Defog Project
Defog Project
Defog Project
Raanan Fattal
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Figure 1: Dehazing based on a single input image and the corresponding depth estimate.
Abstract is due to the presence of aerosols such as dust, mist, and fumes
which deflect light from its original course of propagation. In long
In this paper we present a new method for estimating the optical distance photography or foggy scenes, this process has a substan-
transmission in hazy scenes given a single input image. Based on tial effect on the image in which contrasts are reduced and surface
this estimation, the scattered light is eliminated to increase scene colors become faint. Such degraded photographs often lack visual
visibility and recover haze-free scene contrasts. In this new ap- vividness and appeal, and moreover, they offer a poor visibility of
proach we formulate a refined image formation model that accounts the scene contents. This effect may be an annoyance to amateur,
for surface shading in addition to the transmission function. This commercial, and artistic photographers as well as undermine the
allows us to resolve ambiguities in the data by searching for a solu- quality of underwater and aerial photography. This may also be the
tion in which the resulting shading and transmission functions are case for satellite imaging which is used for many purposes includ-
locally statistically uncorrelated. A similar principle is used to es- ing cartography and web mapping, land-use planning, archeology,
timate the color of the haze. Results demonstrate the new method and environmental studies.
abilities to remove the haze layer as well as provide a reliable trans-
mission estimate which can be used for additional applications such As we shall describe shortly in more detail, in this process
as image refocusing and novel view synthesis. light, which should have propagated in straight lines, is scat-
tered and replaced by previously scattered light, called the
airlight [Koschmieder 1924]. This results in a multiplicative loss
CR Categories: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image of image contrasts as well as an additive term due to this uniform
GenerationDisplay algorithms; I.4.1 [Image Processing and light. In Section 3 we describe the model that is commonly used
Computer Vision]: Digitization and Image CaptureRadiometry to formalize the image formation in the presence of haze. In this
model, the degraded image is factored into a sum of two compo-
Keywords: image dehazing/defogging, computational photogra- nents: the airlight contribution and the unknown surface radiance.
phy, image restoration, image enhancement, Markov random field Algebraically these two, three-channel color vectors, are convexly
image modeling combined by the transmission coefficient which is a scalar speci-
fying the visibility at each pixel. Recovering a haze-free image re-
1 Introduction quires us to determine the three surface color values as well as the
transmission value at every pixel. Since the input image provides us
In almost every practical scenario the light reflected from a surface three equations per pixel, the system is ambiguous and we cannot
is scattered in the atmosphere before it reaches the camera. This determine the transmission values. In Section 3 we give a formal
description of this ambiguity, but intuitively it follows from our in-
e-mail: ability to answer the following question based on a single image:
are we looking at a deep red surface through a thick white medium,
or is it a faint red surface seen at a close range or through a clear
medium. In the general case this ambiguity, which we refer to as
the airlight-albedo ambiguity, holds for every pixel and can not be
resolved independently at each pixel given a single input image.
In this paper we present a new method for recovering a haze-free
image given a single photograph as an input. We achieve this by
interpreting the image through a model that accounts for surface
shading in addition to the scene transmission. Based on this re-
fined image formation model, the image is broken into regions of a
constant albedo and the airlight-albedo ambiguity is resolved by de-
riving an additional constraint that requires the surface shading and nism, based on the transmission, for suppressing the noise amplifi-
medium transmission functions to be locally statistically uncorre- cation involved with dehazing. A user interactive tool for removing
lated. This requires the shading component to vary significantly weather effects is described in [Narasimhan and Nayar 2003]. This
compared to the noise present in the image. We use a graphical method requires the user to indicate regions that are heavily affected
model to propagate the solution to pixels in which the signal-to- by weather and ones that are not, or to provide some coarse depth
noise ratio falls below an admissible level that we derive analyti- information. In [Nayar and Narasimhan 1999] the scene structure is
cally in the Appendix. The airlight color is also estimated using estimated from multiple images of the scene with and without haze
this uncorrelation principle. This new method is passive; it does not effects under the assumption that the surface radiance is unchanged.
require multiple images of the scene, any light-blocking based po-
larization, any form of scene depth information, or any specialized
sensors or hardware. The new method has the minimal requirement In [Oakley and Bu 2007] the airlight is assumed to be constant over
of a single image acquired by an ordinary consumer camera. Also the entire image and is estimated given a single image. This is done
it does not assume the haze layer to be smooth in space, i.e., dis- based on the observation that in natural images the local sample
continuities in the scene depth or medium thickness are permitted. mean of pixel intensities is proportional to the standard deviation.
