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Onboarding Packet

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Congratulations on your offer of employment with CROSSMARK! You have successfully completed the initial online
portion of the process. The information below will assist you in the completion of the remaining critical onboarding
that is required for employment with CROSSMARK.

You have 5 business days from your date of offer to complete all onboarding steps which include:

1. A correctly completed Form I-9 form (accompanied by copies of your supporting documents).
2. A drug screen (if required for your position).

Form I-9

Verify your information is correct in section 1 of the Form I-9. A CROSSMARK Supervisor will complete
section 2. If a CROSSMARK Supervisor is not available, you may use a Designated Agent. (A Designated
Agent is anyone 18 years of age or older, and not an immediate family member).
The Designated Agent must complete the enclosed CROSSMARK Designated Agent Form.
After verifying your information in section 1 of the Form I-9, make sure your full legal name is in the space
provided in Section 2 near the top of the form.
Make clear copies of the UNEXPIRED documents that were used to complete the Form I-9.
The CROSSMARK Supervisor or the Designated Agent will complete Section 2 and the Certification
Section. DO NOT complete the preparer/ translator portion or Section 3.
Fax the Form I-9, legible copies of your documents, and the CROSSMARK Designated Agent Form (if
applicable) together to 1-866-751-5118 or email to: Onboardingdocs@crossmark.com
Onboarding does not return calls if the information we receive is correct. We only call back when
corrections are needed.

Drug Screen (if required for your position)

Check for an email from First Advantage. Be sure to check your spam and junk folders if the email is not
found in your inbox.
Upon receiving your drug screen email, call one of the facilities listed to schedule an appointment.
It is important to allow adequate time to complete the drug screen. This could include staying at the
collection site for up to three (3) hours and drinking water (if needed) to enable you to provide an acceptable
DO NOT leave the collection site before completing the drug screen. Failure to complete the drug screening
process after you register (sign-in) at the collection site will result in your offer being rescinded.

When CROSSMARK receives the online forms, the correctly completed Form I-9, clear copies of your supporting
documents, the CROSSMARK Designated Agent Form (if applicable), the drug screen and background results (if
required), you will be processed through CROSSMARKs HR Department and issued an EID (employee identification
number). After receiving your EID, your supervisor will call you and you will receive emails with instructions for

If you have any questions please call the Onboarding Hotline at 1-866-855-7058. Please leave a detailed
message stating your name and number twice.

Thank you and we look forward to you joining the CROSSMARK TEAM!
CROSSMARK Designated Agent Form for Form I-9
Due to the nature of our business, CROSSMARK often hires remote workers. Because it is not
geographically feasible for this candidate to come to one of our offices for us to review his/her
documentation, we are authorizing you to act as our agent, as permitted by the U.S. Customs and
Immigration Service (USCIS).

The documents presented must be chosen by the individual from the attached List of Acceptable
Documents which verify their identity and work eligibility. You may not make recommendations
or requirements pertaining to the documents the candidate selects to present. Please review the
documentation following the attached instructions and complete Section 2 of the Form I-9. You
must sign, print your name, list your title as Agent and date in the CERTIFICATION SECTION.
Please see the attached SAMPLE I-9 and use it as a guide for completing the Form I-9.
You are not expected to be a document expert. We are only asking that you review these documents
and complete Section 2 of the Form I-9 to indicate that they reasonably appear to be genuine and
relate to the person completing Section 1 of the Form I-9. The Designated Agent, may not be an
immediate family member and must be at least 18 years of age.
Thank you for your assistance. Attached you will find the List of Acceptable Documents and the
example of a correctly completed Form I-9 for your reference. If you have any questions please do
not hesitate to contact us at 1-866-855-7058 for assistance.

Printed Name of CROSSMARK Candidate


I, the Agent attest that I am not an immediate family member of the candidate named above
and that I am 18 years of age or older.

CROSSMARK Designated Agent signature:


CROSSMARK Designated Agent (print name):

______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Please make sure that all highlighted areas are completed before faxing or

Emplofment EHglbillty Verification USCIS

Department ofHomeIaIld SceouIty ClMJJ No. 1615-0047
U.S. Ciliunobip and Immigxalion SaW:es BxpinI 0313112016

~START "ERE. _ _ cIIon. carflflllly _ ~"'nglhlo _ TII.....- . . . mu.. be ...1I1II1e during complollon or .... follll.
AIITJ.OI8CRMNATION NOTICE: It 18 Illegal to dl8crimlnale against wark-autl1orized Indlvlduala. Employara CANNOT specifywhlcll
document(s) 1I1ey Will_pi from an employ"". The refusslllo hire an indi'lldual because !he documents\fOn preoentad haa a MImI
expiration datil may aIIo cona1ltuta illegal dltaimina1lon.

