has this syntax:
reimagecluster [--no-iloms] [from.json [to.json]]
Verify that the following command returns the list of servers in the cluster:
$ dcli -C hostname
The reimaging process does not alter the Oracle ILOMs on the target servers.
The full path to the current configuration file, either BdaShip.json or BdaDeploy.json.
This option defaults to /opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json. If BdaDeploy.json is
missing, then the option defaults to /opt/oracle/bda/BdaShip.json. The servers must
already be set to the values in the JSON file used by reimagecluster.
The full path to the new network configuration in effect after reimaging. It can be
either a BdaDeploy.json or a BdaShip.json file.
Reimages all servers in the rack in parallel using dcli and makedbaimage.
The reimagerack utility has this syntax:
reimagerack [--no-iloms] [--no-macs] [--hosts n1, n2...] [from.json [to.json]]
Verify that the following command returns the list of servers in the rack:
$ dcli -hostname
The reimaging process does not alter the Oracle ILOMs on the target servers.
The utility does not retrieve the server MAC addresses. Instead, it uses the InfiniBand
cabling. Use this option only when restoring the factory settings; you must include
both JSON files (from.json and to.json) in the command line.
The full path to the current configuration file, either BdaShip.json or BdaDeploy.json.
This option defaults to /opt/oracle/bda/BdaDeploy.json. If BdaDeploy.son is
missing, then the option defaults to /opt/oracle/bda/BdaShip.json. The servers must
already be set to the values in the JSON file used by reimagerack.
The full path to the new network configuration in effect after reimaging. It can be
either a BdaDeploy.json or a BdaShip.json file.
Part IV describes procedures and utilities that you use to maintain Oracle Big Data
Appliance. It contains the following chapters:
Chapter 11, "Maintaining Oracle Big Data Appliance"
Chapter 12, "Replacing a Server Disk"
Chapter 13, "Oracle Big Data Appliance Utilities"
Chapter 14, "Executing Commands Across a Cluster Using the dcli Utility"
Chapter 15, "Using Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager"
Maintaining Oracle Big Data Appliance
This chapter describes how to monitor and maintain Oracle Big Data Appliance. Some
procedures use the dcli utility to execute commands in parallel on all servers.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Monitoring the Ambient Temperature of Servers
Powering On and Off Oracle Big Data Appliance
Adding Memory to the Servers
Maintaining the Physical Disks of Servers
Maintaining the InfiniBand Network
Changing the Number of Connections to a Gateway Switch
Changing the NTP Servers
Monitoring the PDU Current
4. If any temperature reading is outside the operating range, then investigate and
correct the problem. See Table 211.
The following is an example of the command output:
bda1node01-adm.example.com: value = 22.000 degree C
bda1node02-adm.example.com: value = 22.000 degree C
See Also: Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide for
powering on and off gracefully when the software is installed and
Powering Off the Servers Use the Linux shutdown command to power off or restart the
servers. Enter this command as root to shut down a server immediately:
# shutdown -hP now
Powering Off Multiple Servers at the Same Time Use the dcli utility to run the shutdown
command on multiple servers at the same time. Do not run the dcli utility from a
server that will be shut down. Set up passwordless SSH for root, as described in
"Setting Up Passwordless SSH" on page 14-1.
The following command shows the syntax of the command:
# dcli -l root -g group_name shutdown -hP now
The following example shuts down all Oracle Big Data Appliance servers listed in the
server_group file:
# dcli -l root -g server_group shutdown -hP now
Do not power off Oracle Big Data Appliance unless there is an
emergency. In that case, follow the "Emergency Power-Off
Procedure" on page 11-3.
Keep the front and rear cabinet doors closed. Failure to do so
might cause system failure or result in damage to hardware
Keep the top, front, and back of the cabinets clear to allow proper
airflow and prevent overheating of components.
Use only the supplied hardware.
See Also: "Parts for Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers" on page B-5
because of lower memory bandwidth; memory frequency drops from 1333 MHz to 800
To add memory to a Sun Fire X4270 M2 server:
1. Power down the server.
2. Replace the plastic fillers with the DIMMs. See the Sun Fire X4270 M2 Server
Service Manual at
3. Power on the server.
See Also: "Parts for Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers" on page B-5
for the repair procedures
The following is an example of the output from the command. There should be 12
virtual drives, no degraded or offline drives, and 14 physical devices. The 14 devices
are the controllers and the 12 disk drives.
Device Present
Virtual Drives : 12
Degraded : 0
Offline : 0
Physical Devices : 14
Disks : 12
Critical Disks : 0
Failed Disks : 0
The following is an example of the output for Virtual Drive 0. Ensure that State is
Adapter 0 -- Virtual Drive Information:
Virtual Drive: 0 (Target Id: 0)
Name :
RAID Level : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
Size : 1.817 TB
Parity Size : 0
State : Optimal
Strip Size : 64 KB
Number Of Drives : 1
Span Depth : 1
Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAheadNone, Cached, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
Current Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAheadNone, Cached, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
Access Policy : Read/Write
Disk Cache Policy : Disk's Default
Encryption Type : None
The following is an example of the output from the command. The 12 drives should be
Online, Spun Up. If the output is different, then investigate and correct the problem.
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: 061A
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: 061A
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: 061A
See Also:
For Sun Server X4-2L and Sun Server X3-2L servers, the Oracle
Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.1 documentation library at
For Sun Fire X4270 M2 servers, the Oracle Integrated Lights Out
Manager 3.0 documentation library at
See Also:
"In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cable Connections" on
page D-7 for information about cabling
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Installation Guide at
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 User's Guide at
8. Connect the cables to the new switch, being careful to connect each cable to the
correct port.
9. Verify that there are no errors on any links in the fabric:
FabMan@bda1sw-02-> ibdiagnet -c 1000 -r
2. Report switch port error counters and port configuration information. The
LinkDowned, RcvSwRelayErrors, XmtDiscards, and XmtWait errors are ignored by
this command:
# ibqueryerrors.pl -rR -s LinkDowned,RcvSwRelayErrors,XmtDiscards,XmtWait
[SUCCESS: Correct OS disk sda partition info : 1 ext3 raid 2 ext3 raid 3
linux-swap 4 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct OS disk sdb partition info : 1 ext3 raid 2 ext3 raid 3
linux-swap 4 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdc partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdd partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sde partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdf partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdg partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdh partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdi partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdj partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdk partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct data disk sdl partition info : 1 ext3 primary
[SUCCESS: Correct software RAID info : /dev/md2 level=raid1 num-devices=2
/dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2
[SUCCESS: Correct mounted partitions : /dev/md0 /boot ext3 /dev/md2 / ext3
/dev/sda4 /u01 ext4 /dev/sdb4 /u02 ext4 /dev/sdc1 /u03 ext4 /dev/sdd1 /u04 ext4
/dev/sde1 /u05 ext4 /dev/sdf1 /u06 ext4 /dev/sdg1 /u07 ext4 /dev/sdh1 /u08 ext4
/dev/sdi1 /u09 ext4 /dev/sdj1 /u10 ext4 /dev/sdk1 /u11 ext4 /dev/sdl1 /u12 ext4
[SUCCESS: Correct swap partitions : /dev/sdb3 partition /dev/sda3 partition
[SUCCESS: Correct Linux kernel version : Linux 2.6.32-200.21.1.el5uek
[SUCCESS: Correct Java Virtual Machine version : HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server
[SUCCESS: Correct puppet version : 2.6.11
[SUCCESS: Correct MySQL version : 5.5.17
[SUCCESS: All required programs are accessible in $PATH
[SUCCESS: All required RPMs are installed and valid
[SUCCESS: Big Data Appliance software validation checks succeeded
The following guidelines determine where the Subnet Managers run on Oracle Big
Data Appliance:
Run the Subnet Managers only on the switches in Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Running a Subnet Manager on any other device is not supported.
When the InfiniBand network consists of one, two, or three racks cabled together,
all switches must run a Subnet Manager. The master Subnet Manager runs on a
spine switch.
When the InfiniBand network consists of four or more racks cabled together, then
only the spine switches run a Subnet Manager. The leaf switches must disable the
Subnet Manager.
See Also:
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch library at
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 library at
See "Setting Up Passwordless SSH" on page 14-1 for more information about this
4. Change directories:
cd /opt/oracle/bda/network
Restart Oracle Big Data Appliance after changing the servers and switches.
See Also: Sun Rack II Power Distribution Units User's Guide for
information about configuring and monitoring PDUs at
Table 111 lists the threshold values for the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack using a
single-phase, low-voltage PDU.
Table 112 lists the threshold values for the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack using a
three-phase, low-voltage PDU.
Table 113 lists the threshold values for the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack using a
single-phase, high-voltage PDU.
Table 114 lists the threshold values for the Oracle Big Data Appliance rack using a
three-phase, high-voltage PDU.
The failure of a disk is never catastrophic on Oracle Big Data Appliance. No user data
is lost. Data stored in HDFS or Oracle NoSQL Database is automatically replicated.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview of the Disk Replacement Process
About Disk Drive Identifiers
Prerequisites for Replacing a Failing Disk
What If a Server Fails to Restart?
Replacing a Disk Drive
Correcting a Mounted Partitions Error
Identifying the Function of a Disk Drive
Configuring an Operating System Disk
Configuring an HDFS or Oracle NoSQL Database Disk
Verifying the Disk Configuration
See Also:
"Servicing Storage Drives and Rear Drives" in the Sun Server X4-2L
Service Manual at
"Servicing Storage Drives and Boot Drives" in the Sun Fire X4270M2
Server Service Manual at
4. Check the list of mounted partitions for the failing disk. If the disk has no
partitions listed, then proceed to "Replacing a Disk Drive" on page 12-6.
Otherwise, continue to the next step.
For example, umount /u11 removes the mount point for partition /dev/sdk1.
If the umount commands succeed, then proceed to "Replacing a Disk Drive" on
page 12-6. If a umount command fails with a device busy message, then the
partition is still in use. Continue to the next step.
6. Open a browser window to Cloudera Manager. For example:
7. Complete these steps in Cloudera Manager:
a. Log in as admin.
b. On the Services page, click hdfs
c. Click the Instances subtab.
d. In the Host column, locate the server with the failing disk. Then click the
service in the Name column, such as datanode, to open its page.
e. Click the Configuration subtab.
f. Remove the mount point from the Directory field.
g. Click Save Changes.
Note: Your browser must have a JDK plug-in installed. If you do not
see the Java coffee cup on the log-in page, then you must install the
plug-in before continuing.
Note: This command redirects the output to a file so that you can perform several
searches using a text editor. If you prefer, you can pipe the output through the
more or grep commands.
The utility returns the following information for each slot. This example shows a
Firmware State of Unconfigured(good), Spun Up.
Enclosure Device ID: 20
Slot Number: 8
Drive's postion: DiskGroup: 8, Span: 0, Arm: 0
Enclosure position: 0
Device Id: 11
WWN: 5000C5003487075C
Sequence Number: 2
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS
Raw Size: 1.819 TB [0xe8e088b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 1.818 TB [0xe8d088b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 1.817 TB [0xe8b6d000 Sectors]
Firmware state: Unconfigured(good), Spun Up
Is Commissioned Spare : NO
Device Firmware Level: 061A
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on : N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c5003487075d
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0)
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST32000SSSUN2.0T061A1126L6M3WX
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None
Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s
Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s
6. Open the file you created in Step 5 in a text editor and search for the following:
Disks that have a Foreign State of Foreign
Disks that have a Firmware State of Unconfigured
7. For disks that have a Foreign State of Foreign, clear that status:
# MegaCli64 CfgForeign clear a0
A foreign disk is one that the controller saw previously, such as a reinserted disk.
8. For disks that have a Firmware State of Unconfigured (Bad), complete these steps:
a. Note the enclosure device ID number and the slot number.
b. Enter a command in this format:
# MegaCli64 pdmakegood physdrv[enclosure:slot] a0
For example, [20:10] repairs the disk identified by enclosure 20 in slot 10.
c. Check the current status of Foreign State again:
# MegaCli64 pdlist a0 | grep foreign
d. If the Foreign State is still Foreign, then repeat the clear command:
# MegaCli64 CfgForeign clear a0
9. For disks that have a Firmware State of Unconfigured (Good), use the following
command. If multiple disks are unconfigured, then configure them in order from
the lowest to the highest slot number:
# MegaCli64 CfgLdAdd r0[enclosure:slot] a0
Adapter 0: Created VD 1
The disk may appear with its original device name (such as /dev/sdc) or under a
new device name (such as /dev/sdn). If the operating system does not recognize
the disk, then the disk is missing from the list generated by the lsscsi command.
The lssci output might not show the correct order, but you can continue with the
configuration. While the same physical to logical disk mapping is required, the
same disk to device mapping for the kernel is not required. The disk configuration
is based on /dev/disks/by-hba-slot device names.
This example output shows two disks with new device names: /dev/sdn in slot 5,
and /dev/sdo in slot 10.
[0:0:20:0] enclosu ORACLE CONCORD14 0960 -
[0:2:0:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sda
[0:2:1:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdb
[0:2:2:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdc
[0:2:3:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdd
[0:2:4:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sde
[0:2:5:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdn
[0:2:6:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdg
[0:2:7:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdh
[0:2:8:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdi
[0:2:9:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdj
[0:2:10:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdo
[0:2:11:0] disk LSI MR9261-8i 2.12 /dev/sdl
[7:0:0:0] disk ORACLE UNIGEN-UFD PMAP /dev/sdm
12. Check the hardware profile of the server, and correct any errors:
# bdacheckhw
13. Check the software profile of the server, and correct any errors:
# bdachecksw
If you see a "Wrong mounted partitions" error and the device is missing from the
list, then you can ignore the error and continue. However, if you see a "Duplicate
mount points" error or the slot numbers are switched, then see "Correcting a
Mounted Partitions Error" on page 12-8..
