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Question Answers

HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS It is because plastic nowadays can be
KIND OF SIP? seen everywhere and it is a major problem
in our community.
So I think of way how can we reduce the
waste of plastics.
HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT YOUR It is feasible, because as you can see, I
PRODUCT WILL BE FEASIBLE IF SOLD was able to produce a tile that is strong,
IN THE MARKET? durable and much less expensive

IN TERMS OF AESTHETIC ASPECT, Yes, it is decorative because of the

CAN YOU SAY THAT IT IS REALLY different colors of plastic that was used to
DECORATIVE? make tiles.

IS THERE ANY CHEMICAL CHANGES The only change that happened in the
IN THE PROCESS? process is physical change and not
chemical change.
WHAT KIND OF PLASTIC DID YOU I used different kinds of plastic waste such
USED IN YOUR SIP? as plastic bags, straws, junkfood
wrappers, and plastic cups which I
gathered from the surroundings, from the
market, from school and even from our
own house.
HOW COME YOU USED EGGSHELLS IN Eggshells will acts as a binder in the
THE CREATION OF TILES? production of tiles, as the plastic is melting,
the eggshells will act as a binder because
plastic only combines with silica based
products and eggshells contains silica.
Eggshells is also a waste material.

WHAT CAN YOU RECOMMEND TO THE I recommend that the industrial sectors will
DIFFERENT SECTORS OF INDUSTRY be able to utilize the use of plastic in the
ABOUT THIS? production of tiles or any other non-
biodegradable materials to produce a new
product out of these waste materials.
HOW MANY PLASTICS WILL YOU BE It will be 2 kilos of plastic waste materials
ABLE TO USE TO MAKE A SINGLE equivalent to one tile and it will be a big
TILE? impact if we will be able to use and recycle
plastic waste into a useful materials.
GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO WIN, Yes, given the chance, we will send it to
ARE YOU WILLING TO SUBJECT IT proper agencies to test its durability and
FOR FURTHER TESTING? other properties.
WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR Plastic waste will be lessened because we
SIP TO THE PRESENT SITUATION IN were able to recycle it, and it will be a
OUR COMMUNITY? good source of income and profit as well.

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