As shown in Figure 1, despite the challenges this problem poses, In a very recent work [Tan 2008] image contrasts are restored from
this new method achieves a significant reduction of the airlight and a single input image by maximizing the contrasts of the direct trans-
restores the contrasts of complex scenes. Based on the recovered mission while assuming a smooth layer of airlight. This method
transmission values we can estimate scene depths and use them for generates compelling results with enhanced scene contrasts, yet
other applications that we describe in the Section 8. may produce some halos near depth discontinuities in scene.
This papers is organized as follows. We begin by reviewing existing Atmospheric haze effects also appear in environmental photogra-
works on image restoration and haze removal. In Section 3 we phy based on remote sensing systems. A multi-spectral imaging
present the image degradation model due to the presence of haze sensor called the Thematic Mapper is installed on the Landsats
in the scene, and in Section 4 we present the core idea behind our satellites and captures six bands of Earths reflected light. The
new approach for the restricted case of images consisting of a single resulting images are often contaminated by the presence of semi-
albedo. We then extend our solution to images with multi-albedo transparent clouds and layers of aerosol that degrade the quality
surfaces in Section 6, and report the results in Section 8 as well as of these readings. Several image-based strategies are proposed to
compare it with alternative methods. In Section 9 we summarize remove these effects. The dark-object subtraction [Chavez 1988]
our approach and discuss its limitations. method subtracts a constant value, corresponding the darkest ob-
ject in the scene, from each band. These values are determined
2 Previous Work according to the offsets in the intensity histograms and are picked
manually. This method also assumes a uniform haze layer across
In the context of computational photography there is an increasing the image. In [Zhang et al. 2002] this process is automated and re-
focus on developing methods that restore images as well as extract- fined by calculating a haze-optimized transform based on two of the
ing other quantities at minimal requirements in terms of input data, bands that are particularly sensitive to the presence of haze. In [Du
user intervention, and sophistication of the acquisition hardware. et al. 2002] haze effects are assumed to reside in the lower part
Examples are recovery of an all-focus image and depth map using a of the spatial spectrum and are eliminated by replacing the data in
simple modification to the cameras aperture in [Levin et al. 2007]. this part of the spectrum with one taken from a reference haze-free
A similar modification is used in [Veeraraghavan et al. 2007] to re- image.
construct the 4D light field of a scene from a 2D camera. Given two
images, one noisy and the other blurry, a deblurring method with General contrast enhancement can be obtained by tonemapping
a reduced amount of ringing artifacts is described in [Yuan et al. techniques. One family of such operators depends only on pixels
2007]. Resolution enhancement with native-resolution edge sharp- values and ignores the spatial relations. This includes linear map-
ness based on a single input image is described in [Fattal 2007]. ping, histogram stretching and equalization, and gamma correction,
In [Liu et al. 2006] intensity-dependent noise levels are estimated which are all commonly found in standard commercial image edit-
from a single image using Bayesian inference. ing software. A more sophisticated tone reproduction operator is
described in [Larson et al. 1997] in the context of rendering high-
Image dehazing is a very challenging problem and most of the pa- dynamic range images. In general scenes, the optical thickness of
pers addressing it assume some form of additional data on top of the haze varies across the image and affects the values differently at
degraded photograph itself. In [Tan and Oakley 2000] assuming the each pixel. Since these methods perform the same operation across
scene depth is given, atmospheric effects are removed from terrain the entire image, they are limited in their ability to remove the the
images taken by a forward-looking airborne camera. In [Schech- haze effect. Contrast enhancement that amplifies local variations in
ner et al. 2001] polarized haze effects are removed given two pho- intensity can be found in different techniques such as the Laplacian
tographs. The camera must be identically positioned in the scene pyramid [Rahman et al. 1996], wavelet decomposition [Lu and Jr.
