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PIV Study of A 45° Piched Blade Turbine: Up and Down-Pumping Direction Effect On The Hydrodynamic Structure in A Stirred Tank

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International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97

DOI: 10.5923/j.mechanics.20130304.05

PIV Study of a 45 Piched Blade Turbine: Up and

Down-Pumping Direction Effect on the Hydrodynamic
Structure in a Stirred Tank
Bilel Ben Amira, Zied Driss* , Mohamed Salah Abid

Laboratory of Electro-M echanic Systems (LASEM ), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax (US), B.P. 1173,
Road Soukra km 3.5, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia

Abstract In this paper, we are interested in analysing the hydrodynamic structure of turbulent flo w for up- and
down-pumping pitched six-blade turbines in wh ich the blade inclination is equal to 45. Particle image velocimet ry (PIV)
technique was used to evaluate the distribution of the velocity field, the absolute velocity, the mean instantaneous velocity,
the vortices, the turbulent kinetic energy, the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent viscosity.
Experimental results are taken fro m the vertical measurement plane which is located in the middle of two blades. In this
respect, concerning the up-pumping configuration, the volume above the impeller is more extended than in the
down-pumping configuration. However, in the down-pu mping configuration, the volu me below the impeller is more
extended than in the up-pumping configuration.
Keywords Pitched Blade Turbines, up, down, Pu mping, Turbulent Flow, PIV

reaction kinetics to understand the reasons behind producing

1. Introduction the unexpected enhanced combustion. In addition, Roudsari
et al.[7] used mult iple reference frames (M RF) technique,
As far as mechan ically ag it at ed t an k is concern ed , k model, and Eulerian Eulerian approach to model the
impeller geometries have been carried out with experimental mixing o f water in o il emu lsion in a lab-scale mixing tank
and numerical studies. Mechanically agitated tank has been equipped with a Rushton turbine impeller. Falo la et al.[8]
studied over a wide range o f labo ratory and industrially developed a mathematical model to predict the appearance of
con d it ions , in o rder to imp rov e t he ag it at ion energy the reliably mixing in stirred vessels of a given geometry,
efficien cy . In fact , A mmar et al.[1] used a CFD co de and its effect on the crystallizat ion kinetics and crystal
"Fluen t" t o study th e effect o f th e tan k d esig n o n t he product properties. Torop[9] developed an algorithm to
hydrodynamic structu re in three tan ks. Karray et al.[2] estimate the statement of the problem and realizat ion of the
d eveloped a sp ecific co de to so lv e the flu id -st ruct u re probability hazard analysis of safe operation of pipeline
interact ion in a mixing vessel equ ipped with a Rushton systems, tanks, and pressure vessels. Driss et al.[10]
turbine. Kchaou et al.[3] used a computational fluid dynamic developed a specific co mputational fluid dynamics (CFD)
model to study the hydrodynamic behaviour induced by a code to predict the turbulent flow in a stirred tank equipped
flat-b lade turbine, and a p itched-blade turbine in a stirred with three pitched blade turbines (PBT). On the other hand,
vessel. Aubin et al.[4] used a computational flu id dynamics other experimental studies were developed. Thereby,
to estimate the single phase turbulent flow in a stirred tank by Fontaine et al.[11] used two-dimensional particle image
a down- and up-pu mping p itched blade turbine. Moreover, velocimetry (PIV) to evaluate the effect of highly shear -
Bert rand et al.[5] used co mput at ional flu id dyn amics thinning and viscoelastic behaviour on the performance of
calcu lations based on large-eddy simu lat ion (LES) and a the mixer equipped with a Max blend, using Newtonian and
sub-grid model o f micro-mi xing to model the u ran iu m non-Newtonian fluids in laminar and early t ransitional
oxalate precipitation for an unbaffled reactor. Linteris et al.[6] regimes. Co le et al.[12] measured the trajectory of tracer
used a numerical method to calcu late the thermodynamic particles with positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) in a
equilibriu m and the perfectly -stirred reactor with detailed Rushton stirred vessel. Ben A mira et al.[13] studied the
effect of the recorded images in the vessel performance
* Corresponding author:
zied.driss@enis.rnu.tn (Zied Driss) equipped with eight flat b lades turbine for a PIV experience.
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/mechanics Also, Driss et al.[14] studied the seeding particle mass
Copyright 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved quantity effect in the PIV measurement in a stirred vessel
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97 89

