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Bulletin 151

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Inclusion North Bulletin

Issue Number 151

3rd October 2017
In this bulletin you will hear about some of
the work Inclusion North is doing and
information about what is happening across
the country.

Family Carer Survey

Inclusion North wants to know what the important

issues are for family carers of adults with a
learning disability, autism or both and where there
is good practice that can be shared.

We would like you would take a few minutes to

help with this by answering the questions.

To fill your responses please click on the link


Please if you can return

Sunday, 8th October 2017.
For more information please contact Sam
Telephone 0113 2444 792
Or Email samta@inclusionnorth.org
Yorkshire and Humber Talking Travel
Whats it all about?

The purpose of the meetings is to make sure

people with learning disabilities are able to travel
around easily as citizens of their community,
country and world.

A small working group met with First Bus training

team at the end of August to talk about the training
they give their bus drivers and staff around
disability and we have lots of feedback to give you
and actions for us to take forward as a group.

What will we work on at this meeting?

1. Ideas about what you think are the key things

about learning disability and autism that should be
part of bus driver awareness training

2. Your top trips for travelling around Yorkshire

3. What is happening around travel and safe

places in your area

Who can come to the meeting?

This meeting is open to anybody from Inclusion

North member areas in Yorkshire and Humber.

It is aimed at anybody who is interested in making

travel better for people with learning disabilities.

This meeting is on 19th October 2017

From 11:00 am until 1:30 pm

To book a place, please click on the link

Or contact Sam
By Telephone 0113 244 4792 or
By Email samta@inclusionnorth.org

If you can't make this meeting date it would be

wonderful to get your ideas and input.

If anyone is struggling because of cost do get in

touch with Lucy on

By Telephone 07944 185 771 or

By Email lucyvirgo@inclusionnorth.org

Inclusion North- Project Support


We would like to welcome Sandy Marshall to the

team at Inclusion North.

Sandy joined Inclusion North on the 19th

September and is our new Project Support Co-
ordinator working to support and develop Inclusion
North's Care and Treatment Review (CTR) Hub.

Sandy will be working alongside Experts by

Experience to recruit and train new Experts.

Sandy has lots of knowledge and experience

working with people with disabilities and will be a
great asset to the team. You can find out more
about Sandy on Inclusion North's
website http://bit.ly/2xO6xEx
Draft Transport Accessibility Action Plan

Disability Rights UK is looking for feedback on a

draft accessibility action plan which is about
improving travel for people with a disability.

The action plan covers booking all types of

transport including flights, rail, buses and taxis.

The draft Action Plan includes:

Asking for transport services to be delivered
well by everyone.
Making sure the rules about accessibility are
Making sure car parking is available and car
parks are accessible.
Making sure good information about
accessibility at stations and on trains is
Good training and sharing information for
transport staff about people with a disability.
Making sure people with a learning disability
are able to travel as freely and easily as
everyone else.

Disability Rights UK wants to have your

comments by

Friday, 27th October 2017.

For more information, please click on the link



Please reply to
Raising the Bar PMLD Conference

This is a national conference to launch new

Profound Multiple Learning Disability Service

For educational, health and social care

providers and family carers
To improve the life experiences of children
and adults with a profound and multiple
learning disability

People who attend will receive a copy of the

standards with a forward written by Norman Lamb

The event is on
Friday 24th November 2017

From 9:30 until 4:00 pm


Manchester Conference Centre

Sackville St
M1 3BB

89 per person
69 for family carer

To book your place, please click on the link below


For more information

Email to Jo Grace sensorystory@gmail.com
National Children and Adult Services
Conference 2017

This event is for those who have responsibilities

for childrens services, adult care and health in the
statutory, voluntary and private sectors. People
Senior Officers
Service managers

This conference will take place in Bournemouth

From 11th October to 13th October 2017

To find out more and book your place, please click

on the link http://bit.ly/2wt0bJq
Volunteer and go to Gigs for Free

Attitude is Everything is a charity that works with

music venues and music festivals.

They are looking for volunteers to go to concerts

and festivals and then say what your experience
was like.