14. Identify the function of the drive, so you configure it properly. See "Identifying the
Function of a Disk Drive" on page 12-9.
If a disk is in the wrong slot (that is, the virtual drive number), then you can switch
two drives.
To switch slots:
1. Remove the mappings for both drives. This example removes the drives from slots
4 and 10:
# MegaCli64 cfgLdDel L4 a0
# MegaCli64 cfgLdDel L10 a0
2. Add the drives in the order you want them to appear; the first command obtains
the first available slot number:
# MegaCli64 cfgLdAdd [20:4] a0
# MegaCli64 cfgLdAdd [20:5] a0
3. If mount errors persist even when the slot numbers are correct, then you can
restart the server.
See the output from Step 11 of "Replacing a Disk Drive" on page 12-6.
2. Verify that /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are the operating system mirrored partitioned
# mdadm -Q -detail /dev/md2
Version : 0.90
Creation Time : Mon Jul 22 22:56:19 2013
Raid Level : raid1
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 2 0 active sync /dev/sda2
1 8 18 1 active sync /dev/sdb2
3. If the previous steps indicate that the failed disk is an operating system disk, then
proceed to "Configuring an Operating System Disk" on page 12-9.
Complete these procedures after replacing the disk in either slot 0 or slot 1.
Partitioning the Operating System Disk
Repairing the RAID Arrays
Formatting the HDFS Partition of an Operating System Disk
Restoring the Swap Partition
Restoring the GRUB Master Boot Records and HBA Boot Order
Tip: You can use this command to restart an operating system disk
configuration, if you make a mistake.
5. List the Cylinder, Head, Sector (CHS) partition information of the surviving disk.
Thus, if you are partitioning /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s0, then enter
/dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s1 for /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm in the following
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm -s unit chs print
Use the start and end addresses that you obtained in Step 5 instead of the
addresses shown in the following example:
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 0,0,34 25,127,7
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 25,127,8 21697,116,20
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary linux-swap 21697,116,21
7. Create primary partition 4 using the start address obtained in Step 5 and an end
address of 100%:
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext4 23227,61,36 100%
Partition 4 stores HDFS data, and this syntax makes the partition as large as
8. Set the boot flag:
# parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 1 boot
11. Complete the steps in "Repairing the RAID Arrays" on page 12-13.
Tip: You can use this command to restart an operating system disk
configuration, if you make a mistake.
5. List the Cylinder, Head, Sector (CHS) partition information of the surviving disk.
Thus, if you are partitioning /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s0, then enter
/dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s1 for /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm in the following
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sm -s unit chs print
Use the start and end addresses that you obtained in Step 5 instead of the
addresses shown in the following example:
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart ext3 0,0,34 25,127,7
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart ext3 25,127,8 21697,116,20
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart linux-swap 21697,116,21 23227,61,35
7. Create primary partition 4 using the start address obtained in Step 5 and an end
address of 100%:
# parted /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn -s mkpart primary ext3 23227,61,36 100%
Partition 4 stores HDFS data, and this syntax makes the partition as large as
8. Set the RAID flags:
# parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 1 raid
# parted -s /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/sn set 2 raid
10. Complete the steps in "Repairing the RAID Arrays" on page 12-13.
6. To verify that resynchronization is proceeding, you can monitor the mdstat file. A
counter identifies the percentage complete.
# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1] sda1[0]
204736 blocks [2/2] [UU]
9. If the UUIDs in the file are different from UUIDs in the output of the mdadm
a. Open /etc/mdadm.conf in a text editor.
b. Select from ARRAY to the end of the file, and delete the selected lines.
c. Copy the output of the command into the file where you deleted the old lines.
d. Save the modified file and exit.
10. Complete the steps in "Formatting the HDFS Partition of an Operating System
Disk" on page 12-14.
2. Verify that the partition label (such as /u01 for s0p4) is missing:
# ls -l /dev/disk/by-label
3. Dismount the appropriate HDFS partition, either /u01 for /dev/sda, or /u02 for
# umount /u0n
Restoring the GRUB Master Boot Records and HBA Boot Order
After restoring the swap partition, you can restore the Grand Unified Bootloader
(GRUB) master boot record.
The device.map file maps the BIOS drives to operating system devices. The following
is an example of a device map file:
# this device map was generated by anaconda
(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdb
However, the GRUB device map does not support symbolic links, and the mappings in
the device map might not correspond to those used by /dev/disk/by-hba-slot. The
following procedure explains how you can correct the device map if necessary.
To restore the GRUB boot record:
1. Check which kernel device the drive is using in slot1
# ls -ld /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Apr 22 12:54 /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/s1 -> ../../sdb
2. If the output displays/dev/sdb as shown in step 1, then proceed to the next step
(open GRUB).
If another device is displayed, such as /dev/sdn, then you must first set hd1 to
point to the correct device:
a. Make a copy of the device.map file:
# cd /boot/grub
# cp device.map mydevice.map
# ls -l *device*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 85 Apr 22 14:50 device.map
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 85 Apr 24 09:24 mydevice.map
b. Edit mydevice.map to point hd1 to the new device. In this example, s1 pointed
to /deb/sdn in step 1.
# more /boot/grub/mydevice.map
# this device map was generated by bda install
(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdn
[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB
lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible
completions of a device/filename.
4. Set the root device, entering hd0 for /dev/sda, or hd1 for /dev/sdb:
grub> root (hdn,0)
root (hdn,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
setup (hdn)
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no
Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... yes
Checking if "/grub/stage2" exists... yes
Checking if "/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes
Running "embed /grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hdn)"... failed (this is not fatal)
Running "embed /grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hdn,0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
Running "install /grub/stage1 (hdn) /grub/stage2 p /grub/grub.conf "...
7. Ensure that logical drive L0 (L + zero) is set as the boot drive in the HBA:
# MegaCli64 -AdpBootDrive -get a0
Adapter 0: Boot Virtual Drive - #0 (target id - 0).
8. If the previous command does not report L0 or virtual drive 0 target 0, then enter:
# MegaCli64 AdpBootDrive set L0 a0
10. Check the configuration. See "Verifying the Disk Configuration" on page 12-19.
4. Reset the appropriate partition label to the missing device. See Table 122.
# tune2fs -c -1 -i 0 -m 0.2 -L /unn /dev/disk/by-hba-slot/snp1
2. If there are errors, then redo the configuration steps as necessary to correct the
3. Check the /root directory for a file named BDA_REBOOT_SUCCEEDED.
4. If you find a file named BDA_REBOOT_FAILED, then read the file to identify and fix
any additional problems.
5. Use this script to generate a BDA_REBOOT_SUCCEEDED file:
# /opt/oracle/bda/lib/bdastartup.sh
This chapter describes the utilities available on Oracle Big Data Appliance. Most of the
utilities are for monitoring the health of the hardware and the network.
Checks the health of a CDH cluster, including the software, hardware, and network,
and logs the results in a file in the /tmp directory.
To also run the CDH cluster health checks, enter the Cloudera Manager admin
password in response to the prompt. If you do not enter the password, then these
checks are skipped.
If the cluster is protected by Kerberos authentication, then you must obtain a ticket for
the hdfs user before running bdacheckcluster.
To obtain a ticket for hdfs:
1. Add the hdfs user to the key distribution center (KDC), using this kadmin
addprinc hdfs@REALM_NAME
Example 13
Checks the hardware profile of the server.
Usage Notes
See "Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers" on page 7-19 for tips about
using this utility.
Example 13
Checks the InfiniBand cabling between the servers and switches of a single rack, when
entered with no options.
Run this command after connecting as root to any server.
bdacheckib [parameter]
The same as running without options except that the network must still be configured
with the factory default settings. You can use this option as soon as Oracle Big Data
Appliance arrives at the site, even before the switches are configured.
-m json_file
Verifies that the InfiniBand switch-to-switch cabling among multiple ranks is correct.
To create json_file, see the -g option.
Generates a sample JSON file named sample-multi-rack.json. Use this file as an
example of the format required by the -m option.
Usage Notes
Examples 13
The next example generates the JSON file and shows the output.
[root@bda1node01 bda]# bdacheckib -g
[root@bda1node01 bda]# cat sample-multi-rack.json
# This json multirack spec is generated. The array elements are sorted
# alphabetically. A properly arranged json spec representing racks from left to right
# can be used as input to bdacheckib (bdacheckib -m multi-rack.json)
# Note commas separating rack elements are optional.
{"SPINE_NAME": "bda1sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "bda1sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "bda1sw-ib3"}
{"SPINE_NAME": "bda2sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "bda2sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "bda2sw-ib3"}
{"SPINE_NAME": "dm01sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "dm01sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "dm01sw-ib3"}
The final example checks all the racks on the InfiniBand network using the edited
JSON file created in the previous example:
# bdacheckib -m sample-multi-rack.json
Checks whether the network configuration is working properly.
Usage Notes
Example 13
Checks the software profile of a server.
Usage Notes
See "Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers" on page 7-19 for tips about
using this utility.
Example 13
Synchronizes the time of all servers in a cluster.
Usage Notes
To use this utility, you must log in as root to the first server in the node. Passwordless
ssh must also be set up for the cluster. See the -C parameter for "setup-root-ssh" on
page 13-42.
This utility creates a log file named bdaclustersynctime.log in the directory
identified in the output.
Example 13
The Oracle Big Data Appliance Command-Line Interface (bdacli) queries various
configuration files to return information about the rack, cluster, server, InfiniBand
network, and software patches.
The bdacli utility also adds and removes patches and optional services. It can migrate
critical services between critical nodes, and add and remove servers from a cluster.
The bdacli utility displays usage information if no parameters are included on the
command line or the values are undefined.
Displays general usage information for bdacli, a list of actions, and a list of supported
parameters for the getinfo action.
The bdacli command runs either mammoth or mammoth-reconfig, and so the results of
using bdacli are identical to using those utilities.
Table 132 describes the component parameters.
getinfo [parameter]
Returns a list of getinfo parameters. If you include a parameter name in the
command, then getinfo returns information about that system component:
InfiniBand parameters: The bdacli command queries the InfiniBand fabric. See
"InfiniBand Parameters" on page 13-13.
Rack parameters: Describes a physical Oracle Big Data Appliance rack. The
bdacli command queries the current BdaDeploy.json configuration file for the
rack where the command executes. See "Rack Parameters" on page 13-13.
Cluster parameters: Describes a logical Oracle Big Data Appliance cluster. The
bdacli command queries the current config.json file for the Hadoop cluster
where the command executes. See "Cluster Parameters" on page 13-14.
Server parameters: Describes a server. The bdacli command queries the operating
system of the server where the bdacli command executes. See "Server Parameters"
on page 13-16.
13 Parameters
Table 134 describes the InfiniBand parameters for bdacli getinfo.
13 Parameters
Table 135 describes the rack parameters for bdacli getinfo.
13 Parameters
The following tables describe the cluster parameters:
Table 136, " General Cluster Parameters"
Table 137, " Oracle Big Data Connectors Status Parameters"
Table 138, " Cluster Network Parameters"
Table 139, " Cluster Security Parameters"
Table 136 describes the general cluster parameters for bdacli getinfo.
Table 137 describes the cluster parameters related to Oracle Big Data Connectors for
bdacli getinfo.
Table 138 describes the cluster network parameters for bdacli getinfo.
Table 139 describes the cluster security parameters for bdacli getinfo.
13 Parameters
Table 1310 describes the server parameters for bdacli getinfo.
13 Patch Parameters
Table 1311 describes the one-off patch parameters for bdacli getinfo.
See Also
The following commands provide information about the optional software on the
# bdacli getinfo cluster_bdc_installed
# bdacli getinfo cluster_odi_version
The following command lists all switches on the current InfiniBand fabric. In this
example, three Oracle Big Data Appliance racks are on the fabric with the standard
hardware configuration of one spine switch and two gateway switches each.
$ bdacli getinfo ib_switches
bda1sw-iba0 00:21:28:6c:c8:af:a0:a0 36P
bda1sw-ibb0 00:21:28:46:9e:3b:a0:a0 36P
bda1sw-ibs0 00:21:28:6c:c8:ae:a0:a0 36P
bda2sw-ib1 00:21:28:46:98:d3:a0:a0 36P
bda2sw-ib2 00:21:28:de:ae:4a:c0:a0 GTW
bda2sw-ib3 00:21:28:c3:70:9a:c0:a0 GTW
bda3sw-ib1 00:21:28:46:90:ee:a0:a0 36P
bda3sw-ib2 00:21:28:df:34:8a:c0:a0 GTW
bda3sw-ib3 00:21:28:df:0f:0a:c0:a0 GTW
bda4sw-ib1 00:21:28:e8:af:23:a0:a0 36P
bda4sw-ib2 00:10:e0:0c:48:a0:c0:a0 GTW
bda4sw-ib3 00:21:28:f4:82:ce:c0:a0 GTW
Uses network time protocol (NTP) to synchronize the time of all units in the cluster.
Usage Notes
Example 13
Collects diagnostic information about an individual server for Oracle Support.
bdadiag [parameter]
Downloads diagnostics from Cloudera Manager. You must know the Cloudera
Manager admin password to use this parameter.
Collects the CDH cluster logs from /var/log.
Collects the output of a complete Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) fsck check.
Gathers ILOM data using ipmitool. You cannot use ilom in the same command as
Collects Oracle OS Watcher logs, which include historical operating system
performance and monitoring data. The output can consume several hundred
megabytes of disk space.
Collects ILOM snapshot data over the network, and provides most useful output than
the ilom option. You must know the server root password to use this parameter. You
cannot use snapshot in the same command as ilom.
Return Value
The name of the compressed file in the /tmp directory where bdadiag stored the data.
