(Topics in English Linguistics 82) Elisa Mattiello-Extra-grammatical Morphology in English-Mouton de Gruyter (2013)
(Topics in English Linguistics 82) Elisa Mattiello-Extra-grammatical Morphology in English-Mouton de Gruyter (2013)
(Topics in English Linguistics 82) Elisa Mattiello-Extra-grammatical Morphology in English-Mouton de Gruyter (2013)
Elizabeth Closs Traugott
Bernd Kortmann
De Gruyter Mouton
Extra-grammatical Morphology
in English
Abbreviations, Blends, Reduplicatives,
and Related Phenomena
Elisa Mattiello
De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN 978-3-11-029386-9
e-ISBN 978-3-11-029539-9
ISSN 1434-3452
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.1. Lexical status of items . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2. Key references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3. Organisation of the work . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.1. Definition, delimitation, and classification . . . . . . 67
3.1.1. Definition of clipping . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.1.2. Delimitation: Clipping vs. other processes . . . . 70
3.1.3. Classification and structure of clippings . . . . 72
3.1.4. Definition of acronyms and initialisms . . . . . 82
3.1.5. Delimitation: Acronyms and initialisms vs. other
processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.1.6. Classification of acronyms and initialisms . . . . 87
3.1.7. Acronyms and initialisms: Further remarks . . . 93
3.2. Abbreviations as extra-grammatical phenomena . . . . 95
viii Contents
4. Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.1. Definition, delimitation, and classification . . . . . . 112
4.1.1. Definition and main features . . . . . . . . 112
4.1.2. Delimitation: Blending vs. other processes . . . . 115
4.1.3. Classification and structure of blends . . . . . 118
4.1.4. Blends: Further remarks . . . . . . . . . 125
4.2. Blending as an extra-grammatical phenomenon . . . . 127
4.2.1. Irregularities in blends . . . . . . . . . . 128
4.2.2. Regularities in blends . . . . . . . . . . 131
4.2.3. Predictability in blends . . . . . . . . . 135
4.2.4. Criteria of well-formedness . . . . . . . . 138
5. Reduplicatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5.1. Definition, delimitation, and classification . . . . . . 144
5.1.1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.1.2. Delimitation: Reduplication vs. other processes . . 146
5.1.3. Classification and structure of reduplicatives . . . 148
5.2. Reduplication as an extra-grammatical phenomenon . . 159
5.2.1. Irregularities in reduplicatives . . . . . . . 160
5.2.2. Regularities in reduplicatives . . . . . . . 162
5.2.3. Predictability in reduplicatives . . . . . . . 165
5.2.4. Criteria of well-formedness . . . . . . . . 167
8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Sources for data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Lexical index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Chapter 1
brings all the phenomena together and systematically investigates both their
irregularities and their regularities.
This book explores each phenomenon individually, but also makes inter-
nal comparisons between the various extra-grammatical operations, identify-
ing criteria of well-formedness and also principles of contextual suitability.
The aim is to motivate the preference for extra-grammatical formations over
regular ones, which may be observed in particular communicative contexts
and domains, both informal and technical.
In general, the present book aims to reopen and make a contribution to
the debate on the position that word-formation phenomena such as blend-
ing, alphabetisms and others occupy within the relevant morphological theo-
ries: namely, Generative Morphology (Aronoff 1976, 1983), Natural Mor-
phology (Dressler et al. 1987; Dressler 1999, 2005), Expressive (vs. Plain)
Morphology (Zwicky and Pullum 1987), and Extra-grammatical vs. Mar-
ginal Morphology (Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi 1994; Doleschal and
Thornton 2000).
More precisely, this book aims to show that, in contrast with what many
scholars claim (e.g. Aronoff 1976; Scalise 1984; Spencer 1991; Haspelmath
2002), extra-grammatical morphology is as worthy of morphological study
as grammatical morphology. In fact, a systematic study of the former may
allow a better understanding of the latter, and may therefore illuminate
research in morphology at large (Dressler 2000: 8).
At the same time, this book also argues against those who treat extra-
grammatical formations in the same way as grammatical ones (e.g. Cannon
1986, 2000; Bat-El 2000; Kemmer 2003), or who, like Plag (2003: 116
127), accommodate abbreviations of the type disco, NATO and USA within
grammatical word-formation (cf. Conti and Mattiello 2008; Mattiello
The present volume illustrates in what sense blending, acronym forma-
tion, and related phenomena violate universal properties and principles of
grammatical word-formation, and are therefore separate from the module of
morphological grammar (Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi 1994; Dressler
2000). Furthermore, it reconsiders extra-grammatical morphological phe-
nomena in the light of their preferred patterns, especially as regards parame-
ters of naturalness (Dressler 2005), and offers a (hopefully) clear-cut and
thorough taxonomy covering the processes involved.
Some of the phenomena considered in this work, namely reduplicatives
and phonaesthemes, interface with both morphology and phonology, as their
formation mechanisms draw on both systems. Other processes, such as ac-
ronyms and blends, are also discussed in terms of their pronounceability
4 Introduction
(3.2.4, 4.2.4), and many regularities in blends are related to their phonologi-
cal structure (4.2.2). Phonological issues, therefore, are dealt with in this
work insofar as they are helpful in describing the processes, the regularities
and the well-formedness of extra-grammatical formations. The analyses,
however, primarily concentrate on their morphology, since acronyms,
blends, reduplication, and related phenomena have traditionally been de-
scribed as word-formation devices.
My primary concerns in this work, then, are the following: 1) the identifi-
cation of the qualitative differences between extra-grammatical morphology
and the prototypical core of morphological grammar, and 2) a fine-grained
analysis of certain morphological phenomena that in the literature are either
considered irrelevant to linguistic theory or else erroneously included within
the treatment of regular word-formation. The boundary between what is to
be considered inside and what is, by contrast, outside morphological gram-
mar is defined. This definition accounts, for example, for the inclusion
within grammatical word-formation of secreted combining forms of the type
-holic (computerholic) and -scape (skyscape), although these are marginal
in morphology, since, in Dresslers (2000: 7) terms, they are non-
prototypical and, in particular, transitional between derivation and
compounding. Unlike blends, which are extra-grammatical because they are
obtained by an abbreviation and/or fusion process in a way which is only
partially predictable, combining forms can be described by regular morpho-
logical rules, in that they involve a secretion process preserving some seman-
tic features of the base words (alcoholic, landscape) in a productive way
(Warren 1990: 119; Mattiello 2007: 123127; cf. Fradin 2000).
With these purposes in mind, I take into consideration key concepts such
as creativity (Ronneberger-Sibold 2008) and analogy (Kiparsky 1992;
Bauer 2001), and distinguish them from more stable notions, i.e. productiv-
ity and regularity (Plag 1999, 2003; Bauer 2001). Bauer (2001: 64) pro-
poses that creativity and productivity be considered as hyponyms of innova-
tion, to be distinguished according to whether or not regularity (rule-
governedness) is envisaged. In Plags (2003) approach, all word-formation
phenomena exhibit identifiable regularities. This issue, in fact, is a complex
one, since the majority of scholars do not agree with this line of reasoning
and consider clipping, blending, acronym formation, etc. as non-rule-
governed processes, thus making it impossible for analysts to predict and
explain the kind of formation patterns that might typically be involved. From
a morphological point of view, these processes are considered unpredictable,
in the sense that we cannot predetermine how much of the original lexeme
will be retained in the new formation, nor can we identify stable criteria
Introduction 5
(chortle chuckle and snort), where the two words are so tightly inte-
grated (Kemmer 2003: 72) that there is no clear-cut distinction between the
various parts of the blend.
It will also be shown that the prevalence of some blending patterns over
others is not accidental, but principally motivated by criteria of well-
formedness such us analogy, pronounceability/euphony, recoverability, se-
mantic blocking, meaning prominence, saliency, and similarity. As we shall
see, they also tend to show preferences based on the Peircean semiotic prin-
ciples of iconicity/diagrammaticity, indexicality, transparency (vs. opacity),
biuniqueness, and figure/ground (Dressler 2005).
Blends are words obtained by fusing parts of at least two source words,
at least one of which is curtailed and/or there is a graphemic/phonemic over-
lap between them. Hence, they exhibit some sort of structural fusion, which
is reflected in their semantics; that is, beaulicious means both beautiful
and delicious, and infotainment includes both information and enter-
tainment in its meaning (cf. exo- vs. endo-centric blends in Bat-El 2006).
The formation of blends is therefore governed by the sub-parameter of con-
structional iconicity, in that their fusion in signans/form corresponds to fu-
sion in signatum/meaning.
Furthermore, blends tend towards transparency. Morphotactic transpar-
ency, which favours patterns where the beginning of at least one source word
is retained, holds in both beaulicious and infotainment, where the beginning
of a word is followed by the end of another. Yet patterns with two word
endings are not impossible in English (cf. Lehrer 2007), as netizen and neti-
quette demonstrate, but rather dispreferred because of the higher saliency
of word- and syllable-initial consonants (Thornton 1993: 147148). It
should be added that info and (the) net are no longer felt to be shortened
words, as they have now acquired more or less autonomous lexical status.
This facilitates the morphotactic analysis of blends such as infotainment
(info + entertainment)5 and netizen (net + citizen).
Morphotactic transparency also favours patterns which preserve as many
segments from the base words as possible. It is best illustrated by partial
(Thornton 1993) or overlap blends (Kemmer 2003), such as Bennifer and
Brangelina, where either the first or the second base is not shortened (Ben,
Angelina) and where there is an overlap between the source words (Benni-
fer, Brangelina). The tendency towards identity at the juncture of the source
words in a blend also facilitates recoverability, which is maximised in a
word such as slanguage, where the overlap admits the presence of both
bases in their full form.
Data 7
1.1. Data
isms and other Abbreviations, the web pages on BBC Learning Eng-
lish, and Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Further sources are listed
in the relevant section of the References.
The database contains a total of 1,871 examples, 535 of which are pure
clippings, clipped compounds, clipped names or hypocoristics, 278 are acro-
nyms and initialisms, 296 are blends, 360 are reduplicatives, 254 are back-
formations, 125 are infixed words, and 23 are phonaesthemes. All the exam-
ples (with the exception of hypothetical cases used to test predictability) are
reported in the Lexical index at the end of the book. This index is sub-
divided into categories, so as to facilitate consultation, and in the case of
infixation, there is a further sub-division according to the type of infix (63
expletive items, 26 -ma- items, 29 -iz- items, 5 -diddly- items, 2 -wait for it-
items). Within the category of reduplication, the shm-/schm- items (22) are
listed separately from the rest.
For many of the types of formation discussed, examples of authentic us-
age have been included. This data has been drawn from a variety of sources,
including films and television series, newspaper and magazine articles and
headlines, scientific journals, and the electronic archive Eur-Lex. Most of the
examples are to be found in chapter 7, which is a socio-pragmatic investiga-
tion of extra-grammatical formations, aimed at identifying the primary con-
texts and domains suited to such formations. The sources for this part of the
work are described at the beginning of section 7.3, and also listed in the
Sources for data section of the References.
In the database, I have included examples whose use is attested at least once
either in the relevant literature or in the various above-mentioned sources.
Needless to say, some of these formations are ephemeral creations, nonce
words or occasionalisms, rather than actual neologisms. In other words, the
database is heterogeneous, and includes both stable items (e.g. ad, ding-
dong, DNA, GP, and smog), and more ephemeral items. Examples of the
latter are the blends earthoon and moorth, which were suggested in 1964 by
the physicist George Gamow as names for the primordial body that vio-
lently split apart to become the earth and the moon (Bryant 1974: 178
[emphasis mine]; also in Bat-El 2006). Examples of more recent ephemeral
formations are the blends Go-Gurt and Wheatables, and the idiosyncratic
infixation porn-wait for it-ography used by a character in the sitcom How I
Key references 9
Before delineating the structure of the work, I would like to mention the
enormous and varied bibliography on the topics of extra-grammatical mor-
phology and creative phenomena. A seminal study including a clear-cut dif-
ferentiation between extra-grammatical morphology and morphological
grammar is Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi (1994). Here, however, the au-
thors investigation of the pragmatic meanings available through grammati-
cal morphology excludes extra-grammatical formations. Elsewhere, in a
chapter entitled Morphologie grammaticale et extragrammaticale, Fradin,
Montermini, and Plnat (2009: 2528) similarly identify universal criteria
for the classification of a lexical unit as either grammatical or extra-
grammatical, yet, again, their focus is on the former, the grammatical.
The widely celebrated paper by Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pul-
lum (1987) represents a watershed in morphology for its clear and valuable
demarcation between expressive and plain morphology. However, the ex-
10 Introduction
pressive phenomena which they consider only partially overlap with the ar-
eas of extra-grammaticality illustrated in the present book.
Another seminal work is Doleschal and Thorntons (2000) edited volume,
which includes a distinction between extra-grammatical and marginal mor-
phology (Wolfgang U. Dressler), and also insightful discussions on specific
phenomena, namely blends and acronyms in Hebrew (Outi Bat-El), blends
and combining forms in French (Bernard Fradin), and creative trade names
in German (Elke Ronneberger-Sibold). These contributions have been stimu-
lating from many viewpoints, though the discussions on the same topics in
chapters 3 and 4 of my own work show that my position is different from
that of both Bat-El and Fradin.
Works on morphology, grammar and word-formation abound in the lit-
erature. Notably, for general overviews of certain extra-grammatical mor-
phological phenomena I will make reference to: Jespersen (1942), Marchand
(1969), Adams (1973), Bauer (1983, 1988), Quirk et al. (1985), Stockwell
and Minkova (2001), Huddleston and Pullum (2002), and Fradin (2003). I
also refer to generative-oriented studies, such as Aronoff (1976), Scalise
(1984), Spencer (1991), and Haspelmath (2002), especially in relation to
their tendency to marginalise or even neglect extra-grammatical phenomena
on the grounds that they are unanalysable in terms of rules. By contrast,
studies which offer a natural approach to word-formation, for example those
of Dressler et al. (1987), Dressler (1999, 2005), Ronneberger-Sibold (2008),
and the recent paper by Kilani-Schoch and Dressler (forth.), provide an in-
teresting framework for the accommodation of blends, acronyms and redu-
plicatives within Natural Morphology. Crucially, I disagree with Ingo Plag
(2003), whose inclusion of extra-grammatical formations into regular word-
formation I specifically criticise.
In relation to the individual phenomena discussed in this book, a great
deal of research has been carried out and many studies have been published,
both to describe and classify each phenomenon and to identify specific char-
acteristics: (ir-)regularities, predictable patterns, contexts of use, etc. Many
papers on acronyms, blends, clippings, reduplicatives, and infixes have ap-
peared in the journal American Speech since the second half of the last cen-
tury, namely Howson (1945), Baum (1955, 1956, 1957, 1962), Heller and
Macris (1968), Bryant (1974), Algeo (1977), McMillan (1980), Cannon
(1989), and Dienhart (1999). These are primarily descriptive in character,
and have provided me with a vast number of examples to consider. Booij,
Lehmann, Mugdan, Kesselheim, and Skopeteas are the editors of a useful
handbook which appeared in 2000 Morphologie which includes three
interesting papers on, respectively, creative processes (Philip Baldi), blend-
Key references 11
The work is subdivided into six main chapters. Chapter 2 examines the theo-
retical framework of morphological research. It shows the marginal role
played by extra-grammatical operations in Generative Grammar (Aronoff
1976; Scalise 1984; Spencer 1991; Haspelmath 2002), and illustrates how
the theoretical model of Natural Morphology (Dressler et al. 1987; Dressler
1999, 2005) can show the limits of morphology, in terms of the prototypical
vs. marginal and the grammatical vs. extra-grammatical. In a similar way,
the theoretical model of Natural Phonology (Stampe 1969, 1979; Donegan
and Stampe 1979; Dressler 1984) helps explain some (phonotactic and pro-
sodic) preferences in language change, for instance in abbreviatory tech-
niques (cf. Ronneberger-Sibold 1996 for preferences in German and French
A distinction is made in this chapter between extra-grammatical and
expressive morphology (Zwicky and Pullum 1987), two terms that are
generally conflated in relevant studies (e.g. in Dressler 2000), and also be-
tween extra-grammatical and marginal morphology (Dressler 2000),
respectively illustrated by blending and combining form combination (War-
ren 1990; Mattiello 2007). Extra-grammatical morphology is also consid-
ered in terms of regularity, creativity, and analogy. The relevance of extra-
grammatical formations to language change is also taken into account in this
chapter, especially its role in the processes of lexicalisation (Brinton and
Traugott 2005) and grammaticalisation (Hopper and Traugott 2003). Lastly,
the chapter concentrates on the distinctive properties of extra-grammatical
Organisation of the work 13
with advert, both from advertisement), and at times they are ambiguous, in
that the same output may come from two or more different source forms
(e.g. B.A. Bachelor of Arts or British Airways). Moreover, unlike regular
compounding and derivation, their basic components are blurred, and their
head is unclear, difficult to assign, or even absent, as in initialisms originat-
ing from lists (BLT bacon, lettuce, and tomato referring to a type of
sandwich; cf. exocentric compounds). Most importantly, shortenings do not
produce new words, distinct from their bases, nor do they change the gram-
matical category of the source word or phrase (cf. Bat-El 2000). Lastly, the
criteria generally used to separate acronyms from initialisms are criticised,
in that some abbreviations which could be pronounced as words according to
the rules of English phonetics (GOP, OD, WHO) are actually pronounced
letter by letter, as initialisms, as a further confirmation of the irregularity of
these formations.
Chapter 4 is entirely devoted to the blending phenomenon. Blends are
classified in the light of previous accounts (especially Cannon 1986, 1989,
2000; Kemmer 2003; Gries 2004a, 2004b; Hong 2004), and distinguished
from related by-forms, namely clipped forms (Bauer 1983: 233), syn-
tagmatic shortenings (Dressler 2000: 5), shortened/abbreviated com-
pounds (Plag 2003: 122), clipped compounds (Bat-El 2006: 66), con-
taminations (Ronneberger-Sibold 2006: 158), and syntagmatic
truncations (Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.). These different terms show
that there is still much confusion in the distinctions made between true
blends and neighbouring categories.
Blends are deliberate extragrammatical compound[s] (Ronneberger-
Sibold 2006: 155), and at the same time a special abbreviatory mechanism.
Thus, they differ both from regular compounds and from other extra-
grammatical mechanisms labelled as abbreviations in chapter 3. They do,
however, share some of the features of both, namely the presence of more
than one base (like compounds) and the abbreviation of the source forms
(like other forms of abbreviation).
Definitions and subcategorisations of blends, as in Fradin (2000), Bat-El
(2006), Ronneberger-Sibold (2006), Lehrer (2007), and others, are critically
discussed, my personal focus being on the detection of both prototypical and
non-prototypical types. I also consider blends in relation to combining forms
(Warren 1990). For reasons of productivity and regularity, the two consti-
tute different phenomena, and at the same time the relationship between them
cannot be viewed as one of hyponymy (Mattiello 2007).
Chapter 5 is devoted to the analysis of reduplicatives (or echo-words).
For their classification I adopt Merlini Barbaresis (2008) typology, distin-
Organisation of the work 15
We must stress that we are not claiming that such formations lack regular-
ity or that they are not a proper object of study for linguists. (p. 338 [em-
phasis in the original])
The question as to whether this statement applies only to phenomena of
expressive morphology or whether it also applies to so-called extra-
grammatical phenomena remains an open one. In this book I hope to dem-
onstrate that: 1) extra-grammatical formations exhibit some regularity,
though in terms of analogical patterns rather than in the traditional sense of
morphological rules, 2) they can be studied systematically, and 3) their study
can make a contribution to linguistic theory more generally.
Chapter 2
The theoretical framework
trary, the signatum may acquire extra meanings (mostly pragmatic in nature)
by different users and different contexts.
In blending, the subtractive technique is, by contrast, more iconic, in that
fusion in the form of the blend reflects fusion in meaning, as in smoke and
fog resulting in smog. In clippings, the subtracted form (e.g. bro, prof) is
iconic of a reduced distance between the user and his addressee. In name
truncations (e.g. Musso Mussolini) and hypocoristics (e.g. Patty
Patricia), subtraction in the signans may have the iconic function of reflect-
ing semantic privation, devaluation, or smallness in the signatum. A higher
amount of iconicity is shown by echo-words, such as ping pong and zigzag,
in which repetition in form is diagrammatic of repetition in meaning, the
change of the vowel symbolising change of direction.
The principle of iconicity can also explain why many languages of the
world use reduplication for grammatical purposes. For instance, in Malay
full reduplication is used for inflectional purposes (e.g. buku book
buku-buku books) (Nadarajan 2006: 40), in that addition in the signans is
diagrammatic with addition in the signatum. In Samoan, reduplication is
iconically used to obtain the superlative form of adjectives, as in tele (big)
tele-tele (very big) (Cuzzolin and Lehmann 2004: 1217).12 In English it
is mainly used to coin new words, such as hocus-pocus (jugglery) and
tussie-mussie (a small bouquet of flowers). However, there are some cases
of English reduplicated words with an elative function: for example, in
pretty-pretty (excessively pretty) or super-duper (extremely good, excel-
lent), reduplication has a slightly more grammaticalised meaning compara-
ble to superlative formation (see Furthermore, in English, as well
as in other languages, reduplication is one of the most frequent processes of
first language acquisition (Jakobson 1944). It abounds in premorphology,
that is, in small childrens speech before the development of the submodule
of morphological grammar (Dressler and Karpf 1995), especially to com-
pensate for childrens inability to pronounce the second part of polysyllabic
words (Ingram 1974), as in for water, for candy, and
for bacon (Ingram 1979).
Turning now to the parameter of indexicality (direct reference of signans
to signatum), expletive infixation is more marked than prefixation or suffixa-
tion because it adds something in between an affix and its base (in-bloody-
credible), or may even interrupt a base, as in im-fuckin-portant. With regard
to the same parameter, ablaut reduplicatives are more marked than endocen-
tric compounds. In the former, the head is rarely assignable (tip-top) and the
bases are hardly recognisable as pre-existent meaningful morphemes (riff-
24 The theoretical framework
raff) (Merlini Barbaresi 2008), while the latter have their head within the
compound, as in black-bird, a type of bird.
As to the parameter of morphotactic transparency, blends and other ab-
breviatory operations are both marked and marginal.13 As a result of the
universal preference for binary relations, blends usually consist of combina-
tions of two lexemes. Yet high morphotactic opacity (i.e. difficulty in identi-
fying the constituent parts) occurs in those blends which are formed from
two shortened lexemes, or so-called splinters (Lehrer 1996, 2007), as in
beaulicious ( beautiful + delicious). Higher opacity is illustrated by
intercalative blends (Kemmer 2003: 72), in which a word (or a splinter) is
embedded in (part of) another source word (e.g. enshocklopedia encyclo-
pedia + shock, entreporneur entrepreneur + porn or pornography),
creating discontinuity of bases. On the other hand, wintertainment ( win-
ter + entertainment) and Amerindian ( American + Indian) are more
transparent, because they combine a splinter with a full base. Lastly, higher
transparency is illustrated by overlapping blends with a homophonous string
(e.g. sexpert sex + expert), which do not have proper truncated source
words (see Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth. for comparable French data).
With reference to the same parameter, especially to the universal prefer-
ence for word-based morphology, clippings are opaque, and all the more so
when they retain less salient parts of words, such as the end of a word (loid
celluloid), or the middle of a word (flu influenza), which illustrate
progressive degrees of opacity. Alphabetisms are even more opaque, in that
they retain only initial letters from the source words (e.g. BBC British
Broadcasting Corporation).
With reference to the principle of perceptual salience (Dressler et al.
1987: 116117), according to which, within a word, word-initial consonants
are most salient, acronyms are preferred over telonyms (cf. BBC vs.
*H.G.N.).14 Furthermore, since the beginning and the end of a word are
more salient than what comes in between, prototypical blends take the head
of the first component and the tail of the last component, as in motel (
motor + hotel; cf. *torhot). The principle of perceptual salience also ex-
plains why, according to Lehrer (2007: 117120), blends can also be formed
from the beginning of two words (e.g. Mexicali Mexico + California),
but the beginning of a blend cannot be the end of a word (e.g. *glyson
ugly + person, also in Lehrer 1996: 364), an exception being the word blog
( web + log).
With regard to the parameter of biuniqueness (one-to-one relations),
marked (unique) formations are those in which one and the same signans
corresponds to two or more signata: the initialism AC, for instance, stands
Extra-grammatical formations in Naturalness Theory 25
for different full forms (Aero Club, Air Corps, Alpine Club, alternating
current, Appeal Court, and others). The most marked ones are, however,
ambiguous formations, in which one form corresponds to many source forms
and vice versa: for example, the back-clipping adv is obtained from various
bases (advanced, adverb, advertisement, advocate), but when it refers in
particular to advertisement, it is in competition with other shortenings,
namely ad, advert, advt.