and an attached polarization filter is set to a different angle for each 1994], single scale unsharp-mask filter [Wikipedia 2007], and the
photograph. This gives images that differ only in the magnitude multi-scale bilateral filter [Fattal et al. 2007]. As mentioned earlier
of the polarized haze light component. Using some estimate for and discusses below, the haze effect is both multiplicative as well
the degree of polarization, a parameter describing this difference in as additive since the pixels are averaged together with a constant,
magnitudes, the polarized haze light is removed. In [Shwartz et al. the airlight. This additive offset is not properly canceled by these
2006] this parameter is estimated automatically by assuming that procedures which amplify high-band image components in a mul-
the higher spatial-bands of the direct transmission, the surface radi- tiplicative manner.
ance reaching the camera, and the polarized haze contribution are
uncorrelated. We use a similar but more refined principle to sepa-
rate the image into different components. These methods remove Photographic filters are optical accessories inserted into the optical
the polarized component of the haze light and provide impressive path of the camera. They can be used to reduce haze effects as they
results. However in situations of fog or dense haze the polarized block the polarized sunlight reflected by air molecules and other
light is not the major source of the degradation and may also be too small dust particles. In case of moderately thick media the electric
weak as to undermine the stability of these methods. In [Schechner field is re-randomized due to multiple scattering of the light limiting
and Averbuch 2007] the authors describe a regularization mecha- the effect of these filters [Schechner et al. 2001].
3 Image Degradation Model the light reflected from the surface. We use this refined model to
simplify the image by assuming that R(x) is piecewise constant. In
Light passing through a scattering medium is attenuated along its this section we consider one of these localized sets of pixels x
original course and is distributed to other directions. This process that share the same surface albedo, i.e., pixels in which R(x) = R
is commonly modeled mathematically by assuming that along short for some constant vector R. At these pixels, the standard image
distances there is a linear relation between the fraction of light de- formation model (2) becomes
flected and the distance traveled. More formally, along infinites-
imally short distances dr the fraction of light absorbed is given I(x) = t(x)l(x)R + 1 t(x) A. (4)
by dr where is the medium extinction coefficient due to light
scattering. Integrating this process along a ray emerging from the Instead of having three unknowns per pixel in J(x), we now have
viewer, in the case of a spatially varying , gives only one unknown l(x) and t(x) per pixel plus another three con-
Zd stants in R. We proceed by breaking R into a sum of two compo-
nents, one parallel to the airlight A and a residual vector R0 that lies
t = exp r(s) ds , (1)
0 in the linear sub-space which is orthogonal to the airlight, R0 A .
In terms of these normalized components, the equation above be-
where r is an arc-length parametrization of the ray. The frac- comes
tion t is called the transmission and expresses the relative por-
tion of light that managed to survive the entire path between the
I(x) = t(x)l 0 (x) R0 /kR0 k + A/kAk + 1 t(x) A, (5)
observer and a surface point in the scene, at r(d), without be-
ing scattered. In the absence of black-body radiation the process
of light scattering conserves energy, meaning that the fraction of where l 0 = kR0 kl and = hR, Ai/(kR0 kkAk) measuring the compo-
light scattered from any particular direction is replaced by the same nent that is mutual to the surface albedo and the airlight. By h, i
fraction of light scattered from all other directions. The equa- we denote the standard three-dimensional dot-product in the RGB
tion that expresses this conservation law is known as the Radiative space. In order to obtain independent equations, we project the in-
Transport Equation [Rossum and Nieuwenhuizen 1999]. Assum- put image along the airlight vector, which results in a scalar given
ing that this added light is dominated by light that underwent mul- by
tiple scattering events, allows us to approximate it as being both
isotropic and uniform in space. This constant light, known as the IA (x) = hI(x), Ai/kAk = t(x)l 0 (x) + 1 t(x) kAk, (6)
airlight [Koschmieder 1924] or also as the veiling light, can be
used to approximate the true in-scattering term in the full radiative and project along R0 , which equals to the norm of the residual that
transport equation to achieve the following simpler image forma- lies within A , i.e.,
tion model
I(x) = t(x)J(x) + 1 t(x) A, (2) q
IR0 (x) = kI(x)k2 IA (x)2 = t(x)l 0 (x). (7)
where this equation is defined on the three RGB color channels. I
stands for the observed image, A is the airlight color vector, J is The transmission t can then be written in terms of these two quan-
the surface radiance vector at the intersection point of the scene tities as
and the real-world ray corresponding to the pixel x = (x, y), and
t(x) is the transmission along that ray. This degradation model is t(x) = 1 IA (x) IR0 (x) /kAk. (8)
commonly used to describe the image formation in the presence of
In this equation the airlight-albedo ambiguity is made explicit; as-
haze [Chavez 1988; Nayar and Narasimhan 1999; Narasimhan and
suming for the moment that we have some estimate for the airlight
Nayar 2000; Schechner et al. 2001; Narasimhan and Nayar 2003;
vector A, the image components IA (x) and IR0 (x) give us two con-
Shwartz et al. 2006]. Similar to the goal of these work, we are in-
straints per pixel x while we have two unknowns per pixel l(x)
terested here in recovering J which is an image showing the scene
and t(x) plus an additional unknown constant . A third equation
through a clear haze-free medium. By that we do not eliminate
cannot be obtained from I since, according to our model, any vec-
other effects, the haze may have on the scene, such as a change
in overall illumination which in turn affects the radiant emittance. tor in A yields the same equation as IR0 . Thus, this model (5)
Also, we assume that the input image I is given in the true scene ra- reduces the pointwise ambiguity into a problem of determining a
diance values. These radiance maps can be recovered by extracting single scalar for all x . Finding this number, that expresses
the camera raw data or inverting the overall acquisition response the amount of airlight in R0 , allows us to recover the transmission
curve, as described in [Debevec and Malik 1997]. from (8) and ultimately the output image J according to (2).
