MC Sir
MC Sir
MC Sir
Complete JEE MAINS & ADVANCED with Complete Problem Solving Techniques by MC Sir
Lecture Name Video Name
Number System, Definition of Logarithm & Basic Properties with Examples M01_12_07_001.mp4
Properties of Logarithms, Base Changing Theorem, Taking Log Both sides, Trichotomy M01_12_07_002.mp4
Examples: Characteristic and Mantissa, Modulus M01_12_07_003.mp4
Modulus Function: Examples M01_12_07_004.mp4
Logarithm Ex1 m-mc-0131-logarithm-ex-1-150318.mp4
Logarithm Ex2 m-mc-0132-logarithm-ex-2-150426.mp4
Log Ex3 m-mc-1301-logarithm-150225.mp4
Basics of Trigonometry
"Two fundamental Trigonometric Ratios, Angle Measurement, Real definition of Sine & Co - Sine , Reduction
formula (90-)" M01_12_06_005.mp4
Reduction formulas , General solution Sin=0 , Cos=0 etc, Compound Angles M01_12_06_006.mp4
Formula of compound angles , Formula of Multiple and Sub - Multiple angles M01_12_06_007.mp4
Examples , Sin3, Cos3. Tan 3 M01_12_06_008.mp4
Continued product , Sin18 , Cos 36 M01_12_06_009.mp4
Identities in a Triangle, Group of trigonometric function M01_12_06_010.mp4
"Graphs , Questions on Range of Trigonometric Function" M01_12_06_011.mp4
"Eliminant, Parametric , Inequalties in triangle , Sine, Cosine Series" M01_12_06_012.mp4
Trigo P1 Ex1 m-mc-1802-trignometric-phase-I-ex-1-150325.mp4
Trigo P1 Ex2 m-mc-1803-trignometric-phase-I-ex-2-150426.mp4
Trigo P1 Ex3 m-mc-1801-trignometric-phase-I-150227.mp4
Quadratic Equations
Graphs of Y=ax2+bx+c, Nature of roots M01_12_07_013.mp4
Relation between Roots and Cofficients, Inequalities M01_12_07_014.mp4
Examples: Inequalities M01_12_07_015.mp4
Condition for Common Roots M01_12_07_016.mp4
Range of Linear , Range of Quadratic, General 2 equation in x and y, Condition for general 2 polynomial to be
factorized into two linear components M01_12_07_017.mp4
Theory of Equations: Relation between Roots and Coefficients of Cubic and Higher Polynomials
Location of roots & miscellaneous examples M01_12_07_019.mp4
Miscellaneous examples, Modulus inequality M01_12_07_020.mp4
Log inequality M01_12_07_021.mp4
Quadratic Eq Ex1 m-mc-1402-quadratic-equation-ex-1-150318.mp4
Quadratic Eq Ex2 m-mc-1403-quadratic-equation-ex-2-150503.mp4
Quadratic Eq Ex2 m-mc-1404-quadratic-equation-ex-2-150508.mp4
Quadratic Eq Ex3 m-mc-1401-quadratic-equation-150225.mp4
Quadratic Eq Ex-4 m-mc-1405-quadratic-equation-ex-3-150610.mp4
Trigonometric Equations and Inequations
General solution , principle solution, Type-1, Type -2 Auxillary argument , Type- 3 & Type-4 M01_12_07_030.mp4
Examples of Inequalities and System of Equations M01_12_07_031.mp4
Trigo P2 Ex1 m-mc-2002-trignometric-phase-II-ex-1-150326.mp4
Trigo P2 Ex2 m-mc-2003-trignometric-phase-II-ex-2-150520.mp4
Trigo P2 Ex2 m-mc-2004-trignometric-phase-II-ex-2-150529.mp4
Trigo P2 Ex3 m-mc-2001-trignometric-phase-II-150301.mp4
Solution of Triangles
Sine Rule, Cosine Rule, Tangent Rule, Projection formulae & Example M01_12_07_026.mp4
Examples, sine A/2, cosine A/2, tan A/2, Incircle, Inradius M01_12_07_027.mp4
Formula of r, escribed circle & its radius r1,r2,r3; Examples , Length of angle bisectors M01_12_07_028.mp4
Orthocentre, Pedal triangle, Area and ten meter of polygon circumscibing & incribing circle, Ambigous case in