With regard to the final parameter, figure/ground, Dressler (2005) claims
that in word-formation the figure is represented by the head and the ground
by the non-head. Thus, morphotactic and morphosemantic transparency of
the head is more important than that of the non-head (Dressler 2005: 274).
Accordingly, subordinate blends such as portalight ( portable + light)
(, in which the head light is clearly identifiable in that it occupies a
prototypical position on the right (the other member being the modifier), are
less marked than what I call coordinate blends ( Examples of the
latter are alphameric ( alphabetic + numeric) and zebrule ( zebra +
mule), in which both members belong to the same syntactic category, have
the same semantic status, and serve as heads. Indeed, I consider coordinate
blends like brunch ( breakfast + lunch) or smog ( smoke + fog) to be
close to coordinate compounds of the type speaker-hearer and bitter-sweet.
Like coordinate compounds (Dressler 2005), coordinate blends have two
morphosemantic heads and therefore exhibit no clear figure/ground distinc-
tion. Therefore, unlike Bat-El (2006: 67), I do not believe that the semantic
relationship between the members of the blend is exocentric, or that it de-
pends on the meaning we assign to the blend (e.g. smog a mixture of fog
and smoke vs. an airborne pollution).
A higher degree of markedness is shown by reduplicatives, which exhibit
no clear-cut figure/ground distinction between head and non-head. In the
rhyming and ablaut types, headedness is difficult to assign, since they may
be formed either from a left-hand or a right-hand base (cf. easy-peasy and
chit-chat), or have no existing base at all, as in the onomatopoeic type (boo-
The theory of Natural Morphology seems to offer an interesting frame-
work for a discussion not only of grammatical formations, but also of extra-
grammatical ones. In particular, the subtheory of universal morphological
naturalness allows some predictions on the distribution and frequency of
such formations. We can, for instance, predict that extra-grammatical mor-
phology will often be more natural than grammatical morphology, in the
sense that universal preferences for iconicity and other parameters can oper-
ate in an unrestricted way in extra-grammatical processes: for example, total
26 The theoretical framework
syllabic words, but for open syllables in polysyllabic ones, and an overall
preference for disyllables) are shared by both languages, whereas others are
not; and 3) system-independent characteristics tend to prevail over system-
dependent ones in newly created roots. These results show that choices in
new roots may be curbed by universal needs for shortness, phonotactic and
rhythmical optimization and distinctiveness (Ronneberger-Sibold 1996:
As we will see in chapter 3, English abbreviations exhibit their own regu-
larities and preferences. For instance, unlike French and German clippings,
English ones (including clipped names) are preferentially monosyllabic (e.g.
fem, Pat). Yet English disyllabic clippings often display an -ie/-y or -o suffix
(e.g. Comm-ie/Comm-o Communist), comparable to German -i, as in
Fundi ( Fundamentalist radical Green), or French -o, as in prolo (
proltaire proletarian). English also exhibits a preferential template
C(onsonant)V(owel)C(onsonant), as in the above-mentioned fem and Pat.
Other phonotactic and prosodic tendencies in the formation of English ab-
breviations will be explained in 3.2.2, and analogous phonotactic and pro-
sodic regularities for blending will be described in 4.2.2.
Other types of blends exist, not exemplified here (see 4.1.3 for a complete
classification), but the ones just mentioned are enough to substantiate
Dresslers (2000) assertion that:
the morphotactic devices for forming blends are much less regular than
those of grammatical compound formation, i.e., the final segmental make-
up is often unpredictable, there are merely preferences (cf. Dressler 1976).
This has induced morphologists such as Bauer (1983: 234237) and Rainer
(1993: 8790) to exclude blending from morphological grammar. (p. 5)
Another reason for excluding blending from morphological grammar is
its semantics. Although some splinters, like -tainment above, may be used
repeatedly in the blending process, they are not reinterpreted, but simply
undergo a process of abbreviation, which, according to Warren (1990:
119), should be kept distinct from the process of secretion, involving rein-
terpretation of linguistic units.24
Thus, abbreviation confines blends to extra-grammaticality, typically
characterised by the difficulty to predict the output given an input. Secretion,
on the other hand, differentiates secreted combining forms (e.g. -holic in
computerholic) as being grammatical, although non-prototypical, and pro-
ductive in terms of frequency, semantic coherence, and applicability.25 In
other words, -tainment is a frequent splinter in blends, but it has not yet
acquired morpheme status, whereas -holic (and its variants -aholic/-oholic,
as in foodaholic, workoholic) has lost its connection with the source word
alcoholic and can be considered as a morpheme in its own right (Warren
1990; Lehrer 1996, 2007; Mattiello 2007, 2008b).26
What I claim, therefore, is that combining form combination is different
from blending, and that the latter is not a subtype of the former (cf. Fradin
2000: 53). Partially following Warrens (1990: 115) classification, in this
study I distinguish between two types of combining forms:
above criteria re-elaborate and expand upon those identified by Dressler and
Merlini Barbaresi (1994).
By contrast, Dressler and Merlini Barbaresis (1994) criteria are criti-
cised by Bat-El (2000), who argues that: 1) some of the characteristics asso-
ciated with their notion of extra-grammaticality can also be found in what is
conventionally considered grammatical morphology, and 2) the properties of
grammatical morphology also apply to morphological operations such as
blends and acronyms.
A similar position is found in Plag (2003: 117), who rejects the idea of
excluding these operations from rules, and assumes a notion of word-
formation wide enough to accommodate name truncations, clippings, and
diminutives as products of word-formation.
Against Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi (1994), Bat-El (2000) and Plag
(2003) respectively posit that there is a certain grammaticality or sys-
tematicity in the formation of blends, acronyms, etc. That is, they interpret
the so-called irregular regularities (Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.) of
extra-grammatical morphology as proper morphological rules, which is an
untenable claim, as I will show in the next section.
This section is an attempt to demonstrate that the position of those who treat
extra-grammatical operations in the same way as grammatical ones is at
least arguable. The debate in this area is an open one, and the issue is con-
troversial, but many scholars (e.g. Ronneberger-Sibold 2006, 2008;
Mattiello 2008a; Merlini Barbaresi 2008; Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.)
still continue to keep the notion of extra-grammatical morphology distinct
from that of morphological grammar, and to adopt the concept of extra-
grammatical operations as the background of descriptions and explanations
of blending, acronyms, reduplicatives and similar formations. I agree with
this latter approach, but also believe that, like grammatical phenomena, ex-
tra-grammatical ones exhibit some kind of regularity, which facilitates their
recognition and interpretation, although it does not permit substantial or total
predictions about new words modelled on productive patterns. As I will ex-
plain in, the principle governing extra-grammatical formations is
analogy, allowing only partial predictability based on similarity to pre-
existing patterns. What follows now is a re-examination of Bat-El (2000)
and Plag (2003), and of their conception of grammaticality/regularity.
40 The theoretical framework
Against the claim made in Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi (1994) that
analogical formations in child language are extra-grammatical, Bat-El
(2000) suggests that analogy in adult language can be accounted for within
a grammatical theory (p. 63).31 I agree that analogy may be transversally
relevant within both grammatical and extra-grammatical morphology (cf. But analogy is not the same as rules. Extra-grammatical formations
such as bootylicious are formed by analogy with other blends admitting
fusion beside concatenation, but they are not the result of rules. Rules only
govern grammatical derivation (delicious-ly, -ness) and compounding (booty
call phone call to arrange for sex).
As far as hypocoristics are concerned, Bat-El (2000: 63) suggests that
McCarthy and Princes (1986) notion of Minimal Word may be employed
to derive Lisa and Liz from Elizabeth. Yet the fact that two outputs exist for
the same input, and a third can be added (Bet), shows the impossibility of
making absolute predictions with regard to hypocoristic formation. On the
other hand, both the diminutives Lizz-y and Bett-y are formed by rule from
irregular bases (Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi 1994: 40) and represent
borderline cases (Mattiello 2008a: 61) exhibiting regularity in the process of
morphotactic concatenation, but extra-grammaticality in the base form (cf.
Bat-Els 2000: 65 Grammaticality Continua).
As far as blends are concerned, Bat-El (2000) suggests that their irregu-
larities (as compared with the regularities of compounds) are no sufficient
reason to exclude them from grammatical morphology, because also deriva-
tional morphology is often irregular in one way or another (p. 63). On the
contrary, derivational morphology is not irregular. There may be counterex-
amples, but these are rare cases within the lexical storehouse of the English
language. Blends, on the other hand, are morphotactically complex and non-
componential: their source words are often hardly recognisable, because of
some previous abbreviatory process, or they may be so tightly integrated
that the sounds of one source word are interspersed between the other
(Kemmer 2003: 72), as in the intercalative type (e.g. chortle chuckle +
As far as acronyms are concerned, Bat-El (2000: 6364) argues that the
acronym word usually refers to something more specific than its base and
that it may also change the grammatical category (e.g. from phrase to
noun). Against these claims, I argue (Conti and Mattiello 2008) that acro-
nyms and initialisms refer to the same entities as their original phrases, lists,
compounds, etc., though in a more concise way. Thus, FAQ ( Frequently
Asked Questions) and WH ( White House) exhibit no change in denotative
meaning, nor do they change their grammatical category (see also 2.3.1).
Extra-grammatical morphology 41
emotion, laze lazy), acronym formation (AIDS, laser, radar), and the
production of initialisms (HIV, ID, VIP) all give rise to new lexemes and
create monomorphemic forms by fusion (i.e. eliminating morphemic bounda-
ries) (Brinton and Traugott 2005: 44), or by (incorrect) analysis of a simple
word as a morphologically complex one (*emot-ion, *laz-y).
In back-formation, the creation of a new form may also originate from
the analysis of a supposedly complex form (especially of foreign origin) on
the basis of analogy with inflectional patterns. For instance, Old Northern
French cherise (cf. Modern French cerise) has been reinterpreted in English
as a singular form cherry plus the plural suffix -s (OED2; see also Anttila
2003: 427), and the root-final -s of the French term pease has been analysed
in English as a plural inflectional mark, hence the singular pea (Brinton and
Traugott 2005: 42). Similarly, biceps, given in OED2 as a word of Latin
origin (bi- + ceps, caput head), has been analysed in non-standard English
as a plural form of bicep.
Another form of lexicalisation is the unification (or univerbation) of a
syntactic phrase or construction into a single word (see Brinton and Traugott
2005: 48 and the literature therein). This phenomenon is illustrated, among
others, by some rhyming reduplicatives of old provenance: e.g., hobnob (
Old English hab have ne-hab not have, OED2), mayday ( French
(venez) maider, OED3, also in Dienhart 1999), and willy-nilly ( Old
English will ye want you nill ye not want you, OED2). By analogy with
this latter formation, the ablaut reduplicative shilly-shally has come into
being ( shill I shall I, a fanciful reduplication of shall I?). Thun (1963:
268) also offers the case of riff-raff, dated 1470 and originating from the
coordinated phrase riffe and raf (1338).
Cases of full syntacticization (Brinton and Traugott 2005: 60) are
likewise relevant to lexicalisation. They involve changes from inflectional or
derivative bound morphemes to free morphemes with an independent status
(Ramat 1992, 2001). Examples of changes from an affix to an autonomous
word are the fore-clippings ade (fruit juice, lemonade, orangeade) and
ism (doctrine, theory, practice, fascism, communism), and the back-
clippings bi ( bi-sexual), ex ( ex-husband/wife), and teen ( teenager).
Also the above-mentioned bus ( omnibus) belongs here, in that it was
originally part of the Latin dative plural -ibus inflection.
Lexicalised forms have a fundamental role to play in the coinage of anal-
ogy-based extra-grammatical formations. As we will see (, analogi-
cal processes are based on similarity to existing items, which provide suit-
able patterns for new words to be formed on. But what type of items provide
the most suitable patterns for analogical creation? In my opinion, lexicalised
Extra-grammatical morphology 45
items are the best candidates for the application of analogical mechanisms.
For instance, some lexicalised acronyms or initialisms are the models for
new alphabetisms: radar attracts the coinage of colidar and ladar, and HIV
provides the model for FIV, with a substitution of initial H with F for Feline.
New blends are also generally analogical with lexicalised forms, as in linner
( lunch + dinner) and boatel ( boat + hotel), constructed on the pat-
terns of brunch and motel (more on this in Among reduplicatives,
lexicalised ping-pong and zig-zag certainly provide the patterns for the most
common vowel alternations in the apophonic type. Analogy, therefore, is
primarily a diachronic process, which finds in frequency of use and lexical-
isation the stimuli to re-apply existing patterns as prototypes for new words.
The aim of this section is to discuss some fundamental notions that are nec-
essary in the study of extra-grammatical processes. In particular, an attempt
will be made to clarify the distinction between recurring dichotomies, such
as 1) productivity vs. creativity (; 2) rule vs. analogy (; and
3) profitability vs. availability (, and to separate what is relevant to
the module of morphological grammar from what also or exclusively per-
tains to extra-grammatical morphology.
1968: 135, cited in Bauer 2001: 71), as when two words are fused together
in the blending process, although fusion is not allowed in regular composi-
tion. As a result, words coined by using word-formation rules are entirely
predictable, while words exploiting analogical patterns are only partially so
Moreover, it is commonly believed that those new words which are
formed regularly (i.e. by way of productive word-formation processes) be-
come established as part of the norm (see institutionalization and lexical-
ization in Brinton and Traugott 2005: 4546),40 whereas those which are
formed creatively may fail to become part of the norm. In other words, truly
productive neologisms tend to be accepted by the speech community,
whereas creatively-formed new words may remain nonce formations or oc-
Interestingly, however, many English neologisms are formed by using
non-rule-bound mechanisms, and this makes the equation between productiv-
ity and institutionalised neologisms or between creativity and nonce words
often incorrect. Many English blends, abbreviations, reduplicatives, and
back-formations have entered the English lexicon, and many more can be
treated as instances of lexicalisation (, that is, they have acquired an
autonomous status as a result of their frequent and extensive use. What is,
therefore, the dividing line between productive and creative processes? Are
blending, clipping, acronym formation and the like productive processes,
inasmuch as they are frequently used to obtain institutionalised neologisms?
Or are they rather creative processes on account of their irregularity and
difficult predictability? It is clear that productivity is irrelevant as a criterion
for predicting neologisms, which can also be obtained through creativity.
In the literature on word-formation, the above-mentioned processes are
excluded from the domain of productivity because 1) they are not rule-
governed (Aronoff 1976: 21), and 2) they have no morphological structure
which allows morphosemantic interpretation (Mayerthaler 1981: 128129).
Furthermore, they fail to obey the above-mentioned criteria for productivity.
With regard to frequency, there is a high number of attested blends, abbre-
viations, and reduplicatives, but they are relatively few as compared with
canonical derivatives and compounds. With regard to semantic coherence,
most extra-grammatical formations do not change meaning with respect to
their bases, but some acquire a connotative value, becoming more special-
ised or more informal than their regular alternative forms; others obtain new
meanings in a rather irregular way. Lastly, extra-grammatical formations
offer the language user the potential to produce new words, but this potential
is a matter of availability rather than of actual profitability ( Thus,
50 The theoretical framework Rule vs. analogy. The second dichotomy deserving clarification and
differentiation is embodied by the notions of rule and analogy.42 According
to Plag (1999: 17), a traditional generative word-formation rule can be con-
sidered a regular, predictable process which operates in a non-arbitrary
manner on a more or less well-defined set of possible input words. Basing
his discussion on such a definition, Plag firmly criticises Beckers (1990)
equation of classical (generative) morphological rules with the notion of
analogy. In Plags (1999) opinion, the two concepts do not overlap, nor can
the concept of rule be eliminated in favour of an analogical model of mor-
phology. Actually, analogy is a vast notion which belongs to grammatical as
well as to extra-grammatical morphology. For instance, it is by the process
of analogy that obsolete word forms such as the Middle English preterite and
past participle of help (holp, holpen), perceived as irregular, have been dis-
carded and replaced by the regular forms helped, helped. Furthermore, new
regular words can be obtained by analogy with existing ones: examples are
the compound noun software, which according to the Online Etymology
Dictionary is analogical with hardware, and the derivative underwhelm,
which is superficially analogical with overwhelm. Thus, an analogical model
of morphology does not eliminate the concept of rule.
In a discussion on the same dichotomy, Bauer (2001: 7684) lists all ar-
guments and counter-arguments regarding a rule-governed approach to mor-
phology. For instance, rules can predict the output of a morphological proc-
ess (i.e. its phonological structure, syntactic category, and meaning), in that
they are more constrained than analogies. The notion of constraint plays
an important role in the model of Optimality Theory, especially in the study
of prosodic morphological phenomena. Within this model, rules are rejected,
and constraints are considered as violable and ranked, that is lower-ranked
constraints can be violated in an optimal output form to secure success on
higher-ranked constraints (McCarthy and Prince 1993: 6). Constraints are
also discussed in relation to productivity. Plag (1999: 4561), for instance,
lists ten constraints suggested in the literature on word-formation which
Extra-grammatical morphology 51
tion of analogy: i.e., any new form can be created as long as there is a suit-
able pattern for it to be formed on (Bauer 2001: 76). By contrast, in rule-
governed morphology, the word *sex-y-ation would be excluded from the
domain of possible words, because an adjectival base sexy would not admit
-ation suffixation, and a nominal output would not allow concatenation of -y
and -ation.
Bauer (2001) concludes that the two notions of rule and analogy coexist
within word-formation, and that neither one nor the other can underlie mor-
phological innovation by itself. My position, as I have stated before, is close
to Bauers. That is, although analogy may fail to make suitable predictions
and, unlike rules, is permissive in terms of input and output categories and
structure, it certainly plays a considerable role in word-formation and lan-
guage change.44 In particular, whereas rules can explain only the functioning
of productive morphological processes, analogy and its correlate reanaly-
sis45 can motivate both grammatical word-formation and the mechanisms
involved in creative formations, because it can be viewed as the reason for a
superficial similarity between two structures.
As Fischer says (2007: 123124), It is the superficial similarity (anal-
ogy) that a language user perceives between two structures and between two
communicative uses of them that causes a reanalysis in one of them, so as to
bring it in line with the other. Hence, a reanalysis of a structure does not, as
a rule, result in a new structure, but in an already existing one. This is sub-
stantially the primary distinction between analogy and rule.
This distinction appears evident in the phenomenon of back-formation, as
compared with canonical derivation. For instance, the verb self-destruct,
back-formed from the noun self-destruction, is obtained by the deletion of
material (a supposed suffix -ion) rather than by the reversal of a word-
formation rule producing destruction from destroy (cf. Aronoff 1976). Simi-
larly, the verb lase is obtained from the acronym laser (by analogy with,
e.g., cut/cutter, mix/mixer, etc.), although the deleted part -er is not an ac-
tual suffix, but the shortening of Emission of Radiation.
Analogy also gives a rationale to phonaesthemes, i.e. recurrent sounds or
sound clusters which, although they are not classifiable as proper mor-
phemes, evoke similar sensations, feelings, and meanings. Indeed, as ob-
served by Bauer (2001: 84), if any (generative-type) rule were at work in the
association of the sound sequence with light and brightness in words
like gleam, glimmer, glare, glitter, etc., then this rule could not explain why
words such as glory or gloom should be excluded.
Abbreviations, as well, are based on analogical patterns and reanalysis.
Many clipped words ending with the vowel o (e.g. demo, disco, hippo, intro,
Extra-grammatical morphology 53 Profitability vs. availability. The third dichotomy that I would like
to discuss concerns the concepts of profitability and availability. Actually,
these two notions are originally part of Corbins (1987: 177) trichotomy,
which also includes regularity.47 According to Corbin (1987), a deriva-
tional process is profitable if the number of attested derivatives is relatively
high, it is regular if the shape and meaning of its derivatives are highly
predictable, and it is available if it can be used to produce new words. In
54 The theoretical framework
her distinction, all three aspects are connected with the notion of productiv-
In two successive works, both Plag (1999: 34) and Bauer (2001: 205
209) discuss the notions of profitability and availability as being rele-
vant to morphological productivity. According to Bauer (2001: 211), pro-
ductivity deals with the number of new words that can be formed using a
certain morphological process, and is ambiguous between the availability
of the process (i.e. its potential for repetitive rule-governed morphological
coining), and its profitability (i.e. the extent to which its availability is
exploited in language use). In other words, availability is a qualitative no-
tion and has to do with the existence of a morphological process as a pattern
to be reused in new coinages, whereas profitability is a quantitative notion
and is strictly linked with the frequency of a process in new coinages.
Bauers (2001) definition, however, presupposes that availability is con-
nected with rule-governedness, and this automatically excludes the concept
of availability from an analogy-based approach to word-formation. Against
this view, I would distinguish between:
As stated at the beginning of the chapter, in this study I adopt Dressler and
Merlini Barbaresis (1994) term extra-grammatical morphology, rather
than Zwicky and Pullums (1987) term expressive morphology, because
the phenomena under investigation are not always expressive (e.g. UN,
NATO), and because, as suggested by the meaning of the prefix extra-, this
term stresses its being situated outside the module of grammatical morphol-
ogy (whether prototypical or non-prototypical/marginal).49
Extra-grammatical morphology is understood as an umbrella term for
heterogeneous analogy-based operations violating various universal princi-
ples of English grammar, in terms of irregularity of the bases and partial or
un-predictability of the output, and partly governed by universal preferences
(notably, for iconicity), although their morphotactic/morphosemantic trans-
parency is reduced as compared with that of morphological rules.
Examples of extra-grammatical morphological operations include:
blends, clippings, hypocoristics, acronyms, initialisms, reduplications, back-
formations, infixation, and phonaesthemes.
I therefore exclude from my investigation a number of operations which
resemble extra-grammatical mechanisms to a greater or lesser degree, but
which are performed unintentionally, for example:
The morphotactic mechanisms for forming blends are also less regular
than those forming grammatical compounds. The output of blends cannot be
fully predicted by the input and a given rule or model, in that the source
words are variously (or even not) shortened in the fusion, depending on the
blending technique applied. In semi-complete blending, either the first or
the second source word is left intact (e.g. fanzine fan + magazine, Eura-
sia Europe + Asia), whereas in contour and fragment blending all
constituents are shortened (e.g. bisalo bisont + buffalo) (Ronneberger-
Sibolds 2006 terminology). The final segmental make-up is even less pre-
dictable in the blends variously labelled as inclusive or intercalative
(Kemmer 2003; Gries 2004a, 2004b; Ronneberger-Sibold 2006; Kilani-
Schoch and Dressler forth.), in which one constituent includes the other, as
in ambisextrous ( ambidextrous + sex). In the telescope type of banniver-
sary ( ban + anniversary), the blend even exhibits overlapping constitu-
ents, which are impossible in regular compounds.
Abbreviations such as clippings and hypocoristics are similarly difficult
to predict, in that different parts of the source word can be retained: e.g., the
beginning in lab ( laboratory) and Andy ( Andrew), the middle in flu
( influenza) and Liz (cf. Beth), and the end in phone ( telephone) and
Ron ( Aaron). Even discontinuous solutions are possible, as in ana (
anorexia) and Floss ( Florence) (see Irregular subtraction of word parts
in This latter is also abbreviated to Flo, disregarding the output
constraint of a closed syllable.
The output of acronyms (e.g. SMILE SMall, Intelligent, Light, Effi-
cient) and initialisms (e.g. MAE Master of Arts in Education) is also
hardly predictable, since more than one letter may be retained from the
words in the source phrase (SM are both from small), or not all the initial
letters of the source phrase may be graphically represented in the derivative.
Non-salient grammatical words (of, in) are often omitted.
nier 2009). In regular compounds, changes in the order of the bases corre-
spond to meaning changes (plant pot vs. pot plant). Not even in the apposi-
tional/coordinate type, which exhibits two bases of equal status, can the
order of constituents be freely chosen, because some orders are preferred to
others (Queen Mother, Prince Consort), especially for saliency reasons (see
the universal preference for figure/ground distinction in 2.2.1).
Alternative forms are also derived from the same source by the same ab-
breviatory operation: e.g., zedonk alongside zonkey, both attested blends
from zebra and donkey, ad alongside advert, both clippings from advertise-
ment, US alongside USA, both initialisms from United States of America,
and Al alongside Alf, both hypocoristics from Alfred. By contrast, the
clipped pair uni and varsity ( university), or the hypocoristics Liz and
Beth, from Elizabeth, do not depend on the portion retained, but apply dif-
ferent curtailing techniques (back- vs. fore-clipping, to the
same source word. The former examples, therefore, contradict Plags (2003:
119) claim that What part of the name makes it into the truncation is often
variable, but nevertheless predictable. Indeed, his own examples of trun-
cated names (Al or Lon Alonso, Eve or Lyn Evelyn, Pat or Trish
Patricia, etc.) provide further evidence of their difficult predictability.
Lastly, reduplicatives, which may be formed either from a left-hand or a
right-hand base, admit more than one option as their outputs, as illustrated
by the rhyming reduplicatives itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy and bitsy-witsy, all derived
from the base bit.
tual ones: e.g., the verb edit ( edit-or) or the noun paramedic ( para-
system) (reported by Jamet 2009: 25). Lpez Ra (2006: 676) also notes
that there may be phonological modification in terms of changed or addi-
tional vowels or consonants, so that a different graphic version with occa-
sionally spelling adjustments is obtained, as in bike for bicycle, coke for
cocaine, natch for naturally.
