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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Plate heat exchangers: Recent advances

Mazen M. Abu-Khader
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, P.O. Box: 9515 Al-weibedah, 11191, Amman, Jordan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study presents the advances in plate heat exchangers both in theory and application. It dresses the
Received 18 July 2011 direction of various technical research and developments in the eld of energy handling and conservation.
Received in revised form 6 December 2011 The selected areas of heat transfer performance and pressure drop characteristics, general models and
Accepted 4 January 2012
calculations change of phase; boiling and condensation, fouling and corrosion, and welded type plate
Available online 17 February 2012
heat exchangers and nally other related areas are highlighted.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plate heat exchangers
General models
Thermal and hydraulic performance
Two phase


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1883
2. Thermal & hydrodynamic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884
2.1. Inuence of plate types & congurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884
2.2. General procedure calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884
2.3. Heat transfer coefcient measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1885
2.4. Numerical and analytical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1885
3. Two phase systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1886
4. Fouling & corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1886
5. Welded plate heat exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1887
6. Other related areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1887
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1887
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1888

1. Introduction simply by increasing or decreasing the number of plates needed.

With these advantages, along with advances in material technology
Plate heat exchanger (PHE) is now commonly used in a wide in the form of new temperature- and pressure-resistant materials
range of chemical process and other industrial applications with for gasket or graphite plates, it is now possible to use this class
a particular attention from the food industry due to several rea- of heat exchangers appropriately for the power and chemical pro-
sons such as: suitability in hygienic applications, ease of cleaning cesses.
and the thermal control required for sterilization and pasteuriza- Even though plate heat exchangers are mostly used in liquid-
tion. Also PHEs exhibit excellent heat transfer characteristics which liquid heat transfer duties which require uniform and rapid heating
allow more compact designs than achievable with conventional or cooling. But there is an increase trend to use PHEs in the evapo-
shell and tube heat exchangers, and have a very large surface area ration and condensation duties for plant energy conversion.
in a small volume and can modied for different requirements On the other hand, the main disadvantage of PHE is the limit
of its operational range where the maximum operating pressure is
limited to 20.4 bar and the operating temperature to about 150 C.
These operational conditions can be extended to about 40.8 bar and
E-mail address: mak@accessme.com.jo

1364-0321/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1884 M.M. Abu-Khader / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891

800 C in lamella type PHE which does not have the exibility of the 2.1. Inuence of plate types & congurations
gasket plate unit.
Plate heat exchangers can be fabricated in gasketed, welded, Extensive experimental works were conducted on different
or module welded design characterized by the model in which chevron type plates to study the effects resulted from the varia-
the ow channels for the two heat exchanging media are sealed. tion of parameters such as: pitch, amplitude, and chevron angle.
According to the type of heat exchanger the individual plates are This is to understand their inuence on heat transfer and ow
sealed relative to each other by gaskets placed in circumferential patterns [29,30]. Heat transfer and isothermal pressure drop data
grooves or by welding. for single-phase water ows in a single-pass U-type counter-ow
Plate heat exchangers are rst fully described in [1], and there PHE and in low Reynolds number ows are presented through the
are several comprehensive compiled materials on various design use of different chevron plate arrangements: two symmetric plate
aspects in the literature [27]. arrangements with beta = 30 /30 and 60 /60 , and one mixed-
The main objective of this review is to highlight the recent plate arrangement with beta = 30 /60 . Also, the effects of chevron
advances which affects the performance of plate heat exchang- angle beta in these three different plate arrangements were illus-
ers specially in the industrial section. As an industrial application, trated. The impact of corrugation aspect, ratio gamma, and ow
Karlsson [8] evaluated the performance of plate heat exchangers conditions on Nusselt Number (Nu) and friction factor (f) charac-
in residential water radiator heating systems receiving their heat teristics were outlined [3138].
