4th Year Books
4th Year Books
4th Year Books
12. Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention by: Paul Comfort &Earle Abrahamson, 1st
Edition, 2010,Wiley Blackwell Publishers
13. Clinical Sports Medicine by: Brukner & Khan, 4ed, McGraw-Hill Publishers
14. A guide to sports and injury management by: Mike Bundy & Andy Leaver, 1st edition,
2010, Churchill Livingstone.
19. Physical Therapy for Children By, Suzann K. Campbell, Robert J. Palisano & Darl
W. Vander Linden.
20. Paediatric Rehabilitation Principles and practice (Fourth Edition) By,
Michael A Alexander & Dennis j. Matthews.
7. Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, Kitab Markaz, Bhawana Bazar Faisalabad
8. Essentials of clinical research By Stephan P. Glasser
9. Rehabilitation Research (Principles and Applications) 3rd Edition By Elizabeth
10. Textbooks of Community Medicine, by Prof. H. A. Siddique (2nd Edition).
3. Practical Evidence based Physical Therapy By, Rob Herbert, Gro Jamtdvedt,
Judy Mead& Kare Birger Hagen.
4. Asking the right question-A guide to critical thinking, 8th Edition By,
M.Neil.Browne& Stuart M Keeley