solution of triangle M01_12_07_029.mp4
Trigo P3 Ex1 m-mc-1702-sot-ex-1-150326.mp4
Trigo P3 Ex2 m-mc-1703-sot-ex-2-150511.mp4
Trigo P3 Ex2 m-mc-1704-sot-ex-2-150515.mp4
Trigo P3 Ex3 m-mc-1701-sot-150227.mp4
Sequences and Series
Introduction of Sequences & Series, A.P, Tn, Sn, Highlights and examples M01_12_07_022.mp4
Examples, A.M , G.P, Infinite G.P M01_12_07_023.mp4
G.M, A.G.P, n, n^2, n^3, Methods of difference M01_12_07_024.mp4
Type-4, H.P, RMS AM GM HM M01_12_07_025.mp4
S&P m-mc-1503-sequence-progression-ex-1-150327.mp4
S & P Ex2 m-mc-1504-sequence-progression-ex-2-150527.mp4
S & P Ex2 m-mc-1505-sequence-progression-ex-2-150529.mp4
S & P Ex3 m-mc-1501-sequence-progression-150225.mp4
S & P Ex3 m-mc-1502-sequence-progression-150226.mp4
Determinants and Matrices
Introduction, Minors & Cofactors, Properties of Determinants, Examples M01_12_10_001.mp4
Examples, Product of two determinants, Cramer's rule M01_12_10_002.mp4
Determinants, Cramer's Rule M01_12_10_003.mp4
Matrix, its definition, trace of matrix, Algebra of Matrix, Matrix Multiplication, Examples M01_12_10_004.mp4
Types of Matrices, Examples, Transpose of Matrix, Symmetric & skew symmetric matrix M01_12_10_005.mp4
Properties of Symmetric & Skew Symmetric Matrices, Orthogonal Matrix, Adjoint of Matrix, Properties of Adjoint
Inverse of matrix, Properties, Equation involving Matrix, Solving Equation using Matrix Method (Gauss Jordan
Method) M01_12_10_007.mp4
Determinants Ex1 m-mc-2402-determinant-ex-1-150405.mp4
DETERMINANTS EX-2 m-mc-2403-determinant-ex-2-150809.mp4
DETERMINANTS EX-3 m-mc-2401-determinant-150302.mp4
Matrices Ex1 m-mc-2602-matrices-ex-1-150329.mp4
Matrices Ex-2 m-mc-2603-matrices-ex-2-150719.mp4
Matrices Ex-2 m-mc-2604-matrices-ex-2-150719.mp4
Matrices Ex-3 m-mc-2601-matrices-150303.mp4
Straight Lines and Pair of Lines
Determinants, Basic Geometry M01_12_07_032.mp4
Geometry (4 sided figures), Distance formulae, Section formulae, co-ordinates of Centriod & Incentre, Harmonic
conjugate M01_12_07_033.mp4
Examples, Area of triangle, Condition of collinearity, Locus M01_12_07_034.mp4
Straight line, definition of locus, Slope of line joining 2 points, Various forms of line, Angle between two lines
Parallel & Perpendicular, Reflection of point about line, Area of a parallelogram, Distance between Point and line,
Distance between parallel lines M01_12_07_036.mp4
Position of point, Condition of concurrency, Distance form of line, Parametric form M01_12_07_037.mp4
Examples on concurrency, family of lines : Type - 1,2 & 3 M01_12_07_038.mp4
Angle bisectors, Origins shifting, optics problem M01_12_07_039.mp4
Pair of straight lines, Equal angle bisectors of a pair of straight lines, Condition for lines to be factorized, examples
St Line Ex1 m-mc-2502-straight-line-ex-1-150327.mp4
Straight Line EX-2 m-mc-2503-straight-line-ex-2-150811.mp4
Straight Line EX-2 m-mc-2504-straight-line-ex-2-150813.mp4
St Line Ex3 m-mc-2501-straight-line-150303.mp4
Definition of circle, Standard form, Nature of circle, Examples, Diametrical form, Examples, Length of Intercept,
Angle betweeen line & circle M01_12_07_041.mp4
Examples, Position of point with respect to a circle, Position of line with respect to a circle, Parametric form of
circle, Tangent to a circle M01_12_07_042.mp4