from geothermal resources. Recent experimental and numerical The size (i.e., height and pitch) of the corrugation embossed on
work to analyze the ow in an oil/water plate heat exchanger for the plates, and the orientation of the corrugation with respect to
the automotive industry was conducted [9]. Also, the use of plate the main ow direction on the heat transfer performance of the
heat exchangers to improve energy efciency in phosphoric acid exchanger were investigated [39]. Charre et al. [40] presented a
production was illustrated [10]. Downsized exchanger without loss general heat transfer and pressure drop model which is based on
of thermal-hydraulic performance is crucial matter for the indus- the theory of porous media and included the inuence of 11 geo-
try applications [11]. The improvement of compactness is a vital metric parameters of the plate. A new-type corrugation Plate was
issue carried by more competitive surface shape under the care- designed where t the ow resistance of the working uid in this new
fully designed riblet angle [12]. The use of nanouids as coolants corrugation PHE, compared with the traditional chevron-type one,
in industrial heat exchangers seems inauspicious [13], and the only was decreased by more than 50% [41]. The laminar ows of Newto-
drawbacks so far are the high price and the possible instability of nian and power-law uids through cross-corrugated chevron-type
the nanoparticle suspensions [14]. plate heat exchangers (PHEs) were numerically studied in terms of
the geometry of the channels [42].
The inuence of grooves in the U-turn areas for the multi-
2. Thermal & hydrodynamic characteristics channel-plate heat exchangers (MCPHEs) was investigated by
Chang et al. [43] using of acrylic plates. Plates with dimples [44]
From the early literature on the effect of plate arrangements on were designed to enhance heat transfer and reduce fouling. Var-
ow distribution and pressure drop was presented by Bassiouny ious shapes of rib-roughened surfaces, different rib spacing and
[15,16]. On the other hand, Thonon and Mercier [17,18] presented rib arrangements were applied to the wider walls of the duct to
an overall design method used for sizing plate heat exchangers. The enhance the heat transfer in a plate heat exchanger [45].
method is based on the temperature enthalpy diagram, and intro- Pinto and Gut [46] and Gut [47,48] developed an optimization
duced a model taking into account ow maldistribution effects for method for determining the best conguration(s) of gasketed plate
single and two phase ows [19]. The effects of ow maldistribu- heat exchangers, and their objective was to select the congu-
tion was presented through a general thermal model in terms of ration(s) with the minimum heat transfer area that still satises
Effectiveness-Ntu and LMTD relationships. constraints on the number of channels, the pressure drop of both
Rao et al. [20], showed in details the effect of ow maldistribu- uids, the channel ow velocities and the exchanger thermal effec-
tion and presented a wide range of parametric study which brings tiveness. A general method for the optimal design with undulated
out effects such as those of the heat-capacity rate ratio, ow con- surfaces was proposed by Kanaris et al. [49] and Arsenyeva et al.
guration, number of channels and correlation of heat transfer. [50]. Recently, exergy analysis was included as an important vari-
Also, the experiments showed the effect of pressure drop on ow able in the design procedure [51,52].
maldistribution [21]. Noninvasive technique of Positron Emission
Particle Tracking (PEPT) was used to investigate the ow pattern 2.2. General procedure calculations
in a plate heat exchanger [22]. Recently, Tsai et al. [23] investi-
gated hydrodynamic characteristics and distribution of ow in two General calculation procedure for plate heat exchangers and
cross-corrugated channels of plate heat exchangers. Effects of dis- useful charts were developed [53], in terms of the number of trans-
sipation and temperature-dependent viscosity on the effectiveness fer units (Ntu) and the heat capacity rate ratio (R), for 150 plate
calculation was addressed by Gherasim et al. [24]. heat exchanger congurations. These exchangers were classied
Martin [25] developed the generalized Lvque equation a on the basis of number of channels, number of passes of each
theoretical equation to predict the plate heat exchanger thermal uids and ow arrangement. Specic guidelines for selecting the
performance. Also, Dovic et al. [26] developed generalized correla- appropriate plate heat exchanger conguration were proposed.