The file name has the form bdadiag_server-name_server-serial-number_
The logs are organized in subdirectories, including the following:
Usage Notes 13
You run bdadiag at the request of Oracle Support and associate it with an open Service
Request (SR). See the Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide for details about
providing diagnostics to Oracle Support.
Done. The report files are bzip2 compressed in /tmp/bdadiag_bda1node0101_12
The next example shows the additional output from the cm option.
# bdadiag cm
The next example shows the additional output from the snapshot option:
# bdadiag snapshot
Gathering ILOM Snapshot data - please be patient, this may take a long time
Done. The report files are bzip2 compressed in /tmp/bdadiag_bda1node01_1143FMM06E_
Creates a diagnostic bundle for the cluster.
Usage Notes
You must be logged in as the root user. To include the diagnostics provided by
Cloudera Manager, you must provide the Cloudera Manager password twice when
prompted for it.
Example 13
The following example creates a bundled zip file from the diagnostic zip files creates
on the servers in a six-node cluster. It does not include the Cloudera Manager
# bdadiagcluster
Enter CM admin password to run dumpcluster
Press ENTER twice to skip CM services and hosts checks
Enter password: Enter
Enter password again: Enter
INFO: Starting Big Data Appliance diagnose cluster at Mon May 5 07:34:03 2014
INFO: Logging results to /tmp/bdadiagcluster_1399300440.log
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node01
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node02
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node03
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node04
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node05
SUCCESS: Created BDA diagcluster zipfile on node bda01node06
SUCCESS: bdadiagcluster_1399300440.zip created
INFO: Big Data Appliance diagnose cluster complete at Mon May 5 07:34:48 2014
INFO: Please get the Big Data Appliance cluster diagnostic bundle at
Deploys the HDFS, MapReduce, and Hive client configuration files from Cloudera
Usage Notes
Example 13
This example shows the output from one node in the cluster:
# bdagetclientconfig
Logging to /tmp/bdagetclientconfig-1368541073.out
Returns information about an individual server.
If you need to contact Oracle Support about an issue with Cloudera's Distribution
including Apache Hadoop, then run this command first.
Usage Notes
Example 13
Validates the hardware and software on a server by running bdacheckhw, and then
bdaimagevalidate [startup]
Regenerates the bda_reboot_status and BDA_REBOOT_* files in /root, in addition to
performing the validation checks. Use this parameter if the checks fail after restarting
the server, such that either BDA_REBOOT_FAILED or BDA_REBOOT_WARNINGS exist, and the
issue is resolved. Do not use this parameter for the initial set of checks, that is, if
/root/bda_reboot_status does not exist.
Example 13
# bdaimagevalidate
SUCCESS: Found BDA v3 server : SUN SERVER X4-2L
SUCCESS: Correct processor info : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz
SUCCESS: Correct number of types of CPU : 1
SUCCESS: Correct number of CPU cores : 32
SUCCESS: Sufficient GB of memory (>=63): 63
SUCCESS: Correct BIOS vendor : American Megatrends Inc.
SUCCESS: Sufficient BIOS version (>=08080102): 26010600
SUCCESS: Recent enough BIOS release date (>=05/23/2011):07/08/2013
SUCCESS: Correct ILOM major version :
SUCCESS: Sufficient ILOM minor version (>=82440): 82440
SUCCESS: Correct bda-monitor status : bda monitor is running
SUCCESS: Big Data Appliance software validation checks succeeded
SUCCESS: All Big Data Appliance validation checks succeeded
Displays the server name and IP address.
This example shows that the user is logged in to a BDA server named bda1node03
with an IP address of
$ bdanodedesc
bda1node03 BDA HCA-
Re-creates the virtual network interface cards (VNICs) for all servers in the rack and
spreads them across the available 10 GbE ports.
Usage Notes
Example 13
The following example shows the output from the bdaredoclientnet utility:
# cd /opt/oracle/bda/network
# bdaredoclientnet
bdaredoclientnet: check syntax and static semantics of
bdaredoclientnet: passed
bdaredoclientnet: ping servers by name on admin network
bdaredoclientnet: passed
bdaredoclientnet: verify infiniband topology
bdaredoclientnet: passed
bdaredoclientnet: start setup client network (10gigE over Infiniband)
bdaredoclientnet: ping both gtw leaf switches
bdaredoclientnet: passed
bdaredoclientnet: verify existence of gateway ports
bdaredoclientnet: passed
bdaredoclientnet: removing existing eoib setup for this server
Shutting down interface bondeth0: [ OK ]
Shutting down interface bondib0: [ OK ]
Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
Disabling IPv4 packet forwarding: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
[ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Returns the serial numbers and media access control (MAC) addresses for most
components of the Oracle Big Data Appliance server that you are connected to.
MAC addresses :
bondeth0 Ethernet : CE:1B:4B:85:2A:63
bondib0 InfiniBand : 80:00:00:4A:FE:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
bond0 Ethernet : 00:00:00:00:00:00
eth0 Ethernet : 00:21:28:E7:97:7E
eth1 Ethernet : 00:21:28:E7:97:7F
eth2 Ethernet : 00:21:28:E7:97:80
eth3 Ethernet : 00:21:28:E7:97:81
eth8 Ethernet : CE:1B:4B:85:2A:63
eth9 Ethernet : CE:1B:4C:85:2A:63
ib0 InfiniBand : 80:00:00:4A:FE:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
ib1 InfiniBand : 80:00:00:4B:FE:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Turns off swapping by the operating system.
Usage Notes
The bdaswapoff utility disables both swap partitions on a server, which disables all
swapping by the operating system. This state persists when the server restarts; you
must run bdaswapon to restore swapping. Swapping is turned off by default to
improve performance and to allow high availability if a disk fails.
Use bdaswapoff instead of the Linux swapoff utility.
See Also 13
Example 13
Turns on paging and swapping by the operating system.
Usage Notes
Swapping is turned off by default to improve performance and the ability to recover
from disk failure.
Use bdaswapon instead of the Linux swapon utility.
See Also 13
Example 13
Updates the firmware of a particular component of a server, such as a replacement
disk drive.
bdaupdatefw parameter
-d N
Updates the LSI disk firmware for the specified disk (N). Each server has 12 disks,
which are numbered from 0 to 11.
Specifies the file path to the firmware. If the path is omitted, then bdaupdatefw uses
the default firmware for the specified component from /opt/oracle/bda/firmware.
Displays syntax and usage information for bdaupdatefw.
Updates the Oracle ILOM firmware.
Updates the LSI disk controller firmware.
Updates the firmware for the Mellanox host channel adapter (InfiniBand card).
Usage 13
This utility is typically run by Oracle field engineers when installing or replacing
hardware components, which may not be factory-installed with a supported firmware
version. During a software installation, Mammoth copies the currently supported
firmware to Oracle Big Data Appliance. The bdaupdatefw command uses those files
when they are needed to update the firmware of a server component.
You can update one firmware package in a single command. Thus, you can specify
only one of the following parameters: -d, -i, -l, or -m.
Examples 13
This example shows the output from a command to update the Oracle ILOM
firmware. To perform the update, you must execute the ipmiflash command provided
in the output.
# bdaupdatefw -i
[INFO:GENERAL] No firmware file specified. Using default firmware file - /opt/or
[INFO:GENERAL] Updating ILOM firmware with the firmware file /opt/oracle/bda/fir
[INFO:GENERAL] Original version is: r74388
[INFO:GENERAL] Please run the following command and enter the root password
[INFO:GENERAL] for the ILOM when requested
[INFO:GENERAL] Note that this command will shutdown the server after flashing.
[INFO:GENERAL] You will need to login to the ILOM to power on the server afterwa
[INFO:GENERAL] ipmiflash -v -I lanplus -H -U root write /opt/oracl
Lists all InfiniBand connections in the InfiniBand network.
Usage Notes
Example 13
This example shows two Oracle Big Data Appliances and one Oracle Exadata
Database Machine on the InfiniBand network:
[root@bda1node01 network]# iblinkinfo
Switch 0x002128df348ac0a0 SUN IB QDR GW switch bda1sw-ib2
149 1[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 130 2[ ] "SUN IB QDR GW switch bda1sw-ib2 10.133...
149 2[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 127 1[ ] "SUN IB QDR GW switch bda1sw-ib2 10.133...
149 3[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 111 2[ ] "SUN IB QDR GW switch bda1sw-ib2 10.133...
149 4[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 109 1[ ] "SUN IB QDR GW switch bda1sw-ib2 10.133...
149 5[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 143 1[ ] "bda1node02 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 6[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 137 1[ ] "bda1node01 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 7[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 141 1[ ] "bda1node04 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 8[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 123 1[ ] "bda1node03 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 9[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 151 1[ ] "bda1node06 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 10[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 112 1[ ] "bda1node05 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 11[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 139 1[ ] "bda1node07 BDA HCA-1" ( )
149 12[ ] ==( Down/Disabled)==> [ ] "" ( )
149 13[ ] ==( Down/Disabled)==> [ ] "" ( )
149 14[ ] ==( 4X 10.0 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> 85 9[ ] "SUN DCS 36P QDR dm01sw-ib1" ( )
149 15[ ] ==( Down/Disabled)==> [ ] "" ( )
Displays a history of operating system upgrades.
This example shows that the appliance was imaged with version 3.1.0 with an upgrade
to 4.0.0
$ imagehistory
IMAGE_CREATION_DATE : Tue Jun 24 06:44:22 UTC 2014
IMAGING_START_DATE : Sat Aug 30 18:15:01 UTC 2014
IMAGING_END_DATE : Sat Aug 30 14:59:39 EDT 2014
DEPLOYMENT_START_DATE : Sat Aug 30 15:18:07 EDT 2014
DEPLOYMENT_END_DATE : Sat Aug 30 16:39:07 EDT 2014
Displays information about the Oracle Big Data Appliance operating system image
currently running.
Shows the Ethernet bridge ports with active links.
Usage Notes
Run this command after connecting as root to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switch.
Example 13
This example shows three active ports (0A-ETH-1, 0A-ETH-3, and 0A-ETH-4) out of
the eight available ports on switch bda1sw-ib3:
[root@bda1sw-ib3 ~]# listlinkup | grep Bridge
Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-1 (Bridge-0-2) up (Enabled)
Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-2 (Bridge-0-2) down (Enabled)
Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-3 (Bridge-0-1) up (Enabled)
Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-4 (Bridge-0-1) up (Enabled)
Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-1 (Bridge-1-2) down (Enabled)
Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-2 (Bridge-1-2) down (Enabled)
Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-3 (Bridge-1-1) down (Enabled)
Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-4 (Bridge-1-1) down (Enabled)
Makes password-encrypted data accessible after the server is restarted. Until you run
this utility and enter the correct password, the data is unreadable.
Removes passwordless SSH previously established by the setup-root-ssh command.
remove-root-ssh -h
Targets all servers in the cluster, using the list of servers in
-c host1, host2,...
Targets the servers specified as host1, host2, and so forth, on the command line.
-g groupfile
Targets a user-defined set of servers listed in groupfile. You can enter either server
names or IP addresses in the file, one per line.
-j "etho0_ips[range]"
Specifies the range of servers in a starter rack [1-6] or a starter rack and expansion kit
[1-12]. This parameter is required in the 2.2.x base image when the utility is used
before network configuration.
Displays Help.
-p password
Specifies the root password on the command line.
Oracle recommends that you omit this parameter. You will be prompted to enter the
password, which the utility does not display on your screen.
Usage Notes
See Also 13
Example 13
Resets the boot order of the server to the factory defaults, as specified in the BIOS. By
doing so, it clears any ILOM booting overrides.
The following example resets the boot order of the current server:
# reset-boot-order
Set Boot Device to none
New BIOS boot order :
USB:02.82;01 Unigen PSA4000
RAID:Slot0.F0:(Bus 13 Dev 00)PCI RAID Adapter
PXE:IBA GE Slot 0100 v1331
PXE:IBA GE Slot 0101 v1331
PXE:IBA GE Slot 0700 v1331
PXE:IBA GE Slot 0701 v1331
Establishes passwordless SSH for the root user.
setup-root-ssh -h
Targets all servers in the cluster, using the list of servers in
-c host1, host2,...
Targets the servers specified as host1, host2, and so forth, on the command line.
-g groupfile
Targets a user-defined set of servers listed in groupfile. You can enter either server
names or IP addresses in the file, one per line.
-j "etho0_ips[range]"
Specifies the range of servers in a starter rack [1-6] or a starter rack and expansion kit
[1-12]. This parameter is required in the 2.2.x base image when the utility is used
before network configuration.
Displays Help.
-p password
Specifies the root password on the command line.
Oracle recommends that you omit this parameter. You will be prompted to enter the
password, which the utility does not display on your screen.
Usage Notes
See Also 13
Example 13
. ssh key added ssh key added
setup-root-ssh succeeded
Shows the device location of an inserted USB drive as it is known to the operating
system, such as /dev/sdn.
Lists the VLANs configured on the switch.
Usage Notes
Run this command after connecting as root to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switch.
Example 13
This example shows the default VLAN, which has an ID of 0, on switch bda1sw-ib3:
# showvlan
Connector/LAG VLN PKEY
------------- --- ----
0A-ETH-1 0 ffff
0A-ETH-2 0 ffff
0A-ETH-3 0 ffff
0A-ETH-4 0 ffff
1A-ETH-1 0 ffff
1A-ETH-3 0 ffff
1A-ETH-4 0 ffff
Lists the virtual network interface cards (VNICs) created for the switch.
Usage Notes
Run this command after connecting as root to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switch.