Length of a tangent , Chords of contact, 5 important deductions, Position of line wrt circle, examples Eq. of chord,
Eq. of tangent, Eq. of noraml, point of tangency M01_12_07_043.mp4
Director Circle, Pair of tangent SS1=T2, Family of circles, Chord in terms of Mid point M01_12_07_044.mp4
Family of circle( point circle), Examples, Common tangents to two circles, Length of common tangents
Radical Axis, Radical centre Co- Arial system of circles, Orthogonality of 2 circles, M01_12_07_046.mp4
Circles Ex1 m-mc-2302-circle-ex-1-150327.mp4
Circles Ex2 m-mc-2303-circle-ex-2-150430.mp4
Circles Ex3 m-mc-2301-circle-150302.mp4
Permutations and Combinations
Fundamental principal of counting, Coin tossing, Examples M01_12_07_047.mp4
Permutations & Combinations Theorem , nCr, nPr & Examples M01_12_07_048.mp4
Examples, Straight method, Gap method M01_12_07_049.mp4
Arrangement of alike objects, Group formation M01_12_07_050.mp4
ASSASSINATION, Selection of alike objects, Circular Permutation M01_12_07_051.mp4
Total number of Selections when P are of one kind, Q of another kind, R of a third kind , number of divisors,
summation of numbers M01_12_07_052.mp4
Beggar's method, Distribution of alike objects, Maximising nCr, Grid Problem, Dearrangement
PnC Ex1 m-mc-2102-p-and-c-ex-1-150329.mp4
Permutation & Combination (P & C) EX-2 m-mc-2103-p-and-c-ex-2-150801.mp4
Permutation & Combination (P & C) EX-2 m-mc-2104-p-and-c-ex-2-150806.mp4
PnC Ex3 m-mc-2101-p-and-c-150302.mp4
Binomial Theorem
Introduction, General term, Highlights , Examples , Middle Terms M01_12_07_054.mp4
Binomial Coefficient, Examples M01_12_07_055.mp4
Example on fractional part and integral part, Binomial Expansion for any Index, coefficient method
Examples of coefficient Method, Numerically Greatest Term, Exponential Series, Log Series, Approximation using
Binomial M01_12_07_057.mp4
Binomial Theorem EX-1 m-mc-1902-bionomial-ex-1-150328.mp4
Binomial Theorem EX-2 m-mc-1903-bionomial-ex-2-150502.mp4
Binomial Theorem EX-3 m-mc-1901-bionomial-150301.mp4
The Concept of Functions
Cartesian Product, Definition of Function, Domain Range & Co-Domain Range, Continious Function, Types of
Function, Trignometric functions, Log Function, Exponential Function, Polynomial Funtions
Domain Range & Graph of Various Functions, Examples M01_12_07_059.mp4
Type of functions, Examples on domain, Range of function M01_12_07_060.mp4
Examples on Domain and Range M01_12_07_061.mp4
Equal Identical Functions, One - One / Injective Functions M01_12_07_062.mp4
Many one function, Onto function, Into function, Bijective, Examples on classification M01_12_07_063.mp4
P&C based problems, Functional equations, Composite Function M01_12_07_064.mp4
Composite of Non-uniformly defined functions, Homogenous functions, Bounded functions, Odd even functions,
Explicit & Implicit functions M01_12_07_065.mp4
Inverse of a function, Properties of Inverse M01_12_07_066.mp4
Examples on Inverse, Periodicity M01_12_07_067.mp4
Function Ex1 m-mc-0101-function-ex-1-150318.mp4
Function Ex1 m-mc-0102-function-ex-1-150318.mp4
Function Ex1 m-mc-0103-function-ex-1-150318.mp4
Function Ex2 m-mc-0104-function-ex-2-150405.mp4
Function Ex3 m-mc-101-function-150201.mp4