equipped by a Rushton turbine. Li et al.[15] used the PIV the height of the vessel is taken equal to its diameter
technique to calculate the velocity field generated by a (H=D=300 mm).
Rushton turbine. Driss et al.[16] used 2D PIV technique to
study the turbulent flow inside a cylindrical baffled stirred
vessel with a set of speed that was selected ranging from 100
rpm to 350 rp m. Escudi and Lin[17] used two-dimensional
PIV technique to analy ze the different types of
hydrodynamics that coexist in the tank equipped with a
Rushton turbine. Ben A mira et al.[18] studied the blade
inclination effect o f three d ifferent turbines characterised by
the inclination angles equals to =45, =60 and =75.
Houcine et al.[19] described the mixing in a tank equipped
with different agitation devices (Rushton turbine and mixed
TTP propeller) with a very low power input, by means of the
laser induced fluorescence technique. Gu illard et al.[20] used
Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) to investigate the
turbulent mixing process in a model stirred tank equipped
with t wo Rushton turbines of standard geometry. Kawase et
al.[21] studied the laminar boundary-layer heat transfer in a
stirred tank with non-Newtonian fluids, experimentally and
Figure 1. Experimental apparatus
Relying on these results, the study of the blade geomet ric
is important to ameliorate the efficiently of the tank. Thereby,
45 p itched blade turbine is proposed for the up and down

2. Experiment Device
The schematic illustration of experimental apparatus was
shown in figure 1. The characterization of the hydrodynamic
structure of the turbulent flow in our experience was
provided by a two dimensional particle image velocimetry (a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
system (PIV). Thus, the PIV system consists of a Nd:YA G Figure 2. Up and down pumping 45 pitched six blade turbines
laser equipped with double cavity, and producing a green
beam at 532 n m wave length. Each cav ity produces a 30 mJ 3. Results
of energy, whereas, the successive pairs of pulses were
separated by 200 s. The images are recorded through a high The experimental results were presented in the
dynamic 14 b it cooled CCD camera system with a resolution azimuthally p lane which is located in the middle of t wo
of 1600 x 1200 and a clock frequency equal to 1.6 GHz. The blades. In this respect, the tangential velocity at the tip of the
CCD camera is equipped with an integrated image memo ry blade is equal to Vtip =0.8 m.s -1 . The Reynolds number is
(cam RAM) into the camera itself (512 M B), and enables equal to Re=26010.
unmatched fast image recording with 160 M B.s -1 . The
synchronization between the different PIV co mponents is 3.1. Velocity Fiel d
controlled by a mini-synchronizer. This device is co mposed Figure 3 shows the velocity field for both the 45 PBTU
of a 16 b its micro-controller operating at 25 MHz and and 45 PBTD. Therefore, the velocity in the main
minimu m time resolution for all signals equal to 40 ns. In recircu lation loop- near or far the impeller- does not exceed
addition, the mean diameter of the Polyamide microspheres 45 % o f the Utip maximu m and 0.075 % of the Utip min imu m.
particles is equal to 20 m, and their mass quantity is equal to In fact, two different zones are presented. The first zone is in
0.15 g inside the whole vessel volume. An electrical motor is the levels of the z higher than the impeller, and the second, in
mounted above the vessel to maintain the movement of the the z lo wer than the impeller. In fact, one of these zones is
turbine. As shown in figure 2, the experimental study characterized by the vortices attached to the blade and the
consists of the up- and down-pump ing pitched six-blade passage of the vortices from the previous blade. However,
turbines in which the blade inclination is equal to 45 (45 the other zone is characterized with the absence of vortices.
PBTU and 45 PBTD). The diameter of the impeller is equal Obviously, in the up-pump ing configuration, the vo lu me
to d=100 mm. The turbine was mounted in axial position above the impeller is more extended than in the down -
equal to c=100 mm fro m the bottom of the tank. In addit ion, pumping configuration. However, in the down-pu mping, the
90 Bilel Ben Amira et al.: PIV Study of a 45 Piched Blade Turbine: Up and Down-Pumping
Direction Effect on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Stirred Tank