Example 13
This example shows the VNICs created in a round-robin process for switch
# showvnics
--- ----- --- ----------------- -------------------------------- ---- ----------------- --- ---- --------
561 UP N 0021280001CF4C23 bda1node13 BDA 0000 CE:4C:23:85:2B:0A NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
564 UP N 0021280001CF4C53 bda1node16 BDA 0000 CE:4C:53:85:2B:0D NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
567 UP N 0021280001CF4B58 bda1node01 BDA 0000 CE:4B:58:85:2A:FC NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
555 UP N 0021280001CF2A5C bda1node07 BDA 0000 CE:2A:5C:85:2B:04 NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
552 UP N 0021280001CF4C74 bda1node04 BDA 0000 CE:4C:74:85:2B:01 NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
558 UP N 0021280001CF179B bda1node10 BDA 0000 CE:17:9B:85:2B:07 NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
The dcli utility executes commands across a group of servers on Oracle Big Data
Appliance and returns the output. You use dcli in Chapter 7.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview of the dcli Utility
dcli Syntax
dcli Return Values
dcli Examples
You see the message "ssh key added" from each server.
4. You can now run any ssh command on any server in the rack without entering a
password. In addition to dcli commands, you can use scp to copy files between
5. To remove passwordless SSH from root:
Getting Help
To see the dcli help page, enter the dcli command with the -h or --help options. You
can see a description of the commands by entering the dcli command with no
Note: The output from only one server (node07) is shown. The
syntax in these examples executes the date command on all servers.
This is the default output, which lists the server followed by the date.
# dcli date
bda1node07-adm.example.com: Tue Feb 14 10:22:31 PST 2012
Verbose output provides extensive information about the settings under which the
command ran:
dcli -v date
options.nodes: None
options.destfile: None
options.file: None
options.group: dcservers
options.maxLines: 100000
options.listNegatives: False
options.pushKey: False
options.regexp: None
options.sshOptions: None
options.scpOptions: None
options.dropKey: False
options.serializeOps: False
options.userID: root
options.verbosity 1
options.vmstatOps None
options.execfile: None
argv: ['/opt/oracle/bda/bin/dcli', '-g', 'dcservers', '-v', 'date']
Success connecting to nodes: ['bda1node07.example.com']
...entering thread for bda1node07.example.com:
execute: /usr/bin/ssh -l root bda1node07.example.com ' date'
...exiting thread for bda1node07.example.com status: 0
bda1node07.example.com: Tue Feb 14 10:24:43 PST 2012]
dcli Syntax
dcli [option] [command]
An option described in Table 141. You can omit all options to run a command on all
servers in the current rack.
Any command that runs from the operating system prompt. If the command contains
punctuation marks or special characters, then enclose the command in double
quotation marks.
The backslash (\) is the escape character. Precede the following special characters with
a backslash on the command line to prevent interpretation by the shell. The backslash
is not needed in a command file. See the -x option for information about command
$ (dollar sign)
' (quotation mark)
< (less than)
dcli Examples
Following are examples of the dcli utility.
This example returns the default list of target servers:
# dcli -t
Target nodes: ['bda1node01-adm.example.com', 'bda1node02-adm.example.com',
'bda1node03-adm.example.com', 'bda1node04-adm.example.com',
'bda1node05-adm.example.com', 'bda1node06-adm.example.com',
'bda1node07-adm.example.com', 'bda1node08-adm.example.com',
See Also:
For Sun Server X4-2L and Sun Server X3-2L servers, the Oracle
Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.1 documentation library at
For Sun Fire X4270 M2 servers, Oracle Integrated Lights Out
Manager 3.0 documentation library at
Web Interface
The web interface enables you use a browser to log in to the SP, and then to perform
system management and monitoring.
Command-Line Interface
The command-line interface (CLI) enables you to operate Oracle ILOM using keyboard
commands. It adheres to industry-standard DMTF-style CLI and scripting protocols.
Oracle ILOM supports SSH v2.0 and v3.0 for secure access to the CLI. From the CLI,
you can reuse existing scripts and automate tasks using familiar interfaces.
InfiniBand InfiniBand
Gateway Switch Gateway Switch
Note: You can use this connection method when Oracle ILOM IP
addresses can be accessed over the network. Oracle recommends that
you use this connection method. See Chapter 7
InfiniBand Gateway switch. After configuration, you might enter the new IP
address or a name such as bda1sw-ib2.
3. Ensure that SSH is chosen as the Connection Type.
4. Type the user name and the password, when prompted. The default user name is
root, and the default password is welcome1.
The CLI command prompt (#) is displayed.
5. Enter help for a list of commands.
See Also:
Oracle ILOM 3.1 Quick Start at
Oracle ILOM 3.0 Daily Management Web Procedures Guide at
This appendix describes the hardware messages for Oracle Big Data Appliance.
Cause: A physical disk that is not hosting the operating system is performing
poorly, which indicates that it is failing.
Action: Replace the physical disk as soon as possible. Follow the instructions in
Chapter 12 for configuring a disk for either HDFS or Oracle NoSQL Database.
This appendix lists the replacement units for the components in Oracle Big Data
Appliance racks. All replacement units are field replaceable units (FRUs), which are
installed by Oracle field engineers.
This appendix contains the following sections:
Understanding Repair Categories
Disk Controller Batteries
LED Status Descriptions
Parts for Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers
Parts for Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36
Parts for Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch
Parts for the Cisco Ethernet Switch
Parts for Power Distribution Units
Cables and Cable Accessories for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack
Oracle replaces failed batteries at no extra charge if the battery charge capacity in the
disk controllers falls below the minimum threshold. As part of Oracle Premier Support
for Systems, Oracle attempts to proactively replace the batteries in an Oracle Big Data
Appliance rack before the end of the estimated lifetime, on a best effort basis.
See Also:
"Identifying LEDs" in the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36
Service Manual at
"Identifying LEDs" in the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway
Switch Service Manual at
Note: Oracle Big Data Appliance ships with two spare drives. If a
drive is faulty, then the customer can replace the drive before an
Oracle service representative arrives if circumstances warrant
immediate action.
Table B5 lists the replaceable parts for the Sun Server X4-2L, which are covered under
the Oracle Premier Support for Systems warranty. Unless otherwise noted, the repair
procedures are in the Sun Server X4-2 Service Manual.
Table B5 lists the replaceable parts for the Sun Server X3-2L, which are covered under
the Oracle Premier Support for Systems warranty. Unless otherwise noted, the repair
procedures are in the Sun Server X3-2L Service Manual.
Table B6 lists the replaceable parts for the Sun Fire X4270 M2, which are covered
under the Oracle Premier Support for Systems warranty. Unless otherwise noted, the
repair procedures are in the Sun Fire X4270 M2 Server Service Manual.
See "Cables and Cable Accessories for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack" on
page B-17 for information about InfiniBand cables.
Table B8 Replacement Parts for the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch
Part Number Description Category Repair Procedure
7081595 A247A, 12V, 760-watt HS See "Servicing Power Supplies" at
power supply, RoHS:Y
350-1312 Fan module, RoHS:Y HS See "Servicing Fans" at
Table B8 (Cont.) Replacement Parts for the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch
Part Number Description Category Repair Procedure
371-2210 CR2032 3V battery, IR See "Servicing the Battery" at
594-6603 10 Gbps QSFP short IR See "Servicing Data Cables" at
wavelength transceiver
7014378 Assembly, system, IR 1. See "Replacing a Failed InfiniBand Switch" on
NM2-Gateway page 11-8.
2. See "Installing the Gateway" in the Sun Network
QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Installation Guide at
See Also: Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch Installation
Guide at
Cables and Cable Accessories for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack
Table B11 lists the replacement cables and cable accessories for an Oracle Big Data
Appliance rack, which are covered under the Oracle Premier Support for Systems
See Also:
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Service Manual at
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Service Manual at
See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch Installation
Guide at
Table B11 Replacement Cables for an Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack
Part Number Description Category Repair
350-1287 Slim rail, CMA, 1U-2U for BDA-O 1. Power down the server gracefully. See "Powering
Sun servers Down the Server" at
2. See "Install Cable Management Arm" in the Sun
Server X3-2L Installation Guide at
350-1519 Serial cable kit, RoHS:Y HS See "Understanding Cabling" in the Sun Datacenter
with the following: InfiniBand Switch 36 Installation Guide at
USB to DB 9-pin M http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26698_
serial cable 01/html/E26434/cggfhjcc.html
DB 9-pin F to DB
9-pin F null modem
530-4567 4x QSFP copper QDR HS 1. See "Maintaining the InfiniBand Network" on
InfiniBand cable, 2 m, page 11-6.
2. See "Understanding Cabling" in the Sun Datacenter
InfiniBand Switch 36 Installation Guide at
Note: Redundancy is lost during cable replacement.
530-4445 4x QSFP copper QDR HS 1. See "Maintaining the InfiniBand Network" on
InfiniBand cable, 3 m, page 11-6.
2. See "Understanding Cabling" in the Sun Datacenter
InfiniBand Switch 36 Installation Guide at
530-4446 4x QSFP copper QDR HS 1. See "Maintaining the InfiniBand Network" on
InfiniBand cable, 5 m, page 11-6.
2. See "Understanding Cabling" in the Sun Datacenter
InfiniBand Switch 36 Installation Guide at
530-4432 Ethernet cable, Cat 5/5E, HS See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch
RJ45 to RJ45, 7 foot, blue, Installation Guide.
530-4433 Ethernet cable, Cat 5/5E, HS See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch
RJ45 to RJ45, 10 foot, red, Installation Guide.
530-4434 Ethernet cable, Cat 5/5E, HS See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch
RJ45 to RJ45, 7 foot, red, Installation Guide.
530-4435 Ethernet cable, Cat 5/5E, HS See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch
RJ45 to RJ45, 10 foot, Installation Guide.
black, RoHS:Y
530-4436 Ethernet cable, Cat 5/5E, HS See Cisco Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch
RJ45 to RJ45, 7 foot, black, Installation Guide.
The tables in this appendix show the in-rack cable connections for Oracle Big Data
Appliance X4-2 and Oracle Big Data Appliance X3-2 racks. This appendix contains the
following sections:
Cable Color Coding
Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Layout
Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cable Connections
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager Cable Connections
Single-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections
Three-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cable Connections
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cable Connections
In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2 C-1
Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Layout
36 36 36 36
BDA Server 16 BDA Server 16
35 35 35 35
34 BDA Server 15 34 34 BDA Server 15 34
33 33 33 33
32 32 32 32
BDA Server 14 BDA Server 14
31 31 31 31
30 BDA Server 13 30 30 BDA Server 13 30
29 29 29 29
28 28 28 28
BDA Server 12 BDA Server 12
27 27 27 27
26 BDA Server 11 26 26 BDA Server 11 26
25 25 25 25
24 BDA Server 10 24 24 BDA Server 10 24
23 23 23 23
22 Sun Network QDR Infiniband GW Switch 22 22 1U Vented Filler 22
Figure C2 shows the layout of a starter rack for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 or
Oracle Big Data Appliance X3-2.
36 1U Solid Filler 36 36 1U Solid Filler 36
35 1U Solid Filler 35 35 1U Solid Filler 35
34 1U Solid Filler 34 34 1U Solid Filler 34
33 1U Solid Filler 33 33 1U Solid Filler 33
32 1U Solid Filler 32 32 1U Solid Filler 32
31 1U Solid Filler 31 31 1U Solid Filler 31
30 1U Solid Filler 30 30 1U Solid Filler 30
29 1U Solid Filler 29 29 1U Solid Filler 29
28 1U Solid Filler 28 28 1U Solid Filler 28
27 1U Solid Filler 27 27 1U Solid Filler 27
26 1U Solid Filler 26 26 1U Solid Filler 26
25 1U Solid Filler 25 25 1U Solid Filler 25
24 1U Solid Filler 24 24 1U Solid Filler 24
23 1U Solid Filler 23 23 1U Solid Filler 23
22 Sun Network QDR Infiniband GW Switch 22 22 1U Vented Filler 22
21 Cisco Ethernet Admin Switch 21 21 1U Vented Filler 21
20 Sun Network QDR Infiniband GW Switch 20 20 1U Vented Filler 20
19 1U Solid Filler 19 19 1U Solid Filler 19
18 1U Solid Filler 18 18 1U Solid Filler 18
17 1U Solid Filler 17 17 1U Solid Filler 17
16 1U Solid Filler 16 16 1U Solid Filler 16
15 1U Solid Filler 15 15 1U Solid Filler 15
14 1U Solid Filler 14 14 1U Solid Filler 14
13 BDA Server 6 13 13 BDA Server 6 13
12 12 12 12
11 BDA Server 5 11 11 BDA Server 5 11
10 10 10 10
9 BDA Server 4 9 9 BDA Server 4 9
8 8 8 8
Figure C3 shows the layout of an Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 or Oracle Big Data
Appliance X3-2 starter rack with one in-rack expansion kit.