Introduction to ITF, Domain, Range & Graph of ITF, Example on Domain & Range M01_12_07_068.mp4
Examples, Property No. 1, Inequality M01_12_07_069.mp4
Property No. 2,3,4&5, Examples M01_12_07_070.mp4
P-6, P-7, Simplification & transformation, Using substitution, Identities, Examples M01_12_07_071.mp4
Inequalities & Series M01_12_07_072.mp4
ITF Ex1 m-mc-202-itf-ex-1-150319.mp4
ITF Ex1 m-mc-203-itf-ex-1-150319.mp4
ITF Ex2 m-mc-204-itf-ex-2-150412.mp4
ITF Ex3 m-mc-201-itf-150201.mp4
The Concept of Limits
L.H.L & R.H.L, Existence of Limit, Examples, Theorem on limits, 7 Indeterminant forms M01_12_07_073.mp4
Examples, L' Hospital Rule, Examples M01_12_07_074.mp4
Trigonometric Limits, Examples, Sandwich Theorem M01_12_07_075.mp4
Exponential Limits, Logarithmic Limits, Expansion of Functions, 1 Form M01_12_07_076.mp4
Built in limit, Examples M01_12_07_077.mp4
L'Hpital's rule and examples M01_12_07_078.mp4
Limit EX-1 m-mc-302-limits-ex-1-150319.mp4
Limit EX-2 m-mc-303-limits-ex-2-150419.mp4
Limit EX-2 m-mc-304-limits-ex-2-150421.mp4
Limit EX-3 m-mc-301-limits-150201.mp4
Introduction, Examples M01_12_07_079.mp4
Types of Discontinuity., Intermediate value theorem, Theorem on continuity, Examples M01_12_07_080.mp4
Continuity EX-1 m-mc-402-continuity-ex-1-150320.mp4
Continuity EX-1 m-mc-403-continuity-ex-1-150320.mp4
Continuity EX-2 m-mc-404-continuity-ex-2-150419.mp4
Continuity EX-3 m-mc-401-continuity-150201.mp4
Introduction & examples M01_12_07_081.mp4
Examples, Solving functional rule M01_12_07_082.mp4
Differentiability EX-1 m-mc-502-differentiability-ex-1-150320.mp4
Differentiability EX-2 m-mc-503-differentiability-ex-2-150419.mp4
Differentiability EX-3 m-mc-501-differentiability-150201.mp4
Methods of Differentiation-MOD
Introduction, Chain rule, Product rule, Quotient rule, Derivative of standard functions M01_12_07_083.mp4
Discussion of Ex-2 Q.10 to Q.34, Examples on Periodicity, Leibnitz Rule & Examples, Limit using Leibnitz Theorem
Examples on Leibnitz, Integration as a limit of sum, Approximation of Integration M01_12_07_101.mp4
Application of Derivatives
Tangent & normals. Basics & Vertical tangent M01_12_05_001.mp4
Examples & Angle b/w Curve M01_12_05_002.mp4
Approximation & Differential , Length of tangent, normal, sub-tangent, sub-normal M01_12_05_003.mp4
Introduction to Monotonocity, examples M01_12_05_004.mp4
Examples on monotonic functions M01_12_05_005.mp4
Inequalities & Rolle's theorem M01_12_05_006.mp4
Lagrange's Mean value theorem, Examples M01_12_05_007.mp4
Introduction to Maxima and minima M01_12_05_008.mp4
Examples on Point of Inflection, Graphs of Functions M01_12_05_009.mp4
Inequalities and graphs of cubic functions M01_12_05_010.mp4
Application of Dericatives (AOD) EX-1 m-mc-805-aod-ex-1-150322.mp4
Application of Dericatives (AOD) EX-1 m-mc-806-aod-ex-1-150322.mp4
(AOD) EX-1 m-mc-807-aod-ex-1-150323.mp4
(AOD) EX-1 m-mc-808-aod-ex-1-150323.mp4
Application of Dericatives (AOD) EX-2 (monotonocity) m-mc-810-monotonocity-ex-2-150531.mp4
Application of Dericatives (AOD) EX-2 (max& min) m-mc-811-maxima-minima-ex-2-150531.mp4
Application of Dericatives (AOD) EX-2 (max& min m-mc-812-maxima-minima-ex-2-150612.mp4
AOD Ex3 m-mc-801-aod-150208.mp4
AOD Ex3 m-mc-802-aod-150208.mp4
AOD Ex3 m-mc-803-aod-150215.mp4