volume below the impeller is more extended than in the up - affected by the flow loop and relatively quiescent, with
pumping configuration. In this case, two main recirculation velocities of 0.075 % Vtip .
loops are presented in the up-pumping configuration in
Umoy = 35.9.10 -3 m.s-1 Umoy = 36.1.10 -3 m.s-1
which one is localized in the third upper zone of the vessel Umax = 219.10 -3 m.s-1 Umax = 357.5.10 -3 m.s-1
close to the free surface and the second is localized in the
middle zone near the wall of the vessel. Nevertheless, there
are no vortices presented in the bottom of the vessel which
has the lowest velocity. However, one main circu lation loop
is presented in the down-pumping configuration, and
localized in the bottom of the vessel and near the vessel wall.
In addition, there are no vortices presented in the volume
above the impeller with the lowest velocity.
Close to the impeller, the stream discharged fro m the
blade causing a local velocity in the up - pu mping
configuration. Whereas, the velocity increases as the fluid
accelerates fro m a down ward to an upward direction in the
upper reaches of the vessel. In fact, the sloping stream turns
vertically close to the impeller. Then, velocity direction
becomes vertically upward and downward along the side
wall. On the other hand, for the down-pu mp ing configuration,
(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
the velocity increases as the flu id accelerates fro m an upward
to a downward direct ion in the inferior part of the vessel. In Figure 3. Velocity field
fact, the sloping stream turns vertically close to the impeller,
3.2. Absolute Velocity
then, confined by the bottom wall. It turns horizontally, and,
then, moves vertically upward along the side wall. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the absolute velocity for
In addition, considering the up-pumping configuration, both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. Therefore, the region
the highest values of velocity are in the impeller d ischarge with the high value is located in the same direction of the
region in which U max =27.4 % Vtip and Umoy =4.49 % Vtip . A stream d ischarge. In fact, the area with the h ighest values is
similar situation has been observed in the down-pu mping presented between the two main recircu lation loops for the
configuration, whilst Umax = 44.7 % Vtip and Umoy =4.51 % Vtip . up-pumping turbine. Fu rthermore, this area is localized in
Consequently, the velocity in the down-pu mping the bottom of the tank for the down-pu mping turb ine. In
configuration is g reater than the velocity in the up-pu mping addition, the velocity value decreases as it goes away from
configuration. The secondary flow is generated due to the the blade.
gravity force. Furthermore, this phenomenon can be clearly
observed in the other zones of the vessel, whilst they are less



0.15 0.25





(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
Figure 4. Absolute velocity
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97 91

3.3. Absolute rms Vel ocity 0.35

Figure 5 shows the distribution of the absolute rms 0.2

velocity for both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. Similarly, as 0.3

the absolute velocity, the region with the high value is 0.25
located in the same direction of the stream discharge. In fact, 0.15

the area with the highest values is presented between the two 0.2

main recircu lation loops for the up-pumping turbine.

Furthermore, this area is localized in the bottom of the tank 0.15

for the down-pu mping turb ine. In addit ion, the velocity value
decreases as it goes away from the blade. Moreover, the 0.05
absolute rms velocity areas are larger than the absolute 0.05

velocity areas.
(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
Figure 5. Absolute rms velocity

(a) 45 PBTU

(b) 45 PBTD
Figure 6. Variation of the mean instantaneous velocity with time
92 Bilel Ben Amira et al.: PIV Study of a 45 Piched Blade Turbine: Up and Down-Pumping
Direction Effect on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Stirred Tank