tions for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop which are used Wright and Heggs [54,55] calculated the effectiveness of a sin-
to predict the performance of chevron-type plate heat exchangers gle pass two stream plate heat exchanger (PHE) when one stream
by obtaining the heat-transfer coefcients in fully developed lami- undergoes a phase change; specically condensation, and pre-
nar or turbulent channel ow. Dumas and Corradini [27] analyzed sented analytical solution for the system under the assumption
the inuence of the thermal resistance of the uid lm, temper- of constant overall heat transfer coefcient when run in either
ature distribution proles and enthalpy efciency in the range co-current or counter-current arrangements. Also the authors
of temperatures normally used in civil applications. Ciofalo [28] extended their analysis to systems in which the overall heat trans-
Explored the effect of the longitudinal heat conduction along the fer correlation is dependent upon the quality of the phase change
dividing walls and showed that it may enhance the exchangers stream. Recently, Lin et al. [56] derived dimensionless correla-
performance. tions using the Buckingham Pi theorem to characterize the heat
M.M. Abu-Khader / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891 1885

transfer performance of the corrugated channel in a plate heat There were an extensive investigations for counterow plate
exchanger. heat exchangers based on a dispersion model which took the devia-
tion from ideal plug ow into consideration to predict the response
2.3. Heat transfer coefcient measurements due to temperature transients. The phase lag effect, which is a
special characteristic of plate exchangers, played a signicant role
Both transient and electrochemical mass transfer techniques in the dynamic regime [72,73]. The axial dispersion reduced the
were widely used for the measurement of heat transfer coef- exergetic performance. The minimum irreversibility correspond-
cient in heal exchangers. Also constructing the ow regime map ing to a given level of dispersion was identied. A new concept by
was another useful method for the measurement of HTC. Roetzel analogical treatment of hyperbolic axial dispersion with the uid
[57] experimentally evaluated thermal parameters of plate type conduction was introduced, and it takes the ow maldistribution
heat exchangers using a temperature oscillation technique, and a into account in the analysis of heat exchangers [74]. Furthermore,
mathematical model with axial dispersion was utilised to evaluate Das and Roetzel [75] improved the conventional axial heat dis-
heat transfer coefcient and dispersion coefcients characterized persion model by considering dispersion as a wave phenomenon
by Number of transfer units (Ntu) and Peclet number respectively. propagating with a nite velocity. Strelow [76] proposed a general
Ros et al. [58] applied the transient-state technique to mea- calculation method to simulate the heat ux along the walls of the
sure the global heat exchange coefcient between a liquid and plates as well as the dispersion in the passages.
corrugated plates, and modelled the uid ow by an equivalent Bigoin et al. [77] and Miura et al. [67] used the Computational
ow pattern obtained by inert tracer experiments. The authors Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method which is based on the numerical
used the frequency response to estimate the heat transfer coef- simulation of the turbulent ow using various turbulence models
cient between the uid and the solid. Quarini et al. [59] illustrated (mixing length model, eddy viscosity model and large eddy sim-
the local heat transfer characteristic of an APV junior paraow ulation) and various meshes. The simulations of stirred yoghurt
plate heat exchanger. Heggs et al. [60] and Heggs and Walton [61] processing in a plate heat exchanger were performed using com-
employed an electrochemical mass transfer technique to calculate putational uid dynamics (CFD) calculations. CFD program is used
values of the local transfer coefcients within a corrugated plate to evaluate the tortuosity coefcient which is used to estimate
heat exchanger channel for limited range of Reynolds number from Fanning friction factors and convective heat transfer coefcients
150 to 11,500 for the following corrugation angles: 30, 45, 60 and [7880]. Whereas, Kanaris et al. [81] explored the potential of using
90. The authors presented mass transfer proles on both sides of a general purpose CFD code to compute the characteristics of the
the channel and proved that the peak in mass transfer at the base uid ow and heat transfer augmentation in conduits with cor-
of the corrugation was consistent with a swirling motion which rugated walls encountered in commercial plate heat exchangers.