This model (2) explains the loss of contrasts due to haze as the result Now we are ready to present the key idea which we use to resolve
of averaging the image with a constant color A. If we measure the the airlight-albedo ambiguity in this reduced form. The transmis-
contrasts in the image as the magnitude of its gradient field, a scene sion t depends on the scene depth and the density of the haze, (x),
J seen through a uniform medium with t(x) = t < 1 gives us while the shading l depends on the illumination in the scene, sur-
face reflectance properties, and scene geometry. Therefore it is rea-
kIk = ktJ(x) + (1 t)Ak = tkJ(x)k < kJ(x)k, (3) sonable to expect that the object shading function l and the scene
transmission t do not exhibit a simple local relation. This leads us to
the assumption that the two functions are statistically uncorrelated
4 Constant Albedo Images over , meaning that C (l,t) = 0, where the sample covariance C
is estimated in the usual way
The airlight-albedo ambiguity exists in each pixel independently
and gives rise to a large number of undetermined degrees of free- C ( f , g) = ||1 ( f (x) E ( f ))(g(x) E (g)), (9)
dom. To reduce the amount of this indeterminateness, we simplify x
the image locally by relating nearby pixels together. This is done
in two steps which we describe next. In the first step we model the and the mean by
unknown image J as a pixelwise product of surface albedo coef-
ficients and a shading factor, Rl, where R is a three-channel RGB E ( f ) = ||1
vector of surface reflectance coefficients and l is a scalar describing f (x). (10)
Input t(x) l(x) Output t(x) l(x) Output
Figure 2: Synthetic example. Left to right are: the input image, the recovered transmission t and shading l, and the recovered J. The last
three image show the results obtained using a wrong , where the correlation between t and l is apparent.
A simpler formulation is obtained by expressing this lack of corre- Along the derivation of the error estimate, given in detail in the
lation between t and 1/l 0 instead1 , where the latter is given by Appendix, several conditions which allow us to truncate Taylor ex-
pansions are assumed to hold. Here we list these conditions and
0 1
briefly explain why we believe that they are truly unavoidable and
l (x) = 1 IA (x) IR0 (x) /kAk /IR0 (x)
not merely artificial byproducts of the error formulation or analy-
1 IA (x)/kAk (11) sis. The first condition requires the noise variance 2 to be less
= + /kAk. than the three components of I/10 and also less than IR0 /6 which
IR0 (x)
is the haze-free component of the input. These are basic signal-
If we define a new variable to-noise requirements stating that data must be available and that
pixels which are too opaque, compared to , contain little or no
h(x) = (kAk IA )/IR0 , (12) information about J. The second condition requires the variance
of the noise term CR0 to be less than (C (IR0 , h)/5)2 , where CR0
substitute (8) and (11) into the covariance operator, and extract , is the noise present in C (IR0 , h) which is defined in the Appendix.