Stockwell and Minkova (2001: 10) also add a syntactic dimension, noting
that this process applies not only to a single word, but also to a whole phrase
or compound, as in glutes ( gluteus maximus), perm ( permanent
wave), siggy ( significant other) and zoo ( zoological garden). In this
respect, Kreidlers definition (2000: 956, given above) is more restrictive, in
that it confines clipping to the formal shortening of simple lexemes, although
he later admits that, semantically, it may derive from a compound or phrase
(Kreidler 2000: 962).
In relation to the syntactic class of the bases, both Kreidler (2000) and
Jamet (2009) underline the predominantly nominal nature of clipped forms,
although they observe that other less frequent categories do exist: e.g., adjec-
tives (fave favourite), verbs (prep prepare), adverbs (inf infi-
nitely), and more rarely, conjunctions (cos because) and interjections
(lor lord), the latter two being in any case much less frequent word cate-
gories in the language as a whole.
In relation to morphotactics, clippings can be classified according to
which part of the source remains in the output the initial, medial, or final
portion and whether any suffix is added (Mattiello 2008a).56 Before offer-
ing my own classification based on such morphological criteria, a delimita-
tion of the clipping process is in order.
related (more in 3.1.3 and 4.1.3). A dubious case is the noun quasar, ana-
lysed by Bertinetto (2001: 100) as a blend from quasi and stellar, but actu-
ally originating from an adjectival base quasi-stellar having a composite
meaning (OED3).
A further point with regard to the notion of clipping is that it excludes a
series of purely graphic abbreviations, i.e., sequences of letters which, when
converted to speech, are pronounced as the source words they abbreviate,
like Dr. ( Doctor), ed. ( editor), Mr. ( Mister), or, from a Latin base,
etc. ( et cetera). On the other hand, Dem ( Democrat), Inc ( Incor-
porated), Jan ( January) are hybrids between clippings and graphic ab-
breviations, because they can be read out in expanded or unexpanded form.
Lastly, clippings with a high degree of shortening (e.g. c. century, H.
hydrogen, p. page) may conflate with acronyms or initialisms of the
type FAQ and CD (Conti and Mattiello 2008: 560). Indeed, like them, they
are made up of the initial letters of words. Even more blurred is the border
between alphabetisms and instances of two or more letters taken from a sin-
gle word, as in ADG for adermatoglyphia, ID for identification (as in ID
number/card, user ID, or on its own), TB/tb for tuberculosis, TV for televi-
sion or, in slang, for transvestite. However, all these abbreviations have a
single word as source form, whereas acronyms and initialisms come from a
multi-word sequence (Frequently Asked Questions, Compact Disk). As a
corollary, short clippings of the type c., H., etc. are highly ambiguous, ad-
mitting alternative inputs (e.g. in slang H. means heroin; see, and
potentially standing for any word beginning with the initial letter retained.
By contrast, a combination of letters, as in alphabetisms, leaves a smaller
number of options to disambiguation.
is considered the most salient part of a word (Dressler 2005). This pattern is
illustrated by many nouns, either monosyllabic or disyllabic:
ad/advert(isement), auto(mobile), bi(sexual), bro(ther), cap(tain),
demo(nstration), disco(theque), emo(tional), gym(nasium),61 lab(oratory),
photo(graph), pic(ture), prof(essor), sis(ter), uni(versity) have already been
mentioned. Other examples include: admin ( administration), amp (
amplifier), app ( application, and recently also from appetizer), bra (
brassire), bronc ( bronco), cam ( camera), cig ( cigarette), condo
( condominium), croc ( crocodile), curio ( curiosity), deb ( debu-
tante), deli ( delicatessen), dino ( dinosaur), dorm ( dormitory),
exam ( (academic) examination), fan ( fanatic), gas ( gasoline),
grad ( graduate), homo ( homosexual), mag ( magazine, cf. zine
below), mayo ( mayonnaise), memo ( memorandum), mimeo (
mimeograph), pen ( penitentiary), porn ( pornography), pres (
president), promo ( promotion), Rasta ( Rastafarian), rehab ( reha-
bilitation), sax ( saxophone), stude ( student), talc ( talcum), tech
( technology), teen ( teenager), tick ( ticket), tu ( tuition), U (
University; cf. initialisms in 3.1.4), vamp ( vampire) seductive woman,
zep ( zeppelin). A final -s is kept in binos ( binoculars), celebs (
celebrities), congrats ( congratulations), hols ( holidays), maths (cf.
Am.E. math), mocs ( moccasins), specs ( spectacles), at times with a
semantic specification, as in pants. Turps ( turpentine) is embellished
by an -s (Huddleston and Pullum 2002: 1636). In gents ( gentlemens
lavatory), the final -s is a residue of the genitive.
Back-clipped adjectives and verbs are less frequent: the former are illus-
trated by comfy, fab, hyper, imposs, marvy, mizzy, preg, rad, respectively
from comfortable, fabulous, hyperactive, impossible, marvellous, miser-
able, pregnant, and radical, the latter by frat, prep, psych,62 rehab, sum,
veg, from fraternize, prepare, psychoanalyse, rehabilitate, summarize, and
vegetate (pass the time in vacuous inactivity). Back-clipped adverbs like
def(initely) and inf(initely) are rare.
Some back-clippings are shortenings of slang rather than standard words
(Mattiello 2008a: 143): e.g., boob ( booby a stupid fellow), fag (
faggot a male homosexual), Mex ( Mexican foreign currency), mike
( microgram a microgram of a drug), mush ( mushroom an um-
brella), nig ( nigger a dark-skinned person). Others were slang words at
their origin, but are no longer considered stylistically marked, due to their
frequency of use in everyday language. Examples of this kind are: brill (
brilliant), divi. ( dividend), ma ( mama), meth ( methamphetamine;
cf. meth(s) from methylated spirit, OED3), op ( operative/operator a
74 Abbreviations Fore-clipping deletes the initial part of the word, thus preserving the
final portion, which is a rather salient word part (preserved, e.g., in baby
talk, Marchand 1969: 443). Some historical clippings belong to this type:
(a)bet, (a)cute, (ad)venture, (a)mend, (ap)ply, (at)tend, (cara)van,
(de)fence, (de)fend, (de)spite, still (from distil), (di)sport, (e)spy,
(e)strange, (hi)story, (omni)bus, (o)possum, (peri)wig, (rac)coon, (vio-
Definition, delimitation, and classification 75 The various types of clipping mentioned so far can also be found
with complex bases. The items resulting from this process are referred to as
clipped compounds.
Clipped compounds (also clipping-compounds in Marchand 1969: 445,
clipped forms in Bauer 1983: 233, shortened/abbreviated compounds in
Plag 2003: 122) reduce a compound to one of its parts. They are kept separate
from the usual patterns of clippings because, like blends, they are made up
of two or more bases. At the same time, however, they differ from blends
because, while in blends the bases have an autonomous sense, in clipped
compounds they have a composite meaning (Mattiello 2008a: 146).
Examples of clipped compounds include back-clippings: exec ( execu-
tive officer), graph ( graphic formula), lat ( latissimus dorsi), oppo
( opposite number a partner), narc/nark ( narcotics agent), poke (
pocket book), prefab ( prefabricated structure), pre-nup ( pre-nuptial
agreement),66 stereo ( stereophonic system), and tempo ( temporary
building). The -s of plurality is retained in caps ( capital letters, cf. capi-
A more transparent group leaves the first element intact: jumbo (
jumbo jet), piano ( pianoforte), and slang after ( afternoon), common
( common sense), hard ( hard labour), mobile ( mobile (tele)phone),
natural ( natural life), skin ( skinhead). At times also a portion of the
second member is kept, as in fanfic ( fan fiction), high-tech, kid-vid (
kid video).
Definition, delimitation, and classification 77
Type Description Clipped Clipped com- Clipped name
word73 pound
Back- The final ad adver- prefab Barb Bar-
clipping part of the tisement prefabricated bara
word is de- structure
Fore- The initial mia buli- berg ice- Bert Al-
clipping part of the mia berg bert
word is de-
Edge- The initial tec detec- shrink Xan Alex-
clipping and final tive head-shrinker andra
parts of the
word are
Mid-clipping The middle secy sec- breathalyser Floss
part of the retary breath Florence
word is de- analyser
Random Some scat- HRN her- biopic
Clipping tered let- oin biographical
ters/parts of picture
the word are
Suffixed Some part of barbie chippie/-y Mandy
Clipping the word is barbecue, chip-shop, Amanda,
deleted and a aggro garbo Robbo
suffix is aggravation, garbage Robinson,
added preggers collector, Sydders
pregnant swimmers Sydney
list, as in Aids, FAQ, laser, VAT or B.B.C., C.O.D., IMHO, OED (see
Bauer 1983, 1988; Plag 2003; Conti and Mattiello 2008).
Although terminological distinctions are not always so clear-cut, as seen
above, scholars generally agree that they represent two different processes,
to be distinguished on the basis of their pronunciation. Indeed, the form of
acronyms is orthoepic i.e. they are pronounced as full words whereas the
form of initialisms is letter by letter. Hence, the acronym Aids ( Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is pronounced by applying the regular read-
ing rules (), but the initialism B.B.C. by naming each individual letter
of the abbreviated words (). Kreidler (1979: 25) labels these two
types letter-sounding and letter-recitation, later renamed orthoepic vs.
alphabetic in Kreidler (2000: 957). However, as he admits, this distinction
is not always so definite, as hybrid cases exist accepting both pronunciations
(e.g. aka/AKA, a.s.a.p./A.S.A.P., awol/AWOL, Raf/RAF, vip/V.I.P.,
ufo/U.F.O., more examples in Lpez Ra 2002), or combining alphabetic
pronunciation with orthoepic rules (e.g. BTEC , CD-ROM
) (Conti and Mattiello 2008).
Moreover, the terms jeep and Veep, respectively from GP (General Pur-
pose (vehicle)) and VP (Vice-President), are pronounced by taking the
name of the first letter and the value of the second,74 whereas V.J. (Video-
Jockey) is alternatively spelt veejay, by analogy with D.J./deejay. Other
words which are given pronunciation-spellings (Adams 1973: 136) are:
emcee ( M.C. Master of Ceremonies), okay/okey ( O.K. oll/orl kor-
rect, also reduplicated as okey-dokey, see chapter 5), teevee75 ( TV tele-
vision, borderline with clipping) (see Baum 1955, 1957), and, in Am.E.
jaycee ( J.C. Junior Chamber of Commerce (member)). The process
occurring in these formations is a case of letter pronunciation (Mattiello
2008a: 152).
Lastly, there are words which look like acronyms, but behave like initial-
isms: GOP ( Grand Old Party) and WHO ( World Health Organiza-
tion) are read letter by letter, in the latter case probably to avoid ambiguity
with the relative pronoun.
Plag (2003: 127) proposes another distinction, based on orthography.
Both acronyms and initialisms can be spelt with either capital or lower-case
letters (as in NATO vs. Nato, SMS vs. sms), but, intuitively, only initialisms
can have dots (U.S.A.), though there seems to be a tendency towards avoid-
ing them (USA). However, cases with four different spellings are also possi-
ble (e.g. U.F.O., UFO, Ufo, ufo), which may diachronically represent pro-
gressive degrees of lexicalisation (; see also Lpez Ra 2006: 677).
84 Abbreviations
Capital letters are usually considered a formal device to link the acronym,
or the initialism, to its base word. But, nowadays, some words that histori-
cally originated as acronyms are no longer spelt with capital letters, and for
the majority of speakers they tend to be also no longer related to the word
they originally abbreviated (Plag 2003: 127128). Some items, like laser
and radar, even superseded the full forms (Cannon 1989: 103).
Sometimes capitals or dots can determine a different reading of the al-
phabetism, either as an acronym (ASAP , vat ) or as an initial-
ism (a.s.a.p. , VAT ) (Bauer 1983: 237). Bat-El
(2000: 67), though using different terminology, even claims that every acro-
nym has a corresponding base and initialism, but not every initialism has a
corresponding acronym. Actually, many alphabetisms have a double pro-
nunciation (e.g. DAT, FAQ, VIP, etc.). Hence, initialisms can also be read as
words, as long as they are in accordance with the reading rules of a lan-
A further point concerns the orthographic basis of acronyms and initial-
isms, whose pronunciation depends on the orthographic status acquired
rather than on the phonetic value of each initial letter in the original words.
Thus, while the letters A in Amplification and I in International are respec-
tively pronounced and , the same letters in laser and IPA (Interna-
tional Phonetic Alphabet) are diphthongised, as and (Aronoff 1976;
Bauer 1983; Merlini Barbaresi 2007; Conti and Mattiello 2008; Mattiello
2008a). Moreover, while English words beginning with a consonant sound
are regularly preceded by the indefinite article a, initialisms may be preceded
by either a or an depending on the consonant pronunciation: i.e., a Member
of Parliament, but an MP (Conti and Mattiello 2008: 565).
A final aspect which is generally noted in the literature concerns the for-
mation of acronyms, which generally involves considerable freedom
(Kreidler 1979: 25). According to Kreidler (2000: 958), In order to create
an acronym which is not only pronounceable but also euphonious or sugges-
tive of some other meaning, the letters of the source form are sometimes
chosen at will and vowel letters may be added. In Univac ( UNIVersal
Automatic Computer) and radar, for instance, it is not only the first letters
that are retained in the acronym.
Sometimes the acronym is even made to coincide with an existing word
whose meaning is appropriate to the referent, as in CARE ( Cooperative
for American Relief Everywhere) (see acrostics in the classification given in This latter type, confirming the difficult predictability of
acronymic formations, will be considered more marked than the prototypical
type, exemplified by Aids.
Definition, delimitation, and classification 85
are not pronounced as a series of letters, but read expanded. Further exam-
ples are language names in precise time periods (e.g. E.E., M.E., OE
Early/Middle/Old English), cardinal points (e.g. N.E. North-East, S.W.
South-West), and international chemical symbols (e.g. K L. kalium
potassium, Na L. natrium sodium).
Some other abbreviations of neoclassical origin, for example c.v. (
curriculum vitae), and also city names, for example LA ( Los Angeles)
and NYC ( New York City), are peripheral to the category of alphabet-
isms, since they can be read expanded or unexpanded (cf. Lpez Ra 2002).
These may be contrasted with cases such as a.m./p.m. ( ante/post me-
ridiem) and i.e. ( id est), which are read only unexpanded, like initialisms,
but are less relevant for the purposes of this study in that they are not spe-
cifically English. Note too the abbreviation e.g. ( exempli gratia), which
may be read either in unexpanded form or as the words for example, which
may be considered the English (but not Latin) expanded form.
The concept of backronym is also different from that of acronym. Back-
ronyms are constructed a posteriori, mostly by folk etymology, from a pre-
viously existing word. For instance, Adidas, actually a blend from the com-
pany founders nickname (Adi Dassler Adolph Dassler), has been re-
interpreted as All Day I Dream About Sports (or Sex), Ford, the car com-
pany founded by Henry Ford, was said to stand for First On Race Day,
Fix Or Repair Daily, or Found On Road, Dead, and LETS/Lets, an in-
vented name for a self-regulating economic network, has been later ration-
alised as Local Exchange (or Employment) Trading System. Unlike acro-
nyms, which are acts of economising, backronyms are often used for ludic
purposes: for instance, the acronym YMCA ( Young Mens Christian
Association) has been reinterpreted as Your Money Cheerfully Accepted
(Kreidler 2000: 958), VIP is used in advertising for Very Intelligent Pocket
or Very Important Pet, and slang phat (sexy, attractive), perhaps a re-
spelling of fat, has been later explained as an acronymic formation from
various phrases (Pussy, Hips, Ass, and Tits or Pretty, Hot, And Tempt-
The last category which partially overlaps with acronymic formations is
that of alphanumeric combinations used in text messaging. In such combina-
tions, a syllable is replaced by a homophonous letter and/or number: e.g., B4
(before), d8 (date), 4NR (foreigner), 4U (for you), GR8 (great), ICQ
(I seek you), IH8U (I hate you), IOU (I owe you), L8R (later, also
CUL8R), m8 (mate), no1/sum1 (no one, someone), QT (cutie), RU3?
(Are you free?, with a different pronunciation of the as ), TNX
(thanks) or 10Q (thank you), 2moro (tomorrow), 2U2 (to you too),
Definition, delimitation, and classification 87
Acronyms and initialisms are two general labels, allowing further analysis
and subcategorisation. Acronyms are classified on the basis of two main
criteria, namely morphotactic and morphosemantic (cf. orthographic vs.
word-based in Conti and Mattiello 2008: 562). According to the first crite-
rion, we can differentiate between elliptic and non-elliptic acronyms. Non-elliptic acronyms are words which retain the initial letters of
all the words contained in the source phrase. Examples include: COLA (
Cost Of Living Adjustments), DAT ( Digital Audio Tape, also read letter
by letter), FAQ, LAB ( Logistics Assault Base), LOL, MIDI ( Musical
Instrument Digital Interface), NATO, NIMBY, OTE ( On Target Earn-
ings), RAM ( Random Access Memory), RASC ( Royal Army Service
Corp), REACT ( Remote Electronically Activated Control Technology),
SIDS ( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Unicef ( United Nations In-
ternational Childrens Emergency Fund),77 slang snafu ( Situation Nor-
mal: All Fouled/Fucked Up), and recent Wysiwyg ( What You See Is
What You Get), originally from computing, to mean that what you see on
the screen is what you get in the output. In ASBO ( Anti-Social Behav-
iour Order/s) the initial letter of both the prefix Anti- and the adjective So-
cial has been retained. This type is clearly more prototypical and transparent
than the elliptic one, since in non-elliptic acronyms grammatical words (of,
in) and the initials of both compound bases (backyard) are both graphically
represented, strictly complying with the standard definition. Elliptic acronyms, in contrast, do not retain all the initials of the
words contained in the source phrase. Makkai (1972: 350) calls the words
which are not graphically represented suppressed lexons. The most com-
mon type omits grammatical words (underlined in the following examples),
such as prepositions (ARCA Automobile Racing Car of America, ASCII
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, NASDAQ
88 Abbreviations As has been said, there are some even more marked types, whose
morphotactic and morphosemantic transparency can be endangered by: 1)
the addition of vowel letters (see below), 2) a lower degree of shortening
(,79 or even 3) homophony with existing words (
Acronyms with vowel addition is the label given to those acronyms which
undergo a process of vowel insertion (Makkai 1972: 351), as in Humvee
( High-mobility Multi-purpose wheeled Vehicle) and WREN (
Womens Royal Naval service), with insertion of vowels for euphony. The
Lunar Module has even become Lunar Excursion Module to make the acro-
nym pronounceable as lem (see Pronounceability in 3.2.4). However, cases
Definition, delimitation, and classification 89 Recursive acronyms are formations in which one word of the source
phrase coincides with the acronym itself, as in CAVE ( Cave Automatic
Virtual Environment), LAME ( Lame Aint an MP3 Encoder), slang
mung ( Mung Until No Good) destroy or corrupt (data, etc.), and the
above-mentioned INSET. ALLEGRO ( Allegro Low LEvel Game ROu-
tine) is both recursive and extended ( Inverted letter acronyms are those in which the ordering of some
letters is changed: for instance, in MISHAP ( MIssiles High-Speed As-
sembly Program), the H and S are inverted for reasons of pronounceability
and homophony (3.2.4). This is the rarest pattern and the most uncertain in
the analysis: the S of MISHAP may simply come for the beginning of MIS-
90 Abbreviations The other general label mentioned above is that of initialisms. Like
acronyms, they can be subcategorised on the basis of their structure into
elliptic and non-elliptic.
Non-elliptic initialisms include the initial letters of all the words con-
tained in the source phrase, although they are pronounced as single letters.
Examples of non-elliptic initialisms are: aka ( Also Known As), AOL (
America OnLine), CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency), C.O.D. ( Cash
On Delivery), DIY ( Do-It-Yourself), DRAM ( Dynamic Random-
Access Memory), ECB ( European Central Bank), EEC ( European
Economic Community), GDP ( Gross Domestic Product), GMO, GMT
( Greenwich Mean Time), MOT ( Ministry Of Transport), OHMS (
On Her/His Majestys Service), SUV ( Sport Utility Vehicle), UNSC (
United Nations Security Council), URL ( Uniform Resource Locator),
VIP, WTO ( World Trade Organization), and informal/slang words used
92 Abbreviations Elliptic initialisms are those in which some initial letters are not
initialised. Like acronyms, they tend to omit grammatical words, as in ESL
( English as a Second Language), FBI ( Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion), GCSE ( General Certificate of Secondary Education), ICA (
Institute of Contemporary Art), MAE ( Master of Arts in Education),
TGIF ( Thank God Its Friday), and UNHCR ( United Nations High
Commission for Refugees). Howson (1945: 127) mentions elliptic
G.A.S.G.A.S.G.A.S. ( Gild of Ancient Suppliers of Gas Appliances, Skill,
Gins, Accessories, and Substances) among his curiosities. Ellipsis rarely
involves lexical words; exceptions are EBD ( Electronic Brake force Dis-
tribution), and A.T.&T., C. & W., PB & J, P. & O., and V. and A., all men-
tioned below.
The very recent formation afk/AFK ( away from keyboard) could also
be viewed as being elliptical, since the second base of the compound is not
graphically represented, almost certainly because of its lexicalised status,
and the same is true for NBC ( National Broadcasting Company). An-
other currently attested term is F.I.N.E. ( Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic,
and Emotional), whose meaning plays on the homophonous English word,
which is the polar opposite of the combined effect of the adjectives.
Like acronyms, there are peripheral cases of initialisms which lack an origi-
nal expression, as in KLF, the name of a pop music band mentioned by
Lpez Ra (2004: 126). However, unlike acronyms, which are more restric-
tive on their structure, initialisms may also exhibit:
Type Description Acronym (pro- Initialism (pro-
nounced as a full nounced letter by
word) letter)
Non-elliptic Al- The initials of all NIMBY/Nimby GMO Geneti-
phabetism the words of a Not In My Back- cally Modified
source phrase are Yard Organism
Elliptic Alpha- Only some of the FOB/fob MAE Master
betism initials of the Fresh Off the of Arts in Educa-
words of a source Boat tion
phrase are re-
Alphabetism with Extra vowels are Humvee High-
vowel addition inserted mobility Multi-
purpose wheeled
Alphabetism with Symbols, coordi- A3 Anytime,
symbols, coordi- nators, preposi- Anyplace, Any-
nators, preposi- tions or numerals where, B. and S.
tions or numerals are present Brandy and
Soda, I/O
U.S. of A.
United States of
Extended Alpha- More than one NOTAR NO-
betism initial is retained TAil Rotor
from each word
of a source phrase
Abbreviations as extra-grammatical phenomena 95
Many linguists exclude abbreviations such as prof and Aids from the realm
of morphology, and thereby exclude the related production mechanisms from
the processes of English word-formation. The classification attempted in this
study does in fact demonstrate that there are various patterns which go be-
yond word-formation rules, and a variety of peripheral cases which depart
from central (prototypical) ones. Both Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi (1994:
3940) and Dressler (2000: 4) claim that the operations forming abbrevia-
tions are excluded from grammatical morphology, not so much because they
are often irregular, but rather because they do not produce new meanings.
Dressler (2005) likewise stresses this concept, claiming that:
The relatively high amount of awareness in the formation of abbreviations
of all types and the lack of a semantic difference between the input and the
output of the abbreviatory operations of clipping, acronym formation, etc.
separate them (as being extragrammatical) from grammatical word forma-
tion. (pp. 269270)
96 Abbreviations
Bat-El (2000: 6367) supports the opposite view, arguing that acronyms
usually refer to something more specific than their base. Against their
extra-grammaticality, she also claims that such abbreviations change the
grammatical category and behave like other words, in the sense that they can
function as inputs to word-formation rules (cf. Conti and Mattiello 2008).
Fradin (2003: 211212) claims that clippings satisfy the form of minimal
words, and are productive in terms of applicability to new bases, although
only to polysyllabic ones. Semantically, they signal a shared familiarity with
either the addressee or the referred thing/object, but are class-maintaining
(Fradin 2003: 249). On the other hand, the categories of acronyms and ini-
tialisms are not productive for Fradin, although they are used to create new
words (Fradin 2003: 213).