dependent upon the channel ow rate. Parallel and series ow arrangements were tested and experimen-
Ciofalo [62] obtained the distributions of the local heat trans- tal results were compared to numerical predictions for heat load
fer coefcient by using liquid-crystal thermography, and computed obtained from the 3D CFD model and also from a 1D plug-ow
the surface-averaged values and measured friction coefcients by model [82]. Recently, it was found that the use of depth-averaged
wall pressure tappings. Also drived overall heat transfer and pres- ow and energy equations reduced the elapsed time of CFD sim-
sure drop correlations. Whereas, Vlasogiannis et al. [63] measured ulations [83]. Also, a simplied numerical simulation to obtain
the heat transfer coefcient of air/water mixture the cold stream correlations for the determination of convective heat transfer coef-
as a function of air and water supercial velocities by construct- cients of stirred yoghurt during the cooling stage in a plate
ing of a ow regime map using high-speed video camera for a heat exchanger [84]. Simulation of the three-dimensional tempera-
plate heat exchanger under two-phase ow conditions. A new ture, pressure, and velocity elds were obtained [85]. Effectiveness
plate heat exchanger for water-refrigerant systems such as chillers charts were generated for counterow arrangements using com-
was developed. Plates embossed with pyramid-like structures were putational uid dynamics (CFD) method [86].
stacked up to form the heat exchanger [64]. The measured heat On the other hand, Mehrabian [87] and Mehrabian and Poulter
transfer coefcients of the plates (convective vaporization) were [88] developed analytical solutions for temperature distributions
about one and a half to two times higher than those of commer- within a plate heat exchanger, and studied uniform heat ux, con-
cial herringbone-type plate heat exchangers. Recently, Freund and stant overall heat transfer coefcient (U), linearity between (U) and
Kabelac [65] developed a method to measure local convective heat Temperature (T), and linearity between (U) and Delta (T). The work
transfer coefcients using temperature oscillation IR thermography was extended to focus on experimental approach for local pressure
and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). and local temperature measurements to understand the hydrody-
namic and thermal characteristics of corrugated channels.
2.4. Numerical and analytical models Ho et al. [8991] studied analytically the inuence of recycle on a
parallel-plate heat exchanger of inserting in parallel an insulation
Numerical models were solved using different methods such as: sheet to divide an open duct into two channels for double-pass
3-D nite volume technique which was used to study the effects operations with uniform wall temperature. Effects of variable ratio
of ow channel angles and cross-sectional shapes of exchanger of heat uxes on both sides and impermeable-sheet location were
plates. This is to determine the optimum design parameters for also studied [92]. For laminar ow with counterow parallel-plate
the exchanger [66,67]. Whereas, Rebholz et al. [68] implemented a heat exchangers, Vera and Linan [93] provided a solution for the
2D nite volume technique for the prediction of laminar ow, and temperature eld. The solution involved eigenfunction expansions
presented solutions for the end effect of plate heat exchangers for that were solved in terms of Whittaker functions using standard
changing ow conditions in multipass arrangements and several symbolic algebra packages leading to analytical expressions that
different congurations. Heggs and Narataruksa [69,70] used two provided the eigenvalues numerically.
numerical schemes: a shooting method a fourth-order Runge-Kutta The dynamic behaviour was studied and evaluated either
method and central nite-difference method to obtain solutions of through a temperature step input to generate the temperature
PHE thermal performance. But the shooting method was only appli- proles along the channels and in the outlets [94] or a step ow
cable for single pass looped ow arrangements. Fiebig et al. [71] variation conducted by Dwivedi and Das [95] through predictive
numerically analyzed heat transfer and ow loss with longitudinal model which included the effect of the port to channel maldis-
vortex generators as ns. tribution on the performance of plate heat exchangers. Das and
1886 M.M. Abu-Khader / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891

Murugesan [96], Srihari and Das [97], Shaji and Das [98] presented Table 1
Various refrigerants investigated.