This will help music, venues and festivals to get

better at including disabled customers, artists and

Attitude is Everything will pay for your

A supporter travel

If you are interested contact Si on 0207383 7979

Or Email si@attitudeiseverything.org.uk
Developing support and services for
children and young people with a learning
disability, autism or both

This document provides guidance for

Transforming Care Partnerships (and their local
partners CCGs/LAs) in commissioning support and
services for children and young people with a
learning disability, autism or both.

To view this document, please click on the link


To view this document in easy read or large print

or may be in alternative languages.

Please contact by Telephone 0300 311 22 33

Or by email to England.contactus@nhs.net

Please state in the email that this document is

owned by NHS England Learning Disability
Programme, Nursing Directorate.
Yorkshire and Humber
A Fun Palace
Fun Palaces is a campaign for promoting culture
at the heart of every community.
Culture like arts, science, craft, tech, digital and
sports. Fun Palace is by local people for local
people. This event is for all age group.
The event is on 7th and 8th October 2017
Free to enter and free to take part.
To find a Fun Palace in your local area, please
click on the link http://bit.ly/2wt5EzQ
For more information
Telephone 020 8692 4446 extension 203
Transforming Care Masterclass

Social Case Management for Highly Complex

What is this?
This free workshop is the second in a series of
Transforming Care Masterclasses. Each one will
give you an opportunity to develop practical
knowledge around a different theme.

Each Masterclass is designed to support staff

develop the skills to help deliver the Transforming
Care agenda and the vision contained within
Building the Right Support and will focus on the
how rather than the strategic vision.

This masterclass will:

Allow people to hear from self-advocates
about what worked well for them and what
could have been better.
Work in a solution focused way to support
people after they have been discharged
into the community
Enable attendees to hear what has worked
elsewhere and understand some of the
conditions that enable this to happen.
Contribute to your core skills training.

Key topics for this Masterclass will include:

Assessment and accessing information

Risk assessment and formulation of positive
behaviour support

Working with MAPPA and probation multi-

agency roles and responsibilities.
Social Supervision under Restriction Orders
The sessions will be led by experienced
practitioners, such as Gavin Harding, NHS
England and Liz Zijlstra and Helen Van Ristell
from Community Transitions who will share their
own knowledge and support you to further develop
your own good practice.

Who should attend?

We would like this session to be attended by social

workers and care coordinators who are working
with highly complex people towards discharge into
the community who may be restricted.

This workshop will take place on

Wednesday11th October 2017

In York

Registration from 09.30am

Session timings 10.00am to 4.30pm

There are 75 places available for this workshop.

If you would like to attend, please use the booking

link http://bit.ly/masterclassoctober17

please contact Sam at Inclusion North

By email samta@inclusionnorth.org


by telephone 0113 244 4792

The Professors & Shine On Choir

The Professors are an independent performing

arts company a group of artists with and without
a learning disability.

They create their own performances, films, music,

art and events.

Shine On Choir is directed by Liz Mack

professional singer, Musician and Producer.

They combine different types of music and bring

spirit and soul together.

The professors and Shine On Choir are having an

event Each Other and the Space Between Us

It will tell you about

Where do we fit?
Do we measure up?
How far apart are we?

This event will take place on

Friday, 13th October 2017

From 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm

Millennium Galleries
48 Arundel Gate
S1 2PP

For more information please click on the link

Scunthorpe Bus Network

North Lincolnshire Council want to have your

views which will help in future bus network for

North Lincolnshire Council want to know

Do you think changes need to be made to the
bus network?

Would you like the current service to stay as

it is?

To have your say

You can complete the online form by clicking on
the link http://bit.ly/2xauiJK

Pick up a paper copy from
Scunthorpe Bus station
Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub
Shop Mobility Office and Hornsbys Office

You can email your comments to

Last date to submit your views and comments is

Wednesday 1st November 2017.

For more information, you can contact

Public Transport Team on 01724 297 460

North East
Fulfilling Lives 8

The Peoples Parliament Durham are having the

Fulfilling Lives 7 event.