Other scholars believe that the study of abbreviations is closely linked to
both morphology and phonology. Plag (2003: 116) goes even further and
includes the study of clipping in prosodic morphology, i.e. the phonology-
morphology interaction. He identifies phonological regularities in both clip-
pings and clipped names. Kreidler (1979) similarly concludes that, from the
phonological viewpoint, the process of clipping exhibits certain prefer-
ences (p. 32). In particular, from Kreidler (2000), which deals with differ-
ent languages, we learn that there is a universal preference for disyllabic
clippings, as in French labo(ratoire), Spanish foto(grafa), German
Foto(grafie), and English photo, although monosyllabic ones (ad, lab, prof)
are far more frequent in English. English shares with French a tendency to
end shortened words with a vowel o, either clipping them where there is an
internal o (E. demo, Fr. maso(chiste), vlo(cipde), now lexicalised), or
adding a suffix -o, as in E. aggro, ammo, Fr. intello ( intellectuel) (Ki-
lani-Schoch and Dressler forth.). From the grammatical and semantic view-
points, however, English clippings are variable and minimally predictable
(Kreidler 1979: 3234).
As far as acronyms and initialisms are concerned, many scholars agree
that there is a certain amount of freedom in their creation. Kreidler (1979,
2000), among others, observes that vowels may be imported, different por-
tions (rather than just the initial letters) may be retained, and the acronym
may coincide with an existing word, or else the coincidence may be favoured
because of semantic association. Cannon (1989: 121) observes that other,
widely varying patterns are emerging; and it is these that present most of the
irregular features. These observations, all taken into account in my classifi-
cation (3.1.6), confirm that, like clippings, alphabetisms constitute an irregu-
lar phenomenon.
Abbreviations as extra-grammatical phenomena 97
Although Bat-El (2000) and Plag (2003) strongly argue that clippings and
acronyms are regular processes, or, at least, that they are not more excep-
tional than grammatical derivation or compounding, the extra-
grammaticality of these formations appears evident from the fact that they
do not conform to canonical word-formation rules. A striking assertion is to
be found in Kreidler (2000): When a shortened form occurs for the first
time, its acceptance is due to the fact that it resembles its source in a fairly
unambiguous way (p. 959 [emphasis mine]). However, since different in-
puts may correspond to the same output (as in ad advertise-
ment/administration and BA Bachelor of Arts/British Airways), shorten-
ings are not always unambiguous (cf. monorefentiality in specialised
terminology, Mattiello forth.).
As far as clippings are concerned, Kreidler (1979) stresses that their for-
mation is unpredictable. In particular, we cannot predict what terms will be
shortened, the precise shape of the shortening, or where the cut will be
made (Kreidler 1979: 29). Although preferential patterns can be identified,
definite predictions on their structure are unattainable.
As far as alphabetisms are concerned, their structure is more predictable,
in that they generally exhibit the highest degree of shortening (Lpez Ra
2002: 4143), but they are irregular from many viewpoints: e.g., in terms of
1) hybridism, involving a combination of features from contrasting catego-
ries, 2) category shift from one abbreviation to another, and 3) intracate-
gorial progression from centrality (prototypicality) to more marginal pat-
terns (Lpez Ra 2002: 3839).
Hence, in conformity with, clippings and acronymic
formations can be negatively defined by a set of violations of grammatical
morphological rules.
Kreidler 1979, 2000; Fradin 2003; Plag 2003). Or there may be semantic
restrictions: for example, sec only refers to a unit of time and not to the
ordinal number, vamp only takes the secondary sense of vampire (i.e. se-
ductive woman) (cf. Kreidler 1979: 33). Caf is used by students, in a pejo-
rative way, to refer to the University cafeteria. Analogously, acronymic
formations do not differ from the longer phrases they stand for, in contrast to
what Bat-El (2000: 63) claims, with the exception of some connoted variants
(e.g. Fannie Mae FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association, and
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface, pronounced scuzzy), and of some
slang expressions: e.g., dinkie/-y ( double/dual income no kids + -ie/-y,
on the model of yuppie), which refers to either partner of a working couple
who have no children,86 and fob ( Fresh Off the Boat) used for a recent
immigrant. Indeed, clippings and alphabetisms, unless they are lexicalised,
can be substituted by their corresponding full forms, with no meaning
change, but only a redundancy effect. By contrast, when the abbreviation is
lexicalised (fridge, phone, taxi; Aids, laser, Nato, radar, USA) (, it
is no longer felt as a clipping or an alphabetism, and the source word or
phrase is considered the marked form (Fradin 2003: 211212). Indeed, in
compounds like fridge magnet, gym shoes, phone book, and porn star the
full form would sound abnormal (Jamet 2009: 2021). Salient form. Initialisms tend to omit function words in their output,
since they are semantically less salient (see Salience in 3.2.4), as in elliptic
104 Abbreviations
B.C.E. ( Before the Common Era), B.L. ( Bachelor of Law), etc. Acro-
nyms also omit function words, unless the relative initials are necessary to
make them conform to reading canons. Hence, in BAFTA ( British Acad-
emy of Film and Television Arts) function words are excluded from the ac-
ronym, but in COLA ( Cost Of Living Adjustments) they are not. Alpha-
betisms may intentionally coincide with an English word (acrostics), while
clippings tend to avoid ambiguity with existing full words (cf. Aronoffs
1976: 43 notion of blocking).90
The form of clippings is more variable. As discussed in, they
preferentially end in a consonant, with the exception of those ending with a
vowel i or o, either original (deli, disco) or added (telly, aggro), and of a
small number of counterexamples, like flu. Pro ( professional) does not
preserve the consonant f for reasons of distinctiveness (cf. prof professor;
and see the notion of blocking above). When the source word has an intervo-
calic consonant, it becomes final in the clipping, as in fem, ref. When it has
two adjacent intervocalic consonants, the clipping preserves both if the first
is sonorant (liquid or nasal) and the second is sonorant or obstruent (frica-
tive or plosive): dorm(itory), talc(um), vamp(ire). On the other hand, in
clusters of obstruent + sonorant, only the obstruent is preserved:
ad(ministration) (in spite of the ambiguity with ad(vertisement)), pub(lic
house), whereas with two obstruents, only the first is kept: cap(tain),
doc(tor) (otherwise less easily pronounceable).91 However, in the case of
clipped plural nouns (e.g. pecs, specs), the final -s of plurality is kept in
spite of the cluster with two obstruents.
The regularities identified in the previous section are mostly tendencies and
preferences, because the only obvious regularity of abbreviations is that they
shorten the words or phrases from which they originate.94 Some patterns
may be favoured for reasons of saliency (3.2.4), such as the preferences for
word beginning over word end, word end over word middle, and word mid-
dle over other (scatter) parts. But many exceptions remain that do not
strictly comply with common definitions of clippings or alphabetisms. As
Cannon (1989: 122) observes, the many, proliferating, continuously vary-
ing initialisms [his term for my alphabetisms] have considerably complicated
the construction of any overall theory of even English word-formation.
Clippings are, as we have seen, even more varied than alphabetisms.
A natural question now arises: Is there any predictability in the formation
of abbreviations? Or, to put it differently, is there any explanation justifying
the choice of one pattern over another? An intuitive answer is that there is no
absolute certainty in choices, but let us analyse some possible abbreviations
before coming to conclusions.
Table 3 shows a number of source words and phrases together with possible
respective abbreviations suggested by the present author. I must confess that
the selection of phrases, titles, etc. which have not yet been abbreviated was
by no means an easy task.
The source words and phrases in the left-hand column have been chosen
purposefully to illustrate various abbreviatory patterns. In compliance with, the source words in (1)(5) are polysyllabic, while the phrases in
(6)(8) are multi-word sequences corresponding to, respectively, the name of
a University in London, a song title (by Sting), and the title of an associa-
Possible abbreviations are shown in the right-hand column, following the
above-mentioned criteria and a variety of abbreviatory mechanisms. In par-
ticular, an abbreviated polysyllabic word is more likely to obtain a clipping
(as in 14), whereas an abbreviated phrase is more likely to obtain an alpha-
betism (as in 68). With compounds like (5) both options are possible. For
clippings, the beginning of the word has been retained when possible
( and conforms to one of the most frequent morphonological patterns
( Other parts have been retained when conforming to the tendencies
in When required, a suffix has been added ( For
alphabetisms, different distinctive spelling patterns have been offered
(, selecting one or the other reading, but ambiguity sometimes re-
mains as to whether the output should be read as an acronym or as an initial-
Results show that a biunique relationship can rarely be found between
input and output. The various outputs disconfirm one or more of the above-
mentioned criteria, and the motivations of one choice over the others are
often difficult to rationalise.
In (1) and (2), only one output has been suggested, because they ap-
peared the best options among possible ones. The back-clipping proc is
monosyllabic (, ends in a consonant (, and conforms to a
recurring template (CCVC) ( The part retained is the most salient
(the beginning), in accordance with, but unstressed (procssion),
which means that the abbreviatory process is accompanied by a stress shift
(prc). Although it is analogical with existing clippings (prof, prog) and
resembles them in form (, proc is unambiguous, because there is no
homophonous full or clipped word in English. This is the reason why the
alternative outputs ending with a vowel (pro) or retaining two syllables
(proces(s)) have been immediately excluded ( However, proc would
Abbreviations as extra-grammatical phenomena 107
The term blending has been used in a number of different ways, usually to
denote a word-formation process which combines two (or, rarely, more than
two) source lexemes,100 at least one of which has been shortened in the com-
bination, sometimes with a graphic and/or phonological overlap.
Definition, delimitation, and classification 113
Sibold (2006: 157) remarks that they are deliberately created out of existing
words in a way which differs from the rules or patterns of regular com-
pounding. Indeed, Kemmer (2003: 75) points out that what distinguishes
blends from compounds is that they combine parts of lexical sourcewords,
rather than whole sourcewords. Furthermore, in line with Cannon (1986:
730), the source words are separate, and not attested as compound bases
(cf. clipped compounds in, see also 4.1.2 below).
This brief characterisation of previous accounts shows that, although
definitions appear to be quite controversial, two crucial features are found in
almost all the voluminous scholarship on blends. First, there must be more
than one source lexeme, generally two, as a consequence of the universal
preference for binary relations (Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.). Second,
there must be some shortening of the source lexemes. Prototypically, the
beginning of the first lexeme and the end of the second one are retained, as a
consequence of the universal principle of perceptual salience (2.2.1).102
Thus, smoke and fog become smog, and breakfast and lunch are combined
into brunch. Related to this criterion, at times only one source lexeme is
abbreviated and the other is left unaltered. In dumbfound ( dumb + con-
found), the first lexeme is in its full form, whereas in paratroops ( para-
chute + troops), the second one is left unaltered. This is a more transparent
type, termed semi-complete blending by Ronneberger-Sibold (2006: 173)
and partial in my account (
Bertinetto (2001: 6465) identifies three main features for lexical blends:
1) the presence of an overlap, as in californicate ( California + forni-
cate), where the sequence forni belongs to both words,103 2) the full preser-
vation of the second word: e.g., in californicate, the second word is entirely
preserved, and 3) the possible existence of a shared lexical element, as in
blends obtained from two compounds.104
Other features are commonly highlighted in the literature on blends, espe-
cially in Cannon (2000), Plag (2003), and Bat-El (2006), although they are
not relevant to all blended words. For instance, the source lexemes generally
exhibit some semantic similarity (e.g. breakfast and lunch, as in brunch, are
co-hyponyms of meals), otherwise a combination of properties would be
impossible (Plag 2003: 123), but they are rarely synonyms (Cannon
2000: 952), as in ginormous ( gigantic + enormous) (see Similarity in
4.2.4; cf. Gries forth.).
Another feature is that the source words normally belong to the same
syntactic category (Kubozono 1990: 3). In order of frequency, combina-
tions include: noun + noun (boat + hotel boatel), verb + verb (guess +
Definition, delimitation, and classification 115
The beginning of one word is followed by the end of another. This is the
prototypical type of brunch, ginormous, Oxbridge, and smog, called
linear by Gries (2004a: 645). Other examples which belong to this
type are: ballute ( balloon + parachute), bisalo ( bison + buffalo),
blaxploitation ( Blacks + exploitation), boost ( boom + hoist),
Bublet ( bubble + tablet) trademark for foaming bath oil in tablet
form, camcorder ( camera + recorder), compander ( compressor
+ expander), dawk ( dove + hawk), donkophant ( donkey + ele-
phant, with an interfix -o-), fleep ( fly + jeep), geep ( goat + sheep,
also shoat), hurricoon ( hurricane + typhoon), Lipfinity ( lipstick
+ infinity) Max Factor lipstick brand, guaranteed to last, maridelic (
marijuana + psychedelic), mimsy ( miserable + flimsy), muppets (
marionette + puppets), popocrat ( populist + democrat), psychergy
Definition, delimitation, and classification 119 Partial blends are those in which only one source word is reduced,
the other being left in its full form (see also Thornton 1993: 148). Again we
can distinguish between different subtypes according to the position of the
full word:
The two members are therefore related both syntactically and semanti-
cally. Syntactically, they are paradigmatically equivalent, i.e. belong to the
same syntactic category, and both share their syntactic class with the final
blend. Semantically, they are generally co-hyponyms of a superordinate
term, as lion and tiger, which are both animals. As observed by Algeo
(1977: 57), the purest examples of associative blends are those that com-
bine synonyms,114 as in attractivating ( attractive + captivating), con-
fuzzled ( confused + puzzled), disastrophe ( disaster + catastrophe),
fantabulous, ginormous, guesstimate, insinuendo ( insinuation + innu-
endo), needcessity ( need + necessity), stocks ( stockings + socks), and
swellegant ( swell + elegant), although the association is also facilitated
by the overlapping constituents of most of these blends. Sometimes the con-
stituents are near-antonymically related (Cannon 2000: 955), as in com-
pander ( compressor + expander), demopublican ( democratic + re-
publican), frenemies ( friends + enemies), modem ( modulator +
demodulator), and transceiver ( transmitter + receiver).
I consider all the coordinate blends mentioned so far to be endocentric,
because, like coordinate compounds, they have two heads which are inside
the blend. However, within the category of coordinate blends, exocentric
cases also exist: for example, a helilift is neither a helicopter nor a lift,
but a group transported by helicopter, and fortran ( formula + transla-
tion) refers to a computer language that uses familiar words and symbols
(Bryant 1974: 175, 182). Hence, both are exocentric, but, while the former
is only partially opaque, exhibiting transparency of the first member, the
latter exhibits opaqueness of both members.
As has already been said, the above classifications operate with reference to
a number of different parameters. Thus, for example, the coordinate blend
advertainment belongs to the type of total blends in which the beginning of
one word is followed by the end of another (advert(isement +
ent)ertainment), and also exhibits overlapping constituents (the sequence
ert). The attributive blend snobject, on the other hand, belongs to the most
transparent type, with no truncation but only overlapping constituents.
The labels used to distinguish these blends are only partially taken from
the literature, either because I felt the need to create my own taxonomy, so
as to include all existing blends, or because I disagreed with some accounts,
such as Bat-Els (2006) distinction between endo- and exo-centric blends, or
126 Blends
the omission of those blends like motel, which are viewed by some scholars
(e.g. Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.) as syntagmatic abbreviations of
possible compounds. Table 4 summarises the types discussed in my study.
ity of blend words even permits combinations with phrases reduced to acro-
nyms or initialisms, as in ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) + symposium
Ziposium, and UN (United Nations) + onomatopoeia UNomatopoeia.
Even more strikingly, the first base of Abra CaBubble ( abracadabra +
bubble) trademark for a bubblegum is a nonsense word with no syntactic
category at all.
Furthermore, the bases of blends are often two semantically related
words which are paradigmatically equivalent, such as two nouns (smoke +
fog), two adjectives (fantastic + fabulous), two adverbs (absolutely + posi-
tively), and two verbs in guesstimate. Even synonymous bases are permitted
(gigantic + enormous).
Points to clearly accommodate blends within extra-
grammatical morphology (, recognising that they are in
spite of their apparent resemblance to grammatical compounds character-
ised by many irregularities. Yet blends also present some recurrent patterns
and regularities which help understanding and aid the prediction of new for-
mations by analogical processes.
SW1 and SW2 have been chosen on the basis of their paradigmatic rela-
tion. Moreover, they are not casually ordered, but arranged so as to favour
similarity or identity at the juncture (, or otherwise according to
Kellys (1998) parameters of frequency, length, prototypicality, positive
connotation, etc. (see also Gries forth.). When two parameters are in con-
trast, a compromise solution is offered giving prominence to frequency over
length, to length over prototypicality, and so on. Potentially, SW1SW2
should be the best order for the blend components.
Possible blend structures have been envisaged in line with criteria above. That is, the final form of the blend should conform
to the phonology of English, its stress should correspond to primary stress of
either SW1 or SW2, the number of syllables should not be greater than one
more than the longer SW, etc.
However, some criteria have been considered as primary. For example,
the prototypical pattern combines the beginning of SW1 with the end of SW2
(, SW1 and SW2 preferably overlap (, either phonologically,
graphically or both, and their semantic transparency is maximised by pre-
serving as many segments as possible (, which makes them more
recognisable and unambiguous (see Recoverability in 4.2.4 below).
Results show that more than one possible output can be predicted given
an input, each output disconfirming at least one criterion among above. For instance, in (1), two possible blend forms have been
suggested. The first (milkoffee) retains as many segments as possible from
the base words (, and combines them at a phonological overlap
Blending as an extra-grammatical phenomenon 137
In reply to the above question, this brief discussion suggests that there is no
full predictability in blend formation, alternative outputs being consistent
with the phonology of English, and one or another output being inconsistent
with the regularities and tendencies discussed in Moreover,
against Plag (2003) and Bat-El (2006), no valid generalisations can be made
for blends, which, as has been shown, appear to be much more heterogene-
ous and unpredictable than compounds. Criteria show the
main preferences in blending patterns, in line with naturalness parameters,
but the number of actual and possible blends respecting all criteria is low,
smog being an ideal type.
Analogy. Like abbreviations (chapter 3), blends too are analogical for-
mations, i.e. formations created by analogy with previously encountered
patterns of formation (see Lehrer 2007). Thus, frappuccino (from
frapp + cappuccino) is based on the analogous formation mochaccino
(from mocha + cappuccino), Krustelope (from Krusty + Penelope),
used in an episode of The Simpsons, is analogical with Brangelina, and
Girlicious, the name of a female musical group, is comparable to many
prior formations of the same type (beaulicious, bootylicious, etc.). In
the latter case, -licious is a potential final combining form which may
gain an established status in the near future. In contrast with regular
compounds, which are entirely based on concatenation, new blends re-
semble existing ones, and also admit fusion, overlapping segments, and
even intercalation.
Pronounceability/Euphony. Blends must be easy to pronounce and
agreeable to the ear. They must conform to the general reading rules,
avoiding impossible clusters or unpronounceable sound sequences (see
Natural Phonology in 2.2.2). Their form must be audible and compre-
hensible to the hear. Only a few dispreferred cases (e.g. compfusion)
partially disobey these criteria.
Recoverability. In accordance with naturalness preferences for morpho-
tactic and morphosemantic transparency (Dressler 1999, 2000, 2005),
the components of the blend must be recognisable from its final segmen-
Blending as an extra-grammatical phenomenon 139
tal make-up. Blends must preserve as many segments from the source
words as possible (Cannon 1986; Gries 2004a; Bat-El 2006) in order to
guarantee recoverability (see overlapping blends). This criterion corre-
sponds to the notion of recognisability in Gries (forth.).
Semantic blocking. A blend cannot be formed in a given language if it
coincides with a homophone or homograph word of that language. In ac-
cordance with Aronoffs (1976: 43) notion of blocking, the formation
of a blend like *smoke ( sm(ell + ch)oke) would be blocked, because
it has the same form as an existing word. Moreover, the segments from
the source words must not coincide with existing lexemes. Accordingly,
blends such as *breaklunch or *lunchfast are blocked, because break
and fast are existing English words (cf. broccoflower where flower is an
existing word; see Recoverability above).
Prominence. One of the constituents of a blend must be prominent in
terms of length, stress, and, in the attributive type, position and meaning
(see Salience below). In other words, one component is the matrix: it
provides the rhythmical contour, the rhyme, and generally corresponds
to or is one syllable shorter than the whole formation. In the attribu-
tive type, this component is normally the right-most element and plays
the role of semantic head.
Salience. The order of the blend components must respect the semantic
criterion of salience. For instance, in wintertainment, the second element
(entertainment) is the most salient in determining the meaning of the
blend, and therefore occurs in head position. Of course, other factors
may come into play in determining the order of the source words: for in-
stance, in brunch, breakfast comes before lunch not only because this
latter is the matrix and more prominent word, but also because this order
iconically reproduces the chronological sequence of the two meals.
tures, even when the phonemes are not the same (cf. vs. ), c) iden-
tical structure with regard to CV segments (CVCVC), d) identical sylla-
ble length, e) identical stress pattern, and f) same part of speech (nouns)
(Gries forth.). Lastly, in many blends there also tends to be similarity or
identity at the juncture, as in the overlapping type.
Chapter 5
expressive phenomena are not included in the present analysis (see 6.56.6),
since they do not exhibit repetition as their main feature.
Within extra-grammatical morphology, reduplication is a particularly in-
teresting phenomenon, since it largely departs from those so far analysed. In
contrast to the shortening mechanisms of blending, clipping, and acronymic
formation, all oriented towards the principle of economy, reduplication ap-
pears to be based on lengthening and on a criterion of redundancy. However,
although it increases the communicative cost of an utterance without any
significant addition to the central meaning, it is, at the same time, useful both
for peripheral meaning and for memorisation. It should also be added that it
is sometimes accompanied by truncation, as in slang nig-nog, from a first
base shortened from nigger. English makes use of reduplication in depreca-
tive constructions (Art-shmart, I call it garbage!), as well as in less formal
(okey-dokey), humorous (Humpty-Dumpty), or nursery language (wee-wee
The importance of premorphological reduplications is unquestionable,
and many onomatopoeic forms (choo-choo), as well as forms used in child-
directed speech (din-din dinner, wa-wa water) increase the number of
either new words or connoted variants, although they are restricted to a spe-
cific variety (i.e. baby talk). The use of reduplicatives may also signal a
love-centred speech situation, where the users reduce their distance by
choosing childish names such as kissy-kissy or tootsy-wootsy. In general,
reduplication conveys a pragmatic meaning of non-seriousness (Dressler and
Merlini Barbaresi 1994), that is, it is indexical of the users emotional
states, or, at least of his non-serious attitude (Merlini Barbaresi 2008:
Yet English reduplicatives contribute to the enrichment of the lexicon not
only in terms of connotation ( Some fully lexicalised examples of
reduplicatives are knick-knack (a trinket), nitty-gritty (very detailed),
ping-pong, tussie-mussie (a small bouquet of flowers), yo-yo (the toy),
and zig-zag, some of them covering specific semantic spaces and having no
commonly used synonym. However, as we will see, reduplicatives tend to
exhibit a certain semantic indeterminacy, since their meanings are often con-
nected with vague concepts, namely indecision, confusion, carelessness,
disorder, foolishness, etc. (Merlini Barbaresi 2008: 235).
Reduplicatives are quite frequent and widespread, and, as the over 2,000
examples collected by Thun (1963) amply demonstrate,122 they have been so
for a number of centuries. The type with exact repetition (ha-ha) is first
recorded before the year 1000, and the rhyming (hotchpotch) and ablaut
(mish-mash) types respectively in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It is,
Reduplicatives 143
however, since the sixteenth century that they have become more frequent,
and audacious nonce formations of this type are currently created in such
areas as poetry, song lyrics, political slogans, newspaper headlines, advertis-
ing, brand names, and slang. There are many recent examples in trade names
(Reeses Pieces a candy), songs (Laffy Taffy),123 and cartoons for children
(Igglepiggle and Makka Pakka in the series In the Night Garden; Laa-Laa,
Noo-Noo, and Tinky-Winky in Teletubbies; Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare
Before Christmas). Many well-established examples like chit-chat and
pooh-pooh are still in active use, for instance, in the sitcom The Simpsons,
and the noun hurly-burly has been reused for the title of a film (Hurlyburly,
based on the play of the same name). Other old reduplicatives acquire new
meanings and uses: for instance, fiddle-faddle (originally nonsense) has
also become the name of a candy-coated popcorn, and zigzag, commonly
used in the standard meaning sharp turns in alternating directions, is used
in slang to refer to a drunk person, from his typical way of walking.
Despite its frequency as a word-formation phenomenon, reduplication is
still neglected by morphologists dealing with the English system, mainly
because of its irregular mechanism of formation, which marginalises it to
extra-grammatical morphology or else to expressive morphology (Zwicky
and Pullum 1987; Baldi 2000). The variety of reduplicative patterns does
not allow scholars to analyse them as a homogeneous set. Moreover, it is not
clear where reduplicative words should be placed within a description of the
language, as they lie at the intersection of phonology and morphology, draw-
ing on both linguistic systems (Inkelas and Zoll 2005: 2; Merlini Barbaresi
2008: 229). I will focus only on the use of reduplication as a word-formation
device, and make reference to phonology especially for the ablaut and
rhyming types only insofar as it will be necessary to motivate structural
The literature offers differing points of view as to whether reduplication
should be considered morphologically as an example of affixation or as
compounding (Inkelas 2006: 417). Many researchers adopt the proposal by
Marantz (1982) that both total and partial reduplication involve the affixa-
tion of a phonologically skeletal morpheme (cf. McCarthy and Prince 1986).