an analysis to predict the transient response of multipass plate
heat exchanger based on an axial heat dispersion model in the uid Researcher Refrigerant investigated
which takes deviation from ideal plug ow into consideration. Dutto et al. [123] HCFC-142b
Pelletier and Palm [124] HCFC-22
Kedzierski [125] HCFC-22
3. Two phase systems Yan et al. [126,127], Yan and Lin [128] HFC-134a
Palmer et al. [129] HCFC-22
HC-290, HC-290/HC-600a (70/30 wt%),
Boiling heat transfer was investigated in both sub-cooled and HFC-32/HFC-152a (50/50 wt%))
saturated ow boiling modes. Polat et al. [99] looked into the forced Thonon and Bontemps [130] HC-601, HC-600,
convective boiling of a non-newtonian liquid in a multipass plate HC-290
HC-600/HC-290 ((28/72 wt%)
heat-exchanger. Hsieh et al. [100] investigated experimentally the
and (49/51 wt%))
sub-cooled ow boiling heat transfer characteristics of refriger- Longo et al. [131] HCFC-22
ant R-134a and demonstrated in details the effects of the boiling Kuo [132],
heat ux, refrigerant mass ux, system pressure. Furthermore, Kuo et al. [133]
Hsieh and Lin [101,102] conducted experiments on saturated ow Longo and Gasparella [134], Longo [135] HFC-410A

boiling heat transfer and the associated frictional pressure drop

Park and Kim [136]
of the ozone friendly refrigerant R-410A and established empiri- Jassim [137],
cal correlations for the saturated boiling heat transfer coefcients Longo [138],
and friction factor in terms of the boiling number and equivalent Longo and Gasparella [139,140] HFC-134a
Longo [141] HC-600a,
Reynolds number.
Whereas, Andre et al. [103], evaluated heat transfer in the evap- HC-1270
oration of ammonia in a plate heat exchanger. Experimental results Longo [142] HFC-236fa
on evaporation heat transfer for ow boiling of ammonia and HFC-134a
of R134a in a chevron-pattern corrugated plate heat exchanger HFC-410A
Longo [143] HFC-600a
(PHE) were presented by Djordjevic and Kabelac [104]. From these
results, it was shown that the parallel ow case yields better HFC-1270
overall performance than the counterow case, and that plates
with low chevron angle corrugations increased the evaporation
heat transfer. Recently, Cerezo et al. [105] and Taboas et al. [106] environmental impact as shown in Table 1. Garcia-Cascales et al.
conducted experimental work on the saturated ow boiling heat [121] studied the refrigeration cycles in which plate heat exchang-
transfer and associated frictional pressure drop of ammonia/water ers were used as either evaporators or condensers. Also, several
mixture owing in a vertical plate heat exchanger. Also, boiling heat transfer coefcients were evaluated in the refrigerant side for
characteristics for other solutions were evaluated such as LiBrH2 O R-22 and R-290. Recently, Hayes et al. [122] conducted experimen-
and NH3 H2 O [107], NH3 LiNO3 and NH3 NaSCN solutions [108], tal investigation of carbon dioxide condensation in brazed plate
and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) clathrate hydrate slurry heat exchangers.
(CHS) as a secondary refrigerant [109]. The effect of boiling two-
phase ows and different ow pattern were visualized by thermal 4. Fouling & corrosion
neutron radiography method to study their effect on the heat trans-
fer performance [110]. The signicance of fouling phenomena came from the fact that
Plate heat exchangers started to play an important role in fouling deposits increase the thermal resistance to heat ow. The
the industrial operations used as evaporators or condensers. Two fouling has an extremely complex behaviour and this was one of
phase ow research was extensively conducted [111113]. The the main reasons why plate and frame heat exchangers are not
most common two phase system is airwater. The ow charac- widely installed in the chemical process industry. Fouling results in
teristics were addressed including ow pattern and pressure drop hydraulic and thermal disturbances and creates the need for clean-
inside a plate heat exchanger. The overall pressure drops of low ing operations which have to be carried out to bring the exchanger
and medium chevron angle congurations were found to be inde- surface back to its original state. Fouling in the food industry is
pendent of channel gap, while the heat transfer section results a severe problem compared with other industries. It reduces PHE
showed a considerable inuence for isothermal air/water two- efciency, food quality and can also give rise to microbiological
phase ows [114,115]. The correlations to predict heat transfer problems.