3.4. Mean Instantaneous Vel ocity configuration.

Figure 6 shows the variation of the mean instantaneous 3.6. Shear Strai n
velocity with time, for, both, the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD.
Subsequently, for the two applications, the x-axis presents Figure 8 shows the distribution of the shear strain for both
the time axis in which the unit of time reflects to one shaft the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. Therefore, tow maximu m
rotation which represents one acquisition of the paired areas were presented. The first area represents the highest
images. Therefore, the shaft takes 0.4 second for one turn. values and the second area represents the lowest values. In
Thereby, it is clear that the flow oscillates in a sinusoidal fact, the maximu m areas are localized close to the blade in
form-in wh ich the highest fluctuation represents the top of the same direct ion of the stream discharge. The bulk region
the main oscillation. Furthermore, it is shown that the of the tank is presented with the medium value. Furthermore,
fluctuation interval of the mean velocity in the the down-pitched blade turbine is described with the highest
down-pumping configuration is greater than that in shear strain values.
up-pumping configuration. The interval of the mean velocity
in the down-pumping configuration is equal to V=22.3 10-3
m.s -1 , whereas, the mean velocity in the up-pumping
configuration is equal to V=18.5 10-3 m.s -1 . In this context,
it is shown that V is greater at the beginning of the
experience, and it decreases at the end, for up-pu mping
configuration. Ho wever, V is lower at the beginning of the
experience and it increases at the end, for down-pu mping

3.5. Vorticity
Figure 7 shows the distribution of the vorticity for both the
45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. It presents the trailing vortices (a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
fro m the blade to the bulk region of the tank. In fact, the Figure 7. Vortices
maximu m values are observed in two locations
corresponding to the location of highest value and the lowest
values for both up- and down-pumping configurations.
Consequently, the highest and lowest local vortices values
were found at the impeller level, and they become mediu m
moving both upward and downward fro m this level. In
addition, the furthest regions away from the impeller are
obtained due to the vortex generated by the previous blade.
Thereby, the area of the highest values is larger than that of
the lowest values, in the up-pumping configuration. Hence,
the highest vortices values become larger and mo re d iffuse in
the bulk of the discharge flow. But the area of the lowest
value is more d istinct and localized at the upper reaches of
the impeller. Indeed, it has been observed that the value of
the highest vortices is much lo wer than the absolute lowest Figure 8. Shear Strain
vortices value. On the other hand, the highest vortices values
are presented in t wo different areas in the down- pu mping 3.7. Turbulent Ki netic Energ y
configuration. Thereby, the area o f the h ighest values is mo re Figure 9 shows the distribution of the turbulent kinetic
distinct, and localized downer the impeller than that of the energy for both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. The
lowest values. In fact, the down-pumping turbine transfers transportation of the turbulent kinetic energy is consistent
the vortex at lowest values to the region near the bottom of with the movement of the trailing vortices, wh ich results in
the tank, then, it is diffused in the bulk of the discharge flow. energy transfer fro m the blade to the bulk reg ion of the tank.
Also, it has been observed that the value of the highest Generally, the region with high turbulent kinetic energy is
vortices is much higher than the absolute lowest vortices located in the interaction area of the trailing vortices. In
value. Afterward, it has been noted that the vortices high addition, the regions furthest away from the impeller are
value of the down-pump ing configuration is greater than the obtained due to the vortices generated by the previous blade.
vortices high value of the up-pumping configuration. Consequently, the turbulent kinetic energy in the up
However, the absolute value of the lowest vortices of the -pump ing configuration has two maximu m regions. The first
down-pumping configuration is lower than the absolute is localized in the in ferior area o f the impeller, and, the
value of the lo west vortices of the up-pu mping second, in the upper area of the impeller. In fact, the faraway
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97 93