we finally get that This condition breaks down when || is too small and there is not
C (I , h) enough averaging to reduce the variance in CR0 or when there is
= A . (13)
C (IR0 , h) not enough variation in l which appears both in IR0 and h. Intu-
itively, these conditions ensure the stability of the statistics E and
This function is easily computed given the input image and, as ex- C over and the availability of enough multiplicative variation
plained earlier, allows us to compute the transmission from (8) in IR0 which is needed to resolve airlight-albedo ambiguity. These
and recover the unknown image J according to (2). The proce- conditions are essential to the way we make our predictions and are
dure described here is, in essence, an independent component anal- explicitly quantified by this noise model.
ysis [Hyvrinen and Oja 2000]. Unlike certain models, equation (13)
fully determines and decorrelates l and t. This is true as long as By the above we do not mean to justify or assume that any of these
the denominator C (IR0 , h) is non-zero, which we describe how this conditions actually hold. On the contrary, every pixel that does not
is ensured in the next section. As we mentioned in the beginning, meet these error estimation criteria is omitted. And as the discus-
independent component analysis is used in [Shwartz et al. 2006] sion above suggests, these pixels are discarded for not containing a
to determine a certain parameter, the degree of polarization, that is reliable information on top of violating conditions needed to eval-
required for polarization-based multi-image dehazing. uate the error they contain. We denote the set of these discarded
pixels by B. As we show in the Appendix, the estimate of t at the
In Figure 2 we show a synthetic example where the shading l con-
rest of the pixels x
/ B contains zero-mean Gaussian noise with a
sists of vertical ripples and the transmission t is made of radial ones.
When estimating from (13) these functions are accurately recov- variance t2 , defined in the Appendix. This error estimate is used
ered, whereas the ones computed based on a false appear to be in the next section to extrapolate t for all x, needed for computing
mixed together, i.e., correlated. the output image J, when we extend our approach to handle images
with multiple albedo values.
5 Noise Estimation Given an input image we must supply that best approximates the
variance of the noise present in the input image. We leave this to
Unfortunately no measurement comes free of noise, including the be set by the user and used = 1/100 1/200 in our experiments
input image I. This error or lack of data in the input plays a critical (for images with pixel values ranging between zero and one). Pixels
role in this inverse problem of recovering a faint signal masked by with low signal-to-noise ratios are either discarded or receive a high
haze. This noise introduces an uncertainty into the estimation of t2 , meaning that this parameter need not be precise. Recently [Liu
by (13) and therefore into t as given by (8). In order to use the et al. 2006] proposed an automated method to estimate the noise
estimated transmission later, with the right amount of confidence, level based on a single image.
we must be able to assess the amount of error it contains. This is
done by modeling the error present in I as an additive white Gaus-
sian noise. More specifically, we assume that I = I + , where 6 Multi-Albedo Images
is a three dimensional vector of random Gaussian variables, which
is independent both componentwise and pixelwise, with zero mean In the previous section we considered the restricted case in which
and variance 2 . In the Appendix we follow the propagation of , we assume that all the pixels correspond to the same surface, i.e.,
starting from I through the calculation of up to t, and obtain an a constant albedo value R(x) = R, and hence result in a con-
expression that is linear in . This linearity means that at the end stant airlight-albedo mutual component . In order to handle gen-
we are left again with a Gaussian noise whose variance t2 can be eral images, containing surfaces with different reflectance values,
computed. In the next section we describe how this information is we perform these evaluations on a pixel basis using robust esti-
factored into the estimation of the final t. mators defined on neighboring pixels. For that we relate pixels
based on their similarity in albedo using the following shading and
1 If X and Y are two independent random variables then so are f (X) and airlight invariant measure. We compute a naive haze-free image by
g(Y ) for every pair of continuous functions f and g. I 0 = I AIA /kAk (which may contain negative values) and project
t search for a vector A that yields the least correlated t and l. This is
s based on a requirement for consistency between the equations de-
t rived and the input pixels; the airlight vector used in equations (8),
(11), and (12) must be identical to the airlight present in the input
IA t^ pixels so that the t and l resulting from our computations will indeed
be uncorrelated. If this is not the case the , computed from (13)
Figure 4: Random graph model illustrated in 1D. This model links and meant to achieve zero correlation, is meaningless. Thus given
the unknown transmission variables t to the estimated values t as
well as to neighboring ones. Unreliable pixels for which we cannot an initial guess for A, we minimize C(J,t)2 by updating As compo-
assess the error are not linked. The airlight image IA , from which nents using the steepest descent method. This process is done only
the spatial dependencies are derived, is depicted by the lower blue within small windows of 24-by-24 pixels and takes a few seconds
strip. to perform. Similarly to [Narasimhan and Nayar 2003], the most
haze-opaque pixel can be used as an initial guess.