coefcients for boiling and condensation in a particular brazed plate There are several types of fouling mechanisms were docu-
heat exchanger were established by Hickson [116]. mented in the literature, and for liquid-side fouling they are:(1)
For brazed plate heat exchangers, Bogaert and Bolcs [117] and precipitation and crystallization fouling [144148], (2) chemical
Jokar [118], dened the thermal and hydrodynamic performances reaction fouling, (3) particulate fouling [149], (4) corrosion fouling
in terms of the hydraulic diameter parameter, and developed (5) biological fouling, and nally (6) solidication and freezing foul-
only one equation predicting hydrodynamic and thermal charac- ing. Changani et al. [150] presented a review describing research
teristics in the turbulent and laminar-transitional ow regions. into both the engineering and the chemical factors that lead to
Whereas, Wang et al. [119] obtained the heat transfer and pressure deposition of protein and minerals on the plate surfaces. Also, Visser
drop characteristics of complete steam condensation and partial and Jeurnink [151] reviewed the main factors in the fouling of pro-
condensation. Ayub [120] presented a literature survey and new cessing equipment used for heating dairy uids
heat transfer and pressure drop correlations for refrigerant evap- Fouling in plate heat exchangers is function of the plate geom-
orators. Due to the high efciency and compactness of brazed etry and uid velocity. Thonon and Grillot [152], Bossan [153] and
plate heat exchangers, the condensation and vaporization of high Bossan et al. [154] illustrated the evidence of an asymptotic foul-
pressure refrigerant uids were implemented as evaporators and ing resistance behaviour, and presented an attempt to account
condensers in chiller and heat pumps. Both HC and HFC refrig- for the inuence of the ow maldistribution between the heat
erants were recently studied by several researchers due to their exchanger channels. Also, various corrugation patterns were fouled
M.M. Abu-Khader / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891 1887

at different rates under identical process conditions, and that these In practice, the most common types of localized corrosion
differences were attributed to the effects of ow distribution on observed on plate heat exchangers were pitting [177], crevice cor-
fouling rates in the plate channels [155]. Karabelas et al. [156] rosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Turissini et al. [178,179] and
reported new fouling data for plate heat exchanger of two angles El-Batahgy [180] discussed the corrosion failures in plate heat
of corrugation, (30 and 60 ) and particles of mean size 5 m and exchangers, and studied both the effect of crevice corrosion under
their economic implications. The effect of surface energy, wettabil- gasket and stress corrosion cracking to cause failure to a plate heat
ity and surface roughness on the deposition of calcium sulphate on exchanger. Singh et al. [181] investigated the causes of the gasket
plates were studied [157]. failures and implemented process control solutions with limited
In the dairy industry, milk processing is considered a major success. Then examined the factors in determining a suitable alter-
problem causing fouling of plate heat exchangers. Mathemati- native gasket material specication.
cal modelling and simulation of complex plate heat exchanger
arrangements under milk fouling were carried out using detailed 5. Welded plate heat exchangers
dynamic models. Georgiadis et al. [158] and Georgiadis and Mac-
chietto [159] and Puhakka et al. [160] proposed complex fouling Welded plate heat exchangers have wider range of use than
models based on either reaction and/or mass transfer scheme gasketed plate heat exchangers where the operating temperature
coupled with a general thermal dynamic model of plate heat range from 50 C up to 350 C and operating pressures from full
exchangers. Advanced work was presented by constructing a 2D vacuum to 40 bar. Chopard et al. [182] illustrated how the com-
dynamic fouling models for milk fouling. These models showed pact technology was developed with the technique of welded or
that the aggregation rate of unfolded protein was found to increase soldered plates. The developed welded plate heat are capable to
exponentially with increasing wall temperature and was accom- overcome the pressure and limitations of gasketed plate-and-frame
panied by a substantial reduction in the heat-transfer coefcient exchangers. Blomgren [183] thoroughly described the structure of
[161,162]. Carezzato et al. [163] illustrated experimental data a welded plate heat exchanger where the edge portion of each heat
obtained from non-Newtonian heat transfer for eight different con- transferring plate was welded together with the edge portions of a
gurations. rst adjacent heat transferring plate along an outer line and with