AOD Ex3 m-mc-804-aod-150215.mp4
AOD EX-2 m-mc-809-aod-ex-2-150425.mp4
Area Under Curve
Area Under the Curve, Horizontal Strip & Vertical Strip, Examples M01_12_10_008.mp4
Area of Inverse, Examples, maximising area, Solving for Parameter M01_12_10_009.mp4
Examples, Finding functions M01_12_10_010.mp4
AUC Ex1 m-mc-1603-auc-ex-1-150323.mp4
AUC ex1 m-mc-1604-auc-ex-1-150324.mp4
AUC ex2 m-mc-1605-auc-ex-2-150614.mp4
AUC ex2 m-mc-1606-auc-ex-2-150615.mp4
AUC ex2 m-mc-1607-auc-ex-2-150617.mp4
AUC ex3 m-mc-1601-auc-150226.mp4
AUC ex3 m-mc-1602-auc-150228.mp4
Differential Equations
Introduction of Differential Equations, Variable Separable, Examples M01_12_10_011.mp4
Polar co-ordinates, Homogenous Differential equations M01_12_10_012.mp4
Linear Differential Equations M01_12_10_013.mp4
DE Ex1 m-mc-1203-differential-equation-ex-1-150324.mp4
DE Ex2 m-mc-1204-differential-equation-ex-2-150617.mp4
DE Ex2 m-mc-1205-differential-equation-ex-2-150619.mp4
DE Ex3 m-mc-1201-differential-equation-150222.mp4
DE Ex3 m-mc-1202-differential-equation-150224.mp4
DE Ex3 m-mc-1206-differential-equation-ex-3-150624.mp4
DE Ex4 m-mc-1207-differential-equation-ex-4-150626.mp4
DE Ex5 m-mc-1208-differential-equation-ex-5-150626.mp4
DE Ex5 m-mc-1209-differential-equation-ex-5-150703.mp4
DE Ex5 m-mc-1210-differential-equation-ex-5-150704.mp4
General definition, Collinear vectors, Coplanar vectors, Section formula M01_12_08_001.mp4
Examples on section formula, Vector equation of a line, Co-plane intersecting, parallel line, Examples
Condition of Collinearity of 3 Points, Dot Product of Vectors M01_12_08_003.mp4
Examples: Foot of perpendicular, Image of point about line mirror, Distance of point from line, Examples:
Tetrahedron M01_12_08_004.mp4
Parallelopiped, Examples, Cross product M01_12_08_005.mp4
Properties of Cross Product, Distance between parallel lines, Examples M01_12_08_006.mp4
Important problems, Vector triple product M01_12_08_007.mp4
Scalar triple product, Box product of 3 vectors, Coplanarity M01_12_08_008.mp4
Vector Triple Product & Examples M01_12_08_009.mp4
Examples: Co-planarity, Reciprocal system of Vectors, Vector Equation M01_12_08_010.mp4
3 D Geometry
Distance formula, Direction ratios & Direction co-sines, Equation of plane in various forms, Examples
Intercept form of a plane, Normal form of a plane, Condition for 2 lines being coplanar, Equation of plane
containing 2 lines, Angle between plane & lines, Distance of a point from a plane, Distance between parallel planes M01_12_08_012.mp4
Eq. of Angle Bisectors of Planes, Family of planes, Various forms of line , Line in symmetrical form
vector & 3D Ex1 m-mc-604-vector-and-3d-ex-1-150330.mp4
vector & 3D Ex 2 m-mc-605-vector-and-3d-ex-2-150711.mp4
vector & 3D Ex2 m-mc-606-vector-and-3d-ex-2-150719.mp4
VECTOR &3D EX-3 m-mc-607-vector-and-3d-ex-3-150716.mp4
VECTOR &3D EX-3 m-mc-608-vector-and-3d-ex-3-150718.mp4
vector & 3D Ex4 m-mc-601-vector-3d-150204.mp4
vector & 3D Ex4 m-mc-602-vector-3d-150206.mp4
VECTOR &3D EX-4 m-mc-603-vector-3d-150208.mp4
General Definitions, Cards, Pair of Dice, Coin tossing, Examples M01_12_11_020.mp4
Examples , De-Morgan's Law, Venn Diagram, Independent Event, Conditional Probability M01_12_11_021.mp4
