Odd Time Stickings: by Gary Chaffee
Odd Time Stickings: by Gary Chaffee
Odd Time Stickings: by Gary Chaffee
C h a f f e e
Contains: Compound Stickings for Odd-Meter
Time Playing and Soloing
by Gar y
ISBN-10: 0-7390-9668-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-9668-0
Contents 5
Combining Phrases....................................................................................................................56
6 Odd Time Stickings
This book is an extension of the Sticking Patterns book I wrote some years ago. In this volume were going to be
exploring how these stickings could be used in a variety of odd meters. The use of different meters has become much
more common in contemporary music, so its important for students to understand how they work and what you
can do with them. A number of sticking phrases will be shown for each meter. By working with these examples you
will become familiar with many of the ways they can be organized. You can then use them to create your own time
feel and solo ideas. For those of you who are already familiar with my sticking system, this should be very easy to do.
If, on the other hand, you are new to my system, it wont take long to see how everything works.
My Sticking System
The sticking system I created consists of just 11 stickings, and is based upon how the singles and doubles are
You may use the pulse above, or follow the groupings below.