Robbins et al. [164] compared the fouling from whey protein the edge portion of a second adjacent heat transferring plate along
concentrate (WPC) and milk in a plate heat exchanger. Whereas, an inner line. Reppich [184] developed a laser welded modular
Christian et al. [165] investigated the effect of adding minerals design of a plate heat exchanger to handle aggressive media. The
(calcium and phosphorus) on fouling and cleaning behaviour of design kept the inherent advantages of plate type heat exchanger
Whey protein concentrate. The effects of fouling by whey proteins where it can be disassembled and mechanically cleaned outside
on several ow arrangements of a plate heat exchanger equipped the modules. Zhu and Liao [185] conducted experiments for heat
with straight corrugation plates using the measurement of both transfer and pressure drop of water owing in the all-welded plate
the overall heat transfer coefcient and the dry masses of deposit heat exchangers with various plate numbers, plate width and plate
were studied [166,167]. The inuences of calcium concentrations, length. Recently, the heat transfer and pressure drop characteris-
Reynolds number and temperature played an important role on tics of welded type plate heat exchangers for absorption application
the deposit structure and the rate of growth of whey protein using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique was exam-
deposition in a plate heat exchanger [168]. An antifouling coat- ined and showed that the plate with the elliptical shape gave better
ing with low surface energy (low wettability) led to a hydrophobic performance than the plate of the chevron shape [186].
and oleophobic effect. Coating stainless steel plate surfaces with
commercially available food-grade materials; Lectrouor-641TM ,
graded Ni-P-PTFE, and AMC148-18 was one option to be used 6. Other related areas
for possible thermal energy savings in food processing equipment
[169]. Polyurethane coated plates using nano-composites coatings In plate heat exchangers, compensating for end effect is crit-
had shown to reduce considerably fouling inside gasketed plate ical issue in the performance calculations and was addressed by
heat exchangers used in milk production [170]. Polley and Abu-Khader [187]. Plate-n heat exchangers are cate-
Monitoring of fouling formation is another direction of research. gorized as a compact heat exchanger due to its relatively high heat
The on-line monitoring to verify assumptions regarding heat transfer surface area to volume ratio. They are mostly used for low
exchanger fouling, strainer design, and material compatibility was temperature services such as natural gas, air separation plants and
considered by Nolan and Scott [171]. They used side stream monitor aerospace industry. The designs include crossow [188190] and
(SSM) as a useful test platform for the selection and optimiza- counterow coupled with various n congurations. Recent review
tion of a chemical treatment program for control of bio-fouling in on plate-n exchangers was presented by Sheik Ismail [191]. An
raw water service. Also, the EAF technology was developed for the extensive works on thermo-hydraulic models [192,193], design
purpose of mitigating scales in both plate-and-frame and shell-and- methods [194], plate geometry and n type effect [195197], siz-
tube heat exchangers by Cho and Choi [172]. Whereas, Rivero and ing of multistream plate-n exchanger [198203], two phase ow
Napolitano [173] described a practical procedure based on articial [204,205], particulate fouling effect [206], cost optimization [207]
neural networks (ANN) that allowed the prediction of the deposit and numerical and CFD simulations [208212] were investigated.
thickness, the overall heat transfer coefcient and the critical time
for reducing the impact of fouling on Pasteurization processes. 7. Conclusions
Recently, Merheb et al. [174] proposed a new acoustic technique
to monitor fouling inside PHE in real time. The selected areas discussed in this review are ones had more
Plates are normally manufactured in stainless steel as a stan- attention in last decade. Further research in different aspects in
dard material which was experimentally studied for the liquid-pase these areas can be suggested and extra work can be carried out.
particulate fouling [175]. But titanium and aluminum brass are Some of these ideas which need developing and polishing such
commonly used. As a result of the technology, the surface improve- as: (a) compactness and downsized exchanger without the loss
ment of aluminum alloy specimen was achieved without thermal of thermal-hydraulic performance which is a crucial matter for
degradation and surface treatment to enhance the corrosion resis- the industry applications, (b) theoretical development of the he
tance [176]. Danilova equation and the Steiner boiling correlation adapted to
1888 M.M. Abu-Khader / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 18831891

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