The alternative view sees reduplication as the morphological doubling of a
subconstituent, which occurs twice in the same word, at times with phono-
logical truncation, as in partial reduplication.
The morphological description of English reduplicatives dates back at
least to Jespersen (1942: 173183) and Marchand (1969: 429), who respec-
tively labelled these formations reduplicative compounds and pseudo-
compounds. Quirk et al. (1985: 1579) define reduplicatives as compounds
144 Reduplicatives
[that] have two or more constituents which are either identical or only
slightly different. Thun (1963), which is at present the most extensive
monograph on the subject, argues that it is not tenable to regard all forms
of reduplicative word-formation as a kind of composition (p. 11). As we
will see, reduplicatives are neither derivatives nor compounds in the tradi-
tional sense. They are difficult to describe in terms of rules, their bases being
often unrecognisable, and the onomatopoeic type (e.g. clip-clop) being typi-
cally acephalous. Their classification also poses problems: the traditional
division into total and partial does not cover all types of English reduplica-
tive, which, as the above-mentioned examples show, fall into various sub-
groups. A very convincing classification including all patterns, which will be
of central importance in 5.1.3, is that given by Merlini Barbaresi (2008:
5.1.1. Definition
The definition given above allows a primary differentiation between the phe-
nomenon of reduplication and other processes that are sometimes conflated
with it because of their repetitive nature.124
A first distinction is between reduplication and repetition. Only the for-
mer can in fact be characterised as a word-formation device, the latter being
merely a syntactic reiteration of words belonging to various classes. Merlini
Barbaresi (2008: 234) stresses that there is much confusion and often over-
lap between copy reduplicatives of the type goo-goo and my-my and syntac-
tic repetition used to stress the true identity of an item as compared to imita-
tions (e.g. food food not junk food, fur fur real fur), the certainty of an
action (Are you leaving leaving really leaving now?), or as a form of in-
tensification, as in here here (precisely here). These two processes can be
distinguished on the basis of a number of criteria, as has been pointed out by
Thun (1963: 89). First, there is a prosodic difference between the stress
pattern of reduplicative formation, which acquires compound stress (be-
bye, prtty-pretty), and that of simple repetition, which maintains stress on
each single word repeated (be be, prtty prtty). Second, there is a mor-
phological difference, in that only reduplication allows pluralisation (bye-
byes, noun pretty-pretties), or derivation (pretty-pretti-ness). Third, there is
a semantico-pragmatic difference, in that the repeated adjective in pretty
pretty preserves its basic meaning, whereas pretty-pretty takes on a deroga-
tory meaning when used as an adjective (excessively pretty), and a com-
pletely new meaning when it is a plural noun (ornaments).125
Another necessary differentiation is between reduplicatives and other
words which, in spite of their apparent binary make-up, are the result of
some other process. From derivation we have words containing affixes
which happen to be phonologically similar to the roots to which they are
Definition, delimitation, and classification 147
kind are included within the category of clipped compounds (, be-
cause it is their opaque morphotactics, more than their rhyming nature, that
confines them to extra-grammatical morphology.
Repetitive items, which correspond most closely to the copy type, consti-
tute the largest number of onomatopoeic reduplicatives. Examples in-
clude animal noises, such as arf-arf (dog), baa-baa (sheep or lamb),
jug-jug (nightingale), meow-meow (cat), oink-oink (pig), quack-quack
(duck), tweet-tweet, weet-weet (bird), and woofle-woofle (dog). In baby
talk and nursery language, some of these reduplicative onomatopoeias
are used as nouns, to label the animals themselves.137
Sounds produced by humans also belong to this type: e.g., laughter (ha-
ha, hah hah), footsteps (chug-chug, clop-clop, patter-patter, pattle-
pattle), chatting (blah-blah, gobble-gobble), breathing (pech-pech), ex-
pressing derision or disdain (ho-ho, pooh-pooh), complaining (munge-
munge), swallowing (glut-glut), expressing enjoyment, especially in the
taste of food (yum yum), etc.
Sounds produced by musical instruments are represented by clang-clang
(bells), diddle-diddle (fiddle), honk-honk (motor horn), pip-pip (motor
car horn), tam-tam (gong), tan-tan, tom-tom (drum). They may be used
as verbs, as in tum-tum (to play monotonously).
The last group of reduplicative onomatopoeias comprise noises pro-
duced by objects or things in movement, such as choo-choo, chuff-chuff
(train), chug-chug (engine), click-click (pins, needles), frou-frou (cloth-
ing), hish-hish (rain), ramp-ramp (sea), snip-snip (scissors), ting-ting
(small bell, glass), tuff-tuff (gas), and woo-woo (wind). Tick-tick is not
only imitative of the sound of the clock, but also a childrens name for
the object itself.
In all these words, the bases are only motivated phonologically, and
word repetition iconically echoes the repetition of sounds.
In onomatopoeic reduplicatives following the ablaut pattern, vowel
variation symbolises polarity, especially a bipolar range of sound possi-
bilities (Marchand 1969: 431).
Again, there are words which indicate sounds produced by animals
(cherry-churry the note of the lesser pettychaps, plit-plat or trit-trot
sound of trotting, prid-prad the blue titmouse, twit-twat noise of the
house-sparrow), and sounds produced by people, especially indicating
Definition, delimitation, and classification 157
Table 6 summarises the types, subtypes, and patterns described in this sec-
tion, though without a specific grouping of the onomatopoeic type.
158 Reduplicatives Preference for binary structure. Like blends and canonical com-
pounds, reduplicatives exhibit a tendency for a binary structure (bye-bye,
hob-nob, zigzag). Triplets (tick-tack-toe) or trinomials (Milly Molly Mandy)
are dispreferred. Insertions interrupting the concatenation process, as in ting-
a-ling, are also dispreferred. Rather, additions are made to both constituents,
as in Lizzy-Wizzy, lovey-dovey, in order to favour rhyme. Single or double stress pattern. For each type, Dienhart (1999)
distinguishes between single and double stress. Copy reduplicatives with
single stress are generally nouns from a monosyllabic base (bo-boo, chw-
chow), whereas those with double stress are not nouns (e.g. verb poh-poh,
adverb chp-chp), or their bases are polysyllabic (wnga-wnga type of
Australian wine). Rhyming reduplicatives with a primary stress on the first
syllable are based on monosyllabic elements (hdge-podge, ntwit), while
those with double stress are based on polysyllabic elements (hkey-pkey,
sper-dper). Rhyming compounds, by contrast, have single stress (clture
vulture, fnder-bender, gnder-bender). Lastly, ablaut reduplicatives also
exhibit single stress (cht-chat, clp-clop), regardless of the lexical category
or number of syllables. All the above generalisations, however, have coun-
terexamples in English (see Dienhart 1999).
Again, the choice of the bases in the first column is not arbitrary. With
the exception of sexy, they all consist of one syllable, which is a general
166 Reduplicatives
The tendencies and (sub)regularities identified in 5.2.2 are not rigid or sta-
ble, and do not allow full predictability, but they can help us formulate some
preferential criteria of formation for reduplicatives. The first criterion con-
cerns their analogical nature.
With the exception of the copy type, criteria of well-formedness also in-
168 Reduplicatives
This chapter deals with three minor phenomena, namely back-formation (e.g.
edit editor), infixation (e.g. -blooming- in abso-blooming-lutely), and
phonaesthemes (e.g. gl- in glass, gleam, glisten, etc.). These phenomena are
obviously different from many viewpoints and their treatment in the same
chapter may appear somewhat odd. My decision to include them under the
same heading is purely motivated by their marginal importance and lower
frequency in English. However, the use of marginal here does not refer to
marginal morphology (Doleschal and Thornton 2000; Dressler 2000).
Indeed, the three phenomena lie not at the boundary of morphological gram-
mar, but outside it, on the periphery of extra-grammatical morphology (see
Both back-formation and infixation involve affixes, but not in the canoni-
cal sense. Back-formation involves subtraction of affixes from a supposedly
complex base, reanalysed as *edit + *-or by analogy with other formations
(e.g. act + -or). Infixation, by contrast, involves insertion of infixes within a
discontinuous base, as in the above-mentioned abso-blooming-lutely, or in
other peculiarly atypical positions, such as between morphemes (in-bloody-
tolerant). Therefore, they clearly depart from word-formation rules: unlike
ordinary derivation, back-formation removes, rather than adding, an affix,
whereas infixation interrupts a (simplex or complex) base, rather than regu-
larly attaching a bound morpheme to it, as in prefixation or suffixation (in-
+ tolerant + -ly). These considerations account for my inclusion of back-
formation and infixation in a book on extra-grammatical morphology.
The other phenomenon under investigation falls into the wider category of
phonetic symbolism, sound symbolism (Marchand 1969: 397), phono-
symbolism (Baldi 2000: 963), or echoism (Rastall 2004: 39). We have
seen some examples of primary phonosymbolism or onomatopoeia (i.e. di-
rect imitation of naturally occurring sounds or natural correspondence be-
tween sound and sense) in the classification of reduplicatives such as chuf-
chuf, ding-dong, tick-tack ( Here I deal with another type of echoic
expression, which falls into the class of secondary phonosymbolism, or pho-
naesthesia, i.e. repetition for aesthetic or expressive effects (Firth 1930). For
instance, the initial phonemic sequence gl- is felt to be appropriate to the
meaning of the lexemes in the word group glass, gleam, glisten, and so
170 Minor phenomena
forth, in that it carries the idea of light, shine. This does not imply, how-
ever, that the phonomorph gl- can be systematically assigned a specific
meaning throughout the language: cf. the word gloom, whose meaning is
antithetical to lightness. Nor does it imply that the above-mentioned lex-
emes derive from a word-formation rule (e.g. *gl- + *ance), in that phonaes-
themes are not morphemes (Shisler 1997). As we will see in this chapter,
however, we can legitimately include them within extra-grammatical mor-
Among the phenomena discussed in this chapter, only back-formation
may be considered a derivational process, as the alternative label backderi-
vation used by Marchand (1969: 391) suggests. Back-formation changes
the syntactic class of the base, but it does so in an unusual direction (e.g.
Agent Noun Verb), and by subtracting, rather than adding material. In-
fixation, by contrast, is class-maintaining (adjective intolerant adjective
in-bloody-tolerant). Its relevance, indeed, is to expressive morphology
(Zwicky and Pullum 1987), because it is used not to form new words, but to
form negatively connoted variants, mostly, obscene deprecative formations
of the type just mentioned. Sound symbolism is equally irrelevant to deriva-
tion, in that its primary system of reference is phonology. Yet, against
Baldis (2000: 964) claim that words containing phonosymbolic segments
are not unconventional or expressive, I view phonaesthesia as emotionally
expressive: e.g., the sound , which is frequent with diminutive and pet
suffixes (dear-ie, girl-ie), is suggestive of the short emotive distance from
the addressee, while initial and , as in pish, pooh, fart, fuck, are gener-
ally used to express scorn, disapproval, or disgust (Marchand 1969: 397).
As discussed in 2.3.1, the terms extra-grammatical and expressive as
applied to morphology do not overlap, at least not completely. If it is true
that infixation and phonaesthemes have expressive value, the same is not
true for back-formation, which does not seem to convey any emotion,
whether positive or negative. The three phenomena examined in this chapter
lie outside morphological grammar because they infringe grammatical word-
formation rules, but they infringe different rules and not in the same ways.
Therefore a unitary account would be impracticable, and each phenomenon
will be described and analysed individually.
27) and Quirk et al. (1985: 1522) claim that the process is of diachronic
relevance only, while from a synchronic perspective the shorter words (e.g.
edit) are to be considered the bases and the longer words (e.g. editor) the
derivatives. Bauer (1983: 230), Becker (1993: 6), and Nagano (2007: 35),
on the other hand, stress that it is a synchronic word-formation process in
English, in that, semantically, the shorter words depend on the longer ones
(e.g. edit means act as an editor), and not vice versa. Nagano (2007: 37
38, footnote 3) observes that the verb edit represents a special case of back-
formation, because it has not only a meaning involving the noun (i.e. act as
an editor), but also an independent, semantically detached, meaning, that of
prepare for publication. I believe that these two meanings are connected: in
fact, an editor prepares an edition of a work for publication.
Marchands (1963, 1969) position reconciles the two views. Although he
strongly claims that back-formation has diachronic relevance only and that
synchronic analysis is not affected by it (Marchand 1969: 391), he later
admits that content must be the final criterion of derivational relationship
for any pair of words (p. 392). Indeed, while the noun peddler can be se-
mantically analysed as one who peddles, although it is older than the verb,
the noun burglar cannot be analysed as one who burgles, because the verb
relies for its analysis on content features of the noun (i.e. burgle act the
burglar). Thus, if historically peddler and burglar are the bases, the former
must be regarded as the derivative for synchronic analysis, whereas the latter
is the derivational base. I agree with Marchand (1963, 1969) that semantic
analysis must be a fundamental criterion to distinguish between regular deri-
vation and back-formation. Yet diachronic study should also provide support
and evidence for the process involved, rather than contrasting with syn-
chronic study, as in the case of peddler/peddle.
Another controversial issue is whether back-formation should be consid-
ered as zero-derivation with affix dropping (Marchand 1969), as a kind of
shortening (Kreidler 1979, 2000; Stockwell and Minkova 2001), as a special
case of clipping (Bauer 1983), or as a combination of conversion and clip-
ping (Nagano 2007). Scholars do not agree on whether back-derivation is
actually the reverse of derivation, or on whether it involves real affixes, sup-
posed ones (Plag 2003: 37), or no affix at all. For Plag (2003: 37), back-
formation is not a derivational, but an analogical process, very close to the
process operating in the coinage of, for example, air-sick, after sea-sick. I
likewise believe that analogy is the principle governing back-formation
Terminology, by contrast, appears less contentious, since the most com-
mon labels used to refer to the process being discussed are back-formation
172 Minor phenomena
6.1.1. Definition
Back-formation is the process whereby words like edit, televise, and type-
write are extracted from longer words whose apparent form is bimorphemic
(editor, television, type-writer), by deleting supposed affixes, on the analogy
with word pairs like exhibit/exhibitor, revise/revision, write/writer.
Pennanen (1966), rather than focusing his attention on the length of the
base words, identifies a number of defining criteria which delimit the process
of back-formation. In his view, a word is back-formed if: 1) the mechanism
of its formation has a regressive direction, as in the case of a verb obtained
from an agent noun, 2) it operates on the basis of analogy, and 3) the word
conforms with chronological and semantic criteria. Thus, he appears to
combine the diachronic with the synchronic view of back-formation.
Most definitions describe back-formation as the reversal of a word-
formation rule. Aronoff (1976: 27) briefly states that back-formation is a
backwards application of a WFR [Word-Formation Rule]. Becker (1993:
7) even claims that The question, whether back-formations are applications
of rules or analogies, is irrelevant, because for him the two notions corre-
spond (cf., and what distinguishes back-formation from its inverse
is lower productivity.142 Similarly, Haspelmath (2002: 169) defines back-
formation as an application of a morphological rule in the less productive
Yet many scholars disagree with the above claims. Bauer (1983: 231),
for instance, considers the reversal hypothesis slightly misleading, because
it would not account for the formation of such verbs as cohese ( cohe-
sion), transcript ( transcription), or self-destruct ( self-destruction),
whose expected forms would instead be cohere, transcribe, and self-destroy.
Nagano (2007: 4243) likewise criticises the claim that back-formation is
the reversal of some affixation process, because in some counterexamples
there is no corresponding rule, or no real affix involved. For instance, al-
though the verb frivol is back-formed from the adjective frivolous, there
Back-formation: Definition, delimitation, and classification 173
Back-formed words can first of all be divided into two primary groups,
namely the simple-word type and the compound-word type.143
Back-formation: Definition, delimitation, and classification 175
On the basis of the criteria listed above (, I will now check
the predictability of both simple- and compound-word back-formation.
6.3.1. Definition
It has been suggested that English irregular past tense and participle forma-
tions (e.g. sing/sang/sung) may be analysed in terms of infixation (see the
references in Yu 2007). However, besides being a matter of inflection, rather
188 Minor phenomena
than a derivation operation, ablaut modification does not involve the same
insertion and discontinuity as in proper infixation.
Another frequent but erroneous confusion is between infixation and the
process of tmesis, commonly defined as the separation of the elements of
a compound word by the interposition of another word or words (OED, in
McMillan 1980: 166), as in chit and chat from chit-chat and what might be
soever from whatsoever. As we have seen, infixation not only interrupts
compounds, but also simplex words (fan-fucking-tastic, kanga-bloody-roo,
o-damn-clock), and therefore admits a wider range of bases than tmesis. On
the other hand, emotive intensifier insertion admits a very restricted class of
inserts, typically expletives such as -bloody-, -damn-, -fuckin-, and the like,
whereas traditional tmesis is more permissive with regard to the insert type:
cf., e.g., what place soever with what might be soever above.
Moreover, expletive infixation should not be conflated with the insertion
of emotive intensifiers into normally uninterruptible collocations. In my
opinion, the following examples belong to the process of syntactic interpos-
ing (McMillan 1980: 167168), so do not qualify as lexically infixed
forms: dont X forget, half X dead, fat X chance, happy X birthday, not X
likely, take your X time, thanks a X lot, etc. (cf. Baldi 2000: 970).
Although expletives still represent the best known type of infix in English, in
the contemporary language there are in fact four different categories of infix.
The position of the hip-hop -iz- infix depends on the stress of the word
into which it is inserted, lodging itself before the stressed vowel. Thus, if the
base is a monosyllabic word, -iz- occurs between onset and nucleus, as in c-
iz-oast, dr-iz-eam, str-iz-aw. With disyllables, -iz- aligns with the stressed
vowel, as in d-iz-llar, G-iz-ogle (with stress on the first syllable) vs. beh-
iz-ve, eff-iz-ct (with stress on the second syllable). Moreover, with infixed
disyllables, stress is preserved with trochees (sldiers s-iz-ldiers), but
shifts with iambs (surprse surpr-z-ise) (Viau 2002). With more than
two syllables, this type of infixation is rare (e.g. m-izm-llimeter, t-izn-
In Table 10 the various types of infix are organised more systematically. Discontinuous bases. Unlike prefixes and suffixes, which are regu-
larly added to a continuous base, infixes interrupt a base, as in terri-ma-
tory, where the infix is inserted into the base territory. Because of the pref-
erence for morphotactic transparency, discontinuous bases are dispreferred
in Natural Morphology (2.2.1; see also Dressler 2005).
194 Minor phenomena Polysyllabic base. For the expletive type, the minimal form in which
an infix can occur is a disyllabic base, as in ur-fucking-bane, although
words of three or more syllables are preferred bases in infixation, as in im-
fucking-possible, and incan-fucking-descent. Similarly, in the Homeric type,
naturally polysyllabic bases are preferred, or an added syllable is obtained
through either vowel insertion or reduplication (see above). In the
diddly-type, polysyllabic bases are likewise obtained by partial reduplica-
tion. On the other hand, the hip-hop type also accepts monosyllabic bases.
As these examples show, not all words are appropriate bases for infixa-
tion, and, especially, some are inappropriate with some types. For instance,
a polysyllabic base with stress on the third syllable, as in (1) (probability),
Infixation as an extra-grammatical phenomenon 197
would be acceptable in the expletive and Homeric types, but less adequate in
the hip-hop type, and unacceptable in the diddly-type, because of an unpro-
nounceable cluster bd. A complex base with primary stress on the second
element, as in (3) (New York), would block both -ma- and -diddly- insertion,
because of either prosodic or pronunciation reasons. The base fabulous in
(4) would block expletive infixation, because the main stress falls on the first
syllable, which means that the expletive before it would be in prefixal rather
than infixal position. The bases again and inadmissible in (5) and (6), by
contrast, do not admit diddly-infixation, which is often blocked because of
the difficult or even impossible pronunciation of the derivative. The only
base which appears suitable to all types is fanatic in (2), although infixation
does not occur homogeneously in the same position: cf. fa-bloody-natic vs.
fan-iz-atic. With the infix -ma-, an extension of the base is necessary to
admit insertion. These are further confirmations of the inconsistency and
difficult predictability of the phenomenon.
The only principle which controls the formation of infixed words is anal-
In line with the principle of sound symbolism (Marchand 1969: 397), and
against the Saussurian view that the sign is arbitrary (i.e. not motivated by
its meaning) (Saussure 1916),152 there appear to be cases of non-arbitrary
relationship between sound and meaning, as when we imitate things per-
ceived through our senses (direct imitation or onomatopoeia), or when we
use speech sounds to express feelings (expressive symbolism or phonaesthe-
Phonaesthemes: Definition, delimitation, and classification 199
themes. Their cognitive status and their role in the synchronic mental organi-
sation of language still remain open questions. The appropriate place for
phonaesthemes in morphological theories and their relevance to expressive or
unconventional word-formation is still a heated issue (Baldi 2000).
Phonaesthemes have been recently investigated by linguists not only be-
cause they may occur in words whose internal structure is non-compositional
which excludes their morphemic status but also because they pose con-
siderable problems for the analysis of meaning. The most recurrent sound-
meaning pairings have been described empirically by means of corpus stud-
ies based on statistical, distributional and frequency analysis, thus providing
objective data for some of the features involved. Drellishak (2006), however,
claims that statistical tests alone do not convincingly prove the existence of
phonaesthemes, nor do they validate particular proposed phonaesthemes.
Psycholinguistic experiments such as those conducted by Bergen (2004) may
instead be a more valid approach.
My interest in this part of the book will not focus on the cognitive status
or the psycho-/neuro-linguistic relevance of phonaesthemes, but rather on
their place, if any, within expressive and extra-grammatical morphology, or
within morphology at large.
6.5.1. Definition
clearly contrastive morphemes, thus stressing the fact that they are not
morphemes. Actually, their morphemic value has been rejected by many
scholars, as the various labels used to denote them suggest. Marchand
(1969: 403) claims that they differ from full morphemes such as words,
prefixes, or suffixes because they combine into units which are not syntag-
mas in a grammatical sense, but monemes (one-morpheme words). This is a
feature that phonaesthemes appear to share with other extra-grammatical
formations. Like blends (smog) and acronyms (NATO), they are not analys-
able into morphemes. That is, glimmer cannot be segmented into *gl- and
*immer, nor can snore be analysed as the combination of *sn- and *ore,
because glimmer and snore are words made up of only one morpheme. In
other words, forms containing phonaesthemes are non-compositional (see
Bergen 2004 for a similar position).
Baldi (2000: 964) likewise lays emphasis on the fact that words contain-
ing phonosymbolic segments are structurally simple, and, therefore, do
not derive from any rule of word-formation. Moreover, he claims that they
are not unconventional or expressive in that they have no unusual effect
extending beyond their lexical meaning (Baldi 2000: 964). Merlini Bar-
baresi (2000: 8), by contrast, observes that lexical words linked by a hori-
zontal paradigm, like glimmer, glisten, glitter, etc., give rise to a lexical
context and create in each word of the set the ability to evoke the thought of
other words and their meanings. This potential is interpreted by Waugh
(1994) as a tendency of sounds toward independent signification. In Ander-
son (1998: 66) they are said to evoke a feeling rather than a meaning.
Phonaesthemes seem, indeed, to be loaded with extra meaning, an inde-
pendent evocative, associative potential which allows sophisticated exploita-
tion in creative language, and at the same time excludes certain dispreferred
sounds in new coinages. For instance, in English-speaking countries, words
with an initial sound sequence sl- (e.g. slug, slurp, slut) are considered un-
desirable, because they are associated with a pejorative connotative value
(Firth 1930: 185). Or the internal sequence -oo- has a deprecative connota-
tion in fool, goof, goon, loon, spoof, etc. (as noted by Bolinger 1965). Con-
sequently, these sequences convey, like other expressive or extra-
grammatical phenomena, a special pragmatic effect. Although it is not inves-
tigated here, phonaesthemes like these are avoided in brand naming (see
Baldi 2000).
