Treinamento - Sheetmetal
Treinamento - Sheetmetal
Treinamento - Sheetmetal
Parametric 2.0
Course Objectives
The typical sheetmetal design process can be summarized by five high-level steps.
n Primary Walls
n Secondary Walls
n Other Sheetmetal Features
n Flat States
n Detail Drawings Figure 1 Primary Walls
It is important to understand some fundamental characteristics of the Sheetmetal mode in Creo Parametric.
n Constant
n Driving (green)
and offset (black)
n Formed or flat
n Developed length
Figure 1 Wireframe
Display of Driving
(Green) and Offset
(Black) Sides Figure 3 Flat Pattern
Understanding Developed Length
Creo Parametric can automatically calculate the developed length of most sheetmetal bends.
There are three methods for creating a new sheetmetal model. One method is to create a new sheetmetal
model in Part mode.
There are three methods for creating a new sheetmetal model. One method is to convert a solid model to a
sheetmetal model.
Figure 3 Two Unattached Primary Walls Figure 4 Secondary Wall Merged at Both Ends
Creating Planar Walls
You can use the Extrude tool to create a primary wall feature.
You can use the Revolve tool to create a primary wall feature.
Multiple sections can join together to create a Blend Primary Wall feature.
There are many less common but often useful types of primary walls.
Secondary flat walls are planar walls that are attached to a straight edge of an existing wall.
Figure 3 L Figure 4 T
Using Flange Walls
A flange wall is a folded sheetmetal wall that is attached to straight or swept edges.
You can use the Extrude tool to create extruded walls to handle special modeling requirements.
Extruded Walls
n For non-circular bends
n Constant thickness
Thickness set by primary wall
n No automatic bends
n No automatic thickness side
n No automatic attachment Figure 1 Elliptical Bend Example
Merge Walls tool necessary for attachment
Wall dashboard options enable you to fully capture your design intent in Creo Parametric sheetmetal walls.
n Placement
n Shape/Profile
n Offset
n Relief
n Bend Allowance
n Properties
n Thickness Side
Figure 1 Offset: Figure 3 Offset: Figure 4 Offset:
n Bend/No Bend Figure 2 Offset:
None Automatic By Value
n Bend Radius Add to Part Edge
n I/O Bend
Using Partial and Overextended Walls
Partial walls are walls that do not extend to the end of the referenced edge or edge chain.
Bend reliefs and corner reliefs are often necessary when creating secondary walls.
Figure 1 No Bend Relief Figure 2 Rip Bend Relief Figure 3 Stretch Bend Relief
Bend reliefs and corner reliefs are often necessary when creating secondary walls. (cont'd.)
You can use extend and trim walls to lengthen or shorten existing walls.
n Extending an edge.
Extend an edge by distance or reference plane.
n Extending an edge with Adjacent Surface and
Along Boundary Edge options.
Create a sharp edge or blend the boundary edge. Figure 1 Extending an Edge
n Using Extend to trim an edge.
Remove material by using the Extend tool.
A merge wall combines two or more unattached walls into one contiguous piece of sheetmetal.
Figure 1 Tangent Lines Shown as Phantom Figure 2 Tangent Lines Shown as Phantom
Lines: Before Merge Lines: After Merge
Module 5 : Bending and Unbending Sheetmetal
A transition deforms the surface between a bend and a section of the model that is to remain flat.
A planar bend is formed around an axis perpendicular to the driving surface and sketching plane.
You can unbend both a wall and a bend as long as the material is developable and able to unbend.
n Unbend types:
All surfaces and bends or specific areas.
Rip out deformation areas.
Optional relief geometry.
Flatten all forms.
Cross Section Driven
Select or sketch the Xsec curve. Figure 1 Original Model
You create the bend back feature to return an unbent feature to its original condition.
Figure 2 Unbend and Extrude Feature Figure 3 Bend Back: Default and Keep Contour
Previewing and Creating Flat Patterns
A flat pattern is similar to unbending all walls, except that it always remains as the last feature in the model tree.
A flat state refers to the creation of a flat and formed version of the part model.
Sheetmetal cuts are created normal to the part surface while solid cuts are created normal to the sketch plane.
Types of Cuts
n Sheetmetal Cut
n Solid Cut
You use notches and punches as templates to cut and relieve sheetmetal walls.
Corner relief helps prevent unwanted deformation by controlling the sheetmetal material behavior.
Sketched forms allow you to quickly create forms that are sketch based rather than having to use a separate
Figure 2 Sketch for Punch Form Figure 3 Sketch for Piercing Form
Flattening Forms and Unstamping Edges
You can add rips to your models to help flatten otherwise unbendable geometry.
n Edge Rip:
Define sets.
Define edge treatment and gap setting per set.
Edge trimming.
n Surface Rip:
Define sets. Figure 1 Creating an Edge Rip
Action-object workflow enables auto-complete.
n Sketched Rip:
Internal or external sketch.
Flip sketch projection direction.
Other options.
Figure 2 Part with Two Edge Bend Sets Figure 3 Partial Edge Bend Applied
Joining Walls
You can use Join to combine two non-connected sheetmetal walls that intersect.
Figure 2 Multiple Flip Arrows for Trimming Geometry Figure 3 Bend Radius Automatically Added
Patterning Walls
You can now pattern walls using direction and reference patterns.
You can control the location of a bend feature by adding a Bend Line Adjustment (BLA).
Figure 2 Relation to Control the Bend Line Location Figure 3 Bend Line Adjusted
Using Bend Tables for Bend Allowances
You can use bend tables, instead of the system default equation, to calculate the developed lengths of bends.
You can specify a default reference for the fixed surface for unbend and bend back features.
Figure 2 Unbend Uses Fixed Surface Figure 3 Bend Back Uses Fixed Surface
Info Tools and Reports
Reports provide information about bends, radii, bend tables, and design rules for your model.
You can use the Conversion tool to make undevelopable parts developable when you convert an existing model
to a sheetmetal model.
Flat states enable you to add the fully formed and fully flat views of your designs to a drawing.
You use the Auto Ordinate command to create ordinate dimensions automatically.
n Select the surfaces to dimension.
n Select edge, curve, or datum as the baseline.
A bend line note describes the basic information about the bend type, bend direction, and bend angle.
The bend order table is used to document the bend order for manufacturing.