region is localized in the same direction of the velocity impeller are obtained due to the vortex generated by the
acceleration, between the two main circulation loops. previous blade. Consequently, the dissipation rate of the
However, the narrowest area is localized close to the turbulent kinetic energy in the up-pumping configuration has
impeller due to the absence of the vortices. Furthermore, two distanced areas. One of these areas is localized below the
there is an overlap between the areas of maximu m turbulent impeller, and, the second one is localized above the impeller.
kinetic energy, but, they become larger and more diffuse in In fact, the faraway region is localized in the same direction
the bulk of the discharge flo w. The rest of the bulk reg ion of of the velocity acceleration, between the two main
the tank has the lowest values of the turbulent kinetic energy. circulat ion loops, and it represents the largest area. However,
However, it is clear that the regions of the high turbulent the narrowest area is localized close to the impeller due to the
kinetic energy in the down-pu mping configuration are mo re absence of the vortices. Furthermore, two areas of maximu m
distinct. In fact, the down-pump ing turbine t ransfers the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy have been
turbulent kinetic energy to the region near the bottom o f the observed with so me overlap, above the impeller. Thus, they
tank. Therefore, in this case, it has been observed that the become larger and mo re d iffuse in the bulk of the d ischarge
turbulent kinetic energy region which is generated with one flow. The rest of the bulk reg ion of the tank has the lowest
main circu lation loop is different fro m the one in the double values. However, it is clear that the regions of high
main circulation loops which are transferred to the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy in the
upper-right region of the turbine. Furthermore, the region of down-pumping configuration are mo re distinct and localized.
high turbulent kinetic energy is d iffused in the bulk of the In fact, the down-pumping turbine transfers the energy to the
discharge flow. Afterward, it has been observed that the high region near the bottom of the tank. Furthermo re, the region
turbulent kinetic energy value of the down-pu mping of high dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy is
configuration is greater than the high turbulent kinetic diffused in the bulk of the discharge flow. Therefore, it has
energy value of the up-pumping configuration. been observed that the regions which are generated with one
main circulation loop are different fro m the one in the double
3.8. Dissipati on Rate of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy main circulat ion loops. In addition, a second maximu m
Figure 10 shows the dissipation rate of the turbulent region is presented on the left of the tank, near the shaft and
kinetic energy for both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. In fact, the free surface, due to the reflection. Afterward, it has been
the region with high dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic observed that the high dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic
energy is located in the interaction area of the trailing energy value of the down-pumping configuration is greater
vortices. In addition, the regions furthest away fro m the than the up-pumping configuration.



0.05 0.12




0.01 0.02

(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
Figure 9. T urbulent kinetic energy
94 Bilel Ben Amira et al.: PIV Study of a 45 Piched Blade Turbine: Up and Down-Pumping
Direction Effect on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Stirred Tank







0.005 0.015



0 0
(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
Figure 10. Dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy

4 4
x 10 x 10
3.5 10





1 3


0 0
(a) 45 PBTU (b) 45 PBTD
Figure 11. T urbulent viscosity

impeller. Generally, these regions -with high turbulent

3.9. Turbulent Viscosity
viscosity- are located in the interaction area of the trailing
Figure 11 shows the distribution of the turbulent viscosity vortices. In fact, the faraway region is localized in the same
for both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. In fact, the direction of the velocity accelerat ion, between the two main
transportation of the turbulent viscosity is consistent with the circulat ion loops. Furthermore, the areas of high turbulent
movement of the trailing vortices, which results in energy viscosity have been observed with some overlap. Then, they
transfer fro m the blade to the bulk reg ion of the tank. become larger and mo re d iffuse in the bulk of the d ischarge
Therefore, the turbulent viscosity in the up-pumping flow. Ho wever, the narrowest area is below the turbine, close
configuration has two maximu m regions. One of these areas to the impeller. In this respect, the reg ions of high turbulent
is below the impeller, and, the second one is above the viscosity in the down-pu mping configuration are mo re
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97 95

distinct and localized. In fact, the down-pumping turbine Therefore, it has been observed that the up and the down
transfers the turbulent kinetic energy to the region near the configurations have a similar distribution, whilst the up
bottom of the tank. Furthermo re, the region of high turbulent configuration is greater than the down configuration.
viscosity is diffused in the bulk of the discharge flo w. In Actually, figure 17 illustrates the radial profile of the
addition, the rest of the bulk region of the tank has the lowest normalized turbulent viscosity distribution. Results show
values of turbulent viscosity, for both up- and down - that a Gaussian distribution is presented in the up -
pumping configurations. Afterward, it has been observed configuration. Furthermore, the maximu m pick is localized
that the highest turbulent viscosity value (t =105465) o f the near the shaft for the up-configuration, and near the vessel
down-pumping configurat ion is greater than the highest wall for the down one.
turbulent viscosity value of the up-pump ing configuration
(t =36994).