202 Minor phenomena Initial phonaesthemes are found at the word beginning. Some ex-
amples are:
Phonaesthemes: Definition, delimitation, and classification 203 Final phonaesthemes occur at the end of words which are connected
by rhyme: Middle phonaesthemes are rarely found and occur in medial posi-
glimpse, glint,
glister, glitter,
glitz, gloss, glow
Final Phonaes- The phonaes- -ash violent clash, crash,
theme theme occurs in impact, break- dash, flash,
final position ing gnash, hash, lash,
mash, pash,
plash, quash,
rash, slash,
smash, splash,
squash, swash,
thrash, trash
Middle Phonaes- The phonaes- -u- dullness, blunt, clump,
theme theme occurs in indistinctness dull, dusk, mud,
medial position sludge, slump,
slush, thud,
thump Variable position. Unlike bound morphemes, which are placed ei-
ther in initial (prefixes) or in final (suffixes) position, and more rarely inter-
nally (infixes, see 6.36.4 above), phonaesthemes may have a movable posi-
tion within the words containing them. For instance, the vowel sound is
associated with smallness both when it is in internal position (e.g. little,
208 Minor phenomena
that their exclusion from the lexicon would involve a loss not only in terms
of alternatives to existing words, but also in terms of different shades of
meaning serving specific functions or producing particular effects on the
listener. Indeed, if at times extra-grammatical formations do not change the
meaning of a word, but only provide a differently connoted (more efficient,
more informal, less serious) variant (Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi 1994;
see also, at other times they cover semantic meanings which are not
expressed by any regular word. For instance, when a new scientific discov-
ery is made, an acronym or an acrostic is often purposefully created to name
it (Mattiello forth.), and when a new product enters the market, a creative
blend or reduplicative may be invented to label it (Ronneberger-Sibold
Present-day English is pervaded by abbreviated forms, interspersed in the
rich range of (textually) economical communications, from e-mails to text
messages. It is permeated by new creative terms either neologisms or mere
occasionalisms which are both attractive and persuasive. Adverts, promo-
tional websites, magazine and news headlines exploit the strong impact of
extra-grammatical words, such as clippings, blends, reduplicatives, and the
like, in order to capture the attention of, or even mesmerise, their receivers
(Cacchiani 2007). The media and commercial sectors often use such words
to name new products, thus helping customers to remember the names and
buy the products. Blends, acronyms, and initialisms are also innovative and
often humorous (Lehrer 2003; Cacchiani 2007). They signal, in the language
of young speakers, an effort to appear up-dated, fashionable, trendy, or sim-
ply to show off (Mattiello 2008a). Acronymic formations, however, may
also suit more formal contexts, such as medical jargon, the language of the
law, or other in-group vocabulary, where a minimal language form is suffi-
cient to make the referent comprehensible.
Ambiguity, or even vagueness may be the consequences of this extra-
grammatical use of the language. Another consequence is its expressivity in
terms of an additional playful, humorous, jocular, informal, or otherwise
secret, in-group tone. Extra-grammatical morphological phenomena often
coincide with phenomena of expressive morphology, because both are nor-
mally used to produce a pragmatic effect on the hearer or the addressee.
However, as we will see in the following sections, extra-grammatical forma-
tions are often lexicalised (, or they may acquire the status of normal
words when they act as bases to regular inflection or word-formation. This
is symptomatic of their widespread recognition throughout the language and
its users.
212 Extra-grammatical formations in use
The socio-pragmatic principles which govern the users choices and which
establish contextual suitability for the phenomena investigated so far are as
heterogeneous as the set of processes, mechanisms, and formations involved.
The following principles appear to be prominent:
role in language economy. That is, they conform to Zipfs (1949) Principle
of Least Effort and Martinets (1955) Principle of Linguistic Economy,
according to which shorter and simpler communication is favoured over
In their specialised, scientific and journalistic uses, abbreviations repre-
sent marked choices, but are highly accessible to the community of speakers
who belong to the same group and share a certain terminology, allowing
them to abbreviate what is easily recoverable (e.g. CA carcinoma used
by doctors for cancer) (Mattiello forth.). Blends are likewise more eco-
nomical than canonical compounds. They often iconically represent, through
an amalgamated noun, things or substances consisting of several amalga-
mated components, as in chloral for an amalgam of chlorine and alcohol.
These formations, therefore, answer the need for conciseness which is
typical of specialised discourse (Gotti 2005: 40).
4) Naming. Acronyms and initialisms often serve a naming function, that
is they name new discoveries, inventions, institutions, organisations, etc.,
providing specific labels which can circulate internationally. For instance,
LH is the recent name for the Laboratory corporation of America Holdings
and CVA is the medical term for Cherry Virus A. They are often im-
promptu coinages, which later acquire the status of stable widespread de-
nominations. As noted by Ronneberger-Sibold (2008: 206), not only are
these denominations easy to pronounce, perceive, and memorise, they are
also motivated by the iconic principle that one thing should be named by
one word, instead of being described by several words. Whereas, in general,
The full form is virtually always available as an alternant in the language
system (Huddleston and Pullum 2002: 16321633), the abbreviated form
may be more common and widespread (cf. DNA vs. deoxyribonucleic acid).
In specialised domains, it becomes even monoreferential (see monoreferen-
tiality in Gotti 2005: 33), that is, it acquires specificity and semantic
uniqueness, so that its association to the context immediately suggests the
Blends serve the same naming principle when they are chosen to name
new products put on the market: e.g., Go-Gurt ( go + yogurt, perhaps
analogical with go-kart) yogurt in a tube for eating on the go, Palmolive
( palm oil + olive oil) trade name for soap, Wheatables ( wheat +
eatables) trade name for crackers, and Yobaby ( yogurt + baby) or-
ganic yogurt for babies.
5) Jocularity. Most abbreviations and atypical combinations are used to
convey a jocular, ludic, or playful tone to ones speech. The effect of play-
fulness is commonly produced by blends, which often exploit the phonological
214 Extra-grammatical formations in use
The typical communicative contexts and domains calling for the use of ex-
tra-grammatical formations are the following:
f) Cartoons and television series also have the tendency to exploit the
power of most types of extra-grammatical formation, in order to attract and
entertain their hearers, whether children or adults.
The sources that I have chosen for contextualised examples are heterogene-
ous in nature, and are meant to represent some of the typical contexts and
domains in which extra-grammatical formations are preferred to their corre-
sponding full or standard forms. They include the following:
tion of the jargon used in specialised sectors such as science and medicine.
Wikipedia is the source for an expository article using specific and technical
terminology. Moreover, articles and headlines from newspapers (e.g. Chi-
cago Sun-Times) and BBC news provide an illustration of news jargon.
Lastly, an extract from the electronic archive Eur-Lex is used to exemplify
the language of the law.
c) Blogs and websites. Extracts from blogs and forums show the lan-
guage of the Internet, whereas the website BBC Learning English provides
an interesting example of baby talk, especially useful to show reduplication
in child-directed language.
d) Literature. An extract from Kiplings novel Kim as well as an exam-
ple of a nursery rhyme (Dingly Dangly Scarecrow), and of a fairy story
(Chicken Little) are used to exemplify reduplication.
e) Musics. Extracts from songs like Destinys Childs Bootylicious and
Wests Through the Wire exemplify modern and sometimes ephemeral ter-
f) Conversation. Another useful source is Kemmers collection of Ne-
ologisms, where new words and occasionalisms are described and contextu-
alised by her students using excerpts from spontaneous conversation.
g) Advertising. Advertisements taken from Pennarola (2003) are used to
illustrate the novelty and musicality of advertising language.
7.3.1. Clippings The frequent and constant use of clipped words has largely contrib-
uted to the process of their lexicalisation ( Indeed, they may wholly
or largely displace the original (Huddleston and Pullum 2002: 1635), losing
218 Extra-grammatical formations in use
their in-group flavor (Plag 2003: 121). Below is a series of extracts from
dialogues in which no disambiguation is necessary:
(3) Robin: Actually it didnt end at all. I started getting bummed out, so
I came here. Its what I do. When my grandma died, I got a perm.
Lily: Ooh, two tragedies in one day.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 4, 2006)
(4) Barney: Oh, dude, if theyre selling condos you gotta get me in. And
dont give me the shaft.
Marshall: Yeah you did.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 4, 2006)
(5) Leah: Well, maybe you could look at one of those adoption ads. I see
them all the time in the Penny Saver.
Juno: There are ads? For parents?
Leah: Oh yeah! Desperately Seeking Spawn. Theyre right by the
ads for like, iguanas and terriers and used fitness equipment. Its to-
tally legit.
(Juno, 2007)
(6) Juno: Wicked pic in the Penny Saver, by the way. Super classy. Not
like those other people with the fake woods in the background. Like
Im really going to fall for that, you know?
(Juno, 2007)
(8) Robin: Whats the matter with you? Im his girlfriend and Im not
even trying that hard. Way to wreck the curve, kiss-ass.
Barney: Robin, Im his best friend. Thats a commitment. Girlfriend,
thats like a bad flu, out of your system after a couple of weeks in
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 3, 2006)
(9) Juno (V.O.): The funny thing is that Steve Rendazo secretly wants
me. Jocks like him always want freaky girls. Girls with horn-rimmed
glasses and vegan footwear and Goth makeup. Girls who play the
cello and wear Converse All-Stars and want to be childrens librari-
ans when they grow up. Oh yeah, jocks eat that shit up.
(Juno, 2007)
Because of a preference for the word beginning over the end or other less
salient parts, back-clippings largely prevail over fore-clippings (cello vio-
loncello), and edge-clippings (flu influenza). On the basis of this prefer-
ence, it is possible to predict new outputs or to exclude some patterns of
formation. Consider the three different clippings from the same base the
personal name Victoria in (10):
(10) Lily: OK, lets not lose hope. Well call the hotel, maybe she was
staying there. Well have them check the registry for anyone named
Victoria. Or maybe she goes by Vicky or Toria
Marshall: Or Ictor. Probably doesnt go by Ictor.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 12, 2005)
(11) Barney: While guys like Ted and Marshall may hide their porn
Lily: Marshall doesnt have porn.
220 Extra-grammatical formations in use
Barney: (laughs) Thats sweet. While guys like Ted and Marshall
may hide their porn, I have mine professionally lit.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 6, 2006)
(12) Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted, guy in a hat, three stripes. Ladies and gen-
tleman, I give you Ted Mosby, porn star.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 3, Episode 6, 2007)
(13) Ted: We were bros! These swords represent our bro-hood. And you
took em down to make room for your fiancs stupid painting?
Marshall: My fianc suddenly, shes my fianc.
(Marshall picks up other sword)
Marshall: Lilys a part of who I am. And if youre such a bro, shes a
part of who you are too. Shes a bro by extension.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 8, 2005)
(14) Ted: Uh, listen, can I speak to you outside for a sec?
Mr. Mosby: Sure.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 3, 2006)
Lily: Oh, I was just gonna watch Letterman, but God, this bed is so
comfy. I wish you had a TV in here.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 6, 2006)
(21) Marshall: Its all the information your spouse might need all in one
convenient location.
Lily: Yeah, account info, important addresses, a letter to the other
person, all that stuff. Ill get the next round.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 3, Episode 2, 2007)
(22) Juno: Well, you dont just invite a random pregnant teenager into
your house and leave her unsupervised. I could be a total klepto
[kleptomaniac], for all you know.
Mark: I dont get a klepto vibe from you. Evil genius? Maybe. Ar-
sonist? Wouldnt rule it out.
(Juno, 2007)
(26) Leah: Oh, gruesome. I wonder if the babys claws could scratch your
vag [vagina] on the way out?
Juno: Im staying pregnant, Le.
Leah: Keep your voice down dude, my moms around here some-
where. She doesnt know were sexually active.
Juno: What does that even mean? Anyway, I got to thinking on the
way over. I was thinking maybe I could give the baby to somebody
who actually likes that kind of thing. You know, like a woman with a
bum ovary or something. Or some nice lesbos [lesbians].
(Juno, 2007)
(27) Ellen: How do you think I feel? I have a 100% success rate. Its my
hook. I could probably find somebody for you if you were gay.
Ted: Well, Im not.
Ellen: A little bi [bisexual] maybe?
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 7, 2005)
224 Extra-grammatical formations in use
Many clippings are specific terms which are used to establish or maintain
cohesion within a social group, as among students or young people:
(30) Diane: Calm down, Im just asking. Is that hash I can smell?
Renton: No.
Diane: I wouldnt mind a bit, if it is.
(Trainspotting, 1996) Some acronyms have lost their connection with the original phrase
they stand for. Laser and radar, for instance, are now fully lexicalised, as
the examples below illustrate:
(34) Lasers, the key to optical communications, data storage, and a host
of other modern technology, are usually made from inanimate sol-
ids, liquids, or gases. Now, a pair of scientists have developed what
could be the worlds first biological laser. Built into a single cell,
the laser might one day be used for light-based therapeutics, per-
haps killing cancer cells deep inside the body.
(A cell becomes a laser, Science, 12 June, 2011)
(35) Marine radars are used to measure the bearing and distance of
ships to prevent collision with other ships, to navigate and to fix
their position at sea when within range of shore or other fixed refer-
ences such as islands, buoys, and lightships. In port or in harbour,
226 Extra-grammatical formations in use
vessel traffic service radar systems are used to monitor and regulate
ship movements in busy waters. Police forces use radar guns to
monitor vehicle speeds on the roads.
(Radar, Wikipedia, last modified 23 June, 2011)
Analogously, the initialisms VCR and DIY are now profusely used and
amply recognised, as demonstrated by the extracts below (though VCR may
not survive long since it represents a largely superseded form of technology):
(37) Dave: I didnt go on the nick in Asda for some chuffin womens DIY
Gaz: Its Flashdance, Dave. Shes a welder, isnt she?
(The Full Monty, 1997)
(38) Lily: But the best part of SF, oh, thats what we call San Francisco.
The people! Even just riding around on the bus all summer, it was
like a human tapestry.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 2, 2006)
Here, GFHL helps avoid repetition of the full phrase guideline for har-
monious living.
Because they do not have to conform to reading rules, initialisms have a
higher distribution than acronyms, as the following two sections will con-
firm. Among the principles (1)(8) identified in 7.1, the functions of es-
tablishing informality and social or professional closeness, as well as the
economy and naming principles, are all met by acronyms.
By way of illustration, consider examples (40)(42) below:
(40) Juno: You should be happy, Holmes. Im giving you and Vanessa the
gift of life. Sweet, screaming, pooping life! And you dont even have
to be there when the baby comes out of me all covered in
Mark: Viscera?
Juno: Blood and guts.
Mark: Wed better get back downstairs ASAP [As Soon As Possi-
(Juno, 2007)
(41) Lisa: Listen to this one. Seeking sensitive WASP [White Anglo-
Saxon Protestant] doctor to share candlelit dinners long walks in
Coconut Grove, marriage?
Brenda: What is she looking for, a corpse?
(Theres Something about Mary, 1998)
(43) Love was in the air at the White House tonight, as the President and
First Lady hosted a concert to honor Stevie Wonder, a man whose
music they said brought them together.
FLOTUS opened the event, and explained that she grew up listening
to Stevie Wonders music with her grandfather.
We returned to the room in time for POTUS to present the Gershwin
(Stevie Wonder honored at the White House Obamas huge fans,
Chicago Sun-Times, 25 February, 2009)
As (43) shows, in the news jargon this acronym has jocularly attracted
the analogous formation FLOTUS, used for the First Lady (see Analogy in and 3.2.4). The effects obtained by these formations are therefore
threefold: first, they impress the reader because of their originality; second,
they amuse him because they are playful and out of the ordinary; and, third,
they catch his attention by giving prominence through the use of capitalisa-
The novelty of acronyms is also illustrated by the following extract: Initialisms are likewise versatile in terms of both functions and ef-
fects. Below are three different situational contexts which exploit this abbre-
viatory process:
(47) The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said no E. coli cases had been
reported in the UK.
(British seed firm linked to French E. coli outbreak, BBC, 25
June, 2011)
In (45), the initialism FYI is used to lower the level of discourse to infor-
mal register and to increase social closeness. The same is true of GPs in
(46), which has now superseded the full form General Practitioner(s),
whereas FSA in (47) has a naming function (see the clipping E. coli, from
Escherichia coli, for the same function, Mattiello forth.).
The naming function, however, seems to prevail over the others when the
interactants share knowledge about the referent, as in (48) and (49) below:
(48) Marshall: I got the job at the NRDC [Natural Resources Defense
230 Extra-grammatical formations in use
(50) The governments no longer confident that its GDP [Gross Domestic
Product] target will be met at the end of the year.
(China deficit biggest in decades, BBC, 06 March, 2009)
(51) Also, since 1 December 2009, the Court of First Instance (CFI) is
named the General Court. However, the term CFI has been main-
tained in the present Communication for those judgments taken be-
fore that date.
(Report from the Commission Report on Competition Policy 2009,
Eur-Lex, 03 June, 2010)
(52) Juno (V.O.): My dad used to be in the Army, but now hes just your
average HVAC [Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning] special-
ist. He and my mom got divorced when I was five.
(Juno, 2007)
In police slang, the use of cryptic, secret initialisms serves both to estab-
lish group membership and to maintain in-group cohesion:
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 231
(54) Lily: Marshall just ditched out on our own party. Can you get me in
there? I kinda need to kill him.
Robin: Actually I cant even get myself in.
(Lily sits down next to Robin)
Robin: Im such a dork. I get recognized one time and I start think-
ing Im Julia Roberts. Im no VIP. Im not even an IP. Im just a
lowly little P sitting out here in the gutter.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 5, 2005)
This may be contrasted with formal contexts, as in (51) above, where the
primary effect is that of laying emphasis on significant entities or concepts.
In newspaper articles, initialisms may be either anaphoric or cataphoric
with respect to the entire phrase they refer to. In headlines, they are generally
cataphoric (anticipatory) references, as in:
Within texts, on the other hand, initialisms are normally anaphoric refer-
ences to a previously encountered phrase, as in:
7.3.3. Blends
Lexical blends are generally used in informal contexts and oral language,
with the exception of some words that are specifically formed to define
chemical or pharmaceutical products. As Bertinetto (2001: 6263) observes,
they are particularly frequent in specific domains, like humour, advertising,
and denomination of enterprises or new products (particularly those involv-
ing a mixture of two substances or objects or individuals). Some blends,
however, do not belong to specific domains, but to ordinary language.
(57) Juno: Yes, hello, I need to procure a hasty abortion? What was
that? Im sorry, Im on my hamburger phone and its kind of awk-
ward to talk on. Its really more of a novelty than a functional appli-
(She smacks the phone a couple of times)
Better? Okay, good. Yeah, as I said, I need an abortion, two six-
teen Um, it was approximately two months and four days ago that
I had the sex. Thats a guestimate. Okay, next Saturday? Great.
(Juno, 2007)
Some blends are so repeatedly used that they have become lexicalised.
Smog and brunch, for instance, circulate internationally. The following ex-
tract includes examples of the use of brunch:
(60) Marshall: Why cant two guys who are friends go to brunch?
Ted: Because brunch is kind of
Robin: Girlie.
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 233
Furthermore, brunch behaves like any other lexeme and is regularly plu-
(61) Marshall: You know what? You two are just threatened because Im
a single guy moving on your couples turf. Well, guess what, its my
territory now. Im peeing all over brunches, fancy dinners and mu-
sicals. Thats right, Brad and I are taking back Broadway.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 6, 2006)
Some blends are even formed after clipping (see infotainment in the In-
troduction). For instance, the clipping bro, lexicalised from brother (see, is a splinter in the following blends:
(62) Barney: Ted, youre my bro. And youre about to become a hen-
pecked, beaten-down shell of a man. So tonight, we are going to ha-
ve one last awesome night together as bros. Its a bro-ing away
party [bro + going-away party]. A special bro-ccasion. A bro-choice
rally. Brotime at the Apollo!
(Barney Stinsons blog)
(63) Brad: I have two tickets for Mamma Mia Friday night. You like
Abba, right? What am I saying, who doesnt? Anyway, I was gonna
take Kara but now, its all you and me. Were gonna do Broadway,
bro-style. What do you say?
Marshall: Yeah!
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 6, 2006)
(64) Lieutenant: Hey, Im just doing my job. You gimme that juris-my-
dick-tion crap and you can cram it up your ass!
Agent Smith: The orders were for your protection.
(The Matrix, 1999)
234 Extra-grammatical formations in use
(68) Barney: The Thankstini. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I
invented. Cranberry juice, potato vodka and a bouillon cube. Tastes
just like a turkey dinner.
(Barney puts bouillon cube in each of their drinks, Marshall drinks
his Thankstini)
Marshall: Its like Thanksgiving in my mouth.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 9, 2005)
where the two overlap. Baskiceball in (65) is likewise intercalative, but the
two components do not overlap. However, they are easily recoverable, be-
cause the deleted middle part is the least salient in a word. Cockamouse in
(66) comes immediately after the mention of its components, whereas
stoveinkerator in (67) cataphorically anticipates them. Thankstini in (68) is
also quite transparent, not only by the aid of the co-text, but also thanks to a
stable blend (vodkatini), by analogy with which it has been formed (4.2.4). Cacchiani (2007: 103) observes that blends can be created for all
kinds of purposes: e.g., 1) to name new communities (netizen), products
(courseware course + software), concepts (coopetition cooperation +
competition), etc., 2) to express mental states like sarcasm or disapproval
(bridezilla for a bossy bride), or 3) just for fun (airogance air + arro-
The above-mentioned data shows that, with the exception of lexicalised
examples like brunch, the prevailing functions of blending are informality
and social closeness. For instance, blends are used to downgrade the tone in
a conversation, normally signalling a familiar attitude towards the hearer.
The following extracts illustrate this aspect:
(70) Brad: It gets better. The foliage in Vermont this time of year is ri-
Marshall: Vermont?
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 6, 2006)
Both the total blend ridonk and the intecalative ridonculous, from the
same bases, indicate that the intention of the speaker is to reduce the level of
discourse to informal speech. Below are three further instances, taken from
Kemmers database, which serve this same function:
(71) The car doors lock automagically [automatically + magic] when you
go over a certain speed.
(Neologisms, Conversation, 10 September, 2003)
236 Extra-grammatical formations in use
(72) Some people have beerios [beer + cheerios, cereals topped with beer
instead of milk] for breakfast the morning of Beer Bike.
(Neologisms, Conversation, 24 October, 2003)
The economy and naming principles are more rarely met by blends, and
only in specific domains. For instance, scientific discourse may exploit the
blending mechanism to form new words which iconically represent the fu-
sion of two (branches of) sciences, products, ingredients, etc. In the follow-
ing medical article, the naming function is clearly carried out by the new
blend cosmeceuticals:
(76) So I run 3 miles around the loop. After doing that in a disgustingly
craptacular [crap + spectacular, annoyingly bad, unpleasant] time,
I run another half mile to Chipotle
(Neologisms, Conversation, 17 November, 2003)
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 237
(77) Sherman: Shes around. Seems that shes taken a liking to me. Fel-
las, its time that she experienced The Sherminator [Sherman +
Kevin: Yeah, okay Sherman, whatever.
Sherman: Im a sophisticated sex robot, sent back through time to
change the future for one lucky lady.
(American Pie, 1999)
(78) Ross: No, no, NO, you cannot go to dinner with him.
Rachel: What? You dont want me to get a job?
Ross: Oh yeah, Im sure hes gonna give you a job. Maybe make you
his SEXretary [sex + secretary].
(Friends, Season 10, Episode 14, 2004)
Most of these formations exploit the similarity between the source words
to obtain humorous effects, as in sexretary, playing on the phone-
mic/graphemic resemblance between sex and sec, or in spudtacular, with a
similarity between spud and spec (Mattiello 2008a; Greis forth.).
As Lehrer (2007: 116) observes, when a word-formation device like
blending becomes common, other speakers and writers create similar forms
by analogy simply because it is fashionable to do so; they want to show that
they, too, are trendy, creative, and cool. Analogy, as we have seen in 4.2.4,
is the primary criterion of well-formedness for blends, as well as for other
extra-grammatical formations. Yet blends are also creative and novel.
In advertising and journalistic terminology, novel blends even acquire a
certain prominence with respect to their co-texts. This is the effect created
by crunk, which is capitalised in the forum below so as to be more eye-
(79) Come get your party on and get CRUNK [crazy + drunk] with The
Ying Yang Twins Saturday, JUNE 11th at The Crunk Summer Kick-
Off Party!!!
(PartyUtah (edm) Forum, 11 June, 2011)
7.3.4. Reduplicatives
(81) Youre a consolin little imp. Lie down between the Drums an go to
bye-bye. Those two boys will watch your slumbers.
(Kim, R. Kipling, Chap. 5)
(82) Few, though, realise that the itsy-bitsy two-piece was one of
Frances main gifts to the fashion world invented by a French car
engineer, Louis Reard, who clearly understood the laws both of
gravity and aerodynamics.
(Bikini anniversary, BBC, 05 July, 2006)
(83) Genetic studies of fossil and modern bears have revealed some
hanky-panky 45,000 years ago, when polar bears interbred with
now-extinct Irish brown bears.
(Polar Bears Rooted in Ireland, Science, 07 July, 2011)
(85) Angel Guy: Whoa, I wouldnt do that if I were you. Theres people
walking down there.
Barney: Come on, Ted, who are you going to listen to? Me or Mr.
Goody-goody over there.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 6, 2005)
Interestingly, the second extract is from a BBC article,157 and the third
one is from the scientific journal Science. This signals that the reduplicatives
itsy-bitsy and hanky-panky are widely recognised and, in spite of their collo-
quial flavour, exploited also in written language and formal contexts.
On the other hand, some reduplicative expressions do not have a very
long history, and may be formed spontaneously, for instance, to disguise
taboo words. This is the case with the interjection in (87), from the phrase
shit a brick:
(89) Future Ted (V.O.): Kids, back in the fall of 2007, I was dating this
girl named oh God, what was her name? Its been 23 years, I
cant remember all this stuff. For the sake of the story, lets call
Ted: Everyone, this is Blah-blah.