Discussion of DPP-1, Examples on conditional Probability, Questions on De-Morgan's Law involving sets
Examples of infinite series, Examples M01_12_11_023.mp4
Examples on conditional Probability M01_12_11_024.mp4
Examples, Bayes theorem, Mathematical expectation M01_12_11_025.mp4
Examples, Extended Bayes' Theorem, Tree Diagram, Coincidence Testimony, Continous Sample Spare
Probability ex1 m-mc-2202-probability-ex-1-150325.mp4
Probability ex2 m-mc-2203-probability-ex-2-150719.mp4
Probability ex1 m-mc-2204-probability-ex-2-150723.mp4
PROBABILTY EX-3 m-mc-2201-probability-150302.mp4
Complex Numbers
Introduction, Algebra of Complex, Modulus, Argument, Conjugate of Complex Numbers, Properties, Geometry in
Complex, Amplitude in Complex Numbers M01_12_11_012.mp4
Examples, Square root of a Complex Number , Different Representation of Complex Numbers, Polar Form /
Cartesian Form, Exponential Form. M01_12_11_013.mp4
Examples, Geometrical interpretation of complex numbers, Examples on locus M01_12_11_014.mp4
Discussion of DPP1 & DPP2 and elementary DPP, Rotation of complex, Co-ordinates of imp. Points
Roots of Unity, Geometry of Complex Equations, De Moivre's Theorem M01_12_11_016.mp4
Discussion of DPP-3, Examples on De moivre's theorem, nth Roots of Unity M01_12_11_017.mp4
Discussion of DPP-4, Points about Roots of Unity, Examples M01_12_11_018.mp4
Examples , General Loci, Equation of semi circle M01_12_11_019.mp4
Complex No. EX-1 m-mc-1103-complex-number-ex-1-150325.mp4
Complex No. EX-2 m-mc-1104-complex-number-ex-2-150612.mp4
Complex No. EX-2 m-mc-1105-complex-number-ex-2-150614.mp4
Complex No. EX-3 m-mc-1101-complex-number-150222.mp4
Complex No. EX-3 m-mc-1102-complex-number-150222.mp4
Examples, Position of Point w.r.t Parabola, Equation of Chord Of parabola, Tangent to a Parabola, Examples
Tangent & Normal (Result), Examples M01_12_11_003.mp4
Examples, Important results, Sub-normal , Sub-tangent, Pair of tangents, Chords of contact M01_12_11_004.mp4
Chord in terms of mid point, Examples, Properties of parabola M01_12_11_005.mp4
Introduction, Definition & terminology, Examples M01_12_11_006.mp4
Examples, Auxiliary circle, Parametric Point, Tangent to Ellipse, Director circle M01_12_11_007.mp4
Tangent, Normal, Chord, Focal Chord, Diameter, Pair of Tangents, Chord of contact, Chord in terms of Mid point
Introduction, Conjugate Hyperbola, Examples M01_12_11_009.mp4
Examples, Auxiliary Circles, Position of Point, Tangent to Hyperbola, Examples M01_12_11_010.mp4
Chord of Contact, Pair of Tangent, Chord in Terms of Mid Point, Rectangular Hyperbola M01_12_11_011.mp4
Conic Section_Parabola EX-1 m-mc-1004-conic-section-ex-1-150326.mp4
Conic Section_Ellipse EX-1 m-mc-1005-conic-section-ex-1-150326.mp4
Conic Section_ Hyperbola EX-1 m-mc-1006-conic-section-ex-1-150328.mp4
CONIC SECTION EX-2 m-mc-1007-conic-section-ex-2-150704.mp4
CONIC SECTION EX-2 m-mc-1008-conic-section-ex-2-150808.mp4
CONIC SECTION EX-2 m-mc-1009-conic-section-ex-2-150811.mp4
CONIC SECTION EX-2 m-mc-1010-conic-section-ex-2-150815.mp4
CONIC SECTION EX-2 m-mc-1011-conic-section-ex-2-150816.mp4
Conic Section_ Parabola Ex 3 m-mc-1001-conic-section-150221.mp4
Conic Section_ Ellipse Ex3 m-mc-1002-conic-section-150221.mp4
Conic Section_ Hyperbola Ex3 m-mc-1003-conic-section-150224.mp4