In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2 C-3
Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cable Connections
Figure C3 Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 Starter Rack With In-Rack Expansion
36 1U Solid Filler 36 36 1U Solid Filler 36
35 1U Solid Filler 35 35 1U Solid Filler 35
34 1U Solid Filler 34 34 1U Solid Filler 34
33 1U Solid Filler 33 33 1U Solid Filler 33
32 1U Solid Filler 32 32 1U Solid Filler 32
31 1U Solid Filler 31 31 1U Solid Filler 31
30 1U Solid Filler 30 30 1U Solid Filler 30
29 1U Solid Filler 29 29 1U Solid Filler 29
28 28 28 28
BDA Server 12 BDA Server 12
27 27 27 27
26 BDA Server 11 26 26 BDA Server 11 26
25 25 25 25
24 BDA Server 10 24 24 BDA Server 10 24
23 23 23 23
22 Sun Network QDR Infiniband GW Switch 22 22 1U Vented Filler 22
In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2 C-5
Single-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections
In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2 C-7
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cable Connections
Figure C4 identifies the locations of the ports on a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switch. Ports 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, and 7A are available to connect to another
device, such as Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine. Oracle recommends that you
start with port 5A. Port 7B is reserved for future use by Oracle Big Data Appliance.
to spine USB
switch Port
9 connections
to InfiniBand ports
in servers in
bottom half
of rack
In-Rack Cabling Tables for Oracle Big Data Appliance X4-2 and X3-2 C-9
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cable Connections
The tables in this appendix show the in-rack cable connections for Sun Fire X4270
M2-based Oracle Big Data Appliance racks. This appendix contains the following
Cable Color Coding
Oracle Big Data Appliance Rack Layout
KVM Network Cable Connections
Administrative Gigabit Ethernet Cable Connections
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager Cable Connections
Single-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections
Three-Phase Power Distribution Unit Cable Connections
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Switch Cable Connections
In-Rack InfiniBand Switch-to-Server Cable Connections
36 36 36 36
BDA Server 15 BDA Server 15
35 35 35 35
34 34 34 34
BDA Server 14 BDA Server 14
33 33 33 33
32 32 32 32
BDA Server 13 BDA Server 13
31 31 31 31
30 BDA Server 12 30 30 BDA Server 12 30
29 29 29 29
28 BDA Server 11 28 28 BDA Server 11 28
27 27 27 27
26 BDA Server 10 26 26 BDA Server 10 26
25 25 25 25
24 Sun Network QDR Infiniband GW Switch 24 24 1U Vented Filler 24
23 KVM LCD 23 23 KVM LCD 23
22 KVM Switch 22 22 1U Vented Filler 22
Figure D2 identifies the locations of the ports on a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand
Gateway switch. Ports 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, and 7A are available to connect to another
device, such as Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine. Oracle recommends that you
start with port 5A. Port 7B is reserved for future use by Oracle Big Data Appliance.
to spine USB
switch Port
9 connections
to InfiniBand ports
in servers in
bottom half
of rack
This appendix describes the hardware connections and contains the tables for
multirack cabling. It contains the following sections:
Understanding Multirack Cabling
Key to Cabling Table Abbreviations
Two-Rack Cabling
Three-Rack Cabling
Four-Rack Cabling
Five-Rack Cabling
Six-Rack Cabling
Seven-Rack Cabling
Eight-Rack Cabling
Cabling Together Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Oracle Big Data Appliance
Oracle Exadata Database Machine full racks and half racks must have a spine switch.
If the rack does not have a spine switch, then be sure to order an Exadata Expansion
Switch Kit for the installation.
An Oracle Exadata Database Machine eighth or quarter rack does not require a spine
switch to connect to a Oracle Big Data Appliance, whether it is a starter rack, a starter
rack with expansion kit, or a full rack. However, if multiple Exadata eighth or quarter
racks or multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance racks are cabled together, then the
Exadata rack must have a spine switch.
9 9
1 1
IB Ports
Spine Switch
Port 2 Port 2
Servers 10-18 Servers 10-18
9 9
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
9 9
Port 1 Port 1
Servers 1-9 Servers 1-9
Rack 1 Rack 2
Leaf Switch 1 Leaf Switch 2 Leaf Switch 1 Leaf Switch 2
OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
Spine Switch
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A OA 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A OA 1A
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
Abbreviation Description
Rn Rack n, where n is the number of the rack, such as R1.
IBn Unit location in rack, where n is the number, such as IB3.
Pn InfiniBand port n, where n is port number, such as P8A.
Two-Rack Cabling
Table E1 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when two
racks are cabled together.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E1 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Two-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A
R1-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A
R1-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A
R1-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B
R1-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B
R1-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B
R1-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B
Table E2 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when two
racks are cabled together.
Table E2 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Two-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A
R2-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A
R2-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A
R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B
R2-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B
R2-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B
R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B
Three-Rack Cabling
Table E3 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when three
racks are cabled together.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E3 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Three-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A
R1-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A
R1 U24 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B
R1-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B
Table E4 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when three
racks are cabled together.
Table E4 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Three-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A
R2-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A
Table E4 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Three-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B
R2-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B
Table E5 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when three
racks are cabled together.
Table E5 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Three-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A
R3-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A
R3-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B
R3-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B
R3-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B
Four-Rack Cabling
Table E6 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when four
racks are cabled together.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E6 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Four-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A
R1 IB3 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A
R1 IB3 to Rack 4 R1-IB3-P11A to R4-U1-P9A 10 meters
R1-IB3-P11B to R4-U1-P10A
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B
R1 IB2 to Rack 4 R1-IB2-P11A to R4-U1-P9B 10 meters
R1-IB2-P11B to R4-U1-P10B
Table E7 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when four
racks are cabled together.
Table E7 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Four-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A
R2 IB3 to Rack 4 R2-IB3-P10A to R4-U1-P7A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P10B to R4-U1-P8A
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B
R2 IB2 to Rack 4 R2-IB2-P10A to R4-U1-P7B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P10B to R4-U1-P8B
Table E8 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when four
racks are cabled together.
Table E8 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Four-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A
R3 IB3 to Rack 4 R3-IB3-P9A to R4-U1-P5A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P9B to R4-U1-P6A
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B
R3 IB2 to Rack 4 R3-IB2-P9A to R4-U1-P5B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P9B to R4-U1-P6B
Table E9 shows the cable connections for the fourth spine switch (R4-U1) when four
racks. are cabled together
Table E9 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Four-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 within Rack 4 R4-IB3-P8A to R4-U1-P3A 3 meters
R4-IB3-P8B to R4-U1-P4A
R4 IB3 to Rack 1 R4-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A 10 meters
R4-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A
R4 IB3 to Rack 2 R4-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 5 meters
R4-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A
R4 IB3 to Rack 3 R4-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R4-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A
R4 IB2 within Rack 4 R4-IB2-P8A to R4-U1-P3B 3 meters
R4-IB2-P8B to R4-U1-P4B
R4 IB2 to Rack 1 R4-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B 10 meters
R4-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B
R4 IB2 to Rack 2 R4-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 5 meters
R4-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B
R4 IB2 to Rack 3 R4-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R4-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B
Five-Rack Cabling
Table E10 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when five
racks are cabled together.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E10 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A
R1 IB3 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A
R1 IB3 to Rack 4 R1-IB3-P11A to R4-U1-P9A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 5 R1-IB3-P11B to R5-U1-P10A 10 meters
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B
R1 IB2 to Rack 4 R1-IB2-P11A to R4-U1-P9B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 5 R1-IB2-P11B to R5-U1-P10B 10 meters
Table E11 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when five
racks are cabled together.
Table E11 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A
R2 IB3 to Rack 4 R2-IB3-P10A to R4-U1-P7A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P10B to R4-U1-P8A
R2 IB3 to Rack 5 R2-IB3-P11A to R5-U1-P9A 10 meters
Table E11 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B
R2 IB2 to Rack 4 R2-IB2-P10A to R4-U1-P7B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P10B to R4-U1-P8B
R2 IB2 to Rack 5 R2-IB2-P11A to R5-U1-P9B 10 meters
Table E12 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when five
racks are cabled together.
Table E12 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 4 R3-IB3-P9A to R4-U1-P5A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P9B to R4-U1-P6A
R3 IB3 to Rack 5 R3-IB3-P10A to R5-U1-P7A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P10B to R5-U1-P8A
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 4 R3-IB2-P9A to R4-U1-P5B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P9B to R4-U1-P6B
R3 IB2 to Rack 5 R3-IB2-P10A to R5-U1-P7B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P10B to R5-U1-P8B
Table E13 shows the cable connections for the fourth spine switch (R4-U1) when five
racks are cabled together.
Table E13 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 within Rack 4 R4-IB3-P8A to R4-U1-P3A 3 meters
R4-IB3-P8B to R4-U1-P4A
R4 IB3 to Rack 1 R4-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 10 meters
R4-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A
R4 IB3 to Rack 2 R4-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
Table E13 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 to Rack 3 R4-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 5 R4-IB3-P9A to R5-U1-P5A 5 meters
R4-IB3-P9B to R5-U1-P6A
R4 IB2 within Rack 4 R4-IB2-P8A to R4-U1-P3B 3 meters
R4-IB2-P8B to R4-U1-P4B
R4 IB2 to Rack 1 R4-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 10 meters
R4-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B
R4 IB2 to Rack 2 R4-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 3 R4-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 5 R4-IB2-P9A to R5-U1-P5B 5 meters
R4-IB2-P9B to R5-U1-P6B
Table E14 shows the cable connections for the fifth spine switch (R5-U1) when five
racks are cabled together.
Table E14 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Five-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R5 IB3 within Rack 5 R5-IB3-P8A to R5-U1-P3A 3 meters
R5-IB3-P8B to R5-U1-P4A
R5 IB3 to Rack 1 R5-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A 10 meters
R5-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A
R5 IB3 to Rack 2 R5-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 10 meters
R5-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A
R5 IB3 to Rack 3 R5-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 4 R5-IB3-P11B to R4-U1-P10A 5 meters
R5 IB2 within Rack 5 R5-IB2-P8A to R5-U1-P3B 3 meters
R5-IB2-P8B to R5-U1-P4B
R5 IB2 to Rack 1 R5-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B 10 meters
R5-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B
R5 IB2 to Rack 2 R5-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 10 meters
R5-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B
R5 IB2 to Rack 3 R5-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 4 R5-IB2-P11B to R4-U1-P10B 5 meters
Six-Rack Cabling
Table E15 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when cabling
six racks.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E15 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A 5 meters
R1-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A
R1 IB3 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A 5 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 4 R1-IB3-P10B to R4-U1-P8A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 5 R1-IB3-P11A to R5-U1-P9A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 6 R1-IB3-P11B to R6-U1-P10A 10 meters
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B 5 meters
R1-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B 5 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 4 R1-IB2-P10B to R4-U1-P8B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 5 R1-IB2-P11A to R5-U1-P9B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 6 R1-IB2-P11B to R6-U1-P10B 10 meters
Table E16 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when six
racks are cabled together.
Table E16 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A 5 meters
R2-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A
R2 IB3 to Rack 4 R2-IB3-P10A to R4-U1-P7A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 5 R2-IB3-P10B to R5-U1-P8A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 6 R2-IB3-P11Ato R6-U1-P9A 10 meters
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B 5 meters
Table E16 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B 5 meters
R2-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B
R2 IB2 to Rack 4 R2-IB2-P10A to R4-U1-P7B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 5 R2-IB2-P10B to R5-U1-P8B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 6 R2-IB2-P11Ato R6-U1-P9B 10 meters
Table E17 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when six
racks are cabled together.
Table E17 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 4 R3-IB3-P9A to R4-U1-P5A 5 meters
R3-IB3-P9B to R4-U1-P6A
R3 IB3 to Rack 5 R3-IB3-P10A to R5-U1-P7A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 6 R3-IB3-P10B to R6-U1-P8A 10 meters
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 4 R3-IB2-P9A to R4-U1-P5B 5 meters
R3-IB2-P9B to R4-U1-P6B
R3 IB2 to Rack 5 R3-IB2-P10A to R5-U1-P7B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 6 R3-IB2-P10B to R6-U1-P8B 10 meters
Table E18 shows the cable connections for the fourth spine switch (R4-U1) when six
racks are cabled together.
Table E18 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 within Rack 4 R4-IB3-P8A to R4-U1-P3A 3 meters
R4-IB3-P8B to R4-U1-P4A
R4 IB3 to Rack 1 R4-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A 10 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 2 R4-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 3 R4-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 5 R4-IB3-P9A to R5-U1-P5A 5 meters
R4-IB3-P9B to R5-U1-P6A
Table E18 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 to Rack 6 R4-IB3-P10A to R6-U1-P7A 5 meters
R4 IB2 within Rack 4 R4-IB2-P8A to R4-U1-P3B 3 meters
R4-IB2-P8B to R4-U1-P4B
R4 IB2 to Rack 1 R4-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B 10 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 2 R4-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 3 R4-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 5 R4-IB2-P9A to R5-U1-P5B 5 meters
R4-IB2-P9B to R5-U1-P6B
R4 IB2 to Rack 6 R4-IB2-P10A to R6-U1-P7B 5 meters
Table E19 shows the cable connections for the fifth spine switch (R5-U1) when six
racks are cabled together.
Table E19 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R5 IB3 within Rack 5 R5-IB3-P8A to R5-U1-P3A 3 meters
R5-IB3-P8B to R5-U1-P4A
R5 IB3 to Rack 1 R5-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 10 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 2 R5-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A 10 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 3 R5-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 4 R5-IB3-P11B to R4-U1-P10A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 6 R5-IB3-P9A to R6-U1-P5A 5 meters
R5-IB3-P9B to R6-U1-P6A
R5 IB2 within Rack 5 R5-IB2-P8A to R5-U1-P3B 3 meters
R5-IB2-P8B to R5-U1-P4B
R5 IB2 to Rack 1 R5-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 2 R5-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 3 R5-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 4 R5-IB2-P11B to R4-U1-P10B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 6 R5-IB2-P9A to R6-U1-P5B 5 meters
R5-IB2-P9B to R6-U1-P6B
Table E20 shows the cable connections for the sixth spine switch (R6-U1) when six
racks are cabled together.