This three-dimensional minimization can be reduced to a one-
it onto the two chroma channels U and V of the YUV color space. dimensional search if two or more regions that correspond to differ-
Since we are not interested in differentiating pixels based on their ent but uniform albedos are selected. As indicated by (4), in such
shading, we extract a single chroma channel based on the ratio of regions all the pixels lay within a two-dimensional linear sub-space
these projections spanned by the vectors R and A. A principal component analysis
will not extract the directions of these vectors since their coeffi-
(x) = tan1 hI 0 ,Ui/hI 0 ,V i . (14) cients tl and t are not independent. Nevertheless, we use this
analysis in order to find the sub-spaces themselves by omitting the
This maps pixel color into angles where we measure distances by least-active component of the three. This is applied in each of the
the length of the shortest arc, i.e., given regions, indexed by i, and we denote the two spanning com-
ponents by vi1 and vi2 . Since we expect A to be contained in each
d(1 , 2 ) = min{|1 2 |, 2 |1 2 |}. (15) of these sub-spaces, its direction can be recovered by intersecting
these planes. We do this by searching for a vector with the highest
We use this similarity measure to define the weights of the follow- projection onto all these sub-spaces, i.e.,
ing w-estimators [Andrews et al. 1972]
1 max hA, vi1 i2 + hA, vi2 i2 such that kAk2 = 1. (18)
Cx ( f , g) =
Wx f (y) Ex ( f ) g(y) Ex (g) w(x, y), i
(16) The solution to this problem, according to the Lagrange-multipliers
1 rule, is given by the eigenvector that corresponds to the highest
and Ex ( f ) =
Wx f (y)w(x, y),
eigenvalue of the 3-by-3 matrix given by i vi1 (vi1 )> + vi2 (vi2 )> .
The search described above, where we minimize C(J,t)2 , can now
where the weighting function w(x, y) is given by be used to find the magnitude of A. This is a one-dimensional op-
exp(d( (x), (y))2 /2 ), the normalizing weight timization problem which we solve using a naive search and takes
Wx = yx w(x, y), and x is the window of pixels cen- less than one second.
tered around x excluding pixels from B. In our testings we set
= 1/8 and use windows of 24-by-24 pixels which can be 8 Results
enlarged in case of noisy images. We replace E and C in (13)
with these robust estimators and compute (x) at every pixel In Figure 3 we show an input image and the output produced by
x / B. We compute the transmission at these pixels according our approach. We also show the scene depth values computed by
to (8) and denote this primary estimate by t. As noted earlier, in d = logt/ which follows from (1) when assuming a spatially-
the Appendix we compute the estimated noise variance t2 present uniform extinction coefficient (r) = . These depth values are
in these estimated transmission values. defined up to an unknown multiplicative constant 1/ . In Figure 1
we show the result for a more complicated image with surfaces of
We proceed with a statistical smoothing to account for the noise distinct albedos. As mentioned earlier, aerial and underwater pho-
present in t and in order to fill in the transmission values at pixels tography are also prone to scattering artifacts, and in Figure 5 we
x B. The airlight contribution is fully contained in IA and can show the results for these types of images.
therefore be used as a prior to derive the spatial regularity of t. We
assume independe between these dependencies and formalize them In Figure 7 we compare our method with existing techniques.
using a Gauss-Markov random field model [Perez 1998], defined The result obtained by our method given the best-polarized image
by from [Schechner et al. 2001] is comparable to the ones they ob-
tain using two registered and differently polarized images. The re-
/t2 (x) 2 2 2
P(t) e(t(x)t(x)) e(t(x)t(y)) /(I (x)I (y))) /
A A s , sults obtained by the dark-object subtraction method [Chavez 1988]
/ x, yNx shown in this figure correspond to two different choices of dark
(17) object values. The outcome depends greatly on this choice and
where Nx is the set of pixel xs four nearest-neighbors in the lattice demonstrates the limited ability of this method to cope with images
and use s = 1/5. The links defined by this model are illustrated that contain multiple layers of haze depth. Tonemapping methods
in Figure 4. We maximize this model by solving the linear system such as histogram equalization and gamma correction achieve some
resulting from d log P/dt = 0 and take this optimum to be our final t enhancement of contrast, yet most of the additive airlight compo-
which we use to recover the final haze-free output image J from (2). nent remains unchanged. The same is true for filtering-based en-
hancement such as unsharp masking and the multi-scale bilateral
filter [Fattal et al. 2007].