Section 1. Employee Informlllton and Attntatlon (E'mpIoJ'lH'l must fIOI1I{IIeI.e MIl.., SecIIoo " ofForm I~ /10 Wet
!han 1M Ihf dq of~ but not".,.". accep/Jng apb o/rw )
Last Nama (Ftmily Nsme) _ ~,iI:a1 00tsr Nom.. Used (IIeoy)
Doe P none
Apt Number CltyorT...... Sllia ZIp Code
123 Ha~ Street none ~ppytown 11K 22222
DabI of Birth (~) US, SocIal SSCJnty Nu,mber E-mail Add..... llephone Num."..
01 / 01/1954 m~131313 131 goocImo=iJLge......hiD cOlll (222) 333-4444
Jem _ _ feda ... law Provldel for Imprl8anment ""diar II... for'.... rtf fal. . ~....ntI In
connection with ilia completion rtf thl. form.
IIIItNt, under .......ty 01 Pll'!ury. _ I ..... (~ .... rtf ... foIowIng):
j2g A ciIIzan of !he Unkad States
o A noncitizen national or the Uni18d States (See 1ns/nJr:/lons)
o A lawful permanent .....Ident (Allen RagIsIraIIDn Nun~bertuSICI:

o M sliln luihorizad 10 work unll (axplrlllan dlfe. if eppIICIII". '--_____ . Same ella.. may wrI!a "tIIA'!n IhII tIIlkI.
(See inaI1ucIJons)
For aN/lns authotlzed to -*. prrwtdB I'DLIr ARIIfI liegollltnli
1. Allen RegJstralion lIJumtlflrlUSClS Nun~ber,~
2. Form 1-94 Admission Number:_---'

Wyou ob1ained your admission IItr..a!oi..""IIOUI' anllvalln !he UnIted

StIItas. Include 111. follo""l11
Foneign Passport
Country of "'.uanoe: _ _.."....-:
Soma aliens may write 'NIA'

IIIIInt, un.r parudty of pa lit r ha. . _ldId In ilia pldon rtf this fonm end
Infomlldlon Ie true end COtnIct.
S 1uI'eof NT or TI8l1tIAatDr:

Last llllma (FemHy Nome) F1rotN


Forml-9 0lI0III13 N ",'09

Section 2. Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification
(Employers or thelf authorized representEitive must complete and SJgn Section 2 within 3 business days of the employee'sJlfst day of employment You
must physically examIne one documenUrom Ust A OR examine a combination of one dor;ument from LIst B and one document from List C as l/Stadon
the HLists ofAcceptable Documents" on the next page of this form For each document you reView, record the folloWlng'mformation document tdJe,
ISSUing a,uthorlty. document number; and expiration date, if any)

Employee Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial from Section 1: Doe, John P

List A OR List B AND Liste

Identity and Employment Authorization Identity Employment Authorization
Document Title: Document Tide: Document Title:
AK Drivers License Social Security Card
Issuing Authority: Issuing Authority: Issuing Authority:
Division of Motor Vehicles Social Security Admin
Document Number: Document Number: Document Number:
456789 111-22-3333
Expiration Date (if any)(mm/dd/yyyy): Expiration Date (if any)(mm/ddlyyyy): Expiration Date (if any)(mm/ddlyyyy):
01/01/2021 none
Document Title:

Issuing Authority:

Document Number:

.Expiration Date (if any)(mm/dd/yyyy):
I PL 3D Barcode
Document Title: Do Not Write in This Space

Issuing Authority:

Document Number:

Expiration Date (if any)(mm/ddlyyyy):

I attest, under penalty of perjury, that (1) I have examined the document(s) presented by the above-named employee, (2) the
abovelisted document(s) appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee named, and (3) to the best of my knowledge the

employee is authorized to work in the United States.