Table E20 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R6 IB3 within Rack 6 R6-IB3-P8A to R6-U1-P3A 3 meters
R6-IB3-P8B to R6-U1-P4A
Table E20 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in a Six-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R6 IB3 to Rack 1 R6-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A 10 meters
R6-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A
R6 IB3 to Rack 2 R6-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 3 R6-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 4 R6-IB3-P11A to R4-U1-P9A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 5 R6-IB3-P11B to R5-U1-P10A 5 meters
R6 IB2 within Rack 6 R6-IB2-P8A to R6-U1-P3B 3 meters
R6-IB2-P8B to R6-U1-P4B
R6 IB2 to Rack 2 R6-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 1 R6-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B 10 meters
R6-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B
R6 IB2 to Rack 3 R6-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 4 R6-IB2-P11A to R4-U1-P9B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 5 R6-IB2-P11B to R5-U1-P10B 5 meters
Seven-Rack Cabling
Table E21 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when seven
racks are cabled together.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E21 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A 5 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A 5 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 4 R1-IB3-P10A to R4-U1-P7A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 5 R1-IB3-P10B to R5-U1-P8A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 6 R1-IB3-P11A to R6-U1-P9A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 7 R1-IB3-P11B to R7-U1-P10A 10 meters
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
R1-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B 5 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B 5 meters
Table E21 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB2 to Rack 4 R1-IB2-P10A to R4-U1-P7B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 5 R1-IB2-P10B to R5-U1-P8B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 6 R1-IB2-P11A to R6-U1-P9B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 7 R1-IB2-P11B to R7-U1-P10B 10 meters
Table E22 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when
cabling seven racks.
Table E22 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 4 R2-IB3-P9B to R4-U1-P6A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 5 R2-IB3-P10A to R5-U1-P7A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 6 R2-IB3-P10B to R6-U1-P8A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 7 R2-IB3-P11A to R7-U1-P9A 10 meters
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 4 R2-IB2-P9B to R4-U1-P6B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 5 R2-IB2-P10A to R5-U1-P7B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 6 R2-IB2-P10Bto R6-U1-P8B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 7 R2-IB2-P11A to R7-U1-P9B 10 meters
Table E23 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when seven
racks are cabled together.
Table E23 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 4 R3-IB3-P9A to R4-U1-P5A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 5 R3-IB3-P9B to R5-U1-P6A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 6 R3-IB3-P10A to R6-U1-P7A 10 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 7 R3-IB3-P10B to R7-U1-P8A 10 meters
Table E23 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 4 R3-IB2-P9A to R4-U1-P5B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 5 R3-IB2-P9B to R5-U1-P6B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 6 R3-IB2-P10A to R6-U1-P7B 10 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 7 R3-IB2-P10B to R7-U1-P8B 10 meters
Table E24 shows the cable connections for the fourth spine switch (R4-U1) when
seven racks are cabled together.
Table E24 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 within Rack 4 R4-IB3-P8A to R4-U1-P3A 3 meters
R4-IB3-P8B to R4-U1-P4A
R4 IB3 to Rack 1 R4-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A 10 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 2 R4-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 3 R4-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 5 R4-IB3-P9A to R5-U1-P5A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 6 R4-IB3-P9B to R6-U1-P6A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 7 R4-IB3-P10A to R7-U1-P7A 10 meters
R4 IB2 within Rack 4 R4-IB2-P8A to R4-U1-P3B 3 meters
R4-IB2-P8B to R4-U1-P4B
R4 IB2 to Rack 1 R4-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B 10 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 2 R4-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 3 R4-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 5 R4-IB2-P9A to R5-U1-P5B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 6 R4-IB2-P9B to R6-U1-P6B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 7 R4-IB2-P10A to R7-U1-P7B 10 meters
Table E25 shows the cable connections for the fifth spine switch (R5-U1) when seven
racks are cabled together.
Table E25 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R5 IB3 within Rack 5 R5-IB3-P8A to R5-U1-P3A 3 meters
R5-IB3-P8B to R5-U1-P4A
R5 IB3 to Rack 1 R5-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 10 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 2 R5-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A 10 meters
Table E25 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R5 IB3 to Rack 3 R5-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 4 R5-IB3-P11B to R4-U1-P10A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 6 R5-IB3-P9A to R6-U1-P5A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 7 R5-IB3-P9B to R7-U1-P6A 5 meters
R5 IB2 within Rack 5 R5-IB2-P8A to R5-U1-P3B 3 meters
R5-IB2-P8B to R5-U1-P4B
R5 IB2 to Rack 1 R5-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 2 R5-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 3 R5-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 4 R5-IB2-P11B to R4-U1-P10B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 6 R5-IB2-P9A to R6-U1-P5B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 7 R5-IB2-P9B to R7-U1-P6B 5 meters
Table E26 shows the cable connections for the sixth spine switch (R6-U1) when seven
racks are cabled together.
Table E26 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R6 IB3 within Rack 6 R6-IB3-P8A to R6-U1-P3A 3 meters
R6-IB3-P8B to R6-U1-P4A
R6 IB3 to Rack 1 R6-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 2 R6-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 3 R6-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 4 R6-IB3-P11A to R4-U1-P9A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 5 R6-IB3-P11B to R5-U1-P10A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 7 R6-IB3-P9A to R7-U1-P5A 5 meters
R6 IB2 within Rack 6 R6-IB2-P8A to R6-U1-P3B 3 meters
R6-IB2-P8B to R6-U1-P4B
R6 IB2 to Rack 1 R6-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 2 R6-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 3 R6-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 4 R6-IB2-P11A to R4-U1-P9B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 5 R6-IB2-P11B to R5-U1-P10B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 7 R6-IB2-P9A to R7-U1-P5B 5 meters
Table E27 shows the cable connections for the seventh spine switch (R7-U1) when
seven racks are cabled together.
Table E27 Leaf Switch Connections for the Seventh Rack in a Seven-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R7 IB3 within Rack 7 R7-IB3-P8A to R7-U1-P3A 3 meters
R7-IB3-P8B to R7-U1-P4A
R7 IB3 to Rack 1 R7-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 2 R7-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 3 R7-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 4 R7-IB3-P10B to R4-U1-P8A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 5 R7-IB3-P11A to R5-U1-P9A 5 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 6 R7-IB3-P11B to R6-U1-P10A 5 meters
R7 IB2 within Rack 7 R7-IB2-P8A to R7-U1-P3B 3 meters
R7-IB2-P8B to R7-U1-P4B
R7 IB2 to Rack 1 R7-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 2 R7-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 3 R7-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 4 R7-IB2-P10B to R4-U1-P8B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 5 R7-IB2-P11A to R5-U1-P9B 5 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 6 R7-IB2-P11B to R6-U1-P10B 5 meters
Eight-Rack Cabling
Table E28 shows the cable connections for the first spine switch (R1-U1) when cabling
eight racks.
The spine switch is in U1 (IB1) for all racks.
The leaf switches are in U20 (IB2) and U24 (IB3).
In this section, the leaf switches are called IB2 and IB3.
Table E28 Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB3 within Rack 1 R1-IB3-P8A to R1-U1-P3A 3 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 2 R1-IB3-P8B to R2-U1-P4A 5 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 3 R1-IB3-P9A to R3-U1-P5A 5 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 4 R1-IB3-P9B to R4-U1-P6A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 5 R1-IB3-P10A to R5-U1-P7A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 6 R1-IB3-P10B to R6-U1-P8A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 7 R1-IB3-P11A to R7-U1-P9A 10 meters
R1 IB3 to Rack 8 R1-IB3-P11B to R8-U1-P10A 10 meters
R1 IB2 within Rack 1 R1-IB2-P8A to R1-U1-P3B 3 meters
Table E28 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the First Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R1 IB2 to Rack 2 R1-IB2-P8B to R2-U1-P4B 5 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 3 R1-IB2-P9A to R3-U1-P5B 5 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 4 R1-IB2-P9B to R4-U1-P6B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 5 R1-IB2-P10A to R5-U1-P7B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 6 R1-IB2-P10B to R6-U1-P8B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 7 R1-IB2-P11A to R7-U1-P9B 10 meters
R1 IB2 to Rack 8 R1-IB2-P11B to R8-U1-P10B 10 meters
Table E29 shows the cable connections for the second spine switch (R2-U1) when
eight racks are cabled together.
Table E29 Leaf Switch Connections for the Second Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R2 IB3 within Rack 2 R2-IB3-P8A to R2-U1-P3A 3 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 1 R2-IB3-P11B to R1-U1-P10A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 3 R2-IB3-P8B to R3-U1-P4A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 4 R2-IB3-P9A to R4-U1-P5A 5 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 5 R2-IB3-P9B to R5-U1-P6A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 6 R2-IB3-P10A to R6-U1-P7A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 7 R2-IB3-P10B to R7-U1-P8A 10 meters
R2 IB3 to Rack 8 R2-IB3-P11A to R8-U1-P9A 10 meters
R2 IB2 within Rack 2 R2-IB2-P8A to R2-U1-P3B 3 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 1 R2-IB2-P11B to R1-U1-P10B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 3 R2-IB2-P8B to R3-U1-P4B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 4 R2-IB2-P9A to R4-U1-P5B 5 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 5 R2-IB2-P9B to R5-U1-P6B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 6 R2-IB2-P10A to R6-U1-P7B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 7 R2-IB2-P10B to R7-U1-P8B 10 meters
R2 IB2 to Rack 8 R2-IB2-P11A to R8-U1-P9B 10 meters
Table E30 shows the cable connections for the third spine switch (R3-U1) when eight
racks are cabled together.
Table E30 Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 within Rack 3 R3-IB3-P8A to R3-U1-P3A 3 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 1 R3-IB3-P11A to R1-U1-P9A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 2 R3-IB3-P11B to R2-U1-P10A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 4 R3-IB3-P8B to R4-U1-P4A 5 meters
Table E30 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Third Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R3 IB3 to Rack 5 R3-IB3-P9A to R5-U1-P5A 5 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 6 R3-IB3-P9B to R6-U1-P6A 10 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 7 R3-IB3-P10A to R7-U1-P7A 10 meters
R3 IB3 to Rack 8 R3-IB3-P10B to R8-U1-P8A 10 meters
R3 IB2 within Rack 3 R3-IB2-P8A to R3-U1-P3B 3 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 1 R3-IB2-P11A to R1-U1-P9B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 2 R3-IB2-P11B to R2-U1-P10B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 4 R3-IB2-P8B to R4-U1-P4B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 5 R3-IB2-P9A to R5-U1-P5B 5 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 6 R3-IB2-P9B to R6-U1-P6B 10 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 7 R3-IB2-P10A to R7-U1-P7B 10 meters
R3 IB2 to Rack 8 R3-IB2-P10B to R8-U1-P8B 10 meters
Table E31 shows the cable connections for the fourth spine switch (R4-U1) when eight
racks are cabled together.
Table E31 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fourth Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R4 IB3 within Rack 4 R4-IB3-P8A to R4-U1-P3A 3 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 1 R4-IB3-P10B to R1-U1-P8A 10 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 2 R4-IB3-P11A to R2-U1-P9A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 3 R4-IB3-P11B to R3-U1-P10A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 5 R4-IB3-P8B to R5-U1-P4A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 6 R4-IB3-P9A to R6-U1-P5A 5 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 7 R4-IB3-P9B to R7-U1-P6A 10 meters
R4 IB3 to Rack 8 R4-IB3-P10A to R8-U1-P7A 10 meters
R4 IB2 within Rack 4 R4-IB2-P8A to R4-U1-P3B 3 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 1 R4-IB2-P10B to R1-U1-P8B 10 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 2 R4-IB2-P11A to R2-U1-P9B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 3 R4-IB2-P11B to R3-U1-P10B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 5 R4-IB2-P8B to R5-U1-P4B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 6 R4-IB2-P9A to R6-U1-P5B 5 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 7 R4-IB2-P9B to R7-U1-P6B 10 meters
R4 IB2 to Rack 8 R4-IB2-P10A to R8-U1-P7B 10 meters
Table E32 shows the cable connections for the fifth spine switch (R5-U1) when eight
racks are cabled together.
Table E32 Leaf Switch Connections for the Fifth Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R5 IB3 within Rack 5 R5-IB3-P8A to R5-U1-P3A 3 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 1 R5-IB3-P10A to R1-U1-P7A 10 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 2 R5-IB3-P10B to R2-U1-P8A 10 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 3 R5-IB3-P11A to R3-U1-P9A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 4 R5-IB3-P11B to R4-U1-P10A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 6 R5-IB3-P8B to R6-U1-P4A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 7 R5-IB3-P9A to R7-U1-P5A 5 meters
R5 IB3 to Rack 8 R5-IB3-P9B to R8-U1-P6A 10 meters
R5 IB2 within Rack 5 R5-IB2-P8A to R5-U1-P3B 3 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 1 R5-IB2-P10A to R1-U1-P7B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 2 R5-IB2-P10B to R2-U1-P8B 10 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 3 R5-IB2-P11A to R3-U1-P9B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 4 R5-IB2-P11B to R4-U1-P10B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 6 R5-IB2-P8B to R6-U1-P4B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 7 R5-IB2-P9A to R7-U1-P5B 5 meters
R5 IB2 to Rack 8 R5-IB2-P9B to R8-U1-P6B 10 meters
Table E33 shows the cable connections for the sixth spine switch (R6-U1) when eight
racks are cabled together.
Table E33 Leaf Switch Connections for the Sixth Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R6 IB3 within Rack 6 R6-IB3-P8A to R6-U1-P3A 3 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 1 R6-IB3-P9B to R1-U1-P6A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 2 R6-IB3-P10A to R2-U1-P7A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 3 R6-IB3-P10B to R3-U1-P8A 10 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 4 R6-IB3-P11A to R4-U1-P9A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 5 R6-IB3-P11B to R5-U1-P10A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 7 R6-IB3-P8B to R7-U1-P4A 5 meters
R6 IB3 to Rack 8 R6-IB3-P9A to R8-U1-P5A 5 meters
R6 IB2 within Rack 6 R6-IB2-P8A to R6-U1-P3B 3 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 1 R6-IB2-P9B to R1-U1-P6B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 2 R6-IB2-P10A to R2-U1-P7B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 3 R6-IB2-P10B to R3-U1-P8B 10 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 4 R6-IB2-P11A to R4-U1-P9B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 5 R6-IB2-P11B to R5-U1-P10B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 7 R6-IB2-P8B to R7-U1-P4B 5 meters
R6 IB2 to Rack 8 R6-IB2-P9A to R8-U1-P5B 5 meters
Table E34 shows the cable connections for the seventh spine switch (R7-U1) when
eight racks are cabled together.