7 Estimating the Airlight Color
In Figure 8 we show the results on a real scene where the ground-
We can apply the principle of uncorrelation, described in Section 4, truth solution is known. This example is synthesized from an im-
once again in order to estimate the airlight color vector A. One age and its corresponding disparity map which we used to create
possibility is to restrict to small windows of constant albedo and the scene transmission. This image is taken from [Hirschmller and
Input Output Depth
Figure 3: Wheat cones. The estimated airlight is shown at the top-left corner of the input image. Source image courtesy of Jason Hill.
Input Output
Input Output
Scharstein 2007]. The result is overall quite satisfactory yet shows Figure 6: In the left image we simulate a virtual focus plane. The
some inaccuracies. The mean absolute error in transmission and right image is rendered with a recolored haze layer multiplied by a
haze-free image J are both less than 7%. In another test, shown in random noise.
Figure 9, we show two images: left image has its middle square
masked by a thicker haze, and in the right image the square is
slightly brighter exactly in the direction of the airlight. It is hard to
Dual-Core Processor.
tell this difference visually, yet the method is able to disambiguate
the two scenarios and provide near perfect decompositions.
Additional Applications. We use the predicted transmission func-
9 Conclusions
tion t(x) for other applications on top of haze removal. In Figure 6
we show an image simulating a denser medium by multiplying the We presented a new method for estimating the transmission in hazy
extinction coefficient by a factor of = 2. According to (1) this scenes based on minimal input, a single image. This new approach
is achieved by applying the following simple power law transfor- is physically sound and relies only on the assumption that the trans-
mation of the transmission values mission and surface shading are locally uncorrelated. The use of
robust statistics allows us to cope with complicated scenes contain-
R R R ing different surface albedos and the use of an implicit graphical
e (s)ds = e (s)ds = e (s)ds = t . (19) model makes it possible to extrapolate the solution to pixels where
In this figure we also show a scene rendered with an altered haze no reliable estimate is available. Despite the challenges in resolving
layer, where the fog layer is modulated by random noise at different the ambiguities involved in this problem, the images produced by
scales and recolored. this method offer a lucid view of the scene and regain contrast that
is typical to haze-free scenes.
Estimated depth maps are shown in figures 1 and 3. Based on these
maps we change the viewpoint and arbitrarily refocus the image, as In its essence this method solves a non-linear inverse problem and
shown in Figure 6. Animated examples of these effects are shown in therefore its performance greatly depends on the quality of the in-
the supplementary video, which contains more examples and offers put data. We derive an estimation for the noise present in the input
a better viewing experience. and use statistical extrapolation to cope with large errors. Neverthe-
less, insufficient signal-to-noise ratio or the absence of multiplica-
We implemented our method in C++ and it takes it about 35 seconds tive variation in significant portions of the image will cause our
to process a 512-by-512 pixel image on a 1.6GHz Intel Pentium method to fail. These scenarios are easy to find and in Figure 10 we
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which helped improving this manuscript as well as thank Robert
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Carroll, Raz Kupferman, Dani Lischinski and Yehuda Arav for their
feedback and helpful discussion. L EVIN , A., F ERGUS , R., D URAND , F., AND F REEMAN , W. T.
2007. Image and depth from a conventional camera with a coded
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Input Output Truth Input Output Truth
Figure 9: Disambiguation test. Transmission mean absolute error is 56 104 and 13 103 in the left and right tests respectively.
Figure 10: At the roof IR0 is near zero and causes an overshoot in
Output Truth the estimated transmission.
