Future of Internet Sources, Minnesota
Future of Internet Sources, Minnesota
Future of Internet Sources, Minnesota
Edyael joined Rural Strategies after serving as a consultant for our efforts in
the Gulf Coast in the fall and winter of 2006-2007. She has worked with the
Llano Grande Center for Research and Development, a nonprofit organization
dedicated to educational pursuits and community youth leadership, beginning
when she was a sophomore at Edcouch-Elsa High School in Elsa, Texas.
Edyael is one of four founders of the Llano Grande Center’s Spanish
Language Immersion Institute
Contact: edyael@ruralstrategies.org
Malkia is founder of the Center for Media Justice. Malkia is the recipient of
the Media Leader award from the Alliance for Community Media, the
Emerging Leader award from the Media That Matters Film Festival, and
other awards from the Media Justice Fund, Rock the Vote, and others.
Malkia has appeared on or in Democracy Now, Hard Knock Radio,
Breakdown FM, Free Speech TV, the documentary Outfoxed, the
documentary Broadcast Blues, the SF Weekly, the San Francisco Bay
Guardian, the New York Times, the Village Voice, and others.
Contact: malkia@centerformediajustice.org
Steven Renderos leads Minnesota’s Main Street Project's media justice and
community building efforts, including the Justice 2.0 training project and our
collaborative work with the nationwide Media Action Grassroots Network
Contact: steven@mainstreetproject.org
Andrea delivers media literacy presentations and trainings -- in New Mexico, across
the USA and internationally -- at professional and student conferences, at community
forums, on college campuses, and in middle schools and high schools. She leads
workshops for students, teachers, media activists, community organizers and health
professionals. Contact: andrea@medialiteracyproject.org