Blah-blah: Please call me Blah.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 3, Episode 5, 2007)
(90) Morpheus: You have to let it all go Neo. Fear doubt and disbelief.
Free your mind.
Neo: Whoa. Okey-dokey. Free my mind.
(The Matrix, 1999)
and by wee-wees and hoo-hoos, referring to male and female sexual or-
gans, in (91):
(91) Monica: Thank you so much for seeing us. Phoebe has told us such
great things about you guys.
Colleen: Oh, please, were happy to help.
Bill: We went through the same thing when we were adopting.
Chandler: So, a lot of malfunctioning wee-wees and hoo-hoos in this
room, huh?
(Friends, Season 10, Episode 2, 2004)
(92) Father: Come on Alex, beddy-byes! Beddy-byes! Have you got your
teddy? Put on your jim-jams. Put on your jim-jams thats it! On
they go. Jump into bed, then. Sleepy time!
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 241
Shall I sing you a song? Twinkle, Twinkle little star, how I wonder
what you are. Night-night!
(Baby talk, BBC Learning English)
They may also be used in the names of book titles, especially in chil-
drens literature (e.g. Bearum Scarum by Vic Parker, Bling Blang by
Woody Guthrie, Crunch Munch by Jonathan London). Reduplicative words
are also frequently used as the names of games (e.g. Bubble Bobble), gar-
ments (e.g. Criss Cross a bra), and food products (e.g. Crick Crock
crisps, Happy Hippo a Kinder chocolate, Chickn Quick breaded
chicken patties produced by Tyson Foods). In the following example, the
speaker uses the name of a brand of mints:
(94) Bleeker: Did you put like a hundred things of Tic Tacs in my mail-
Juno: Yeah. That was me.
Bleeker: Why?
242 Extra-grammatical formations in use
Juno: (blushes) Because theyre your fave. And you can never have
too much of your favorite one-calorie breath mint.
(Juno, 2007)
(95) Barney: This is the easiest date ever. You know what Im gonna try
next? A knock-knock joke.
Ted: Somehow we have managed to find the two lamest New Yorkers
of all time.
Lindsay: Hey, our friends invited us to a party. You guys wanna
come along?
Barney: Knock knock.
Lindsay: Whos there?
Barney: Yes we do.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 3, Episode 2, 2007)
(97) Bridget: So how do you feel about this whole situation in Chech-
nya? Isnt it a nightmare?
Daniel: I couldnt give a fuck, Jones. Now, look, how do you know
Arsey Darcy?
Bridget: Apparently, I used to run round naked in his paddling
(Bridget Joness Diary, 2001)
(99) If your lipstick is more like lipslip, you need Lipcote. (p. 30)
Here Pop-Pop stands for father (cf. popsy-wopsy), although only con-
text can help disambiguation.
The musicality of these formations is especially evident in the apophonic
(104) Ted: Look, while were away this weekend, you keep an eye on him
and make sure he doesnt call that hotel.
Barney: You want me to baby-sit him? $ 20 an hour and money
for pizza.
Ted: Uh, yeah, how about you do it for free or every time we hang
out we do this.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 1, 2006)
(105) Building a laser requires two things: a lasing material that amplifies
light from an external source (a gain medium) and an arrangement
of mirrors (an optical cavity), which concentrates and aligns the
light waves into a tight beam.
Technologies to make such cavities are emerging, he says, and
once they are available they could be used to create a cell that could
self lase from inside tissue.
(Human cell becomes living laser, Nature, 12 June, 2011)
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 245
(106) To lase, the GFP in the cells needed to be pumped with another la-
ser, one that sends pulses of blue light at a low energy of about 1
(A cell becomes a laser, Science, 12 June, 2011)
Both journals use the back-formed verb lase (or self lase), from the re-
spective acronym laser, and Nature also uses the corresponding back-
formed adjective lasing. Yet the overall tone is far from familiar. The main
functions are certainly those of economising in language and increasing pro-
fessional closeness at the same time.
To confirm the above assumption that back-formation is not reserved to
colloquial contexts, another formal example taken from the BBC shows the
use of the verb bulldoze, back-formed from the complex noun bulldozer:
(108) Robin: Oh, you are gonna love Kelly. Shes fun, shes smart, she
lives in the moment.
Barney: Translation: Shes ugly, shes ugly, she ugs in the ugly.
Robin: Oh, and shes totally hot.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 5, 2005)
The verb ug(s) has been coined to create a parallelism with the previous
sentence. Interestingly, the supposed suffix -ly is deleted from an adjective to
form a verb, whereas in regular derivation it is normally attached to a nomi-
nal base (e.g. noun friend adjective friendly), and even more commonly
added to an adjective base to form an adverb (e.g. adjective sad adverb
246 Extra-grammatical formations in use
(109) Ted: She said itd take three days. Its been five days. Should I be
Lily: Oh, just play it cool. Dont Ted out about it.
Ted: Did you just use my name as a verb?
Barney: Oh, yeah, we do that behind your back. Ted-out: to
overthink. Also see Ted-up. Ted-up: to overthink something with
disastrous results. Sample sentence: Billy Tedded up when
Ted: OK, I get it. Dont worry, Im not gonna ted anything up or
out. Ill just give it a few more days.
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 7, 2005)
(110) Ted: Look. Heres why I should get the place. You and Lily, you get
to be married. What do I get, right? I get to be unmarried, alone,
minus two roommates. And on top of that I could be homeless. Does
that seem fair?
Marshall: Oh, boo-freakin-hoo.
Ted: What?
(How I Met your Mother, Season 1, Episode 8, 2005)
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 247
(111) Begbie: Picture the scene. Wednesday morning in the Volley. Me and
Tommy are playing pool. No problems, and Im playing like Paul
fucking Newman by the way.
(Trainspotting, 1996)
(113) Barney: Fine, do you want to know what Robins secret is?
Ted: You know?
Barney: Of course I know. She couldnt look at us. Her face got
flushed. Thats shame. Our friend, Robin, used to do porn-wait for
(How I Met your Mother, Season 2, Episode 9, 2006)
(115) Ned: I wish there was some other explanation for this, but there
isnt. Im a murderer, Im a murderer!
Bart: Then thats not the real Ned Flanders.
Ned: (yelling) Im a mur-diddly-urderer!
(The Simpsons, Season 6, Episode 1, 1994)
(117) Add moisture and a pearly shine to bring out their natural shimmer
with Nivea Lipcare and Shine. (p. 36)
Although most of these sounds have been described and associated in the
literature to various concepts (falling or sliding movement, frictional noise,
slimy, slushy matter, etc.), the above words containing them are suggestive
of something positive, charming, even magical. Thus, they are exploited for
their evocative character, to give prominence to words and concepts, or even
to name products (Slimma-shake).
This brief survey of the social contexts, lexical domains, and registers which
select or favour the use of extra-grammatical formations has shown that they
are by no means unusual phenomena. Although they are more marked on the
parameter of transparency, because their meaning is usually difficult to
penetrate and their input(s) is/are often inaccessible, they are nonetheless
widely used in English, as a result of: 1) their informal nature and the social
bonds they create among users (clipping, blending, reduplication), 2) their
potential efficiency in specialised fields and their suitability for labelling
both concepts and material things in unambiguous fashion (acronyms, ini-
tialisms, back-formation), and 3) their potential to amuse or attract the
Contextualising extra-grammatical phenomena 249
do not belong to a distinct class and are less predictable than those obtained
when rules of ordinary word-formation are at work. These formations are
excluded from the set of regular words by Aronoff (1976), because most of
them are not new words, only connoted variants. Since they are not analys-
able in terms of rules, Scalise (1984), Spencer (1991), and Haspelmath
(2002) even believe that they are not worthy of morphological study (cf.
Dressler 2000), and it is this opinion, with which I instinctively disagreed,
which led me to undertake a systematic study of extra-grammatical phenom-
Chapter 2 also explains that the notions of extra-grammatical and ex-
pressive morphology do not completely overlap. Expressive morphology is
always connected to an expressive, playful or poetic pragmatic effect
(2.3.1). However, extra-grammatical morphology is not, as is shown by the
use of acronyms and initialisms in specialised discourse.
This chapter demonstrates that the patterns forming blends, acronyms,
reduplicatives, and similar formations appear to be best described and ex-
plained within the framework of Natural Morphology, in terms of prototypi-
cal and marginal types (2.2.1). Although these formations are not the pri-
mary focus of Naturalness Theory (2.2), they can be viewed as marked
choices on the parameters of morphotactic/morphosemantic transparency,
biuniqueness, figure/ground, etc. But the analysis also reveals aspects of
iconicity which make formations natural choices in some circumstances.
Lastly, chapter 2 provides an overview of the role played by extra-
grammatical formations in lexical change. Many such formations are stable
and contribute to the process of lexicalisation (, or even to gram-
maticalisation (, especially in languages other than English. Al-
though they are not analysable in terms of productive rules (, abbre-
viations, blends and reduplicatives are mostly governed by the principle of
analogy, i.e. structural similarity to pre-existent (available) patterns
( Analogy is more permissive than rules, allowing only
partial predictability, but does provide an explanation for the existence of
creative formations of the type investigated in this book.
Chapter 3 demonstrates that, in opposition to Plags (2003: 117121)
claim that truncations are predictable and highly systematic in nature, espe-
cially from the viewpoint of prosodic morphology, abbreviations exhibit a
high degree of irregularity and a low degree of predictability. Indeed, the
wide taxonomy of clippings, acronyms, and initialisms provided here (3.1.3,
3.1.6) offers evidence for their inclusion within extra-grammatical morphol-
ogy (3.2). The irregularities of abbreviations typically concern their irregular
morphotactics, their alternation between different outputs, the impossibility
252 Conclusions
to segment them into morphs, and the uncertainty of their head. Furthermore,
they do not apply to a distinct class of bases, subtract unpredictable parts
from them, and leave the input unaffected in terms of semantic (denotative)
meaning and part of speech ( The regularities identified in turn out to be only tendencies and preferences, because they
do not apply indifferently to all patterns, but only to prototypical ones.
Moreover, they do not allow a certain prediction of new outputs based on
hypothetical shortenings of existing words or phrases (3.2.3), because they
are not as stable as rules, but, at most, are based on analogy with current
(previously-attested) patterns.
Therefore, the most significant results for the category of abbreviations
are what I call criteria of well-formedness (3.2.4). To be well-formed,
abbreviations must comply with the general criteria of analogy and brevity
(see the Principle of Economy in 7.1). Moreover, the part retained in the
output must preferably be the most salient, so as to facilitate recoverability
of the source word/phrase and easy memorisation. But the output must also
be specific and unambiguous, a contextualisation being otherwise required to
disambiguate it. Other criteria namely, pronounceability, homonymy, line-
arity, and maximisation prove to be relevant only to some of the subcate-
Chapter 4 demonstrates that blending is not easily predictable (4.2.3),
since the combination of blend components disregards too many of the rules
of canonical composition. This is in opposition to Plags (2003: 121126)
claims that blends exhibit a surprising degree of regularity and should there-
fore not be excluded from grammatical morphology (see Bat-El 2000 for a
related position). The regularities and tendencies discussed in only partially confirm Bat-Els (2006) contention that the formation
of blends is governed by certain general principles. This is not surprising,
since Bat-Els analysis of English blends is confined to prototypical cases,
and excludes most of the examples that I include in my analysis. The interca-
lative type (Kemmer 2003), for instance, proves to be irregular because
there is no real concatenation of words but only an intercalation of a short
word into a longer matrix word. The overlapping type, with a homophonous
string, also exhibits an irregular pattern, especially when no proper trunca-
tion occurs. Many of the irregularities identified in blending are not specific
to this phenomenon, but shared with abbreviations: specifically, irregular
morphotactics, with consequent difficult predictability of the output, alterna-
tive outputs, a non-morphematic analysis, uncertain headedness, irregular
subtraction, and alternative input categories. Unlike abbreviations, however,
there is meaning change in blending, in that two, or rarely more than two,
Conclusions 253
bases are fused together to result in a new word. In general, there is concate-
nation in blends, but there may also be intercalation of one base into another,
causing discontinuity. These remarks give support to my assumption that
lexical blends are extra-grammatical in nature, and regulated, at most, by
analogical processes.
In this chapter, a number of criteria of well-formedness are identified for
lexical blends (4.2.4). Firstly, analogy with previously coined blends facili-
tates the creation of new ones, whereas the existence of a homophonous
word in a language may block their coinage. Furthermore, to be well-formed,
blends must be pronounceable and euphonious, their source words must be
easily recoverable, and one of them must function as matrix word, i.e. be
prominent in terms of length, stress and position, and salient in terms of
meaning. Lastly, similarity between the components at various levels is pre-
ferred in the coordinate type of blends, whereas similarity or identity at the
juncture is favoured in the overlapping type.
In chapter 5, my analysis of English reduplicatives corroborates the as-
sumption that reduplication, like the previous phenomena, should be ex-
cluded from the module of English grammatical morphology (5.2). The main
regularities identified in are mere tendencies, and do not
result in a homogeneous and unified phenomenon. Furthermore, the various
types described do not lend themselves to rule-based analysis, since the
bases of reduplicative words are often blurred or absent, and even when they
can be recognised, the variability of their position either in the right or the
left slot makes the output unpredictable, or even fluctuating between dif-
ferent alternatives (see 5.2.3). Unlike regular endocentric compounds, many
reduplicatives are acephalous (e.g. the onomatopoeic type), and rarely ex-
hibit two meaningful constituents. When they do, as with rhyming com-
pounds, their semantics is non-compositional. Moreover, like English blends
and abbreviations, English reduplicatives exhibit irregular morphotactics
and are not transparently analysable into morphemes. However, unlike
blends and abbreviations, reduplication is not based on abbreviatory mecha-
nisms, such as shortening, truncation, fusion, or overlap. Rather, it is redun-
dant in character, which makes it an independent phenomenon.
In addition to the general criterion of analogy (5.2.4), the criteria of well-
formedness identified for reduplicatives include: binary structure, with simi-
larity (or even identity) between replicans and replicatum, and rhythm. The
ablaut and rhyming types (but not the copy type) also obey an alternation
criterion, involving either gradation of the internal vowel, or consonant
gemination and final rhyme. Lastly, meaningfulness of both bases is a rele-
254 Conclusions
vant criterion for rhyming compounds, though this does not lead to a unitary
In chapter 6, which deals with minor phenomena, the most significant re-
sults concern back-formation, which is clearly distinguished both from other
extra-grammatical phenomena, like clipping, and from grammatical phe-
nomena, like zero-derivation/conversion (6.1.2). Indeed, there has been much
confusion in the literature on this point, and a clarification was necessary to
find the exact locus of this phenomenon. I demonstrate that back-formation
is to be considered an extra-grammatical phenomenon because, unlike con-
version and regular derivation, it is unpredictable, not transparently analys-
able into morphemes, applicable to various input categories, and its meaning
is subtractive rather than additional (6.2.1, 6.2.3). It is not even the reversal
of a word-formation rule, as many scholars suggest (e.g. Adams 1973;
Aronoff 1976; Becker 1993; Haspelmath 2002), because there is not always
a real affix corresponding to the deleted part. However, like the other phe-
nomena under investigation in this work, it does obey some criteria of well-
formedness, namely, it is concise, in that it selects a morphological option
rather than a syntactic one, it involves simultaneous form/meaning subtrac-
tion (cf. abbreviations), and its mechanism of formation is based on analogy.
Moreover, in back-formation analogy is not only with other back-formed
words, but also with word pairs regularly obtained by derivation or, rarely,
inflection. These latter word pairs provide patterns for the reanalysis of
monomorphemic forms as morphologically complex ones.
For the process of infixation, this study offers a thorough classification
which takes into account not only the traditional (expletive) type, but also
recently investigated types (ma-infixation, diddly-infixation, iz-infixation)
( This re-classification obviously increases the number of
possible patterns, and impedes the analysis of infixation as a uniform phe-
nomenon. Indeed, what can be considered as regularity for one type is not
applicable to the others. Again, predictability of the output is hardly attain-
able (6.4.3). A specific irregularity of infixes, qualifying them as extra-
grammatical, is their insertion into bases. Discontinuous bases are indeed
marked and dispreferred in Natural Morphology (2.2.1). Interestingly, there
seems to be no appropriate parameter according to which well-formed in-
fixed words are obtained, in that there are no relevant criteria that apply
prototypically or generally (cf. 6.4.4). Only analogy with previously created
infixed forms holds as a relevant criterion.
Lastly, for phonaesthemes this study shows some irregularities ( as well as criteria for identification: i.e. recursiveness, homogeneity
in phonetic and structural terms, and semantic coherence (6.6.2). Their
Conclusions 255
Dressler et al. 2005; Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.), but not specifically
with regard to English.
In general, it seems that extra-grammatical morphology has been ne-
glected and still is by teachers, students, and professional workers in
many subjects and fields. This part of morphology is not only the realm of
linguists, but is also of relevance to many other academic and occupational
contexts. This suggests that it is an important field of investigation, and that
future morphological research should be expanded in this direction.
which all the semantic elements are kept, although the form of the unit is
made shorter.
25. Cf. Dresslers (2000: 7) association of non-productivity with marginality
in morphology.
26. Cf. Algeos (1977: 50) inclusion of foodoholic within the category of blends
with clipping. This inclusion may have diachronic motivations: i.e. in the
1970s the combining form -holic had not yet acquired morpheme status.
27. Warren (1990: 115) includes -gate in an independent group, but I believe
that this is only a subtype of the second group, since its meaning is com-
pletely unrelated to the meaning of gate. Note, however, that the word Wa-
tergate, in its original meaning (from which the name of the building in
Washington derives), contains the word gate in one of its normal senses.
28. For a thorough study of English secreted combining forms (e.g. -burger,
-fest, -gate, -holic, -rama, -scape, -speak, -thon), see Mattiello (2007,
29. Dressler (2000: 2) observes that The performance of linguistic games is
more error-prone than that of MRs [Morphological Rules].
30. Cf. Doleschal and Thorntons (2000: iii) remark: since [Dressler and Mer-
lini Barbaresis (1994)] discussion is hidden in a book on diminutives and in-
tensifiers, it has not had much impact on morphological theory.
31. Bat-El (2000) reports examples taken from Hebrew, which, however, are
beyond the scope of my discussion.
32. See Plags (2003: 103) prosodic morphology. See also McCarthy and
Prince (1986).
33. Following Dressler (2000), Plag (2003: 122123) does not consider forma-
tions of the type motel ( motor hotel) as proper blends, but rather as
shortened compounds. More on this distinction is in 4.1.2.
34. In Brinton and Traugott (2005: 40), abbreviations like narc and pub are
called ellipses. Cf. 3.1.2 in the present work.
35. Cf. OED2, where teeny is given as an emphasised form of tiny, and weeny as
analogical with teeny when they combine.
36. Bertacca (2009: 118) considers productivity to be the prototypical property
of rules in that it reinforces their strength and diachronic stability.
37. Plag (1999: 1314) also mentions the criterion of unintentionality, but does
not take it to be a necessary characteristic of productive processes, in that, as
Bauer (2001: 68) puts it, all rules can be applied intentionally.
38. For instance, -th nominalisation, as in depth and strength, is obtained by
rule, but it is an unproductive process, in that it is no longer used to form
new words.
39. Bauer (2001: 64) considers creativity and productivity as hyponyms of inno-
vation, to be distinguished according to whether or not rule-governedness is
Notes 261
51. See Zwicky and Pullum (1987: 337, criterion 4.5) for the same property in
expletive infixation, and see Dressler (2000: 2) for this property in language
52. Cannon (1989) critically observes that, instead of relegating alphabetisms to
a peripheral process of word manufacturing, we should study them for possi-
ble insights into language change (p. 122).
53. Kreidler (1979: 24), for instance, defines blends as multiple clippings and
does not discuss them separately from other abbreviations. Analogously,
Quirk et al. (1985: 1580) include clippings, acronyms, and blends under the
same label, Abbreviations (cf. Fischer 1998: 1).
54. The etymology of the term taxi is actually more complex, its source phrase
being taximeter cabriolet. Hence, the clippings taxicab and Am.E. cab refer
to the same vehicle.
55. The meaning of pants in Am.E. (i.e. trousers) is more closely connected
with the full word pantaloons (cf. Br.E. a pair of underpants).
56. Huddleston and Pullum (2002: 1634) name the source of the clipping the
original, the phonological material that is cut away the surplus, and the
remaining material the residue.
57. Back-formation will be dealt with in chapter 6.
58. Some exceptions are noted by Jamet (2009: 17): adjectival clipped forms are
often converted into nouns, which confirms the supremacy of nouns as
clipped forms (bisexual bi; traditional trad, etc.). However, trad is ac-
tually a clipped compound from the noun traditional jazz (Marchand 1969:
442), so its syntactic class does not vary from input to output.
59. A similar position is to be found in Jespersen (1942: 538): shortenings of
this category [i.e. back-formations] differ from the other categories in that
they often lead to a new word belonging to another word-class than the origi-
nal word.
60. This type is called apocopation or apocope by Jamet (2009: 17; also in
Fradin 2003: 211). However, as appropriately observed by Lpez Ra (2006:
677), apocope, aphaeresis and syncope are phonetic concepts concerning oral
clippings, which are graphically marked by means of apostrophes, as in
fraid for afraid, deed for indeed, and oer for over.
61. Also from gymnastics. Note that stress here is on the second syllable (gym-
nsium/gymnstics), which is deleted (Marchand 1969: 442). The same is
true for other words, such as prof(ssor), uni(vrsity), etc. See also
62. Also from the noun psychology.
63. According to Quirk et al. (1985: 1581), informal spelling, as in mike, praps
(perhaps), telly, etc., reflects The informality that is typical of clipped
64. In OED3, the relationship between quiz and inquisitive is less certain, the
former being viewed as probably influenced by (but not necessarily derived
from) the latter.
Notes 263
65. See OED2 for the more complicated original form of cortisone, the chemical
name 17-hydroxy-11 dehydrocortico-sterone.
66. Cf. the word prepreg, which is clipped from a derivative (pre-impregnated),
discarding the less salient parts.
67. According to Marchand (1969: 444), the origin of most shortened names
with altered spelling is in child language. Since children are unable to pro-
nounce difficult sounds, they substitute them with easier forms: Dol, Hal,
Sal, where the original has been replaced by a liquid . Back-clippings as
well as sound substitutions in the pronunciation of names also characterise
Italian child language, especially in the phase of pre-morphology, as in Loi
for Lolita, Ma for Matilde, and Sa, Saa or Sava for Sara (also reduplicated as
Sasa). However, these tendencies do not influence hypocoristics of adult lan-
guage (cf. Loli, Mati or Tilde).
68. Plag (2003: 117) makes a distinction between -y diminutives, on the one
hand, and truncated names and clippings, on the other. For him, truncated
names and clippings are used to express familiarity, whereas diminutives are
used to express familiarity as well as a (usually) positive attitude towards the
referent. For this topic, the reader is referred to Dressler and Merlini Bar-
baresi (1994).
69. Cf. Italian childrens tendency to assimilate consonants, especially with clus-
ters of difficult pronunciation, in Italian personal names, like Vacco for
Vasco, as well as in English ones, like the famous dolls name, Barbie, pro-
nounced Babbi.
70. For cute from acute, see also Kreidler (2000: 962).
71. A collection of Australian English clippings can be found in Rossi (2007:
72. Because of its marginality and low frequency, the suffix -a has not been in-
cluded in this classification. Two attested examples are sanga for sandwich
and cuppa for cup of tea (Kidd, Kemp, and Quinn 2011: 365).
73. By clipped word I mean a clipped simplex word: i.e., a clipped noun, ad-
jective or verb.
74. See also TTIC ( Terrorist Threat Integration Center), pronounced tee-tic
(Fandrych 2008: 112).
75. Forms like this one, as we will see in chapter 5, can be confused with rhym-
ing reduplicatives of the type hocus-pocus, in that they analogously exhibit
consonant alternation and rhyme.
76. Cf. pure vs. impure acronyms in Baum (1962).
77. Cf. Lpez Ras (2002) analysis as a less prototypical acronym from the
phrase United NatIons Childrens (Emergency) Fund, with the addition of
isolated constituents which are not strictly initials (p. 42).
78. There are divergent views on the origin of AWOL, which is either from Ab-
sent WithOut Leave or from Absent Without Official Leave. Only in the latter
case would the acronym be considered elliptic. Baum (1955: 105) is even un-
264 Notes
113. Kubozono (1990: 3): the word whose non-initial component constitutes the
non-initial component of blend forms serves as the head of the whole ex-
pression. Thus, motel is a kind of hotel rather than a kind of vehicle.
114. Cacchianis (2007: 109) pleonastic blends.
115. Compare OED2s suggestion that galumph was perhaps formed with some
reminiscence of gallop and the adjective triumphant.