Table E34 Leaf Switch Connections for the Seventh Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R7 IB3 within Rack 7 R7-IB3-P8A to R7-U1-P3A 3 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 1 R7-IB3-P9A to R1-U1-P5A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 2 R7-IB3-P9B to R2-U1-P6A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 3 R7-IB3-P10A to R3-U1-P7A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 4 R7-IB3-P10B to R4-U1-P8A 10 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 5 R7-IB3-P11A to R5-U1-P9A 5 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 6 R7-IB3-P11B to R6-U1-P10A 5 meters
R7 IB3 to Rack 8 R7-IB3-P8B to R8-U1-P4A 5 meters
R7 IB2 within Rack 7 R7-IB2-P8A to R7-U1-P3B 3 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 1 R7-IB2-P9A to R1-U1-P5B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 2 R7-IB2-P9B to R2-U1-P6B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 3 R7-IB2-P10A to R3-U1-P7B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 4 R7-IB2-P10B to R4-U1-P8B 10 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 5 R7-IB2-P11A to R5-U1-P9B 5 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 6 R7-IB2-P11B to R6-U1-P10B 5 meters
R7 IB2 to Rack 8 R7-IB2-P8B to R8-U1-P4B 5 meters
Table E35 shows the cable connections for the eighth spine switch (R8-U1) when eight
racks are cabled together.
Table E35 Leaf Switch Connections for the Eighth Rack in an Eight-Rack System
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R8 IB3 within Rack 8 R8-IB3-P8A to R8-U1-P3A 3 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 1 R8-IB3-P8B to R1-U1-P4A 10 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 2 R8-IB3-P9A to R2-U1-P5A 10 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 3 R8-IB3-P9B to R3-U1-P6A 10 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 4 R8-IB3-P10A to R4-U1-P7A 10 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 5 R8-IB3-P10B to R5-U1-P8A 10 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 6 R8-IB3-P11A to R6-U1-P9A 5 meters
R8 IB3 to Rack 7 R8-IB3-P11B to R7-U1-P10A 5 meters
R8 IB2 within Rack 8 R8-IB2-P8A to R8-U1-P3B 3 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 1 R8-IB2-P8B to R1-U1-P4B 10 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 2 R8-IB2-P9A to R2-U1-P5B 10 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 3 R8-IB2-P9B to R3-U1-P6B 10 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 4 R8-IB2-P10A to R4-U1-P7B 10 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 5 R8-IB2-P10B to R5-U1-P8B 10 meters
Table E35 (Cont.) Leaf Switch Connections for the Eighth Rack in an Eight-Rack
Leaf Switch Connection Cable Length
R8 IB2 to Rack 6 R8-IB2-P11A to R6-U1-P9B 5 meters
R8 IB2 to Rack 7 R8-IB2-P1B to R7-U1-P10B 5 meters
bdaswapon utility, 13-31 checking the server software, 13-9
bdaupdatefw utility, 13-32 circuit breakers, 2-9, 6-13
bda.zip configuration archive, 4-4 Cisco switch
Big Data Appliance replacement parts, B-16
See Oracle Big Data Appliance See Ethernet switch
Big Data Connectors CleanupInstall step, 10-28
See Oracle Big Data Connectors CleanupSSHroot step, 10-28
Big Data SQL CLI utility, 13-11
starting, stopping, restarting, 13-12 CLI, Oracle ILOM, 15-2
black cables, 1-4, C-1, D-1 client access network
blue cables, 1-4, C-1, D-1 cabling requirements, 2-12
bolts, 6-7 description, 3-2
bondeth0 interface requirements, 2-12
network connections, 3-1 client configuration distribution, 13-23
bondib0 interface Client Ethernet Network page (configuration), 4-8
description, 3-3 client network
maintenance, 11-6 bandwidth, 3-5
bondib0 network cabling, 3-4
verifying operations, 11-9 configuration, 4-7
boot order, resetting, 13-41 traffic routing through switches, 3-5
breaker panels, 2-9 client network connections, 3-6
clock configuration
Ethernet switch, 7-9
C InfiniBand switches, 7-14
cable tie, Cloud Control, 1-4
removing, 6-11 See Also Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
cable-routing floor cutout, 6-8 See also Oracle Enterprise Manager
cables, 1-3 Clouderas Distribution including Apache Hadoop
color coding, C-1, D-1 See CDH
spare parts, 1-4 cluster expansion, 10-7
spares, 1-3 cluster name configuration, 4-12
splitter, 3-5 cluster naming conventions, 4-6
cabling Cluster page (configuration), 4-12
client network, 3-4 cluster reimaging, 10-31
eight racks, E-20 cluster_name-config.json, 4-4
existing network requirements, 2-12 cmf.keytab file, 10-2
five racks, E-10 collecting diagnostics, 13-19
four racks, E-7 color coding, cables, C-1, D-1
multirack, 9-2, E-1 command files, executing across servers, 14-5
seven racks, E-16 command-line interface, 13-11
six racks, E-12 commands, remote execution across servers, 1-4,
spare parts, B-17 14-1
three racks, E-6 Complete page, 4-18
two racks, E-4 component configuration, full or starter rack, 7-1
cabling tables component failure, environmental causes, 2-9
with KVM (Sun Fire servers), D-1 component names, 4-6
without KVM (X4-2L and X3-2L servers), C-1 components
cage nuts, 6-3 location in the rack, C-2, D-2
casters, 6-5 server, 1-2
cautions, 11-3 spare parts kit, 1-3
CDH configuration
health checks, 13-3 disk controller, 11-5
CDH cluster configuration, 4-13, 10-8 editing in the Configuration Generation
CDH cluster logs, 13-19 utility, 4-3
CDH installation, 10-27 full or starter rack components, 7-1
CDH ports, 3-7 in-rack expansion kit, 8-1
CDH services, starting, 10-27 physical drives, 11-6
ceiling height requirements, 2-3 querying, 13-11
checking firmware, 7-22 virtual drive, 11-5
checking network configuration, 13-8 configuration files, 4-3
copying to new servers, 8-4 documentation, third-party hardware, 1-3
generating, 4-3, 4-18 domain name system configuration, 4-10
ntp.conf file, 11-13 door dimensions, 2-4
Configuration Generation Utility downgrading the factory image, 10-8
input file, 4-4 drive configuration, physical, 11-6
installing, 4-3
overview, 4-1
configuration worksheets
See Configuration Generation Utility earth ground cable, 6-9
configure terminal command, 7-5 electric receptacles, 2-5
configuring a new disk, 12-6 electrical access, 2-4
configuring ASR, 5-2 electrical requirements, 2-5, 6-2, 6-13
configuring Ethernet switch, 7-4, 7-6 electrical storms, 2-5
configuring KVM, 7-1, 7-3 electronic noise, 6-2
configuring servers, 7-19 electrostatic discharge, 2-10
connecting KVM to the network, 7-2 elevator requirements, 2-4
connectors email accounts
See Oracle Big Data Connectors alerts (Cloudera Manager), 4-18
cooling requirements, 2-2 email accounts, My Oracle Support (ASR), 5-1
copper cables, 1-4 email alerts configuration, 4-18
copying files, 14-2 emergency shutdown, 11-3
CopyLicenseFiles step, 10-26 enablesm command, 7-17, 9-2, 9-4
CopySoftwareSource step, 10-26 encryption, 10-15
corrosion problems, 2-10 adding support, 10-29
CreateLogicalVolumes step, 10-26 engineered systems, connecting to Oracle Big Data
CreateUsers step, 10-26 Appliance, C-8, D-7
Customer Details Page (configuration), 4-5 Enterprise Management Cloud Control
configuration, 4-17
Enterprise Manager
D See Also Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
data center switch configuration, 2-13 env_test command, 7-16
dba group, 4-14, 10-26 environmental requirements
dcli utility full rack, 2-1
description, 1-4 starter rack and expansion kit, 2-2
examples, 14-5 environmental specifications, 2-1, 2-2
option descriptions, 14-4 error messages, A-1
return values, 14-5 eth0 interface, 3-2
syntax, 14-3 Ethernet bridge ports, 13-37
target servers, 14-2 Ethernet cabling, 2-12, 3-4
using, 14-1 Ethernet interface, 3-2
Define Clusters page (configuration), 4-12 Ethernet over InfiniBand protocol., 3-5
diagnostics collection, 13-19 Ethernet ports, 2-2, 2-3, 3-1
dimensions Ethernet switch
rack, 2-3 configuration, 7-4
shipping, 2-3 configuring host name, 7-6
DIMM slots, adding memory, 11-4 IP routing, 7-6
directories, copying files across servers, 14-4 port speed, 7-5
disablesm command, 7-17, 9-2, 9-4, 11-9 replacement parts, B-16
disk controllers, 11-5 replacement switch, 1-4
disk drives setting remote password, 7-8
physical slots, 12-2 spare parts, 1-3
server status indicators, B-3 time settings, 7-9
spares, 1-3, B-5 validating and saving configuration, 7-11
symbolic links, 12-2 European PDU specifications, 2-8
disks expansion kit
configuring, 12-6 See in-rack expansion kit
repairing, 11-5 ext4 file system, 12-14
replacing, 12-1 external filer configuration, 10-27
DNS network registration, 2-13
DNS server requirement, 3-2, 4-11
F Hadoop services, starting, 10-27
hardware configuration, 4-7
Fabric Management, 7-15 querying, 13-11
factory image reinstallation, 10-18 hardware diagnostics, 15-1
factory patches, 10-26 hardware failures, automatic reporting, 5-1
failover connections, 3-1, 3-2, 3-4 hardware profiles, acquiring from servers, 7-21
fan modules Hardware Selection page (configuration), 4-7
server status indicators, B-3 hardware status indicators, B-2
switch status indicators, B-5 hardware validation, 13-3, 13-5, 13-25
Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 1-6 HDFS diagnostics, 13-19
files, copying to multiple servers, 14-4 HDFS disk formatting, 12-17
filler panels, 2-11 HDFS partitions, 12-3
firewall configuration, 2-13 hdfs user, 10-26
Firmware State status, 12-7 health checks on InfiniBand switches, 7-15
firmware updates, 13-32 high-voltage PDUs, 2-8, 11-14
firmware upgrades host factory IP addresses, 3-6
KVM switch, 7-3 hot swap repair category, B-1
restrictions, 1-5 HS repair category, B-1
first server location, 7-23 humidity range, 2-9, 2-10
floor cut dimensions, 6-7
floor load, 2-4
floor tiles, 2-11 I
flooring ibdiagnet utility, 11-9
raised, 2-4 iblinkinfo utility, 13-34
raised pattern, 2-4 ibqueryerrors utility, 11-10
Foreign State status, 12-7 ibstatus utility, 7-21
forklift, 2-4 ILOM
FRUs, B-1 See Oracle ILOM
full rack component configuration, 7-1 ilom-admin default password, 7-13
ilom-admin user, 15-2
G ilom-operator user, 15-2
image validation, 13-25
gateway configuration image version
Ethernet switch, 7-5 downgrading, 10-8
gateway switch factory IP addresses, 3-6 upgrading, 10-8
gateway switch ports, D-7 imagehistory utility, 13-35
gateway switches imageinfo utility, 10-8, 13-36
assigning to VNICs, 3-5 incline, maximum, 2-4
cabling, 3-4 InfiniBand configuration, 7-12
configuring, 7-12 InfiniBand Gateway switch ports, D-7
connecting to Oracle ILOM, 15-5 InfiniBand network
guidelines for connecting, 3-6 cabling checks, 13-6
replacing, 11-8 factory IP addresses, 3-6
using splitter cables, 3-5 InfiniBand network interface card, 3-1
See also InfiniBand switches InfiniBand Network page (configuration), 4-10
General Network Properties page InfiniBand network verification, 11-9
(configuration), 4-10 InfiniBand ports, connecting to other devices, C-8,
getmaster command, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4 D-7
getting help, 13-24 InfiniBand private network, 3-3
ground cable, 6-9 InfiniBand Subnet Manager, 11-11
grounding resistance, 6-1 InfiniBand switches
grounding to earth, 2-9 checking status, 7-21
groups, hadoop, 10-26 configuring, 7-12
GRUB master boot records, 12-16 health checks, 7-15
priority settings, 7-16
H replacing, 11-8
setting time zone, 7-14
Hadoop cluster configuration, 4-13, 10-8
spare parts, B-14, B-15
hadoop group, 10-26
infrastructure repair category, B-1
Hadoop installation, 10-27
in-rack expansion kit
Hadoop ports, 3-7
cables, 8-2 leveling feet, 6-5, 6-6
components, 8-1 license location, 10-26
configuration, 8-1 licensing restrictions, 1-4
configuring servers, 8-3 lift gate, 2-4
installing servers, 8-2 lightning arresters, 2-5
network configuration, 8-5 lights-out management, 15-1
PDU firmware requirement, 8-2 listlinkup command, 13-37
installation of in-rack expansion kit, 8-2 loading dock, 2-4
installation policy for third-party software, 1-5 locating first server, 7-23
installation prerequisites, 10-2 locks, panel, 6-3
InstallBDASoftware step, 10-27 low-voltage PDUs, 2-5, 2-6, 11-13, 11-14
InstallHadoop step, 10-27
installing base image, 10-18
installing patches, 10-26
installing the software MAC address of KVM switch, 7-3
See also Mammoth Utility MAC addresses, 13-29