The event will include over 70 stalls with

Social Activities
Health Advice and Staying Safe
Carers Zones
Information for people with a learning

On the day there will be fun sessions, games and

free prize draw and new zone for deaf and blind

The event is on the

26th October 2017

New College Durham
Framwellgate Moor Campus

from 10am until 3pm

For more information telephone

Paul James 03000 265521

Julie Simpson 03000 265443

To book a stall
Email Paul.Richard.James@durham.gov.uk
Shared Lives Plus

Shared Lives Plus with funding from NHS England

are having a number of workshops in October and

Shared Lives carer recruitment campaign

On 15th November 2017

From 10:30 am until 3:00 pm

Evolve Centre
Cygnet Way

Successful Approaches to Commissioning

Shared Lives - This workshop is for Learning
Disability Commissioners

On 31st October 2017

From 10:30 am until 3:00 pm

Evolve Centre
Cygnet Way

To book your place

Telephone Shared Lives Plus on 0151 227 3499


Email lynne.harrison@sharedlivesplus.org.uk
Access Cinema Tyneside

Tyneside Cinema's Relaxed Screenings, for

people with a learning disability, autism or both
and/or additional needs.

Enjoy great family films in a low sensory with the

sound turned down a touch and the lights up a
little. Where possible the screenings also feature
HOH subtitles.

BOY AND THE WORLD (PG) (Animation)

Sunday 15th October, 10:30am

BOY AND THE WORLD is an animated movie in

which a little boy goes on an adventures quest in
search of his father.


Sunday 29th October, 10:30am

KIKIS DELIVERY SERVICE is an animated movie

Kiki, a young witch in training, sets off on her
broomstick to spend a year on her own (apart from
her little black cat) in order to prove to her village
that she has what it takes to become a fully-
fledged witch. Along the way she makes friends,
bakes cakes, and sets up a flying courier service
in a pretty seaside town.

Tickets 4 each.

One Carers for each group with a carers pass or

accompanying the holder of a Max Card, HUB
Card or CEA pass will be admitted for FREE

To book your tickets, Telephone: 0191 227 5500

For more information, please click on the link

Developing Sustainable Trusteeship in
Learning Disability Charities

Northumbria University Newcastle are having an

afternoon of discussion on the key issues facing
the voluntary and charitable sector

Understanding the challenges of recruiting

Motivations of Trustee
Ensuring Trustee engagement
Retention of Trustees and Succession

Free to attend
On Thursday, 9th November 2017

From 1:30 pm until 5:00 pm

At The Great Hall

Sutherland Building
Northumbria University
Newcatle upon Tyne

Lunch will be provided

To book your place

Email nu.event@northumbria.ac.uk

Or Telephone 0191 227 3025

What is coming up next

11th October Masterclass, York

If you would like to know more about any of these

events contact Sam on 0113 244 4792
If you would like any information on any of our
meetings, training or projects you can contact
the office on:

Tel: 0113 244 4792

E-mail: info@inclusionnorth.org

Or you can write to us at:

Inclusion North CIC
Woodhouse Community Centre
197 Woodhouse Street
Leeds, LS6 2NY

You can visit our website at:


Or you can contact any member of the Inclusion

North team:

Karen Parry
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 07375 034291
Email: karen@inclusionnorth.org

Kellie Woodley
Tel: 07876 145 390
Email: Kellie@inclusionnorth.org

Lucy Virgo
Tel: 07944 185771
Email: Lucyvirgo@inclusionnorth.org

Angela Ellis
Tel: 07487 729237
Email: Angela@inclusionnorth.org
Kirsty Morgan
Tel: 07539 063467
Email: kirsty@inclusionnorth.org

Rebecca Stanley
Tel: 07496 229661
Email: rebecca@inclusionnorth.org

Melissa Peacock
Tel: 0113 2444792
Email: melissa@inclusionnorth.org

Sam Dhruv
Tel: 0113 2444792
Email: samta@inclusionnorth.org

Linda Dickinson
Tel: 0113 2444792
Email : linda@inclusionnorth.org

Shain Wells
Tel: 0113 2444792
Email: shain@inclusionnorth.org

Sandy Marshall
Tel: 07767776125
Email: sandy@inclusionnorth.org
Inclusion North Member Areas 2017-18

If you live in one of these areas you can

come to our member events.

Yorkshire and the Humber

North Lincolnshire
North Yorkshire

North East
North Tyneside
Redcar and Cleveland
South Tyneside

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