3.10. Turbulent Intensity

Figure 12 shows the distribution of the turbulent kinetic
energy for both the 45 PBTU and 45 PBTD. In fact, areas
with the highest value are d istinct and spread in the bulk
region of the vessel. In addition, it is clear that the flow
generated by the down-pitched blade is more intense than the
flow generated by the up-pitched blade turbine.
(a) 45 PBTU

(b) 45 PBTD
Figure 13. Radial profile of the axial velocity (W=f(r))

Figure 12. T urbulent intensity

3.11. Profiles
Figures 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 report the radial profiles of
the velocity field and the turbulent characteristics. These
results are plotted in axial positions equal to z/H=1.5. In fact,
the radial pro file of the axial velocit ies is displayed in figure
13. Therefore, it has been observed that the axial velocity of
the 45 PBTU is positive, near the shaft, and, decreases near (a) 45 PBTU
the tank wall. However, for the 45 PBTD the axial velocity
is positive, near the shaft, and, increases near the tank wall,
as a sinusoidal trajectory. Radial vorticity profiles are shown
in figure 14. In fact, for the 45 PBTU the vorticity issued
with a sinusoidal trajectory which dampens moving away
fro m the shaft. Nevertheless, the reverse phenomenon is
produced for the 45 PBTD. Moreover, for the radial
distribution of the normalized turbulent kinetic energy, both
up and down configurations have the same value near the
wall of the tank (figure 15). However, the up configuration is
greater than the down configuration at the other radial
positions. Figure 16 shows the radial distribution of the (b) 45 PBTD
normalized dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy. Figure 14. Vorticity radial profiles (=f(r))
96 Bilel Ben Amira et al.: PIV Study of a 45 Piched Blade Turbine: Up and Down-Pumping
Direction Effect on the Hydrodynamic Structure in a Stirred Tank

down configuration. In fact, in the up-pump ing configuration,

the volume above the impeller is more extended than in the
down-pumping configuration. However, in the down -
pumping, the vo lu me belo w the impeller is mo re extended
than in the up-pumping configuration. In this case, two main
circulat ion loops are presented in the up - pu mping
configuration. One main circulation loop is presented in the
down-pumping configurat ion, and is localized in the bottom
of the vessel, near the vessel wall. These results explain the
(a) 45 PBTU
difference between the up and the down 45-pitched blade
turbines. In the future, other configurations will be proposed
by the means of the stereoscopic particle image velocimetry

(b) 45 PBTD
Figure 15. Normalized radial profile of the turbulent kinetic energy
(a) 45 PBTU

(a) 45 PBTU

(b) 45 PBTD
Figure 17. Normalized radial profile of the turbulent viscosity (t=f(r))

d diameter of the impeller (mm).
c turbine is axial position (mm).
H vessel height (mm).
D vessel diameter (mm).
(b) 45 PBTD Re Reynolds number (dimensionless).
N Shaft speed (rpm).
Figure 16. Normalized radial profile of the dissipation rate of the turbulent W axial velocity (ms-1 ).
kinetic energy (=f(r)) Vtip tangential velocity at the blade tip (m.s-1).
V interval of the mean velocity (m.s-1).
Umoy mean velocity (m.s-1 ).
4. Conclusions Umax maximum velocity (m.s-1 ).
Vortices (s-1 ).
This paper focuses on the experimental study of the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy
* =
pumping direct ion effect of the 45 up- and down-pitched ( 2N ) ( d 2 )
3 2
blades turbines. Several results are presented to modulate the k
k* = turbulent kinetic energy (dimensionless).
vessel for each blade configuration. In fact, it is shown that ( Nd )

for the up-configuration the vessel is mo re ag itated near the

shaft. However, it is more ag itated near the tank wall for the t turbulent viscosity (dimensionless).
International Journal of M echanics and Applications 2013, 3(4): 88-97 97

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using PIV", Chemical engineering research and design Vol.
91, pp. 7-17, 2013.
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