, fi rstd ay of empoyment ~mm/dd/yyyy)
The emp oyees (See instructions for exemptions)

Si~~rO~~ri:fJmtive IDate (mm/dd/yyyy) ITitle of Employer or Authorized Representative

04/30/2013 Retail Supervisor -or Agent
La'sn<rame(family Name) First Name (Given Name) Employer's Business or Organization Name
iEmployers Business or ~rganization Address (Street Number and Nama) City or Town State Zip Code
5100 Legacy Dr~ve Plano TX 75024

Section 3. Reverification and Rehires (To be completed and signed by employer or authonzed representatIVe.)
A. New Name (if applicable) Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name) I
Middle Initial B. Date of Rehire (if applicable) (mm/ddlyyyy):

C. If employee's previous grant of employment authorization has expired, provide the information for the document from List A or List C the employee
presented that establishes current employment authorization in the space provided below.
Document Title: Document Number: Expiration Date (if any)(mmlddlyyyyj:

I attest, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of my knowledge, this employee is authorized to work In the United States, and if
the employee presented document(s), the document(s) I have examined appear to be genuine and to relate to the individual.

Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative: Date (mm/ddlyyyy): Print Name of Employer or Authorized Representative:

Fonn 19 03/08113 N Page 8 of9

All documents must be UNEXPIRED

Employees may present one selection from List A

or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C .


Documents that Establish Documents that Establish Documents that Estsbllsh
Both Identity and F Identity Employment Authorization
Employment Authorization OR AND

1. U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card 1. Oriv.... s license or 10 card Issued by a 1. A Social Security Account Number
State or outlying possession of the card, unless the card includes one of
2. Permanent Resident Card or Allen
United States provided it contains a the following restrictions:
Registration Receipt Card (Form 1-551)
photograph or information such as (1) NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT
name, date of birth, gender, height, eye
3. Foreign passport that contains a color, and address (2) VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH
temporary 1-551 stamp ortemporary INS AUTHORIZATION
1-551 printed notation on a machine- 2. 10 card Issued by federal, state or local
readable immigrant visa government agencies or entities,
provided it contains a photograph or

4, Employment Authorization Document Information such as name, date of birth, 2. Certification of Birth Abroad Issued
that contains a photograph (Form gender, heigh~ eye color, and address by the Department of State (FOITTl
1-766) FS-545)
3. School 10 card with a photograph
5. For a nonimmigrant alien authorized
to wort< for a specific employer
because of his or her status:
4. Vot....s registration card
5, U.S. Military card or draft record
3. Certification of Report of Birth
issued by the Department of State
(Form DS-1350)
a, Foreign passport: and 4. Original or certified copy of birth
b. Form 1-94 or Form 1-94A that has 6. Military dependent's 10 card certificate issued by a State,
., county, municipal authority, or
the following : 7. U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner
territory of the United States
(1) The same name as the passport; Card
bearing an official seal
8. Native American tribal document 5. Native American tribal document
(2) An endorsement of the alien's
nonimmigrant status as long as 9. Driver's license Issued by a Canadian 6, U.S. C~izen 10 Card (Form 1-197)

that period of endorsement has govemment authority

not yet expired and the 7. Identification Card for Use of
proposed employment is not In For persons under age 18 who are Resident Citizen in the United
conflict with any restrictions or unable to present a document States (Form 1-179)
lim~ations identified on the form. listed above:
8. Employment authorization
6. Passport from the Federated States of document issued by the
Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of
10. School record or report card
Department of Homeland Security
the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form 11. Clinic, doctor, or hospital record
1-94 or Form 1-94A indicating
nonimmigrant admission under the 12. Day-care or nursery school record
Compact of Free Association Between
the United States and the FSM or RMI

Illustrations of many of these documents appear In Part 8 of the Handbook for Employers (M-274),

Refer to Section 2 of the Instructions, titled "Employer or Authorized Representative Review

and Verification," for more Information about acceptable receipts,

Form 1-9 03108113 N Page 9 0f 9


TO: CROSSMARK Onboarding Name:

FAX: 866-751-5118 TOTAL # OF PAGES:

PHONE: 866-855-7058 - Onboarding NUMBER



Check that the following items are included as a part of your fax:

______Form I9 (both pages, your name on the top of page two in the space

______ A clear copy of your document(s) used in Section 2 of the Form I-9.

______ The completed CROSSMARK Designated Agent Form if applicable.

Should you need assistance in completing the Form I9, please call the
Onboarding Hotline at 866-855-7058. Please leave a message if all agents
are busy. Please state your name and number twice. Thank you!!!

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