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2-9 maintenance access requirements, 2-4
IP address requirements, 2-2, 2-3 makebdaimage utility, 10-30
IP addresses Mammoth download, 10-3
administrative network configuration, 4-9 Mammoth installation files, 10-4
client network configuration, 4-8 Mammoth options, 10-24
editing individual, 4-11 Mammoth Reconfiguration Utility, 10-28
factory settings, 3-6 Mammoth Utility
InfiniBand network configuration, 4-10 description, 10-5
IP routing, 7-6 execution steps, 10-25
ipmitool command, 7-21 location, 10-24
IR repair category, B-1 reasons for failure, 10-8
running, 10-6
synchronizing clocks, 7-15
J syntax, 10-24
Japanese PDU specifications, 2-5, 2-6 mammoth-rack_name.params file, 4-4
jumper brackets, 6-3 management network
cabling requirements, 2-12
connecting the KVM, 7-2
K connections, 2-12
Kerberos authentication factory IP addresses, 3-6
adding support, 10-17, 10-29 ports, 3-1
configuration, 4-15 management utilities, 1-4, 15-2
installation prerequisites (remote KDC mapred user, 10-26
only), 10-2 master.xml configuration file, 4-4
Kerberos configuration, 10-27 MegaCli64 command, 7-22, 11-5
kernel device names (disk drives), 12-2 memory, adding to servers, 11-4
key distribution center, 4-15, 10-2 Middle Eastern PDU specifications, 2-8
KVM switch minimum ceiling height, 2-3
accessing servers, 7-3 monitoring PDUs, 11-13
cabling, D-2 mount points, 12-3
configuration procedures, 7-1 mount_hadoop_dirs utility, 13-38
connecting to the network, 7-2 mounting a device, 7-24
firmware upgrades, 7-3 mounting brackets, 6-4, 6-6, 6-7
MAC address, 7-3 mounting tool, 6-3
naming, 7-3 multirack cabling
starting, 7-2 procedures, 9-1
three to eight, 9-3
L two racks, 9-2
multirack clusters, 3-6
leaf switches multirack software configuration, 10-7
configuring, 7-12 My Oracle Support email account, 5-1
See also InfiniBand switches MySQL Database installation, 10-27
LED color codes, B-3, B-4
LED status indicators, B-2
leveling bolts, 6-4
N installation, 10-8, 10-27
installing server components, 4-15
naming conventions, 4-6 software installation, 10-8
NET0, 3-2 Oracle Data Integrator, 4-15
network Oracle Enterprise Manager
connecting the KVM, 7-2 adding support, 10-29
factory IP addresses, 3-6 troubleshooting, 10-2
network configuration, 4-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager agent installation, 10-28
network configuration file, 4-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, 1-4, 4-17
network connections, 2-12, 7-26 adding support on Oracle Big Data
ASR, 5-3 Appliance, 10-14
reconfiguring 10GbE, 13-27 rediscovery, 10-8
network diagrams, 3-3, 15-2 See also Oracle Enterprise Manager
network errors, checking for, 3-9 Oracle Enterprise Manager plug-in installation
network interfaces, InfiniBand card, 3-1 prerequisites, 10-2
network operations, verifying InfiniBand, 11-9 Oracle Exadata Database Machine, 4-14
network registration, 2-13 Oracle ILOM, 15-1
network requirements, 2-2, 2-3 backing up configuration, 11-7
network settings connecting to CLI, 15-3
preinstall validation, 4-5 connecting to web interface, 15-4
network suffix configuration, 4-5 description, 15-1
network time protocol, 4-10, 11-13 Ethernet connections, 15-3
network topology, 11-11 factory IP addresses, 3-6
network validation, 13-3, 13-8 opening serial connections, 15-5
Networking page (configuration), 4-8 restoring configuration, 11-8
networks user interfaces, 15-2
administrative, 3-2 Oracle ILOM port, 3-1
client access, 2-12, 3-2 Oracle Inventory Group, 4-14
descriptions, 3-2 Oracle Linux, 1-1
InfiniBand, 3-3 Oracle NoSQL Database
networksetup scripts, 7-24, 7-27 configuration, 4-13
networksetup-one script, 8-5 creating logical volumes, 10-26
networksetup-two script, 8-6 disk formatting, 12-17
noise, electronic, 6-2 installation, 10-27
North American PDU specifications, 2-5, 2-6 Oracle Support, 13-24
NTP server requirement, 3-2, 4-11 oracle user name, 4-14
NTP servers, 11-13 orange cables, 1-4, C-1, D-1
configuring, 7-10 OS watcher logs, 13-19
setting on InfiniBand switches, 7-15
ntp.conf file, 11-13
nuts, 6-3 P
pallet jack, 2-4
O panel locks, 6-3
parallel execution of commands, 14-1
ODI partitions
See Oracle Data Integrator creating on a new disk, 12-10, 12-11
oinstall group, 4-14, 10-26 dismounting, 12-3
on-disk encryption, 10-15 parts kit, 1-3
operating cautions and warnings, 11-3 passwordless SSH, 13-39, 13-42, 14-1
operating system disks, 12-9, 12-10 passwords (default)
operating system history, 13-35 Ethernet switch, 7-5
operating system image, 13-36 ilom-admin, 7-13
Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall PDU metering unit, 7-19
plug-in configuration, 4-16 servers, 7-20
See also Audit Vault patch installation, 10-26
Oracle Big Data Appliance PatchFactoryImage step, 10-26
general description, 1-1 path to data center, 2-4
rack components, 1-1 PDAs, location in the rack, C-2, D-2
server components, 1-2 PDU configuration, 7-18
Oracle Big Data Connectors PDU metering unit password, 7-19
configuration, 4-14
PDU requirements, 2-5 rack configuration file, 10-8
PDU specifications Rack Details page (configuration), 4-7
for America, Japan, Taiwan, 2-5 rack dimensions, 2-3
for Americas, Japan, Taiwan, 2-6 rack layout illustration, C-2, D-2
for Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, 2-8 rack layouts
PDU thresholds, 11-13 with KVM (Sun Fire servers), D-1
PDUs without KVM, C-1
circuit breakers, 6-13 rack reimaging, 10-19
network connections, 7-18 rack weight, 2-1, 2-2
powering on, 6-13 racks
replacement parts, B-16 adding another, 9-1
single-phase, 6-2, 6-13 connecting power cords, 6-10
perforated tiles, 2-11 inspecting, 6-10
photocopiers, 6-2 installing Oracle Big Data Appliance
physical drive configuration, 11-6 software, 10-5
port assignments, 3-7 moving instructions, 6-5
port speed of Ethernet switch, 7-5 reimaging, 10-31
ports reinstalling base image, 10-18
ASR Manager, 4-17 RAID arrays, repairing logical, 12-13
connecting to 40 GbE, 3-6 RAID configuration, 7-22
ports, open gateway, C-8, D-7 RAID logical drives, 12-2
power connectors, 2-5 red cables, 1-4, C-1, D-1
power cord length requirements, 2-9 reimagecluster utility, 10-30, 10-31
power cords, 2-9 reimagerack utility, 10-30, 10-31
connecting to rack, 6-10 reimaging a rack, 10-19
removing cable ties, 6-11 reimaging the servers, 10-18
routing, 6-11 reinstalling the software, 10-6
power LED locations, 6-13 relative humidity, 2-10, 2-11
power off switch, 11-3 remove-root-ssh script, 13-39, 14-2
power outlet grounding, 2-9 removing services, 13-11
power receptacle location, 2-9 repair categories, B-1
power requirements, 2-1, 2-2, 2-5 replacement parts, B-1
power supplies replacing spine switch, 11-9
server status indicators, B-4 reset-boot-order utility, 13-41
switch status indicators, B-5 resolv.conf configuration file, 8-6
uninterruptable, 2-9 restart validation, 6-14
powering off restarting Big Data SQL, 13-12
emergency, 11-3 restrictions on use, 1-4
sequence, 11-2 Review and Edit Details page (configuration), 4-11
powering on, 6-13, 11-2 root user, passwordless SSH, 14-1
preinstallation tasks, 2-12 route requirements, 2-4
preinstall-checkip script running-config output, 7-11
running, 3-10
preinstall-checkip.sh file, 4-4, 4-5
prerequisites to software installation, 10-2
private network safety guidelines, 6-1
verifying operations, 11-9 scp file copy utility, 14-2
problem reporting, 5-1 screwdrivers, 6-4
Puppet utility, 10-26 screws, 6-3
search domain configuration, 4-10
sensor monitoring, 15-2
Q serial numbers, 13-29
QSFP cables, 1-4 server boot order, resetting, 13-41
QSFP ports, splitting, 3-5 server components, 1-2
querying configuration, 13-11 server configuration, 7-19
in-rack expansion kit, 8-3
server diagnostics, 13-19
R server disks
rack base name configuration, 4-5 configuring, 12-6
rack components, 1-1 replacing, 12-1
server factory IP addresses, 3-6 cabling, E-3
server LEDs, B-2 configuring, 7-12
server locations in the rack, C-2, D-2 replacing, 11-8, 11-9
server software validation, 13-9 splitter cables, 3-5
servers spring nuts, 6-3
adding memory, 11-4 SSH
adding to a cluster, 10-7 removing passwordless, 13-39
allocating into clusters, 4-12 setting up passwordless, 13-42
connecting to Oracle ILOM, 15-5 SSH keys, checking rack distribution, 7-20
default passwords, 7-20 stabilizing feet, 6-5
LED color codes, B-3, B-4 stabilizing the rack, 6-6
location in the rack, C-2, D-2 starter rack
monitoring, 15-1 component configuration, 7-1
spare parts, B-5, B-8 expanding, 8-1
upgrading base image, 10-18 physical layout, C-1
service locations, restrictions on moving, 1-6 StartHadoopServices step, 10-27
services, starting, 10-27 starting KVM, 7-2
setsmpriority command, 7-16, 9-2, 9-4 starting or stopping Big Data SQL, 13-12
SetupASR step, 10-28 startup order, resetting, 13-41
SetupEMAgent step, 10-28 state file, 10-8
SetupInstall step, 10-25 static discharges, 2-10
SetupKerberos step, 10-27 static electricity, 6-2
SetupMountPoints step, 10-27 status indicators, B-2
SetupMySQL step, 10-27 Subnet Manager, 9-2, 9-3, 11-11
SetupPuppet step, 10-26 Subnet Manager Master, 9-5
setup-root-ssh script, 11-12, 13-42, 14-2 Subnet Managers, 11-11
shipping dimensions, 2-3, 6-2 subnet mask factory settings, 3-6
shipping kit, 6-3 Sun Network 10 GbE Switch 72p, 1-5, 3-6
shipping weight, 2-3 Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway
show command, 7-11 Switch, 11-12, 13-27, 13-37
showunhealthy command, 7-16 Sun Server components, 1-2
showusb utility, 7-24, 13-44 support accounts, 5-2
showvlan utility, 13-45 support services, 13-24
showvnics utility, 13-46 swap partition, restoring, 12-15
shutdown command, 11-2 swapping, 12-3, 12-4, 13-30, 13-31
single-phase PDUs, 2-5, 6-2, 6-13, 11-13, 11-14 switch LEDs, InfiniBand switch LEDs, B-2
site readiness tasks, 2-12 switch ports, D-7
slot numbers (disk drives), 12-3 switches
slots, disk drives, 12-2 location in the rack, C-2, D-2
SMTP alerts, 5-1 monitoring, 15-1
SNMP alerts, 5-1 naming conventions, 4-5
software configuration replacement parts, B-16
querying, 13-11 replacing, 11-8
software image setting host names, 7-14
downgrading, 10-8 spare parts, B-14, B-15
upgrading, 10-8 third-party, 1-6
software installation symbolic link names (disk drives), 12-2
multiple racks, 10-7 synchronizing servers, 13-10
upgrading, 10-9
using Mammoth, 10-5
software installation policy, 1-5
software options, adding after installation, 10-29 Taiwanese PDU specifications, 2-5, 2-6
software port assignments, 3-7 tee utility, 8-6
software profiles, acquiring from servers, 7-22 telnet access, configuring Ethernet switch, 7-8
software source code, third party, 10-26 temperature
software validation, 13-3, 13-25 acceptable range, 2-10
sound levels, 2-1, 2-2 operating range, 2-9
South American PDU specifications, 2-5, 2-6 test events (ASR), 5-5
spares kit, 1-3, 6-4 testrule setting (ASR), 5-5
spine switches third-party license location, 10-26
third-party software, 1-5
third-party software source code, 10-26
third-party switches, restrictions on use, 1-6
three-phase PDUs, 2-6, 2-8, 11-14
thresholds for PDUs, 11-13
time synchronization, 13-10
time zone
configuration setting, 4-5
configuring Ethernet switch, 7-9
configuring InfiniBand switches, 7-14
setting summer time, 7-10
top clearance (rack), 2-3
trap destinations (ASR), 5-4
unpacking instructions, 6-4
upgrade history, 13-35
upgrading base image, 10-18
upgrading the factory image, 10-8
upgrading the software, 10-9
UPS, 2-9
USB devices, restrictions on use, 1-6
USB flash drive, 7-23, 13-44
users, hdfs and mapred, 10-26
validating a cluster, 13-3
validating hardware and software, 13-25
validating network configuration, 13-8
validating the server software, 13-9
validation checks after reboot, 6-14
ventilation requirements, 2-10
database server configuration, 11-5
version command, 7-15
virtual drive configuration, 11-5
configuration, 13-45
configuration example, 7-5
default configuration, 3-1
assigning to gateway switches, 3-5
configuration, 13-46
default configuration, 3-1
re-creating, 13-27
warnings, 11-3
warranty restrictions, 1-4
washers, 6-7
watcher logs (OS), 13-19
rack, 2-1, 2-2
shipping, 2-3
wrenches, 6-3, 6-8
wrist strap, 6-4