Here we derive our estimation for the noise present in the trans- CA = E (A h + h IA ) E (A )E (h) E (h )E (IA ). (31)
mission t, given by (8). As described in Section 5, this analysis is
based on modeling the noise present in the input data I as an addi- Finally, under the assumption that C (IR0 , h) is larger than CR0 , we
tive white Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance 2 , given use again a first-order Taylor expansion of 1/x around C (IR0 , h)
by and get
I = I + , (20) C (I , h) + CA
= A + , (32)
where I is the true image and the noise is a three-dimensional C (IR0 , h) + CR0
vector (corresponding to the RGB color channels) with each com-
ponent at each pixel being an independent Gaussian variable where
CA C (IR0 , h) CR0 C (IA , h)
N(0, 2 ). This breaks IA into signal and noise terms, = 2 , (33)
C (IR0 , h)
IA = hI + , Ai/kAk = IA + A , (21)
and is the the noiseless C (IA , h)/C (IR0 , h) that we are estimat-
with IA = hI,
Ai/kAk and A = h , Ai/kAk. Similarly, for IR0 we get ing. Note that E and C are the mean and variance of the pixels
sample in and have nothing to do with the moments of . Finally,
IR20 = kIk2 IA2 = kIk 2 + 2hI,
i + k k2 IA2 2IA A A2
from (8) we get
= IR20 + h2I , A Ai,
t = t + (A R0 IR0 R0 )/kAk = t + t , (34)
where q
IR0 = 2 hI,
kIk Ai2 , where t = 1 (IA IR0 )/kAk and t = (A R0 IR0 )/kAk.
Here we drop the quadratic noise term, under the assumption that
and by assuming that the noise is less than I we neglect the R0 < IR0 , i.e., is small.
quadratic noise terms. This leaves us Along this derivation, we made several assumptions which we
q quantify now. In order for a + 2 to still behave like a Gaus-
IR0 = IR20 + 2h , I IA Ai, (23) sian, i.e., have a distribution with a similar shape and a variance of
a2 2 , we need < a/10. In our derivation (23) this condition
and since IR20 = kI IA Ak2 we need to be less than IR0 (and not
requires that < I/10 I/10 for each of the RGB components
than IR20 ) in order to use a first-order Taylor approximation for x and at each pixel. This is also the case in (34) where mustp be less
centered around IR0 . This gives us than 1/10. Similarly, in order to remove the noise from a +
and still maintain an approximately Gaussian distribution, we need
i IA A /IR0 = IR0 + R0 ,
IR0 IR0 + hI, (24) that < a/3. In our derivation this condition arises in (24) and
where R0 can be written more explicitly as requires < IR0 /6 IR0 /6. The ratio between a and that allows
us to move the noise from the denominator in 1/(a + ) and still
R0 = h , I AIA /kAki/IR0 . (25) end up with approximately a Gaussian variable is < a/5. This
applies to the two cases that we encountered above, the first in (26)
Based on the same assumption, < IR0 , we use a first-order Taylor which gives a less restrictive condition < (I IA A)/5 than what
approximation for 1/x around IR0 in order to remove the noise term we already have and the second case in (32) that requires
from the denominator of h
2 2
h (kAk IA )/IR0 R0 (kAk IA )/IR20 = (kAk IA )/IR0 Var (CR0 ) < C (IR0 , h)/5 C (IR0 , h)/5 , (35)
A /IR0 R0 (kAk IA )/IR20 + R0 A /IR20 (26) where Var is the variance with respect to the noise randomness.
In Section 5 we summarize these conditions and in Section 6 we
= h + h + O k k2 ,
explain how this uncertainly is accounted for in the estimation of t.
where h = (kAk IA )/IR0 , and The estimated transmission noise term t is now a linear combina-
tion of . Therefore its variance is computed according to the fol-
h = (A + R0 h)/IR0 = h , A(hIA /IR0 1)/kAk Ih/IR0 i/IR0 . lowing arithmetic rules for Gaussian variables: (i) a (x) + b (x)
N(0, (a + b)2 2 ), and (ii) a (x) + b (y) N(0, (a2 + b2 ) 2 ) for
The covariance terms gives
any scalars a, b. The variance of A , R0 and h are computed ac-
C (IR0 , h) = C (IR0 + R0 , h + h ) cording to the first rule as no different pixels get mixed together.
Mixing occurs in CR0 and Ch where the second rule is applied. We
= C (IR0 , h) + C (R0 , h) + C (IR0 , h ) + O k k2 use the first rule also to calculate the variance of the intermediate
noise terms A h + h IA in (31) and for A R0 , found in t .
C (IR0 , h) + E (R0 h + h IR0 ) E (R0 )E (h) E (h )E (IR0 )
= C (IR0 , h) + CR0 ,