116. According to Cacchiani (2007: 105), The similarity-motivated preservation
of one source words stress pattern is considered more important than the
recognizability-motivated preservation of letters and phonemes. Cf. my cri-
teria of Recoverability and Similarity in 4.2.4.
117. For prototypicality in blends, see Lpez Ra (2002: 4344).
118. The first component tends to be, according to Kelly (1998), shorter, more
frequent, more prototypical and positively connoted than the second one, or
to occur before the second one on a temporal scale (as in breakfast + lunch).
119. Cf. Plags (2003: 125) constraint that blends only combine syllable constitu-
ents (onsets, nuclei, codas, rimes, or complete syllables).
120. Cf. Quirk et al. (1985: 1583), who claim that brunch is a special kind of
lunch which has some of the features of breakfast.
121. The meaning of blends constitutes a highly debated issue and for some schol-
ars it is more than the addition of the meanings of the blend constituents
(Kemmer 2003: 83). For instance, Pictionary ( picture + dictionary) is
neither a picture nor a dictionary, but a game where you have to guess
words based on drawings. See also Bat-El (2006).
122. See Wang (2004) for a corpus-based study of reduplication and repetition.
123. This is the song title of the music group D4L, but also a brand of candy
manufactured by the Willy Wonka Candy Factory, and distributed by Nestl
124. Examples of triplication like copy drip-drip-drip and ablaut flip-flap-flop
(Marchand 1969: 439) will not be discussed in this book, since they are ex-
ceptional in English and often unattested in dictionaries (though not always
see, e.g., impure tick-tack-toe a childrens game in OED2).
125. See Nadarajan (2006) for more on syntactic repetition.
126. According to the Affix Condition, membership is denied to any polymor-
phemic construction consisting of an affix (or more than one, as in -less
-ness) and a root, where the form of the affix is not conditioned by the pho-
nological make-up of the root (Dienhart 1999: 12).
127. According to the Single Phone Condition, membership is denied to any
monomorphemic construction consisting of the form CVCV, where the redu-
plication involves only a single phone, either C or V (Dienhart 1999: 12).
128. Dienhart (1999: 12) uses this term, although in some of the cases he men-
tions (e.g. khaki) there is no proper rhyme.
129. Additional cases with a final consonant include fam(ily) dram(a), lit(erary)
crit(icism), and rom(antic) com(edy) (cf. also blends in 4.1.2).
Notes 267
130. The practice of creating infantile words by reduplicating the initial syllable of
a word is common in French: e.g., facile (easy) fafa, poisson (fish)
poipoi, mignon (small) mimi (Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.). In
Italian, small children tend to reduplicate either the initial (Kitty Kikky)
or the final syllable (Bambi Bibi).
131. Cf. frequent and productive hypocoristics for names in French (e.g. Viviane
Vivi, Zindine Zidane Zizou) (Kilani-Schoch and Dressler forth.), as
well as in Italian (e.g. Lele from Emanuele, Gabriele and Raffaele, Mim
from Domenico and Sas, and Tot from Salvatore). These are difficult to
distinguish, however, from truncated names, with or without suffixation, as
in Liliana Lili/-y.
132. This is also the most frequent type in many languages of the world (Jespersen
1942: 176).
133. Merlini Barbaresi (2008: 238) notes that the same vowel pattern, from high
to low, is found in other categories, for instance, to evoke proximity vs. re-
moteness in this/that, these/those, here/there, etc.
134. According to Katamba (2009: 89), The meaning of the reduplicated word
tends to have uncomplimentary connotations, as in You call yourself a cap-
tain? Captain shmaptain, what leadership did you show?.
135. In his analysis of stress in reduplicatives, Dienhart (1999) also includes
within this group syntactic phrases like power tower and shock rock, which
have not yet acquired the status of compounds.
136. Cf. secondary phonosymbolism, that is, phonaesthemes such as gl- in glance,
glimmer, glitter, etc. (see 6.5).
137. See the same tendency in Italian, where pio pio is used for chick and cip
cip for bird in child-parent talk.
138. For some reduplicatives, the same types of orthographic variation may be
found in English: e.g. hiphop, hip-hop, hip hop; zigzag, zig-zag, zig zag all
attested in the British National Corpus (Wang 2005: 507).
139. Only one representative example for each semantic area is reported here.
More data may be found in Merlini Barbaresi (2008: 235).
140. In languages throughout the world, reduplication is often semantically iconic,
conferring not only plurality on nouns, but also iterativity on verbs, as in
many Bantu languages: e.g., in Swahili, piga means to strike and pigapiga
to strike repeatedly (Wikipedia).
141. In view of this, a distinction should be made between back-derivation and
142. Cf. cross-formation if there is no difference of productivity between the two
directions (Becker 1993: 8).
143. For a semantic categorisation of back-formed verbs, see Nagano (2007: 60
144. Stockwell and Minkova (2001: 10) claim that back-formations are opaque:
They came into the language, after all, because the form they came from
268 Notes
was itself opaque and open to the wrong analysis, or misanalysis, as they
call it (cf. metanalysis in Jespersen 1942: 537).
145. According to Aronoff (1976: 28), the appropriate choice in back-formation is
motivated by the principle of least effort: when, in the course of our recon-
struction, we arrive at a choice which is arbitrary, we choose the form which
is closest to the one we started out from.
146. According to tekauer (2000: 73), disagreement in meaning excludes pairs
such as the infinitive verb unwish (to retract, to cancel, to make an end by
wishing, 1594), and the participle unwished (not desired, unwelcome,
1583) from back-formation, despite the formal analogy and chronological
147. For the origin of the source words, the Online Etymology Dictionary was
148. Viau (2006: 2) mentions other less frequent allomorphs, namely -id- and -in-,
without, however, providing examples. Cf. the phenomenon of -izzle or -eezy
suffixation, often occurring after truncation: e.g., for sure fo shizzle or fo
149. McMillan (1980: 163164) distinguishes between different kinds of items
used as infixes. Some are obscene, profane and irreverent: e.g., bloody-hell,
by God, by heaven, damned, fucking, goddamn, motherfucking, the devil, the
fuck, the hell. Others are euphemistic: e.g., bally, bleeding, bleep, blessed,
blooming (cf. bloody), fugging (cf. fucking), jolly. Neutral terms are rarely
used as infixes, a few exceptions being absolutely in guaran-absolutely-tee
and extremely in terra-extremely-firma, with a purely intensifying function.
150. According to Aronoff (1976: 6970, after Siegel 1971), the infix must imme-
diately precede the primary stress and must be preceded somewhere in the
word it is inserted into by a tertiary stress, as in fan-fuckin-tastic, Santa-
151. Plag (2003: 102) defines a foot as a metrical unit consisting of either one
stressed syllable, or one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed sylla-
152. On the arbitrariness of signs and their meaning, see Aronoff (1976: 8, 15).
153. Bloomfield (1933: 156) actually subdivides echoic words into three groups:
1) those that are really imitative (ah, ouch), 2) those that are coined to sound
like a noise made by some object or creature (bang, meow, splash), and 3)
those that have the property that to the speaker it seems as if the sounds
were especially suited to the meaning (flap, flicker, flimmer, flip, flitter,
flop, etc.).
154. Cf. Social closeness with the notion of connivence affective [affective con-
nivance] in Fradin, Montermini, and Plnat (2009: 35).
155. Cf. Jocularity with the notion of connivence ludique [ludic connivance] in
Fradin, Montermini, and Plnat (2009: 35).
Notes 269
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Algeo, John
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425440. Oxford: Blackwell.
Aronoff, Mark
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Lexical index
dadzilla (noun) dad and Godzilla. Eurasia (name) Europe and Asia.
daffynition (noun) daffy and defi- e-voting (noun) electronic and
nition. voting.
dancercise (noun) dance and ex- faddition (noun) fad and addition.
ercise. familymoon (noun) family and
dawk (noun) dove and hawk. honeymoon.
delinguancy (noun) delinquency fantabulous (adjective) fantastic
and lingual. and fabulous.
demopublican (noun, adjective) fantasea (noun) fantasy and sea.
democratic and republican. fanzine (noun) fan and magazine.
destarture (noun) departure and Fedex (noun) federal and express.
start. fertigation (noun) fertilizer and
disastrophe (noun) disaster and irrigation.
catastrophe. fleep (noun) fly and jeep.
disgrossting (adjective) disgust- floordrobe (noun) floor and ward-
ing and gross. robe.
dishmobile (noun) dishwasher flustrated (adjective) flustered
and mobile. and frustrated.
dogbella (noun) dog and um- Foolini (noun) Fellini and fool.
brella. foolosopher (noun) fool and phi-
donkophant (noun) donkey and losopher.
elephant. fortran, FORTRAN (noun) a
dramedy (noun) drama and com- computer language that uses
edy. familiar words and symbols.
dresshirt (noun) dress and shirt. From formula and translation.
dumbfound (verb) to dumb and to Frankenfish (noun) Frankenstein
confound. and fish.
earthoon (noun) earth and moon frappuccino (noun) frapp and
(also moorth). cappuccino.
earwitness (noun) ear and eyewit- frenemies (noun, plural) friends
ness. and enemies.
e-love (noun) electronic and love. Frutopia (name) fruit and utopia.
enshocklopedia (noun) encyclo- Funderwear (name) fun and un-
pedia and shock. derwear.
entreporneur (noun) entrepreneur funtastic (adjective) fun and fan-
and porn(ography). tastic.
eracism (noun) to erase and ra- galumph (verb) to gallop and to
cism. triumph.
e-shopping (noun) electronic and gaydio (noun) gay and radio.
Blends 307
geep (noun) goat and sheep (also insinuendo (noun) insinuation and
shoat). innuendo.
ginormous (adjective) gigantic Intelevisionary (noun) Intel, tele-
and enormous. vision, and visionary.
Girlicious (name) a musical lady James Bondustry (noun) James
trio. From girl and delicious. Bond and industry.
glasphalt (noun) glass and as- Japornimation (noun) Japan,
phalt. porn, and animation.
glassteel (noun) glass and steel. juris-my-dick-tion (noun) juris-
Go-Gurt (name) yogurt in a tube diction and my dick.
for eating on the go. From go keytainer (noun) key and con-
and yogurt. tainer.
Gorebots (noun, plural) people Kittylicious (adjective) Hello
supporting Al Gores presiden- Kitty and delicious.
tial run. From Gore and ro- kleptoromania (noun)
bots. kleptomania and Romania.
Governator (name) an appellation Kloran (noun) bible used by
for Arnold Schwarzenegger. members of the Ku Klux Klan.
From governor and Termina- From (Ku Klux) Klan and Ko-
tor. ran.
gues(s)timate (verb) to guess and Kodacolor (name) Kodak and
to estimate. color.
happenident (noun) to happen Kongfrontation (noun) King
and accident. Kong and confrontation.
headvertising (noun) head and Krustelope (name) Krusty and
advertising. Penelope, two characters of
helilift (noun) a group transported the series The Simpsons.
by helicopter. From helicopter liger (noun) lion and tiger (also
and lift. tigon).
hesiflation (noun) hesitation and linner (noun) lunch and dinner.
inflation. Lipfinity (name) Max Factor lip-
Hungarican (noun, adjective) stick brand, guaranteed to last.
Hungarian and American. From lipstick and infinity.
hurricoon (noun) hurricane and maridelic (adjective) marijuana
typhoon. and psychedelic.
infomercial (noun) information Meandertale (noun) Neanderthal,
and commercial. meander, and tale.
infotainment (noun) information Meanderthal (noun) meander and
and entertainment. Neanderthal.
308 Lexical index
Andy Wandy (name) from An- argument. From the verb ar-
drew. gue.
arf-arf (noun) the noise of a dog. Arsey Darcy (name) jocular name
argle-bargle, argy-bargy (noun) for Mark Darcy. From arse.
vigorous discussion or dispute; arsy-versy (adverb) in a backward
(verb) to exchange words in or thoroughly mixed-up fash-
Reduplicatives 311
-Iz- items
-Diddly- items
ah-iz-ead (adverb) ahead.
beh-iz-ave (verb) to behave. ac-diddly-action (noun) action.
B-ilz-arbara (name) Barbara. he-diddly-eaven (noun) heaven.
B-ilz-obby (name) Bobby. From hi-diddly-ho (interjection) hi-ho.
Robert. mur-diddly-urder (noun) murder.
b-iz-itch (noun) bitch. wel-diddly-elcome (interjection)
b-izn-ottle (noun) bottle. welcome.
bizzerk (adjective) crazy; angry.
A play on the word berserk,
found in the expression go -Wait for it- items
c-iz-oast (noun) coast. de-wait for it-nied (participle)
d-iz-apper (adjective) dapper. denied.
d-iz-ollar (noun) dollar. porn-wait for it-ography (noun)
dizzert (noun) dessert. pornography.
dr-iz-eam (noun) dream.
eff-iz-ect (noun) effect.
G-iz-oogle (noun) Google.
h-iz-ouse (noun) house.
Phonaesthemes 329
abbreviation, 35, 1114, 16, 17, alphabetism, 3, 13, 17, 24, 45, 58,
19, 21, 28, 31, 33, 38, 41, 42, 60, 64, 67, 68, 72, 82, 8486,
49, 52, 57, 61, 64110, 115, 116, 93100, 102106, 108, 109, 185,
134, 138, 185, 212, 213, 215, 212, 226, 262, 265
251255, 259, 262 alphanumeric combinations, 13, 86
graphic, 13, 72, 85, 87 alternation (of vowel/consonant
acronym, 14, 711, 13, 14, 2022, sound), 45, 46, 53, 141, 149
24, 26, 27, 2931, 3742, 44, 45, 152, 157160, 163, 164, 166
49, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 6468, 168, 253, 263
72, 8293, 95106, 108110, ambiguity, 14, 25, 67, 72, 74, 78,
115, 116, 119, 131, 142, 173, 83, 88, 99, 101, 104, 106, 107,
179, 181, 201, 210216, 225 110, 137, 155, 211
229, 245, 248, 249, 251, 255, analogy (vs. rule), 1, 46, 12, 15,
259, 262265 16, 1822, 29, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40,
elliptic, 13, 26, 37, 87, 88, 91, 4345, 4856, 60, 71, 79, 80, 83,
93, 94, 98, 99, 103, 107, 108, 106, 108, 109, 131, 138, 154,
228, 263 167, 169, 171, 172, 174, 182,
extended, 85, 89, 93, 94, 108, 184, 185, 198, 213, 228, 235,
116 237, 251254, 256, 260, 261,
inverted letter, 89, 95 268
non-elliptic, 13, 26, 87, 91, 93, availability (vs. profitability), 48, 49,
94, 107, 108, 110 53, 54, 56, 251, 261
recursive, 89, 95, 108
with vowel addition, 88, 89, 94 baby talk, see child language
acrostic, 13, 61, 84, 88, 90, 91, 93, back-formation, 1, 8, 12, 15, 16, 20,
95, 98, 102104, 108110, 211, 38, 43, 44, 49, 52, 55, 56, 60,
264 61, 70, 71, 169185, 214, 244
semantically-irrelevant, 13, 90, 246, 248, 254, 255, 262, 267,
91, 94, 95 268
semantically-relevant (punning), compound-word, 174, 177179,
13, 90, 91, 9395, 108, 109 183
Affix Condition (AC), 145, 147, 266 simple-word, 174, 175178, 183
affixation, 41, 46, 47, 65, 79, 143, backronym, 86, 91, 214
173, 187 basehood, uncertain, 31, 59
Subject index 331
clipped name, 8, 28, 67, 68, 78, 82, 4951, 53, 5660, 6466, 68, 70,
96, 103 71, 76, 77, 82, 87, 92, 97100,
clipping, 1, 4, 811, 13, 15, 19, 21 106, 107, 113117, 119, 123
25, 2729, 31, 33, 35, 3739, 126, 128131, 134, 138, 143
4144, 49, 52, 55, 57, 58, 6062, 148, 150, 153, 154, 159, 160,
6483, 85, 93, 95110, 115, 120, 162, 163, 166, 168, 174, 175,
142, 171, 173, 174, 179, 180, 177184, 187189, 207, 213,
183, 185, 210225, 229, 233, 219, 220, 239, 249, 253, 254,
248, 251, 254, 258260, 262 259, 260, 262, 267
265 appositional/copulative, 115,
back- (hind clipping), 25, 31, 44, 116, 134, 155
58, 7274, 76, 79, 82, 102, clipped, see clipped compound
106, 107, 109, 174, 219, 220, coordinate, 25, 41, 125, 128, 134
263 endocentric, 23, 59, 124, 128,
edge- (ambiclipping), 72, 75, 79, 168, 182, 249, 253
82, 105, 219 exocentric, 14, 41, 59, 99, 130,
fore-, 44, 58, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 154
80, 82, 219 neoclassical, 35
mid-, 72, 75, 76, 82, 85 rhyming, 15, 145, 147, 154, 155,
random, 76, 82, 85, 98, 99 159, 163, 166, 168, 253, 254
suffixed, 27, 28, 42, 52, 53, 68, reduplicative, see reduplicative
74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 96, 102, compound
103, 107, 108, 217, 221, 222 concatenation, 40, 51, 52, 85, 112,
cohesiveness/cohesion, in-group, 41, 113, 129, 137, 138, 162, 198,
224, 230 249, 252, 253
colloquialization, 64 conciseness, 185, 213, 254
colloquial (language/style) 9, 27, 65, conformity with source words, 132
179, 186, 188, 210, 216, 224, connotative meaning, 16, 17, 37, 41,
231, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247 49, 61, 69, 71, 100, 134, 136,
combining form, 4, 1012, 14, 33 142, 145, 153, 170, 193, 201,
36, 102, 117, 138, 177, 178, 189, 211, 212, 251, 266, 267
258, 260 constraint, 32, 50, 51, 57, 101, 131,
abbreviated, 35, 117 132, 145, 151, 159, 161, 162,
neoclassical, 34, 35, 117, 177 196, 258, 261, 266
secreted, 4, 3436, 117, 260 contamination, 14, 55, 116118
compositionality, 13, 154, 157, 159, contextual suitability, principles of,
168, 197, 200, 201, 207, 253, 3, 17, 210, 212215, 255, 256
261 conversion (zero-derivation), 15, 16,
compound(ing), 4, 5, 8, 1416, 20, 37, 60, 61, 171, 173, 174, 179,
2325, 29, 31, 3337, 40, 41, 43, 180, 246, 254
Subject index 333
132, 134, 139, 150, 154, 155, expletive (fuckin-), 16, 21, 23,
159, 161, 177, 250, 252, 259, 3032, 38, 56, 59, 186192,
266 194, 195, 197, 203, 246, 254,
homogeneity, 143, 162, 196, 209, 255, 258, 262
253, 254 hip-hop (iz-), 186, 190, 191, 214,
homonymy, 110, 252, 264 254
homophony, 13, 24, 74, 86, 8892, Homeric (ma-), 186, 189191,
95, 106, 108110, 119, 124, 129, 193, 195, 254
133, 135, 137, 139, 166, 252, inflection, 16, 23, 31, 33, 44, 45, 47,
253 105, 141, 144, 172, 183, 185
humorous effect, see pragmatic 187, 192, 211, 220, 254, 267
effect, humorous/playful informality, 3, 17, 31, 49, 61, 64,
hypocoristic, 1, 8, 13, 23, 28, 38, 40, 90, 91, 110, 145, 210212, 215,
46, 55, 57, 58, 67, 68, 74, 78, 217, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228,
79, 101, 104, 149, 161, 164, 224, 232, 235, 240, 245, 248, 255,
263, 267 258, 262
see also familiarity
iconicity, 6, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, initialism, 1, 8, 11, 13, 14, 24, 30,
46, 47, 55, 62, 78, 135, 139, 141, 31, 4042, 44, 45, 53, 55, 5760,
151, 156, 164, 165, 173, 174, 6468, 72, 73, 8287, 9194, 96,
183, 203, 213, 221, 236, 251, 98, 99, 101107, 109, 110, 115,
259, 267 131, 151, 155, 161, 211216,
identity at the juncture, 6, 134, 136, 225227, 229231, 248, 249,
137, 140, 253 251, 255, 264, 265
see also similarity (of source elliptic, 91, 92, 103, 107
words) non-elliptic, 91, 92, 107, 110
ideophone, see reduplicative, ono- initial pattern, prototypical, 102
matopoeic innovation, 4, 5, 43, 48, 52, 134,
imperfect control, 31, 192 260, 261 (cf. language change)
indexicality, 6, 17, 22, 23, 61, 142, input(s), 1, 5, 7, 13, 16, 21, 22, 29
228 31, 34, 4042, 50, 52, 5658, 61,
infix, 1, 8, 10, 16, 21, 56, 59, 120, 62, 65, 67, 74, 78, 9599, 101,
157, 166, 169, 186198, 207, 104, 106, 107, 119, 127, 136,
214, 216, 246, 247, 254, 258, 161, 165, 173, 174, 179182,
268 187, 188, 193, 248, 250, 252,
infixation, 8, 12, 16, 55, 169, 170, 262
179, 185198, 214, 215, 244, alternative, 21, 58, 72, 99
246, 247, 249, 254, 255 categories, alternative, 21, 30,
diddly-, 186, 190, 191, 195, 197, 31, 41, 59, 101, 130, 181,
254 188, 192, 193, 252, 254
Subject index 335
248, 249, 253, 255, 259, 266, 117, 127135, 138, 141, 143,
267 147, 150, 153, 155, 159, 160,
partial, 46, 141, 143145, 149 162169, 171, 180185, 192
155, 158, 162, 186, 189, 191, 196, 198, 207209, 211, 214,
195198, 259 233, 245, 246, 249256, 261
total (full), 15, 23, 25, 26, 47, irregular, 5, 39, 256
141, 143145, 148, 149, 158, phonological, 96, 101, 128, 162
162, 259 prosodic, 28, 66, 160
see also reduplicative repetition, syntactic, 144, 146, 266
reduplicative (reduplicated word), 1, rhythm, 28, 119, 133, 139, 151, 167,
3, 811, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 23, 214, 253
25, 2931, 37, 39, 44, 45, 4749, Righthand Head Rule, 59, 129, 259
53, 58, 59, 61, 77, 83, 141169, rule (vs. analogy), 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10,
185, 199, 203, 204, 210212, 1316, 1822, 26, 2833, 3640,
214216, 238243, 249, 251, 42, 46, 4861, 6567, 83, 84,
253, 263, 267, 269 95101, 103105, 108, 110, 112,
ablaut/apophonic, 15, 23, 44, 114, 127133, 137, 138, 144,
142, 147151, 158, 162164, 146, 147, 159161, 167, 169,
166, 253 170, 172, 179181, 183, 185,
compound, 77, 143, 155 186, 192195, 201, 208, 210,
copy (exact), 15, 144, 147, 148, 238, 249254, 256, 258261
158, 163, 240, 253 infixing, 21, 186, 194
onomatopoeic (ideophone), 15, word-formation (WFR), 16, 20,
25, 37, 59, 141, 142, 144, 21, 4850, 52, 53, 59, 61, 65,
155159, 161, 163167, 199, 9597, 99, 104, 108, 130,
214, 215, 240, 253 160, 161, 167, 169, 170, 172,
rhyming, 15, 31, 44, 58, 77, 142, 179181, 193, 201, 249, 251,
147, 151155, 157, 158, 162, 254
163, 166, 214, 239, 240, 253,
263 salience/saliency, 6, 24, 27, 58, 62,
shm-/schm-, 8, 15, 30, 36, 46, 73, 74, 78, 93, 103107, 109,
141, 153, 215, 255 114, 139, 198, 219, 235, 252,
register, informal, 217, 220, 229, 253, 263
246 scientific/technical vocabulary, 17,
see also informality 31, 64, 91, 112, 213, 217, 230
regularity, 15, 10, 12, 1416, 18, see also jargon
20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 3342, 45, secretion, 4, 34, 259
4951, 53, 54, 5658, 6062, 66, see also combining form, se-
80, 83, 84, 96, 97, 99, 101105, creted
107, 108, 111, 112, 114, 115, secret language, 38, 212, 230
Subject index 339
name, 13, 23, 29, 39, 41, 42, 58, word-based morphology, 20, 24, 42
66, 78, 149, 263, 267 word-creation, 1, 20, 21, 29, 259
see also clipping, back- word-formation, 15, 7, 10, 16, 19
22, 25, 30, 32, 38, 39, 41, 43,
unification/univerbation, 44 45, 4754, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66,
Unitary Base Hypothesis, 21, 37, 59, 9597, 99, 104, 105, 108, 111,
101, 258, 261 112, 117, 130, 141, 143146,
Unitary Output Hypothesis, 21, 57, 160, 161, 167, 169173, 179
261 181, 192, 193, 200, 201, 206
208, 211, 237, 249251, 254
well-formedness, 3, 4, 6, 27, 108 256, 265
110, 138, 150, 167, 184, 197, word-manufacture, 56, 67
208, 237, 252254, 256
criteria of, 3, 6, 27, 108110, zero-derivation, see conversion
138, 167, 184, 197, 208, 237,
252254, 256